The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 11, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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. Notice It hereby (Wen that the Council of
the City of Portland. Oregon, at a nicetlng
.held on the 2d day of March, 11KH. declared
the aaaeasmcnt by ordinance No.- 13,S8t, for.
the Improvement of fourteenth itreet, from the
north-line of Hurler atreet to the southwesterly
linn of Krout itreet. In the manner provided by
ordinance No. &234, -apaa each lot. part of
lot and pan-el of land, which are specially and
peculiarly benefited, to be aa followa, via.; :
Wutaou'a .Addition, to the City of ;
Portland , ;-.;..T'--tV-tt
KM Vt ot bloc IT, Mitchell -
- Le.irtaCo.-i-i . ;i . ; .t.. i .......,.. 7M.80
Blk '8, lot 8, J. H. Peterson......... -80
Blk 13. lot fUJ- IL l-eteraon,,-. J8T.45
Blk 18, lot 4, Ismes 8. Cunningham. , 12-12
. Blk 1,1, lot 1. Jatnea S. Cunnlugham.. 124.06
West t, of block 18, Willamette Steam ,.,-,.-
"ilia, uimDsring et. ianuiaciuriu
- Co.
Blk 14. lr.t 1 ., U'llUmttt. Rteam Mills.
Lumbering Manufacturing Co, i 836.79
Blk 14. lot a, Willamette Steam Mllta. -.
Lumbering Manufacturing Co. .... S10.80
Blk 14, lot 8, Willamette Steam Mllta,
' Cambering & Manufacturing Co...... 1 ;18,93
Blk 14, lot 2, "Willamette Steam Mllta, "
Lumbering Manufacturing Co..... '-
A statement of aforeaaid assessment baa
been entered In the Docket of City Lleus. and Is
now due aud payable at the office of the City
Treasurer, In lawful money of the United
States, and If not paid within 80 daya from
the .dat of this notice such proceedings -will
be taken for the collection of the same aa art
Erovlded by the Charter of the City ot Port
mrt. ' . ,,.
Tha above assessment will bear interest 10
Cays after tha first publication of this notice.
- - Auditor ot the City ot Portland..
Portland.- Oregon, March 8. 1004.
. '. 1 STREET. -
' Notice" Is hereby given that the assessment
maflo by ordinance No. 13.786, entltledr "An
ordinance adopting the report of the viewers
In the matter of the proposed opening, lay
ing out and establishing of Unild street, from
the north line of Tburman street to the south
line of Vaughn street, making an assessment
of the benefits and damages set forth lu said
report," approved "February 8, 1904, has been
entered , against several owners of and persona
Interested In the land herein described as be
ing severally liable therefor in the Docket of
City Liens, which said assessments are made
due and payable at the office of the City Trees
ttrer, -In Colted States gold and silver coin,
and unless paid before March 19, 1904, tbe
tamo will become delinquent and aucb proceed
ings will be taken for the collection of tha
tame aa are provided by the Charter of tha
City of Portland, said assessments being as
followa, to-wit: .
A tract ot land lying between tbe south
line of Vsuatin atreet and tbe north
line of Wilson's addition to 1"e City of
Portland, Oregon, and between the west
line of Oulld street extended northerly
In M present course and a line 1H1 feet
Meat thu,M,f and narallol therewith.
William Barnes f 160
A tract of land lying between the south
line of Vaughn atreet and 'the north
line of" Wilson's addition to the City,
of Portland, Oregon, and between the
esat Hue ot iiulld street extended
northerly In Its present course tnd a
line 100 fn- Mat thereof and narallel
therewith, Thomas McNamee T.40
Wflaon'B Addition to the City of Tort
Blk 3, lot 18, Clirlstlamia " Met tints . 38.00
Blk 3. lot 15. Chrtatlanna Mclnnls. .. .-.
Blk 8, lot 14, Uambrlnus Brewing com
pany Blk 3, lot 11, Arthur V. Oareache....
Blk 8. lot 10, Arthur J. V. Garescbe....
Blk 3. lot 7, Ladd A Til ton
Blk .1, lot 6. La eld Til ton...
Blk 3, kit 3, George Good
Blk 3. lot 2. Uenrt-e'Good..
Blk 4, lot IT, William Barnea
Blk 4, lot 18, Arthur J. F. Garescbe....
Blk 4, lot 18, Arthur J. F. Garescbe....
Blk 4, lot 12, Arthur J. F. Gareache....
Blk 4, kit 0, Arthur J. V. Gareache,..,
Blk 4, lot 8. Ladd ft Tllton.,
Blk 4. lot 5, Ladd k Tllton
Blk 4, lot 4. George Good..' ;
Blk 4, lot 1, .George Good.,.,
Auditor ot tbe City of Portland.
March 8. 1904.
Notice Is hereby given that the Council ot
the City of Portland, Oregon. .at a meeting held
on the 2d day ot March. 1904. declared the ss
teatment br ordinance No. 13.836. for the Im
provement of Twenty-eighth street, from the
tooth lint of Havler strevt to the south line
t iThnrmtB street. - In the manner provided
by ordinance' No. . 13.565, upon each lot. part of
lot and parcel of land, which are specially and
peculiarly benefited, to "ba at followa, vta:
Willamette Heights
Blk It, lot 4, Percy H. Blyth .1 M.8S
Bl. B, lot 3, Percy H. Blyth........ 43.86
Blk C, lot 1, Lonla Goldsmith 184.66
Blk C, lot 2. Louis Goldsmith 173.70
Blk C. lot 3. Louis Goldsmith 126.94
Blk C. lot 4, Louis Ooldtmltb 134.50
ioinamitD Addition to tat city ot
Blk 31, lot IT. Louis Goldsmith B4.60
Blk 31, lot 16. Louis Goldsmith...... 43.68
A trsct of laud lying between the east
line of i Twenty-eighth street and a
line lk) feet cast thereof and parallel
- there 1th and between the south line
ot Thnrinan street and the north Una
of Havler street. Lou It Goldsmith.. 442.20
Total , 11,258.97
A statement of aforesaid aasessment has beet)
entered In the Docket of City Liens, and Is
now due and payable at tbe office ot the City
Treasurer, in lawful money of the United
States, snd If not psld within 80 dsys from the
dste of this notice such proceedings will be
taken for the collection of the same as tre pro.
Tided by the Charter of the City of Portland.
The above assessment will bear Interest 10
days after the first publication of thlt notice.
Auditor of tbe City of Portland.
Portland, Oregon, March 8. 1904.
Notice Is hereby given tbat at the moetlng
r-f tlte Council of tie City of Portland. Ore
gon, held on the 2d day of March, 1004. the
following resolution was adopted:
Resolved, That the Oonncll -of the City of
Portland. Oregon, deems It expedient and pro
rsMeS to Improve East Twenty-fourth atreet
from the north line of Tillamook atreet to the
aorth line of Knott atreet, by grading the
street full width with full Intersections to the
roier subgrsdc. In accordance with the City
Euelneer's plans, specifications and estimates.
Nnld improvement to he made tn accordance
with the Charter and ordinances ot tbe City of
Portland and the plana, specifications and esti
mates of the City Knglneer filed In the office
of tbe Auditor of tbe City of Portland on the
27th day of February. 1904, Indorsed: "City
Rnglnwr's plana and specifications for the Im-
nroveiuont nf Ka,t Twenty-fourth atreet from
who north line of Tillamook atreet to the north
line of Knott atreet and the estimates of the
worn to he done and the probable total cost
tnereor." . .
