The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 20, 1904, Page 20, Image 20

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situatio n w a nte d"
inserted onetime,
absolutely free
WANTED Lady bet 00 and 70; Terr Ufiht
work and small salary In pleaaant kerne to
herself. Address Y. 2., care JournaL; .
WANTED Girl In small fsmlly of 8 to do
housework and help lu.amall store. No. 10U1
Belmont at. .
WANTED Apprentices to learn dermatology
and massage. Asa Holmes-Rebbecke, 304 Mor
rison at. -
WANTED Gtrl wanted to assist at house-
work at 888 Eleventh at. ' .'vf .
CO ATM AK KB for costume work-: Apply 835
Fourth, at. '
- WANTED Trsvellng salesman for a wholesale
1 dry good and furnishing roods house, to
. row Wlllsraett' valley; must be first-clas.
thoroughly experienced and a good bustler:
good salary for right man; stage age and ex.
' perienee; eommuulcatlone ; considered confl
dentiaL Address Salesman, care Journal , ,
GENTLEMEN of xerqt1v ability to represent
, a financial proposition that will bear th
closest investigation; Insurance. B. A L. . or
tontine men preferred; no , mining or oil
scheme: no capital required. J. R. Glover,
1 atate supt. room IB, Kusaell bldg.. Fourth
and Morrison st. - , "..
MEN and women to' learn the barber trade;
new eiasa for ladles last starting. Call or
write for particulars and If In doubt make a
personal Investigation. America! Barber
1 College, 2S3 Everett st. Portland. '::
WANTED Gang edgerman. $2.79; donkey en
gliteer, f2.60;' stockman, $3.60; sssh and door
machine man. $3: 3 mill men. $2; other work;
office open Sunday forenoon. Lumbermen's
, Labor Bureau. 205 Morrison at. .:-,,, r..- '.'
WA KTED Laborers, $2 day: - teamsters, $2
dy brnshentter-i, (2 day cooks, $40: (Innkey,
, $20 farmers $25 mo; farmers and milkers sll
kind work for Monday. Sloan A Co.. 209
... Stark st. . .
WANTED A young man. neat In appearance,
', to work In meat market; must bare aome
; experience In the business and slso give
references. Address Box 497. Hood KlTer, Or.
LOCAL manaeer wanted In every town oyer 1,-
0i0 'to collect and solicit collections; can
- be done In few boors dally snd pays big. The
- t Blue Book company, Oregoulaa bldg.
MEN to leara barber trade; only, 8 weeks re
quired; 8 years saved; pos'tton secured when
competent; catalogue mailed free. Molor
. ; System college. San Franclsca CaL
COLLECTOR ' In every town In state to act as
scent for credit Corporation promising good
; remuneration to wide-awake man., The Blue
. Book company,. Oregonlan bldg. .
$30 TO W0 per week Is made by writing sect
1 dent and sick benefits In the Union Mntnal
1 Aid association. Call or address 401 Mor-
- qaam building, Portland. Or,
WANTED Cabinetmaker who can also nee a
r splndle-carrlng machine. Apply to. West
f osst Sash ft Door company.. Nineteenth and
" Vaughn sta. . . '. ', .v,--.. . :;Y:
WANTED Marine engineers holding ocean eer
. tlfieatesr must be American cttlxens. Call
room, 229, t Charles hotel. E. H. Wey-
WANTED Man to handle one of the best house
hold article erer put on the market; large
profits. Call room 9, Chamber of Commerce.
EXPERIENCED sdTertlslng solicitor wanted
Immediate commission. Call between 12 and
1 o'clock only., Ralph C. Clyde. 147 4 Front
COMPETENT man In each city to Introduce new
luie of goods; good proposition to right party,
Address A. B. 10S, care Journal. -,
WANTED Man who thoronghly nnderstonds
handling spray nosile. M. O. Morgan. 970
Mitwauma at i-noue acott ay ;
WANTED Marine engineers- holding ocean
certlflcateaj must be Amcrlcaa cltlaeos. Call
room Ht Charles hotel. ,
WANTED Men with horse and light wagon
ro do morning wore. Address . at once A.
zl Z. care ' Journal.
WANTED Man who nnderstands carpetniewlng;
steady work. X. M, C. A. employment de.
WANTED Boy to learn gss and electric fixture
business. Y. M. C. A. EnHloyment depart
WORK for men, men for work. .'
HANSEN'S OKFICE. 20 N. Second st
GOOD printer for country office. Inquire today
at sou front at.
COATMWKER for coarume work.. B.T5 Fonrth St.
IIOOKKEEPtNO nr other office, work;, csn do
stenography and typewriting; S years' ex.
perlence; best of city references. , Phone
Lnlon 3201. . . . ,
RELIABLE typewrlterlat, tboronghly competent
B yesrs' coast expenenoe. wishes position
Address Mr. 8., No. 14 East Eleventh St., N.
WA NTED Yonng woman desires a position as
. stenograpner; experienced ; city rererencca;
railroad office preferred. Phone East 440. -
WANTED Yoong-woman desires position aa
stenographer: small wares to start: refer
ence furnished. Address 650 East Alder at
" TWO Intelligent women with good reference
ran secure permanent positions. Call at 818
. Oregoulon bldg., bet 8 ana 11:30 . m.
DAY work of sll kinds wanted; satisfaction
guaranteed. Phone t lay l.m. 'Mr. Baby
Pierce, th Rutland. First and Clay.
WA NTEDPoaltlon by young lady stenograDber
email wage to begin; city refereucea. Ad-
dress J. SO, ear Journal.
.WOMAN desire day work; would prefer
weekly engagement for washing. Address
210S Sberldsn st.
WANTED Position by experienced young lsdy
stenographer; city references, Addreaa Lilly,
csre Journal, . . .
SEAMSTBEHS wishes plain family sewing;
, skirts, shlrtwaUU, children's clothes; 1.25.
Phone 40H3.
BELIABLB women wants housekeeping situa
tion or car of elderly woman, X. 100, car
. jonrnai.
WANTED Poslttn by i experienced stenogra
pher; refereocee. . Addreaa Box L., Journal.
EXPERIENCED etenograpber desire permanent
reunion, rnone Bast ino.
A YOl'Nd man with good reference, expert.
eaced wholesale grocery porter and warehouse
man. wisbe work of most any kind, city or
country; handy about with carpenter tools.
Address F. Ilonroy, car Overland Warehouse,
Portland. Or.
SITUATION wanted by young man, single, of
. any kind .In city or country; la good carpenter
: belper and experienced In porter work In
grocery bnalness; good references. Address
J. Franklin. 10 Grand are.. East Portland.
SITUATION wanted by elderly German who la
aober, steady and trustworthy, as nlaht-
wstchmsa. or to take care of a garden or
lawn or similar work for moderate wages.
Address H. Kohlmaa, Oregon City. Or.
WANTED By a yoong man attending hlah
school, age 18, position to work after school
hours and en Katurdars; had bad 7 raontha'
. riperlenoa as bookkeeper hut will accept any
aina oi wars. . wj, car jrmrnai. , .
YOl'NO man who csn ftirnlhe good references
and who la good, workman, would like posi-
tlon with , wholesale or Imnlement bouse
where honesty and Integrity would merit
. promotion. K. xu.-eare journal.
