II CITY K0TIC7S. qTTjBrpTici:3. jciTTyoiicEa. CITT BOTICES. CITT NOTICE!. CITT NOTICES. EAXLE0AO. TIXIALLI 1 G.CGIJ DAILY ' JOURNAL, PORTLAND, ..MONDAY. EVENING, APRIL 11, lSOi i' or " nrta c- ' iXEEIT. ' ' ' , ' Not lea la hereby glren thst at ths matting . ( tba Council of tlia City of Portland. Or, i gon, held on the. 6th day of April, J HO. til . '.following resolution waa adrpted: v Resolred. .That the Council of tb City of i v Portland, Oregon, d-em It expedient nd pro 4 : pose to lmpror Fifth street from tba north J curb Una of, Irving street to tba aorta Una I . of Jefferson street la tha .. following manner, 1 f 1 to-witi . .. . , . - : J .' ' rtrat By grading the street full width with I fnllelnterseotlons to the proper grade, except i-'Z- iatcreedlons of Ullaan atrsat, Buruald : , street, . Oak street, Stark street, Washington ,-'. street,, and - that . portion of Fifth atreet be . iwwu ins norm line ut auner sirre assi iua . Booth lla of Morrleoa atreet. ... . -.-. Second. By paring the roadway fall width ."' With full Intersections. i with Warren's Bltu .' lltfale paeamept, except th . intersection of ,...: Miiean snoot, nurnsioe street, ; vac street, i : Stark street. Washington atraet and thst ma. ; . . tlon of Fifth atreet between the north line of 1 ... j Aiaer street ana to eovta line of MarrUoa 1 ''. ,,: Street i-. .. . Third. By constructing catch Mains In ac ': Cordance with the City En Sea Hone end --estimate. - 1 ; - Fourth. Br constructing 'J-''.'... Walks In. accordance with ngineers plana, specl- artlflrtsl atone aide. Wslks l sccordsnce wltb tha-Clty Engineer' ' ' plan, specifications and estimates, r ,; Fifth. By paring the src bet' :, -rIU and on foot eatalde of the ral -Portland Railway company's track wean tha rails of tbs I with alnna locks, with not lee tba a six lochee of coa creto under the tracks and rails, and by re ; placing we rail now m nse wita grserea rIU not leas than aeeea Inches In depth, and " by paring the remaining portion of .tha said Tallway eoaipany's right of way wttb Warren's suuuuiic. paremenc j. : .. ... . , .. ,. The aald lmnraeeinant OA tie wnada tn aeeoe- ' dance wltb tb charter and ordinances of tb City of Portland and tbe plans, spedfloetlous r ana estimates or in t.ity SMineer niea in tb afflre of the Aadltor ef the City of Portland - t . on tb 2811 dar of March. IBM. Indorsed: "('It . Bagtaecr's plans aad pelnatloM lor th lia- , - i nroTmeiit ot Firth atreet from tha north eurb i line of Irving street the north tin of 4ef- 1 . f arson atreet. and tbe estimates of tba work : . . to b done and the probable total coat thereof. - The enet of said Improrement to be aaaeeaed -"";' prorided hy th city rhartrt upon the prop ' - arty apedally beneflted thereby and Wblch I Is hereby declared to be all tbe lot, part of , ant and parrels of lend lying between a line ... iw rent, wear ot ana parallel .wiro me west lino of Fifth atreet and a Una 100 feet eaat - '.-of and aarallel with tba east line of Fifth atreet, and between a Una 100 feat north of , and parallel with tb north line of Irrlng i atreet and th north Una of Jefferson street. ' V ' " Tha Knalneer's astlmat of the arobabla total S.-;;-mt of Improrlpg aald Fifth atreet U $36.- - tfiO.00. ',. it'.-. - I--- - t. The aharr Inprarement la to be rlaaeed as BMnUtkla paremeat and aball be ma la tailed t . by tha rlty foe a period of eight years, pro ' c. rided that tbe owner of a anajority of th . property benefited 'by said - Imiiroremaat or a ay port low thereof aball not petition for a new :. e different Iropmrenioat before th axplra- L", i, Hon f. nHt period. i - -v --' Th plana, seer Ideation aad est! metre ef , ', ' tfm City Englaaer for tha ImproreoMCt of aald i Jlfth atraet or hereby adopted. , "4 . - Reolrd, That tbe-Andltor of tb CltT of - Portland be aad be I herebr directed to glra ftntlc of th proposed Improrement t said -T'tret'ia prorided' by tbe eltr eharter. ' .- ' ite mo as trance a ra I nt tbe a bore tmpreeeinent " aaay be Hied In writing with tb aaderalgaed , ' .. wlthla M daya from the data of th Drat pab- . lleatloa of tbhr nottca. -- - r - " By order of tb Councn. . .' v . . THO. C DSTUK. ' ! 1 '' Aadltor of tha aty ef Portland, . .Vfc-.-ArTll-tlrllt--V--.-- ' afiopoito toaiQvzxart or tovxrxxrtE '" ."- . ' '-'-J tlMXtX." J', ", ' " Hotlo la hereby give that at th aMeHng ' f tb Owacll of tha aty of Portland. Ore gon, held oa tbe (th day ot April, 0i, th . ', . following resolution waa adapted: - - - Reoolrad. That th Coanetl of th City l , Port la ad, Oregon, deema It expedient aad pee poaeo to Imnrera Fourteenth atreet front tbe 'north Ha of Northrop stiet to-the eoottt Una - jf Heeler atreet Hi tb following manner, to-wit: ! First. By -grading tha atreet full width wKa - fall iBteraactlona to proper. aub-grdo in accord - aaca with- the City . Engineer' plans, apedsV a f lona and estimate. - eeoad. By bringing th atraet to grade with pjiaeadam la aeeordaaca wltb tha City Engineer's . plan. apeelAcattone and catlmatee. Third. 'Br oaserrwetlag aldewalka to aeeard kne with th City Itaglneer' plana, speelfl - aatioaa and estimate. -v ' Fourth. By constructing . eroaswalk In ' -Cordanea Write) tb City Saglaaaw a pleas, sped sVatlnna and astlmate. . - - Fifth. By oaatractlng stoae tatter la a ". -eordanca with the City Eaglneef'a plane, apes" aVatlon. and estimate. Bald hnproreasent to b mad la accordance , -wtta: the-charter and ordlnaacea-of tha City ef ' - Tortiabd and tb nlana. apeelflcatloaa aad eati- iih Bate of th City Engine flktd .in th offlca f 'tntidltor-ot The atf OT rorOana on th 6th -day of April, 1804, Indorsed : ' 'City Engt. -neer'a plan and pectftcatloo fo tha lmpror . Wnf of Pearteeath atreot fraea tba north Una f Wertarup atreet to tba aonth Una of Barler atreet, and tb eetlrsetea of tha work to b done and tha probable total coat thereof." . . Tha cost ft aald Improrement to be aaseaaod s s prortded'ay the city charter' npoa the prop ...orty epeelally beaegted -thereby end -wbk-b Vt hereby declared to be all the lota, parte of lot , ami parcel ox lanu lying- oetween . a tin "," 100 feet Weat of and parallel with th West tin ot fourteen in street ana a tin iuv teet eaat of and parallel with the eaat line of Poor - taenth afreet aad between tbe north Una of Northrsp street had th ooth line ef Barler ... atret, - t- JTba Ena-ineer'a tlmt of the probable total coat for th lmproremeBt at aald Fourteenth atreet la (.H.fMM.It0. The abora Improrement Is to be classed aa a macadam repair Improrement and aball be maintained by th city for a period of two eara. arorlded. that the owner of a majority y of tb proparty benefited by aald lmprormnt -i- mr aay portion toereoi aoau nox pe-iuiun ix n new or different Improrement before th X , plratlqn of auc period. - '.' ; The plana, specifications and- estimate at tb - City Engineer for the Improrement of aald Fourteenth atreet are hereby adopted. - -, ' ' Beeolred, That tb Aadltor of tha City of Portland be aad be I hereby directed to gir - notlc of the propoeed ImprftTemeat Of ; said nwt mntlinl hr-tbe cltr charter. Bentonetranew agalnat the abora Improrement nay be hied tn writing with-the anderalgned Wltbln W days mm toe oats ox xn arsx poo '.. ' lleetlon of this notlc. : . By order of the Condcll. I " TltOft. C DETMlf . Andltor ef th City of Portland, i April If. 1004,. w : . . , M0POBED nato-rxxtwt or Mm aXBIET. Notice i hereby siren that at tbe meettng if the Council of A at of PortUnd. dra gon, held en the oil) day of April, 1804. th following resolution waa adopted: t ' :. ; Rceolred. Tbat. tbe Council of ti City ot Portland, Oregon, deem it expedient nna pro pose to improre Darin atreet from th weat fin of Third atreet to the east line of Tenth atreet, la tba following meaner, to-wtt; " First. By grading the street full width with full: Intersections to th proper aub-srad. - Second- By bringing th urtc ot xn - 1 atreet full width with full lntersecflons to , proper grad with Warren BltuUthlo Par ment. .v-i-- .