The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 09, 1904, Page 13, Image 13

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t ": totdu wcnaxue thb jubabt
. bpictxd movabch 01 traon
.-)' " vii ' V.WW wssaaar aw. aw araUSIB as Vf
MAmr . budaboits rom diszjxx.
'ir'k1;!""!;' T.M.feit ..-1.1 a...!.. i.r
:y V Brussels, April 9. King Leopold 'of
-'Belgium, one of the most capable and
"leaat respected monarcha of Europe, en
tered upon hla seventieth - year today.
. . .. . -
iae -
in u cruia it must r aia xnat lo
V poW't personal aualitle and habit of
V L . . - .
i.. lira ahnw Ml alnf ImMnutar lth
age. Hla reoent dlacredltable Uweult
:t;.r wlth' hio daughter the rown Prln-
. ; cea Btephanle, haa caused him to for.
- i Ih. e m.m attlAl, kffliaated oe -AtaMand II a ateeet.
I VnlthM ml.. Con. m.a. h.n, Y,mA
v ww . imi v. vuvy mimg mw
S for him, or rather for I. hla - position.
ftttaj Tciioiauia Llua HlVa,M VI I
? iiiw mil aauiBn uniwn ta uuiui
: aaaea of henriv Annreatulatlnn rvonrait
I- ""'" " aj -v.. v eonations or money maae v toe companr waa tba cut- Una of Eaat TwantT-elrhta street
. VI'. Europe. It la ; doubtful. J however, if declared end levied, .and tbe eae wlHrbe 4 betwaentbe aoutb MnVlf Belnlont etreet
' . King Leopold haa received a. single fa- P?f. ?Ju"& ZF&'IZX niLt,, ort Ud Hawthorne arenoe.
: ' -lioltoua note on tha occasion of bla fci1-1' uVt.5?i MaC ! 'HSl?' fortUo ,,Mi,', ""'te ef the probable total
birthday, though ha forelii diplomats" tTi.. K f'.TC
bound by custom and etiquette, called to
pay their reapecta - on ; behalf o their
reapaotiva oovereigna.
; ; imn., "th. .im. iiM
'C '.u th" ' ;",aTl- 01 jw
' k there appears to ba Juet at present a
Belalan hlne- A ahnrt timi l i
! :v f.- !? hlH!? -TI
i V,i 'i.iJ taU'F lven out-. here that while
'is . ;.:j"iti anil rrmoeia Aimn wera liaeiyi
i- :xo vuit tne et. L-ouia axooaition it would
, " tne Atlantic owing to the necessity. P7
nis; remaining. i noma to, welcome Km
, : Peror Francla Joaeph ,to Belgium In
'ih:,,ujo,' vii. nfz wwiuaiun oi mil moo
ti-- - ,- - - - i none m Benny aim uiai a, tae enaer-
arch's Visit to EngUnd. In reaponae tolelsner. John A. HelUnthal. aa reeaiver for the
.. ' this a eeml official Announcement, cornea
; from Vienna, to tha affect that tha Aua-
trian emperor has for the preaent no ln-
: ' . d,, - - - r -
' ff i , , tentlon whatever bf , paying a visit to
'-J;"t'!-iBolglUlll.".vi ? 4 ; ;
-'V.'vV'r-Mi-- "s Tliev ATI BnnhW atlm. : .
King Leopold endeavored to have tha
king and -queen Of . Italy atop over In
A .Belgium on their return to Rome from
ai.uaiiaiM iiu, uui ma ouorua wBii
frultleaa . If waa innnnM-l that Win..
peror William, when ha atarted for tha I Property will be aold at privaU sale ia the
Medlterannean m,ih 1..M enltsble aad lurtcieat of fee, there-
Medlterannean last month , would atopjfo. u weaj, aabjaet to tha approval f
over to aea KlBg odo14 but as a mat-1 th aoart. sr-befora the leth day of Mar.
ter Of fact tha German ernnaror cars.
..full avoided atrmnlnw ar .n, nalriaa
rT i?0??1? -V "T B,n
iwm u iwa paina ie in
atOD at Dover. ' llnae hla aoraaalnn Klna?
-Edward? has never visited tha court of
Bsala hrmah WaV
. Bruaaela. thOUgl Uala former friend
'deaf ear to tha nronnaat that t ahnuM
WnrtTln .F af??li. . ghould
return in atate St Bruaaela the numerous
vlalta Which King Leopold baa made to.
. "tranga aa It may appear, the genera
r oniiae wim wnicn ne ia regarded
aDroaa naa raised tha Una in tha estl
mation or hla own people. . Tha Belgians
ro oontem to criticise mm tnemaelvea. I
.... a- . ... . ..
aa not usre foreigners xo ao so, re- I
nrdlna"lt a, Innnmhint mun th.i. I
I tional dlanltv to defend thalr etn.r aZ.
.v,..ti-rT- TV. ".Jl" . "2
wv." " w., ,crivavniAU 1UUKI,'H I eauraa tha -'J
clallst. are ready, to admit that while 1
H-of tha king-Ji publle and private aeta
ara not tit Vwi annrnvad ... .. .
. ara not, to do approved, yet as Won.
,rch he haa been ef, inestimable advsn-
5-eaga 4 hia country, contrlbutln in nn
amau maaattra ta tha i.uainh...i Ae i. i
' . .
Statecraft and ; diplomacy, . far moral
, impvrinm . roia, m tna concert or tna
. power toan Ja . warranted by Its sis,
... 1
nrrmeas wwn . . . u 1
arvat AaXZal' atBWgaln ' BlIlfllAf I
. . 1
SttAWiV. ... 1 . . 1
" vaaaaw. a war..' a. avai , aaw i
ovuiwmu mast xxrnta.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal ' I
Tacoraa, April , 9,-The Tacoma so-
lle.) officers ara holding maftt robber.
Arthur a. Beirin the hope of aacurlng
from the American Banaers" aaaoclatlon
a reward of W.QOO said to nave been of-
fered for BeU'a arrest Thero la a bitch
between the federal authorities and the I
local oilicUla 1Who claim '.the reward,
Warranta have been - iaaued by tha
ITnited .Statea commiaaloner, ior both
e A a .... i a I
. ... Mvifvnvii.,u9 ih.u.wuii iqu i
.w:''.Wltn. Being Bell's socompllce In ateallna I
mall aack In Seattle. Both men have
c rnnf aaaad , ta.-ihla Alma ad -will vriaad
wiiiitWt ifc. v,v.rii.a .a.
guilty at tha preliminary hearing, r
Bell la considered a great nrisa and the
Plnkertons are aald to have put out al
lsrawr reward fnr.hlH arveat than foe J
. J t,. ...... toTTViIt. I
any other man excerjt Rudomn. the manl
rMiit""... 'r.rtm . fit. tl,,i(a 4all kvi
jumping out through the roof. i (
Ma'v.n A"
in tna attempt to capturo ueii ana na
VBa AniW ABIItent hAPB - AM 4kjrM-n I
a ... a. . 1
wv arv viea waa as ag atwi ws Mrs eavas WaV .asssjk
chase b Detective Moran who lumDed
off steep bluff , leading down to tha
railroad tracka on tha tide flata In pur-
suit Of the prisoner.
'i . Ottt Wide Barath. ' t
' A T, i ia
Bell. ! 0 yeara of ago and Is said to
hava been in tna ousinesa or ewmoiing I
bank and robbing tha mails for years.
' Bell is said to have spent the summer
last year at Aabury ParK, av summer re
aort on the New- Jersey coast, accom
panted by his handsome and , accom
pushed wire, ney entenainea a Treat
deal, were immensely popular, uvea in
sumptuous aparttrtentt and had accounts
fWi - creaij waa
unlimited until -: he disappeared gftor
' 'tXZ Bo'aJweaJthTnalf
. Whlla there he posed aa a, wealthy tl
lli:-jfornla fruit grower '.Awv1
n : t 'rtanvar . Rail waa taken- sick and I"
a 1....11I1 . ui. aita'araavaa.lMl
'if. M '-""" "T1 J "I I
i i v: "wto iv vmw vit" - - - - .
.,.!' rested on tne operating tame. xas-wi' tnilladairirila. where hat
taken r back ' t o Ph lladelph ia, : whef a
mads hla tfeleBrated escape by Jumi
rr" a.T I.
