The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 21, 1904, Page 10, Image 10

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    10, ,- f.
0 rrflon iuntai
Knlrred at tbe pontflffloe of Portland, Or.,
for tramnnlaiUoa tbruugb the mall aa eecoud
Claae matter. . . . .
I'uetaira or Initio eoplee! For an 8, 10 or 12
pige raer, 1 cent; 16 to SO page, 2 cent; 32
U 44 iwgea, 3 centa.
Itimlnpi Office Main M. .
Editorial Rouwa- Mula 250.
Vrwland-BenKamln Special Advertising Agency,
150 Nikmo Street, New York; Tribune Build-
illg, CblCaKO. . . . ' :.' ..
:::-.f:k-t x. Xerras by Carrier.."'::;? "';:.-''Y
Tbe rmlly Jonrnal, with Sunday, 1 year,,. 17.50
Itii llally Journal, 1 year.... t. ...... 6.00
'Hie Dally Journal, with Sunday, 8 monthe. 8.75
Hie lally Journal, 6 nontha. ... 2-60
The Daily Jmiinul, with (Sunday, 3 montna. 2.00
' Tbe Dally Journal, 8 months. ; 1.80
, The Ilallv Journal, wltb Sunday, 1 month.. .03
Th ll.Mr wr WMh .lolfvffrMl. fillfldaV in
'' i lndcd . ... .15
The Uaily, per week, delivered, Sunday
veiited ...I.................... ......... 10
Tarma bv Ball. . -
The Dally Journal, wltb Sunday, 1 year.,. $7.00
The Dally Journal, 1 year. ............... 5.00
The Dally Jonrnal, with Sunday. 6 monthe. 8.75
'J he tuny journal, u wontn ............. .
The Daily Journal, with Sunday, 8 montba, 1.00
The Daily Journal, 3 month"............-. 1.40
. The Daily Journal, with Sunday, 1 montn... , .no
'The Daily Journal, 1 month.......... -ftO
The Sunday Journal, 1 year............... 3.00
The Sundaf Journal, 6 nionthi,,,,......., 1.00
The Semi-Weekly Journal. -Tbe
Semi- Weekly Journal, 8 to 12 page
each laeue, Illustrated, full market re- :
porta, X year.................. ..31.50
-' Tbe Weekly Journal, .
The Weekly Journal, 100 column! of read
, . lug each laaue. Illustrated, full market
1 report. 1 year 31.00
.' KeroittaiK-ea ahould be made by drafta. postal
' notes, ex preaa orders, and small amounta are
acceptable In 1 aud 2-ceut postage atampa.
P. O. Box 121, Portland. Or.
Tbe Journal "caa be found on sale at the fol-
: lr1ng nlacee: ,
hPOKANU, WASH. John W. Graham A Co. J
Lee Marx. Victoria hotel nee atand. .
TACOMA, WASH. Central New company, 1121
TarlUc avenue,' '
Hoist, IDAHO Pioneer bock store.
SAN FRANCISCO W. E. Ardlng, Palace hotel
newa atand; Ooldamlth Bros.. 1M Butter
street; Kred W. Pitta, 1008 Market atreet.
LOS ANfiELKS B. F. Gardner, t 250 South
Spring atreet; Otrver A Balnea,. 204 South
Spring atreet - . ,
SALT LAKE CITY Kenyon hotel newa atand;
.. Harrow Bros., 43 Weat Second ttreet. South.
OODI'JN Ogden Netra company.
DENVER, COI.O. Kendrlrk Book A Stationary
company, Pt2 8eenteenth atreet.
KANSAS CITY Van Noy Newa company. "
OMAHA Millard bote! newa atand; Meceatb
Statlonerj company, 1308 Farnam atreet.
ST. LOI IS Philip Boeder. 616 Locust street.
CHICAGO Poatofflce New company. 17S Dear
born atreet. ,
SEW TOKK CITT Brentano'a. Tnlon aqnarc
Weather condition and general forecaat for
Oregon. Wasblpgton and Idaho The diatnrb
a nee whlrh caused anch aerere weather In tbe
north Pacific atatea Saturday haa croaaed tbe
Korky mountains and ita center a now over
Manitoba, from which place It extends eouth
.aa a trough of low pressure to tbe Texaa Pan
hsndle. Tbe conditions in tbe north Pacific
atatea continue unsettled, bat there la nothing
to Indicate tbe approach . of another severe
During the past 24 boura light rain mixed
with bail and aiiow has fallen at scattered
placna In this district, while In California
clear weather preraila, and sharp frosts oc
curred this morning in southern Oregon and in
the Sacramento Taller.
Tbe indications are for local ralna tonight
and Tuesday In western Oregon, Waahlngtou
and northern Idaho, and probably fair weather
In eastern Oregon and southern- Idaho. Ths
tcroperaturea on thla coast will slowly rise dur
ing jthe next 24 hours. , v" .
. Jrtalmura temperature In the last 24 boars,
41; minimum, 38; precipitation, .24,
Albert D. Larson, Colombia county, 23,
uertrurte J.i Halnea, 21.
Cliarlcft 'J. Nelson, 30, and Mary Mende, 26.
' Fremont L. Lent, 47, and Annie L. liannaford,
Jamea Armers. aged 12, 111 Berers street,
mess lea, mild.
Pearl Srbulta, aged 2, Mason street And
Uiiwtsalppt sTenue, rueaslea, mild. '
Olie Biirdlck, aged 11, 823 Alblns srenue,
measles, mild.
Erelyn Monaer, aged 10, 484 Market street,
typhoid fcrer, seTcre.
March 16. Mrs. . Alvlrs Bier, aged 72, at
Rali-m boapltal.
March IT, Margaret T. . Brodle, 85 years,
633 Klandera street.
March 17. Paul Popn. aged 26, typhoid fever,
at St. Vlueent'e bospital.
March 17. Cora S. liohn, aged 45, 244 North
Twenty-fourth atreet.
March 17, Cora 8, Habit, aged 45, 244 North
March 12. Mre. Gertrude Lamport, aged 86,
gt Mt. St. Joseph hospital for tbe aged. .
. March 17, Mary Itoeey Taylor, aged 26, 407
Mianer street, Montallla.
Crematorium, on Oregon City ear One. Bear
Bellwood; modern, scientific, complete. Charges
Adults. $.15; children, 325. Vlaitora a. m.
to 3 p. m. Portland Cremation association,
Portland, Or.-.. .-.
Tbe Edward Holman Undertaking company,
fnneral dlrectora aa.d smbalmera, 220 Third
street. Pbons MT.
J. P. Violer Son, funeral directors and
eoibalmera, bare removed to their new estab
JUhuie:.t, corner Third sod Madlsoa strseta,
botb phones No. C.
