CRUISER LOST LMT-UP mm : V." mm BY JAPANESE MAY ' -). ill! I1 - Bl , .vfc.... I a I i i svi t m Such Is Optimistic Rumor in St Peters burg Claim Defeated Warship Is r Now in Vladivostok Harbor Story, Tells : of Garrison -s Enthusiastic Reception to the, Victors Capture Is Not Confirmed, . However,- in Official Quarters, (Copyright Hearst Htwi Servlos ny fceesed Wire to The Journal.) - Bt Petersburg, March 26. A startling statement somes from Vladivostok, ap parently from a reliable source, to the effect that Captain Reitsensteln's squad ron returned to port towing a second class Japanese cruiser. T The Inhabitants and the garrison. It Is added, gave an enthusiastic reception to,the victors. This capture however, fry toot confirmed in official quarters. . CZAR'S COUSIN IS.. . WOUNDED ON ASKOLD (Copyright Hearst Waws -'- gerrlos by Leased Wire to The Journal.) St Petersburg, March 26. The Grand Duke Cyril Vladlmlrovttch, cousin of the csar, was slightly wounded on the flag ship Askold of the Port Arthur squadron during the-engagement of March 23. JAPANESE SAID TO -HAVE PLANNED COUP (Copyright Hearst ,. JTews Servtoo , fcy Leased Wire to The Journal.) ' London, March it. The report that 8.000 Japanese troops are bewildered and practically helpless In the moun tains 20- miles from Gensan, and that a big RuaBlan force is hurrying to. over whelm them. Is partially confirmed,, but with an addition that entirely alters Its significance. There are 8,000 Japanese at Tang Tek and their- scouts, falling into Russian bands, revealed the where abouts of the column. ; , This Is believed to - have been . a "plan." ;-, .;.-''(. The 8,000 men are a decoy to draw the Russians into- the mountains, and the scouts were sent out to be taken prisoners. -.-y ..y-y.i. , It is known that at least 40,000 Japan ese have landed at Gensan and the proba bilities are that the army there is even greater. If the Russians, attempt to at tack the 8,000 )eft so temptingly ex posed, they will find, themselves out oft by a superior force of . Japanese and compelled to fight at a tremendous disad- : vantage In a country all the passes of which are in possession of tha enemy. PLEIADES CTtOM POT . AJtTHV. Only ; Americas Tesssl la Harbor- at Tim of Bombardment. (Journal BpocUl Service.) ' ) Port Townsend. Wash., March 28. The American steamer Pleiades," the only American ship to witness the bombard ment of Port Arthur, arrived here this morning. , The vessel steamed into Port Arthur the morning of February 7, the date of the torpedo attack which marked the be ginning of hostilities, and .which was made at 11 o'clock the night of the 8th. The populace was first warned by fir ing from the Russian fleet, which was endeavoring to repel the advance of thn ROOSEVELT AND - HIS EXTRAVAGANCE Before the House Committee a Start . ling Report Is Hade Rcpub- , - licans Are Alarmed. (Spew, i Dtuffatch by Leased Wire to The Joonul) Washington.1 Marcn II 'The RepublU eanadminlstratlon has been obliged to pay. heed to the exposures of xtrav- agance at ' the White House and else-, ' where in the . government fnd ' tpday Chairman llmenwaj ,of the .committee Japanese torpedo-boats, which sneaked In and damaged the Russian ships, caus ing three of them to be 'run ashore to prevent sinking. The Russian squadron then drew back. . ' There were no further hostilities till 11 o'clock the morning of the 8th. The bombardment was then opened by the Japanese- and continued 45 minutes. The Russians made a good itand, but did not get. a proper range and did no damage. Shells dropped all over the city, wounding many non-combatants and damaging many houses. - The popu lace was panic-stricken. Shells dropped all about the Pleiades. None did damage, but one burst so close that a, hundred fragments dropped on deck. , The officers . of the . Pleiades learned that 23 were killed and 60 wounded.'-Aside from the. non-combatants wounded, none were killed. The distance 'of the Japanese fleet from the fort at the time of the bombardment was from four to eight miles. Slight firing continued for three nights after the main fight, but with no damage. RUSSIA WAITING . . i FOR SPRINGTIME (Copyright Hearst ' Hew . Berries by - Leased Wise to The Journal.) . ' i (By J. Dj D'Aquln.) ' St Petersburg, March 28. Russia is marking time until the snow disappears. The , public is optimistic ' Kouropatkln arrived at Harbin today. The classes and -masses consider him another-. Grant, Oapable of overcoming all difficulties. : , " pesplte reports from quarters hostile tf Russia, I learn on most reliable au thority that' the ' Siberian railway is Working superbly. 