i- -I : 11 . .....A..... . . ... thci) k a yc;::r 1 lady employe I awi!: '-.!.!,! .wiji'iu..' t'J -4.1-''.'-...- . gladly tell her .-V THC OREGON- JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING," APRIL 10; 1801 m ! ... - "i7 Reading from left to right, thoie ?; ' , r ; j l vompiain , iiia. :4w or h m Not Pushed by 6.' $ Ther haa bMD oortalderabU crltlclira owiUyof th iUM board of porti ' Railway " commlIoner,- ' bcauM they r not, prftlng- tna work, of construo-tlha-. tha road. Tha board la ooropoaad Of tha gpvarnor. ,tha aeoratary of , atata ana me v siata treaaurer. uovernoj piambarUln waa aaked yaatarday Chether ha would tall tha raaaona which iva lnducad lha eommiaalonera to delay aotlve work upon tha antarprlaa. ; ' Vertalnly," Ite repllad. "I am (lad to : keep tha publlp Informed aa to what we - hava done and ara. doing in thia import nt worltirWhan tha leglalatura mt It regular aeealon in loj. paaaea to act oraatJnr , tha board or portage comnua alonere, defining .their dutiea and au- thorlsina? tha- conatruotlon Of tha port aga railroad. $165,000 waa appropriated for thia -urpoaa, and- tha- act -provided that no expenditure anouia Da inourrea therebnder 1n exceaa of tha appropria tion. Immediately aften. the act went Into effect.- the board orraniaed and em Dloyed in enclneer who - cam highly - reoommended te ttenvto aurvay rouu for tha portage, and to make careful e timatea of the coat of conatruotlon along the propoaed toutet r It irtt fully ex plained to hint, that tha whole coat for tichta of way and conatruction muat come within, or rather nuat not .exceed the appropriation. t .t J l. K eoorint Might Mt "Wmr ' i'Tha engineer at oe Employed auoh aaalatanta aa ware neoeaaary and began the work of aurvey. In due course, map were mad and filed with the .board, ahowlng tha . route, . with , aatlmatea of 0oet for the rlghta of way and. construc tion, and p the board immediately oora tnenced pegotlatlona for rlghta f way. Mot belng able:i4o agra with all the owneta of the property, '.the natter waa placed In tha band of the atterney gen ral with tnatructiona to. proofed with actlona to condemn. Proceeding were lnatltuted agalnat ftha' Oregon JEtailroad ft Navigation, company a na wane, and that action waa and 1 realated by vjja) QCiVUUAIIV uu nwTT- awtui All diseaseVihronic br acute, permanently curea. oexuai wou bles a special Claaaea In beal- ihg now forming; can join at any timet Clinic: work and demon ? sttatioriii CmxisMttn$ CELLO CANAL FIRST, : THEN PORTAGE ROAD i! V. jVj."! -j r ' - - : . . . . I.: - Mapetic Healing how to ftireel a!iiheaLyonr YOU can: be' cured if : yon will lULlXRY: iConsultation friettl HOt Air Baths And massage in corinVctiom A -.4' ft ai.i .c is.' ' 'a.i".i '-IjrL'li , hmu oi uiese oaua wui cunvuKc 4-lt at im ai4.lat ' , ...... mill : fAi .. .'f"ya). o.uvaua euai jrwu, nui vant more of them. .L. II. HART, TeL Black S0S3. 205 Alisky BWg. in the official picture are : Contractor J. E.T3ennett; President Jefferson Myers of the state conmissionr Secretary EJ. C. Giltner, Senator -Ht Coode. I-'N FkwchneffPiul Wewinger, W. P, Fnton,,Hemy E. Dwch ind JudgRufia.Millp. .' - ' .v . v ; on inc J-auer rrqiect State Commission; "i n legiaiature at tu apeciai aeation In December. 