TIIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAlO), THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 3, 1904 0 TRANSACTIONS IN' THE FINANCIAL WORLD WHEAT MARKETS ARE VERY WEAK lowzb rzau&Es nr zusora catjsx tiOwzi prices nr txb zstzuob BIO FIGHT OK TOM CKXCXEHS .OLD BTOBT OF BECXIWH Z9T BOG i Front Street. Match 8. The principal item of Jntoreit la the Portland wholesale market! - today are; . Wheat market! weaker. . l.ggl very alow : : : Fighting for chickens. Turkey and geese very dull. Hog and veal In active call. Hop market' ahowa no 'activity. Tone In oulon market stiff. ' Apples are showing advance. . AH fish ta. scarce. Wheati Market Are Weak. : Uiwer price are prevailing all through tha lutcrlor, for all ' grade of wheat, hut aa yet no changes have been made In local figures. The last advance in the price of wheat her was a trifle too much anil with the miller having sufficient supplies to tide them over for some time the market cannot help but show a weaker feeling. The Inactivity of war now has caused a alower market la Europe nd the result 1 felt here a great deal more than any changes which occur at Chicago or other easterq centers. Flour Hold It Ton. The tone of the Hour market la atrong at the , recent advances and now all miller have fal len into line. The retail trade ta buying i rather heavily, but no further advances la this market are looked for in the sear future. All Mill Feed Ie firm. The lateness of the sprtng season Is caus ing firmer tone in the mill product.' Bran, oata and abort are very Arm at recent advance aud the market lpokst higher,. - , ' ; Hay la Very Inactive. . On .account of the continued heavy offerings f hay the market hero la (bowing a -very in active spirit and-1 ho recent buy ol tb trade have been small quantities. A' lower figure la looked for in tbo market. Activity in Canned Oood. Future canned goods are abowihg activity at the owning figure made some time ago. Deal era are ordering quite heavily in anticipation of an advance. Corn la especially being ordered and tlio call for tomatoes la fair. The out look In asparagus is about the worst In recent rears aud very high figure are looked for during the coming season. Weather I Bad for Fruit. That the paat winter. haa been unfavorable f'ir nearly everything in the fruK line Is agreed to by all frultnandlera. The la tenets of the opening of spring Is causing uneasiness anionic the farmers and at this time It 1 thought that crop generally will show a Short age this season. Prunes Have Toe' Much Aetd. Just . what la the matter with the Oregon prunca-tbls'acason la being debated-among the pruneablpners of this city. They generally agree that the principal cause of the bad condition of the fruit la the fact that they have too much acid. Fighting for Chickens. rsa roaos in we country districts, brought about by an over-supply of rain, la aald to be the rauae for tbe amallness of poultry receipts lu this market. Just now every coop of chick .ens that cornea Into this market 1 eagerly sought after by tbe retail trade end In many caaea fight have narrowly 'been averted by those who wanted to buy the same coop of chickens. "I ssw It first," say one poultry seller, while another avera that the coop wS potted several blocks down tbe etreet. In any event tbe supply of chicken i about one fourth of the demand and only top figure are considered. Osate and Turkeys Weak. : ';. Although the receipts of turkey and geese are not over large tbe demsnd for both stock is very small and only the lowest figures are being paid. Both geeae and turkeys are not In tbe beet of condition aa to quality and this canard the weak feeling. - The beat atocka are, however, easily disposed of at prevailing figure. Creamery Butter Continue Down. This market le now very well filled with the better grade of California creamery butter and aa the prices on this clss of stock is lower than on tbe home article the principal busi ness 1 la that line. Today along Front street with ene exception the very best grade of local creamery butter were lower ic per pound In price. Loral creamery show an arcumula tlon. The receipt of country (tore aud dairy butter during the week were not large, but there la hardly any demand at all. Egga Sliding Lowsr. , Quit