THE OREGON:: DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY , EVENING, ";: APRIL 4, J10O4. x TODAY'S -V 1( ,'tr .-', ., , .w.-j ( .. -';,''-' : v 'J" ' . ... Th Standard Candy Co., ; 'mi , Union avenue, 1 advertlalng Blra '" plex Combined Churn, , No. 1, 100 gallon, vat and Slmpaon body, mold and cutter; cheap. Th advertise ment appears, under '"For Bala.". X O.Anderaon, Root a No. J, Hal , MTi Oregon, ' la advertising a tOO 1 acre farm for sale. v Largo houaa ' and barn;, telephone 116 an acre, ' A settler may find thin wall worthy . Investigation. " r . . ; . TTie Columbia Bakery advertises uhder "Bakeries,' that they deliver bread to any park of tba city. . . A.;, w ''s-..' .'fi' -.I- ... v' BEATS HOTICX " CEISOOLL April (, 1004,' t h Ute reitOiie, y.' 461 FettyroT etnat, Mr. Utrr DrUooIL, . . mfa w 7Mra. roncni aouee uur. SELB WABTPW-MAIB, "rr 'WANTEIV-ror U. B. Arrar Able-bedUd , , i-narrua mn, btvrra f ai 01 11 ina so. ettlMD of Ualtee ftutn, of food ehaceetur , " . aed timprt biblta. who tea peek, w4 jiU-aBO writ B,nfiia. , or lDigrmauoa, mvwr t Recruiting Otflew, Tblrd and Oak ta ;KBN and wemtn to learn Barber trl; ew? ' ,. inavDl uufoi l ise eaoriMi powiuia iiini " ": eoneUnt . Draetiee nndor eapert Imtracttoa i. -nA nnnma amaranra4. - CaII at Write ta 'America 'Everett kmerlcaa Barbrr OoUege eempaar, at, Pertlaad. t 't&Y auoofaiftnrlof booae. traetr aasiataat far 1 branch oeei 18 paid weeklrt podtloa " permanent; ae eapltal reqnlred; prevlaaa ex f t . fwrleace net eaaentiai. Auuraee aaparintenaeni, Home HI-, caieet.. . WANTED Mra ta Uarn barber tradet aatr ; reqnlree l(bt weekai eoeetal offeri'eeaataBt t tBreetleei eipart Imtraptlon. Oatalafee. mailed . rree. MoMt jreteaa luee, aaa a ranciaoe. : MUfornu. Vrltla fao TO MO per week ta made by tlu ten dent and alrk aeaentn la tbe Oaloa Mutual ;Ald asaodatlea. can addreaa 40) aw aam onlldlnf, Fertlaaa. Or. . n VANTBIVi-rtratlaaa ' eablnetmakwi ala - aa .'.. experleneed maa ea a splndleearrer. 'Apply , . ; Weat Coeat Baah A Dear company. Nineteenth v , ae vaasaa eta. --, v . ,-- " A fBW'eteady yonng men to work ta door to Beaatde Bpraee Lambar 60., Beaatde. Ore. . WAKTKD Toon man c o ration aad pUnty of nor let's business. 101 r boy of. Mod edn. rrlt. to learn, tl L'lTUa, ear. ..Wash. .-- a TOTNO men ta tear barbertraae; free taltloa. rortuna naroer eeaooi, n nam uetvua EXZ WAITID rotaXB. " " tADIEB easWnf help and rtrta seeklnf errna- . tloas, rail et t. Lrenie Ladleo' aency, room a. - taou Taarblll at gebjet work a specialty. . , BfANTBD Olrl to sew castom vests. Anply IrLtJit McMillan., riab. a4 Aerst ataVVai- . verstvr fara. - r.ATIT' aanTaeaera. tl.2S per dar salary. VK' fare and luncki paid every dan en after .1 1 today or. Moaoay, avr resrca ai. .IJnebansa.. t. v . WAITTBD Two dreeamaker apprentla ' selvehand. - Apply 1WV Morrleoa et . BTTBATIOB WABTCT-lfiTB, v A atattonary enrtnesr whs la a stranfev It . would like, a aooltloa eltber In 4, u J-r eat ef attv. Of win act 'eeooad eagla oeev v. vo, van touniu. 1 .f, . BZPBRIBNCBO meat entter and sanaage .,, maker (armaa .wants steady work, city or eennur. W. . eourna. ,. .i , , cxPKRIBNOXD meat cutter and aanaaas maker Qerman) wants steady woek. City .or ob SITUATION wanted as esstataat to food cook la teetaarant-A Wages -no object, O. ed, care onrnai.. . ' .: BITTJATION wanted ss nl(bt or day watekmani axwd. reference. ..B. 68. care . Jenrnal. . BTTUATIOjr WABTEl)-.IXalAIX WANTED Prtsltloo as hoosekseper or chamber ; . maid la notei nr momma noaeei nenf rerer v enoee given. B. 22, ears Journal. TWO sisters want work togetber: apttalrs work preferred. Mrs. B, Jollsa, Lenta, Ore. Mt .acott ear. I, i 1 1, i. 1 WANTED towing br day or at bome 45 B. Aakeny atr Work guaranteed. , . , WAHTBD Position In tallorabon, wpatrlngt neat Address SeO Bscood St - 1 WajrTrB-MIIClIXAaTBOTJB. WANTED Two -anfurnlsbed front - rooms : oa , first Boor with private family, bf maa and 'wlfet- no ehlldren. . Address P. Vt, Joaraaly '""WAJtTBD Party with 1MB 1 wrest in reo- taerant., Maw rnat aaoaat : ' BT, care JoarnaL - . WAKTBDTe borrow 900., 8 per cent aew ; koase; good loan. 613 Commercial bldf. WANTBO-A good tent, a or 10 es., aboat law; must oe. vert ,neap.,iT9 .aiaaisoa. ; WANTBD . band proof press. . D. , JoomaU - WABTEB AOBNTS. , WANTED Ledy agents te sell Medea Amolle Hoot, toe oniy genuine nnir restorer. . way , hair restored to its own colors Mealcan Amelio corrects this diseased condition, keeps tbe scalp cleaa and healthy, snd completely -irmoTM Try iracw oc oaoaruix. avoaners, Bill Co., 181 Bussell t, Portland. Or. : WB WANT 10,006 agents for greatest beoeshsid . seller' ever IsTsated best money-maker ea record : actually exile te every house; ed Joe for complete sample and our twe- masv . moth eatalofnes ef agents' ' supplies. South. V era Mercantile Co., Cept B,. Boaatoa. Xes. BBBBanaasaBBaaaasSSjaBaMa '"AGENTS WANTED Splendid opportunity for uve man; you mean easiness,' can oe .' tweea snd 10 e. as. er 4 and B 1. It , Uiover, IB Bussell bldg.,., cor. 4th and Mor " t rleon sts.r w..- 2fl TO 869. per week made by agents writing sick and accident benefits I tbe union Mutual K Aid - association, Call or address 401 - Mar ' quam bid., Portland, Or. , . - ST. B0 CAN, be earned by tnvesttnc 23 easts. , Webfoot Aaents' Supply Bouse, Portlaad. Or. :- 1 if s f I, i. 1 i 1 ..t, r- rOB XEBT SOUSEKBEraia BOOMS. , 'FOB BENT Salts of S partly furnished rooms, i with modern batbroc-m; all on same floor; gas, etc.; suitabht for housekeeping; clean, ' ' dealrable; 'private family; - l-mlnute walk - - from Portland hotel; -a ehlldren. ; Call 6i2 Ar, Sherman, near Stith, t - x"r'-. s- BITEBMIDB hotel. 