The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 05, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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I - Oregon City and
l.n A ,,aittt )') 0 mmVo )" ' MttttMMM
. (Spittlel Dbptteb to To. Joaraal.)
Oregon City. April F. X. Math leu,
the last miui living .who 'was a member
- of the aaembly that met la Champog.
May, J, 1848, and ' which 'determined
'.0 whether pr-not the . Oregon - country
.'. r should become dominated trr -the-United
; States, celebrated, his 8th birthday, in
Uutlevill on Saturday last. A t- al
' ways the case, . he received many rial
tors from the-town of Buttevllie and
. from other parts of the -state. O. H.
. V Hlmes,. the-aeeretary " of " th rOregon
Pioneer association of ' Portland ; and
Judge William Galloway of this; city,
, who is the president of the association.
'"""MrsMatUe Capias Mathied-ofpo rt
. land, daughter-in-law to the aged state
. builder, was also visitor. . Judge Will
iam Galloway has this to say of the
Buttevllle pioneer:"? ' T1
l . "Mr. Mathlea seems hale, and hearty
. and took great pleasure In receiving the
' guests that came to congratulate him j
' on his birthday, Thirty persons had as-
sembled from all over the state and the
' afternoon was-pleasantly spent In re
. latlng stories that have been history for
, the past 40 rears. He told us several
- stories about the early day and In par
tlcular about the historic assembly that
met at Champoeg. V The sturdy old fel
: low is a true Democrat for which I ad
mire him very much. Before leaving he
talked a little politics and what ha said
was particularly interesting. Ha said:
. 'My. friends, I am an old man and it is
- with pride that I say that -I have el.
ways been a Democrat and have always
, voted the ticket and always shall as
long as I am able to vote. There Is
nothing In the party that I have ever
I been ashamed to advocate.'
Judre-Oalloway -says w that Mr.
Matbieu- looks - sturdy sad shows every
' indication- f , voting t tha Democratic
' - ticket many : times mors, On May 1
there will be an excursion to Champoeg
: to celebrate the anniversary of the as
sembly and of the erecting of the moun-
ment The excursion will be under the
auspices of F. X. Mathieu Cabin, No.
It. Native Sons of Oregon, who -have
their organisation In this ' city. . .
V ' ' 'r J:. ' To Develop the Km v ' ?
The directors of the Crown Boy mine
are making arrangements for operating
the Crown Boy mine which. Is situated
In the' Bine, river district. Two men
iiav been sent to the mine to, begin
operations and prepare for the rest of
the force which will follow in about a
month. The .two men. who have gone
BOTICE. Tbe agtner and' eomepondtsee
work of ' The Journal M sow being done ay
R. W. Kullf, who bu hi headquarter la .the
Poatal Telecrepb offke. where aowt lunta will
bo taken and ubocrlptkwe, payment aad eoav
piaiota receive, i i
In advance 'are -Steve Oreen and K. B.
Nichols. The-Crown Boy mine is In
co rpo rated with a capitalisation stock of
$50,000. Local business men hold the
stock and they Intend to develop yie
mine and If It prove worth while i
tamp mill wlU be "installed this sura
mer. V;'' ,''..'
Don Want atlHea. ' .
Arthur HalL of Damascus precinct.
was- in OregonCtty -T yesterday, -end e
reports that the Democrats in that sec
tlon of the county are well organised.
He says that the Republicans In his part
of the county want a commissioner, at
this election, 4 T. B. Klllen, of Klllen
precinct, who retires at the next elec
tlon. Is said to wsnt a reelection to-the
position of commissioner.' This election
would not be satisfactory to the north
ern part of the county, and It la re
ported from there that If Klllen re
ceive! the nomination the Republicans
in that part of the county will support
a Democrat Hall reports that the part
of the county from which be comes will
be well represented at the Democratic
convention, which meets on Saturday.
- Apportionment to School rand.
Ths county school superintendent has
Just received ,' the apportionment that
the county allows for the school fund.
