. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL", PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 28, 1904 TOWN TOPICS The Chicago & Northwestern Rail i road Is nothing: if not trictly up-to-date. It has now Issued for gratuitous , distribution a beautiful Russian-Japanese atlas which it Is mailing- free to all who send a 10 -cent stamp to par the postage. Its splendid maps show Russia- in-Eirrope, : Russla-Jn-Asia,. Japan, Corea, Manchuria and China, and Its .'descriptive and historic matter covers every phase vof Information humanity . could crave concerning: the far, eastern (conflict now in progress. It Is about such 4 publication as . subscription , agents would ask $5 for, and would be cheap at that A. O. Barker, the com' pany's agent, 153 Third street, Port land, mails the atlas from this city. Detective Hartman this morning re covered $75 worth of dental instruments : that had been stolen from the office of Dr. -William Koehler, First and Main Streets, on March 10. The Instruments . are said to have been hid by Joseph - Smith, who was arrested' several days ago by Detectives Day and Werner on : the charge of committing the robbery. At the time Smith was arrested S7E worts tf instruments and dentists' material were recovered by Day and Welner. This . was only half of the plunder taken from Dr. Koehler's 'office, and Detective Hart- loot. Albers Bros. Milling company has lately secured the services of Mr. C A. CarlJ gle.xMr. Carlisle is -anrexpert cereat-aianr-havtngrysars or experience tin the manufacturing of breakfast foods both in the east and on the coast. He Brothers' cereals and believes the cereal manufacturing business on this coast jiae a epienaia xuiure. Jtie taxes cnarge of the city business for this firm, and will call upon the merchants In the in terest of Albers Brothers' v celebrated products. Writing from Jefferson, Or., Thomas O. Hogan inquires of City Clerk Fields wnether or not a woman giving the name of Mrs. Mary Hogan secured a marriage license within the last six weeks. The records show that on March 15 a license was issued to William Todd authorising the wedding of William Baker, aged 29, and Clara Hogan, aged 23. Hogan does not stats why he , wishes the information. Two steam heated polishers attend to tne business of the Union Laundry, Sec pnd and Columbia. Some time other laundries may adopt: -, these expensive machines, because of their excellence. but at present the Union's are the only ones in town. They are stem winders, and they don't "yellow" or burn the goods that pass over them. me cruiim via velvet carpels are among the furnishings of the Hotel Van Noy, at Third and Pins, owned and conducted by Mrs. Nettie I Slocum. formerly of the Kingston. It has gas and electric lights, steam heat and hot and cold water in every room. Private baths and all modern . conveniences Transient and permanent guests invited. t'hone Brown 47 z. j Notice to many Journal readers who are' corresponding and investigating our iuc nil iiiriuiDni. ah - reserva tions withdrawn April 1. Tou must de cide quickly. Big developments when . snow goes. . Coutlee Coal & Iron Co., ;tui uregonian ouuding. . , , The mission for non-Catholics, which is being conducted at the cathedral un der the auspices Of the Paul 1st fathers, will .final- IKIa Avsnlns DairtkiMlna kt week Rev. Fathers Smith and Weyman, who have been conducting the revival, will conduct a Catholto mission at St At the full dress parade at Hill Mili tary academy, announcement was made of the promotion of Adjt-Capt M. A. Van Houten, who is now a major, and Capt. I K. Savage has been made ad jutant in his place. M. R, MacBwen was mads captain of company C. "How the Mayor of Sodom Won and Lost," is the subject of Dr. Brougher's sermon at the White Temple tomorrow night It will have special reference to Portland's moral condition-and no doubt will be of unusual Interest I pack furniture for removal or ship ment ao it careruuy ana at little ex pense. Upholstering, repairing, ' re finishing, expertly done. C E. Walborn, 2 eecona; pnone uooa i77. ' O. A. Morrison 4 Co. have moved their stock of wall paper, paints- and picture frames from 2 28 First street to 207 Thirdtstreet -between Salmon and ii.iiii,;, Beckers Millinery, J14 Third street Ladies