Tlii: OPvEGOIJ DAILY JOURNAL;. PORTLAND, MONDAY 'EVENING, APRIL' 11," 1001. 7 I . r TOWN TOPICS liliMosa Orand.w. :r;''Arede : .'.-..'.'."Bickers nr Ttii Two Vagabonds" Cordr' Bakar'S ...................... ....i..taavi -.ft. ..... ft...........-. ...ft. SBllSTlll 1 LICENSED CRIHEM J KO PROFiT TOCITY . BBOtroaxm sayb vcunxcTrxx . riiooinfi wnmcno AT TIG, THEATRES IilIMIU I UUllLttd : HOLD COWVEWTIOr i"f a E. Keith wu-imittd lut night ' t th Sarenao lodging houM .by Patrol man Bajty and Adams on th chare of :. assaulting Mrs. N. Peachey, Keith de' : --' posited iS as bail to , appear la th ' municipal court- thla . moriilnf. . Mra. Paachey Bald that last night Kaith called at tha Sarenao to ae Hay Braden. Mra. ' Paachey aald that within a law minutes he heard tha woman screaming. Sh v rushed to May Braden' a room and d- J XTT X.OISI XT TAKXI TXMVU ' uquob TBitno-a -rni'ian ..A0AXBBT rXKT aTrtTM. . 1 JLaat lght at tha White Temple Dr. Brougher preached to a crowded houa his third sermon in the series on "Prob lems of City Life.".. His subject waa. What Shall it Profit a City to License Cr TXM TWO TAOAXOSSSs." .' ' Crmm. under -tha- nam - ofThe Two Vagabonda," ;- ; at Cordrays r last night must , hare Reminded many old timbers of .a good many years ago too many to remember with accuracy when Carleton brought X-K Murray and Clara Lane to what waa then tha West Park ; theatre In Jacobowskl's . tuneful opera. It was Portland's faatlonabi play houaa and just as cosy and com fortable as- itla now as Cordraya. 'Fifteen years is not so rone-. said tha front row brigade and 'Hrmln, is Just pbuboai-bb abssicblb "ron !tTA- OATHXJUirO O TM CO LUMBIA. mrrzB; uAxcn 't wo ,XAirf fobbxob xxssxovabt m cjjiti m. tb. oxnoiv' : " The mid-year convention of tha Co bs bright and clever as ever. In fact, I -imbla river branch of the Woman's For th ' reminiscences : and reminders In '" Missionary society of the Metho- cnorusea and solos, la th rattling com-la,Bl wpiscopai cnurcn will meet at 7:10 edy of Jacques and' "Caddy" only o'clock thla evening In th Flrat Metho- .....ft ft A I ft. 11 , . . . . . . . I f . ft . aI. .. iuU - m.. ... f J 1 . X. . MM en. u. vi- . imn.ii i T"w kv iiiucn ui juaament oi m!"'" i..iih luoonnj win cununue mandd that sit be 1st In.- Aftr waltiag I ZZJZ ,1 -?TLT.-.i T IT: I -Mmert that the old operaa ar th I tnrougu tomorrow. This branch in- - ft... . l piuui m iiuin u ne intu kid ui i mrA ift . t-i .. iiiIm ail ih vr tt AV.n..k.. . Braden ran out of .ths room crying. 8ha I d and ,0f f'" ouirian4 J PllaeiVi:. ."Silver- 811ppr,"- and klndrd I Washington, Idaho and Montana. Among went to Mrs. Poacher's office, where ahl.;":-? """ -1 mimt nav oeen wasting theirs and th riauora ar jura. m. c wire or ai ftftftv AUIVIW VV1IC4 U14IKV. I'O HIU , - was followed by Keith. ; Mrs. Peachey said' that whan shs ordered Keith out - ot the offlo he struck her ire the face. Patrolmen Baty and Adama . mahed to the aoene and placed Keith under ar- ; rest .J;::r:,r --,y -'' ' '?-,!& , On- Tueaday venhif,r" April II. an : open meetinc of all who favor the pro posed local option law will bar held In This Is th greateat Question of ftrofit and loss aver presented for th consid eration of ths world. There are Soma things that hav an eternal value, and others ar only temporal. Nothing can be oonaldered worth while that doea not add to Christian character and enable ua to live for eternity aa welt as time. public's tlm. ' tany. the branch prealdent; Mrs. M. E. i Musically, "Brmlnie" certainly, mis I Whitney of Tacoma, branch treaaurer, th ear of a man who llkea oomlo opera nl Miss Parkinson, missionary and with genuine aatiaf action. Tha Olym-1 principal ' of the Foochow Conference Plana did very nicely with it. barrlns seminary, China. i ths rough spot which InevlUbly aooom-l Mlaa Parkinson