TRANSACTIONS IN THE FINANCIAL WORLD LARGE SHIPjlTS v CAUSE A DECLINE BAH rSAVCXBOO POTATO KAKET BECEIVES A TEMFOBABY SET BACK OH ACCOUHT OF TOO MEAT ' KECEXFTI ICB HXOHEB TO MATOES ABB- BOWK. Krout Strrot, March 4. Tha principal Item of Interest In the I'wrlUud wbolasal market today aroi n- :. .--;.."a,V;.v, 'I- )-!l:-U Asparagus crop la ruined. ' Largo potato receipts ciuh drop. :, Unions are blgbpr priced. i ; Japaneae rice li advanced. , .. , ; , . a BlKit toualuri are low er, temporary shortage lu auga. ' .,. California fggt hurt local.'. OutHldu butter (eta trade. ," ' iluro meal are coming. ' , . Sturgeon aeaevn s closed, s'resli aaluiuu rapidly cleaulug Bp. . . : No baltbut la market. WtiMU'in wheat goe east. Ulster are Terr scarce. . ; ' taga Shipment Cam a Drop. ' The large ahlpuienta of potato from ttal ltj to the San Kranclac market during, tba paat tew da ha ccused . a - sMUi of ' about be Ju- the market' talue In that dir. Just now cTery dock In the bay olty la full of potatoes and th market 1 in a very weak condition.. Dealer there arq bearish and look for lower prices for suine tlius. Tier report the retailers ouly buying In a sort of baud-' to-iuouth fashion and decline In prices was the result. , In tbla tflty the -dock ' are so full of potatoes that the dealera cannot And a place te atore tbelr goods while awaiting ship ment. Uue dealer report that tb O. It. A N. Co. has, refused to allow any mora atorage ot potatoes on lta docks until- the present clock aru cleaned op, aa - tby say. that th upper deck Is now just a full as it can be, consistent with safety. As a result of these conditions the dealers in this eltjr are not so strong in their opinions of tba potato situation today and all report a decline- of 6o per hundred on th beet grades.-', -i ' - ! '-:-.,'' ' ' ---Onion Karket Hullng Higher. A baa been previously told, th strength in the onion market is a legitimate one ana is not boosted up by tome of the dealer In order to uuload, aa some of the potato men bare. Todar hlsher Drlces are ruling out la Uo country for the . beat stocks, 1.40 being of- tnreu and paid, lae maraet lor potatoes in rlan Faancisco la sow at CI. TO aud this allow higher dgursi to be paid . In tbla' market. , Higher Frioe for Potato Later. ' It Menu to be the general opinion among the potato men that If the Oregon farmer and potato shippers do not bocom too eiclted ou account . of the temporary, towering of prices snd ship lsrge stock into the bay-city mar ket, tbey will be better off. Th decline mad In prices today i a natural one and if the hlpper do not onload their good too quick they will recelTO higher prices. Among the shipper tbe opinion-is freely expressed that In about a month or perbap lx week th fcart Francisco market will b lu good shape aud blgber price will role. Contracts are now being ottered for April ana way aeiiT crj at higher figure than ar now quoted, "Let tha votato market Uka lta own course," y the potato men. "and it wilt come out all right in the end. California -will need our potatoes very badly later on." Aaparsgu Oron-sa- Ailrloes received today rrom the aaparagua centers of California say the beds around Hoiildln Island, near Btockton, have been nooaea and an entire failure in tbla season's crop in that section I predicted. kouldlng island I tlm asuarsstoe center of th Fsclllo coast and a failure in the crop then will mean that price will go ky high during tba coming aea sou ' -T ' . " ' r Jaoaa lis Ie AdraaoeaV 'The hostilities In the-fr east bar already reused an sdTm of Vihi par hundred la the quotations on lmierial Japan rice. Stocks bf "geuulhe Japsuee rice in thla city are. very small and soma additional riaea In tba, market now Wok very profltabl. Temporary Soaroity of Sugar. - , WhniMila trocera of tbla city , report a temporary shortage In tb sugar Supplies in this cltyi This eondltlon bss been brought bout by tbe Inability of tha steamer from Han Kranclscol, to this tty to taso, mo gooos of fered for' shipment. During tba coming week a number of cars will come overland end this will he In to relieve the altuaUon. There have been several advances In the prices on auger In the east, but that mart barely haa any affect on facias coaet prices, as tb product here la -held by another company, i Boot Tomatoes Art f tower. ' rrlce on epot tomatoes of the atandard grade are reported 60 per oosen lower uraay. Standard 2H are now quoted at $1 per doaen. St on Cava a Famine, Th. ebirma off the Pacific ocean have caused a abort lit th oyatee upply and In - thla city today stocks ware very nsra to ooism. K change ar notea in iue yuvisuuw. Calif ernl Zgg Kurt Trad. Cult a large number of cases ot California rgga ara due in thla market on tbe next steamer from San Kranclsco. Tbla, coupled with the r... that there are now quit a lot of Can fornla eg ire in this market causes a weaker f.Miin and nrlces ara again expected to aa- auine a downward course la order to meet tbe quotations made on tba Call tor nls stock., Ke eelpts In this city today were not Urge, but the demand la nominal and dealer art only buy- log lu eoiaU lot for immeaiaia use. OiaUida Bnttsr Hurte Trad. ' Th larga Tecetpta In thla market of Cali fornia creamery uutter ana ine uigaer ogures n,,,.