' VV: r THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND,.; TUESDAY - EVENING, APRIL 5, 1CCX. LENTS WOULD OUST 1 V--V 1 V -TOUGH SALOON CLASSIFICATION LIST -1 LADOR TROUBLE MRSyA. F; CRANE YJ ILL FIND SISTER DEAD Gtizens of Town, Send Committee of Indignant Gtizens to jSheriff Storey-Object to Saloon Mair Not Being Arrested Whra Indictei frr . 1 , Joseph Holder was Indicted by the ' rand jury on two charges for' selling . liquor without a license a row daya ago -- fand his bond pUeod it 1800.' Th bond 'ivu afterward reduced to $400. Not a J cent haa over been plaoed with Sheriff 1 Storey and yet Holder .haa never been vjuktn Into custody. This morning 14 j property owners and business men of ' 'Lenta, where Holder conducts his aa- t loon, cams to the city and after - a '.hurried visit to the county courthouse sngaged the law firm of Johnson Van tant to investigate the causa of the delay and push the prosecution. They f threaten, unless something Is done, to . take the law Into their own hands, i Tha committeemen aay they are not ''prohibitionists but are working for the protection of their homes. They are IW., H. Powers, chairmen; W. D. Eaton. W. - 8.- Davis.' e B.- Thurston, O. P. Hedge, Oeorge Dilley, Joseph Harness, IB, M. Teager. P. A. DHley. r. H. rowers. tC. B. . Reynolds. R, M. Hamilton, A. tt Shenard and E. A. Hurlburt Attorney Johnson, through tha record of the state circuit eourt, ' discovered 'that Holder haa been indicted four times, but never prosecuted. Ha waa Indicted for selling liquor first on June (I, 1S0J, $300 bonds. He waa Indicted again by the grand Jury July II of the i same year, arraigned and given until .September JO to plead. He never gave . bonds. March IS the present grand jury Indicted him on two separata charges of selling Honor without a license. . He waa placed under 1 500 bond In one case and $100 In the other. . By request of John Manning, the district attorney, Presiding Judge -Cleland reduced the ' bdnd to $200 In each ease, as 1400 would be tha- maximuia fine Imposed if tha man were found guilty. , Sheriff Storey has- failed to make any arrest or to require a bond, to bo given, though District Attorney - Manning- as serts that ha personally called tha at tention of Chief Deputy Fred Matthews to the ease and said tha bonda should be required Immediately. ' When Maa- r,. ..... r,:..., . tt ' ';Y,V - V ' .J' T.Y; xAVAasxzvT sbjtds BOOK coKTAirora bxbxbxt xjsts axo OBDBB OP ABBABOBMBirT TO 'mamvtaotvmmmm ixxx&T ' TO xatb xxwxam. r W'0 SXPBOTATXOBV THAT TKB BZP1 envt '! , at i mam, . PBAjroxsco WBZOX KAS . ; WCPT ; ' sTTXAM SCXOOVZBS OXJB FOB A KOBTHjPast medical aid and lately decided win m nmm tobat. The official clasalflcatloa and rules of I It la believed that the labor dlftl- t : Stall Roberta, it years of age. died at noon' today in tha waiting-room of tha Union depot. The dead woman Jiad been ill for a long time with c6nsump tlon. Jteoently she went to Colorado 4n tha hope. that the climate would re store her health. She waa. -however. ely decided to go and spend-her last hours with bar sister, Mrs. A. F. Crane, who Uyfea, In Seattle. a. She arrived In thtity on the morning O. R.' A N. train. : She waa' car ried from 'the train Into the waiting-room- at the depot, and .Dr. A, M. Smith waa summoned to attend her. He found ber In- a 'dying, condition, too- weak even to ba removed to .a hospital. She died at' noon.'-' Her sister waa on the way from Seattle to meet her. and will arrive thla evening 'at J o'clock. : She baa not , been notified of her stater's &0lMU-f-fF-i-fl-. t---V- h - - 4-, Li.: VOOD AND MIS SOiJ INDICTED - i nlng heard of the uproar over, tha mat ter he telephoned tha sheriffs office to day and told him either to arrest Holder or require him to give bonds at once. 'Thla man haa been at Lents since March t." said Mr. Hedae. Who eon ducts the hotel there. - "We never had any liquor there until he came. Now boya are drunk o tha streets. If the authorities do not act at once we shall take the law Into our own bands. 'When my wife reproached Holder on a drunken man coming near her in hia presence, ha ahook his flit st her and declared that he would get our aon yet If he does this the state will be too small to bold'blm. It is ahama and a dlsrrace." !'- ' t "No' tain pe ranee cranks are In this delegation," said -Mr. Powers. "Most of us drink when we feel like it. We are fighting now for our homee. We repreeent about 70 voters, all business men and property owners. tha Mhibit denartment of tha- Lewialculty at Ban Francisco which hai been and Clark fair haa' just beeh Issued and N of causlnr nearly J1: th Director of Exhibits Henry a Doseh flS"""" ' on h? ffVi is sending copie. to Pacific coast whole- r 7 ' t ITO.I. I. II.. ' .MWl.l ! -..A I " 9 . - . . 