The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 05, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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I: I -
-' : Manjuam "The BUrer Slipper." '
. today's "Tho Olrl rroui f'trl."'' .
;.. jiaarr "-i-noo nbH4 Wilson,"
, Arcade-VaudtrlUa. t '
irm-r-VulllU. ,;
.".' Nobody appearing to argua the motion
f.'Xor new trial of the suit to recover
V damages brought by B. t F. i " Btrack
agalnat A. J. Millar, it waa denied tbla
7 rooming by Judge Frailer In the atato
circuit, court On motion of George W.
Joseph, attorney for Btrack, Judge Cle
yrf land ; entered' an orderfor r$T60 dam
.;' , .: ages. In accordance with the Jury ver
: ;'i diet, w Miller , ahot Btrack In - the foot
,. . , aa the . reault . of an - altercation ' occur
rring'.ln front of the Farmers' resort
.. on the Twelve-mile road. Ha waa alao
4 ' found guilty . of a , charge of ' aaaault
1 , . with : a deadly.; weapon by a , jury . and
, sentenced Dy fudge frailer to pay a fine
- While you wait I We . have th only
ooodyear lockatltch machines for repair
ing aolea of ahoea In town, no matter
what our would-be imitators stats, - Ton
do not have to wait to get your work
dona, better aolo leather for -the piioea
we charge, and work aeoond to none.
Men aolea aewed on. lOo, .60 and 0oj
heele fixed, tto, .Ladies' aolea. aewed
on, 40o and 0c; heela Axed, lOe, Rub
ber heela from tto up. We call for
and deliver work free of charga Phone
Main JOIL - Tamhlll street, near 0aa
company offlca. Ooodyear Shoe Re
pair C , - v V',, V,
' Tonight - th people of Portland will
have the opportunity of bearing the
Mosart Symphony club of . Naw ' York.
These, are German muaiclana who hava
taken up the study of ancient lnatru
; menta, among which are the viola
d amour (14 strings), viol da gamba
(10 strings), Some exquisite aoloe
'will be given on the cello, violin, viola
and cornet, bealdea aaveral numb re en
semble. t This company will appear at
the T. M. C A. . tonight. Admission
At the regular meeting of the aewmg
. school board ot di recto ra of the Port-
' land Woman'a union yeaterdav Anna and
Lsn Wagner and Alma Orelnlg received
. anver medals- for good attendance, and
; Lydla, Melstsr and the remainder of the
class were preaented with souvenir baa
keta The courae In aawing will again
be taken up In October. Thla term the
achool waa In charge of Mrs. June Mo
MUlen Ordway. There were Is glrla en
rolled. They have been taught how to
do plain sewing.' '''A
Two email thefta war reported to
th police thla morning. Mrs. B. F.
Bwaln, ll Weidler atreet. reported that
aome one had carried a carpenter'a saw
from her basement She la of the opin
ion that It waa taken by a man who
recently carried a load of alabwood Into
th baeeihent, Carl Anderson reported
that a f4l iult of clothe had been
taken from his room at, the Everett
house, corner of Second and Everett
Rev. Beverly Carradlna, D. IX, th
celebrated fit Louis evangelist, la "at
tracting larg audience to th Berea
mission. Second and Jefferson street,
to listen to his preaching at 1:10 o'clock
in the afternoon and 7:10 In the vn
Ing.. LMt night the church waa Used
to Ita capacity and hi first week-day
aervloa yesterday afternoon waa largely
atUnded.,..,;; jJi.,Ut.- -."t''i
1 Mr. Clayton Wants, . 7 East Ninth
atreet, died Sunday at Aahland. -where
he had gone in the hop of improving
her health. "Mra. went was well known
In Portland- nd -Salem. A -husband nd
three children eurvlve her. Th funeral
will be held thla afternoon at Centenary
jtetnoaiat cnurcn. Kev. w. b. Hoiunaa-
head officiating.,,
Advlcea received at th local weather
office state that condition are practl
. , cally th aam in southern Oregon aa
.they are here. The month of March waa
a hard one. although it moderated
great deal toward the end. Th report
gives a detailed account of the weather
during th month In Jackson and Jose-
, paiam manun. -
"Th monthly report of Plumbing In
spector Thomaa E. Hulme waa filed at
th city .hall today. It ahowed that
there ar now IT licensed plumber in
Portland. One month ago there were
60. During March 07 new building
and (7 old building with new futures
were inspected. , .