8. Warabaoer et at to B. Pallay. EU lota
T end 8. block 135. city ..7..T..I1000
i. J. Fltxalmmona and wife to James H
Bradley, WW lot It. block 7.
Spring Tract . ,
V, C. Suyder to Lydla D. Harria, lot 15.
16, block . Prunedale.
George W. Jackson to E. Tandermeer, block
itn, Barnes Jonn a za add........... . lano
W. B. Cobb and wife to Krancia 8t J. Fox.
Tr., lot 8. block 14. City View Park.. 1
Alra Harold to Ellas Smith, kit 17. -
18, block 67. Weat Portland Park...., 10
Thomas , Calabaa and wife to ' Edna D
unnar. lot it. Diock 9. Roaedale annex 140
m. Luuumar at 10 antooe Bechtem,
. lota 4, fi. In lot 1, block 22, Smith's
Bub., B. P '
John tioodln and wife to Tena Raphael t
al. lota 6, 6, block IS, Mt.-. Tabor Villa
Morrla. Pallay and wife to Krancla Ander
eon et al, NVVi4 of 8 Double B "P"
. xi. i. nam ii m anq wire 10 w. is. JTirdT.
Inta 40. 41, block 4, BUnlef No. 2....
Gay Lombard et al to Pacific Grain Co..
undtrlded V Interest lota 6, 6, 1. 8. block
62. Couch add ...:.,7..
Eugene O. Hay ward and wife to Mary J.
. Magee, lot 6, block 3. Mayor Gates add
I. A. Petera and wife to J. J. Cburchler.
; 5dvo feet 8W corner block 18, MiMll'
en a artfl . , . ... , ................ 8200
en. aim Aiioa tert uins to Jonn
Thomas Harris, 60 acres aectlos 7, town-
amp 1 north, range 3 east............. 8000
c. . Diuiuj ma who to jamea Kngeio,
south t block 88. Jsmes John's First
add , ., J
Mary Murpby and wife to E. H. Wemme.
bit 6. block 2. Ceruthers add...,,.... 2100
. v. ou.iimi n ai io saarj aturpny, lot
6, 6. Mock 2, asms J
Tliomaa Mean to K. Aroatiizan and bus-
, band, 8ox50 Fifth and Meade streets 1
Oct your Insurs nee and abatracta to rsai
estate from the Title Guarantee A Trnat com.
paoy. Chamber ef Commerce building.
, BVTXDHf 0) fEEMITt, ' '
Jiateph Williams, 2-tory cottage m Halsey
atreet letween Kaat Twenty-eighth and East
1 wrntr-nlnlb atreeta, 'to coat (1,250. .
H. M.Cohn. to alter theatre on Seventh
atrret lietweeu Washington and Alder, at a coat
Davenport eatate. t repair 8 story brick batld-
ing on nivono netweeo aiorriaoa ana XamhllL
at a wl at 31,001).
J. A. Zellvr, .to repair dwelling Ian ast
nrippio Drmwii I'owen sua isroosiyn streets.
KIlMlieth R. Msnsnrld. to erect 9-mtnrT 4wetl
lug oti Kst Salun'S tetwee East Tweuty-thlrd
aeil Kaat- Twenly-faurth streets, to coat 32.600.
A. I.. Olive, to erect 2-story dwelling on
I Isi'ksnisa atreet at nortbeaat corner of
lMty-ftrth, to eoat 32,MiO,
Mrs." Allium Broeren. to erect cottage, on
Iiiinptou avenue Iiet4es Kast Hlxth and Eaat
rrn'Hiu streets, to coat (IHH).
Front Street, March 21 Tbe principal Items
of interest In the Portland wholeaale markets
tooay are:
Barley steadily advsnclng. : .....
Eggs sro quiited higher, - -
Package coffees are down. - y
- Brooma show aa advance. "
.. Poultry market advanced. 1 j V ' '
Better grades of meats sett.
Oysters snd flab scarce.
Nothing doing In hope. . . ' .
Potsto.' and onions dull. -No
Orieatfaj , flour demand.
Wheat eontlifues dullneaa. . ' " .
Barley Steadily Advancing.
Tbe barley situation Is a very firm one and
prices are showing constant advance all over
the coast. In this city today the quotatloua
are moving upward so fast that dealers them-,
selves sre finding if bard work to keep tab
on the market. The demand for barley la un
nsually large, and with tbe farmers holding
for higher figures,, storks are scarcer than for
many years. The varloua governments are now
In the market for barter and aome heavv buvs
have been, lately reported. The Russian gov
ernment during-the past week or so has pur
chased large supplies . In -the ' San Francisco
martem. ana as the larger portion or the atocka
bought came from tbla market, the withdrawals
bave caused a abortaga here. Prices on the
mala are about 31 a ton higher. The market
etlll looks higher. .
. Eggs Show aa Advance,.''."'..'
The egg market la very firm today. Receipts.
considering tbe fact that today la Monday, were
Very large, out a very strong demand enabled
the dealers to- keep everything cleaned np at
top figures, and some of them sold st an ad
vnuce. Tbe outside demand for eggs Is simply
enormous, and many orders have daring the
past nair week been turned down on account
of . the lack of supplies. Prices today ranged
rrom uft to it eenta a dosen. i .
Poultry b Banging Tp. ;;''''.'''
Tbe poultry receipts, unlike those In eggs.
are very email, but the demand Is showing
sn Inci-esse , again. The temporary dullness
which ruled along the street on Saturday baa
paaaed away and all tbe dealers were In the
market today. Hens sre especially In demand,
but evervthlng - in the noultrv line of fair
quality, la eagerly anapped op. Prices are a i
trine nign and so advancea in thla line are
now looked for. They are sow so high that
the ordinary family cannot afford to bur. and
ahould the receipts show a large increase prices j
wouio onaounteuiy go a level . where ths
consumption would be general.
Package Coffees Are lower.
Both Lion ami Arbuekte brands of parkas
roast coffees are quoted down 60 cents' a hun
dred pounds today on account of the weaker i
reeling and tbe lower prices ranging In the
New York market. Tbe market here does not
show any tone at all.
.Good Brooms Are' Higher..-.': -.v ; y.
A scarcity In the aunolv of the better arra da
of broom corn has caused several late ad
vances in broom prices on the coast. Today
the better grades sre quoted 25 cents a dosen
higher. Ordinary grades were not effected,
but the advance In the better grades will cause
a larger call for stocks and prices will likely
advance In that line also.. .
' Better Grades ef Heat SeU.
-During the past half wee there has been
very large receipts of ve(il along Front street
and most of . the arrivaia Have consisted of
very poor stocks. Better grades of veal ars
not coming so faat and find a good call at top
figures. Hogs are again In large demand -with
top prices ruling.' All aorta of flgurea are
ruling la mutton, but tbe beat stocks do not
show any reduction. Beef ahowa aa average
sale. . .