will give an addreea pany a weekly change of bill In opera, I t tha opening meeting tonight on mla- ieoutantes tnere -wer two, fsa Ma-sionary work in cnina. Bh la the mis rlait Peters and Miss Nina Saamana. I alonary supported , by thla branch, and Neither aa Individual nor organisation. I In th sarb of CaDtAin Delaunev Mi Is home OH ft VttsUrM furloiiavfe. . Hr horns. th Christian church In Albins,' rar1 IV'1' eitr ?n? to gala revenu at Peters displayed an impressive figure is in Spokane, and aha is now returning Rodnav avanua and Knott itruL Rev. I n xpahss .or others - , i . : I and much grace of manner and aurprU-to China. . , . : . ' -i- - 1 1 -a. ennnia with a TiirTi.hi mm hail i inriv mmtA .a.imi i-7.. .iu ia I n- w n. en a .m m.w-.. m- . . ft . ft-.M. BH W 11 1 fjlVQ 111Q chars of tha movement until election I L " . -" .amait i bdib ana may aeveiop in power, sn aaareas or welcome, and Mra. Mann will .) .in v.... , . th. wi.r wr price, ana was xoia it. was t gives promts of being a distinct so- hve charge of the music cents. -uuv said the enppie. "you bad qulaltion. . t ... Miss Maria A. Smith Wilt nnn fh Rain Palmar haT bWengagea to tak L',1''A BrtPDl "hw ho had ingly good controL UHer voice is aire. rgToniJ ovfmennm ;fc - and may develop In row. and wlU hav cbarg of th meetisg. boy. thftJr' '"A" J0,d 11 w" s-ivas promlss of blng a distinct ao- i .nig aubject will be "The Seven Ckldenr"Tk " " :7w iswHm. t . miss Maria A. Smith will open th AltarV of to do on my shoes than others.' Miss KendaU waa regal as Rosalie and meeting Tueeday morning at :0 with totws. goSo? musS wUt-bThS T"ji Mld ht W-'I now . It, but I aang acoeptably.- MnHaydn struggled devotionala. Reports will b rad from . . Wl IIUK. 1UUU IIHUIII ! W W-J llltlIIIU ft Ilk. ft. m.k. Illrtllhl lUlt I hQWl..llft tr, !- 1.11. K. V. 1. ft ft. ft .. No admission will b charged. It is ths intention of . the . managame&t to hav frequent rallies along this line during th campaign In different parts of the city and, county, and In, fact all ovr;. tha- state. ; 4-.. ., ... . -.a. '-' - ' Rampant Republloana one dsnomtn- atd th Democrats ' 'Ths Great Un- ford to make money out ot th misfor tunes of others..:.." . , , ,' r. T' Salooa lareds ltwlssBas.v "What can It profit a city to gain reve nu and. mak criminals? The licensed by th. lakes' ST8S would " k S rth!i, helically to kaep" on thV & "wlfK Si bTdiob 0mo7raT MrV A-Tilb ?7 "? lauitw . tjuarw irom runnjiia", i youp mlafortune.' That llttla faJInv waa I UIm Janblna waa will ... ..i-...i . m true man, . No one can honorably af-land vocallu pleasing aa Javotte. I baaed on a mlaaionarv lnnM.nt in Man. i n comeay or Mr. Beamana ana Mr. I lia. Basket luncheon will be served at xoung aeemea to meet genuine approval, noon. ' i Toung does ss well as , many men more Mra Burgette Short will lead devo famoua thaa he and there is all the fun tlonal Services at J o'clock. An open your money ce.Ua for In their part of the discussion on "Current Mlsaionary liquor saloon Is the greatest center of lww s wen events" win roiiow. Mrs. Whitney will I lawlessness and crime in the world." It T wf naT wn; expect, a speaa on xne nancial Outlook." in waVhai t i thna. .k, - Iv. th natural rendesvous of the vicious melrut?,ul"" pertormanc. out giva Mr. connection with the work of the general for d.llvrinr Ju.t what executiv committee, and Mra. L. B. wT,T;:nMnUl;'K.,n.nn. no moral iTgim.nt Vfavor of tKu .a- ?well will read a paper on "What a daieeitea It will be aoeedUv obaerved ,(on buetneaa. I never met a saloon- . , ', Ue legate Saw and Heard." Mra. Rock et tha radical RubUc appellaUon W a ever claimed that there waa v AT TM -BOAS ; well attended the annual meeting of the 1. LJ; iJ ,?.,-la moral argument in favor of hla buaf- I Th. opening of th new program at neral executive committee in Balti- Uundrr" Becond and Columbia: allows Mlcon business --rcad theatr vry Monday is an more last summer. taunary, Docona ana .V-olumDia, SHOWS I . 