TOE DAILY JOUBNAIi, . POUTLAND, TIITX.RSDAY EYEING, HAItCH 17, 1904. 10 Entered at the PostofDc of Portland; Or., for trsnsmlsslon through tb mail second claw matter. ' Postage for slwrle copies: For in ft, 10 or 13 re paper, 1 cent: 16 to 28 page. 8 centa; ever, 2s pace. 8 canta. I TELEPHONES, v rtnalnest Office Main Ron. - V fcdllvrlal Rooms Main 250. - --- FOREIGN ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE. Vreelarid-IWmgftmtn Special Advertising Aircney, 130 Nassau 8treet, New Tore; Tribune Build- lug, Chicago. BUB8CRIPTI0H SATES, Terms by Carrier, me iisiiy Journal, on rear.. The Jlailr Journal. lx month ....... ..15 00 X.HU , 1.80 .. - .10 1 The Dally Journal, three mouths The bail Journal, by the week. ....... . Term ey Kail, The Dslly Journal, bv mall, "one yesr.t....$4.O0 Tbe Dally Journal, hy mail, aix montlia..... 2.8C : Tb Dallr Journal, by malt three months . . 1.25 ah bull? Journal, by mall, one month..... .00 , Th Semi-Weekly Journal. The Komi-Weekly Journal, 8 to 12 pare' each issue, all the new and fall market . reports, one year..... ..... 81.50 ' - j . Th Weekly Journal. The Weekly Journal. 100 column of read in; each Issue, illustrated, full market 1 report, one year............ $1.00 v: Urmlttsnces should be made by drafts, postal note, express order, and small amounts are acceptable In 1 and 2-eent; postage stamps. '' . - ' . THE JOURNAL. ; P. O. Box 121, Portland. Or. WHERE THE JOURNAL HAT BE rOUND. Th Journal ran be found on sale at tb fol lowing places: -,-tjl'OKANK. WASH. John W. Graham Co.! Lee Marx. Victoria hotel ncrs stand. TAOOMA, WASH. Contral Newt coaipany. 1121 Ferine Tenue. .it. - . , j. . BOISK, IDAHO Pioneer bock store. AN FRANCISCO W.. B. Ardlng, Palace hotel news., stand; Qoldsmlth Bros., 236 Sutler street; Kred W. Pitts, 1008 Market street, 1.08 ANGELES B. F. tlardner, 250 South Spring etreeti ' Oliver Haines, 90S South ' Spring street ' ..- 8AI.T CAKE CITY Kenyori hotel new etand; Barrow Bros., 43 West Second street, Bouth. if?DKN Opden Newa company. DENVER, COI.O. Kendrlck Book A Stationery company, 812 Seventeenth atreet. KANSAS CITY Van Noy Newa company. OMAHA -Millard hotel newa stand; Megaatb Stationery company, 1308 Fa mam street. ST. I.OUIS Philip Uoeder. 618 Locust street. CHICAGO Pent tof flee Newa company, 178 Dear born street. NEW YORK CITY Brent, tfnlon egg are. WEATHER 1 REPORT. Weather conditions and general forCt tor Oregon, Washington and Idaho. A-dlaturbance of moderate energy 1 central una morning on tho Waahlnrtnn coast nrorliig eastward. It will pause high nuth to west winds along the coast this afternoon . and tonight, and torm warning hare been ordered displayed at too month of th Columbia river, on Gray' heritor and alonff the Strait of Fuca. During the night general rain hare occurred In norttwo California,)- western Oregon and Washington. It t warmer this morning in Oireon, southern Idaho and the Sound country, and colder In the Canadian northwest, where ero temperatures are again reported. ,-. In the middle Treat th temperature re about nor rial, with tb weather somewhat unsettled, rain hiring fallen: lu St. Lou la, Omaha and Chi' ami.' 1 -. - j . The indication are for rain In this district tonlKht. followed liy clearing weather Friday. Maximum temperature In the laat 2-t hours, 54; mlulinum temperature. 34; precipitation, ,oo. , , BIRTHS. To Mr., and Mrs. Louis Hohenlaltner, 1600 Macadam street, a oanir titer. To Mr. and Mr. William Douglas Allard, m.1 Fourth street, a son. To Jir. and Mrs. Olirer ' B. Wilson, S42U s 11 "l iriffv, a sou. To Mr. and Mrs. Oon Yep, 348 Couch street. daughter. -K... CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. Ilasel Hayden, 392 Fremont atreet, measles. wild. ( lora Ilan'na, Woodlawa atreet,- scarlet fever, C. It. TU, Sellwood atreet, typhoid ferer. Mr. Nettie Squire, 116 First street, dip. . tberla. , . . DEATHS. Arthur Alexander. 34 rears. No. 1 College I'lace. or typnoia lerer. Airne Speuce. 8 year. Porta mouth atatlon, of dlnhtb.-rU, Peter M. Vransan, 4 years, 650 Market st'et-1. nf Internal Injuries receired la street csr accident. ' - Crematorium, on Oregon City ear line, near Bell wood; modern, scientific, complete. Charge Aauits, .t; cniinren, visitors a. m. to 6 f.- m. Portland Cremation' association. . rormoa. ur. .. -. ... Th Edward 'Holman 1,'ndertaklnf compsBy, funeral directors and mbalmrs, 220 Third street. Phone 607. . " 3: P.Flniey it Son, funeral director and embalmers, bar remored to tbelr new etb llslimet. corner Third and Madison atrsets. both phones No. C ' s r Clark Bros, for Sower. 289 Morrison (treat. REAL ESTATE TRAHSEERS. O. M. Smith ud wife to AUen E. Riley, i west 44- tot-ir block SIB.-Conctt addl- tlon ..... 14,250 X Kred Barker to Ivy B. Barker, lot 18, block 1, Eden addition 460 O. (. Doiph to J. T. StiUlons, parcel land aectiou 27 and 28, townahlp 1 north, range S east 110 H. D. Storey to A. B. Nunn, lots S and 4. block 29, Willamette Heights ad dition 1 W. H. Stokes et al. to Ralph J. Sihler. , 62x33 1-8 feet beginning northeast corner lot 6, block 22U, East Portland 8,000 O. C. Morrlsftsnd wife to Jesse V. Powell,, ' lot 10. block 29r Woodlswa ........... 100 Christopher Olhua to Gilbert L. Ounder on. undivided interest fractional block 1. James Johns' First addition.. 1 Vary E. Surgert to Richard Bredlng and wife, lot 2. block X aobdlrlalun D, M. Patton Tract 260 The Oregon Real Estate company to Llda B. McKIUlck. part lot 4, block 205, HoHaday addition 1,860 Ira . Sbattuck and wife to Lacy A. Sbat tu. k. undlTided 1-3 block T, Simons' ad dition 233 Wllllsin Beldt snd wife to Hannah M. . Bents, psrt lots 2 and 8, block 61. Ilul ' lsdsy's sddillon 8,600 B, M. Dooly, trustee, to R. Lea Barnes, trustee, lota to 18, Inclusive, Brown sddltlon 1 . Title tiusrsntee A Trust company to J. K. Mann and wife, kits IT to 10. block ' 4, Tllton's addition". 