The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 10, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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201? SPOflTS
Coif Toamey,
i'f'? b Over
Portland Loses Another Game to Oak-land-Hi8tory
of Crack High Jumper-;
Amateur Baseball--: Notes of the Track
Roderick Macleay Wins ! Men's Cham
plonship at the Links Coming Dog
Show to Be a Big Event Other Sports
Edited by
4 "i,
C0;ilft0 DOG SHOW
:,wca tiooax
cAirarxa . wi.- ma mwrantw
m xxxxur to atXXO XX TIUS CITT,
front many states will crowd the great
exposition building during tha four days
of tha ahow soon to taka place. ;
" woo Work AooompMshad.
Since thelncorporation of the' Port-
land Kennel club treat work has been
don in educating tha public in tha mat
tar of closer and better knowledge of
man's boat and trueat friend In tha ani
mal world, ; The improvement and beau
tifying of tha oumeroua breed has bean
greatly enhanced locally and tha annual
dog show baa gradually become, the
leading social event of tha year. A visit
to the do show la Instructive and ele
vating to old and young, a ciose study
af tha wonderful development or tha vs..
rtoue breeds Is most Interesting, to any
admirer of God s ereatures..
V" -v ., What th Poet, Says.- I
We profoundly a tree with tha poet
whan be says:
Are you going to tha V? If you
lack a soul you win atay away, far they
will not associate wit im. If roa
hare half a solo yo , wflt ga.i If yon I Tha poor do In Ufa tha flrmee friend
- have soul, you must wa. U row Mvt i xue nrai o welcome, lonmon iw oe-
.two soles rou cant keen away. - And If I fend'!"" 4 "
vou hare a whole soul ro will be Ja I Yet he unnoticed falls unhonored all
attendance at tha . aDoroachlnx bench! : his worth, i
how most of tha time. - I Denied In heaven tha soul ha held on
Great Interest la belna- avlnCad la the I earth.: t
comlnf event throughout tha Pacific Whilst man. vain Insect hopes to be for-
atatea and British Columbia aa well asL v-'v given'
In many parts of tha east. The local TAnd claims himself a sola exclusive
canine atock has been : so ... much Im-1 , . heaven.
proved f recent years by tha lntroduc-1 Oh! man thou feeble tenant of an hour.
" ' " "i i Depraved ay ; . aiavarr or corrupt py
. . t power, - ' -
Bv nature vile, ennobled but by name.
Each kindred brute might bid tha bluah
.. a ; f or, shame,"
f 11 1 1 " 1 1 1 1
t . i
.3. '
: Paaaatla la a hlrh 1umrr that threat
ens to supplant Heatherbloom, aa the
world's high. Jumping horse. . Already
Peganus .has - made a record of seven
feet ; two Inches, which la within one
Inch of the present world's record held
by Heatherbloom. Pegasus Is now: In
active "-tratnhig -for-a -record -attempt,
which will-be made soma day during
the week at- lladlaon Square, garden,
New Tork City, where he Is the sur
Juniper of the Barnum A Bailey show.
Rverv 4tv Peeaaus lumpa cioao to
seven feet 4 the easy manner Jij which
km rlolra the bar at that height Shows
PIKEIB ,;'VVf, S lhim to be a ohenomenal Jumper and
jfTea ji.reea- rina i-omerantan. That will 1 one that la capable oi improving-wun
: Be iEnterea at the Portland Sench good training. '.. 1 ,
' , - Show. SMvv ::' J.i -.-ar - Like many -great .horses Oh ihe'turf.
