The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 26, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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. "(Continued from Page Seven.) ,
terrlflo right end left swing on . the
champion's Jaw. Corbett looked very
groggy -at this stage, and clung on to
save himself. Britt set ft very xasi paco,
.juut. It looked as If he must soon tire.
VBHtt waded In again, but Corbett caught
him a right swing on the Jaw that sent
him back. They stood In the center of
the ring, with Britt hammering uoroew
on ths Jaw with right ana ieii ai wui
Corbett again stalled to save himself.
Britt tried to put the champion out,
but apparently his , blows , lacked f the
mm fiorhett' near the end" of the
round, got In a straight left to the face.
Corbett Oaiss Strength.
Round S Corbett uppercut with right
to the face. Corbett seemed fresher, and
went In after Britt, but did not- iana.
Brttt seemed content -to rest after his
exertions of the previous round. Cor
bett landed two straight lefts to the Jaw,
, and forced Britt on the defensive. .Cor
bett followed it with right and: left
swings to the Jaw, and they mixed, it.
Wrttt missed a left hook for the body,
Britt drove a left swing- to Corbetfs
nose, starting the blood. Corbett than
- uppercut wltbrrightxacetstariuig
the blood afresh from Britfs eye. Both
men are covered with blood, and their
fmuta anneared to be' badly cui.s
rnnnd ninnm in Corbett's favor. .
Round 10 They Immediately 'mixed U.
and Brttt blocked several ; rights and
lefts for the body. . Britt , then swung
his left twice to Corbett's ear and then
Jabbed a straight left to . the cham
pion's face. Corbett rocked Jimmy's
vith ahnrt-arm swlnes, and in a
mix put a hard, right to the Jaw. Britt
missed a right for the Jaw and an at
tempt -f by Corbett , to 4 counter was
TiinnkniL The iac slackened consid
erable over the nrevlous rounds. Britt
sent a straight left to ; the , face and
missed a left swing for the Jaw. They
then exchanged hard rights to the face.
Britt sent Corbett's head back with a
right hook to his sore eye. He rushed
Corbett to the rope, but failed to con
nect As the bell rang, Britt reopened
Corbett's eye with a straight left It
was a hard light, and both men again
went to their corners with blood flow
lng all over them from damaged faces. ;
Th Champion's monad. v :
Round 11 -Corbett bored in with hard
right to the kidneys. A mix followed,
Britt missing two lefts for the face and
Corbett putting in 1 two rights to the
tk ..rcr. hail Irla hand, full
separating the combatants, - Britt
missed a left for the Jaw, and a right by
the champion landed on Britt's face.
They clinched repeatedly. ' Corbett
missed several rights for ths face and
held on to Britt for which he was
titauil Roth men anneared tlrad. Cor'
bett was wild with two upper-cuts for
the Jaw, as was also two rights for the
the face by Britt In a mixup against
the ropes, Corbett sent in left and right
to the Jaw, and Jimmy looked very tired
as the bell rang. It was the champion's
, round. -
, Round IS Britt missed a left swing
for the head, and they mixed it without
damage. Corbett seemed to be waiting
a chance to get in a telling blow. Fin
ally he drove In a straight right to the
' stomach, but received a still harder one
from Britt's left la the stomach. Cor
bett was wild with a terrlflo right swing,
and they went to a clinch. Corbett kept
rushing at ,BrItt; ; who "iappeared tired.
Corbett bored In. ' And sent. straight
left to the Jaw. escaping a left counter.
Britt's cleverness stood' him ' well In
stead, as Corbett kept after him relent
lessly, but in most cases did not land.
Britt forced Corbett to the ropes and
- failed to take advantage of a wide open
ing. They got to the center of the ring
and the bell found them in a clinch.
Both men appeared tired at this stage.