1, . . ,, I .v.n whlxh avarv Invar n . .n MISS Parklnaon will nnan tha nn..Hnn forn! look.- iorward- to'vrtth-thV "in. box snd will tell abouV "the Foochow innairV; im'. -! on. .1.. It cost, mor to run the po- the blU thls week is fully mlnary for girla. The new building that of any other man In aii tha TanZ lepsrtment, oar for the criminals P algn standard of this popular to oe oaiiea the Laura Cranaton - than any city ever get. out tbatra. . bU. Mrs. Cranston, for- " I nV I fMftkaV.atLa.aa W LTIaaak a.VW XL. I aMa-waaaaaaaaaaaaMi .1 IUII UrmiUBIlL III I fl PVS nHnon W il 1 aWl mak a city great ,. Prealdent Jefferson Myers, of th Stat commission of th Lewis and Clark fair, has received an Invitation from Gover nor J. H., Pea body of Colorado, aa preal dent of the Colorado, atate commission to the 6t Louis fair, to be present at the reception to be given at the Plant era' hotel in St. Louis, May t. On this day the formal opening of the Colorado building will be held and the offlcera of the varloua state commissions will be of licenses, Nine-tenths of the crime. sorrow, and misery of the world center around- the saloon, the gambling hell. and the brOthel. A city that Is willing to make criminals for support must be hard up for money, to say the least "If the city government ia willing to - - "AmnrroomAcr." "Ariatocracy" at .the Baker in the spring of 1103. Dr. H. W. k.... I Dwiiwana wm oiicuii me Question. opened for a week yesterday with maU- 3', EffS w"' th.e Ruo-Jspanese ne and evening nerformanoea. The Wfr Hav n. Misslon WorkT' Dr. Nelll-MoroBco company did verr weil "c.nwart" w" ''several years medical with Rmnann Tin.. r.v. ..-W., ..I missionary in JfXn and la well ac- quainted with th conditions of mis- crlmlnala, they ought to b fair and performancea seemed distinctly pleased i Jlrr7'0JLLa' 1 treat all alike. Gamhlfng la simply a with it -. Mra. A. N. Fischer, corresponding sec form of robbery. When a man stead There were plenty of good llnea in .T.t. . b!",ncn' W th,t "h ex you up on th street and compels ybu "Aristocracy." and the leason taught la to4 ",.th most ucoessful to sriva un vnur mnnav ha ia . thi. not unwhnlaaoma ' Than tha... i. . ... convention yet held. The finances are In ralrX b, Toiverno; aai Mr. pTabody 8te,,n " taking that which doe. apt 1bl. andf definite plot, and I wtl.f.ctory condition than ever !!Vft J . '. " M" reMM' MMf M mtt mil iHtln im AmiuI. . torv ratllna- with tha nlava-A... h before. In the' evening. t)av A rrlan Hjf T w V aa aexil lmm aawt Via formal aooaptane of the pastorate to ?t-bt!?5 ?,hy , 0T' Highland Presbyterian church of this city. Th acceptance was received by tn committee this morning. Rev, belong to you and giving no adequate re turn. Two men agree to sit down and suftTa cafas tof money, until one has In the caae of highway robbery there la one thief, In the case of gambling there ar two. Might aa well permit the hlgh- tory feeling with the playgoer when tne anow is over. Mr. Gould as Jefferson 1 Stockton was equal to all requirement, of the part Mr. Oberle made a capital Prince von Haidenwald. Miss Gardner wore hand some gowns and becomingly played the Rockwood states in hla letter- that wtL robber to carry on hla work .under heroine, acting with nice taate and poise. ,t anvuiu aiau d" maae or tne clever work of Mlsa Esmond and Mr. Meatayer.. There were eeveral recalls during the perrormance last night. "Aristocracy" will pleaae tb patron thoroughly dur ing in weex. owing to th Illness of Mrs. Rockwood th Protection of a system of fines aa he will be unable to greet hla new con- ?ermlt w mWer t0 crrT on hl gregatlon before -Sunday, May 8. farloug