(.l fne the home stocks bss turned moat f the trade toward th outside gooda. Tba minwr butter manufactured In Call' fornla can be laid down In thla city at JMe and tbla enables tha dealera to cut under tbe local flgorea, Moat of the butter being used up th valley la o( California manufacture. Vara Masts Ar Coming, -5' Tba receipt f hogs and veal along front street today were larger but not half enough at.u-ka arrived to anlt tba demand, Uood block bog, tb best qualities of veal and mutton, are in active call at top figuro. turreon teasea la Closed. - Tbe sturgeua season- ha closed on tb Cc luuitila river snd will not open until November 1. During the past season sturgeon haa been rather scare la thla market, while a tew yeare 'ego almoet any day tuna of tb flah went to waale along lha docka on account 6t tbe lack of buyer. Now there. I a good deawnd fur Siurgeou, but tb supply I llmiud. Halibut la Karkst. The bad weather off tha Vuget-sound coast haa keut the halibut fishers from venturing out and tb result 1 tbat stocks ar not in : evident- lu thla market today. BlMitsm Wheat Ooes last. , ' Tbe wheat market la very weak with no change in quotation - today. Th only grade that la being bald Arm Is blues tern which i almost entirely coutrolsd by th miller'. East ern buyera have been In eastern Oregon and Washington buying bluestom wbsat fur ahip meut, aa they aay tbst it is far superior to Bthere 1st tb aiauutactura oi cereal. Herehaata' Opinion a Today' Ksrkst. W. B. Olafka company Creamery butter situation la aeno too strong on account Ot tbe large receipts pf California etocka at lower price. 'A'-r-i'V , - T. Turner k Co. Wo have .aa Idea that the egg market will go lower) cblckeu ar atill very short. Bmltk Bros. Market la now getting ' good quantities of hogs and veal and alto a, fair amount of chicken and dressed turkeys,- still them 1 not half enougn lur tne aemana; good, fat mutton and lamb ar elllng high. - Bell A Co. Car mixed vegetable . cam In uris V. "- 5 . Mark Levy Co. Business opened up very .ajuletl Borne -California vegetables came In by fall, but generally the marketa are bate;' ap ale pratty well cleaned ap aud think there trill be good market from now oa. . Chatterton A Ce.'-Kgg wekrl fancy veal la demand! pork more plentiful, but atill opt enough demand fur enicaena larger man aup 0. S. Umith company Teat and, chicken good . A. - 1 II.. w. . . Malarkey A Co,N halibut, no sturgeon and no oysters lb market today; aaloton cleaning np "fiV. ilelkto Oood eastern demand potatoes niarketlweaker SHd lowers- onions higher. 1,. Jsggar I'otatwe, wesk) . too, many at present 'lu I'rlsmf Tags A Bon. Kgga weaker; California stock eoiiilnc neit week; look for lower price. Dryer, O'Mslley A Co. Docks full of po tatoes; market weak and lower today In Krlaco; onion alight advance; eggs weaker; no poultry coming. i - , kiverdltig rarrell Still short of chickens: good veal wanted; some California egga coming Monday. . McKliiley Mitchell Potatoes dull and quiet In Frisco; market loner. Toft,' Hlne A Co. Everything In market aell- lng at top quotations except egga,. which ara showing more weaknes from day to day. 'inday a -wholesale quotations, aa revised, are a follow: - - ; s - Grain, Flour and Fatd. - -WHEAT Walla Walla. lie; blueatem. 810 82c; valley. ,81c.i BAKl.liV Feed. 121. Wi rolled. 2XD04Z3.DU; brewing; I23.604j.2-1. 00, OATS No. 1 white. 126,00027.00: gray. f25.0nfr 23.00 per ton; price to farmers, white, az3.wi't.t;'tray, 2Cooft.ou. KLOOtt Eantern Oregon I Patents, J-1.20; straight, :i.6o3)3.T0; valley, $ii.8O(Qj.O0; gra ham., Us, 3.6fi; 10,,3.t. MILLBTUFF8 Brun. 119.00 rer ton: mid dltugs. 28.(g2Tj - shorts, 20.0O(M2O.5O; chop, hat limotny, gis.uu; esaiern yregon. io.o 018.50; mixed. lS.O0ia31B.S0; clover, til. 000 12.00; wheat. 12.0Wt 12.50; cheat, 12.Uu 13.00; oat, H2.00Q12.50. , - ' . - Hop, Wool and Hide. : HOrS 28 27c for choice: 24c for prime; poor - quality, 1820ct contract. 1004, 174 18c. W OOr Vallev. enaraa to medium; Ifl'iilBHe: floe, lSOIdHo; eastern Oregon, 10 15c; mo- nmr, nominal, xaittioc. HHKKfHKINHShearins 10ffi20c: abort wool. 20(a30c; medium wool, .80(&o0c; long wool, (Wcffill.OO each. ' -v TALLOW Prime. Der lb. seroc: HO. a aaa grease. 222He ' " . ' .'v, ' HIDES Dry ; bldea, No. 1: H lb and np, 14H per lb; dry ktp, No. 1, to 15 lb. 12lic: drv calf. No: 1. under B lb. 150: dry alted, bull and atags, 1-8 lesa tbaa dry nmt; salten bides, ateer, aounn. ou pounns or ever. ilti.7V,r: 60 to 60 lb. 6V,c: under 50 Iba and cows, fi68Ac; stage and bulla, onnd. ewe; sip, jo io ao ins, oc; aounn, . iy w 14 lbs, 6V,c; calf, sound, under 30 lba, 8H: Rreeit (nnsalted), lo per lb less! culls, lc per. i less; horse bides, salted, each,' (1.251.75; dry, each, $1. 00(31.60; colts' hide, each, 25(3 BOc; goat akin, common, each. 10(3 loci An gora, with wool on. each. 26c3$l-00. : ' Butter, Egg and Poultry. ; BtTTTER FAT Sweet, 2831e; aour, Zeftlfic. 11 lTTei'17 H .Aa.eKA.n kw-U 0m. H(S 9T L it QAao , AT J A 1 V-I rvl lllTTJi r-&t.l sVHIM Jt 71 4aT "- California, 2fl(32eHci ordinary, 22H25e; cold storage, 23g24e; eastern, 24c; renovated. 19(3 20c; dairy. l(g 17c; store. 10O12 Vie. EOGS Fresh Oregon, 18Mi20c; cold storage, I8e: bakera', lc. Fuu cream, twin, lziaiavsc; xonng America. 14c. . - POIILTEY Chicken, mixed. 