848 B. Oak. Housekeeping, . lodsln er transient famished rooms and . , : anfurnlsbed rooms of ell kinds. Also rooms " oa grottud floor for families, v Phone Scott ;::SaeV.-.i'.ve''...?-iL.'5!; '',"' : ? s'v-f.'" .. S1.TS PBB WEEK Lare, clean, furnished houeekeeptng room, with use of laundry, bath, ? nbonei - also cheap furnished eottsfes. 1. V" , Landliran. 184 Bhsraua. Phone CUy 208. . CI1BB IN Nicely furnialMd S and, ; house-keeping, suites. 62 week i per room; K alnle . rooms shct 82; . stoves and gas '.ft'4.'W Magsa't ''lesa In. seH Tenth, near Stark. :35,iB0CSEKEBPINO BOOMS I suites te suit . ... price reasonable; also single rooms; car at ' .'....V '' door;, no children. 2304 Bussell st Pboa , THB LAMBERT 23H Union are.. East; cheap. at and beat housekeeptnc rooms in the jdty; 610 per month and apwardj, flne etone and brick bldg. ' , NICfcLT furnished housekeeping room In S arid 'J '.,v'. 8-room aultee; hot water and bath aad nas w'.v.-,;::. t tetspheae. --44T .Mala. ,...-.... -. - i .. .f . I I III , i,i I , . FOB BENT Nicely fnrnlabed reooj nitabl for . i bouaekeepin; alee sin ale rooms. - 107 Tblrd ' : st, opp. Ablnftoa bid. .. . ; 1 BUITB bf housekeeping rooms snd 1 front -""I. -mom snltable for S ladle er I geatlsmsa. 176 :afc:j'' Eleveath st y .:.'. ,-.-''". ,v . i-'--ilX-. ' 5 PASO BOBLES 808. H First. I ler, clean, front - houeekeeplng .Noma; gas ranger room for gentlemen, -i..:...; .. CLIPTON, h First t., oorrbwest sor. nrat snd Columbia Sis.; huu'keciiug and single Moms. ...... , WA Ifil -Under - "For Bent" appear an ad-' vertlsement of Its. Nelson itreat,' advertlalng a . t-room . gottas 'for rent; bath, baaement and lcarr- "Pleasant furnished v TOdma, so raada the advertlaament oz 111 Tenth Street, under, "Furnlabed Rooms." f O. A. White, Central Oregon. is ad vertlalng 62-acre farm for aale; St mile from Portland, on good -road. Tba - advertisement Under "Farms For Bala,H enumeratea other points of Interest to prospective buyers,, W r m 1 -" . v a ' -. sr-a w-v X lb Touraal's poetofflo the following - addressed letter re aiabi naaalled fori '.vv-'' WAJTTBS TO BXBT. WABTBD To rent brick bolldlng suitable for factory 1 not particular aboat Vocation, Ad ' dreea, gtvtag , location aad price. Was, 49 First at ..., -t. -..Il.: v . -..t TBOBOCOHLT modem nafuraisned or T- oaee. by April ZO. by maa aad wire! ehlldrea. 0. it ears JonraaL.'. WAHTBD Br May 1. 8 nfuinlsbed 1 on aronnd Boor. D. ea, ears Joemay WABTB-MM0BIiAIOTn. WANTED Plain sewinc for ladlee and eblld- ren. Boom 16 Tbe Kingston, 191ft Tblrd st BOB mJUTT4nrBrrBKXO BOOMS,, TBB OXrOBD 66H Blttk St. oor. Oak! newly . opened and handsomely fornleaed thmajnontl t ..mast tamrloejs apartments la the dty; hot aad cold . water In every mom; single and v ea suite, wita ariTate aausi . xrei THB NBWOASTLfcV ear. Third and Harrison beet epartment-bonse in uus city; stsam beat batk and fas; fnrnlehed and enfnrnlabed , housekeeping and single rooms; reasonable , rates. . Paoae Maia 600. . . -. BBATJTITUL furnished room for gentlemen or iedleoi gas, bath, shone f 10-mlaut wal .'.frsas liorrtse. '2T Third at - .. 4 MAIN Nloely fernlebed room with gsa ana aatb: genttemaa preferred; esntrauy eated aad pries reasonable. NICB, largf furnished room, 10 blocks from , Madlaont' brides., eor. Bast Seventh and Stephens. Phone Cast 1ST 8. . 848 MAIN Nicely fnrnlehed rosea with ga an beta; geatiemsa arererrsaj centrally lo cated and prion reasonable. rOB .BENt 2 fnniiabed rcoms for beasekeep. In, or i rurnlehed wlta soar; ae cbuaroa, 87 Kaat Blchth. Berth. THB Aanez, furnished rooms; transient patron. see solid tM; prices rosaoasoi. 10 lk rroni st, near Morrison. NICELT furnished front room: private family; gentiemaB' prererre. so Montgomery, st. eor. aeventn etv-" .- .-.'- ,.. .... 20414 8TABK at. phoas tYont 1006, newly rurnienea rooms irsusisoia souciiaa; price ressonnois. THB'COBMOB 4th end Morrison, Quiet ekes asa camiorm.DM rooms, Si.w pes as . ana 8 NICELY fernlebed rooms for smtlemea. with or without bovai moosr coanniances, i Mala st,.-i. ..,. f: -,,;' rtTBNISHBD rooms, ftrst Boor, or alHpr room and kitchen; gas, phone; central. S14 t KICkVvanay furnlahsd rooma la pleasant locauoa; quiet eoavenlent te postomce.' sue Pins. .. . ... i . . .v NICE snnnr farnlahell rooms.-' rivsr vlswi can. -both,- pboae.- Th WUUmette. 185 Morrl- NEAT vooma aad -good board i asodera eenvew Isneas; prise reaaonabks as nortk Hinta st 204 W WASHINGTON, ft. S Mite furnished , kousekeeptng rooms; 81.7B and 12 par week. rCRNISHED house et 9 rooms for rent 19S Seventh at; 1 block from Hotel Portland. FVBNIBHED housekeeping room. Inquire week Mrs. M. J. Smith, 80 Sherman st THE CASTLE 872 Washington st rooms - gentlemea; cranetent. Tef South T8L NEWLT furnished front room, porcelain bath, gas, central, gooa noara. tUiH uv 188 WEST PABKNIcaly furnish sd single front - room with use of telephone and oath. NEATLY furnished single room. 8t. 826 Sixth, nesr CUy. Bath. . Phase Mala 2780. PLEASANT furnished rooms, 221 Tenth i and NICELY furnished front rooms, 408 Burnaide st Phone Mala 1044. -m. ;v 250 TWELFTH st, nloaly fumtsbed ream t , ana fi. . , FOB BXET-jryUBiriBHIl) BOOMS. g TO 610 Dnfnrnlshed , housekeeping Tooms w Mr Un.'r480H union tw. j ros Burr orncE boom. BOOM for Hght msnufscrnrlng tor rent; center of buslneea district, n organ - eompany, 1UW Second svi third Boo. ,$ .. .. 'w-.-'r. . HALT of store room for rent; best business location in the ctty. yee room lor rant, cau 238 Washington st ,: ; ... , '. OFTICB room for rent; center w boeiaeac district The Morgan cempaay, tu neooog at, third floor. . ' - 0PFICB room for rent In Bank ef British Oe- lumbls bldg.. 208 vine St. ; y FOB BINT HOUSES. HALF of stove room for rent; 'best beeipeea location la tbe city. , Peek room for rent pail m Washington st ' J;- :iv-l:- i t ' POB BENT Good, comfortable, T-room bouse: MtnS MawmaKtA, Mn. fruit and CawrS, Phmia u. sun Wn w . ..... , . , STOBFJS rOR BENT 168-1T0 6th sty between Morrleoa snd XambU) sta. Appiyvooodnough building office. v,-.v..