large' number of eases of California eggs are now la tbla market and are selling at lower figures. The demsnd for eggs I fair, but at lower figure. Today the top of the market Is barely touching 20e and some sale have been reported a low 18ijc. Receipt are quite large and stocks are accumulating slightly. Hop Market I Inactive, i The hop market I inactive with fh feel ing showing more weakness. It la now eetl mated that there are only a boat 750 hale of stock of last year' growth remaining In grow ers' handa unsold. Tbe desler asy they have no ordera of any kind on band. Potato and Onioaa Unchangsd. There wa no change in either the potato nr the onion situation today, tbe market con tinuing its firm tone In both line. In the country high Il.15irjl.20 1 being paid for very fancy potatoes. Report from San Kranvlsco todsy say that the potato market there 1 quirt and slightly lower, ' Apple Showing Advaaoe. The apple market 1 (bowing advance today. The growers are holding for higher figures for the best stocks and this I tbe cause of the rlae here. All Ftah Is Scare. All fish! especially Colunibla-rlver smelt and rtiget-sound halibut, 1 (bowing a scarcity to day. Tbe shortage In the former I due to the cold condition of the river and that of the latter to the storms oft tbe Puget-aound coast. Ko changes were made In prlcee today. Merchant' Opinion on Today' Market. W. B. (Jlafke company Creamery, butter I quoted down iJHe per pound today. W. T. Turner A Co. Poultry market in very good shape with tke receipt much shorter than last week; egg are moving. Bell A Co. Poultry very ecarce; other stuff moving off all right. t'hatterton A Co. Poultry market continues eanm a week ago; all freah meats are wanted at top figures; egga are moving of at low prleva. (J. 8. Smith company Eggs weak; cblrkena show no improvement In arrival; excellent de mand for apple. U. M. Metkle Potato market (teady; onlona are flrtn. Malarkey A Co. Smelt very acarce; o la halibut. L. Jaggcr. Nine thousand two hundred and nlnety-alx sacks of potatoes and 80T sacks of, onion went down on last night' cost. Dsveuport-Tbompson company Lota of Cali fornia creamery butter In 'market, which I selling at lower figure to country trsde. Everdlug 4. Fsrrcll Market still howling for chickens and the howls are louder" than ever; same old situation In eggs. Smith Bros. Moat market firm In (very line; veil of the first-class sort la bringing tbe top quotations; hog both heavy nod light are In big demand: beef la eaaler; mutton atrong; chicken . coming but still scarce; egg coning freely, but market leans up. Uryer, O'Malley A Co. Potato buyers In Han Francisco are holding oft and are look ing for a lower market; egga don't eem to clean up at preaent price. I'age A Son Hoga and veal Continue to bring the very top quotations; apples are stiffening up on account of higher price lu the country. MrKlnley Mitchell Pouto'- market In Frisco tower and weak; bops still dull. Mark Levy A Co. Market (bout out of tweet potatoes. . .. Toft. HIne A Co. No change In oar line; evervthlng aelllhg t top quotations eieept eggs; chickens, hog and veal lead tb demand. Todsy's wholesale quotations, aa revised, aro aa follow: '. r drain, Floor and Feed, WHEAT Walla Walla, J7c; bines tem, glfj go." vallev. tile. BARLKV r'eed. (21.00; rolled, 122,00023.50) brewing. (25.COQM.OO. OVrlt-No. 1 white. 2.00(327.00l gray. 2fion2A.nft per ton: price to farmer, wblts, rvnoM.On gray. 22.50W 23.60. FLVLR Kaslera Oregon: I'atent. 14.20; trIght(, 3.etn3.TO; valley, $3.S0.O0; gra ham. Ms. $3.85; 10a, 3.(. ., ' MILLSTIIKKB Brim, 119 00 per ton; mid dllngs, 128.27; aborts, 20.00&20.50; chop, $18.50. , , HAT Timothy, $15.00; eastern Oregon SUM 18.50; mljeuV $13.O0rl3.50; rlover, fll.000 12.00; wheat f 1 2.00(8 12,&0;. cheats $12.00 lS.O0rt,;; $12.00(312.50, v., . .., .., ; ... :.'....',. Hope, rWebl aad jmtmSPit ' HOr8--2827c 'for choice; Mentor "primes poor quehV, . lS20c; contract,,- 1004. , 1741 WOOIA-Valley, coarse' to medium, l81V4e; finer J618Hc; eastern Oregon, 10Q 16c; aio hslr, nominal, 25fe26c. ' , 8HEEPSKIN8 Shearing 10(r?20c; abort wool, 20jaoc! medium wool, 30fli50c: long wool, 50c(1.00 each. . TALLOW Prime, per lb, 25s No. i nd freaae. 2fi2Hc - . HIDES Dry hldea. No. 1, 18 lb and up, liV,c per )b; dry kip, 1. 