Previsions Are Weaker Again.
- Both tbe local and tbe eastern provision
irsrkets are showing ' Weakness. Hogs sre
not quoted so firm In the eaat and provisions
during tbe past few d.ira have sold off from
the former prices. This marxet baa not yet
ten attected In the matter of prices, bat if
the ssme conditions should continue In the
east a drop In values la anticipated. - Hams
and lard are Included In ths weakness.
, Oysters and Fish Soaroe.
The recelpta of oysters from Shoalwater bav
showed a slight Improvement this mornlug,
bnt still tbe market has not half enough aup,
plies for tbe demand. Olympia oyaters sre also
scarce. Halibut came in more lively, but
demand was sufficient to clean np everything
at former prices. There la plenty of salmon
In the market. ,
The hop market la very dull, nothing being
done In either the spot or contracting market.
The brewers still stick to their former atate
ment that they are not in need of any Im
mediate eupplles, while the, dealers say they
are. It la still a waiting game with both sides
very stubborn ,In their beliefs. . . . ..
Potatoes and Onions Dull.
i The potato market Is dun and no advice.
wers received from San Francisco by the local
anippera on account or the bad telceraoh aer.
vice. Dealers here are not buying at all, so
present printed prices may be said to be nom
inal. Tbe onion market ahows a good call for
fancy stocks, but this class of goods Is not
at present la tbe market. Second grades are
Quoted weak,, ,.'..:.. .
' ' ' , Orient Hot Baying Hour.
There, is no business being done with the
Orient st all now In the flour line. No in
quiries are being made and tonal shippers say
that none are expected for some time. Mean
while the local demand for floor la harrtiv
sufficient to keep stocks moving and the mar-
sei naa aaaumea a weak tone. No changes
appear In prices. .' :,....;-
The whest market Is very dull on aeeonnt
of the Inactivity of the floor market. Millers
sre not paying stocks to any extent. The farm
ers sre still holding, so present quotations are
nominal. .
Merchants Opinion en Today's Market,
W. B, Glafke Co. Creamery batter very dull
and prices era way down. - j.
Turner A Co. Nothing doing In poultry
today. Our receipts of eggs are Yery heavy,
but tbe demand la good and we don't look
for any dev4ee within the next few days.
Mark Levy A Co. Car bananas came in today
In fine condition. 'Frlaco steamer came la laat
night. - - . ,1 . - , ... ,
Chatterton k Co. Fancy Veal and bogs ars
Arm; eggs still scarce; apple demand Is large.
Levy. A Splegl. Car bansnaa today; tales
ahape; steamer only brought half usual cargo
of freah vegetables and rest will arrive by
rsll tomorrow; asparagus Is coming faater and
the price Is lower.
O. 8. Smith Co. Good demand for chlckens,
eggs, vesl snd pork.
Pearson, Page A Co. Very little arrived on
steamer laat night snd tbe left over stuff will
come by rsll. -
Malarkey Co. Some halibut came In this
morning; Colombia river smelt still very
scarce; some few Shoalwater bay oyaters came,
bat not enough -tot the demand. ' ; , ,
D. .E. Melkle. Potatoes tell ths same old
story of dullness; onion market also shows no
ebsnge. ;-: .
Davenport-Thompson Co. Two cars of rips
lananas came in for varlone dealers today;
rbeeae of all kinds ahows good movement; honey
finds good sale; applra pretty well cleaned out
of the Hood River diatricC"---l . '.
Everdlng A Farrell. Don't expect very heavy
recelpta on Monday; egga coming In a little
faater, bat market la goods market look bad
for veal, as tbe retail butchers" are Veil sup
plied and receipts kre large; poultry does
not look so Arm, but prices remain at top:
fancy bogs are selling, j-r ""
Dryer. O'M alley A Co'. Eggs very Arm; -oranges
are plentiful, but ' movement Is large;
car bananas csme in today on street'; poultry
market very firm; potato and onjon markets are
dragging. . ,. .
Page c .Son. "Ekits are stiffening np; no
change in creamery butter situation from for.
'finer weakness; poultry la unchanged.
' MCKiniey Mitchell, Mo word from 'Frlaco
today and tbe loeal market for potatoes and
onions la quiet; no activity In hops. .
Toft, Hlne A Co. Hogs coming in quite plen
tifully; vesl receipts heavy, although the larger
numbers are rather poor; other fresh meat
receipts fully up to the demand; chickens good
property; eggs remain Arm.
Today's wholesale quotations, as revised,, ars
aa follows; - ,
Orala, Plon and Peed, -.WHEAT
Walla Walla, TTc: blues tern, 81 A
32c! vallev. 81c
BARLEY Feed, 23.00j rolled, 324.00323.00;
brewing, 823.50(324.00.
OATS No. 1 white, 326.0027.00; gray,
25.(KKa26.0O per ton; price to farmers, white,
litf.OOfii 24.00! me. 122.60ftr23.50.
- KLOCtt Kaatern Oreann: - Patents. ' 84.30:
straights, 3.1.60Q3. 70; valley, 3.8o.00; grs-
nam, us, a.eo; lua, so.vo.
MILLSTITFS Bran, 318.00 per ton; mid
dlings, 826.O0a27.O0; aborts. 10.50(820.00;
Chop, 318.50.' -.' v.. - v
HAY Timothy, 815.00; eastern Oregon 316.00
16.50; mixed, $13.0041: 13.60; clover, llO.OOSi
12.00; wheat 812. 00M 12.60; cheat, I12.00U
13.00; oat. I12.00el2.50.
Hops, West and Hldea.
HOPS 27 29c for choice; 24625c for prime;
poor quality, 18(g20c; contract, 1D04, 3 Sc.
. WOOL vallev. coarse to medium. ltK(Dl6l4c:
Ape, -1616c; eastern Oregon, 10(gl5c; mo
nmr, nominal, 23 ($r tfoc.
SHEEPSKINS Shearing 1020c; abort wool,
aifjimio; medium woc eumovc; toug wool,
oocfti SI W each. r
TALLOW Prime, per lb, d5c; iSo. 8 and
grease. 22tyc. .. . ": 1
HIDES Dry hides.. No. t, 16 Ibl and on,
14M.C per lb; dry kip, No. 1, 5 to 15 lbs.
I2c: dry calf. No. 1, under 5 ' lbs. 15b-i
dry salted.' bulla and stags, 1-8 less than dry
Blot; salted hldea, ateer, sound. (O pounds or
ever, 6fjJMie; 60 to 60 lbs, cj under 60 lbs
and cows, 8!)g6Mic; stags and Itulla, sound.
4MiPt kip. 16 to 30 lbs, 6c; iound. 10 to
14 lbs. 6Uc: calf, aoond. under 10 lbs. 8io:
green (onaalted), le per lb less: culls, lc per
lb less; horse hides, salted, each. $1.2501.75:
dry. each. $1.0041. 60: colts' hides, each. 2541
60c; goat skins, common, each. 10rtJ16c; An
gora, With wool on. each. 25cQ$1.0O. ' .