are. cordially invited to lnsnect the Imported pattern hats and choice selection of novelties. Prices exceeding ly low. . For San Francisco, new fast steamer Aurella sails Tuesday. Cabin 111. steerage It. Charles B. Steelsmlth, a gent Oak street dock. Phone .Main 2960, T Fine dayt Buy Meredith's umbrellas. Repairing and recovering. Two stores- Washington and Cth, Morrison and 6th. Steam boiler insurance covers damage jo boiler, property and for injuries. Campbell Rodgers, 111 Washington.' , For the maintenance of several old women whom the Old Ladies' Home so- o YOtr Tin icb DO TOU USB OOAXj Xf so, remember the Crystal Tee Storage Co. Phone. Bast 144. MANN & BEACH . PRINTERS M Second Street Ground Floor BEST WORK Low Prices TelenbOM 444 Broken Line And ths family washing all in the mud. Did you ever experience ths situation? Isn't it annoying. Ths annoyance and the possibility of these accidents are all removed if' you send in your washing to us try it ; We mend your clothes and darn your socks. -, OREGON LAUNDRY and TOILET SUPPLY CO. 4bons East 13. - C T. ETAS 3, Kgx. THIRTY YEARS OF ' THE HUMANE SOCIETY The credit for the birth and progress of the Oregon Humane society is duo to the efforts jot .W. T. Shanahan' nd sprang from an Incident that occurred in 'Portland some SO. years ago, ' Mr. Shanahan' was going, hpme from ' his place. of business when his attention -was attracted to, a , crowd gathered -4n the street near by He Joined the throng and discovered a negtcS teamster beating a poor horse which had fallen into the gutter The animal was covered with mud and had already been beaten blind. Mr. Shanahan elbowed tils way through the crowd and ordered the fellow to stop. - The darkey was amazed. "What can't a man kill his own horse if he wants to?" ,. -- - "No, hs can not" replied Mr. Shana han, "and if you strike him again ! will put you under arrest" . It was a big bluff, but it worked, and the darkey, was further ordered to take the horse - home and dress its wounds, which he Immediately did. There was no law Justifying Mr. Shan ahan' s threat at that time, but from that time Mr. Shanahan determined to work tocrystallse a public sentiment that has since, responded to his efforts until now he has the satisfaction of knowing that his 10 years of labor has not ., been wasted.'- , s v-v"-'. - The charter members of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ani mals and Children which organised In 1872, were: B. Goldsmith, president Phlll WassermanjQem-JCllBsAbltjprv; RVCardwell, rJame"SteeI, Dr. J. A. Chapman, L. M. Parrjsh, William Wad hams, Henry Falling, J. H. Woodward, W. S. Ladd,, Rev. T. L. Eliot and pre sent Corresponding Secretary W. T. Shanahan. The society was not popular in its early days. Like everything else now, it had to contend with the pre judices of some very good people,' who had a sneer , for the man who would prevent a dog fight or remonstrate with the cruel driver while beating his horse. Often a dead cat was hung on the latch to Mr. Shanahan's door, with a card consigning the unfortunate feline to his tender mercy. . The society, however, progressed from year to year. Ordi nances and state laws were enacted at its behest It is now no longer safe to cruelly beat a child or an animal in any county within ths confines of the state. Perhaps ' the most effective work of the society hat been In connec tion with the public schools. During the past 22 ysars the society . has awarded prises annually for' compo sitions relating to kindness to animals and kindred subjects.. Said Mr. Shanahan: "That the work of the humane society has aided in individual progress way clety is caring for, an afternoon tea will be given at the Hobart-Curtls on Easter Monday. The society Is collecting a fund whereby it may erect a home. Steamers' for The Dalles will leave Alder-street wharf 7 a. m. daily (except Sunday). Phone Main 914. I. Plate glass insurance against break age. Maryland Casualty Company, 251 Washington street Private alleys for ladles every after noon at the Portland bowling alleys, First and Stark. : S. B. Gruber, lawyer. 