-.... . , Third. - By .copstractlng artificial atone curb 10 accoroa or wiu tn city ainginecr a piana, speclnratVons 'and eattmate. Fourth. Rr ronatrnrtlne catch- basina la ae- , cordanea :wltb the City Knglneer'S plans, (Peci- Bcation no eeiimate. -r -,-- .Fifth. . By paring tb apace between the. rail i ' aad for. pne foot outside of tba ral la of the - Portland ' Railway company' track on Fifth atreet, wltb stoee block act on not lew than six Inches ot eracret under, the block, and under tb rail and by replacing tbe rails new in use with groered rails not less than, aeren Inches ta.- depth, th remaining portion t tb right of way to a impreswa ay. paring wita ' , Warren' BltuUtblc Parcment : - :i Raid imnrorement to he made in accordance 5- with th charter and ordinance of th City of ' Portland ana tn plan, enecincationa ana eati- mate of tb City Engineer filed In lb office of tbe Aodltor of tbe City of Portland on the Stb day ot March. 1004. Indoraed: "City En-4- gloeer'a plan and apMlneatlon - for th . im- proremenf of Darl treet from the west lip 1 - JCr Third atreet . to th . aat line- of . Tenth r S ,treet, snd th tlntetfW of th work to b -t oot ana tne pruosnm ivui wp. wnw. r' mmtAmt K ikm clti charter boon the DrOD- V J"-I"r,,I V'I .I1 mAiJm 1.' . - erty apewiw pewuie u" -t hereby declared to be-all tba lot,., parte -of lot 4. and ' parcels of land lying between n line 100 feet north ot aad parallel wltb-.th awth v line ef Paris street and a line 100 feet south '& ef and parallel with the outh line of garl igf street;, nd between i the weat: Una of : Third V atreet and the east line of Tenth trt. ' - i Th Engineer' estimate of tb pcohabl total :.eet pf Improriug aald Darla atraet ht $1S ' . 686.00. -'x. ' - ii i The a bore Improrement 1 to be cld a a , ;U Bltullthle Parement and - aball . be maintained by the. city, for period of eight year, pro rided, that tbe owner of a majority of the , property benefited br aald Improrement or any portion thereof, aball not petition for new : or different - Improrement before tb . sxplra- tlon of sach 'period. . , -.".Tha plan, apeclocatlons and eatl ma tea of th City Engineer for the Improvement of aid Darl atreet are hereby adopted. ' v . - Jteaolred, That the Auditor of the City ef PortUnd be and he U hereby directed, to giro notlc of the propoeed improrement of. aaid atreet aa ptorided tr tbe elty charter. ' $ - Betsonstrsnc against th shore improvement ay be filed In writing wltb tb nodenlgned wltbln 90 day from tb date ef tbe first pob o llcatloa of this notice-.-'v By order ot th Council. ' n f . :v TH0. 0. DBTUrf. ' t editor ef tha City ef PortUnd. f -April U, 1004. , 4- , , - PE0P0SZD IXPtOTEMEXf Of THE NOSTH HA1P OP KAWTHOKirX AVEItUE. Notice 1 hereby glren tbat at th meeting of tbe Council of tha Cltr of Portland. Ore gon, held on the 8th day of April, llKti, tba loiiowing . rasomuon waa aoopteu: Beaolred That the Conncll of tba City of rortiana. tn-eaim. deema it exneaient aua pro- poee to imnruT tbe north oue-bslf of Haw thorne arenue from tbe eaat tin of hen worthy's addition to East Portland to 100 feet eaat of tbe eaat line, of Eaat Twenty -second mil ' r mm IDUVWIj ' Flrat By eonetraetlng srHllcial stone tide walka Id aceordance with tbe City Engine' plan and apeclhcstloti and estimate. Second. By eonatractlng - woodea eroaswalk In areorrianc wltb the llty liuxtneer plan. aj ffinca tUH aad eatlmatsa. . . Bald lmnrarement to be mado In accordance with tb charter nd ordinance of tb Clt of fortland and th plan, epeclncatlon ana em mate of th City Engineer filed In tb otflc of tb Auditor of tbe City of Portland on tha 20th day of March, 1004. Indoraed: "Cliy En. gtneer'a plana and apeclflcatlona for tbe Im prorement of tba aortb one-half of Hawthorn arenue from tba east line of KenwWtby' ad dition to 100 feet waet of th eaat Una of Eaat Twenty aetsod atreet. and tb estimate ot too work to p don ana tb . proMul total coat toereoi." . - - . , -- The cost of aald improrement to be a sensed ts prorided by tbe rlty charter apon tbe prop erty specially benefited thereby and which 1 hereby declared to bo all tba lots, Parts of lota and Darrein of land frine- between the north line of Hawthorne arenue and a Una 100 feet aorta thereof and parallel therewith., and between tba eaet line of Kenworthy'a addition to nasi rori lard and a line 100 feet eaat of and parallel Wltb th eaat Una of Kaat Twenty-second atreet. Th Engineer' retinas t of tbe probable total coet for the Imprereiaent of the north half of aald Hawthorne arenue la $170.00.. - Tbe plana, anectflnaUona and eetlniatee of tb city engineer for in improrement or in norm half of aald Hawthorne aranoe are hereby adooted. . T-. . Heaolred, , That tb Andltor of the City ef Portland be aad be la hereby directed to giro notlc of th propoMd Improrement at said avtnu a prorided by the city charter. Kemonstrance against us aaore improrement may be died In writing with the anderalgned within 3a dare from the data f the nrst pub Ucetloa or tnta notice. , - . 1 By orde .of th Conneil. . ; - ' ,. , : THOU, C DEVLIIf, ' . . n . ;. Audita ef th City ef PortUneV. - April i: 1804. .: - ;; r , PE0P0SED iwi m : '.' ITBXZT. XAJX IBVIX0 Notlo i hereby given that at th meeting of the Council of tba City of Portland, Ore gon, held on the 6th day of April, laoi,. tba following reeolutloB waa adopted: 1 KoeolTod, , That tka Cooncll of tba City, of Portland. Oregon, deem It expedient aad pro nnaea to eons rrnet n aewar in Kaai irrtna street from 00 feet east of tba east Una af Eaat Twenty-ninth . atreet to tba aewar tn Kaat Tweaty-elgta atreet .Bald ewr to be eon- trneted of rltrlned tower pip of ten Inches clear tosloe diameter, with all necessary catch- paslna, maa-kele, lamp-be lea and aranenea, Ha Id eewer to tie eoaarracted in accordance with th charter aad ordinance of tba City of Portia ad , aad th plana, apeetneatione , and eattmate of toe city Eaglneer Bled in to office of th ABdltof ef tb City af Portland on tb ltth ay of March," lt04, Indoraed: City Engineer's puna aad aparineation tor aewar la .Bast-Irrlng. ataeet from 0 fast east of tba eaat Una af East Twenty-ninth atreet to eewer In East Twenty-eighth street and th estimate of tha work to be don aad ta probable total coat thereof." - ' - The cost of aald sewer t be aaseeead "a prorided by tb city 'charter npon th property specially benrllted thereby, and which I hereby declaraii to be all th Iota, parte of lota and parcel of land lying between a tin 100 feat north or ana parallel wita tne aorta nn oi Kaat Irrlna atreet and a Una 100 feet aonta of and narallel with th couth line of Eaat Irr lng etreet and betweea a Mae 100 feet eaat of ad parallel with ta eeat line of Kaat Twenty eighth, atreet and a line 100 feet eaat of and parallel with tli eaat Viae of EaatTwenty ninth street. i . y . -. Tbe Engineer' aetimata or rae preoeoje rotai coat af the eenstrnrtion of aald sewer In Exit Irrlng Street as 34.00. Th plans, apeclflcation and - totlmate ef tba City Englaeer for tbe enotraetloa ofra er la aald. East: imag treat are oerapy tdoptd.' -' 1 Reaolrerf. that too Adaptor ef the City of Portland be aad he 1 hereby directed to giro notice of the propeeed eonstractlon pf aald aewar aa prorided by tb city charter, r Remonstraace agalnat th abora aewar may be tied in writing with tha aadsrslgned within SO dar front tbe date of the ant pub lication f tbl notlc. - : f .... By order ox Urn coaacii - i?