- Butter. Eggs and Poultry.
BUTTER FAT Sweeft 28Hc; aonr. 26v,e.
BUTTER Creamery, extra fancy. 80c: fnucr.
2527Hc; California, 25c; ' ordinary. 22Vti
cold storage, 2324c; eastern, . 24c; reno
vated, 19fci20c; dairy, 16(u,17c; store. 1012e.
KOGS Fresh Oregon. 16 Mi Si 17c: dirties.
16Hc; bakera, 16ic.
cheesis New Fall cream, twin. 1318?4c;
Young America. 14Hc: CaUfornla. 124c.
POULTRY Producers' orlces Chickens.
mixed. 14c per lb; hens, 1414ttc per .lb;
roosters, old, U&ll,e per lb; springs, Utsi
lf per lb; broilers. 17 18c per lb; fryers,
14($15c per lb; ducka. old, 12c per lb; young,
13c per lb; geese, 7HSic per lb; turkeys, 164J
16o per. lb; dressed, 18c per lb.
r . Pxaita aa4 Tegetablea. " .
POTATOES 31.10; hut era' nrlcnc for ahln.
ping, M.VOiSl.00 cwt: ordinary.. 81.00 tier
aack; buying, 7580c; avreeU,- 8o- per lb;
new, 4c tier lb.
ONIONS Oreaon. 82.25) -tin vine urlcea. ht.
t2.4SMi2.18; f.o.b. Portland, $2.26. -
rBwniiKiira Apples, ureuon. BOcroxzM;
per box; oranges, navels; $1.752.25 per box;
tcngerlnes, fl.W per box; bauanaa, 5c per
lb: lemons, choice 32.262.60 nr. hov; fnnev
$:4.00ji3.6u per box; limes, Mexican, 65c per 100;
pineapples, sij.ou; craniierrles, Jersey, .7Cy
10.011; persimmons, $1.60 ,
VEGETABLES Turnlns. 8Se nee aaek! ear.
rots, $1.00 per sack; bectat $1.00 per sack;
radishes. I221&c oer dos: cabbara. Orevoa.
$2.00; CallforuU. $1.802.O0. per crate; hot
house lettuce, 60c per doa; green peppers,
6c per lb; horseradish, 7U He per lb; celery,
b006c ' per dos;' tomatoes, $1.25 per
box: Daraulus.' 81.25:' eocnmhers. 12 it : tier
doa: butter beans. lOe per lb; sprouts. 8c;
caullfiower, $1.80ti 2.00; artichokes, 7&r(('00e per
dos; green pea, 7(3 8c per lb; asparagus, 10c
per lb.
DRIED FRUITS Apples, evaporated. 6C7c
per lb; apricots, ll&13c per lb; sacks, Ue
per i lb less! peachea, eigSo per lb; pears, tw
per - lb; prunes, Italian. 8V44Ua ner lb:
French. 8W.fi4Ue ner IK- , fln. rllfnrni.
blacks, 6fti6Ho pet lb; do whites. 6W(ft7c
Per lb: plums, pitted. 5)!H ner lhr dstea.
golden, 6l4e per lb; farda, $1.50 per 15-lb box.
RAISINS Seeded, fancy, Mb cartons, 60
psekages to caae, Oc pkg; seeded 12-os
cartons, 74c; loose Muscatels, 60-lb boxes, 743
SVJe per lb; London layers. $1.86(32.00; clusters,
2.50(,43.75; a. ,25c; ,, fcs, 60c advance over
pouno cartona.
FIGS Ten l ib cartons, choice brand. $1.00;
10 l ib cartons, fancy - brand, $1.10; 10 1-lb
bricks. 2-cnwn. 80c s 10, 1-lb bricks. S-erown.
86c; 60 U-lb bricks, per box. $2.25; 4-row lay
era, per 10-lb box, 80c; loose. 60-lb boles, per
id, uitioc. vauamyrnaa Bix-crown, lu-io car
tons, per box. $2.00; n-crown, 10-lb carton, per
box. $1.75; 4-cxown, 20 H-lb cartons, per box,
$1.75. , ,. . ,,
.-.: Orooeriea, Kuts. te,
SUGAR "Back basis" Cube, $5.70: pow
dered, $5.65; dry granulated, $5.55; beet granu
lated, $3.45; extra C, $4.06; golden C. $4.06;
bbla, luc. Vk bblt, 25c; boxes, 60c advance on
sack basis, leas 25c cwt for cash,, 16 dsys;
staple. I4f214fe per lb.
HOMEY 1444150. ' ' . ' '" " '-' ,
COFFEE Green Mocha, 2t23c; Java, fancy,
2C32c; Java, good, 20325c: Java, ordinary,
18t2uc: C-ista Rica, fancy. 102ne; Costa Rl.
good, 1618c; Coeta Rica, ordinary, HCil3e pe
o, iini-KHHn ciiixee, S'.l.ot.
TEAS Oolong, different grades. 25(2 85c;
gunpowder, 2832(S'35c; English break fa at. dif
ferent gradea.l2yj((i65cj splderlec, anoolored
Japan, , S0aa0c; green Japan (very scarce), 30
SALT Fine Bales, 2a, 8s. 4s, 5s, 10s $2.60;
fine table, dairy, 60S. 85c; 100a. 86c; Imported
Liverpool. 60a, 60c; 100s. 88c; 224s. $1.80.
Worcester Blile 2a, 8s. $5.50; 6a. $5.25; 10a,
$5.00; bulk. 820 lbs. $5.00; aaeks. 60s, 86c.
SALT Coarse, half ground, 100a, per too,
$6.60; 60s, per ton, $7.00; Liverpool lnmp rock,
$23.00 per ton; 60-lb rock. 86.50; KXIs. $6.00.
GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, $5.75416.00 per 100.
RICE Imperial Japan, No. 1. 6ei No, 2,
4c: New Orleans head, 7(7Hc.
BEANS Small white. Se; large white,
$3.603.4)0; pink, $4.00; bayou, 8i4c; Umaa,
NUTS PeannU, te; Jumbos. 8H lb, raw,
OiaiOc per lb for roasted: eocosnuts, 8590c
per dos; walnuts, 14ei5e. per lb; pine
nuts. 1012ttc per lb; hickory nuts. 10c per
lb; cheatunta, eastern. 15dil6c per lb; Braatl
nuts, loo per lb; Alberts, 15 19o per lb;
fancy pecans, 14jll5e par lb; almonds, 18(3
15e ner lb.
WIRH NAILS Present base at $2.88, '
ROPE Pure Manila, 13c; sUndard, 12;
lsal, 10H& . .