' inaocnia'ceiauraiea v, j""ra
'from a train. He 18 aald to have secured
-rtf . f Aotheth ng Hka $1,000,000 alnee ha Began
M A' -hi. -raVB-,l thief, . Ha ha Only
"-w " - - - - ----- ,ai
. (Special fMspatch to Th Journal) ' -'Walla
Walla, Wash., April t.-r-Whlt-'
man collea-e debaters won their 'eighth
: victory over tho Univeralty of Idaho
here, last night, in one of the Closest
contests in h history of wither Inst ltd-
,! " , r ,r I
The. J..m .tr...v -a..i
.l. ......I... wn. I
The woman a suffrage Question was 1
that discussed. With Whitman on the la
nanllra tlila I .Tha itlanntanta war thai
t: j f ollowtngj Whitman Roy Wolfe, Louisa I
a mi ' it t.twZyaa I
.,.. .... ,.,,.w. u. , ,
Qallow&y, iX Overman and J. Adklnson,
politics XJf COWXZTZ. , ,
1.. vf 1 (Jdurnal Special Service. ': V
Kahuna. Wash., April . The Demo
cratlo ,, central comm It tee - for .Cowllta
County, la. called, to meet at Kslama
Aorir 14 to fix the time and Blace
holding the county convention, to elect
delegate to the auta convention ana to
fix the baala of representation, alao to
decide whether one or two county con
ventlona ahall be held th la Tear.,
j'. i. , " .' ". V'.'Jf. .
' Preferred SJtook Canned Crocd. "
Allen A Lewie' Beat Brand. , v
. nonet. : - ;-vt -" :-;
rtoftce la hereby riven that at the rrrtilar
meeting of tbe Council of tbe City of Portland,
Multnomah County. State of Oregon,-, to be
held an Wednesday, thai 18th day of May.
1904, at tbe regular hour end place, a petition
111 , be predated . to eald Council, - by -the
tstiuwt illlfU, i at uip "a gw v as i aaraa v a-w
S.. I 1 I A I . M a, . VK.a.lll ataut ' las
i r -- ' . ' . . . -
nr V.mmt Tamhlll ill i ear in thai l I Tw nw I irrriairifl
j r:,sr"r:z":x..r:Zs. ' - v v
iUth .rMl bV Mt houndarf- hm
I " - " T . . i.
Inl Haat HlTtounlh ilmf Tnt the aorta Ball
of Beat Hlxteenth etreet except the aorta half
of that portion of eald itreet lylna between
the cant boundary Una of Eaat Fourteenth
Fifteenth etreet, which baa Barer beea dedl.
1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 JOHN B. CLEUAKD.
By reeolutlon of the board of 'direetoreef
ut u ana iiarc (jenunniai aaa America ra
ADfjviiiuB -' aVaaiH vrivnuti rir.
I 11, .1804, an aaeeeaaient ef per cent
orra . kbvicb iXAiinrAno. j
Offlce of CItU Bervico Oommlaeloa. Bumlna-
om sppllcanw for poeltlone to tbe labor
aerrlce wll be held on Saturday. April IS,
j n04. bet lnnrna at 0 a. m., at tbe City barn,
The feneral senna of theee examlnatione will 1 Kenvjoa trance agalnat the above banrovenent
rfaetleal wVta of tbe applicants' pbyalcaf r be Jlled la writing with the anderalgned
qualities and abillOee. . ,- ' - "IwltMa dare from the date ef the flrat pab-
mud, i-oniano, tirejrrm. aprii a, im, ; . ,
i . u'ji iif, iuiMi;a, , .
1 f onox or iaXB or XKi mxi. . jotowm
lrYAaTanA,;:attAU.': Jyx-:l'--'"
I eatatc bf Thomas A. Wlliaoa and Bsfae Syi
veeier. oou aeeeaaea. parenan as ea oroer ei
ma oonrt maae on toe so eay ox atarea. tu
I win aai ia uifi wuimhbt m lav tin t
I inafter . named ail the foiiawtng prop
J The lawtnlll, planlns-inlll, bulldlnta, SpiUai
I " . LwB'om M"''..n,;ur1
will sell la the manner end at the time her.
re and I
aeaerlptloB belonslDg to eald. sewmlll botlnaea.
i tosetbar wits tha tea aw. clledrlver. aeow.
I ,tor Ba of too therein aelonglnf ta
i pa th oeats or to parti, tosatoer Wits tne
I emwl arlll halnnvina ra aald . hnalMa. . Bald
IW04. la.the event aald preperty Is net eoU
r before eald Idth day of May, 1B04, thea
I end la that event I will Veil aU or eald area,
i arty at publle auction oa
tha aald 1Mb AmW
I ef If a it 10 a'clock In tha fori, noon of aald
I the offlce of the said mill la th town
Alaska, which aald eale
.(,,11 kiudtr the dlrocuoa and enblect to tb
approval or tee eoart. , For paruceiar ae te I pert street to s point ia via county roeai or
the condition ef aale reference la- aiade tolelsbt laebes clear inalde die meter, from a mint
I the enove-aamed order or tale ea 01 la eaaae
1 Jcg-A pending In the Ualted tstas die-
I trlct aonrt for ha dlatrict of Auuka at Jnneaa.
J Thl property Is ea a paying baala and has
been for soma time past oaa paring baala and
Biuet be aold la
Sder that the proceed ran
a betr aad lecate af the
tat dtearlbated to
bwmbar of the eoparrnarahtp property by which
this peepertywa farmerly conducted, to-wlt:
Thomae A. wlliaoa and Bafus Brlveeter, bow
both deceeaed. f of further particular with
a uutai uerw-i
reference to this jjrepert. address iohs
HelUntbai. Wranaen. Alaata. .- -
Uelreerlrer tor the. Property . of Ue Eatetas
or TBomaa a. wiiaoa aaa wiraa. ayivaator,
BOtS 110 fl.
.,' ary rtvaa.thst thep.rtka for
line iBeerporatioe of tae Iowa I uresnaa win
U, nnmtnUi to the Ceaaty Ceort of th stete
lit IZZSrTn, rM?al! Vt u! iiiZ
Mat .term commeaeliia em .-Our iret Maada af
aaar. lav, wbhtb aactiMHi ia a roiiowi
i.. . .v. o.... . ru.:
in tha aaattaa- af tha InonrnoratiiMa af
To the Honorabl County Coart of Multaoaish
ixioaty, aute or uregoat
'We,' the undersigned . petitloBer, .' petltina
your honorable body for the Incorporation, . as
SV maolclpal corporation, of that portloa - of
Multnomah count v deaerlhed below. The
bound arte f said portion . ef Multnomah
county, state of Oregon, which your petitioner
deeir incorporated to described ss followf, to-
Besinnlns at the aoatheeat enraer of Jataea I
Powell donation land claim in sectloa 10. tows-
ebtp 1,-south of range a east of Wlliamette
meridian, la Multnomah Oounty. Oregon; thence
north to th north line of Section Line road;
thence In a westerly, direction foUowlna sorts 1
line of Bectloa Una road to eaat lln of tfresbsm
.... . . . i.i
ana rsirview road taence sorts bdoui aw teat 1
te . Mln. .... th. Um .a . a,. I
and ralrvlsw rosd: thence Berth about BOO feet
. . . . - . ..... r t: . " 1
uPa ownea oy joOB Miner; tsescs weei iix
nnwi u,m bwuih w a njuii. ,in wva i ini
souu una or a tract of tana ownea oy v w.
Lawrence; thence esst to s point due south of
the sou thea at corner of the James Powell dona
tion land claim; theses north to place of begin
ning. . . - - -,
V.M '...I.I...I - -- "- --- ' . mfl.
honorable budv that aald nor tin of Mnlti
honorabls body that said portloa of Multnomah Jh of the eouth line ef E. Caruthers' Do
county contains more thaa 150 Inhabitant, to-1 nation Land Claim; thence westerly along s line
eouaty contains more than 150 inhabitants, te
VSLJ!SLf: miind itor
tiK". Vtu
residents within tbe - limits of tbe propoeed
boundaries aa above deaoribed.
'.??? KttUon?Jlr'u"' J""'. Jf'4
. ""Y .u" ".J.u"" I
of the ect of the ToslaUMTe aeaembly of theLn
Jtate of Oregon entitled f Aa act for s.genersl
... Pmfl.5.fJ?