1 mmmm. a ui tm un vm univ.i.i uiii frnm therm mtmtttm thm h nrnhahUIHaa J complete nnuinrani ot in. uiu.i,r, very etrong that setUement wUl GRANTS G3000-MORE ry CITY JAIL of the fair and tha book required . to cover the field haa 5 )paga a.-.,,: The departments represented are ed ucation, art, liberal arts, inaaufacturea, machinery; s electricity, ; . transportation, be reached this afternoon. A confer ence betweea the Shipowners' associa tion on the? one aide and the Sallora, Including the firemen, on the other, hat been arranged for, and Intimation la agriculture, horticulture, foreatry, mine. Py,1 .' th and metallurgy,, fish and ' game, , live stock, anthropology, historical , display and physical culture. The historical display is a new feature not before in wage and hour question Is near at hand. Until thla ' last message waa received At the meeting of the waya and means committee of the city council yester day, f 1.000 additional was allowed Chief of Police C, H. Hunt with which, to Im prove tha ' eity- -jail. It has been de cided not to aell tha city's site at Seo ond and Oak streets, but to make the present jail and police atatlon aanitary, i It waa not knofrft that the firemen were 1 ,0 tnat new one will not be necessary mvoivea in tne dirnouity.f ' 'liur everai 7ears. -.r j.iz ii a settlement, should be reached thla l.i 1 nov aisposea to criticise the corporated In any exposition, and was afternoon the local agent of the Calif or-1 e,M0 appropriation,' said Councilman devised by Mr. Dosch because of the nia & Oregon Coast Steamship company I A- K. Bentley. ; "But I do believe The wealth of historical material available reports that the Aberdeen and Prentiss I Journ1 hould have the credit . I do three classes, agricultural and other Ideen la coming to Portland to load lum- Implements and utensils used by tkeiber at the Saatern A Western mill for settlers of tha original Oregon country, the Bay City. Tha Prentiss is going to literature, newspapers : and blatorlcal I Orar'a Harbor to secure a lumbar r.rn Hedaes asserts that laatl Baturday two aaU P''1" t MtUement of thla for the aame destination. . r Heages nsaerrs uav tast aiaraay xwo i ,.,, mrkA ,hm A,ni,. n h mhAsab I . .i . n .. . ... men came to his place and asked iff IT" r'" " ' " " I "u i rvn unom, wmcn -" l w mwrra in iranamission. waa re- While the phyalcal culture department ceived this morning , auting that the has before been given attention. It la a Fulton which had ' twan ivin n '. . comparatively new expoeltlon feature, beach at that place would In all llkell Thla department contains five claasea l homt v.a two relate to the training of the child Saturday, but whether" or not the inA ..' JSJSZS. SSSSSStl wss auccssful ha. not yet l m J - . ..w.w... umAA Tit hull eT Ih. equipments for games and sports. Sporting: goods and supplies occupy an other class and varloue forma of ath- . A" ?L-5I"-- -h! WTTt?eaPmKe aptibll . m axaiUon. "XJ not think anything would : have been done bad .nqjt The Journal . shown the sentiment In favor of tne removal of the jail to the city hall. If the old Jail T there waa any place where liquor eould be got Hedgea aald "blind pig" waa running across the atreet . When they returned from Holder's place he aaked them what they had got and they told him' beer. n tried to get their names," said Hedgea, "but they refused to give them to me. Afterward Holder aald they had rot no beer at hia place, and that he had kept these from carrying out a piau to blow up my place with dynamite be cause I was opposing him. He told me that If I did not quit fighting him he would nor" try to save me from loss by fir or dynamite in the future. He has made similar threats .against a large number of -others." Thla afternoon tha committee went before the a complaint dieted on two counts, baa not been ar rested. Sheriff Storey was aent for and admitted that ht wa a fault for not arresting him. He aald in the rush of buslnees he bad overlooked It A dep uty was sent, out immediately to-take Holder Into custody. clently to enable her to be towed with safety as soon as aha la floated. It la tne intention to take her to Coos Bay, ' A gang of a dosen rowdies entered the Oberon, a basement concert hall on Morrison atreet near Third, - Sunday nignt ana tried to "clean out tha place. They reckoned r Without the employes, and particularly without Oeorge Hicks, an ex-pugilist one of the barkeepers. Hicka waa sent to the floor two or three times and sustained a few brulsea on face and body.- but knocked five or six SKff ZZXSS: V wS s, for SSSrTwUS 'V "'-'' I .h. .V. 1 . mount In the west In the fish and I '""'uc ... "u P"n xor ernoon tne committee went i nmA d-nartment five classes , are de-l """""o im lumoer wm m houm it .hi dmr t . ' n .. v. . -J2t.