The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 26, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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Oregon City and Vicinity
1 ' ' (Special Dlapatch The Journal.)
- Oregon City, March 28. An unknown
thief, who has as "much respect' for the
i laws of the land as he has for the local
option liquor law, saw a 10-gallon keg
4 of the stuff that has made Kentucky
more than famous, sitting on the walk
-at the back vpf Howell & Jones drug
store yesterday morning -and stralghtf
away made off with It He must have
been interrupted as he hid the keg un
der the approach of the bridge, no doubt
intending to return for It when night
fell. The whisky was missed shortly
after and a search started. It could not
be found so . the police were notified.
Before they arrived Mr. Titus, the man
who beats the drum in the band, and
whs looks after the pure water supply
of Oregon City, . while prowling around
a wood pile near the bridge came upon
the missing keg. It was carried back to
the drug store and put in a safe place
to the great and unmitigated Joy of the
: owner.
Bomber the Houses.
t At the next meeting Of the city council
the matter of numbering the houses of
'Oregon City will be brought up. At the
same time steps will be taken to have
some of the street signs reneweij, as a
! good many of them hare become de
stroyed. Oregon City should-. have the
houses numbered, as it Is nearly impos
sible for strangers, to find their - way
through the city without this help.
I It has been suggested that the council-see
that ths loU.are.s4vms.
'thus facilitating " the numbering of
houses. ' When the houses are numbered
It is believed that It will be a step to
ward a mail delivery by carrier. ;
In and
(Special Dlapatch t The Journal)
Vancouver, Wash., March 28. Brlga-
dler-Oeneral Funston and staff and
Colonel Huston and staff, and officers of
the post went to Portland last night
starting at 7:30 o'clock, to attend the
review of the Oregon volunteers given
In honor of Governor Chamberlain and
staff and General Funston and Colonel
Huston and their staffs.
After the review, which was splen
. didly executed by the volunteers, the
, visitors were furnished refreshments In
barracks on a( special car.
- All the officers express themselves as
much pleased in the manner in which
' all the movements were executed during
the review, and state that the Oregon
troops are finely, drilled and will com
pare .favorably with the militia of any
' state, including that of the famous Mew
York militia.
At the Thursday night meeting of the
Officers' club it wis decided hereafter to
have the smoker lh the club every sec
ond Saturday in the month and the
ladles' night every fourth Saturday of
the month. It will be the endeavor of
the members to have some definite prd
: gram at every smoker and make the af-
fairs more enjoyable .than they have
';. been in the past. On ladles' night the
club rooms will be turned over to a com
t mittee of the ladles. 'who will be asked
to entertain the officers and ladles of
the post, the expenses being furnished
,. by the club. Each smoker will be man
aged" by a committee' of three officers,
the committee for the next .smoker being
Lieutenants W. P, Screws, J. J. Miller
and C MI Allen.
Mrs. Major" A. B. Dyer has been called
unexpectedly to California on account
of the death of her brother, Mr. Mln
turn. Mr. Minturn visited at the Van-'
couver barracks last summer, and his
death Is very much regretted by his
many friends here.
, The post commander has caused a
mounted patrol to be posted in the park
back of the officers' quarters from re
.yellle to retreat to prevent fast driv
Mng. Certain residents of Vancouver
have been using the park for a race
track with danger to pedestrians and
. other people. : The post commander in-
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Albany, March 26. Richard Lom
bard of Eugene and John Jefferson of
Seattle, two youthful hoboes, stole two
pairs of , shoes at Hubbard and came
to Albany Thursday, where officer Mc
Clamput placed them under arrest The
boys watched their chance and made a
break for liberty. They outdistanced
the officer but two of Albany college's
sprinters saw . the race and set out
across the fields in pursuit of the cul
prits, and after a chase of about two
hi lies the college men, George Prlt
chard aud Ray Acherson, overtook the
runaways and bluffed them into coming
back to town, where they were locked
up by the police. - '
JA letter was received today by W. H.