-"HAmUU t tb City of PortUnd., April H,. W04. ..-:...,. " ---.-v TEOPOnlD kvu u uii ,TAiaau Notice is hereby g1rn that at th. meeting of .the Council of tbe City of PortUnd. Ore gon, held oa the 6th day of April, 104, the following resolution waa adopted: . Rceotred. Tbat th Council ef the City ef Port la ad, -Oregon, deema it expedieat and pro- nose to construct a eewer la icsst ' I ampin street from . 7s feet east ef the east Una of Eaat Thirteenth street to a connection with . the tower in East Twelfth street, aald eewer to be ef eight Inches clear Inside diameter wita all necessary catch baeias, man-bole, mmp belee and brancbea. j. ; Bald newer to be coastrneted la accordance with the charter snd ordinance of tb City of Portland and . the plans, spectncatioa . ana .estimates of th Citrv Enclneer - filed la tb office of th Auditor ef th. City of PortUnd on th Sd day of April, 1004, Indoraed: "City Knglneer'S plane ana epeeincatKm tor a eewer In Eaat Yamhill street from T5 feet east ot th east lln ef Eaat Thirteenth atreet to save la Kaat Twelfth etreet. aad tbe eati- matea of the work to be done , and tb probable total cost thereof." ' Th cost of aald eewer to be assessed ss prorided by tb city charter . apon the property anaclallr benefited thereby aad wblch ia herebr declared to be all th lota, parte of lots and pa reels ef Und lying between a line 100 feet south ef and parallel with tbe. south line of East Tambill atreet and a- line 100 feet north ef and parallel with tbe 'worth line of Eaat Yamhill street and between a line 100 feet eaat ot and parallel with the east line eg East TsrAirtb atreet ana n una luu ieet east oi ana parallel .with, th eaat Use pf East Thirteenth street 1 The Engineer's sttatate of tbe probable' total cost for the construction ef a sewer In aald r..t V.mhtlt atraet tag.tla.O0. .. Th nUns. specifications and ! estimates . ef the City Engineer for tbe eonstractlon of a sewer la said-East Xamhilt atreet are hereby atesoirea, j iu in eiaainvr wi-uw Portlatte be ana ne ia nereoy uirecteq io gir aotlee f th proposed eonstractlon at said ewer aa arorided by. the dty charter. , , . Remonstrance agalnat th abora sewer may he filed In writing with th anderalgned within au aay troaa tne oate ex. ne aiav F Ucatloa ot tbl notice.- . t ,( , W " THOB. C DETLIPf, . Auditor f the City ef Portland. April-.lk'lBOe.'. ,. v.-i'-i ,.'.' ;..-.!. - PXOPOaXS ntPBOYEMEXT Or BEOADWAT. Motlca ht hereby glren that at tb meeting ef tbe Council of the City of PortUnd. Ore gon, held on th eth day ot Apru, Tuv, ta following resolution waa adopted: Reeolred. - That the Cooncil of the City ef Portland, Oregon, -deema it expedient and pro poae to improre Broadway from the east line ot t nion arena to tne easi una ot s.s Maeteeath. atreet, la the following manner. Pint. By grading the atreet fall width with full InteraeeUone to the proper sub-grade and bringing th aarfkee Jt aald street to proper grade, with grarel,. in aeeoraance wita me City Bnglaer plana, specifications , and estl- 8econd. By cpnhtructlng artlUHa stone lde walk ta accordaace with the City Knglneer'S plans, apcrlficattone ana eatimste. y -Third. . Rr i ennatruetlna wooden erosswalk lit sccordanc with the City Engineer's plans, specifications and eattmate. - - Fourth. By cooatrwctlng artldcUl stoo curbs fa accordaace with the City Engineer's pUna, sprelflcatlans and "-awtlmatea. - - Fifth, By eonatractlng wooden sidewalk alx feet in width In accords noe with th City En gineer's pUmv spcclficstteaa and estlmateav esia lmproremen;. a wmw cwiiww with the charter and ordinancea ef tbe City of PortUnd and the plana.- apeclncaUona snd esti mate of the Cltr Enaineer filed la tha office of tbe Andltor ef the City of PortUnd oa the Mr -day ef Mirrh. -1004. Indoraed : aty En gineer1 plane and ipecifleation forth 1m- Crorement oi xiroaaway iron uiv east mm w rlon arenne to the east- tine of - Kat nine teenth ' atreet. and the estimate of the work to be dope aad the probable totel cost thereof." The east of said Imnrorentent to be assessed as prorided by tb city charter apon tb prop erty specially oenentea inerenr ana wnicn m hereby declared to be all tbe lots, parte of Iota and pareeto of lead lying between a line 100 feet north of and parallel with -the north line f BrMriwav end a Ha 100 feet eouth of and parallel with tbe south line of Broadway, aad between the east line of Union arenue and a linn 100 feet eaat ef and. parallel with the eaat line of Eaat Nineteenth etreet The Engineer' estimate of the erobabl total coat of imprortng Broadway la $8,924.00. . The plana, specification and estimates ef the City Engineer for the Improrement ot aald Broadway are aereoy aoop'ea. ';". . -Beeolred. That tb Auditor of the City ef PortUnd be fend he I hereby directed to glr notice of the proposed improrement . of aald street a prorided by th dty charter. . swasonatrance agaiaax xn aowre mwvrenimii as he filed in wrltitur with- th nnderslaned within SO dare from the date ot tb first pub lication of tbl not!c. ; ji By oraer oi tne wwn"i- ' Aadltor at the City ef Portland. 'April IX. 1804.. s , r - i JL0P08ED tXPSOTEKEVT OP," XM1 ' . 'V ' rWETY-II0HTat tTUZT. , i Notlc Is hereby glren that at the meeting of the Council of the City of Portland. Ore gon, held ou tbe 17th day of March, 1K04, the following resolution-waa adopted: Beeolred, That tha Council of tb City of Portland,. OregoB, deeme it expedient and pro poee to improre Eaat Twenty-eighth street from tb aoutb Una of Belmont (treat to- th north line of Hawthorn arenue la th follow ing manner, to-wlt: ' Firet. By grading the atreet full - width with full intersection to tn grade a ahewa by the aUke aet by tb City -.Engineer. Second. By-eonatructlng wooden aldewalka In accordance with tb City Huglneer' plana, specllcatlona and estimate. - Third. By constructing wooden crosswalks ia accordance with th City Knglueer pUoa, apeclAcatlona and stlmsts. . . - Fourth. By . coaatrnctlng bog gutter la ae errdance with the City fciiglneer plamVepeo- lOcatlon and eatlmata. , . . ,.i ,. Raid Improrement to be mad In accordance wltb the charter and ordinances of tb City ef Portland and tb plan' spaxruicatfon and estimate -of th Cltr Engineer filed h th office pf th Andltor of tbe City pf. Portland on the 15th dar of March. 1004.' indoraed: "City Enxlneer'a Plane and Declflcattooe for tb improrement at East Tweaty-elgbtb street from tho south lln of Bel moot street to tha north line of Hawthorne arenue. and tha eatl- nates of th work to aa done and the probable total cost thereof." ; The coat of said lmprornMnt to be asseeeed property specially benefited thereby and which" as nereoy oeciarea to o ail tn iota, part ot lot, and parcel of land lying between line 100 feet weat of .ad narallel with tb neat line of Kaat Twenty-eighth street snd a line-100 feat east of and parallel with tbe, eait line of , Kaat Tweaty-elgbtb street and between tbe couth lln of Belmont atreet and tb north lln of. Hawthorn arenae. The Engineer' estimate ot the probable total ent tor tne improrement oi aald Eaat Xwaaty eighth atreet la 1X616.00. - . . Tb city Engineer' Plana, anoclncarlona aad estimates fur , tlw Improrement ef said Bast Twenty-eighth etreet are heeeer adooted. - steeoirea.. . xnet u Auditor or the City ef. rortiana a ana Be t nerenr' lreetaar tn aire notice of the Proposed Imnrorement of tald street prorided by tb city charter. Kemonstrance against tb abora Improrement may oe nieo in writing with to undersigned within 10 days from tbe data ef tbe nrst publication-of tbla notice. , By order of tbe Council... ,l .... .. b. irxitvm rt hsrriv ... - , Auditor ef thoOlty of portkad. r apni a, inn, - PEOPOBIII OHAtV Or (EWXBI XV EAX ; -xrio,ATaanri.:v :..'