WANTED Work by flrstlsss, all-sround
InnndrTmnn: competent to act as foreman:
trtrtly temnerate and reliable; can give
, flrt-rlea references; city or country, Ad
dreaa u. I . a., care journal. , '
WANTED I'nslllon by well-ednested yoong
aim, eollece -rs dilute, aa etenograpber or
bookkeeper. In or out ef city; 3 years' ex
perience; anquestlonalile. references. Address
A. K. HV, rare journal, f
WANTED Work In small plumbing shop by
young .man. with chance, in . learn trade;
: s"n exnerlence in nine flttinr: good worker.
Will work for reasonable wages. . Address
I. A, 5,f Journal offlco. . '
WANT sitnsflon with firm wide awske enough
- to as all th talents of surccstftil adrertls.
log nwnager who csn aystemstlse and de-
rvi a husiuesa. Address P. 3, car Journal.
WANTEI A poaltloB by reliable and re
spousible middle-aged gentlemen (K. of P.)
as watchman or superintendent; moderate
" wages: - beat of relerencea furnished. ; Ad
dress B-2, care Journal, r
WANTED-Situatlon 'by boy 18 year old, aa
errand boy or inaide work: has hid 8 years
experience as errand boy and know- the
streets by, heart. Call up West 3065 or . at
804 Third st, city.
SITUATION by young man not afraid of work;
willing to make ninuu-u nseiui anu is twicer
to have good home In preference to high
wsgea. C. Walkup. 384 East Morrison st
WANTED Set of -books to keep or to post.
o..n.sAn, . hv otiot1.vww.1 tmobkeener and
"1-ethnographer; books balanced and atatements
maae.Y i'hone, bast isle. . '
SITUATION wanted by boy of 18 In wholesale
or retail store; shoe store prererren; eumy-ior
habits; best references; wages little object
' T. B. B., care Journal. -
WANTED Situation aa grocery clerk or ao-
i lienor; are years experience anu oest ui
references. Address L. L. iShrman, general
SITUATION ' wanted aa snnerintendent of
ansa end door factory; competent at estimat
ing and billing off work,. Address M. L.,
care JournaL . ..
WANTED -By onion stonecntter, work; capable
or any kind ot atone wura eren to anperin
tendlug a job. Address C. 2. care JournaL
BUTCHER i and meat-cotter desire perma'-
rr?nt position; mlddle-ageO. atcady and re
liable. , Address B. M. 20, car JournaL
YOtTNO man who nnderstands horses wants po-
, imoB aa arirer of delivery wagon. .. i. u.
C. A, BmployUeut department
INDUSTRIOUS, aober young man destre offlc
., work; 6 months' experience; good reierneees.
Address P.. 18, car Jouraol.
EXPERT collector csn handle few mora firms;
work on commlwlon; highest references. Ad
dreaa P. X -care JournaL
WANTED Situation wlthr a good plumber to
team craae; nare. naa -j years eauerience,
P...Q. 20, care .JournaL
SITUATION wanted by: elderly, sober, experi
enced gardner; city or country, Adaresi
0. M.v care Jnil';v.';v,v.;'N-i'j'.!--: rf,'
BUILDING" contractor wisbe contract or day
. work, or foremanshlp, lu city or out or city,
''1. 20, care JournaL: ; r
WANTED Work by middle-aged man (K. of
P.); good education ana willing. Aoaress
M.. care Journal, ,
BOOKKEEPER Steady and reliable, want
work; good references.,-, i. M. C A. Employ
ment department . : , .
WANTED Situation by first-class, meatentter.
uat arrlred la the city. Address Meatcatter,
' car Journal. " . ,
GOODNyeHable stenographer wants situation;
i best .references, 1, M. C. A. Employment
FIRST-CLASS shipping clerk of long experience
wants position la wholesale bouse. E. 20,
' care JournaL .' ' ,.-
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and itenographer
desire position; city references." P. 20, car
JournaL , - .
GOOD aceonntant will be open for engage
ment April 1. References. A. R. 20, car
JournaL . . . c -
BOY wishes employment In wholesale store to
learn trade. . Address P. IL, care Journal.
SITUATION,; wanted . by experlence'd grocery
clerk. - Y. M. 0. A. Employment department.
MINING man of large experience want poal.
tlon with local mining office.;. Y. M. C. A.
EXPERIENCED miner wanta altnatlen a fore,
man to quarts mill. Addreaa -Miner. JournaL
WANTED Position In photo gallery a printer,
Addreaa Peter B. Vlkee, car Y. M. C. A.
LIGHT -employment outdoor by young man;
good references. Phone Scott 8241.
BOY wants Job In grocery store or delivering.
Apply 2404 First St.. city.
YELLOW plna timber claims. 2,000.000 or more
per .claim, tar sawing; also 20 good borne
tends.. ' -. ..
$1,500 fenva now 10 acres near baae-Un
mad; 200 fruit trees, good 4-rnom bouse, barn
and outbuildings: sll m fine stste of cultlTa
Tabor HeighU, end of Sunnyalda and Mount
Tabor car line. . - .
FOR 8ALB A new and modern 8 -room house
with Urge hall, bath, large pantry, cement
hasonteni. I ' toilets, electric Hunt and gas
fixture, nice lswn with flowers and fruit
trees; 1 blocks of East Ankeny car line;
nice neighborhood. 703 East Burnside, bet.
' East Twenty-second and Eaat Twenty-fonrth.
BTOf!K RANCH., Donelaa county. Wash., for
sale or trade. Watervllle alx miles; Co-
; lumbla rlrer 1H miles. 160 acre, 4B timber.
, To springs 100 feet. First 36 plowed. House,
bsrn;' acboolhonse-1H mllea, - Plenty outside
range, Iuqulr of owner. :. B. A. Town,
Parkeplace, Or. - .
FOR SiLE--In' tloltaday Park, a beautiful new
borne, built, less than 6 month ago, 8 rooms,
electric light snd gas: also sewer connec
tions; lot 60x100: plsnted with fruit trees
and roses; price 84,500; $1,000 down, bslsnce
on easy payments. - Address E. 20, JournaL
FOR ' BALE A modern T-room house, cor.
lot 100 feet square, alley In rear, at Unl-
eerslty Park, 2 blocks rrotn new elty-park.
1 bloci from new etreet car Una. Call on
owner, 016 Chamber of Commerce, ' for term
and aee pboto of premises, ,
FOR SALE at a bargain, sawmill in.000 m-
parity, new snd complete, atmut i,uuo.maj
standing yellow fir. located in good, grow.
Ing town la Oregon, on Southern Pacific.
Addreaa . Mrs. Burness. 892 East Fifteenth
st Kbrth, Portland, Or.
FOR SALE The quarter block on the south
east corner of Thlrteentn and Marshall sta.
This Is a good sit for a wsrehouse or fee
tore, es- It- has- s fallroad stde-trsck. Price
$10,000. The Burrell Inrestment Co., 'o. f
rirst at - :
FOR SALE 2.18 acres of dairy and frnlt land
j, near Portland, with excellent driveway, sitn-
ated on R. B. and bnatlandlng; 200 acrea fully
' Improved, lnlullng 45 acre bay land, th
balance psrtly cleared; on terms to suit 0 10,
car Journal.
and second-band
Furnttnre and atoves .- , '
' For cash snd credit.