1,879 O. R. Adillton and wife to Leonard Carl son, lots A and 8. block 1. Evergreen , Park 885 fklillt Brewing company to Sarah Dsm masch, lot 1. block 1, Smith's subdi vision and addition to East Portland.. Louis Dammssrb and wife to Christina Priur 1, t 1 hliwk 1. Smith's Slihril. vision snd sddltlon 800 Phoenix Land company to Jennie MaeKln ' non et aL. lot 6. Irvinxtun acreaa tract : 860 security raving at itwi company to Charles. IMerke. 100x27x60 feet. Twenty -4 j nrut and Flanders Ifi Fred S. Morris to H. C. Glthen. kt 14. . block 2. City View Park 250 A. L. Miner and wife to Mrs. C. O. Scam moo. lots T and 8. block' 37. A. L. Miner's sddltlon . ....V..: 18 M. E. 8 witter t to city of St. Johns, 6.35 square fret beginning intersection north line Jersey street and east llns of rhsrleston street , John W. Cummins snd wife to Edsle Billings, lot 1, block 6. Cloverdsle ex : tension sot real Get your Insurance and abstracts to evtsl from th Title Gusrsnte A Trust psny. Chain oar of Commerce building. ' f Bun-DINO PERMITS. To ' Homer F. Smith, to erect s residence on Oaiitenheln avenue between Skldmore anl Fay streets, to cost $400. To E. li. Ierry. to erect dwelling on Jefferson street between Sixteenth . and . Seventeenth Street, to cost $l,KO0. To J. Bnssell, $3,000 dwelling at Benton en Dupont (treet. 'J'o Ih B. Kennedy, $1,000 dwelling on Falling between K.ast 'fUxth and East Seventh streets. 'J'o J. Mnklster. $1,"0 dwelling on Larrabe between Broadway and Cherry. To K.- R. Petrelksy. two-story building on Pttlh between Jefferson Slid Madison, to cost l , Tn H. A. Wendlsnd. $1,600 dwelling on Bast Twehtr-ela-htu between East Gllssa and East Hovt? , :..-- Te' A. K. IVterson, $2,000 mtldence on East Seventeenth between East Taylor and Belmont tresta. -.-- TRANS A C710NS IN THE FINANCIAL WORLD SUPPLY OF HOGS IXXi rKESK MSA.TS AKB ABBITTWO FABTXX, BUT HO OS COHTnnrB TO BELL AT TOP TEAIi IS WXAKEB AH9 MAT QO X.OWBB EGOS AKB BCA&OE TIBK SHORT. Fein Street .March 17. The principal Item of Interest In the Portland wholesale market today are: . . Hog are coming f alter. Veal 1 not so firm, Halibut entirely out. Smelt is still scare. Local demand for potatoes good. , Outside call for potatoes dull. Onion market la stagnant. Poultry receipts show Increase. Egga still bold firm ton. Celery crop shorter than expected. Sugar market la firm. i ' Nothing doing In hop. Wheat is Inactive; flour dull. Hogs Ars Coming Falter, The sunn! v of hon slons Front Street today showed an Increase over the recelpta of th past few days, but the demand waa surncientiy large to thk all th offering at price that bordered .around the top. Veal Market Is Weaker. The veal market Is weaker with th receipts of ordinary grade tock - very large and th demand showing a sort of Inactivity. On this sort of veal tb quotations sre lower ana till further decline In value are expected hV the dealera. The beat crade o( veal, now- ever, atlll remain rather scarce, with th de mand larger than the supply, Top price con tinue to rule. : losreity tn Fish. There l hardly any halibut in the markets today of the fresh variety. This condition waa brought abont'by the continuance of unfavor able weather oft Cap Flattery lor. naniug purpose. Smelt Is still very scarce, but no chan ee were made' In price today. Th (carclty lu ShoalWater bay oyatcr continue. Salmon from th Sactamento river t plentiful. Local Demand for Pot toe Good. The local demand for pot toe I now show ing a better tone, but the receipts of late hsv been smsll on account of th lower value. Farmer generally are holding for higher figure. The San FrartMaco markets remain weak, with th shipments from this city small during the past tlx days. There la no demand from either Arisona or Texae. Shippers are not buying to any extent, moat of thtm having sup plies large enough to last inem uuu my ; son 1 over. . Onion Market Is Stagnant. The onion market both In this city and San Francisco Is stagnsnt and there Is no move ment at all. Kenorts continue to come from the bsy city thst tb recent errlvsls of onions there from this city were not of the best quality and most of the stocks sprouted before the destination was reached. During th week the price in the onion market showed a decline of about 25c per hundred. Poultry Beosipt Show Inorsaa. The receipt In the poultry market today went lara-er than at anr time during the week. but Thursday la generally th banner day of th wek--n- the mstter-of -arrival. - a moat -of th baying, for the Saturday trade i done on Friday. The receipt wer not so large that the market couldn't clean up, for the -arrival had bo sooner touched the sidewalk before there were several Olivers anxious to parch s so. Dressed poultry continue -to .be In tbe largest arrival, but demand in every line is gooo. ' Egga Ar Holding Ten, Th -- market I holding It strong ton of the pat week. The receipt today were trifle larger than yesterdsy, but still there waa not nnuirh to fill the orders. There Is still a large Inquiry from the north and until this is cleaned up a good market may oe toosea xur. Present price ar being held rather firm. Cslsry Crop Shorter Than Expsotod. Th celery crop of California wa shorter than expected and this msrkesVls nnsble to get a sufficient supply. Today one cf-the net rr of the eson arrived and wa soon ciaime. nn hv the hungry trade, celery nroaers sa. thst there will only be three or four more ears this season. Great Soarolty in Vsgetablss. There was a grst scsrclty in tbe entire vege table msrket aloug Front' street today. Tbe stocks which srrlved on the last stesmer from California have been entirely cleaned up. On account of tbe numerous delaya and bad con dition tbe vegetables hsv arrived in oy neing brought up on the steamer moat of the dealer are now (hipping by rail. r Sugar Market U TTira. Tha advance of 10c per hundred In the quo tations on beet susar which wss mentioned In The Journal yesterday left the market in . very firm condition and tb wholes Ud la now stocking up. Wheat Is Inactive) Flour Dull, Th wheat market Is lnsctlvs. ' It remained In tfala condition all through th week. There