1 7? : ' ' 1 , v " 1 " Pegasus ; has an Interesting story at-
tlon of so much renowned blood that tached to hi rise; Until recently he
yearly increasing interest Is shown In waa driven as a road horse by a farmer
. the anual Portland -shew by outside lu,t ouUlde of Philadelphia, But Pega
the annual . Portland ahow by outside ,w WM too strenuous In his actions
aplmals , from dlaUnt parts Increased for the-farmer. At- every opportunity
year by year. Local owners, however, he would bolt away and try to lear
are confident that they can hold fair avery obstacle W sight Even the trol
'share of the numerous trophies no mat- iey yrir did not seem too high for the
ter what comes along There are signs, mbUous Jumper once he made up, his
. however, that the tiuallty ol the exhibit itnJ .-totU--. i :
will be a long way ahead of former After clearing the" ' harness several ;
years and that It will be numerically times the Jarmef 'decided to dispose of
much greater. Word continues to float the erratle animal, and he waa sold to ;
Jn from various etates of individual Mr. Bailey - for $7f. He tr now worth;
challenges amongst outalde fanciers as close to tS,800, and' K. Is doubtful JJ,thts
,to the probable results of Mr.' Mortl- .mount could buy him. '.
mora awards amongst their peta. rmca in the- hands. of -experienced
Whea BoeteVa tolaagrea. , horsemen; Pegaafis Improved wonderful
The best of Judges, ho wevef, wlll of. If- He proved rnatural- Jumper and
ten disagree on some' esaentUI points less than Ave months training he
and the numerous surprisea up north came within an. Inch -of 4h cacprd at a
my a mure. man duplicated -here.! Puo',0- P"r - . ..
There are' many dogs oh the coast of va.t where number of representative Borae-
rlous breeds that would be hard to beat I men- watched tha performance, at nas
. .... 1 A t w t W.I 1 s)het 0aaaalalaal
anj-wnere out mere are many others aol r. jhiw . T L .1 "
close to them that It la sot surprising! eW .break7"e record held by Heather
that different Judges may reverse for- bloom, and an effort will be made to ea
rner oeciBioas: a very common nUUki rnP"'"n,Tr" J"I1
oy me lay rancier who Is .not thoroughly s"us is rjaoen py
a - j a. . wi. a..a w I m ab swaps 1 mah rng -' , ,.,
,w iiustea is io. oe carried-away with the naa jianui " J-""" .
" )de tnat wth the perfect bead 7 ' : II"-' a tmiwtn
' - is the one that should win; Borne of ; - AT; -THF I INK '
those who offloiate.Jn the ring are even 1 . 1 lib v LIHIVu "
".. -ireoted by similar sentiments., entirely ' .: ,
overlooking many other perfect points ... L ' , . .
in tne makeup of an animal to the ad- jack MoffaV the well known , golf ln-
'aithmVh h.... JUTS 1 stroeter-aVtheWaverly golf club, wm
' 'ou, otherwUe very far from rep-l. on Mav 4 for Duluth. where he
'S'7J.naarA instruct player, at the Northland
" .Th.T-h .,.""'.' :uic' Oolf -duW.- At the end of - tern, montna
" ties of a Mrfaef n.iii7 v. - Mr. Moffat' wUt return to Portland, as
"4:ln.teluent .h?,4 a nrofessional gou player Mr. Moffat
V . ;
... - i
"j. ' i
V, f i
.1 ".5
.! !
0 -,L ( 1 '
f.y "'
f, t..
rtraas to coxa TaozzjcAjra
' WOBX ;:'WA HOT i SO , OQO , AB
')'... fJonraal hwhl RnrM.t :' '"
Baa Franclsoo, .April f. Peter Lion
man annexed another game from Port
land today. , Peter's chances did not al
ways have a, rosy appearance, and for
three Innings-it -was an even break.
Then the veteran turned loose a bunch
of ginger and a new lot of glass yea
for , Ms cohorts. ; They 4 caught Thiol
man napping and In tha fourth Inning
he was found for four hits, which, with
bunch of errors, netted four. runs.
With one In the third. - Lohmaa had
enough to win. ' Portland came' through
with one in the third and another In the
fourth and a third in tha seventh. Caa
tro thought his men could get near the
wire at the flnlah and delay defeat, but
Portland scored but once - and It waa
all over. " '"'.i'.'-'', ''".' ' -
McCreedle and Drennan played great
ball '. tn the outer garden, the . former
having ave chances and the latter eight.