18lSt4 per lb; hena, 13Hc per lb; roosters, 11312'49 per lb; broiler, 14(gl4V4c per lb; fryer. 16c per in; uucks, oia, lie per in; youn:. too per id. Seese, he per lb; turkeys, . I4(3lua per id; ressed, 17c per lb, ' ' , - Fruits and Vegetable. .' POTATOES 8hO0iai.25: buyera' ' Drlces for abtpplng, 9Ac.l-10 ewt; ordinary, 76390c sacs; ouying, loiaaoc; aweeia, nc per id; new. 4c per lb. ONIONS -Oregon. 2.50f buying price, beat, 12 15ft 2.25; f.o.b. Portland, 12.20(32.30. FUt.SH FRUITS Apple. Oregon. 70c1.75 per box; oranges, navels, $1.5062.23 per box; aeedlliigs, Hocyi.25 per box; Japanese, 45(950c; bsnauaa, be per lb; lemons, choice, f 2.600 2.75 per box; fancy, 83.O0W3.50 per box; litres, Mexican, 65e per 100; pineapples, 83.50; cran berries, local. 87.00 per bbl; Jersey, 110.00; persimmons, 81.50. vjsouTABLKa Turnine. bm ner tack: car rots, 11.00 per sack; beets, 81 00 per aaek; radlabea. lI'4M16e Der dm: cabbase. Orecon. 82.00; California. 8185 per cwt.; hot house lettuce, DOS per dot; green pepper, 5c per lb; horseradlih, 7(6Sc per lb: celery, eoiSOOc per dos; tnmstoes, 81.25i.50 per dox; parsnips, t.a: cucnmriera, per do; butter beans. 10c per lb; enroots, 6c; cauliflower, 81.78(32.00; artichoke,- 70&0c per dos; green peas. 7&58e per lb. ukiku r hi its Annie, evsnorstefl. omtc per lb; apricots. 11013c per lb; sack, Ke 40-4es4-pecaee. twttc-Ter- in;- pears.-8c,3 rir. id; . prunes, , Italian, sftetttto per lb; rench, V.'rt4'4c per lb; Are. California blacka, etteo per lb: do whltea. 6M,07c ner lb: nluma. Dlttert. BVnrsc Der In: dates. olden. 640 ner lb; fards. 11.60 ner 151b box. KAinms eeeaea. isncj.- x-io canons, ou packagea to case, 9e pkg; seeded 12-ns csrtons, 74ej loose Muscatels, no-lb boxes. 7a uc ner in; lyonaon layer, ai.enaix.uo: cluatera. 82.503.75; Ma, 25c; hi, 50 advance over pouna cartena, FIGS Ten 1-Ib rarton. choice brand, fl.00 10 1-lb -cartons, -fancy brand,' 81.10, 10 1-lb bricks. 8-crwn, 80e; 10 1-lb bricks, 8 -crown, B5c; 60 U-lb bricks, per box, 82-25; 4-row lay ers, per 1U-1D oox, uoc; umae, oo-in ooxes, per Id, aaiswic. tanamyrnaa nix-crown, iu-io car tons, per box. 82.00; 5-crown, 10-lb carton,-per box. fl.7B; 4-crown, 20 y,-m carton, per box. 81.70. : . . . . erooanea, jiuis, iio. 8D0AR "Sack bails" Cube. 85.80: now. dered. 85.55: dry aranulated. 85.45: beet arann lated, 85.26: extra C, 84.95; golden C, 84.85; bbla,, 10c, hi bbla, ISc; boxes, 80c advance on sack bssls, less 25c cwt for cash, 15 day; manie, isejioc per id, moji e t 14 yk a inc. COFFEE Green Mocha. 21 t23e: Java, fancy, H2o: Java. rood. 204125c; Java, ordlnarr. ihuxoc: ( nu Kica. fancy. ib20c: costs Klca good, 16(8 16c; Coat Klca. ordinary, 11913c per id; pecaaa-v coixee, f ia.xopia. to. TEAS Oolong, different grade. 253r)Kc: gunpowder, 2Hr32i35e; Engllah breakfast, dif ferent grade. 12 Utfl5c: splderler. uncolored Japan, oaci greea japan (very scares ), w ttZOUC. fl.Tir Wm V.1 Am mm ... S4.AA fine table, dairy, 60s, 86c; 100s, 86r: Imported Liverpool, ww, otic; luiia. mci zxn, i.u, Worcester Bhls 2. 3. tS.50; 5a. 85.25: 10, fU.UV, IIUI-, 0fl, .MM, fUiUV, K ,1 V III .W, pK, halt (joaree, Bait ground, loos, per ton. Hi.oo; aos, per ton. fT.uu; Liverpool ramp roea, 822.50 per ton; 50-lb rock, 86.60; wo, 88.00. GKAIN BAGS CslcntU. la.TOCTH.OO Der 100. RICE Imperial Japan, No. 1, 6c; No. 2, ne: jvew I ir leans neaa. uaiVtt. BEANS Small white. 8Ac: larg ; white. 83.50(3.60; ptuk, 84.00; bayoo, Sc; Limes, 84.25. - - mj is reanuta, tc; nunooa, per in raw; 9tftl0c per lb for rosatedi eocoanuta, 8590e per aos: walnuts, niaiaa per id; pin nut. I0dti2h.e per lb; hickory nuta. loe per lb; chestnuts, eastern. 154l6c ner lb; Braall nuta, 15e per lh: filberts, 15616c per lb; fancy pecans, 14 15c per lb; almonds,- 189 lOc per in. WIRH NAILS Present bss at 8188. HOPE Pur Manila, ISttc;, standard. 124e; sisai, log, v ' Faints, Coal Oil, It. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Cases, 28e per gsi; .water .i wniio, . iroa noia, ishc per gal; woooen, ; neaojigni, caaea, oc per gat; neaa lltht. iron bbls. l8V4o Per gaL LINSEED OIL Pure raw, lu bbla, 47a per gai: caaea, oc per gai; genuine settle xniied. case 8 per gnl; bbl, 4tte per gal; ground case, csr lots, ao.uu per ton; lesa man car, 826.00 oer ton. s . . OASOLJNE 86-def raaet, 82c per gal, Iron udi roc per gai; atovs, ce xee per gal. Iron bbla 18c per -gaL - - BENZINE 3-deg.,i case 22c, Iron bbla, 15V. PAINT OIT-Raw, bbl 83Tr gal, caaea 88q 0r ral: Dolled, caaea 40 ner cal. TUHPENTINE In rase. 88c per gal; wooden bbla, MHO per gal; Iron bbla, 82c per gal; 10-lb aa lots. 87e per gal. . WHITE LEAD 500 lb lota 6H Pr Q lea lots io pa- id. . Heats and rrovlaiona. FRESH MEATS Inspected Beef, prim, OMiWte per id; cows, dihc per id; mot ton, dressed, 6Vitt7H per lb; lamb, dreaaed, fSiESU MEATS Front (treet Beef, eteers, 93Thit pr lb; pork, block, 7c per lb; packers, BUe ner lb: bulla, -4U,ft4Vc Der lb: motion. dressed, SttQfc per lb; veal, small, gS8W per lb; Urge, 6V4(87e per ,x - - HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland pack (local) name, io to is ioa, ihc per id; j to ie im, 13o per lb; 10 to 20 Hie,- 18c per lb; cottage, Iko Der lb! Dlcnlc. 8U,e Der Ibl breakfast ha. con, 1415ai0U7l7e per lb;- regular abort clears, nuamoked. 10c per lb; smoked, lie per n; Clear oacss, unamoaen, joe per id; emoked, lie per lb Union butta, 10 t 15 lba, nnamoked. So oer lb: amoked. 