81 Com'ol Block. Dr. Amos, surgeon, Dekum building. -. ' cxtock anrsxo. ' Tint Baptist Morning Prelude "March Petroll Anthem -"Nearer My God to Thee",. Schilling Anthem 'Incline Thine Ear to Me".. . ....... Hlmmel Postlude "Melody" s. ...... Beethoven Evening' Prelude- "Oftertoire M. A. Flat",. Read Anthem "No Shadows Yonder". .. .Gaul Anthem "When Power Divine" . Shelley Postlude "Adagio" Warren . First Christian. Morning - , ' Anthem "The Palms," tenor sola Knud Knudson. Solo "Just for Today." Miss Maud Springer. Evening . Tenor solo 'The Kingdom Everlasting" C. A. Bryant Seoond Baptist. Morning Prelude "Voluntary In B Flat..Gelssler Offertory "Andante" Cserny Postlude "Festal March" Clark Evening Prelude "Ne M'oblle Pas" Poubodl Offertory "My Faith Looks Up to Thee" .....Schenecker Postlude "Pastorale" ......... Lichner St. James &nthna. Morning - ' Organ Voluntary with Violin Obligato. y'-ll Trovatore" Verdi Anthem "Gently Holy Savior" Gounod Violin solo "The Palms".,. ...vFaure Mr. Blankholm. Vocal solo "My, Redeemer and My Lord"... Dudley Buck ... , . Miss Sails. to xxxr inrmiuiT. The Multnomah County Principals' as sociation and ths Teachers' Progress olub will observe their first anniversary tonight in the parlors of the Unitarian church, Seventh and .Yamhill streets. The officers of ths Teachers' Progress club are: President Anna, Davidson; vice-president Margaret Tracey; secre tary, Blrdlne Merrill: treasurer. Myrtle Chamberlain. The officers of the Prin- Easter Sunday Comes early this year. Have you ordered that t suit? If you haven't it's time. The wife will be all decked oat in a new gown . and hatwhat's the mat ter with the husband? ' Let us deck you out. Hundreds of spring novel 'ties in suitings to -select from. We make the best tailored clothingthat is j sufficient WM. VELTEN ; . TAILOR. 406 Vshington St. from the savage to the civilised' and humanized condition cannot be doubted It may not be difficult to teach children that .they have duties of kindness to ward dumb animals; but very . many children ; would be rslow.'ln making the discovery .without Some kind of teach in. ': ... '.: ,-,.. ' "I rerrfember the impression made upon me when a boy.in school by the familiar words of Co wper found In' the school , reader: -i : would, not enter on my list of friends,. though graced with W. T. SHANAHAN. polished manners and fine sense, yet wanting j sensibility, the man who needlessly sets foot upon a worm.' "But aside from the sentiment and the past earnest efforts of the humane society,9 with the rapid growth of Port land,- the time has come when a more liberal support is greatly needed if the work is to advance. Little has been asked of Portland citizens, and we feel assured that we have the sympathy Of every good man. and woman in Port land, and now ask for their influence and contributions of 'money to carry the -work forward. The annual mem bership fee is 11 a year and It is our earnest desire to add 1,000 names to our list Persons wishing to become mem bers can send by mall or otherwise their contributions to me at 145 Alder street and receive membership cards in return." , Opals' association are: President J. Tenscher; vice-president A. F. Hersch- ner; secretary, W. A. Law; treasurer, J, M. C. Miller. CKXXra" FESS09AI G. C Fulton and Allan Fulton of As toria are registered at the Portland to day. - R. B. Hood, a prominent merchant Of The Dalles, Is at the Imperial. Mayor J. 8. Cooper of Independence is in Portland today. ; Miss Irene James, daughter of Su perintendent C W. James, of the state penitentiary, is in Portland today , from flolam ....- I Mrs. R. V, Pratt Is seriously 111.. Andrew Nelson, a banker of Llteh fleld, Minn., Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Pearson, 15 Marshall street Mr. and Mrs. Enos Barton arrived yesterday from Chicago to attend their son In his Illness. They are visiting at the home of Dr, S. J, Barber at 505 Yamhill street Bishoo H. B. Hartslee of Harrlshiira'. Pa., who was expected In the city yes terday, was unable to arrive so all ap pointments for him hava been canceled. PALM SUNDAY OBSERVED TOMORROW The various Catholic churches throughout the city will celebrate Palm Sunday tomorrow with solemn high mass. This commemoration of the time when the Savior was met at the gates of Jerusalem with the people carrying palms of friendship is one of the most beautiful of the Roman Catholic serv ices. Palms that have been blessed will be distributed among