. v Hetlce Is hereby airae- tbat at the aaeetlne Of the Council of tbe City ef PortUnd, Or., held ea the 17th day of March, 1804, tbe following resolution waa adopted: -. , neaoirea. mat tus oouncu of the City ef PortUnd, Oragoa, deema It exaedieat aad Pro pose t construct a ehala ef sewer as fol lows: a aewar la- Hamilton arenue from a point 100 feet at of th ssst line of Cor belt street to tb protiosed sewer In Old County road: a etwer In Bancroft arenue from a point iuu teex eeat ot me east line ot Cerbett street to- the propoeed aewar In Macadam street: a ewer la Old Coanty road aad Macadam atreot from a point In Old -Ooanty road at tbe pro Cieed tower la Hamilton areaee to point la aeadam atraet at Lowell ereuue; a eewer In Lowell arenue aad tte i tension easterly ia Its preaent coarse from th proposed eewer la Macadam street to tbe Willamette rirer at few water mark. The said Sewer t be- eoeatraeted ef rl trifled eewer pipe with all catch basins, snaa-holee, Ump-boles and brancbea, aad to be ef tbe following dlmenaloaa: ef eight inches dear 'Inside dU meter from a point la Hamilton ereaa iuu rset eaat ot tne east nee of-cor- bett atreet to a nolnt in Old Countr road: of tight tnchea clear Inside dUmetor from a point In Baaerert -areaae 100 feet esst f tb eaet line of Corbett atreet to the proposed ewor In Macadam etreet; of eight laehee clear inside diameter from tbe propoeed aewar la Hamilton arenue northerly la Old County road and Mac adam street to the sawer 4a Bancroft arenae, thenca of tea Inch clear la Ida diameter to a point la- Macadam atreet at Lowell arenue. and ef tea lochee clear Inside diameter from tbe MaIm, 1 Iaw.11. .m... mm. m ul.. f MmmAm m- . - a-w wM -iraw . mm m 9' ' mmwij street: tbeace ef fourteen lnefaea clear inside diameter to the WllUnvett rirer at low water mark. - mmm mmj umg wnawcvvw in scewir a nee with the charter and ordinancea of tha City ef PortUnd and tb pUna, specifics tlons and estimates of tb City Englaeer, filed 1b the office ef th Andltor of the City of PortUnd oa tba 16th day ef March, 1004. Indoraed: "City Enaineer'a nlana and atiedflcatlon for a eewer In Hamilton arenue from loo feet east of tbs east Una ef Corbett street to- tbe proposed sewer in uia county roea; Bancroft arena from 100 feet eeat of- tha eaat line f Cor bett street to fewer tn Macadam atreet! eewer la Old County eoad. Macadam atreet Lowell arenue to WUUmette rirer. and the estimate of tb work to b done and the prebabU cost - Th cost ef esld chain of sewera to be ss seastd aa prortad by tb city charter upon the- property spedslly benefited -thereby aad wnieg nereoy oeciarea to oe- all tne iota, parts of kite aad pared ef - Und lying ithla tha district bounded aad described si follows: Beginning t a point 100 feet sonth of th onth lln of Hamilton arsons and 100 feet east of tbe east Una of Corbett street thence northerly snag'- a - Una 100 feet eaat of and parallel with the east lln of Corbett atreet to a point 158 feet north of tbe north line of Bancroft areaae; thence easterly along aerlhe 16S feet north of aad paralUl with the north line of Bancroft arenue to a point 100 roe i west or tne west line or Macsaam street: thenca northerly along a Unc. 100 feet west of ad parallel with the west line of Macadam street to a point eonl-dlatant between tbe north line of Lowell arenne aad tbe aoutb line of Thomas street: thence easterly slong a line equl-dlstsnt between the north lln of Lowell arenne and the eouth line of Thomas atmet and tbelr extensions easterly in their present course to -the - went - bank of the Willamette rirer: thence eontberly along tbe west bank of tba Willamette . rirer to a point 100 feet oath or tb outa una or K. .t'aratner'. Do nation Land Claim; thence weaterly along a line 100 reet sonth ot aad parallel with tb outa line ef B. Carather' Donation. Land Claim to a point 100 feet east ot tb eaat line ef the Oreron A California Railroad comnanr' rlaht or way; tnene anotnerty a long a una iuu ieet east or na parallel wirn tne east line of tne Oreron A CaUforaU Railroad company's tiaht of way to a point 100 feet aoutb of the south lln or Hamlltoa arenne extended easterly in It present coarae; thence westerly along a line 100 feet soeth of and narallel with th outh line of aald extension cf Hamilton sreniti snd the south Ilea of Hamilton arena to Ji nlace of bewlnnine. ' Tb Engineer' estimate el tbe probable total eeat for . the eoaatraetloa of said chain of sewers Is Sd.ST7.00. Th nuns. pecineations ana estimate or th Cltr Enaineer for tbe construction of aald chain ef tewers are herebr adopted. Reeolred. tbst th Auditor or tb City of PortUnd be and b I hereby directed to aire notice ot the proposed' cbsln af sewers as pro rided by the city cbsrter. Kemonstrance against tne bor eewer may he filed In wrltlns with tbe anderalamed wltbln 90 daya frnni. the data ef the first publication or tola notice. ' By order of th Council. tl , , THOB. C. DEVLIW, Aadltor ef tbe City of PortUnd. April . 1804. PE0PO8ED irWIB W EAST TABIC - Notice la herebr glren tbat at the meeting Ot tbe Council of tbe aty of PortUnd, Dr., held on the lTtb day of March, 1804, the following resolution wss sdopted: neeoirea. iaat tna touocii or tne city eg PortUnd, Oregon redeem it expedient and pro po to construct a sewer in Esst Btark street from ra reet east oc tne esse line, or tea at lerenteenth street to tbe sewer In Esst Btark atreet TS feet esst of the esst Use ef East Six teenth street. Said sewer to be constructed of rltrlfled aewer pipe of eight laches, clear In side diameter, snd all necessary catcb-baalns, manhole. Umpho Ira and branches. - ' Bald sewer to be constructed la accordance with tbe charter and ordinances of tbe City ot PortUnd and tbe plans, s peel flea tlons snd esti mates of tbs City Enaineer filed In tha office of the Auditor of the City of PortUnd oa tbe 1Mb day or Alarcn, two, indorsed: "City En gineer's plans and specification for' a sawer. ta Eaat Btark street from 75 feet east of tbs eaat Una of Eaat Seventeenth street td sewer la Eaat Btark street 76 feet esst of th east line ot Eaat trtiteentb atreet, and the eattmate of tb work to be don ana th probable; total coat thereof." ; '..,'' "Tr The cost of teeid sewer to Be assessed ss nenrlded br th eltr charter anon th Brooertr specially benefited by said sewer, aad which Is hereby declared to be all tbe 'lota,-' parts of lots snd parcels or isnd lying Between line 100 feet north ef and parallel with the north line of Esst Stark atreet sod a ' line 100 feet eouth of and parallel with the Booth Hoe af Eaat Btark etreet and 'between a line loo feet east of and parallel - with the east line of Eaat Sixteenth street and a Una 100 feet east ef and parallel with th east line of East Serenteenth treet. The Engineer' estimate ef tbe probe bU totsl cost for the construction of a sewer la sold Past Stark street to $200.00. . .