J" hbi i urejoa, . wnira aaiu act waa
n tea ib ta oiBce ttl tae socratary el atate f
February l88. and contained ta section I
to STSo, Bellinger Cotton's Annotated
te wa of Oregon. That. th corporate- name of
said proposed IncarnoratloB shall be "Uresham,"
And row petitioner wiu ever pray. :
8IONAT17BKB. . . . .
prn- W. Emery, D. U .Roberts,
W. J. . . Wlrts, rTS p.jv Cooler. A,
lowett, j. o. Begner, w.-H. Hamilton, T.
u. a a. TiKk. tu a t.
a . Ammm bm.'i.j1i t ai.....a
C. Bbattuc. D. A. Hart, 8r. p. C. Eoas, .'
LaBtJobJon. ? SKK. ifharie.
Mwr,,( pV I. Hart, Jr . Dvd Brooks. H. B.
aiwlsaaak tirllil.wv tWta-iaalai ars.a.A ilsMHaikava
laBHtli 'aVFa ' SB). . gUnuaBin,
aWWS amisiaB r Ittsaaau SVmt aU ) f I WW V Vieu
E. i. ifrip.- 0. A ; j Bawler. ford
fL B'dlwW.hSfB B.m":
too7Kdward L. Col. Johnle McAdams' f, D.
ABtriea, rrans iceoonar. a. a, oonsea, v w.
Lawrenc. B. P. RolUnsa. W. k OordSn, W.
Larson, 8. B. MartleTr. W. 8hattuk,'i. M.
Bbnrt, Tbemaa t;indi-r, j. i w. obie. a. Alex.
Oflloe of Civil Service Commlaalon. Exsmlns-1
tioos of applicants for appointment-la tba
fir service (except ee, pilot, engineers ' and
s" V"
streets, ea Saturday,. April ta, 1904. beginning
MJ1 .' . . ,
The SI
eneral scop of these examination will
'. Approprltte physical and atbletle tests! 1
ander fha direotioB of Mr. David Camnbsli.I
!?'-'' a 'a. 'tla. 'a ; ' ia
aiuni . an "' " It. 4 I
iarimva ju u. p,....-. "cv i or neiq
kf the aam t me and Plac under the direction I
lef.'d examiner. - . : - . : - , i
wrttteg examinations or applicants for so-1
pointment aa patrolmen will be held at the
rooms or tn is commission, aty Dalir on Moo-
Zt A . laor f'Dn,W . .
nss sTMnatraii' awvkrasi nr gnats ara minariiwiai j
Xbs seneial-aoopa .of
. ftvtt. Htruvmn Muui aarrhW
. . .... r - v. - .v.k.' .si aau Huat s aa.' aas v vr isaam ttiMI VH a
.' .- tti ta w "Atvvf t taa.
' " f". - sj a tv x !- oovrriiirj,
Dated, rortland, Oregon. April B, 1904.
rotrvsMABTEB't jroncx,
Kotie la hereby alven that as tha Sth a I
of April, 1904, I took up and empounded at I
tne uuy round, ar no. soi pixteeatD street,!
In tbe City of Portland, Oregon, tbe - following
described animal: -.3 .--.,.;'' .: -''.'V-'
One dark-bay horse, abod all around v and
saddle-marked en back; and unless th owneft
or- other neraoa or tkeraona hsvtna an Iniwaat
tharaln ahall ilalm rmai
iioa ot in same, ana I
in, alt aharaaa of tha kaanlna aad advartlalna1 1
,ame, together with the pound fees on said I
animal, as provided by ordinsnce No. 5.B28, ss j
emended, of said Cltr of Portland, I will on the I
- eg AprlL Jfi04Ae. tie W af 10' a. I.
iuta . .(it I), a v.ra. . a u, mvw v. IV
., p-.- . k. i ri,...k
said elty. sell the aoov-decril)ed animal at
nnbUc auction to the hlsbeat bidder, to oar I
"JS rVnimii "
DS adverttolng auch .airtsML . - -, . ia-v
nataa this Bth sar or Anni. law. '
r.Vi"si? - - s.;' vv,,',,r,lv: wV- BEK0,.. ; Poundmsatar,
Iaaoer, w.n. saeiager, joon , neater cuarii i " 71- -,,? .1 11." lau ik7 .iii..'i
O Merrill, Henry Metagarr Jobs Clnnauaii. "ZaLz.Y' -th . ? ltew,,n-
a7 JV Herahmer. W. If. "Johnson, i John B. f,MM.w5LPtaJ .....'.;.
I ..... . -j in 1 ,,... m ei 1 r ; . i. u- I VUmVm m rODBtTHCK aWWTST IB CeaT. alTXeVI
Notice to hereby given that t the tteetlnf
Ofl the -Council the City of . Portland, Ore-
ft". ' V the
I Resolved, Tha tbe council of the City or
I Portland, Oregoa, deems it expedient sad pro-
DOM to tmpror Km! TweutylirMh strt
from th outh lllW of ItoVootit itrtt' to tta
mth Uin of u-wuwn. TomM la in follow
Vint. y aredlnf ' th etreet full '. width
who rail iniereeciiona io me areae as .aaows
by tbe etakea aet by the City Engineer. -Aeeond.
. by eonitrnctlna woodea eidewalke la
accordance with the city engineer a puna,
eiwclflcatlona end eatiiuatee. i - - -Third.
Jty ennetrncUne; wooden ereeawalkt la
accordance with ..the City . Euflnecr's plana,
aivf;incaioiw ano eauraacea. " i.
rour to. ir ronatruotine; aos nciera-ia
inee.wllh. tbe City Jwslneex i plana,
kine and eatlmatea. ,
Hald improTement to be' mane la accordance
itn cue rbartar ant
.a 'fwriatlM aanl naa nianal' - -
Portland .and the
i .tiiut t tht cits JCnno. aimi m tb
I - - - , ,
.tho Auditor of th atf of .Porttoiwl
,tr,J!!? fiui
r,9'.?,B: 1
I am . .laA . IK.. . . ... ill... X
I r " " V
lane end epeetflcatione for
jcaet Tawaty-eiabW etreet
tbe awtb line of Belmont etreet to th.
"f'i Mae - of ?";
NMtea of the work to be dona aad tbe probable I
soiai eoai weraor," , ' ,
The one ef eaid ImproTtinent to be aeeeeaed
aa pmrlded by -: the city charter . apoa the
property speeiaUy benefited thereby and which
lb hereby declared to be all tbe lots, parts
oi iota anq pa roe la of lead lying between
Une 200 Tt west ef aad parallel with
t0, wee t Una of Bast Tweaty-ela-hth etreet
n.. ri i .uu . - . m
I'f"im,irerM tTt
I Twntylrhth etreet are , beeesy adopted. .
Reaolved. That the ladltor of the Olty ef
PorUandbe end be it hereby directed to give
I aotica of the propoeed laiprevement ef eald
i ui iwn ii iuia notjea. . . . J
. va.m
run. 'vaiarvap
. !.- e tbe City of Bortiaad.
April g, 1804...... .i v ... :r , .'
norom chatx or uwzbj nr bah,
. : v jxTor: ATOnnC ' ' 7. v-;
Notice le hereby rlvaa that at tha .' amaailna-
ef the Council of the City of Portland, Or., kald
on ino iiu oay or Marco, J.fcV4, the following
reeolntioa wee adopted) . . ' .
Beeolved, that the Cooaeil of the City of
Portland, Oregon, deem it .expedient and pro
pose to construct a- chain of sewers as fol
lower' e 'sewer la Hamilton avenue from a
Mat 100 feet eaat of the eaat Una of Corbett
I etreet te the propoeed newer la Old County
iw f et - t of ti-7 t u. lT(Ztt .Vi
I " pvopiaMMi -ewr in Macanam a treat; a
1 eewer la Old CoaBty read, and ataeadam arrant
from a point la Old County road at the pro-
pnaed eewer In Hamilton arena to a polutlB
Micadasn etreet at Uwell avenue; a eewer In
Lowell avenue and Its extettaloa easterly la its
I ffeeent eoarea from the propoeed aewar In
KMraam treet to the WllUmatte river at low
wator mark. Th eald sewer to be con trotted
I of vltFlflad , nlna With all Ml.h haalna.