'That a hundred thou sand men and their equipments . have passed Lake Baikal since the beginning of the warv The troops are arriving at the front in excellent condition and pro visions are abundant r ; A special supply of cars has been ordered to distribute food and necessar ies to the population along the Siberian railway in order, to offset the effort to corner provisions, which has caused prloes to become prohibitive. It was feared the peasants when faced by fa mine would - abandon their farms on the line. The authorities . have acted promptly everywhere. They have sum marily suppressed all disorders. Ow ing to the rapacity of dealers the gov ernment is buying supplies in European Russia.- ' . ; Makes War a School. General Kouropatkln intends to utilise the war as a school to teach the officers of fashionable regiments, mainly aris tocrats, the science of war. Kouropatkln has requested that officers volunteering for the front. pledge themselves to re main four years with the regiments stationed at the front, regardless of the duration of the 'war. A number of aristocratic ladles, fired by , patriotism at the beginning of the war, who volunteered to serve as Red Cross nurses at the front, are .already (Continued on Page Threa) '.yy'- ilu. "IF I MAKE GIFTS, IT IS FOR THEM . (Copyright Hearst Kaws BaAloe. leased wire to Ths 7ournsO Plymouth, March 27. Andrew Varna . glerrived on the St Paul today, vour correspondent obt In a tender, went to "' meefrJllm',""'.1 ' i' ':',r'"' -.-V';. Mr. Carnegie said: i "I believe there .is absolutely po limit to American en- ter prise. The Hearst newspaper ser- vice Marconlgram sent me across the 1 ocean was me mosi amazing instance ox newspaper enterplse and quickness at , grasping an opportunity I have yet ex-, J,perlenced. I have rarely been so, pleas i antly surprised. I replied to the mes f sage. I was. told the reply was prepaid. . Any wax I paid 13 to send my answer on appropriations cams ;out for frs form." ' There will be no 190,000 for the White House stables, and it is today estimated that tha 180,000 suggested for the White House repairs, maintenance, S furniture, etc, is too much and that $35,000-Is enough. The Republican are shrewd enough to spread the. report today' that the president himself is anxious for the reduction, but It will turn out that the Republican senate' leaders w(ll be asked to give the whole pound of flesh.- v Hemenwny found a' hypocritical text today when lnJhe houBe ho mads ths , ' : . '. , . y MAYOR WILLIAMS "Glad to see you are pushing that been running a long time." ' G0MPERS SPEAKS ELOQUENTLY TO HOUSE (Bpeeial Dispatch by Leased Wlrs to The Journal) Washington, March 26. President Samuel Gompers, representing the J. 000,000 organised . wdrkingmen affiliated la the AmerlcanFederation of , labor, logically and. most eloquently presented the sentiments and hopes 'of the Ameri can . working peope inf reference to shorter-working days o the house com mittee on labor- today." Arguments on. the bill to give all labor employed on government . contracts were concluded and Mr. Gompers made his final presen tation, i ;.i -:-..-, : .'-? ' ' ' i ' In the course Of his argument he pro duced facts and figures and statements from employes and from government re ports that prove the eight ' hour day where it has been given a fair trial has proved beneficial ' to employers -as well as employes, and he emphasised by au thority that no employers who had run their plants- on the - shorter day desire to return to ths 10 or 11 hour days. Twenty Tears Ago. "It is now 20 years," said Mr. Gomp ers, "since efforts . have neen made .to procure an extension -of the first act of congress in regard to the eight hour day. It Is peculiar that the advocates of this. bill are met, by an opposition that declares, it Is too radical, too far reach ing and on the other hand some of our best friends say that the bill does not go far enough and means very little. "Attorney generals and courts have re stricted the meaning of the law of 1889. We seek to extend it to contractors and sub-contractors-,-who are doing work for the ' government. We have asked congress for eight years to enact a bill of this character. . The eight hour bill has been modified,. Not even one of our opponents will say 'that its features have been extended. j "Our greatest opposition ' Invariably comes from the rich, . powerful corpora- TO ANNOUNCE and would willingly have paid $300. It was the first wireless message I ever received."