The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 14, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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Sotle I hereby given that William C.
Elliott, . City Engineer, has Hied In the offlco
of the-UBderrtgnod: notlcB :tht-aohlH 8ro.T
contractor for the improvement of Bkldmore
treet, under th provisions of ordinance No.
13,ei!H, bnve completed Mid street from the
renter line of East Ninth atreet to the center
line of Kast Tenth street. ; ,? . --...v.;r
Hald acceptance -will, bo considered by the
Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 18th day
ef March, 1904, and objection to the accept
ance of said street, or any part thereof, inay
be Died In the office of the undersigned at
auy time prior thereto. . '
Auditor ot the City of Portland.
March 12, 1B04. .. - r:
Healed propoeala will be received' at the of
fice of the Auditor of the City of Portland
until Friday, March 18, 1804, at O'clock
J. m for the Improvement of Seventh atreet
mm the south line of Hoyt street to the north
rnrb line of Jefferaon atreet, In the manner
provided by ordinance No. 18.842, aubject to the
provision of the Charter and ordlnancea of the
city of Portland and the estimate of the City
Engineer, on file.' ' ' ' ,
. Hlds must be atrlctly In accordance with
nrlnted hinnke which will be furnished on ap
plication at the office of the Auditor of the
tiir oi rortiaua. - . - .
Paid improvement muat be completed on or
before 80 day from the data -of the signing
of the contract1 by the partlea thereto.
No, prnpoaala or bldi will be considered un
leaa aecompHiilcd by a certified check payable
to the order or the Mayor of the City of Port
land, certified by a responsible bank for an
amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate
proposal. ." , -. ' ' . "' . 1
The right reject any and H bide I hereby
reserved. .-. - wj , ,
By order of the Executive Board.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
March 12. ll4.
(tested propoeala will be received at the of
fice of the Auditor of the City of Portleud
until Vi,lr, March 18. 1004. at 8 o'clock
r. m. for the improvement of Multnomah street
rora the eaat Urn of East Twenty-fourth street
to the east line of East Twenty-seventh street,
In the manner provided by ordinance No. 13,
843, subject to the provisions of the Charter
and ordinances of the City of Portland and the
estimates or the iity nngine r. on Die.
KliU mut be strictly in accords nee with
printed blanks, which will be furnished on ap
plication at the office of the Auditor ot the
City of Portland.
Kald Improvement mnst be completed on or
before 60 Cays from the date pf the signing
et Yiv the nartlea- thereto.
- No proposals or bida will be considered on-.
leas accompanied o.v a ceruuea cnecs pay.
able to--the crder of the Mayor of, the City
of Portland, certified by a responsible bsnk for
an amount eqnai to 10 per ceui oi me eg
ffree-ata nrntvaial.
The right to reject any and U bids is hereby
reaervea. '
By order of the Executive Board
' Auditor ot the City Of Portland.
March It 1904. r.-vv.
Healed nronnaala will be received at the of
flee of the Auditor, of the City of Portland
ontll Friday, March 18, 1904, at 8 o'clock
n. m . for the lmnrovement of CUrkamaa atreet
from the eaat Hoe ot East Twenty-fourth street
to the west line, of Eaat Twenty-eigntn street.
In the manner nrovlded by ordinance No. 13.-
841. subject to the provisions ot the Charter and
oruinaneea oi me oi rwiuiuu iuu iu
estimate of the City Engineer, on nie.
Blda must be strictly in sccordsnce with
nrtnted blanks, which will be furnished on ap
plication at the office of the Auditor If the
I I IT nt Portland.
Hald Improvement must be completed on or
before 80 days from the date of the signing
of the contract Dy tne parties uiereto.
No nronosala or bids will be considered nn
less accompanied by a certified check payable
to the order of the Mayor of the City of Port
land, certified by -a responsible bank, for an
mount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate
The right to reject any and all bids is hereby
. By order of -the1 Executive Board.
Autnior oi uie viiy oi -oriiiu.
Healed nronosala wilt be received at tbe of
fice of the Auditor -of the City of Portland
until Friday. March 18. nt 8 o'clock p. m. for
the lmnrovement of EaBt -Twenty-olxth atreet
from the north line of Multnomah atreet to
. the south line ot lUlsey street. In the nisn
' ner provided by erdlnsnco No. 13.840, subject
to the provisions or me inaner ana orainances
- of the City of Portland and tbe eatlmate ot the
Cltv Engineer, on file;
Blda must be strictly In accordance with
printed blanks, which will be furnished on ap
plication at the office ot the Auditor of tbe
City of Portland.
Raid Improvement muat be completed en or
before An day from the date of the signing
of the contract by tne paritea merero.
No nrooneals or bids will be considered un
lies accompanied by a -fortified check .pay
able to the order of the Mayor of the City
of Portland, certified by a responsible bsnk for
sn amount equal to 10 per cent or me sg
vreratit nronosal. - '
The right to reject any and sll blda Is hereby
reserved. .
Br order of the Executive Board.
Auditor ot tbe City of Portland.
March 12, 1904.
rnleaa all nhieihers following ths business
of plumbing have taken tbe examination aa re
quired by tne state lavr mry wm d sunjeci
to arrest arxer siarcu x. jt"i.
Chairman of Board of Examiners.
Notice la hereby given that at the meeting
ff the Council of tl.e City of Portland, Ore
gnn, held on the 2d day of March, 1904, the
following resolution waa adopted:
Keaolved, That the Conncll of the City of
Portland. Oregon, oeema It expedient and pro-
foses te Improve Esst Twenty-fourth street
ram the north line of Tillamook atreet to the
north line of Knott street, by grading the
street full width wltb full Intersections to the
proper subgrada. In accordance with the City
- Engineer's plans, speclllcntlona and estimates.
Raid lmnrovement to be made In accordance
With the Charter and ordinances of th City of
Portland and the plans, specltWtlons and esti
mates of the City Engineer filed In the office
of the Auditor of tbe City of Portland on the
S7th day of February, 1904. Indorsed: "City
Engineer's plana and specifications for the Im
provement of East Twenty-fourth street from
the north line of Tillamook street to the north
line of Knott street and the estimates of the
work to be done and the probable tout coat
thereof.' ' -4
The cm t of said Improvement to be assessed
as provided by the City Charter upon tbe prop
erty specially benefited thereby snd which Is
hereby declared to be all the lota, parts of
lota and parcels of land lying between s line
100 feet west of and parallel with the. west
51 ne nf East Twenty-fourth street and. a Hue
00 feet east of and psrallel with the east
line of Esst Twenty-fourth street snd between
the north line of Tillamook street snd line
100 feet north or and parallel with the north
line of Knott street.
Tbe Engineer's estimate of the probable total
cost tor th improvement oi aaia bast Twenty
fnnrth street is 83. 460.00.
The plsns, specifications and estimates of the
. City Engineer for the Improvement of ssld
J&asi jwtfiuy-Kturia iurti mim aiereiiy sooptea.
Resolved. That tbe -Auditor of the City of
Portland be and he Is hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed Improvement of ssld
street aa provided by the City Charter.
Remonstrance agalnat the above Improvement
may be filed In writing .with th nnderslaued
within 20 days from th data of th first pub
lication or tnia notice.
By order ot th Council.
, Auditor t th City of Portland.
March JJ. 1004. .
