The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 21, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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" (Copyright, 1904, by W. E, Hearst) , - - - r
Oregon City., and Vicinity
(Journal Special Serrioe.) . .
Oregon City, March tL-Oregon City
Buffered but little damage from the ter
rific windstorm which swept" over thin
portion of the state Saturday evening.
At this: point It seemed tto have In a
. measure been broken. - '-:
The wind commenced to blow strongly
about 6 o'clock, and It gathered strength
until it was a gale. It was particularly
fierce in gusts and did considerable dam
age of a small nature. Several awnings
were blown to tatters and a number of
windows were broken by the force of the
blasts. Some of the taller trees in the
city had their limbs torn off and that
was the extent of the damage. . . . ' -Oregon
Creameries Pay.
Today there will be a meeting of the
"directors of the Clear Creek Creamery
company at the creamery at Stone. John
Hatton, one of the managers of ' the
Creamery, was in Oregon City Saturday
and gave out flattering reports of the
success'of the business. The receipts of
the business for the year ending March
I were $13,01198, and there is a bal
ance on hand of $502.27. This is a very j
encouraging report, and Mr. Hatton pre- I
diets great things for the business in
the future. , In connection with this he(
In and
- (Journaf 8pecial Service.)
Vancouver, Wash., March 21. Satur
day afternoon Fred Anderson and George
Raybarge were tried before W. , W.
Sparks on the charge of robbing a trunk
of valuables. The two- men were found
guilty and sentenced to 30 days in the
: county jail.
This case and others have caused
much agitation for the institution of a
rockplle, and if the present energy s
kept aflame in this direction there is
no doubt that some move will be made
in the near future to test such methods.
It is argued that Clarke county is In
need of good roads, and a "human crush
ing machine'" made from convict labor,
it is alleged, will relieve the taxpayers
of extra expense and gain also the ad
vantage of a corrective system.
Horses Bring Good Prices.
At the quartermaster's sale, which
JTOTICE. -Salem aubacrlbera will pleaae take
notice that The Journal airencr baa been trans
ferred to B. K. DaTie. -180 State atreet who
will receive aubacrlptiona, complalnU, pay
inenta, etc ' '' .
(Special 'Dlapatcb. to The Journal.) f
Salem, March 21. Saturday, afternoon
and evening the worst wind storm In 2
vears struck Salem and - did damage.
though the loss as . the restflt of the
. wind is not as heavy as was expected.
The first damage reported was the de
struction of the power ,: cable shed,
through which run the cable connecting
the water power of the water company
with the pumping station, a distance of
two blocks. This shed was blown over,
but very little inconvenience was caused.
This accident was followed by the
' blowing of large board sign from
the south side of the McCormack
block, over the roof of a three-story
building. It crashed through the sec
ond story window In the Steusloff
block across the street from the Meyers
store and completely carried away the
window, a large double one, and was
only stopped by the wall on the opposite
side of the room. .The room thus
' wrecked was one of the suite occupied
by Assistant Postmaster Raymond and
wife, and Mrs. Raymond was in the act
of entering the room, when the crash
' came,' ' - - ..-'. -
A little later a part of the tin roof on
the store of J. L. Stockman & Co. rolled
up and fell with a crash In the street
below narrowly missing several pedes
trians. The prompt recovering of ' the
roof with tarred paper arrested damage
to the large stock of goods In the store
" below.
, The tin roof on the Turner block was
also badly damaged, and a part of It
torn away, as was that on the Thomp
son block on state . street, the latter
- roof being carried fully a block away.
Chimneys In all parts of the city were
blown down, trees, were uprooted .and
wrecked, and telephone, telegraph and
other wires were badly tangled and torn,
and" the town was for a little time In
darkness. ' ' -' -: -
. At the insane asylum the wind played
sad , havoc. - Some of the- wings of the
main building were unroofed, in part,
the north wing especially suffering. On
. the latter the roof for 100 feet was torn
. oft ' and . blofrn Mown, and the roof on
other parts of 'the building was badly
wrecked. Chimneys on parts of the
. buildings were blown down and 'trees
suffered. ' ,- - ' i., '
Tanners lose Trees
' Reports from the country surrounding
Salem Indicate some damage to farm
buildings and to fruit, shade and forest
trees, though the loss nowhere is re
ported to be very heavy. At the hop
yiird Of Krebs Brothers, eight miles
For obstinate colds,
lingering coughs and
persistent bronchitis
Scott's Emulsion is a
' i
. f ,, f
standard remedy and
a reliable cure. You
can feel the good
effects of even a small
bottle. Easy to take.
