THE OREGON- DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, -TUESDAY EVENING', APRIL 5. 1D01 "HE'S. A JOLLY GOOD FELLOW.", tflopyrlfht,i 190. b W. .H. Hwrt) tf'1" UMin raoTjasas xm to vobtxwxiy. -- Soatawest Cos. Tourtk and Morrison. - ,-4 ,4P ' " .1 ; ;i ALL THE CORRECT FASH- "Is ' WH A-SJHE MATTER :rw.iTH -rt- SojFSj .! ' -.A 4 V A GREAT RECEPTION TO THE GUEST OF HONOR. . v . ' ' . .1. 'r: .. I ' r'.':: j -.-.l?..- --. V.. '-y'T ."y C '1; V- ;.'.. ,y ....; :. , y - , . .... y v ,, ,:. .-"r " . : : v. ;--. ; .... ... '.. . '.. . , v s - - - " - i in, a,x t ml . .. - . , . . . ; .. .. .. t i " " - .. . I ..... SEVEN INDICTED K M IN COURT b'Amxx asmxts bobxxxA Minii . ' nraxn niaonxa , oovrzss ' SBITBOTZSra XCA2&-BOXX TU . TO VXSAS. " 86Tn United flt&Ufl prUonr, agmlt w(iom lndlctmDt were returned by the . recent iMral gfnd Jury, Appeared d ; th custody of two deputy marshKla to ' , enter pleae to the charge which bur . "been made, o A number of other who " 'are also under Indictment have not been . apprehended by the authorltlea,. - , Thomas O'Brien. Indicted on three ountr for breeklnf into a mail-bag and -... stealing artlolea in hi care, pleaded guilty to the -charge of embesslement and not guilty to the charge of cutting the atrap of the bag. CrBrlen was . formerly a 7 mall-carrier In Harney county. He will appear for sentence on -Thursday. ,-'. --. ' i E. 8. Eaton of Olendale, Oregon, in 'dieted for entering into a'echeme where by he endeavored to pass spurious coin; waived the formal reading of the com- i plaint, through his attorney, and. aaked . until Thursday on which to plead. -V -WtlUant Mills, George ' Willis and -Is Hugfe-Carpenterr- ho- are eald -to- have praised a money order from IS cents to lit at Oregon City also asked unttt v Thursday to enter their pleas. The re- quests were granted by the court. ' Ernest and Frank Barnes of Eugene. . .charged . with destroying letter boxes at that place, pleaded guilty. .They will d sentenced on Tnuraday. At the request of District -Attorney , nan uie case against A. JL. Palmer w aismisseo. raimpr .was indicted by a former Jury, tried and a hung jury failed to return a verdict, The case was ended by Its dismissal today. CASHIER STEALS TO MEET A MORTGAGE . ... a amcil DWTJC.t 4 8t Joseph, . Mo., April 6. George C . Lowell, the former cashier' of tha F1- Veral Trust company of Cleveland, Ohio, was arrested here last'tilght. He say he cam her to visit -his brother, and that his shortage will be about f 20.000. - This ho claims la: covered to depositors by a guarantee bond. He states that he '"was tempted In his Irregular methods ,by his desire to meet a mortgage about , due on his home. Hewlll return with- out extradition. ' , belllon la - much 1 greater than -was at first reported---Troops- are being rapidly outfitted for the campaign. if i mrr rnmp iinnn lr i it nn t n i itnrn TROOPS TO AFRICA OF IMPORTANCE " Uoaroel pedal Berrke.1 ' J """(BpecUl bUpatca to lie SooraaLi "V Hal-tin. Anrll I. Tha mnmrar hll Lg..' iw.. a k . t Vilf?JJ2 Muocei In Jullu KruttschnlttV otflc derlng large reinforcements to be sent . .... . . . . " , to German Southwent Africa to cope today that a hitherto Important position with the rebellioua Herreroa. -.