THE , OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. . PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING,1 APRIL .r5, 1804.- n at 1 TUESDAY .WANTAD. NEWS ! ( t''f' ' .11, t ' - " M 1 Seaside Sprue Lumber company, at ; Beaalda, Or., fa advertising, under "Help -Tv Wanted Male," for aceadjr ' young men ,V. to work In floor factory, ' Tne company I. ',' prefer experienced men. :- ., .-.,. - ?.. -: v -, , ; X : i'.s.1: ; .'; ,J "Wanted Tounf man or . boy with mod education and plenty of grit, to , learn the florlat'a business." 60 read y , the advertlaement ' of 101 East Seven- feeth under .."Help Wanted Male." V i.! ! ; The Northwest Electric ; Enaineering -" i company, 101- Stark-' street, advertise ' ' their bualneee under the heading, "Eleo ! i; trlcal Work.t- . Ths Portland Electrical , ; works, 151 Stark street, also advartlee -rjinder the same heading. '.T-'jy.. - Room II, The Klnge'ton. itiu Third ...Street, la advertising for plain sewing " tor ladles and -Children,, under TWanted.", :;.v i . 1 , S ; xm- Tha eturnal'a pogtoOoe the roll owing addressed lstten B II, ., . R I. -R.M.10, - -S. M. U ' J. Saunders, 14, TV,' ' T. Z. i n D It. D 7. -D IS, B , ' nxi.r wAjmo-muix. WANTED Ladtoe to teach at the M. s Chtneaa ilaatos erealns grhooL Apply week Bights, ';- fSt Saturday, SOT- Alder at, bet, 'Int ana LA DIRS deelrins belo and alrla aeeklnc attma. , tlone, eall at flt. Lonle Ladlee' ageney, room 4, ; umaiii n. peieet wore a apeeiaity. mrATiovi vAjmn ii,T, 81 NOLI ymns siaa. fair edoeatlon. handy with - carpeatera' or palatera' toofct, waata any kind , of work, dty ee eoaatry, F. . Handell, II uraaa ava, COhTPmifT yoong smb.' fair edocattoo, ex perienced ia grocery, wareboaae and Janitor .wora, wanta poeiuea of any Bind. x. v.. care joarnai. s- , r- .!-." . . WAHTTO reltloa aa aaeletant Bookkeeper by . a competent, aooer, atteauve young, ataa. l, r' S8, -eare Journal. '- - ?- ' gmjATio t '"WAiTCDaxixxr TOUNO ladyr ereeptVxullr clever, atatrea Deal. tloa as atenographer; baa had experience. B. - , eare Journal. . -. WATTVy-XXMCXILAmiVt. WAirrgO Ptals eewhts for ladles sad enlld. res. Eoom if The King ton. leiH Third at, XI Zs la Oemaral Vs Botk la bfexloo ' ''and la (Jab,'4 (From United States Cqnsul IRoy Du i , ,. - - rango, Mexico.) t . The motrlc syitera has been very gen erally adopted by tha peopto here and Is , In use In ordinary practice, aa well as be- tag the orflelal measures of weight and ..capacity. 'iiif- In the building tradea, for example. Y the meter ts the ordinary standard both for lineal, square and cubic measure. And this dies not apply Jperely to the construction of large edifices made under the plans of architects; ' tha , ordinary workman In the carpenter's, stoneeutter'a and brick or adobe layer's tradea use the meter rule for his work as a general thing. For these purposes the old vara, :: or Spanish yard, - has " well-nigh dlsap peared, as It has la tha dry good stores. In the smaller carpenter shops they still . express themselves for purposes of com- . ; parlsoa Jn Spanish feet .and Inches .' (pulgadaa) at times, but the meter rule Is their guide and smaller measures are ordinarily . . determined . In centimeters. The architects of the country have la: ; the main adopted the metrle system; the ; exceptions to this rule are American or English architects who are temporarily .engaged-la -puttlngup, .buildings here - and who quite generally cling to tha old measures familiar to them. Tha Mexican National Iron sV Steel company (which operates the "Iron Mountain" here) turns out Iron for structural purposes both in feet and meters, aocordlnr to the way the plans . are drawn. . Their manager states that architects from, the United States generally expraas their measure ments In feet . .. . : : As indicated in the case of dry goods stores, the metrio system la in general "uss by retail dealers ; the metrio rule and . the kilogram scale for -weights ara al re- ,am.;. , v.' at. : T ' B ; . t, C " - Boarder, , K, " e B 10, ' V K 1T V't " - ' B II, . - - i, X 15, . B.ll, " - M 1. - ways used. The old libra, or Spanish pound, is still familiar but ia used vary , little, from ths custom-houses, where It ; is almost antlrsly supplantsd, to the ' smallest store. In measuring capacity. ' ths liter Is perhaps somewhat less gen :' - eral in ordinary use, and this may be in part due to ths fact that the weight by kilograms is .always used In the re- . tali stores wherever possible). Outside of . , thess. stores, tha street venders would Y Y naturally cling .longer: to the older and Y more ramiuar measures, so tne old ran era (somewhat more than 11 bushels). . : ths f rasoo l.l Quarts),, and the arroba (11.11 pounds) fcra atlll used to some ex- tent in ' ouuymg agnouiturai . districts. I ;iTha lioal vendera of wood and charcoal .The vender fit milk Sell by the cuaruilo, : h1h ia a nuarter liter, ariit elmllarlv a ; i"5 4 quarter hectorlter, called cuarteron. Is ' , used la-dry measure, the hectoliter be- ' Y 1 ing the standard used in buying and sell-. Ing. and selling corn, Deans, ata r (From Max, J. Baehr, Consul, Clenf ue- Y:i ! i'-vs'..