- -:...,.( . S-ROOM house, close in; rent 818; furniture for aale,' gjuu. . fhon aula loia, er appiy 87S Oak st --rf.;' 'f rOB RENT Store with living apartments; good location got. groceries .. nnicaer saop, .iuv Hood et v-y.T - -BOOM ootfkge for -rent .flB; furnlttre for sale cheap; one toeaoon. rnone ataia aua. POB KENT 6-room .cottage. ' bath, basemeat ana nice yard, gi,- . w nemos st. MODERN groom boas,, faoas UdIob 8001, I . vy. ' : , :. . a BT.vivv-.r.. ) . A H, V ' . Homsv ' ax',- "V k 17,- ';y- , Boarder, 'S j! B S4. v;ilq'.41 17, O., . B ,vi:,..x?l ,;-;:- ' " ;w b is, u 1,. .-,': b:m t,v.;i:w;M t, .- " i;'?C I, ;-. !iv;R It,'.- - X V-- B, II IV'4 f V'f.i d. .-; -aM.1, : ;eV ".Saunder. v.,:qp it,- - e . c.,... '; D 7, ' - r T ,D IW ;,; T, Z. ..r'B,4.M';.;.':',i:-'-,;::'' N EWS i ' Under the Tor Bala" appear an advertisement of D , Journal, ad vertlalng I beautiful lota and houaa, on oar line; all fenced; fruit '.and water 1800. "A anap," to quota the advertlaement. . '. v Miller, 101 Chamber of Commaroe, la advertlalng a fine lot on Weldler street for 1400. The ad. acts forth lta qualification. , Just look under "Real Batata For Bale." ' . '151 Hood atreet advertise tinder "Rooms and Board," f urnlahed and unfurnished room and cheap board. fr erw. BOOKS WTTK B0ABD. WANTED To - take one er two children to ; board, by experleneed lady; fond home. r,S ai, .ae eurou .v. i , t .t v..( BOOM aad board, private family, good boms eooking, ere Baet Oartar rnone aeon 101 (. BOOMS WITb BOABD, well rwnishedi eeo,,eaioeo; tabls board. 221 Utk at BOABD 1 and room snltable for S; large atoeve . roomt Ufiit aad neat . sa Tweuta. rCBNISSBD and anfornlsbed rooms and Cheap board. 661 Hood St. Phone leg. - v BOOMS for rent, with or wltbonfc board. Water at, eor. CUy. ' ' . a fOB SAtB-BfaT, BBTATB. saiisanBsnjaaBasnagagsjawsisaa rOB BALB BABMB t ' . Improved farms for sale ta' all parts ef Ore. , aoa and Washlaftoni payment mad as salt ' parehaeers. Par fu'i parties lra as te vwt t (oa properties apply t .Wat. MacMmsts', SNAPS t have a few agreemeata for lands nrht trrlratlan dlatrtrt at bantala rleee. Parties fliianeUllr embarrassed, he reasonable off or refused. Better berry. , i. 0, JoursaL - . . SNAPS I have a few agreemente for una In Descbotes nrissuon aistncv si Rupu prises ; parties gnsnelaUy embarraseds no reasonable offer retueedi better harry., P. do, JournsL tl.BOO Cosy S eettare with In, anxioot , street Improvements, eewerafo, ete., . aom--pletet terms if desired, .. IdouItw nasnuaes, V 4oT B. Harrlaoa, bet 10th and 11th. - - CHOICB residence fete and eoerter blocks! new streets, sewers, sidewalks; ready te bsi Id; saU reasonable oa terms to salt Barriagtoa, . awaer. Flrat near Oak. g-BOOM boose, Inrnlsbed, a Bast Bnraslde and DlTlaloa avenas, Mt Taoor. ewif onewi oaeh( terms to salt 4VM. Fisher. SM Mor rison St .;'...,:., gfOO TINS lot on Wsidler at good , borboodt fralt trees ea lot; one at that etgh price. auuar, eve iinimiw ex irauwrca. WB wiU build anr kind ef lease yon want ' furnish kit If desired, oa very easy payment, i -, Hsts some choice plans; better see them. 61 Commercial bid. ,...'.,- . - : " fOR farma, aeresg,' city property, ebojee tlm- ner aaa aomeeiesa toea uens, asw w w. A Co... 18 Ablnto bldg., Pertlaod, Ore. BOB BALB lonaioo Bast Bard ; near Starki ; also S lota Beat Bnenald aad 38th. lAddrees W. 0. 77 Bast Burns! da. Phone Scott 8T6. FOB SALE These S beautiful aad hooss, all 'fenced. On ear line; fruit water J a .snap. 6800.00. D. 96, care ,IoiimaL . - : FOB 8ALB .6 room enttage and good bars! lots- plenty et fruit; unci iron caa. 68t ueroeM are., near mm a.T.B Tina enuntrv reeldesce ef T room . with basement; 6 lots, lawn, gardea and fralt trees... 61 Allaay .aio. , . SNAP 6195. S lota, Monta nils, aesr ears. Inquire of Fred Chard, at Allen-Lewis store, rront ) wsviav,. LOTS,. S and . A ArleU Park, land school, 6175. . la autre ' Williams avenue. High . 931 EOR BALE 6089 feet with two cottages, comer Front ana Baa sts. Bee owner, 428 Front . ; r : S mwnv aaree. enltleated. near aara: house. barn, fruit Joan Oatman. owner, 88S Sher lock bldg. H-ACRE lot et St Johns, cheap; terms cash. eoiiTh vseanpon st. i FOR BALE 4-room bouse, lot 40100 feet Bast Bslmoa st 606 rOB SALE FAXMS. 300-ACRB farm for sale! large hoass and bam. Rural free Oeltverf and rural telepnons. Price S3A.00 per acre, en easy terms. 'For partlculara, address A. O. Anderson, Sural rre iieuvery no. a, naisey, vre. 160-ACRE' farm; 80 acre ta fan wheat; good e-room aouss sno targe Darn; myt miie irom OoldendAls, Washy Klickitat county; price 2,000. A a areas h. a. r arson, auiiara are. at W. D. Ho. 1. Mats. - ' - FOB BALE 120-aers farm, sll clear, near B. 8. and rlTt transportsnon; u acres Deaveraamt running water In house; 88,600; now rented tor S25 per annum; terma. Address P. 88, vu. tfirvriMU. . ... 7. FOB SALE 63-aere firm, 20 miles from Port land, on good road! aeres cumvstec: more in paature; gooa nouss sno otnsr ouiiaings; bo sgents. Address O. A., White, Central, Or. FOR SALE 148 aero 10 mllsa fremOolumbla , river; acres clear; log Douse; naianc partly good cedar; partly brush; prle S500, Adarees u. ma care eouraai. FOB SALE 88 acreu Issd partly cleared; heuee. ban and outbuildings; waaningtoa. county cheap lor cash. . v. vs. care journal. I0B SAIX-JCSCILLAirEOirS. A WAGON manufacturing plant consisting ef engine, ssws, latnes, niaeaamita toois. woo. Workers room sua nwieriai, am eeiaia oi A. Mntchler. deceased. Inoulre ef A W. risbburn, Peyton, Or. CHAR. W. GOODMAN. 