' Nolle li bcreby given that at the meeting
of the Council of the City of Portland. Ore
' gon, held on the 2d day ot March, 1904, th
' ..ii!it,r resolution was Adopted : -
i Kesolred. Thst the Council of th City ot
Portland.- Oregon, deems it expedient and pro
pose to? Improve Grover street from tbe east
lln of Hood street to th esst Un of Macadam
street bv grading the streot to tbo proper
a nA.. hvi . maeadsmlalne and reilrMain
th roadway wltb crushed rock and crushed rock
screenings, and by constrnctlng artificial atone
sidewalks and atone erosswslks full width wtth
full Intersections In accordsiic with tbe City
. Engineer' plan, specifications and tat I mates.
T.i,t lmnrovement to be made In accordance
- with the Charter and ordlnancea of the City of
Portland anil tne piana, aiiecinriiinui ana esti
; -.- r the City Engineer filed In tbe office
' of tbe Auditor of the City of Portland on the
1st day OI Marcii, iwi,. iiifHireeii;
' nlans snd specifications tnt the I in
nmnment of Grover stroet from the esafvilne
- r - -. . n 4 Via mI It nl f llimil..
. or flOOtt eir- w ... "
treeet, and the estimate ot the work to I
.. .rf the nrnbable tots! cost thereof." -
The coat of said Improvement to be aeseaeed
a nrovldrd by the - Iity Charter spoa the
' nmnertr aneclally beneftied thereby and whti
Is hereby doi'lsred to bo all the , lots, part
M narcels of land l.rlng between. 1
lln 100 feet north ot and parallel with th
north line of Grover atreet end line 100. feet
ooutb of and parallel with the south line of
irover street, and between the eaat line of
Hood atreet ana a une luo leet east or ana
parallel with the eaat line of Macadam atreeet.
I'he Ensrlneer'e eetlniatc of the probable total
coat for the Improvement of aald Grover atreet
gOtlil.OO. -:;"-'.;- r, -:
The above Improvement shsll be classed as
macadam reimlr linorovement and ahall -be
maintained - hr the city for a 'period ot two
years; provided, that the owners of a majority
of the. Drooertr benefited be said Improvement
or any portion thereof, shall not petition for a
new or different Improvement before the expi
ration of euch period. -
I he pinna, specifications and estimates ot tne
City Engineer for the improvement of said
Grover atreet are hereby adopted, . i
' ueaoivea. Tout tuo Auditor ot tne tity or.
Portland be and be la hesehv rllreered to lire
In it I ra nt t h nmnnw ImiWAmant nf aald
Street aa provided' by the City Charter.
. Kemonetrance against the above improvement,
may be filed In writing with the undersigned
within 30 days from the date ot the first pub
lication of this notice. " ? . .'
By order of too Council. - " -"
Auditor ot the City of Portland.
March 6, J'JOl. :.. e:
Whereas. The Conncll of the City of Port
land, deemlnff it evnedlent to 'onrn.
lay out and establish an extension of Alder
street. In the City of Portland, from the east
line of Nineteenth street to the west line of
cnanuisn street, did on the 8th day of Jamv
ary, lmH, direct the City Engineer to survey
tue same ana to mark the boundaries tnereoi,
written reports containing a-, full nnd perfect
,w iii ii i. a uibl ui hiiu r in , , , . b
aescriptton of such proposed street ana tne
boundaries thereof, nd of the portion of esch
tot tract rtr - cart of -elthtsr. to be annroprl
ated for -such street,' and the City' Engineer
liaving made such survey, plat ana report, and
filed aneb plat, and report In the office of
the Auditor on the 21st day of January, 1A04,
nd said report having been adopted by ordin
ance No. 1.1.818, entitled "An ordinance adopt
ing the report of the City Engineer In the
matter ot the proposed opening, laying out and
estanusning or Aider street from tue east line
Nineteenth street to the west lino of Chapman
atreet." - "-
Now; therefore; all - persons Interested -are
hereby notified thst the Council ot the City ot
Portland has appointed J. Q. Macs, U. Clam
aenlua and Frank Hachenev viewers, to view
said proposed extension of said street and
make an estimate of the benefits and -damages
occasioned by the opening, laying out and
estaDiirning tne sntns, in accordance witn sec
tion 319 of the Chsrti of the City of Port
land, said viewers te meet at the office ot
tbe Andttor or the city of Portlnnd on Thurs
day, the 17th day of March. 1904. at the hour
of 10 o'clock In tbe forenoon of said day.
The proposed ODenlnc. laying out and eatan-
liahlng of Alder street Is more particularly
bounded and described aa follows i.
Beginning at a nolnt In the west line of
Chapman street where the same should be Inter
sected by a straight line running from the
normweai corner or diock iun, to roe soiun
west corner of Nineteenth and Washington
streets, and running thence westerly on said
line to point where tbe same would Inter
sect the east line of Nineteenth street; thence
northerly along the east line of Nineteenth
street 28.00 feet;, thence easterly along tbe
wutn une or Washington street reet;
mence southerly along tbe west line or nnp
man street 45.74 feet to the place of begin
ning. The proposed opening, laying out and estsb
llshlng of Alder street will Include and neces
sitate the appropriation to public use of. tbe
(oimwlng described psreel or tract of land:
All thst psreel or tract of land lying be
tween the west line nf Chspman street, tbe
east line of Nineteenth street, the south line
of WssblngtflD street, snd northerly from the
south line of the proposed Alder street, con
talnlnc 1.709 snuare feet.
All Dersons ekitmlnr damages by reason nf
tne appropriations or tne property anore oe-
scrlbed. or any part thereof, la the proposed
nenipg,. laying out and establisning ot sain
street, are hereby aneclally notified to file
their claims for auch damage with the Auditor
f the City of Portland before the' 17th day of
March. J l04 . the time appointed for tbe meet
ing ot the viewers therein.
By order of the Council.
Auditor of tbe City of Portland.
March 5, 1904.
Notice la hereby given that at the meeting
of the Council of the City bf Portland, Ore
gon, held on the 2d day of March, 1904, the
tollowlna- resolution waa adopted:
Keaolved. That the conncll or tne city ot
Portland. Oregon, deems It expedient and pro
poses to improve Powell street from the esst
11 ee ef Mllwsukl street to the west line of
East'Twenty-flrst street -In the-following man
ner, to-wit:
First By constructing woorten sidewalks tn
accordance wtth the City Engineer plans,
sneclfirstlon snd estimates.
Second By constructing wooden curbs In so-
cordance with the City Engineer plsns, speci
fications and estimate.
Third Bv planking the roadway and eon
slructlng elevated roadway In accordance with
tbe City Euglneer s plans, a peel fl cation and
Said Improvement to be made In accordance
with the Charter and ordinances of the City
of Portland and the plana, specifications snd
estimates nt the city Engineer filed an the
office of th Auditor of the City of Portlsnd
on the 2d day of March. 1!04. Indorsed: "City
Engineer plana snd specifications far tbe lm
nrovement of Powell street from the esst line
of Mllwsukl street to tbe west line of East
Twenty-first street and the estimate of tbe
neck to oe done ana tne proDBDie total coat
The cost nf aald Improvement to be asaessed
aa provided tv the City Charter uoon the
nronertv specially benefited thereby and which
I hereby declared to be as follow: On th
northern side of said street ail the lots, parts
of lots and parcel of land lying between r.
line lii reet northerly rrora ana parallel witn
the north Un of Powell street and between the
esst line of Mllwaukte street and a line 100
feet east of and psrallel with the east line
of Eaat "Nineteenth street. and also the
fontherlv one-bair ot triangular tract or land
lying between the south lln of Cole street, the
west line of East Twentieth street and th
northerly lln of Powell street. snd the
southerly one-half nf block fid, Tlbhett's add!