wa some small buying by th miller who were hort of certain grades of whees but generally the stocks did not move at su. j as flour market has the ssme tone aa wheat, tb oriental denisnd belnf nominal. Merchants' Opinions on Today'! Market. W. B. Glafk . company Several hundred crates of potatoes were sent from here to Alsska by tbe government today. W. T. Turner A Co. cnicxens seiung niceiy. gg market la active. ; Bell A Co. Car celery In today; etlll loto of orange in tbe msrket. Msrk Levy Co. csr orange anu car ceiery arrived from California today. Chatterton A Co. Chicken ar mors plenti ful but the recelpta are not nearly up to tb demand: veal arriving to-sTgeT lots snd th market la a little weakor; supply of hogs not up to the demsnd; eggs scarce. Dryer, O'Malley A Co. No particular change tn tbe potato market since yesterdsy; during tbe week price Went lower On account of a weaker feeling In Frlseoi oulon market 1 week, the ssme aa yesterday; egg arriving mora freely but demand la very good; poultry of all kind finds welcome rail; veal of better gradea very firm; hogs firm; good fancy apple bringing very top of, tbe market, G. S. Smltb company Poultry of all kinds In very good demand; eggs rather scare with da rn nd good. Pearson. Psge A Co. Car celery wa tb only thing which arrived tbl morning. Malarkey A Co. .No halibut at all In th market; smelt very scarce but prices show no change; plenty of Sacramento river salmon In market; no Shoalwater bay oysters yet In mar ket; olymplas are also scarce. Smith Bros. All the hogs and vesl arriving nowadays is easily picked np at good price; right good mutton none too plentiful; chicken ell all right at top. D. E. Melkle Potatoes during the week were quiet snd lower; onion market simply de moralised. - Dsvenport-Thompson compsny Eggs awfully scarce and market, Is very firm; some nlc Hood River spples came in todsyi Everding A Farrell Veal and pork ar weaker; market Vn Utter will very likely go lower; eggs holding their own; chickens still scarce; all aorta of poultry seem to be wanted. Psge A Son Butter market about unchanged; California creamery being held a littl firmer; eggs more plentiful but there I still room for Improvement; chickens In good demsnd; supply I some better.- Toft, Hlne A Co. Receipts of bogs snd veal and other freab meats much heavier In the past few dsya; chickens remain scarce; eggs ar firm.. Today' wholesale quotations, as revised, ar a follow: drain, Flour and 7s. WHEAT Walla Walla, 77c; bluestem. 81 J 82c; valley. 81c, i reeo, iii.uu; roiieu, ss.ouia a.ou; brewing. $23.60Q24.00. OATS No. 1 whit. $26.00(327.00; gray. $25. 00(326,00 per ton; price to farmers, white, $23.00g24.00; gray, $22.60(328.60. ri.nrH Raatern Oregon: Patents. 84.80: straights. $3.60i.70; valley. $3.904.00; gra- tsmi s, s.i.oo; ius, MILLS TUFFS Bran, $18.00 per-ton: mid dlings, $26.0027.00; snorts, $19.00(3 19.60 ehen tlR.nO. HAY Timothy, $15.00; eastern Oregon. 816.06 W1H60; mixed, slH.ooffris.ou; Clover, fu.uuej 12.00; wheat. $12 no 12.50; chest, $12.0UJ 13.00; oat, $18.00(912.50. t. . Hop, Wool and Hide. HOPS 27 28c for choice; 842e, for prim: poor quality, jnqgzuc; contract, iwvs, isc, WOOL Valley, coarse to medium. lOiftldttc; Bue, l01Hc; esstera Oregon, 10Q 15c; mo hair, nominal. 26(g(26c. ' SHEEl'SKINS ShesrlDf 10020c; short wooL 20((j:)c; medium- wool, 3b(tfouc; long wool. 6ucUtl.OO each, , SHOW AN INCREASE - TALLOW Prjme. per lb. 45c;' No. and grease. 2u2Vic. ; s . " HIDES Dry hides. No. 1, 18 lbs and up, 14He per lb; dry kip. No. 1, 5 to 15 lbs. 12!c; dry calf. No. 1, under 6 lbs. 16 We;' dry salted, bulls and ataga, 1-3 less tbsn dry flint; salted bides, steer, sound. 60 pounds or over, 8Vi4i7Hc; 60 to 60 lbs, SVic; under 50 lbs snd cows, 6 Vj 9 He; stags and bulls, sound, c; kip. 15 to 30 lbs, 6Hc; sound; 10 to 14 lbs, 6ttc; calf, sound, under. 10 lbs, Mtyc; Jxeen unsalted), 1c per lb leas: culls, lc per b less; borae bides, sslted. esrh. 31.25tjl.75; dry, each, f l.Ootjl.60; colts' hide, each, 250 60c; goat sklna. common, each. 1031oc; An gora, with, wool on. each. 26311.00. Butter, Egga and Poultry. ' i Bt'TTER FAT Sweet, 28i4c; : our, 26He. BU'lTElt Creamery, extra fancy, 30c; fancy, 25327Vc; California, 25c; ordinary, 22c; cold (torage, 23(s24c; eastern, 24c; reno vated, 1920c; dairy, 16&17c; store, 1012c. BUGS Fresh ' Oregon, 1616Vsc; ' dirties, 16c; bakers', 16c CHEESE New Full cream, twin, 18013c; Young America, 14c; California, 12 Vic POULT KY Producers' prices Chickens, mixed. 13Hc per lb; hens, 13,14c per lb; roosters, old, llllVc per lb; springs, 14J ioc per id; orouers, l((Iic per in; iryers, 14i15c per lb; ducks, old, 12c per lb; young, 13c per lb; geese, 7to8e per lb; turkeys,. 15 y 16c per lb; dressed, lUc per lb. Fruit and VegeUblsa. POTATOES 81.10: buyers' prices for shin- ping, ' UocvUl.OO cwt; ordinary, $1.00 per sack; buylug, 754i80c; sweets, 8c per lb; new, c per lb. Ufiiuss Oregon." 82.25: buying prices, best. I2.00Uj2.15; t.oA. Portlsnd, 12.15. FRESH FRUll-S Apples. Oregon, 75c 4 $2.00 per box; oranges, navels. $1.76,2.25 per box; tangerines, (fc(fll.t)0 per Dox; banauaa, DC per lb: lemons, choice, f2.25ii2.60 per box: fancy 83.0O&3.5O per box; limes, Mexican, 65c per 100; pineapples, sd.tHt; crsnberrles, Jersey, fW.Toqi 10.00; persimmons, 81.50 , ' . vitur-t ABi-r.s Turnips, sac per sscx: ear- rots, 1.00 per sack; beet, $1.00 per sack; radishes. 12Vfi215e ner dos: cabbasw. Oreroa. $2.00; California, .. $1.85 per cwt; hot-' house lettuce, ooc per aos; green peppers, 5c per lb; horseradish, 78c per' lb; celery, 5066c per . dos; tomatoes, $1.26 per box; parsulus., 81.25! cucumber. 82.25 per doa; butter bean. lOe per lb: sprout, be;. cauliflower, $1.7502.00; artichokes, 76jluoc per aox; green pees, 7(flsc per lb; asparagus, 11 (U line per in. dkibu riiuiTH Appiea, evaporated. offlTC per lb; aprlcota, llul3c per lb; sacks, Uo per lb less; peaches, 609c per lb; pears. 