951 Front St. near : Madlsont diamonds, wsrenee. jeweiry, stl f-. verwsre; Bus watch repairing a epectalty j th neapeet an new piece i too cur. " get your watcaes repairea. FOR SALE Farm wagon, incubator and brood- era, shotgun; will exenangs tor aorae, surrey or expreso or surrey baraees; 1 mile east of Mount Tabor reservoir, Beetle Lin road, Dell Elliott BABr BHOOT' for asle cheep; ha been used Ires . than gocea times; . as no s : jwv; ; cost 40.00; a bargain for something an. Address u, th, care journal. , TOR 8ALB-Warehooss sites, west side, any else, ea track or off. or wui euiia rur tenants... Caa 811 any order at once, E. M. Wilbur, 806 McKay bldg. v; 3 1: FOR SALE S20 acres land. CtarkK eSouty. Washing ton: so. so per acre, worta so: ruiroao crosses Und; must, be sold,- Inquire room 788 Chamber of Commerce. . DIAMONDS -K, choice bine, white; heirloom descended from snglisa aooiucy; nraet sstb . suit.; SIS Commreeial bldg.. . y.t-i NO. 8 -Simplex Combined Churn 100-gaItoa vat and Simpson bony mora sno cuner, cneap. Standard Candy Co., BUS Caloa avmias. . BTBROREBN ' plant" for - salef magnolias. aapninea, cameuee ana wsm, u vmiH. : s,u J .miM.k. : Utuuu rinlM SA1K. . . MACHINEBT f Boys! Plekllngeompany. bank rupt price. Inquire room 00, Chamber of Commerce, a. T. routs, trustee. , MACHINBBT ef Royal Pickling compsny. bank rupt price. Inqture room w, voamoer. oi Commerce. , B. T. Fonts, trustee. FOR 8 ALB Booming house, fnrnlrurs for 40 rooms;, East bios. u, s,,- riutpwo, u Altsky bldg. - - - FOR SALE Lot fi160l Cedar Hill, or block from Washington at ear. , aaqaire iu sreat Y. ,-,-. . ..,f . x'..l, :,' r : i 6846 FVBNITTBB et -reom Sat; 1 month') rent pais. .-.,:.'. TOUNG, fresh cow - fat 1 Cheap. Phone scou 4"o ' ' t BUSINESS CHANCES, fob 4 t Kt-i BAEOAINSUI BABOAINSII1 ; and lots or BABOAiygin -y .' ' ' BOOMINQ-HOCBBB;- v ) . "vrf.iiXr , , , TAfT CJO. 7rfvlv . ' BO0MIWQ-H6tm . HBADQPABTBBB.' ' ' BOOMS UB- AB1NOTOW BUMJ. " BKRB ABB A FBW" AMP MPattlftT, 6 rooms, Davis at, 'rent f2S.;...W,,;,. f rooms, E. autk st B., rent 620.., 6 rooms, Ctn et..' rent 40,. ...... ....... 9 rooms W. Park st, rent $50..,.. mm. N. Tth st rent 185. ............ 828 . 400 4'18 M MO 8A0 9 rooms, Jefferson st, rent 64S. ........ II rooms 12th at., rent 650....,., ..fljort 19 1 rooms, xsmoiu sr., rem fw. . . . . . t . .e.i"v rtirnltiira In a II nt ahora la In No.. 1 eoadl. 1.100 ilea.. Houeea are all close In and full ef steady roomers. In soy or soots places roe ena easily eleet your rent nnd 11 Tin expenses and eoms eve aad bars a nire, comfortahis boms besides. 1 toorna, 7efferson at. rent 0.....,.fl,dR0 19 rooms, (d st.,' rent 660 11.429 CO room,, CUy St, rent 80...... 61.250 24 rooms, th St., rent 100,... k,..i2,oOQ 24 room. Grand eve., rent 660.,,..... ...82.400 24 rooms,, waablngton sc.. rent aoo,,.,..4.siu 86 rooms, 8d st, rent 130 ... ...., v...2 60 50 rooms, 5th st, rent f ITS.. .fS.JoO 00 rooms. tb st, rent 1200.... ,....tS,20Q Tbe furniture In sll of shove la Ne. K Boose are well located, kav rood leases and will NET frees 88 1 J to 60 per cent ea the taveetment " :;' - -- . " r . BEM EMBER w are alwaye willing to.loaa from 40 te 80 per cent aa anything we sell, wblrh eaa be paid back monthly out of the profits from the bouse. We .OUABANTES ALL TITLES and pro tact beysr a well a -.:v.:';.r-; y: : : ' TATT B ;C0. .;.:v';:' ? Booms W-6 Ablngton bldg. " 1084 Third St BBBB IS INDEED A BABB 0FP0BTUNITT, . -r.vr . : -7 ' irs likb seldom orrBBBO. 4- Well sstabHshed general' merchandise buet. Stoefc Inventories 611.600.00: lota, bulla- In snd Snures. 63.600.00;. liberal discount But eae other store in tow. .Prospecra exceU lent. Columbia Southern ranroadwtll build wltbla few miles. Mining company to operate soon.- Ill health ef member ef arm cans of selling. Inquire gowrnsl or sddres W. M. A. Bobluson, Ash wood. Ore. ' B. J. GETftftB. " BBAL ESTATE AND BUBINBS8' CHANCES. BH MOBR180N 8T. , . a mmmJ1m, tr rarv nliw .......... .8 6A 10 rooms. Central, trsnslcut, lease ....I 850 . 16 roams, rent 125, wit lease ,. 8 WW 1 rooms, choice location, less 61, KM) 20 rooms, central cor., brick, lease. ..... 11. 2"0 . 26 rooms, best buy la city 62.000 80 roomSb central, transient, lease IS.I 82 rooms, rentraL flne Xurnitore.. 1 rwuis, central, lease ..-iM"? 10 rooms, aea Hotel Portland ...... 959 Many ethers eWU to fs.uuu. TO LBASB IB to 20 years, block 18, TUrtwrttl rsdd.. Bast 'Portland; T feet to the south, adjolnlnc S. P. B. ft, to tba north 900 .feet adjoining Woodstock ear Una only block so Oreo City car line; thU prospacUve property la sultabto for meaafaoturln plant or bnalneas location. Inaulrs Wisconsin Bakery, Clinton and Eleventh ate. GENERAL stars tor ssle, consisting of groceries. nsraware, ary gaeas, icea, exe, vammy- i,u., one of the best locaUons In ths city) must be sold at enee. Apply i. T. Wilson, 056 Bel mont st, or Aylsworth stars. Monta Tills, Or. ABB yo looking tor It business loeatloaT Is. ' eearUsts tha eaaaotional adeantaaes offered , at Estacada,th eomln town et aackama county. ,M.v w. r..; 'iownati onmpsiij. o. First st, sor. Abler, room 5. Pbon. Mai 21. FOR SALB or to exchange for Portland property, well-established merchandise . Dullness al ' Peninsular j email farm near Oswego: stoe renineuuu- wts. swobs vw wiwhuu Pkone Unsoa 1101. . WA NTBD-An honest psrtnerr aettv oe-othev- wlas, with sight or ton thousand ooiisrs, w ' engage in manufacturing bualnees la this city, that pays good money. Address J. B. Glass, journal ornee. ; BVSINEBS OPPOSTTTNITT Owner of choice business corner oa Broadway, is new