i i
NOTICE. Tba a(tn7 and enrreapondenee
work of The Journal la now being dona by
R. W. Kelly, who haa bla haadqaartara In tba
Poatal Telegrapb office, where news Jtema will
ba taken and - complaint! and - subscription
recelred and remedied. , ' v
"The results of the business are Just
beginning to show themselves.1 We no
tice that there is more ready cash in the
district than before and .the land Is in
better-condition. There is a tendency
to realise the fact that this pays. -' We
are paying a good price now for butter
fat We pay 29 cents for the fat de
livered, and where we have-to go out
for it we pay 26 cents. - We have
about 40, patrons on the list, and the
check of on of them on the list tor-last
month was 1126., so you see that he get
a. better return for his butter fat than
he-would from raising- hay and other
food for stock. I believe that the indus
try will control this "part of, .the state
In a few more years."
Will Celebrate at Chempoef.
F. X. Matthleu Cabin. No, 12. Native
Sons of Oregon, are preparing for the
celebration on May 2 of the fourth an
niversary of the erecting of the monu
ment at Champoeg commemorating the
establishment of the provisional govern
ment of Oregon. . The committee is pre
paring a program of songs and speeches.
About Vancouver
JTOTICE. The Vanooorer agency of Tba Ore-
Jon Dallr Journal la located at 003 Mala (feat,
i)bn P. nllertasct -
took place a(t thei post last Saturday,
seven artillery "horses were sold, which
averaged $40 to S5A per head. One horse
sold as. low as $16,, but"-others brought
a much higher figure,' making the aver
age as above stated. ' All these horses
were considered 4 very good .: tor, farm
work. ' . ,"' , ; ;
.;.:'.' ' Personal Votes. '. :--. .v '
' Mrs.. Edith Courtlon of -Brush Prairie
returned from the hospital in Portland
last 'Saturday,'' after several .weeks, of
severe- illness. ' Mrs. Courtlori has not
entirely recovered, but is believed to be
past danger sufficiently to enable bar
to return home.
- Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Baker
of Eureka, . this county, entertained a
north of this city, two old hop houses
were blown Into, atoms, occasioning a
loss of about $1,400, and similar reports
come from other hop yards though In no
oase is as heavy damage reported as
that from the Krebs place. Some of the
orchards on the higher grounds are dam
aged, and the loss to orchardlsts cannot
be estimated in full as yet,, though It is
believed that It will not be very heavy.
: The. wind began about 4 o'clock Sat
urday afternoon, and began to abate
about IS o'clock, by which time a heavy
rainfall set In and continued nearly all
night Yesterday, the sun was shining
nearly all day, and the wind had gone
An attempt at . burglary ' was made
at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. A
young man was detected in the act of
cutting through a rear window of the
Damon Bros.' grocery, store. The rob
ber fled. " " 4
This Is the fourth attempt to burg-
larlxe the same store.
S0TICZ. The "Eaetern Orca-on Mlnlns
Country" acencr of Tba Oregon bally Journal
la bcated at Sumpter, H. W. Donahue agent
and correspondent, by whom anbacrlptiona by
mail or carrier will be recerred. aa well ai
orders for advertising.
(Special Dlapatrh to The Journal.)
Sumpter. Or., March 19. F. D. Fuller
of New York, who has been here for sev
eral weeks at the Instance of the east
ern stockholders of the Oregon Smelting
& Refining company for the purpose of
formulating a recommendation relative
to an ore purchasing fund, 'has completed
his Investigations and left for the east
yesterday afternoon. -
While Mr. Fuller declined to make a
specific statement for publication as to
the result ' of his investigations, from
what he haa to say regarding -the smelter
and the district In general. It is natural
to suppose, that his report will be of a
most favorable nature, and that a suffi
cient ere purchasing fund will be pro
1 A 7 . 1 . M -J-.
u. uirter, an assayer ox ureen
horn. and consulting engineer . for the
I. X. I, came in from that camp yester
day. . : He confirms the report recently
published in these columns regarding a
rich strike at the property. : On No. 1
and No. S levels ore has been enccun
tered which runs as high aa $8,000 per
ton. The milt Is running full time.