Paints, Coal 011a, Its.
COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Cases, 22e per
gal; water white. Iron bbla, 16Hc per gal; wood
en, ; headlight, 170-deg., canes 24c per gaLl
headlight, Iron bbla, 17Vc per gaL
LINSEED OIL Pure raw. In bbls, d7e per
gal; cases, 52c per gal; genuine kettle tailed,
cases 64e per gal; bbat. 40c per gal; ground
cake, ear lota, $26.00 per ton; less than care,
$26.00 per ton.
GASOLINE Sd-deg cases. 82e per gaL iroa
bbls 26e per, gal; stove, eaaea 24Vte-pef gaL
Iron bbls lSciper gal. "
BENZINE w-dg., esses 22c, lroa ' bbla,
PAINT OIL Raw, bbla 83e per gal, eases 8S
per gsl; boiled, eases 40e per gaL
TURPENTINE In cases, fee per gsl; wooden
bbls, 84H per gal: Iron bbls, 82c per gal; 10-lb
eaae lots, 87c per gaL
WHITB LEAD 6u0-ib Iota fltfo per lb; lass
lot 7c par lb. ,
, Heats and Provisions. .
FRESH MEATS Inspected Beef, prime,
JHAe per lb; cows, Mi(j714.e per lb; mot
ton, dreaaed, 6Vi7l40 per Ui; lambs, dressed,
8c per lb. ,
: FRESH MEATS Front street-Beef, steers.
8(37440 per lb; pork, block 787e lb; packers,
tKivTo per lb: bulla, 44W4c per lb; mutton!
dreaaed, H87e per lb; veaL smslL be per
lb; Urge, 6f7c per lb. . T
k HAMS, BACON, ETC. Portland pack (local)
bauia, 10 to 14 lbs 13c per lb; 14 to 16 lbs,
12e per lb; 10 to 20 lbs, 12e per lb; cottage,
Itte per lb; picnic. 8Ve Per lb; breakfast ba
con, 13 16c per lb: regular short
elesrs, unamoked, 10c per lb; smoked, lie per
b; clear back a, unamoked, 10c per lb; amoked,
11c per lb; Union butts, 10 o iS lbs, unsmoked.
8c per lb; smoked, 9c per lb. , 7
! uj over 13 lbs, 13c per lb: fancy.
134?3l3lio per lb; ' picnics. 94 pr lb
shoulders, lid per lb; dry-salted sides, on
smoked, lOVko per lb; smoked, 11 Ue per lb:
breskfast bacon, , 14Va8ieVsa per lb; fancy,
184e per lb.
- LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, 10s. " 10f4e per
lb;. 6s, 1144c per lb; 60-lb tins, 10j,c per lb;
steam-rendered. 10s, 9r per lb; 6s, 0o per
lb; 60a, 8c per lb: compound tierces, 7 4io pur
lb; tubs. fa per lb; 50a, 714a per lb. -
EASTERN LARD Kettle leatY 10-lb tins.
1144c per lb; 6s, lle per lb; 60-lb tins, 10c
per lb; steam -rendered, 10s, 1044c per lb; 6s.
10c per lb; 60s, 9 per lb.
( Above pscking-house prices are net cash, 18
l?ANNED SALMON-k!olombla river 1-ft talla.
81.85; 8-lb talla,, $2.45; fancy 1-lb fiats, $1.86;
fc-lb faocv flats. $1.25: fancy, Mb ovaL $2.05
Alaska talla, pluk, 80(g85c; red, $1.50; nominal
2a, talla, $2.00. ' v .
FISH Rock cod. Te per lb: flounders. 6e per
lb; halibut, 9c per Jb; crabs, $1.25 per doa:
rasor cUms, BtlOc per dos; little-neck clams!
8c,"Strlped base, 124e per lb; Puget sound
smolt, 6c per lb; eatflsb. 7e per lb; black cod.
Per in: salmon trout. 124415c per lb;
w iw ,u, iiwrn, c uer io ssimon,
ailveraldes, per lb; steelheada. 10c pes Ibl
Californlg chlnook. 12V4c per lb; herring, 4e per
lb; soles, 6c per lb; torn cod, 6c per lb; Colum
bia river smelt, 6c per lb; sturgeon. To par lb:
shrimps, 10e per lb. ..
OVHTERH Nhoalwater bay. per gat. $2 26;
per sack, $3.75 net; Olympia. per ssek. $5.86.
. Chicago, March 21, Primary receipts;
' .;.' .-, Todny. Year fgo.
.. ; ' . BnsTiela. Buahela.
Wheat v ,716,000 610,000
Corn , , .,,505,000 618,000
Shipments were:
Vtheat 316.000 166,000
torn ......258.000 '325,0110
Clearances were: Wheat and flour, 324.0IK)
bushels; corn, 290,000 -bushels: eats,- 20,000
(Furnished by Overbeck, Starr A Cooke Co.)
New York, March 21 Logao A Bryan
say; i Stocks Prices sre closing a little "higher
but on the whole the market la without a
cbauge. London was a buyer. There la, of
course; profit-taking throughout the list but
It ia not on a large scale. Tbe outside ta
buying conservatively, naturally awaiting soft
spots. , Traders raided steel stocks on the
ruuior of small earnings snd decreased divi
dends. Such rumors sre as eaay aa lying.
Prices stllj look attractive and the general
situation ie healthy. The short interest is by
no means eliminated snd we think they. are
wsltlug to buy stocks on the soft spots.
Anaconda Mining Co. ...I 67 I 67
A ma I. Conner ii .1 au an v.
Atchison, common.,,,..! eo I 6044
Atcbuton, preferred...... 9044I "044
m. tar Found., com 2044 2044
do preferred .......... 71 71
Am. Sugar, com..,. 12744 127?
Am. Smelt, com 40U 4(1 .V.
Am. Smelt, preferred..,. 92 j 024(i
uaiumore at imio, com.. 7 I 7944
do nref erred .......... I Kit I so
Brooklyn Rapid Transit. 4444 l.Vk
viiiiiauiito ac., com. . . . I11H, IJO
cnicago Alton, com.. I 3044 8944
do Dreferred .. ..I 8nv. f so.
Chi. A Ot, Weat., com.. 15 16
Chi. MIL A St. Paul.. 145 14644
Chicago A N. W., com.. 167 1644
i iiiinnK lerminii Ky....l iu i iu
Chesapeake A Ohio. . . . . . U.lil 1i I 32
Colo. Fuel A Iron, com) 2044 2944
Colorado Southern, com 1S44I 1H
oo aecond preferred. . 25 25
uo urac . nrererreo. . . .1 a l no
Del, Lackawanna A Wee. ..... ...