town ' of Katsesda. will eroct sultabls store for resnonslbls tenant .. Address Bstacada, cars . .' Journal, ' '. - PARTIES to subserlb ' for ' 6100,000 capital stock, mill company, being organised with 8200.000 capital atock; aharee 610. Full pae. ticulars 114 Wsst Republican street Scstus, waaa. -r- HAVB less ea weU-loested flat; want lady partner who has few hundred dollar to help . furnish It and take full charge; good propoaf tlon for right on, v D, 44. ears iourn iTfS A BARGAIN 81.300 1 4-room house, flnely fur nished; -wauing oiatance; reni w, tn 8100 month. P. 54, care Journal. TO LEASE 18-cootn flat ready about. May It aloe, large rooms; gooa joosuoh. v. aa. care JournaL FOR BENT Ooloma dock, bet Oak and Pine Sts. inquire at oince. iooi ui .. BIG ea crises, account sickness, good paying pnelnees;, smau .capitsL. iwo. irst at.. FOB SALE H0B8ES AND CABBIAOE8. KICB bay mare, new harness, new stlck-sest DUggy, floo; team wora; dotsiw, jbo: imm driven, new harness snd bugry, 8145;' aadr dle snd poy. ". Rear bob Beet anseny. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Navy bin child's Peter Thompson Jacket, lined Wlta very ' ugnt gray sua, anchors worked on. It Leave at or notify Portland General Electric vo. Bewara. LOST From 180 4th St., white' Pomeranian Bolt aog, e monrns oia; a., uperai rawnru will be paid for hie return to F. H. Bed . sicker. Answers to asms, Dodo. LOST Scotch coins. 1-year old. License 1218. Return' to oa Mom son; pnono aaau zvoa. Reward. OLAIBT0TANT AND PALMIST. PROP. BET AH, selenttflc palmist gifted elah. voyant expert eara rescier, mens paimiairr, .rd raadina. daTeloos weak mediums. Prices: r Haod, 85c; cards, 25c; clairvoyant 60c. Psr- tor entrance ail aoirnos su MISS A. OBATZER The gnat Falmlat snd Fortune-Telier. xtefe rust St., us. a.iguv senth st MRS, B. B. SE1P, clairvoyant snd Ufa reader. 81 Ith. urcies lues, ana n. vtw., i is MRS. STEVENS. Portland's leading BSlmlstsad elairvoraat. h xsoidui. u,u- CARD reading and fortune telling. 25 : cents per reaaiag. aui rat a., w. m. MISS A, GBATZER, the great palmist and fortune teller. BVh t st. cor. ioia. MIBS A. Grataer, the great palmist sad ror. tun teller. first st. s MEDICAL SPECIALIST. THB only rhmmopatble bath to connection With Dr. Charcot S yvinraiory ssinm ror jne treatment of sll nervous, and chronic dls- 1: esses In the city, hi now open for buslneea; ladles' treatment a specialty, sit Morrison. F ABM 6 HOMESTEADS. FBEB homestead lsnds; flrst-cMa grata ssd hay tends. 2W Btsra St.- - ; AB0HXTE0TS, en dci tendents. Suite 812 Macleay bldg,, cor. lour th and Waablngtoh sts. . ; COMMlSaiOB MEECHANI8. BVEBDING A FABBELL, produce so eopjnila- sloa me-chsuta, ISO. rroni st. rorwnao w. Phone, Main 17. - - ' . ABT METAL W0BK8. , ORNAMENTAL work for residences sad boat. ness houses; bens sns ornee railings, arms, arepUce firtlnga, ,- chandeliers, eigne. , teacee end ornamental work la any style, metal and flnlabi. hammered . leaf work and metal spinning a specialty; building constmctural work. 1. K. Tuerck. 402 and 404 Dvi at, cor. Ninth at . . . ; PEBSOaTAL. VI AVI Liquid and Cerate during tba past 18 jreers bars cured thousands of eases of ca tarrh; nsaal catarrh erentually reaches tbe . lungs through the bronchial tubes, terminal- ,- ing In eonsumptlon) more people die annually from, consumption than, from any other d(a. ease, aa catarrh ta universally prevalent; catarrh-means inflammstloa of tbe mucous '. membrane, and Viarl cures catarrh because It reduces inflammation Independently ef. lo. cation, urrgon viari be., roomvss, wui siag., rortiana, wrs. fYiVPinVVTIAT, INVIMTfOATIONS. ' ' Reliable reports tarnished on property values, INDIVIDUALS sod bsalneee propositions; books exported, best dty rsferewss; enrros- poouenee seucite. isti no ie, r"" LADIES Free treatment freeklea and , wln- klea remove, scleatioo scalp ana. isciii mas- saget students taught. Ida Taft room 1, ever Royal Bakery, Park snd Washington, HOPPICK B BS Join Hopptckers sssocis tlon; . annual riuaa 2nt Hnnnlrkar" included tO : members.'- Hopplrker, room - T, , Hamilton ! , 1,1 , 1 Yl, . . uuiiumar. nup nwui un 1 . LTOVB PBEBCRIPTtONB ar more sceerctaly puis rurmaatasekwi aia-u m j sevai a, ae 827 Morrison at, bet First ssd Second sts. 'HAVE yous hair mattresses renovated snd re. turned same day. . Phone Main T4. roruana Curled. Hair Factory. .226 Front at-. . ."ON a ; Slew Train Through Arkaaaaw,' by 1 isekaon:. foil of fun and Jokesj- 26 seat. jooee- Booastors.' wi auaer su . - - ... - MMB. B: B. Ely. dermatologlet scslp treatment shsmnoo.' electric maeeage. 211 Ooodnongh. ' TO BXOHAMOB. TO exotenae or for v Sale. 60-aers farm 8 mile out; go seres ileas, ' baience an tim ; berf house,, barn. fruit eprlnga, well and crarrsj will saae r V7 aiiisrriacw w bww dty property. Address D. 6T, iouraal office. FOB sale or te sichsnge for Portland property. wen eetaDUaae mereoanaiss ensiasas at fn- Insular small farm near Oawego; sis Pen insular lots. Room . 606 . Coounerelal bldg. Phone Ualoa Hot - - - 60 ACRES aear Pboentx, Arts., for small lm- . pvovea .ranch wltbla .T tnllee f rortlaaa; value $1,600. D. 88. iournaL 4 LOTS Baa Diege and 10 seres Bsmons, CaL, for ehlcken- rsnch;' vsme 1,000. D, 88, ear Journal. - -' BMPL0TMEXT A0EBCIES. THB EXPOSITION BMPLOTMBNT COM. PANX. BM Couch St. .Pboos Clay 1602; fur. nUb men for logging eampa, aswmllis, tall roads; city work a apecUlty. , MALE help of all descriptions tor all Industrie promptly sunpue rre oi charge to empioyere. C.B. HAKaKN. Jr..w....2d N, Second St Phone Mela 1626. HELP of si! descriptlea fnrnUhsd sawmills, k'gglng samps,. factories, free to employers. Alpln EmpWment Agency, 162 First st Pbon Main 1817. PIONEER BMPLOTMBNT CO.' Labor eontrs. tors;- bslp Irse to emptor srs. ' 21 Horriao. WORK for men, men for work. ' UAsioEfl B orriCE, 2 N. neeon t M0BXT TO L0AE; VVOLB MTEHS, tKOLB MTZRe. UNCLE MTEBS. UN OLE MVEH6. PB CLE MTEBS. VMCLE MTEBS. UNCLE MTEBS. UNCLE MTEBS. (Established 1696.) 