Till: OIUXOIJ DAILY JOURNAL, POiTTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 11, 1C0L - LlilTCii IS i liEi'KI DESERTED PLACE STRUCGLIhG TO VIii rvaxv ions ooyxbwmxwt xt- BOOX SAXD TO BB KOTTZHO AW AT -- note pisxmz a ovcx Txirra CZTT rOXSAXXJT BT WOBJCXXV WKO SATS VAVOXX TO UO. tnrw Oouwtt has a rotmcAi. , JTIOHT OX KAKO THAT rXOXZSZS to b rttuCn wrrx nrrxArsT SEUBUOATS SAT OOTOTT XS X.OSXVQ BXMOCXATXO RTBZHOTX. 'fepwlii Dlnwtdi to TaeJ.ornal.)' Seattle, April -1 I. The , government I (Special DUpatca to Tl Journal.) Albany, Or.. April 11. The result of "I -r ; CONFETTI THROWING OUTDONE If ypiiivaiit io s$;e some '.tun And iatLthejsamertImeun the risk of "having" thrust upon you the sum of $50, arrange to be on Wash ?Ingtbntre nekt Sat u rday eve- nlng arid' participate In a game, In which' confetti throwing at a carnival .would be mild; ; Here's the plan DEMOCRATS fl SOHESTROKG MEN drvdock at tha Pua-et Rounit . navv vardl tha r.n..Kii. ..marina i hi. nnuniii ,1s rotting away from dlauae, and the is impossible to foretell until the con- , - town oi sremenon ai i no entrance ioi venuon, meeta nere , tomorrow morning, the yard la becoming a deserted village. I for the reason tnat many of the "dele- tfaAh MAMtk n k tA- I 1 1 - I - J . M . Mivmti 4vi mv ,casb fwt wvu gmiunv are entirety uiiyiouacu kiiu nr hundred! .,of workmen discharged for not aa yet expreesed their preferences ; lack- of work until there are hardly for th. various places to; be filled, - nor : VT'l rj,ll9 ?J!r:Z: ' 'they giving out th.lrpo.ltlon ob Jetton of :buu3lng.'.n situation. ; ImDrovements of a nermanent character i To Hermann men aru claiming tha O la accumulating in tha national trees- convention and assert that a full Her- , , ' ury untouched. One reason given for mann delegation will be sent to the con-j placing 4he Puget sound yard under a greasionai convention, wnna me up- bun Is that the administration la seeking porters of Mr. Harris claim they have ' the electoral vote of California, and U a good chance to secure a complete or v endeavorlna- to . sain -this object by nearly full delegation from this-county,. 1 throwing all the repair work and con-lnd the battle for control of the county . structlon to the Mare Island yard. . i convention oy mess iwo raciions wui - . . . 1 1 1 -.1 I m thall k. n A . , Vi A , .m. In aa t M.aa . 1 , Secretary Moody of the navy la endeav-1 tomorrow's gathering. What lends color j r orlng to break, the spirit, of the people to the belief that the Harris men are . of Bremerton so that they will sen tneir in a position wnere toey wm secure tpwnsite to the government, aa an addt- some advantage, la - the report from ; Hon to the 'yard, for a much lower sum some -Of-the outside precincts that lkM' aab.i - ' Whah PrMMant whMu.,' innultlnn afataa M nut lift : v Roosevelt made his visit to the coast slat the primaries, the men shouting Her - yg.r. ago the' secretary..' of the navy I nuuin 'met defeat, but aa many of these '' opened ; negotiations . .with -William fights Were to a great extent over local Premer. founder of the town, as the rep-1 isauea. the result cannot be foretold. I . MnarUi Manaii ta Tha lanmall reaenUttve. of the property owners, for ao far as the congressional nomination v Eugene, April 11. The Democratic 'the purchase of the site, , " la concerned. , ;.-rj a .v-. : primary elections were held in the 60 .."r WW v m alooas.M-:..J,;,.;',;i ,j ' y .m Xiebaaom Tight. ' V.'