The Flower Mission workers visited1
the hospltale yesterday and distribute
flower to the sick and friendless. An
orchestra entertained the inmates of th
hoapltala. .... . r
The fire-alarm apparatua at the county
Jail, which ha been out of order through
the wires becoming crossed , and the
fuses in th box burning out waa re
paired yesterday by City Electrician
Walker. It la understood the grand Jury
will recommend that the wire be again
connected - with ' police headquartera o
that aid can be had quickly la caa ot a
Grand avenue ..south . jfrpm Belmont
street is in very bad condition, and
gravel ia being placed o that 4eama
may reach r the .United BUte launary
and Neustadter Bros factoryf ' In view
of the closing of the Morrlaon bridge a
petition for planking Grand avenue aouth
from Belmont atreet may b mad to
th council. i , , - '
Counsel for th Northern' Pacltlcf Ter
minal company and f or . JR,. Wl Brltt a
braneman who waa rnjurea on nia tr
and who brouaht auit againat. in com
pany to: recover 16,000 damagea,' have
ncted a aetuement out or court ,. ,
Tomorrow evening the i Sunnyald
Alumni assocUtlon will Inaugurate a lec
ture course on practical and aclentiric
topics., 81 U. bowns, principal, bf th
8ellwood schools, will deliver tb open
ing leciure n "Asirvnomy. , .' .'' 1
During th month of April, Hodgson
Co., architect; and superintenaenta,
Macleay building, will furnlh plana, de
tail, specification and superintendence
at 3ft Pr cent f-.y. '.'.':
The "quarterly aoclail of th ' Tlrt
Presbyterian church- will b held to
night In the church parlor. ..A general
inviutlon to tt preeent Das been s
tended.' - . -;',. -r-f ,,.;
Th annual meeting of th --adies' Be
lief society will be held tonight la th
First Presbyterian church, Twltu and
Aldr trt. . . , ..
1 - ' -
Fine davl Buy Meredith's ambrHaV
Repairing and recovering, two atores
Washington nd 6 th. Morrison and eta.
If you r looking for a good plao
to board, try th American restaurant
corner Third and Couch, atreet.
Steamer for The Dallas will leave
Alder-atreet wharf T a. m. dally (axoapt
Sunday). Phon Main II.
Pi-lvat allera for ladle vry after
noon at th Portland bowling alleya.
Flrat and Sfark.
Wlae Bros., dentists, Falling building,
Third and Washington.. ,
8. H. Oruber. lawyer. 11 Com'el Block.
The Central W. C. T. U, will hold ita
usual meeting tomorrow afternoon at
the T. W, C A. rooms. The union will
b addressed by Mrs. Louts P. Rounds,
tne Humane society worker.
92 Scon4 Stowrl
. - Creon4rioV .
Low PrieM ; .
TeJepbofte 444
Washing Turned
Irfto Pleasure '
, ' Washing la more a matter of fun than
work when you have ua do It for you
nd th coat 1 very little. : Clothe
' whiter, smell sweeter. W mend the
clothe and darn the sock. -
ty, . - , fit
Phoa Baat IS. a . BTAJTS, Mgr.
. , ' . avoAasxssTT BnrcMs, : .
. Sooner or later the question of
ring will interest every , young
man. That's lust whv we adver
tise our beautiful lino of engage--1
ment ana weaaing rings, zou can
- apend a whole day or week hunting
ail over town lor rings, dui wnen
you step Into our place you get
no farther on your hunt You'll
Marnnam nranrl Tht WT- fi-
s ejaai arwael w MPJ mfft
Tonlfbt st 8:1B o'clock.
Wednesday and Ttaandar Nlshts.