. Round 18 They immediately rushed
to a clinch and Referee Graney. parted
them. Britt was wild with two lefts,
and another left for the body was
blocked. Very little fighting followed,
the men' clinching repeatedly. Britt
was short several times with' his left
and Corbett whipped a smart left to
the Jaw, duplicating the blow a moment
later. Brttt then forced Corbett to the
ropes,: landing a left (hook to the stom
ach and a left to the face.. Corbett
forced him back to the center of the ring
and caught Britt twice on the Jaw with
: two hard right uppercuts. ,' It was no
ticed that Corbett . took much, care to
keep his stomach covered. As the bell
rang Britt swung with- a fearful Tight
for the jaw, but it went wild.
Britt Is Jarred. ;.. . . . ' : .
Round 14 rbett ; swung two hard
rights to the ear and followed it with a
right to the body . that was partially
blocked. Some clever blocking followed,
Corbett falling to connect with three
vicious ' right swings. - Jimmy 1 hooked
his left high on the breast and a clinch
followed, Corbett then blocked a left
for the body, but received a straight
left to the face. A right swing by Cor
bett went wild and Britt .; missed two
straight lefts in succession for face.
Corbett Jarred Brttt with a straight left
to the Jaw that forced the Calif ornlan to
a clinch. Jimmy again, appeared tired
as the bell rang.- Ths round was a little
bit In Corbett's favor.
Round IS Corbett went after Britt
planting a straight left to the Jaw and a
right to the body. Britt then received
two tight and left swings on the Jaw
that dazed him. He fought back des
perately and drove a couple of left
hooks to the body that made the cham
pion wince. Corbett forced Britt to the
ropes, planting right and left to the Jaw.
It looked bad for Britt He appeared
very groggy and fought like a dying
man, Corbett sent a le.t to the Jaw
and missed a right thtt would have
ended matters had It landed. Britt re
celved two rights and left on the Jaw
that sent him to a clinch. He hung on
desperately to avoid punishment
Round 16 Britt planted a hard left
to the body and followed H with a left
swing that ent Corbett' head back.
Britt followed his advantage, putting
right and left to i!?e Jsvr. Corbett again
looked worried. Corbett then shot his
right to the body with great force and
Britt again clinched. Britt got in a left
to the body and they mixed it both de
livering telling blows. Both seemed to
tire from the efforts. Corbett sent in a
straight left to the body the Impact of
which was heard all over the building.
iiritt sent loroeu to the ropes, with two
terilflo rights to the jaw. Ths bell rang
At this jrtage..; u,'
r";:.-: Brttt Doss Business. ..
Round 17 They went at it hammer
and ' tongs,' Britt sending his right and
left to the Jaw, forcing Corbett to the
ropes. Urjtt sent In two straight lefts
to the face and blocked a . desperate
right ' swing by Corbett Britt landed
several punishing lefts to Corbett's ab
domen, and Missed a hard right for the
Jaw,. Desperate fighting followed, both
men appearing tired out and Corbett
clinching. Britt finally sent ' Corbett
against the -ropes with a straight 'left
to the body. Corbett fought wildly, and
they mixed It with Britt , uppercutting
Corbett on the face and body with lefts.
- Round H Corbett rushed in, trying
tc force Britt to fight In close. , lie
K"t- more than he bargained for, Jot
1 nitt mined right and left swings on
his face that nearly the
floor. Corbett clinched to save himself,
th. referee trying to part -them. As
they parted Brttt sen in right and left
to the face, but a well directed right by
Corbett caught him In the stomach.
They fought fiercely, ' both taking very I
hard blows. Britt tried to keep Corbett
at a diBtanoe, but the latter was too I After the business meeting -of the
shrewd and forced Britt to close quar-1 Woman's club yesterday afternoon there
wrs iney mixea ana were in mis was a literary and musical program.
position when the gong sounded. It was Mrs. Munat read a paper on the beauty
a lerrmo rouno. closing in nrm s iavor. ot Hindoo literature. Mrs. Pritchard
' Britt received an .ovation as he took I gave a very interesting talk on Sir Ed
his corner, - , I win Arnold. Mrs, Vera Edwards read
Ovattoa tot Britt, one of Kipling's Indian stories. Mrs.
