. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL'. PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 8, ISC I. JAIL YAWNS IF VTk Grf&frst Jiw'tlry Storm U M' AT orthumt ' f RECOVERS SANITY DIAMOND IMPORTERS MANUFACTURING JEWELERS IIlONDS w.-mm ! By being declared Insane by the courts insane does not In any way affect a dis missed of his case or cause tha quashing of the Indictment," said Judge Bellinger Of the federal court this morning. , "He land thereby gaining a, residence In the Balem Institution, Mike Doley, a, Rus sian, escaped prosecution by the federal Bv reason of our direct importations of Diamonds and our uneaualed. manufacturing: facilities, we ara able to. and do, offar tha moat beautiful creation In Jeweler' art at extremely low prices. There Is more , to , thse statement than the mere wording of them. We mean what we aay ;. and stand by our arguments. . . . ;.:; authorities on the charge of burglaris- Pleaded guilty but his answers -to que. Ing a government poatoffloe. Doley Is tlons were so dubious and his conversa , IS THE MOST CONSPICUOUS . under indictment which was . returned tion generally was so rambling that I thought bis mind must - be affected. I recommended that he be tried for his sanity1;"'' ' '. ' .', "-''. -'U;;. i Doley was confined In tha county Jail until declared Insane by the tourt, when by the federal grand Jury which was Vyl PART OF YOUR WEARING ; ; APPAREL. IF YOUR HAT IS. , SELECTED WITH CARE IT discharged Baturday. :.',.,... WATCH REPAIRING EXPERT OPTICIANS Doley will bear-the unldu distinction of - having ait Indictment hanging over him. pending his recovery. In case he recovers from the mental ailment it Is be was removed to the Salem Institution. likely that proceedings will be Instituted ! to punish him.. for the., offense. The in The case will not be prosecuted while be Is., there, , of course," said District - WILL. ADD GREATLY TO 7 .YOUR PERSONAL APPEAR- V" . ANCE. YOU'LL FIND IN THE dictment will not be quashed. .. m- , Attorney Hall, "but the indictment, wui 4 'The fact that he has been "declared not be. quashed. iv,:.v'. A "..V-1 'J. OOUII WASB3B0T0B AMD TSIXB MTU. WILL CONSIDER CUT . IN FARE"SWGRT if 1imIss)m4L a IMA- 12 iDilliiElti "MM yViv re SSs1SS W wfm vsvsv' r r evUVay Knox and 1 WdlUUl IUH THE; PORTLAND jrOBTlASS, omsoos American; $3 Per Day nd Upward JtmWMlW FC2 TOURISTS AM CCMKECCUL TRAVELd. tpeolal rates saade f amfiles aa stagto gea tisanes. The , n01 be pleased a all sunee to skew roew aad gty yrloea. rrkUh beta to blishmeat la the hotel. , - ; 7 . ,' - f '-v. . 0. TAOWMMU, "I will not make any proposition to the mayor or the executive board re garding reduced fare aoross the Morrt- I son street bridge, but If a proposition is made to me I will gladly lay It before the . directors of the company," said President Bwlgert of the City A Bubur- ban railway this morning. "It certainly Is not for ms to make any proposals. The executive board members asked us the last time : to grant a t-cent fare across the bridge. J laid It before .the directors and after much discussion It wur decided to" grant the reduction; Utter si this. It was turned down. , . ' "If Mayor Williams wants the matter reopened, the same steps must be taken again. It means a large loss to the com pany If a reduction 1s made, and we are not at all anxious to make it." 1 v , As has previously been published, the Morrison bridge is soon to be closet to all but street car traffic, fpr a period of eight months. The fare across the bridge will be Ave cents unless some thing Is done to . secure a reduction. Mayor Williams' says he la willing to re open the l-oent .fare proposition. If the! people desire him to. The matter will probably- bediscussed 7ai-theneetlag of the executive board next Friday. v,, A STYLE THAT WILL SUIT YOU ' ; SOLE PORTLAND AGENTS FOR ALFRED . v . . . . BENJAMIN S CORRECT CLOTHES . . ' , 3 1 1 MORRISON SpTREET POSTOFFICE: BTATEMENT OP THB CONDITION' Of The United States National Bank I'XU f W IRTlAM'OetEOON, ' - '' -' VAT. THE CL08B Or BU8INESS. MARCHES. 1104: v; ASSETS: ' Loans and Discounts. .