The total fund amounts to 127,141.08,
This snows' 13 per capita and gives each
district- Its,1 which completes the $50
that is allowed the districts by ft recent
acnooi taw. :. '; --, ', . -
' ' ' Bepublioens Oatherlag. ' ' '
The 'Republicans are gathering their
hosts together in Clackamas county and
will tomorrow hold t their county con
vention in this city. The convention
will be well attended, as the wet wea
ther will prevent the farmers, from
working their fields and they might
well be in convention ss lying around
the farm.. There is little excitement
among the, Republicans, as It is under
stood that ths present officers will be
renominated in most Instances, as it Is
the first term with most of them. The
only contest that Is anticipated is over
the position of school superintendent
and commissioner. . It will take the
convention to decide who Will All these
offices. In the matter of state repre
sentatives there is some doubt who will
be selected. Hiram Webster of Clack
amas will not be renominated, as he has
another position wfth the state flab
commission. C.- O. Huntley . will no
doubt be renominated to represent this
county in the state s legislature and
Frank Jaeger of Beaver Creek may be
chosen by ths .convention td.flll Web
ster's shoes.' ,i I ' - v; " :,
The Republicans are Very harmonious
and all are working as one man, and
thero is not the differences that have
before marked their conventions. It is
a juoroour coxnmr .rAjunsa
muses a' ran cow ajtd ooxva
, pr,snACH Amxxxmu a bbab
xm act or SBTOTTsnra soi--two
cubs fovn at uotwxm catb.
.' XSpecUl Dlapeteh te The JoBrsaty . -v
Albany. Or.. Xnrll l. Fred Dawaon
conceded by all that Senator Brownellland Edwin Stone were at Newport over
will control the delegation that will I Sunday, returning , home last nla-ht
go to the congressional convention, but I They bring the report of an encounter
it Is. not known whether he is a candl-1 with-a bear recently had. by a farmer
date or not He does not say anything J near Jiorton, --mall -station ln Lincoln
about the subject and his friends' do I county, xnomas Blower, the farmer In
not know.. He is seemingly taking lit-1 Question few days ago bought a fin
arethe kind that settle ; 6vl the lunge and devfeloo into
cow and turned her out on his place.
As the .cow failed to come up when ex
pected, Mr. . Blower started out to find
her, taking with him an -ax. He found
the animal after a short search. She
was dead, and big she bear was feast
ing on old bossy's carcass. Blower at
tacked the bear and. the brute fled, tak
ing refuge in he, cave. :8oon she came
tie Interest In politics and his intentions
are- hard to determine. 1,.---
.1 muKurmtctt. ;:.-,,v'-VM
Sheriff J. R. Shaver gave" a breath of
relief as he gave out the results of the
work of collecting taxes on the 10J
roll. The work of receiving . the taxes
commenced about two months ago. and
;L.,r,'r. , i . mr b nbandoned his project, to. kill,
for that officer and his deputies.. The ni...
amount collected . wss 17a.4OI.0. .on , " :.,1k:.".:T.. '
which a rebate of I4.S.8 , was Mid. wAun t. k. .ni.r. .i,n.iM.. iti. ki.
Ll't m2J&ft?ffilS!tt, Sll- At m tlmftW-ogcloMd in
parsix months is 1I0.I6M7j r The , 9 bear, and the man soon .found
number of tax receipts: averaged ; 121 hnr. "t .in .nk. t h- am .hi.
per day. The sheriff says thatthere spatting the brute's head open; and end
were more taxes collected in Clacknmas ing thes light , Searching out. the bear's
oounty than ln Marloft county. ;and the cave, the ranoher found a couple of half
Marlon county ,'( or receipts wss grown cubs and these he secured as 4ro
but 80. The sheriff does not expect nhioi nr hi nnii ith th.. . u..
much of a delinquent list this year, as I naw.nn-1. nn.nnti.nn. fnr d,. .i
he thinks thst the ones, that are behind cubs and . hould he secure them they
will pay up before the Ume expires In will be brought to Albany, and placed in
'" "" ' Bled T try men. '' ,
Tb vestrymen of St Paul's Episcopal
church net in the church last night In
annual meeting and elected vestrymen
a bear pit for. the amusement and enter
tainment or Mr. Dawaon ana: his friends.
': 'J.T, Shops Come to-Albany. '' ';;.
While rat Vaqulna Manager Stone an
nounced that the railroad shoDa at that I
serve ounng me louowing year. All j place - would soon be moved to Albany,
the old members were re-elected. ; They lowing to-the .facU that 5 the buildings
are: H. I Kelly, J. R.' Humphry. O. A. occupied ,theremre fast -folUnr; dpwn.