Superintendent Davis of the Virginia
is now putting the finishing touches to
the new stamp mill on that property, and
will have the same ready . to operate
within a couple of weeks.
The situation at the E. A E. is prac
tically unchanged.. All of the men em
ployed In the mine, with the exception
of those doing contract work, are out,
and operations have been suspended. As
far as learned the company has made
no mjve in the 'direction of an adjust
ment .,
STOTICZ. The Albany agency ef Tba Oregos
Pally Journal la at the drag etote of Fred
Daweon, No. 23S Weat First aueet where safe
ocrlptione will rerelTea.
. (Jonrnal Special Serttca.)
Albany, Or., March 21. A call has
been Issued to- the young men of Linn
county to meet In Albany March 22 .for
the purpose of permanently organising
a Young Men's Democratic club. Fred
Dawson and Fred Weatherford, who have
been elected temporary chairman and
secretary respectively, . Issued . the no
tice. V f -,,.! ... -;..,? "
. Toledo Democrats have organized the
first George E. Chamberlain club in the
state. Officers were elected as follows
A. Waugh, president; J. II. Luts, secre
tary, and Bamuel center, treasurer. -
(Journal Special Service.)
Corvallls, Or., Mrch. Jl. The Demo
crats of Benton county have called their
primaries for Tuesday and their con
vention for aSturday'of next week.
, Will HaV. So Chance.
From the Chicago Jlftcord-Herald.
Russia will buy no1 Missouri mules,
Without Missouri mules and deprived of
American , sympathy Russia couldn't
even carry Rhode Island. . ' v .
y. .......
The celebration will -conclude with a
grand ball in the evening.' It la ex
pected that excursions will be run from
Salem and Portland to accommodate the
crowds who always attend.
.. On March- 25 the Christian' Endeavor
of the Presbyterian -church will give ar.
entertainment in Shively's opera-house,
which will consist pf a program and re
freshments. . -'
Gladstone Votes.
- There Is considerable building going
on now In Gladstone, and everything is
pointing to an increase in improvement
in. that little village during the coming
summer. Mrs. Hackett is building a
very neat cottage on, the west side of
the electric line, and ,c; W. Farrlsh ,ts
Just starting, a dwelling and John Page
is i just finishing a comfortable house.
It is reported that Tom Gault will soon
put up a house, and there are -several
other, little Improvements that make
things quite lively in the neighborhood
of Gladstone. - . - ;
. JVist north of Gladstone, George Steel
Is making Inroads on the forest that ho
lately secured, and which Is known as
the McNarey. claim. He has about 40
wood-cutters cutting down the trees and
working the timber up into ' firewood.
It is estimated that 16,000 cords will be
taken from this section. -
number of Invited guests. Dancing was
the principal amusement of the evening.
After the dance light refreshments were
served. ':tj;xy'-r:.
' Mrs. C. I Stenger and daughter, Beth,
of .Brush Prairie, are guests of - Mrs.
Morgan, who has been quite ill for some
time, but is reported to be convalescing.
' Misses Ida Matson, Fay Morgan, and
Grace 'Stenger returned, home yesterday
after a short visit with friends in Van
couver. '
. Mr. Ell Vanatta of McMlnnvllle, Or.,
was in Vancouver Saturday on business,
and accepted the opportunity to visit his
former home and, relatives at : Brush
Prairie, -
Mrs. Ross, who has been visiting Mrs.
Capt ' E. 8. Walton for several . days,
left last Saturday tor her home In the
east. .- -, , !v
NOTICE Tba Independence agency of The
Oregon Dally Journal ia located at The Ar
cade Cigar Store on C. atreet where anbaerlp
tlona to 'he Dally. Semi-Weekly and Weekly
Journal will ba taken. JULIEN HURLEY.
(Special Dlapatcb. to The Jonrnal.)