-. ' ..' gos, Cuba.) The metrio system rot : weights -'-and Y"! v measures Is established by law and Is Y'f 4 adopted In all transactions at the cus. tomhouse,' city hall and la tha registry "and records of ; property; In fact, It is :- compulsory and adhered to in all official acta. Ia groceries, all solid goods are u . sold by the ounce and pound, the United . iSUtes pound betrtg ued. aa the scales are mosuy or American manufacture, a .- -i'X few only being Imported from Germany, ' Uquors are usually sold at wholesale In Y;. f original packages and at retail by the Y . bottle or. fraction of a bottle, ths poor L'Y: ;Y people sometimes buying a few cents' Jrorth. . Ths country's products, such aa . ' ..cereals, are sold by-ths pound or frao- -, Y. : tlon thereof, except that corn, when sold ,; In ears, ts sold by the fanega, which. Is 1 1 ftYl aarai a .nm , V.M,.kl.. MM w"- wmw W . WW. .M w(w1AV.vw wM : j: Y, orally -sold by ths pound, tha arroba, i , Y, or J! poiinda. Cabbagea and bananas ars Y.. sold In numbers'" from - one tip to one . - hundred-or s more. Civil engineers and '. land surveyors, employ tha metrio sys ? iYttem throughout thslr measurements. Me - Y : chanlos ln general make use of English Inches as their unit measure. J. M. Fisher, 190 Morrison street. advertising a five-room, furnished bouse I for sale, under the .' proper heading. ."Easy terms" Is a feature of the ad. .( " The Paclflo Hat works. t8( Third street, can - make that last summer's PiiiiMa loots 1 V- Ma aMnrAln. tn (hair ('advertisement under Hat' Cleaned." under the heading "Mueioai" appears tne aaveruaemenis ox rorutnq teaains i musical Instructors, ' ! Mfti H. , BL Ely, the dermatologist. til Ooodnough building, carries an ad-I vertlsement under "Personal." . A lady at Itttt First street" Boom 18. advertises masssge under that heading. Headaches and neuralgia relieved, so reads the ad.. ' . '. . ..... ,- .-. -.. KELP WAVTZ9-4tALX ' wry WAMTnn Wanted 4ot out of town.' earoentera. brick- layeri, plaaterera, , plumbera, electrlcUna, nalnWra and planlng-tulll near steady work f or gooa mecnanice. mu room AO, I, 991 HEN and women te leers barner trade; every atuoent uagnt la the aoortert poeeibie time; constant praetlea under, expert Inetrnetloa -,: and aueeeae guaranteed. : Call or write to American . Barber College eompaay,- XI : Grerett tU, Portland. WANTID Men te ' learn barber trade ealy i reanlrea elaht ereeksi anecial effen eeastasl ' practice; expert Inetmctfon. Catalogee mailed ; rree. nobs', syeteis Vouege, aaa rrasciaea, ISO TO 140 aer weak is made hv errltioa aetd. . dent, and sick benrflte In the Union Ilatoal Aid association. Call or address 401 Uar -- enlldlBg, rortlaDd,-Or. , - WANTED Ttret-elaea - eablnermakevi alee aa . eipenenceo man on a apinaieearver. eppir West Coast Sash 4k .Doer company. . Nlsbteenth buo iwaguo eia, rj A FEW steady roung men re work la : factory; experienced heads prefsrred. . Apply - to seaaiae sprace uimnat v., aeaaioe, two. BhfPIBB BMPLOTMBNT A0IN0T fsrnlahes competent help oa short notice. - Mrs, JoseS, i im roorth at. Phone Bad Boos. YODNO men te learn barner trade; free tattles, rorriaae Harner sceeei, ss norts booms ex. WATI-0EJrTa. WB WANT 10,000 agents for greatest hoeeehetd , saner ever weentea; seat awney-nMaer - ea ' record; actually sella to every soneei-aeeel IBe for complete sample aad ear tare av iso th eataloanea of e rents' eappUee. Booth era sfereastlle Co.. Dept. Sa, Hwtaa. Tea. AOFNTB WANTED Splendid . eppertaslty. fori live man; Jr yes meaa haalaeas, eall be - ' twees and 10 m. m. or 4 aad s. am. 1. B. I timvar, 1 BaaaeU bldg., ear. 4th aad ator-l 2I TO 145 per Week made or arents wrlttng meg ana aeciaeat senests la the ualoa Hataal Aid aasoclatloa. Call or address 401 .Mar- osam DUlg.. Portland, Or. IT.BO'CAN be earned h ineaetlna seats. weoroot Agents' Supply House. Portia od. Or. tob xvrr-JiQvnxzxwvf books. PO BENT Suite of 8 partly ranushed rooma. wius mouern eatnroim; au on eense aoor; Sae. etc.; auitaois tor nouseaeeping; eieaa. aelrable; nrivate family: 46-minute walk from Portland hotel; ae ehUdrea. . Call 111 Sherman, near sixth. ll.TB -'. PER WEEK Lerge. elees. . farMshed BoaseaeepiBf room, witn ass et; innnory, bath. pneoe; also -ceeap rnraunea cottages. J. LandlgaB, 4S4 Baartaaa. Phone CUy BOB. rv vartia aoat4 a, , a - - an i Wbw ,vn. mirw n, wm www, war, rm una ueiBmms sta. soaaeaesping ana single rilt hooeekeeplitt room,, 44$ fifth et., eor. , iigftj am noon tT0 CTTa-jriJlfalUU kOOKi, iiu oiraiu-mi nn ei., eor, vmtf aeviy i eeenea aaa aaaaeoaMiv- raraiaaea uraoenoat:- Met huariona apartmenta in the city; hot aad sold i water la ever; room; single aad ea eeite,' wits private sama tree pnoae. i THE NEWCASTLE, cor. Third and Herri seen beet spartment-hooee In this city: steam prui, eeio anq gsa; mrnisneu ana snrnTmanau hooeekeenlng and . single room; . reasonable I rataa. Phooe Mate sod. TBI Anne, farnlehed rooaar: iraaaleat satroav age aoueitent pnees reaaoaaoie. lest rronfl at, sear Morrbon. . ( . I THE COSMOS-4th and Morrtaos. Quist eleea and comfortable rooma, 11.00 per day and spwud. BICB tunny furnished rooms, river view i gas. nam, pnose- . ins wuismane, isoh Horrl-1 BEAT looms aad. good beard: modern eoai lanees) price reasonable. II forth ninth at PDBNI8HBD hessefceeplng rooxfle.v IiKjuire sue I wees aire. at. . nmita, iw Bnermaa at. THE CASTLE an Wsshlnrtoa art rnnias gar