I Biaa-bole. lamp-bolea and branchea. and to be
(of the following dlmenaionai of eight Inchee
fleer Inside diameter from a point la Hamlltoa
lav - sue lOO feet eart of the eaat line of Cor-
I la Bancrort avenne 100 feet eaat af the eaat
fine af Corbett etreet to tbe proposed www
ia Macadam atreeti of eleht Inrfcaa clr Inalda
I diameter from tbe propoeed aewer la Hamlltoa
I aveaue northerly la Old County road sad Mac-
adam street to the sewer in Bancroft avenue;
thence of tea inches clear Inside diameter to a
point ib aiaraaam etreet at lweu avenne,
and of tea Inchee clear Inside diameter from the
point la tenrell avenne to a point la Moody
street; theae of fourteen Inchea clear In aid
diameter to Ue Willamette river at tow water
Said eewer to-be eo Detracted' : In aeoord
ance with the charter and ordtnenees of tbe
City of Portland aad the plant, aparlOoatloneand
estimates of tne City Engineer, filed Is the ef toe
ef the Auditor of iheClty ef Portland ea the
mm aay or Marcs, lvoe. inderaed: "cut
I f'Jl'!lt J!rZ
i r .. . . . "T
Un Corbtt street-to th pmoeed
sewer In Old County roadi , Bancroft see
r"' iw .fre ea-f the et Una of Cor
pett street' to ewr la Maeadaaj etreet; eewer
la Old County road, Macadam street, Lowell
avenue to Willamette river, end th ee filiate
er tb worn to be goae end the probable coat
thevoof." , . e
The cost of said Chain of aewer to b as
sessed as provided r.y tn city charter apoa
th property specially benefited thereby sad
wsirs w aereoy aecisraa so- d an to iota;
parts of , jots and parcels - of land lylag
witnia tne district bounded and a escribed' as
follows! Beginning at a mint 100 fast eoutb
ef the eeath line of Hamilton s venue aad 100
rest eaat or the east una of corbett street
mane Borthcriy akmg s line loo feet eas
ano peranei who me eaat un or voroait
frwi,to- P!nt 180 feet north of the north
". :"2t TS?""J'J f?" f.,t.rlr.!
iJ'" P fjei aorth of end parallel with thj
!!B w" P"t 0
rest wt 01 in wet una. 01 macaoam straet
thence northerly along s line 100 feet weet of
" Prei wiia ..1 norw maaaoaas
... ....ii.i .... ..iiii i. mr.a
r""'"'r ,
street to a point soul-distant betweea the aorlh
11.. . t.m,.ii ...... ...a .k. ... ti.. -,
line of Lowell evenae aad tbe south line of
Thomas street) thence easterly slong a line
equi-aistant oetwess tne nortn jins 01 inmm
t venue and th south tin of Thomae atmet
and their extaoaiona easterly ia their preaent
course to th weat bank of the Willamette
river; thence soother ly alooaT the weat bank
ef the Willamette river -to a point 100 feet
1110 reet eooto or ana parallel wits tne south
Une of E. Caratbers' Donation Land Claim to
a point luu reet east or tne east una of tbe
Oregon at California Railroad company's right
ef way; thence southerly akmg a Una 100 feet
esst of aad osrsllel with tbe east Una af tba
Oregon A California Railroad company's right
of. w.r to a DoioFioo feet sovth of tbe ii
' Hamilton avenne extended easterly la
t-wrae; thenoe weaterlv ahmga
. . ".J ,r L.-"5; ..I "-"
v ajHiiv aw ,im
IMaea or seginmng.
The Englneer'e estimate ef the ProbaM -total
cost for the construction of said chain of
sewers la ss.3Z7.ou,
Tha nlana. anarlgearlana aad aarlmataa a
tn Wty engineer ror tna eooarTuetloa t Mid
chain of kewcr are hereby adortted. .
Reaolved. that tha. Auditor of the City -of
Portland be sad he ia hereby directed to give
notice of fhe proposed chala of sewers ss pro
vided by tbs city-charter.
. Remonstrance against th above sewer assy
E SS. 'fro'tb7dato Hi'Xuii
I i w iwwr. ... .
Br order of tbe ooanm. . "
-..- Auditor of the City of Portland.
April S. 104. : . - .... ..... . ... ,
tBOPOBKs iXwTt nr iait itaxx ,
Kotte. is hereby given that at the meeting
'roffl .fi feat east ef tbe east Use of Eaet
Seventeenth Street to the Sewer' la Beat Stark
street 75 tnut east of the oast tin of Eaat Hli.
teenth etreet, sale eewer as-po eonatmclrat
f vitrified sewer nine ef eleht Inches clear la.
aide diameter, and an Beeesaarr eatcn-baalu,
manhole, lampbolce and branehea. .
Said eewer to be constructed IB sreardtBce
with h charter end ordinance of tb City of
Portland snd the Diana, speclflcstlens aad rati
rates of the Ctty Engineer filed in th otdc
of tb Asdltor of tb City of Portland 09 the
nth da aiarH lnrva lnitnraat frite R.
ii.i' V.-i .. .ni.Hn. to a t.
P" Bisi oeveniccnm eireer ot aewer ia
Kut eurt street ia reet east or tna east una
of Eaat Blxteenth street and the estimate of
the work M be dose and tbs probable total cost
uear -
The east or eald aewer to as - assessed as
provided by the city charter apoa the property
specially beaefited by said aewar. snd Which Is
. a aw-i.a..-
lots and pareoto of- lead tying between, a Hho
100 feet north ef sad parallel with tba aorth
Une of East Stark street aad a Une -100 feet
aoutb of aad paraUel with th south line of
East Stark atreat and between a line 100 feet
sat of and " pars Del with - th eaat Una of
East Sixteenth street snd s Un 100 feet seat
ef end parallel . with ; the east liae , of Beat
oevenieentn street.
The Enxlneer'a eetlmat of the probable total
erst for .tba eone traction ef a sewer la said
East Stark street to 260.00. .-''r
Tbe plans, specifications and estimate of tbe
City Engineer for tha construction of s sewer la
saia ast Biara etreet are nereoy aoopiro.
Raanlvad. That ' the Auditor - of the Citr af
Portland be and he Is hereby directed to give
teittce of the propoatd - const
aewer as provided by the City
- . -Itraatwa a
ConstrilctinB OS A HUB
above aewer mar
be filed In writing with tha andersigned
within 90 days front the date of the first pvbll-
eatloa of this notice.'
tloa of this notice ' -x v-'--vl-,"I!'t!!"
rinmra:hi,at. .r&wl. v I
April , 1904. A t -
" . ' i aan m una juv leec vnas o ano varaiHH wita
i ar ma ivmnmi or ma iTitr or a-nrtiann. lai. aaiA
riorosEo iewzb a bexkovt itizxt.
, NoUee toi hereby fivea that at the meetlBC
Of in countll of tne L'liy ot rorinino, r.. neio
oa tb 17 th day of March, 1804, the foltowlug
raanlntlon araa adootadl . v w
Ueaoivad. That tb Council ef the City of
Portland.. Orcsoo. deema it expedient sad pro-,
poses to cooatract a eewer 'la Belmont street
from 100 feet west of tbe west una ot aat
Thirty seventh ' tract to the aewer la Bel
mont atreat at the eeat Una of - gunnyslda.
Butd sewer to be constructed of vitrified sewer
pipe ef elfbt tncbee clear Inalda diameter with
all aeeeeaary catob-baslae, manhole. , lamp-
bole and braBcnes, . i . ......... -. , .
held aewer to be coaatmcted In aeeordsbc
with the charter and ordluaDcea of the City
of Portland and the plana, specifics tloae and
eatlmates of the City Kncliieer filed la the
office -of the Auditor of the City of Portland
on tbe 14th day of , March, 1004, Indorsed:
"'City Engineer's plena and specifications for
S sewer in 3elmont street iron iuv xeet weei
ef ta. west liu of Kat Tblrtycvaotb etreet
to 'the sewer la Belmont street at the out
line, of Bunpyald,. and tbe eetlmatee of tbe
work to be don aad. the probable total coat
thereof.' - r,r.
