THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. MARCII 8, 1904. 3 "hi "V a BUSINESS GOOD Ji :' ALONG THE RIVER trWITED STATZS ENOISEXBS BAT ' THAT ZJLKOa KXTMBBB OT APPU- cations ro riSH ; roars, too BOOMS ASS BBX90& FEBKZT8 XBT SZCATB BUSIWESS IS THBIYISO. United States engineers are receiving communications almost daily from va rious applicants in' this district apply lng for permits to put in. flsh traps, log , booms and erect bridges in various lo calities. "Tha district includes the Co lumbia river, extending south o Ya qulna and east as far as Celllo. These applications, the engineer declare,. Indi cate that business in air-lines is ihrlv lug in the territory named. ; The tlshlng season will.' again' soon open. and Just at present'there are more applications than any other kind being .made to- the engineers for the purpose of putting in flsh traps. It is estimated that there are already fully 600 traps In tha district When a permit is once iKSued it is good until revoked. Before permission Is granted to install a trap the matter is thoroughly investigated. If it is found that lta location-will In no manner interfere with navigation the Trlvllejre asked for is readily granted. But to operate thenr in many localities selected would maka, them a source of .continual, annoyance to steamboat men, and, the wlshed-for permits are dented. . Application has i. recently been , made to construct a bridge, across Skamokawa creek, situated on the Washington side of the Columbia. - Flans for it have been forwarded to the head of the department as well as other ,data concerning the navigability of the stream. ; ; , Engineers , who T have Just returned from a tour of investigation report 'that the Northern Pacific , Railroad .company is operating a drodge on the Lewis river. Around the bridge;, which crosses that stream the water has become shoal, and the channel Is being deepened to allow the steamboats to pass up and down the river without hindrance, v The government dipper dredge Is still working ai"Coon island removing . the remnants of the old revetment, and the W. 8. Ladd is busily engaged at Pillar Rock,, near the mouth -of'the Columbia. WANT TO BE PART OF , CITY OF PORTLAND Montavllla and Mount Tabor wish to be annexed to Portland. ; A meeting of ' the citizens of Montavllla was held last evening at the Odd Fellows' home, and the hall was crowded with those who '. wished to hear the report of the com- mlttee which had been appointed by the hoard of trade to feel the pulse of the people and see what could be done with reference to Joining Montavllla to 'the city of Portland. The committee found upon Investigation that In presenting a petition to the city 'council for the an nexation of Montavllla a legal question would be involved. Three members of the committee talked with the Mount Tabor people and found that they want ed to become annexed to Portland, so it was agreed to join the two and present a Joint petition to the city council at Its next .meeting. v,The commutes is composed of .H.. B.. Dickenson, C., H. Hyle,. Henry rlgert, Captain Bphnelder and W. M. Deveny." . Xhe oftfm1tter will drTa ths jjetl- 'tlon 'tdgether with a committee from Mount Tabor, and will report at a meet ing to be called before the next meeting of the city council. ' . The committee re ported last night that more than 76 per cent of the people of Montavllla are In favor of annexation. . ... . DROVE STAGE IN THE EARLY DAYS , Eugene Shelby.' agent Wells, Fargo ft Co., Is in receipt of information to the effect that H. C. Ward died in the Ag new Asylum, Cat., on March 4. Ward will be remembered by pioneers as one of the old-time stage .drivers in Ore gon and Washington. lie assisted in stocking the road between Sacramento and Portland,: when the. California and Oregon Stage company was organised, and