S .,. -gr . cost - f OOD EVENING. tlvrrtV. ..V- 'UDAIIY THE CIRCULATION' t-CFTCE JOURNAL ,53) Tha Weatherl -Tonight" and Wednesday, show ers; cooler tonight; - southerly wind. '' YESTERDAY WAS .yy-'A- VOL. IIL 'NO. 25. Portland. ' Oregon; Tuesday evening, april s, t ieo4. TRIED TO BLOW UP rCssaaaaaaaZlaC ': f - '-, "-."l Jl 3-7' sWS I i- imm--""- - I B STEAMER Infernal Machine . River Vessel as -- iVr:-- Captain P. Whitcomb Attributes the Crime to Animosity of Omese'Coob' Who' Were Re-: y fused .Mployment on the "Albany' , ,1. J-:,:.,.;.,-. '..'.....';;';,;:' "'-';;.' ). i ' An attempt vu mad to Mow up the .Valuable river Steamer Albany with high " explosives aa he lay at her . mooring la the river in this city last night ; Bad judgment to selecting the fuse r .arranged to IgnlU the heavy-charge of giant-powder and nitroglycerin was all that aaved the boat and. frustrated the i V plana of the ..conspirators. ; The 'giant powder and . nitroglycerin : were part .of the contents of the Infernal machine a tin box that waa to have done the work of demolition. In addition to these ex-"- plosive materials the can contained 100 ' German -giant-powder 'capa enough ' mi-' terlal to have blown up half the city, ' . Capt 3. P. Whltcombf of - tha Albany ' discovered the Infernal' machine at 7:10 o'clock this morning, and at once sent : word to the police department- of - hia find, Detectives Kerrigan - and Snow were assigned to the case.' and are now 'working on cluea which It la hoped will '. result In the arrest of . the dynamiters ' within tha next few hourfcyVvViVy Aa 'the captain went aboard this morning he saw a amall' bundle lying about tha middle Of the guard walk on the- aide of the boat, v Captain Wht- comb has always prided hlmaelf on keeping hie. vessel to ship shapes fhe UZ- alght - of old. - dirty - bundle oa the f . walk angered him, and be' at once climbed down' to throw It away. , Great ' ' was his surprise when he discovered that several , feet 'of fuaa - was f colled about tha bundle. Grains of black pow der-wers -scattered" about 7thi'packagr ' ' The captain made Sure that the fuse . waa not lighted, and then he made a - rush for a telephone. '"- As soon aa the newa of the discovery was received at the- police headquarters 'Detectives Kerrigan and Snow were sent to the ' Oak-street dock, where tb Al bany Is moored. The detectives at once pulled the. fuse and cap out of the bun dle, traces of the maohine nwn" were acen. '' v. .- ' ' '" The bundle contained enough powder to place the vessel In the bottom of tha river In short order. "I wouldn't have .. had any more boat than a rabbit if that' thing had gone off,". said Captain Whit- . comb. -H:fy---:vt':r"r'iyv- The captain Is of tha opinion that the machine was placed on his boat, by dis gruntled Chinese who are angry becauae ' "'' -W'L M.-W' Mrs." John Flagler, Wife of the SUndard Mater In the Church of tha Ascension, v Was While Singing aa a Member of a - Beautiful Voice Captivated thS HearJ Her the Mistress of $B0.000.006 Placed i. Aboard the She ;tay Off Oak". to .... v t,-.: no Chinese laborers are-employed on the boat.' ,The aack ln. which thai powder was placed waa wrapped up In a Cblneae napkin, and a clean white sock, the sort used by nearly alj the Chinese in Port land, was in tha package.?- dw "I have had no-serious trouble with the Chinese,- said Captain Whitcomb. ttut have refused any number of them positions on tty boat '" I ' have- noticed that recently several Chinese came down to the dock and would charter to them selves in low tones.. They would , look at the boat and then at me, all tha while keeping up their Jabbering. -. I know that many of them are angry 'because I wfll ubt have bellow labor on" the rboat Jit Is ji well-known Jact:amongrrtver men that the Chinese, are -very aora be cause so many of the towlng-boate carry white nooks. .. Nearly all of tna river steamera that -tow--loga carry women cooks.