THE OKEGON DAILY JOURNAL, .PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, MARCn 12, 1004. r. J. 'AVM.J'.k.h.t - MORE AMD BETTER ROOMS FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN BAPTIST DEBATE RUSSIA IS ' , I mora', ' r & :--r - - atfjwatyr.-.-- - ivtKtm?'?"-- rtJV Wa?rrr!W'WW.W'8.l'!l;'jw,.i;:: -t3iaWpllWMWBaWM; TwOMnHiaMMMHHMnMIMM ;:H-P ig Iff DESIGN OF THE REMODELED PARK SCHOOL. HENRY J. JONES, ARCHITECT. Work on th now Park achool and the ones at Twenty-flrst and Qulmby and East Twenty-eighth and Couch atreeta la expected to begin In the near future, and the board of education Is hopeful that before many month go by all of the city1! school building will be In readineaa to accommodate the acholara. The completion of the Park achool, which waa destroyed by lire recently, will nd the aeaslons In the portable building In the Park blocka, and will take the overflow pupil out of the Har riaon atreet building. The achool population la rapidly In creasing, and the new 4-room building to be erected at Twenty-flrat and Qulmby atreeta la designed not only to take care of the puplla In that Im mediate vicinity, but will relieve the crowded condition at the Couch atreet achool. In the neighborhood of .Eaet Twenty eighth and Couch atreet there la a set tlement entirely without proper achool advantages, and the new 4-room build ing there la designed especially to ac commodate the children of that district. It la possible, however, that City Super intendent' Frank Rlgler will take some of .the pupils from the Sunnyslde achool and put them In the new buildingTaa the Sunnyslde building la slightly crowded. Both of the 4-room building will be constructed with a view to enlarge ment, and both are ao planned that they can be- brought up to IS room struc ture, as the growth of the achool pop ulation In their respective communities necessitates It, NEW BAND TO HAVE FAMOUS MUSICIANS Portland,, la to be the headquarter of a new bund of musicians. Ellery'a band of Italian musician recently disbanded In San Francisco and a number of the men came to this city with the Intention of organising a band. Leading Italians of this city favored the project and formed a company and raised sufficient funds to start on the road a band of 40 musicians. Six or more of the former members of Ellery's band recently joined their former comrades here, and today'a train from the east brought ten high aalarled musicians who have been en gaged for the new band. Besides the men formerly with EHery band, the new tand will have several who have played with Lib rati, Sousa, Creator and Roasa. The leader of the new band will be Lulgi d'Urbano, who la a pupil of Cavallere Emlllo Rlvela, and one of the beat known leadera in the country. At present only SO pieces have been engaged, but many offers are being re ceived by the management, and the band la expected to be complete and ready for the road within two weeks. The band' uniform .a to be original and will be made here of Oregon material. The name of the band ha not been de cided upon, but the word Portland will form a part of it In about three week the band will commence ita tour, but before leaving It will give Portland an opportunity to judge it. OouxsxoH oar tkb xxmsxr. (Journal Special Strrloe.) -Liverpool, March II. In a fog on the Mersey today the Dempster liner Fan tee, from Lagos, collided with the Nor wegian steamer Half den. The latter 'was beached. and badly damaged. i I Mia , isal ' - -lAira-cf ' asL , FRONT ELEVATION OF THE TWO NEW SCHOOLS TO BE BUILT AT QULMBY AND NORTH TWENTIETH STREETS AND AT EAST COUCH AND TWENTY-EIGHTH STREETS. HENRY J. JONES, ARCHITECT. wmxtb TznTCB BisarsBioir or Wal QTSZSTXO WOW BT BtTSBIA'S ASYOOATBS 9BOOKATXOWS A3TD oosrrxzs xir stssrara. The Russo-Japanese question was din cussed at a Japanese entertainment given last evening at the JFlrst Baptist Church. The program' was under . the auspices of the Ladles' Missionary sod ety. The Sunday school room in which the entertainment was given was gaily decorated for the occasion; Flags of all nations hung from the" balcony and Jap anese parasols with lanterns fastened to them, hung from the celling. Tapestries hung from the walls and palms were placed on the platform. Mrs. O. P. M. Jameson acted aa chairman for the evening. The flrat number, on the program was a violin solo by A. R. Barton. He was accompanied by Miss Kemp and was obliged to respond to an encore. Dr. Brougher lead In prayer and then Mrs. Mildred Perkins sang "Ilianelie." Her encore was "Little Doris." A young men's quartet from the Japanese mis sion sang "Onward Press to Victory, and the Japanese national hymn. Miss Ruby Archambeau sang the "Japanese Love Song," and responded to an en core.' Rev. S. T. Suglhara read an in tereating paper telling of his conversion to Christianity.. Mrs. Perkins sang, "Oh Happy Day," wbioh was followed by a debate on the question,- "Resolved, That Christian Civilisation Would Be Advanced by Japan Being Victorious In the Present War With Russia." The speakers for the affirmative were Mrs. Vera J. Edwards and O. P. M. Jamison, and for the. negative were Mrs. O. M. Gllnes and A. King Wilson. The Judges, C. A- Dolph, Mrs. H. M. Clinton and G. W. Kennedy, rendered their decision In favor of the negative. After the debate Rev. J. Whltcorab Brougher gave an entertaining talk on "Japanese Charac terlstics." A number of amusing sto ries were told in connection. Dr. Brougher then asked the