Hon tn En at Portlsnd: on the southerly side
ef Mild street all the lots, parts of lots and
parcels of lsnd lying between the snntberlv
line of Powell street snd- line urn reet
wnthcrly therefrom snd parallel therewith, and
between tb west Une of Esst Twenty-first
street and th east line or East Fourteenth
atreet and lso the northerly one-batf of blocks
T snd 8. Cole' addition to East Portlsnd. and
sll thst portion of block 1, Cole's addition to
East Portland, lying north of tine 100 feet
southerly from and parallel with the southerly
line of Powell atreet.
Th Engineer' estlmste nf th probable total
net of the Improvement of ssld Powell street
Is IS.J4ft.00.
The above Improvement shall be classed ss
an elevated roadway and plank roadway lm
nrovement and shall be maintained by the city
for period of five years, provided that the
owners of mslorltv of the ornnertv benefited
by said Improvement or any portion thereof
shall not petition tor a new or nirrerent lm
umvement before the exolrstlon thereof.
The plnnev specifications and estlmatea ot the
City Engineer for the Improvement of aald
Powell street are nereny snopteo.
Resolved. . Thst the Auditor of the City of
Portland be and he Is hereby directed to give
nmli-a of the nronosed lmnrovement of ssld
street provided by tbe city Charter.
Remonstrance againat tne snore improvement
may be filed In writing with the undersigned
within 20 dnva from th date of the first publi
cation of this notice.
By order of the council.
Andltor of th City of Portland.
March B, 1904.
Knllce t hereby given thst st the meetlna;
nt the Council of the City of Portland. Ore
gon, held on the 2d day of March, 1904, th
7..iinwln resolution was adopted:
Resolved, -jnst m louncn ot tne uity or
Portland, Oregon, ueems it expedient ana pro
Doaes to Improve Mason street from the center
line of William avenue to tne center lln o
uninn avenue tn tne touowing manner, to-wit
rirst Bv grading the atreet full width with
full intersections to tbe proper grid as shown
py stakei ny tne iiy migintwr.
Second By constructing wooden sidewalk
i. eenrdsne wttn tne city engineer s nlans.
.niseatlnns and estlmatea.
-TOira tJ i,imi.ihih "wuni cruMwain in
sccordsnce wun, ine viiy engineer s plan.
uiAi.BHnni and estlmatea. , ..
Fourth By constructing bog gutter fn ac
cordance wixu ni" v-ii-j Huin luaus, apcci
and estimate. :
Said Improvement to be msde in sceor dance
with tbe charter and ordinance of the City
Portland and tbe Plan, specifications surf
estimates of the City Kngineer tiled in th
office of tne Auuimr oi un uu oi rortinnl
tt, onth day of February. 1004. Indorsed
"City Engineer' 'plan and pectflcatton for
the lmp'ovement of Mason street from the
ccstter line of Williams avenue to the center
l'ne of Union avenue, and the estimates of th
work to b - don aad the probable total cost
thereof." ' ',., . ' ' ' '
The cost of ssld Improvement tn be assessed
aa provided by the City Charter upon tb
property pecillr benefited thereby aud which
Is hereby declared to be all tbe lot, parts of
lots and psreel of lsnd l.rlng between a line
100 feet north of and parallel, with tb north
line of Mason street and Una 100 'feet south
-r anil narsllrl . with th south lln of Mason
street, snd between the seat line of William
avenue and tne west une or- nion nvepue.
Tb- Engineer's estimate of the probable total
crnt of Improving ssld Mason street la (2.918.00.
Th slang, speclncattaaa and estimates f th
City Engineer for tbe Improvement of Mid
Mason street are hereby adopted. -
Kesolved. That the Auditor of th City of
Portland be and he Is hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed Improvement of said
street as provided by the City Charter. - -----
tterannstrsnce against the noove improvemeni
may be filed In writing with the undersigned
within 2(V. days from th date of the first pub
lication of this notice.
ily -order of the Council.
' ' - Audltov of the City of Portland.
March S, 1904.
Notice la hereby oiven that at th meeting
of the Council of the City of Portland, Ore
gon, -held on the 2d day of March, 1004, th
following resolution was adopted:
Resolved, That the Council of th City of
Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient snd pro
pose to Improve Prescott street from the, west
line or East-Tenth atreet to tne esst line or
Esst Fourteenth street In the following man
ner, to-wit: . .
First Bv ersdin the street fun width, with
full Intersections, to. tbe established trade.
Second By conatrnctlne- wooden crosswalks
In a m A a n l,k , I -I . L' .... I .... 1 a nllinM
i. 11-IU1II.C n 111! IIT-Vllt " iMW
specHicatlons and estimate.
Third Uy constructing bog gutter In ac
cordance with the City Engineer's plan, speci-
Dcationr ana eatimates.
Fourth By constructing wooden sidewalks In
accordance . with the City Englueer's puns,
peclflcstlons and estlmatea. ,
Said lmnrovement to be made In accordance
with- the Charter and ordinance of the City
of Portland and the plans, specifications and
estimates o the City Engineer filed In the of
fice of the Auditor of th City of Portlsnd on
rue ntn day ot February.: 1H04. indorsed: . "City
Engineer' plan1 and specifications tor the Im
provement of -Prescott -street -from- the - west
line of East Tenth street to the. esst line of
East Fourteentb street, and the estimates of
tbe work to - be done and the probable total
cost thereof.". , ;
The cost of said Improvement to be aasessed
ss provided by the City Charter upon tbe prop
erty specially benefited thereby, and which is
nerwny declared Jo Dc in tbe lots, ports oi
kits and parcels ot land lying between a Une
100 feet north of and parallel with the north
Une of Prescott street and a Une 100 feet south
of and parallel with the south line of Pres
cott street., ana oetween line nt" teet wr
of and parallel with tbe west line of Esst
Tenth street and a line 100 feet esst ot snd
psrallel wltb the east line of Eaat Fourteentb
street. -
The Engineer's estlmste of the probable total
coat of the Improvement of said Prescott street
la 82.184.
Th plan. SDeelfl cations and estimates of the
City Engineer . for tbe Improvement of said
Prescott .street are hereby adopted.
Resolved, That the Auditor of the City of
Portland be and he Is hereby directed to give
notice of the nronosed Improvement of said
atreet as directed by the City Charter.
Kemonstrauce against tbe apove improvement
may be filed in writing with the undersigned
within 20 days from tbe date ot th first pub
lication or this notice. , . . -e ,
By order of the Council.
Auditor ot the City ot Portland.
March S, 1904.
VAttea fa' heeehv- riven that at til ftinerlne
ot the Council oi the City of Portlsnd, Ore
gon, held on tbe zd day or Marco., jam, tne
followlnir resolution wss sdoDted:
Resolved, By tbe council ot tne city or
Portland, Oregon, that It deems It expedient
to cbana-e aud establish the grade of East
Twenty-Eighth street, and that It 1 th In
tention of ssld Council to cbang and establish
ssld grade ot Eaat Twenty-Eighth atreet. a
At the center Une of Nelson street from IbO
fret to 149 feet.
At 120 feet north of the center line of Esst
Hoyt street from 145 feet to 144 feet.
At the center line ot Oregon atreet rrom too
feet to 153 feet.
At the center line of East Irvlr.g street from
143.50 feet to 144.50 feet above tbe base of
cltv sra dps
Resolved. That tbe Andltor or tne t'lty ot
Portland be and he ta hereby directed to give
notice of the nronosed cbsnge of grade of said
street ss provided by th t'lty ( barter.