$1,J18,S.74 "V. B. Bonds to Secure .. V Circulation , ; . . ' 100,009.00 XT. 8. and other Bonds ," -v ' and Premiums , .... M4.925.0 Real EstaM , ,. - lt.lSt.IS Office Furniture ' and,;' ' ! ; -Fixtures - 6,500.00, 1 Bank Building .'..y. 125,000.00 Cash i" and due from. l 'V. $1,091.71411 INABILITIES: CaplUI , . .....,...$ 100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided. " . Profits v, IS.42f.t- Circulation . , 100,000.00 Dividends Unpaid ' Stl.00 ', ' Deposits i . 1,10 J,I5MI : f I.OIL7I4.01 AtUst Correct! 7 ;; X a 'AWSWORTH, PrMldmt, They are the ones we should Cater to. . Thirdly, ' our girls should be paid better wages. I think we don't realise how many airls are led to an evil life through the desire to dress well Their I means are insufficient, and this way is suggested to them.'. I do not know-how It Is In Portland, but' I have been told by the girls themselves tn eastern de partment stores . that . they : have been nttmraA II a. VMk tnr thlr work.'. ,'Hut ur. bm. nmraxn a-aro mxt. I now r.n wa l..r thev aak. Ton must XOVBM TTTr- OT mUT XAl MMXM 1 do as the other girls do,' The spirit of competition is so high and merchants are forced to sell their goods so cheap MINISTERS PLAN TO SAVE GIRLS son rom toqio wom; ox CTOB CZTtBB, AMP : BAT . JPOT- JtAMO OAM .SO ZOAJOWXajB. that . they can't pay good ' wagea We, then, as patrons, should be willing to pay Higher prices ror our gooaa - A splendid plan has been worked out In Boston which every city should try to follow. Jordan and Marsh, two of I . IMTOEY SETS IIP :. Sji'iCOUNTER CLAIM In his answer, to the suit for 1500, al leged to be due on a note given the Kank of Brownsville, ' Horace 8. Mc Kinley claims thai he has paid the ln- etltutlon 1880 .with which 'he .has not ;ben credited.- He prays (or. the allow nee of a counter !alm. . - The answer was filed yesterday af ternoon. McKinley gives the amount .'- raid and dates as follows:' January, : T90L 110: November. 1J01, 1100; Febv j-uary. 102, 1100; March, 1002. 1100; --" May, lo, floor oetober, le, loo.--' TOLD REGULATE. J , PAROLE GRANTING :.W:V& ". .. "fe'S-n; Judge A. F. Bears, chairmen , of the . legislative committee of the Oregon Pris oners' Aid society, recommended the ap volntment of a state board of control - to regulate the granting ot paroles to prisoners at the meeting of the society last, slght-w Such., a. board. .halbeeaL.de? Klded upon by the committee and was Incorporated, la. Its report." A commit tee will be appointed by the new Presl dent to Uke such action as Is necessary. 1 time to act- Officers for the ensuinr year were elected as rouows: Key, w. B, Gilbert, prasiaeni; am aeiung, vice-president; Mrs. B. H. Trumbull, secretary; M. N. Hamilton, treasurer; T. N. Strong, legal aovisert J. l. iee. H. w. Hogue, Dr. a R Wise, William Wadhams. B. 8. Pagtte. tt. 4. Heparicaa L u. JQ.nee, judge A, r. Bears. ra ueorge Kusseu ana Key. K. PZHIIl,;board of directors. : The new officers will determine upon a new means 01 raising, runaa BUILDING SITE SOLD FOR $50,000 Rev. E. P. Hill expects to sail m meet lng during the week of th committee f Boston's wealthiest men. have bought appointed' by the Portland lllnlstertal tho old musical conservatory building aasnelatlnn . yaatcrdav , tn InvMttrata 1 ana niiea It up as a gins notei. it is methods of procedure in the girl Irafflc not run on the money-making basis, btt problem. No definite' action has been Jut enough is asked for. current ex- deolded .on. but the will examine the pensea Two well-furnished rooms with methods adopted In the samo work la MU u11 nd. xrd, cost pnly 5 a Los Anretea - I week. Tbero . Is a - gymnasium fully ReV;rJ..W. BrOUgher Of tha First Bap- I Ma. ounra to uruu uvmm tlst church said yesterday: - , . - "I" bave not : the' slightest doubt - of J "om i T .7 "I""..'"" the ultimate success of this work. But " investigate,, one uvea wun ui we'don't want to act astfry. VWeworktP "Ar,sM one of them and re- want to act In a rational manner, so as Portea ue nneat inmg sne naa ever ta .nii.t h. Wnnrtinn nnt nnt seen. Portland would 00 well to work 4hhnk unnii Kt f iha hnU ki. I up. suco large onanues. ter element of the city. . I think we can I "Z nit. th. In.ih. ..i .rnr. h. I very careful about their advertisement Municipal league, . It was at their lnstl-1 Many glrla are led astray by answering aatlon ..that -It rave mv-beln'to thlal" aaverueemem in gooa lann., as rar . . - r'.y l mm k...lkU IhA aVMlj8 1a.l. work- at this time, though I had not v-v -v. ihiud uii. i m I gate their want coiumna. ' - - i- m tnnon ,nn. Rut th. tim. w.. "There should bo matrons at tho de- vnrhi. . 