- In the Oregon Short - Line- has - been -This Is regarded by the public-here abolished. In other words the of floe of a an Indication that the foreign office assistant general manager died with the has Information showing that the r rfromotlon of EL E. Calvinwho formerly held the position to general manager of the Oregon Railroad Navigation company.' . : " , ? , It was also announced-that, several minor appointments will be made, whloh are necessary because of the transfer of Mr. Kruttsohnltt and B. O. MoCormlck to the Harriman lines offloes in Chicago, and the appointment of . new ' general managers' for Harriman roads.' . Vacan cies have been . oecasloned by these transfers and appointments .which will be at once filled. ,., The general superlntendency of the Oregon Short Xine Jias been given to EL Buckingham who will have offloes at Salt Lake, with Jurisdiction over 'the Salt Lake division of the Southern and the portion of the Union , Paclflo - be tween Ogden and Green River. v -jr J. M. Oruber, formerly general super intendent of the western division -of' the Rock Island will succeed Mr. Buching ham as superintendent of transportation on tne union Facino. v- PAYMASTER MORSE - IS DECLARED GUILTY (Jonroml apaelel Bcrrk.) , ' Washington, O. C4 April 6. Paymas ter John More . of the ' united -states navy has been found guilty of ' vlolat-1 Inr the regulations Msued by tne sec retary of the navy, of culpable Ineffi ciency and neglect of duty, .by the court-martial whloh was convened la the Philippines, i i" ' ' Morse waa. sentenced to. tne .iocs oi ten numbers In gradaT ' - ' , ? HOOD RIVER WOMAN ISJWOJMTH sOMBltliSl VIRGINIA IS LAUNCHED (Continued frommPageOne.) rapidly nearlng completion. ' and the Maryland, which la expected to be ready for the government In another' year. Another object of Inspection - was - the Louisiana, which was regarded with spe cial Interest because It Is known that there. Is a race on 'between the local shipbuilding company and the navy-yard at New York. . - . The Invited guests. Including Gov ernor Montague's . party and the naval officials from Washington, were driven f ul collation Was. served. Xs to Be a Wonder. ' , , The battleship Virginia embodies the highest Ingenuity and mature experi ence of American naval experts. The general dimensions of the ship are: Length on load waterllne, 4SB feet; breadth (extreme), at load waterllne, It feet m Inches; trial displacement, about 18,000 tons; mean draught at trial displacement, about St feet f ; Inches; greatest draught, full load, IS feet. - , In the 16,000 or more tons represented In -the Virginia, the many antagonistic qualities essential to a perfect fighting machine have been comprised and lncor po rated In the proportion which expert' ence seems to have pointed ' out ae the moat desirable and efficient. To begin with, the ship will - have a speed of at least If knots, 'which compares most MURDERERS AT- HEART I (Continued from Page One.) the prison 1 Isolated to such aa extent that the nofse would hardly have bees heard by any save the guards In the institution.'' , Evan the sweating process has failed to expose the Identity of those who fur nlshed the weapons and explosives with which the attempt was to be made. Xt is believed by the prison official that dis charged convicts who. were 'recently turned loose after servlag their time formulsted the plan and organised the ' A L J, -THE SUCCESSFUL HAT vvWrJUt53 ' GUILDERS. OF . THE v3-5 T WORLD ALL STYLES , V ONLY THE MOST RELI- - 7 ABLE GRADES OF HEAD- ' V E A R .REPRESENTING & . : TIONED TO . SUIT, FACES , , OF EVERY TYPE.7 , -We are exclusive "dUtHbtftort ' ; for Portland and vicinity of the Li. , , - ' famous1 r YOUMANS DERBY, SILI AND OPERAt HATS. . - QUAKER CITY ?J.5U DERBY. - J If . .GORDON'S 3.00 SOFT AND STIFF HATS. AND STEINBACH'S SPECIALS AT ?X TO 0. Full linei of Automobile ' Golf, ' Norfolk, Rob Roy' and v , . ,Cravenette Caps. 4 , 1 1 ; Spjp0JJgJBJBJHJBBBBBBSBJgBB tothe Hotel Warwick, where a dellghH attempt In the hope of liberating friends who are still In durance. The most pusallng feature to the of ficers la how it became possible for such a quantity 'of dynamite to be smuggled Into "the buildtr.g and then passed to the possession of the convicts without Setectlon. GIRLS ROOTED BUT - -LOST THE CONTEST (Special Diipetta to Xbe JoaraaL) Hood River. Or., AprU B.