Denver A R. i., com.,.. 20 20 18
Erie, common ....... . I! 125 125
do second preferred...! 1
do first Dreferred (UV. 1 A4U
Illlnnla Central. .12944 12944
Loulavllle. A Nashville.. 10544 105
Met. Traction Co . 112W 113U
Manhattan Elevated .... 143 144
Mex. centrally...., 11 11 11
luniu., ni. i-4 a Die. a. si
do preferred 120 121
Missouri-Pacific ,,. 92 92
nissoun. Ivan, as TeX- ' I 1844 1844
do preferred.. I 8944 3944
New 'York Central. ....116',4 117
Norfolk AvWest com.. I 68l 58
do- preferred ...I 85 I K5
North American. .... ..'.. 87
N. Ont. A West... 214 21
Pennaylvanla Ry.....,..,117 117
P. G. L. A C. 4...,. 98 98VS
Pressed Steel Car, com.. 30 30
Pacific MaiL-S. 8. .Co.1 2744 S744
Reading, common.....,! 44 HI 44
do second preferred..! 68441 69
do first Dreferred......! 79 I 79
Ren. I. A S.. com 44 I 44
Rock Island, com I 22 1 22 4
do Dreferred 6244 A3
Southern Ry., com...... 2144 21
do preferred.......... 85448544
Southern Paolflc,..,,.( 4 46
St. L. A 8. F.. 2d pfd 44V4
do first preferred 1 68 70
St Louis A 8. W., pfd.. 34 34 H
Texas A Pacific 24 24
Tennessee Coal A Iron.. 39 89
Toledo St. L. A W., com 2644 27
Union Pacific, com...,. 7744 7744
do preferred 87 87
0. 8. Leather, com.,,... 744 744
do preferred ...... 78 T844
0, 8. Rubber, pfd....... 63- 53
V. 8. Steel Co., com.... 11 11
do preferred 69 5944
Wheeling A Lake Erie, I 16 17
do aecond preferred., 25 25 1
do first preferred ...... 47 47
Wisconsin Central, com.. 19 19
aa preferred. ...... ,,.1 azu, 444
Western I'uion TeL,..i 8 88
Wabash, com..... 19 19
do preferred. I M 87
-. Total sales today, 630.800 shares.
uoney, iftifti per cent.
Boston, March 21. Closes
. .46
, .01
Old Dominion...,..,.,......
C lilted States.
Shoe Mschlnery , .. . . . . ........
Atlantic ..
. -19
Calumet .
Copper Range
,0144 .
Daly west.
Dominion Cosl .................
Osceola .......................
mania re
Shannon ; ,
victoria ........
Winona ........ ......
v olverlne
San Francisco, March 21, 10:30 a. m. ' "
Bid. Ask
Contra Costa Water .....8 .85 8 .40
Spring Valley Water
S. F. Oaa A Electric,
Olant Powder
Vlgorlt Powder ......
39 .39
.68 .59
,60 .62
.04. 04
.4fl" .47
.12 .13
.02 .4M
nawiiiin miicar ,..,,,
Honokea 8ugar .................
Hutchinson Sugar ,
Kilalre Sugar .,
Wataavite Sugar ,.
Panabaa Sugar
13 .14
CaL Frnlt Ass.......
CaL Wins Ass
(Furnished by Overbeck, Starr A Cooke Co.)
New York, March 21. Dow, Jones A Co. ssy:
One failure In London, but It Is not Important.
The cotton market expects Sully to resume.
London is bullish on American stocks and es
peaclally steel preferred. Pittsburg reports
United Ststes steel maintaining prices. Con
sols are weaker on Irish land loan Issues. One
hundred snd one roads for Jsnosry show aver
age net December of 23.8 per cent; tin plate
workers accept 20 per cent reduction In wages.
Chicago, March 21. Close:
National Carbon
do. preferred
Swift Packing ...............
.10 '
75 ,
pneumatic fool
...... .19
North Side Ry
Went Side Rv
South Side Ry
.88 .
The Portland elearlnr hnnae rennrta trvl.T-
Clearings; 3627,724.57
Baunces 66,104,81
Portland TTnlon Stockysrds, March 21. The
receipts of livestock In the local ysrda today
were .quite small on account of the unfavorable
weather and the low spirits In which tbe mar
kets were during the previous week. - Today
ruling prices as officially given are:
'Cattle Best eastern Oregon steers, $4.50;
best valley steers, 3.754.25; medium steers,
.').5063.75; cows. 3.503.75j bulls, 2.26a
475; staga. $2.75(3.25. 4
Hogs Best hesvv. $5.85138.00; block, $5.00;
China fata, $5.10(5.36; stockers and feeders
$4.4104.86. .. . , ...
Sheep Best grain-fed wethers and lambs;
$4.60; mixed eheep, $3.2B4.60; stockers and
feeders, $2.2523.00. , , 7
Chicago, March 21. Receipts of livestock;
llors. Cnttl llhuM
Chicago .......,.,....-,.84,000 , 80,000 26.000
Kansas City...;,..,..., 2,500 6.000 . 4,000
Omaha .;. 8.MK) .5oQ 8.000
, Hoga opened 6c lower with 2.000 left over.
Receipts a year ago wers 17,000. Ruling bog
prices; Mixed and batchers, $4.90; good, $5.46:
rough, $4.96(r(5.25; Ught, $4.755.30.
sttle l4)wer, ' .
Sheep Steady. ' ' 0 . -
. Chicago, March 21. drain vlalhlei. . '
inis week. Laat week, Laat year.
.... 4,000
4100,000 j,
' 135,000
Wheat ..
(Fnmlshed by Overbeck. Starr" A Cooke Oo.)
Chicago. March 21. Logan and Bryan say:
Wheat Liverpool did - not respond to tbe
atrength here Saturday and there were further
rama in central and eastern ivansaa. iui
made quite a good deal of pressure . from
liquidation and prices weut off sharply," rally
ing, however, some at the close. There was,
we think, rather good local buy log of wheat
on tbe break. : The fact that the visible
December 471,000 bushels against a December ot
J, 000,000 bushels last. year shows the dupli
cation of recelpta at rbe primary markets.
Tbe situation is dull In cash. The same Is
true of tbe demand for flour. . Reports con
cerning the growing crop are somewhat con
flicting, biu the cnmplalnta are not numerous
or wldeapread. We do not feel particularly
ouillsD on wheat at the present.- It, however,
had. a sharp break today and, there are plenty
who are bullish on thla break and on the
growing . crop. We are Inclined to tblnk it
won't hart to buy wheat on the breaks, but
only for moderate profit -;
, Reaction ia 'Cora, . . f
In corn it was quite a reaction. It sold oft
sharply In tbe early part ot tbe day. Tbe
May option,' however, seems to Show the effect
of - concentrated local holdlnga It rallies
rather sharply from the breaks. There is
a good deal of bearish sentiment and selling.