Remonstrance agalnat tbe anove change or
trade may bo filed In writing with the under-
algned within 20 dnye from the date ot th first
publlcsflon of this notice.
uy order oi me touocn.
Auditor ot tbe City of Portland.
March 8. 1904.
Notice la hereby given that at the meeting
of the Council of tbe city or Portland, Oregon,
beld on tbe 2d day or Msrcn, '1904, HIS tol
lowlns resohitlon waa' adopted:
Resolved. That tbe txmncil er ut city ei
Portland. Oregon, deem it expedient and pro
pose to construct a sewer In East Washington
atreet from 100 feet west of tbe west line of
Fsst Thirty-Fifth street to tbe sewer In East
Thirty-fourth street. Ssld sewer to be con
structed of vitrified ewer pipe ef eight Inches
clear Inside diameter, with all necesaary eaten
basins, manholes, lauinholes and branches.
Said aewer to be constructed in accordance
with tbe Charter and ordinance of the City
of Portland and the plans, specification ni
estimate of the City Engineer filed In tbe of
fice of tbe Auditor of .the City ef Portland on
the 1st dsy of March. 10O4, Indorsed: "City
Englneer'a plans snd Bpoctficstlons for sewer
in East Washington street from 10H- feet west
of tbe west line of Esst Tblrty-flftb street to
sewer In Esst Tbtrty-rnurtn street, and tn
estimate of the work to b done and tbe prob
able total cost thereof."
The cost of said sewer to he assessed aa
provided by the City Charter npon the prop
erty specialty benefited thereby, snd which la
heretiy declared to oe an me ioib, parte ot
Iota and parcels of land lying between line
luo feet north of and parallel wltb the north
line of Eaat Waahlngtnn atreet and a line 100
feet aouth of and parallel with tbe aouth line
of Eaat Washington street snd between line
loo feet east or sua psraiiei witn tne east
line of Esst Thirty-Fourth street and the west
line of lot 13. block 1. and the west lln of
lot 14. block 8. Sunn.rslde.
, Tbe Engineer's estimate of the probable total
post for 'the construction of aald sewer is 8128.
The plane, specifications and estimates of 'be
City Engineer for th construction of said sewer
in t est wasnington street are nereoy saopiea.
Resolved. Thst the Auditor of the City of
Portlsnd te and ne is nereoy directed to give
notice of the proposed constrnetlon of said
ewer ti provided by th City Charter.
Remonstrance k gainst the above aewer may
be filed in writing with the undersigned within
lt dsys rrom tne aat ot in nrst punucatioi
ot this notice. . -
By order of tb Council.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
March 5. 904.
Whereaa. Tbe Council of th City ot Port
land, deeming it expedient to open, ' lay out
and establish an extension or Firth street, in
the City of Portlsnd. from the sonth line of
Sheridan street to a line 420 feet aouth of tbe
sonth line of Sheridan atreet, did on the 20tb
day nf January, lun-t, direct tbe City Engl
neer to survey the seme and to mark tbe bound
aries thereof, and to make a plat of auch sur
vey. aud written report containing a full and
perfect description of auch proposed street snd
boundaries thereof, and of the portion of each
lot, tract or part of either to be appropriated
for auch atreet, anu mo uty nnginuer naviug
mane alien survey, pist snu rnnorti snn met
such nlat and report In the. office of the Audi
tor on tbe 21at day of January, 1004, and said
report having been adopted ny ordinance Mo.
13.817, entitled: "An ordinance adopting tbe
report of tbe City Engineer in the matter of
th proponen opening, laying nut ana astsDllsn
Ing of Fifth street from the south line of
Sheridan street to a Une 420 feet south of tb
south line of Sheridan street."
Now, therefore, sll person interested sre
hereby notified that the Council of the City
of Portland, ha appointed C O. Sutherland,
John Kelly and J. P. Menefee viewers to view
ssid proposed extension of ssld street and make
an estlmste nt tbe benefits and damage oe.
csstoned by the opening, laying out and estab
lishing of tbe same. In sccordsnce wtth section
340 of the insrter ot m my or rortlsad
mmA viewers to meet st tbe office of the Auril
tor of tbe City ot Portland on Thursday, the
17th day of March, 1904,. at the hour of 10
0 clock in tne torenoon ot sain usy.
Th proposed opening, laying out and eatab
ii.hinv or Fifth atreet la 84.82 feet In width
and I mor particularly bounded and described
aa follows:
Beginning at point In the west line of Fifth
treet 200 feet southerly from the northeast
corner nf block 73, Csruthers' addition to Car-
utbers addition; running inence southerly on
n extension of the west line of Fifth street
220 feet to point: thence easterly st right
snglea to the last mentioned Un 84.82 feet:
thence nor'.herly 84.88 feet, easterly from and
psrallel witn me. propnsea west une or Fifth
treet 120 feet to pointf thence westerly st
right angles to the lsat mentioned lln 84.82
feet to th place of beginning.
The proposed opening, laying out and eatab-
liamng ot hub muvi. urn iuviuii mmtt neces
sitate the appropriation to public nse of th
r-iinwlnv described psreel or tract of lsnd!
All thst psreel or tract of land lying be
tween the eeaterly and westerly Une of the
proposed Fiflh street, snd between line 200
feet and 420 feet southerly from snd parsllsl
with tbe south' Un of Ubsrldsn atreet eon
talnlng 1.806 sonar feet. .
I All persona claiming damage by reason of
the appropriation ef the property above de
scribed, or any . part thereof. In tbe pro
posed opening, laying out aad estshllabing
nf ssld street, are hereby specially BotlAed to
file their claims for such ds mages wtth tb
Auditor of the city ot rot nana nerore the
17th dy of March, 1904, at the time appointed
for the meeting nf the viewer therein.
Ri order of the Council.
Auditor of tb City ef Pur tlsad.
uarca , ivu.
Nolle la that st the meeting
of the Council of the City of Portlsnd. Ore
gon, held on the 2d day of March, 1904, the fol
lowing resolution was adopted: "
nesoivec ibat . the council n ,. y
Portland, Oregon, deema It) expedient and pro
poses to Improve Glisan street "from the east
line of Third atreet to tbe west line of Front
Street jn -tbe-'followlng-mantierr-to-WKj
First Bv eradlne the street full width With
full intersections t proper grsde. ;"';,;'. - ' ;
Second By paring the roadway" full Trtdth ;
with full Intersection with tone block with
snd cushion on macadam foundation.
Third By constructing artificial stone euros.
Said Improvement itn 1iA tnsdn lot accordance
with the Charter and ordinance of the City
of Portland and the plana, apeclflcatlons nd
estimate of Jh City Engineer, filed In the
office of th Auditor of the City of PortUnd
on the 27th day of February, 1904, Indorsed:
tity engineer plans ana specincsiiu "
th Improvement of Olisen street from the
east line of Third street to the west line of
Front street and tbe estimates of tbe work to
be done and the probable total cost thereof."
The cost of said improvement to be as
sessed s provided by the City Charter upon the
property specially benefited thereby and which
Is hereby declared to be all tbe tots, parts of
lota and parcels of land lying "between a line
loo reet north ot ana paranei wun me mi
line of Glisan atreet and lln 100 feet South
of and parallel with the south line of Oltaan
atreet, and oetween tne east une ui iuu
street and the west line ot Front street.