-il' SSL f: Und.flve claassa are devoted . to forms KIv t Renter. , !t., v one of the waitere la said to hi Ol aquaiio xum. in cninaa ana metauurgy are eigm groups,- these being aevotea to couec tlone, machinery and tools, crushing and milling machinery, minerals and metal lic products, non-metaUlo products, mln- utner steam schooners which hawa been tied up at San Francieoo during the strike will also sail north at once if the . labor difficulty is nettled thla afternoon. Among them la the Chlco. reached' him literally bowled a number over like ten. pins. They headed for as they melee have re ceived a lacerated scalp wound. - The trouble la aald to have originated over the bar. A young fellow of "tough" tendencies, whose name waa not learned, got Into a wordy alterca PAPER TRUST TO -STAND AN ORDEAL JsTXtr, i i-ox ' MWSPAPWI . una nmzovs bcattxb uroma '. xotm ooxKZTTxa ov xotszozabt cztt oovozmn nauux nrZO WITI A BXTICXT. eral combustibles, quarry products, and!0 coal from Coo Bay to Portland, WANT ENGINEER'S -OFFICE REFORMED bxxxkt zs STmova axovo orrz ciui wio nov nut .Tiz - rami' .uaovs bmo&vtzom WXLX, S AS0PTX9 XV CXTT B- PAXTXZHT amOTU, , ' ". ' 1 (Jonroal Bneclal Smice.) Washington. April 1 The bouse com' ttilttae wa Judielary. today nad bearings on. the villey, resolution, requesting the secretary of commerce to investigate the -oaueee Hfor-tha preeent- high- -prieea , of white paper used In. printing' news papers and the great acareltyr of -the same, Also, whether the existing con ditions are the results of a conspiracy, v ' Don Zeta. business managsr of the Iew Tork World; John Norris,, busliiees manager of the New Tork Times, rep resenting the American Publishers' as ociation, gave testimony showing, that the International Paper company dic tates the price. Which haa gone up is per cent in two years. They further etated that aix New York papers will face a deficit Within the next fear years on account or these prices. The . com pany not only dictates the price, but also prescribes the width of the roll i Paper In New Tork sella at 12.10 per -hundred- pounds, and in England at 1108 ny tne same oompany, ,i :tv, - KNOX APPROVED JUDGE BELLINGER ' ' (TVahiniton Boreta of The JoorntL) Washlnxton. D. C. Aorii K. Attornev ' Oeoerai Knox today approved the action of District Judge Bellinger of Port land revoking the commission of United States Commissioner Charles H. Wl th row, of Klamath Falls, Oregon. With row Twaa charged with extorting illegal fees and attempting to bribe Inspector Lln - sea of the general land office. f'The' jorder removing Commissioner Wlthrow was signed by Judge Bellinger . two weeks ago. STREET LITERALLY PAVED WITH GOLD -4- 7 (Journal BpHil Serrlce.) , Btocxton, cai.. Apru 6. Joe King.' a (dining man here from Calaveras county, today reports a wonderful strike of rich gravel ,, in the - very center of the town of Mcltelumne Hill, last Sunday. Dirt that pays from $3 to 1 17 a pan has been . found In large quantities. King says that over $60,000 worth of gravel has already been uncovered. - Residents, wild "With excitement, are digging in their door-yards. ' ARKANSAS IS FOR HEARST'S NOMINATION , - i (Special Dipalcb to She Journal.) " 'New Tork, April 6.- County conven tlona held in Arkansas Baturday indi cate that .the Hearst ticket haa swept the state. The populous counties are r among those that have Instructed' for , Hearst', Out of 26 counties heard from It have . instructed. Almost one-balf of thes state convention membership is already accounted for, with (0 - more . counties, t hear from. All leaders con . cede that Hearst is Arkansas' choice. ' 7)PPXC MOT PMAPPAJtS, "John Wells, IS years old. office boy at tha W. P. .Fuller & Co. paint and oil - store, disappeared at 7 o'clock yesterday morning and has not been beard from since. .; Wells left his home,'' ESI 8avler atreet about 7 -o'clock yesterday rnonr lng on his way to work. He waa seen to board a atreet car that rung near bis borne. Since that time 'no trace of the boy . baa .been discovered. .-v'''': . Preferred Stock Caased Ooeda.. Allen j-ewU- Bast Brand. 4 Statements from offtclaia In poaltiona to know whereof they apeak indicate tha ceripin adoption or tne set oi resoiu tlona passed by the Taxpayers' league, aa published lnThe Journal last jplght. relative to the operations of tha city ang1neera office. a 1 The resolutions are"lntendedlo bring about system In the office of City ; In glneer Elliott Included In tha re sol u tlons are several radical changes In tha present aystem. If adopted, they will carry with them daily assignments by the city engineer to all hia outside men, daily reports of work, to be furnished the city, atidltor and-other new depart ures, the idea being to keep tab on the deputies that It may be known what they do to earn their salaries. . City Engineer Elliott states . that It would be almost Impossible for this to 'be dona, as some contractors go to work at I o'clock mornings, and tha. Inspec