- The ' Chinese do not like this new order . of - thlnga at- al). and they may . have wanted to Wow up . tha A1-' bany for apltework" . V' ' CapUin Whlteoroh said that ha had. not been In trouble with deckhands or flremeri. He Is popular among the river boatmen, ahd the officers are at a loss to know the reason for the attempt to blow up the : vessel. Several Chinese may be . given, an opportunity to relate what they .know ; regarding tha river Itoamwr'-'1'!", 1 - zr-f--rrr-ff . The-'ateamer 'Alba was hunt at Portland In 1898. and for several years was operated between -thW city -and Al bany, carrying passengers and freight The .venture did not 'prove a paying proposition, and She waa finally taken off the run. About .two yaaTSv,.ago ana waa purchased by the western Trans nortation . and Towinr company. ; -of which Charles H. Leadbetter Is general manager and-"5 one ot ' tha" prinolpal owners. Since, then she baa been en gaged In the - towing" bualneaa Irregu larly. During last summer she was fre quently chartered by excursion parties to make trips up. and down the river -to polnta of interest Laat fall her owner, who also operate the paper mill at I. Camas, Wash., used her -for carrying paper to Portlands About a month ago her abaft as broken, and since then aha haa been lying at the foot of Oak street undergoing repairs. The vessel la of Alt groas regtatered tons, and her r dimensions are aa roi lowsr r Length. -180.1 feetr1 breadth, 5 M feet and depth of hold. 4.1 feet She carried a crew of it OU Millionalra. .Bang tha Stahbatt : Kewv York, on Palm Sunday. It Church Choir that Mrs. Flaglera ot the Multl-mUllonalra and made . i! max 1 -.. Anti-Spmite Hob in a Bul- Wound Htrews -V r (Journal FpUl Berries:! ' Berlin, April The Jewish 'popula tion of this capital la greatly excited to day over . the , contents . of several dis patches received br prominent Hebrews here to the effect -that -anti-Semite riots occurred Sunday, and yesterday at Loempalanka. Bulgaria. s ; ' : a It ia atated that a bloodthirety mob stormed the ghetto, and after killing aix and severely wounding 1 Jews It invad ed other -parts of the city; displaying the; dead bodies of its victims for the purpose of inciting greater disturbance. The rabble was succossiul as irura averv 'nook and corner came haters of tha Jews,, thus augmenting me numoer. of riotera. ? All Sunday night 4t la stated, a crowd of mora than 100 angry men terrorised that part of the' city inhabited by Jews, but officials were successful in protect ing the unfortunate people. . The dispatches, aay that tha rioting hmk ut afresh yesterday, when two Jews were killed and three wounded. It la believed that peace officers have the outbreak quelled, and' little. If any, fur ther disturbance will occur.. . . r Many Hebrew- houses at Bause! also plundered. - . The moo t, excuse is the same old .. story that ritual murders had been committed by tha Jewa tor the Passover sacrifice. t MUST HANG FOR THL MURDER OF A GIRL ',,, r j , .' ' ' (Special tnapateb to The!, JoarnaL)' , -. Olvmnla. - Wash.. . April . . . George Clark must Buffer the penalty of death for the ; murder of tlla Page, , which crime occurred in. thin city. January 20, HOtJ Thaaup'reme court , late yeater day affirmed the findings . of the trial court' which were, for; murder. Jn the first degree. ' ' . "'. f George Clark is a young ; man . ana lived ' with - hla widowed mother. . ne waa . wayward and apent much of hfa time in company ' with, gamblers ; and Leila Page, a young gin or xne naii worlrt -and Clark were much together, and tha tatter grew very Jealous, oflthe woman: : 'He went to her room on the night of the murder, snd while she waa asleep struck her a fearful blow on the head with an ax. pa men lasnea ner. throat with a penknire. . uerore ne ie the room he cut hia oWnHhroat with the small - knife, but was 'unsuccessful in meeting death. K--V:"-'-The murdered" aoon recovered and a long trial followed, which ' resulted in cony Iction ot;. murderi In ; ;tha ; first f aV gree. "'Ci v s '.y , WOMAN SUFFRAGE RECEIVES A BLOW Ky;.i(Joeraal Bpeelal Senior) ii; T Des Moines. ' Iowa, April ".Woman suffrage received a death blow In tha legislature when ; It failed to gam the eonatitutional majority of tha house thla mondng,..;"-,'-': Uoarnal'Epedal' 8Vrs-y-'? Toronto, AprU S.