8V4J per lb; prunes, Italian, 8HVi per lb; French, 84Vie per lb; figs, California per lb; plums, pitted, 6, 06c per lbf date,. goiaen, ossc per id; taroa, si.ou per id-id dox. UAISINS Seeded, fsncy, l ib carton. 60 packages to cast, 9e pkg; seeded 12-os cartons, 74c: loose Muncatela, 60-lb boxes, 73 6 Vic per lb; London layer. $1.862.00; clusters.; Vt, zoc; s, ooc aavanc over pound carton. FItiS Ten 1-lb carton, choice brand. 81.00: 10 1-lb carton, fancy brand, $1.10; 10 1-lb oricks, a-criwn, hoc; ju i-id oricks, n-crown, 95c; 60 -lb bricks, per box. $2.26; 4-row lay ers, per 10-lb box, 90c; loose. 60-lb boies, per lb, bivibc. Callamyrnaa Blx-crown. io-lb car tons, per box, $2.00; 6-crown. 10-lb carton, per dox,; 4 -crown, zu M-m canons, per dox, $1.76. Orooeriei, Kuts, Etc SUGAR "Sack" Bsels" Cube, $5.70; pow dered. 85.65: dry craWlsted. 85.56: beet tranu lated, $6.46; extra C, $4.95; golden C. $495; bbla, lue, H bbls, 25c; boxes, 60c advsncs on ssck basis, less 25c cwt for cash, 16 daya; Lapie, inuiioc per id. HONEY 14UdilSc. COFFEE Green Mocha, 2123ej Java, fancy, 26(ij32c; Java, good, 2025c; Java, ordinary, lsmoc: Cjsta Rica, fancy. 19Q20c: Costa KIca. good, 10 18c; Costa KIca, ordinary, llQISe per id; package coriee, TEAS Oolong, different grades, 25Q65c; unDowder. 2a32(a;i(Vc: English breakfast, dif ferent grades. iavii86cj splderlec, uncolored Japan, 80650; green Japan (very scarce), 30 tjCUOC. . u , r T n. Ti.l.. e' A. Am trtm 4AA: uaui , ii.B umirm, , vm, -h, lu. fine table, dairy, 50a, 85c; 100, 65c; Imported Liverpool, ooa, doc; loos. 88c; 224s, $i.po. Worcester Bbls 2s, 8s. $5.60; 5a. $5.25; 10s, $5.00; bulk. 320 lbs. $6.00; sscks. 60s, 86c. SALT Coarse, hslf ground, 100, per ton, $6.60; 60s, per ton, $7.00; Liverpool lump rock, $23.00 per ton; 60-lb rock, $6.60; 100s. $6.00. URAIN BAGS Calcutta. 15. 75 a 00 per 100. RICE Imnerlsl Japan. No. 1. 64c: No. 2. 4c; New Orlesns bead, 7Q7Vic. BEANS Small white, &e; large white. sj.outja.ou;- pmx, 4.uu; oayou, ic; umas, 84.25. N UTS Peanuts, 6Uc; Jumbo. 8U lb, raw. 9Q10c per lb for roasted; cooosnuta, 86Q90C per dos; wslnuts, H(gilie per lb; pin nuts, 1012VsC per lb; hickory nuta. 10c per lb; chestnuts, eastern, loyioe per id; tirsiti nut, 16c per lb; filbert, 1016c per lb; fsncy pec ana, l.44(loc far lb; almond, liifj loc per lb. will hi hails present dss at HOPE Pur Manila. 18ttc; standard. 124c; issL WHe. Paints, Coal OUs, Etc COAL OIL Pearl or Astrsl Cases. 22c per gal; water white. Iron bbls, 16 We per gsl; wood- so, ; nesaugut, liu-aeg., esses xec per gal.; hesdllxht. iron bbls. 17Uc per (si. L1NUEKO OIL furs raw. in bDis, 47e per gal; cases, 62c per $al; genuine kettl helled, vases 64a per gal; bbls, 49c per gal; ground cake, car lota, $B.oo per ton; leas than cars, 326.00 per ton. uAaOLilN a. m att case, bzc per gal. iron hbls 26c per (si; stovs, case 24Vc per gsl. Iron bbls 18c per gaL BENZINE 63-deg., case 22c, Iron bbla, 15V4e. PAINT OIL Raw, bbls 8Se per gal, caaes S8e per gsl; ooiiea, esse soe per gL . TURPENTINE In cases. S8c per gal: wooden bbls, 84 He per gal; Iron bbla, 82c per gal; 10-lb esse Kits, bic per gsi. WH1TB LEAD ouO-ib lot 6Me per B; I lotr 7 pc io. Masts and Prorlalona. FRESH MEATS Inspected Beef, nrtme. 6 V (a : per lb; cows, ttti'Vic per lb; mut ton, dressed, VVfeVt MC per lb; Is tubs, dressed. -oer- lb.- FUE8U MEATS Front street Beef, steers, 6'7c per lb; pork, block 7(n7c lb; peckers, 6Q0 per lb; bulls, 4Vs4c per lb; mutton, dressed, 6tti7o per lb; veal, small, Mf8VsO per lb; large, 6Kj7c per lb. . HAMS. BACON, ETC. Portland pack (local) bams, 10 to 14 lbs, 13c per id; 14 to IB lbs, . . . - i v. . ,,, tte ik. ii,, -a.. 1Uc Per lb: picnic, 8V4c per lb; breakfast ba con. 134a 16c per lb; regular abort clean, nnsnioked, loc per lb; smoked, 11 per b; clear backa, unsmokea, lue per id; smoked, lie oer lb: Union butts, 10 c le IDS. nnsmoked. 6c per lb; smoked, 9c per lb. EASTN-PACKED HAMS Under 14 lbs. "-' . to; over 10 id, 13 lie per lb; fancy, lSaiaHie per lb; picnics, St per lb; shoulders, lid per id; ary-eiiea siaes, nn smoked. 10 lie tier lb: smoked. HUe ner lb: breakfast bacon, 14Vi(16Ve Pr lb; fancy, lHUe oer lb. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10s. iOKa ner lb; 6s, 11H per lb; 60-lb tin. 10,c per lb; steam-rendered, 10s, 6c per lb; 6s, 9fA tier lb; 60s, Vc ter id: compouna uerces, iqe per lb; tuns, io per id; dos. ic per id. RAKTKRN LARD Kettle leaf, lo-lb tins. llfcc per lb; 6s, llc per lb; 60-lb tins. lo per id; steam-renoerea, ius, iuc per io; ds, iue oer lb: 50s. 9 to ner lb. , (Abort pscklng-houa price ar net caab, 15 aays.i CANNED SALMON Columbia liver 1-H tails. $1.86; 3-lb talis, Sit. 40; fsncy 1-lb fists, $1.85 1 I. , M - . - t Q4. I.Ik I Alaska tails, pink, 60Q85c; red, $1.50; Boniiwi 2s. talis. $2.00. . FISH Hock cod, 7c per lb; flounder, 6c per id; neiiDUt, c per id; crsos, per aos; rssor clsms. 9&10c per dos: little-neck clams, 8c, striped bsss, 12VJc per lb; Puget sound smelt, 6c per lb; estnab, 7c per lb; black cod, per lb; salmon trout, 12 ViM 15c per. lb; lobsters, 160 per lb; perch, 6e per lb; salmon, sllversldes. - ner lb: steelhead. lOe ner lb: California Chinook, 12e per lb; herring, 4c per lb; soles, ec per id; torn coo, oe per in; coium bla river ameit, oc per in; sturgeon, ic per id shrimps, 10c per lb. , . OYSTERS Hhoalwater bay, per gal. $2.26 pat sack, $3.75 net; Olympia. per sack. $5.26, JfEW Y0KX COFTEB MARKET. New Tork, March 17. Close Coffee 1 down 10c Tbe rangea ar a louowa; Hid Ask January $6.15 February 6.20 Msrcb 5.10 April ...... 6.15 Msy , . 5.30 June 6.40 July 6.56 August 6.70 September , 6.80 October ,.. , 6.90 November . 6.00 December .7 6.10 Total sale today, 85,000 bag. $6.20 0.25 6.15 620 8.85 6.45 6.60 6.75 5.86 6.95 6.05 6.13 HEW TORY METAL8 MARKET. New Tork. March IT. Metala eloaej Copper Quiet; Lake. $12:50(412.75. Eleetroytlc $ 12. 37 V, fj 1 2. 82 ft. . ; Caatlng $12.87W012.62ty. Silver Me: London. 