It Is said he was driver of the first Stage out of this city. Af terward, , f or some years, he drove on routes radiat ing from 'Walla Walla. When the railroads succeeded the stage lines. Ward entered the service : of Wells, Fargo & Co., as superintendent of stables, and his duties brought him to Portland frequently until 1894, when his health - broke. Since then he has been living quietly in : San Francisco up to a few days' before his death, Com fortably provided for by 'the express company, by whom ht was highly es teemed. With Ward, another of the early history makers of Oregon passed away; -' '- ' .- " Journal .friends and readers, when traveling, on trains to and from Port land, should ask news agents for The Journal and insist upon being supplied with this,aper, reporting all failures in obtaining it to the office of publication, addressing The Journal. Portland. Or. T& ROBSON $3.30 HAT BEST ON EARTH NODDY NECKWEAR Spring Styles 1904 We are showing all the new ' styles and shades of Gentle men's Neckwear such beauti ful things you must see them to appreciate the .efforts that , . we have made in ' these lines : this- season. Four-in-Hands real gems In the season's new shades amber.silver-gray, old t-old, violet, Persian effects, ; . Scotch plaids and many other newest shades. Many other new things In Neckwear are to be found here. FORSYTHE -SHIRTWAISTS For ladles, the first' showing, are in. and If you ar Inter- ' ested we will be pleased to show.jrou, . . Robinson & Co. Agent for Dunlap & Co.'s Hat ' 289 Washington Street Perkins Hotel Bldg. FURTHER TIME IS ASKED FOR SZXCVTXTB COMKXTTXB 07 TBA- TEBNAZ. TEMPLE ASSOCIATION HAS WOT YET COSTEXBED WITH Ut DELEGATES AWD TIME TOB ACTIVE WOBB HAS HOT ABBITEB. Mnrh rnma na vet in' h ' done before the movement for the erection of a Tomnla nt Wra tarnitlrMl at the liAWisUfld far lest than half of the orders that de sire representation have presentea cre dentials. Secretary J. W,. Thompson, at a maaHnfl halil vmntarAnv Afternoon ill the Selling-Hirsch building, advised, that the meeting be postponed lor ; anomer fortnight in order to give time to con fer with all the delegates. Thirty-two lodges have nowapplled' for member ship in the association. The .executive committee will be made up of one rep resentative from, each of these fraterni ties. A ' board of directors of seven win h rhnutn. "Ova from this commit tee, and the president and secretary wllW serve, men tne worn ol raising uuu w411 ha haviin In AnrnAaL . TVi maana; nf arettlnr funds have hot yet been aenniteiy aeciaea upon. pnu of stock will be sold at SI each. Thai aaoNtarv m vesterday instruct ed to notify the heads of all fraternal departments In the unuea mates or xne movement that is on foot, so that they mav ha nnma red to' contribute. ' . The Knights and Ladles of Honor, have con tributed IZ.OUO, ana me ciraer 01 nwn lngton $1,000. " .'' " ' . , rha nar mtlntr will be held in a week or so at the call of the president WOUNDED PATROLMAN . AGAIN ON DUTY it ahauanra nf three weeks. Pa trolman John A. Golts, who was shot in the left arm by Andrew Johnson, is again on duty at the police station, having decided this morning that the wound was progressing so well that a little active work would not hinder his recovery- Patrolman Oolts was shot on tha aftarnnnn nf Whrunrv It bv Jolin- "son, a negro, at the letter's home, 8S North Seventh street, wnere we patrol man had gone xo serve a warren i ur f ka iniiar-a srrPHt on the charse of as sault and battery. Johnson, as soon as he had shot the patrolman, turned mo weapon upon himself and blew out his brains. : , SPRAYING SEASON AT HAND PUT TO THE TEST Portland People Appreciate a Good Thing. Everybody has their hour of trouble. But people navinff any itno"" v until ... , Have many hours of trouble, i , i Nothing so annoying; notmng w irri tating. 