the congregations. Those that are left In the churches will be burned and the ashes saved until Ash Wednesday. . ran cms ram wtt.tsl Itching piles produce . moisture and cause itching, this form, as well as Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles sre cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Pile Remedy. Stops Itching and bleeding. Absorbs tu mors. 60c a Jar, at druggists, -or sent by mall Treatise free. Write me about your case. Dr. Honanko. Fhll'a. Pa. Photographer CORNER SEVENTH AND WASHINGTON s Oil Crayon and Pastel Portraits E. W. MOORE'S work speaks for itself; as it has ' for the past twenty years in Portland Engage Sittings ' Phone Main 2989 . Y f . ! I I r- A t p. ' w I AT THE THEATRES - anrsxo at ras ekpim. The first orchestral - program - under Mr. Rice's , direction ' will be given next : Tuesday at ths Empire theatre. Saul Driscoll will conduct V- Among the soloists are Mrs. A. B. Sheldon, so prano, and - Edward M. Courtienne, piarfist "THB OAKS ZXETSm." "'The Game Keeper," - which closes at Cordray's theatre tonight will not keep its .soriglnal date at the Third Avenue theatre; Seattle, owing to next week being holy . week, but will open there Easter - Sunday. , , , OPXSA AT COKO KAY'S. The Olympla Comic Opera company returns to Cordray's tomorrow matinee and will ; present Audran's "La Mas cotte." It Is witty,, tuneful, swift, and neVer halts, stumbles or - falls . down. Mfs Kendall is the Ideal Mascott As prfnee Lprenso, Young will - be seen at bis best There is no funnier fancy of the playwright than this much-affected monarch. The Important role of Flametta will be entrusted either to Miss Theresa Baker or Miss Etta Stet son, who Is a new acquisition to the principals of the Olympla. - , Til A&OADB. A sketch artist who draws pictures in sand is one of the many strong at tractions at ths Arcade theatre this week. Among. th..othec. novelties. re DeHotlls -s,nd Valore,-team-of French Jugglers, and the Martyn sisters, who do a soubrette act of much merit AWA KKZO. - The advance sale of seats wil open next Monday morning at 10 'o'clock for Anna Held in .Mamselle Napoleon, who comes to the Marquam Grand theatre next Wednesday and Thursday nights and Thursday mattnee. r ; U ; The City Federation of Women's clubs will meet in annual session at ths Selllng-Hirsch building Tuesday evening, March Z9, at 7:80 o'clock. A new constitution Is to be adopted. It is not known yet' whether the annual election of officers will take place. This may be postponed until faU. Clubs rep resented in the federation are: The Woman's club. Council of Jewish Wo men, Teachers' association and the John Ivy Water Color olub. Mrs. Rose Hoyt, the president will preside. Grand Orchestral leonbert DIRECTION ELMORE RICE Empire Theatre, Toes. Ev, Mar. 29 a W. DRISCOLL, Conductor Soloists : MRS. A. B, SHELDON, Soprano EDW. M. COURTIENNE, Pianist1' Sots f LSI, ft. 75c SOc Allea ft Gilbert's Marquam Grand Theatre y-JSfEg? . TONIGHT AT 1:19 O'CLOCK, v Last Performance of ; BIUANCMB WAU8H la Totatoy'f treat dram. "RESURRECTION" ETeaing price gl. SO, V, 7Be, 60e, 8ft, 2Se. Asala, curtain at 8:18 sharp. wiiuini iiiLniiu. Miia 80Z OOBDRAX Sj KUBSELU Haoacers. Portland's popular theatre. TONIGHT. LAST PERFORMANCB OF "The Gamekeeper" BeaaUfol Play. tCNDAT UAT1NEB, MARCH T, Betora eng atcDient of the wtabliahtd farorltM, . Th Olympla Opera Company In the Comic Opera, L,a Mascotte No ebangt is prices. THE BAKER THEATRE Ooorg e L. Bakor, Sol Loaaee sad Mini fat. Tonlfbt, rarewell Performanee of the Baker jneitrt vompanr, in "HUMBUG" A farcical Corned In Thre Acts, Erenlng, 50c, SBe, 25c, 15. Ntxt Week, Beftnnis Soaday Matin, March ST, Optalng of tb Nw Nelll-Moroac Company la Nat Goodwin' gncce, "WHEN WE WERE TWENTY-ONE" PARK THEATRE 309 Washington St, bet 5tH and 6th CBAJ. 0. JACKSON, Prop, and Mgr. NY SEAT lOo On of tb safest and moat cosy theatre la th elty h bom of rtflned Tanderlll. rjATXBIVO TO LASIZS, CHILSSEX AJfD ArtT ruTOBMAirczsi 2- MATINBBS-3 f:M TO : T. M. 3 EVEN I IN a S 3 T:I0 TO 10:10 T. X. SUNDAYS OoBtisn rf erausoa p. m. to 11 p. aa. FRITZ THEATRE MO-MI BtrtlTBISX. IKED TEITZ. Prop. W. H. BBOWN, Mat. THE HOME OF VAUDEVILLE TWO SHOWS DAILY AT 2 AND 8 P. M. ARCADE THEATRE SEVENTH AND WABBinOTOIt REPINED VAUDEVILLE t;M t 4 10. 