The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 31, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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4 '?
Russian Stronghold Waits
, Attack With Grim
. Patience.
Shops Kept Open During Bombard
ments Sentries Ordered to Shoot
the Overly Curious-Press
Again Attacks America.
. (Journal Special Service.) '
St. Petersburg, March 31, The
NovostI today ft graphically describes
Port Arthur as a place markedly changed.
Trains from the city are filled I with
fugitives. The members of the military
forces are almost the only persons left
In Port Arthur, w,hich resembles a city
of the dead. "
: General Stoessel has ordered all shops
to remain open during DomDara
menta. The newsmner Bus continues Its
traise of En eland and attack on Amer.
ica. taking the statement of a witness
ofhe Chemulpo battle as its text. The
British captain threatened to fire if the
Japanese pursued the sinking Russian
vessels for the purpose or aestroying
them In the inner harbor, according, to
the statement published in tne kusb.
whtnh adds; "The American ship Vlcks
; burg alone refused to act the part of
humanity, an act which was due to
American moral soundness, and can not
i he overlooked."
General Stoessel lias ordered sentrlel
m hot and kill all unauthorised per
. sons "approaching the fortifications and
batteries at Port Arthur.
Admiral MnkarofTi in reily to con
gratulations by the commander of the.
Flack sea neet staiea nv uwuwi"i
Krlnteke. the commander of the torpedo-,
boat destroyer Stllnl Is tne real hero to
, be honored In repelling me last japan-
: ese altsrc. .
The Ice-breaker Ermack has arrived at
rWnstadt. where she will immediately
open, a channel ' . 4
Admiral Togo GlYsa Details of Valiant
Commander Klrose's Death-
(Hearat Snecial Service.)
Tnklo. March 21 In addition to tha
Information given yesterday, Vlce-Ad-.mirui-.Tnirn's
reoort of the second at
tempt to bottle up the Port Arthur,
squadron last sunaay giv um h-
esting details or me neroism im
nnese seamen who volunteered to man
the stone-laden steamers which were in
tended to block the channel. Togo says:
"Commander Hlrose and his boat
swain, Suglno. who , were killed, dis
played remarkable courage. Boatswain
Buglno was Just going down to light the
magaslne on the Fukul Maru when the
ship whs struck by the enemy's torpedo,
which killed him. .
"Commander Hlrose, after causing his
' men to take to the boats, and not find
ing Sugino, searched through the ship
three times for htm. Finding that his
ship was gradually going down, Com
mander Hlrose was compelled to glvo up
the search and enter the boat As he
was rowing away under the enemy a hot
'fire a shell struck him on the head.
His head and part of his body
blown away. Only a piece of
the boat was all that remained of .the
brave officer's body."
: Bnssians at Cfaoag 9n Abandoned rjr
thing General Wlsohsixka Escaped. .
. , ; (Journal special owtict.)
I London. March SI. The Central
News Rome correspondent .telegraph
that Seoul advices state that General
Mlechenka, the Ruasian commander in
the Chong Ju fight, narrowly escaped
capture by the Japanese. The Russian
left many sabres and rifles behind in
their flight, together with
supplies that were sadly needed by the
Japanese troops participating In the
!" at tuck ',,r' "v ' ' ,,; ' r "
The 'moral effect of the victory on the
Japanese seems to be marked, and ev
erywhere the troops are jubilant, but in
quiet, matter-of-fact way. as though
the battle simply convinced them of a
foregone conclusion. - - . ,
Thirty m Cent of ppulatioji la V11-,
uge Hear Irtrutsk How gnffertaf .
1 (Journal Special SerTlet.)
" London. March 31. The Eastern Ga
setts reports an Increase of the small
pox' epidemic in the - province of Ir
kutsk. Thirty per cent of the popula
tion In the town of Matchae is Infected.
The increase of the plague Is attributed
not so much to the lack of isolation sta
t ons as to the objections of the people
to vaccination.