Tbe coat Of said sewer to be ssseeaed ee pre.
vldad hr ' rha itr charter noon the Property
Siwclany nenenteo tnerfoy anu wnicn w nerenr
declared to oe an tne iia, parts ot ion in
parrels .of tend lying between a line 100 feet
Artk a and narallal with the north line of
Belmoat etreet and a line 100 feat south of
and aara lat with tha BeatA 11 BS of Belmont
etreet and betweea a Une 100 feat west of and
parallel with tae west use ot nasi miriy
seventh aad the east Use of Suoaysld. , -
.. Tha Knataaav'a aatlmata of tha nrobabla total
oast for tba'ennetructtoa at a eewer la aald
n. ami arraar ia aina.uu. .
o-k. i.iu anaeieatinaa' aad " aatimaras ST
tb City Engineer for the eoikTtructloa ef a
aewar ta Saul t JMlasao- straat -.ar4 awreuy
ulil enat' tha AndltiW of the dtF of
PortUBd be ecd ho Is hereby directed to give
notice of the propoeed oooatructlo ef said
sewer ss previoeo py toe ettr eosrtw. 1
BemonstraDce against the abov eewer may
be filed la writing with th aoderalgaed Within
to day from the date ef the first public Uos
ef this Botlce. , " '
By ardor of tae cobbou. r i ,
,. ' T, ; THoa. c. Batnnr
L. U r Asdltor ef the City ef PorUand.
April t, laod. .: K t .: v- ''rt
rxoroszo nrtm nr rMBon irun,
KallM la harahv aHvaa that at tbs- me tins
ef the Council ef the City of PorUaad, Or., held
ea the 17th day of March, MtrV the following
reeoruttoa waa adopted: '
iloeoivma. inat tbe twoacu ot in tniy ox
Portland, Oregon, deem It expedient and pro
poses to eo na tract s swr in sremoni sirt
from the east line ef Union avenue to a eon.
sectloa with the eewer la Cleveland avenue at
Vremoat a tract. Maid aewer to be con traded
of vitrified eewer pip with all necessary catch-
be aloe, mannolee, lampeoi ana orancn, ana
to be ef the following dlmenaionai of eight
inchee clear inside diameter from the vast
line of Vnloa evenae to a point la rremont
street at Mai lory aveoae; thence of 10 .Inches
clear Inalda diameter to a connect loa with th
tower la Cleveland arenoe at Pramoat street.
Said sewer to be constructed la accordance
with tha charter Bad ordinances of the City
ef PorUaad and tb plaas, specification and
aatlaiataa af th Pltv Knaineer filed la the
offlce of the Auditor of tb City ot Portland
en th 14th day of March, lav, inaorseai "uity
Engtneer'e plane and specification for e twr
ia tTemont - etreet from-tha eaet use ef union
avenne to tha aewer at Cleveland avenue, ana
tb estimate of th Work to be don sad ths
prebabto- total east thereof."
Tb cost of Bald sewer- to be tssessed as
provided by tb city charter upon tbe prop
erty specially benefited thereby and Which w
hereby declared to be all the lota, part of
tote and parcels of land en tbe north tld ef
aid rremoat street lying between tbe aorth
line af rremoat street aad a line 100 feat
aorth ef ead parallel therewith and betweea
lias 100 fast eaat eg ana parallel win in
act Us ef Clevelaad aveaa sad s Un M
faat aaat f and naraltol with the east line
ef VnioB avenue, and oa the eouth side of said
street all tbe lots, parte of lota and parcels
ef land lying between the eouth line of rre
mont etreet and s One 100 feat eouth of
nd parsll! therewith, aad between ths weat
line of lot fir Alblna Homestead addition, aad a
Una tO feet eaat ef end parallel with tbe east
Une ef tnloa avepue.
The iog1nsr'r stiiusts of the probable
total east for the eoaatractloa of a sewer ia
aald rremont atreat I 1939.00.
The - plane, epeelflratloae and . estimates of
the City Engineer for the construction of a
Sewer ra said rremoat street ere hereby
adopted. . . .. .. .
- HeeoivSoV'TBSt tnwaaottor ox tna tnty ox
Portland he and b Is hereby directed to give
aotloe ef tb proposed eoa traction of eald
sewer SS provided by ths ctty charter.
. BemoMtraaes against th above sewee may
be filed In writing with th undersigned within
10 days from the date of the grit publlcsUvfi ef
tna' notice, ,
By order of the CoBnrfl. ' '
' " ' ' ' Asdltor of tbe City ef PorUaad.
April , J904.
Notice is hereby given that at the meeting
or the Cosnell of the City or Portland, or., held
ea tbe 17th day ef March, 1904, tbe following
resoluttoa eras adopted: . .
Beeolved, That the Council ef the City ef
Portland, Oregon, deems it expedient ana pre
poee to eoBBtraet a eewer ia Kerby street
from tha south Una- of Preecott street to th
sewat la- Kerbr street at Meeoa street, - Ssld
te be aonstraotea or vitrmea eewer pip
W11B Bll BBLeaaai f nun'inunia, umiiduivw, i. nw
boles snd branches, and to be of tbe following
dimensions: ef It Inchee clear Inside diameter
from tbe eoatb line of Preecott street to l
point In Ksrbf street at Skldmore streets
thane af 14 Inchee clear inalde diameter to a
connection with ths aewer la Maaoa street st
Kerby street, . - ' ' . -
Said aawer to ba constructed la accordance
with the charter and ordinances or us cit;
of Portland and the Diana, specifications en
estimate of tb City Engineer filed la th
office of the Auditor of th City of Portland
on tbe 14tb day of Msrch, 1904, Indorsed:
City Engineer' . puss sna spscincsiione tor
tbe sewer In Kerby street from tb south
line of Preaeott street to th aewer Ib Karby
street at Mason street, and the estimates of
tha work to be done snd ths probable total
cost thereof."
To cost of ssld sewer to be sssesssd as
provided by- the city charter upon tb prop
erty specially benefited thereby aad which to
hereby declared to be aU tbe lota, parts of
lota and oarcela of land lylnc betweea
Mm 100 feet West of - aad parallel with tb
weat Una of Kerby afreet and a line 100 feat
east of and parallel witn the east una or
Kerby street, ana between tne eouin line oi
Preecott street sad ths aorth Una of Maeoa
street. . ' .
. The, iter) tvear's estimate of tbs . prabaMa, .totel
coat tor tn.. eonsrrnctioa ot a aewer ib aio
Kill atraat la aiMll.uil. .
Tb plana, apecincanoB ana eranun m
th City Engineer for tb construction of a
sewer in taid Kerby etreet ara hereby adopted.
Beeolved, That the" Auditor of tb City of
Portland be aad he to hereby directed to givs
aotlea of ths proposed construction ef said
sewer ss provided by tae city cnartar.
. He mo na trance against the above eewer may
be filed la writing with the undersigned wlthla
SO days from tbe date of the first publication
of this notice. ; .
By order or tne w-nr-. -- ; . -
;' - TH0S. C. TIBVLIW,
. "' ABdltor of tbe City of PorUand.
April a. 1904. ' '
rBoroszo btwzx nr boktkwiox Stbhet
NoHc to hereby riven that 'at the meeting
of tbe Council of tbe City of Portland. Or., held
on tbs ITth day ot narcn, inn, ins following
resolution wss adopted:
Beaolvaa, avat toe uooacii or tne vns ei
Portland.- Oreaon. deems It expedient and
nnnMiaaa tn eonatrnet a Bewee- M . Bm-tbwtrk
street from tbe- center Une of Hamboldt itreet
to tbe eewer ib rreeeott street ot vi trine
aewar nine srltb all neeeassrr eeteh-bMlui.
o.anholM. Ismnhelea and brsncbss -and to ' bt
ef the fallowing dimensional of 10 Inches
cleat Intlde diameter from tbe center Una of
Hamboldt street to a point in Bortnwicx street
at Mandena atreetr-tbenc of 19 Incbe clear
inalde diameter to the sewer la Prescott street
at Borthwics street. " ; - : -.
Ssld eewer to bf constructed In eeeordsnc
with the chsrter and ordinances, of the Ctty of
Portland end tb plana, specification and
estimates of .th Pliy Engineer filed- In the
At Akm Andltor af the ntv af' Paetland
on the ISth day of March, 1904, Indorsed:
"City Engineer's plsnS and specification for a
aewer la Bortbwlek etreet from tbe caster line
of Hamboldt street te the sswsr la Preecott
street, and tha astlmstee -of tbe work to be
done and the probable total east thereof."
, Th cost of Said eewer to be ssseeaed a
provided by th4 citji-charter upon the property
speclalir benefited tberebji and Which Js hereby
declared to be alt the lota, parts ef lota and
parcel of land lying between a line lot) ' feet
weat of and parallel, with the west lln of
Bortbwlek etreet end a line 100 feet esst of
sad parallel with tbs east line of Borthwlck
street end between a line 100 teat aorth of
aad parallel with tb aorth Un . ef Preeeett
street and a tine 50 feet north of and parallel
With the north Un of Humboldt street.