The cm t- of tald Imnrotaiuent to he asaeased
It provided hv the City Charter upon the oron.
erty specially benefited tliereby and which Is
berchy declared to be all tho lots, parts of
i lota and parcels of land lying between a line
100 feet west of snd parallel with the "west
line 'of East Twenty -fourth atreet and a line
1 100 feet .east of and parallel with the east
lino of Kaat Twenty-fourth street and between
the north line of Tillamook atreet and a line
nw teet norm or and parallel with tbe north
line of Knott street.'
The Engineer's estimate of the prohshle total
cost iot wie improvement or tald East Twenty
fourth street It I3.4iW.00.
The. plans, specifications and estimates of th
City Engineer for the improvement of aald
East Twenty-fourth street art hereby adopted.
Itesolved, Tbst the Auditor nf tbe City of
Portlatid be and Tie IS hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed Improvement of aald
Itreet ss provided by the City Charter.
Kemonetrsucn against the above Improvement
may be (lied In Writing with tbe undersigned
wnnin 2ii osvs irmn me uaia or me first Dub
By order ot tbt Council.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
March O. iw.
Nolle la hereby given that at the meeting
of the Council ot the City of Portland, Ore
gon, held en the 2d day of -March, 1004, the
iinwin resolution was adopted:
Resolved, Tbst,. the Council of tha City of
forttana, , vreguii, vkvw u r.iii-ui una pro
poses to Improve Grover street from tbt east
line ot Hood street to the east line of Macadam
atraat- h aradliig the Street, to the nronor
trade, and by macadamising and redressing
the rotdway with ernshed rock and crushed rot
screenings, and by constructing artificial stone
sldewsika ana sione croawass 41111 wiuia witn
full Intersect bns In accordance with the City
Knrlneer's nlnns. specifications and estimates.
ftnld linproe-itment to be mads in accordance
with the Charter- and ordinances of tha City ot
Portland and the plana, specifications ind estl
tratea of tho City Engineer filed In the office
of tbo Auditor of tbt City of Portland on tbt
let day of March, 1004. Indorsed: "City
' Fntneer's plana and specifications for the Im
provement of Grover street from tha east Una
of Hood sireet 10 me riai una 01 BTscniiam
ttreeet tad the estimates of the work to ba
dotis. and the nrobable total cost thereof."
Tlw cost of said Improvement to be assessed
aa provided ty the City Charter sipon tha
nrnnerr aneclallr benefited thereby and which
la hereby declared to be all the M. parts
ot lots and parcels f land lying between a
Uot 100 teat north ot and parallel . with tha
north line of Grover atreet and a lino 100 feet
smith of and parallel with the south lino ot
Grover street, and between the east line of
Hood atreet and a line 100 feet east of and
parallel with the east line of Macadam streeet.
The Engineer's estimate of the probable total
coat for the Improvement of aaid Grover street
It 8HU3.W. . ...
Tbe a ho to Improvement shall ba classed aa
miciuam repair lmproTemeut and shall be
maintained ly th city for a period of two
years; provided, that the owners of a majority
of the property benefited by said Improvement
ot any portion thereof, shall not petition (or a
new jot different improvement before the expi
ration of such period. :: l- : " ; :
The plans, specifications and estimates ot the
City Engineer for the Improvement of said
Grover street nra hereby adopted.
tiesoivea, rrnat the Auditor ot the city or
Portland be- and ha la heretiv directed tn five
notice of the proposed Improvement of aald
street as provided by the City Charter. -
uemonetrmc against toe above improvement
may be filed in writing with the andcrslgned
within 80 days from the' date of the first pub
lication of this notice. .
JBy orflwr of tbo Council. : ; .
" ,'Andltor of the City of Portland. .
March 190.- , - -., '. - .v-
Whereas. - The Council at th ritv id Part.
land. deemtna it Ttu.Hiant tn Anon
lay out ami establish an extension of Alder
street, In the City of Portland, from the cast
line or nineteenth street to the west lino ol
Chapman street, did on the 6th day ot Janu
ary, lttut, direct the City Engineer to anrvey
the snnie and to mark the boundaries thereof.
and to make a plat of aucb survey, and a
written report containing a full and perfect
description of such proposed street and tbe
boundaries thereof, and ot tha portion ot each
lot., tract or part of either, to be appropri
ated for such street, and tbe City Engineer
having made aucb survey, plat and report, and
filed such plat and -report in the office of
the Auditor on the 21st day of January, 1904,
and said report having been adopted by ordin
ance No, H1.M8, eutltled "An ordinance adopt
ing the report - of tbe City Engineer la tbe
matter of the proposed opening,, laying out and.
esiarmining or Alder atreet Irom the east line
nineteenth street to the west line of Chapman
street.'. , - -,
' Now. therefore, all nersnns lntereated are
hereby notified that the Council of the City of
Portland hat appointed J. U. Mack. H. Claua
tenius and Frank Hachenev viewers, to view
sal proposed extension of said atreet and
make an estimate of the benefits and damages
occasioned by the opening, laying out and
establishing the tame. In accordance with sec
tion 849 of tbe Charter of tbe City of Port
land, . said viewers tc meet at the office of
the Auditor of the City of Portland on Thurs
day, the lTth day of March, 1904. at tbe hour
of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of ssld day.
jne proposed opening, laying out and estab
lishing of Alder street Is more particularly
bounded and described at followa:
Beginning at a point In tbe west line ot
Chapman street where the same should be Inter
sected by a straight line running from the
normwent corner ot niocn 32H, to the south
west corner of Nineteenth and Washington
rraeK and running thence westerly on said
line to a point where the same would Inter
sect the esat line of Nineteenth street: thence
northerly along the east line of Nineteenth
street 28.00 feet: thence easterly along the
-oiun line or wasblngrnn street OkOl reet;
inence soutneriy tkmc the west line ol map
man street 45.74 feet to the place of begin
ning. .
The proposed opening, laying out and estab
lishing of Alder street will Include snd neces
sitate the appropriation to public use of the
loimwing aescriDea parcel or tract or land:
All that parcel or tract of land lying be
tween the west line of Chapman atreet, the
eaut line of Nineteenth atreet, the tontb line
of Washington street, and northerly from tbe
tenth line of the proposed Alder atreet, con-
taming 1.708 tnnare feet.
All persons claiming damsaes br reason of
the appropriations of the property above de
scribed, or any part thereof. In the proposed
opening, laying out and establishing of said
street, art . hereby specially notified to file
their claims for such damages with the Auditor
.f the ctty of Portland before the 17th day of
larch. 1004. the time appointed for the meet-
lug ol the viewers therein.
By order of the Council.
And! tor of the City ot Poftland.
March 5. 1904.
Notice Is herehy given that at the meeting
of the -Council ot the City of Portland.-Ore
gon, held on tne zu day or March, 1004, fUe
following resolntlon was adopted:
Resolved. That the council or tbe City of
Portland. Oregon, deems It expedient and pro
poses tq Improve Powell street from tbe east
line nf Mtlwaukle street to tha west line of
East Twenty-first street in tbe following man-
net, to-wlt:
First By constructing wooden tidewalka ta
accordance witn tne ny- Knglneer 1 puns
specification and estlmatea.
Second By constructing wooden curbs In ac
cordance with the City Engineer a plana, spec!
Beat Inns and estimates.
Third By planking the roadway and con
structing elevsted roadway In accordance with
the City Eugineer'a plans, specifications and
estimates. - .