-'i-v Tho Diana, aoecinrattona and eeuoaate or tne City Engtoeer for the conatractlon of a eewer la Hid J.aat Btark atreet ere hereby adopted,. Reeolred. That the Aadltor of tbe City ef Portland be and he U hereby directed to giro fcntle an the nronosed construction of said sewer prodded by tb City Charter. . - Bemonairaac agaiasx in enora eewer Bar be filed la writing with the anderslgned within 30 daya front th date of tb lint publi cation ef this notice. - -,. s By oraer of the uounoii. . , v THOB. C. DBTLIN. ' . . Aadltor ef, the City ef Portland. ; April f. 1804. . PE0P0BED BEWIK XV BELM0KT iTEEET. " Notlc U hereby glren that at th meeting of the CouhcII ot the City of Portland. Or., held on the 17th day of March,, jvo, th following resolution waa adonled: Beeolred, That tb Council of th City t Portland, Oregon, ' deema it expedient end pro poe to construct a ewer In Belmont treet from 100 feet weat ef tbe west line of Eaat Tiilrtr-eerenth atreet . to tbe . aewar In Hal. mont street st th eaat lln of Bunnysid. Bald sewer to be constructed ot rttrified newer pipe of eight inch clear Inalde diameter wun all necessary - rstcb-baslna, . aisnbele, Ump- kolea and brancbea. - - - Bald sewer to b Constructed In accords noe wltb the charter and ordinances of the City Of PortUnd snd the pUns. apeclflcation and estimate of the City Engineer filed tn ; tbe fctfic of the Auditor of the City of PortUnd oa tb 14th day ef March, 1B04, indorsed: "City Engineer's pUns snd specifications for S aewar in Belmont street from 100 feet West or the west Une of Kaat Tbirty-terenta street to th sewer In Belmont street st the eaat line of Bunnyalde, and th estimate or tb work to be dune and th probable total coat thmmmat - V . ..... .- 1 Tha coat of aald aewar to be assessed a pro etded by the city charter upon tb , property neelallr henedted therabr and which U. hereby decUred to be all tbe Vote, parte of lots and parcels of Und lying bet we a a lln 100 feet north of and parallel . with th aorta Una of Belmont atreet sad a lln 100 feet aoutb of and narallel with the eouth llae of Belmont street and between a lln 100 feet west of nnd parallel with tbe west Un 'of -East Thirty- eerentn ana tee east una or nunayaiae. The Knalneer's estimate af the nrobabl total cost for tbs eeastroctioa ef sewer, In, aald xseimoar street i sioo.uu. - - Tb PUna, apeciacatloo. and eetlmataa ef the City Engineer for the ' eoustraeUea ef sewer la aald , xteimont street srs adopted..' ,.'. ' - . Reeolred, That tb Auditor ef th aty ef Portland be ar.d h la hereby directed to giro notice of th propoeed eonatrnctlon of said wer aa prorided by th dty charter. ,'' . , Bemonatranca against the abor eewer may N filed ia wrlatng with the anderalgned wltbln to day- front tb date of th first pub Ucatloa of tbU notice. , . ' . By order ef the Cooncll. m . '.. ' .- . -i TMOft. ft PEVLIM, ... .-. . J Auditor ef tb City of PertUnd. April , 1904. . ..,r. ...,;'..;'. . PE0P0BEO Itfll nnmiTiriiiT. ' Notice Is hereby girea that at the nreeting ef tb Council of th Cly of PortUnd, Or., neld ea the 17th day of March, 1U04, tb following reaotariosj wa adopted r rr. Reeolred, Tbat tne Coandl ef tb City ef PortUnd. Oregon, deema It expedient and pro poae to construct 'a newer in Fremont atreet from the east lln of Inloe sreuue to a con nection wltb tha aewer la C 1st lsnd arenne at Fremont atreet. Bald eewer to be eonetracled ef dtrified eewer pipe with all accessary oatch- casins, msnnoies, lampnoiee ana or-mcnea, sua to be ef-the following dimensions: of eight inches clear Inside dUmeler from t tb east line of Union arenne to a point In Fremont etreet at Mallory areuuej thence of 10 Inches Clear lnsiae diameter ta a connection mm tne sewer la ClereUad arenue at Fremont atreet Bald aewer to be constructed la accordance with tha charter and ordinances of the City ef Portlaad and the plana, specification .and eetlmatee of tbe City Engineer filed lu tbe office of the Auditor of the City of PortUnd on the 14th day ef March, 1804, Indoraed i "City Engineer' plana and epeelftcstlon for ewer la Fremont atreet from tbe eaat line of L'aloa arcane to tbe aewer at CUreUnd areaue. aad the estimates of the work to be don aad toe prdvabU total cost thereof." ' Tbe cost of ssld aewer to b aaaeeaed aa prodded by the cltr charter upon tb prop erty epecially benefited thereby and which le hereby declared to be all tbe Iota, part of lot and prcU of land oa tb aortb aide of aald Fremoat atraet lying between as north Hue ef Fremont street and Un 100 feet north of and parallel therewith and between a Une 100 feet esst of snd parallel with tba esst llae ef ClersUad areaue aad a Una 60 feet east ef and parallel with tbe eaat llae ef Union arenu. and ea th south side of auld street sll tha Ufa. part of lots and parceU of land lying between tbe eouth Un of Pre Bxmt atreet - and - a Ho - 10O-feet - eeatb of and- parallel -therewith, and between the weet line of lot 8, A 1Mb Homestead addition, and a line BO feet et of and parallel with tha eaat Une ef Vnlon areaae. ' . The Enetneer' estimate ef the Probable totel cost for the eenatractloa ef aewer- lb ssld Fremont street ta 1838.00.. The pUns. spedflcstton snd estimate ef the City Engineer for the eonstractlon ef a ewer la said Fremont street are hereby adopted. - - - ' Kesoieeo, unst tn . aooitor ex tne liij ox PortUnd be and he Is hereby directed to gire notice of the repoeed eo Detraction of told ewer aa prodded by tbe city charter. Rr mo na trance agalnat the abor sewer may be filed la writing with the undersigned wtthia 20 days rroca tn oaw ot tne nrst puuucauom ei tela notiee. .. . . Bg aa tb CounelL -x..... ..-.. . - THOB. 0. DEVLIN. Aadltor ef the City ef Portland. April . 1804. peoposed fironrji nr xeebt txxzt. Notice U hereby girea thst st ths meeting of the Council ef the City of PortUnd, Or., held oa the -Ilia day of March, -1804,- th followtog spsnlntlon wss adopted Beeolred, ' That the Coandl of the City ef PortUnd, .-Oregon, deem It -expedient snd pro poses to construct s sewer In Kerby atreet from tbe sonth line 'of Preecott street to the sewer la Kerby street at Mason street. Bald aewer to be constructed ef rltrlfled aewer pipe wltb all necessary catch -basins, manhole, lamp boles snd branches, and to be of tbe following dimension: of 12 Incbe clear Inside diameter from the eooth Une of Preecott street - to i nolnt In Kerby atreet t Hkldmor atreet thence of 14 Incbe clear Inalde diameter to a. connection with ths eewer la Mason street at Kerby street. Held sewer to be constructed la accordance with the charter sad ordlaance of tb City of Portland and the nUns. SDedflcstlons and estimate of th City Engineer filed In tb office of the Andltor or toe city ex i-oruana oa the 14th day of March, 1904. Indorsed: city -Engineer's plana ana specincsnons ror tbs sewer In Kerby street rrorn tne soata line of Preecott atreet to th tower In Kerby tract st Mssoa street, and tbe estimate of tbe work to be done ana tne probable total cost thereof." - -' Th coat of sld sewer to be aaaeeaed aa prorided by tb dty charter, upoa the pro erty epeeUUy benefited thereby and which to hereby decUred to be all the lots, parte of lots snd parcels of Und lying betweea a llae 100 feet west of snd parallel with tbe weat line ef Kerb street and a Una loo feet east pf and parallel wltb tba east line of Kerby atreet' and betweea tbe south Hne of Preecott atreet and tbe aortb Une of Maaoa Street The Engineer's eatimste of tbe probable total cost for tb construction ef a sswsr la aald Kerby street is S840.00. L Th -nlana. eneclncation and estimates of the City Engineer for tbe eonatrnctlon of a ewer in aald Kerby street are hereby sdopted. - Beeolred,: That tne Auditor nr xne tity or Portlaad be and be Is hereby directed to giro notice of the proposed - eons true tlon of said sewer ss prodded by tbe dty charter. Remonstrance asainst the abrrs sewer may he filed In writing with tbe undersigned within 20" days from tha date of tbe first publication of this notice. ' By order or th council . THOB. C. DEVLIN. -- : Auditor of the City of PortUad. April . 