buelneaa. Wier .Labor XVosea. Prof. L. A. Resd. principal of the "Again, what shall it nroflt a cltv to school at Mllwaukle. has been offered! gala revenue end pauperise labor and a similar- position in th Park Place I ruin homes T . Th wagea of the labor school, just north of Oregon City. Pro- ing " people ar to a very great extent fesaor MoCann, who has held the po-' I wasted Jn, the. saloon and ths satnbllngl aition at tne tatter scnooi. recently re-1 aen. i nav never Known a workman. algned to become a partner In the Ore- no matter what might be his wagea, who gon City Courier. Professor Read will Indulged hla appetite for drink or gam- probably accept the new position. ihled. that evetjnade any auooeee In life. ir 40. money spent by the uroorlng MAI PETITION FOR ONE-CENT FARE A ;r , ft -I - Why Teeth Tft-vft-i-ft, All decay of the teeth begins from the out-, side; hence, if the surfaces could be kept abso lutely clean, no decay should take place. We can assist you In keeping your teeth clean if you will come Iri occasionally and have us remove" the tartar and other deposits which you cannot reach. A Indigestion is often caused by decayed teeth. Without good teeth one cannot prop erly masticate food. So the stomach is called upon to do the work for which it was not in tended. It is best that you have your teeth ex amined at once. Do not let them get the start on you. Examination free. W. wfJl extract teeth free of chars; mi free of pain, on Monday, Apr! Ilth V , V. ' ' .f'-.l ' : f ; 'I ...i:. i t -S' , "I MR. SAMUEL OALBRAITH, Of Tualatin," Oregon,' who held coupon ' Na 11161. which entitled him . ta the gasoline launch given away by Dr. c Wright, tha drawing .for which took ' place at Corruy's Theatre, Tuesday ev ening, April B. !, ' Dr. B. E. Wright's Dental Office 342fc WASHINGTON STREET, COR. SEVENTH -Office Hours 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Sundays 10 a. m to 12 m. Phone Main 2119. AT SALEM Branch Office in the Steusloff Building. " The Portlajid- Italian -band" gtv Ita second concert t the Empire theatre laat night before a fair audience. The I classical numbers were well received, and the performance altogether waa sat isfactory. TWO) IIOV1M SBOTSBBS rUM rUTU ASSKPSSXX9 TO axzotrrrra boakd abts saix- boajd ooicrArr--AarTArio wixx. m rusxso. Nearly zoo signatures have been ob tained to the petition for a 1-cent fare across the Morrison street brldae on The second lectur In tb course be-1 classes for intoxicating liquors during fore the Gillespie School of Expression f the laat 18 years had been invested in will be given by tr. 3. R. T. Lathrop I railroad bonds they could have owned j KOKS OOOSXABT AT HQ afABQTSAIC City & Suburban cars during the eight next Wednesday evening at 8:10. Sub-1 every mue oi raiiroaa in tne,. uniteai itose cognianr-in the stellar role in moniaa " ia to do closed. The petition Ject "Browning." - Admission free byt81"- The time waated. the positions "The Greateat Thing In the World." will wa started thla morning by Joseph ticxeta obtainable at the school, SS4 torieuea, ana me actual joes in money i appear at tne Marquam Grand theatre aianagnan, or tne grocery nrm of Mana- Morrlaon street caused by these evils are the thinga to- tomorrow, Tuesday, and Wednesday Shan tt Bennett, on East Morrison street. day which stand in the way of the city's nights. April 12. 