Alder h Block. 68 North Third at
Phone, Clsy 688.
FOR SALE 84,000, T.82 acre, in cnltlvrlon;
8-room boaw, hard finish brick basemect;
barn, cistern, good fences; Improvements,
worth 82.BO0; good orchard: 10-mlnute walk
' from city limit south of Sandy road. Inquire
847 BroadwsT. '
A WAGON mannfarturlng plant, consisting of
engine, saws, lathes, blacksmith tools, wood
workers' tools snd msterial;' th estate of
- A. Mirtchles, deceased. Inquire of J. W.
Fishburn, Dayton, Or.
8 ROOMS, new East Thirtieth and Washlneton,
f2'JrtO; R rooms, rm-nace. Hoiisnsy aonmon,
$2.7M: 8 bouses., Hollarlsy addition, corner,
3,!50. F. Woodward, Phone Eaat 1371, . 187
. East Thirty-second st. i
PROSPEROUS' weekly newspaper In Southern
. Oregon; only paper In growing railroad town;
netted over $4,000 In last year; price $1200;
material all new; will Invoice this amount;
.. JV JU f Journal. i'c .;k---:. : -,
FOR SALE I own one quarter section of good
timber land In Clntsop county. Or., which,
though advancing In value, on ' acconnt of
old age I wish to selL Address Clatsop,
Journal offlc.
FOR SALE A modern 7-roora hortse, - grotind
I50x10. at Willamette station, V Work from
' Ft. Johna car line. Call on owner. C A.
Zygowakl,, 1100 Wilbur at, Willamette st.
tlon. . V- " - - -V
FOR SALE Modern 7 -room boose., srnnnd 150x
M0. st Wlllamett station: V, block from
St. Johns car line. Cell on owner, C. A.
, Ergonskt, 1190 Wilbur St., Willamette st-
' tlon.
$ FOR a new 6-rnnm eottige at Highland
Park; $100 cash. $15 monthly; will bnlld
' snytblng yon want, anywhere In th city;
rnme, terms. . 012 Commercial bldg. - Main
j wy. .. , ... , .;
-r',. .i-.-' c-y' t ;'-:;:
9 ACRES for $75 per acre on car line, about 8
mi lea rroin city; win maae a gooa nog or
chiekeu ranch; running water all year; terms.
Couiptou A Gibson, room 100, Ablngton bldg.
FOR SALE and for rent, furnltor 8 rooms
nesnyi new; oo mil,, cottage; rem ju;
abundance of flowers ; 15-mlnute walk to
business part of city. P 10, -care Journal.
THE best bird dog-In the west a full-blooded
English setter puppy, months old, lor J,
;-at 707 Reed at.. North Portland., bet
Twenty-flrst and Twenty-second. ' 1
HOUSE and lot In good location; a line home
for right party; bet. the two car lines; small
amount down, balance in monthly payments,
8. 104. car JournaL- ' . . -,v-
BLUE Andaluaian egga for batching; "American
champion strain, tne oreea mat iaya ana
Esys; $2.50 per 18 egg.;- A. W. Klein, Port
tnd boulevard, city. .'
A SNAP 2-story brick and S-story fram sa
loon, boarding-house; ail complete; goon
trade; neta 12 per cent; best buy in city. Call
558 Delay at, owner. ,
120-GATXON self-measuring oil tank, Dayton
computing acale. revolving base; bargain; good
order, , will be closed out cheap. 134 Front
corner Alder at. -
FOR SALE By owner, lot 40x100, with B-room
cottage, on cast Harrison, near lentn, on
S.cer lines; term...' Inquire room 208 Chamber
of Commerce.
WB will pry cash for a modern bona of 8 to
7 rooms In a desirable location. Lancaster
Realty company, . 821 Morrison at Phone,
, Main 892L . ;,.,;.;.!...
FOB SALE Corrected to date addreaae of
t;inckama and Columbia .county voters - and
taxpayers. K. H. Gaboeft, 129 Nortfc Thir
teenth .at-! ;' .'.'.:..'.,.:,..):-.?. : '
MATERNITY hospital (smsll), ' extra select;
fuenty or pstienra; nest oi reasons ror sen
ng; splendidly furnished. Address Z. 20, car
JournaL - "V -. .
WILL sell land at Irrlgon cheap; party wishes
to leave; rename information rurnisnea re
garding project her. CD. Hellyer, Irrl-
- gon Or. -, . ; .
CALL and investigate my list of farms in all
parts of- Oregon and Washington: income city
property for sale. B. S. Cook. 251 Alder at
7-B00M modern boose, full basement brick
foundation, bot and cold water throughout
Address Gordon, 408 East Seventeenth at
8 PURE bin white diamonds. ' K, perfect
8 ems, at half price; mounted to auit; terms
; wanted, fill Commercial bldg.
FINE 8-year-old Holstcln-Jersey cow, fresh, with
cair. Tor sale for foo. M. J. Morse, sua
Esst Twenty-elgbtb St., Wsverly.
FOR SALE First-class peanut beater, in good
west cor. Third and Morrison at .
FOR SALE At a bargain. 20 acrea 2H mile
from Beaverton. 8 mile from Portland. , J.. A.
Mortenson, 205V Morrison at . ..
FOR SALE An oyster eating-bouse; established
trade; central location; it years' leaae. A.
King Wilson, 14 Worcester blk.
FOR SALE Ten acre land, suitable .for
platting. Inside city limits. Enquire of H.
M. 'Oarlock or Eugen Shelby. -
8-ROOM fornlsbed boose; furniture first-clsss;
all new; gas. bath and phone; price $1,200.
' Address C. T., csre JournsL
FOR SALE Best-paying rooming-boos in th
city. For further Information phon -Main
2028 or call at 212 Third St.
FOR SALE 6-room house, 8 8-10 acre in orch
, ard; good outbuildings; price reasonable. 0.
Kissinger, Mllwaukle, Or., . 4 .
WAR picture in Hsrper's Weekly; on sal
at Jones' Book store, 291 Alder at, btt
Fourth and Fifth eta.
$2,000 BUYS a' 84-room lodging-boos If taken
st once: owner must leave city. Inqnlr 162
Kortb Sixth t t ,.. .
FOB SALE New Pittsburg typewriter, direct
from factory; one-third oil. Addreaa S. H.
106, Journal, j . - , . - ,
FOR SALE Hop ranch to sell or rent . Apply
by letter to J. Kingsbury, 971 Hawthorn
are., Portland.
FOR SALE 0-room houses - 8 lots; good out
buildings; price reasonable. O. Wlaslnger.
Mllwaukie, Or.
FOR SALE New 7-room bona 1 block from car
line; good plumbing; fin view. 818 North
Grand ave. ... ...
FOR SALE 6-room. hard-finUbed cottage, good
condition, at Mount Tabor. J. M. F car
JournaL .
FOR SALE Frst-clsaa second-hand sewing ma
chine cheap If taken at once. Phone Grant
920. "..