SpecUI-Prlre Matlneei Tomorrow (Wednesday)
1 Tim Btnpendous Merry liueleal Comedy,
' xmm sxxiTxb surras
With Baiqael .Collins end th Faunas Cham-
- pa goe nance.. - ' 1
Evenlns Prices Lower floor. St and 11 .BO. I
Balcony.. 11.60. at and TSe. Otllefr. TV and
00c. . Boxes and k, 112.50. Special MaUnee
rncea Lwer noor. si.ou ana ft. Balcony, 1.
joe ana oue. jsnure sauary, oue.
Oeora L. Baker. Bole Leasee sad Manager.
TMiisnt. su iDit we. maunee Bataroa.
second week the new; NelH-Moroaco company la I
Pudd'nhead, Wilson'.'
'.'., "' "''By' '.Mark Twain.
Evenlnr prices, 50c, SOc, 25c, IBe.
r ADnD A V - THFATDr - - Phone.
ay viiiivi sua aaawt 1 ua. u.,. on
Fortlasd's Popular Family Theatre;'
rra OZ.TXPZA Oram- coxy AST4
First time ever la Portland, Ua big Mew York
' ana sasiern aoeeeaa,
Girl From Paris"
T 911 vuiafj" tv"'f"t sww awirpa, Dsfi 1
tlfnl cborat, natty jspatumea, brigbt sad aaacy,
eleaa wit '
No adrance of price, eat It is worth more, .
V MMn aTlTBirsrDS, '
Tw abewa dally at S aad 0. av
Best mad In Amer
ica. That's why
we sell 'em i-
Children's up from
;;;? - 50c v -'
i Men' ir- Women's
' regular; rSlses up
from ' .; .
;..- $1.00 :
'J:I0 te :0. f :N to IOiM. ,3
r" . BLAJUxirBBOS, .
' ' '. aitrMS BOBKBISaV
W, T. VAjrOUL, .
JMMdBi Bfanager.
Grand' Gotw?)jtySBM
Italian Band
Dlreetlea et Blgnor D'Prbano. W ; ?;ylar aad etoMaal. -
Prlee-,Lwe Boor, Tc balcony. 60c; gallery,SSe and 5c. , T" i V
The adTSDc sale of Wta wlU pea Thursday morolnf at the jbox effloa ot the theatre.
Largest ' stook pt nmw. &upts la tk elty at th lowMt prloM ob ; th Ooasi Tonrth Tloor."
Th kom of ifc M0iok X4 Stl - SJUI ! Oook StovM om Tklrt Tlow, ' : 1
i 'i i,
the ;
AND f i " - "
Orasd Bprtnjr Opninf of BTw Baby Gro-Oarts and Oanlarv AH This Week youth, floor,
Oaly shojl la owa wkar ye eaa W fitted tho'oaly perfect Amrleaa Corset Eoyal Woroester
sl " "
" ivi '
, aftTUU nHsUUf lU' . VaV
And Great Exhibit of the Newest Spring Fashions
;v: Tomorrow A Special .; Day of Unnsiial Bargains
' ' !'
mail mm ,
, ' It will pay you to go over this advertisement because it offers hundreds of saving opportunities in merchandise of the newest style,- best makes, thoroughly de-'.
ever to wait on the crest thronrs
feeling secure that the merchandise Is absolutely DEPENDABLE, both as to authoritative fashion and superlative, quality. It's an " incontrovertible fact that
pendable in every way. :, The list below, .however, represents but a few. taken from many hundreds in this store. From the basement, to the fourth floor each"
pared than ever
department is teeming with' bargainsbargains such such as have never been. offered before. : It gives us great pleasure this season to say that we are better pre
ir to wait on the great throngs that are always found in this house, and we will again call your attention to the advantage of buying here, of always
you've got to come to this store for authoritative styles ifyou're a Portland shopper. The printed facts and figures below illustrate a few of the other advantages
our patrons receive NOW, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? Don't you think it worth whilea trip to the store tomorrow?