Worrell of the civil service in tnls city
from William Harris, formerly known
to Albany people as "Whang Bill," now
in the steward's department on the
United States ship Adams st San
Francisco. Bill finds life in the navy
quiet but says Mexico, from -which
country he recently returned, is very
interesting. He says his ship is to go
to Mare Island for repairs - and then
make another four months' cruise,
probably back to Mexican waters. I I
Safety lodge No. 18, A. O. U. W bf
this city entertained the Degree of
Honor and a number of friends Thurs
day evening at. A. 0,,U.;W. hall... The
evening . was . spent merrily at . whist
pit, flinch and dancing until about
11:30 o'clock, when refreshments were
served. . There . were about 159 guests
present and. every one went home think'
ing that the Workmen were royal hosts:
.The reception committee consisted . of
G.' Marvin Turner, chairman, August
Barker and William Eagles. t
KOTICt. The Albanr agency ef The Oregea
' Pally Journal la at the drag etota ef Fred
Pawaoa. No. SSS Weat Flrat atraet wbar sub-
TiHI""' wllrh rreiwl. '
; . What they are labeled, and
nothing else -Schilling's Best
at your grocer's ; jmoney-
backv .; ' '.--."
HOTICE. Tb agency ,. and correapondenre
Work of The Journal U Bow bring done by
R, W. Kelly,- who has bta beadqnartera In the
Costal Telegraph office, where newa ltema will
be taken and aubicrlptlona, parmenta and com,
plalnta receiTed. .
iVrV land Offlo Botes.
Carrle' A. Bailey of Tillamook was al
lowed proof on her timber claim entry of
March 13. . 1903. The claim comprises
40 acres in section 28, township 1. range
10 west, and was one of those that were
held up - pending examination by , the
special agent ; . -: -
Final homestead proof was yesterday
filed, by George M. Holt of 160.89 acres
In section 1 township I north, range 5
west,- in the local land office.
i';Y''V Btuat Mend His Ways. fe-'-K
Yesterday afternoon August Tralkler,
a wayward youth, who is Inclined to
truaricy and disobedience, was given a
chance ,'to repent ' . of tils sins before
County Judge Ryan. His "mother Is a
widow and appealed to the judge to Use
his good office. The Jailer of the court
house showed, the boy the inside of the
cells fn the county Jail after which he
was allowed to meditate In the silence of
the county court room before Judge T.
F. Ryan began his examination. , The
Judge thoroughly Impressed the boy that
he would either have to mend his ways
and help his mother or go up to the
reform school and patch sacks... The
youngster promised to offend no more
and was allowed liberty, dependent on
Charged With Bobbing Kails,
. Clifford King, a youth of 14 years,
was yesterday apprehended on no less
About Vancouver
KOTICE. Tha Vancouver agency of The Ors
on Dally Journal la located at 003 Main street,
onn r. Linaterg, gent.
slsts this must cease. All persons found
racing or driving unusually fast will be
apprehended and courtmartlaled. . .
' Officers Will Attend Wedding.
On the night of April 3 or morning
of the N4th, five or six officers from
Vancouver barracks, including Adju
tant G. W. Helms, will leave Portland
for 8an Francisco, where they are going
to attend the wedding of Lieutenant G.
M. Allen, of the 19th Infantry, to a
sister of Mrs. Graham of Vancouver
"Jerry" Deported.
. The bachelor officers of the post re
gret very much the departure of "Jerry,"
the much-petted bullterrier. Jerry has
been ordered from the post because he
has a habit of snapping at the heels of
persons coming near him, as well as
quite often exerting his pugnacious dis
position, toward other , dogs and contin
ually getting his owner into trouble.
Jerry Is a dog that has been much pet
ted by the bachelor officers, and was
never known to bite his friends, but he
had a, dislike for all the fair sex, and
enlisted men, and never hesitated to
demonstrate his feelings. Jerry is well
known by all the people"of the garrison
as. well as many in Portland, especially
in and about the Hotel Portland.
Bogs Will Bs Executed. ' ? "
Special orders have been Issued by
the post commander that all dogs found
on the post without owners will be taken
in by the garrison pound master and if
not called for at retreat will be executed
in military style.
All the Organisations have two or
three favorite dogs and. It keeps some
one of the members busy all the time
keeping watch of their canine friends.
Complete Topographical XapsJ
Captain Hawthorne, Artillery corps, is
distributing topographical maps of the
vicinity of Vancouver barracks. The
map was compiled from the field notes
made up by the officers of the post dur
ing the post school of last year. The
map is a very complete military map of
the country within a radius of 10 miles
of Vancouver post and gives the location
- (Special Dispatch to The JonrnaL)
Baker City, Or., March 36. The
political pot in the Democratic camp
of Baker county la beginning to boil at
last and the county central committee,
according to Chairman F. M. Saxton,
expects to put up a strong ticket for
county offices and send such men to the
state convention as will get some recog
nition for the Democracy of eastern
Oregon. Democratic leaders here be
lieve that , the party will have a good
show at the coming election. Especially
Is that true In the county, which has
always been largely Democratic. The
Tact that many of the new-comers ) to
the county during the past two years
have included a number of Republicans,
has only stirred the war horses to mere
energetic work and a house to house
canvass is in progress.