2iMiC. Tin Firm; apot, $27.90028.20; March, $27.80 Lead Steady; apot, $4.60(34.66. WH&AT PROBPEOT8 SETTFll. Chicago. March 17. Price Current sava 'Wheat prospects ar maintained and are some wbst. better. There Is continued poor top ap pearances snd also uncertainty of root vitality. The outlook Is for a medium crop. Th season fur spring seeding; is iste. .KCAGO MARKET CONTINUES WEAK YESTERDAY'S DTJX& T0VB IH THE WHEAT PIT IS COHTZHTJEB TODAY A2TD BOATTEKES 1JQTJTDATIOH IS THE BESTJLT-BArifS AX.SO DKIVB COBH WAS ABOUT TJHCHAHOED. (Fnrnlsbed by Overbeck, Starr A Cooke Co.) Chicago. March 17. Logan A Bryan ay: The selling lnf wheat come from scattered liquidation. The continuation of yeaterday' weakness was accentuated by rain In the southwest. There wss rsther better buying nd th close wss considerably steadier. Liver pool only partially followed yesteraay .oreaa here and Broomhall cables light Argentine offerings and the market was effected by higher prices for bresdstuffs i in Russia. Primary receipts are In excess of a year ago and the cash situation all around was rather slow. The outlook Is for a medium crop. W still took for a good scalping msrket, but on the rallies we think It should be born In mind that th price la atlll high. Corn Is About. Unchanged. The corn -market la about unchanged. It waa weak, early In sympathy with the weak ness in wheat, but evidently recelve4 good sup port on the decline and the early loss wss regained. Tbe prevailing local feeling among traders Is bearish ana there is quits a targe short interest. There is the same buying on tbe breaks ss heretofore of May corn which supposed to be for Armour, although u done -I hroush commission houses. There is uo improvement in -the csah situation and the contract Stuff Is somewhat Increased. Apart from the manipulation the situation doe not look strong, but manipulation may be th im portant factor. oata on th wnoi uooa. Tbe oats msrket is on the whole good. There wss a little selling pressure from scat tered liquidation early, but there waa enough covering by local shorts to absorb it. The market seems tending towsrd dullness in a speculative wsy. Receipts art fair snd there is a fair cash demand. Th bull side la at the time without leadership. Previsions Ars Sown. Pork Is 20c lower and -lard and rtbr'lTHe lower. There is a little scsttered -liquidation and the same absence of support from packing Interest or from local people. Receipt : are large In compariaon with a year ago. - Packer 11 look for liberal run of bogs through the spring months. Outside long interest is an important one and we still think pro visions snonia oe sola on the rallies. The various marketa today were: Open. High. Low. Close-. I .MT4 .89 .90 .84 nB31 Wheat- May $ .95 .9014 9 .90 .84 .83 B2V4 .60 .88 4 18.60 18.8214 8.9714 7.1214 . 8.90 7.06 NewJuly. Old July. Old Sept. .91 .84 .83 .63 .60H .40 .884 18.70 13.90 T.1214 7.22H 7.00 "T.10"' NcwHept ' Corn May July W1 Oats Msy .40 .40 .8894 July rorfc- Msy.... July. . . . 13.75 14.00 T.15 T.25 7.02H 7.15 18.6214A Lard- May..,. 7.00 7.15 6 9214 T.06 , July.... Ribs Msy.... July.... CHICAGO OSAnr CAS 10TS. Chlcsgo. March 17. The grain car lota for today ahow: Cars and Est. Wheat 16 3 15 Corn 144 8 160 Oat 105 T 115 Tbe wheat cars a year ago were: Hlnn- apoUa, 294; Duluth, 64; Chicago, 16. Close of Liverpool Grain. Liverpool, March 17.-Close: Wheat May. e-7i, lower: July. 6-714. 14 lower. Corn May, 0-3, hi lower, kinneapolU Wheat Market. Minneapolis. March 17. Close: WLeat. Mar. 074c asked. , Duluth Wheat Market. Dnluth. March 17. Close: Wheat, May. 96c bid. Mew Tork Wheat Market. New Tork. March 17. Close: Wheat. May. STiC TJulnrli Flax Market. Duluth, u...k it ci.. u. ai tt San Franoisoo Grain Market. San Francisco. March 17. Close. 11:30 a. Wheat. May, $1.4114; December, $1.88. Barley nay, i. 11 diq; jJecemoer, i.ui MUwauke Grain Market. Milwaukee. March 17. Closs: Wheat, July. 9014c bid; .May, 044e. corn May, oayfcc uia; iuiy, ou'iuouc St. Louis Wheat Market. St. Louis. March 17. Close: Wheat May. 93c bid; July, 84c bid. Kansas City Wheat Market. Kansss City. March 17. Close: Wheat, Ms. 85c; July, 79c. Berlin Wheat Market. March 17. May Wheat closed Berlin. lower. Buda Pesth Wheat. Buda Pesth, Msrcb 17. Close: April wheat, lower. Paris Wheat Market. Parts. March 17. Opening: Wheat, spot. centime lower; futures, lower. SHEER MARKET IS STILL BADLY MIXED Portlsnd TJnlon Stockyards. Msrcb 17. Tbe receipts, of livestock ln.tb local yard dnrlng tb paet 24 hours were rather small and eon slated of but 300 bom snd 15 hone. Hog ar quoted rather firm and cattle ar strong. Tb situstlon In th cheep market la yet a mixed one and varloua price ar ruling. The nrlces now being paid for sheen are lust aa much ss th buyer will stand. Tb printed prices are not always obtslned now, but tbe stockyard-officiate think that the market will become settled soon. Th omctai price rang a follows: Cattle Best eastern Oregon steers, $4.60; best vslley steers, $.1.76((t4.2S; medium steers, J 3. 50(83.75; cows. M 5UQ3.75; bulls, $2,260 .75; stsirs, $2.7503.25. . . Hogs Best besvy, $5.8506.00; block, $5.00; China fats, $5.1005.85; stockers and feeders, $4.6004.85. Sheep-Best grain-fed wethers and lamb. $4.50; mixed sheep, $3.2604.60;, Stockers and feeder, $2.25(3.00. EASTERN HOGS ARE 10WZX, .Chicago. March-17. Th receipt of livestock In tb principal packing centers of the count today show: Hoga Cattle . Sheep Chicago ..34.000 7.000 80,000 Kansss City 8,600 ' 4,000 4.000 Omaha 8.000 8.000 8,000 Hogs opened 6c tower with 6,000 left over from - yesterday. - Kuiing nog prices show: Mixed snd butchers, $6.10p5.60: good $5.40(3 5.60; rough. $6.10(3.S6: light, $5.305.40, Cattle Slow and weak. . Sheep steady. SAM FRAN CISCO XOOAli . STOCKS. San Francisco. March 17. Close, 10:80 a, m. Local stocks: . - Bid Asked Contra Costa Wster. ..J $ .62 .40 : : .69 ' .S3 spring vslley water.....,,.,. 