-)perators.of tha Great Northwestern Telegraph company struck today, pending tne reinstatement of five inen discharged because they are members ot tha telegraphers;' union. f PIP in ff iV"' "i7Al 1 ' : ' - i'Kfl 0 Eft iff si - y v s f f u.i r . . m m : 7 ' . if a !. a a' ! '''' . BURNING OP ADAMS EXPRESS BUILDING IN; NEW YORK. . THIS WAS ONE OP "THE MOST PICTURESQUE AND .EXCITING PlRES EVER 8EEN IN, NEW TORKi-THE PICTURE,-IS FROM A PHOTO GRAPH OF THE t FIRE - LOOKING UP BROADWAY.- AND THE SCENE OF THE- THRILLING' RESCUE OF-' NINE MEN- WHO SLID .DOWN A "ROPE PROM THE TOP'FLOOR OF "THE, BUILDING. --- - -- ' " ' , , GRAND J URY GAMBLERS HARD -;.:;:' .;'; .:. V: :?;'. - ' -. . ' .'', ' '.'"". .; '; --;.- '.,...".. . ; ... . -. . -fc ' ; r . . On May6rVP ;s ;'aiJiist Owners of Disreputable Houses Are- Not- Returned- Fourteen indictments I were; returned against proprietors , ef gambling,Jhouse by, the county grand Jury, at o'clock this afternoon before, Jonn B,it;ieisna. presiding - Judge ijt Jntha Uitat ' circuit court Seven were against enmese ee- FAIR BILL IS UP . y TO RULES COMMITTEE "4 ' , ''. (Wb1ntoB Boreas f The Joninal.) ; e Wash ington... Apsll, .--rOwing e '.' to the discovery of tb temper of S the house in reference to . the ; L.ewis ana t vara pprviriiu bill, which f yesterday, Just fell Short 'Of securing J a' two-thirds vote in .Its favor, congresaman ; : w Tawney felt Justified today, in , making a further- move In - the a direction Of -making It a prlvU-;, faga4.'WlL',M:-'i.-'"-'--ti- A resolution to this effect Was e introduced by him and was re-. f erred to the committee on rules. If that committee makes a favor- e able report on the resolution the - a) blU may be called up at any time :. and Its passage not only, expe-.) s dlted,, but insured. : , The best- opinion- Is that the e committee will favorably report the resolution, thus relieving the w anxiety which haa naturally been . 4 feU with reference to tne meas e ure. HITS Ubllahments. "The ' list other than Chi nese, includes. Nate Solomon and Peter Grant of the Portland club; Eugene and Edward Blasler,. doing business under the "firm , hath of Blaster Bros , August Erickson and George -Fuller, proprietors of .Erlckson's place; - Martin Reddy, who conducts 'the Gem lub John Blaster, Fred Frits. ' ahd Albert ; Shapiro, who conducts the Mase cafe. ? - Mayori George' H. WUlJams appeared before, the Jury this -morning and made an-earnest plea that the owners of prop erty In which gambling and prostitution are carried on be not indicted. - The ar gument:: he ' used ' was 1 that ao long aa plaoea of this Character are' licensed it would be unjust to indict the property owners. -The Jury had indictments al ready drawn .in a number, ot -instances and were to have had 1 more -prepared by tho' time the -report was made : this afternoon-' but was' lmprefcseif with Mayor Williams' argument and failed to return true bills. In tha cases of such property owners.'';;.-'--' -" it : The report comprises seven typewrit ten pages.'-The condition of affairs at the county poor farm and hospital' la gone into cautiously but at length. The recommendation Is made that on account of the seeming Inability of the attaches of the hospitals to get along .With J. E.: Courtney, superintendent of the poor farm, the hospital thereafter s be con ducted entirely outside his Jurisdiction. Under i this i proposed arrangement Dr. Gearyy the county physician, and Miss MRry Myers, the superintendent of nurs ing, will be responsible only to the coun ty court- i - . .