. For a leader 'In the campaign, as
nominee for state representative from
Baker county, the name of Dr. E. B,
McDaniel . is mentioned by the leaders.
Dr. McDanlel is. one of the1 foremost
physicians snd surgeons in Baker City.
XepnUloans Casting About. :.
It is learned that the Republicans
have been casting around for timber out
of which ' to make a representative to
the legislature, and that the most suit
able, and available names considered are
those of Hon. George Chandler and Wal
ter Moore, and the choice of the con
vention will He between these two men.
The nominations for county clerk and
assesor by the Democrats are conceded
to A. a Combs and George W. Jett and
It la believed that there will be no op
position to John P. Hannon of Huntng
ton for sheriff. ' '
Four, good Democrats are favorably
spoke offor the office of recorder as
follows: George H. Foster, M. E. Swan,
I. It, McCord and Mr. Skiff ff of
Eaglo' valley. All are faithful Demo
crats, hard workers snd successful busi
ness men. The meeting of the central
committee will be awaited with Interest
and its action will have much to do with
the results obtained. in the convention.
. , , . . D am oc ratio Efficiency. ' - :
' Another ' evidence, of the efficiency of
the Democratic government of. Baker
county is shown by the records of the
February term of court Just closed.. The
dockets for the term were the largest in
a charge than robbing the TJnlted States
malls.' .The -arrest-was made, by Post
master, T.' P. Randall and .1 Special 'In
spector O. S. Richards of Portland. For
some little time past mall has been
missed in the box of the fish commis
sion, and the box of Howell & Jones,
druggists. It was thought - that the
mall was being stolen by some boys
that are- In the habit of hanging around
the postofflce,' and a watch was kept on
the boxes that the mall was taken from.
The- lawbreaker was not caught this
way, however. Yesterday August Tralk
ler was taken before Judge T. F. Ryan,
because he would not go to school, and
was annoying the scholars and teach
ers by throwing mud at the windows
from the outside. He Was properly
scared In the county Jail and confessed
his crime at the school and told the
Judge who it was. that had been stealing
the mail at the postofflce. He was con
nected with King in his thefts, but did
not doc any of the actual stealing. A
boy by the name of McCoy was impli
cated, but it Is thought that he did not
do any of the thieving.
It is , not known ? what 'will be done
with King, as the charge is a grave one.
inspector Richards Is in Portland con
sulting with the district attorney about
the matter, and the postal officials will
be guided by his advice.. King is a
young boy, and the chances are that, he
la not altogether bad,, and a terra In the
reform - school" might make him a bad
citisenrso- it-ls-thought that he may Jba
allowed to go with a light penalty. In
the meantime he Is allowed his freedom
on his own recognisance. .
of every house and road, in the country
covered by the same.
Death of Vr. Davis.
William B. Davis, father of Mrs. H.
I Trusdale of this city was burled to
day. The services were held at his late
residence on West D street
Deceased was born in 1832, in Lancas
ter, Pa., and Is a member of the G.-A. R.
He came to Vancouver in January of
this year. His wife died about a year
ego. Five children survive him, three
sons and two daughters. One of the
boys, Delbert is In Kingman, Kas., Sher
wood resides at Troutdale, Or., and Wil
liam D in Portland, Or., Mrs. H. L.
Trusdale at Vancouver, and Mrs. F. N.
Lanley at Troutdale,, Or.
'i ," Chorea Botes.
"Lessons From the Palms" will be
the subject of the sermon at St Luke's
Episcopal church tomorrow morning,
the day being "Palm Sunday." In the
evening the rector's topic will be "The
Question From the Cross" and the choir
will sing "The Story of the Cross."
The coming week being Holy week,
there will be a celebration of the holy
communion every day except Good Fri
day., at 10 a, m, On Good Friday the
"Three Hours' Devotion" will be ob-
At the Baptist church Sunday school
will meet at 10 o'clock. At 11 a. m.