Biggest Dress Goods Bargains Ever
1 " No Such Dress Goods Ikuains in Town as These ! " -
1 .Was the xolaanatlon on every tongu yesterday aa th women thronged
tn Dr-Oood Annex and Tied for possession of th rare oergalna in
th smart and handsome new Spring Dress Stuff being sold at a mar
fraction of their, worth thla week. Nothing aver happened nor oppor
tune than thla. And plenty left for tomorrow of th i matehleaa value.
Toil muat aee the fabric in order to appreciate th price printed herei
Imported Novelty Tweed Suitings Our regular I t.I6. a yard raluea at
per yard .......1.9
Imported Novelty Kin Suiting Specially aCad for ahlrtwaiat suit Our
. regular tl.tBmnd tt a yard values at, per yard 1.59 .
Imported Novelty Tweed Suiting Our regular $1.71 a yard, valuee, at
per yard ....$1.35
Imported Novelty Tweed Suiting Our regular. 11.80 a yard valuea at,
per yard fl.lO
In Millinery Salons
the 2d Day of the
Gorgeous Expose
- and Sole of
, vmnxm cAzv axbxs a vamiTABioi aAmsair or m xabto-
lOatsrr ABTzrzozAK nvowBM tou arrsa oabxd utobt,
'TIs almost Ilk walking through Fairyland to wander op and dowa th
main aisle of our splendid Millinery Salona. Wv traneformed it into a
grand i flower anew. -the Ilk. of which you'v never seen in our eijar. Th
goddess of flower herself would be charmed by this display, so gor
geous and ao natural ar th flower. Flower that were mad by deft
and clever human nanda, yet waicn wnisper or in mysteries ox nature, me
beauties of the Snrlnstlme field and forests..
. smT novn n roa vxa faskiobt oaxxc fob ssXEJuar-
m AJUsxnraus--aaAx- aua
'" - Included in the great bargain hothoua ar rosea, violets, apple blos
soms, cowslips, lilacs, daialea, popplea, mignonettes, thistles, dahllaa, forget-me-nots,
bluett. June rosea,, lilies of th valley, and foliage of every
sort Including grapes, currants, raiaina, ana enerry ciuatera, in anon,
every flower and bit of foliage that Natur- lend to millinery enchantment
in exquisite colorings. Also an immense ehowlng of black rosea, chrysan
themums, poppies.- and fruits. The grandest flower exposition ever planned
in Portland'a atore history and what woman can resist such prices T
On odd lot of Flowers and Foliage,
valuea up to 18c, choice per
bunch a. 5t
Big lot of Flowers, embracing roses,
violet, foliage, daialea, forget-me-nots,
lilies of th valley, etc,
' per bunch -ir. ......10
Choice lot of big bunches of daia
lea, roses, forget-me-nots, bluetts,
' foliage, etc per bunch . ...19
An Immense assortment of fine roses,
apple blossoms, silk roses, six in
a bunch; black roses, cher
ries, 1 dalay wreathe. - etc., per
bunch .....................251
Fine lot of dainty French rosea, big
bunches of daisies, nlc foliage,
wreath, black Uk flower and
many others,', choloa per
bunch ..................39
Handsome line of fine roa, fin
black flower, big bunch of vio
let, all-silk popples, appl blos
soms, follag, etc, per bunch 49
Elegant assortments of On Im
ported flowers at 75V 08,
f 1.Z5, f 1.49, 12.00 up to
5.0.0 Pr bunch.
The New in Footwear
...... ..........B4.00
mx.av ana sS.UO
We're after you and th chase la getting hot- We've got th
quarry right in eight, and if you'd "bo In at th death- better
get in this week and make sure. We want to become person
ally acquainted with you in th aho store. In order to tempt
you In, we've planned a. grand meet for this week and shall
let loose U of our splndld new 112.10 and tl RIDING
BOOTS for ladi' war, French patent calf or black Russian
calf leathers, la th new "fiat-iron" lasts, hand-bottomed and
very handsome. Choice tor, the pair..,.. ....... .$10.00
Those hunting for the very newest, latest and smartest In fashion
able Dress Footwear would do well to hava a look at our NEW PATTERN
SHOES, Oxfords or high boot styles, with IK to S-inch heels, of Louis
pattern, in patent kid or colt or French kid, blacks or th newer tan
: shades, including the beautiful "champagne," Fashion's very latest favor
ites. Oxfords, $3.00 to $6.O0; High Shoes, $3.00 to $8.00.