Harding, H. M. Templeton, William while In this city ' the company owns
Wright It A. Chapman and W. B. Staf- good buildings that at a' lltUe expense
ford. A meeting will be -called shortly can be put in shape for the shop. Thl
for the election of officers, v I will be a serfou blow to Taquina. but
These Will Wed. I WU nenent Aiceny lor u win'. Dring
v.f... ... . -m t k. I Quite a few families here! The removal
of floe for marriage licenses, there being mad thU PWng'and work on
three granted those who would wed. I tn! here will begin at once to
The Demons. who were aranted Itaenaea I ww
t.,h : .v..-.-..-ii -',:-.,"::.v -;P.i: nnd
; ' ; ,... t.t , . y " .. '
results from c
1 i
are: Lena Scoggtn and Julius Spagle,
Bertha Rich and D. P. Shaw, and Pearl
Looney and O. P. looney. -v
- T i
I In: ; and About Vancouver
v wm Play BasehaH. v '
The baeba team recently organised
In this, city met last' night and adopted
the name "The Young Albany." The
team, has accepted the - challenge of
pick-up team hero for a game at Ram
bler park for next Saturday afternoon
ana !- that- game will be followed by I
outers. Tomorrow afternoon the Wlede-
mann Theatrical company will , day a I
pick-up team at ' Rambler " park for
amusement and If the weather Is good a I
v,.., .... i . t -.1 ,1
Consumption Cared ' ': 'y X:' V
fokj & Co.,Cblctgo. Vv ' V ,y ': 4 Dana. Ind., Sept. 28,' 1902.
... GentlemeiirFOLErS HONET AND TAR cured ma of conaamp.
Hon after I had auffered two yeare and waa almost deaperata Three phraiciana
failed to five me any relief and the laat one aaid he could do me no rood. I tried -almost
every medicine I heard tell of without benefit until FOLEYvs HOnfy
AND TAR waa recommended to me. It effect right from the start was magical,
-1 improved steadily from the first dose and am now sound and wen, - and think
FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR la a God-send to people with Throat and Lung
f f ff f ttf ttf ttttttf tf ttf tf ttttttttf tf tttttttttttttttttttttttt tit I i bl crow1 wUI ou to th 'Port-
IVU1 ICIT HUlJf. (1111, JIUTT AffiDrVitk
(Journal gpadal Brvk.
Vancouver', 1 Waalu, April' S. ,Th
i county commissioners' met In regular
session yesterday afternoon and will
probably continue in session ..the whole
of this week , and part, of next j The
principal business before ' the member
t this time will be the Consideration of
the roads queation. , ;,V'
,;. Section 71 of the Washington .road
laws prescribe ; that ths county sur
veyor and the supervisors of the ' sev.
eral road -districts shall meet with the
. commissioner on; the- first Tuesday in
April . . and outline . the road . improve
rooms 10 oe maae. . At yesterday's
meeting a few minor detail were inves
tigated to better-enable the commission
ers to get ? down : to business today.
At today's . meeting, however, nothing
wh muN, . m vonaiaeration
of the. various districts will occupy sev
eral days.
While this matter is up the commis
sion is expected to decide something
definite regarding the construction of
- the bridge to be, erected, at Fruit Valley.
The railroad is expected to contribute
. to the expense and Vice-President Levey
of the Northern . Pacific RaUway com-
OTICI. The Vaaeoaver afeaey H The Ore.
oa fall JoonuU la located at
jobs r. Mndberg. aswt.
it sua
pany is 'expected 'one day this . week to
meet with t the commissioners for the
purpose of considering this proposition.
Sluukeyk Ar Dlvoroed.
In the superior court yesterday the
decree ott divorce was 1 signed by the
Judge in the case of Agnes Sharkey
against ' HtX' 'Sharkey.' " The case was
tried on ysbruary It, the defendant not
appearing: Testimony was taken, how
ever. In the case, the, state of Washing
ton being represented, -byr Prosecuting
Attorney Donald McMasters. From the
evidence submitted, the eourt found that
Mrs. Sharkey had been a' resident of
Clarke county for more than a year, and
that; She was lawfully wedded- to H. IX
Sharkey 01 the ?th of May,1902,tn
Portland. There are no children as th
result of the marriage and no commu
nity property. J The -evidence also
showed that the husband' deserted the
wife and failed to properly provide , for
her, besides using her In a cruel and In
human manner. The decree grants the
divorce absolute and permits the wife
- v..;'' r-,.-. '
, v 4 (SpecUI DUoatch to Tb Jonrml t
- '.Oregon City, AprU 6.Two hundred
and sixteen delegate, were selected at
th Democratic primaries her In Clack-
' amas County yesterday. 7 These will at.
wnlh". county, convention ;to,Ja.. held
In this city Saturday, April . ,
The delegates elected from the three
Oregon City precincts are the following:
No. 1 C. W. Evans; J. J. Cpke, J. H.