-,:. :t: precincts of lne county last' Catui 'Then the warfare against saloons was In Lebanon two factions fought for day. So far as reported good,, solid at lta height and the government de- the control of the primaries. .One of mea were named, who will place a strong , manded that the saloons be removed or these factions was headed by Postmas- ticket in the field at the county conven- threatened a boycott of the yard. The ter BmMh. and was oppoaed by the tlon which meets Saturday, April 1V ' saloons were all removed, and recently Brown organisation, - Brown-belnr aa -Following are the delegates elected 1 i the government announced ite willing- aspirant for the office . of postmaster, the four Eugene precincts: J. J. Wal- 4 ness to permit five to exist This action and he -everywhere announced that he ton,. I. E. Stevens, A. S. Matteson, J. R - followed the national .brewers' conven- would bring down a delegation favora- Yates, A. J. Smith, D. R. Lakln. Chrla . tlon. which ' took a hand In : the af- ble to . Hermana - In , the fight Brown Marx. H. R. Xlncald, R Mi Day, O. a rfair : -y waa defeatad to the tuna of better than Gross, -X M. Travis, H. A. - Cox, S.- K. . ii.ii Omammam SawA Wn . a- . l ..l .1. . . .hi Ua.m A T TVaf4 tl V. A Ktwtt ' -1 continued alt the while, but are now In! gouth Lebanon, and Smith beads, the two J M.. Miller. John McMahoa, J, 8, Hlgglna, : vrv unaatlsfaeterv-etatei'Meody can I daleaatlona. Ha la . not neceasaiilv '. a I W, T. Carroll, P. J. McPherson, Charles :well afford to wait," was the slgnittcaot turrla. man unless ther fight made on W. Kv.as, Julius Ooldsmlth, F. W. Os- r iMirainn imr j viuv.i I.V....- mm Dy me ayowea nermann-men anuuiu umu, y. n ... w.-u-.. 's ly,. "for It la plain that reotty values will Mvm him and his colleagues Into the Thomas Brown, John; Hampton, Oalney -r be forced down materially if the navy Harris ctmp, ,- v ..r.-;. Mathews." :. ' yard Is virtually abandoned," though the Jn West Albany precinct, one of the , v Sis Body OremateA. , , i n.nn1 aav thav never iwill Vleld to Uie .k. v.a an-alla ' . ... . . - - iuuiiic, ,u . .. " ..The DOdr or w. E. : Liougnmiuer. a ' , petty bargain counterpollcr f : the Mieo- .rmion" , alaU f or delegate, wss h S Warlarcnant ofEugenV who died . retary of the navy. ftmlM that ships defaated almost two to on Here the "JrtJ,! TJSTuton toTSrtond -. will be sent to the yard orepalrs are orgamMtlon blch is avowedly for Her- cremate. The remains were .mr theorKon hw mann. Pl a ticket in the field . and .ence to tln : L'"i! !!..h hour after the primaries opened an- b the r Masons and Woodmen of the - r oth.r cn- suddenly made its appearance wjrtd- Mr LoughmUler Aaving been a ana was ao wen mm auuwtvuii muy member Of both ordera - - 'if . -ported that when the vote was counted -hone Company InooryoraUd. f "Bob" White of Harrlsburg seems Zll li'Z Ihava tha liuldl for tha nomination for I on omm uti.n,, W. Francis 'of Halsey. a strong arang y"? "IV '"""ir corder. There are a number or candl- honors- are M. Newport, Lk.lM... a Ik.' mhImI .nmmlttM. la ccurreo a -ine .corner m .aid by some to be a favorite. was thrown heavily t- the ground, f .; : tainlng a btdly . bruised side and In- The .Pf"00'.i5.6. ?rl?: ternal Injuries.. Mrs. Falling aiigntea '"i " I"'; Oh joy I J ON SATURDAT KVEN1NO next, be-. tween the hours of and 1, a ' man just a plain, ordinary aort of a man will go up or probably down Waahlngton street, between Third and Sixth, with $50 of The Journal's money r on Jila clothes-: The - first person who asks him the question, "Have you The Journal's 60r will be hailed with the reply, "Have " you today's Journal 7" Right then and there the exchange will be mader-f M for a copy of The Journal) .Easy, isn't HT Remember the man who Is to carry the money will not be distinctive-In any respect; ncitherTwlll he' be an employa-of The Journal, but he may be your neighbor or -associate.. ' Re member, also, that you muat have a , copy of The Journal of that date (April ; 1) or you won't have the opportunity ot being the lucky Individual. ; ' - If you' need the