Independence, Or.,, March 21. One of
the severest storms that has ever visited
this part of the state stared at about
8:80 o'clock yesterday aftejrnoon. ; The
wind was from the south and continued
towards the north. The river, was the
roughest ever known here. The wind
was severe enough to shake bouses,
break down fences and destroy both tele
graph and telephone communications.
This city was in total darkness by rea
son pf the wires being broken that car
ried the lights from Sidney. Consider
able damage was done to property. The
winds and rains were followed early
yesterday morning by snow and hail,
but today the - wind, has completely
abated. -
The Knights of Pythias lodge of this
city gave an entertainment at the Bryan
& Lucas hall In Falls City Saturday
night. A special motor was run from
this place to accommodate the parties
going from here. . , ,
An effort is being made to have a
rural mall route established from Inde
pendence south. A number of new resi
dents in that territory are taking the
matter up, and petitions are to be cir
culated. ,
XOTICZ. Tba Journal agency is sow located
at the J. R. Marka confectionery atore OS Mala
treet, wbera aubacriptlona to the Dally, Semi
Weekly and Weekly Journal will ba taken.
Lott D, Brown, agent
(Special Dlapatcb to The Journal.) - ,
Dallas, Or., March ' 21. The Demo-
eratlo county central committee met In
the county courtroom of the courthouse
Saturday afternoon and decided upon
April 1 for holding the county conven
tion. The primaries . will be' held on
the Wednesday preceding the conventnh
date. The number of delegates to the
convention will be 1 1 3. The apportion
ment was one delegate to each 10 votes
cast for George E. Chamberlain for
governor In 1902. , 1 ,
jlvotxeb fhasb or catt."
From the Boston Transcript- '
There Is another class of congress
men who work for "number vti" alone,
and. secure expenditures of federal
money entirely for; their own political
advantage. It was with these congress
men that the Indicted officials of the
postoff ice department sought to make
themselves "solid." When congressmen
Wanted more allowances for clerk hire
In - postofflces which were ' really cen
ters for political work in their . behalf,
the officials saw that they were grati
fied In part If not in whole. The tax
payers were thus assessed to pay in
directly at least the campaign pledges
of congressmen with "pulls" that were
available to officials desiring to make
themselves solid in office. In this way
the latter endeavored - to keep an an
chor, to the windward. In the present
instance the anchor has failed to hold,
The officials are lh trouble, , and the
wide publicity given to the practice to
which we have referred will exert some
Influence at least against en early . repe
tition of these grabs at petty patron
age. Old Satan's Activity.
From the Atlanta Constitution.
"One thing I likes, 'bout Satan," said
the old colored brother, - "en dat is-he
ain't neyer discouraged! Run him out
er one town, en de fust news you hear
Is dat he done Invested In real estate In
de next settlement! He es active es a
Georgia nigger runnin' 10 yards ahead
er de nigh aueriri on a piank roadi"
The Uncle Sam . Mining company , is
more than ever satisfied .with the out
look for their Bullion mine. Work there
is still going on and the - ore is looking
better as they get further in. .
Colorado Springs capitalists will erect
a 100-ton smelter at a cost of $50,000,
near the Waldo mine-in' southern. Oregon.
It will be a standard blast 'furnace and
water Jacketed. It is claimed that Waldo
haa 20,000 tons iow blocked out and
waiting for the smelter.
Word was received from the Oregon-
Colorado property in Bohemia this week
to the effect that the big tunnel had been
driven ahead steadily all winter. That
the ore body bad - been .practically , con
tinuous and at the present has Increased
to more than the width of the tunnel
The ore in this property carries princi
pally gold and copper. '-
, The May Queen Is one of the properties
of , the Qranlte district that have been
working without Interruption, during ' the
winter. Reports coming; in from the prop
erty are very encouraging. At, present
Superintendent Young is drifting on the
Red' Boy extension vein Jn a good grade
of ore. When the drift, which is being
run on the mill level, - reaches the 100-
foot incline shaft that was sunk last sum
mer and-fall from the upper level, sinking
will be continued on the yeln another
160 feet ' To do this work the. manage
ment will Install a compressor and hoist
The sale of the Red . Boy will be held
MayjlOMn Baker City. No bid of . less
than . $80,000 will be entertained. The
value ; of the surface holdings of the
company ia- estimated at fully $200,000
alone, not including the mining ground.