-Mrs. Leon- ard Day, wife of an employe at the Menominee sawmill, four miles below town, -while attempting to extinguish the flames from aa exploding kerosene TO ST. LOUIS FAIR ..' (gpaclal tnapatch te lbe JoeraeL) I Cove, Or.,-April 8. After the teachers' meeting last' Saturday, the Cove and Union basket-ball teams had an exciting game. The ' Union boys, heretofore favorably with any j battleshlpa under champions of the ounty. went down to construction abroad, aa well as with f aereat, tne score oeing y to e, saeesurea any la the projected stage. - 1 by the enthusiasm, noise and rooting The Virginia will be propelled at this indulged in oy tne union nign scnooi high-speed - by- twin orews4lrlvea . by j glrla.wha . were . present Ja. force. . the With the departure today of the big Or timber the last exhibit f rem Oreaoa lamp in hei house, yesterday afternoon. the St Louis fair -was sent on 1U way met death by cremation. . wmurniw win nw aupor- Whii th -point hanoened at 1 1 Intendent who has charge of an ex- o'clock the woman lingered in agony Ittit at the St Louis exposition on. his three hours and was conscious to the wJr 2.the east. i verv last. -'v ' . ' I oneiaon, supenntenaeni or zor- IRvarw altnh nf nlnthlnir mi huraMl n" uiuxuua ivt ok uuuib. from hi hodv. Not a nartlde of skin . Myers jr., in cnarge or tne nsn Unions surely deserved to retain their laurels. The Cove brass Jband has reorganised. ordered late muslo and other necessaries and will soon be prepared to furnish high-grade of melody on short notice. The candidacy of j. M. Beiaer ror remained untouched, while some of. it was charred black, i Mrs. Day kwaa 2 7 years old. " She , leaves, v besides her parents, a husband and (-year-old boy. rjTDZAJTA raOHXBZTXOVZSTS. : and gams department, - will leave - to night C V. Galloway, in charge of the horticultural exhibit, will go tomorrow, and Professor H. 8. Lyman will. If he Is able to leave the hospital, leave at the same time to . take charge Of the educational display. The state commission Is confident that the Oregon buildings will be entirely '. . ,; (Joifrnal Special Berriee.) , Tnlannnrtlla Tn1.. . Anrtl fi Pmhlhl. tlonlsts of Indiana have gathered here completed by April 10 and that they for a ten-dars' state convention.- .The I w,u rwiv we rewaro oneroa oy ine party will name a full ticket and map felr management at St. Louis for aU our Plana ror an active campaign i "i' vva - mr . throughout the state tnis XaiL two four-cylinder triple expansion en glnes, running, under conditions of maximum speed, at about 120 re vol u tlons a minute. - - Bas Xeavy Armament. The battleship will carry four -12- Inrh rum. mnnnilA hv. nalra In rtal- anoad turrata. an turrat ., bnlnff for. I County commissioner IS being promt ward of the superstructure and . the nentiy menuonea his inenas say mere other aft Of the eight, s-lnch guns, we several reasons wny tms selection which will be carried on the veesel. f our should prevail in the oounty , eonven- wlll be mounted by nalrs In turrets. I tlon as