' The Browne seemed to have their bat
ting' eyea ' and pounded Bchmidt - hard.
but' the unfortunate fourth Inning
proved too much for them.
1 ne score . louowa: ; . .,
.77 . : - . , . : ... IB. B. M. Pft. A. R7
Drennan,. ft f. '..,,.. 4 ,. 0 1 1 I ; a
Nadeau. I t : 4 0 1 J f
Castro, i. a. ........ 4 I 1 .1 I ll
Beck , . 4 0 .110
rreeman,' lb.
......... -Art "i .1 t ks
;...... 4 o . i ! i o i
Francla. tb , i. . iii4 .1 1 l tTt f VO
McCreedle. r. 1 ...... 4 , i ,1 j.
Bteelraan. d. 4 Sit
P-;. ..., . 1 - J -1-
Totals v
Time of game One hour and II rain-
Utea. Umpire Levy, . ...,V ..
Btaadlnf of the Olabs.
v - i.i , '
Tacoma . I v. 'S :,n.,4 ,
T a l a a Y
... ..i...,
V .a('aafa)a.
v ' r ' TeeterdayB Besnlts ti'-;.i
Oakland, ' Portland, 4. ; '''....'"
, Loa Angeles, Seattle. I. '.:!''
San Francisco, 10; Tacomy'l. ; 1
.........14 4 ,1 24 It
' . ' C7. AB. R. H. PO. A. a
uaniey, r. r. ........
Francka, a. a. ,....t. 4
Kruger, X t . . . 4
Dunleavv. o. . a
Clancy, lb. ........... 4
8trelb.tb. I
uevereaux, ; in. . , . . . . , 2
10 0
0 -i . '
0 i i I
1 i U o
o: l
Prise trophies presented by tha Wav-
erly Golf 'club to the successful mem
bers y competing . In the tournament
which closed' yesterday. ' Reading from
left to rlght In the top row tha cups
were won aa follows: -A. A., Wright,
men's open championship;' Charlea . B.
Ladd, mixed foursomes; Roderick ,Ma
cleay, men's approaching, contest;, ladles'
approaching, Mrs. WB. Ayer.- In the
Lohman. c .v. ....... I' ' 1". 1 6.. 0
Schmidt,' p. . . . . i t . . v - J 10 V i
Tdtaja. v., ,..... io rrr? urn,
Portland i'. .i.i..O Oil 0 0 10 14
- . i i v rui uu . . ...... w v i v v i v
second row,, reading from feft to right. Oakland .: .... .r 0 1 4 0 0 0 0
are: MlssVC Flanders, ladles open Hlts , , 0 1 4 0 tl l'M
championship: Mlsa Griggs, mixed four
somes Roderick Macleay, men a . open
championship; Major Bethel." men's drrv
ing. ; In the third, rowr T. A. Llnthlcum,
runner ,up; women's open, bandtcap, not
decided;. , Miss . Flanders, ladles' . open
eharaplonahlp, women's putting, won by
Miss .Flanders.- In he men's putting
there wore three tlea and no result waa
Obtained. y-V , :.;' t-t ,ii7--C 'i
' " w- "- Oaatrn Twikltau
hits Thlelman, Bchmidt, McCreedle,
Francis. Sacrifice hits Freeman.
Strelb, Dunleavy. Stolen baae-r-Ganley.
First baae on errors Portland. I: Oak
land. I. .Left on be see Portland, . I;
Oakland. Struck out By Thlelman,
It by Schmidt, 1' Hit by pitcher Dev-
ereaux. Double - plays Clancy- Junaa
alated ) : Francka to " Strelb to Clancy.
jv '",;t''i.-. .... f i.;, ; i
Zoff. I.-, 7 'y-;1 ';'
Oolrig soma.-' '" '
Trying t win:;,v
Keep1 on hitting the baiL
Thlelman waa all right, but .