: The Englneer'e aatlmata of tb probable total
ent for the construction of a sewer in said
Borthwlck street f 138. 00. . - .
The plans, speelficationa and estimates ef the
City Engineer for the construction of a sewer
in ssld Borthwlck street are hereby adopted.
Reaolved; That tbe Auditor of the City of
Portland be end he is hereby directed to giv
notice -of the propoeed construction, of said
sewer as provided bv the elty chsrter.
BetnonstrsnO against the above aewer smy
be filed in writing with the undersigned wlthla
SO daya from the date of the Brat publics Uoa
of this notice. .
.'By order of thi; 'Ootmcll.;; ' vf"' tZ"1 1
i-'. vunt rf Jv
'tV -r? laofe of the City of ,PorUai
Astll UOOij.i.f.iii,,!
Auditor of toe City of Portland.
' -' :' : : city botices; "" "
aBhaSShwahsl a. BaaaaaBaaai aa, sa,iaeasseaaawa.aaaWas
..-'i.;.;,:av' ;
Notice le hereby giraa that at the meeting
Of th Council f City of ForuaM wr
(on, held on th 17U day of March, 1904, tb
following resolution was adopted! .','s
uvl.l flfc.a tha sui'U of the City-' Of
Portland, Oregon, deems It etpedient and pro
pose to Ituprova roorth street, from tb south
Una ot Burnalde atreat to. th south Un of
vllean atreat, b removing tn woop wi
wburtver wore oat and decayed aad replacing
some with wood block laid on a. sand cushion
in scoordsooe with the tlty , asnginser s pisos,
. H.ia Innmanaat ta ha Bosda IB SOSOrdanC
altb tba charter and ordinance ef the City of
Portland and tb plana, eoeel IKetJone aaa a
tlmatee of tbe City Englnaat filed la the ogle
of tb Audita of th City of Portland on the
lath day. of March, 1904. Indorsed! '"CitT
Eualneei'a plana aed peHflcatlo for the- lia
provemeot of fourth street from th south
Un of . Burnstd srrost to tb eouth Une of
Ullssu street, ana the esumat ot
W w woue ana wir prwawio wm w. .
Th coat of said Imnrovement to b Basra!
as provided by tbs city charter apoa the prop
rty per1lly benefited thereby, snd which M
aereby dcclarea to pe ail tns wis, pmrw vi
k ta and narcela of land lytna between a Un
Hat faat waat af aad narsllal with the West
Una of SWirth atraat and a Una 100 feet Caat
af and iur. 1 i.l with tba aaat una 01 rouna
street, and between th north Un ef Bsnnlde
strant ano tba aoorn una or unaaa ecrvvb ami
also th northeast U of block 31. aad the
Bortbwrst H of block so, ta CDKba Addi
tion to the City of Portland.-, 1- ' ' - ,
. The Engineer's eatlmato ef tbe probable
total east of - mnrovlBC said . rearth. street
is saw. --." .' .'-
Tha. aanva lammtanaat shall BS emsswa
a woodea block improvement, end sbair be
maintained by the city fur a period ef four
yaars; provided, that tba awn era ef a ma
jority ef the property benefited by eald Im
provement, er soy portion thereof, shall not
Ktltioa for a new ar different im
for tha avntratlna .if each nariod
Tb plsaa, spedficatloa snd estimates of
tho City Kagineer for tb lurprevenaaat j ef
said Fourth street are Sereny aoooteo. -t '
Itaanlvad. That tha Asdltoa Of the CltT of
Portland be aad h Is hereby directed to give
aotlea of th Brooosed Improvement of said
street a provided by the elty ebartar.
Be monstrance against the aoova Improvement
msr b filed In wrltlns with tb aadentsned
within to daya- front the date ef the fixat pah.
Dcatioa m una no tic. . .
mr eraor si the cvancit. ''"
" ' - ' Asdltor of tbe City ef Portland.
April , 1904.
rBorosxo - ncrBOTXKEBT . or, , rix
. . . v-:: txzxt. ' v . ,.;::-',
Kotie la barabr aiven that st tbe mtlng
ef tbe Council of the City of Portland. Ore
gon, held oa tae rrta oay or atarea, avoa, to
following reaolutloa' waa adopted:
Beeolved. That tba Coo ncl 1 of the City ef
Portland. Oreaon. deems It exnedlent and Pro
poses to Improve Pine- Street, from tbe west
Un of Front street to the east lln of Sixth
street, ia tb following, manner, to wit:
rirsb By graaiag tn street tuu wiais wiia
cult miBvi iiuim, w un aniiar iraw. vww
th Intervactlna ef first street. Second street.
Third etreet, rearth atreat, tst . portloa ot
Pino street between tb wawt Une ef Second
street end tbe east line ef Third street,
Second By paving tb roadway full widta
with full Intersections witn vitrified brick,
with Band caahioa ea a eooeret founnaooa.
sis inches In thick oeea. Is accordaaee with the
City Boglnr' plaas, sped oca tions and sStl-
ataa. - - i -
Third Br rsrooviTir tbe asphalt ea Pine
street, betweea tb wart Una of second street
Snd tbe sest Use of Third street, aad by re
pairing the concrete foundation and paving
with vitrified brick ea s sand cushion, and
coostrnetlng ertlficisl ston arb la secord
aaee with tbe City Englaser plans, specifica
tions sna Mtimste.
Sonrtb Mr navlns th " snso eccnnled by
the Portland RslIwsy-CompBay -as a right of'
wsy, at Fifth street, bstwwea the rails and
betweea tha tracks, with vl trifled brick pave
ment oa a concret fouadkttoa, aad by replao-
ing tb rail Bow In as witn groove rain
not less than eaves Inchee la depth la aceord
ane with the City Englaasr'e plaas, pclsc
tlona and eatlmxtes.
Said ImprovenMBt 4 be Kutds is Seeordanc
with ths eharter. and. srdtaasoas of the City
of Portland and tb plana, spsclBoatioas andi
esiimatea ot tae vnj ainginr, aiea ib to
office of the Auditor of th City of Portland
on tha Dtb day of rebruary, 1904, Indorsed i
"City Englaosr'e plans and specifications for
tb Improvement of fine atreat from tb weat
Hit of Tont street to the east Use of Sixth
street, and ths eetlmatee of the work to be
dona and the probable toUl cost. thereof,"-
Tns oust ef said Improvement ta be as.
as amvided br tha elts charter Boon
the property specially benefited, thereby, and
which is hereby- aaoTsred.t be all the1 tuts,
parts ef bits snd parcels .ar land lying be
tween a : Une -100 feet north of and parallel
wits las aorta una. or mas street sna a un
100 feet eoath of and parallel with tbs smith
Un of Pine street, sad .between the west Une
of front street and the east Una of Fourth
street, and alas nt 1. a, T, S, Mock as; lots i.
a. T. S. block 09; lots A 4. aad all that
portion of lot g lying souta of a line equl-
oistant netwsen tna north una oa. fin atreet
and the south lln ef Anksay street, block 67.
aad alt tost part af block OS lying south ef
s line erai-aitant be twees . tns aorta una ef
Pine etreet and tbe seorh Una af Ajskenr
treat all la the City, of Portland. ' ,
Ena-lneer's aattmate of the nrobeble total
coat of tbe Improvement of aald Pipe Jireet to
fao.siu. . ,
The abov Improvement shsll he elsased ss S
vltrlRsd brick Imnrovement aa a anaerete
founds tioo, and ' ahall be- maintained br the
city ror a pertoa er eigst years; proviasa,
that tbe owners of a sssjortty ef the property
benefited by ald- hnprovement, or aay portloa
thereof, shall sot petltloa for a new or differ
ent Improvement be for tb exnlratioa of
such period.
' Tbe plans, specifics Hons tad eetlmatee of
tne City Engineer for the Imnrovement of said
Pie street sr hereby snooted. , -
Resolved, That the Auditor of the Ctty of
roruana n aaa Be u aereoy directed to sire
no tie ot tbe proposed Improvement of eald
treat a provided by the city charter.
Remonstrsnce against tbe abov Improvement
may oe men. in wrltlns witn the anderaisned
within 90 day from the date of the first pub
Urstion of this notice.
By order of the Council. - r
' Auditor of the City of Portland.
April , 1904.
