E S iS- l-E v B US Y 'B O D Y AT THE SEAT- OT WAR I I GUESS I MUST BE a reguWBuiyWyH tike my name lays, .for when I tec anything curious I jet can't help from trying my beat to find out what it meant, I taw a funny-looking Japanese man hurrying toward the wood to-day, carrying tome heavy things like cannon balls. So, of course, t jet followed Urn. a I LOST SIGHT OF HIM when he went amons trees, but! a little later l ran tmack up against him. He wat Just climbing Into i funny little thing like a boat that was tied to big balloon batf overhead. When he taw I had discovered hi aecret he acted up awful. Jet pointed a revolver w my face and made me climb in with him, , -31 WASNT SORRY afterwards, for the balloon ship began to ! -L- I . M ....... .... . .1 nsc up m wie sir ngnc away, ine eann lust dropped rtgnt out worn under us, and then it began to turn slowly. That wat because we were moving along over it so fast I asked the Jap where we were going, and he said "Japan Warl" 40, CHEE ! GOING TO SEE real war, end tp artairship, tool Wasn't that scrumptious? But it wasn't to funny when we bumped into ' whoppin'. big thunder storm.' I 'went in the cabin, and when the. lightning flashed the Jap looked so frightened I thought he would drop dead. He tent the ship shooting up higher and higher until we got above the storm. I. ' ' , 0 " " " ' ( 1 - 5 THEN ! ASKED HIM why he was so tkeered at the lightning. He stooped down and opened a trap door, and there was a whole lot of cannon balls and long things Eke fire crackers. "Dynamite IM he said, softly. "Lightning strike, we go 'boom!' All overt I drop dynamite' on Russian Warship him say "boomP all over." Aha, I taw die whole thing now. I I .41. .1 . , ' . .', . ' ,. .i . . V t , 6 WE HAD A DANDY SAIL over the Pacific Ocean, and tn a i'erjr abort time passed the Philippines. Soon after we sighted a fleet of rarshipt with the Russian cross on their (tag. This tickled the Jap, and he et' couldn't wait until he wat straight over the biggest one of them. Then that Beet went crazy. I ney tried to shoot at us, but couldn t aim their gum high enough. , v - , . . . ' , . I ... A . V WML. ' mm ; i ( it..A LNS. J'.. ... A V.i .'! piliiiiiiiiliiif- f 7 THE JAP OPENED the magazine and got one of the bombs, held it over the edge a minute, and then it dropped through the air A tiny kplash m the water showed how far he missed. But he cot hit raneer and ropped another. 'There wat a great mountain of water shot up almost tol lua. ' It wat all sprinkled with fragments of the battleship. You ought to seel inc ocner snips sucaaauie wn.cn we noisiea uie jap nag. 41 s APf WrtmBtZiMt 12 ill WELL, SIR, THAT JAPANEE Jet Mew foijr or five of AoVix ships to tiny bits. He had already lighted the fuse on ariother bomb when he saw the Japanese fleet coming on the seme. The Russians were steamirfg away at fast as they could go, and it was great sight to tea, 'em skimming along. You bet thev were more tkeered of our Jap up in the air than of the j 4 ISS S 0 WE LEANED "WAY OVEK the side to warn th chase, and I guess the Jap forgot all about the bomb in hit hand, for I heard tome thing heavy bang down in the bottom of the airship. In his joy at seeing ihe fleet of his own flag come on the scene he had. forgotten it. He dropped .. the bomb in the bottom of the airship, right over the magazine. He just f , gave it one look, then shrieked.' "Jump for your life 1" ' . ... .. 1 :;i;ii;li.;i;r:ii7 ' J. ;!.!; ; ;::iw-ii , 1 .liillljiilliiljililllliilli;;?!::;; :''!;:::::-!;;;;.;::.'::;:":;:::!:,;iit:i;: 10 THEN HE DOVE headlong over the raiL There waa a icn'n of Kreamsas he turned over and over, and I caught sight of him Just before he splashed into the sea.. Well, sir, he must have been a tough one, for in a minute or two hit head appeared and he started to twim toward a Jao .Ivtn .U.ft LT .... IL J ..L . . .. . . ' uuiy , w vuiijum w mi rcw.uc. t iicara someuungsputter inside the boat. . .1 it GREAT HEAVENS 1, It wat the bpmbt Like t Bash I jump down, snatched out the fuse and tossed the dangerout thing overboard. But: there wasn't much fuse left, and we would have had a high old blow out up there Sn about seven seconds longer. : . ''..'.., liiiiilii-i; ."rrBUT WHAT WAS I Mo now! I.had seen how the Jap ran the airshm, but he nrver let me try, I wanted to follow him and give back his sh.p, but I didn't know how, I monkeyed with the lever, d I went plunging around throuch the air like a tkyrocket; Well, I hadTcraVv time before I got it under control, and oay rell more about my adventure!