11 Scratch it, it becomes worse; : t Leave it, alone and you can hardly stand 1 - the misery. ' - v T.i4naaai nimM in many forms- Kctema and horrid Itching piles. Relief and cure are nere at T3.l.n haa nut t to the teat. Doan's Ointment cures every form of Itchiness or. tne sain. People at home are teaming that' this Here is a proof in a citizen's statement- .Mrs. B. Btaniey, wne resiuea i. t.. .raar uvi: 1 wi annoyed with chafing and salt rheum or tetter on my hands for some lime. jn kui sore and tender, and at times Itched ter ribly. I tried to ure it by using home remedies, but was unsuccessful until 1 procured Doan's Ointment at ths Lue "nn.a. rvi'ai atnre. corner Yamhill lOIl" -. " ' and Third streets. Its use cured me and left the skin white ana sori, Desiae being not at all-unpleasant to use. I am glad to recojnmend this reliable preparation to my friends and acquaint ances at every opportunity." For sale by all dealers. Price 60c. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., solo agents for the United States. Remem ber the name-r Doan's and take no-substitute. : ; - ' Our $5000 Modern ...Plant... Will be installed in a few days, but..ware now ready to take . orders for HOW CASES and Store "Futures. Figures and catalogues on application. . Telepboae Black 3133. . PORTLAND SHOW CASE AND FIXTURE MFC. CO. VhUlp Btela, Uanager. Paint the Town Not red, but any color you may select. If your' house needs painting. As we have said before, paint is our hobby, and If you want to know anything about paint come to us; we can at least help you out by giving you such Information as you may need. We - Manufacture paints right here in Portland and are worthy of your consideration if you are needing paints. We give a positive guarantee with every can of paint that goes from this house. When thinking of paint, think o$ , Fisher,Thorsen&Co. "" Everything In Paints 160-163-164 rSOHT BTBEET. How Is the Time to Spray Tour Trait Tft and Hose Bushes. ' The season of the year is now at hand f oY looking after the fruit .trees and rose bushes, ' and those who give the care necessary are always making fruit crops pay a big proflt.. If you arejuc cessful In exterminating the pests that prey upon the trees, vines and : rose bUBhes, the soil and climate will do the rest.' ' - Avoid in the treatment of your trees and bushes the constant annoyance and failure that often make your-efforts in this line, fruit raising, a failure. . There are many solutions found upon the market not only harmless so far as the codlln moth and louse are con cerned, . but they are also - absolutely harmful to1 the trees they are sup posed to protect closing the pores in the bark, checking growth and finally killing the trees .and bushes, Spraytag Essential to Profit, ' This ' fact is now recognized by the leading horticulturists of the northwest; those whose success entitles them to speak, -j Formerly this section was sin gularly free from Insectivorous . pests.' But (he day of immunity is past. The destroyers have reached us. 1 There is no use blinking the fact; instead, the orchardlst should manfully tackle exist ing conditions for his neighbor's sake, as well' as his own, and by steady effort subdue end hold the enemy in subjection. To market fruit successfully, to obtain the highest price and rot to tiunt the purchaser,' but compel the purchaser to hunt him, a ; grower must produce healthy, attractive fruit. . j Let the trail' of the serpent appear in the shape of scale or. worms and the producer is at the mercy of the middle man. He can ho longer dictate prices, but muse humbly accept any terms of fered, thankful if, instead of reaping a profit, he escapes actual loss. The struggle for supremacy in fruit growing and resultant money making is rendered easy by the use of McBaln's Carbolic Compound. Experience has proved this, and the sagacious orchard- ist will not be satisfied with . alleged substitutes. .'