All attempts of the authorities to rn
dure the lower classes to submit to vac
rtnatlnn are frustrated, and cases have
been discovered where persons suffering
from the disease have been secreted in
their. homes by other members of the
family until all were attacked by the
contagion. , '
Cxar'a Offer of Pardon Has as Tet
' ronnd tto Take,
' ' (Journal Sperlat HtIcS.) ,
Berlin, March - 81. The Vosslsrhe
Zeltung reports that the offer" of the
vtH to Rirdrtji tiny political rriHoner
(Continued pn I'age Two.
, V'i TV,:,
' '
V -,
it- r -r frf i Hr 1 fl 1 1 fil r ilfl' Mr sVi j 1 1 (. t
Powder; Worksand 1 Squib Factory Blown Up
and Mangled . Dead Are Taken ;
From the Ruins '
(Journal tBpecial Service.) '
Scranton. Pa., March SI Five girls
and one boy lost their- lives In a horrible
manner this morning . In an explosion
which occurred at the . Dixaon- squibb
factory and powder mills at Pricehurg,
a small town tour miles distant from
this city. Five other girls wer4 badly
Injured, all of whom may die.
At 11 o'clock this morning a slight
explosion- was heard in the wrapping
room where 10 girls were working. No
excitement followed as it was soon as-
certalned that a small pan of 'powder
had ignited, evidently from a sparK
blown In . through a partially opened,
window, and which came from the engine-room-
smoke stack a hundred yards
All hands resumed work and had been
so engaged -for 10 minutes when a ter
rific explosion occurred which was heard
and felt in this city and for miles
around. " ' - i '
Hundreds of conjectures were made
as to the source of the explosion, and
the Prlceburg powder mills was thought
by many to be the scene of the accident,
but as telegraph ' and telephone com
munication had been ruined by the con
cussion, nothing .for, certain could t be
told. ' -. ' -..';
Boon, however, a, car of the Scranton
Electric line, which connects with Prlce
burg,, am into ;the city bearing four
wounded young women accompanied by
a physician..-' n .. s
A fearful story -was told and a score
or more of city physicians at once left
for the scene. . - . t
Hundreds of persons crowded the cars
which were leaving, and .before noon
1,000 people had ' gathered about the
ruined works. . . v
The scene described is an awful one.
Rescuers were , at work within , an ln-
Weditlbly short tlpis.. under the direc
tion or scranton ponce, wno were aes
patched in patrol wagons. i
Five dead young women .ana a Doy
were taken from the smoldering pile of
wreckage, and five other girls were resr
cued from the ruins which were being
consumed by fire. ' 1 '
' Cause Sot Known.
Investigation - at this time has not
proved the exact cause of the last ex
plosion, although It is known that the
powder magaslne, in which was an 'im
mense quantity of high explosives
stored. Is blown from the face of the
earth. The powder works and the
squibb factory are piles - jof ' burning
debris. i
The glrls'who were killed were em
ployed in the squibb factory and in the
main building. An annex to this factory
was toppled over, but no one was killed
In that wreck.
The hoilv of one fflrl. fearfullv ma n-
gle was packed up two blocks from
the scene.
When it is said that dead bodies have
been recovered It is meant tne parts of
them. Some are minus limbs, some
hands, others feet, and one lacerated
corpse was almost headless..
A man who gnve his name as Angus
and who was employed at the powder
mills as night watchman, was Inter
viewed by press representatives this
afternoon, . and he told a graphic story
of the catastrophe as follows:
I left the works st 7 o'clock this
morning about the time many of the
girls were assembling for Work. Every
thing was in ship-shape orcer as usual.
had gone to my home, 600 yards from
the mill, nnd was fast asleep when I
was awakened by- an a wfull explosion.
realised at on.-n whtit had happened.
"I ran outside and. .looking In the
direction of the mill, saw nothing but
huge clous cl dust and emuka. Pietuj
KH-'h ? V
4 -A-
of the wreckage were strewn-abouf, and
my woodshed was . wrecked and two
chimneys to my house were gone. .
"Bhrleks and .. screams at this lime
filled the air, and .waiting no longer I
started for the scene of destruction.
When about two blocks from the
squibb factory I came upon the body of
a young woman whose clothing had been
completely torn from what remained of
her body. I was terrified to see that
the dead woman was minus part of her
head and one arm.