amtleaseai aranaiant. Ta! So-.k Tal. . NBWLT furnlahed front room, noreelela Nth, gas, central, gooq noarq. mn otn. FOB BXJTT--0PTICB 'XOOBL haij of eterirwn for tt beet loc.Mon in the city. Oeak room for rent. Call SSI washlngtoa at OFFICE room for rent ta Bank of British Co-1 , inmbia bldg.. bob Vine st - . . . TOB BXBTw-HOVIEB, HALF ef store roots ' for rent: heat business ' toes tlon In the dty.. Desk reoex tor rent. Call VBB. W-ShlngtOB- St, -r -rri-r:: -.r STORES FOR BENT lSS-lTS -Bth stw 'hetwees . Mornsos ana . lamoiu sts. Apply Wwonosgh - ouiiaing ornce. . POR RENT Little ereea rose cottage, near 1808 . aoectrie sign, cau uaiiey, rvont xps. FOR BENT Modern B-rftom cottage ea OarSeM are. ana onarsr si. raone soon till. , FOB BENT 6-room cottage, hath, basement v ana nice yera. K. sue nelson at. ' BOOMS wTTX BOARD. BOOM aad board, - private 'family good home , cooking. 874 East Deris; Phooe Scott 1877. BOOMS WITB BOARD, well rsfntshedt eoBvenleaeea; Uble board, tn 18th at ROOMS with or withotit board. 83S Water at I POX ULE BFSL ESTATE. FOB BALE FARMS, - I mD roved farma for sale ta aU narta of 0m. -i goe aad Waabiagtoa: paymenta made to aoK - tmrchasere. For fall Particulars aa to sari- t S?. Jwerttee apply te .Wm. MacMaatst. 1 . - B-ROOM houee. furnished, at Beat Burnalde and WTisKm avenue, Mt Tabor, ssoo; one-helf cash) terms to suit J. M. Fisher, 3bX Mor- nsoa st. . 400 PINS lot en Weidter at; good aelgb- oornooa: rrnit xreea ea mt; ens at that price. suiter, ovo vaamoer x vommerca, FOR tarma. aereags, city property choice tim ber aad nomeataea locations, see Maxereil Co.. Bi AMngton bldg., PortUod, Ore. $1.800 TEN acresv ehltlvated, near ears; hotxee. earn, inut, eona ueimau, owner, BOOf. P0B lALE HOBBEI AMD OABJUAQgS. t rmnr a eaii tin e . k... top ouggiea, surreys, farm wagons, aU kinds' I or naraess; receive car loea er horses each week. Derby Stablee, rifteeath. Just etf wkkel mare, weight l.eoo aosnds, 7 years oia, nana; nuo D-yeer-eia. . weight L1S0I pounae; eererei cneep. express , or -aeuvery buiwb. so norm ruieenia iL, SNAP 1138 buys matched pan- ef sorrel horses. . waigai a.oou pounae, wiw sex OT new names e. i ueroy Ptaaiee. rirteenth. jnst off Washington, i : TUfBZB, .VFLLOW pin timber claims. 9.000.000 er more i per ciaim, near sawnuu; also zu gooil soms- 11.500 buy -bow 10 acres near base-line road; 100 fruit trees, good 4-room house, bars sna ouiuuucuDgsi an in nne state et euitles tlon. ' STB YEN'S A SHREVB Tabor Retghta, end ef Bonn side aad Meant I .aoor ear una. , 4 M , 10 fALI ICHCELtAlHOU. FOR BALK -Warehouse sltee, west side, any in, on tree or orr, or", win mum kht tenanto, (aa mi any order at -ace. H. U, w Hour, aue McKay bldg,. -. Is I FOR 8ALB 820 hod. CUrf county. Washington 1 S&-S Mr aero, worth Sd: rallcoei crosses land; most be oojd. Inquire room fun lAUhMi eoTerca wagonj ici!iirai vou ' dittos; a bargain. Apply the Hammond Pack - tug company, Beet 0k and Water, 1 I UimlVIV Dw.l nn.. h... Y I -? "p price. Inoulre room. too. Ctaiuber ef . Commerce. I. t. Fonts, true1 port bale Blot machines all ktd. bait prtoe. BOKUTEU CHABCfcA TO LBA8B IB to 0 yeara, block 15. Tttibettt , taa.. tcoat portundi 36 T feet to tte tenth, ? adjoining I. f. H. ft., to the north 300 f net adjoining Woodstock ear line only H Utorl to Oregon X'lty ear Una: thli DroapeftlTe ' raerty to wltoble for uanafncturlng plant or Duunteg looatioa. inquire . wiacoiMU , vaiery, uilntoa and eleventh ata. v , QENtRAL atera for eale, eonalatlog of grecerlee, . naraware. orr eotxu. leaa. ete.t rneea rent: - one ef the beet locations In the elty; muat be sold at once. Apply J.. T. WlUon. 9W BeV ., mont at., or Aywworth store, UontarlUa, Or. ABB TOO looklns tot a bnalneea locatloat In at etacada, the eomlng town ef Clackamas ; eounty. ; o. w. r lownaita company, isa lrt at, cor. Alder, room a. Phone. Mala lis. WANTED Aa honest partner, act! re or ether- wise, wits eight or tan tnenuad sonars, te engage la mannfaetnrlng bnslnesa la this city, that paye good noneyv Address J. ft. Olaaa, journal eiiice. k .. -.. - PARTIES te ennscrlbe ' for 100.000 ' capital !t oca, mm company, ' being organises with 2UO.O0O capital stock: shirr 10. - rail per. , Iculsre 114 West Bepnbllcaa street. Seattle, rOB HINT Ooloma dock, bet Oak sad Pine km, inquire at ornce, root et wi ax. loiiavs romm. I LOST Wavy bine Child's Peter. ' Thompson Jecsec, , iinea wits very ugnt grey sua. nchora worked en It. Leare at or notify ruriuuu unnni mieci4-iir v. mwuv., LOST rrom 10 4th it. white Pomerantos spirt oca. S bwb the eld I s liberal rewara .will be paid for his return to f. H. Bea- aicaer. ' answers to seme uooo. rnsovAX. TIAT1 Liquid and Garato during the east U rears Bare enrea laovaanaa or casee ox ce- . tarrh; aetai aatarrh eeeataally reeehea the innga xnrougn ue oreacniat tunes,' xermioax Ing Is eoneumptloa; mere people die a an sally from consumption than from any ether die ease, ee catarrh la ealveraally prevalent! es tarrh means Inflammation of tha mucous , sumbrane, and Vlari curse catarrh because tt redness lnaammatios indepenaentiy et io cs tloa. Oregon Vlavl Co., room 18, Lewis bldg., Portland, Ore. VfVIJsJ'rP?ATl5yhA, l. 1 Z"'" rri'F " .?7LV-J;r.": INDIVIDUALS and bualneee uroooeitlone hooka exported, best city