' Westover. E. D. Kelly, Tom - Falrclou gh,
Mort Latovrette, f. D. Eby, H, E.
Straight; J. W. Cole, X E. Jafck, Max
Bollack.: No. IJ. p. Wett, J. E.
Hedges, G W. Kelly, W. E. Carll, Harry
E. Draper, M. Chapman, E. Q. Caufield,
- O. A.Hardinff, Oeorge Purseful, A. L.
. Beattie. M. C, Strickland. Na I. E. H.
Cowing, M. Justin, Fred 'J.: Myers, John
Welsmantle, Charles Ely, W. B. Staf
ford, Henry Cooke.
The following persons will probably
- come before -the convention for the of
fices which respectively precede their
iuu. Diiirui-t num j. - Riding,
Marquam; Del Trullinger, Union Mills;
v R. B. Beattie, Beaver Creek; A. D. Bur
- nett. Eagle Creek. Clerk M. N. Crisell.
union. , , i reaifurer . w. Nelson.
.... Hardlnar. Recorder No candidate.
lABseaaor Jacob Reik. of near Aurora.
School Superintendent H. U McCann,
Parkplace; H.- O. Starkweather, Mil-
waume. uommiloner John Hatten,
Stone; E. Foster, Eagle Creek; M. D.
Lieabo, Marquam.
; (Special Dlapatra to The Joureat)
Salem, Or -April t, Henrr-St.- Rv-
ner or Portland waa admitted to the bar
yesterday bv action of ths annum
court. ' The order of the court was made
on the petition of Governor Chamber
lain, Mayor Oeorge H. Williams of Port
land and many business men and attor
neys of that city. , ' v !
Ten years ago Mr. St Ravner waa as.
mltted to the bar and - placed on the
regular nine months probation. At the
expiration of the time he faUed to ap
ply ' for final action.- but tsontlnued - to
practice. He was debarred for certain
changes he - mad in the transcript of
testimony in the McDanlel murder case.
He subsequently applied to the State
Bar association for reinstatement, but
this was denied. j.
It then developed that his liinrm
had been Irregular, as he had never been North
-vvv. w iuq vnr ui vreson. I wife
r a 1. , 1 .1 , . .
J.BJUHK w miners into conalderatfnn.
the supreme court- jrave the order for
Mr. ftf P..,'.
the first game of the season.
..:.-V..v xe Try BCnrdes Case.
. J., R. Wyatt left this - morning for
Burns, Harney county. Where ha win
join his partner, J. K.Weatherford. to
unq ueorge o.
county cattleman,
nr - husband ,:i':u . nr:
Charles J. According to the complaint "17, w," " 7Tv,l .
m,w o n m w rnchr' Vn PV1. MUler secured a re-
vember of the same year, showing that I versal of the case and a new trf.i
.. " 'Atunnmmk "iiThi I weainenora has been in Burns for
was not disposed to ear for his wife. I two weeks to nrmrt, th. ... .
i. ". Z ,. u . .. v.
: ' Two Beceptloaa. - -
At the Methodist parsonage tomorrow
evening, a reception wUI be tendered to
na mrw. v. utuer, - who were
married in Eugene last week, and are ex
pected to return from their brief wed-
aing tour to the sound tomorrow. In
vitations - have been - extendedto - tha i
members of the congregation and the
inenas ox me younr couDie to attend
InviUtlons fre also out for a reception i
at the home of D. P. Mason, for next
rriaay evening, to Ue tendered to Mr.
ana Mr a. Hockey Mason and Dr. rand!
airs. u. v. wittier. .
i -- Xs Blended Cram?. .