Said Improvement to be made in accordance
with the Charter and ordinances of tbe Cltv
of Portland and the plana, specifications and
estimates of th City Engineer filed In the
office et the Andtror of the City of Portland
on the 2d day of March. 1904. Indorsed: "Cltv
Engineer s plsns and specifications for the Im
provement of Powell street from the east line
nf Mllwauki street to the west Una of Eaat
Twenty-first street na the estlmatea of thaf
work to be none aud the probable total cost
Tbe cost of said Improvement to be assessed
aa provided tv tbe City Charter upon the
property specially benefited thereby and which
Is Hereby declared to be it follows: On tbe
northern side of said street ill the lots, parts
of lota and parcels of land lying between .
line 100 feet northerly from and parallel with
the north lint of Powell atreet and between the
eaat line of Mllwaukte atreet and a line 100
feet east of and parallel with the east line
of East Nineteenth street, and also tha
ontherlv one-bait of a triangular tract of land
lvlns between the south line or Cols street, ths
vest tine' of East Twentieth street and the
oo-therly Una of Powell street, and tha
wuthsrly one-half of block 56. Tlbbett'a addi
tion to Eaat Portland: on tne southerly side
of said street all the kite, parts of bits and
parcels of land lying between the southerlv
line- of Powell street and a line 100 feet
southerly therefrom snd parallel therewith, and
between the west line of East Twenty-first
itreet and the east line of East Fourteenth
street and also tbe northerly one-half nf blocks
r and 8, Cole a addition to East Portland, and
11 that portion of block 1, Cole's addition to
F.ast Portland, lying north ot a line 100 feet
southerly from and parallel with the southerly
line of Powell street.
Tbe Euelneer's estimate nf the probable total
"net of the Improvement of said Powell street
ll 88.145.00.
The above improvement ahall be classed aa
an elevated' roadway and plank roadway Im
provement and shall bo maintained ty the city
for a pmtnd of five yeara, provided that the
owners of a majority of the property benefited
by said Improvement or any portion thereof
shall not petition for a new or different lm
provetnent oerore the expiration thereof.
The plans, specifications snd estlmatea of the
City Engineer for the Improvement of said
Powell street ar hereby adopted.
Itesolved. That the Auditor nf the Cltv of
Portland be and be ta hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed Improvement of aald
atreet as provided by the City Charter.
Kemonstrsiice against the above Improvement
may be filed In writing with the undersigned
within SR) onvs rrora the date ot the Brat publl
canon ot mis notice.
By order of the Council.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
March &, 1904.
Notice ta hereby given that at the meeting
of tho Council of tbe City of Portland, Ore
gon, held on tbe 2d day nf March, 1004, the
follow I in resolution waa adopted:
Itesolved. That the Council of tho City of
Portland, Oregon, aeema it expeaicat and pro to Improve Msson street from the center
line of Williams avenue to the center line of
Union avenue In the following manner, to-wlt:
First By gradlmt the atreet full width with
full Intersections to the proper grade as shown
by stake by the City , Engineer.
Second By constructing wooden sidewalks
In accordance witn the city Knginear'a plana,
naeiHestlnns and estimates.
Third By constructing wooden crosswalks In
accordance wun tne i,ny engineer a plant,
naelncatlons -and estimates.
Fourth By constructing box gutters In se-
cm-nance wit a me l uy . engineer s plana, a pool
ecstinna and estlmatea.
Da id Improvement ta be made In accordance
with the charter ind ordinancea of the City
of- Portland and tbe plans, apeelflcatlona and
eatlmatet of tbt City Engineer filed In tba
office of the Auditor of tbe City of Portland
on the 29th day of February, 1904, Indorsed:
"City Knglneer't plana and, specifications for
the lmovcment of Mason street from tba
-.ntar line of Williams avenue to the renter
line of lintou avenue, and tbe estimates of the
work 'to lt oone . sag m prousuie total aos(
' The cost of tald Improvement to ba assessed
at- provided by the City Charter upon tba
naiiurtv sneoisllv benefited thereby and which
Is herehy declared to bs all the bita, parts ot
lots snd parcels of land lying between a line
100 feet .north "f tn parallel with the aorth
Haa ot Mason atreet and a line 100 feet south
or and parallel with the south line of Maaott
street, and betwew the- east -Hnw-of- Williams
avenue ami the wvat line ipf Chlon avenue.
. Th.1 Engineer a eatimare or tne prnnania total
coat nf Improving Said Mason atreet la $2-016-00.
The plana, specifications and estimates at tha
City - Engineer - for the Improvement ot aatd
tiaaon atreet . are hereby adopted.
Kcooiveu, -mat tbe Auditor or me tity 01
Portland be and be Is" hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed Improvement ot laid
atreet as provided by the City Charter.
Ketnonst rsnce against tbe above improvement
may be died In writing, with tbe undersigned
within 20 daya from tbe data of 'tha first pub
lication of this notice.
By order of the Council.
Auditor of tbe City ot Portland.
March ft, 1004.
Notice ta herebv" riven tbat at the meeting
of the Council of the Cltv of Portland. Ore-
?on, held on the 2d day of March, 1904, tha
ollowlng resolution was adontod:
Kesoivud, That the Council' of tn city ot
Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro
posee to Improve Prescott atreet from the west
line or Kaat Tenth atreet to the eaet line of
Kast Fourteenth atreet In the following man
ner, to-wlt: - v ... - -. t
First By grading the street full width, with
full Intersections, to the established grade.
Second Br constructing wooden crosswalk!
In accordance with the City Engineer's plans,
specifications and estimates.
Tblrd By constructing box gutters In -'accordance
with the City Engineer a plans, apecl-
ucauonr and estimates.
Fourth Br constructing wooden sidewalks In
accordance with the City Engineer's plans,
specifications and estlmatea.
nam improvement to be mane in accoroance
with tbe Charter and ordinances of the City
of Portland and tbe plana, specifications and
estimates of the City Knglneer filed In the of
fice of the Auditor of the City of Portland on
tie 6th day of February. 1004, Indorsed: "City
Engtneer'a plaus and specifications for the Im
provement of Prescott street from tbe west
line of East Tenth street to the esst line of
Rest Fourteenth street, and the estimates ot
the work to be dona and the probable total
coat thereof.'
The coat of said IniDrovement to be asaeased
as provided br the Cltv Charter noon the nron-
erty apeclally benefited thereby, and which is
hereby declared to be all the lots, parts ot
Hits and parcels ol land lying between a line
luu reet nortn of and parallel with tbe north
line of Prescott street and a llmrHO feet south
of and parallel with the south line of Pres
cott street, snd between a line 100 feet west
of and parallel with tbe west line of East
lentn street ana a line 100 reet east 01 snd
parallel with the east line of East Fourteenth
The Engineer's etttmate of the probable total
coat of the Improvement et aald Pretcott street
The olans. specifications and estimates of tbe
City Engineer for the Improvement, ot laid
i-rescott street sre nercny adopted.
Kesoivea. -mat tne Auditor or the city or
Port Is nd be ind he Is hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed Improvement of said
street aa directed by the City Charter.
Remonstrance against the above Improvement
may be filed In writing with the undersigned
witnin zu aays irom the date 01 the first pub
lication ef this notice.
By order of the Council.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
March 5. 1904.
Vntles la herahv a-tvan that at tha tnaatlna
. -----l- " . . r "
ar tne louncii or tne city or Portland. or
gon, held on tbe 2d day of March, 1904, tha
following resolution was adopted:
Keaolved. By the Council of the City of
Portland, Oregon, tbat It deema It expedient
to change and estsblish the grade of Eaat
Twenty-Eighth atreet. and that It 1s the In
tention of said Council to change and establish
aald grade ot East Twenty-Eighth itreet, la
At the renter line of Nelson itreet from 150
ft-et to 149 feet.
At 120 feet north of the center line of Eaat
Hoyt street from 145 feet to 144 feet.
At the center' line of Oregon itreet from 153
feet to 153 feet.
At tbe center line of Eaat Irvine street from
143.50 feet lo 144.50 feet above tbe bast of
city grades
Resolved. That the Auditor of the C t ot
Portland be and he la hereby directed to glvvT
notice of the proposed change of grade f said
atreet as provided by the City Charter.