money,, be on hand, promptly at - o'clock ask every man you meet between the blocks named, and . your prospects will be , good. Don't think for a minute that you will be the only one who will do the asking; a few others .will make the effort, and- there , ' may be some fun. i , Men, women end children will partici pate in the game, and it will be fair to ' PENDLETON PIONEER ;MAY DIE OF INJURY - ' (Special PUpatra ta The JoornaU ' - Pendleton Or, Aprn 11. Jesse raii- : ln and wife were - seriously Wured d tw for county judge and about o'clock yesterday afternoon in abot, evenk thoun K a runaway accident, the finale of whicn .,.,, of the central coi la telephone line from Junction City .to Florence, via Franklin, a aistance or abokt 71 miles. SHERIFF WATCHES on " 7d was Merely Vuiseu l&lX" i besides having her wrist sprained Isomurh as the horaes drtv y ;Mr." Falling were for a long time used Ifl ; drawing a hearse and In such work i were never known to even attempt to lmn away, It" h!' been' known, how- ever,, that- when. hitched to a carriage they would show stgns.or worry anq needed, careful attention. . - - .. i v. -yeaterdar whltr bemr dnven the am- The runaway was a peculiar one, In- Frans Pfeifter. bath of this city, seem toy run about "Wvea for sheriff, ao far -aa Jbeardrrom the county -and tt will Uke. the work of the organised conven tion to determine : the case. County Judge 'Palmer la meeting with ; strong It has? been; known, how- fupport for the renomlnation. but there iW m , HflU VI wiiuiustwai - aim mm eavaa . v them: will now make the Judge -the cen Mar ock to take hla life'' seems to be long-continued unfriendly relations that existed between himself.: hla wife and step-son. The first of last week Mrs. Marock and her son' took their, effects, and went to Portland with the Intention of remaining 'away. - permanently. ; On last Tuesday evening. Shortly after; his wife left him, Marock called upon one of hla neighbors for a Jug of wine. Hav ing obtained the wine, of Srhleh he par took freely, he proceeded towards his home, . but, tired and -discouraged, ' he stopped on his way at the residence- of a friend and engaged In conversation. during which he said: "It Is all off with me now; my wife is gone." His friend, seeing that he was downhearted, tried In vain to keep him over night, hut he said It was necessary for him to be at home, and Immediately left, insisting st the same time that his neighbor come and see him in a day or two. Friday morn ing a friend called at the residence of the deceased, and finding tbst the chores bad not been .done . and. . from- all ap- peanances,, no one had been about. - the premises for several days, ha entered the dwelling, and there found the corpse lying on the bed In the upper story of the house. . :' ' Sheriff Seweli, upon receiving notice, summoned the ooroner, and with him proceeded to Investigate,- after which they reported substantially as follows: That the dead, body of Joseph 'Marock was found In the upper story of hi dwelling at Phillips. They found a bot tle of strychnine near by, and -between IS and $4t In money upon his person, and a letter In which Marock requested hla countrymen not to feel hard towards him for the trouble be had caused them the short time he had been In their midst. ' ..