18. It la aood to see I Of all thoae who were asked to alien Get rid of that dandruff.; Arrest that nlnw prosperity. mat miss cogman haa departed from lnB petition, not one refused." aaid Mr. falllne- hair. Have a heeithv aatn "When it becomes known that the lawa the unwholeaome nroducta of the eon. Managhan. today. "The outlook la verv The Roae Manufacturing company, 405 ' eltlr 'r strictly enforced, that the temporary stage to Illuminate with her encouraging, and it is hoped we will be Morrison, gives sclentlflo electric treat- gooi PP. are in the ascendancy, then talent motherly affection and steadfast ble to secure enough names to Induce went and shampooing. Its preparation! tn c,tjr aains for Itself a good name and loyalty to the elementary virtues. the executive board and the streetcar are Ita own, and guaranteed. Phone I lumcl" w population me oest eie-i n pan oi Virginia Bryant caiia ror i wmp" to act iavoraDiy on tne sua tha exhibition of every degree of mater- geatlon of Councilman .John P. Shar nal devotion. In the hands of an ar- key for a 1-cent fare acroaa the bridge, tlate like Misa Coahlan it ia exoa-dtna-.l We will circulate the-oatitkm- ihmimh ly forcible and appealing to th aympa- the districts concerned, and will keep it thlea of the audience. She conveys In a up until we have secured all who de masterly, manner the impression of sud- sire to sign. A copy of the petition will body, mind and soul of tha citlsen. What I pressed feeling and deep maternal emo- be kept at our store, and anv I shall it profit a city to permit the oritn- tlon which ia aa near an approach to to algn it may do so here, if they are not inal classes to gratify their anoetltea for real suffering and actual experience aa seen elsewhere." We sew on soles with th ttoodvaar mon"y consideration and destroy our can b produced on the stag. I The residents of East Portland are l jwuua .v. w. wftftftvu, .tin:i av lluuni, 1 . I -. -- 0 wvm ...a Mftft.vo v. tt 111111CT Jj. corrupt politics, rob manhood of char-I OhT.TIS B. BAJTrOXD TOBIOXT. I noise, who represents them lathe exec Clay IMS. Plant your roses without delay. - The best a.r had at Butter's, 18a Front. Phone Main 170s. Garden and flower seeds In great variety. , "Don't get Intoth wrong stor." ment of the people. The lawless ele ments always run to a city where they know they can gratify their own evil inclinations- and escape' punishment as criminals. No oity can afford to gain revenue from . that which destroys the outsole rapid lockstitch machine, thai only on in this city they don't rin. corrupl politics, roo mannooa or char- una. Tina a. juurroKD TOSTwKT. I JO,"e wno represents mem lathe execs-Ladies,' Bookmen's.- T50. Portland Cue- "Cter, and damn the souls of thousands? No theatrical enterprise has ever of- ut,v board. He said In The Journal that . . . . I IITl. rHl. Mil ft.. 11a ft k. .... I . . i .... . i . I If , nMnft ilaal.. . t.A.. a ft . . .i ton Shoe A Repair Co., 209 Tamhlll St, A urn jaaue piag., Detween ira ana 4th. Dr. Cuyler well calls these placea I f ered more brilliant promise of success ,f tn Pople desired a reduced fare they than Charles B. Hanford's engagement must aak for It, because of the turn at th. Marquam Grand theatre tonight I a wa of the J-cent rate secured from in - ShaJtsspeare's - Richard III."-- Mr. ln uuouroan company by the Hanford comes in the maturity of ge- ooaro recently. plus upon . which both critical opinion Laat Saturday Councilman Sharkey, and popular applause hav set the seal through The Journal, suggested, unoffl- of unaualifled - aDDroval. Tha aaaaon ciaily, that a 1-cent fare would be about failure, misery, and sorrow. What can I which he closed laat June" with Th "Sht for both public and company. It it nroflt a . city ; or an individual thus Tamlnar of the Shrew." aa tha attraction, was upon this suggestion that Mr. Man Pin day! Boy Meredith's umbrenaa t0 iI)lu,s'e ln ln nd lose th higher, I was th most prosperous of any that h sghan prepared the petition for circu Miss Susie Larsen. who resides at 464 Grand avenue', reported to the nolle, thla morning that her bicycle was stolen laat I ea,eJ flsradation and death. Saturday. -The wheel was atandina- nr sood repuUtion. , character. Meier A Frank's stor and was taken last Saturday evening, . "Banks . of . Losings.' , 'Everyone who makes a deposit gains a loss,' he said. They deposit all that it is worths whll and the Interest paid is disgrace, dis ease, degradation and death. Put In a business. health, and receive In return dishonor, A ,f ;r;'.t --.'iV I Repairing and roovrlng. Tw storstM J,wer..,lr"T Thr 1 no Washington and Stb. Morrison and ttb. Pflt sn loss. Soma day w ' . mmm - .