1. .iih w nth. pots to meet the strange, friendless ..w 1,1- . -t.tyi v... I girls who come to the city. .These ma others, and I think . that now ls the Ul'T- ; j . - IVAdES , -. ' JiU I If - OF SUN, WIND AND AOB DEFIEfli; 11 , I ji . Pro'toCtlon. and preaervat ion o the complexion la cqs F v II I ll ; , women's first dutiea Select your toilet preparation whh sa tn I Is ill, much car and thought as yon giy in choosing your doctor. ' ' 1 W" et tb be,t 1 U'AR-DAS (Liquid -' Face . Powder) - ia If f , ' ' todoraedby phvticlana tverywhere. t , 7 trf 'O SALK BY ALL DRUCC1STS ' if VS Woodard, Clark t 42o. XVVarA1 FORTtAMB, OXBOOaT , "7J The Rush IsOn A. Beck baa sold to Bimon Bros, one lot so by 100 on the east side of Sixth street, between Washington and Btark, The selling -price is 100,000, Thr ground Is now occupied by frame buildings. It Is the Intention of the purchasers to erect a threo-story building. ' Journal friends and - readera - when traveling on trains to and from Port land, should ask news aeents for -The J?uJ"n.1. and ,n't Pon being supplied with this naoer. rMrtln all 7.nr. i obtaining it to the office of publication. iuu,n..ii,n km wournai. -or liana., or. - . . . 1 . . . J . A AW t M. Rev. E. Lfi House of the First Congre. I wn' " . " ""T r" V,T . "V I" V I! guarded and- the girls should be, given t-v. ,.... ....I sympathy and encouragement to rise. w v saw .j. saw as a y ouvi t asj uuuvi f - una m . ahova alt. but - th. avll la dna it I "inese are a ew ot me ways oy must be remedied. This la a great so cial problem. Involving, more than the present, and I think from my study of the Bible that this social evil Is greater than the evil of intemperance. . To rem edy It we must strike at the bottom. First and most Important, la the creat- lpg of public aentlment at homa Moth ers and fathers, do not confide In their children as theyt ought. Most boys and which we can solve this problem." CENTENARY CHURCH NEARLY OUT OE DEBT COUNTY HOSPITAL; SCANDAL GROWS The. resignation of three nurses from the county- hospital on account of th unpleasant .relations ' existing between the employes of that institution and of the poor farm, brings out th fact that' Th heavy debt that has encumbered the clashing '"la of long aUndlng. .Ber girU learn first from outside souroes I the Centenary church for so . long u orei other attachea Of the bospiui nave what thev should bava loam at hflmtf Jh,i jif..nnM.ln avU. a th. k.Ai (resigned on account. of friction with J, They should be taught the perils of JUfetaf- wih -tr nfa rJI E. Courtnerrth superintendent-of the before they encounter them and be :Z 'ZZ7 wk ,a t,1" rxr Poor -farm, It Is stated. ' The- list In- sbown how to escape XtwY; TJl " .rT.: flllrlPJ "In the second place, they should bel ' -T '' iw ovmor, uo i, uaris.no, nurw, Ivan tha baat.enviranment in tha eit. Ia n naa seourea a gin xrom ui i wno severer ms connection with the in- I think that family entrances to saloons I Church ' Extension society; of 111,905, 1 stltutlon during the month following, are on of the worst ovll we have to provided that th eongregatlon by April, I - Now that ."things are doing,!;, as on encounter. The effect is degrading. In 1 1004. should raise the other I10.0T0 neo-lot lno" concernea n tne anair puts it. th east, public sentiment will not al- ,aaary to lift th debt. On the 6th of -" IJ. trouble not known The superintendent and his wife, with 5 W. L Dudley; 871 E Glisan Sf was Winner of the.