9c Der lb. . , ifABTBN-fACKKD .HAMS Under 14 lba, - r IB; over M 1ba, 18 per lb; fancy, 13Hai3ie oer lb: ' Dlcnlc. 9a dot lb: ahouldera, lfo per lb; dry-silted aide, un- smotea, iov,o per id; smosea, it 140 per ID breakfaat bacoh. 14Vk16Vx ID, faney, iB"4c per id. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, jos, uhi per lbi 6a, 114o per lb; 60-lb tin. 10c per lb; ateam-rendered, 10s, lOVse per lb; 6s. 10,e per lb; 60s, 9T4C per lb; compound tierces, 7Mi per io; luus, i no per iu, oo, io per in, EASTERN LARD Kettle' leaf. 10-lb tin. 12 per lb; 5. J2t per lb; 50-lb tin, 11 U rer lb; steam-renaerea ins, Jia per lb) i; lVic oer lb: 50. lOttc per lb. (Above packing-nous price ara act cssa, is days.) CAN NED SALMON Columbia river 1-lb talis, 81.76) 2-lb talla, 62.40; fancy l ib data, 81.00 , IK ... M M .. SI IK, W 4ll. n.. 1 lA mJ'l n W . .U- . Ml.) v.'"" . " V,, f..W, Alsaka Ulla, pink, 80c; fed, 11.50; 1-lb tail. 42.00. ' ... FISH Rock cod. 7c per lh; flounders, 8 per id; bailout, e per id; era us, st.ito per oca raaor clam. 9i3l0c Der do: little-neck elauis 8c, striped bsss, 12MiC per lb; Puget sound smelt, 5c per lb; catnan, is per in; Discs end, , per lb; salmon trout, !2Mftl5c per ,lb lobatersi' 16c per lbi perch, 5o Per lb; anlmou suversiaes, per in; steeinesns, nic per id clilnook, 12t4c per lbt bexrlng. 4c per' lb soles, oa per lh; tun) cod, 6c per lb; Columbia river stnplt, 4c er I lb; ahrlmna. Irte ner lb. aturgeon, 7c per lbt - OV8TKUS Shoe I water bay. ner gal. 82.25 per aack, 13.75 net; Olympla, per aack, 83.25, WHEAT MARKET IS A WAITING 01 TEBT JTE W THAKSACTT0H8 VK 1KB CXZCAOO PIT " TOSAT KABXZT AWXIOTJS IO rA ZA8TEKN WAB VS WfcU-BOTH OLD AHD BTEW JTJX.Y UP MAY ZS UHCKAJtOID. (Furnished by Oyerbeck, Starr A Cooke Co.) Chicago, March 4, The feature ot the wheat market today was the slight business done. There wss a alight advance In both eld and new July, while May waa the same aa the close of yesterday. Armour la both in and out of the market and It 1 hard to tell ex actrv where b does stand. All tbe ODtlons opened weak and lower but toward th cloaa the tone waa stronger, . -n,l market la enlirelv a waiting on and any Uttlo bit of war new la likely to cause acme alrengtn. Tba variou market Toaay rsngea a roi- kw! Open. . UlgB low. I .96 .m .92H .B2U .,6114 Cloaa. .87 -02H .83 .5844 .6214 Wheat- May.....! .VT NewJuly - .92H Old July. .92 Corn May .52 July..... .5114 ' Oata May - .4014 July..... .38 Pork May...., 14.17H July..... 14.40 Lard May.....' T.22Vi July..... 7.40 , Kiba ' My T.2R July..... 7.85 .9814 .Mhi .BST4 ,62l ,41T , " . .4114 .40 .881k 14.80 - 18.80 18.92 Vk A 14.4214 13.90 " 14.07 1 A T85 7.20 T.25" T.60 T.85 T.8T 7.85 ' 7.0714 7.07H 7.45 7,20 i T.22H PRJMAST SHIFXEVTI AMD OLEAKAVOEB. Chicago, March 4. Tha primary rocalpta (how: : -. . . . - . -... .-. . Toaay xesr Ago Bush. Bnah. Wheat i 404,000 401,000 Corn 480,000 697,000 Tba blnmenta werei Wheat ....... ............. ..814,000 Corn 295,000 120,000 408,000 The clerance were; Wheat and aour, 114,000 bushels; corn, 108,000 bushels; oats, 28,000 Dusneis. ' - : : . . . AXOENTIXZ GRAIN SHI?KX1TTB. Chicago. March 4. Tbk Argantln craia ahip- meuta ahows . This weex wee a Bush. Bush. Wheat .... 8.584.000 8.794,000 Corn 764,000 484,000 CHI0A00 GBAiy CAE LOTS. Chicago, March A Th grala car lots were: Cars. Grade. Est. Wheat 17 25 corn .........179 180 Oat 203 a Jo Th wheat carl today were:: Minneapolis, S52; Duluth. . The car a year ago were Minneapolis, 227; Duluth, 43; Chicago, XL. Paris Wheat and Hour. Paris. March 4 Wheat opened Steady with auit unchanred and futurea Vi centime lower. Flour ts a tea ay vnta spot, a centimes msner and fntnrea 10 centime higher thsa yester- Chicago Caah. Buainaa. rhleaeii. March 4. The caah bnalneaa her vesterdsv was 50.000 bushels of eat. At the seaboard exporter bought 106,000 bushels of wheat, 376.000 bushels of corn and 504,000 bushels ox oata. Close f Livornool Arala. Llveroool. Mrreh A Wheat March. A1014. H lower; May, 6-814. H lower. Corn March. 4-04. 4 lower; May, 4-8. H lower. Milwauke Grain 01o Milwankee. March 4. Wheat May. 67 e: July, 2c; eld July, BSc. Corn May, fi8c: July, bZltc . , 1 ' 8sa Franolsoe Grain Close. ' San rranclsco. March 4. 11:80 a. m. Wheat May, 81-4814; December, 81-39 bid. Barley 7uay, fl.WH; vecemner, i.o ' : Kansas City Grala Close. Kansas City. March 4. Wheat May. 8414c: July, sie. Corn May, 4 54c; July. 44 e, -Duluth Wheat Olos. . -Dnlnth, March 4. Wheat May, 99. New York Wheat Closs. New York. Mrch 4. Wheat May, $1.004. ' St. Leula 'Wheat Clot. St. Le-nis. March ,4. Wheat-May, 4e aaked: July, 87c asked. CATTLE AND SHEEP- ARE QUOTED STRONG Portland Union Stnrkrard. March A Re eelpta In the local yarda during th paat 24 noura consisted or 10 nogs, d a Deep ana. zu bars. Cattle remain dull with hog and bep trong. Killing price (how; Cuttle Beet eaatera Oregon steers. 84.78: best valley ateera, 84.00I&4.50; medium steers, 63.754.00; rows, f3.76itt4.00; bulla, $2,800 8.00; stags, 83.00ft3.50. Hogs Beet heavy, 85.78; block, $5.50; China fata, 83.UO&5.2&; stoekers and feeders, $4.50i 1.