(ConUaued. jOJiSA, Jjyu? Mammoth New Battleship Takes the Water at Newport News. VISITOR MEETS DEATH Only Accident to Mar Ceremonies Wcw Fighter Will Be Pride, of r r ; the : Navy Has Heavy ' . Armament. .' ; (Journal Special Servtce.) - . . ' Newport News, Vs., April 5. Fifty thousand spectators' at 1 o'clock this afternoon watched tha big K,000-ton battleship Virginia . slide gracefully down tha ways at the yards of tha New port News Shipbuilding company.. . - But one accident marred the ceremony. That was the death of Charles Calhoun, a Richmond visitor, who slipped and felt Into-tha dry dock - and- -. waa instantly killed.' The accident was noticed by but few, however, in the excitement attend ing tha launching, .--yv-V ".V' Owing to the easy access to all rest dents of the state honored by the navy department when the Virginia was named, there was the largest attendance ever seen at a launching here. In the forenoon there was a large parade of state militia, sailors and' various patri otic societies. ',- " " '-' .' ' : . Tha ship waa christened by Mias Ma tilda Gay Montague, daughter of Gov ernor Montague of Virginia. Miss Mon tague, who is only II years old, was ac companied ' from Richmond by a large and distinguished party, including atata officials, tha governor's staff and nu merous lnfluertlal business and profes sional men. - Nearly all of tha Virginia representatives in congress were on. hand snd also Targe parties or omens irora Portsmouth. Norfolk. " Petersburg onfi other DolntM.':C:' rt: ' With the first movement of th hugo hull Mlsa MonUgu lrok the-gaily-b. ribboned champagne bottle, and as tha wine flowed down toward the ' ways In foaming rivulets, said; "I christen theo Virginia.-, - , . - ; Crowd Zs anthnalastld. -Pandemonium had broken loose In the crowd below aa well as upon the christening-stand. Greeted with a welcoming blaat from the shrill throats of a score or more of steam whistles, the battle ship floated majestically out Upon the bosom of the James, where aha 'was brouaht to in midstream. Occupying a place of honor upon tha bow stood W. P. Kline, the only survivor or tne rive men who were aboard the old Virginia (Mer- rimac) of the Confederate navy when launched at the Norfolk navy-yard. . After tha launching tha , crowd dis persed, viewing with interest the cruis er Charleston, launched some time sgo; the' Minnesota, Whose keel was laid two months ago; the West Virginia, which is (Continued on Pagey Three.) RUSSIA MAY UP PORT ARTHUR '',,' .. y- .'-';-'" " '::-'-r-i'--yi.-i ;'y''-';.H?yt-S Ship Loaded with High Destruction-Japanese Troops Arrive at the Yalu Piver English Arouseda (Jearaal Special Servta.) . T.v.,,.k Anrii K A lnpal newsnaoer aaye today that Port Arthur is 1m periUed by the proximity of a Russian volunteer ship . loaded with J50 torpe does, each containing 1 40 pounds of that terrible explosive, pyroxline. -. 'The ship is anchored behind Elec tric hill andthe Japanese have been In formed of the vessel's situation, and tha officers of the Japanese vessels have bean Instructed" to aim shells In that direction, , JAJTAJTSSl SBAOX TXB TAZiV. : .V J t ..aaaaaaaaaaaw " i. i ;--'- urprised to Pind Few Bnsslaa oldlani s - There, v (Journal Special Service.) .'..'V -TnUn inril ' B Tonflrmation Of the report that tha Japanese have reached the Yalu river, haa been received here. In connection with the news -It Is given out as ; authentic that as the Japanese forces approached the rivee , they ax pected to find a boat or pussian mop" n tha vMnitv. hut were surorlsed to observe only small outpost parties. mnseUns at Port Arthur sisoharga ghip ' . , . -tepalrers. Ft ? (Jottroal Special Berrlce.) Port ; Arthur, April 5 All English workmen who have been employed re pairing Russian battleships here have been discharged and expelled from the city; . '5,. -; : ;'rf'-. .