. Round 19 During the intermission I Bushong sang two solos, "She Wore a
some one proposed three cheers for Britt, I Rose ' In Her Hair." by Hawley, and
and it was kept up until the men toed "Love Is a Sickness," by. Parker. Mrs.
the scratch for the next round. At the Wallace and the Hindoo child-wife were
opening, Britt forced Corbett to the I the Invited guests and Mrs. Wallace gave
ropes, sending left and right to the la short talk.
jaw.- Corbett. then scored heavily with
his right to the body, and left to,! the
race. Theyv;worked toward' the center
01 ins ring, wnere rut swung a Jiara
lert on uoroett s race.. - Britt ducked a
right; and left uppercut and countered
with a straight left to the head and a
right hook, to 'the jaw. V Both men again
fought desperately, Britt rocking Cor-
bett s bead with a rain of right . and
left- swings ' to-the1 Jaw. ' Corbett could
not get away- from Britt, whose blows
seldom failed to connect In a vicious
mix, Brttt swung a hard right to the
ear and a left hook to the body. As
the bell rang Corbett was in a clinch.
It was all Britt's round.
Round 20 and last They shook hands
and immediately mixed it neither land?
ing. Britt missed a left to the Jaw, and
azight nd ieft-awins; by Corfeettwent
Into the air. They mixed it again. Britt
crossing with left to the jaw. Corbett
missed a right for .the Jaw ahd they
ciincnea against tne ropes, as tney
Ltoroke; Britt sent in - two lefts and a
right' to the Jaw. Britt missed a, ter
rifio left swing for the Jaw and Cor
bett s efforts were wild, very few. blows
round a lodging place. Britt sent in a
right to the head and followed it with
a left to the face, Corbett stalling des
perately. Britt did most of the Ugh
tng in this round. The round and fight
ended with the . men engaged In .a fierce
mixup. Referee- vraney ; immediately
gave the decision to Britt The decision
was received with tremendous cheers.
Mrs. Wallace and Sukhoda Bernarjee
gave interesting talks about East In
dian child marriage at the meeting of
the State Woman's Baptist Foreign Mis
sionary society yesterday afternoon. A'
collection Was ; taken tip for the work
of the Indo-American league, Mrs,
Stowe, secretary of the Portland league,
explained the disposition of the money
one-fourth being used for home and
three-fourths for foreign rescue work.
The treasurer of the State W. B. F.
M. -8. filed herannnalreport-howlng
a balance Of 1150 on hand. -
. (Journal Special Berries.)
Philadelphia, March !. The referee
stopped the Kid Carter-George Cble bout
last evening In the fifth round on ac
count of the terrific punishment ad
ministered to Carter. t '
Work of the .Forest drove CIvio so.
elety has Improved that town very
much and its example would be a good
one to follow In other Oregon cities.,,.
That dry. raanina- eonrh la not nmuirr.
Pino'! Cora will relieve and care It. 2.V.
At, the meeting of the Oregon . Tacht
club last evening the following officers
were elected: Commodore, Frank P.
Toung; vice-commodore, H. F. Todd:
port captain, Lewis. V. Woodward; sec
retary. H. H. Hoyt: treasurer, J. A.
Marlltt; directors, H. H. Haskell and
F, 'Taylor.. -';!,;;..,. ,':'! ,;,.
;. (Journal Special Serrtce.)
Spokane, Wash., March 26. Robert R.
Benham has been elected : president of
the Spokane Tennis club, to take the
place of Bedford Brown, last year's head
of the club. ..'Benham Is probably the
best player in the city and has repre
sented the club in the state tournament
He is considered by the, members to be
th man who -will bring out the -tennis
enthusiasts .of . th . as . no. one else
can. . ... . . . , .-. . .: tv
rew people Know Mow Useful M Is tm
preserving Beaith and Beauty.
Nearly everybody knows that ehn,i
is the safest and most efficient disinfect
lam ana punner in nature, DUt lew real.