$IO Saturday Evening low them and they are never seen. u.w t,. ..i People say the country la full of sailor. awar tha dabt. It has tneint t J4 ner fcTn auperintenaent and hia wire, with and miners, a rough class of people, and ia' Vl. Timbers of cnUna chuS the uperintendent of nursing , and the we must cater to them. I don't bellev Asides tha reIr resident physicians and nursea hav to it W might Just as well say w. must 5l!,SVJi ' 1 mt h". cater to thieve, and murderer. . Ther. f--,-" "...nav.on. are expect. Ua -btur-lmnv va In-thU-class, th-neded -amount-ha. already-been - which. Is striving for Improvement, .ubscrlbed. leavlnsr iS.07 more tn ralaa. .. - ... i ' " i sa si , '". at araTSiBiBra aa ar m i . a m til ii ii a e use.;. v ' niAWiivvv! ' CLOSED ITS TERM '9 Willi 3 T. 1 v- -j Suinmer fiMvM&lJS?ii m rl 1 Til T ti' - ' - i 'ir.Mi.iK-4iJr April 24 ther will be special services I at the church.. Bishop Cranston. E. M. I Randall and other prominent Methodist workers from Oregon and eastern states will be present. Then th full result of the debt campaign will be announced. Mothers doa't waif tfl etoao eeeeaes daa. k- I geroos.'' Tbey give Pise's Care at eoee. : are NowFor Comfort $ XTf . ' . ... . . . . .J .o niv iiiciwnu prepare you wun an your spring and sum ftier needfuls at most agreeable price. We are out of the high- - "iw.umnn,, wnicn mean a saving to all our -customers, and . our superior line of clothing is acknowledge)! by all. 'Thla we are orrenng . : . r . . Real $10 BLACK - (fo WORSTED Suits for-, pill Don't tako our word for rL Don't take th vakI nt Try on th clothes, Cholc of men' of boy' alses at thla price, i ( i GOOD NEWS "FOR -THE: BOYS l 3 3 3 5 3 0 1 The X-Radium Institute 3 onthMurt dor. First and Morrlsoa. Tlphona Main I7M. i Unparalleled In Its - success In every case where a trial naa been given. wit wi cam otnu tot. Bo matter what mayb your affllotloa! . Th. T. M. C "A. : night : school closed its term . last '-night by a program of musical -and . -literary numbers and an address on "Tb Chief Idea. in Educa tion.'!, by Bev. J. Whlteomb Brougher. Ther - were 600 certificates of attend. ance, " President W. , M. ; Ladd . was to have been present to present, them, but was Unable to coma ' The mandolin club of the T, W. C. A. furnished music, Mrs. Lauren Pease- sang two soloa . R, F. Barnes furnished the following fig. urwri;'w?!;&: Total' number of students. ...w.. - g(t Total, class registration lor two terms . . 1,400 Aggregate attendance Zl,0l WAGONS SLOW. IN : PAYING LICENSES Ther ar more than 1,000 vehicles la Portland, th owners f of which' are. en gaged In various business ; pursuita Each Quarter every-person ownln any kind of vehicle is required to pay to the city a license fee, for 'which is given a tag entitling him to do business for three montha April 1 was th beginning of me new quarter, out nardiy any. of th teamster nave appeared at the city au ditor's office to pay the regulation fee. Arrest, may be mad unless they speed. A Par UP. '.:-.'V. t'. - ..;.yv Thla quarter th tags furnished team ster are whit; last quarter they, wer green. Colors ape -changed every quar ter, so the Inspectors may easily note any attempt to evade the payment of ree. in rate charged r as follows: Two-horse team, f&: three-Korea team. tl; ona-hors, - II: scavenger: 111 Junk wagons, l; oil -wagons. 110; woodsaws. lio; zirst-ciass hawker. 111:, second-class hawker, 1 10; traction engines, $18; com- , The spring rush Is on and we want to keep things -1 humming. If you haven't ordered your Spring Suit v yet; come and see us. We t ,can give you some inter- - estlng figures. We can -- give ; you satisfaction f as t , well as economy. The suit T . we will make you for : f 25 will be the most stykr ish, elegant, distinguished v . looking suit you ; ever , wore. . Others are asking; iorno oetter. V- - , . ' ,''V J" !s"-.-j"..i ; 7:3.r., THE TAIL08 313 Washington St. Armstrong pressed -air renovators. $10: candy waas on, isoriuhch wagona $25,"; - Ther , ar , three vehlclea drawn b three horaea Ther is but on tracUon1 engine and one air renovator. Although - vF vvuiivm isiivu Lilf AlUfsnofi JC CUQ.w wagons from" $$ to $50 a quarter, not on ' of themwentr out'of buslnesaThar---are ight of them. Lunch wagon also ; . do well, for ther ar eight of them. Deputy City - Auditor W. 8. Lotaa hsA ' charge of th license department. A laty liver makes a'lasy man. Bur dock Blood -Bitters is the natural, never falling remedy for a lasy liver. - , . oanseur physicians aj pecialUU Toial. "umberof. classes ; on I .of lifetime experience, , -: .1 -,5uft? vilvi I'.