tors go out with them.. As published yesterday, tha letter of Secretary Goldsmith, of tha Taxpayers' league,. asked why the two steam road rollers were idle most of last month. and whether ' the men employed to operate them received salaries In full, and If so, what work they did. In reply City Engineer Elliott saya the men were busy at something-all the time. The pay-roll for March ahows that' "two road-roller operators received $70 each for the month of March. There are still five uncalled-for March pay checks in. the, -city , auditor" a-office, It la stated, however, that the men whose names appear on them' have al ready secured their wages from brokers. and do not worry about signing the re quired affidavits to show they did the work specified In the pay-roll turned In by City Engineer Elliott. CAUSE RESIGNATION OF CHIEF OF POLICE (Journal Special Service.) Los Angeles. April 5. The reslana- tion of Chief of Police Charles Elton was accepted by the police board thin morning.-; Ex-Sheriff W. A. Hamfhel was appointed to fill the vacancy. - Elton s resignation Was the direct re sult of a tight made against him by the Los Angeles Record, which openly ac cused him of protecting cribs and gam bling resorts. The fight was a bitter one, Elton at one time arresting" -a num ber of the Record employes at a card party. Latett a detective who waa at loggerheads with the police reported that sleuths had, been shadowing mem bers of the Record staff. T UNLIMITED CREDIT NO BAR TO THIEVERY (Journal Special Service.) ' Nice, April 5. An American named Sladen, said to be a financier of Wash ington was today arrested aa he was entering Paris on a train. It la alleged that he presented a telegram of un limited credit algned by Secretary of State Hay and addressed to Consul Van Buren. Sladen aot .from the consul a tr of guarantee tor ; n thousand franca which he la alleaed to have changed to read twenty thousand francs and ob tained the Cash.;-;.;'' .V" . literature, maps, histories, models and statlatlca. The transportation department con sists of sight groups mnd la ona of tha most Important in tha entire list One group la devoted, to railroad- purposes, another to wheeled vehlclea for . horse power, a third to road vehicles operated by eleetrlotty, steam, gasoline or com pressed air. Bicycles have a claas of their own and elevators are not for gotten, la this , general department la included vessels - of pleasure and com merce and all - the appllanoea and ma chinery that' are available to navigators. The good roada group constats of five olaaaes, which deal with the eonatruot tion of roada. their maintenance, ma chlnary used, and aamplea of .materials used. ' . Tha liberal arts department consists or the following groups: Printing ma chinery books and' their making, pho tography, scientific apparatus, medicine and surgery, engineering, civil and mil wniTO i unaer cnaner to carry a cargo tion Wh one of the barkeepere and left the-place with the announced In-1 tentlon of - returning with relnforca. nicn LBATXS WATS. ments and "cleaning: It out." Ha kept AcotrsrD or cowsrauor to; dxu rKAVB Inn , ooTzxvxzm ,: xar nuBrimirci -oLATn;ton)nm : woHiara xxszajt wa :.TBtzmjjr. .'Indictments '- charging -i eoneplraey - to-1 vua uuiitu piaies in connection . with claim tor pensions of Indian war ' veteranri were i.returned ' against ':r:Ai Wood, ex-pension agent, and soW Hosea ; WoooVby tha federatrand Jury, which was discharged fiatuniav - .ll.'Im - . . - .-ji. .... . .. can oe repairea ana maae w serve l or - inaioiments I0r Alleged Vlolatlobs of ' 4' aeveral ; years . mora,, - why, a weU and tha federal laws. 4 Neither Wood jwr his - good." ' -.-'! ... ?' . son has been arraim.d - j - - . , i-h , "Chief: hunt.toldlma : yesterdsy be 77 rZVtE Tk?" . v; will ,tr and fit up an emergency hoapl- ivfii ' V"orattorft la. , tal room with the $8.000. fund." aald .that: Joseph. I Melrath, and t ' City 'PhyslcUn Zan. "If wa can et that other notarieg publlo of the city of , ; It wUI be a fliiB-tBlnsf."-.:..?.!.')' . ': portlnd falsely certified - that certain , ' ' Tha $8,000 appropriation makes $4,000 Pn appeared before them In .their Kir that has been given to Chief -Hunt -to capacities and swore to certain rpair the- old JalL r. He at.ftrat said "fWxvlta and applications -for Benalona J'5 $1,000 would be sufficient, but that sum which Wood filed with the federal om f waa. nearly Used up In paying for plumb- mlssioner of pensions. ' It is alleged "' tny. .1 ,! tjf . that the. persona did1 not appear.). No'" 'A published In The Journal Baturday, charges will be preferred against tha no tha county -t grand.. Jury , roundly " , con- tarlea, " It is said, and no prosecutions -' .' " demned the present condition of the city J wiu ba conducted by the district at- Jail. i,x v.V- ' '- t&-?rn jtorney'a Office. The attorney offera no 'ft; iiwiion xor nia zauura s to institute i prooeedlnga Against Aiiose- who ar- ao - cused by tha grand Jury ;.