-r-;' -1 wit aw tiiia.' wu STani tnat W m. . u . . miv n f it h.MM nr la fnr la,. " Btesmera xor i no lwus wiu leave I ' - Alder-street wharf T a. to. dallv (eseant Sunday). Phon Main S14. , CHUMOX um Wis Bros., dentists. Falling building. The First United Evangelical church Third and Washington.. , and the Second church, Alblna, closed i their conference year yesterday, ths at H. Gruber, lawyer. 1 Com'cl Block. I pastors of each -church delivering re- ,, i i .-, marxs appropriate to the occasion. Th Oatn:rl.T rXXSOaTAXh :a First church has Increaaed in member- amp 3 per cent aunng tne year, in- Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Simpson of Coos creased its mlsaionary offerings about Bay, Or., are at th Portland. Mr. Simp- per cent and Is now planning a new son ta manager of th Coos Bay lumber' I church edifice, a question that wlll .com mills And Is her on a busnesa trip; . before the conference in Hlllsboro next Commander Booth-Tucker and party Thursday. left the Hotel Ferkins this morning for haa over enjoyed. So extraordinary,- was I Iation. The petition will be kept going th Interest manifested in this produo-1 until it becomes necessary to lay the slg tion that Mr. Hanford has decided to natures before the executive board for retain it in his blllAhls season, that de-1 consideration at the meeting one week cision being due to a demand for its rrom next .Friday, it Is expected sev repetition on th part of th manager i era. thousand names will be signed. at whose theatres, he apeared last season. Th brilliant actreas. Marie Drofnah, who has the extraordinary good for tune to achieve inatant aucceaa in what ever role she has attempted, is Mr. Han ford's leading woman this year. 'Th sale of seats has been large. EDWARD LANG HOME FROM EASTERN TRIP WILL SHOW VIEWS OF OREGON SCENERY the sound cities. W. F. Ely, a Kelso, wash., newspaper publisher. Is at the Imperial. C. A. Power, a Salem merchant. Is at the Imperial, tr1..' J. w. Scrlber, cashier of the Farmers' bank, La Grande, Is at the Imperial. J. M. Church, a La Grande banker, and state senator, Is at the Portland. -George Tourney, secretary of the Ger man Savings Loan society, San .Fran- BYAjrOBLXST MOXJS MBBTnTOaVl Edward Lang, th Portland wholesale grocer, returned yesterday from a three months' trip to the eaat During jnr. Jiangs vacation ne visited New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Atlantic City and all th prominent watering places of the east Mr. Lang also made a ..lengthy viait to the southern states, tertalntng John Lloyd and wife and A." Dtr' ftnftftlftl .n.,..ft . Ik. . .... .J I .Aln. ft.- X . . 7 .v?li. -nifkr1,-'ial; 'JSttJH. tne flr-t BaPtlBt cnurch- KlMr brothers, ing most of the time in Savannah. Ga." evangelist spoke to a large audience In nhMnrnnhr n thia Mt m whinh ha o-r...n m,. ,' thA 0tdftj"S church. Second giv an llluatrated lecture on th "Seen- trip was thoroughly enjoyed, yet be said 'r::;;: .: i.r .KV'r.r;:. T. i ron ..." M in w" ' home agam, " - v" "7. .. " fuuiu next xuesaay nignt, April ix, unaer tne Excellent Way." Rev. Carradlna Js a auspices of the Oregon Camera club, forceful talker and often uses his hat a complete set of Crater lake pictures Yim AAar hwalr m fttia. It- am Afhai. ainMitl jt a. , aw. - js tihis ..M m w. v.a,a kiwuiv win vm uiruwa upun tuss surwn na will j CM Wlfav. th ni-, V1 to illustrate his. point th better, ; He a Steel will lectur upon th aw in. ?.fe wifhoSt pal" ln,tantIy' Never nn- I aBjaaaaaaaaaaaaBaBavaaaaBamaftMM. Accident com with distressing fre quency on the farm. Cuts, bruises, stings, sprains. Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio I Will Pay $500 Reward For any caae' of wrinkle, smallpox, pit tings, birthmark, freckles or any other facial, deformity removable at all, that I cannot exterminate, leaving the coun tenance as fresh and clear as in youth. and I Will Pay $500 Reward For any case of ecsema I cannot cure, unless It be of such long standing, and so long neglected, aa to be not curable at all. I havs cured cases pronounced Incurable by eminent phyalciana, one of them a young Portland woman so badly afflicted that her face, head and arms were a perfect mass of sores. This cure was effected In six weeks. And I Will Pay $500 Reward For a disclosure of any Injury to any akin treated by me wherein the patient follows my Instructions. This Is not an idle boast. Not guessi ng even after 12 years' ex perience, Is our maxim. Therewould befewer failures Ja warm air heating If all dealers knew their business. Wa try to- know ours. the w.q. Mcpherson co. . Portland, Oragon 47 Flrat Stroot Portland roxTXaAars, obboobv . y - . , V '-'"'ri '',:,i- American Plan ' : , $3 Per Day and Upward HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND COM. 4 MERCIAN .TRAVELERS i .. . Special rates mad to families and single gentlemen. A' modern Turkish bath establishment In th hotel. -- r -! H, C. BOWEH8, Manager. ;;: : a w. nowxjta, stga, The Imperial Hotel PORTTLeAISD, OREQON, .Europan Plan Only,, RatMfroniSI to$3.50parday - Stvaoth and Washington Sts. BERLIN STEAM Dye I Cleaning Wor ks I Know My Treatment Is Unequaled By any in the world. It has been tested in every great city and community throughout Christendom, and proved to be all that la claimed for it I GUARANTEE EVERYTHING I DO Madame Gertrude Saxe Charges Tery Seasonable. 417 ABXirOTOSf BDXLBZSfO, TBXVB- raon, vuxt sssa. AJsTOBJCSHTa. Cisco, is host at the Hotel Portland. n t wuv continu holding meetlnas at S:S0 .nirintr n ni arming thia o ciocK eacn arternoon ana at 7:30lderful region. 8telnhard of Ban Francisco. C. H. Speers of th Colorado Midland railway Is at th Portland hotel on his . wny to San Francisco. o'clock in the evening. Drs. Adix & Northrup OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Acuta and Chronic Diseases Sue .1-, . . -vCesafully Treated ' ' EXAMINATION FREE Suite, 41 6;pcktm Bldg. , These elides wer specially mads by I Riser brothers for exhibition purposes I vmojm Dununi AJTBTTBB8ABY I st 8t. LiotfiM, where illustrated lectures will b alven every evening on the Its first anniversary was celebrated ground-of the stocked of th Oregon yesterday - by th male choir rt. tha Duuaing. . Holy Rosary church. After mass the Th'" ' positively th last opportunity choir enjoyed- a dinner given In its I foruana people win nave pr seeing this honor by the Dominican Fathers. An r,w suaes, as tney wui d sent to at. address was delivered by -Very Rev. I immeoiateiy arier entertain Father a. b. Lwier. Musical selections . . were rendered. , Th clergymen present were Very Rev, Father A, S. Lawler, Rev. H. 8. Bhaw, Rev. J. D. O'Brien and Rev. C V, Lamb.. The choir is rehearsing Mario s "Mens Boiennejie" and will later take up th regular church mueic Marquam Grand Theatre waV5S! . TONIGHT AT 8:16 O'CLOCK, . The emlDt traglUn, 1CB. GBUUMUli B. XABTOBS, Supported by :- XAXIB BBOPBAJC and an eieaUent company of. player ta Shakespeare's immortal traged, "liauan m. . Admission will be fre and everyone la Jjf1 prjut,; iMrqort eireles, i; cordially Invited to attend, bjjlcony. Srst- ;la row TOej test six rows. vuv, uBTf, mhj ana c avma cubb tob ptxbs. Itching pllea nroduce moisture and cause , itohing, this form, aa well ts Blind. Rlaariina' nr Prftrni1(na.?llaa ara pursuant iu mi recent aecre given oricurea oy ur. io-san-Kos file Remedy. Pope Pius, A-. SO TOU TAKB ICS no TOtr tras coax. If so. remember th Crystal lee a etorag Oo. ... Vboa. Baal S4v ; Stop Itching and bleedtng. Absorbs tu mors. 0o a Jar, at draraiats, or sent by m all. Treatise fre. Write me about your case. Dr. Bosanko. Pbil'a. Pa.