Remonstrance againat tne anove manga 01
grade may be tiled in writing with tbe under
aigned within 20 daya from the date of the first
publication of this notice..
uy order or tne iuncii.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
March 6. 1904.
Notice Is hereby given that at the meeting
or the council or the city ot Portland, Oregon,
neid on the -it day or March. 1V04, the fol
lowing resolntlon was adopted:
nesoiveo. tnst tne council 01 tne city or
I'ortiana. Oregon, aeema it expedient and pro
poses to construct a aewer in East Washington
atreet from 100 feet weat of the west line of
Fast Thirty-Fifth street to the aewer In East
Thirty-fourth atreet. Kaid sewer to be oon
strurted nf vitrified saner pipe of eight lncbea
clear Inside diameter, with all necessary catch
basins, manholea, lampboles and branches.
Ssld sewer tn be constructed In accordance
with the Charter and ordinancea of the City
of Portland and the plan, apeelflcatlona and
est! ma tea of the City Knglneer filed In the of
fice of tbe Auditor or the City of Portland oa
the 1st day of March. 1904. Indorsed: "City
Engineer's plans and apeelflcatlona for a sewer
In Kaat Washington atreet from 100 feet weat
ot the west line of East Thirty-fifth street to
a tewer In East Thirty-fourth atreet. and the
estlmatea. of tbe work to be done and the prob
able total coat thereof."
The coat of said sewer to . be iisessed ss
piovlded by the City Charter upon tbe prop
erty apeclally benefited thereby, and which la
hereby declared to oe an tne lota, parts or
kits snd parcela of land lying between a line
KSI feet north of and parallel with the north
line of Eaat Washington atreet and a line 100
feet south of and parallel with the touth lint
of East Washington street and between a line
100 feet east of and parallel with the eaat
line of East Thirty-Fourth street and the west
line of lot 13, block 1. snd the west line of
lot 14. block 8. Xunnyslcle.
The Engineer's estimate of tha probable total
cost for tbe construction ot said sewer It $128.
Tbo plsns. specifications and estimates of the
City Engineer for the construction of said tewer
In Esst Washington atreet are hereby adopted.
Itesolved. 'that toe Auditor of the city of
Portland be and he Is herehy directed to live
notice of th. proposed construction of said
aewer as provided uy the City ( barter.
Itemonstrance kgalnst the above sewer may
be filed In writing with the undersigned within
20 days from the date ot tha first publication
01 this notice. .
By order of the Council.
Auditor of tbe City of Portlsod.
March 5. 1904
Wbereaa, The Council of tbe City of Port
land, deeming It expedient to open, lay out
and establish an exteuslon of Fifth street. In
tbe City of Portlsnd. from the south line of
Hhertdan street to a line 420 feet south of tbaj
auniu line Ul cueriunii Burn, uiu Ull me tfIO
day of January. 1004, direct tbe City Engl
neer to survey the same and to mark the bound
ariea thereof, and to make a plat of aucb aur
vey, aud a written report containing a full and
perfect description of such proposed street and
lioundarlea thereof, and of the portion of each
lot, tract or part of either to be appropriated
for such street, ana tne t uy Engineer having
math) such survey, plat and report, and filed
such plat ind report In the office of the Audi
tor on the 21st day of January, lw04. and said
report having been adopted by Ordinance No,
13,817, entitled: "An, oramance adopting th
report of tho City Engineer In the matter of
tho proponed opening, laying out and establish
tug of llfth street from the south line of
Sheridan atreet to a line 420 feet aouth of the
south line of Pborldsn street.
Mow, tneretore, au persons interested sre
hereby notified tbst the Council of the City
of portlsnd naa appointed t. u, Kut Her land.
John Kelly and J. P. Menefee vlewera to view
asid proposed extension or said atreet and makf
an estimate nf the benefits and damages or
rsaloned by the opening, laying out and ratnh.
Itablng of the,, same. In sccordance with sectlnu
340 if thcTt'uarter of the City of Portland,
said viewers to meet at the office of the iunl.
tor of the City of Portland 011 Thursday, the
17th day of March. 1004, at the hour of 10
o clock In tne tore noon ot said day.
The proposed opening, laying out and estab
llahinr of Fifth street Is 84.82 feet In wlHih
snd Is moro particularly bounded and described
as followa:
Res-inning st a point In the west line of Fifth
atreet 200 teet southerly from tbe northeast
corner of block 78, Caruthera' addition td Car.
others addition; running thence southerly on
an extension of the west line of Fifth street
220 feet to a point; thence easterly at right
angles to the last mentioned Hi 84.82 feet;
thence northerly 84.82 feet, eaaterly from snd
parallel with tha proposed west line of Fifth
street 220 feet to a point: thence westerly at
right anglea to tbe last mentioned Una 84.82
feet to tbe place of beginning.
The proposed opening, laying out and estab
lishing of Fifth street will Include aud neces
sitate the appropriation to public- use of the
following oeacrioea parcel or tract or land:
All that narcel or tract of land !,. h.
tweeu tbe eaaterly and westerly lines of tho
proposed Fifth itreet, and between lines 200
feet and, 20 feet southerly from and parallel
witn ' tne soum iidv 01 ooeriuaa street, con
taining 1,108 sniiare feet.
-All persona claiming damages by rraeon ot
the appropriation 01 toe property above de
tcrlhed, or auy pan tnereot, in the pro
posed opening, laying out and establishing
of aald street, are 'hereby specially notified to
file their claims for such damages with the
Auditor ot tho City of Portland before . the
171b day. of March, 1904, at the time appointed
ror tne meeting nr toe viewer! toereia.
. By order of tht'Coonell. , , .....
Auditor of tha CO' Portland.
March 0, 190.
Notice Is herebr aiven that at the meeting
of the Council of the City of Portland. Ore
gon, ueia on tne xa day or Marco, iw, me 101
owing resolution was adopted:
Resolved. That the Council nf the CKv of
Port laud. Oregon, deema It expedient aud pro
poses to Improve Gllsan street from the- esst
line of Third street to the west line ot Front
street In the following manner, to-wlt: '
First By grading the street full Width with
full intersect Ions to proper grade. . '
Hecond By paving tbo roadway full width
with full Intersections with stone block with
land cushion on a macadam foundation.
Third By constructing artificial stone curbs.
Bald Improvement to Be made In accordance
with the Charter and ordinances of tbe City
of Portland and tbe plans, specifications and
estimates of tbe City Engineer, 'filed in the
office of the Auditor of the City ot Portland
on tha 27th day of February, 1904. Indorsed:
;itv Kiia-ineer-a niana ana tnacincauons tor
the , Improve nieut of Gllsan street from, the
east line of Third street to the west line of
Front street and tho estimates of tho work to
be dona and the probable total cost thereof."
. The cost of said Improvement to be as
leased at provided by the City Charter upon the
nrooertv sneclnllr benefited theruhr and which
la nereny declared to ov 111 meiois, psris ot
1 t : : . . .. u,- .
lota and parcela of laud lying between a line
100 teet north of and parallel with the north
line of Cllssn street and a line 100 feet Month
of and narallel with the south line of Gllsan
atreet, and between tbe eaat line of Third
street and the west line of Front atreet.
Tbe Engineer'! eatlmate of the pmtmblo total
cost for the Improvement ot said Gllsan street
is f4.as2.tai.
The shove lmnrovement shall bo classed as a
stone block Improvement on a macadam founda
tion and aball be maintained oy tne ciiy mr a
period of 18 years; .provided, that the own
ers of a majority -of tbe property benefited
ny said improvement or any portion inereoi.
snail not petition tor a new or ouiereni in.
nrovement befnra the eventration of such period.