-- m onmiw main sxoss. : '--
-The famous Flngree Vogue for men at . .....
: YMnorMMi'fl nAVrnor for man
Pingree'a Gloria for men and women
Plngree Shoea for young folka . ...... .$2.00, $2.50 and
NW ile Just in, men's or wqmen's, AH the very newest and latest styles'
in an Jeainers, oiacas or tana; turned nana welts, sort, flexible soles,
- and th best IS.SO valuee outsld thl stor In Portland; this week,
choice, all alses .,.,: ....,.,,.. ......,.....,.$2.81
a roivvwto Shop
BOT'S WAISTS. Just In. Our full Spring linea, beaut lea, too percales,
: madras, chambrays, and cheviots, in the prettiest patterns and most at-.
traoUv coloring ever. Plain color with fancy plalta, light or dark
grounds with neat stripe or fancy figures, with or without" collars.
- Blouse or Russian bloua atylea, "Mother'a Friend" bands, iete alt marked
'"'at special prices .. .:...y.. ..........25, 35 and 60
BOT'S NEW GOLF CAPS in th new gray or browns, and atyliah, nobby
, mixture, platted or crdea band styl crowns and silk lined, a Ms value, 1
v ' for ...... .-f .i . . i . . .... ........ , ... . , . , .SO)
BOT'S .'SPRING UNDER WEAR Bal brlggan Shirt and Drawt shirts
with long 'sleeves;' drawers In knee -or ankle lengthselse 14 -to tt
'. at, each .......'..........,. .,:,'., ';, . 4 . ., '50et
BOT'S UNION SUITS Jersey ribbeUr form fitting, of fin maco cotton.
. ; long sleeves, ankle length slses It to . eult . . 60
fMptS 904 Silks
A - collection of distinctive, rich and !utrous8!!k. too plecee ytr-,
day not ao much today,' but enough for all,' and my! but what "a rar .
. bargain feast Hurry and get your har of the beautiful Silks whq the
-price ar snipped this.. way.:'. .; T w'-cfSv' ' t C-'. a
' The' rgutor'.I6.-ai' yard:' SOks for,v.U..M,t.J......87e ''
The regular 11.60 a yard SUka for, ......................... ....,.,.97 -
Extra special valuea on 7-lnch Colored Pure 8.11k TaffetA. la following -.
shades: ' White, cream, browns, navj-a, tana, castors, raaeuaa, red, hello- -;.'twp,
;sJH;Bn yaid.fori,....;.!(,...i94)'::
v Needfuls
A special sal of Houaefurnlah
Ing Goods and Kitchen utensils thla
week. In view of th close prox
imity of Spring ho us eel caning time,
theae prlcee will prove a great aid
to thoae about to engage In thla try
ing but necessary ordeal, when the
men folka either atay at the club
or eat'sff a convenient ahelt The
following Hat la eceroely more than
Three-quart - granite, - iron Sauee
pan , ,,...lSo
Four-quart granite - iron Sauce
pana . . Mo
No. S granite-Iron Teakettlea SSo
Ebony Repair Knobs, s for...,. Bo
Tin Pepper Boxes, each 10
Carpet Tacks, per package . . . , . 1
1,600 box Toothpicks, t for ... 60
. Nickel-plated Towel Bare, 18-ln. 18
Three-arm wooden Towel Bar. . So
Six-arm wooden Towel Bar lBo
Houaeoleanlng Window Brushes SSo
Houaecleanlng Scrub Brushes., , So
Housecleaning Hand Brushes., , 4e
Housecleanlng Floor Brushes... Oo
Bumshlne Metal Polish ....... te
Wallpaper Cleaner, per pkg..... Be .