There are 14 claims, owned by the Red
Boy Consolidated Mines company, all of
which: are included ' In ' the , sale.'' The
surface holdings consist of a modern up-to-date
hoisting plant, costing over $100,
000, a stamp mill of 20 stamps, a cyan
ide, plant, .j blacksmith shop, boarding
house, an assay office , and .many other
buildings. Nothing definite can be stated
as to the future policy of the company
until the saje is made.vv v:-,v. --v. ;
The Sumpter - American reports that
arrangements for placer work are being
made already. A number of companies
and individuals are getting supplies and
equipment ready for , work, as soon as
spring really comes. Hydraulic pipes
and - giants will be fitted to elevated
headgates, provisions will be laid in.
and when the water comes full force
the placer miners pf this district will be
ready for a season of hard wprk. On
Deer creek there are several companies
who , completed preparatory work , last
year,' and are expected to handle a con
siderable quantity of ; ground this
springs The 'American Development
company. : which acquired .extensive
ground about. Auburn and augmented Its
water supply; has the tall race far ad
vanced Into most ' promising ground,
and at greater depth than hydraulic
work there has ever been prosecuted.
At Sitka gulch exploratory work and
preparations have been constant ever
since the management "ceased washing
gravel last fall, and it will be In shape
to render the best account since work
was Inaugurated under the present com
pany. The big Rye Valley property op
erates every year with from three to
four giants, and the regularity of the
output j.. Indicates , that .- the reserve
ground is ample for years to come. On
Burnt river , there will be greater ac
tivity than usual in -placer lines. The
acquisition of considerable Interests on
Pine and Cow creeks by Michigan in
terests, headed by Z. F. Zinns, and the
installation of a heavy pumping plant,
which is now In progress, - augurs
heavier development in this rich dis
trict than 'ever before On Bear and
Buck gulches there will be the usual
work, as the clean ups there have been
quite satisfactory for the past two
years. At the diggings of the Oregon
Placer & Power company great results
seem to be indicated by the last work
done there In 1903. The tail race had
been carried up the canyon until lie was
Just entering the area known as the bed
of the ancient river channel, and some
fine nuggets were understood to have
been mined In the limited work done.
With one season in this' promising
ground, there should be a splendid
clean-up. The Crane Flat diggings will
doubtless have a dredger before the
summer comes to a close. At the Mil
waukee grounds the management is
ready to prosecute a good season with
the dyhraulio elevator, which ' was op
erated last .year with marked success.
(Special Dlf patch to Tbe Jonrnal)
Victoria, B. C, March 21. The Domin
ion government steamer Quandra, left
this morning at S o'clock for the coast
of Vancouver Island In search of "the
Canadian Pacific ' railway coasting
steamer .Queen. City. The . latter is sev
eral days behind her schedule time and
no wora nae oeen received rrom ner. in
fact she should have left here last
night .on her return trip to the west
coast - ". - -".
New baa anxiously been awaited of
the steamer's arrival at Clayoquot, the
first point within telegraphic connec
tion with this city. With no news ar
rlvlng last night Captain Troup, super
intendent of the Canadian Pacific rail
way 'coast service, decided to send a
vessel in search. Captain Caudin. In
charge , of the Dominion department of
marine,' kindly placed the Quadra at the
disposal of Captain Troup. This was
accepted, and at 6 o'clock this morning
sne ten xor me west coast. -Captain
Troup and Captain Hughes.
of the Tees, who is very familiar with
the Vancouver island coast, went out on
her. captain Troup aoes not antici
pate anything serious, but many others
do not share his optimism. , Very rough
weather . is reported on the coast and
Captain Troup thinks the Queen City
has been tied up by a storm In winter
harbor near the north end v of Van
couver island. Captain Townsend, who
is In command, knows the coast thor
oughly, and during five years In that
service no serious accident has hap
pened to any of his vessels. , - ,
- There is flavor as well as
strength in mustard; strength
is not all; ; and strength is not
the fine part. Schilling's Best
has the flavor. Our Mustard
Compound, reduced to . be
ready for use, has the proper
. Your grocer's; moneyback.