The plans, spectflvitloM snd estimates of the
City Engineer for tbe improvement of said
Gllsan afreet ars herahv adonted.
itesolved. That the Auditor or tne t.iry 01
Portland be and he la herenv directed tn give
notice of the proposed Improvement of said
treet la provided by the City Charter.
Remonstrance agalnat the anove improvement
may be filed In writing wtth the undersigned
within 20 dayi from the date 01 the flrat
publication of thia notice.
jy traer pt tut council.
Auditor of the City of Portland. .
March ft, 1904.
Notice Is hereby' given that at the meeting
of the Council of the City of Portland. Ore
gon, held on the I'd day or Marco, lvos, tne
following reanlutlon waa adapted:
Keaolved. That the council or tne city ot
Portland. Oregon, deema It expedient and pro
poses to Improve Gllsan atreet from tho west
line of Twenty-second street to the east line
of Twenty-third street, by grsdlng the street
sna removing tne looae eartn. muci ana ueoris
of every kind from the surface of the atreet,
ana ny constructing artinclal atone aiaewaiss
and artificial stone curbs, snd by bringing the
surface of 1he street to the proper grsde
ltb macadam; all to be done In accordance
with the City Engineer a plana, specification.
and estlmatea.
8a Id Improvement to be made In accordance
with the Charter and ordinances of the City
of Portland and the plans, specifications and
estlmatea ot the City Engineer filed In the
office of the Auditor of the City of Portland
on, the 27th day of February, 1904. Indorsed:
t ity engineer a plans ana apecincationa tor toe
Improvement of Gllsan street from the weal
line of Twenty-second atreet to the east line
of Twenty-third street snd the estimates of the
work to be done and tbe probable total coat
The cost of said Improvement to be assessed
aa provided by the City Charter upon the prop
erty specially benefited thereby snd which Is
hereby declared to be all the lots, psrts of lots
snd parcels of land lying between a line 100
feet north of and narallel wltb the north line
of Gllsan street and a line 100 feet south of
and parallel with tbe south lint of Gllsan
atreet and between the west line of Twenty
aecnnd street and the east Hue ot Twenty-
third street.
The Engineer's estimate of the probable total
cost for the Improvement of said Gllsan atreet
IS 728.00.
Tbe above Improvement aball be classed as a
macadam repair Improvement and aball be
maintained by tbe city for a period of three
years; provided, tbst tbe owners of a ma
jority of the property benefited by said Im
provement or any portion thereof shall not
petition for a new or different Improvement
before tbe expiration of auch period.
The plana, apeelflcatlona and estimate! 01 tne
City Engineer for the Improvement of laid
Gllsan street are hereby adopted.
Resolved. That the Auditor of the City of
Portland be and he la hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed Improvement of said
atreet as provided by the City Charter.
Remonstrance agalnat the above Improvement
may be filed In writing with the undersigned
within 20 days from the date of tha first publi
cation of this notice.
By order of the Council.
Auditor of tbe City' of Portland.
March R, 1904.
Notice la hereby given tbat at the meeting
of the Council of the City of Portland. Ore-
?on, held on the 2d day of March, 1904, the
ollowlng resolution was adopted:
Kejolved, Tbat tbe Council or the City of
Port 1 ind. Oregon deemi It expedient and pro
poses to Improve Vsncouver avenue from' the
aouth line of Russell street te the northeasterly
Use of Wheeler street, 11 follows:
First All portions of said avenue lying be
tween the .northeasterly line of Wheeler street
and a line 50 feet south nf and parallel
wltb tbe south line of Broadway, and between
the north line of Hancock atreet and a line
150 feet north therefrom and parallel therewith
to be Improved In tbe following manner:
(a) By grading tbe avenue full width, with
full Intersections, to tbe proper grade as given
by the City Engineer.
(b) By pls.iklng the roadwsy full width,
with full intersections. In accordance with tbe
City Engineer's plsns, apeelflcatlona and esti
mates. Second All portions of ssld avenue lying be
tween 1 line 50 feet aouth of and liarallel with
the aouth line of Broadway and the north lint
ef Hancock street, snd between s "ne 150 feet
north ot and parallel wltb !, north line of
Hancock" atreet and the south line M Uuatell
street, to be Improved In the folloiXog man
ner: (a) By grading tbe avenue full width, with
full Intersections, to tbe proper grade.
fb) By bringing the avenue full width, with
full Intersections, to tbe established gride,
with macadam.
Third By conatructlng artificial stone and
wooden aldewalka In accordance with tbo City
Engineer's plsns, specifications and estimates.,
, Fourth By constructing crosswalks In accord
ance with tbe City Engineer plana, specifi
cations and estimates.
Fifth By constructing stone gutters In ac
eordance wltb the City Engineer's plans, speci
fications and estlmatea.
Sixth By relaying wooden bicycle paths in
accordance witn the City Knglneer'a plana,
specifications and estimates.
Seventh By constructing artificial atone curbs
In accordance with the City Knglneer'a plans,
specifications snd estimates.
Ssld Improvement to be made In accordance
with the Charter and ordinancea of the City
of Portland and the plans, specifications and
estimates of the City Knglneer filed tn the of
fice of the Auditor of the City of Portland on
the 1st day of March, 1904. Indorsed: "City
Engineer's plans and specifications for the Im
provement of Vancouver avenue from the aouth
line of Bussell street to the northerly line of
Wheeler street, snd the estimates of the work
to be done and the probable total coat thereof."
Tbe cost of said Improvement to be assessed
aa provided by the City Charter upon the prop
erty specially benefited thereby, nd whlcb la
hereby declared to be all tbe lots, parts of
lots snd parcels of laud lying between s line
100 feet west of and narallel with the west
line of Vsncouver avenue and a line lno feet
east of and parallel with the east line of
Vancouver avenue and between the south line
of Russell street and the south line nf Broad
way, and slso the west half of blocks 4 and
8 snd the easterly one-half of hjocxs 3 and 9,
Elisabeth Irvlng'a addition to East Portland.
The Engtneer'a estimate of the probable total
cost for the Improvement ot said Vancouver
avenue Is (17.907.
The shove Improvement on all portion! of
aald avenue lying between tbe northerly line
of Wheeler itreet and a line 50 fret south of
and riarsllol with tbe south line of Brosdwsv
and between the north line of Hancock atreet
and a lint 100 lect norm 01 ana Parallel with
Ihe north Hue of Hancock street, ahall b
classed aa a, plank roadway Improvement and
ahall ba maintained by the city for a period
of foir years,' and all portions of ssld avenuo
iviiig' between a lint 50 feet south of and par.
a'llel with the south line of Broadway and the
north Una of Hancock street und between a line
150 feet north of and parallel with the north
line of Hancock street and the south Hue a
Russell street shsll be vUaxed ss a macadam
lmnrovement and aball be maintained bv the
dtyvfor a period ot four yeara; provided, how.
ever, tbat in both oaeet the owners of 1 ma
jority of the property benefited by said lm
provement or any -portion thereof shsll not pe
tition -for a new or different Improvement be-ti-re
the expiration of auch period.
The plans, specifications and eatlmatet ot tha
City Knglneer tor tne improvement ot said vn,
oonvi avenue sre hereby adonted.
Keaolved. That tbe Auditor of Ihe- City of
'Portland be and be Is hereby directed to give
notice or tne propnaea improvement or said
avenue at orovlded by Ihe City Charter.
Reraonstrsnce against the above Improvement
may be filed In writing wltb the undersigned
within zo uaja irom tne usio 01 tne nrst publl
ration of this notice. ,
By order of the Co"n41. . I
: Auditor bt the. City of Portliad.