"By this time I was filled with horror,
but gained the place of the catastrophe.
Three men. were there .before me and
had begun to 'search among the wreck.
I then thought to call Into Boranton
for assistance, but ascertained " that the
telegraph and telephone wires were
blown down. ' .
"I ran to the terminus of the Scran
ton Electric company's line and found
a car there, but no one In it. The con
ductor and ' the motorman were two of"
the .men who .were at the mills when I
arrived there. ,
"I returned and by this ' time others
had - arrived and , were trvlng to get
the Injured from aiflong the wreckage.
inree or. the injured were lying on the
ground when I got back to the mills and
as two of them liyed in Scranton and
were seriously' hurt, we determined to
take, them to the city hospital. At this
time a. local -doctor arrived and exam
ined 'those found Injured and directed
that two be at 'once taken to the city"
hospital If their lives would be saved.
Both were unconscious and with Im
provised litters we carried them to the
car and the physician accompanied them
to Scranton.
"Before the police and firemen ar
rived from the city we thought we had
rescued aU the injured. The police took
charge of the situation when they came
on the scene.' and soon two 'other girls
with broken limbs were taken from un
der timbers of the squibb factory. One
was badly burned." i
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New York Democrats De
sert Machine and
Favor Hearst.
Indications Point to Liveliest State
Convention Held in Recent Years
Bitter Antagonism Felt
In Local Issues.
(Special plapateh to Tha JournaJ.)
New York, March 31. The Democratic
primaries and conventions which are now
being held throughout the state of New
York "show that very county whare the
Democratic vote is strongest the cau
cuses and conventions are against Hill.
Where the Republican vote is heaviest
the primaries are usually' In favor ot
Hill, owing to the apathy of Democrats
residing in those districts.
The Democrats outside of New Tork
city have declared against the Hill ma
chine. Forty counties have held their
primaries and convention so far In the
state. Of the total of 856,398 votes cast
the counties carried' by Hill up to date
show a total of 211,399 votes cast In tho
last state election, It being less than One
third of the total Democratic vote. These
figures are remarkably significant as
showing the weakness of Hill among the
Democratic voter.
Most bitter antagonism has been shown
against the machine by the Democrats
throughout the country districts and
many Democrats who have formerly been
favorable to Parker have swuna- around
In. favor of Hearst through antagonism
to Will. .-- .
The fight has now resolved Itself into a
wtter right, again. Hyt and his protege,
Judg Parker. Many of the conventions
held were "srtap" conventions and all
sorts of trickery were resorted to by the
machine politicians to attain their point.
In Coblesklll a convention was held pre
sided over by . one of . Hill's heelers,
where the votes were counted as they
entered the voting place. When the chair
man found that he had a sufficient num
ber of votes, as he thought, to carry the
primaries - he declared that the polls
were closed with six Hill men in the hall
and eight on their way up. Hill barely
carried this primary with a majority of
two ;
In Niagara" county the feeling is very
bitter, HIM imvlng won In one district
by a, margin of three votes, .and a bitter
contest will be made In the county con
vention for recognition of the opposing
delegation, -mere are numerous contests
In other parts of the' state, and the In
dications are that the state convention
will be the liveliest and most bitter held
In years.
(Journal Special Rervlee.)
Vienna, March 31. Fierce fighting Ms
reported near the . vlllayet vof Kostur,
In the Monastic district Twelve Greeks
and 20 Bulgarians were killed.
The report of deaths, while undoubt
edly authentic, contains no details of
the clash other than to state that the
Bulgarians" were surprised by the Greeks
and that the conflict terminated by the
withdrawal of both sides.
(Journal Special Bcrrice.)
San Francisco, March 31. A warrant
was Issued this morning for the arrest
of James Cardosa. who Is charged with
embezzlement. Cardoza was purser of
the steamer State of California of the
Pacific Coast Steamship company.' It
Is claimed he sold 15,000 wortlt of tick
ets and pocketed the proceeds.