'Of si IA
By Susan 8. Tltsworth.
' (Copyright 1004, by W. B. Baarat.)
. (Great Britain Rights Reserved.) ,
She entered the train at Liverpool
street, a tall girl with a figure which
her, shapeless overcoat could not spoil,
and wearing, with an effect that went
far to condone It, a flat, wide hat with
a drooping velL
She watched the. Jostling crowd in the
gloomy station In a far-away -. absent
way for a moment, but suddenly she
started up and pressed her face against
the window In an endeavor to follow
someone's movements. Apparently dis
appointed, she leaned back again in her
corner, but her reverie was broken. -She
glanced carelessly at passing people, and
as the train was about to move out, sat
up and pulled off her glove. ? ; i
She had just slipped off her coat and
thrown It across the seat opposite, when
a man appeared at the door of the car
riage, and their eyes met ' For a mo
ment each of them was absolutely still,
then the girl dropped her 'hands and
stood up, and the man entered the car
riage. -'
"Nancy r he exclaimed, "Who would
expect to see you here!" :
"Then it was you I caught sight of
in the crowd!" she returned. He was
holding both her hands. - -
"Nancy!" he said again. "What are
you doing here? . Where are you go
ing? Isn't tomorrow the dayT Why,
you're going in the wrong direction,
child!" ' .
"How can you say that, when I've
met you?" she asked with a little laugh
and a droop of her long lashes. He
dropped toer hands and glanced uneasily
about the carriage. .
"Let me sit next to. youhe sug
gested.'- -
"Oh, very well," she responded, with
splendid indifference to the curious
looks that annoyed him; and when he
sat down beside her, she laid her hind
on his arm with an affectionate gesture.
"I dldn t really hope to see you, you
know,", she said. "I Just thought it
was barely possible that something
might bring you to the station - and
when I caught that glimpse of you I
didn't really believe it v was you. I
thought my desire to see you was mak
ing me Imagine a likeness. But that
you should get right .into this carriage
-why, Ralph, I honestly believe it is a
special Providence!"
"Perhaps It was," he-returned. "Why
didn't you write to me?"
The giM smiled at him. "Tou see.
Ralph, I left it to fata I've made such
a mess of things myself that I simply
let it alone, and here you are. Good old
fate!" - '
He looked at her curiously. "Now, I
wonder,", he began, and then broke off.
"Where are you going, and how do you
happen to be down here? . Isn't the
Redding tomorrow or am 1
' "Tomorrow at noon," she said.
"Where have you been?" be asked.
"Staying with a school friend," she
answered. , "And I'm . going to Newn
ham now.?' ;..'--",.".''- " . -
"Humph!" '' he commented, looking
keenly at ber. "And are you so very
eager for It?" Her eyes fell before his.
The train stopped at a wayside sta
tion and two of the other occupant; of
the carriage got out '
"Nancy!" Jie said at last. ,. "Naacy,
turn round!" With her color deepening
sho obeyed, ' but her eyes stopped at
the top button qf his coat 'Look up,"
he added. ' 1
"Say, please!, she ' murmured defiantly.'-.:
-' .
"Nancy," he went on "a year ago
you -said you wouldn't marry me."
"Well, so far" she suggested, with s
quick srch glance ap at him. He
caught her hand. "
. b i
O iteeo-f
"Nancy, are ' you sorry f hs asked.
Her eyebrows curved meditatively
above her downcast eyes,' but she ; said
nothing. "Because." he went ' on,': "to
study, at Newnhara it doeesn't seem
quite your line, you know."
"Well, I decline to stay at home and
watch her pouring out my father's
coffee at my mother's breakfast table,"
objected the girl 'with spirit "She
doesn't know what mahogany ' means.
Ton know that it la Impossible, Ralph.
What Is there for me to do? I can't
visit my friends indefinitely, and It's a
year ago that you asked me to marry
you.' , ' ' ,.- : '". .
"You've been away from home six
weeks," he said, ignoring her lowered
tone. "Why didn't you write to me,
Nancy V'r
''Heavens! but isn't this bad enough?"
she demanded. "I, made up my-mind
that if I saw "you en route" by any
chance I should tell you oh, you know!