-VAlll .V 'iii' oause--Our Institute is th complete in the .world. li.i l Total number of-subjects taught. Beoause Our medicines arV th best Numfier: if" educe!tUnalciubst Number ot, lectures and , practical MAYOR WILL GET J. THE LADY, WORK w wish to announce that we hav just received a line of clothes w for t-h young men unequaled by any house in the city, and th prices ara mucu less. - - i i , , i , it mu,m tov to tbiss wits - MQRl?ISOg and purest money! can procure. Because Ws hav an X-Ray machine witn wnicn we are aoie to locate the eat ox trouoie. ;i Beoause We have the renowned Flnseu ray ana violet ray, wpich ! posi Ively cure all chronic or acute emo tions, ulceration or blemishes of the face or. body. Because We have a hot air chamber for syphilitic blood poison only. eoauBe--vve ..nave' an ozone inhaler. I .... nmn.. ai.. which will kill the tubercular germi " w.- iu ana save me consumptive, as surely I """s as that water runs down hllL . I but . whenever , he .' reoeives ' requests 1 to Beoause we nave a complete body I find work for. people fn distant cities he apparatus covering all parts of , the always, tries to do something for them. kneafcVaT yet failed to comoletelv cura th .? ". ; ju, ai. :A-ampDeu, wno gives most obstinate case of rheumatiam i her address as 78 North Marengo avenue; Because Our massage room, with elao. 1 Pasadena. Cal. She writes:' - trio viDrators, is operated py a grad- I I am. an eastern lady of liberal edu wr5 iJTVh- KiT? 1 1uion; r.Ita cation, middle, age, and am looking for a awidin. " , position In your city, I have been In eoause w nave what is known a i r..f """- . --. . the Valentine outfit, a. anecitm r.. to come north. I have superintend gonorrhea, by which we effect cures I J la public institutions, literary or med ln as short a time a three dayar;4 lcatI,Can."Jake' full charge; jalo in a nrs iiava a. -peciaiuii wno nas private home as Housekeeper. ? I can d. ?V"A' " 5."luw vote alL my time and interests at-a fair luujr wjuwem ox women only, i ,., ,i ,,-i-u a.ita Became We are frank with our n. Urv' urnish sil desired ref tlenta candidly telling them th na. jerencea ,'Wiu you ainaijr assist mr . ture of their affliction, the chances ml uutu wvui now tang n will con-I ; ; . Sajl9 TO OIT cuitoxavT. . sumj.and thaprobabl cost of treat-1 -'iV "-i i. menu.' w-.m.-i."' vifvv..'f I Sfi-Wi' ti.v,. it.iu' imm '"...: " """" V1 au wnr w I alclana. undr tha direction nf wV?m B4 confident rj-Urbano, wlU glv a grand eonc.rt at r-m. . ' nl.. in Mirqum umna theatre. Saturday 100a over our pienaiaiy equipped I " H v u-vv- a.n Biasic apartment. It will cost you noth- I music. Thl new organisation 1 thei . ing. and may b th means of caving I finest local band thl city has ever had, your uie r-v - -, - -, and . with ehcouragement will make woasuinoa BSoteixie, , 1 this city Its horn. 's All Difference L .''V-j'if";; : rft tin our ready-to-wear garments ; for men clothes - th same, perhaps linings th ' same pexhaps-maktng perhaps just aa honest but there's a omethlng ' taking in much 'of the' ready-to-woar apparel which gives it a common, plain appearance no' smartnes2-ho dash no style. " ' None of- these faulta in -th Brownsville Woolen - llllla'' Store suit. - Their --L j ' " r $12.50 and $15.00 ' -Suits, ar Just ft chock full of good : style aa the moat . skillful designer can make them there's a character ;. to the simplest garment we show that stamps them a out-of-the-or-dlnary in a class by themselves--' there's a freshness . in -design ' that any lady appreciates J and you'r , guaranteed Just aa satisfactory a At a . though you- left your ineaa ur with a custom shop. ' " . 1 A saving of from $5 to $7.50 on each . salt bought here.' . !l Brbvnsville VooIen Mill Store , 'J..L. BOWMAN &. CO., Proprietors. . llL Third Street, ppp. Chamber of Commerce