In Two Weeks' Morrison Street Bridge Will Be
Closed for Eight Months to.AII
But Street i Car Traffic r
The Morrison bridge will be closed
to teams- and pedestrian traffic In about
two, weeks, v to remain closed i perhaps
for eight months. The streetcar service
will continue and If' stopped will be so
only for five or six days, according to
Manager F. M. Butler, of the Pacific
Construction company. President Bwi-
gert, of the City & Suburban Railway
company, says - E-cent fares will be
charged, and Mayor Williams says the
city has done toward cheap transpor
tation all It enn d Tor the public wish
ing to cross the bridge.
So much complaint was made over
the recent proposition made by the
executive board and acceded to by the
City & Suburban company to charge 2
cent fares merely for crossing the bridge
by trolley that it was rejected. . Both
Mayor Williams and President Swlgert
of the company, feel hurt because. of
the rejection of the plan.
"The executive board, made the 2-cent
fare proposition to the City & Suburban
Railway company because Its members
desired to benefit the portion of the pub
lic wishing . to cross the bridge," said
. (Washington Boreas of Tha Journal.) '
Washington, D. C, March 21. Sena
tor Fulton and Representative Will In m
son had a lengthy fconference with Secretary-
Hitchcock and Commissioner
Richards .today and urged the depart
ment to expedite Its action regarding the
timber and stone entries In Oregon. The
officials gave their petitioners the as
surance that the utmost haste, consis
tent with good administration, would be
followed In dealing with all entries. A
large force of special agents will be em
ployed and meritorious claims will be
accepted without any delay.
;y' "l? v;y
, If"" s
Mayor Williams. "But. when It became
known, that the plan was, on foot the
people maae sucn a protest that we re
Jected it. . Now, as far as the city is
concerned, the people can take care of
themselves. They howled at a 2-cent
fare, but the company had the right,
and still has it. to charge 6 cents. It
will probably do so. The , city cannot
prevent it,"
"The executive board made , the pro.
posal to us to reduce fares and we ac
ceded to. It," said President Swlgert, of
the City & Suburban company. 'Then
we were accused of entering Into
graft scheme with the city officials, and.
or course, we dropped the plan. I do
not know what, if anything, will be done
by this company, but I feel pretty sure
mat a e-cent rare will be charged"
"The bridge will be closed about eight
months to teams and pedestrians," said
Manager Butler. , "It is- our Intention te
Keep it open all the time to streetcars
au nays time ror that If we
need it, but; I hardly thlnkr It will be
come necessary i to i stop . tne cars for
more man nve or six days at a time."
(Journal Bpeelal Renrlca.)
Benin, March 31 The Anarchistic
disturbances of yesterday had left a
marked impression on the people of this
cuy, aitnougn to all outward appearances
perfect quiet prevails toda v. Th an.
thorltles are throrough masters of the
The damage done railroad nronertv
the Iehrter station by the rabble, by
ibiuii!Kuuwq signal ooxes ana ripping up
tracks, is considerable, but the vigorous
action of the military and the police had
tho wholesome effect of scattering the
mob. which afterwards assembled at a
point tar up the line from the depot,
They were unable to summon reinforce
ments and the crowd itradunllv rtWn.r,i
More than 40 persons have been ar
rested for participating In the riots, and
the police have been Instructed to break
up an anarchistic gatherings In the city,
(Journal gprclal Serrle.)
Rome, March 81. The
Ico states that the police are searching
iui an uiiegea anarcnisc-named Prettl.
who it la ' suspected contrived a mn
against the knlser.
It is said that letters from Pniti
covered on the person of a nriiin
through wMeh the plot was partially
made known. Indicate that some of the
most dangerous anarchists of Rurni-u
were involved In the plan for assassina
tion. AH government detective agencies
of Europe have been bulletined to aid In
the capture of .Prettl and his confeder.
i "" '" 1 " , .
(Jonrnal Siwclal Herrlce.)
Halifax, March 21. -The mlHta rv au
thorities are expwtltig 10 regiments of
the line next month to tie stationefl in
Cumuli in th event of certain develop.
ments in tip Mr il, rtcu have not
bei-n givnt out It l anl.l that wlilli
no triui,i.x )m (' i,i, .i, the statlnnlnv
.'K'-f.J- I
Accused Poisoner Asks
to Be Tried by the
. Same Jury.