The Engineer's estimate of the probable total
cost for the Improvement of said Glisan atreet
Is 4.2S2.0O. M
Th above ImprovemeiW ahall be -classed as
atone block IniprovemettTon macadan founda
tion and shall be maintained by the city for I
period of IS years; provided, that the own
ers of majority - of . the . property benefited
by said Improvement' or any portion thereof,
shall not petition for new or different inr-
nrnvemeiir tiefnrn the exniratinn or suca uenuu,
The plana. atiee1A'4tlnna and estlmste Of th
fit VtifflnaM. lh ImnpntMIIMlt Of Bflld
(JliaAn mtraat herehv MllnnteO. '
Resolved. Thst tbe Andltor of the City of
Portland be and be Is hereby directed to give
notice of the nronosed Improvement of said
street nrovlded by the City Charter.
Kemonstrsnce against the anove improvemeni
may be filed In writing with th undersigned
within 20 days from the date of th first
paoncsTjon ot tois nonce.
y eraer ot tn council.
Auditor of tbe City of Portland.
March B, 1904.
-. STREET, '
Notice la hereby slven that it the meeting
of the Council of the City of Portland. Ore
gon, held on tbe 2d day or Marco, ism, to
follnwlho- resolution waa adopted :-
Resolved. Thst the Council or tne city ot
Portland. Oretron. deem It expedient and pro
pose .to Improve Ollsan atreet from the west
line or Twenty-second street to tne- esst una
of Twentr-thlrd street, hv a-radlnr the street
snd removing the loose esrth. mud and debris
of every kind from the surface of the street,
and by constrnctlng artificial stone sidewalks
and artificial stone euros, ana oy ormging me
surface of the atreet to tbe proper grade
with macadam; all to be done in accordance
with the City Engineer' plana, apeclfloatloaa
and eatlmate.
Said Improvement to be made In accordance
with the Charter and ordlnancea of tb City
of Portland and the plana, specifications and
eatlmate ot tne, i:ity engineer niea in ins
office of the Andltor of the Clt.v of Portland
on the 27th day of February. 1904. Indorsed
'City Engineer s plans and specifications tor tne
Improvement of Glisan street from the west
line of Twentv-econd treet to the esst line
of Twenty-third street and th estlmatea ot tb
work to De done ana tne procaine total coai
The cost of ssld lmnrovement to be assessed
as provided by the City Chsrter uoon the prop
erty specially benefited therehy and which la
hereby declared to be all tbe lots, parts of lots
and parcels of land lying between a line 100
feet north of and parallel with the north line
of Ollaan street snd a line 100 feet south of
snd parallel with the sonth line of tillssu
street and between tbe west line of Twenty-
second street and tbe east line of Twenty
third street.
Tbe Engineer estlmste of the probable total
cost for the Improvement of said Glisau street
Tbe above lmnrovement shall be classed a a
macsdsm repslr lmnrovement snd shall be
maintained by the city for period of three
tears: nrovlded. that tne owners ot a ms
lorltv of the orooerty benefited by said lm
nrovemenr or any portion tnereot anaii not
petition for a new or different Improvement
before the expiration of such period.
The nlans. specifications snd estimates et tn
City Engineer for the Improvement of Mid
Ulissn street sre, hereby adopted.
Resolved. Thst tne Auditor or tne t:ity ot
Portlsnd be snd he Is hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed improvement of aald
treet a provided by the City Cherter.
Kemonstrsnce (gainst tne anove improvement
msv be filed In writing wtth the undersigned
within 20 dsys from tbe date of toe orat publi
cation or tbla notice.
By order of the Council.
Auditor of tbe City of PortUnd
March 5. 1904.
Notice la hereby given that at the meeting
of the Council of tbe City of Portland. Ore
gon, held on the Zd day or March, i04, tot
following- resolution wss adopted:
Kmilved. That the Council of the City of
PortUnd, Oregon deema It expedient and pro
poses to Improve Vancouver avenue from th
south line of Russell street to tbe northeaaterly
line ot wneeier street, as touows:
First All portions of ssid avenue lying be
tween the northeasterly line of Wheeler strcel
snd a Hue fiO feet south of and parallel
wltb the south line of Broadway, and between
tbe north line ef Hancock street and a line
150 feet north therefrom and psrallel therewith
to he Improved In th following manner:
(a) By grading the avenue full width, with
full Intersections, to th proper grade as given
by tne city Kngmeer.
(b) ny pisiming tn aroaawsy run widtn
with full Intersections, In accordance wltb the
City Engineer plana, pecmcatlona and oU
metes. ,
Second All portion or said avenue lying be
tween a line 80 feet south of nd parallel with
the aouth Une of Broadway and the north line
of Hancock street, snd between s "ne 150 feet
north ot and 'parallel with '.'at north line ot
Hancock atreet ann me son in une 01 Husseu
street, - to be Improved la tb following man
) By gradlhg tbe avenue run width, with
full Intersections, to tbe proper grade.
b) - By bringing the avenue mit width, with
full Intersections, - to tne estamisned grade.
with macadam.
Third By constructing artificial stone and
wooden sidewalks In accordance wtth tbe City
Engineer a plans, specincstions ana estimates,
Fourth By constructing erosswslks In sccord
apce with tbe City Engineer plan, ipeclfi
cations and estlmstes.
Fifth Br constructing stone gutter In c-
cordance with tne city engineer plsns, spec!
flratlons snd estlmste.
' Sixth By rely1ng wooden bicycle path In
accordance witn me 1 uy cuginerr a plan,
aneclflcstlon and estlmste.
Seventh ny consiruciin arttnciai stone euros
In sccordsnce witn tn city Kngineer plana,
areclflcstlon snd estimates.
Bald Improvement to be msde tn accordance
with tbe Charter and ordinance of the City
of Portlsnd snd tbe plans, specification apd
estimates or tne i ity engineer nica in tne of
flee of the Auditor of the City of Portland on
the 1st day of March. 1004, Indorsed; "City
Ene-lneer e plans snd speclncatlons for tbe lm
nrovement of Vancouver avenue from the aouth
line of Buasell street to the northerly line of
Vi heeler street, ana tne estlmstes or me work
to be done and tbe probable total cost thereof."
The cost of said Improvement to be assessed
as provided by- the Hty Chsrter upon tbe prop
erty specially benefited thereby, nd which Is
hereby, declared to be all tbe lots, psrts of
lots and psreel of bind lying between a Hue
100 feet west of and parallel with tbe west
line of Vancouver avenue aad a line 100 feet
east of and parallel with tbe esst line of
Vancouver avenue and between the south -line
of Russell street ind the smith Una nf Broad
way, and also th west half of block 4 snd
S and tn essteriy one-osit 01 oiocks a ana V,
fCllaahctb. Irvtus's addition to Rait Portland. -
The Englneer'a eatlmate of, tbe probable total
Coat for tb Improvement of ssld Vancouver
vena 1 817.907.
Tb above Improvement on all portion of
said avenue lying between the northerly Hoe
of Wheeler (treet snd a lln 50 feet south of
and parallel wltb the south line of Broadway
and between the north line of Hancock atreet
and B line 100 teet norm ol anu parallel wit
th north Hue of Hancock street, ahall be
clsssed a a plank roadway improvement and
shall b maintained by the city for period
of four years, and all portions of ssld avenue
lying between a line 50 feet south of and par
allel with the south line of Broadway and tb
north line ef Hancock street and between a line
imi feet north ot and parallel with the north
Un of Hancock struct snd the aouth Hue o
Russell street shall be clssxed aa a macadam
Improvement and shsll be maintained by th
CltV tor a penoo 01 iiwr j-p,rp, proviueu, BOW-
ever, that In both case the owner of a tn
turitv nf th property benefited by ssld lm.
provement or any portion thereof ahall not pe
tition for a new or different improvement ba
ft-re the expiration or uen period.