-.,.; i 1; : r-.-vr""' ' Wont Proaeente .Kotajrlaa.; &Y:T.i : "No, I think that we will no prosa- , , cute tha notaries." aald W. W. Banka. : i assistant district attorney. when ' asked what action would ba taken by hia of floe against those who are aoouaed by u srua jury. wai.. matter of tract. TO OLE AN OUT CONGERTHALL iv:---f-'j-'-?r ,.: V.,t:- -if,,. his word and was back at tha Oberon in a few mlnutea with about, a dosen men, all eager for a "rough hOuaa.' Hicks cautioned them to leave without making ; wa are not teadyto talk about the; case 1 yet ; ' -:.- r.. . V;-:-s Tha information which was returned ii uuuit. vui bui on Willi aim wan until Itkimi wruut bnl kl. ' an Insulting epithet was hurled at him. fraud, agalnst'tha government.- which f'MVJ t0 hav. Vxtehdl overth. rrom behind, the bar, sailed .Into thelmirt fiv. m . . -2 . nm-mA - . '. ' I . f i m, m Klin i,IIt , He bad four or five men on the floor , aid to have unwininvi nt nninn. wwwnwU "v vsi t,agw UlHVSk! JUT" I Taii1a . nliiMAM.k. . ' j a ri": s "wMCrKv.iieVoodao3 bartender rushed to his aeslaUnoe and in a brief period tha row waa general Aa soon as Hicka received help and did not have to guard himself on all aides he made a diva first at ona and then at another of. tha Intruder . Every time ba landed a blow . somebody hit the floor..,: - . '. In a minute all but three or four of the crowd had fled. : One of tha nro- prietors of tha place apeaka of the af fair lightly and says nobody was hurt On of tie Pines. Blra Boats Almost I back to Cerro Axul agathat head wlnda. Beady. At 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon the steamer unauee water ShipbuUding yards, where she haa been lying during the greater port of the win ter undergoing repalra and extensive al terations. The launching waa a complete success, TheSe vessels should have called at Pisco. --The Peruvian ports of entry rCharieaA Spencer slid into the I JTj .",,Vn" snowing! yxo, from the way. at the Portland Hfflfwi-". tt&.' aaaaaw, ggewvi V sIIU MUlfVllUU MRS ,m J...JU.. -ilnMMfc wa BOTKIN IS O TM WAtTBBTBOHT, Local Inspectors Edwards and Fuller Among tha changes a made - to the I w,u 'D'Pct , the gteamer : Regulator . to steamer ahe Ms been glvea an adm-1 mo,m,.w: 1;.. . i. ttonai length of 80. feet making her now! ' A 1 "'ram frdm Ban - Pranclsco stretch out for a distance of 181 feet ,tatM th tha ateamer Aurelia will contrary to the general belief her I"11 from tn elty-on Saturday for lengthening: out made " her draw less Portland. . She . will brin. A . general water hv elht .Inches thin ih AA ha. I Cargo, i',- si- -i.i..y.,!-. , ii. fore... She wUl, not only ba able to oar- ;,T lng the Indrapura moved to ry more freight than formerly, but ia Montgomery, dock Ncl and tomorrow nnvnrmiMii-tA'KoW lanHinM wtrTArA I will shift to Ooesoic - dock.' where aha shallow water than It was .possible for WIF n' h f Ua Orient j It her to do previously.' Steamboat men will consist of barley, flour and lumber. TATS QPBn BXBTXTTAX. BT TBABXBTa TO BXBBSSj POBTZOV OP TZSTTJCOBTOPrZBjrSBTTXB SB PSKBB TBBBJXL'B STXBBBOa ZS SXATTBBBZ). ' A, - it: 1 certain veterana of the war . to slan af . ; fidavit forma in blank, and afterward , filled out the blank forma fraudulent if . and presented them to the commissioner of pensions. ' :- , . . , It is alleged that Wood Sinlawfully conspired to defraud tha United Statee ' by making and causing to be made ' fraudulent appllcationa for alleged . ax Indian war soldiers and for widows of ' aaid eoldlera, and by preeenting the ap pllcationa to the commissioner of peu lQna.".lt..ia alsq . alleged. that, afte. procuring persons T; to sign affidavit forms in blank Wood afterward1 filled : them out with matter of which, the slgn- rs were Ignorant. - Ho procured tha algnaturea, It Is aald, by saying that tha blanks were a meana of identifying Un known olaimanta for pensions. ''.( Adalln Bochaaan'a , Case. .. Js . One o? tha cases cited in the Indict- ; ment la that of Adeline Buchanan, .at " Vancouver. Wash., widow of a veteran. It la alleged that Auguat 1, 16J, Wood prepared - a claim for her and secure! Mary A. Bird and Napoleon Moaillvery to sign aa witnesses that they -had wevut her: sign, when neither was , present or saw, tha alleged placing of heri icna ture to the document.