Samuel EHgle of Lrona indicted at the
former term of the circuit court for sell,
lng liquor without a license, appeared
.before Judge Boise In circuit eourt yes
terday, pleaded guilty and was fined 1200
and coat a An amuatng incident oc
curred in this connection before court
convened that caused a good deal of
merriment around th court Tiouae. Mr.
Engle, who Is an old man. met Judge
Boise in the corridor. The two shook
bands, when Engle said to the judge:
to take her former name .of Agnes Rou
bolt. ;.- ..J-.w.,
Married Ufa Vol SatUfaotory.
Another divorce -case has. been com
menced and Is yet to be tried. . In this
Instance Matilda. Hoppls wishes to be
entirely.- freed z from
As the result of the marriage one child
was born on April I, 101.. and the
mother now not only seeks to be freed
from the neglectful father, but wishes
the custody of the minor child as well
ss the right to assume her former name
of Matilda Smlthson.- ? ; c
i,L: '''Weensos'. toW4L.
. The auditor : of Clarke county during
the last two days has Issued marriage
permits to the following persons: John
Bag-ley to Katherlne Beatrice Meechan,
William Penman to Mary Prettyman,
A. W. Mellon to Jessie B. Ellis, Joseph
war to - Minnie McCalL and Pletro
Bassatl to Gulsepplna Verdagllo.
contains no opiates and does not con-
fodVZr stipate like ordinary cough medicines.
een granted a- new ' " .. - ' j ; , , ' .
THREE SIZES 2 Co, COo and 1.00
cThe 50 cent size contains 2; times as much as the
small size, ana me qiQQ size almost o times as rnucn.
tMlllbite h4 UUIlUe
- WeSellelMV
ear etd and Veun. '
rarzB xm iibb ' ooubtt was
TBACTr-Bia Traaa ;Bxot iusd
(Special Diapatch to Th. Joaraal) "
Eucena Oru ADril 15. The ritv alan.
I-hopa you will Jbegood lome. todav "Jtlon vesterdav was a hntlv onnt. nn.
me aea junii, uinaing me man was a tne principal laau being ' the saloon
party to a civil case, said: "I will be as question, although the questions of the
good to you as to the other man." and Carnegie library and municipal owner
when Engle later appeared In court and ship of light and water plans cut quit
pioaaea guuiy m- a. criminal Bltarge, ift' Tigniw.--
the Judge remembered the Incident and j "The advocates of saloon license lect
8pecUl plapatch to Tbe Joaraal.)
Ilwaco, Wash.. April 8. Article for I
tne incorporation of the Pacific Cran-
a . . L. . . "
oerry company, wnjeht recently .pur
chased the old Chabot cranberry marsh,
on -BhoalwaUr. ba. luive been filed -in
Two Ways
" - Have you ' noticed 1 a difficulty In
breathing short, quick breath when
you are walking, going up stairs, sing
ling, or are angry and excited? You
may not think what this means, but
doctors Will tell you it means weak
-heart actlonV ; . .. ...
Take Dr. . Miles New Heart Cure at
once. It will strengthenand build up
the weakened nerves and muscles of
in noan, .ana. ; nun ii - itronf and
, This Is one . way the right way.. '
-, . Negieet u a little while, and you will
then notice Fluttering. Palpitation,. Dls
.slness. Fainting Spells, Pain In region
- of heart side and shoulders. Stomach
a Kiunny irouoiea i nis is serious.
, v It Is the other way the wrong way. ,
Dr. Miles Heart Cure
t JW?6- ,ur. rm4y, and Is curing
Heart dlnease right along, as thousands
, will testify.
"I had enlargement orthe heart The
doctors said f could live but a short
time. I took Dr. Miles NeW Heart Cure,
which restored me to perfect health."
, A. M. BABSKTT, Welllnrton. Ohla
Money , back if first bottle fails to
benefit ,
...... .v., VltlVUIMU -. A
(SpecUI Dispatch to The Jooriil
Astoria, OrM-April B. Fishermen's
prices ior catching salmon will be the
same this year as last At'a meeting
Ptlhe Columbia Blver naluSrmen'a Pro
tective union last night ythe price for
nen weigning , under ty pounds was
fixed at S cents, and for fish over 5
pounds at 7 cents.
The matter of affiliating with the
Fishermen's Protective Union of the
Pacific Coast and Alaska was also
orougnt up anda committee of nine
was appointed ys Investigate and report
progress at the next, meeting of the
local union.