references; corres pond aoee aoUdted., Lock Bos 174, Portlaad, HOrriCKEHS . loia 1 Hopplekers' aaaoeiatioa) anaual dsea anei "iiopplcker" laciuaed to ' members. Roppirker, room T, ilamlltna) building. Hop World 60s year. TOaB PBBBCBIPTKWS are mere aeearetely and reasosably sued at cyaeira fharmacy, 127 Morrises et, bet Tint and Second ata. HATS rear. hair., mattresses renovated and re turned seme say. none nam 474. roruano Cor led Hair Factory, 138 front at "ON a Stow Trala Throagh ArbaBeaw, by 4aeaaoBi rau ei rus ana leaen; a Jones' Bookstore, 1 Alder at. HUB. H. B. Ely, derma to logiet. scalp treatment aaampoo, electric meeasge. nu aooqnongn. OLAIBTOTAVT ABD PALXI8T. MADAMS - JOHNSTON Bailable Clairvoyant Palmist aad Cardreader; bears t a. m. to I p. m.; prices reaaoaabls. ISS Third at . MRS. S. 8. SKIP, clairvoyant and life reader. al Tth. . . Circles Tsee. and Pri. sre.. T:ea. MRS. STEVENS. Portia nd'e reading palmist earl eiairvoyanx. aeH yamniu. iKeadinss ooe. XMPLOTltXXT ASXNCIXA THE EXPOSITION EMPLOYMENT COM PANT, M Coach at. Phone Clay ISO!; fur nish asen for legging camps, aawmlUs, raU- Jttua:. aire arara a uartiltv I . I MALE help Of all descriptions for all Industries , promptly supplied free ef ebargs to employers. u a. xteVASNn, it ... .xo aeoena at Phone Mala 162& HELP ef all deecription furnished sawmills. logging camps, factories, free to employers. Alpine Employment Agency, 162 First at Phone Mala .Ulf. I CAN furnish domestic, farmer, all kinds help. Japanese Labor association, SOS Everett at oieca sva, PIONEER BMPLOTMBNT CO. Labor eontrec- torai bslp free te empleyere. Sis Morrtaos. WQRK for men, men for work. ' - tunn urriua, ss w. aeoons at. BtOBXT TO LOAN. BBCXB aTTZXB. (EaUbUvhed 18M.1 Ml . Thtrd Strata, Ksw Aldsr. :, Laaaa sa OellstsrsM, Lew Re tee. UhCLX MTERS. CVOLi MTERB, rNOLX MTzaa wTfOLl VTXIS. VNCLX MTxaa . rNCLS MYEIA tTNCLI MTXRA 2NCLK Mf Ell, rBredeemed Pledgee A Sals. ksvut aias. rMM-sua sin. NEW TORS L0 AM 01TX0B, , - 1 North Third Street v -t si. Miller. Prop, . ; Louse aa 'donaiamla. Low Batea. - ' - Dnredeemed eledsee for Bale, Watch sad Jewelry repairing. Phone, Ola 887. SALABT LOANS We loan money to salaried people is euma or iw to iw; rrom l to e monies lima; nu uaiaya yr vpvNWMn ,b milflwa, knalnaaa atrlctlv mnfleentlal anS "eourteoua treatment extended te all; private entrance. Horuweat Leaa ve. szi Ahiagtos aldav. . . LOANS ON THE BAST-PA TMENT-PLAN TO BALARIKO FEOPI.a. i 8TBIOTLT CONPIDENTIAI. . rifflca haura. S a. m. to n. aa. : Fheae IBM, - Boom TIB. The Deknm bldg. s. w. ear. Tnva ana waaningroB axs. MONET TO LOAN ea real, pereoual aad ool- lateral security ; apeciei attention to enattei awrtesaesi notes ntht 0. W. Pallet 111 Commercial blk. 'hone Mais ISBS. f ' f MOBTOAOS LOANS OB Improved city and farm sroporty at mweet current ratee; owiaing losns, tnetsiiment loaac. waa, macjsaawr, SI I Waroaataa kld. MONEY ADVANCED salaried people, teametera., etc., wiraooi aacunty: easr parsaenie; wx- eet business in ea nrtacjoat e;uee. zvixeaa. U. - - k . . T CHATTEL LOANS Money to loan on chattel security in any sum; no oeiay; general money brokerage,; Northwest Loan Co., 8-1 Ablng- CPATTbL loans in s mounts ranging from IBB to o,ouo; rooming-nooses a specialty, urn era eieaa xrnst uo., xcej.AMngton ag. 10.000 , T, 8 PER CBNT; STJM8 TO BOITl BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. W. H. NUN, 661 BBKHLiOCK BU09. LOANS ta turns ef IB end oa ea aH klnde of aecamty. w. , Hstnaway. room to. wasa iagtoa bldg. . iPhoaa, Hoed 41A. MONET TO tOAN oa large er small amounts os good security; lewsef rutee. WUUsjb a oecs, sin railing piag. MONEY TOejLOAN oa city tots and tmprovsd rsrms. w. a., anew m vo., sea stara at. REMOVAL. ma vumRMusa-u.-Alien s rress-uiip. ping Bureau, established ' In 1888, haa re- BMTed to. JOB Berond at. Phone Clay lsa. AB0HTTZ0TS. HODGSON CO. Architects and superin- tendents. Butts 81 Maeway hldg .est. Fourth and Wsehlngton eta. v - ' r H ART MET AX W0BJES, ORNAMENTAL work. ' for rsaideBeea had bus!- eras bousee; bank and erflce ralllnga, grille. Breslaes Bttlnga, efaaadellars, eigne, feacee and ornamental work In any style, metal and : Bnlsh: hammered leaf work and metal spinning a epecleltyt building eoastrnetnrai work. !.. K. Tuerek. 401 and . 404 Davis et. eor, Ninth at. - ' : ASPHALT PAYIBO. TBB TrtnMad Aaphalt Pavlag Oe, Sf PortlaaA uinca sae worceater six, ... . . A. aasSa-ee""Aa. ATTOEKSTB. 4CMMONB A EMMONS, ' Worcester bldg. . ettorneya-eMasv M4 S. B. B10ORN, attorney and couneeUor-et-Uw notary. aio-sue abington ewg. BABOIB O AND UOHTXB1BS. . OREGON ROUND LUVBBB C04 UU et Phone. Orsnt 1171. - : ATBV- TUB OFFICE, V Washlngtoa at, Phees, A Main n I. yicaett a vigneena. CAFE KBATS. -121 Sixth St served at all honra. A sae taaok Y y j OAAPJEMTEBB ByiLDEBB. A J, ACTHOHfl A H. 8,' WOOD, carpenters i, and .bufldera; repairing and Jobbing : store and efflce flxturea built. Shop bus Cvl Pboae c-iay law. ; .:, f v -i Utr P.- CLA RK,' cernenter and bnilderr repairing . ana jonoing: oipre BXtares. sree.aence paose, ' West 1U; shop, stats 1S41. 4UVi Wash, at 0 W. OORDON. ronnterr. shelving, booses boiit . and repelrea,- SOS rearth. - Cley 174. - C0MMUBI0B MIECHABIA BTEBDINO A PABRELI prodarS aad etamb - eloa aseerbaata. 140 Froot at, Portlaad, Or, - mono, main its.