FOR SALE Rambler bicycle, coaster-brake;
good condition; cheap. Scott 8241. ;
FOR SALE Heavy team of horses, with har
ness.. Call 840 Second at.
CABINET folding bed. solid oak; will sell very
cneap. ion roorteentn at.
id. zt nasi Toirtietn t . -
FOR SALE cottage, easy term. Se
owner, ouo ATy st.
FOR SALE 3 pointer pupa,
Fonrth st.
ulr No. 684
F0R( BENT Upstairs of private residence:
2 or B lara-e onfurnlahed rooms. V. hloek nf
V lswn and fruit trees; the finest residence part
or east sine; warning aisiance; reasonable to
right party; no children. 254 Union ave., N.
' Phone Eaat 1165.
SMALL It-room cottage, furnished $7; nnfnr
. nlshed $4; large grounds. 4-room honse, un
furnished $4. Apply Mr. Rosens took, 23
' Plppen st, Peninsular Sta., near Carlter's
tor. ; .- . .: ..
FOR RENT 6-room bonse; all modern con
veniences; will be finished 15th April; on
Washington St., bet. Twelfth and Thirteenth.
Call 94 Eaat Twelfth at. . , ; , -
1 BLOCK from 8 car line, 8-room house with
, bath, In pleasant neighborhood; comfortably
': furnished; $10; will sell furniture reasonabl.
i Phone Brown 843.
FOR BENT $10. 8-room cottage, good condi
tion; 8 chicken-house snd psrks;good barn;
steel range, and chicken for sale. Phon
Scott 141.
FURNISHED and. nnfurnlahed rooms, In suites
of 2 or 8; steam best, electric light, gas
for cooking. 845ft First st. Phon Main
2028...: - .. i ; .:r.. -
FOR BENT House, i rooms, basement; bot
and cold water; fine, yard; large place for
chicken. Phon Union 1088.
DESIRABLE 7-room cottage for rent, complete
furnishings, for quick sals; cheap. J. B.
King, H23 Morrison st
FOR RENT Large bouse on ear line. Irvingtoo,
fnrnlshed . or nnfurnlahed. Portland Trust
company, 109 Third at
FOR RENT Modern B-room cottage. Twelfth
and Northrup, $18 month. Apply 106 North
Ninth at . r . .- - .
FOR RENT Nice, 7-room cottage, foil base
pent, hot and cold water, bath, nlc yard.
Savler st, near Fourteenth.,
FOR RENT Fnrnlshed flat, ground floor with
basement and fitruace; on east aid. Phon
'.Scott 8381..' $25. v .-'----.v, vy ,;,,',.."..-..-,
3 OR 8 nnfnrnlbed room for rent: no chil
dren. 61)2 Johnson St., near Twenty-flrat
FOR RENT Fornlsbed house 9 rooms; nlc
ysrd. 168 Tsylor. Csll 474 Alder t
6-ROOM cottage In nlc location; prftc $17. In
quire C29 Everett at
6 ACRES for rent, do In. 628-Ti'ylor t
WANTED Exerybody troobled with a smoky
furnsc or foul-chimney, to leave word at
Bernl' (Img store for Henry Emmcrt, the
pioneer chimney wep. cor. Second . nd
Washington t Phone Main 400, , v
WANTED- Stock or bond Wi of renntahle
corporation, mining or Industrial; have facility
i for selling same on commission-., alve all par
ticular. . N. E. B., 001 OrefOulan bldg. ,.
A BUYER for my ranch; 140 acre good land;
25 acrea cleared, 12 acre beaver dam; house,
barn, orchard, . 12 head of cattle, . T cows
giving milk, 2 horses, 4 bogs, 100 bead of
, poultry, wagons, farm Implements and house
hold goods, all go; I mast sell; If yon want a
J ranch, call on or address the owner, 12 mile
" from Portland. I, Johnson, Vancouver, Wash.
Bout I.-.'.. ;: :! f-'U-
SPRAYING and whitewashing, ; trees, base-
menta, barns, docks, etc., M. G. Morgan &
Co. CaU up Scott 254, we will call and
- give yon llgure on your work. The largest
, gasoline spraying and whitewashing outfit
, In Multnomah county. 970 Mllwaukle at,
Portland, Or. :
WE HAVE a : surprise for th first boy and
flirt in each room of every school In Wasn
ngton and Oregon who sends - us a. correct
list of the scholars In their rooms. Schools
'in Portland not wanted. . Send repllea to
the U. S. Mall Order Co., in car of Port
- land. ... . .. .-: ,.. - -.-..,'-.. iv
WANTED Men and women to tak lessons In
candymaklng; will give leasona at your borne
or by mall; rates very low; satisfaction guar.
i anteed In erery Instance. Call on or address
the Yates Confection school, 340 East Seventh.
WANTED All to know that Randolph Palmer
' will build your houses cheaper, furnlsb bet
ter material and do better work than any
oioer coniraciors in ine city. tjr. isast
Thirty -sixth and Salmon at., city. .
WANTED 15 young men to tak mechanical
. aim uiruneriunii urywili in lue I . si. v. A,
, night classes, to fit thetnselve for positions
as draughtsmen In pattern and machine srops
and architects' otflces. r , .
WANTED 10 carpenters who are- willing to
spend 3 nlghta a week in fitting themaelvea
. to do finishing work by taking carpentry.
Joining and wood carving at theT, M. C. A.
woodworking shop,:. ( i-- -i: ,,.-
WANTED To rent., between now and May 1.
- 6 or 8-room bouse in the vicinity of Twenty.
first and Thurman; rent must be reasonable.
: Address W. 8. Brande, 421 North Nineteenth.
WANTED 10 yoong men who can spell to tak
shorthand and typewriting at th Y. M. C. A.
night school, to fit for positions aa atenopra
phera for railroad and lawyers' office.
WANTED Mualc pupils; modern snd classical
music tangbt; pupils prepared for teaching
; and playing in church; lessons 60c and $1. 215
Grand are., cor. Holladay ave. -
WANTED 20 young men to tak bookkeeping
and penmanship in the Y. M, C. A. night
school so as to fit themselves for position a
bookkeeper- and office cterka.
WANTED To boy or rent 8 to 10 acre of land
near th city, with bona and barn on it
Anawer with partlcnlara. . J. D., 387 Eaat
- Pin t, city. i -
WANTED To (tore piano for as of eame; only
2 in family and permanently located; will
pay expressage. Addreaa 806 First at, city.
WANTED 1 or 3 lot either at Clatsop or
' North- Beach; state particular and lowest
price for essh Address V. 11., car Journal.
WANTED All-ateel Jointed fishing rod; also
high-top rubber boots; most be in good con
dition and cheap for cash. Phone Main 8916
APRIL 1, 8 or 4 housekeeping room, by party
from the east; no children; state prlc and lo
cation. S. I. 101, car JournaL
WANTED Som more order for heavy team
and - light road horse, to b delivered in
Jnn. Phon Union 8207.'
WANTED Rowboat for fishing; on not easily
capsized; hold 8 or 4; good (hap. ; W. 0. L,
car JournaL .
WANTED Booka to exchange; new or old.