8. F. Oss A Electric. ......... .8914 .6014 ,.12lJ Union Oss A Electric. ;::::::) Giant Powder , Hawaiian Sugar .., Hoookea Sugar ... A laika Packers Csl. Frnlt Csnnrrs1 12 i.u 1.00 1.68 Asa. .. .0H14' ..t .05 ,, 1.67 Oceanic nteamahlp ... Pacific Coast Borax.. PORTXAVD CLEARINO HOTJBE, OlearlnitS ,t... .................... ;$574,408. M Bulancea ..,, 83,601.56 ACTIVITY AFTER A . " HESITATING OPENING (Furnished by 1verbeck, SUrr A Cooke Jo.) New York. March IT Iin A Rrvan aav: The stock msrket hesluted a little the first hour but prices were well sustained snd there was very little pressure from long stocks. Later ii. oecauie active and a renewed aavanc ' et In which has carried prices pretty much up in the list. Shorts are perhaps the best buyers, but It is generally conceded that there is still a large Interest extending pretty generally throughout th market. The feeling on London waa a little eaalnr and there was a fair aelllns of stocks. The sppearauce of strength In the msrket shows no abatement. Of course. reao tlous may come but a market that baa stood the strain of the lust six weeks so well is. we think, not likely to develop any great weak ness now. ; All tbe better class of Investment stocks are cheap and there la a waiting list of Investment buyers to take advantsgs of any weakness. We think stocks should b bought at current price.' ' . a Q Si DESCRIPTION. Anaconda Mining Co..... Amal. Copper Co.. Atchison, com.....j..... ao preierred.,,. Am. Car A Found., com. do preferred..... Am. Sugar, com. Am, . Smelt., com.,,,.. do preferred.... Baltimore A Ohio, com.. do preferred..... Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Canadian Pacific, com... Chi. A.Alton, com...,. do preferred,.,,,,.,,. Chi. Ut.- West., com.., Chi., Mil. A St. Paul... Chi. A North., com.-... Chi. Terminal Ry, Chesapeake A Ohio Colo. Fuel A Iron. cam. Colo. South,, com........ do 2d preferred....... do 1st preferred...... Delswsre Hudson...... D. A R. O., com do preferred.......... Erie, com do. 2d preferred....... do 1st preferred...... Illinois Central Louisville A NsshtlUe.. 28 J4 641 7W 25 64 tl 15214 1914 25 64 ft. 128 K, 1041a Metro. Traction Co Manhattan Elevatsd .... Mexican . Central Ry.... Minn., St. P. Ste, M.. do preferred Missouri Pacific... M., K. A T.. com....... do preferred.......... New York Central Norfolk A Western, com. do preferred North Amerlcsn N. Y Ont. A West.... Pennsylvania Ry........ P. U., L. AC. Co Pressed Steel Car, com.. do preferred Pacific Mall Steam, Co.. Beading, com do 2d preferred do 1st preferred Rep. Iron A Steel, com. do preferred.... i..... Rock Islsnd, com...... do preferred Southern By., com...... 109 14214 6314 12214 ISM. 39 14 116 0714 BO 83 116 97 30 71 '26 4214 DM 7814 714 44 21 62 204 do preierre. Southern Pacific 84 45 8414 2314 8914 St. L, 8. W.. rexss at rscinc Tenn. Coal A Iron T., St. L. A W., com;. 26 86 76 87 ao prererrea Union Pacific, com..., do preferred........ U. S. Leather, com.., do preferred . . .' . .. , U. S. Rubber, com,... do preferred.. C S. Steel Co., com.., do preferred Wheel. A L. B., com do 2d preferred.... 7 IX 40 11 68 1614 25 46 18 do 1st preferred. Wisconsin Central, com.. do preferred Western Union Tele.. Wsbasb, com 424 84; 1 do preferred 8614 St. Louis A Ssn Francisco, first preferred, ex- dividend or 1 per cent. Total aalea for day, 663,200 abara. Money, 114 2 per cent. HEW TORK COTTON MARKET, (Furnished by Overbeck. SUrr A Cook Co.) Mclntyre A Marshall say: Tb option list has sustained a decline of ISO points tn New York and 186 In New Orleana. more than enough to represent an extreme of liquidation under tbe circumstances. W do not Incline to th belief that any large part of holding of mors I Important - lraoes should be parted with at I the low level reached today and we prefer to be- bii T - urn v est array -vi ar vr v wivuu r vrriv covered today by purchases which represent a better return 'than could be gotten by actual pnrcbaaea of apot cotton. We ar Inclined to think that cotton may be bought on th good decline from this level at least. The cotton market today ranged a follow: Ooen. Hlah. Low. . Close. March.... 15.60 15.41 14.96 14.96(a9T April 16.76 15.84 15.90 15.92 15.30 15.05 1 5.15 , 18.00rtli2 15.65 15.23 . 15:25(927 Msy.... June.... 15.90 15.82 15M'ii:5 16.95 15.30 15.86IU37 July..., August. 15.83 1 4.77 14.80Ca82 Sentemebr 18.85 13.00 1B.XO 1.Z8((1SU October. . . ..12.83 12.70 .: 12.8512.3738 November.. 12.43 December.. 12.86 12.44 12.13 X.13(ul4 12.86 12.12 12.12(13 ' BOSTON STOCK MARKET. Boston, March 17. Clos: Adventure ........... Arcadian Atlantic Bingham ... Calumet Copper Mountain Copper Range Dally West Dominion Coal ......... Dominion Coal, pfd .., Osceols Phoenix Shannon Victoria Winona '. Wolverine Old Dominion ., United Fruit , Shoe Machinery Shoe Machinery, pfd ,, Oreen Mountain Michigan MEW TORK SUMMARY. New Tork, Mare 17. Dow, Jones A com. Dsnv say: Northern securities is expected to proceed to liquiastiou. Anoiner comninstion suit is ex fleeted. United Mine Worker have voted against a coal atrlk. Twenty roads for Jsnusrr show average net decreaae of 23.T1, iron Age aay that better feeling in th Iron trsa continue, soutnern Die iron msnursctnr. ers expect to be sble to sustain recent ad vance in price. There 1 good demand for Baltimore et unio in tn loan crowd. Foreign bond ar rather sailer la London. Th banks gslned from the sub-treasury since Friday XH9.000. No further demand for currency from the interior I expected tbls spring.- The Bsnk 01 unsisna rate 1 nnenangea. Twelve Indus trials advanced .04 per cent. Twenty railroads aiivRnreu pw cent. COMMISSION CO. ( Incorporated CteptUl Jsd sTurplng 9600,000.00. Broker In Grain.Provisions, Stocks and Bonds Largest Private Wlr 8ytero la America. Beaponalbl and Oorwervattva, W Chart No Interest for Carrying Long -. Stock. . W. A. RYER & CO., Correspondents ' U Stsrk Street. i;- .1 PROPOSALS rOS HAT AND 0AT8. Office bf Distributing Quartermaster. Portlsnd. Or., Msrch 15, 1904. Seeled proposals, la trip licate, win be received her until 12 m.. -Atirll 16, 1904, and then opened, for furnishing' 2,382 tons 01 nsy ana x.oso tons oat at Portland, Or., for Manila, P. I. Information and blank proposals furnished at this office on snnllcatlon. The li'nlted States reserves the right to accept or reject any or -an Dins or any part thereof, Envelopes contslnlng . proposals should be In dorsed "Proposals for Hay and Oats," and ad dressed to Jess M. Baker, Capt, Qr. Mr, U B. A. Bid. Ask. .... 