(Special DU patch to The Journal.) '
Salem, Or.. AdHI S The nt wb
in August . will probably be the time
set for the encampment of the Oregon
Rational guard. - . . .
In view of the comlnar outlnr tnnv
are enlisting and the number of soldiers
Is now a little jibove 1.J00. - .
General Funston will flv h im.
after consulting with the state author
ities. . If a department encampment Of
regulars is held the place will be
America Lake at Tacoma, "and as it
has been arranged for state
encamp with the regular soldiers, th
Oregon militiamen will prepare to o
out of tl state,- . ', i - ,
when the case was .disposed of, told the led three of the four-counollmen, W..W.
story to some of the members of the Calkins, the anti-saloon nominee, win.
bar. - - - nlng over Alton Hampton In the first
noaeer womaa vsao. ; I ward by a good majority. '
Mrs. Cynthia Trltes, aged 7 years, The library and light and water plants
a r pioneer ox v-tuea in inis-cuy at oarnea py .. large .majoriue
midnight Sunday night and was buried The following -were the 'successful
i.-i 'il T ViVX Ii. . I afternoon. '. Deceased was ;a native of opposition: treasurer, Frank Reesever,
V ''X?',Vhe ,nc?rpora-j Indiana, and came with her parenU to no opposition; counoilman r f rom first
tors are Dorssy B. Smith, superintend-1 i i u.ra'ai,. I a-,t w w r.iv( ..h...i .....
Arth.ip m iT.u. o T' jt 3 ,lbecame ' ta moiner oi vent ; onuaren, Aon Hampton; councilman irom second
A.ilr "T o three or wnom survive. er nusband wara, n. jb. iienaerson, license, over R.
proprietor or the Breakers hotel at M win uo. ind aha lived ilnu McMurnhvi - nnnncllman frnm M
'Wn, una a. a. Aruiur, nisi tlma. vlth oim nf hr inm (lh I wuril. DitnrM TL Tiarrim. llrana. ,aa
u. m,lM. 1 William W riovla- i im.mril...
fh Chabot march Is the largest bn I k., . i.,,, . .Ifmirii. t n w.twi, nns.. .
. . .... wirw . Bivie devoted friends, and hr deatn la deeply cnanes i scott
i.ovv acres, over nail, or WJllcn is I monrnad. - -
Covered with lakes and sloughs, which
afford ample Irrigation facilities. The
purchase price was In the neighborhood
of 30 per acre.
100 Acres Under Cultivation. .
Lea than 1 vO acres of the tract ia
under cultivation at the -present time,
but the new proprietors will gradually
clear up the remainder of the available
acreage. An extensive irrigating plant
will be installed. . -Past
attempts have demonstrated that
cranberries cart be 'successfully cultl-
vatea on the lower coast under ordi
narily favorable circumstance as hia-h
as SO barrels per acre can be grown,
and with the total available acreage of
VOTICXk The Albany agesey of The Orena
Pally Journal la at toe aruc - ux ox irre
Dawaon, Mo. zu wm nm etreet, waore
eripuooa wui n nmna.
(Special IMapatch to The JoernaL)
Astoria, Or., April Carpenters and
longshoremen who are out on strike, the
former for sn eight-hour day andv the
the Chabot tract under cultivation th. latter for more pay, are attending
output would be enormous.. i strictly toweir own Dusiness ana are
The first attemnt at cranberry ral-in, enjoying the. support of the great ma-
on the peninsula was made In the early orlty of thet people here,
an.. - ... i ll , Jtlli I ,. Two butldlnar contraotori
v m vj m x i ciiiiiiiciii nuuieu i;naoot.
whose name the ranch hears. From the
tart the venture was a paying one, and
berries of the very best grade were
gathered In abundance. - Later. Chabot
died, and -his wife soon left the ranch.
it was later leased to a Chinaman, who
allowed It to go to ruin. -. .
'. Deceived by Josiah.
- From the Chicago Record-Herald.
"Well, of course," said Mrr. Oldcastle,
the subject of the picture may not be
exactly what we should have chosen If
Two building contractors today slate
that they have each two men at work
and will be able to add more non-union
toen to their force of mechanics.' ...