1(02. and while proceed- inga were pending under the portage act. paaaed an act creating a board of canal eommiaalonera, compoied of the aame atate offloera, and requiring themo pro cure a right of way for a canal between the foot of The Dallea rapid and the head of CelUo falla. It la .thoroughly understood by the people that thia work i to be done by the United BUtea, and that , the board-: of : engineer recom- mended that na work ihnuM h. k. h. h; hj miitrnmiint unfit ih. Hirht fl war had .been. secured and conveyed to the United States. The work ) to cot In the neighborhood of $4,000,000 and ! to be permanent tdsubsUntlal.r . Voxtasra -aw "The work devolving upon the board of -canal commissioners under -the -lat- tor. act had, to be da In ajocordanoolt xbjck, Miiaiike XOg.' : with, the surveys of the united' SUte enaiheera. and subject to their anDroval . The board had no choice In the selection of the route, and could only secure Hrhta of 'war which the aharlneera laid out- ..Jt- waa foundiat . oacthat thejnair pace, while tugs and harbor "ve- - . - route or tne oanai in many Places wenti orer and along the reuU which had been! or bay amidst a constant tooting of boosts, them along wlttt their home gov selected forrthe portage,-hence, one or fwhlstles. vv 7 "! ;r, .n- -r- . ; I rnnni If -their pictures u conaUnUy um own iiwi tu. wajr... vemporanir I at least. ' , '.:- - i -: ,'. . "The board deemed It wlaer under theae circumstances to proceed flrtt to procure the right of way for the canal wnicn ii w m ine permanent improve-1 ment, and when that la secured to cause I a resurvey wr.wt portage, procuring i estimate of probable cot of tha port-1 age over the new survey when made. J Okaaca la Boat Oartaba.. "t -. 1 Beaause of the. fact that -the canal j right of way Interferes with the portage right of way, the attorney general wm ) lnatntctad -to proceed no further with I tha actionsk Which fcad haan nOmmatiooM 1 to condemn. Why (proceed to oondemn a trlght,of -.way t or portage-, when cnang in tne .route tnereoi wouia Da in evitable tt a, right of way fOr-the cana4 waa ' obtained ln accordance with the aurveya of tha United States engineers1 It la proper to 'say In this connectloi k-. . JLV -OI nrr'lrTJ .".TI "r"::i'I l'Z..li." :r. . " . r'f.1 ii )e i& f I! tJtVtll tJ2Ib P! W, S;.hirhM ' tVrrS'iV- V1 - It is probable that but for the pa. I age of the- canal 'bill, tha otions Jof wau.niuii.uo n f. u ;wia . gnsf er way. would ha,va -resulted In Judgments In the circuit court The board, in con-1 4 .1.- ta.Mh .v. tt.i. a... . I ""r ;w 7.. - nwrs, nayo woraea .loaouy sor securing J?" I J !",li? . -v...,.. "u"sh for a While, this right Of Way Will be oft- winou mf u wu.w. a-w- wuraf. w toiamerciai company, witn Headquarters at rani wnui, ,wun umu tna mnuim or way are ootainea, int unitea mates under the recommendaUon f the board ox angmeer.wiu ao noming lowara tne construction or tne canaj. . r nan am am imn ncnu, uia port-1 age right of way-must be again aur- reyed and eetimates of cost made, and unless ; such estimate! : show; that the new routes can oe construct ea witnin tha appropriation, the board cannot proceed. :Four Months In Enrope. ' - Felix Blecb ef the Portland Ixaa of- aoe,r leaves tha city tonight for a four months': tour of the eastern atate and Burone. During his absence Mr. -Block will visit the diamond markets of the1 east - nd will bring back with him a large importation of these precious stones - NEW YORK HARBOR r DENSE WITH FOG T0 ,;iBjt--TaY --soatT net ' owx.t .ji.Txaswa txat. cianr, nia or sxsajitss, - (SpeeUl Diepeteh by t4 Wire to The Joornal) New 'Tort " April . -For 14 hour there haa been little ahlpping moving in the harbor. Ferry boat moved, of course, and om necessary towing wa done, but the fo that et in lat night laid an embargo on the water today, and ts the most dismal In the memory of New Yorkers. ' - The effects of the fog on the steam ship tinea, was particularly aevere ,on the -Atlantic steamship companies, There .were due to sail today , the Pa tricia, Vaderland, Marquette and Lu cania. They were still tied up at their piers at 4 o'clock thia afternoon, , , Among , tha vessel due , to , arrive to- 1T were La Lorraine,. Tho Koonlg. Al- Begravia, , 8t Paul and Umbrla. It was . auppoaed that some- of ' these fvesawls had this afternoon been waiting 4 ouiaiae tne narDor tor . hours. Tramp ana "nt sieamanipa.were , log-oquno ,u ln" ."m av .. ;T t.., . miikUke log tnat envel- oped-the harbor this morning msde navi- I Ktlon difficult and delayed the1" com- I mutters from Jersey and Long and Sta I ten island. Ferryboat . moved at. a . - . . ' nicies xeii tneir way. aiona tne. rivera i ina . uooa isiana rsuroaa xerry ooai Jamaica on one Of,'ita- lrlna - tn W Ialand City about 8 :0 o'clock had a nar- row acap from colildlnr with the An-1 nex. boat; of the aame erry line,-which was bound for the Wall street alia The two boata loomed un suddnl'in the fog near the Long Island shore, with the Annex boat bmrlnr rinwn n that It aeetned she woiiid strtke the other on he ttort bow. " ' '.' 1 ' The-passenrers on 'both boats had momentary' scare, but both vessels were stopped try the time thejr' were -afow vania-ankr, . . ,: ... j .'.' .. -.' L - " ' iV,w-i 'DIES IN SEATTLE . Edwin A. Stearns, a nloseer of .1883, n 'r many years a reewent Of this city, died in Seattle. Wash- last Thurs ot dlbetes. Mr. Stearns wgs , .r number of yera a . machinist, in the WW o' the Smith Bros A7Wateon iMn M,v. .. h. vnyia 4,W ...b. of thia city, and conatructed, the fouh- lairf. ln the lower reaervotr at' Mount Tabor. For the last aix-yeare he was . .v.. n - - . ... w. tginesior. - tne steamers icugene and Game Cock ."Jn. - their - trlpa from f? theh Alaska excite mm... j-or tat n lour years ne was nnrt ana-tnear for th Mnrth.rn rv,- Mirhimi Ht wu i hrattw nf J n Btearna, Oue at Stearna, Andrew r j. Stearns. Mrs. A. M Miles and David 8. Stearna ,. of . this city. nd Mra. I O. Stewart of Cascade Lock His aaed not&tr. Mra. JBCOD AacDUnee. a' ' real. dent of Sunnyalde., surv4vee him. :Mr, Stearna left widow and three ' chli- dreh. II waa burled ln Queen Anne cemetery at Seattle. Attorney; Fred. K, Strong, . who died this week, waa a playmate of XL. A. i Stearns. Ha died -at the ago of SI years, exactly the age of Mr. Stearna. -.- - VcmnA at sast. ' ; From' the Atlanta Constitution. : New Tork physicians .claim to have aiscoverea .a microscopic oug mat our- rows into the palm ' of the hand and i excites a lively Itching .sensation, . The graft microbe, at last. . DM01AfSMLlMii ' .... iCV". NeIndtrrings wx .vymcn i&iriaae , - of.; Smart Set;: (Wa-blngUuL Bnreea of Tha JooraaL) : Waahingtoii, iAprll "".Quit- kn im- J portant. Induatry haa laUjy bees estab lished in,, Washington In procuring and selling protographs of distinguished men and women. If a diplomat becomes in volved in an unpleasant scrape, if ah heiress elopes with a butler. If a repre sentative or a aenator makea a sensa tional speech or engages In a fist fight, the fact is that his or her, photograph can be had 'for; $1.50 is at onca sent to all the' leading newspaper of: the coun try by. the 'rival dealers Jn .this traffic, It is. not .nt.ajl difficult JTo the pho- tographera to xet ; Plotures- If the truth iWere known .when the people com-. 4 Plain -and -affect aurcrlsa .at iMlnr tneir pictures m, the papere, it would usually oe round that they had furnished l xo.r,jn)oiicaion.i jnaeeq, tney did vcuntarMy oirer ,tnem. , ..!lT-a.y. ... . 4 , "The diplomats are. dead eaar." re marked a , leading DhotoaraDhar when asked If he had any trouble in getting 1 - V B1IJ UVHVJB'IU MIUDK picture of ambassadors and miniatera 1 "They . like mihiiettv. - mn ,hir.v rSTiTTTSrirriTrfKttmrtrT$f WMMMMMMWhihadhwUhA, P:.lEai.fj' Coi6an'iir. Lakes': or: Mcsf aotbiiAe,.' for Furniture,! Car- :',,,'. f'J:' ' J Coihti dcts There 'f . s w , -:f - , ... ere tf i.e.