The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 15, 1904, Page 12, Image 12

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1 i ;,"f
no'telllng where they. would go. They
might be sola to hard masters,' and made
a : i '
to do hard work and bo abused.".
"I would like to see the old horses
loaned out to good people, so they would
not 'have to do much work," said Mr,
QoddardV '1 am. favorable, to Mr; Shan
ahan'g plan." . ..';,
Prof. Anton Weber, - the ' Noted
' Mr. Wortmaa concura, and will ad
vocato the plan at today's special board
:l Qtrman Clairvoyant. Is'CrtV
. - - ...,..s..
From $2.00 to $5.00 Saved
- r"-
meeting. , . "iti? ;.', fryf-v,
,;,.t, ; ill 'l i
THE." BEST": VALUI531 yfE' have
EVER OFFERED. This is an excer:
atinf urcat tixcitemeni
ositzov or mvuamm ; MoatMTt
'.. In Portland.
tional opportunity to secure a New Gown 'i
for very little "money for Saturday only.
orrioxBa nun itii Bona
on Every Suit
loio muo jMMTica tmovxa
xor mm sou to auxsx XAsraa
Xg tm rortlasS o iVooato omS'Tory
. . Ttasblo rapors,
, For (pIO.OO
Latest Patterns in
50c to $1.00
(00 dozen to select from
Special Sale of
Men's i50c Underwear, reduced to
22 1-233 Morrison,' Corner First Street
rosy oi noc mtKc mmions tmnK. it acpends
upon .how it is applied. We hare the facilities for i
applying Printers Ink in a wsy that attrads the eye ahdeom
pels attention. - Our large Printing House is equipped with
everything necessary, to produce accurately, neatly and quickly
Printed Matter of all kinds. When it's to be Printed,, try us.
F. W. Baltea (EL Company Printers
First and OaR-Strewts t Phona Main 105 Portland
Eleven ' aged horses, which hare
served Portland In the Are department
between II and 2d yeara will not bo
old at public auction and turned out
into the world to whomsoever mar pur
chase them -and be subjected to bard
work the remainder of their Uvea. At
a meeting of the executive board, to be
held at 4 o clock thla afternoon. W. T.
Shanahan. secretary of the Oregon Hu
mane society, will offer to place the old
horses In homes where they wlU be
riven care and comfort, and Mayor Wil
liams, it. w. uoaoara ana n. u. wort'
man. the latter two constituting the pur
chasing committee of the executive
board,. will recommend that the offer be
I can place the horses witn gooa.
kind people, where they will be oared
for as beAts their lone service to the
city." said Mr. Shanahan,
If Mr. Shanaha says ho can pro.
vide homes for the' old, faithful Are
horses, I favor giving them Into his
care," said Mayor Williams. "If sold,
they would bring but a mere bagatelle,
anyway, and I would like to see them
cared for. Of course, the charter, pro
vides If they are gold.. It must be by
public auction. In that way there is
147 Third St Phone Main 616
Dlfl You Ever
Try buying good, wholesome, de
pendable groceries. at prices barely
any higher than are asked for
goods of indifferent quality else
where T Specials for Saturday:
Ceylon Teas
j An importation of Luxra Brand
Ceylon Tea that la exclusive with
this house, and : whose cud quail-
i ties will. not. disappoint KCir
VAII . . .... A . -
A different Butler from any other
the good kind. I distribute the
famous Jersey Creamery Butter,
from the Schlefflin farm, Wash
ington county herd of high-grade
cows, that are fed on a scientific
plan to get the best results and
good butter
Our Hams .. '
If the hams you buy at the corner
grocery are not satisfactory, let
this remind you that we handle the
fancy sugsgr-cared hams - Kf
none better pound '.V
mggw freeb orery cay at market
. prices, ...
. Pbone Us Your Ordera
An Interesting session of the West
Willamette association of Congregational
Ministers and Churches was . held at
Tualltaa April II and IS. Rev. J. M.
Barber was elected moderator -and Rev.
Cephas Clapp secretary, Bev. J. W. I
Kaufman preached the association ser-.
The discussion of the missionary work
of the churches was taken up by Rev,
Dora Reed, Miss Gage and Mrs. F. Eg
gert, who has assisted in promoting the
cause of home missions for the past 10
years.- Rev.- K. I House,- D. d- 4ia.
cussed tho topic, "What It Means to Be
a Christian.'' . ; .
Rev. H. N. Smith, state superintend
ent Of Sunday school work, conducted a
live question exercise. Miss Franoes
Gage, for many yeara a missionary In
Turkey, told of the conditions In that
country and of ths work that was being
done for tho enlightenment of Its cltl-
"Little Colds." Thousands of Uvea
saorinoed ovary year. Dr. - Wood's Nor
way fine eyrup cures mtie coias, cures
big colds, too. down to tho very verge
ox consumption.