. .McBaln's Carbolic ' Compound is put up in cases containing 10 gallons -(two cans of five gallons each), and 60-gallon barrels. :. J ; -r When spraying for the moth, never commence before the. blossoms have be gun to fall freely, as the poison would kill the bees that play so Important a part in fertilizing the blossoms.- r , McBaln's .. Carbolic Spray for roses, flowers, garden and house plants not only destroys all pests, but acts-. as a stimulant and ; fertiliser, Insuring a healthy,, vigorous grpwth. . Ask your local dealer for these prep arations, and if he cannot furnish them, write to Fisher, Thorsen & Co.. of Port land, who are, sole agents for,: the Pa cific coast. BRINGS HER FIRST CARGO OF FREIGHT After a good pasasge up the coast from San Francisco, the steamer Aurella reached Portland yesterday afternoon. She docked at the foot of Oak street, where a genera cargo of 600 tons will be discharged. In order to provide a berth for the steamer it became neces sary for the British ship Thlstlebank to Swing out Into the stream. The Aurella was but Recently, put on the ' Portland-San - Francisco ' run, and this is the first time that she has carried freight on the up trip.. ' From now on it is the Intention for her to carry cargo both ' ways, She will also carry passengers, having been fully equipped and securing, a license- for that purpose. The steamer is now operated by liussell & Rogers of San Francisco, DRAMATIC SOPRANO . OF NOTE COMING Miss Emma Ramsey, a dramatic so prano of note, is to visit Portland this week, Mls Ramsey has just returned from -five years' study under the best teachers in Paris and Berlin. She stud ied-two years in Paris under Archain baud, and two and one-half years ' in Berlin under Madame Blanche Correlll. In 7anuaryof last Tearnrevtous-to leaving Berlin for a liondon engagement. Miss Ramsey was the soprano In, a srand concert in "der Philharmonic" in Berlin. The performance was under the direction of Richard Strauss, and on the program . were several - of the foremost Wagnerian artists of Germany and solo ists from the royal opera, notably Thlla Plalchlnger, Frau Goetze, the principal contrajto in Royal Opra. and Frau Emllle Herzog. the principal lyrio so prano. The musical people in Portland are planning to give Miss Ramsey a re ception soon after her arrival, and the Portland musical public may have an opportunity to hear Miss Ramsey later. She Is traveling on the coast with her brother, Frank Ramsey, and her friend, Miss Jennie, Sands.. . ' Preferred Stock Canned Goods. Allen Lewis' Best Brand. Can't Do It Heart affections will n'ot get well ot themselves: neither do they remain in active. Ir the cause-is not removed, they continue to grow in number and severity. They are the outgrowth of exhausted nerve force, and the heart cannot stop to rest, as do other organs, but must continue to struggle until completely disabled, and that s the end. On the very first indication of heart trouble you can stop all progress and effect a cure by the use or . , . Dr. Miles' Heart Cure the most effective heart remedy known. It builds up, feeds and strengthens the nerves and muscles of the heart and re stores it to perfect health. "I had serious heart trouble; for two months my life seemed to hang by a thread, when my attention was called to Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. I commenced taking the Heart Cure, and Nervine, and in two months they restored me to com parative good health." REV. W. A. ROBINS, Port Elgin, Ont, If first 'bottle falls to benefit, money back. .. !".. - J XaAJiaEST CliOTKXEKS J3K THB SOUTHWEST, Southwest Cor. Tourth and Morrison. : ft B:3. MsLtm I ' Besides our famous Gordon $3 Hat, we present our own