A woman had her . face . one ' half
treated for wrinkles. She had no money
and proposed , to Madame Saxe that she
would pose In her place so many hours
per day for six months to pay for the
service. One side of her countenance
was dressed up to perfection. Seeing
her from that direction she presented
the appearance .of a woman of not over
80, when in reality her age was much
greater, Her. teeth having been re
moved, her. sunken cheeks were not the
most pleasing, eight to look upon, but
her skin was as smooth as if ironed out
on the Union laundry's steam, heated
polisher. The other side of heyi face,
however, reaulred "flxln'i" ' This she
was not ready to proceed with at the
time. After she had. taken a: vacation
she returned to Madame Saxe's parlors
for the second dressing or tn'e polish
ing of the other side- of her rphyslog-
onomy. At that time Madame Baxe was
sick, and the "poser" cogitated. ' There
might be a chance to make a little
money out of that The , madame was
not in condition to polish up the west
side 01 ner race as sne had the east so
the "demonstrator" took the matter into
the courts on a suit for damages, with
The 'Carpenter: and the Mason
" Will require some; new. tools, now that the sunny days have
returned to abide for a time in Oregon. ' We carry the largest
stock of Carpenters' Tools in the state, and everything the
Mason Needs to complete his outfit. We also carry a full
assortment" of
harden Tools and Tinware
and Kitchen Utensils
We have our own tinshop, enabling us to furnish our patrons
with anything in this line that may be demanded on the very
shortest notice. We do our work well.
" Always the Best for the Least Money "
Odd Fellows Temple, First andAlder. ?
MAIN 1382 T
"'There's as much heat in a
; ton of $6.00 coal as in 2
cords of $4.00 wood. Most
stoves let the half that
; arises in gas go up th
Cole's Original
. Hot Blast Stoves
' btirn that gas. That's why
.'they do twice the service of
j the common kind.
Patented features, which are
not found on any other
' stove, make it possible- to
ret all the heat fn the coal.
- These patents , combine to
- make. Cola'S HOt Blssl th
r-,- most economical heater ever
J. J. KADDERLY, Sole Aent
1 " ' i
I. , ' " . ' " " .III. , .. . . .. ... . . 1
...BUY YOUR... , ' , -
YOU PLEASE if you want to save money
and stay in business. . . ;
The Brunswick-Balke Collcnder Co.
Ise its value when taken into the human
system ror the same .cleansing, purpose. Hhe result that she was inglpriously da-
bfr" 4 ittlVnh..7l.ft . "or feated, the costs of attorneys' fees and
you take of It the better; it ls not ,.,. h.ina- mAAi tn .w
arug at an, dui simpiy aoaorbs the
gasos ana impuruiea aiwajrs present In
a I court belnor .addnd tn her hnrden
woman had doubtless learned;
the stomach and intestines and carries
mem out 01 10a ay a ism.
Charcoal sweetens tne , breath after
smoaing, unnunj, or aiier eating on
ions anu uwivr wjviuui TCKOUDlva
cnarcoai enectuaiiy clears and im
prove the complextlon, it whiten the
lemn nu luriusr ntio sa a, natural and
eminently safe cathartic.
It absorbs the injurious gases which
collect in the stomach and bowi- i
aiBimn-in vuv uiuuid ana uiroai Zrom
Vila puiDuii vi vauti 1 fi.
jut aruHiaw iui ; cnarcoai In on
rorm or anuinnr, dui oroDaoiv tha
charcoal and th most for th money fs
In- Stuart's Absorbent Lozenges; the
are composed of ' th finest powdered
Willow charcoal.' and . other .. hara.i..
antiseptics in tablet form, or rather in
the form of large, pleasant tasting los-
enges, me cnarcoai Deing mixed with
noney. :-., , . .