- It was 4hen.. ao tbt . .information - reads, . tha t Wood caused Joseph I Melrath, a notary pub- tJoarnal Boeelal gervlee.t San Francisco. Anrlt s . Th I lle.',l eertlrv' falsetiT that.' t.ii wnanan ltaxy;conatrwtlve. rchiUcture,-.cham- f aay that she has been gTeaOyr1mprovad ir5tW,"iv to!iV 1n:hrB0tkl8f'lrl :IaedrntTaar wit-1 Ponally-appeared before hUaa Tbr' augu rt.a lUBici ia.is a y itivius, a vg-kuva i in Vvraf WAT. 1 UVVT - tuw ai tugva , t-uisi in printing, and engravlnrT hygiene and eanltation, music, musical lnatrumenta. and the drama, social economy. .. In manufactures there Is provlaion for everything from an India rubber Infant to mausoleums or artificial flow era,' Here chemicals, paints, soaps, per fumes, ' traveling necessaries, Interior decorations, carvings, glass, . furnaces. lighting apparatus, Jewelry, hardware, leather goods, toys, wall paper, plumb ing materials, carpets, waterproof goods, sewing machines, textiles, jute, flax and homp fabrics, and clothing, are mentioned. ' The exhibit rules and classifications are- being sent by Mr. Dosch to the members of ths Manufacturers' associa tion in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Sacramento. Tacoma and port land. Thoae who .are not members of this association but who are. engaged in any manufacturing business on the Pa cific coast can secure the book of rules and departments by application to H. EL Dosch, director oi exhibit. towed, down below the brldgea this naa. on thm hl. : Indictment asserts that she did not a- Tha steamer Ja also .been provided m?n' bound, for Callao, Peru, with mvUttltust,'tM jZ. ' t.JTi'Jil'l P. ' ' 7 - ' - with one or tha largest ahafta that it or lumbar. . ; j-v- "7" -T-r "Tha data for tha arraignment of Wood waa possible to procure for a boat of .?h1der arr,v, morning at n:.:?A.S?t- " n hia own haa not been fixed, but it her else. It Is among the largest with f dock from San Francisco with 1.400 So admitted that aha wrote a jsttsr , thought that they will appear dur- which any craft is fitted out on the ton? greneral cargo. .-She encounterad to Governor Budd asking that; she hi lng the week and will ask for tha atat- river. The ateamer la to ba refitted nd .l"T.wnaa coming up tne coast tdeent to the Phillppjnea aa a nurse. ; The utory tlmi in which to plead. . Attorneys refurnished throughout from! stem to waa almost nair a day lata. - lataU OxDecta to nrova that th hJ have been retained, and .it la etated that ' , , " uL: 'T writing In tha Jatlar la tha aama aa win omeny contest the, tsharges -..,rXarMATAMMtvn. .i;A that on tha candy 'box. -v-v , which, have been made, v - s " " ' Mra. Marrle Smith, a enolr h 1 do not care te -discuss tha . matter -At 1 o'clock thla afternoon the British vmmIJEI T. A, Wood thla moming. bark Invermay reached the harbor and a . ".Zt"Z7. LnJl "1' "la fact I don't want ' anvthlna aald tentlon to ft her ready to go out on the moored at the Pine street dock, v ' She rtU -n th ,Und that ha vi.lt' Vf,. bout It In the papera. They have inadr run to Tne iJauea in tne course or a I came -xrom Antwerp nyiwayoi Ban nAtw.n AH a.,.- .. .... rvci charaea aralnst mt I undaratand. -hi w!?.k or t.wa I :: ; . UUK0J. r IS ot bw 'W day on' which the candy waV bought doubt but that I will, be able wnen ana siarts running; anoiner raie was war will probably tain Spencer says stern, and when all the- work under way Is completed will present 'a. fine appear ance. The work of painting, her has been finished, and new. furniture Will be installed In a short time. It Is the In Captain denied tha atatement made by Dr. Ter- from Antwerp by way , of San Botkln on Sunder. Juiv n not .,- disced TrbalaSon.S 2K 2LSS!S. ? "w'b U I' corSlarr P SSK Tw rt vWnc. in aupport nf'her f "HW1! 1 . V .V. i t 7: kV. n.lT I """ement. practically destroying . Mrs. I rau,t r- - y are in mernanas oi der, reports that a good voyage was ex-1 ?L0H!i!i ! perienced coming up. tha coaat, , tl, ZLi -iJlllli: I k HATtirn nnrxrimrn ' It, but he will be prepared to meet any cut made by the oppoaltion. ; ; FBEBOBJCBB- OAB OBAXbT. WOODMEN ELECTED .. NEW OFFICERS SAD CHAPTER IN At A meeting. last night of the Incor porators of the Woodmen of the World Building and Amusement association these officers were elected: A. L. Bar bur, president; C. W Elliott, vice-president; Albert Ferrara, secretary; C. C Bradley, treasurer. This company is organised to promote the carnival which will be given next . .. . ,M ,.. -Ua ... .IJ. . " wbbi biuo vy uuu- vi,. v wv nt tirmr York, 'and aava men's hall fund The meeting directed " ? 