1804, -r PEOPOfiEtt BZWIB XV BOETHWICX iTEEET ' Notice ts hereby dren that at th meeting ef the Conncll of the City of PortUnd, Or., held on the 17th day of March, 1804, tbe following resolution wss saoptea: . . . . . n ii - a . . Jieeoirsa, IDil we unbcii oi iu- viij oi PortUnd, Oregon, deems It expedient and proposes to "constrnct a aewer in Bortfiwica street from ths center line of Humtoldt street to the eewer In Prescott street of dtrified sewer pipe with all necessary catcn-ussins, manholes, lsmpholes and branches, snd to be ef the following dimensions: of 10. Inches clear Inside diameter from th center Une of Humboldt etreet to a point In Barthwtek etreet st BUndena street; thence ef 12 Inches clear Inside diameter to the sewer in Prescott street at Borthwlck ( atreet Paid sewer to be constructed In s coords nee with tbe cbsrter snd ordinances of the City ef PortUnd end tbe plans, spedflcatlons -. and estimate ef the Cltr Bndneer- filed in the. office of tbe Andltor of tbe City of PortUnd en the 13th day or March, luo. Indorsed: "Cltr ICnirineer's nUns snd SDedflcstlons for a sewer In' Borthwlcte dreet from tb center line of Humboldt atreet to the aewer to Preecott street nd the estimates of th work, to be Oorte ana tn pronanie total coat inereoi.--The coat of said sewer to be sssessed aa prodded by tbe city charter upon the property specially benefited .thereby and which ia hereby decUred to be sll the lots, parte ef. Iota ard na recta of Und ldna between a llae. 100 fee" weat of aad parallel with the west Una ef Bnrthwlck street snd a Hoe 100 feet east of sud parallel with the esst Hne of Borthwlck street and between line 100 feet north of and narallel with the north line of Prescott street and a line 60 feet north of snd parallel witn ta aorta line nt.giamooint street. . The Knalneer's estimate of the Brobahle totel coat for tbe tcnstruetlon of a sewer In said Borthwlck- treet la (W8.00. -! v ' -The pUaa. spedfleatlons and estimate ef the fitr Ena-lneer for tbe eonstrnctton of a eewer In ald Borthwlck street ere hereby adopted. Beeolred, That the Auditor or tne City or Portland be and he ta hereby directed to aire aotlee ef tbe proposed construction of said sewer s prorided by th city charter. Remonstrance against the abor eewer may be filed In writing with tbe anderalgned wltbln 20 daya from the data pf the first publication ef tbla notice. . , By erdee ef' tbe Conndl. . '";'! ;:: , f , - " ' THOS. C. DEVMN. V Auditor of tha Oty at PortUnd.- April f, 1904. M0P0BID rMPEOTlattirT ' Or . POUETK Notice, ta .hereby glren tht at th meeting Of th Council of in City of PortUnd. Ore gon, held on tlw 17U day of March. 1804, the following resolution wss adopted: . ' luxill Ik.t the (louofll of tb CltT f PortUnd. Oregon, deems It expedient and pro- poae to Imprur FourU Street, irom in ouin llia mt i.,ndi. atraet to th South Un Of Ullaan Atreet, by tomodng tb woodea blocke wbercrer worn out ana aecayea ana "v"" same with Wood blocks bid on ssnd cushion la accordance with tbe t;ity-Engineer' pUna, aLclnatL.M and estimate. - Bald . Improrement to be made ia aeeordanee lib tbe charter and ordiaaace ef to aty of Portland end the plan. specinetioiia oa es timate of the City Engineer filed In the offlo f th Aadltor of the City ef PortUad ey the 16th dar of March. 1UO. Indorsed! "City Enaineer'a pUn and ipeciAcatlona for tba improrement- ef Foorth atreet- from th aoutb Hiu rit Iturnalda street n tba BOUtb Une Of tillaan street, sed the- estlmstee of tbs weor n k. A,. m.,A h M-klhl. 1 MMlt XheTSOg. The enat of eald Tmorarement to b asssssed as prodded by tb city charter upoa tbe prop erty specially benefited thereby, and which ta aeeeoy-eeiara-to oe aur-tna--swj psw--w li U and parceU of lead lying, between a Hne 100 feet weat of and parallel with tha weat lln f Fourth street, and a lln 100 feet eaet r.f and. n-r-.ll. I with tka seat I1BB OI SOOTta street, and betweea the aorta Hne ef Bumside street- end the sooth line of Olleaa etreet and aleo - tbe - northeast M ef block , - aao tst aortbweat K. of block 0, la Coach's Addi tion mm, imm fMt? mt VnmilmnA. - Tb Engineer's estlmsU ef tbe probabU to is i float eg improriug aaia wu ""r U S30. The nbor Imprcrenveat ahsll be eUeeed ss wooden block Improrement, and shall he maintained Kr tha cltr for Period of four years) prodded, that the owners ef a- jonty or toe property peaenua oy saiw.un proremeat or any portion thereof, wall not Ctltloa for a new or different lmprtrrasjit fore the ezptratloa ef eoen period. . , Th nun, specifics tks aad eati ma tea of the City Engineer for tb - lmprormnt ef ild Foorth street ars hereby adoptea. Basnlnd Thif tha An1 1 tne ef th Clt Of PortUad be aud he ta hereby directed to gire aotlee f tha propoeed improrement ex . aaia atreet aa prodded by the elty charter. - ' Remonstrsnce against tbe spore Improrement may be filed la writing wltb tbe anderalgned within B9 dare from the date ef the first puh Ucstloa of this notice. : ' fly order ef lb Council. 'ZI'IJ' .T' TUOg. 0. DEVLIN. Aadltor ef the City of PortUnd. AprtT I, 1804. - - ' PE0POIED ntPEOYEMIHT or piee .". (TEEET, 1 Notice U kerehr dren that at tha Bteettnt of the Coandl of the City of PortUad, Ore gon, held en the nth day oi Msrca, taua, xoe following resolution wss sdopted: ' Beeolred, Thst ths CobbcII of the Oty ef Portland, thregon, deems It expedient snd pro poses to Impsore Pine Street from th west line ef Front etreet to tbe esst Une ef Sixth street. In tbe following manner, to wit:- . First By ' grading tne street run wiuia wita run ltiteranettnna ta tha neoner arade. ex cent tbe Intersection 6f First Street, Second Street, Third atreet. Fourth atreet tbst portloa of Pine street betweea tbd wewt Une ot Second treet and tbe east Une ef Third street . Hecond--Br paring the roadway full width with full Intersection wtta rltrlfled brick, with sand cushion ou a coaerete founds tlon, all incbee in thickness. In accordance with tb City Engineer's plsaa, specifications and eoti-matea.- ' v Third By remodng the asphslt on Pine street between the weat line of Second street snd tbe esst line of Third street and by re pairing the concrete foundatloa and paring with dtrified brick oa a send cushion, and coaatrnctlng artlneUI stoma eurba ia accord ance with the City Engineers pUns, specifica tions and estimate. Pnnrth By paring tb p occupied - by the PortUnd Railway Cempauy aa a right of wsy. at Fifth atreet betwea tbe ralU sad between tbe track, with ritnfied brick psre ment oa a concrete fonndattoa, and by repUc lng tba ralU now la use rrith groored rIU not tern than aerea- Inrbea In depth In accord ance, with the City Engineer' plana, spectflca tione sad eetlmatee. ' Sdd lmproreroeut to be made In accordance with the-eharter aad ordltewce ef the City of PortUnd and - tb pUn. apeclflca tlons and esMaiatea of th City Engineer, filed in th office af tb Aadltor ef tb City ot PortUnd on th 8th day of February, 1804, Indoraed: "City Eaglneer' pUn - and specification for the Improrement of Pine street from the weet line ef Front etreet to the esst Une of Sixth street nd tb estimates of tb work to be done aad tbe probabU total cost thereof," Th coat of said lmproremeBt to be as sessed aa prorided by the city cbsrter npon tbe property specie Uy be net) ted thereby, aad which la hereby decUred to be all the lot, parte of tote and pares Is e lead lylag be tweea a llae 100 feet north of and parallel with tbw-riortb line' of Plne'atreet and a Un 100 feet Booth of aad parallel with tb eouth line ef Pine street and between tb west lln of Front atreet and tbe eaat Une of : Foarta atreet and alee lots 1. 2. 7. 8. block. 