I hadn't the courage to write to you. I
know I treated you shamefully, Ralph."
"I agree with you perfectly," be said
grimly. "But you used, to bandy hearts
as If they were tennis balls, I thought,
though, that you were engaged to that
man what's his name? The one who
comes to your house every other Sun
day Crawford, you know." The girl
looked up at him with narrowed eyes.
"How do you know anything about
Mr. Crawford?" she asked. "Has Flora
told your 1 '
"Well, she mentioned him," the man
admitted. . '
"Lately?" demanded the girl.
"The other night, when I was calling
there, she read me part of your last let
ter," he confessed. "It Wasn't her fault
don't blame her. I begged her to. Z
hadn't heard from you for nearly a year,
and X was hungry for a little news. It
seemed as if you were more likely to
get married than to do anything else."
"Flora must have edited those letters,
or else she. read you old ones, If you
got that impression," the girl said
quietly. " ...
"Then Crawford isn't In it now?" the
man asked.
."There's nobody In It," Insisted the
girl, "unless"
"Nancy, I should like to kiss you. AH
this year I. have dreamed of kissing you
ever since you Jilted me vso merci
lessly." ' ,-.: . '
"I believe in dreams," the girl re
turned softly. "I consider them pro
phetic." The fleeting. glances she gave
him were bewitching; he was holding
her hand firmly, and the harsh lines nt
his face softened as he watched her,
but his eyes were sombre. ;
"I love you!" he said suddenly. "It's
the last time I shall tell you so, Nancy.
I'm not going to throw my heart Into
your lap again for you to play with it
You're a flirt, Nancy, a dreadful flirt,
and a man's not safe with you. But, I
love you." ... ,':,.., ,i .', -, '
The girl looked .up.
"Good gracious, Ralph! 'Don't be so
tragic. Must I go back and marry Mr.
Crawford, after all?".v. He put her hand
away with a little groan, as she smiled
at him. "Don't you understand that I
want to do penance for: a . year ago?"
she put out her other hand,, and he took
them both.
"Nancy., do you mean It?"
"Try me!" said the girl: ,
"Will you kiss mer. he asked.
"Here?" she questioned.
"And now," he added. With a proud
indifference to the onlookers, she raised
he lips to his. ' - -
'"I'm going Into a smoker to think out
a, note," he said,' at the next station, and
he turned and left her. She leaned back
in her corner and watched the -sliding
landscape as the train rushed , on
through the gathering twilight Pres
ently It stopped at, a wayside station.
She glanced op at the door as If expect
ing him to return, but no one came, and.
as the wheels-ground on the rails at'
starting, she turned back contentedly to
uer winuow. ai mo next siawun a por
ter came up, and pausing by her car-,
rlage; handed her a note.
She opened It deliberately. , ''
"Nancy, Nancy, it began. "I love
you. That's all I have to say. dear. I
love you, more even than I did a year
ago.' I swore then that some day you
should do penance for your treatment
of meC and I meant to make you, but to-,
day I haven't done either. I was a
coward to put you to the test, dear, but
I would do It again for a kiss like that
The Fate you conjured up It hasn't
played fair with us. You're the, only
woman In the world. Nancy, and I love
you . with every drop of blood In my
body; but last week I asked Flora to
marry me, and I hope I may never see
your face again. Don't try to forgive
ma - Nancy, but don't forget ' that I
love you. - RALPH."
She read ' It' through ' twice, leaning
forward to get the light upon It; then,
straightening herself up, - she looked
round, and, for the first time, met the
curious eyes of other occupants of the
carriage. She challenged them with a
sweeping,' slow glance, and then, tear
ing the letter into fragments, dropped
the pieces from the open window, and
leaned back in her cornet again, looking
out at the night r ,'."V:
"If only we had not met again!" aha
thought, as the train rushed on. I i
; Taa) esse XtU. -':,:-V':""-,
From the Philadelphia Ledger. ' :
Mrs. Phamley (in the sitting room)
As long as Mary is playing the piano,
Henry, we may be assured she - Isn't
spooning with, that Mr. Huggard.
, Mr, Phamley (whose ears are weary)
Well, if the rule works the other way
I wish you would go down and tell 'em
to go ahead and spoon. ' -
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