Notice to hereby given that st tbe meeting
ofth Council of the City of Portland, Ore
gon, neia oa toe lTta aay of Marco, 1904, tbe
following resolution waa adopted:
..eiye. Tht--tnw'nctt-of'tnv Ot1 of
rortisua. urexon. aeems. it expedient ana pro-
poses to Improve East TwelftB street from th
oath line of Maltnomsh etreet to th eoath
Une of Tillamook etreet as follows:
rirst uy constructing sr uncial tone sids
wslke la accordance with the City Engineer's
plsns. speelficationa snd estimates.
- SecondBy eoaatructing artificial stone
rnrhe la accordance with the City Engineer's
plans, spectflcstions ' and estimates.
Third By constructing stone cross walks ia
accordance . with tb City Enaineer' - ntsna.
specifics tions and estimates;
. nsiu improvement to oe msoe in scoorasBce
with tbe charter and ordinances of the City of
Portland and th plans, specifications and es
timates of the City Engineer, filed In the
office of the Auditor of the Cltv of Portland on
tbe 13th day of March, 1904, indorsed: "City
Engineer plana and apedflcaoona for th im
prrsrement of Best Twelfth street from ths
smith line ef Multnomah street to the eouth
line of Tillamook street sad the estimates of
tbe Work to be done sad tbe probable total
cost thereof.'' ' .r.-r-
Tbe east of setd improvement to be assessed
ss- provided by tbe elty charter apoa the
property spedsllr benefited thereby, and which
Is hereby declared to be sll th tots, parte of
lots and parcels of land lying betwseil a line
lou feet west ot and parallel with th West
fine f Esat Twelfth street snd a lln 100
feet esst of sad psrsllel with the east Una of
East Twelfth etreet and betweea a Has 100
feet smith of snd parallel with tbe south Une
f Multrtomsh treet sad tbs south - Une ot
TlllSBioo street.
The ; Enaineer' estimate ef tba- probable
total cost of tmnrovlDaT ssld Esst Twelfth
treat to 04,500.00. . . .' .. -
Tb plsns, spacincsuons ana estfmetee of
the City Knglaeer for tne Improvement ef said
Bast Twelfth street are hereby sdooteA
ResolTed, that, ths Asdltor ef the City ef
Partlsod be ead he to hereby sTIrected to give
notice ox in uuua improvament ox sua
treet as provided by tbe elty charter. - v
Remonstrance sgalnat the above Imnrovement
aiey be filed la writing with the andersigned
wttnin- sw-osvsjTrom xne aste or tae arst pub
UcstioB of this notice. - - '- i
By .order. of. the Coundh . -
Auditor ot the City ef Portlsnd.
April ft. 1904. . . ; i
Kotlce Is herabr aivea that 'at the meeting
ef the CouneU ot the City ef Portland, Or., held
on th 17th day of March. 1904, the following
resolution Ws adopted) ' - - v.
Beaolvaa, tbat, tn lonnen ot toe city or
Portland. Oreaon.. deems It exnedlent - and nro-
poses to construct a aewer in WtUisma s venue
front 100 feat south ef tha south Una of Al
berts street to s connection with tha ewer
In - sv-BKuvt "Street st Kerby street.-- Ssld
sewer to be constructed, bf vitrified sower pip
with ail necessary ' csien-oeeins. msnnoiea,
lsmpbolee snd brsncbee, and te be ef the fol
kwins dimensions: of 10 Inches eleer Inside
dlamot-T -front s point '100 feet South f the
south Un of Alberta treet to a poiut In
Oolng street) tbenc: of 11 Inchee clear Inside
dls meter to - a ..point -in William. avemMrat
Maaoa atreet. . sad thence of 14 inches clear
Inald diameter to a point la Williams are-,
an at railing street, and thence of Is Inches
cleat lastda dlamster to a eonneetlon with
th . eewer In rramont Street st WUUsms
avenue... -'!. ,' y if
Said aawer to be constructed la areordance
with tha charter aad erdlDancse of the City
e' Portland and the plana, apedllcstloos end
estimttes or the' City Engineer filed ia th
effice ef ths Auditor of tb City of Pertlaad on
the 14th dsy of March, 1904, indorsed: "City
Kcglnewr's plaas aad specifications for a sew or
In Williams avenue from 100 feat eouth ef tbe
south Un f Alberto etreet to tbe sewer ia
rremont street snd tbe estimate' of the work
to be dose snd the probable total cost tbsrsef."
Th cost f ssld sewer to be ssseeaed ss pro
vided by tb city charter a pen th property
spclslly benefited thereby- and which 1 hsrebf
declared to be all tbe tote, parte f lot aad
parcels ef land lying betweea a Use 100 feet
esst of sad parallel with tba esst Use of
Willlame avenue and a llpe 100 feet, west ef
snd pars 111 with tba West line of Williams
avsnao, snd between -a Una loo feet' north. f
and psrsllel with th north llo of rremoat
street and th south Un of Alberta street. .
- Th Engineer's estimate of the probable
total cost for tb construction ef a osws .to
ssld William avenue I $4,478.00.
Tbe plans, specification and estimates of the
City Engineer foe tb construction of a aewer
la said Williams svsous are hereby adopted.
Besolved. That the Auditor of th City
of Portland ba and b to hereby directed to
givs notion of tb proposed eonstructioa ef
said Sewer as provided by tha City Charter.
Bemoostrancs gainst th above eewer may
be filed In writing with the undersigned
wltbla BO dsy from th date ef the first publi
cation pr una notice. . , ., , i-
Ty order of the Council, v. ' ;'
; Asdltor of the City of PertUnd.
April s1904.
rBorosxo szwzx nr hut stxxet,
Nothfs to' hereby aivea tbtt st -th meeting
Of tb Council of th CHy ef Portland. Or., held
en th 17th aay af Marcb, lot, the touowiug
Besolvsd. That the Council 'ef the City of
rortlaad. oragoo, atoms It expedient sad pro
poses to aonat roct sewer In Kerby atreat
from the cantor Une ef Humboldt etreet to fb
aewer , In Kerby , straet st Preecott
treat ' Said aawer to be constructed
ef vitrified eewer pip with ell accessary
catch -bast na, mannolee, lsmpbole and branches,
end to be of the following dimension: of 10
Incase clear inside diameter trom in cantor
Un ef Humboldt street tee point io Kerby
street at Blandeae street; theace of 11 Inches
tear Inside dlaaieter to a eonaocrloa with tb
sewer la Kerby street et Preecott street .
naia swr to s eoos tree tea in accovoaope
with tbe Charter aad ordinance of the City ef
Portland snd tb plana, specification snd eetl
matee of th Cltr Enstneer filed Ib th office
of tb ABdltor ef the City of Portland en
the 14th day ef March, 19
Indorsed: "City
Engineer's plena and specifics tloas for a sewer
In Kerby street from the sea ter line of Ham
boldt street to tbe sewer Is Preaeott atreat
and the eetlmste ef tbe work to be done snd
the prcbebte total cost thsreof."
Tb coat ef said sswcv to b ssstsstd ss pro
vided by th city charter apoa th property
Specially benefited thereby and which to hereby
doctored to ba aU tba late, parte ef lota and
bareeia ef toad oa tbe weet aid of eald straet
lying between th west Un of Kerby street
end a Une 100 feat west ef snd parallel thsre
wlth, aad bete ooa a Un 80 feet aorth ef snd
parallel with tbe aorth Una of Preecott street,
end a line BO feet aorth ef and parallel with
the north lias of Humboldt street, aad oa
the aaat aid of aald atreat aU the lota. Parts
of tote and. paresis of. land lying betweea s
Use loo I eel seat ox aaa paraini wiin im
aaat Una of Karby (tract and tb Mat Un
of Karby street aad betareaa tbe north Una
of Preecott straet and a Una 50 feet aorth
of and naraltol with the aorta une ei Humboldt
treet . .
Tbe Engineer's estimate of the probable total
cost for ths eonstructioa' of a sswsr la said
Kerby straet Is 1.1W.00. -, ;., ...
Tbe plana, specifications snd estimates of
tha rltv Knelnaaer for tha enasrruetloa of S
sewer la said Kerby etreet ere hereby adopted
- Reaolved. That the Auditor of tae vuy
Portland be aad be to hereby directed to give
Botlo - of the propoeed construction af aald
sewer ss provided by tbe city charter,
Remonstrance against .: the above sewer
ana ha Sled in wrltlns With the anderitgned
within SO days from the date af tha first pub
lics uoa ot ibis Bonca. . -( ., .