(0. . Hheeo Beet grain-fed wethers and lambs $4.60; mixed sheep, $3.5004.75; stoekers and leeaers, fX.ounra.xo. EASTER EOGS ARE STEADY. Chicago, March 4. Receipts of livestock la th principal packing center of th country anow, 'lion. Cattle. Kheen' Chicago ,.16.000 8,000 S.OOO Kansaa City 5.000 ' B.000 2.500 Omsha . 6,500 , 2,500 8,000 Hogs opened steady with 15,000 left over from yesterday. Receipta a year ago were 22.000, Killing hog prlcea show: Mixed and butencra, fo.oowo.oo; gnoa, u.DOtza.60; rough. V?. i"n if.vw; iiroi, s.lvi(fO,A. Cattle -Steady, . ' Shetp Steady. , VTVT YO RE COITEE DO WE. New York, March 4 Th coffee market la about 10c lower. Taa prices ; BM. January .86.15 February .,, 6.20 March , 8.10 April ,. $.20 Ask S6.20 fl.28 6.15 6.28 6 40 S.M A.flfi May n.Hft June , 5.45 July- . ...... 6.60 August September ..... October November , ...... 5.7 J 75 1 .. 8.R8 ........... 8.60 ........... 6.00 6.00 4.06 6-15 December ., 6.10 Sale today, 97,500 bage. Havre Coffe Karket, Havre, March 4. Coffee unchanged to K oowa. ' Hamburg Coffee Lawer, Hamburg, March 4. Coffe today I lower, Kw York Coff Rsoeipt. New York. March 4. Coffee receipts: Rio. 7,000 bage; santo, 13.000 baga, m 1 a NEW YORK COTTON DOWN, (Furnlahed bv Overheck. Starr A Cooke Co.l New York, March 4. Th cotton market waa lower today ana ranxea a follow; , iipen. ,. iiiirn. ijw. 1 lose. March.,... 15.42 April..,,. . 15.65 May....... 15.72 June..,.., 15.60 July....... 16.H9 August...; 15.00 Htptember. 18. W October..,. 12.,'ld November... 12.10 December. 12.08 .1.1. hi 16.6359 15.B0 J5.63 15.6'72 16.05 . 15.70 16.83H4 15.71 15.69 15.70(874 . 15.04 , 15 tW 16.71W7J ' W.3W .( 15.181 15 i:i.00 13.16 13lH(fi2.1 12.65 12 35 12.40A742 ; IV.Z4 . 12.1M ; 12.1Nft(2.' 12-22 12.08 ; . liUOtJta Liverpool Cettoa Dewa. Liverpool. March 4 Cotton closed t to 4 points down from csteraay. , jrxw Toms: stocks. DESCRIPTION. Anaconda Mining Co..... Amal. Copper Co....... AU-blson, mhl,,v do preferred.......... Am. Oar A Found., com. do preferred. ......... Am. Sugar, com. ....... Am. Smelt,, com.,....; ao preferred. Baltimore A Ohio. com. do preferred Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Canadian Pacific, com.. inicago Alton, com., do oref erred. i. S3 Chi. V Ot. Wcat.r com. Chi., Mil. A St, Paul.,,. Chi. As North., com...,. 14 189 189 194 164 luosapease onto.... Cole. Fuel A Iron,' com. Colo. South., com...... 11 17H 24 8514 do 2d preferred....... do let Bref erred . Delaware A Hudson.. i. D. B. 0., com;..,... 184 1814 ao prererrea 23 23 oo zo preferred. ...... do 1st oreferred...... 8 88 62H 62 2i Illlnou Central........ Ixmlavllle A Nashville. 127 10314 12714 IYI 103 13 Metro Traction Co..... 1154 116. 115 Manhsttan Elevated... 143H 14 143 Mexican Central Br... 12 11 Minn., St. P. A St. V.. ao nrererred. ....... . Mlstonri PBClflc........ 884 16 S9 88 M.. K. A t.. com..... 15 do preferred.,.,..... New York Central...,. Norfolk A Western, com 114T4 114 114 8614 6614 65 V norm Amerioan. ....... n. x., ont. west..., 2014 Pennsylvania Ey . . . , , lis f. u u, at u. co,.... Pressed Steal Car, com do preferred.,...,.,. Pacific Mall Steam. Co. 2714 40 26 40 Beading, com.., ao la prererrea...... do 1st oref erred.,... Rep. Iron A Stool, com. ao prererrea Bptk Inland, com...... do preferred......... Southern Ry com..... do oreferred i... 10 SO 48H Southern Pacific....... St. L. B. ., Id pfd. d lat oref erred..... 81. Lis. W., com... do preferred........ , Texa k Pacific..,.,,. Tann. Coal A Iron...., 13 81 . 22 86 T., A L. A 8. W., cam. do oreferred , . Union Paclflc. com.... T4 T4 74 do preferred. ........ V. 8. Leather, com... do preferred TJ. 8. Rubber, com..... do oreferred......... IT, 8. Steel Co., com... do preferred Wheel, k L. B., com... do 24 preferred do lat preferred Wisconsla Central, com Western Union Tel... Wabaah, preferred American Sugar, common, ex-dividend of 1 per cent. - .. . inrat saiea ror aay, lpo.BW snares. Money, J per cent, NEW YORK SUMMARY. New York. March 4. Dow. Jones A Cs.'say No war newa ot anv conseanenca. Independent expect to follow united State Bteei aavane in atMl aloe. Kirtv-nra roada for Jannarv aaow an average net decline of 24.08 per cent; 42 roOlL.fjir-ittejuiira. .weex .01 a enmary-aoow -at a vera ire rrosa decline of .18 Der cent. Rail waya Bteei apringa aecisre a ainoenj 01 a per cent on common. Delaware A Hudson re port show a surplus, arier an aea uci ions, equal to 1 per cent on stock, mere ie a ver allaht demand for stocks In th loan crowd Rome Indications of diaDosltion to coma to gether smeng the miner and operators In th soft coal fields. There bss been $1,250,000 In fold sent to Argentina altogether. Th bank net ta tb Mbtreasurr since Friday 81.091.0UO. Twelve Infill" trials advanced .12 per cent: zo rauroaaa aavancea .w per cent... AKEXICAV STOCKS TJT LONDON, London. March A 2 ' P. . Atchlsoa da cltned , preferred advanced 14; Baltimore A ttnio necunea vk; canaaian racinc aecunea Hi Cheeaneak A Ohio unchanged: Chicago. Mil waukee A St. Paul declined ; Denver Rio Grande advanced ; Erie nnchknged; Illinois Central declined ; Ioulavllle A Naahvllle de clined ; Mexican Central declined ; Mis souri. Kanaas A Texaa declined ; New York central aavancea a; untario at western aa- vanced u ; Norfolk Western aecllned hi rennarivania aavancea ; Heaainc aecunea , Ant declined ; Sontbern Psciflc declined : Union Pacific advanced : United Stste Steel advanced ; Wabasb advanced , pre ferred declined ; Consols, 85, advanced 1; rest uncaangea. I0BT0V OOFPER ClOSE. Boston. March 4. Copper cloaa wan Bid. Adventure ....................... 