-, . Marock came to Phillips last June, having - for 20 years prior thereto re sided at Troutdale, at which place his surviving sister now. resides. He was about 4 years of age, carried 11,000 In surance In the Artisans; and has about 10 acres of land near Phillips, v.. The Inquest was held late Saturday, at which time his sister . was notified, and she Is now on her way from Trout- i dale to arrange a settlement of the dead ! man's eatate. . ! " Labor is scarce In Pendleton. .in -J TEAM AND BUGGY - THIEF. ARRESTED (Special IHapateh'w Tbe Journal.) ' , Pendleton, Or.. April 11. Sheriff Tar lor of thla city has been called to Pasoo this morning to bring.. back a man who la wanted for the larceny of a team and buggy from George Froome of the Com mercial stables. t Thursday, afternoon a . man came to the stables and hired a rig, stating that he wished to go to the Cunning ham ranch.. He waa to have been back tbe same evening, but failed to make connections, and Inquiries were made. It waa found that ha had crossed the ferry at Umatilla, where he had asked the way to Prosser, Washington. The officers of that part of -the country were put on the trail and found. the man at - Kennewlck. Where he waa ar rested, r - - ." -- " " ; 7 ' BAPTISTS PLAN ' MISSIONARY WORK Pastors, deacons and laymen of all the Baptist churches of the city will meet Friday evening at I o'clock at the White Temple for a further discussion of plana for organising a society for city mission work.. The pastors have been looking over their congregations for men suitable for this kind of work and these will be pres ent af tbs meeting. Plana for a summer conference will be the topic for discussion at next week's meeting ofthe Baptist Ministerial asso ciation. The subject was Introduced at today's meeting. - Some of the members were In favor of co-operating with Seat tle In a similar movement. Others pre ferred securing speakers to represent tbe Baptlats at Chautauqua. Rev. Camp bell Morgan waa suggested aa a speaker. Dr. Brougher and Rev.Bevea of Ore gon City will open the discussion next week. Mr. Croes of the Chautauqua as sociation will probably he present ( 1511 . "Nearer the hone. - ' V' rS Sweeter the meat. . , . V;. ''. THIS IS :THE V! V T Our regular spring; shipments will begin to arrive next week, and this week we must clean house , for their reception. Every piano in our mammoth warefoom will be offered v regardless of profit. EVEN EXCHANGE SALE PRICES WILL BE FORGOTTEN IN THE OVERTHROW. . j '.' '' it. ' 'j' y-x. V 7 h mm : Just to prove our position as "greatest value" deal ers we offer for THIS WEEK ONLY, as long as they last, a number of beautiful upright pianos for ; The greatest value ever offered to Oregon SEE THEM! Remember, this is the last and greatest week at the big tale. ,v t. aaamBamaWBmmmf'A:'k.'i'.-l''-! -rff Py Allen & Gilbert-Ramaker Co. OLDEST " LARGEST STRONCEST Ev; Cor. Sixth end Morrison Streets. Opp, PoitofHca (Special Dispatch to Tbe Joaraal) ' CorVallla'Or- AnrU U.Sherlff Bur nett was given a 'lue yesterday that nromlsed for a time to throw some ugnt . . a-k. An.w,m I on the whereabouts of the missing Holy ani tme of the menrnow looked upon I Roller ; Apostlr reftleid. " . rtri.-Ta - weak SXS't Wu 'lxll oTmny yeai" ha". LLJ KLWa.'SSf tt bfa SrSTS ?t b4n-u.ed.Som. yl-s ;,iu -iuunu( mi "'" -v: : Cn.i.- mmA ha will ha rnmnalVil to r(l I DOen UDOUl me place, mm i-wu '"" w. Into Lewla the carriage struck a raised -wf TOina to the miU one evening thU .cross walk with such force that , the I .OI.,1''" ' L:.." I week. Full of hope that tha mystery occupsnta were thrown violently to the J- Pc njnom U t cf Crefllelds dlsappesrance might be ground with the results 'before stated." ' ""J0 Jotrv is he is wived. Sheriff Burnett sent a deputy Mr. Falling is 10 year, of age and Jh faci& to th vicinity last night The Utter is one of the pioneer residents of this 1 "J?" ! J cTh in, .v, . stole quietly to a vantage point-near -city and eastern Oregon.. In the early raSJS. r-h- .a the old mill and. patiently awaited 'the 60's he was prominent In the town of ZTZi"Zl i"nh- A w.: coming or I priest But hllnked and tnnra than 110 Daonla Inhabit tha nlac. " . -uuy """" I .iht of human being waa given : Th. iniured man. for