1-burner Stovee, special at..,. ,Be
l-burner Stoves, special at Te
1-burner Blue Flame Cook . '
Stove . ,. . . .....SS.SS
(burner Blue Flame Cook
Stovea S4.TS
Complete lines of Kerosene and
Gasoline Stoves, all reduced.
Special reduced, prices all week
on Qulck Heal" Ranges.
' Batteuberr aad Faaoy Drawa Work Uaeas at Tremendous Bedaotlon
SB rev Cent Off ea an spier Frlcae Bteault of Fortaaat Boy . ky
' Ou Bealdeat Bew Tork Bopre optative. ;,"",-:rv.:"...
. ...... ..,.. ' I- .('i''
These new Linen Store Bargain will be a delight to every purohaaer.
It's Juat ths result of one of those fortunate trade happenings that occur
only oooaalonally. and thla time our New Tork buyer fortunately got the
tip ahead of aome of th big Eastern houses that a certain manufacturer
needed money, and needed it badly, and had to have it quick. We've a
plenty, always, for Just such emergencies, and agreed to exchange
money for good IS off regular prices. The awap was made the good .
ar here for you, aa they were for us BS FBB CBBTT OTT--Included lac
.the lot are fancy drawnwork Shlrtwalat Pattern, Art Squares,' Tea
Cloths with Cluay laee. Pillow Shams, Dresser Scarfs, Tray and-Carving
Cloths, all slses in Doyliea. Never such an Immense showing before'
in the clty. snd never before such prices. 'W print a few to ahow the
Trena;. .. .- ;i .-; ;
lOo value
SSo valuea
too values
(6o valuee
76a values
lie values
Oo values
fl.00 values
1.2t valuea
.... 25
... 66
i........ 64
..... :t'8e
,' 75
US valuea
1.60 value
1.76 . value
t.10 value
t.75 ' value
S.IS values
...-.. J$l,0O .
! 130
aaaa'4' llVO
e '
J9 & vae.e-,
4Bf -
Reinforced Sheets
Tow know how they knit stockings double thick st the heels and re
inforce th knee of a schoolboy's pants. What is it don for? To mak
'em wear longer, isn't itf Well, we've got ths sol sgency in Portland for
a new kind of .aheet, made on th aame principle double thick thro'th
center where th wear come hardest We bad a few last season, you
may have gotten some of" us, -you can't get 'em elsewhere, and you get
'em in town,, for they're one of those good things that makers prefer to
confine to the atore that stands highest in the esteem of th community
and hae largest outlet for geoda; ao, of courae; they com her. W call
them "Eoonomy. Sheets,-" , the prices run this way: ;. 'jt'i..-x?'ij".,;.VV,"f-
64x10 In. ..50 I lx90 in., ........... ........TOw
CSxOO In, , ,,,,,,,, , , 5T
TtxsO In. .,.. ,'.w..63
0x00 In. ...... ...........,7GV
.10x99 in., .....v...'..."80w
The Newest in Women's SUITS and WRAPS," and Only Really AothoriUtive Styles
Are On Expose in ? -,. ' X- ;
. - OB OVB SBOOBB lOOB.-" v f '..,,,, J--r;Z-:?:r
The . superiority and excluslvenea of our howtng bring throngs Of pleased buyer every day. W can only
urge early eelections thla Spring, Get all the wear you can from th new suits they cost no more now than two
months hence. Isn't two months of wr worth something WTI expect you thl week.; Among the reasona w
have for thla are lmmena showing of nw hlpment Just opened, and ahown for the flrat time th ensuing
week, of . . -. :; ,,.,,."... .' .,,. . .
Superb Evening Costumes $12.50
o , ....$500
Magnificent Evening Wraps $10.00
to .....$250
laca crepe, - nettlnga, peau
d cygnee, Jap silks, taffeta,
etc. ..$3.50 op to $75.00
oreatlons, exclusive with the
house, which fact assures their
wearers they will not meet wltn
their own suit while calling of
r an afternoon -upon their- friends
or strolling among the city
shops for .......$50 to $350
STREET COATS, of handsome black
broadcloth, cheviots and coverts in
tans v.. , ; fv . . .$7.60 to $35
. wear, in etamlnes, cov- ,
erta, cheviots, Venetian, broad
cloth, and novelty mixture,
for,. ....$12.50 to $135
liarly adapted to our fickle Ore-
,VH VI.IM va. tm .11. , M , ,
RAINCOATS. Very dressy, all
silk, but so chemically treated as
to render it impervious to wet.