2 Atlantic , 7 Centennial 4.. 17 Victoria 8 Mohawk 86 Wolverine ......,.....,..... 4 United Statea 30 TODAY' CLIAEIEOB. Tb Portland clearing house renort tndav: Clearing ,..505.t7.B6 Balance 64,106.17 Carton rert Eaoelpts. New York, March 4. Cotton port receipts to. aay were; New ur leans, o.exi hales; ual veston, 0,410 bale; Savannah, 87S bale. INDEPENDENCE NOTICB To Independence agency of The Oregon Dally Journal I located at Th Ar- caae uigar ntore oa v. street, where siibscrip. tlons to Ml Dally, Seatl-Weekly and Weekly journal wiu do iaea. ul,ikn uuhlii NEW TRAIN SERVICE ON SOUTHERN PACIFIC C (Journal Special Service.) Independence), March 4. -It has been authoritatively reported here that th Southern Pacific will put on a regular train between Corvallls and Portland, passing through thla place early. In th morning and returning In th evening, If this should be means much to this side of the valley as It will give the railroad connections which the val ley has been so long trying to secure, Heretofore the officials of the Southern Paclflo have stated that they would place suoh a service In operation a soon as th traffic would warrant, but the paa senger traffic was not enough to justify th extra expense of the service and they were giving fair service in that they connected with - other tinea and reached most of the principal cities on th west side both for morning and evening travel. But it la said that dur ing the last six months the traffic has been increasing very rapidly, mainly due from th advertising that has been done in eastern states and to the fact that much property has been changing hands and the district is attracting more attention than was heretofore the case. - During th last two years the hop buslneag alone has increased to almost double its former extent, while the stock, dairy, fruit snd vegetable bust neas la more than keeping pace with the increase that la noticeable in other sec tlons. In Polk county there has been In th last, two yeara a very large sale of excellent property. The magnitude of the sales can hardly be estimated without going to the records, but of these sales a llttl Idea can be -gained by considering that Krebbs Bros, invested about IJ0.000. William J.1 Illff some thing over 125,000. Dickinson and E. X Roae each $16.000, . approximately, and Mr. Brown 19.000. All of their places are being -vastly Improved and on some of them there is a large acreage of .hop. These places are all along the line .of h SnMih.ra xBrtf1n railroad, esav nf access' for shipping- purposes and , rep resent only few of the larger galea that have been made in the county most ot which are In this Immediate neighbor hood. Small saies naver pern very nu merous and It is estimated mat there will easily be 800 acres of hopa placed In the erround during the next year. The dairy business has been keeping rjace - with' the hop business and the creamery here reports a large Increase in the number ot cows and in the quality 6t cattle. The fine grade of goats, hogs and Sheep la becoming well Known every, where and these Industries, coming for ward so rapidly, are doing much to bring this county forward and tor. make the Southern Pacific a larger-trafflo and more extensive freight trade. Five families of Oklahomans arrived here the first of this week and it was Impossible to get homes for them to lo cat in, but two vacant houses were found, to which they have moved until they can secure permanent quarters. They have a carload of material, com lng- from the east and will locate here as soon as they can secure proper ac comodations. The Independence Im- Drovement league haa beerv doing effi cient work in securing these emigrants from the east, and It was literature sent out by the Jlarriman syndicate that caused them to com to this place. G. A, Hurley, who is the Secretary of the league here, states that they were com municating with him prior to their com ing, and tbat he expects a much, larger delegation from Oklahoma and from II? Hnois. These new arrivals state that they are communicating with some 60 families In the feast who are waiting for mors complete reports before 'they decide to leave for the weat. Mrs. Ellen Robertson has sold her residence to Mr. Hastings of this city. The. residence is In one of the. beat local ities in the city. Mr. Dberson bought the Lyons resi dence this week, Walter Bmlth, the small son of Mr, and Sirs. L. Smith, oftthls place, fell and broke his shoulder blade. Th frac ture waa quit severebut h is improv ing. rB0lllS. Tony Noltner of Portland ts In the cltyvlsttlng friends, v . ' ' ' r D. U Keyt, a candidate for state sena tor on the Republican ticket for this county, waa hers on Thursday making friends for the primaries, which Will be held here soon. He halls from Dal las. Dr. w. C. Brown, a former dentist or this place, will open a dental office in Burns. Harney county, in a short time. Edward Rosendorf, a former resident of this place, is reported to be very low with typhoid pneumonia in Philadel phia, where he Is attending the medical college. He graduated from the phar macy course at tha