- - . .' - Questioned as to his moat recent gift, he said: X :. ..t;?--, "I have only, to say now that I have no . right saying anything about it. If I nave made .such a gift it is for those who received it i to announce the fact I never announce my own gifts. I pre sume the recipients by this time have made statements and your people know all about it" . Carnegie SlsanMss War. . Mr. Carnegie, resisting persuasion, declined to disclose the nature 6f the gift "I am surprised," he continued, startling statement that it will - cost $862,774,144.28 to run the' national gov ernment during the -coming fiscal year. "The stable door has. been locked,' how ever, after the. horse has been stolen," said "he. t The' words of the Indiana member created the utmost amusement and his attempt to givo the administra tion credit for this economy in dispens ing the money of . the government was' pitiful..-."..- V,'"V y ' ' The estimatea receipts for the govern ment for,, the - coming fiscal year are placed at $704,472,080.72. The, storm of protest that has gone up over the whole COMMITTEE tlons that thrive on the government Ths bill is opposed because it la historic ally argued by the anti-boycott attor neys, that its purpose is to influence the country to 'come at the earliest possible day to an eight hour day for workers. That" is one of the primary features of Me progress we have ln'vlewT " We know' that .the passage of this act will, tend HEARST SAYS THAT - , JOURNAL IS IDEAL (Wishlngtaa Boreas of Tb Journal.) . 4 v Washington. V. C March 2t. 4 WUllam Randolph - Hearst' 4 when shown . a copy of Sunday's . 4 Journal, said: "I consider this 4 4 first issue of your' Sunday paper 4 4 an admirable example of what 1 4 a Sunday edition of ' a paper 4 4 should be. It A ideal. It has 4 an - excellent news section and 4 its feature section is as good as n 4 4 I have ever seen. I wish this 4) new. 1 enterprise every possible 4 success, and believe Its patrons 4 4 should encourage an enterprise e e 'like this where there has been ' 4 such an outlay of money to- fur- e 4 nlsh a first-class Sunday paper. 4 4 ' The jnlssion . of . the Sunday ' 4 paper is unique, and I have no ' 4 doubt that the Sunday edition of ) 4 ' The Journal will be a success, . 4 4 both in its, mission as a news- 4 4 paper and ' financially, if this ' 4) 4 standard set by the first issue 4 4 is maintained." " rfuf neadsyi f rovrprMs ie or.lsnd.' THOSE WHO RECEIVE THE FACT," SAYS CARNEGIE "that there, is so little news of the war. I do not expect we will hear anything for some months. The Busstans are not ready to strike hard It seems to me she might have averted ths, war." "The csar might hive used a little more determination. Had Kussla ap pealed to the powers I have no doubt they , would have given her an. open port I have not the slightest expecta-, tion that the war will, develop' into a general ; European struggle; " ' - 4 .- . -. Favors Govanunant Ownership. Informed that parliament had an nounced its intention of taking over the managing in the interests of the public country at the unwarranted expenditure of money was not .referred to directly by Representative Hemenway. y .. Instead he paid a high tribute to the Republican members of his committee for cutting down , the estimates, of ex penditure furnished his committee by the government officials for, next year's ex penditures of their departments. These estimates aggregate ,$747,317,822.79. ; These estimates of expenditures came from Republican officials of the govern ment. -They wore all passed upon by Secretary of the Treasury Shaw land after his approval they were sent, to-con- .. .. , -, , jr. i ' work, Charles; these things have ; ON LABOR to extend the universal adoption of a shorter working day. - 'The. establishment of the eight hour day . for men employed on government contracts- and subcontracts will encour age the men who wlU be the first to feel -the -material, nioral and social ad vantages that will' follow. The state ments of the opposition are mental rag carpet, no two of them can agree upon the effect of, the bill but are united in opposition. 