' Jones Book Store, 291 Alder at, bet Fourth
vand Fifth. .....,,.(.... i,., ..; ...;,yy'.'.v
WANTED Carpenter work by contract; re
S airing or building. ' Addreaa Contractor, ear
onrnaL 7- .
WANTED 8 quick, athletic young men to fill
ont a fencing class at th I. M. C. A. rym-
BOARD and rooms for man, wife and four
small children. Stat term, box 643 poat-
. office.
WANTED To buy second hand out-door wheel
chair. . A. B. Thornton, 805 Eugen at Scott
.'' 8241. :;,-! .
WANTED To rent a 6 or 8-room house, close
: in; give location.: Address G. R., JournaL
WANTED 8 or 10-Inch machinist's screw
cutting lathe. 0. Dion. 2S8H Grand ave.
WANTED Will pay cash for old accounts; glva
full particulars. Addreaa P. 2. JournaL
WANTED Good driving hone; must be good
under saddle. Phon Main 1217.
WANTED A lot on east aide, not to exceed
$600; no agent
LOST December 12, Hartford bicycle No. 2,718,
. painted with red stripes. Any Information will
be rewarded either at Carlson A Back's,
Third and Burnside, or at 518 Market at.
LpST Jannary 8, 2 opal rlnga, large and small
single stones, at the Merchants' National
hank or on the southwest cor. Second and
Stark ats.; reward. N. B. B. No. 12, North
Eleventh st, dty. . . . . ,
LOST Small white dog with few tan spots
on back; small white torned-up tall. Answers
- to name of Teddle. Plesse return to 406
Twelfth at and receive reward. "
LOST Gray leather chatelaine, oblong shape,
silver mounting with three blue stones.
Finder nleaae call at Portland Gaa comnanv'a
of flee Reward. '
LOST Will party who "took th all-black um
brella from First Baptist chnrcb Sunday night
' by mistake pleas return it to th same plac
in rack!
LOST From No. 669 Everett t, whit fox
terrier. 10 months old: black and tan head:
large black spot on aide. , lberal reward If
F0UND Small female dog; breed not known;
black; about 6 months old. Apply Janitor
. poatof flee. , ,
FOUND Black cockerel spaniel, little ever 1
r year old.- Apply Steve Graves, 664 Sixth at
LORT Collie pnp with new collar. Phone 4010
, Main., Reward for return of dog. .
FOUND Gold-rimmed spectacle in poet
office. Apply Janitor poatof tie.
NEABLY every furnished or unfnrnlahed room,
whether private or lodging, that is In thl
" city for rent, la registered with ns; w can
furnish all Information in regard t--description,
locality, price, etc.; call on ns; this will
' sav yon time ind give you better ssttafac-
- tlon. Portland General Registration company.
i Phon Scott 706. .-..:. . ,,
LARGE double room, delightfully situated, for
: rent to 1 or 3 gentlemen of good and ateady
habits: quiet prlvat family; charming sur
roondlngs; superior accommodations; clone
in: rent very reasonable to right parties. W.
102. care JournaL
FOR BENT Large front room, suitable for 2:
also smaller rooms; private family, in nice
residence overlooking river; reasonabl.. 464
Larrabe St., L csr. ......
THE LAMBERT Entirely new management;
housekeeping and transient Moms; price
moderate. 23 Union ave., Eaatv , . ,
LARGE front room and small one; heat, gas,
bath, telephone; private family; with or with
out board. 843 Third at. ; , ,
THE Oregonlan rooming-house, 41H Third at,
i, Is under new management; clean, light, airy
rooma 80e and np. t ,
8 ROOMS to rant and fnrnltnr for ssle at
404 Washington at.; flat 3. Phone Main
; 8844. .:
SOME fin housekeeping rooms at 844 Petty
grov at. eon Sixteenth at: ratea reasonable.
NICELY -FURNISHED rooma $10 Per month and
np; furnace heat; bath. 367 Third at
87 RUSSELL St.. 3 rooms; bstb. electric light,
phone; also 2 large nnfurnlahed rooms.
207 SIXTH at. nicely-furnished room; also a
mall one, upstairs. ::-,:;, 1
FURNISHED and unfurnished room for, rent
Apply 278 tt Clay at.
NEATLY-FCRNISIIED aingl room. 647 Mor
risen at v .
THE Auditorium. 208 H Third St.. bet. Taylor
and Salmon at., 1 block south of Baker
theatre. The niost complete furnished rooms;
' bot and cold running water, steam hest, elec-
-tric light porcelain baths, rooms with private
.baths, elevator; will be opened about March
25; all modern conveniences; reasonable rates.
C. Helns. prop., formerly prop, of th Palmer
,. house and Vendomc . . -
WANTED Famished room" by 8 young men
working In city, with hot water and bath ac
commodations; . must be reasonable. Ad
dress , William Fields, care Journal.
ROOMS for rent; specially Inspected list -of
. rooms for young men, with or without board.
at ST. M. a A. Information free to all
young mea.
FOR RENT Large, nicely-furnished front room,
bath and, phone: private family. Phone
Front 2S98. , No. 636 Gllsan t, cor. Six
teenth St .v.
THE ORIENT New rooming-house, 108 H Sixth
St.; elegantly furnished , suites aud single
rooma;. reasonabl price., Mrs. Wood, prop.
WANTED By a young man, furnished room,
cms in, prlc reasonable, by the first of th
month. Addreaa C. W. H., car JournaL -
THE Tamarack, 253 Sixth at., comfortable.
. homelike furnished rooms, modern; also house
keeping privileges; rooma from $10 up.
FOR RENT Nicely-furnished rooms In private
family; rent very reasonable. 124 Knott It,
lower Alblna, or call phone -Scott 6101. ,
3 NICELY furnished rooma, prlvat family;
. modern conveniences; suitable for 8 - or 4
.young men. 35 North Eighteenth t
4 COMPLETELY , farnlimed rooms , for house
keeping, lower floor, modern'" convenience.
68 North Eighteenth, near Washington.
FURNISHED rooms for men In convenient parts
of the city; ns of boarding -hous register
' free to all men. Apply at Y. M. O. A.
NICELY-FURNISHED front room in prlvat
family; central: 1 or 3 gentlemen; bath,
gaa. phone. 254 Twelfth st
3 NICE fnrnlshed rooms, $4 and $5 month.
In prlvat family; ga and lectrlc Ughta.
. 290 Benton at, near Halsey. . ,'.
NICELY furnished rooms; transient wllclted;
term reasonable. . Phone Front 1095. 204
Stark, bet Front and Flrat.
87 H RUSSELL St., first-class rooms, single or
en mite; modern; brick, bath, electric light
phone; V, block xar line.
NICELY furnished front room for rent 80H
Sixteenth St., near Washington; phon and
bath. Call Monday a. to.
FOR RENT Large, pleasant fnrnlshed room, in
private family. No. 427 Stark st, npaulra,
near Eleventh at , :.. .-. j- ',
195 FOURTEENTH st, 1 nicely furnished
front room; ground floor j gss, bath, phone,
heat; reasonsble.
ELEGANT furnished psrlor suite; price rea
, sonahle; gas, bath, phon. No. 674 Third,
cor. Grant at. . .-..- , :
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms; steam heat, elec
tric light and bath. Th Martin, 110ft
Fourth. - -, . . ,!