March 8. 1904. .. .
Notice ts herehv aiven that at the meeting
of the Council of the City of Portland, Ore
gon, held on the 2d day or aiarcn, mot, uo
following reanlutlon was adopted:
Itesolved. That tho Council of tha City of
Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient snd pro
poses to Improve -Division street from the west
lino ot Gricd avenue to 50 feet west of the
west Una of East Third street In the following
manner, to-wlt; ;
First By gradlnr tha atreet full wfdth with
full Intersections to the proper subgrsde.
Second By brliiirlng tbe street tull width
with full Intersections to proper grade with
gravel. . , J. '-
Third By constructing wooaen siaewaiaa in
accordance with tho City Engineer's plans,
speclflcstlons and estimates.
Fourth By constructing wooden crosswalks
In accordance with the City Engineer's plans,
specifications and estimates.
Fifth By constructing stone gutters In ac.
eordance with the City Engineer's plans, speci
fications and estimates.
8ald Improvement tn be made In accordance
with tho Charter and ordinance! of the City
of Poitland and the plans, ipecificetions and
estimates of .the City Engineer filed In th
offlce of the Auditor of the City of Portland
on the 20th duv of February, 1904. Indorsed:
"City Engineer's plans and apeclflcatlnna for
the improvement of Division street from tbe
weat line of Grand avenue to 50 feet west of
the west line of Kast Third atreet. and the esti
mates of the work to be done and tbe probable
total cost thereof."
The cost of satd Improvement to be asaeased
as provided by tbo City Charter noon tbe prop
erty apeclally benefited thereby and which s
hereby declared to he all the lots, parts of
lots and parcels of land lying between a line
lis) feet north of-and parallel with tbe north line
of Division atreet and a Hue 100 feet south of
and parallel with tbe south line of Division
street, aud between the west line ot Grsrd
avenue sud a lii.e 30 feet west of snd parallel
with the west line of Esst Third street.
The Engineer's estimate of the probable total
cost for the Improvement ot said Division
struct Is t2.314.00.
1 he above Improvement ahall he classed as
a gravel Improvement and shall be maintained
by the city for a iieriod of five years: pro
vided, that the Owners of a majority ot the
property benefited by aald improvement or any
porllon thereof, shall not petition for a new
or dltTerenet improvement before the expiration
of sucb nerlod
-1 he olans. aneelficattnns and estlmatea of the
City Lnglnrer for the Improvement of said
mviainu street are bwehy adopted.
Resolved, That tbe Auditor of the City of
Portland be and he la herehy directed to give
notice of the proposed Improvement of tald
street aa provided hy the City Charter.
itemonstrance against the above Improvement
may be filed In writing with the undersigned
within 2" days from the date of the first pab
licatloo -if this notice.
' By order of the Council.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
March 5. I!)n4.
Notice Is herhy given that it the meeting
ef the Council of the City of Portland. Ore
gon, held on the 2d day of March, 1904, the
following resolution was adopted: s
Hesolvod. Thai the Council of the City of
Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro
poses to Improve Multnomah street from ths
east line of East First street to the west line
ot Kust Sixth street as follows:
First By removing ill loose earth, mud ind
debris of every kind from the surface of tbe
street full width with full Interaectlona.
Second By redressing and bringing tbe atreet
full width with full Intersections to the proper
jtrsde with gravel.
Third By constructing artificial atone aide
wslks In accordance with the City Engineer's
plans, specifications and estimates'.
Fourth By conatructlng atone crosswslks In
accordance wltb the City Engtneer'a plana,
specifications and estimates.
Said Improvement to be made In accordance
with the Charter and ordinances of the City
of' Portlsod aud the plans, specifications and
estimates of tho City Engineer, filed In tbe
office of the Auditor of the Cltv of Portland
on tne J'tn day or February, 1904. Indorsed:
"City Engineer's plans aud apeelflcatlona for
the Improvement of Multnomah atreet from the
cast line nf Kast Flrat atreet to the weat line
of Eaat Sixth atreet and the estimates of the
work to be done and tba probable total coat
Tbe cost of said Improvement tn be assessed
ss provided bv the City Charter upon th
property specially benefited thereby and which
is nereny declared to be all the lota, parte of
lots and parcela of land lying between a line
100 feet north of and parallel with the north
line ot Multnomah street and a line 100 feet
smith of and parallel with the south line of
Multnomah street, and between the eaat line
of Fast First atreet and the west line of Eaat
Sixth street.
The Knglneer'a estimate of the probable total
cost for the improvement of said Multnomah
street Is tt.610.iX).
The above lmnrovement ahall he classed as
gravel repair Improvement and ahall he main
tained by the Hty for a period of two' years;
provided, thst the owners of a majority of
tbe property benefited by aald Improvement .or
any portion thereof, aball not petition for a
new or different Improvement before tha expira
tion of such period.
The plans, sneclflcstlons and hIIhuIai r ka
City Engineer for the improvement of ssld
auiinomsn street ire berehj adopted.
iiexiiTPQ. jnat tne Auditor or the city of
Portland be and he la herehr dlraeta t .1..
notice of the proposed Improvement of laid
street is provided by the City Charter.
Remonstrance against the above Improvement
", 1p,'rt ln writing with the ttnderaigned
""" " " irom tne uaia or tns nrst pub
ilea t Inn of this notice.
By order of the Council.
Auditor of tha City of Portland.
March 5, 1904.
Notice la hereby given that at the meeting
of the Council of the City of Portland. Ore
gon, held on the 2d day of March, l04, the
following resolution waa adopted:
Resolved. That the Council of the City of
Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro
poses to Improve Hsssalo street from the esst
2no.KVt YiT9t ,u th est line of
own- treat ln tbe following manner,
First By removing all loose earth, mnd
and debris of every kind lying upon tbe sur
face of the atreet full width with full inter
aectlona. Second By redressing and bringing the street
to proper grade full width with full Inter
sections with gravel.
Third By conatructlng artificial atone side
walks In accordance with the City Engineer's
plans, speclfloatlona and estimates.
Fourth By constructing stone crosswalks la
accordance with the City Engineer'! plana,
sneclflcstlons aud estimates
-Said Improvement to be made In accordance
wun 'ne 1 oarier ana ordinances of tho City
of Portland and the plans, specifications and
estimates of the City Engineer filed in the
office of the Auditor of tbe City of Portland
on the 27th day of February. 10O4, Indorsed:
"City Engineer's plins and specifications for
the Improvement of Hassalo street from the
eaat line of East First street to the west line
of Fast Sixth street, and the estlmatea of the
work to be done and the probable total coat
Tho cost of sold Improvement to be sssessed
as provided by the City Charter npon ths
property specially benefited tberehr snd which
Is hereby declared to be all the lufs. parts of
lota and parrels of land lying between a line
list feet north nf and parallel with the north
line of Hi.Msnlo street snd 1 line lno f.-et south
of and narallel wtth the louth line of Hasan lo
street and between the cast line of Kast
First atreet and the weat Hue of East Sixth
Tbe Knglneer'a estimate of the nrohalile total
cost for tbe Improvement of said llasaalo street
. The shove Improvement shall be classed aa a
grafel repair Improvement and shall he main
tained by the city for a period of two Tears:
provided, that tbe owners of a majorltr of
th' property benefited by aald Improvement or
any portion thereof shall not petition for a
new or different improvement befnre tbe ex
piration of such period.
The plans, speclflcstlons and estlmatea of the
City Engineer for the Improvement of aatd
Uassalo street art hereby adopted.
Resolved. That the Auditor of the City of
Portland be and he Is hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed improvement of ssld
Street ss provided by the City Charter.