By eraor ec tae uoomni.
THOS. 0. DBVL1W, '
Andltor of the City of Portland.
April t. 1904. ' ; ' - -
Ttcket OfRctt. 122 TLurd Strett fdoso Ml
TranGontInental ,
Ja .... Trains. Dally .
:. ,' j 'AXatj POINTS BJABT.
Darllaht trip through the : Cascade
and Rocky mountains. Tor full ptutio
nlavra, rates, foldsra, at. s4l oa or a4-
draas ; ' ' '. '- . "v -
t tnOXMO, City Tlokot Agt,
IBi Third nswat. orttoad. . i
Astoria &v
River Railroad Co,
ror Maygera. Rainier,
Clatakanla. Waatnort.
Clifton. Astorla, war-
8:00 a. at.
rentoB, " F la vol. Hs al
mond, Port Stevens,
Oearhart Park, Sessida,
Astoria and Sesahor.
Bxprese dally.
Astoria Btptssa. ,
11:10 a. a.
Dally. :
TKW n, xa.
Dally. -
0:40 p. av
. J. C. MAT0,
' affi ess . ta A ta4ala SThaa
0. A. STEWART. Commercial Agent MS Alder
t Phone Main sua.
The Only - . v
: RaUwar brtween the -
Missouri River
The Chlcs'tvPortland Special, the
most luxurious train in the world.
Drawing-room sleeping cars, dining
car, buffet smoking ana library car
(DarDer ana oatnj. lss wan inrca
dayi fortJand to Chicago v :'
Chicago fit North-Wegtera Sy. to Chicago
from Portland snd points la Oregon and
Eastera Washington. - ;-j. v..-'
Dally excursions In Pullmta tonrltt ' ,'
leeplngcarsfrom Portland through
to Chicago without change.
, Geaeral Agest, '
. C. Sr N.W. Ry,
'mt Third Street, -
; roBTIAllO, Oag.
Oesl Art. rac. Cesst,
. N.-W. Rv.
stf Market gtn
LavV :
trains, for SaleSJ. Res-
borg, t Ashlsad, - Sera-j
BMBta, Osdea.MB rrsa-
' 1'" -
n:4 a. av
elsco. Mo is ve, Los Aa-I
gel,. El FSB. New gc.
ieaoa sad tbe East
At Woodbora daily
iexeept Sunday). Btara-
ind train for Mt As-
geT, Silver too, Browae-I
vine, Bprtngfleld, Wend
ling and natron.. ,
Albaay passenger, eon.
4 :00 b. aw
(40 p. ax.
nects at Woodhora with
Mt Angel bbsv Bllrsr
tea aocai.. i ;, . , .
S: s,
ISherldsa pssasngar....
-.Dally.. '.IIDafly; ezeept Saaday, .',,;
rertlasd-Oawaso Subirrbas errlee aa Taathl1
. , Btrlalss. . ; ,..
' Pepot root of sffersoa Street .
' Lesv Portland daily for Oswego T: a. fes f
H BO, t:05. S:2S, 6:20, 9:25, fi:S0. 10 10 a. m.
Dally (except 8 on day), 80. SIM, :M. 10 Mi
a.- ss.; 4:00, 11:6X p. go. guodsy only, :04
a.' at.- - ' . 1 .
Raturnlng from Oswego, arrive Portlsnd dslty
:80 e. BLt 1:M. fi6, 4:8o. :, :85, 9 f-
11:10 n. m. Dally (sxoapt SeadsyV ao, T:2A
9:0, 40:O, 115 a. m. Except Moadsy, 11
p, av Sunday auly, 10:00 a. a
' Leave from Bam depot tor Dallas end Inter.
ill i . .l ..II. . a.....V A -OA . n.
Arrive PortUsd 10:20 p. aa. ...
The - Indeoendeace-Monmout Motor ? line
operate dally to Moamoath aad Alrlls. son-
naeting wits oootasrn rscio. eompeay a xrscaa
gt Dsflae sad ladepeadeoca.
Ptrvt -class fare from Portland to Sacramento
snd Ssa rraaetace 20, berth 18; Bresad-claag
isr sib. seeonfl-riase aerts
Tickets to Eastera aolnte aad Koroee.' stoa
Jspss, China, Honoluld and Australia.
City Ticket Office corner Third sad Washing
toa streets. Pbene, Mala T1A .
& W. STINGER, , V W. at, COMAW.
City Ticket Agent, Ooa. rasa. Agent.
I'll wii,a.wi ' ...
" '. 'i i, j-y'r:' V-'1- :
" IT.,. ... aaa arfc a awes w aaa
ako MilVliVMimu
u r AT
T I.i I a
Through Pallusa Standard sad tourlat sip.
tag eara dally to Omaha, Chicago, Spokanef
toarist sleeping .care dally- to Kansas Cfty
through Pnllmaa tourist sleeping cars (person,
ally conducted weakly to Chicago.. Recusing
chair ears (sesta free) to the Esst dally. i
, fJWIOrt.PBPqT.... Iatsves. : Arrives.
CHICAGO-PORTLAKD 9:15 t. m. B:25p.aa.
SPEaAL. - Dslly. . Daily.
Per the Bast vU Hunt- j.-'r,
- -.. -... tngtoa. -- i ' ... .
- SP0KANB IXTBB. T:4rj p. BV 8:00 a. at,
ror Bsatorn Washing- Dally.' Dally. ,
too. Walla Walla. Lew. ; . , i.
totoa, . Cooor d' Atone '. '., : ' '
and - Qrest. ..rtorthera 'X'lt:
point, . . - . . . - ' ' .
ATLANTIC EXPRESS. 8:18 p. Bt 80 a. ss. 1
rot the East via Hunt- Daily, : Daily. ..
''!-,iatM ;';.-'"'''
rOR BAIT rRAMCtSCO: rroni f:09 p. sa.1
B. A Geo, W. Elder AUaka ,
April A IA BJ. Dock.
A A Oregon 8:00 p. BL
April I, 14, .
;'.-'-v" ' : i : ,
Columbia River ZHvtotoa. ,.
rOR ASTORIA aad way
points, eonnsctlng with
8: p. S. :
Dafiy. '"
ex. gsnday
Sararday -10:00
p. aa. ;
A boot
8:00 p. at.
ex. SuadsyJ
tmr. tor iiwsc ana
North' beach, atr. Haa
sale. Aab-tv dock.
TamhuT Klrar ateote."
im a. I
8:80 p. at
Dslly. .
rua. urn. i iui.. vrvavn
Cltv aad Yamhill River
points, stra. kUaaoreaad
Modoc, ASB-St. ones.
(Water permlttfg.i
shake Elver Bsato.
rOB LBW18TON. Ids.,
and way potato from
Rloarla.' Waah.. stesm-
5:40 a. Bk
as. Sat, J
8:00 p. as,
sre Spokane and Lew
is too. 7
as. f rlday
TICKET omCB. Third snd Wsshlagtoa. Xhtoel
... ... pnon sum iia. ., ...
for Tokahama and Hoasr KonaT. eelllns? sf
Kobe, Nagasaki Bad Shaagbat, taking frelghl
via connecting stesmers for Manlls, Pert Arihu
ror rates snd fall Information call oa or sd
drea offilclsla sr sawats at the O. B. A K. Co.
irsiinB rtrroT. -
Puget Sound limited,
for Taeoma, ..ieattla.
Oarnwis. Soath-BeBd
A:80 a. av
0:80 V s. .
and flray a - Harbor
points. . - ..
ror imnrmtAt ww,,.
f.-OO a. a
Butte. Bt PsuL Mln-
naanells. ChlcsSO. ' he
York. Boston snd POiats
pst and Southssat f
Twln-Clty Eipreas, for
tacoma. Seattle, Spo-
ksner Helena, Bt. rsui.
af innaanalls. - dllcSXO.
Mew xark, Boston ead
all points East ana
Southeast. .
Puget Beona nensas
City4lt Leuis SpedsL
for Taeomd. . Seattle.
Spokane, Butte, Billing.
8:M 4. av
Denver, umana, tvaasaa
City, St Laato and all
points Bast sad Soath-
sast : : '
An trains- daily except aa South , Bend
branch, Sfc-fii'-A. .IV.. CHARLTON,
. Assistant oensrat raaaesger Agsav
BiS Morrlaon t, eor. ThlrA Fort U do, Oi. ,
ii ' . ' s' 1 :