- CEMXNT OONTBA0TOBS, PIONBRB cement contractor. J. I'. Obroeki aU , wste, gasranreea. aaorees ies firm ex, r. O. address 80S Shaver. Phone, Union BOSS CARTER A KLU eernent eentraotors. B71 Porter si. rnone mmnt m wors gnersnteea. . i " CIXZAL MILLA ACMS MILLS CO., mtmifactnrere BahMja Acme ah-e. M SUh , .a. saw av vrsysiww w mm u virus rrJin OKIftOdPOeOr AVD HAMIQVXLM. THI DE7BHY.L th otJr ivrlwiitllW ebtrmtodinU im th ltr A fftrlors ldl-t AlUky btd. tklt , w tarn jwrng sifsii luietiMi wu 1 wm i vniw Sep . y aaxHaaaiemxeaWesxshla MRS. LILLIAN ft. CBAMr4lrordiaV SMninrr. Ing and ahempoolng. BIO AUngtoa. Clay ITOX. CBQASS ABD TOBACCO, BBitBROUNgT CIUAB OO VMtrumtsrs or - . - ,, t niis cioabs ' ' ' Portland Oregne, COAL, WESTERN PEED A THIX CyO PWona lota. -caetie oste.eeal sroi pleese yes, psoas ss r .mm - ' . , VTJLCAN Coal Oe., erholesale dealers best eeaiel tosnory and smelter seas. . S-s its nan oe. OR BOON FUEL CO,; all klrda eoal aad sea afomeoa. rseas. msia so. lPtf MBTAL WOBBJBS. SHEET METAL WORKS-rJaeob BoaU, Sit Jefieraoa at - TIa routing, guttering and gen oral Jobbing. ' I ; CHIMBXT SWXXP. saaelsaaa)aaaakaaa(ti LOOK OUT FOR F1HB D. D. Wsod, chimney sweep; fireplace, brick and hsrra-cotta Baca cleaned. Orders at Avery A Co., 8S Third et Phone, Mela 117. Red. phone. Scott 0684 CrvTL XJTS1BXBBS, THEODORE ROWLAND, SOB McKay bldg., ges- eral draachtlng. map compiling, Pius printing. OBOOKEBT ABD SLAMWABS, WHOLB8AXB CBOCKXRY AND OLA8SWARK rraei Hegeis a co loo ts toe em. eor stars. DOS ABD X0BBB HOSPITAL, PR. S. J. CARNBTTeterlBarr surgeoa. 101 Norta sixth et Pboae, ataia leaai rsa. Front 104. - ' r DaXSaMAXIBO. MBA ' McKJBBEN, artlstto dress sad cloek- leklng. Sol Merrisoe at DTUMfl. CLAAJTIJIO. CKTHES CLEANED AND PBE88ED II per xooatn. VB-qae Tauonag viv, l waanisg- CITY STEAM DYEINO A CLVANINO WORKS Hernia a Enas, proprietor, rnene,- xteis 1T1S. We. SS Stb st, near Pine. Portlaad. Or. 9B0OBAT0AS. llw...l-wN.-w.w-.- BENRT BERdEB 180 First sti waUpspsr, Ingrains, tapestries, sppliqae frlisss, inter ior ds tors Mag. - XDUCATIOKAL. PUPILS wanted In English, Latin, Greek aad - Gaelic; beginners end Decs-ward students a specialty; ' a pell cation by mall only. AA drees Teseher. 108 Eleventh st, PortlaaA aXLXOTXiCAl W0XKA N0XTHWIBT ELEOTBIO EBOLTflBBrNO company, 80S SUrk st, Portland; O, K. for everything la the. elretrical . line, Phooe, - Main jsus. PORTLAND ELECTRICAL WORKS Offlos SSI start st Phone. Mala -27 X PAAMB B0MEBTXADB. PBEB homestead leads; Brat-elaae grala and bay lanoa. atera et. -. TRATXAXAL IB8UBAB0X. OBDEB OP WASHINGTON Fore moet fretsr- oal aocietr ef Northwest: hrotecaa ths Uv. Ing. J. L. Mitchell, supreme secretary, SI 8 and SIS Marqnaa bxlg., Portland, Or. Tele- pboue Mala S4A .XXOTB AAD PEZD, FLOUR, - feeA Potatoear-Uoal etc., Hermes aanne, eis Kast seventh St., pnone Bcott sell. ruBBmrxE taotobixa FTRNITCRE manafactnring and eoedal orders. I Bavensky's furniture factory, 870 Front at. OREGON Furniture Mannfacruring eompaay Maanfaeturara of furniture for the tra oe. sos First et OBOCEBA WADHAMS A CO., arholeUla factarere and esaianaawa .eats. Powth and Oak sts, . i MASON, BHRMAN A CO., wbolssale grooers; a, w. ear. secona ana pine ats. ALLEN A LEWIA holesale greosra. Part i. land. Or. I.ANO CO., First end Ankeny sts. HATI CLEAVES. PACIFIC HAT .WORKS 28 Third. - Phone Clay 498. Ladlee'. and gents' bats cleaned. dyed and preeeed; Panama beta a specialty H0TXXA Hotel PsrtlaaA Aaterleas pMbi 8, S per day Belvedere; European plant 4th and Alder eta. LXOX WORKS. PHOENIX IRON WORKS Engineers, mass rsetorers or bum. mining, logging aaa saw mill machinery; prompt attentloa to repair work. Pbeee, Bast 88, Hawthorne see B. sd nrsuxANcx. ISAAC L. WHITS, Ore lnearance. 100 Dekmm Slag. 111 WAAft wmmLwm-, H.klUM-kJ- Iw mmn. wave. ui.w, ,wtw7w. u.ui.ii, .uu i u dlridoa: accident; surety bonds ef ali klada. Phoae 47. Coocorc SMg. . H. P. BABTELS COMPANY. Are Insnrenes. 448 Sherlock bldg. Oregon phone, day ras. PIRB INSURANCE J. P. Kenned A Co., Msnuitoa blf g. Pheae, Main laos. ANTHCB WILSON. Sre thsurance, Bherloek blng. Phone. Mala 1008. ' rXWELXBA THS O. HEITKEMPEB CO- eoanuf-eturlag Jewelers, sse Morrisoii st a MV-1CAL. POBTLAND MUSICAL OOLLEOA, ' . tX Second Boor Allsky bldg.wii-.'. . , . Elmore Rice, director. i, -Vj VIOLIN, PIANO. YOtCB. Corps experienced teachers. Special terms ts pepUs entering before April 80, Bed. 808A MR. ANL MRS. H. A. WtBBBR. Instructors er besje. mseootla. guitar. 17s weet Pars. FI8HBR MUS10 CO,. IM Third et. Victor Ulklng machines; repairing. . Bed SuX. B. tLAWSON. S40 Park. eor. Main: nlann teeeona at studio 60c. at home Toe. - - BUOXTJICBT. THE H. 0. ALBEB CO.. Aseceadssd ehiasry, sawauu, ete. 848 raad avs. MA88A0E. FACIAL and acajp maasage relieve "'yos of year - uwauscua . suu . neuraHiMi,.1 Ma7s rwv,ev room is.--- ''. -i' - " atABBAOE BATHS. TAPOB bethe end auesage by lady with young lady assistant. HOVt Fourth, room A MBOPATHT. DBA ANNA M. AND PRANK J. BABB, grade. atee America a ocneoi et ueteepsur aaa a. r. . SHU InSrsMc . of Klrfcsrllle. Ma. Phone. Main 1229. Boom 800 Dekom bldg. A7S-aS OVKXALLB. BOSS OF TUB ROAD OVERALLS and awebaa. . ire' elotblngl anion made) Nsusud Broa, ansa., rirtuwi, w, ,fr- ' f.Aj;Axanig ami) CALfjrsmrnrs ROOMS Danered or ealdmlned from 18.50 sot - we carry a full line wallpaper, room mould- terns from lOe doable roll Bp- Portland Paint At Wallpaper eompaay, Phone Black S876. . 