1T Z L it i , , " the officer, to sign the contract with "5" i-.A. the Southern Amusement oompany. I. " .V" IT hich vrtlt-urnleh th attraetlona Tor aram OTorninBr Bomiraw Bobart Comas Xr Way to Command. '.'Vy. - Captain- Robert arrived .In the ' city yesterday from Nantee France, to as sume command of the French ship Mare chal de Noailles, whlcft is expected to reach Portland in a few days. . She is coming from Hamburg - with : general cargo which is" consigned tot ' 'yerT Wa- son A Co. The vessei,ia now out ie Hovering between life and death at days, and la believed to ytr somewhere the Good Samaritan hospital Ilea Jerry MOODY -WANTS SOME INSIDE FACTS TO BE DEL RAY between San Francisco and the' mouth of the ColurabU river. She sailed from Valparaiso on February is. At that port her captain took sick and was forced to return home for treatment, the first officer taking .command of the ahlp. After being apprised of tha -ciroum-stancea the owners sent Captain Robert to take charge of her. He came from the carnival. WTIi AX2 Kxssroir. The annual meeting of the Presbvte rian society will be held tomorrow at the Mispab. Presbyterian church. "It will be an all day aeselon, and the ladlea ol the church wlJr serve a luncheon at noon. The society is in the Interests of mis sionary work, and deleaatea from ad- 4olning towns are expected to attend. - - D. J. TARPLEY OUT ON $4,000 BOND Dan J. Tarpley of Salem, brother Of Louis C. Tarpley of Portland, waived rralghment on a charge of conspiracy to defraud the government of lands and was released on 14.000 bonds. In the United States court this morning. : Tarpley was one of the persons : In dicted along with 8. A. D. Puter, Marls Ware and H. O. McKlnley In the first ndictmerrt returned by the - j United States grand Jury at Its last session, but his name waa not made public. - i ' . . ,, . ' : i S;'.. CBTTSXiTT CASB SSTTXBS. guUty.' Continued .for aen- "Found tenee." This was Municipal Judge Hogue'a finding this morning in the case of F. B. Stuart arrested several- weeks ago by Humane Officer Reslng or using ( a I steei-poiniea goaa on a norse. Stuart was tried two weeks ago. He said that he was or tha opinion that a goad waa not aa cruel as a whip. Attorney John Logan, who defended Stuart, said that his client would never use an Instru ment of thla sort on Ahorse again. He called Judge Hogue'a attention to the assertion that, Portland Chinese eat live carp..- ;j,i-.:,:-i s? rc . CAaTCBA CXUB TO SJrTBBTArjrv dock No. S. A good portion of her cargo will conaiat of barley. The Armen haa been In port since February -IS.- While here she haa undergone ' some needed repairs to ber imasta and apars ! which were badly damaged In one of the big atoms off the coast' Tha vessel . waa otherwise fixed up and now presents a fine appearance. She and XAl Bruyere are the last of the grain-fleet that are in port The latter-will flniab loading in a few days. . ,t f. ,,..,' Grain exporters do - not. expect to Charter any morevessels for some time to come. - They believe that the owners are holding out for unreasonable ratea. There is considerable wheat still. In ths country, but it is - believed that the greater -portion of It will be ahlpped out of the country In the form of flour. Usually there are a good many Vessels engaged before this" time to handle the new, grain crop, but the present-season has proved an exception to the rule. So far there baa been' only one ahlp re ported aa being chartered to load, new croo wheat at PortlafidT"" If there are any others tha exporters are keeping the matter quiet ' , , .' f t .i.. i; DriscolL' -For fear that, the ahook might kill him, friends of the suffering man are withholding from him the news of bia wife's death, which occurred yester day, and tha accident which befell -bia aon Oeorge at about the same time, per haps crippling the young man foe. life. That misfortunes never come singly baa again been exemplified in thla instance. Jerry DrlscoU is a longshoreman' and has an extensive acquaintance along the water front, where he la highly respect ed. While assisting in discharging the Indrapura'a cargo last week ha fell from the upper to the middle deck. One of his shoulders was dislocated by the fall and he wag Internally injured. . He waa immediately removed to the hospital, and it la said that hia life haa been banging in the balanoe ever since, f ' J Hia wife waa stricken with paralysis yesterday and passed away a few hours later. 1 . His son waa employed at the Willamette Iron works. . A heavy piece of -machinery fell, striking him on the foot and ankle, crushing them. . i Ha also waa taken to tha hospital, and some say that he will . always, be- a cripple. , The young man, who la about 20 years of age, is also Ignorant of hia mothers death. (Journal Special Service.) "V , : Washington, D. C, Anril . 6. Secre. tary Moody., after, the cabinet meatina- today, called, upon every member of the Missouri and Illinois batUeships court or inquiry, and the judge-advocate of tne court, to inform hia department by telegraph if any one of them baa at any time since they were appointed Jy, tne coun receivea any telegram e from "Me a dead onervWU ftjust 'guess not It'll be a long time before ther send me to any county hospital. I don't know who is responsible for the error." rrTreakerrwHjr--Madelin--Del:ltty," tha woman; tc whom Mike Scully, -the. Seattle cigar manufacturer and variety theatre man, owes bis financial undolna-. It waa reported yesterday that she bad . been taken to the county hospital.7 In vestigation Shows, however; that tha girl removed from a room at Third. and Waahlntrton relatlnv tn tha n. der coneMeratinn. and if tn Mn i Couch streets and taken to the county .... p ... ,.!