148 Third Street Neur Alder. Loans en ColUtarabk Low Bats. UNCLE MTEBS. Pttvedeemed Pledges KV Sale. US CLE MTSBS. . Phone Mala 910, NEW TOBJC LOAN OFFIOB. f North Tblrd Street :Y B. MiUer. Prop. . ... . Leas ea OelUterala, Lew Bates, namdaesae oledaee lor sal. WateS Sad Jewelry repairing. Pheae,. Clsj S9T, BALA BY LOANS Ws losa money to salaried people la sums et sin to fiuy; rrom i so e months' time; no eVlaya or a r pleasant in quiries; business strictly eonfldentta! - snd ourteous treatment extended to all; private entrance. Northwest Loss Co., 821 Ablngton bldg. .,- LOANS ON THB BAST-PATMENT PLAN i , , TO SALARIED PEOPLE. '"' BTRICTLX. CONFIDENTIAL. -' nesea hmrt a.- m. to t. ta. " ' Phone 224. Room 716, The Deknm bldg. S. W. sor. Third ana Washington sts. HnmT TO IlAN oa real, oersonat and col lateral security; special attention to chattel mortgagee; notes bought C. W. Pallet 211 CommercUI blk. Phone Mam ism. MOBTOAOB LOANS en Improved city aad farm property st lowest current rates; oaiicung Wsav Installment - losaC.i-.Wia. MseMastse, til woreesiar nuig. r MONET ADVANCED saUried people, teametnrs, etc., witkeot securityt eeay payawnts; Urg ent bueluess In 49 principal cities. Tolmaa, E28 Ablngtoa bldg. CHATTEL LOANS Money te loan os chattel security ta any enm; so delajr; general money brokerage. Northwest Lena CO.. 621 AOlng ton bldg. .... , CPATTEL loane ta smearats ranging from 626 to 6uoo; rooming-Bouses a specie ny. - new Era Loan A Trust Co., 206 Ablngtoa bldg. A m m natn flam SUMS TO BUITl BI'IUIMITU A BrCUAUI. 7IALTY. W. H. NCNN, 65S SHERLOCK BLDG. LOANS la sums of 86 end ap on an kinds et seeuntv. w, A. Hstneway, room iw. waaa fngtoa bldg. raoas, tiooa sis. MONEY TO LOAN oa Targe or small amounts en gooa security; lowest rams, niiuam is. Beck, S07 Falling bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ea city lot and Improved farms. W. A. Bhaw Co.. Ml a tar sr. SEVERAL hnndred dollars to loan st 10 per - cent North- Slrtk -St., -opp. eestornc,- ATTO BEETS. EMMONS A EMMONS. ttorasys-t-lsw. Worcester ldg. S - B. BIGOKN, attorney and counasllor-at-Uw; notary, noa-soe Arlington ping. ASPHALT PAVINO. THB Trinidad Aaphalt Paving Co. ef PortMnd, ornee eos Worcester ei. j BAR0IN0 AND LIGHTERING. OREGON BOUND LtTMBSB CO.. 181 Baraslds st Pnose. orant ini. 0AFB. THB OFTICB, 2R5 Washington st, Phoas, S. Main 171. riekett vigneau. CAFE KRATZ. 122 Sixth St A Bus Maes served st sll boar. CABPENTERS A BUILDERS. A. J. ACTHOBB A H. B. WOOD, csrpenters and bonder; repairing and Jobbing; store snd office flxtures built Shop 209 Columbia. Pnons CUy 1861. H. F. CLARK, carpenter an bnlldsr; reps Iris g an Jonwng; ornee axture. ee,aence pnoo. Wsst 782i shop. Main 1941. 458Vt Waah. st G. W. GORDON, counters, shelving, bonces built snd repaired. 20 Fourth. Clay 174. - CEMENT CONTRACTORS. PIONEER cement ontrrctor, J. I'. Obrock; sll work gsaranteed. Address 14 nrtn st. tr. 0. sldrees 809 Shsvor. . Phone. Cnloa 6u6S CARTER A ELL, cemeat contractors, 271 Porter st Pbon Front 2864. work guaranteed. CEREAL MILLS. A CMS MILLS CO., manufacturers BaMua Acme Ceres le. go snd 22 North Front st. CXIB0P0DT AND MANICTJEING. ' THB DBVENYS, tbe only erlen title chiropodist In ths cltyi parlors BOl-a Aliaay eidg.j taw la th long-haired gentlemea you want to ess. Grant IS. . -ri, ... MRS. LILLIAN R. CBAM. chiropodist, maalcur. tog sad shampooing. Bio Ablngtoa. uuy itos. .CIGARS AND TOBACCO, BSdBRG-at'NST CIWAB CO .' x Dlstiibators ef , ... Portlaad. Oregoa. COAL. WB8TBBN PEED A FUEL- CO. i'botie 1018. Caatle Gate Cos l wiu please yo. raoua as your order. , "T VULCAN Coal Co., aholeeale geelers beet-cesU) foundry and smelter coae. sat snrnsiae. , ., CRKOON FUEL CO.; sll kinds coal and wood. - 644 Morrison. Phene. Male 6. . ? SHEET METAL WORKERS. SHEET ' METAL WORKS Jacob Soli. . Jefferson et Tin roofing, guttering sua t era! fobbing. CRTMEET SWEET. LOOK OUT FOB FIRE P. D. Wood, chimney . sweep; Are;. lacs, brick and terrs-cott flues ' cleaned. Orders at Avery A Co,. 82 Third et Phone, Msln 1872. Rea, phone, Scott 64 SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. TELEPHONE CLAT 446 R. O. Pgake. Waahlngtoa St.; for hotel, boarding, restaurant belp (any .color); chambermaids, waltreeeee. ; domestlra. bouaekeepers. farm, camp, mll help; laborers, kajgera; help, also , wanted. - uroer rree. . . CHii, ENOtBEEXS, '.? THEODOBB ROWLAND. 06 McKsy bldg., gen srel draughting, map compiling, blue printing. . . CB00KEBT AND BLA66TABB. ' ; wVoLESALB CROCBERT AN OLASSWAllBf Praei H-gale A Co.. 100 to 10 tn, cor atera. DOO AND B0B6X H0BPITAL. DR. S. J. CARNEY Veterinary surgeon. 108 North Sixth et Pa one, Maia. 14841 res. pbese, Fran 104. , DBXSSMAJONw. MRS. McBIBBEN, artistic dress sad etiek making. 661 Mnvleon st DTEINO AND CLE AN IN O. CW THEN CLEANED AND PRESSED 61 par amath. Ualous TaUdHng Co.. 47 Wsahlsg ton st - C1TT STEAM DYEING CLEANING WORKS . Hsrmas Enke. proprietor. Phone, Mala 1718. No. U 6tb at., sear Pin. Portland. Or. rm 1 i'-:, i.' ', " : , liw m SX0OBAT0BS. HENRY BESOER ISO First st; vraBpsper, . Ingrains, tapasiries, applique frieeas. Inter, lor decorating. . , EATS CLEANED. PACIFIO HAT WORKS 286 Third. Phone CUy 483. Ladles' and genu' bate cleaned, 1 dyed snd preweed; Panama bate a specialty. XDUCATI0BAL. PTJPILS wasted In EnglUh, Latin, Greek and use ne; Beginners ena nscswara stuoena s epeclslty; appllratloa by mall only. Ad dreee Teecher. 