00: lots 1 2, 7. B, block m: lots S. a. 6 and aU tbat portion of lot lying eourn of a Une equi distant between tbe north line of Pine street snd the eooth Une of Ankeny street, block 67. and all that part of block M lying sonth ef a Une eqei-oistanr betweea the . aorta una or Pine street and the sooth line ef Ankeny street sll M tne city or rortiana. Enelneer s estimate of , tba probable total Coat of the lmproremeBt of said Pine atreet ta BiO.ZIO. . ' The a bore Imnrorement shall be cUssed ss a dtrified brick Imnrorement on s concrete foundation, and shall be maintained by the city for a period of elgbt year: nrorided. tbat tbe owners of a majority of tbe property benefited by ssld Imnrorement or aay portion thereof, shall not petition for a new or differ ent Imnrorament before the expiration of such neruM. Tbe pUn. ' sped flea Hons and estimates of the dty Bnglneer for tbe improrement of aald tine .street are aereny a nop tea. Reeolred. Tbst the Auditor ef the City ef Portland be and ha ia hereby directed to gire notice ef tbe proposed Improrement of ssld street as prodded by the elty charter: Bemonstrane agalnat tbe snore improrement may be filed la writing with the anderalgned within 20 dare from tbe date Of the first pub Ursttos of this notice.- . - - By order of tba Coandl. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Aadltor of the City of Portland, April f. 1804. . , PE0P08ED DfPEOVEXENT OP ZAST t TinELPTH fTEEIT. ' Notice ta hereby giren that at th meeting ef the Council of the City of PortUnd. Ore gon, held oa the 17th day or March, 1804, the following resolution was adopted:- .. Beeolred. That tb Cooncll or tne City et PortUnd. Oregon, deema It expedient aad pro pose to Improre Esst Twslftb street from tbs south line of Meltnomah street to tba south line of Tillamook street aa follow i First By constructing artificial ston side walk n accordance with the City Engineer's plans, spedflcatlons and estimate. Second Br constructing art I (id at - atone curbs in accordance with tha City , Engineer's plans, specuication and eaoaawe. Third By constructing stone cross-Walks tn accordance with the City Engineer' pUne, specifications snd estimstea, . fata improrement to oe maae in aceoraaaee with tbe cbsrter and ordinancea of tbe City of Portland ana tne pisns. speeineationav ana es tlmstee of the City Engineer, filed In .the office of the Aadltor of the City ef PortUnd on the 12tb day of March. 1804,- Indorsed: "City Ungtneer'a plane and sped ftcat lona for the Im prorement or ruiat xwemn street rrom tne oath Une of Multnomah street to the south Une of Tillamook street and tbe estimates ot tbe work to be done aad the ProbabU total coat thereof." Tbe cost of aald Improrement to be sssessed a prodded by the dty charter apon tb property specially beaefitwd thereby, aad which la hereby declared to he all the lot, parte of lota and parceU of Und tying between a lln 100 feet west of and paralUl with tbe weet line or r-tat Tweittn street sna a line too feet esst of and parallel with tb east lln of Eaat Twelfth atruei and between a line 100 feci! aouth, of and psrsllel with the sonth Un of Multnomah etreet aad tbe eouth Una of Till monk Itreet. ' The Knrlneer s estimate or tbe probable total cost of Improring sold East Twelfth free jh) 14,600.00. . , . :i e - Tb elans, soectnea tions ana etimst ot the-City Engineer for the Improrement ef told East Twelfth street are hereby adopted. Reeolred. that the Auditor or tbe dty or PortUad b) -and be ta hereby directed to gire aotlee- of the propoeed improrement of add street ae ' prodded by the city cbsrter.. Kemonstrance against the. snore improrement may be filed In writing with the aadersigned within 20 ders from tha date af tba first nub Ucatlon of this notice. i , By order ef tbe Council. I THUS. C DEVLIN. Aadltor pf the City of PortUnd. April t, i804.--. PX0P08ED BXWZ& XV WTXUAMS ATEMTTE. Notice-ta hereby glren thst st -tbe meeting of the Coandl of the (ity of PortUnd, Or., held oa tbe 17tb day et March, 1804, tbe follow tug resolution wa adopted: v r .1 ' ' .Reeolred. that th Council of the aty ef Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient aad pro poaee to enastract a aewer la WlUlsms arena from J 00 feet aoatb of the eoatb Une ef ' Al berta etreet to a connection with the sewer In rtsnvint street at Kerhy streets- Beld ewer to be eonstracted of dtrified jewefplre with all necessary ' eatch-baaln. . tuanhole. Umpbolea aad branchea, aM to be ef tb fol lowing dimensions: of 10 Inches deer Inalde dlametn from a point 100 feet aouth of th oath Une ef Alberta street- to a -pdnt la Oolng atreet; thence ef 12 Inches clear Inalde diameter to a point in. Williams areaae at Maaoa street and thence "of 14 Incbee dear inalde dUmeter to a peiat la WlUiama are sue at Fsllinj street, and thence of 16 Inches clear Inalde diameter to connection with tb Swr la Fremont street at .. WlUlsms arenue. , - - : - ... 1 - Bald sewer to be' Constructed In accordance wltb tb charter and ordinances ot the City '. PortUnd and tbe pUns, specification and eatimste , of the City Engineer filed In tbs office of tbe Aodltor of tbe City ef PortUad e the 14th day el March, 1U04. Indorsed : "City Engineer's plsaa aad specifications for a tower In William arenu from 100 fact sooth ef tbe sooth line of Alberta atreet to tne eewor la Fremont atreet, aud tba estimate ef , the work to be don and tbe probabU totel eust thereof," - - Tbe eot ot said sewer to he assessed pro dded by tbe city eberter npon the property spclsliy benefited thereby and which. ta hereby declared to be all th lots, parte of lots and parceU f land lying between a Une 100 feet east ef and paralUl with tb east Un of WlllUra arenue and a Une 100 feet weet ef and partltel wltb the west line of Williams arenas, and between a Une 100 feet north ef sud psrsllel with th-north lln ef Fremont treet tad tb south II do of Alberta atreet. The Engineer' eatimste of the probable total ot for tb construction ef a aewar tn ssld Williams arenue U 4.478.00. The plans, apeclflcation sad estimates af -tha City- Keglneer tortlte'-enetraetlee-- eewer la ld William arena are hereby adopted. Beeolred. That tbe Aadltor ef the City of PortUnd he sad he Is hereby directed to gire notice ef th propoeed coastrecttna ef ssld sewer ss prorided by the City Charter. '' . Remonstrance agalnat tb abor aewer may be died la writing - with - tbe - anderslgned wltbln 20 days from tbe date of the first publl eat loo of thU aotlee. - . By order of the Coanetl. "' r " ' '. THOg. C. DBTLIN, '. Auditor ef tb aty f PortUad.. April , JUU4, . PEOf OBJCD IEWIE IV XXEBT ITEIET. v Notice la hereby girea that at th meeting If tbe Council of ths City ef PortUnd, Or.,' held en tb ITU day of Msrcb, too, tn following resolution wss sdopted: BMolred, That th Council of tb dty ef PortUad, Oregon, deem It expedient and pro pose to construct a sew In Kerby street from th crater line ef Humboldt street to tbe sewer In Kerby Street at Prescott street Bald tow to b constructed of dtrified aewer pipe with.- aU asaaessry esteh-bsslus, manbolea, Umpboles snd breach re. aad to be ef tbe following di menslons : ef 10 inches clear Inalde dts meter from the center Une. of Humboldt atreet to a nolnt In Kerby street at BUndena atreet: thence ef 12 Inches dear Inside dls meter to a connection with the aewer In Kerby street - at Preecott street Said sewer to be constructed In accordance with the Cbsrter and ordinances of tha city of PortUnd and th plan, spec! float lose and estl mstee ef tbe City Engineer filed in the office of tbe Aodltor ef tba City ef PortUnd en the 14th day ot March. 