Pastor R. Yeatman will preach on the
question, ;ln View of the Second
nominar of Christ. What Manner of Per-.
sons Ought Ye to Ber B. Y. P. iJ,
will meet at 6:30. At 7:30 the Hon. J.
W. Glass, the eloquent platform orator
of California, wnl lecture on the liquor
question. Samuel T. Davis, M. D., D. D.,
pastor Presbyterian cnurcn, usKaioosa,
Kan., recommends Mr. Glass as the best
orator he ever heard in his city, ana as
one of the greatest men on the platform.
At the Memorial Presbyterian church
Rev. O. 8. Barnum, minister. Morning
subject "The Messiah." Evening subject
The Resurrection of the Dead." Society
of Christian Endeavor meets at 6:80 p.
m. Evening services at 7:80.
Social Danes. '
A social dance will be given at
Eichenlaub's hall by Sunrise circle No.
820. Women of Woodcraft on March
29. Musio furnished by Blerman's or
chestra, , ?
years and, snuch business was disposed
of by Judge Eakin. County Clerk Combs
has just finished writing up the records,
and notwithstanding the fact that this
is registration year and a large amount
of additional work is imposed upon the
office, he only employed one extra clerk
one week. In former registration years
extra clerks have ' been employed for
sevrral months at a time.
In the equity ,and law dockets 136
judgments were entered, 90 of them be
ing against the Cornucopia mines. In
writing up the circuit court journal it
required 130 of the large pages, closely
written by the 1 book typewriter, aver
aging 1,600 words to the page, or a total
of about 308,000 words In the Journal.'
One hundred and,' sixty judgment rolls
were written up and 10 divorce decrees
. Asphalt Blant for Baker.
Another Important enterprise for
Baker City has Just been launched,
which means the outlay of large capital
and the Improvement of the city. It if
tor the establishment here (of a large
asphalt street and sidewalk paving
plant by the Barber Asphalt Paving
company of Philadelphia. '
J. W. Baylor, representing1, the above
company, with present headquarters in
Boise, Idaho, arrived here today and has
arranged for putting in a plant in Baker
City to cost about $20,000. The com
pany is incorporated underthe laws of
West Virginia and is not lri the big
trust bf New Jersey. The plant to be
established here will have the capacity
for making and laying asphalt street
and sidewalk paving material as fast ss
required by this city. The material to
be used Is refined in the plant of the
company at Los Angeles, California. Mr.
Baylor says that last year his company
did street paving and sidewalk work in
250 cities of America.
A f 906,000 Mortgage.
What is probably the largest .mort
gage, ever recorded In Baker County
was filed for record today in the re
corder's office.-. The mortgage is given
by the Baker City and Oregon Wonder
Electric Railway company to the North
American Trust company of New York
for 1500.000, and covers the proposed
Bonta electric road to secure the issue
of bonds for construction purposes. It
is understood that the bonds have not
yet been actually sold, 5 ;
Baker City and community would be
benefited by the building of another rail
road and it Is .hoped by; cltliens that
the plans may be carried to successful
Borthwestera Use' Bnssla-Japan
Send 10 cents, In stamps to A. G.
Barker, 158 Third street Portland. Ore.,
for Russo-Japanese Var atlas, issued by
the Chicago A Northwestern Ry., three
fine colored maps, each 14x20, bound in
convenient form,' for reference. The
eastern situation In detail, with tables
showing relative military and naval
strength, and financial resources of
Russia and Japan, , ,
(Special Dlapatch to7tbe JonrnaL)
Salem, Or., - March . 25. Governor
Chamberlain is j in receipt of a letter
from W. B. ' Matthews, an attorney in
Washington, D. C, who Is looking, after
land matters for the state board 'before
the' department ' Mr. Matthews, who is
a .Virginian, writes of his efforts before
the Virginia ' legislature in behalf, of
the Lewis and Clark exposition, and he
ends a copy of a resolution adopted
by that body pledging its support to
the exposition. , Mr. Matthews writes:
"I have returned from Richmond, Va
where I labored -for nine days with the
legislature in behalf of an appropriation
to move, hguse, . and' exhibit at Port
land, at your -exposition to be held there,
the Virginia exhibit which will be made
at St Louis. After much difficulty !
secured the .co-operation of two-thirds
of the legislature, but Inasmuch as I
reached Richmond only 13 days before
adjournment I- found it impossible In
the last hours 'to displace other bills,
and to reach, oars.z My only consolation
In. not securing an appropriation, is that
no bill which was introduced subsequent
to my own passed either body of the
legislature. ' .,. - .