The cash situation is by no means a satis
factory one. but the bulls seem . to think the
scarcity of contract stuff - will help and the
light movement for the two weeks to come
way add to their side. '
. Oats Close Lower. '.
The cats market closed c lower. It Is on
the whole very steady and there Is a fairly
good undertone. The . Patten Intereata are
bearish but , the cash business seems to be
pretty brisk. Offerings are light and receipts
are light and there la a fairly good cash
demand at encouraging prices. 7 .
'.:..' Proriaiona React at Cloee,
On the early weakness In grain provisions
showed a greater decline but reacted sbsrply
before the close. There wae further selling
by outsiders but the stuff seemed to be taken
by local operators and packiug interests. Ke
celpts are liberal and the distributive demand
is moderate. We do. not feel bullish on tbe
outcome ot provisions ss we think the country
Is fall of hogs and that the atocka will go 00
accumulating. Tbey have, . however, had a
good decline and a steadier market at least
is probably due. ,
The various markets today 'werei
- open. High. . Lew.
.$ .92 $) .93 $ .91
$ .83 ,
New July..
.87 "
. . .50
. T.10
. 6.77
Old July...
New Sept..
: .79
Old Sept,..
May. ......
T 1
13 OT
6.85 "
' T.00 .
' 6.83
4 in
- Lard
July T.10
May 6.82
July 6.85
Today. Year ago. Decrease.
Buahela. 1 Buahela. "' Bushels.'
Wheat .......82.926,000 46,055,000 18UrU,ono
(Virn ' 9,911,000 10,637,000 1,126.01s)
OaU ..10,650,000 7,182,000 3,&O8,0O0
- Chicago, March SI. Cash wheat at noon:
. - Bid. Ask.
No. 2 red, $ .97 $1.00
No. 3 red .........,...,.,...., .95 .99
no. 2 bard winter , .90
No. 3 hard winter 85
No. 2 northern spring ............. .92
No. 8 spring .86
Chicago, March 21. The
grain car lota
. Cars. Grade. Ert.
Wheat 29 in
Corn . ....105 8 170
Oats 202 ' 163
The wheat cars today: Minneapolis, 604; Do.
lath, 42. Year ago: MinneapoUa, 883; Du
lath, 27; Chicago, 29. '
Chicago, March 21 Grain on passage:
Today. Week ago. Year ago.
' . Bushels. - Bushels. - Ttn.heU
Wheat ...... ,42,600,000 41, 3.10.000 81,204.000
Cora . 11,301,000 11,0416,000 12,220,000
' '.- ' Baa Fraaotaee Orala Market, ' ' :
Sea Francisco, March 21 11:80 a. m. close;
Wheat. Mar, $1.41, December, $1.86.
Barley May, $1.12 asked, December, $1.08
asked. ; .. i.
Milwaukee Orala Market.
Milwaukee, March 21. Close: Wheat, Hay,
82c, July, new. 87c: old, 8c.
Corn May, 82c: July, 60c bid.
-. . St, Lou la Orala Market.
8t LohIb, March 21. Close: Wheat, May,
80c: July, 82c asked; September, 79ev
Corn May. 45a45c; July, 4f naked;
September, 47 e. t
Kansas City Grain Harket,
K ansae City. March 21. Cloee:
May. 81: July. 76c .
Cora Msy, 44c; July. 44c
HuueapolU Wheat Market.
Minneapolis, March 21. Close: Wheat May,
04e bid; Julj, 84c bid; September, 81c.
- Xhilnth flag Harket,
Duluth, March 21. Close: Flax. May, $1.15.
Hlaneapolla Flax Harket. .
Minneapolis. March 21. Clou: via. u.
h i. ' r
'" , ,f.-'",- " ' 1 1 1 11 1' -' v
Duluth Wheat Harket!
Duluth. March' 21. Close: Wheat Xf.
98e bid; July, 84 8 8c bid; September, 81e
Hew Tork Wheat Harket.
New Tork. March 21. Clcmm; U'h.t u.
96o asked; July, 92c asked; September, 83c.
, hiw yorK coma market. ;
New Tork, March 21. Coffee closed about
unchanged. Tbe ranees were;
March'io 1(5.20
Anrll K ai km
stay ., K.80
June . ...t...... 6.40
July 4,, 6.65
Aucuat , R 70
September ......................... 6.80
October ........................... 8.90
NOTcmber 6.00
January ... 6.15
reuruary , e.20
, j; saies were iu,ouu Dags. .
:'' V Hrw Toax cottok haexzi. '
1 New Tork, March 21 Liverpool advanced 40
points today, which Is equal to 80 points In this
market. That market la now about ths same
aa before the Sully failure, while this market
la much lower,. Thla market, however, la alwnt
27 points np today. The various options were:
Hsrcm. aiis.Bo
April... 18.93
Msy.... 14.20B
$14.00 ,
14.41 '
14.60 '
12.00 '
14.81 fa: 113
11. 60 4i 08
June,.,, 14.86
July,... 14.42
Aug..... 14.03
Sept.... 12.76
Oct..,,. 12.00
Nov..,., 11.88
Dec...,. 11.86
Burdock Blood Bitters gives a man a
clear head, an active brain, a strong,
vigorous body makes htm fit for tbo
battle of life. .
Eastern states are discovering that a
1905 fair will be held in Portland and
In many cases are making; appropria
tions for suitable exhibits. The corpo
ration this morning- received a letter
from C. H.; Mclsaac, special fair' com
missioner, who is Interesting eastern
states in the 1905 exposition.
Mr. Mclsaac writes that March 17 h
visited Baltimore and met the Mary-
land Louisiana purchase , commission.
They favored an appropriation and
promised to assist In securing this. On
the day following he met with the state
senate finance and house ways and
means committees and discovered that,
while an additional appropriation to the
St, Louis fair would interfere seriously
with a Portland donation, the commit
tees agreed that the 1905 fair should
receive, a small appropriation.
Mr. Mclsaao later had an interview
with Governor Herrlck of Ohio, and
found that the additional 'appropriation
of $12,500 secured by 8t Louts had
made his way a thorny one, but the gov
ernor Insisted that Ohio should be rep
resented, and Senator O. F. Hypes was
Instructed to prepare a bill appropri
ating 10,000 for an Ohio exhibit.
Mr. Mclsaao states that Virginia has
decided to use the unexpended St. Louis
fair funds for the Lewis and Clark ex
position. This will man that there will
be no appropriation, but the legislature
will set aside a sufficient amount to se
cure the removal ot Virginia's exhibits
from St Louts to Portland. New Jer
sey Is regarded by the commissioner as
a doubtful state. Massachusetts Is said
to be In good shape and favorably dis
posed toward the lair. New York will
give $25,000 of the 340,000 appropriated
to the western fair, and will vote $25,"
000 more at the next session of the leg
islature. . Mississippi will not partici
pate,, aa her legislature faces a big bond
Issue and will cut expenses to
smallest margin. , Mr. ' Mclsaao will
probably make another trip over the
east In the Interests of the fair before
his return.