95 NORTH TENTH at Front room, well for
. nlshed; bath, phone and gaa; rent reasonable.
NICE furnished room; sll modern improvement.
EDO Salmon at, near Ninth at
FURNISHED room suitable for 2; rent reason
able. 694 Everett st
1 SMALL, cosy room, cheap. 92 Seventh t,
near Stark, npstalr.
FURNISHED room for rent 181 East Sixth
st .Call mornings.
FURNISHED room reasonabl at 191 Seventh.
WELL- fornlsbed. aunny front room. 443 Seventh.
FURNISHED roem. 211 Columbia at
OOOD home board and room for gentleman;
clos to ear line; terms, $4.60, per week.
887 Weldler. - Phon Union 80118.
GOOD room with excellent table board for 3
Jentlemen or 3 employed ladle. 410 Jef
erson at- : ., .....,
ROOMS with board; modern convenience. 721
Esst Ysmhlll st
8 LARGE, clean, desirable nnfurnlahed rooms
tor housekeeping; bath and toilet on am
, floor; private family; phone, gaa, etc.; large
closets; 10-mlnute walk from Portland hotel.
Call 812 Sherman st, near Sixth.
69 NORTH Thirteenth, 8 blocks from Washing
ton, 3 rooma, gronnd floor; suitable for
children; $12; $2 room snd alcove, second
floor, $15; n children; all furnished com
plete. I'hone Front .8225.
FURNISHED housekeeping suites, very nice and
clean; quiet and desirable location; rent rea
' sonable; boose nnder new management 611
'' Gllsan, cor. Fifteenth at; Phou Main 8714.
LA ROB fornlsbed housekeeping room with bay
window and large closet for $10 per month
or $: per week. Mrs. M. J. Smith., luo
. Sherman at
8 VERY desirable rooms, garnished fro house
keeping; ,il conveniences; ground floor; rear
sonabl rent 454 Clay sfi H. 105, Journal.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms; 8 newly furnished,
- with ill modern convenience; ' gas, phone,
' furnace, beat 318 North Grand ave.
230 Kl.SELL St., housekeeping suites, finest
in the city; price ressonable; on car Una; also
- single rooms. Phone Union 5201.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms ea suite; 2,
8 or 5 rooms; phone and bath; low rent; will
be ready April 1. 421 Sixth at
THE HEILER 280H Grand av., furnished
bonsekeeplng rooms; also aingl room; flrat
claaa; ratea reasonable..
1 LARGE bonsekeeplng room, hot and eold
water; near new postofflc; call mornings.
28 North Seventh t. .
889 SIXTH snd Montgomery; fnrnlshed house
keeping rooms; quiet place; good locution.
O. Uealy, prop.
2, 8 OR 6 neatly furnished bonsekeeplng rooms;
ground floor; rent reasonabl until September.
891 Second st. ,
4 UNFURNISHED room "for bonsekeeplng, 126
North Twelfth st; sink in kitchen. Iuqulr
628 Taylor t.
NEWLY fnrnlshed room for man ind wife, with
privilege of kitchen, wood snd water. . Phone
Main 4032j
PASO ROBLES 808 First St.. rooms fur.
. nlshed for housekeeping; gentlemen y and
transients. . . ,. . ...
8 , NEATLY fnrnlshed housekeeping rooms In
private family, t 61)5 Third St., cor. Sherman.
204 WASHINGTON St., salt furnished house
keeping rooms $2 per week.
FOR BENT 2 fnrnlshed rooms for housekeep
ing. 407 Third (t ' '.
FURNISHED bonsekeeplng moms. 265 Fifth st
WANTED A partner with $1,200 cash for
Immedoate action and interest In'an estsb.
, llshed business one of the best-known on the
tosst; no lly-by-nlght scheme; you buy an
.Interest In a stock of staple goods; must bsve
the service of the Incoming partner and he
must be a squar man; to such a party a ssl
ery of $1,000 per annum; .'agents need not
, answer; If you appreciate and know a good,
square business proposition when yon see
it address Established Business, car JournaL
A RESPECTABLE. , permanent,, cash boalnes
that' a monopoly; easily managed and ab
' aolutely free from any element of a get-rich-quick
schema or fake is offered psrty
with some energy aud $600 tn Invest where,
with ordinary labor, - from $3,000 to $5,000
' can b cleared yearly. Owner ot thla bnalness
courts a close investigation, as It will be
'truthfully represented In every detail. Bank
- and bnalness references given. For personal
. Interview address B. 16, csre Journal. . .
,'i ii ,
FOR SALE A partly -furnished rooming-house
, of 8 rm In fine location less and barn;
prlc $00. Inqulr it No. 64, .. Third and
Pine. . y -'-:'., YY ... ;-
WANTED Partner with $100 to $200 to travel
, en leirlrlmat. big monev-msklng proposition;
no fuk. scheme; handle bis own cash.
Eatabllahed 21 Years
. Pioneers in Thl Line,
86 " good buy, long lesse. ,. 4.500
60 all full, lease, low rent 6,000
7?- " brlrk flst U " floor...... 1,800
It " furniture, well worth price.... 750 , - partly furnished, cheap rent. . 6.475
60 " corner, good location.. 4,500
se " near postofllce...., 3,000
11: " close to new custom-house.,.. 1,400
V? i !. hotel, money-maker, lease...,' 3.2t0
it '"rnlshed for- housekeeping... 1,500
13 , " on Salmon, near Park st 1 600
9 ; " close to city hall.... ...... j... rro
-- near jatn and Columbia st. . 750
T '
great transient corner....,,. 1,000
, oiu. near uurusiue St.,,,,,,, 425
on suraec t rent $27.,,..,. Boo
10th, near BUrk... ,1,100
. West Park, near Alder.... ...
" uui, long lease SnO
finely furnished. Nob hill...,. 200
close in, rent $30... 050
.. utMiexeeiiuj(, income so. , 800
clears $400 car month . a or.n
Other good buvs. fi to so
pood terms. . y Y v y ..."
HOTEL 80 rooms, good mining town: (team
heat; electric lights; I years' lesse; rent free;
fine bar traae; receipts abont $100 a day; price,
nchidlng stock of wines, llquora, provisions, to,
JENNINGS CO. .. ........ .832 WASH. ST.
CONFECTIONERY Ic cream, odawater.
beat atand on Washington at; long lesse, low
rent) will Invoice and glva discount; good rea
sons for selling.
JENNINGS A CO. ....... ....832 WASH. ST.
rrmm . ..... ..
kiiu uu i ii it ,u,ir , rciii lv a
month; receipts $500 a month $1,600.
uuwiug oi vw.v .....aji rVAHH. bt.
OIL ROUTE clearing $200 monthly; BOO cans,
8 novae wimni . ia si roo
JENNINGS 4t CO ,...'...332' WASH. ST.
GRILL ROOM and reataurant. flnert In town;
fine location, long lease, cheap rent; receipts
XHR n 1 1 nil a SJt VAn
JENNINGS A CO.... '...I. ...832 WASH. 8T.