Th plana, specification nd estlmstes of th
City Engineer for the Improvement of Ssld Vn
eouver avenue are hereby adopted.
Resolved, That tbe Auditor of th City er
Port la ad be and he Is hereby directed tn give
notice of the proposed improvement of .sld
venue provided by the City Charter.
Remonstrance agatnet the above Improvement
may be filed In writing with the undersigned
Within 20 days from th date ot the first publi
cation f this notice. ' , : . ,
By order of th Council.
Auditor at the City at Perils a 4.
I March fi. luo. - -
Notice la hereby given that t the meeting
of the Council ot the City of POTtland Ore
gon, beld on tbe 2d day of March, 1904, the
Following resolution was adopted: -
Resolved. That the Council of th ,Clty of
Portland, Oregon; deems It expedient snd pro
poses to improve Division street from the west
lina t r.rm.,A ...nn tn Ml feet west of the
west Une-ot Jt-3.hlrljitret Jo-luvXoUowlmt
manner, to-wit: ' ...
Hi-t Hv r,iln th atreet full width with
full Intersection to the proper eubgrade.
Second By brlnnlng tne sireei iuii wiuiu
with full Intersection to proper grade with
Third By constrnctlng woooen siucwsis iu
accordance With the City Engineer' plana.
SneclAeatlnna mrA estimates. .-
f ourth By constructing woouen ai.
In accordance with tbe City Engineer plan.
neclflfHnna mnt MtlnutM. . "
Fifth By constructing ton gutter In c-
cordanc with the City engineer yuws,
ncatlnna and Mttlmatea.
Said Improvement to be mad In accordance
with the ft, mnA jtrrilfianeM Of the City
of Portland mnd tbe pinna, specification nd
estimates of tbe City Engineer mea in
office of the Auditor of tbe City of Portland
on tbe 2th day of February, 1904, Indorsed:
-i;ny- engineer plana ana specincsiiHu- im
ths tmnrsiwnmenfc At nlvialnn street from the
west lln of Grand avenue to 60 feet Wt of
the west line of East Third street. nd th estl
rostes of the work to be don and the probable
total coat iheranf "
The cost of said Improvement to be assessed
as provided by tbe City Charter upon-me prop
erty sneclallv heneflteil therepv ana wmcu as
hereby declared to be all the tots, parts of
lota and parcel of land lying between Une
100 feet nneth nt arA nai-allnl with the north line
of Division street nd line 100 tcet south of
ahd parallel wltb the south line of . uivisiou
si reet, aud between the west lln of Gred
avenue aud a Una 30 feet west ot and paraUel
with the wcat lino of Eat Third itreet. ,
The Engineer's estimate of th probable totel
coat for the Improvement of aid DlvUion
street is X.S14.VO.
The above lmnrovement shsll h classed . a
gravel Improvement and ahall be maintained
by the Wty for a period of five year: pro;
vtded, that the owners of a majority of tb
property benefited by aald Improvement or any
portion thereof, ahall not petition for a new
or dllferenet improvement before tb expiration
of such period.
The plana, specifications and eatlmate of the
City Engineer for the Improvement of aald
Division street are hereby adopted.
Resolved, That the Auditor or tne uuy ox
Portland be and he 1 hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed Improvement ot Mia
street as nrovlded bv the City Chsrter.
Remonstrance against tbe above improvement
may be filed In wrlttns- with the underairned
within zo days from th dat of tbe nrst puo
neat ion it tbl notice.
By order of tb Council.
Andltor of the City of Portland.
March fi, 1904.
Notice la hereby given that at the meeting
of the Council of the City of Portland, Ore
gon, ne ui on tne 2d day of March, luo, tn
followlns: rbsolntlon was ' sdonted :
. Resolved, That the Council of tbe CUT ot
Portland, Oregon, deem It expedient and pro
poses to Improve Multnomah street from tb
esst line of East First street to th west tin
of Eust Sixth street a follow
First By removing all loose earth, mud and
debrta of every kind from tbe surface of tb
street mil width with full Intersections.
Second By redreaslne- and brlna-lnc the atreet
full width wltb full Intersections to th proper
graqe tittn gravel.
inird By constructing artificial stone aide-
walka In accordance with the Cltv Enelneer'a
plsns, specifications and estlmstes.
ronrtb By constructing atone croeawalka tn
sccordsnce wltb the City Engineer plana,
siiectflcstlons and estlmste.
ssld Improvement to be made In accordance
with the Charter and ordinance of the City
of Portland and the nlana. specifications and
estimates or tne t ity Engineer. Bled in tbe
omce -or tne Andltor or the city of Portland
n the iWth day of February. 1904. Indorsed
Cltv Envino.e'a .nA
the improvement of Multnomah atreet from tb
cast line of East First street to the wet line
of Esst Sixth stteet snd the estlmste of th
work to b done and th probable total cost
The cost of said Improvement to b assessed
provided bv the City Charter nnon the
property srwlallv benefited therehy and which
i nereny necinred to he all tbe lots, parts ot
in snn parcel 01 isna lying between a Une
uai reet north or and parallel with the north
line of Multnomah street and a line too feet
south of and parallel wltb the south line of
iiiunnoman street, and between the east lln
of Fast First street snd tbe west line et East
main street. . .
The Engineer's estlmste of the nrnhshl total
cost for the Improvement of ssld Multnntnah
street Is 81.610.00.
The above Improvement shsll he elaased ss
gravel repair improvement and ahall be main
tained by the city for a period of two years:
provided, thst the owners of a majority of
tbe property twnefltcd by said lmnrovement nr
any portion thereof, shsll not petition for a
new or different Improvement before th expire
tlon of such period.
The Plsns, specification and estimates of tbe
City Engineer for tbe Improvement of aald
Multnomah street are hereby adopted."
uveo. jnsr tne Auditor or the City of
Portland be and he Is hereby directed to vi..
notice of tb proposed Improvement of aald
iinrt proviwui ay in vitr Charter.
Remonstrance asainat th above I nuimrAfnant
B,f?.,,eJu''r ,n wrl,ln lth the under;ned
within 20 days from th dat ot the Irat oub
ilcallon of this notice.
y order of the Council.
v . .i."?1"!' of 4h cltT ot Tortland.
March 8. 1004.
Notice la hereby riven that at th.
of the Council of the (ity of Portland. Ore-
son, neia on tne xa oay or starch, 1904. th
following resolution ws adopted:
nesoivea. -i nat tne touncll of the City of
Portland. Oregon, deems It eineillent
poses to Improve Haasslo street from the esst
line of East First street to tbe west line ot
.ai. auia sirevt m me touowing manner,
towlt: '
First By re mo vine all Inns earth
and debris of every klad lying npon the sur
face of th street full width with full Inter
sections. Second By redressing snd bringing 1h street
to proper grade full width with full Inter
sections with gravel.
Third By constrnctlng artlflclsl stone alde
wslks In' accordance wlib the City Englneer'a
plana, speclficstlnns and estimates.
Fourth By constructing stone erosswslks la
accordance with the City Engineer's plana,
speclncatlons and estimates.