3 2 .... 40 46 .... 8 8 .... 19 20 ...,445 449 .... 67' 60 ...41 41 .... SO , 80 ,66 67 ,...107, 110 .... 67 68 .... 1 2 .... 7 7 :::: Sy .... 69 71 .... 9 10 ) w 004 .... 47 47 .... 28 29 .... 10 . 10 .... 4 : BOYCOTT FOR THE PACKERS' TRUST ooUMxssiozr mxh or XAHSA.8 oztt BXPTJSB v- TO. t RStS TO TKB 70W1VBB PACKHfO OOMPAHT WOTJUl SKXTB PBITATB STOCX TAJUJS OUT OT SZXSTEirCB. - . By Oeorge B. Long-an. . Kansas City, Mo., March 17. The commission men of Kansas City stock yards have engaged in a fight with the packing trust which may mean thS death of the Kansas City stockyards aa open yards or the curtailment of the power of ; the meat combine. The Fowler Packing company here, has been maintaining, private yards to which tbe farmers and feeders of fat cattle are Invited to ship their ' stock "and re ceive better prices than are paid upon the . open market."- The commission men see where. If the Fowler Packing company gets such a business started, the other packers may follow suit and drive the general yards out of , exist ence. The nght against the Fowlers, is to make them abandon the private yarda. .:"' . Begin a Boycott. The commission men have begun by boycott which they. 'are enforcing strictly. They are? notifying the feed ers that the fight lu on and asking that no stock be consigned to the Fowler company. ' They are also reruamg xo sell the Fowler company stock from the general yards ao long as It main tains Its private yards. The Fowler company Is owned by the National Packing company, a holding company controlled by the meat, trust, Armour, Swift & Morris. It Is a big plant and is one of the nine big Inde pendent companies that have ' been bought up by the trust and is operated under a joint ownership. The Fowler pW has a capacity of 1,000 cattle, 12,- 0.00 hogs and 18,000 sheep a. day. Tn private yards are supplied by solicitors and buyers who are riding through tbe country asking the farmers to ship di rect to the packing house. : Trust Zs Crippled. However, the plant has been able to get In this way, only about half enough to - keep it T busy and the rest of the stock necessary has been bought in the general yards here. Hence this week the Fowler company has been badly crippled and is working at only a Jialf capacity and the probabilities are that the shipments will fall off to the private yards. Oeorge E. Cole, president or the Colt & Ott Livestock commission firm, one of the conservative commission mrn here who la the most familiar with the situation, explains the fight In this way: tookman Explains situation. . "The feeders and we stockmen are al ways talking about, the great evil that the packing combine is to the livestock industry.-- We are- trying to- get -more competition ' while the .packers are try ing to kill it and pay one price. Every load of stock that a feeder or farmer sen&s to the .Fowler private yards la a knife plunged in his own back. He is aiding the trust. The commission men are fighting the shipper's battle and we ask the shipper to help himself first of all. If he doesn't; the trust will be getting -bis stock at any price It cares to pay. "The Fowlers say tbey can pay more because they save the salaries of buy ers and the commissions and yardage charges. This is false. The Fowler company has aa many buyers in the gen eral yards today as It did three years ago before the private yards were started. Then the buyers and solicitors that are riding through the country are costing the company more than the com missions and yardage combined. Now, then, if the packers are paying more, what is their object? They are cer tainly not doing it-for health or cour tesy to the farmer." v . Tnr Xana-e Cattle Come. Cattle price here are ranging now from 14.85 to S5.2S for exoort beef and from $4.50 to fS for' the best dressed beef gradea Stockers and feeders are bringing steady- prlcea-rltb- the top prices up to 14.25. The bulk are selling from. 13 np to 4. There are few range cattle coming now. 1 A Cattle Seoelpts at ATI Markets. Receipts of cattle at the Ave western markets last week were under 110,000. or about the same aa in the correspond ing week last , year, but nearly 25.000 less than the week before, The de crease was sustained at the minor markets. Receipts last 'week barely reached 29,000, the same aa last week and nearly 1,000 less than a week ago. Chicago received (7.700 against (5,200 the week before and (5,700 a yearjigo. The opinion prevails that receipts will continue small for a few weeks, at any rate until after the close of the. Lenten season. The market for dressed beef has been very unsatisfactory in tho east and shippers have been ordered to buy at lower . prices, notwithstanding tne small movement. Choice, well fin ished steers seem to be getting scarcer all the time, but prices are so little above ordinary grades that feeders find little encouragement fh making them fancy. . . There Was little or no Improvement in tbe market here for beef -gradea, Cows, heifers and butcher gradea were in strong demand during the first three days and advanced to 10 to 15 cents. There was little change in prices in the last two days. The atocker and feeder recelpta have been comparatively small and speculators were active, and there was a good representation of country tiuyers. Stock cows, heifers And calves have also advanced 15 to 25 cents and are in geod demand. Sheep Beoeipts Larger., Sheep rcelpts here for last' week were 23,075, against 24,350 the week before' and 18,775 a year ago. Chicago had 4.ope,.agalnst 81,800 the week be fore and 69,000 a year ago. Receipts at the nve markets aggregate 1(9,776, against 188,276 the week- before and 123,000 a year ago. The sheep market was steady to 20 cents - lower than a week