18 Eleventh et., Portlsnd. ZLECTBICAX W0EXS.' B0BTKWXST ELECT BIO ENOIVEEBINO compenv, 60 Stark St. PorrJand; u. K. for erirr thing ta the slratrlesl line. Phone, Msln .188. PORTLAND ELECTRICAL WORKS Of hoe S61 Stark st Pbous. Main 2212. FBATEKNAX jXSUBANCB. 0BDBB OF WASHINGTON rorsmost frater- Cil society of Northwest; protects the 11 v g. J, L. Mltehell, sapreme secretary, 19 ' and 616 Marqnam bldg.. Portlssd, Or. Tel, pbou Mala 4E 1X0 UB AND rXXD. KIjOUR, , feed, potatoes, coal, etc., Herman Kanne, 418 East Be Tenth st., pnons Been 4011. rUENITBXE gAOjCOBIXS. ITBNITCBB manufacturing and special erders. u. atavensay's rorniture ractary, ie rroat at. OBBGON furniture Manufacturing . compear Mannraetursrs of furniture nt the trade. First st , MM BO0XBB. r 4 DRAMS A CO., wholesale roeer. maas facturers and tommies lo merchants. Fourth and Oak sts. MASON. BHBMAN A CO.. wholesale grocers; eor. Beeoad aad Pine sts. N. W. ALLEN LEWIS. gholsssls mad.- Or. - I.ANO CO., Ftrst and Ankenr sts. HOTELS. Hotel Portlaad. Amerioaa plaa; 88, 88 per day Belvedere; En ropes a plan; 4th snd Aldsr sts. IRON WORKS. PHOENIX IRON WORKS Engineer,, soaas- fecturer ef marine, mining, logging an ss Tr ad 11 tnerhlnarT', prompt attentloe te repair work. Phone, Baet 20. Hawtheeae see A B. d INSURANCE. .n ai i. ISAA0 L. WHITE, Are inasraace. too Deksm wag. JAS. Mel. WOOD, smolovers Msbllltr ssd ta dleidaa: accident; surety bond of U kinds. moo gwCQneorti flliTg.-. H. P. BARTBLS COMPANY, an 443 Sherlock bldg. Oregoe pheae. Clay IV6. FIRB INSUBANCB-J. P. Kenned' A Oct, 44 Hamilton blfg. Pboee,. Mala 1858. ARTHUR WILSON, Are Insure nee, Sbsrloek bldg. Pnone. Mala 1008. I JEWELERS. THB O. HBITKEMPEB COu. lewelers. 286 Morrison st Btanufaetaiing KVBICAX. PORTLAND MUSICAL COLLEGE. , Second floor Allaay bldg. Elmore Rice, director. VIOLIN. PIANO. VOICB. 'Corps experienced teachers. Special terms to pupils entering oeiore April eu. ilea sub. MR. ANL MRS. H. A. WEBBEB. InetruetarS of aanto. manoolln. guitar. 176 west rsra. FISHES MUSIO CO., 190 Tblrd at. Victor talking machines; repairing. Rd 962. T. B. LAWSON. 240 Park, eor. Maial pUae leeeona at studio coe, at nome toc. MACHWEBT. THB H. O. ALBCB CO.. secoad-bssd tns, eninery, sawmill, etc. sas vrspq sts. MA86A0E BATHS. VAPOR baths snd massage by lady with young Udy aaaiatant. 110H Fourth, 'room t. JTE0PATHT. DBS. ANNA M. AND FRANK J. BABB. grade. aire American ncnooi or usteupauir asm m. a. Still Irdrmerv of Klrkeville. Ma. Pheae, Male 2229. Boom 800 Deknm bids. A76-A6 OVERALLS. BOSS OP THB BOAD OVERALLS and meehaa Ice' clothing; anion made; M sua tad tar straa.. Mfga.. Portland. Or. '-' PAPERING AND CALCIMINING. BOOMS papered or ealclmlned from 82.50 op; we carry a run nne weiipaper, room mouia Ings palnte and vsrnUbes: 1904 wallpaper pat terns from 10c double roll ap. Portlsnd Paint A Wallpaper company, 168 Beeoad st Phone Black 2676. PLUMBERS. BENNETT A ENBMINGEB. gasflttors, water back work; eanmatea given oa Bouse piping. Pbon Clay 1636. it 62V? Sixth. FOX A CO.. eanitary plumbers. 2S1 Second, bet Main asa Baimoa Oregon pnone, aaain auu. DONNERBEBO A BADEMACHEB. ' plumbsra. removed to 64 rourtn st. - ttota pnones. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. DAVID M. DUNNB A CO. Phoenix Paint and Oil works: manufacturers ana nnponers paints, olto and aprara, eto.l phone 187. OfAce snd f-etory. Sherlock svs ana iu m i . E. BEACH A CO. Pioneer Palht Co selling tbe beet tblnge made In pslnU and general building malerlal; window-glass and gUatng specUlty. 135 rlrst St.; pbon. Main 1364. W. P. FULLER A CO., manufacturers Pioneer Lead, pnoenia raint, aopanne; a awanana given with every gallon ef paint manufactured by as. .,'',. . ' ,.....,:!!.!' BASMl'SSEN j CO., Jobbers, paint, etls, gUee, see sn r., ia riret et. TBIBTDtS. ANDERSON A DUNIWAY COMPANY, printing, lithographing. bUnk books. . Phoas. Mala 17. 206 Alder, B0PE. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO.. ''cor. Fourteenth snd Northrop sts.. Port Und Or. BUBBEB STAMPS. P. a STAMP WORKS. 24 Alder st, phone. Mala T10: robber stamps, seals, etencllav bsg rare end trad ehecke. . pATIBO AND WHXIEWASHINg. : el'HAYI.V'tt and whitewashing. treoe, bsso meius. barns, flocka, etc., M. O. Morgan A in. CkII no Scott If4. we Will call snd t-y T. u ? -. on your Wf-rk. - The lar. t , .:ig snd whu'."n4'.''e t u tviiaty.. 010 A...HU.. .., ST0BA01 AND TEAK If St. C O. PICK, etflce 8S First at., twtweea Ft.raj , Ssd Osk Sts. oboe frt; pUu snd tu,..,. ,. ture moved ssd packed fue e-"- aiodlone traprsut brick wsraaeuse 8naU and ' CUy eta. ........ ...... . .. . ' SLOT MACH1NAA, . MACHINES ef ererr deaertprlna tale et sec eentage. Prank OrlfOtht 4th sad SalnMo. . SPECIAL DAIiVEBE. POST SPBCUL PELIVEBT, N S0016 Wse Ington st. Phone, Or., Mala m , - SHOWCASES AND tLXXUBES. . SHOWCASES of every aeeorlptloa, bank, ban ana srorw asiu Manufactarlag end star flxtures made to order. Tee Lntks . Co., Portlaad and -Veatile. . SHOWCASES, flxtures and fln cabinet work. Portland Showcaae A Flxtnr Manufacturing . ' company, 648 First .: Psoas , BUek tu J. Philip stela, Mrs. - . SIGNS. WATBIN A PAINS SIGN CO., 81ft Plaa St. Phone. Mela T25. ' ' . . SAFES. BUT YOUR SAFES of J. S. Davis; vont re- , pairs snd lockout ssfely doe. S4 Third st . STEAM CARPET CLEANING, J. HUNTER. 650 Jefferson St., steam carpet snd mattress etaanlitg; feather aenovatlag! sll work guaranteed. Phone Maia 214. TYPEWRITERS, tOM TYPEWRITER HBADQUABTSBB ' BM Stark Street -. ' We rent repair. sei. sickengs typ AD eapplles eor sll machines. . ' Standard BMchlaes $10, 615, 626 aad :' V to 6100. . . . -- 1 Do ye want a struegrspber er typlstt ' f ' . , - W save Ut t, good appnesata. - , ...j... Pboee, Wasft.SHs. ,,;' ;:'(' ' " TBANSPEB ABB HAULINs). OREGON TRAN8FEB CO., 184 North SI its. telephone, Mala 69. . Heavy hauling aad stor age, '- - - I0WZL SffPPLT. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, soap, 61 per month. Lawrence Brno Towel Sspply company, 4th and Doom, raoee ass. , ..- UPHOLSTERING. FIRST-CLASS upboUteiing; awrr sad eeeaad. bend furnltore; furniture, s torse repaired: , mattreaaes atrstched. renovated; goods packed for shipment. 249 Fifth st- '' , ' '; : WOOD OABVING. WOOD CARVTNO. antique furniture for sale, repairing, instmctlon. orders taksa 4W Washington. Pbon Clay MI4. 'i - WHERE TO DINE. STROUSE'B BESTATTBANT. flrst-cUs mssld, beet service, 829 Wsshlngto st 1 ; WALLPAPEB. , MORGAN WALLPAPER PO. . - 164-1:4 et, bet Yamhill snd Taylor. PortUsd. FINANCIAL, UBTTTEO) BTATTB8 Bf ATT, WAWft " . . OF PORTLAND. OREGON. MOBTHWZST COB. THIRD AND OAS STS. - Ersnsscts a Bsaasal Baaktng Bnalsisi DRAFTS -ISSUED ' AvslUbls la aB eitie of th United Bute aad Sarops, Boag Kong aad Manila. . . . .... ... WLLXCTIOBS MADE 0B FAV0BABLB TERMS ttsideet.....A-.. J. 4 AiMWOSI? Ice-President. ................... W.. B. AY E B abler ,.I .....B. W. SCHMRKR Cashier Assistant OaahW, .A. M. WEIGHT I. FRANK WATSON., R. L. DrRHAM..,...,..e.....Ttos-Preldet , R. W. HOTT...JJ, , Cesblse . GEOROB W. HOWw.,.,....Ahrant Cssbler ' Transacts a Oeneral SankisT Beslaes. Drafts snd hrttsrs of credit Uened' arellabl - - to all part f tit world. Collections a Specialty. Gold Duet Bought LAST WXI.TOW. MAMXTEMB, - . - -(EatsbUsbed ta IneS.I - , Trsssscts a General Banking Buslneea, ' taterest Allowed oa Tim Depoetta. ; Colleetlone msde st sit points' ea fsvorsMs terms. Letters ef credit Issued available la Ea rcps aad aU points to the United States, v Sight ' Bri'tisnsw and Telegraphic Trsssrees sold on NeW York. Washington, CHleeco, St Loots! DenverTJtaabrSaa FranefaCO And Moa- tani aJ British Oolsmbls. " Bxcbsngs " sold sn London. Paris, - BsTna. Frankfort Hong Kong, Yokohama. Manila and Honolulu. ErUST STATXOWAX. AaTK ,,,' .. v , of Portlaad. Or. Igaated Depository and Financial Agent al th Catted States. President...... ............. ......A. L. MILLS Cashier ......,;..... NEWKIRK Aaaiatant Cashier ,..W. C ALVOBD Second Aastetant Cashier C P. STEVEN'S. Letter ef credit Issued available ta Europe snd ihe neater states. Bletit sehsMM aad TelesTanble Transfers seld oa New York. Boston. Chicago, St Louie. St Pssl. Omens, Ssn Francisco and the prloci par notuta ta the Northweet Sight snd time bills drawn la seme to salt on London. !, Paris. - Berlin. - Frsnkfortma-tho Msltt. ' Hong Kcmg. Yokohama. Cnpenbagea. CbriaHanla. Stochholra. : St Petersburg. Mos v, Enrich. Bonolae. . Collsctlona made ea rsvoraas arms. LOBTSOBT Si BAIT wAWOXSCO BAMX, ; . . .xntaTSP. ....... . Chamber ef Commerce Bunding, Third sad -' -A- ''-vuts-Jt avreeva, ..j.ev Head OfScs, 55 Old Broad street tendo. This hank transacts e. esneml banking boat' p, as, make fcsns. dlsconnts bills Snd Issues let ters of credit STsllable for travelers and for ths peerhsae of merchandise Ja snr city ef the world. Deals la foreign and domestic exchange. . Interest raid ea Tone oenoana. W. A. MACRAE. Manager. SBCTJBTTT BATIBrOS Si TBTJST CO. 666 Morrleoa St. Partlaad, Os Traasaots a Oeneral Banking natiaim. -SAVTN06 DEPARTMENT. - . Interact Allowed on Time and Barings Depoadt. v Act aa Trustee tor Estates. Drafts snd setters of credit sraiUbte la all parts oi ins werio. Ct W, ADAMS... ..., ...Presldest L. A. LEWIS. ............ .First Vice-President A. L MILLS-. Second Vlcs-Presldent B. O. .UUlTa.. ............... ,vw. ...aecreiatT SKOXJUS lOSOa. Sj CBCBIBTBMBBaT. Offer gilt-eds; investment In Municipal Jia tiaurosva uonaa, wnn or caui. 138V Flint 81, Foxtlnatl, Oregon. , MORTGAGE LOANS On Portland Beal Estate st Lowest Rate. -Titles Insured. Abstracts FurnUhed. . - TTTUC CUARANTM & TIV.UST CO. , - 1 Chamber of Commerce. NOTICE Of SALE OP THE MILL KNOWN , AS THE WTXLSON A SYLVESTER MILL, AT WBAN0ELL. ALASKA,' " ' - " '" . ' j '" Notice ta ' berebv aires that f. ' ths under- slgner. John A.HeltenthaI, pa receiver tor the estate of Thorns A- WllUon and Bufus 8yl- Tester.- both deceased, pursuant to aa order of . the court msde on tbe 2d day of March, 1004, v will sell In the manner and at the time here . inafter aimed all the following property! The eawmlll. nlanlne-mllL hulldinaa. annllanees. stock on hand of whatsoever name, nature snd description belonging to said sawmill business, , together with . the steamer, niledrivot. scow, store end stock ef good therein belonging to . the estate of Thomas A. Wlllsoa and Bufae Sylvester, which aaid partnership wa dissolved . by ths' death of the parties, togethsr with the ... good will belonging to Said bualnees.- Said property will be sold at private sale In th event that aultable jpnd Sufflclest offer there for is received, subject ta the spprevsj et the court oa er before the ltb day ef Mar, f 1BAA. in the erent said nrooertv Is sot sold oa or before said )tb day of May. IW4, the ,. and in that even. I will sell sll ef seld pros- erty at public auction oa tbe said lath sr ef May at 10 ecleck to the fcrenooa ad asld : day at the ofBc ef th said mill In thetawn of Wrangetl, district of Alaska, which said anle shall be under th direction snd subject to the approval of th court , For partlcutara as te . the conditions rof sal reference Is mad w the abore-named order of aale on flle la eause : No. mii-k pending ra tne tniien nam ui- rrtrt coin t f" the district of Als at i'mean. This pmi-eriy I on a pajrlug b!s snl b been f.,r si.ine t,me rt on a rsi" ' ' ' nuwt be eh.i-l lit ir,ir i-vt l I be dlstrlbr.t. ! t. s'" ! " ' menilter of t i. ' " i? ' tills r ! -! i ' ' "" 11inii A. ' .. ". 1