To Seaslds vUOii. a&a,l
liasiaff May X Only SU0 fot
the Bona Trip.
Commencing Sunday, May L and every
Sunday thereafter during May and June,
the A. st C R. R. will sell special round
trip excursion tickets from Portland to
Seaside and return lor, good going
on Sunday morning and returning Bun-
day evening.
Tram leaves union depot at I a m..
and arrives at Seaside 11:41 p.. m.; re
turning leaves Seaside p. m and ar
rives Portland t:4 p. m.
Bjrjmcm to ck o mm.
Captain, Spencer saya that the Charles
. Boencer will probably bo Placed on
the rut) between hero and Tho Dalles
about next Monday.? . -
Accidents come with distressing fre
quency On the farm. Cuts, bruises,
stings, sprains. Dr. Thomas' Bclectrio
Oil teileves the pain, instantly. , Never
safe without It ,. h ...-.. f
TaVO you seen the White Elephant
coiunou pnoBOOMPn conpAnt
f S 10 . as.
C7 7th Strctt and W5 Wuhlnitoa
Prof. Anton Weber, tho great German
Clairvoyant and Astrologut. ' is rquar
tered at 2tt Fifth street and reports
that already s .number of city people
nave called upon him ror savica .
He reads tho past, present and future
of -one's life with ' an accuracy to com
mand respect, and tho .correctness with
regard to s matter of which it Is sup
posed he knows nothing Is enough to
astonish ona r" . f s .
He is not a palmist In any. sense , of
the word, but - bo guarantees to - give
advice ' by means or his art that . will
prove of value In matters of business
and love. Professor Weber will Remain
In Portland, and tho reputation ho has
already established guarantees jthat bis
time will bo well filled from now, on. .
People who hare already - consulted
him have been astonished with tho ce
lerity and correctness of his replies,
while, he has many recommendations to
show that come from people who have,
profited by the sdvlce he' haa given
nem. , - ,
PralHiar 'Weber will tell ' one " his
mother's name, tho day of the month
and tha year when one was born:
where one has been employed- In- the-
past, the -subloct - that may be preying
upon his mind, the name of tho lady or
a-entleman in whom one may bo par
ticularly Interested, and many otner
facta that are eauallv in teres tin a.
No other clairvoyant who has ever vis-.
ited this city can lay claim to we verao
li that Profeaaor Weber can. and many
Portland people are ready now to vouch
for auch. claims. Those who have here
tofore maintained that there is nothing
In clalrvoyancy are ready to - acknowl
edge' their mistake and now put the
same confidence' in what he tells them
In raa-ard to the future that they have
been compelled to ahow for his ' read
ings In what has passed. -----
Unlike Impostors and pretenders. Pro
fessor Weber takes no money in ad
vance i and .positively refuses to ac
cept any fee If you are not entirely sat
isfied. All buslneea strictly confidential.
Hours from 9 a. m. to a p. m. dally and
Sunday. - Permanently located In hla
own home," I2t Fifth street, opposite
courthouse. Reading 11.00. '
Elecrant Suits' worth 412,50 - '
'and $15.00 '-V- -V ' J
For $lS.OQ . '
A better grade, more elaborately totaimed,
. .it: ssi sat spa . ' AAA aia , , 0 ;
worm aif.ov ana u.uu ; . '
A-well tailored Suit; 'exclusive in design
ana style, wortn ana 5za.og.- ; ;
For $I7.5t
H-uUFi exclusive
;V:.-!t'fc Hs)
,V.J . .. t
I H .- . .
w mm: t-.
ssT . m m ' -i-w - a V
mm -r it- m . ' as .
We have aatisfied our srefest critics 1
ourselves. 'Our qualities are, such as par
ticular woman 'wants. Our prices tare
- popular, ; which i means - reasonable.' :
We have Untrinuned Frames, Just what
- you want can be found here. 4 -? V
r Prices range from 1.50, $1, 7ffcl. .60
Street Hats all the new styles not : :
f an old one here as tittle as. l. ..9Sf
Other grades aa little as $1.25. An
other 'rrade. at. 9150.' vJ,
Dress Irlats, (trimmed,': front $6 to $25
topeiana liiuiinervana iujt nouse
Y iPoputanPrtcm:Houi7 : 3S2 Wcuktngio Strut
-'Biff ,m s.---.
. Mil . .' - ' KE9m
. 1 '"
V Of every description 3, ..:;L
' Did ;ptf,7Ii;pitt'dH'
uoefc. . They are not gat, but neavH
gold plated FROM 92.75 UP.
aLXCTUIC CLOCK for Oil-Special
r.i if. : iv ; 1 : , i-,;.