161 Second at PLPMBEAA BENNETT BN8MIN0EB, gaaflttera, water . sees wora; estimatee girsa oa aeoss pipias. . rnone viay 1000, , e-vt suus. . POX A CO., sanitary plumbers, BS1 SeeonA bet Mala aaa salmon Oregon pnone, axaia auui D0NNERBEBO A BADEMACBER. plumbers. to M Fourth at- Both peoaaa. PALVTA OIL ABD OLABA DAVID M. DDMNB A CO. Phoeelx Paint aad ,U1I wstbsi toenarsctarere ana impenera paints, elle and aprara, ess. I phone 187. Otflce aaa x-axory, Bnerwca avs sna jeu n. P. B. .BEACH A CO. Pioneer Pslnt Cow, selling tne sees latere saaae in paints ssoj gaaarai , Saliaing meunai; wia-ow-giaas ana gmmng S apeeiaity. 110 First etl pboas, Msia 1SS4. W. P. POLLER CO., manufsetnrers Plooeel Leed. noenia paint, aopanne; a Bwaraaies (y vea erhh every gsiloa ef peiat aaaaauetarss BABMUBBBN A CO.. Jobbers, paints, ells, gloss, sash aad doors. ISO First at ' PBXBTIB6, ANDRR80N A DUNIWAT COMPANY, printin, ntborlng, blank books. Phone, Maia IT, B00FLBO. eTERRELL'S Baasaoa Madea-Utd roof; an kinds of roof painting and repairing, w, J, PeYrell, H First at Phone flcott 843. BOPB, PORTLAND CORDA0B CO ee and Northrnp ate., Portia sa or. BVBSXB SIAMPA sJeaaBBsahjaxshjssa.,a) P. C. STAMP WORKS, 848 Aide St. phone. Mala 710; robber sumps, seam, atencim, Beg gar and trade checte. SPBATTSS AMD WXITEWAaKIMO. SPItAVINd and wbiteweahinc. menta, bams. Socks, ete., si. o. Morgan a Co, - CaU . sp Boott 4, we win eall aad give yoa flgurea on- your work. , The largest gasoline spraying aad whitewashing outfit In Multnomah -county. 870 Milwaokie at, PsrUaaA Or. STOBAOS ABD -XASBJKA, a O. PICK, of Bee SB Pint St., Sstwees Btark ana-oaa ats.; nbons oee; pianos aaa rarai tots moTed sad necked for ehlonlngl eoav I modlons nrsproof brick warahoeas. proat aad iay ata. ., BLOT MAOKIVXA MACHINES of every deacriptlna tor sale or per Seatage. Prank OrifOtA 4U and aalmos. SPEO-AL DEXIVXAT. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY, Ns. 800H Ington st. Pboos. Or.. Mala aaa. SH0W0AAES ABD nZTVBXS, SHOWCASES of every desurtptloa; bsak, bar ana store nitures xsede to order. The Mrus Manufacturing Co., Portlaad aad Seattle. BH0WCA8ER, "Batons and Una cabinet work. Portland Showcase A Fixture Msaoraetnriag eompaay. 848 Pint . Phone Black lleA Philip Stela, Mgr. , -' SIOBA WATBIN A PAINS SIQM CO. 810 Pias at Phone. Mela T2B. SATE A nrrr tottr a Arm at 1. a. n.ria rone ra. pairs and lockouts ssfsly done. Sd Third st TEAM CARPET - OXEAinBO,- J. HUNTER, BOO Jefferaoa St., stssm ssrpet sad mattress cleaning; feather aenovatug; an worn gnaraateeq. pnone Main an. TYPEWRITEAA TOST TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS SW SUrk Street -We rent, repair, aa'i, exchange typeeiltara All supplies tor aU machines. Standard machlns 10, US, - aad Bg to 1100. V D yoa' want a ste-ogrspher er typist 1 Ve here list ef good appllcaata, . ( Pheae, Black 3871 . TRANSFER ' AB9 XAVLLVS. 0BEO0N TRANSFER CO., 1S4 North Sixth, telephone. Mala OB. Heavy hauling aad stor age. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brash, soap. SI per month. Lawrence Bros.' Towel supply - -cerapaaT, 4th -end Conch. phone 488. VPHOLITEKUf 0, FIRST-CLASS upholstering; ' new and second nena rurnittrre; rnrmture, - stoves repstrea; mattresses stretched, renorated; goods packsd lor snipment. nu rirtn at. j WOOD CAR VINO. WOOD CARYINO. antlone furniture for sale, repairing, , instruction, orders taken; 4w Washington. - fhoee Clay IMA -. WHERE TO DIKE. bTRODBB'S BESTACRANT. Irst-claaa awash best service. XB Wsehlngtr. at .WALLPAIR MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 184-lflS St.,- bet Yamhill and Taylor. Portland. MOBJUTS BBOS. k CrSCBZSTBirSBBT. Offer gilt-edge investments tn Municipal sna rtauroaa tionas. , write or can. 133 H lnrt MU fortlaztd, Oregon. HORTOACIC LOANS On Portland Beat Estate at Loertat Rntea, Titles InrareA' Abstracts ParnlsheA TITLE GUARANTEE A. TRUST CO. v l Chamber ef Commerce, JfOTTOE OP SALE OP THE KILL KNOWN AS THE WTLLSON A 8YLYEBTER MILL, AT WRABQEXL.. ALASKA, "" ": : Notice la herehT aleen that I. fhe Sndae. Signer, John A. UellentbsL ss receiver tor ths sststs of Thomas A. Wlilson and Bofoa Byl- vesier, nou oecessea, pursuant to an order of the court mode ea the 3d day of March, 1004, will sell tn the manner and at the time here inafter nsmed nil the followine nronertr: The sawmill", pUntnr-mlll, bolliilttfsappUsucee. stock on balid-ef wbalsoo-er hsme. nature and description belonging to Said sawmill bu-inees. together with the steamer, plledrlrer. scow, store aad stock of goods therein belonging te tbs estates ef Thetna A. Wlllaon had Rufna Sylvester, which aald partnership waa dissolved by the death of the-partlea.. together wth tbe good will belonging to aald business. Bald property will -be sold at private sale Ini the event that a suitable and sufficient offer there for la received, . subject to the. approval of ths court, oa or before the 16th day ef May, 1004. In the event aald nronertr 1 "not eoiii on er before aald ldth day of May, 1904.' then and tn that event I will sell U of aald prop, erty at public auction on the said 16th day of May at 10 o'clock in the fore noon of aald day at the Office of the aald mill In the tow a of Wrsngell. district of Alaska.