An absolute protection from th
rain that com ao often to thla
"Roa Stat." They are here in
Very neat, attractive mlxturea of
blue, gray, and red. A splen
didly awell Raincoat at a very rea
sonable price, $32.50, $35.00,
cheviot, Panama ' cloth, vell
ings, etamlnes and , voilea, al
paca, broadclothe, Venetians, peau
de cygne and ' crepes, up
$4.50 to $125
styles In every wOrn and wanted
material, up from $3.50 to $25
dainty and elaborate trimmed ef
fects and all effective materials,
linen, Madras, wash silks, lawns,
cheviots, etc...... $1,00 to $15
A new line of Silk Underskirts and
Drop Skirts $7.50-to $35
Colors are plain blacks, shotted
- silks, Jaspers, tea with stripe, .
1 . and blue with . tiny dots, f Swell T
Well., ratherl cheap, too;
only ....$18.50, $20 and $25
Li y w
For Women
Ka : fc' . '
mirnooi. ..
The well-dreeaed woman studies her
in roa i areas quit aa careruliy a
ah selects her gowa It means
so much in the general effect.
We've gathered a lot of beautiful
new stocks and priced 'em so In
expensively for today that youll
be tempted to buy don't you
thlnkt All the lateat atylea of
pique stocks, plain white . lawn ;.
with fancy fagoting, some with
fancy turn-over top collar. "with
row , f hemstitching and tab.. !
Eight dlstlnot new atylea In the
grand bargain offer every one a
: splendid 2ws value. Commencing '
.u;.,;;,.;:.,.:. I5c
.Of fine earabrtc, with deep double
flounce and cluster Of five tucks
Special at ...... . ... . . ....... .S94 ;
Special Values in Domes
tic Comer
fxbst noOB.
Handaome new Scotch Flannels; ioo .
values special, yard, at . ....40'
WASH FABRICS Voile Touralnes,
in all wanted colors and flaked ef
; foots special, yard, , at, . ,. ...SSo
Scotch Suitings, Jn mannish tailor
, effects, yard . . ; . ..... . . .880
t6-inch Danish aoth. In all wanted j
colore special, yard,: a----"
New Dress Gingham fetn. yard, iOe-i
to.. ......... w. .y. . i ... dooi
' E00 dosen heaW llnen-ftnish Pillow
'. Cases, 4ixbi inches, and 16c val
ues special at, eacn j,....iiho
: IS Marseille Bedspreads,! full-else,
v very handsome special at. .SB40
L; (.000 ' yarda heavy linen r finish
-,. Crash Toweling, eoft and abaorb
v ent special, the yard . Bo
Special .Clira's $31
; Shcrt Coits $1.69ip
?-' f"'--f'"CV V iV.' ' ' ' s.'.-... ': if--:? :;4
"v- )' ' . ,:!' V ABBBX,-. ,yr-; .:. , ,
Cashmere ; or Bedford Cord, with
:: embroidered capea, bottoms trim
.. med with handsome embroidery,
"' allk cord, trimmings Sperinl
at . , ... ..-. f... .Sl.69
IUcK" Laces
. -
All wanted ? Laces are here. All
..: lovers, tn white ' or cream, 6o to :
$24.00 yard; net top Oriental :
- Lacea, 15o to 15.00 yard; hand
some lot of new band . ; , 1 9
i:. 1 , up from,, yard i.;,, . ..
'i , v" fancy JI ,;
5 ' !
.' r . . .rrssT rzctrx -
Special Fine, all pure Ei'fe K'h
:i bona, fancy and 1 ill c-ii.r!.
very newewt, pn.i .
and the bet 2ic ent Sa Vi
in Porilsml; (ipprlnl thla 1
wek at, the jard ... -