special makes, which, are no better than a $3 hat should be. The rub is that other $3 hats 'should be better. Soft and stiff materials, nicely varying shapes conforming to individual char acteristics and personal preference. Fitted by an expert batter. You Cannot Afford to Miss This Sale wS When We Speak ' .J.of Special Prices Wc arc offering inducements not to be overlooked CUKE CO. LARGEST DRUG STORE IN AMERICA ,grani;rk sale DRUGS, TOILET PREPARATIONS, HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES, PHOTO SUPPLIES, RUBBER GOODS AND SUNDRIES. Oar newly furnished store is by far the handsomest in the country and we want yoatox come and see it-it is well worth your time. Be sides, by attending this GRAND RECEPTION SALE YOU CAN MAKE A SAYING. Genuine Goods and -.--.. 4 . Moderate Profits Have Extended our trade over the entire Pacific Coast Soap and Perfume Specials Remember we are the largest importers in this line en the Pacifio Coast and carry the only complete line of Theatrical Makeups in the city. , 8peolal. 4711 GLYCERINE SOAP ........................... ..13a PARKER'S TAR SOAP 14 CUTICURA SOAP .16? PEARS' TRANSPARENT SOAP .11 PEARS' SCENTED SOAP ; 13 EXTRA WITCH HAZEL. SOAP, per boat ...15 IMPORTED SAVON DE ZERONA. per box .........25 OUR QUEEN TOILET AND BATH, regular 25o .....10 EL PARNOSO, Imported castile, reg. $1.75 bar. f 1.25 A Special '' v Reduction of 20 PER CENT On English and French Imported Perfumes and Toilet Waters. f Leatherware We show the finest line of LADIES' SEAL, MOROCCO, JAPANESE and EGYPTIAN HAND BAGS AND PURSES. Beautiful assortment of Gentlemen's Purses, Bill Books, Etc., Traveling Cases for both Gentlemen and Ladies. . .,... ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES-A Large List at Special Prices. Specialti Toilet and Household ies ' : Bi Reduction on Every Itern MENNEN'S TALCUM ....i... .................... ....14 ALMOND MEAL ...........13 AYER S HAIR VIGOR . ... . ;'Vi 66 CAMMELINB ... ..... ..... . . . ; , ...29 CHALK AND WINTERGREEN ....;..,..........;.- 5 CRYSTAL VELVET BATH POWDER ..............27 HOLMES' FRO STILL A ...........14 LA BLANCHE POWDER, LEVY'S ..................29 SOZODONT, liquid or powder ...................... ..14 ROBERTINE .V. ........................... .29 LI8TERINE. IjAMBERT'S .....................69 JAVA POWDER, BOURJOIS" .......................24 HERPICIDE 63 TOILET PUMICE ......... t .. '.V .............. 5 LYON'S TOOTH POWDER .................14 GLYCERINE AND RO SE WATER 7 and 16 PURE PETROLEUM ..,.,.....3, 10. 16 BENZINE, pints and quarts , ......5, 9 WOOD ALCOHOL, pints and Quarts ...........18. 33 BAKING SODA. Vt and 1 lb 3. 5 GASOLINE, pints and quarts "....5 9 CASTILE SOAP, small bars 18 CASTILE SOAP, large bars ...33 BIRD SEED, mixed ,7Jj PURE CALIFORNIA OLIVE OIL, extra quality, none better 43, 73 Other specials too numerous to mention. Imp. Japanese Goldfish 25c EACH Fish Bowls . All Sizes 50c, 75c and $1.00 -and'Up. tl Wines and Liquors You will find in our Liquor Department just what you want for your 8ideboardor sick room. Speotal. California Port or Sherry. quarts 23 Extra fine Old Port, quarts ......43 Officinal Sherry. qts.....43 Thompson Cabinet Blend quarts 65 Brlce's Pure Malt 75 Walker's Canadian Club 1.10 1.15 Dewar's special Scotch r.....$i.i5 McBrayer's Cedar Brook .i.i5'; Our stock of Table Wines is not excelled. PURE UNFERMENTED . GRAPE JUICE Can be taken when medicine and other foods are rejected. Welch's Grape Juice, quarts 43 Glen Echo Farm Juice, quarts 49 The very best. , Cutlery 'Specials Safety Razors save time, money and inconvenience. Shave clean and never pulL Star, Gem, Yankee, Curler and the Real Safety Raxors all reduced to 9160 Complete outfit, including; razor, strop and stropping machine, regular $4.00: special ....93.10 " BARBER'S RAZORS. Famous Antoin Berf Swedish razors, special ..... 