1 - Tha Anti-Boycott Attorney. ' "An anti-boycott attorney comes here and, cries out in the name of all labor against an eight hour day; he agitatedly protests that -labor does - not want - a shorter day and r working men are in protest because this bill invades their right of contract, curtails liberty and re duces their earning . power. He says they want more hours. - "Now 'who does (his man represent and . what credentials does he showT I do say and he cannot contradict me that there .has never , been a gathering of working men in America or in the world where Industrial conditions were cscussed that 'opposed a lessening of the hours of labor,' Mr. Gompers related the history of the eight hour bills before congress and in formed the committee that the author of the bill now pending and for which he is pleading, is representative J. G. Gardner, chairman of the house committee on labor. He quoted the protest : of the Manufacturers' . association of Trenton, In which the bill Is declared to be "im practicable,. un-American - and anarch istic.", v - - ..' v . .-. . -; -Oratnltous Insults. "This Is a sample of the gratuitous in suits the opponents of an eight hour day offer- to the . members of congress of (Continued on Page Four.) St,am,r St. Pault.Uareh Splsndid atgrt Carn,f 1, the ' corporation which owns - the tele phone system in London,, he said: ''I favor government . ownership ol public utilities, though I don't think the, time is ripe for the change in the Unlfed States yet but I have little doubt that in the United States, as elsewhere, the time will come when gov ernment and municipal ownership of the railroads,1 telegraphs and telephones and all such things will be universal. Let me any now how much I have enjoyed my trip on this fine boat" ' Mr. Carnegie, his wife and daughter intend visiting Aix le Bains and Paris before proceeding to Sklbo to spend-the summer. - ' : ' - - , gress. The estimates are in excess of the estimated revenues for the coming fiscal year $4M48'302.O7. y In his speech; on economy, in which Ml4. Hemenway said the country would approve "of (he ' Republican party's course in the matter," ho attention was paid to the president's withdrawal of the' estimate of : $.90,090 , for a White House stable, or that Republican mem bers of the committee, alarmed at the hurricane of protest f roi the people of the country at the exoesslve extrava gance W maintaining the Whits House I J.' '. Rev, J, Wo Brougher Gets Fuel From Mayor Williams Be Turned on Likens Portland to Ancient Biblical - Gty of, Vice Police Used to Get . Money Row . Paid by Gamblers; as Fines, If Rev. J. W. Brougher, pastor of the First Baptist church, carries' his views on administrative Incapacity into prac tical effect, dry, bones that have re posed long years. In Portland will re ceive a seismic shaking up. Mr. Brougher - and - Mayor - Williams had a little chat together yesterday in the mayor's office. J. The nastor sought information 'about the city : and stats laws and their violation., The talk -was friendly, although the . preacher Inti mated that he felt the mayor should ex pect to be made the target for those who believed the administration was negligent and ineffective. - Tonight Mr. Brougher will embody in his sermon the results of his investigation into munici pal vice and inefficiency as well as his views on the 'non-admlnlstratlon of law. A crusade on that black, social cald ron . which swings , in the north end may follow. Others features- of the city's vice aside from those which exist In the red-light district may be in vestigated. . The resorts in the 1 up town districts where, it is claimed, crime runs riot under official' protec tion, will not .be , exempt from , the searchlight of reform which may cast Its rays throughout the city. . , Mayor William's Vtatemeat. Pprlng t the -conference Mayor Will- lams took occasion to make grave charges against the police department and other branches of the city govern, ment. Mr., Brougher aays the mayor told him gamblers formerly, paid the police certain amounts each' month as bribes, which now go , .into. ' the- i city treasury as fines. - - 'v . The mayor told me that he - was elected on a reform ticket and when he assumed the duties . of his f of floe . he Undertook to execute the will of- the people," Mr. Brougher stated last night "But. he said, he was not upheld by, the police, . the courts - or the juries. He, caused : arrests he said, but failed ' in conviction. He declared that the police now -had an arrangement which was fixed by the council whereby .the gambling houses paid 1250 each month into the treasury as' fines. Before the system became operative, the mayor said, the