-.., .... I II '-. I n i 1 . i 1 1-tJTTJS r H r-.a.j.iBmaaaaBaJaj 'l;WS'1"-'iV miwmm IJp at the rNational Capi rrosperous oy published here.- It. looka though they wr popular. 1 - x, . ..'.'Nowhere' a new line of , diplomatlo pictures- we are Just taking out am-, bassadoirs and ministers, with their wives -and ' daughters riding in bp to date automobiles. Here ia the dignified Russian ambassador. Count Caaalnl, Bitting back in a red devil.. . "Thia foreign looking ". man Id .a sporty bubble is the Japanese minister, and here is Ambassador Durand. . the Britisher. , -v ' ,r . "Tes..they all .look a If they, war ex pert chaffeur. but, aa a matter -of fact, not one ever drove an automobile a root. ... ., . .... .. j ..... "How do we work ItT Eaay enough. We hire a nice looking automobile, put a couple of camera In ' the back and tart out to . call on the ambaaaadora W tell - each man -we have -an' ordwr from a big ' magazine' for a picture of him, sitting In ..c.iItttoWltw?'.:-j . '-'' ,,: " A'Uttle rersuaslon. ' "A little persuaalon and he goes out, takes his seat, grasps the lever, and looks wise, while out man gets all. the neaatlves ha wants. Then we take the ambassador for a r(de about the town. aend to him a couple. ir ,pic;ures, ana to oiirlstoref or Draoeries. We wUf treat vou 'right, . The prices on bur koods 1 f aretipiTr'so tew tliat to trtbreiri lWcij.ls itx positibn to'uiid?5eH is no necessity ,of yraointri6ut . vt great many 3 things-; ; 7yhen you can The Easiest Ternis At. this store, where. the'CTedit; privilege does not cost you a, 'single .i ririf vfra A7-trr hf 'ftcrlriafnfl-rtf 'tfif msv wrrVIv VrT mrihthlv ' ? payment plan in this city. '. We expect -to'.maintain ;our leadership: wwi' tsHll finrl naf-thtva tj nn . f - vtm Ma wwiv a ki't.ii..Lit;r';-"fe..fe.fe..4a: Your Credit is Good Giorg; Myers, Director-General H. .'. when he finds himself ' advertised aa a leader1 in -the automoWla-aet-of - Wash ington h la highly gratified," ': 0 Few people know the condltlona under which' the famous photograph of "Presi dent Roosevelt on horseback Jumping over a high fence, waa taken. The presi dent spent most of his houra of recrea tipa ln the spring of 102 riding his iujnjlng horsed- He determined to get some -photos of himself and mount In the act of clearing obstacles. , Bo a pho tographer waa ' engaged and the two consumed one entire morning, on the course of the Chevy Chase Hunt Club. Some splendid pictures were taken,- and a New York magasine paid $600 -for the privilege of the first publication of the series. ' NOTED CONTRALTO TO SING IN CITY A musical event of almost unprece dented Importance la announced for Tuesday. April 19, when' Ernestine Schumann-Heink. among the greatest ot all living contraltos, will sing at the Marauam.- This will be the flrst time she has ever appeared before a Portland audience; and if ,-er song recital tneeta with the same extraordinary demonstra tions of enthualasm here as elsewhere, (he Is destined to receive an oration of a kind, seldom granted to 4 prim, donna by a Portland audience, tjtwvxt In delightful bonhomie of-' person allty and In the Impressive power .Of her dramttlc delivery Mme Schumann Helnk is said to- exoel all. other singers of: ihexday. . She Isowt la .' the ,full splendorf her powers, the possessor of a,vblce?tht for magnificent volume of tone ' and' richness of timbre in the lower register 'lg probeblr uneqUaledy I Hma.- flchumanh-Heink s remarkable popularity in NewiTork, may b Judged from the following comment by lead ing critic of the .day:-' :- .-. "There, afevery .few,, people .who can for Purniture.1 puy sthem on rsvi -ffltv rvwnrrt1 with ir. ;s v r -a i ..