whom the nhv.i- : youns .nan -. .wno ..atano..Aisn , - fl.nUty. At a late hour the -clana-entertaln- no hope ; of recoviry. ,n fTU. l.L. . - Z n watcher returned to town, thoroughly conducted the Arst undertaking esUb- 0,m natKl would make a strong can- l tlgfl. tnat CnmM was not lodging a 1 M tka mm I aaav wm0 VtlcVVs la r i -d.. IComina or aoina u i ." a Umatilla, which at that time XKl But the dew fell and the stars tana -i.i v. , 1 Dura ana a iun til rrww wii i-va mA atllt tin aminfl. I ".vvw. .w.uuBU w, .h Tl - THnnaar a.arvlff tlnn OMnaeu bjiu - - ' - - - - ---- i A aia-ht nf human neinr waa aiven v Ilehraent In eastern ' Oregon, and has for many years been a prominent figure ; In the commercial circles, of Pendleton. FARMERS WANT AN . ; INDEPENDENT LINE dldate. Una County Battlegro-nd. Both -political parties will put up good tickets this year for the reason that this county Is now very close. The recent Immigration haa brought many Republican votes into the county to a certain extent overcoming the former Democratic - strength, " and while 'this new vote aa a factor, can only be esti mated and not toia witn- a -certainty. In the deserted and weird building. GOOD PRICES FOR WADE'S PROPERTY! KnaMal SlaDatch to.The. Jeoraat) n -- ..Anrii 11. Tha auction . .. .... rrnuiniuik . .... - , (Special pitpatrh to Tee Joareal.) - "T i t-T. JUJ.m. ' C, a Wade's property waa con- Albany. Or.. April ll.Saturday after- 71 1.; eluded - late Saturday, at ine rjnai noon a number of farmers met irt this "1 ' -IVtV on the ticket -For ef four city and. decided to build an Inde- J"" ? , w". L u ,ae v,lua a 3'1074 "' er ' pendent telephone line Into the city, and S"tn,; Jthto" u mK """ -nd were 0,d t0 l0Ci il" as soon as sufficient subscribers can be ".tT.nrf for tit. . , aecured. to- ask the -council for'a f 'an- f,?!" ilTaMa'S elec? a nor There were a number of Imported chlse. With this idea In view they passed J n"ah,vB. hn,.h th! Kit English Hackney horses, ranging in a resolution asking, the councH to not Hnn. -aJ- 10 14 year' ,nl .J grant a franchise to W. D. DeVarney. EP,uJ?n", .wF!a'W. ?!m-, th amounts brought were a surprise M he -who recently appeared before the coun- "'i-a.- i" li '.m tn: raai bidders themselvea Tho stock . had .ctl snd asked for such a privilege. The m . JJ ' 1 th rmo- the appraisers at an : farmers desired to have tbe council a us- " ' n T L ImiSd erage ot tlO to the head, and when pend action on the DeVarney franchise crtL and th.,5 wiU . ccom-P .'!n!r J? sold, thev brought all the way from ordinance until they can come before the- n, ;w,VTO to SSI. All of the stock and prop-' sldermen and ask for a frsnchtse. The Jh rnltUk of naming .?n.d,1adI! !r erty. in the two days' ssles brought iv-rney ir.ncn.se ord nance come, up, ; ." thT-v 1 better figure, than It waa .uppoaea tney or nnai wura na u-aoaj evening. li .V. - ""V ..i' i". WI.Za could. li, nrlm.ri.. l..t Ratnrrfa Inillnati. that I ; , ,- r" the convention will not be entirely The s.le of the Imported marea which ... ... . I w-... .v., A nHMn mm V!na1antl rri.n.tHi t Tha Jaam.i t ; v .mootn. wnue similar ngnia were w a r-"-- - . . m ..... . am. ja r.aj na.M ,.- u.tMa Mima lima aa avri. hiiii ;p.c8kuuep aAKd nluv2:y ks aja"Ki Extras; whi,.: 7.;. 