1004. Indorsed i. "City Knglneer'S pUna aad specifications for sewer In Kerby street front tbe center Une of liom boldt street to tbe sewer in Prescott street and tbe estimates ef tbe work. to be done aad the probabU totel cost thereof." Tho coat of ssld sewer to be assessed aa pro Tided br the city charter npon the property spedslly benefited thereby and which la hereby See la red to be ail the lota, para ox rots sna psrcels ef Und on the west side of ssld street lying between tha weat lln of Kerby atreet and Un 100 feat wesbef and parallel there with, and betweea a line CO feet north ef and parallel wltb tb north line ef Preecott ftreet And a lln 60 feet north ef and paralUl with th aortb Hoe ef Humboldt street, and ea th eaat aide of aald a tree ( all tb tote, parte ot lota and parceU of Und lying beteree a line 100 feet eaat of and psrsllel with ths esst line ef Kerby street snd tbe esst line ot Kerby atraet 'and betweea tbe north line ef Prescott street aad B line 0 feet north of and parallel with the aortb Une ef Humboldt street - . . . Tbe Engineer' eatlmata or ta pronaDie total cost' for tbe construction ef a aewer la ssld Kerby street Is fI.12P.0O. , , . , ' Tha nls ns anerl deaf lona and estlmstee of tbe City Bnglneeer for the eonstractlon ef sewer In add Kerby atreet are hereby adopted Beeolred. Tbst the Aadltor or tae uty or Portland be aad he ta hereby directed to aire notice ef tbe - propoeed eon traction of aald ewer as prorldsd by the dty cbsrter. Remonstrance egstnst the a bore sewer may be filed re writing -with the aadoeslgasd with In -20 days from tb date of the first pub lics Uoa of this Botlce, -. . By oraer or tee tjonncn. , THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor: of tbe City of Portland. April 8. 1804. ' kAXLEOAO TIMETABLES. Train. Dally t. - FAST TIME TO ft PO KANE, 8T. PATJI DTJLTJTH MINNEAPOL.I8, CHICAGO AUD JLLXi POINT0 JEAJSXU, Darllght trip through tba ' Cascade snd Rocky mountalna. For full partlo ulars, rates, folders, atc-i can or ad drags . ' K. SXOXIOaT, Cltr TlOkft AM 18B Third Street, ortUd, Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co, LeaTea. ONION DEPOT. Anrlres, ' Por Maygers. Rainier, CUtskanie, Weetport Clifton, Aetoda, War renton. Flare 1. Hsm nmnd. Port Store ns, Oearbart Park. Seaaide. Astoria "and Seashore. Express dally. AatorU Expra- ' Dally. Daily. 11:10 a. R:00 a. m. Dsily. TrAd a. ta. Dally..' MOM 1. C MA TO, u, a. arm- r. J., annra, ur, . . C. A. STEWART. Commercial Agent, 248 Alder st Phone Mala VuO. , v , v The Only , Double-Track Railway betweea the Missouri River The Chicago-Portland Special, the most luxurious train in the world. Drawing-room' sleeping cars, dining car, buffet smoking and library car (barber and bath), Less thaa three days Portland to Chicago. ThroughTrains to Chicago are operated dailyda tbe gregoo K. R- A. Nar. Co. U. P. R. R. and bicago St Narth-Western Ry. ta Chicago from Portland and points In Oregon and Eadera Wsxhington. . - , .. . Dally excursion In Pollmsn tourist :. ? sleeping cars from Portland through, . r - to Chicago without change.-.' ,s--,-k. B. KITCHIB. ;'! '''AS- BABKBB.-1 Cssi Act. Psc. Ceasti - Ceaetal Ageaav . -.-,. CANW.Rr. . . C. at N.-W. ky. ir Merasi ttreet, . ra Third Stieet, - BAM PBAHCiaCO, CAX. . PQBTUUID, 0B. -41 lav M,l, .PtUTtS' and tl mMgo ' ""iiir hi EAST SOUTH i'V..? lUT"i I J LeaTea. UNION DEPOT. ArrrTv. OVERLAND BXPBESS trains, for fiaUss. Knee burg, i Aahlsnd. Sacra meat. Oadea. han Fraa- f' ' l it- r-rrW fi:p.SS. Tidla-ai. Cisco, Molar. Los Aa-I gels. El Peso, New Or- V? : lean ana tna psv At Wood bum dally I except aunoayi. mare lng . train for lit. An 70 p. at gel Sllrerton, Brnwp-1 rill. Bprlnanaia. Wsnd- iiag-aa -ata; -Albany pangr. eon 4:00 p. . Mild, at Beets at woodbora with Mt Angel and Sllrar-j toa aMaL' ' ( - 7:88 a.m. 114 SO p. to. vorraiue peeesugsr.. ;t:2B a. m Sheridan paaseagar . . . . ( M p. IB. .Daily; IIDalTy, exeapt Sunday. - :f: f: lls-Osateg uVurtoa oWdee aad taaxAQl --T- XWdataa, , ....... J ' tCS mM - - - SMi.. t . ... . mvyyjm ,w, wm iwwipib m . - Lear Portland daily for Oswegd 7:80 a. B. 12:60, S:08, :2, 6:20, , 8: If", 10:1 p. m. tUlly excet Sunday), 6:80, f tfill, 8 1, 10:25 a. n. :uu, ll&i p. av. Boaoay eniy, :uo a. m. - Returning from Oewege. arrlr PortUnd dally t:S0 a. m. 1.6ft. SKA. 4:35. 8:16, 7:36. 8 oS. 11.-10 p. ns. Polly fescep nondayi r:zn 640. 10:20. 11:46 a. m. Except ateaday, 12:26 p. m. Buadsy ealy, 10:00 a. m. Imm Smm mm ma aeMS a risltaa anft ante mediate pdnta dally (except Sunday 4:00 p. ax. Arrlre PortUnd 10:20 a. m. The Indepeadence-Monmoatb Motnf , nn operate dally to Monmouth nad- AlrlUv aectlng with Souther pscla oompaay' trka at Pallaa aad IsdepBdBc. rirst-eUsa far from Portland to Sacrarpeat -Sad Haa rranctaro 620, berth 68, aecoad-cUaa fare 616. second-rises berth 2.60. - ; ; -- Tickets to Kaatera- noiate and Em-ODO. ahuy JTapsn, China, - Honolala and AaatralU. -City Tlckvt Office earner Third gad rTaaalBf- mmm -ls- Mm, Vtela Tt4 C. W. BTINOER, t - W. COMAN, City Ticket Agent Oea..Pass. Agent 0REC0H Siipiijiira i",v;', . '.'.:,.' ; '; ! t -;'.'' f fat aeaai Hf tff rwjgb and umurt tviviriiA 3 TRAINS to the EAST HVILY .Through Pnllmaa rtandsrd aad totnist sleep ing care daily to Omaha. Chicago, Seokeeei tnudat aUeplng car dally to Kanaae City; through Pallmaa tourlat cleeplng eara I perse rv slly conducted) weekly to Chicago. Reclining chair car (mil free) to the Eaat dally. UNION DEPOT. Lea re. CHICAGO-PORTLAND 8:TB a. BV. 6:28 p. to. Daily. ,. SOB- sow mmm via m w m -. , lngton. , , . . SP0KANB PLTEB. for Eaatern Waabing toa, Walla WaUa. Lew Uton, Ceeor d'AUne and Great Northera 7:45 p. m. ,S:0rs- ax... uauj f Dally. point. ATLANTIO EXPRESS. -isp. m, Dally.- 8:08 a. ax. Per the Eaet da Hunt Dally. ing too. OCXAJf AITO BTTIB SCHEDTJXE. TOR BAN PBAKPTBCO: rroea Alsska Doch. 8:00 p. as. :08 f. aa. 0. B. Geo. W. Elder- April 6. 18. Bf, B. 8. Oregoa - . t April 1, 11, XI. " Odombia Birer DirlaloB. r PtTR ASTORIA ind way points, eoBnectlng with atmr: for Ilwsco snd North beach, str. Baa aalo. Aah-st. dock.' I About Dally. ex. Sanday Satnrday - -10:00 p. to. 6:00 p. at. eg. Boaday, hill Sireg Seat. P0B DATT0H1 Oregon! City and Yamhln Rirer point, atra. Elmore aad DATT0H1 ( aad Yamhln TKWt. n Daily, except ' 6:90 a, St. Dally. v except Soaday. ; Mono. Asa-ec ooca. UuBday. (Water permitting. he Blrer Beute,' POb lEWISTONi -Ida. (1:4" . to, Ddly. -ex. Bat. About '. 6:08 a. nt. Deny, ex. Priday. and 'way point I from Blnarla. wash-, i r Spokane and Uton. ,-. , -. TICKEI OPTICK. trd and Waahlogtoo. Tele- MAia. 11. t PORTUND & SIAT!C;l STEAAISHIP CX)MPANY ; " Pc'Tooliama and Hong Kong, catling at Kobe, Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight da connecting steamers for Manila. Port Arthur and VUdlroatok. - : - Par rates and fall information can ea e ad dress offlidsla or aganteiof tbs O. B. A W. Co, ' TIME CARD or TRAINS PORTLAND t rrwinN nsTPOT. Departs. f:W a. av Arrl' Paget Sound Limited. ttm Tim-il - Seattle. 8:80 p. fit. Olympls. ' Boath Band and Gray's Harbor points. . North - Coast Inintteo. tnr Tacoma. Seattle, t:0p. m. T0a.s Butte, St. Paul. Mln neapolla, Chicago, New XorK, aoston ssu pviuw East and Soatheast, Twta-Oty Exprssa. for Tseoats, Seattle, Spo kane. Helena. St. Panl. 11-48 p. av. Minneapolis, Chicago. New Tork. Bnatoa snd sll points Bast - aad Soatheast,". - Paget sonna - nansss CttJ-t. Louis , Special, for Tacoma. i Seattle. Spehanet Butte, BllllBg. Denrer, Omaha, Kanaa City. fit. loul and. all point East and South-! 8,80 a. av TtMa-m. east. '...'' - 1 All traia . daily except ea South Bead branch. '. . . w A. D. CHABLT0I. Aaatatsnt General Passenger Agent . 225 Morrison St., cor. Third, PortUnd, Orvr ALL TRAINS VIA'VVAJSMLNGT0N mm irtn w- tb pnon r S'aV -a,;, (Via' fiiai 'i'i'V'ii' ,1 r.ii an''.s s ' i..'1 " ''i""''.1 ' ('. liAXTmORJ 4V OHIO fL R-v' fe j fWf ftp v yu (l, ; t