Ssld Improvement to be made in accordance
with - the Chsrter and ordinance of tbe Cltv
ef Portland and the plana, specifications and
estimate of tbe City Engineer filed In tbe
office of the Auditor of the Cltv of Portland
on the 27th day of February. IO04, Indorsed:
"t'lty Engineer' plans and apeclflcatlons for
the Improvement of Haasslo street from the
east line of East First street tn the west line
of Esst Sixth street, and the estimates ot tbe
work to be done and th probable total coat
Tbe coat of aald Improvement to be assessed
as provided by the City Charter upon tbe
property peelally benefited thereby anil which
i hereby declared to be all tbe lots, psrts of
lots anu parrels ot iana lying oetween lln
100 feet north ot and parallel wltb tbe north
line of TUssalo street snd a Une 100 feet south
of and parallel with the south line of Ilsaaalo
street and between the esst Hue of Esst
First atreet and the west Una of East Sixth
Tbe Engineer' estlmste of tbe prnbshle total
cost for the Improvement of ssld Hsssalo street
Is $2,028.00.
The above Improvement shall be classed ss a
5 ravel repair Improvement and shall be msln
alned by the city for a period of two years;
provided, that the owners of a majority of
tne property nenentea ny said improvement or
snv Dortlon thereof shsll not Petition tar a
new or different Improvement before tbe ex
piration of such . period.
The plans, specifications and estlmstes of tb
City Engineer for the Improvement of said
Haasslo street ars hereby adopted.
Keaolved. That the Auditor nf the Clfy of
Portland be and he Is hereby directed to give
notice of tbe proposed Improvement of said
street ss provided by the City Charter.
Kemonstrsnce against the sbove improvement
may be filed In writing with the undersigned
within 20 dsvs from the date of the first pub
lication 01 in is .notice.
By order of th Council.
Andltor of tbe City of Portland.
March ' 8, 1904.
Notice Is hereby given that at the meeting
of the Council ot the city of Portland. Ore
gon,' beld on the 2d day of March, 1004, tb
tollowlna resolution was adopted:
' Kesolvad, Thst tb Council of the City of
Portland. oron. deem k exDeoient to ehane
J tb grsd of Esst Pin (treet at Buchtel ve-
no ana mat it 1 me vuieniion 01 ssia i-oun-cli
to cbang and estsbllsh said grsds at
East- Pin street follows :
At th Intersection of . Buchtel avenue, from
lftt.ftO feet to 172.30 feet above th bas ef city
Keaolved. That the Auditor nf the City ot
Portland be and be I hereby directed to glv
notice of th proposed r hangs of grid of said
treet a provided by the City Charter.
Remonstrance against tb above change of
grade may be filed In writing wltb th under
signed within 20 dsy from th dat of tb
Brst .publication 01 tnia none. - ,
By order at th Cedneit. ! .
Auditor ot th City ej Portland.
March 5, 1904. - '
that at' the meeting
ot th Council of tbe City of Portland. Ore
gon, beld on the 2d day of March, 1904, th
ioilowing resolution was qopieq: -
Resolved, That the council 01 tne vnj
Portland, llrer.m rieema it expedient and PTO
nruuia fn imiiriiuA . it,,iiM1av svcutie from tbe
west end or uouuuay avenue to m "
Bast VMt ,treetltt JM jouowiug uwuucr,
fo.Wlt- ' , . - . - V -
First By grading the street full width with
full intersection to tb proper aobgrade.
1 second By paving tne roauwsy inn wmu.
With full I lit ra, I with, stone" blocks on a
mix.ineh rnmiratB f .Hindu ttna. in BCCordsnC With
me City Engineer nlsus. peeincauou uu
estimates. -
Third By constrnctlng artificial stone curns
in sccordsnce with the city engineer piu,
aneelh,atl,ina ami MllmilMt.
rourth Tbe space In aald street occupieu 07
tbe Cltv It Riihiirlun Hallway cnmDsny'su right
of way to bo Improved by replacing the- rail
now in use wltb grooved ran .not ics muu
seven Inches In depth set on a concrete tnC
tuition, snd by paving tbe right of way with
stone blocks set on a concrete foundation. '
Said tniproveim-tit to be made In accordant
With the f'hart,. a,i,l nrAt na neeal nf the CltV
of Portland anl the plans, specifications and
estimates of the . City Engineer filed in ' tbe
ornce ot the Auditor of tbe City ot rortiaua on
tue Z4tn day nt February. , 19U4. inoorseu.
"City Engineer's plsns and specifications for
tbe Improvement ot lloUaday avenue from tb
est end of Holladsy avenue to the eaat lln
of East First atreet. and'lbe estimate of the
work to be don and tbe probable total cost
The crttit 9f snld Improvement to be asaessed
aa provided by tbe City Charter upon the
property specially benefited thereby and which
Is hereby declared to be all the lots, parts of
lota and narcels of land 11hji within- the dis
trict bounded snd described us follows! Begin
ning st a Point where a line JOO feet east of
ana parallel witp the east line of urana avenue
would lie Intersected by a line 100 feet north
if and parallel wltb tbe north line ot Balaey
treet; thence west along a line 100 feet north
of. and parallel with th north tine of Halsev
street to the ceuter line of East First street;
thence northerly along the center line of Esst
nrst street to a point 100 feet north 01 tne
"inn une ot t nerry sireei; mence weal I
southwesterly .long . Une 100 feet northerly
from and parallel with ther northerly
1 ther nortneriy line ot 1
Cherry street to its Intersection wltb the center
line of Margin street if extended northwesterly I
in Its Present course: thence southeasterly along I
aald extension of the center Une et Margin
street and the center line ot Margin atreet to
Its intersection with tbe southeasterly Une of
McMUlen's sddltiou to East Portlsnd; tbence
southeasterly, along strslght line extended
rrom tbo intersection of the center line ot I
Harrln street with the southeasterly Une of I
McMUlen's addition to East Portlsnd to It I
Intersection with a line 100 feet south of and
parallel with the south line of - East Irving
street if extended westerly in Its present course
1 a paint nj reet west nr me west un 01 1
Adam street extended south In It present I
course; thence easterly along a line 100 feet
south of and parallel with tbe aoutb Une of I
East Irving street to a point 100 reet east or
the east line of Orand avenue; thence north
long a lln 100 feet east of and parallel with
the east line of Grand avenue to tb place of
beginning. ' .-.
. Tb Engineer' estimate of tb probable total
cost for the improvement ot (aid HolUday ava
nne Is I27.W8.00.
The above Improvement ehnl! be classed a a
stone block pavement and (hall be maintained
oy me city lor a period of year; provided,
that tbe owuera of a majority of the property
benefited by aald Improvement or any portion
thereof abaU not petition for a new or differ
ent Improvement before th expiration of such
The plana, specification ind eatlmate of th
City Engineer for the Improvement ot aald
Hollailay avenue are hereby adopted.
Resolved, 1 nat the Auditor or tne- tiny ot
Portland be and h I hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed improvement of said ave
nue provided by tbe City Charter. .in r n . 1 1 1 , iac aw.w (in)" i-, r un 11 1
1.. 1- .l- j , j,
within 20 dsys from tb date of the first pubU-
umT un meu in wriiina; wun tow unurrai K u-u
ration of this notice.
n of this nolle
By order of tbe Council.
Andltor ot lbe City of Portland.
March 8. 10O4.
Ticket Omce 122 Third Street Phone (80
2 Transcontinental
Trains Dally
" Daylight trip- through the Caacada
and Rocky mountaina. For full- partic
ulara, rates, folders, etc., call on or ad
X. SXCXSOV, City Ticket Aft
139 Third Btrwat, "ortland.
The Only
Railway between the
Missouri River
The Chicago-Portland Special, the
most luxurious train in the world.