, "I succeeded, however, in securing- the
passage of a resolution, a copy of which
I enclose. The resolution, as you will
observe, commits the state , to ' the
Lewis and Clark exposition, and Inas
much as the governor of Virginia will
have ' to call an extra session of the
legislature next fall, the probabilities
are that I can then secure an appropria
tion upon the ground that, the, state
having passed : a resolution and there
being no funds left over from the St
Louis exhibit the state will feel com
pelled to come to the rescue and supply
the necessary ammunition."
" Virginia's Resolution.
The resolution adopted ' by the Vir
ginia legislature ' and a copy of which
Mr. Matthews encloses reads as follows:
"Whereas, It is proposed to hold in
the state of Oregon a national expos!
tlon to celebrate the approaching 100th
anniversary of the discovery and explor
ation of the great country now forming
the northwestern portion of the United
States; and,.
"Whereas, That notable feat was ac
complished in the exercise of the high
est qualities of courage, perseverance
and Intelligence, by Meriwether Lewis
and William Clark, two famous sons of
Virginia, under the auspices of that
other great Virginian, Thomas Jefferson,
then president of the United States; and,
- "Whereas, It is fitting that Virginia
should In some way manifest her inter
est in this proposed commemoration of
the achievements of her illustrious
sons; now, therefore, be it
"Resolved by the Senate and House
of Delegates of Virginia, That the cora
mlssion of the Virginia exhibit at the
St Louis world's fair and exposition be.
and they are, hereby authorised to trans
port and display said exhibit at said
Oregon , exposition, after the closing of
the St. Louis exposition and to use or
expend for that purpose such portion
of the funds heretofore . appropriated
for making said exhibit at St Louis as
may remain after providing for Bald ex
hibit at St Louis." -
A Bated Elk Coming.
i Governor Chamberlain last evening re-
ceivea a telegram to . the effect that
Hon. J. T. Fanning of Indianapolis.
grand exalted ruler of the grand lodge
of Elks, will be in Portland on April J,
and the governor, who is a personal
rriena or the distinguished guest will
attempt to bring the visitor to the capi
taL .
Hon. H. L. Fenton of Portland was
yesterday afternoon appointed one of
the board of regents for the State Nor
mal college at Monmouth, to succeed
Hon. L. Flinn, late of Albany, who re
cently a tea.
Aged Kan Dies at Asylum..
Henry Ollschlager, an aged capitalist
of Salem, died at, the Insane asylum
Thursday evening, aged 83 years. He
naa oeen in theasylum six months, and
during that-time there has been a con
test over the control of bis property, be
tween his wife and his nepnews. His
aeatn win renew - the contest Mrs.
Ollschlager is in control of the estate
through the guardian of her husband,
Theo. M. Barr.
' Suit for Divorce.
Mrs. Mary McCormlck has brought
a suit for divorce against 3. H. Mc
Cormlck. The couple we're married in
1871, ana the divorce Is asked on the
ground of cruel and Inhuman treatment
HOriCI. Rilem eubeerlbera will n1u .k.
notice that The Jonrnal agency has been trane
furred to C. A.I Weat. 180 State atreet, who
will recelra aubacrlprlona, complaints, par
mentp, etc. '
(Journal Special 8errice.)
Corvallls, Or., March . 26. At the
courthouse Thursday night a meeting
in the Interest of the pending local op
tion law was held. A large audience
listened to an address by Professor R.
W. Kelso, former member of the Pa
cific college faculty of Newberg. A
trio or male singers. led br the well-
known Impersonator, Eugene Knox, fur
nished music. . The participants in last
nignts meeting are making a tour of
the state in the effort to arouse Inter
est in the local option , law. and it is
understood that they will keep up the
worn until election day.
Benton Prohibitionists.
The Benton county Prohibitionists
held a convention and selected their
ticket Thursday. Mr. W. Swan presided
over the meeting, and Professor Sheak
of Philomath was secretary. The ticket
nominated is: senator, Rev E; F. Green;
representative. Prof. B.fiE. Emerlck;
commissioner, A. W. Herbert Corval
lls; clerk. E. T. Bryant Corvallls: as
sessor, Mr. Wurtbaugh, Philomath; sher-
irr, o. A. scott Philomath; school super
lntendent,-0. B. White, Philomath; treas
urer, George Bennett, Philomath; sur
veyor, 8. D. Watktns, Philomath.
ilOTICI. The Corrallta acencv of Th An.
son Dally Jonrnal la located at Uraham Wort
ham'e drag etore, where eubacriptlons to The
Dally, Semi-Weekly and Weekly Journal will
ba . taken.