people In the gallery to come down from "oft the shelves" and have something to eat. Tea and wafers were served In a Japa nese room by young ladles in costume. Mrs. E. M. Runyon, Mrs. Arthur Heinty and Mrs. W. G. Stiles were assisted in serving by Miss Emma R. Makl, Miss Ruby Archambeau, Miss Mabel Mlllls, Miss Ida Thomas, Miss Shirley Ban croft and Miss Florence Bagln. Mrs H. D. Gates and Mrs. Brlce had charge of an oriental curio room, which con tained many treasures of Japanese craft The decorations were arranged by Mrs. Jamison and Mrs. Bushnell. OXZERiY PZMOaTAXh Major A. B. Dyer, artillery corps, waa In the city last night from Van couver.1 Mra. Thomaa W. O'Connor of Aatorla la at the Imperial. Arthur Seufert, engaged In the can nery business at The Dalles, Is regis tered at the Imperial. Mral B. F. Mulkey of" Aahland, Or., la ataylng at the Perklna. Wright's Music House. Moved to 127 Seventh atreet. bet. Washington and Alder atreeta. .','I,U;i.,I,,iI,iiiPII'S AVegetable Preparationfor As similating the Food andBeguIai ling the Stomachs andBoweis of Promotes DigeslionjCheerfuH' ness andTtest.Contalns neither Srium.Morphine nor Mineral or Narcotic. Mx.SatM A perfect Remedy forConsKpa Tlon, Sour Stotnach.Diarrhoea Worms Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss or Sleep. rax Simile Signature of , ' NEW "VDHK. rV A SW jtnaM mb a aM aWWwi VWTT KJW WnARTLn I J For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature -W- In Use For Over Thirty Years mm TMt eawrmua Nmn, new IE t. Oold Fillings Silver Fillings Gold Crowns .. Plates These are class work. Si.oo $ .50 $4.00 $5- 00 new prices for flrst I give my per sonal attention to patrons and DO absolutely guarantee ALL MY WORK. I have the latest appliances known to den tistry. W. T. SLATTEN. Dentist loom I. 245& Wuhingtoi St. BSTWXZBT IZOOITD AMD TBOTP OSLo hoars t StoS. Banaay, 10 DP- I WHEN YOU SEE TRA0ESjUS? COUNClO Schwab Bros. PrintingCo. Beat Work, BeMoaahl Moea M7H artark attMat, noma Mala in om or TKssa iabels Tou will know It was printed In an offlce run under fair condi tion. Demand it on all your printing. Portland Allied Printing Trades Composed of The Typographical , Union. The yrintlng Pressmen's Unloa. Brotherhood of Bookbinders. Btereotypers' and Xleotrotypara Cnioa. - in MS SOUTHEAST CORNER FIRST AND MORRISON A Positively New, Modern and Successful Method of Treating Disease. Nothing Like It on the Pacific Coast A high class institution comparable only to the great ones of Europe, and equaled by none west of Chicago, this institute will soon be to Portland what the Hot Springs are to Arkansas, the Mt. Clemens Springs to Michigan or the Carlsbad to the afflicted of the world. Every Disease of Human Flesh Will Be Successfully Treated "NO CURE, NO PAY" Is the Banner Under Which We Sail, and If the Sick Are Satisfied With This Proposal, Then We Invite Them to Come to Us to Regain Their Health. , Here will be found-all the rational methods of modern times used in the successful treatment of disease the real clinical weapons, the up-to-date, educated physician who aims to accomplish results intelligently. Rapid, quick, positive cures for all chronic and blood diseases, including rheumatism, that most stubborn foe of hunuLi happiness and human comfort I f ! I I'm : 111 mini, ii .4. A ittt 4 v 1-W.m.T Dsunlnatlos t or BlalooateA Ziu Joint. X-MADXVU nrSTlTUTH, rOBTXAlTD, OKZOOW. It is no idle boast to say that the . equipment of this Institute i second to none in America. Its massage appliances, its Bet Hot Air outfit, its electro-therapeutic operating room, and above all, ITS X-RAY LABORATORY REPRESENTS THE HIGHEST AND MOST ADVANCED TYPE OF SCIENTIFIC GENIUS IN THE SCIENTIFIC WORLD The Swedish Movement form of Mechano-Therapy is thoroughly practiced in all cases in which its employment is beneficial, according to the judgment of the skilled physician who may have the patient in his charge. New and original devices are everywhere in evidence, the celebrated Dr. Finsen Rays being prom inent on the list. Wonderful cures have been effected by these rays some of them almost in the realm of the miraculous. FIVE LARGE ROOMS WITH , FIVE IMPORTANT METHODS OF TREATMENT. Every one famous throughout the medical and scientific world. A difficult system to explain to persons not familiar with technical terms, but eas ily understood by those who call and have the pleasure of ocular demonstration. 0 it s - - - X? Case of Lupus, before and after treatme at, with the wonderful Dr. Flaata Bay. X-XAOIT7M IBTSTITtrrS, FOETUJTO, OBtsaOaT. A Walk and a Talk in These Apartments Is an Education in ItSelf Hence we invite the public to give us .the pleasure of a call, that each may see for himself or herself, and carry to his or het friends full information concerning what he or she learns and hears from us. - Full Information Without the Thought of Charge " THE HOT AIR. "BAKING" BATHS Should be taken cognizance of by every blood-tainted man and every woman suffering from the effects of age or subject to the debilitating pains that make her life a drag of misery. THE SICK MAY BE RESTORED TO HEALTH, THE BOWED AND BENT DOWN REGAIN THEIR ACCUSTOMED VIGOR. REMEMBER, WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK. PATIENTS HAVE NOT BEEN ACCUSTOMED TO THIS KIND OF TREATMENT, We KNOW wean cure YOU don't till you have tried us. TOE c E US TSTU TO SOUTHEAST CORNER FIRST AND MORRISON - :!t- -. v . X. . A A A A A A V V V "v V V v -v 1 . X