7 io to ; tffotST& controlling th. Wttas to the resulted . ritv limits of Seattle and everr one congressional convention, and local af- Peggy, to Steve tn to n r or 991 , lW I W. MK falraexcept control of po.tofflces-id Ocean, to a U Smith f I ISO; lgUj ing a gold mine. Mr. Norris Is a mtnir nterMntO the cotita , . . r.. to Mra J wiWi. years Of expifienee. and the for-i oozu nr xzs bacx tabs. mat ion about' his ppce led him to be- ' lltvv inn uiu ..mm ui.iva w it waa not surprised' when he scraped up the "nugget with 'a -garden' rake the , other 'day. It Is worth about $4 Quantities , of black sand exist In the locality, v v TRAMPLE OFFICIALS 0offraphloal ItolnV (Journal Special Service.) Grlffln, to XL X Smith for ITJ.IOr Lena J., to Mra. Sheridan ror iis.ow; jLn Blsmoht. to 'Mr. Snell for $75; Lady Casey, to I F. Anderson for $17; Lin- nle D to J. B. Perry ior-"mi iteue Oriffln. t 1m F. Anderson for $S8 Dor- eaar to George Rugg for $10; Hattle R., to Jamea Hartnet for. $SB. .. ' a a . . I In addition : to these animals mere 1 L-. . . .. - , . I . - -. . - tM ... .1 a.K I u From ma' Phliadeinnia rnorin-Amencan-i , "-, , 1 -.- ... ... 1 5" -Japan lies off the eastern cosst of Croatia.; today peasants nttacked h tne mTnmt m. - a.t. ihi a-ana-ranhlaa ahd Ruaala I nreaiaeni or me wwn 01 lumen lira "' v ..". " ' " " K . I . . .... ,...1... .... .... ,MM.tlM : lies wherever she has an ambassador. and the president is seriously injured. The mob broke Into, the town hall and burned the public : registers,- but - was finally suppressed by - troops. Many 1 persons were wounded and an artlllery- ginger, you may not know "' TtXAs dMrln' WM' " " ' : f .- ami aa aaaaansan-h eaaeMili the taste of pure ginger, r The : , T - . 'J (Special Dispatch te Tee Joarnal.) same is even more true peppermint"'" " W: Shilling's Best everything; pure.::- v it. .. 4 , , ;., At year grecer'si awaarbaehi - , notary named ! Vokuvitch," trampling ceipta from the personal estate ciose io them under foot Vokuvitch la deadll.O.ooo, a mucn larger amount oan was estimated prior to the sale.-, Pepper is so common r. in AIRE 0(U WELL PAI m s t - Warm weather seems to be here for good and you shouldn't delay your purchases for spring any longer, s If you haven't got all the money to pay for what you. need come to us anyway and - r 'v. ' . - ,-.' t y , ; -J'-:,-;v.'..;v WE W IUU TRUST YOU Every honest man and woman is entitled to credit, and" we give it to them without hesitation.' , v- v : . . ' . , , . , ; -, :-. ...--r 50 Cents or $1.00 a Week - 1 - v-. ' ', , . , ' ' ' .' ' 1 ' v. v '' -1 " ; '' Vi.,-v--'.i- ' ". i1 - --'t' i''frr'V';rf 1. . r -- 'i- ' f- f i ; -',':.-'' ' "V ' ''t ..-'t-!.?'-.'i-'j'-V- -'' ' 1- . ' 1 ' i ' - k , , ' . "" j ; . " ,N fVVi - - ', . 1' . y ';.''"''. '",-j,,',-''-,j'. ', '. ''"'".' , ' " .... 1 'i.. . ;- :" -- ' ?,.' r . y" '.'-liL.AUi i" "l::"vV " Opens an account with us, and the credit privilege Is absolutely free to you. That means that you buy goods on credit at EASTERN PRICES and it -does not cost you anything extra. , , .'... FURNITURE, CARPETS,. LINOLEUMS, SHADES, LACE CURTAINS, PORTIERES, RUGS; COUCHES AND TABLE COVERS, BLANKETS, COMFORTERS, PILLOWS, SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES. LADIES; SUITS, DRESS AND WALKING SKIRTS, PETTICOATS, CORSETS. HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, LACE COLLARS, STOCKS, ETC MEN'S CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, UMBRELLAS, ; WATCHES, TRUNKS, UNDERWEAR, ETC ; . , On the Hasiexst Terms in Town FAMILY TROUBLES CAUSE A SUICIDE '. Special Diapateh to The Jooraat) - HUlsboro. Or.. AprU 11. Joseph Mar- I ( vr A y?? Rakar Cltvi Aorll 11. W. Uearaloek, a lata resident of Phillips. Wash- of the Portland chamber of commerce I Ington county, last week committed sul- met the freight committee In Baker City clue by taking stryenntne. m i today for ' the purpose of Investigating I the rate question. no meeting nas oeen held yea. Itching piles? Never mind If physl- I clans have failed to cure you. Try Doan's Ointment No failure there, ; 10 The cause of the despondency that led I rKeleyLiouoR-MCRPHiKC-TCSAca rrr ruaTS fermanektiy cunt roe fUU siwtkui- . : , 390 WASHINGTON STREET The Store Where- Your Credit Io Gccd I cents, at any drug atore. V