Studying a Monkey's Brains.
Pari Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.
The remains of Consul, a trained mon
key, which but a Short time ago was the
rage in Paris, have been presented to the
Paris natural history museum at Jar
din des Flantes. The body will be dis
sected, the bones mounted, and the skin
stuffed. A special study will be made of
the head and brains, . , . . , '
' (Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Sumpter, Or., i March 28-8uperIn-tendent
Wyatt of the E. & Ev stated
yesterday that he had posted notices
inviting his former employes to return
to ' work, with the understanding that
they were privileged, to .board wherever
it Buited them best. 'He said as yet they
had not returned, but h surely expected
them -back. Mr. Vyatt's former utter
ances oh this subject lead to the con
clusion that the matter .of 'boarding was
only request ' in the first instance,
and not a positive command. .However,
there appears to be several versions of
this phase, of the situation, as there is
also of the real motivein striking. ,
Mr. A. J. McCormplk, president of
the Bourne Miner's union,- stated that
the executive committee-: of the union
was sent yesterday afternoon to treat
with Mr. Wyatt. and have him make a
definite proposition that might be car
ried back te the union, but that a reception-
had - been 'denied. The union
held a meeting-last night and agreed
to continue the strike until . Mr. Wyatt
would receive the committtee. . It would
seem that,, small, technical .difference,
likethia-eould - hardlypreventanad
justment, when the alleged first cause
of the difficulty has been removed.
Sparling and Ryan, the non-union men
who assaulted W. R. Vivian at the E.
A E. mill Monday night, were arraigned
before Justice .Harris Wednesday and
fined 316 and 8$ respectively.
Good Ore. In the Conger. -
A report from Susan vllle states that
an excellent showing is being made on
the Cougar group which was leased by
Bert Roberts and Nat Babcock from
Gearge Shearer and Marsh Howell some
time ago, They have Just completed a
70-fopt raise to the ' surface for the
purpose of getting air into ' their
workings.; ,t
' Considerable work has ' been done on
this property by these men and they
are liberally rewarded by the striking
of some good ore, of which they now
have about 20 tons on the dump, as
saying 367 on an average taken .from
six samples. This 18 concentrating ore,
of which the values are about 310 of
free gold. This is an old property from
which much gold has been taken; but
for a long time was involved in litiga
tion, which resulted in Its shut down
for several years.
Work to Be Started oa Octo.
A. B. Patterson, superintedent and
general manager of the Octo , Gold
Mining company, owning the rich Octo
mine, returned a few days ago from
Wheeling, W. Va., where he attended
the annual meeting of the stockholders
of the company. -Arrangements were
made by the board of directors for heavy
development work which will be inau
gurated at once, preparatory to the re
sumption of milling operations. Mr.
Patterson announces that he will start
work immediately on the Crown Point
mine near the Octo, which property he
and. associates purchased last year.
VOTIOE. The ."Eaatern ' Oreeon Mtnln
Country" agency ef The Oreron Dally Jonrnal
la located at Sumpter, H. W. Donehne acent
ana correeponaent, ny wnom enoacnptiona by
'inall or carrier will 'Va cecelyed, aa wall as
orders ror aayeruaing.
.if '
(Special Dlapatch to The Jonrnal.)
Dallas, Or., March 26. Charles
Forbes, who has been in the county Jail
10 days on the charge of being impli
cated in the Rickreall store and post
office robbery, had his preliminary hear
ing before Justice of the Peach Holman
Thursday afternoon, and proving an
alibi, was turned loose.
The defendant had two witnesses sub
poenaed from Portland, who swore posi
tively that they had been in Forbes'
company on the evening of the robbery,
One of these, Dave Metzler, a bartender
in the Burnslde Exchange saloon. Port
land, identified Forbes as a man he had
seen and talked with In his saloon on
the evening of the 16th of March, the
date of the crime,
D. J. Maher of Portland also swore
he had seen Forbes in that city oh the
afternoon of the 16th. Detective Kerri
gan of Portland testified that he ar
rested Forbes while the latfer was con
versing with De Toung, the man oh
whom a part of the stolen property was
found. De -Toung has waived examina
tion, and has been recommitted to the
county jail to await the action of the
grand jury next May. I
JfOTICI. The Journal acency la now located
at the J. B. Marke confectionery atore oa Main
itreet. where aubecrtptlona to the Dally, Semi
Weekly and Weekly Journal will ba taken.