Over anxious once killed a eat; 4. -Last
season . Portland had eamune
on the toboggan shuts. The other teams '
win a game once in a while, so tha ;
Browns are' all alone on the elide. "-
The fans gather each evenlne at th "
score board awaiting the returns, and '"
go away protecting that they will hot
come again, but they are back at tha aIA ,
stand again the next night to bemet
vim ne same old story: -Lost again.
. For the wounded feel Inara of tha l.t. '
cal fane who are sparring for a ray of ,
hope now and then.' the following olln.
ping may be'aomewhat soothing:, j
"Seattle may be able to play, baseball. "
but Judging from-tha mlaarabla nhihU -
tlon given Tueeday. there la no raaaoa '
why the 'northerners ahould not be at
the bottom of the list and Ely's men oe "
eupy a muoh higher poeltlon. "; . i :
-wnen it cornea to ball playing, Seat
tle certainly Is not In It with Portland. -The
game put ud yesterdar waa lifeUsa
from atart to finish, with a few possible '
exoeptiona. Hughea bitched a aood nnu
and deseryed' more credit than he re--v
Hall was In the box for Loa Anaeiaa s-
and added his name te the Hat - of
whltewaahers - He pitched -a fine nma -
and had perfect support, - Hie work de
serves special mention, as he left a
etck bed to take his place In the box. '
At no stage of the game was Seattle -
daifgeroua , The score , wast Lo Any '
geles 4, SeatUe ." Los Angeles-. Rec
ord. ' ' ;,"- ., t',:- ...
Soma of the Ud degree members oCv
fandom . gleaned a ' little , satisfaction .
from the result of. yesterday's game,
from the fact that the Browns were pot 7
shut out ae uauaTu ' ; .
: PerhapO now that the team haa started: ,
scoring a few runs they will get com-i
pletely 'Into action by winning a game'
or two.:- - ,(7 r,7:7. v ,;,..,., .7'-,., -
XiOUisJCastro's reoord In the past haa '
been too good for any one who has not
seen him play, to comment unfavorably -regarding
him. So far his record 'with,
Portland Oias been eminently .- satisfac
tory. He Is probably worrying over the
non-eucceas of the club, of which he la
captain, and that May have a dlaeours4
log 'effect upon his best efforts. . -
'Castro, Thlelman,- McCreedle and Fran
els found Mr. Sohmldt for long Jttlcr "
drives, which were helpful aa far as thai .'.
Browna'- tallying waa coneeraed.
will minutely scrutinise the general for.
mation and . structure of an. animal. If
. the purposes for which It Is required by
man la traveling qualities then Its run-
"nlng gear must and should take prece- " V
- viui tuw iivwh Bi. teas i ; .
.. imnortance. ! , . , . . . . I -Sst
- The addition of a good bead, however,
will and should always help along. If
k is required for a fighting dog or any
has a splendid record. , He holds tne
record of. 71 holes ion the - local linita.
and also holds the professional record
of TaoonuMllnks and also , at Gearhartl
yeat a: match ' between Alex
Smith,' ' the champion. - and Jack Moffat I
attracted considerable attention at Ta
coma, the former 'winning by one bole.
a-'n.j t m s J''wi, J """at"- -ifi - " si 1 ' " ifi c"-iii at ' jr m ' -
' t'
other special pnrpose other essential Mr. Moffat also, held several records In ,
points must be considered.
Os Beeord Beotsloss.
acouana. ?. i ,i
This , evening'.. Roderick1; Macleay. N.
One of the greatest surprises un north It - -...... - k.
'1"'' "'""V" vi-avn kw coast, championship game,
in pointers : over Minnesota . Joe and I .
.Wool ton Bang at Vancouver, which deci
sion haa been since reversed at Victoria,
which also la. probably correct but this
In . turn may again be reversed. It Is
Mr. Macleay work In the tournament
waa a display of line golf. He has a
natural, pose,: and It Is a treat to see
him play. ' .";r
claimed that Ch Joe i. . . Zi il " wesier xaa. one or waveriy s
I. . T L 1 UIU.I
The accqmpanylng Is a good likeness'
of the Blue Belton English "Real John"
C K. " C. (4118), : owned by Ben Bo
gart - of t Portland, 'Oregon. John "was
whelped February"1 IS. - iJOI; add r was
bred by Joe- Lewis of Greenwich, Conn.
tw has won four nrats on the bench
in the eaat In the puppy class, winning
first In a class of 14 at the Neve York
bench abow .In 190L Last April at Vic
toria, B. C., he won four firsts, beating
Champion Roy Montes and Victor L.