- Ireferre4 Btoek OaaaaS tda. Ufif But Bread. Marntiam Grand ThMtre'- -!"- . -. . - m . . vw v tUM. Mgr. Tueeday sad Wedneedsr nights, Anril 13. 18. 1904. th ettebratftd actreaa, . BOBB OOQBXAjr f: - : '-.the society drams, . "Th Greater! Thing ta th World" A' great Amarlcsa aetreae. Aa inspiring play. Prlcee-Parqaet, 1J0; psrqnet eircto, $1.00; M IconT. Brat six mm. Tn:' U.t air an.. gallery, S6e and 95; beaes and kwes. 110.00. Seat are now selling. Phone Mala SB. SALE OR SEATS FOB, Homer Davenport DIRECTION LOIS STEERS. OFBSTS TOKOaVXOW at Marquam Grand Theatre, 10 a. m. at 411 AJ4 St Bet. 10th and nth. One of the most complete concerns of its kind in the united Btatee. isv ervthing modern. French dry .cleaning, that does not shrink the garment, a specialty. v Speolal attention to ladies' garments and lace curtains. Clothes called for , and delivered promptly -..., OEO. SHAPPERT, . JOHN WILHELM. Phone, Main Mi. Proprietors. AafVSSBCSBTS. v GRAHAM QUARTET LAST CONCERT, APRIL 12,8:30 P.M. At Unitarian Chapel, 7th and Yamhill Sts WILLIAM WALLACE GRAHAM, Soloist Ticket oa Sal at Woodaxd, Clark m Oo, Marquam Orand Thoatre raiOAT NlflHT. APRIL 15. 104. 0BAV9 OOVOIkT Or rorVLAA AMD CtAS sio aiusiu ax DRISCOLL'S ORCHESTRA gamael Wallste Drlsreil, director, sasiated hr Mr. Hay Desrborn Bchwsb, souraao; Dom Zan. baritone. . ; Mm. tl.00. 78c. BOe. 5c. SBe. Site of ats next '.Wednesday morning, Aifftt 13, st 10 o'clock. Best : T: : House V BURNSIDC STJ Claas CoaL Full Weight. : Prompt Dallvarv. Ta Ooal at.. , .aaaa. Benton, lump at...... ft J0 Book Sprlags a...... ....isxo 1 THE BAKER THEATRE Pboaa. 1907. CeorseX. Baker. Sol Leasae asd alsnaaw. Tonlrht. all wek, matinee flshirdar, the nw Nelll-Uoroeco eompanr, lo Bronaoa Howard's masterpiece. TAjuaTVvaavti' A brilliant satire on London society. XrenlDC prices, 50c, 9oc, 26c. 15c. Matinee, 25c. 15c. 10c. Next week, "The Cowboj and th Lady." CORDRAY'S 1HEATRE .SSSi. CORDRAT A B08SELL, Vanaers. TONIGHT AND ALL WEEK, Third week, established sneers. OZiTaCFIA OOXffXO OFBBA COSCFAJTr. Beat opera of the ensafement. rnt cast. Ktnr wardrobMt Ot cower. Tuneful mutle and host of pretty (IrlSywlU be aren In TKB TWO TAOAJBOTOB." . , Prior as aanal. "bat yon slways get store iaaa Kiu varaa." - FBIC1IB Lower floor, except last' I rows, 11.00; last S rews, 76c. Balcony, first S rows, 75c; last rows, SOc Oal- lery, JBc and 26c. Boxes and IftOgea, $7. CONCIBT BALL s - BLAngBBBOS, ':r'. ; CONCIBT BTBBT WIGHT,' . ? Jit-ttS BUBNSIDBft , -5 "' ARCADE TnrAJRE ' BIVBNTH AND' WASHlUGTOlt. - Vt REFINED VAUDEVILLE S:S0 t tW. ' T:S te 10:S0. 8T7NDAT CONTINUOUS gBOM I TO 10-S. roa laBiks. obktlsmbm and childbu. AMUSSNII TEN CENTS T MT WO. HENI.YWEINHAR0 ' Proprietor of th " i City Brewery zvargest and Most Oomplate Brewery la th Vorthwest. Bottled Beer a Specialty TXIftZFBOBB Bo. rs. ' Offlo 13th and Banwta artreettv PORTLAND, CtRXOOII. BUSINESS If you ar thinking of attending Busl. nss Collage, you cannot afford te Ignore the best one In town.' We have tha i most thoroughly qu!ppd Business CoUege la the,Pciflo Northwst. ' BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE FRITZ i THEATRE - seo-sai trBasrOZ, -rRKO rBlTE. Prop. W. H. BROWS. Hm THE HOME OP v v VAUDEVILLE .; shews eaily at t ead'S-a, t f tath aa ' MeniwaJ : H., Kata SS0. " Day aad JTif ht, Schwab Bros PrintinCa Best Week. SUeseaahle Frtots S7Vi mark Btree. ' rhese I 2