Lett D. Brown, agent
Xolds Ber Age.
From the Boston Transcript
Mrs. Beggs It's remarkable bow
Clara holds her age.
Mrs. Towser As you say, she does
keep It to herself pretty close.
The Great Chinese Doctor
Is called irreat be
cause his wonderful
curt are so well
known throughout
the - United Btates.
and because so many
?eople are thankful
o him for saving
their lives from .
wa no ireaia unj ena
I iv3J ' ll diseases with
I Nnn3,Ti'I powerful Chinese
JL,-ii herbs, , roots, buds.
L ' I barks and vegetables
-n, aif.1, m.r ' that are entirely un
known to medical science in inia coun
try, and through the use of these harm
less remedies. This famous doctor knows
the action of over 800 dinrerent remeaiee
that he has successfully used In different
diseases. He guarantees to cure catarrh,
asthma, lunar troubles, rheumatism, per.
vousness, stomach, liver, aiannya, fe
male .trouble and alLjorlvate diseases.
Hundreds of testimonials. Charges
moderate. Call end see htm. -
Patient out of . the city write for
blank and circular. Inclose stamp. Ad
dress. '
AlAnr iitrMt. Pnrflithti. dr. Mn.
Do You Own a Watch?
ll not why. not?'-. Do you know we are selling Elgin and
Hampden, regular $18.00 Watches, for $12.50 and -?
-It's a fact, and there's no reason why you shouldn't own
a watch of your own. Guaranteed for 25 years.
Easy-way Home Furnishers.
173-175 FIRSTST., 2 1 9-225 YAMHILL ST.
1 1 !'
: v.
AVeeetable Preparationfor As
similating foe Food andBeufci
Ung ttieStotDochs andBowela of
Promotes Digcion,Ch(erfu
ness and Rest.Con tains neither
OpiunuMorphine norMioeraL
Kot Narcotic. .
g - J t
Bb1bWBs,vsjbv r MrWI
Aperfecl Remedy forConsBpa
Tlon.SourStomach.Diarrhoca Worms .ConvulsionsJcverish
ness and Loss or Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
" For Our
New Gasoline Engine
Drag Saw
Toil set enarlne only ones for ea-h In
One man can move saw. We handle the
only l Malleable . Orubblnar ' Mnnhlna
Wrltei us your wants in the machinery
Reicrson Machinery Cos
...... i . - .
Proprietor of ths r
City Brewery
iarfest u Most Complete
. Brewery . la ths Bortfewest,
Bottled Beer a Specialty
uuraon BoC ra.
OSes 13th and Baraside Streets,
The Lutke Mfg. Co.
Successor to
Manufacturers of Every Description of
Show Cases
140-142 If. EIXTI1 8T,rOBTX.AHD,OB.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
T) '
Signature AW
For Over
Thirty Years
ths ssamws aaaaxra. i
luscan Mineral springs corp.
For the purpose of building; sn elec
tric railroad from Red Bluff. CaL. to
Tuscan Springs and make other im
provements, offer for sale 100.000 shares
of treasury stock at 11.00 per sharet
Tn nuri-hiMPi nf 1 AA i m n p. ahaAa tt
stock we will g-tve one-half rates at
Hotel Tuscan 30 days a year for five
consecutive years. We will guarantee
the stock to pay t per cent the first and
second year and t per rent per year
after the second year. The stock will
be sold for cash or on installments. , k.m..1h - .4 .1
Tuscan. Cat. or
too Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or.
Tuscan Tooth Powder ....v. I0o
Tuscan Catarrh and 8mtoach Salt, toj
Tuscan Metal Polish ............. lii
Tuscan No. 1 Water .....14.o4
The best In the world.
For Kidnev
uiaaaer .
Cures In
Each Catwnfe
beara the na me j-
Bmmrt ef nounttrfnt! t
tt,, , , s( s, ibrrty I. ...
1 f... Sf-er ..41
ft 4 1 UL. I i i : i
Prmint t,ur, ri'it m t.---
! an" i - , , i .
' !' !'''!-
01 I
r i rill ii 1 1 1 i
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