Court Has No Recourse But Must Coa'
tlnue the Trial Despite
.'Charges that Jury
Is Fixed.
(Jonrnal Special Service.) v
San Francisco, March 31. Most sen-
sational is the Cordelia BotKtn case to
day. In fact, since yesterday when it
was discovered that four of the Jurors
had been bribed, or alleged to have been
and that the fifth one had been ap-1
proached. great and renewed Interest hag'
been manifested In this remarkable
Today the greatest surprise came
when Mrs. Botkln, who is accused of
having killed two Inoffensive women by
sending across the continent a box of
poisoned candy, arose In the crowded
courtroom and demanded that she re-,
celve her verdict from the present Jury,
despite the, fact of the almost sure at-,
tempt to fix that Jury. ...j
Ignores Eer Attorney. 1 1
. Mrs. Botkln ignored the advice of
her. attorney and insisted that the pres
ent Jury be allowed to proceed with the
... When court convened this morning
not a foot of Btandinroom was to ba ,
obtained and the corridors without were
Jammed with the curious and Interested.
Judge Carroll Cook, when he opened
the case, was told by Attorney Knight,
Mrs. Botkin's counsel, that his client
refused to. be bound by the. motion made
yesterday that 'the Jury be discharged.
Accordingly the counsel withdrew tha
motion and the court asked the prisoner
if she had anything to say. .
Mrs. Botkln immediately arose and Jin
a well-modulated voice said: "Your
honor, In direct opposition to the ad
vice of my attorney, I -demand a'ver-.
diet from this Jury."
Judge Cook then declared that thera
was nothing else to do but to go, tut
with the trial, and the Jury was Brought
into the room. , '
The Opinions.
There is m'uch speculation among law-
yers and laymen concerning the ultlv
mate consequences of the woman's act.
Some are of the opinion that It Is a
play on the part of Knight and hla
client, as they both know that the pres
ent Jury Is "fixed."
Others say that Mrs. Botkln is tha
only one beside the actual fixers who
knows aJl the facts, and that she counts
on a disagreement, being much more
willing to take such a termination of
the trial than to submit her chances
to another Jury, the members of which
would surely know the evil Intent tha
woman had with the former Jury.
It is generally believed here that tha
present Jury Is fixed sure enough, whit!!
goes further to prove to the nine-tenths
of the people who have no sympathy
with the Botkln woman that she 14
guilty of murder in the first degree.
(Special Dlapateh to Tha Journal.) ' " j
Victoria, B. C, March (I The cusV
toms department has received instruc
tions , from the dominion government
that it has rescinded the order In coun
cil prohibiting the carriage of goods In
American bottoms from Canadian ports
destined for the Yukon by way of St.
An enforcement of the order aralnae
Canadian goods being carried by Amer
ican bottoms by way of the St. Michael
route would have cut off perhaps 12,000,
000 worth of Canadian goods now car
ried by United States companies. It
woum also 'have left the White Pass &
Yukon Railway company without a rival
to the Yukon river route In carrying Ca
nadian goods, and would . have left the
Interior Canadians at , the mercy of the
White Pass route.
(Special MapatfB to The Journal.)
Salem, Or., March 31. The Republi
can county convention organised thii
morning by electing Hon. J. J. Murphy
chairman and C. A. Murphy secretary.!
The committees on nrganiiatlup, order
of business, apportionment and resolu
tions are controlled absolutely by the
Hermann people. It ulll be late thi
afternoon before candidates are noml-i
nated. I
(Journal Sperial Hereto. )
Tew Haven, Conn., Alnnli 31 t
lams Jennings llryan prn. tn.ii'v 1 i
case when. In thu r-mt.-r t' .
mission of a nldl Mi- ), i
ntt will toinrnvfMf tv 4 .
Judge Gager d- I i 'I
the Oonnn-tlotit 1 1, 1
b adniltd. n it I- r .1 r ,
sul!iftnt cfiluUity In t I . 1
nil ftxti.iricri'm t , r 1 t ! ,
of troops i.i t .. i -.h.uity la done an a
i tid tiliaU!i t j, 4.; 3 ,