--which said sal shall be under tbe direction and subject to tbe approrai at tn court For particulars a te ths - conditions of sale reference Is made ta ths sboTs-aamed order ef ssle on- file la eauss no." SK8-A pending in the united states dis trict court for tbs district of Alasks st Junesn. This property is ' oa a paying beat and haa been for aoms time past oa a paying basis aad must oe soia in oraer inst us proceeas tea be distributed to tbe heirs and Ira tea of the members ef ths copartnership property by.wbtch thla property ,wea formerly, conducted, Jo-wMi Tbotnas A. Wlilson and Rufun RrlTester, now both deceased. ' For further particulars with reference to this property. address Joba A HeUenthaL Wraagefl. Alaska. , , , JOHN A. HELLENTHAL. As recelTMr for the Property ef the Eetstee of Thomas A. Wuaoa and Burut Bylrsslar, Beth Decsaaad. Y r jTNANCTAL. UNTTZD STATY1B WATT, BAITS OF PORTLAND. 0BLO0JI. mOBTKWXBX -COS.,. THIRD ABD OAS ITA . ;; Traasaeta a General Banking Hustnsss, vJiTvy., pBASfg ISSUED .i 1 . ,;.'! Arallabla la aU dUes of the United Stataa sad ,,. auropa, uoog Kong and Manila, COIXICTIOBI MADE OB gATOBASLS TZXB3 rrtaloynt. ;J. r'AINSWORTfi Ice-Prealdent.... W. B. AVER Cashier .8, W. SCHMEER AeeixUnt Cashier. ............. A. M. WBIGHT r MnCLaJfTS XATZOWAX, BABTX, V : POBTLAMP. OREOOB. $. PBArTK WATBON..,;....,..,....Prealdeiit R, L. DURHAM. .trt. w.,Vles-Preeldeut R. W. HOYT....i.,...,,..,.,.....,.i,C-ehlef 0BOR0R W. HOTT.,..,.....AmlstsM CseMer Traasaota a Oeaeral Vankixv Business, v Drstta and letters ef credit issued avaUable to all parte ef tne woria. . CoUeetione a Specialty. Oold Dnet Beoght- LA99 TTXTOW, ABTTJstS,. , - (Establlshsd la ISBS. ' ! Trans sets a Oeaeral Banking B aeiniaa, , Interest Allowed oa Time Deposi)Xw Collect! ooe BMde et all notnts an favoraMs terms. Letters of credit leaned available la So rope ana au poiuia ia xae vnitea vmien. - Bicht Kvcnanes nnd Teleeranhle Traaafera fold on New York. Wsshlngton. Chicago, St Louis, Denver, Omaha. Ban Fraud see and Moa taai aai rtnuso uoiamnis. - ; ".- , ':.! S-w-k..-. aM tw.4 D.W-. V ' Frankfort Bong Kong, Yokohama, Manila aad HonololD. FIRBT BTATXOWAT. BABTX of rortlend. Or. Designated Depnsltory end Financial Agent ef xne uniiea Bisces. President A U MTLfS Ceshler W. MEWKISK AselsUet Cashier....! W. a ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier, -t . . .EV F." ITETERA lettere ef sredlt mened svatlabls la Europe and the Eastern Btatse. Sight Hxehanse end TslesTsnhle Tranafra ecld on New York. Boston. Chics go, St, Louis, St. Paul. Omshs. San Frsncisos sad ths prlscl pal pointa la the Northweet , - ignt sna time nius arswa rs earns te salt en - Loadon. Parte. Berlin. Frenxfort-oo-the Msia. Hong Kong, Yokohama. Cflpenhegea, Chrlatlanla. Stockholm. St. Petersbura. Mos. WW, Enrich. Honolulu. collections msoe on rsroraDis tarma, OaTBOaT A SAW xmaWOTSOO BAJTEs. , UVXTBD. ,;, Oliamief ef Oemmeree Budding, Third aad Btars Bxrssts, . ' Reed Ofllce, 88 Old Breed street. Londos. This bsnk tranaaeta a rrneral banking bast Bess, makse loses dtaeoants bills snd Issues wa ters ef ersdlt svsllable for travelera and for the pnrcbass ef merchsndlss In any etty ef fbe World. TVs la tn fne-tgn snd domestic exchange. ... Interest Paid ea Time Denosfts. W. At MACRAE. Massger. SS0TJBXTT SJATXirOS A TBTJST 00. -. 161 Morrison ft.. Portland. Or. Transacts s Oeneral BsnVlne Baalness. . SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest Allowed ea Time and Barings Deposlta. . Ada ss 1 Trustee tor Eetetes. Drafts aad letters of credit a reliable 1b an parts of the world. C. P. ADAMS..;....... President L, A. LEWIS A. L MILtfl. ..,,.... First Vlce-Preeldent .... Second Vies-President Secret ary B. O. JUBITE.....t - BABXB.TTCY BOTICK. . Notice Is hereby rt vea that ea the 94th dsr ef March, 1604, D. D. Coffey, and Carrie W. Coffey of Portland. Oreeoo, were duly sdjodl ceted bsnkrupt, snd that ths first meeting of their creditors will be held st room 000, Chsm as-at ef aV.miiiAfaem t hill lii I rt sp ttimnA- CYrmmnif en the lHth day of April. 104, st 11 o'clock a. m., at which time the aald creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact ew'i other bualneas aa may properly come .before . eald meeting. Dated, Portland, Oregon, April A 1004. -, - ALEX SWEEK. " Referee in Bankruptcy. RAILROAD TDIXTABLIA Ticket ORkS 03 Thirl Street flWBliM 3TrctnacontI nental '2 1 rains Dally f. PAST TIME TO SPOKANE. 8X PATH. DTJ1.DTH, MINNEAPOLIS. CHICAGO AND AJ-Ii POINTS BAST. . . - Daylight trip thrtragh thr " Caxdads and Rocky mountains. For full part to ulars, rates, folders, eto can oa or. ad- dress XL CICTA-SOB, Otty Tlcxet AgA ZSfl TRira Btreei, reruaaa. Double Missouri River 1 . 1 and The Chicago-Pbrtland Special, the most luxurious train tn the world. lrawing-room sleeping cars, dining car, buffet smoking and library car (barber and bath). Less thairthree dafs Peruana ta Chicago.----7 - ThroughTrains to Chicago - sre operated dally via-the Oregon K. R. St Nav, Co.. U. P. R. R. aod Chicago & North-Western. Ky. to Chicago from Portland and points in Oregon and Eastern Washington. 