-: . ' ;- - . ' ' Tha Russian government will be asked what tha action means. At this, time Russian officials say they have nothing to give out in this connection. It Is supposed that the Russians rear that the Knelish who favor-the Japa- np-e may rive - Information to that r-on-pr hl U riKiy have disastrous ef- Dastardly Attempt of Fifty Convicts to . Break ' From Prisons FOILED BY AN ACCIDENT After Battle With Guards Rlnft leaders of Revolt Are Overcome Would Blow Up. Missouri . "Penitentiary. : (Jeoroal Special tarries.) - .vv' Jefferson City, Mo., April I. A des- Derate attempt was made by 80 convict of tha Missouri state penitentiary thin morning to . blow UP that Institution, kill all guards who might Interfere and liberate 300 convicts. - ' Tha plot only failed through accident and tha bravery of the v guards who took deeperata chances and frustrated the break. , At 1 o clock thla morning . Thomas) Williams, a guartU. In' turning a eorner of the , corridor heard . a ' command to throw up his hands. - Williams sprang back and waa shot at . The detonation niiuri e. reneral alarm. Willlama fletS down the corridor where7 ha . waa met by aeven other guards, who. alarmed, by the noise, had seized arms from tha guard-room and were running toward the cell rooms.. - '' - .'. i Williams and "Guard Bruner led th charge but On arrival at tha eell-roona door were ' ordered to throw' up thelp handa. The convict who had first halted Wllllama Jumped back Into his cell and from his refuge opened, flra . wit?, n pistol, Y-r;:?:i A':-'v.x.i': is.' .vyyy Sturdarons Oonviists... .. .t'... Bruner ran around to tb mi'. caplng Injury, and got tha drop on tha murderous convict . The latter was them disarmed and locked Into another, call. The other convicts who, - during " thla tims bad been raising a turmoil, were overpofjerea-ancrTioellsaras addiUonag guards appeared upon the scene. A search Of the Cell In which the) leader had been incarcerated . dloclpel SO pounds of dynamite, a bottle of nitro glycerine, i wo moaern revoivero. h cigar-box filled with ' cartridges . and ts number of skeleton , keys, which were evidently Intended to be csed in littsira ing other prisoners from cells. - Tha cell from which eacapa had bao4 made had been broken by th Seoinjc- tlon of.tha inner plate on tha lech. Thla had been bored through and a skeleton key fitted from the Inside whch it tr it a nam a tns iimnnn mnm i- MaT aaai sMVaaasrasasBaM.-. v.-J -'-r ;- ; '-.,''' Plaanad to K1U Cnavdav On examination of the prisoners 16 wsa learned that the plan had been to hUQ tha guards as rapidly 'aa they -ntaye-". the cellroom, liberate all ' prUonero In, the building., blow a hol through hc' walls with dynamite and escape. This would have been comparatively easy, Ci (Continued on Page , Three.) : Explosives: Tlireatens Aslde'from this there is no new fea ture- In condlUons at fort Arthur ex cent that the Grand JDuko Boris hag Joined tha field. - ' . ' ;y jAAjrxgB xzxo atnuxs. 1 ' Onard of Honor March iu Bloodstained tmif omS. ' (Jonnttl Special gerrlee.) .'' , --TokloV .r April 49.-WttB 'tha " greatest anlamnltv the remains of Commander Hlro Setakeo, tha officer who lost his Ufa la. tha sixth bombardment or jpors Arthur March 15, whtl heroically at tempting to save tha Ufa of a sailor, were .escorted through tha streets today. Tha guard of honor consisted of marine in bloodstained uniforms. . Tha street war -densely. .crowded.y:y-y;.Jf!.yy; . XOaUOBB .TABTB. SO BSATaC, - .' .; Big Battle May . Be Belayed Owing td ; Boot ' Condition of AttUlarTv . S;;-y;'(Jarnal Iptdal Sarvlce.) -:""V ' Chefoev AprU 8. Steamers from Che- . mulpo today bring word that a month, may elapse before a serious battle will occur between Russians and Japanese owing to the poor condition of the.lat ter's artUlery.:. '''V;;;- y.iy?v -f' - It la reported that many animals hava died and others are afflicted with ait unknown disease which "so seriously acta upon them that they are unable ti eat and practically starve to dffith. ' . ' SSrXZTAST rrTfJATt ?'T,C" - Vladrvostnk.- : '!l t. : ' ' situation hra i t . v ' ' ' of the n"ir i Priof (ft Hert ... i , - f r-t. I . BLOW