Remonstrance agalnat t1be shove improvement
may be filed in Writing with the undersigned
within 20 daya from tbe date of the first pub
lication of this notice.
By order of the Council.
Auditor at the City of Portland.
March 5, 1004.
Notice Is hereby given tbat at the meeting
of the Council of the city of Portland. Ore-
Jon. held on ths 2d day of March, 10O4, tha
ollowlng reanlutlon waa adopted:
Resolved, That the Council of the City of
Portland. Oregon, a "me it expeoisnt to change
the grade of Kaat Pine street at Buclitel ave
nue and that It la the Intention of teld Coun
cil to change ind establish tald grade of
East Pine street aa touows:
. At the Intersection of Buchtel avenue, from
168.80 feet to 172.;iO feet above the base of city
' Keaolved. Tbat tha Auditor nf th City of
Portland be ana ne is nereoy directed to give
notice of the proposed change of trade of ssld
street aa provided by tbt City Charter.
Remonstrance against tho above, change nf
grade mar be filed tn writing With tho under
signed within 'W) days fnoni the Oat of tha
first puiuiciiiinn or inia notice.
. By order of the Council.
Auditor ot tba City ot Portland.
Mirth S, 1904. i
Notice ta'.Berol adven that it tbe meeting
of the Council of tbe City of Portland, Ore
gon;, held on the 24 day of March, 1904,. the,
following resolution was adopted:
Keaolved. Tint the Council of tbe CltT of
Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro
pose's to Improve Holladay avenue frnm tha
west end of Holladay avenue to the eaat line
of East Flrat atreet, In the following manner,
to-wlt . - ... .-v , '
First Bv grading the atreet full width wtth
full Intersections to the proper suhgrade.
Sceimd By paving the roadway full width
with full intersections with stone blocks .on a
six-Inch concrete foundation. In accords ace with
tne city Engineers plans, specifications sou
estimates, ,
Third By constructing Irtlfleiaf stone- curbs
ln accordance with the City Engineer's plana,
sjieclhcations ind estimates.' s
Fourth Tbe space in said street occupied by
tbe City & Suburban Hallway company's right
of way to be Improved by . replacing the rails
now In use with grooved rails not less than
seven Inches in depth set on a eoncrete foun-
oatiou, and by paving the right of way witn
stone blocks set on a concrete foundation.
Said Improvement to be made Is accordance
with the Charter and ordinances of tbe City
of Portland an! the plans. - specifications' and
estimates of the City Engineer filed ln the
office of the Auditor of tbo City of Portland on
the 21th, duv February. 1904, Indorsed:
"City Engineer's plana and specifications for
the improvement of Holladay avenue from the
west end of Hulladny avenue to the eaat line
of Kast Firiit street, and tbe estlmatea of the
work to be done and tbe probable total coat
The c"f t af said Improvement to be assessed
as prnvuiea uy the t ity Charter upon toe
property specUllv benefited thereby aud which
la hereby declared to lie all the lots, parte Of
lots and parcels of land lvlng within the dis
trict Iwuiided and described as follows: Begin
ning tit a V"lnt where a line lno feet eat of
and parallel v.ltli the east line of Grand avenue
would bo Intersected by a line 100 feet north
ir anu parallel with the north line of Halsey
street; tbence weat along a line 100 feet north
o' and parallel with th north line of Halaey
atreet to th center line of East First atreet;
thence northerly a lor a the center line of Esst
First street to a point 100 feet north of the
norm line or t berry street: thence, weat and
southwesterly. almg a line 100 feet northerly
from and parallel wltb the northerly line ot
Cherry street to its Inter, -cotton with the center
line of Margin atreet If eitendedj northwesterly
ln III present course; thence southeasterly along
said extension of the center line of Margin
street and the center line of Margin street to
Ita intersection with- the southeasterly line of
McMlllen's addition to East Portland; thence
southeasterly along a sfralt-ht line extended
from the intersection of the center line of
Marrln street with th southeasterly line of
McMIUen't addition to Eaat Portland to its
Intersection with a line Km feet south nf snd
psrall.,1 with the south line of Eaat Irving
street If extended westerly In Its present course
st a point 100 feet west of the west line of
Adams street extended south ln Us present
course; thence easterlv a Ions- a line 100 feet
south of and parallel with the south line of
East Irving street to a point 100 foot eaat of
the east line of Grand avenue; thence north
long a IJne 100 feet eaat of and parallel with
the east line of Grand avenue to the place of
beginning. - -
Tbe Lnglneer'a estimate of the probable total
cost for the Improvement of aald Holladay ave
nue la f27.O48.0O.
Tbe above Improvement shall be classed aa a
stone block Pavement and shall be maintained
by tbe city for a period of 2ft years provided,
that the owners of s msjorlty of the property
benefited by said improvement or any 'Portion
thereof shall pot petition tor a new or differ-
nt improvement bet. ire the expltatldn of such
Tbe plans, specifications snd estimates of the
'Sty Engineer for tbe Improvement of aald
Holladay avenne are hrrebv adonted.
Resolved, That the Auditor of tbe City of
rortiana oe ana ne Is hereby directs to give
notice of tbe proposed Improvement of ssld ave
nue aa provided by the City Charter.
Re-jionarrance agalnat the above Improvement
may be filed ln writing with the undersigned
within 20 dsys frnm tbe date of tha flrat publl-
i.i'uu ui iuia nonce.
By order of the Council.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
March 5, 1904.
L. Established In 1HAO t
Transacts a General Banking Basinets,
Interest Allowed on Time Deposits.
Collections made at all point! nn favorable
terms, letters 01 credit issued available In En
rcpe ana all points In the United States.
Sight Exchange and Teletraphte Transfers
soio on new rora. waaoimrton. Chicago. Bt,
tools, iienver. omana. Kan Francisco and Moa-
ttni ana British Columbia.
Exchange told on London, Pirls. Berlin.
Frinkfnrt. Hong Kong, Yokohama. Manila and
Honolulu. .
Tranaaota a Genera! Banking Business.
Available In ill cities nf the United States and
Europe, Hong Kong and Manila.
...... W. B. AYKR
...R, W. 8CHMREH
....A. M. WRIGHT
Assistant Cashier.
LOBTDOH ft SA1V rmAwatsco BAVX,
Chamber of Commeroe Bnfldlng, Thirl and
Stark Btrteta.
Read Office. 85 Old Broad street Toodoi.
Thlt bank transact a t general hanking bnal
n et. makes loans discounts bills and issues let
ters of credit available for travelers and for the
purchase nf merchandise tn tny city nf the
world. Delhi In for-lgn and, domestic exchange.
Intsreit Paid aa Tims Deposits,
W. A. MACRAS. Manager.
868 Morrison St.. Portlsnd, Or.
Transacts a General Banking Business.
Intcraat Allowed on Time ind Saving! Deposits.
Acta II Trustee for Estates. ,
Drafts and letters nf credit available la 111 parts
of tha world.
C. P. ADAMS , President
L. A. LEWIS First Vice-President
A. L. MILLS Secood Vice-President
It. O. JCB1TZ....
J. FRANK WAT80N President
R. L. DURHAM rice-Presideut
R. W. HOVT Cashier
GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier
Transact! a General Banklr t Business.
Drafts suJ letters of credit Issued available
to sll parts of the world.
Collections a Specialty. Gold Dnst Boaght.
r of Portland, Or.
Designated Depository and Financial Agent of
the United States.
r resident A. L. MILLS
(asnier J. W. NKWK1RK
Assistant Cashier W. C. ALVORD
sesond Assistant cashier C. r. STEVENS.
litters of credit Issued available la Europe tod
ibe Eastern Statea.