gamblers simply - paid the police individually the same amount as bribes. The courts -and the juries failed to uphold him, he told me, and he said that that Is the situation,, with which he Is now confronted." Tonight Mr. Brougher will 'address his parishioners on the ineffective way in: which he says this city is governed. "The Mayor of Sedom" Will be the sub ject of the discourse. : Lot, who failed to discover even 10- who were upright out of the vast-number-of wicked clU senS of , the salty biblical town, v was mayor of Sodom,' according to - the clergyman, while. George. H. WiUiams holds the . same position in what- the reverend man says Is Its modern dupli cate. . 'Duties of. PabUo Offiolala, T will talk chiefly on the duties of public officials, " said Mr. Brougher. "I assured Mayor Williams that I had only the most friendly feelings towards him and that what I might say would be di rected at the head of the city govern ment and not at hlm'peraonlly. SUseentl Vast had been cut down, the president's esti mate Of $60,000 0 $35,000. TKa TaairMtVi1 is vt ; vt ari. Koaaa n 4V a Anna A atvuitivM W I d v Vil3 Will mittee stated that the president desired to have the amount tor tha White House cut down.. y; ,t'iv-y .'. yl, y'-.;- ,' ' Thl statement, is ' hot borne out by ; facts, however, and It is due solely to (Continued on Fags Threap n - 445-tKi t si .zZrL , u (v'v ... j V-,-:.. '' if I i n 1 for Calcium Ray to Administration. . 'Our talk was friendly. Indeed. Hsj was kind enough to Inform me concern ing some of -the city's laws which I wag Investigating. - I learned, what I de- sired concerning t the laws covering tha observance of Sunday.:. The olty has no) ordinance -closing saloons on that day, but a state law provides for their being closed. "In reference to theatres, it will b more difficult . The last , leglslatura made an exception of play-houses in) determining what houses and nlaces of business should be permitted to remain open on Sunday. The mayor enlightened me on many subjects of which I was comparatively ignorant ' Ho assured ma his support 'in any endeavors to uphold the laws and I believe he 'will 'do every thing in his power to suppress vice. Verily, I believe the mayor of Portland has as hard a time with the material which assists him as did tha mayor ofi Sodom In the ancient days. - Agreed. Save ta One Hatter.. .., ""He agreed with me in practically every detail of reform that I sugested. Irr one ease "he disagreed, however, and I have never, found any one who did take th6 same view of 4 that I do. It is with reference to the discrimination which Is shown against the women of the slums. Like nearly all other cities -Portland has attempted to corrall tha unfortunates in one section of the city. Which here is termed 'the north end. i "Of course ; I offer ,no apology for the Magdalene nor do I suggest any remedy. But Indeed I do protest against the injustice of discriminating in favor Of the male element of : her class. In point of crime or depravity she is no worse than tha men who frequent her haunts-and should be entitled to tha same consideration. ; ' : y ' "I suggested lo the ' mayor that ha cause the arrest of all men who visit the houses and subject'.them to fines such as the women payl - And also, I think it would cause something of a sensation if the names of ach man who goes into those dens could be pub lished in the newspapers.: Why should he receive any protection or consldera tion from the city simply because he is a man, while the woman, guilty in no more nor less degree than he, suffers not only the Ignominy of permanent residence in the places, but is made to pay a monthly fine? ; ? na . saayor nuta, ' ."The mayor only laughed when-1 made the -suggestion. He offered no ob jection nor showed approval, ... merely smiling , a dubious and non-committal smile.. But Portland, 'Ilka all other cities, gets just what he demands and deserves. Traveling men hav written me that in point of violation of Sunday laws and general immorality, this town has no equal on the globe. I do not know how. true the charge is. , but ths people have the power within themselves to remedy conditions. ; : : , . "There are laws which are merely. a sop to Christians. If we, the Christian element, are in the majority and want good laws and desire them enforced, we can do it '.We can Impeach neglect ful or contaminated officials . and re place them with men who will enforcs the laws." , . - I2i ) ssjssm l it ' V rv A'