Drawing-room sleeping cars, dining
car, buffet smoking and library car
(barber and bath). Less than three
days Portland to Chicago.
Through Trains
to Chicago are operated daily via the
Oregon K. R. & Nav.Cp.. U.i'.R.K. and
Chicago & Northwestern Rjto Chicago
from Portland and points iu Otegon and
Eastern v ashiogton.
Daily excursion In Pullman tourist
leeping cars from Portland ibrougb -to
Chicago without change.
Oast Ait. rc. Cosit.
Geasrtl Agest,
C. N.Av. kr.
tn Third Street.
rosTLASo, baa.
C.AN.-W. Fy.
Sir Market Street,
a Sad PBAHCitco, cat.
EAST v..
I HI SAItait i l""' 1
OloCbtN snaSTAI""!
Lea ves. . CNION DEPOT. Arrive.
train, for Salem, Ross. -.,.
' burr, Ashland, Sacra
S.SO p. B. mtttUK ogden. SaaFrsa- ,
Cisco, Molsv. A a- v
gele. El Peso, New Or- -
and th East.
V ' Woodbura dally
- ' texceot Sunday), asora.
8:30 a.m. Ing train for Mt. Aa- T:00 P. aa
gel, Sllverton, Browns- . . . .
: vlll, Springfield. Wsod
; Ung and Katroa. .
4:00 a. av Albany psssenger, ee. 10:10 a.
neet at Woodburn with
' Ht Angel aad Bllvtr
ton local. -; r
IM a, m. CorvaLUa passangsr rtSflS a. a.
1 114:00 p. m. Bherldsa passenger.,... 8:50 p. ta.
Dally. I Daily. xeept Sunday. . .
PerUand-Oswsge Suhurbsn Ssrvlo tad TaaskOI ;.
IMvtaloa. ....
Depot root ef Jsffsrso Stmt '
Leave Portland dalle for Oaweew t:f a.
12:50. 2:05, 8:26: 6:20, 8:25, 8:80, 10:10 a. as
Daily texceot Sunday 8:80. S.DOt 8:88. 10:t
a. m. 4:00, 11:80 p. n. Sunday only, :0
a. tn. .... -i
Returning from Oswego, arrive Portlsnd flsPf
8:80 a. m., 1:55. 8:05, 4:88. 8 15, f-35. t'MI.
11:10 D. m. Dally I except Bonder) f:gs, T:zn,
8:80. 10:20. tl:4S a. nt. Except Monday, 12;2
p. m. Sunday only, 10:00 a. w.
Leave rrora asm depot tor in us snn inlaw ,
jedlste points dally (except Sundsyl 4:08 p. aa.
Arrtv Portland 10:zu P. m.
Th lndenndnc-afonmeatB sioyny nn
j.ii. t u.ik anil Alrlla ' mi.
Pte. jjall, to Ita.MM
'.'7 ,.: :.r i... ' '
a Taitla snd Independence.
First-class fsre from Portlsnd to Sacramento
and San Francisco $20. berth -! cond-cUa
fre 815. econd-cl Derm -i.oo.
Tick eta to last em point and Fiiie, . abw 1
Isren. China. HnnoluW and Anatrana.
City Ticket Offics) corner TBira aa waanmsr
ten streets. Pboo. Mala T1Z.
City Ticket Af sat. Gsa. Pa. Agut.
Shout Line
al Tail Bat Tig tm W
and ufiiun rAuinu
Throagh Pullman stasJard and Toartst !
na cars daUy to Omaha. Chicago. 8poksnf
miH.t aleeolngra dally to Ksnsss City J
. . n - . . , . i rt .
I a-.luninv-cars dally to hansss Cltrl
i avusw. -- i " . i , . -
through Pullman J ouriei l'rls-"'s r""
I IV eondUCteOI vw . " . '""TT"
I. . 4-...,l h
?ttw, RM-iining chalcvars aaaU xr to
1 "rG3
UNION DEPOT. Leave. Arrive.
CBICAOO-POBTLANI :15 . m. -: a. a
SPECIAL. D.Ug. Dlly.
for tb Esst via Haut-
lngtoo. ' ' '
" BPOKANB FLYER. TM p. BU 8:00 a, BV
Tor Kaatern Washing- Dally. 1-alUn
ton. Wslla Walla. Lew-
Iston. Coeur d'Alen
and Great Northern
point. "' '- " " '
ror th Esst via Boot- Dally. Dally. (
tngton. I -
gTern .
8:00 p. as.
5:00 P. Ss.
R. 8 Geo. W. Elder
Mreb 7, 17. 2T.
8.- S. Oregon, March
2. 12. 22.
Columbia RivsT Slvlilen.
a oo p. sa.
s. Baaday.
10:00 p. as.
nolnta. eonneetlnar with
5:00 p. ta.
as. Suadag.
stair, for Ilwaea nd
North be eh. ?. Baa-
rlo. Aab-t. dock.
TsmhIU Sresr Rent.
rOR DATTON, OregeT:01 a. aa.
City aad TamhIU River Dally
points, trs. Elinor aad earept
Modi. Ash-st. dock. 1 Sunday.
(Water permitting. I " '
9:80 p.m.
Snaks River Rent.
snd way point fro
Ktpaiia. Wash., ateana
er Spokan aad Law
1:05 8. SS,
ax. Sat.
Abeat '
5:00 p. as.
sa. Friday
Is ton. ,
TICKET OPriCB. Third sad WaaUngtaa. Tb
phon. UilaTU -
For Tokohame aad Flong Kong, ealllng f
Rob. Nirssskl and Shaashal. taklna freleat
via connecting steamers for Manila. Port Arthur
nd Vladlsoctok. - .
ror rate and fait In for art oa call a oe adV
dres attelala afatst U O. R. al ,
Paget, Sound
for Tacoma. Sttl.
Olympls. South Ben
and Oray'e Harbor
rolnta. . .-:'
North Coaat Limited,
foe Taeoma. Seattle.
Rctte. St. Pan I. Mla
neapclls. Chicago. N
York. Boton end polat
East and Southeast. ,
Twls-Clty Espreaa. tor
Taeoma, Seattl. Spo
kane. Helens, St. Paul
Minneapolis, Chicago.
New York, Bnatoa and
II point Eaat aad
South east.
Pnget Sonnd Ran1
Clty-8t. Log Is F peel a I.
for Tsroni. fteattle.
S:Mi. at,
1:00 p. av
a. av
U:S P i
1 :0 av
Spokan. Butt. Billing.
S.W a. as.
TiOSa. av
Denver. Omaka, Kansss
City. St. Louis and sll
points Rsat aad Suota-
All train , dally ' grept ' ee Soots tteod
branch, A. D. CHARLTON.
Assistant General Passenger At eat
225 Uorrlaoa St.. or. Third, torllasd. Ov.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
Pee Mavgei. Kalolef.
II JO a. m.
IClatsksals. Wsslport.
C II f ten. A sterl v V sr
i:00 V av
renlira. Haval. Hasv
auood. f"ort Sfsveiie,
jtiesrksrt Park, sWalils,
Aatorl aad Seaaaurs
- Express, Dslly.
. Astoria Eiprsaa.
Dally. ...
T:00 p, sa.
49 p. ra.
J. C. MA TO.
f. aad p: A.. ('
C. A. STFWiRT. Ce"ifclsl An at, , A. m
. t'kac. atsla IM.