1 Daily excursion In Pullman tourist & sleeping cars from Portland through. . to Chicago without change, v , R. R. klTCHIB, " A.O. ASKES. "' - Csa'l Act. rae. Coast, . Geseral Ageat, CAN.-W. R. . C.ftN.-W. fcy. tn Market Street, ' in Third Street, . :i SAaPaAMcisco, Cau Pobt-amo, obs. 'jfca-- je 11ALT1MOIU. O OHIO R. R. " Chicago y a lil' l. -l s NWflJ .., ...... t V .. RAILROAD TIMETAriti EAST vix . SOUTH Lesese, : PNION DEPOT. Arrleea. OVERLAND RX PRESS trataa, for Belexs, tlaae burg. , Ashlasd, Baere. man to, Ogdea, SssFrse. eiseo,' Moleee, Las - Aa riles. El Psso. New Oe. 'i,.'.. naa tlsSS.SsV hint aad the Bast ' At Woedbsre dstly lexeept Sanday ).' bmts ne trsla foe Mt As, 8:80 b. at 40 p. m T:S0a av 114:80 b, a. tS B BW gel. SllTwrton, Browns- this, Bpnnanaio. weae. Sag and NatrvA ATbaay nesseuaee. eea. aacts st Wocdbars with Mt Angel . aad Sllrar 10:18 a, aa. 't' i ' - .-- " ma,ej. ldiav t tcs leeaX Cervsllla aaaeagsrMw. iShsrldaa pseeenger, -Daily. l Dally, eaeept amBday. . J ,'..' PsrUaad-Oswege luWWa lerviea aad twain ' . , 1 DirisUe- - , lf y f.' " Dsaot Peot f Jaftsrsee StresA "'l'- ' Leave Pnrtlsnd dally for Osweew ItlTs, s-l 11:60, 1:06, 8:J0; B:S6. S:BB, 8:80, 10.10 a. sa, ' Dallr (saeent Bonder! B:S0. S.8O1 BM. 1I a. m. 4.00, 1140 ip, . sa , Ssnday eaiy, B.ta Retaratna fmra Osweets. errlre Portland ! :B0 S. SU 1A 8 00. 4:88. S IS. I . I1:1S a. m. Dallr :rxrect CusdarV S t. W v I SO. JO to. fl:4S a. a'. Except Moaday, U hl S. at. Bsndsy eaiy, 10:00 a. s. t Leasee from same depot tar DaTIs end later, . , medlete points detlv (egeettt Saoday) IM a, sa. , im.pininm ih;ai p. as. . , - The -ndcoandence-Moamotrta . -Jfotor Una. sserstes dallr tn Moamontb snd Alrlts, sns . sectlng trlth Son them Pectfle eompeay'a traeke It Deltas- snd InflVpendenee, 1 - ' ' 1 " Plmt-elsas fare front Portland te Saeramente aad Sea Frroclsco 120, berth lj aeeoad-elass fire gin. seeonl-eiess nerrn sz.du. ' - . Tickets Esatern ejolnre o rnrepe. , axes Jsre. -rlne. Honolnhi and A'Vtrells, . - City Tteket Ofaca eoras tmm see wb-bxsb-n t'- 1 Phooe. Male 'A : 0. W. STINGER, .. . . W. SLJCOMAB, City xiekrt Ageat tjea, rsa, Agess,-. --. --'.-.,'' . .r -i --'' ".lr.- J -i.-- ' i .r " 'Yr - i-V -..-i ' A'",-- f 'f ' . "T-S-SBBXeg 0REG0rtI! SiiojrjidTii, union Pacific 3 IRAINS to ths'EAST DAILT 1 Thrnnefa Pullman standard end tourist sleep Ing ear dally to Omaha, Chicago, Bpokassi ... tourist sleeping" earn dally to Ksnssd City I throagh Pullman toorte sleeping ears (person ally eondncted) weekly te Chicago. Bedlnlng ehalr care (seats free) ta the East dally. 1 . -vHION DEPOT. Lea re. (Arriee.. CBUCAOO-PORTlAMBTpfflB a. Bf, B -.SB n. at BPRCIAL. Daily. veil,,..- Per the Esst vU Hun. lasts. 8POKANB FLYER, ir Rastnrh Waahlna- T:4S p. as. B4SB.SS, Lallg.' -. Daity. ton. Walla Wall. Lew Is to s, Coeur d A Use sad Greet ' Korthara pointa. - - ATLANTIC EXPRESS. S:IB S- St Bally. eo a. av Par ths Bsst via Boaa Dsiiy.. u ,s.f!, Iagtoa. ; s. OCEAN ABD RIYXR SCEEDITLA FOR SAN FRANCISCO From ". Alaska ; Deck.. - I:fi0 a, aa. se s as. A S See. W. Ildsr 1 Vrt,-fl- I?' 4-'i J ,.t. SrK" -i - J April 1. 11, 21. Ootnmhfa Rreev TXrialoa, J ro astoria sad wy a oa a. g. Dally, ss. Sunday Satnrdsy. . 10 KW p. as. Abost Bolnta. eraneetlng with 8:00 a. Sa. srrar. xor iiwsqs Mi North beach, etr. Bas ra lo. A ah -at dock. - Yamhill River Beats, FOR DAYTON. IM a,' av 0:80 a. an. Oltv end Ysmhlll River ualiy except Sunday. jDally pointa, strs. aiimors ana except , . , fiund-y. , . ; Moaoe. Asa-et. aoes. Water permitting, t Snake River Ravt. I. . ' ' - ,-v oa ST J . 1: 't " V fob LBwnrro-'? Ida;. gt a3 About Slid way points freoi Dally. .. 5:0 g, na, Rlparla. Waah steaav ex. Sat,- Dai. ere Spokane aad Law ex. Friday, It to a. i- - - .- ;. - c TICKET OPPICB. Third aad WaaUsgtaa. Tele. .. vauua, auni na . PORTLAND et ASIATIC " STEAMSHIP COMPANY " Par Tokehama and floes Kane. eatHnw aa Kobe. Nagasaki and Bhsnghsl, taking freiwhS Via connecting steamers lot Manila. Part Arf . ad Ytedlvnctok. Pot rates snd fall tarormstioe salt ea or ssV- er sgenu ef the d, I K Co e TIME CARD TRAINS PORTLAND: Paget Sound LlmtteA Departa, BJOa. bv A aire, lbs, for Teeams. , Seattle. Olympls. Boats aeaa and wrap's Barber points, - , Worth : (km Melt-t for Taroma, Seattle. Butt. St. Psal.hiln eeapoHs. Chteage, Kew Vork. Bos to aad eolsts Bast and Boatheaet, 8 KM A av n08e,a-, TVin-Cltv KxnrasA for .seems. Haattla. Bne- ksne, Helena. Bt. Pent Minneapolis.' t Charege, New York, s Boston and UIS a. xa. tMASat 11 paints 1 Bsst ; aad htneaeA a-YsY Pua-et"'BoBnd . Kanaaa atr-Bt L00U Special, for Taamna IU,,i Spokane, Butte, Bulla. A8S A Ss, ;lAts Denver. Omen. XBases City. Bt. Loata and an points Bast-and Boeta- All trains- sally except . Beera sa braacAi'YH- '-t: A. D. CHARLTON, - Y -' Assistant Gw-eral Passenger Ageat. '-. " t-B hlarriaea at, eor. Third. PortUaAOa, Astoria Sc Columbia River Railroad, Co. " Lee res. ' OBION DEPOT. Y AJTivos. i- 1 - Per lisrgste, Rslsler. Delia. - Clstskaaie. Weetoort, ; . CUftoa, ' Astoria, - . ' 8-OOe.ah reutoa, Itavel, H-jb- U!wSS.S, Dally, .. moud. Fort 8tens, Gearhart Park. Reslil, r.Y.' M Astoria and Seaaliwrs , ' .-. Kxpresa, Pall. f:0 p. sv Astorl .aUprsse, Daily. , DsllJ. :. , A ... - J. c. y 5 s, " 0. P. snd PA. ' C. A f ' "" " T - - .4 , - . k, .. ... i iP.