Agricultural college In Corvallts laat year, and was Juat entering on a nine-year courss of study In medicine. Mr. Rosendorf Is well known here. On of the pleasant social events of this city occurred on Saturday evening when the many friends of Miss May Webster called at her Home and gave her a surprise party. There were about 14 present, bringing with them appro priate and beautiful gifts, and an en joyable evening was spent EUGENE VOTIOI, Th Engsns agency ef The Ore- En Daily journal is as ine oooaetor 01 Alien Eaton, where subscriptions to go by aiaU or carrier will be received. . NON-PARTISAN TS NAMED AT EUGENE (Journal Special Service.) Eugene, Or., March 4, -A convention of -voters from the Third ward was held last night in th city hall and George B. Dorrls was nominated for council man to be voted for at the city election to be held on the first Monday In April, This convention was held in accordance with the new law which requires nomi nations by convention to be, made 10 daya prior to th election; or II days prior If the nomination Ms by petition. Nominations In the other three wards will be made tonight. An effort, was made, to start th municipal campaign along political lines, but it has resulted In failure. Mr. Dorrls Is a non-partisan favoring the licensing of saloons and the candidates to be nominated tonight will b on th same ticket It Is prob able that the anti-saloon people will put up a ticket Xomstd Contest. A. homestead conteat aae was beard before United States Commissioner J. J. Walton here yesterday. The case was that of Bert Lemmon against Richard P. McHenry, and th homestead in ques tion lies just across the county line from Lane In Linn county, In the Up per Mohawk country. Failure to make th place bis residence is th ground on which Xemmon is contesting McHen ry's right to hold the claim. Th tes timony of about SO witnesses wss taken and will be forwarded to th land office at Roseburg. I T. Hsrrls appeared aa counsel for Lemmon, and E. O. Potter for McHenry. To 8xtn4 wr. . Th sewer committee of the city coun cil hss taken steps to extend the Jef ferson street, sewer, one of. th princi pal sewers In the city, south from West Eighth street a distance of several blocks to accommodate a rapidly grow ing section of th city and drain that portion of a larg amount of surface water In th wlntr tlm. City Surveyor Collier is now at work surveying the proposed line, and the city council will take action on th matter at Its next regular meeting. : TaUs HaA Her Sors. Miss Emma Workman of Marcola, 1) miles northeast of Eugene, met with a serious aooldent th other day. Th young lady, accompanied by two friends, was on her way on horseback to spend th evening with a neighbor. In at tempting to rid their horses across a tram car trestle, Mias Workman's horse became frightened and whirled around on the track, throwing' her off to tha ground, a distance of eight or ten feet, the hore falling on her, No bones were broken, but th young lady sustained Internal injuries and she fs now in a se rious condition. Th Eugen Commercial club's bowl lng team- is srranglng to hold a contest on th local alleys Saturday night with th Albany Alco club's team. Twice has th Albany team lowered the local team's colors. Th team Is made up ot the following: A. J. Tolmte, captain; H. A.' Dunbar, C. A. Wlntermeier, Web ster Kincaid, Dr. F. M. Day and E. K. Davis, . v . " . REWARD'S RUMOR BRINGS DOG BACK A. Erlckson. proprietor of a large north end saloon and gambling house, haa recovered his lost dog, But whether he paid to get the animal back he would not state. But at any rate, when it was rumored that, Erlckson would liberally reward the finder of his pet, the dog was speedily brought back to his mas ter. "ltton't know who the man Is w,io We Love You, and Sell You Cheap for Ccsh FIVE BIG MARKETS I : 32 "OTnV'.'treetVhVoU P"H Cre.m Cheese, lb. m- s lbs. Rice 38e r Acrxrzo xabxet West Baker's Cocoa, can ' 'J. 20c Park and Washington. Tel L S vocu, uiu ZLZT, ephone, Main 1541. 3 Cans Cream...... ...... ....... 3J5C albavt kabxet its 'quart Bottle Lucca Oil..; 2Bc Flrat at Phone. Red 8224. jf. b$ Granuated SUSar.. $1 " 1" ."piL: Et Tit Choke Navel Orange, doz 15c state xabxbt First and Maccaronl, Spagettl, Vermicelli, MaiTm?1'- elePnone I 1Qo lb. or 3go a Box PORTLAND PACK i i 1 ii i i F. H. REEVES CUT-RATE GROCER Presnt this COUPON at our store and purchase goods to th amount of ONE DOLLAR and we WILL PAY your STREETCAR FARE both to and from our store and In addition will GIVE you a beautiful PICTURE FRAME 26x26 Inohes, - providing you purchase goods to th amount of TEN DOLLARS. r - SEE WHAT WE ARE DOING 15c CAN MINCE CLAMS 10c CAN VAN CAMP'S SOUPS. 20o LB. SIIi. CREAM CHEESE, 2 11.86 BOX P. C. a CRACKERS, a-., 1-"AJU a A-wIkAVJCU AOiJ, ata J 10O PKG. WASH POWDER, pkgs 60 BAR JUMBO SOAP, bars ........ r.. " 60 BAR SILK SOAP, S bars 40c GAL. SOUR PICKLES, SMALL 20o LB. HEINZ MINCE MEAT ....... 40o BOX MACCARONI avu vaii rivticjcn vrvcjiiu, a 1740 LBI' SINCLAIR HAMS 75c 6 LBS. SINCLAIR LARD Ml-40 GAL. WOODLAWN MAPLE SOo GAL. APRICOTS , 20o LB. COCOANUT. lb. ... 26c 4 OZ. BOTTLE O. W. VANILLA 16C PKG. VIOLET OATS, J pkgs Phone 1991. 