334;Wagton Sfreetr-
First Purchase
Each Morning
.No matter, what .It maybe, the first sale each morn
.taf at either - STRAIN'S or THE HUB, win cost
the purchaser not' a cent
Is Intended to Overshadow the Boldest Attempt at Bargain Exhibitions ever known
in Portland $100,000 STOCK of the BALTIMORE SHOE & CLOTHING CO.
Which we bought fat 25cents on ;the :$L00, is being sacrificed ! every : day,: and tomorrow Satooy,Zin oertjd: give the A elegatea-to the several
political convention those of them yet remaining in the city an opportunity to fit themselves out, with high class .clothing before returning to
I..... ...J . i.!t . in . ! . i? . ' -ti. sti a. i n .i v. ' - --
jmwtuuit. iiniiyavmnimia, wb wm-traci me pnces'on cveryuung aown xo iigurcs uisi wiu not dc DciKvaoie uiucss vuc uc seen. ... .
We have-at The Hub S00 Men's Wool
and t Worsted Butts, as goodas when
they left the'tallors. sold by the Bal
timore Shoe & Clothing Co. at $11.60.
Our .price ........ ......$10.00
460 Men's All-Wool-Suits, handsome and
"trim as they can be, sold by the Bal-
' tlmore Shoe & Clothing Co. at $12.60.
The: Hub bought them at 26 cents on
: the dollar, and the reader may have
them at, eachi.. .i.......S3.75
SOO Men's Superbly Swell Spring Suits,
sold In Baltimore at $16. The Hub
t seUs them at, per. suit ........95.00
1,000 of the most Elegantly Swell Spring
. Suits ever looked upon by the eyes of
: Portland men, in cheviots, tweeds and
worsteds, fine French, - English and
German importations, In black, blue
and fancy colors;' a swell line of blue
serges in single and double breasted;
also Vicunas, Thibets, unfinished wors
teds, the pride of the Baltimore Shoe
; A Clothing Co., and sought after there
at $20, $J5 and $30. and by us re-
, tailed at the appalingly low price of,
- Tho foregoing are but samples of our
Clothing Bargains.
The Baltimore Shoe & Clothing Co.
I2yac Fast Black Socks, for; . . . 4t
25c Fast Black Socks, for..... 10
25c Fancy Striped Socks, for. .10i
25c All-Wool Striped Socks... 10
50c Cashmere Socks, for. 24)
COc Fancy Lisle Socks, for.... 24
25c Silk Web Suspenders.,... 0
COc Silk Web Suspenders; 19l
75c Silki Web Suspenders, i, ; .24
$1.00 Silk Web Suspenders.,.. 39
We Hove $40 Suits
we tell at i
And other ' Clothing Astonishments
'that we have not room to mention In the
limited -space of this advertisement
$15.00 Top Coots
There are tOO of there that are gems of
the tailor's art that shine In the
firmament of delightful dressers and
although they were sold In Baltimore
v at $1J.60. .$16. and $17.60, The Hub
sella them away out here; In Oregon
at, each . .... . ,9e.SO.
" MS Trousers
1,400 pairs of Men's Worsted Pants, in
new spring patterns, sises to fit the
smallest or largest man. Baltimore
prices $1; The Hub's price 75a)
1,200 pairs Men's Wool Worsted Pants,
finely made and finished, cheap In Bal
timore at, $$ and 4. The Hub sells
em at ..' ...fl.SO
1,000 pairs Men's Pants In all-wool hair
line stripes and pretty new check ef
. fects, the B. S. at C. Co's. price $4, $5,
$ and $7; cur price ......... .92.50
And these are merely indications of
our Pants Bargains. We have scores of
others "on the hock.
25c SHlc Neckwear.
COc Silk Neckwear. . . . . ...... 19f
75c Silk Neckwear;. if i5
200 Top snd Overcoats, In 'tana over
plaid and coverts, the black sllk-llnod
. ThlbeU,' yicunas and unfinished wors
ted, "the medium-weight grays and
dark mixtures; Baltimore Shoe 4k
Clothing company's price was $20, f 25,
ISO and 140; Hub's Firs Sals pries
7 Is ...... .... -910.00
Fire Sale Prices on
The Baltimore Shoe & Clothing Co.