Th union carpenters are taking-con
tracts '.nd are working a number of
men on small -Jobs about the city. ,
Until a meeting of the Central Labor
union It Is not expected that the long
shoremen will take final steps In their
contention. 1 - t '
"... Quid Pro Qna. :
' f From Judge. ,
' A nv4 V. ttT-Aria hat .!,(. ...I !
we could have advised the artist but Mk 7h. Irat husband. 'Whou got
-:"" ' ione last year ana only wore it once." '
"Oh," replied her hostess. 'is that! -.wi, i aiav -t.. k. k r'-
brousht A'Ume't C.1?,7,ht?n b tve' wlf;. fxou onlnt thw one";
brought U home-that it- was a Roman i.. .nrin': AiAn't vour ;
girl who had Just been In bathing."
' rabulously Wealthy.
From the Chicago Record-Herald.
"Are they very richT"
"Oh my. yes." Why. they have real
eggs colored for their Children on Era
f ... u I). i?.,.....i ,..-,,:4-'...k,.,i... . .
-".'-A Sad Awakening.
From Judge, -!"'-v -Xe
StyleHe said bis wife's Easter
bonnet was a dacam. r
Gunbuata He didT ' ' .
De Style Tes: but when he rot the
I bill Jt opened bJs eyes, . , ;,...,
Ther was considerable - exottement
over the election. , During the campaign
tnere nas existed a bitter feeling be
tween the anti-saloon forces and their
opponents. At the polls in the fourth
ward about noon Rev. B.- F, Rowland,
pastor of the '-M. 1 E. church, : who has
taken an active part Jn the camnalan,
and Councilman J". D. Matlock, who was
a candidate for re-election, "became en
gaged In a heated discussion, resulting
in tne conucuman slapping- the minister
in the face.- Bystanders Interfered ajid
turuier iruuuie wui averteo. . -
(Special Diapatch to Th. Joaraal.) '
Eugene, Or., April S. As a result of
the trouble which occurred in the Arm
ory the other night between Captain Wil
liams of company C and several of the
members of company A. In which Cap
tain wiiuams. struck private Ora WU
son with his sable, " the captain and
Lieut Ray BabbN of company A. have
been placed under arrest by Major O. O.
Toran. commanding the ) First separate
oattauon. cnarges nave "been filed
against both officers and the papers sent
to uovernor Chamberlain for his an-
provaL The governor will call a court-
martial In the near future to try. Wil
liam ana ittDo, . s
VOTICE. Th Btuen aaww nt Ts ttmm.
ton Dally Joaraal la al tbe bookator cf Allen
u. Baton. . wbere uberlptloo to s by aui:
W. carrier will be rocalvod. ' -
: Oronnd for Divorce.
Hi Wife How about my Easter hat?
Himself Well, that depehda ( .'Tou'iJ
better consult the Janitor and see if he
has any old feather dusters.
How, much . nonsense T pa. for
aomi ' "'.:;' '. ;.' ". ' . , :.;
A father should enjoy to his greatest
capacity the opinion of hia 1-year-old
children that he la the greatest man
In the -world for they soon get over U
Ever notice how important and worth
leg a bantam rooster IsT v .
An Atchison man take care of the.
children and gets dinner while his wife'
goes to church. Do you suppose that
will count for anything when the Lord
it dividing, up the Jewels T
Every one shouM take good care of
himself or herself; particularly a wo
man who doesn't want her children -to
have a stepmother, -r - - - vf --
We would like to see a ten-twentr-
thirty show without Cardinal . Richllleu
showing up In a robe of red calico.
A 60-cent show will have a IHtle ermine
on Rlchilleu's red robe, but a ten-twenty
tnirty uses plain red calico. , ' ; ' ; : -We
have never yet seen a shape Ilk
those built in the fashion books. -
Two Atchison men got into a game of
(Journal special Berrico.)
Corvallls. April S. At Crystal Lake
eemetery ' Sunday - local Chinamen held
high carnival over the graves of four
Of their departed fellow countrymen.