7:M to SOtSO. . ."; rOB LADIES. GENTLEMEN AND CBILDKBia, ADMISSIOI TEH CENTS TO kKt SEAT. CONCEKT BALL . blazieTbros, , ooncebt btebt bight., ms-mi bubnbio& J - The , Selz Royal Blue Footform Last is the niost sensible shoe-shape ever produced. All feet are not alike. Some people haven't even two alike. But the Foot form Last fits a bigger percentageof feet than any shape you ever saw. it f Try your feet in a pair. Get them long enough. If you do, itll be long enough before you need another pair. REFFLING IMPORTING TAILOR. 231 WASHINGTON STRUT Blood Purifying Remedy The coming- spring- is the time for blood purifying;. The underaigned pre pares an effective remedy from various herbs and roots, which are entirely harmless. It slso removes all Irregu larities of the blood and, therefor, can be recommended most highly to ail women. Examination free. Office hours rrom m to II a, m., and 1 to p. m. MARIE EBERT 687 JTtrst St Portland, Or. Telephone, West 3633. -1 - '.U Th largest and most complete un" dertsklng esUblishment on the Coast. P. 5. Dunning, Inc., 414 East Alder, corner East 5lxtrt. Both phones. Calls promptly answered to any part I the city. Every Woman leimarawa ana inoaia mnow Sboal th wooderrat MAKVIl Whirling Spray r Tlltul tjlUf. Mff ioat CODTnlnl. I llauau;. aaa-mrarambtiw If b rannot aaaplr the HASIIIL, anijt ma ftlwr. Da 1 Mm a Midi for lliutrawd ' - - ' it rail Dtrtleulfcra mAA dlMrtkon. In. valDKblr in llu. a n a a: a. f"A aua. mmw serai. For Pale Br ;" " WOOOUD. CLllKI Si flO- XOWB si MABTIH Aldrlob rharmaoy. A Boynton Furnace In your bouse soon pays for Itself tit comfort and savins; of fuel. Let us flu ure with you on lbs cost of lnstaliiug one la your house. 1 J. a Bsyes ruBut Co., tS Second fit Tel Wain 48L last that is first Your shoe man ought to be glad to. supply you. He will make business by doing so. You'll ad vertise him. Let us know if he wont CHICAGO. Largest makers of good shoes in the The Yost No. 10 The Machine ,Behind the FINE WORK Excels all others in LIGHT RUNNING ' PERFECT ADJUSTMENT PERMANENT ALIGNMENT EASE OF ACTION BEAUTY of CHARACTERS AND DURABILITY ; 75,000 SOLD Yost Writing Machine Co. 230 SUrk Street PORTLAND We Bent We Sell We Exchr.e We Kepalr TEETH AT CUT RATES UNTIL APRIL 1st I TEETH. the Boston Painless Dentists are doing all dental work for cost of material to introduce our late discov eries and painless methods. rainieas Extracting Free Examinations . . ..1 ..Free Sliver Killings 9 At Gold rilllngs .7S Gold Crowns 8.00 Bridge Work , S00 Full Set Teeth .... 3.00 . NO STUDENTS EMPLOYER... Come- at once and take advantage of low rates. All work done by specialists, WITHOUT PAIN and guaranteed TEN TEARS. Our late botanical discovery to apply to the gum a for extrsctlng, Ailing snd crowning TEETH WITHOUT PAIN is known and used only by Boston Painless Dentists Corner Fifth and Morrison streets. En. trance 291 W Morrison, opposite Meier & Frank's. Hours l:3 s. to. to p. nvl Sundays till 1. Schwab Bros. PrintingCo. Best Work, Seasonable Vxieas 47i Etaxk Street, rhone KsU 11 world. WHEN YOU SEB On OV TKESB 1VAJBE14I Tou will know it was printed In an office run under fair condi tions. Demand It on all your printing:. Portland Allied Printing Trades Composed of The Typographical Union. Ths Printing Pressmen's Union. Brotherhood of Bookbinders. . Stereotype?' and JJlsctrotypsrs' ' Union. Fine Grille Work Carving Turn!n Ornamental and Wood Novelties Prompt Attention to AH Orders Our Motto ' PORTLAND GRILLE AND CARVING CO. 147M Trent St. STorth of Morrison St T Pnone KaU X33S. Oold Fillings ....".........$i.oo Silver Fillings ............$ .50 Gold Crowns ......... .... $4.00 Full Set of Teeth .....,...$5.00 These aro new prices for first class work. I give my per. sonal attention to patrons snd DO absolutely EisrenttNt ALL V WORK. I have the latest appliances known to den- - . tiatry. - : W. T. SLATTEN, Dentist 1 loom U J4354 Wuhlntos St. ; BBTWEBB SZCOB9 AJTS THXED. Offles hours) S to S, Susday, 19 to U FOtl A FEW DAYS W will sell S-Srawer, Bos Cover Sawing fa- ohine . ...I8 si Drop Bead i it These are new and up-to-date t.Uii i Machines. 280 TamhlU It., Orr Tea Needles, Oil snd !";':?. : ' hand Machines ail raj.t, ti'.i-i ' . , , 110 lu good orJiir, ; TRADES Iffiffy) COUNCIL 0