92.33 Big line of .Pocket Knives at specially low prices. Boys' Pocket Knives 15, 19, 33 Shears and Scissors in all sizes and styles. One of our sample values, 6-inch Shears, special. 10 Bristle Goods Most eo moists assortment ever Brushes, Nail Brushes, Hai Brushes, stc Great reduction in every grade. Warranted Solid Back Hair Brush, regular 66c; special .............. .38 Warranted Solid Back Un bleached Bristles Brush, reg. 80c; special. .... .57 Warranted v Solid Back Bleached Bristles; regular 75c; special 49 TOOTH BRUSHES. Hard, medium and soft, reg ular 25c; special .....16 Regular 50c; special ...27 on sals. Cloth Brushes, Tooth r Brushes, Bath Brushes, Shoe BATH BRUSHES. In all styles ..10 to 92.08 SHOE BRUSHES. With or without 'dauber ; .".,......19 and-up CLOTH BRU8HES. . Large assortment 27 and up Kali Brushes and Hand Scrubs, bone and wood backs, S for 5 and up Photo Supplies English Hypo Crystals, per fectly pure . and free from lumps, regular 13.76; special .....93.25 Large stock of Moorehouse Be. Badber Albums In all sizes. Full Jlne of Photo Mounts, Anthony Piano Hinge, Print ing Frames, Elections Trays, with all the advantages of bard rubber and half the cost. SPECIAL 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT. free Demonstration We will devote one more night each week for begin ners. MONDAY NIGHTS, printing and developing; THURSDAY NIGHTS, 7:30 till 9:00 p, m. 'Stationery Specials Complete stock of Eaton Hurlbut Papeterles. All lat est creations and colors. SpeoiaL Hyland Linen Bond, per box 28 Twotone, all shades, per f box .........36 Weymouth Parchmont, per ' box ..;28 Roxboro, per box ...... 19 Hyland Linen Tablets.. 12 Hyland Linen Envelopes to match ........12 Pencil Tablets ..........3 Bent assortment of Ink Writing Tablets In the elty. Special 3 up to 19 Lead Pencils with erasers, special, per dos.,10, 25 ' Commercial Ink and Mucilage , 2-oz. bottles, special. ...3 Steamboat Playing Cards. 8 FLINCH AND PIT The popular parlor games, price 45 Rubber Goods Specials Every item fresh from factory and sold with full guarsntee. HOT WATER BOTTLES ............49, 67 BOSTON WATER BOTTLES .......69, 79, 89 WOODLARK WATER BOTTLES, fully guaranteed 2 quarts .08 WOOLMET WATER BOTTLES, best flannel covered. S quarts 91.05 REX FOUNTAIN SYRINGES 42, 52 ROYAL FOUNTAIN SYRINGES, red rubber, cloth inserted, 3 quarts .....................89 HOMESTEAD RAPID FLOW FOUNTAIN SYRINGE, 3 quarts ....83 Ladies' Sanitary Syringes LADIES' SAFETY SYRINGES ................. ......88 WILHOFT'S ALL RUBBER SYRINGE 81.23 MARVEL WHIRLING SPRAY ...92.73 DR. TULLAR'S SPRAY SYRINGE ....91.98 FAMILY BULB SYRINGES, , special .... .......28,' 33, 63 and up Our Entire Stock Of Cut Glass, Japanese Bronzes, Pottery, Satsuma, Cloisonne, Russian and Japanese Brasses, Carved Ivory ' Reduced 20 g&. ' THIS WEEK ONLY Sundries Specials HARDWOOD TOOTHPICKS, per package ......... .3 WORLD'S FAIR TOOTHPICKS, per package .-, 16 WOODLARK CHEST PROTECTORS ....... .....43 SHOULDER BRACES .........98 WHISK BROOMS 7' 'LOOFHAS SPONGES, 3 for 5 BATH SPONGES ......19 HAND MIRRORS .19 LUNCH BASKETS ......12, 16 RAZOR STROPS ,..28 SHAVING MUGS .............16 SHOE PASTE, all kinds ...a................. g BIXBY'S COMBINATION SHOE POLISH. ........ ..12 BATH TOWELS .........;....... .....19 , Etc etc '. Free Delivery TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. Principal Sub-sta-1 tion Postoffice Money orders Issued, t All Phone Orders ..Promptly Filled PRESCRIPTIONS Called for, filled and.returifed promptly. - , ALCOHOL STOVES ; Columbia Pocket" Cook Stove. , special ......16 The "Reform"" Spirit Gas Stove, best on the markt. ' reg. 85c; 'special ... 50 Parker's Rotary . Alarm Clock ' none b;:tti::x. special ri.z. AMERICAN VATf'H) '. guara!it"pl one y- r ," SPECIAL .