ine cany use or ines Mnn m
soon tell in a much Improved condition
of the general health, better complexion
sweeter breath and purer blood, and the
oeauiy 01 11 ia, inn no possible harm
can result from their continued use. but
A Jtiunaio pnyaician. in snaavin . 1
1 - ' . u. v I
in Kiisnviiba ox cnarcoai, says; .1 ad-1
vise Stuart's Absorbent Lozenge to all
patients suffering from e-aa In atnmK
aim uuwms, ana 10 clear ins ComDlexlon
and purify th breath, mouth and
innHLi; x amo Deuev tne liver
greany Denenteo ty - tn daily us-' of I
t.nam, incy coai dui (wenry-nv cents
box at drug stores, and although In
some sense a patent preparation, . yet I
believe I get mora and better cnarcoai
In Stuart's Absorbent Losenges than la
mur vi m vroinary cnarcoai raieta
Mamade Saxe is the daughter of wealthy
parents, is owner of considerable prop
erty nerseir, and that Judgment against
her would be good. But she didn't get
the Judgment
No claim was made that Madame
Saxe's treatment was not both skillful
and perfect ' In fact the claim for dam
ages was made on account of that per
fection, one side of the woman face
was so neat and trim that the contrast
was too apparent to permit of other than
pity for the half handsome and half
homely oreature. But as She did not
wait tnr Madam Sax recovered, she
may have to , remain 'alf-and-'alf for
the balance of her llfev
i ;
tiai m a- x
in mitt rm
1 1!4?
- -V'.. TIEM ,'
Is here now,- when the freshness
of violet, primrose and ' crocus
will shame your soiled wall pa
pers, and the sunshine will show
up its defects. Our new 'spring
styles in pretty patterns, new de
signs and lovely colorings will en
able you to decorate your walls
in accordance with the beauty and
freshness of spring at a low figure
Ernest Miller
Bhon Bed saa
$3 Per Day
and Upward
peelal rates mad to famlllas sad slngl ratlmaa. Th aaaaremearl
wu mm yuuaa au umas so snow rooms aaa giT prtoetk '
Taxklsh bath MtakUaamrat U th hoteL
A Sadm
01 IOWIM, Kaaag,
Cost no more than the common kind but wear twice as lone
309 Morrison St. ' TWO STORES - 286 Washington St.
I West Side Office Removed
5 1 .... 1
To New Quarters, 109. Fifth Street,'
' Corner Washington. ' .
Always the Best Work When It Comes
v v From the Troy Laundry
A,A-A,A-A;. A,
$5 per Month $
All Medicines Free O
n. n, coBBzx ratsT in kobxxsob
(On Flight Up.)
Offers Its superior services to th af-l
ntctea at the eost of 5 per month, med
icines . included,, and the skill of; two
reruiarly . licensed physicians. . Bnlendlil
X-Ray Laboratory, ' the effective Swed-
in Movement form or Mechano
Therapy; the. new- and Celebrated Dr.
t insen Rays, the treatment that has I
recentlv astonished the world with its !
marvelous cures; the Hot Air Roasting
Process five different systems of trsat.
merit covering .all-phases of disease
are some of the features of this great
Positive Cures
Of all bloody skin or chronlo diseases,
appendicitis, ,s rheumatism, neuralgia,
gout, catarrh, ecsema, stiffness of the
joints, deafness or any other disease of
U W.UT lllti UBlt W THE KNIFE,
To Get A Gas Range
ismWsMi liir.. s. . VVa.
vmkmku I..
."'T';.-.'--. 'Trf-.vv.-A-.''i-v: i
T- - - - - J I '
a, , ' T' '
The warm days will soon be on us
and then you will 7 wish you had
heeded our advice, and ordered one
while we were not so busy installing
them. A Gas Range is just as useful
and economical on a cool day as on
a warm one; but it's the warm days
that brings the "need to the mind'
' more jforcefully.
It's the Gas Range that escapes for
you: the toil and moil and sweat and
swelter of fa : coal -and- wood heated
1 '; kitchen. ; j
Gas Ranges canbe bought either 'for
cash or montlily. payments.
We Have Different Sizes and Can. Supply Ali Requirements
Rortland GasGo.
and Yamhill Sts.
Co,lon Absolutely