In the winners' class, and winning' two
firsts In Seattle. Wash , the Tiext week.
He ran in the N.-Br field trials In 10J
and , hae-proven himself -greatr slre.
He will be entered in the Portland bench
now inie inonin. : - .. ; .
enthuslastlo golfers, carried away
two substantial trophies as the result
of his cood work in the matches. ,
No more ideal days Could be wished
for than the, past. four days The ladles!
r. beat anywhere and : Wool ton Bang - Is
ariother grand one and undoubtedly Ore
gon Xd with these two make a grea t
trio. Lad la yet anjmmature animal of
but II months, kla aiM miHMijn. M....k
of the same blood and type as JToe, In I thoroughlyenjoyed the outdoor sport
P. K. C. show here last year stated that
Bright who is getting on In years must
have been In his day a grander animal
thaq anything in sight and It la not sur
prising that some of his offspring is
giving Other aspirants , for honors a
lively run for their places. - . ;
! Throughout the many other- breeds
more ts quite as much rivalry and Inter-
i- tin W.
The contest for high score this week
on the Portland alleys was. very Inter
esting. Vlgneux started off with III,
and Watklns went one better, getting
zis. Kneyse then' put up a .114. score,
apd Case raised It to 117, when Kneyse
eame back with 111. : Kelley then put up
a III score, and Capen raised It . the
same evening to ISJ. '-.--tS--r'-i--'.
A two-man team tournament is being
' v -rna irian v-rrier. ; nne at th. .
breeds that wilt h mt tha MRrranged to be played about the 20th,
eet. be!ng;shown and k la very evident Kennel dub bench show next weekv Is Not less than 10 .teams will enter, and
that every good dog and all their friends atrue and distinct breed Indlaenous tht rfl pretty evenly matched, some
to Ireland. William Ollard. a.enthn.t. kooq games rui oe piayea. Twenty-
astlo IrlshTterrlar fancier of T.Mm. I vs doUars In prises wUl be. given to
writes th. h ' win ohv. . n. the winning teams.
of Irish terriers at the local snow.- He I 'i--cr Keating and. I Van Horn., who
says:-" ,-r - ? M -'"7i" with 671 each Jn the monthly
"The Irish terrier la one of tha f.- tournament of the ZOO club, will roll
breeds that afforda consUnt Interest Ith? dw'n? m Monday night
to nis . owner the whole year around.
,:3I Focrth Street
V well as being on an eoualltv In Inter
est when on the bench, and there la tin
r,nmMc.o.Ani mmi.mULA t n ino ; neiuv oi sport that he does
.tOmXXllSSlOnS received Oil all t mi e-bUL A -week before the
Vancouver snow, on a tnree nights' coon
nunt. a., terrieri rancier s dogs killed
IS coons and Just missed one land otter.
For bear likewise they are 'without an
Eastern and California races.
Direct, wire on all sporting!
.events. y ,
7:;PhraeM4ia 1414
J.. F. Kelley had his bowling clothes
! on Fridays night, " getting - 7 a : : pins -: tn
five games, an average of 195 -per game.
A game between tha Portlands and
Blake-McFall will be played .Thursday
night-and as each team haa a record
of over I.S00 pins. It will be ; good
, game.