Mr. Selder.l a practleal and suo superposed On- the 12-lnch turrets above j ceasful business man, an old resident mentioned, and four in two broadside familiar with the needs and abuses In turrets, slightly forward of amidships. I the management -of county affairs, In addition to these heavy guns,- there I .Adam Crossman has moved - over will be a broadside battery of twelve! from La Grande and will soon be mine l-lnch rapldflre guns. The secondary- nost of the Cove hotel. To have this battery will constat of twelve l-lnch I institution aaaln under efficient man rapldflre guns, twelve. S-pounder Semi- laxement will be a areaf advanUge and automatic eight 1-pounder heavy auto-1 convenience to the town as well as to matic, two maoMne guns ana six tit i the traveling publld. SAvnros baitk taxxs, automatic guns, all . mounted in com mending positions and having large arcs of fire. The ship will also be fit ted with, submerged torpedo tubes. She connected. wui oe comoiexeir . irmumi, n ui mo material of construction - being or : tne same hlarh auauty ot eteei wntcn nae entered into all of the ' vessels of the new American navy. , Bids for the furnishing of telephone poles are being advertised for by the farmers' line. . All principal farms will . (Journal Bpacial Service.) ; -. Akron.. O.i April 8. The Akron Sav ings bank closed its doors this morning. No statement has been issued.:. TYNER INDICTMENT IS FULLY SUSTAINED COWS AND SALOONS WIN At ff OODBURR BASOBS YOT SBXB0TB9.' (Jonraal Bpaelal Barrlee.) Washington. April S. The district court of appeals today overruled the I demurrer to the Indictment of James N. Tyner, former attorney general -of the postofflce department and Harris Bar ret- his nephew and assistant (Jooraal BpecUl Berrtce.) ' ' ' St. Louie, April 6.The matter of con tracting for badges for the delegates, alternates, i press representatives . ' and spectators to the National Democratic convention - was this morning laid over by the sub-committee having the mat- 'iVcSet&Uz ftrepfiraiionf or As similating ttisFoodandBcgutz- ung TOSbmoos Miojxrweis or iila,.. V'.iH'.Miifc Froinoies DigesGcnXheerfut ness arvdRestXontalns neither OpkimXorphine norKkiexaJL KOI NARCOTIC, - AfaiaW: . - JbiSmim - ' flrf rfc httt-i V - ."; . ffiftrf mtklj Hf 4 '-' ' ' bllw II Uliall tf J For Infants and Children. The, Kind You llavo r Always. Bought Bears 'the Signature of Aperfecl Remedy forCtosBpa- uun9uur 9iuuiaui,uiarrnoea and Loss OF SLEEP. ' . ejisBBSBsvBjMBBBBsBsseaew y 1 , facsimile Signature, of . . 1 NEW YORK. tt EXACT COPY Ot WRAPPCIt Aat ' ill ' Use For Over Thirtyjears jjmM Uljiillli t . 9C tttfMssWRi MCW VA4HI SVKe tor in charge until April l,-when-the entire , national committee Is expected to - meet here. At noon- a visit to the fair grounds was made. WBSS BABBBAU BXBO. ' .... .. (Jooraal Special Barrlce.) . Scranton, Pa., April 6. A wedding of note her today, was that of Miss .Au-. gusta - Archbald. .daughter of . Mr. and Mra James Archbald of this city, and John H. Brooks, familiarly known a de-' cade ago aa "Johnnie" B. rooks, the hero of the Princeton baseball team of '85. Mr. Brooks Is now a prosperous Inde pendent coal operator. (Bpedal Dlapateh to The Journal.) Woodburn, April 6. It was decided -tJ. " I at the city election here yesterday that I...