$1.00 Silk Neckwear. .... . ... .35
$1.50 Silk. Neckwear. ........ .48t
10c Cotton Handkerchiefs..;., Zf
15c Linen Handkerchiefs. ,. . 6,
20c Linen: Handkerchiefs...,. 9
25c Linen Handkerchiefs..... 14
50c Linen Handkerchiefs . . i . .19
20c Linen Collars. ...... ..... 5f
50c Working Shirts. . i . , . , . .25
75c Working Shirts. w. .35
$L'00 .Workmg. Shirts. .....i.,50
$1.50 Working Shirts..... ., . 69
$2.00 Working Shirts. ; . . . ; .98f
Tho Baltimore Shoe A Clothing com
pany were the largest hatters In that
city. Its stock Included the famous
Stetson. Its stock we bought at IS
cents on the $1, comprising the newest
spring stylea We have thousands of
these hats at: ,
Fine Show Hats, worth $1.00, for. .25
760 Hats In soft and stiff shapes. In
black, brown and tan; Baltimors Shoo
Clothing Co.'s price $1.60. The Hub's .
Fire Sale price Is . ...... . .' . . . . 50e
Men's Funtishings
The Baltimdre Shoe & Clothing Co.
$1.00 White Shirts. ..U, ....45
$U0 White Shirts. ...i. 88
$2.00 White Shirts... ...i.. ,99a
75c Negligee Shirts. .....30
$1.00 Negligee Shirts... .... .'.50
$1.50 Negligee Shirts . . .... . . ; 75i
$2.00 Negligee Shirts....... 1.00
50c, Working Gloves. ........ .24
$1.00 Workmg Gloves..... .50
$1.50 Working Gloves. .... i. ,7gf
$1.00 : Dress Gloves ; . .. ..;.;..49)
$1.50 Dress Gloves. V. 79
$2.00 Dress Gloves.'.... :. 'i 81.05
400 dosen Spring Hats that came, from'
the factory the day before the 'great ,
Baltimore Are; not hurt s bit; the :
Baltimore Shoe 4 Clothing; people"
made a leader of this hat at $2.60. The
" Hub'a Fire Bale price ..... .. :1.0O-
510 cases of the Famous' Lofigley 'Hats, y
sold everywhere at $3 to $4.' The Hub
will give you choice. of this -splendid.
assortment at
Fire Sole
260 .doa famous Stetson Hats at 92. SO
euu eve ana voc uaps -ai,-eacn .
. on iJaiv- 'i:v
. We . bought at 26 cents ion the .$1, :'
$26,000 worth of the finest-Shoes ever ;
seen in Baltimore None- were ' Injured '
In the monster fire, yet the insurance
- company took them In and we have them V
at 26 cents on the $1 of their true valua .'.
2,000 pairs of the Baltimore Shoo):
, Clothing Co.'g Guaranteed Shoes.'"' In V,
. their , 11.76. $2 and IS.iSs: values, i
at-....... i . .yf9.0
pain, oi aten s - jnnest i box , ana i
Velour Calf and Vicl Shoes,, with solid ;i
, oak-Un soles In all, the Baltimore-
f Shoe Clothing Co.'s $2.60
, values. Huh Fire Sale at
l,ti pairs of the Finest Shoes on Earth,
tne Baltimore Shoe 4k Clothing Co.'s
$4 and $6 Guaranteed Shoes. Hub's
Fire Sale price .............. 92.50
and IS
The Baltimore Shoe & Clothing' Co.
50c Spring Underwear, f or . . f ; 19 :
75c Spring Underwear, for.... 29 .
90c Spring Underwear, for. .. .39fJ
$1.00 Spring Underwear fort: v49t ?
$1.00 Fall Underwear... t...;;25
$2.00 Fall Underwear;.!; tttv'Mf.
$3.00 Fall Underwear.. .....81.00
$1.00 Guaranteed Uttibrellas35l
$U0 Guaranteed Umbrellaai 65;
$2.00 Guaranteed Umbrellas : . .89
$3.00 Guaranteed Umbrellas. ?1.40
$100 Guaranteed Umbrellas. $1.82
Baltimore Shoe Sk Clothing Co.'s Fine Building before the Fire
. - . '-.. '; . - AM it ., .' .'-.. .
X One of Vu greatest Clothing' Ma Shoe 2tmpertnms la iriho I- TTnited SUtsa
; fltook. silently daniagsd by water sad smoke and soM to ns at as oasts on tho a i
350 Pairs of , Heavy All
Wool Blankets, sold for
$2 per pair. . v
Fire Sale price .".,. 89J
200 Fairs of Strictly.Pure
Wool Blankets, sold at
1 $4 oer oair.' Fire
Sale price-is 'i, 82.19'
Wirt'. ff', j-l1. (;.';;, ':'.ii,v-,
600 Paua of Purs tamb's
Wool Blankets, 10-4 and
11-4; price $6.00. HuVe
Fire"; Sale , price fkhtJ
iilw. 83.69
:. 0
a. '
'. 7 f