Sight Excbenge and Telegraphic Transfers
sciu nn Aew Tors, nostnn. t h lea go. Bt. Louts,
St. Psul, Omaha, San Francisco and tbt prlucl
pat points ln tbe N irtbwest.
8lght and time bills drawn In sums to suit
on London. Parla. Berlin. Frank fort -on-tbe
Main. Hong Kong. Yokohama, Copenhagen,
Chrlatlanla, Stockholm, St, Peteraburg. Mot
et w. Zurich. Honolulu.
Collections made 00 favorable terms. 1 ,
Members Chicago Board of Trade.
0 rata, ProvUlona, fttocka, Bor.dg and
103 Third treat." Hear Stark.
Phono, Mala, 313.
Ve are connected tty private wires with
Vfssts. I,igan A Bryan, Chicago and New
York ;- Walker Bros., 1. 8. Bacha Co.. New
York Stock exchange' Hubbard Broa. A Co.,
New York Cotton Exchange; Falrciilld A 'Hob
son: New Orlenra Cotton Kxrbsnga; Henry
llrrth A Co.. New York Coffee Exehanite; rains,
Wthher A Co.; Boston Copper and Stock Ex
change; Dick Bros. A Co.; New York and Phila
delphia Stock Exchanges.
Offer gilt-edge Investments In Municipal and
lUUroad Bonds. Write or call,
13 Pint St.', Portlsnd, Oregon.
Dow?tikq, Hopxnrs ft eo.,
- Boom 4 Ground Floor. - -?
ckaaibxb or corarExrmr ;
On Portland Real Estate It Lowiat Rate.
. Tltlea Intured. - Abstracts Furnished.
I Chamber of Conimerct,
trains, tor Ralenv, Rose.
8:80 p. m
burg. Ashland. Sacra
mento. Ogden, Sua Fran
cisco. Mojave. Loa Aa
gelea. El Paso. New Or
tana and the East,
7:40 a. av
At Woodbura dally
tetcepi Sunday), mora
ine train for Mt. An
8:S0 a. m.
7 .00 . BU
sel. 8llvrton. Browns
ville, Springfield. Wand.
Ung and Natrua.
Albany passenger, row.
nects tt Woodburn with
Mt. Angel ind Sllver
tca local.
4:00 p. m.
T:30a. m.
10:10 a,
Corvalllt psssenger.i...
Sheridan passenger,....
(8:S9 a, ta.
B :60 p. tn.
114 -,BO p. m.
Dally. I Dally, except Sunday. vy
Ptrtlaad-Orwego Suburbia Servioe and YaashtO
in vu ton. j, v
Depot Foot of Jefferson Street.
Leave Portlsnd dallv for Oivms V IM a sa.t
ia:B0. 2:05. S:2S: 8:20. :. 8:80. 10:18- ft. ta.
Daily (except Sunday) 8:30. 8.30: 8:88. 10:29
a., m. I 4:00, 11:30 p. at. Sunday nly, 8:00
a. m.
Retnrnlne- from Osweao. arrive Portland dairy 1
8 80 a. m 1:BS. 8:08, 4:8.1, 8:18. T:88. 8:8
11:10 p. m. Pally (except Sunday) a:2,
30. 10:20. 11:4- a. ta. Except Monday. 12:28
p. tn. Sunday only,, 10:00 a.- re.
Leaves irom tame depot roe Da use ann in is,
mediate points dally (except Sunday) 4:00 p. as.
arrive Portland 10:20 p. m. .
The Independenee-Monmoarh Motor Tina
operates dally tn Monmouth snd Alrlle. cos-
nectlng with Southern Pacific company's tracks
t Dsllas and Independence.
Flrst-clsas fare frnm Portland to Sacrameata
nd San Francisco, 120. berth f5; second-class
fare f15. second-class berth 82.80,
TleVets tn Eastern nolnts and Fra-OBO. slat
Japan. China, Honolulu and Australia.
City Ticket Office corner Third sna wasDing.
ten struts. Phone, Mala T12.
City Ticket Agent. fits. raa. Ageai, :
and union Pacific
Through Pullman stan.lsrd snd Tourist states
ln ... a iallv to Omsbl. Chicago. Snokaaet :
Tourist ileeplng-eari dally to .amat CKyt
through Pullman -jourisi sireping-cars tpersus
ly conducted) weekly to Chicago. Kaasaa
City; Reclining cbaltvtra (seats tree) ta tba
East dally.
For tbt East via Hunt
ington. 9:15 a. n.
0:23 a. m.
For Eaatiu-n Washing
ton, Walla Walla. Law
taton. Coeur d' Alent
ind Great Northtrt
7:45 p. m.
8:00 a.
For ths Esst via Eoot
Ington. 8:18 a. m.
no a. ta -
8. S Geo. W. Elder
March 7, 17. 27.
8. S. Oregon, March
2, 12, 22. -
8:00 p. ta.
3:00 p.
Columbia River Slvtllea.
FOR -ASTORIA and way
8-00 p. BL
ex. Sunday.
10:00 p. m.
5:00 p. SS.
ex. Sunday,
cotnta. connecting with
stmr. tor Ilwaca and
North beach. mT. Hss
rslo, Ash-st dock.
Yamhill Rlvtr Routt.
City and Yamhill River
1:80 p, ta.
points, itn. Elmore and
urxioe. Asn-st. aoci,
(Water permitting.)
Snake Rlvtr Rente.
and way points from
Rlparta, Wash., steam
ers Spokane and Lew
Iston. .
1:08 a. a
ex. Sat,
v.w p. as.
ta. Friday.
TICKET OFFICE. Third end Washington Tale
pbOM, Mala 712.
For Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling at
Kobe. Nagaaakl and Shanghai, taking freight
via connecting ateamera for Manila, port Arthur
ind Vladlroctok. -. . -
For rotes and foil fatormattoa eat! on or aa
draaa afUctala ar agists ot ths O. R. A N. Cat
Puget. Sound Limited,
lor Taconia, Seattle,
Olympla. South Bead
and Oraya Harbor
North Coast limited,
for Tt corns. Seattle.
Butte. St. Pinl. Min
neapolis. Chlcsgo, New
xork, Boston snd points
East ind Southeast.
Twtn-CIty Kxpresa, for
Tacoma. Seattle, Spo
kane. Helena, Bt Paul.
Minneapolis, Chicago.
New York. Bnstna and
ill points East and
Southeast, j .
Puget Sound . Ksasss
C1ty-8t. Louis fpeclsl.
for TImma, Seattle,
Spokane, Butte. Btllinga,
Denver. Omaha. Kansas
City. Bt Louis and all
polnta Eaat and South
eaat. Departs.
8:80 a. av
8:80 D, a.
8:00 p. ax.
I'M a. av
U:Bp. m.
T:00 -.
8.30 a. as.
T:00 a. St,
All trains dally except en South Bend
brinch. A. D. CHARLTON. .
Asatstant General Paastnger gab
X2S Morrlsoa St. cor. Third, Pertlsod, Or
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
fi?f 0NlT "
lajftl BOUTS Of
Leaves. ONION DEPOT, Arrive
For Mavgeia, Bslntaf. nail.
Clstaksule, Weslport wm"1'
Clifton, Astoria, War- '
80 a. as. rentoa, , Flavtl, Ham. lliJ0a..
Dally. - ' imiud. Fort Steven . ?
Oearhart Park, Seaside,
' ' Aitorl '- tad SVasawa
'-' .- : Kxpresa. Dally. .
T:O0 p. m. Astoria Bxprasa, ,
Itatly. , Dally 9 .
;'.?.'V'';;.'Vv C MAYO,
" - O. t. and P. A., Astotts, o. '
C A. STEWART, Cemnuwolal Agal A.jrf
U i'tyee, Mala tva. ,