The suit of Thomas Byan to recover
$1,000 damages from F. W. Hemsworth
was heard by Judge Sears In the state
circuit court this morning and taken un
der advisement. In his complaint Ryan
alleges that he was shot by Hems worth
and wounded so grievously that he has
since suffered greatly, both mentally and
physically. The alleged assault oc
curred In August last year. -
Tbe defense of Hems worth is that as
a member of the local ponce force he
arrested Kyan for 8, crime, and that the
latter broke away from himfcand fled.
He was outrunning the officer, accord
ing to the statement of the latter, when
In pursuance of his duty Ryan was1 shot
and capttjredJ'' . ; '
Ryan declares that he was arrested
without a warrant and .without any
charge having been placed against him
because the policeman without other rea
son than malice accused him' of fre
quenting an opium den. He denies that
he, attempted to escape.
In the municipal court this tnornlnsr
William Dean and Harry Richmond ad
mitted that they robbed the residence of
W. A. Carty last Friday night of valu
able liamonds and other jewelry, and
they were held to await the action of th
grand Jury In bonds of $2,600 each. Ed
Wiley would not admit his guilt but was
held under $1,000 bonds. '
The three men were arrested last Sat
urday night by Detectives Day, Welner
and Vaughn, aa published ia The Jour
naU yesterday. The officers had been
looking for them for several weeks, but
could not get sufficient evidence to war
rant the arrest, until they caught them
with a grip full of the plunder from the
CJarty residence. Prior r to the capture
the . detectives named, as well as Ser
geant Hogeboom, now working In plain
clothes, had trailed the men - all over
the city. - '.
The trio have confessed to other bur
glaries here, although Saturday night
they denied additional crimes. The of
ficers believe they have the men who
have committed all of the ; burglaries
here In the past few weeks. - .
When arraigned in the municipal
court this morning Joseph Smith waived
examination and was held to the grand
jury under bonds of $1,600. He was
charged with burglary. It Is alleged
he robbed the office of Dr. William
Koehler, 242 H First - street, of some
dental Instruments and gold filler Fri
day night He was arrested by Detec
tive Day, as published In The Journal
yesterday. - Day had to knock him down
before he 'would consent to accompany
him to the city Jail. : ' , . v
(Journal Special Service.)
New Tork, March 21. President Jonv
pers of the Federation of Labor returned
from Porto Rico .this morning, where he
made a close study of the labor condi
tions. It Is expected that he will make
a sensational report He thinks condi
tions there can be Improved 60 per cent
in a short time, but Just how will not
be discussed atxthls time. : In Porto
'Rico he was hailed as a "labor Messiah."
' ,, Pittas, and estimates have been nearly
completed by the city engineer for a
bridge to replhce that across Sullivan's
gulch which fell with a crash last Sat
urday. The old bridge was closed for
the first time in September, 1902, when
it ' was considered , unsafe. Persistent
usage, however, on the part of unwary
pedestrians and others caused a second
closing of tbe bridge in December of
the following year, when a barricade
was placed across, the entrance at both
ends. Last February 8 a solid barri
cade was erected. :.. " - . .
"I think the people desire a substan
tial bridge, one that will be permanent
and safe tor all time," said Councilman
Sharkey today, . "I am In favor of a
"Eat to Live
But the people who are patrons of this)
stere find It a pleasure-t-o "Live to Eat"
We sell the best of evffr-xthtng, and the
best of It is that : we selF it cheap
cheaper than any grocery house In tha
city. '-. "
30 cents
Back Falcon Pancake Flour, '
91.00 :
Gallon can Pure Maple Syrup.
.5 cents '
2-lb. package H.-O. Injun Bread Flour
5 cents
1-pound package pure Corn Starch.
' - 25 cents ;
6-pound package Gloss Starch. 1 ;
35 cents
Box No. 1 Maccaronl, white or yellow.
35 cents . ,
. Two t-lb. packages Gold Dust,
"- ", 35 cents : ' ; 1
Two bottles Snlder'a Catsup. ' .
' -1 10 cents i
Can' St Charles Condensed Cream. .
15 cents .
Pound fresh-roasted Costa Rica Coffee
' 100-lb. sack Dry Granulated Sugar.
Let us have your telephone number?
and we will call, you up every day for
your order and deliver the : same
promptly. Our delivery wagons are la
all parts of the city - every day.
.. w . -' ;'' " : ' . ;:r"';
374 Washington St Phone, Mala 8893,
"The Pure-Food Grocers."
Little or
Much -
It makes no difference what you buy et
how much, our treatment is the same
a 6-cent customer gets the same prices
and treatment . that . the $10, customer
gets. A child ean buy aa cheap as th
experienced buyer. .
' We will demonstrate Campbell's Soups
March 21, 22 snd IS. Call and try them.
Bartlett Pears and White cherries. ' "
per can . ,X0o
Lima Beans . ..................... So
Mexican Beans . 6o ,
Tapioca and Sago ................. 4o
Brooms . . .......... ...... ...,.98o
Three tH-lb. pkgs. Violet Mush.... 86o
Mackerel, S . ........ ........ ,35a
Acorn Matches ......... 10o
We handle a nice line of vegetables.
Quick delivery to all parts of ths
city every -day. Full weight' is our
hobby, ..t ..... . . ; .
Godfrey Bros.
Telephone, Mala 1006. Opposite V. O
. -Proprietor of ths
Gity Brewery
largest and Mbst Complets
Brewery la ths Korthwest.
Bottled Beer a Specialty
Tuxxnowa sro.' 72. .
Olfioe 13th and Barnslde Streets,
Schwab Bros. PrinfingCo.
' ' Best Work, Beaaoaable Frloes
847M Stark Street. , a Phona Mala 178
good bridge rather than a cheap one.
The dearer one will be the cheaper In
the end. A bridge to cost $60,000 would
be cheaper, in 'my estimation, than one
costing $15,000, because the district
that would pay for It would be largely
Increased, and the charges on property
owners who will have to pay, no mat
ter what kind of bridge la buflt, would
be no higher If a first-class structure
were erected than If a cheap bridge wers
built." . i ... .
"It Is probable that Mr, Spencer will
remain In the office until the end of the
term," said District Attorney Manning
today, when asked who would be ap
pointed to All-the vacancy of Deputy
Arthur C. Bpencer, resigned. ' "It Is
probable he will remain, and for that
reason no one has been selected to .fill
the place. At any rate, Mr, Spencer will
remain a long time yet,"
: How fillly Smith Oars Up.
"Billy Smith has given up smoking."
"What made him do thatT"
"Dropped his cigarette butt In a kec
of powder."
v '