-.. ..,. .m,.. ...,. , ... - ine same, - : ' ,if , 1 , i uubihu, iviv,c,"cu wu . v ma- am eers as Madeline Del nay and also to , Superintendent Courtney presumably in - brder to conceal her identity.. .Who jhe , Is cannot be learned. : A ' a.- - NOT THROUGH WITH " MORMON LEADERS 1 ; ENGINEER'S STORY ;i (Journal Speeltl Sorvloe.) - Salt Lake, April (.United States Marshal Hey wood this morning; served subpoenaea on Apostle : John Henry smith and Angus M. -Cannon of Salt Lake to . appear at Washington before I SI tVhmS Harry-Youns: Relates One tlve to alleged -polygamous marriages since ma manifesto. STRIKE ON ISTHMUS . DELAYS TRAFFIC! of His Personal' Experiences POBTS OP 'CAXA. '. The . following ' notice, .- published by the Iquique Shipping Report may be of Interest to mariners here; "Masters of ATTENDED FUNERAL 1'0FIRIR. STRONG ' At i meeting;- of ' the Multnomah County Bar aasooiation, held in depart ment of rthe state circuit court-at S:80 o'clock thia. morning, It was decided that the members aa a body attend tha funeral of Attorney , Frederick Strong. It was held from tha First Presbyterian church; " on Twelfth atreet near Wash ington, this afternoon at 8 o'clock, and the - membera i ; of tha association aa- Hi J. Toung, who resides ' at tha Multnomah . , -Block, - 890 r Morrison atreet, la a retired ' railroad man, 'who ran a passenger train out of San Fran- (Journal SJoecial Barviee. - Washington, April f 5 The state' de-1 olsco for twenty-two years, and, ia well partment was Informed today that traf Oo across the Isthmus of -Panama has been stopped because of a labor strike, Orders have been sent to the United Sut.es naval commander in Isthmian waters to take such means aa necessary to protect American private property, ? 4" STBBXi TBVST SCAB DBPXCXT. known not only. In Portland, but., N along- the coast He narrates an expe rience of his as follows. He says; "l have always been bleseed with, the beat' of health, and have taken, ,1 suppose less medicine than moat men of my age but occasionally When I, contract a cold It setOes In mjr i kidneys and causes my (Joornal Special Bertiee.) w T- ' I time ao 1 had an acute attack whiph jvew iorK, Apru b, xne directors of i caused bacxacne ana other symptoms of the Bteel corporation this afternoon da-1 kidney trouble, which plainly told me T.nArirLVft, tS ,"pSS--w!a l."b,?1 t;-;-untyvouiioua . ctart4 a regular 14 per-cent dividend. that my kidneys needed Aviittle toniiig tera -bound for a euo-port in Peru, areli:8o o'clock and took cara to the ehnrab, I Tha j.tiMi.tnt-h. (in.rt i. ii raaaaa fi rv-lan'a kihm 'pni,w w..- I . Tu r, Ji ,k. 4..4. I ' ' T--.rr. I , warned that if their vessels do not be-1 John B. Cleland. the creeldlnx. Judxe. long to a line having a fixed itinerary, 1 called' tha meeting of the association to they, should first call at a port of entry order & H. Northup moved that the In order to obtain the necessary author- members attend the funeral,! the motion laatlon to proceed to tne sub-port. For I being seconded by Frederick V. Holman. Omitting to comply with these stipule- I It waa further i, concluded, that Judge - snm'B'oimx rb vaxmC4M: ; Itching piles produce moisture and cause itchinr. .this form, aa well aa Blind, Bleeding- or Protruding Piles are cured bv Dr. Bo-ean-ko'a Pile Ramadv. A lantern slide exhibition will be aiven I tlons. two British "vessels which ar I Cleland annolnt a committee of five to I Stops itching and bleeding. Abeorbs tu- tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock, by 'the rived recently ' at Cerro Axul, from draft suitable resolutions. This com- mors,- 60ca Jar, at druxrista, or aent Kiser brothers - at : Camora' club in the Members of tha club- and their . friends relQVite4. ' . ' . ' ,r - . ' i ' the rooms of the Chile, met with serious difficulties, .one J mittee will report at a meeting of the SI,,?".; 1' WKii-t". Macleay "- building, being fined heavily, whilst tha other waa association to be held in danartmntit l 0W y,e' "r- o;"o. , Ej not received at ell and had to proceed 1 of the state Circuit court next Monday , to Callaq and subsequently make bar way I morning at :80 o'doclb Preferred Stock Canned Ooods. Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. - i- to my notice and I procured a box at lite Laue-Davis Drug . Co.'a store, corner of Yamhill and Third streets, and to say I waa aurpriaed at their speedy effect is putting it mildly. Belief cam in a ' few days, and In a short time I was as well aa .aver." - , For sale .- by all dealers. Price 30 cents.- ' Foster - Mllburn Co, Buffalo, N. aole agents for the United States. Kemember tha nam e DO AN s sJtmA take no other. ; ' .