ago. Good sheep and Iambs were steady, yearlings, medium grade lambs and sheep were 15 to 20 cents lower. The best lambs of tho; week sold up to $5.66; yearlings, st; ewes, $4.15, and wethera. $4.60. The range in prices on lambs was $5 to $5.66; yearlings. $4-50 to (6; wethers, 14 to $4.60'; ewes, $3.60 to $4.16. The demand as a rule was good, but too many common offerings were In sight, Tha best finished gradea sold on arrival and the dullness In the trade waa caused by the large per cent of unfinished lambs and yearlings. Two or three bunches of feeding, lambs sold above $4, but outside of a few lots there waa noth ing suitable for feeding. property owners in Carl street are endeavoring to secure a water main on that street before the gravel is laid. The thoroughfare . Is graded between Mil waukee avenue and !ast Twentieth street, and will be graveled. The Im provement on Ellsworth atreet, be tween 'Grand avenue1 and East Tenth street, will be completed as soon as the. weather permits. , . " AMTJSEMCEjrTS. Harold Bauer ' PIAH1ST. Marquam Grand; . BATTTSJDAT, KAMCS 19, 1904, At 8 " vt 'fr-Vl'Vy.-'lfi'f'l? PRICES Lower floor, except laat 1, rows, $2.00; last rowa, $1.60. Bal cony, 'first S rowa, $1.60; second 8 rows. 1.00rlat 8 rows, 76c Gallery, 76o and 50c. Boxes, 112.50. Logea, (16.00. - BEATS WOW BEltlKO. CORDRAY'S THEATRE . CORDBAT A RUSSELL, Manaeere. , v Prices, 15c, 25c,- 85c, 40c and 60c. TONIGHT AND ALL WEEK, - , "BEST EVZK." , Richards & Pringle'f Famous Georgia Minstrels A company without an equal In th whole world of minstrelsy. Matinee Saturday, 2 p. m. Neit Week, Starting 8unday Matinee, March 20, -- ROWLAND CLIFFORD Present the Young Singing Comedlsa, TH0S. J. SMITH, , In tha Beautiful Irish Comedy Drama, - "THE GAME .KEEPER" . Portland critics pronounced It very good laat sesson. Well, It is better this. No change la' prices. THE BAKER THEATRE W1' Qsorga L. Baker. Sole Lease and Manager. Tonight, all week, matinee Saturday, aa elaborate production of Hall Cains' powerful! play, , -., - ... v "The Christian'-' . Evening price, 60c, 85c, 25c, 15c. ' ' Matinee. 26c, 15c, 10c. .. . Matinees Saturday and Sunday. NEXT WEEK FAREWELL of the Baker Theatre Company. In Roland Reed's' great comedy success, , "HUMBUG" RUrtlnf next Sunday matlne. Marquam Grand Theatre v-.- Tonight at 8:15 o'clock. . , - 1 Ben Hendricks - ERIK dP SWEDEN A Charming play by all excellent company. Prices, $1.00, T5c, 60c. 85c, 25c. Seats are now selling. Phone Msln 868. Marquam Grand Theatre &55S Engsgement eitraordlnery, ROSE CECELIA SHAT ; GRAND OPERA C0MPAJTT. Mondsy night, Msrch 21 "CsrmVn." Tuesday night, March 2a "11 Trovator." Wednesdsy night, March 83 "rsust." Wednesday matinee. March 33 "Th Bohe mian Olrl." The advance aale of seata will open tonvor. row. Prices, 1.00, SI.OO, 75c, 50c, 85c, 25e. PARK THEATRE 309 Washington St. bet 5tl and 6th C"AS.0. JACKSON, Prop, and Mgr. ' ANY SEAT IO One of th safest sad most rosy theatres la the city the home of refined vaudeville. CATERING TO LADIES, CKH.BB.ZX AMD ux.aii.jix.. . ,u. a DAILY PERFORMANCES: , ' ' 3 MATINEES 3 - I:t0 TO :S0 F, M. 3 EVENINGS 3 t(80 TO 18:88 . M. " ) SUNDAYS ' Continuous Ferformsnc 8 p. m. te U p. m. ARCADE Til I: AT RE SEVENTH AND WA8HH1QTON. REFINED VAUDEVILLE 1:80 to 4:80, T:80 to 10:80. SUNDAY CONTINUOUS FROM 1 TO tnsn FOB LADIES. GENTLEMEN AND CHILDREN, AliniMlUN I CH ICflM IV ANT 1UT. FRITZ THEATRE SM-SU BuKHBIDE, FRED FRITZ, Prop. W. H. BROWN, llgr. inti noMti of VAUDEVILLE Tw show dally at 8 and 4 p. at, CONCERT BALL BLAZIERBR08. CONCERT EVERY HI0HT. 842-848 BURNSfDR, TOWW TOPICS. Duncan Lenox, who attacked Captain England of the ahip Thistle with a be laying pin, waa this morning fined 50 In the municipal court, He Was unable to pay the One, and waa remanded to the city Jail. Ah Gin, a' Chinese gardener, left his horses standing attached to his wagon' on Flanders street this morning, and while he was away, they topk fright at a passing automobile and ran away. They daahed madly to Third atreet, down Third to Oak and on Oak to Second, where they collided with a telegraph pole. In the wild daah the rear wheels of the wagon were separated from tha frent ones, and the noise had the effect to cause the team to run faster. Several wagons and .pedestrians had narrow es capes.- Withdrawing his plea of not guilty before John B. Cleland, presiding Judge In the state circuit court, yesterday afternoon, Edward G. Goble pleaded guilty and. was sentenced to serve five years and six months in the peniten tiary for larceny committed In a dwell ing. The crime he admitted waa 'steal' lng Jewelry and other articles from members of the See family, at 424 Eat , Twenty-fourth street, North, on Janu ary 16. A charge of committing larceny on January 8 at 441 Eaat Seventeenth Street, North, was dismissed. ' Arraigned on the simple charge of drunkenness, then held on a charge of burglary waa the experience of Charles McLoughlan In the municipal court to day. He waa arrested last night by Pa trolman Lee, while wandering, about In an intoxicated condition, and later It was found that he had entered the home of C Burch. at Sylvan, a small village eaat of Portland. McLoughlan has been before Judge Hogue several times, for petty offenses. : The date of his hearing on the '.burglary charge will be set later. It. Is alleged, he stole a gold watch. .. Central .union held a1 very busy busi ness meeting at tha T. W. C. A, parlors. Mrs. Addlton- gave a most v Interesting Bible lesson on "Spiritual Evolution." It was full of sparkling gema of thought. The lecture work of the county was re ported on. Rey. R. Foster' Stone is to be here March 20, 21 and 22. .Mrs. Mat tie Graves, national lecturer, if ill be in' the county two weekav-af frrll. Mrs. Louise Round, national - lecturer - of mercy work, will be here from April 8 to 10. Central union will hold a meet ing April 8. Mrs. Round will address It,- , PO TOT TAKE ICE BO TOUT Vest OOAZi If so, rimsmbw the Crystal loe ft Storage Oo. Vhoae. East 844,