The Schillers bowling team has been
eaual. For hirH nn .,... strengthened and are anticipating their
shooting they Uke no second place Md nt game, when they intend to win
In the coming bench show of tha Part. contest, or retlrey from - the leagua
land there, will be benched no Jess than fj"!8. Be?ner h, ""O- can beat
m 11.1. . . ., . I tha Portland Rmvni a inv nl. , Hut
ll- this -breed."
some people will have to be shown;
1 aaaaaaaaaatoaBMBMMwtaHtaMMMte.ub I ' t itiwu..:.iiM . wvumi unc
S'w-mm the best bowlers on the Portland alleys
to use his forefinger,' his splendid fame
im ait ine. moiw-remaraaDiar-.x'.V'.'.--..r--'.--
Leavitt and Parrott of Newberg. Orl
will open up their new ten-pin alleys
Saturday night. April th. They, have
Insulted 'full regulation Brunswick alleys,-
And a picked team from, the Port
land alleys will 'play them , match
game at Newberg some time this month.
The Newbergv team will play a return
match-, with . the Portland ; bowlera in
the near future. . "
TM)s Hamby is another promlslna
bowler who has rapidly come . to the
'r--!rry rr- '""ways capaoie 01 a crea-
. , . , - ... . . - - - ! -------- ..i--Y-vfcyvvvvvs j iiaois score. . -
130 Fifth Street, Between Wuhlnztta and Alder- V
A1J Leading Crands of Cigars.
Lincb at 9 p. m.
J. Cooke, lightweight . chamnlon of
England and middleweight champion of
Bouto, -Africa, who recently arrived- in
this, country for the purpose of getting
on a maicn , witn the best American
welterweights, has issued a challenge to
meet all comers at tin pounds. Accord
ing! to -those .who ; are ' familiar with
Cooke's record, he is by far ; the best
man of his weight that has crossed the
ocean to tackle , the Tankee boxers. He
has disposed of all the welterweights in
England, and i althoughr hla fighting
weignt is ' i8 pounds, , ne has been
obliged to tackle heavyweights to keep
-himself: Imgy.'fr'V- v.-. r. -Cooke
has fought about 111 battles
and haa only"1 lost 10. He claims that
he has never been knocked out- One of
of. Cooke s Important matches in.Ena.
land was with Jack Scales, an Engllsuj
champion heavyweight, who was at one
time knocked out by Kid . McCoy In -two
rounds. -. Although conceding many
pounds In weight to his opponent, Cooke
put nis man out in rour rounds. . and
neat ; uave . Berry., tne , ngush : light
weight champion, three times. He also
defeated 7 Tom ;. Woodley . : three , times.
woooiey win be remembered as the con
queror of , Eddie Connolly'when the lat-
if :-;WHr ' . ...... . ' . ' ' -t ' t
1 r
" '
n ,.-U7V: ..-f;,,,-;! i j.;.; 7rf j-" 0, 7. ;7'i,7';-i -rSHnS
: LABEL on each uit is our r salesmanj because it'
STYLE AND SERVICE. r nTr - -r - i
; As announced in last Stmrtav'a TrtitmaT tVta aala"
, will continue throughout .the month with ' ENTIRE
s WEEK; AS FOLLOWS i :!Mi 7. J-a:!' fey.rfs:
TAVCOtrrEaV WOV ' ZBOat "Tf.'' H. K.
The rVancouver High school defeated
the' Portland High school In a hotly con-
tested game et baseball yesterday af-1
ternoon. The Vancouver .- boys man-1
aged to make three runs In the ninth
inning,- tying the score, which had been
live . to two 7ln favor of the 'i Portland
team through the wlldnesa of the local I
dub's ipitcher., , The Portland boys are)
aisgustea -witn the treatment accorded i
them,, for -the Vancouvers posed ss .a I
nign- scnooi team, yet they used pitcher
nowara, tne crack twiner of the Van
eouver team of the Oregon State league,
Ane c-oruana ooys say they do not know
now many otner members of the Vancou
ver team may. have been .professionals,
but they do knew that Howard la, and
therefore ' not eligible via- an amateur
arama . -1 . - - -
Don't fail to see display in our window. It'll interest you; and should you favor us with a
. ' ' can you u noi pe urgea xo Duy. - -
:s ; . . . . - 1 , 1 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 1 . , i . , -s55. .
v -mum
i ms? I
s .
: i
com. ' J 1