627, 629 Washington St. ' ' v " ACROSS FROM EXPOSITION BUILDING. LET YOUR WIFE If jrour grocery bills are too big. Watcn ur ad. In The Journal every Monday aud - rrlday and-eompare- the prices quoted In them with the prices you have been paying and then ask your wife the question: "Can't we save money by buying from Godfrey Brothers?" and it's a 10-to-l-shot she will anawer yes, and a sure shot once, she examines the goods. . . Fancy Packed Apples 75 Olos Starch .....................05 Washing Powder ..... 04 Wheat Starch Soperla, for 25 Lemons, per dos 10 Oranges, navel, per dos ........ ..10 1,600 Matches .10 Jello. for .25 Energy. , ,...10 Olymplo Pancaka. Flouc the best In the market, 4-lb package.,!. 20 Try It Drop in and see us. It is no trouble for us to show you our goods and price them to you, If It Is in the market you'll find it here and the quality will be right. Godfrey Bros; nu tood axoozBs. Tel. Main 1906. Opposite . O. u BtrsiraxDa vs. N.I.N0REN Wheltule ndleull GROCER 394 East Clay Street VX01TB, UVXOjT S31. I will sell you first-class goods ss low as any house In the city. 1 sack best D. Q. Sugar 9S.80 10 lbs. Head Rica ................. ,40e I lba. Navy Beans ............,,,.2Se 1 lb. good Tea .........,....18o 4 lbs. best Italian Prunes ...MM..tSo 2 lbs. good Roasted Coffee ...MM,..IS ( lbs. Codfish . ............lso Best Sugar-Cured Ham, per lb. .....14o 13 bars Savon 8oap ............... .SSo bars Jumbo Soap ................85 2 cans Mince Clams ........... ....SSo 1 box Maccaronl .................. .Bdo 60-lb. can Pure Leaf Lard 5.00 1 sack good hard wheat Flour ....91.00 Tree delivery ta any pari of the oity. Eggs, per dozen 20c JUNE CREAM ERT .60c Dairy butter ....... .v..... 5o and 40o Beat creamery 0c Kest sugar-cured ham .... ......ISHo Picnic ham , . , , So Lard, 6-pound pall . ... : ........ . '.oc All goods retailed at wholesale prlcea Remember Saturday is chicken "t A GRANDE CREAMERY CO.." za xamhlll Street. Still Good The prices quoted in our large ad. in Monday's Journal atill hold good for tomorrow i and Monday. Look' it up, there were quoted some very low prices. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OU8 H.' HINNENKAMP. Prop. Quick Delivery. - Phone, Main 287. CORNER ELEVENTH AND MORRISON brought me my ddg," said Mr. ErioV,son. "All I have to say Is that I've got the animal."' ..''-:-'. - It la said the -dog was first located In Duluth. by a Pullman car porter, who promised to secure the animal, provided Erlckson would pay. all expensr and re ward the porter for his services. New YorR Grocery 10 ...25-? .....35i ....fl.05 .i....,..15 25 .25 25) 35 ,...10r 4 ...30 25 ........... ....... .13'A 55 .,..,$1.15 w AVJuJAV e cans ....... SYRUP ....,.-..........,.t.l5 .vv .....s.20 .....................25 "SOT OmBAT, BTJT CXBAT." START A SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNT With the money you save when yon buy your Groceries here. Every week . . uutiai. m UIU UltUH,,, saved on your grocery bill bought here. A comparison or prlcea quoted in this ad.ireveryweearwin prove the above assertion. We will call on you. or 'phone you, every day for your order, if you ueaire us n ao so. eaa these few quotations. Goods all over the house In same proportion: 20. Can Baker's or Ghlrardelli's Cocoa. tl.OO. uauon can jrure Maple syrup. ' 15. Pound New Mapl sugar 30. Sack Falcon Pancake Flour. 5. Two-pound package H. O. Injun Bread i . ; Flour. 5. One-pound can Pork and Beans, with . Tomato Sauce. Tan tmftlAB finiii.v'i iaa 10. Can St Charles Condenaed Cream 91.10 per dozen. . . 25. Two cans Table Peaches, Pears or. Aprt oots. - SO. Pound Hoffman House Java and Mocha Coffee. $5.20. 100-pound sack Best Granulated Sugar. FELLOWS TKB CASK CiXOCXX. 74 wAssnt-axov ruet. Telephone ICaia SB9. A. J. FARMER Wholesale and Retail Grocer Third and Jetterson You can save 20 per cent by dealing with me. . 10-lb. box Crackers ....... .I0e S-lb. box Crackers ,........,..,,..,aOa 1 IK riUm...... IA. 4 viiii.ipimu. ......... . ....... 1 lb. Graham Wafers ,.1 1 cans Tomato ....... ........,,.2io 2 cans Lemon Cling Peachea .......2Sa 1 can Table Apricots ,..,....10j 1 pkg. Acme Health Koffe ...... ...lie 1 lb. Maple Sugar ...........ISo t pkga. Ralston Oats ........ ...... lit J box Macaroni - .16 J lb. Shilling's Baking Powder .....J6a 1 lb. Royal Baking Powder ,iho 1 lb. Arm A Hammer Soda ........ ie 1 bar Naphtha Soap ............... lo 12 bars Royal Savon Soap ......... 2Se I bar Baby Elephant Soap 2;e Diamond C. Soap ............... .2Se 1 can Alaska Salmon ............... e 1 gallon best Sorgham .....80a ?lba. broken Java Coffee ....26 lb. good Engllah Breakfast Tea.... lie Best sugar-cured hams, 1 lb. ....llVe 10 lbs. No. 1 Head Rice ,....404 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea ,..56o 1 sack best D. G. Sugar ........ ,.15 2 1 sack good Hard-wheat Flour..., 1 lba. Codfish . Ua 10-lb. pail pure Leaf Lar4 ,,.,.,..11 10 t-lb. pall pure Leaf Lard ...... ,.,,.C(a lba. Golden Gate Soda ............ t!ta 3 lbs. Seedless Raisins ....... ,...2t 2 cans Sliced Pineapple ,,...2"a 2 bottles Snlder's Catsup ....... ..... 1J 4-gal. keg mixed Pickles .... . i . . . .76 Deliveries on East Side, Tuesdays and Fridays. DO YOU EVER Come horn st night all ttred nut and wanting a, good dinner only to eft down to a gHatly st-' Jt didn't come from our p'.c. . Centra! KIND'' 139 n r 3 cans . lbs box ...