The Celestials went, from town to the
silent city in carriages, and a crowd of I poker recently and one of them held five
whites .followed .to se what west going I aces. This is such an unuual occur-
on, : Roast chicken and pork, and other rence that many old poker players never
rooa was placed bealde the graves on knew it to happen, it is explained by
a mat, ana a jur or imported wine -was tne Tact that the man's -wife is a Chris
opened -and the liquor poured on the 1 tlan Scientist and, she sat In another
mounas.- Appies ana oranges,., cut, into I room,, giving mm an absent treatment
small bits, were also scattered on the) . People do a great many mean thlnas
graves. . - ' :: T without thinking. One of the meanest
funxa ana candies were burned while I is to ten t man, what others say about
tne neatnen ceremony progressed, and I mm. juvery one should know that some
bits of burning paper were thrown here lone dislikes him, and abuses him. But
ana: mere. , - .' I it is tnougntiess. it Is mean, to tell him
. When the rites were ' concluded the J about it. People abuse you; If you don't
iuvu was gatnerea up ana Drought oack near aoout it it is Because your frlepds
iu wwii ujr me ninamen, tne latter I ure too genteel to tell you about It
ci snowing mat tne veiestiai ia pro
gresstve in learning American tricks.
since on past occasions, hereabouts, th
roast pic ana cnickens were left at the
grave, only to be devoured by a crowd
of white youths, after the departure of
tne Chinamen who placed them there.
XX Happens Prlday Bvomng-.
From the Baltimore American.
two weeks ago I envied' iiim
The millions he had cot:
But now hi Pile la Just as slim
As mine la. Ilka unt , ... A
rnaay evening next at the Philomath I But he la nr th.m r ,
vuiicBn, uie siaie contest ox tne
Prohibition league. , Efforts are on foot
for a special train, to run to Philomath
and return on that occasion.' and It la
probable that such a train will be sent
through from Albany.; Miss Alloe Wick
lund will represent the Oregon AgrlcuK
turat college w tne contest
I'm used to it 'you see.
And he, though wondrous rich he was. '
im now as poor a me, . , .
H0TICX. The Corvalll agency of Th. Ore.)
oo Daily Joaraal ia heated at tiranam dt Wort-
ian' dros itore. where anbaerlotlona tn Th i
Dally. Semi-Weekly and Weekly Journal will
In climbin' up he didn't seem - - ?
To care who-els was broke; ' ,-.
He vowed he'd realise his dreml.'.i.
No -thought for others folk, - r
9ut now he knows Just how It feela'f
To be a human wreck. - , .
And have . the grid's financial heel
Cavorting on his neck. .
II was impatient when I knew
He'd made a-monstroua- atarkvV- -
II sighed. "Whatever .will I do :
Alas, alas, alack!"
1 1 thought me such a -common duh
witn sKiuess, useieoa hands
,.a sovm cmntrs . aVbxammm. -, :?
' Froin the Atchison Globe. -President
Joseph Smith has 41 child
ren. wnen you -think or how many
times in the night her has had to. get Again I've learned that every tub
" - nvi vvi i a- i - tin ii nwii nnrrnm ktnnia ,
as uv pv wuaiinwiui .. .-
If a man gives his wife every cent
he earns he can't go very, far out of tha
path or morality.
Why Is it : that a reformer so soon
becomes a foolf v ' v" - .
The smaller the handkerchief the more
it costs, and we have noticed that the He's a-iad mv wArri i-
men draw tha lara-a en : ! I T. r. It . .mm.
J .' . . , , A IU KUU ii im mm V IM A.
..uuu tui i.inu, uyi wui vi a. room I ' t
1 1 J . vvi. ..... . . I
uava.wBiu. KMu Bpeaa in tne . most im-I ' A Alan m
olorinr tone, to th. wnm.n !! w. - MraOpOBal,
the room, sh is" not a aueen: she is a
qreesmaker. - - - y
Tet I've some troubles. Ilk as not
That Sully'd hate to own.
Just, as there's some that 8uUy'sgo
Would make m sweat and groan, i
The lesson, , then,1 from Sully Is '
Aiong mis special 'line;
V - - From .Tnii .
Clarence Willvbov I h. Mm. .''la iv,
Ever niark how aensiUv. , neonl. Jff ln to breaking m
are about their dogT , a- . Bill ConW ' u.J
Th greatest thins: we know In t i. i..... ' ".7""" "cn aia
r , . .... . r i w www
of physical culture Is that it nuts nad.
ding on the body that can't be, taken nft 1 1...
im uressmaKer uictates.
Clarence WHlyboy Five thousand dol-
t.V; nictates. , . i BUI Conkey Break a
7' " I", J ! 5 " " ",."u' UU1 tnousana aaiianr wouldn't ? last lone
that they are not reformers.
I enough to make a dent la It