---. - - 1 ''.' -. . iriTowri i 1 390 Washington 'W ! vi'-. .-?. vf r?Wv.v' L '-T0-be - suffuriog sistm " wse 3 r W' t - tareatsd so call po be. -Ws srs sot St UbTty -to pobhah eer assw. ft Ub . win ene-rfoily pUla fer trMtwnt br - Poetor Fnltoo how she hsd sofCmd si ' other Bands sod bow ta drairlM phf Maa - ht Imncdlst and sarnwswnt rlUf. ', This roans lady's heart U fuU of (ladnna : sod she bubble am with It whaa wlatlac r the facts of har teoant essrlMr. Sh had ' -. beea tarred both ia sad oatalde the chaek . hr roanteBSBfl foravar surrre br the ' sorgaoa with a braeflHal raaulta at all. 'Doctor rnltoa Inmadlatcly , baniahae the pain and -the girl Is lottlna as woll as she ever was ia all bar life. lad this wlthost - a awrsel of SMdlriaet It ALL the ssople -. ef Portlasd coold at aadentand this . BMthod of aaaling the sick tbar would be aaare well Popl In the tows tha a thsre ar todayii vdcUs' rsHoa oawe aa rsa sad as knife, bene thare sre n drag Mil ts - pay sod ae earring to adore,. J 1 '.. Iv A - &-XDTT0aTr aTatafsma,,.. Read these testimonials and see what ' other aayt;, vJ.Vvrt-B-v''? . t MRS. J. K. .BAOKKSOIT. 740 Mehlna'ars-' sat. this city says: t'l saffarad two sad ma half rears frosi aertoas dlaeaaaa and stomach troabh. 1 triad pwaiei ua phyaidaoa without ' baaflcUI rssults. . : Dr. raitoa eared sm ia At weaka"' ."- - - . -. nar amjraDor, aaiw. rinn. wriw wit e-r son's leg wss throws oat of Its natural conrll tlon by ressoa of a disease eriglBstlDS h holla. Toe Coras et BIS m .wore greatly ooniniCTan sad the limb oaelaaa. Dr. Fultea eured him in OXB treataasat -5 ' i-t. ,-vv.j h MRS. HIXBIKBEX; tf Beach swset, sttffer-4 U rears from asthma, 'heart ass stomach . Li Al Ammlm I. kr bMa rsna htf Dr. yoltoa ia serea wees.. ....... . J, KENTON, BnttevHle. Marlon eoasty, sold Us handsome farm because crippled ap with rhramstlsm, - The Journal directed him to Dr. -Falton, sad h eared him la Six treatmeaU. Thaaa' Brief atatamanU contsfH a whole world of Information' for the steki - EVERT OKI 18 TRl'B." wecnt thst the peMeets-ve more - lengthy teanmooiaia, aoscaea, w.-warue o tie glory of similar rejoicings. Try It esce sad v: --: ,; ,. .-.'-. Dr.N.XFiiltbn IM)B''lfala tin. ' OfV hmirs fwia i '" ', and its aailyw brnC8-ait W, lewl i-Wk Msarlssei at. . -: fill Carnegie hall with such a throng of enthusiastic admirers by their eole un- -aided effort (except for the eervleea of an aceompaniat ) -aa Mmes- -Bchumanrr- -H.tnk did yesterday afternoon All ev ery: seat ln the auditorium and crowd the stage with., several, hundred people who could find no room eisewnere in me house. It was Mme. schumann-Meinx a first-appearance In,New:Tork this sea-, son. and liar .' only song recital. -.. She gave a program derived solely from the classical and modern German aong com posers, except for the. first number, an air from an opera by the oia Italian composer Rossi, and the last, a negro lullaby by the New York musician, Mr. H. T. Burleigh, There was unbounded and somewhat indlacrlmlnate enthusi asm over everything she did, and un mistakable tokens were given er ; tne hlah esteem in which the singer ana her comolfshments are held by very many admirers in New Tork. , ' Mme. gchumann-Heinx . wui appear in (his city under tha management of Miss Lois Steers.: i Ooan" , today :tOfePMgoni CJtyi;an4 , Canemah.v Cars ever JO minutea with oDea walleri -V TlckeU on sale at First and Alder ;Streets; eat Jidei:,3rand and Tlia"oerva.l Star want ti . town dog catcher, to. get busy,-?, t;."-s;t,r Car usl ' -j ... and . "rt . ''ajif ' t r i . I 1 -(. -a " ' ' jf 'j 't'V7 IV, ' M r i f - i ... i ' ft - 1 I. s . , - , , r . ' -.- ' l i ' L '' ' ' ;fr.l