CIGAR, candy, fruit and branch bakery: rent
$17; good business; $700,
JENNINGS CO... .i.. 832 WASH. ST.
GROCERY, etoclfSna fix tores; food location;
tuna UtlHt Ja, LTVrv
RESTAURANT, with ' prlvste boxes; cen
ter of city; 8 year' leaae; $4,500.
JBNJHNG8 Cp.....:..832 WASH. BT.
SALOON on Fourth at.", 'cost $1,600; will tell
for $1,200, including household furniture for B
rooms. ...
SALOON, fin fixture, - stock will Invoice
about $1,000; 8 years' lesse; rent only $50;
reut npper floor for $45; net rent $5; price.
Including furniture of 6 rooms, $4,600.
JENNINGS CO.,...i,.,.,832 WASH. ST.
SALOON, stock and fixture, fin location on
8d st; leas to March, 1906; prlc $3,500.
JENNINGS 4 CO,:. ...... ...8& WASH, ST.
- - y . CHANCES.
Sakmnmen looking for good location ihould
consult ua.
W have plenty of money to loan and can
help our clients In every way.
JENNINGS CO... ....882 WASH. ST.
125-6 ABINGT0N BLDG, PH0N8 MAIN 156.'
1905 FAIR.
8 room, Davla at, rent $25.. ...,. .,.$S25
7 rooms, 14th t, rent $25....... ,.$0o0
8 room. Park st, rent $40... ......$H60
9 rooms. West Prk t.-rent $50 ,,.$050
t rooms, 11th st, rent $30 ;,..$!0
9 rooms, Jefferson at, rent $45 .....$9S0
9 rooms, Tsylor st, rent $85 ....$450
rooms, N. 7th st, rent $S5 .$.S50
The fnrnltur in above 1 all AL and yon
can easily make your rent and living sipeDaes
and have a nice bom besides.
10 rooms, 8d at, trsnslent, rent $50..,..$t.20O
13 rooms. Wash., transient, rent $&0 $1,750
12 rooma, N. fltb at, transient rent $50. .$1,500
16 rooms. Clay.- housekeeping, rent $60. .$1,250
16 room, Jefferson, housekeeping, rent
' m "il" M.460
19 rooms, 8d St.. housekeeping, rent $60. $1,425
24 rooms, th, transient, rent $100...,. $2,600
25 rooms, Morrison st, transient rent
fX '
28 rooms, 8d st. transient rent $00.... $3,100
28 rooms, Grand ave., housekeeping, rent
$00 .... .....$2,400
28 rooma, Washington st, trsnslent,
rent $60 $5,000
28 rooms, 2d st. transient, rent $65.. $2,500
80 rooma, N. 6th st, tranalent, rent $100. $3,100
81 rooma, Union ave., housekeeping, rent .
$75 ...... 800
83 rooms, W. Prk t, ranient rent
$128 ,.$5.B0O
85 room. Third t., trsnslent. rent 31 80. $2,600
85 rooms, N. 8th St.. transient rent $125. $4,350
47 rooms,, housekeeping, rent '
. 225 ,. $3,noO
80 room. Flftn t, transient, rent $175. .$3,200
60 room, fltb st.,. transient rent $200. .$5,500
69 rooms, N. 6th at, transient rent $2O0.$6.OUC
64 rooma. Alder at., transient, rent $212. ,$7,000
Nearly all of above have good lease, which
. run nntll after th fair.-
REMEMBER We are willing to loan from
40 to 60 per cent on any of the above. In rase
you have not enough ready money, and you
can repay uejjnouthly, out of Ui. profit Xrom
th bous.
v TKTT A CO ' '
Room 125-8 Ablngton bldg. ' 106 Third St.
, ". . REAL ESTATE ". '- .' .
" ' AND ": :
Rooms 6 snd 6. 200 Morrison Street
20 rooms, trsnslent corner, lease. $2,000
80 rooms, corner, brick, partly furnished
. ! $ 800
70 rooms, corner, apartment, . (team
heat modern, good lease, only ,. $8,500
85 rooms, select, ' very desirable loca
tion, elegant furnishing, leas $6,000
20 rooms, new furniture, good lease...... $1,500
40 rooms, central corner, on on floor,
lease $95, only ....................... .$4,300
36 rooms, brick, clos In, modern, a bar-
gain ..... ....................12,250
60 room, corner brick, low rent ...... .$2,500
Family botel of 60 rooms, modern, splen-
Ndldly furnished, long lesse $7,000
12 rooms, transient, new building, newly
furnished, lesse $50 month, only ......$1,850
IB, splendid corner on Morrison st, only.. $1,600
10 rooms, elegantly furnished, splendid
location; must be sold thla week.
16 rooms, nice fnrnltupre, a bargain.... ,.$1,400
8 rooms, rent $30, close In, only, ...... .$ 600
8' rooms, rent $25, very desirable $ 450
85 rooms, newly furnished corner, steam ,
beat long lease, price $6,600 half down.
Will make terms on any of the above.
Grocery bargain Horse, wagon and fixture,
all for $.1G0; stock at invoice; central; low
rent; mnst sell. -.' '""--. -, y
On account of other business out of the city
th owner ha autharlsed us to offer for
ssle on ot th best paying clothing business
In this city: no bonus for the business; csn
be purchased at Inventory: stock new and np
to (late; th lease and location ar well worth
$2,000; all goea for th mere coat of the stock.
Old established grocery and - butcher shop.
Splendid location and trade; csn be bad for
Invoice price of stock, about $2,000.
Home.-'bekery and confectionery. $1,000. '
JOSEPH tM. HEALY. 200 Morrison St.
A NEW $350 piano for $175 $25 down and $5
per month.
$1,20010 room, furnished complete; on east
v ' ' aide, close in. .
8 600 8 rooms, furnished complete, on east
- aide, close In.
(1,100 9 rooma. furnished complete, .on west
; aide, close In.
I 400 6 rooms, furnished complete, on cast
aide, close In. .
KNAPP HART. 185 Morrison st, near bridge.
WANTED A partner (or atoek ranch. ' Few
know the. profits of raising stork, and 'tis
easy, I have 240 acre within 20 mile of
Portland and will sen Interest at $10.
, South slope, some timber, good soil, or will
sell Interest 140 seres, soma Improved, at
$10 per' acre. This lsnd, with 3 meq to Im
prove It, wilt double Its value every 3 yeara
. and would make land enongb for 2 homes.
Address J. li, L., Bhelnpfals hotel, Portland.
ARE yon looking for a business location? In.
. vestlgsts th exceptional sdvsntages offered
, at Kstocsilu, the coming town 'of Clackamae
connty. . O. W. P, Townalt eompanv. 1321
First st, cor. Alder, room 6. Phone, Main 216.
WANTED Men to Invest , in a coal mine, at
initial .or ground-floor prices; object to de
velop coal fields; either a few large or many
email investors can get stock at 6c now which
may be worth $10 soon. The Coutle Coal
A Iron Co., Portland, Or. ; .
WANTED Man or woman, physician preferred,
with few thousand dollars, to develop a soda
rulueral spring on rail,, 4 hours from Port
land; all baths, with mud aa well, can b 1
. put in; wonderful water cure advertise.