-. ' .L.II 1 A ..I will be ImmedlAtalv aat. I inat cows aumi u uwwn w iuu Tyner haVMd gitly sine bis ' O1" CoB was the candidate end i practically oonfined to hi bed. lnuB,mo" i Hi wife, - who attracted atteatlon tfy P f W II. & V. Whlt carrying away paper from her hue- " h "ly ,dt 0' r?,ord?r hand' aafa. ; ramalna cnnatnntlv at hla I ana aecuroa m tow vvi. ,. id . - rballot were cast. - - ' : xne uooa umsens . neguiar or wow ! License ticket won wtth the. exception 1 of one councilman. The vote was as 1 follows: . , , Oood Cltlsens and Regular: , Council man, W. C. Miller, 104; J. K. Zlmmerle, 117; R. M. Hicks. IIS? treasurer. B. a Berry, 18; marshal, Amos Beach, lit. O004 Cltlsens,- or Antl-Saloonr Coun cilman, one year, W. L. Jerman, 113; I two years, A. E. Austin, 111; B. E. Hard- ALPINE AVALANCHE CLAIMS TWO VICTIMS Good Shoes v-i-v (Journal Special 8ervt.) ''' tnsbuck. ' Swltserland, Aprtl. B. A liurtT Af tniirliti wara overtaken-bv an avalanche near Peter Anlchuette. onjcastle, 112;. treasurer. George Landon, Qriskungel. in . the Alps today. Peter 1061 marsnai. w. H. urogies, Cofiee; Perfection have been , selecting, blending ' tnd rotsting' coffte for over balf a' century. Golden Cat the result of. our long coffee experience. 2 .We. cannot improve it. Culd; not : mtke it better if we ; tried. - No one knows ' how ito blend 'it but our- selves. ... Golden Gate tnint dclicipus. . - High grade grocers sell it. , - 1 nd 3 lb. aroma-tight tins. ' . J.. A. FoIrfr a :Col;.aa 'rsia Muller and another man of the party la -missing. . - A rescue party has been .sent from I her in the hope of saving the missing man in case 4e . has not . already per ished. .The warmth of the season nasi caused an unusual number of avalanches i but this is the first one of the year to claim a victim. , - , For saloon license. 111; against, lot. For cows to run at large. 141: against 71. Not a few men love their sweethearts in silk, and their wives In calico.. FOBS ST QBOTB OBOWXBCr BATXSLT ' (Bpacial Dispatch to Tha Jooraal. :V- Forest Grove. Or.; April 5. Forest Grove is 'experiencing a steady but rapid growth, there being many new bouses already, under construction. ' Contrac tors estimate that no less than 7 new dwellings . will b.. erected during the present spring and summer. - Nearly 41 families have arrived y from 1 the eaat during the past month. - fife lecture.. I ii maul imp fey UPUOfMIOHfrllKE-T0BACCC rum i ruuwvitniki Minui r0 PUU MnTlCULalU imttrfiwnwrer ponTt.ANo.ra!c, This is a leading question with everybody. ' t- f . All we have to say is that we are manuiactunng' right here in Portland an honest line of Men's, Boys' and Youths' Shoes and stand right behind them What's the matter with trying a pair? We want try a pair 'for we know you will be satisfied 'and try : another pair. We make a fine line of Loggers and Cruisers Shoes and the price is right . We think it would pay you to look us over, " : ; . . 1 ,' .'-B3W SAX FBAJTOISOO FAFBB. (SmcUI DUMtck to The Jonrnal.) Ban Francisco. April A new after noon newspaper ' Is Boon to be started here, which will have a complete plant OXFORDS FOR LIEN This season's styles are varied In the extreme. ' The kinds we are show ing embraca all -i the brightest Ideas of east ern '. designers rand at popular price. $3.00,$ 3.50 See our .Oxfords before you buy. particularly the Patent Coltskin. a new teamer most in aemana. - 1 Look for Oar s Trad Mark - REIE),;(H CO. ' 9 end 1 1 ; north First Street Portland, Oregon -i - :" :''1 '"' -f ' ',-' v: '--' f-)' " - ' " X '' . "-' '.:'" r i ! i Vdayn Q Welton TXXT-llTTEJSS, 1 ' tin its own: building and a full staff of trained newspaper men. The name for the publication has not as yet been se ffTO WaahlBttim St, Bat M ul etK lected, , 1 , , vmmmmTmvm4v4mmmomvmHfmHttHtit$H; : 17,