Address G., care JournaL j : Y'.
THE profit of lumber and logging companies
r well known facts; you are offered stock
In lumber company, with security for every
-., share. . Write for particular. 601 ' Oregonlan
' bldg. : 1 ... .. 1 Y,.j. .
PARTNER wanted; an homst intelligent man
or -woman with a little money to offset atock
and fixtures on band, to develop atock ranch
in fine locality. A. A. 20, care JournaL
WANTED Partner with $300 to-promote a
.- patent a "curio and novelty," to sell at th
.-. coming fairs. :; T. I. Temple, 284 Third st,
Portlsnd, Or. Pbon Front 1008.
A Man with $1,600 to invest with services;
- can bive $125 per month and draw 8 per
cent on his Investment; money fully secured.
Address B. 4, car Journal. , .
WANTED Partner to take oat English and Ca.
nadlan patent on my unlveraal miter boxes;
U. S. patent guaranteed. Addreaa Gordon,
489 East Seventeenth st
WANTED Party with caah and business ability
to investigate new buslnes for 1904 aud
1905 fairs; 100 per cent profit; no competition.
V. 89, care JournaL , , - -
A $05 CHITTEM bark outfit with Information
concrniug a quantity of bark. , T. L Tern,
pie, .284 Third at, Portland. Or. Phon
Front 1008.
CORPORATIONS wishing to raise capital, float
c tock and have representation in Portland will
groat by addressing Promoter, 601 Oregonlan
PARTNER to start pawnbroker business; bay
store and atock; IB years' experience; excensv
rionsl opportunity. Address A, 86, Journal,
WB WANT 10,000 agents for greatest household
seller ever Invented; best money-maker on
record; actually sell to every boose; Mml
. 16c for complete sample and oar two mam.'
, tnoth catalogues ot agents' supplies. South.
- ern Mercantile Co., I)ept 98. Houston. Tel.
WANTED Agents to sell th Kant Klog
prayer; the beat and cheapest; sell upon
Igbt; every farmer wanta one. Call or write,
M. C. BlackweU, general agent for Oregon,
891 Second at , , ,,
WANTED Agent and dealer to bandl th
Shumate Dollar raaor, the beat at any prlc
and fully guaranteed. -Writ for circular
and terms. B. R. Lewis, Echo, Or., general
distributor. . "
$25 TO $65 per week made by agent writing
: lick and accident benefits in th Union Mutusl
Aid association. CaU or addrcs 401 Mar
quam bldg,,- Portland, Or. ? j
WB need B mor good agent in th city. Port
land Land company, 179 Madison at, near
th bridge. .
$7.60 CAN b earned by investing 38 cents.
Webfoot Agents' Supply House, Portland, Or.
WANTED Solicitor. ladle or gentlemen. . 1S3
Psrk st
BOARD and rooma for man, wife ind 4 small1
children; atate terma. P. 0. Box 643.
WORK wanted for cooks, waitresses, chamber-!
maids, housework girls, child nurses, store.
lsondry,. factory, farm bands, welters, cooks,.
csmp, dty laborers. ' B. G. Drake, 205
Washington. , Clay 448." Mention Journal when
a newer lng. , ,
MALE help of all descriptions for all Industrie
promptly supplied free ot charge to employers.l
0. B. HANSEN, Jr 26 N. Second U
Phon Main 1520.
tore ; help free to employers. 3 IB Morrison.:
STOLEN From C. F. Pearson's paint shop, 223
, Main at, Clipper rnaimes wneet no, OJ,
' 636; 24-Inch wheel with large Dunlap tire.
WOULD like to exchange good farm, well
located, good buildings, etc., for bous
and lot well located, will pay caah differ
erence If ny. Also some suburban property.
A. H. Spresdborough, 884 Essh Morrison st
WILL EXCHANGE Ten ebole snjiurbsa lots
on csr line, 20 minutes' ride from city: will
exchsnge for farm worth $2,500, or win ex.
change for hous and lot in city. Addresa
bos W. 2, Journal office. .
NICB B-room house, sll complete, fin orcbsrd,
tree 12 year old, large lot, no mortgage,
all cleared, warranty deed, for carpenter
: labor; tak Mount Scott car and get off at
Jo Nash' place. ...
160 ACRES timber lsnd in Skamania connty,
will eruls bet 7,000,000 ind 8.000,000 feet,
for city or suburban property; am willing to
assume small mortgage. , . Address 8. 30,
csr Journal. , '
VALUABLE Inventions, patented in U. 8.,
Canada, England. Belgium and Franca, la-
. aned In looa. Wilt exchange for country or
city real estate. O. Y. 107, Th JournaL -
TO EXCHANGE Flv acre unimproved! land,"
fenced for three acre, four-room house la
suburbs, nesr csr line; valuation . $1,000, ,
'Address Clark, 104 Porter t, city. '
and eaaea made to order, trunks taken in ex
change. Repairing neatly don. 224 First
t, phon 1801 , . -
FOR SALE or exchange for Oregon property,
. farm in best part of California ; fine or.
, chard. . No irrigation required. X. X. Z. 1,
3 LARGE buildings to exchange for- first-class
Salntlng or carpenter labor. Tak Mount
cott car and get off at Jo Nssh's. .
EXCHANGE Nlc lot In ' British Colombia
town, for cash or lot in Portland; vslu
t. $500. Address exchange. Journal, v ,
1 LARGE corner lot to axchanga for carpenter
work of painting. Tak Mount Scott car and
get off at Jo Naah'a.
FIRST-CLASS, flr-by-even camera complete,
for aale or will exchsnge for good blcycl. W.
W. 10. 901 Journal. . "
OOOD lot In St . Johna, worth $200, will ex
"change for good driving and riding horse.
Phone Main 1217. ,
WANTED Lot "at Seaside In exchange for '
, carpenter work or lumber. H. Wlnalow,
care Journal. ,(': .-. ,: ., . ;' , ,.
WANTED Lot at seaside in exchsnge for car-
S enter work ar lumber. H. Wlnslow, car v
ournal. ; .....-"'.'. . , ,. "
40 ACRES of good land in Baker connty for
Mgh-grad piano. . Address - B. . 31, car
Journal, . . . , t ,
EXCHANGE Good timber land at a low vain
, atlon for other property. . Exchange 20, car
Journal -: . ...
TO TRADE A lunch counter restaurant, for
anything of value. Call at 262 Everett at
TO EXCHANGE Five-acre frnlt plac for va.
cant lota. Addreaa K. E. 20. car JournaL
EXCHANGE Old Stradivariu violin for
..view camera,..". ...j ... , ., ,'-. , ..;. ..:....;
TO EXCHANGE A , lot ., for fur nltnr ' or
WNTbB To rent, by widow lady without
children, furnished or onfurnlahed modern
bouse of 8 or 10 rooms, downstair. Addresa
804 Third St. Phon West .8056.
WANTED To lesse a furnished roomlng-bons
by experienced California lsdy; must be In
: respectable neighborhood, A. J. II., JournsL
WANTED To rent storeroom In inburb. Ad
dress Box 605, clty. ':. ' ' v
HOUSE for rent furniture for sale. Call after
- noon between 3 and 4, 204 Park st
V 1