6 to 16 lb. 2c; dry ealf. No. !, under' Ibi. 15Uc; dry aalted, bulla and stags, 1-3 less than dry flint; aalted hides, steer, sound. 00 pounds or over, 6(8THc; 50 to 60 lbs, 6V4c; under 60 lba and cowa, 6'jgi,4c; stage and bulla, sound, 4Vjc; kip, 15 to 30 lbs, Hc; sound, 10 to IDS. O'AC: eair, soilinl, mn..r m ins, Mifre- green (unsslted). . lo per lb less: culls, lc per lb less; horae bides, aalted. each, $1.25 1.76; dry, each, 1.001.60; eolts' bide, each, 25Q 60c; goat aklns. common, each. 10(3 15c; An gora, with wool on.' each. 2&c$1.00. Butter, Egg and Poultry, BUTTER FAT Sweet; 231c; sour, 282W. BUTTER Creamery, extra fancy, 2730c. California. 2527V4c; -OTdlnary. 22V25c; cold storage, 2324c; eastern, 24c; renovated, 19(3 20c; dairy. 16iS17c; atore. -1012e. EQUH Fresh Oregon, 18&20c) cold storage, 18c; bakers', 16c. CHEESE full cream, twlh, 12ai3Mic; Touni Amorlca. 14Hc. POtlLTBY (thicken, mhed. 13(813e per Ih; hen. 13c per lb; rooster. ll(itl2Vic per lb; broilers, 14(514Vc per lb; fryers, 15e per lb; ducka, old, 12a per' lb; young. 13c per lb; Seese, Se per lb; turkeys, 1416c .per lb; ressed, 17 per lb. Fruit and Vegetable. - POTATOES- $1.00 J. 30: buyer' prices for shipping, 96c$1.2ri cwt; ordinary, 75BOc sack; buying, 75&80c; sweets, 2Va per lb: new. 4c per lb. ONIONS Oregon, $2.50; buying price, best, $2.irW2 25; f.o.b. Portland, $2.25(32.30. FKESH FRUITS Applea. Oregou. 70c1.7Ti per box; oranges, navela. $1.50(3.2.25 per box; seedlings, HijcWI.25 per box; Japanese, 4&50c; hananas, 6e per lb: lemona, choice, $2.60(3 8.75 per box; fancy, $3:o03.50 per box; lln-ea, Mexican, 85c per 100; pineapples, $3.50; cran berries, local. $7.00 per bbl; Jersey, $10.00; persimmons. $1.50, VEGETABLES Turnips, 85c per tack; car rots, $1.00 per sack; beets. $1.00 per sackj radishes, 124Q15c per dos; cabbage. Oregon, $2.00; California. , $1.85 per cwt.; hot bouse lettuce, 50e per dos; green peppers, 5c per lb; horseradish. 7(88c per lb; celery, 60 (8 80c per dos: lomstoes, $l.25g1.50 per box; paraulpa, $1.25; cucumbers. $2.25 per do; butter beans, 10 per lb; sprout. 8c I cauliflower, 1.7Mi2.r); artichoke, 7500c per do! green iteaa. IffiSc per lb. DRIED FRUITS Apple, evaporated. 637c per lb; aprlcota, l13c per lb; eacka, He per lb leas; peaches. 6f($9c per lb: pears. 8tjj Kr lb; prunes, Italian, 8rft4c per lb; ench. SV,mAe per lb: flgs. California blacks. 8ic per lb: do whites. Si-j4i7 per lb; pluma, pitted, 66tSt per lb; date, golden. 64 per lb; farda. $1.50 per 15-11) box. RAISIN'S Seeded, fancy. 1-lb carton. 50 packages to esse, fc pkg; seeded 12-os cartons, Tcj loose Muscstels, 50-lb boxes, 7(3 8 He per lb; London layera, $1.8B2.00; cluaters, $2.50(33.75; 25c; V4a, 50c advance over pound cartona. FIGB-Ten 1-lb cartona. choice brand. $1.00; 10 1-lb cartons, fancy brand, $1.10; 10 1-lb brlcka. 2-cnwn. One; 10 1-lb bricks. 3-crown, 05c; 60 U-lb brlcka, per box. $2.25; 4 -row lay er, per 10-lb box. 90e; loose, 50-lb boxes, per lb. 64tHi Callamyrnaa Six-crown, 10-lb car ton. per box, $2.00; B-crown, 10-lb carton, per box. $1.75; 4-crown, -20 -lb carton, per box, $1.T5. " Oreosrie. Vuta, Etc, SUGAR "Sack basis" Cubs, $.60t pow dered, $5.55; dry granulated. $5.45; beet granu lated, $5.25; extra C, $4.05; golden C, $4.85: bbla, 10c. ft bbls, 25c; boxes, 60c advance oo aack basis, less 25c cwt for caab, 15 daya; maple, 14316c per lb. HONEY 14 1,4 Sf 15c. COEEEE Green Mocha. 21(iT2.V; Java, fancy, 2G82c; Java, good. 2(25e; Java, ordinary, 18('a20c: Ciata Rica, fancy, lfJ20c; Coata Rica. f rood. 'lSiaiSc;. Costa Rlcs. ordinary, HQ13e per b; package coffee. $18.25(913.75. TEAS Oolong, different grade. 25i385c; gunpowder, 2S(ffS2(S5e; Engllah breakfast, dif ferent gradea 12(0 65c: spiderleg, uncolored Japan. 30 (a 95c; green Japan (very scarce), 30 0c. , . SALT Fine Bales, 2a. 3. 4a, Bs. 10s $2.00: fine table, dairy, 60s, 35e; 100s. 65c; imported Liverpool, 60a, 50c; 100a. BSc; 224s. $1.90. Worcester Bhli 2a, S. $5.50: 5s. $5.25; 10. $5.00: hulk 820 lbs. $5.00; saeka. 60s, 88c. SALT Coarse, balf ground, 100, per ton. fC.50; 60s, per ton. $7.00: Liverpool lump rook. $22.60 ner ton: 50-lh mck, $850: ino, $6.00, GRAIN BAGS Calcutta. $5.768.00 per 100. RICE Imperial Japan No. 1, 614c; No. 2, 6c: New Orleans head. 774c BEANS Small white. 3e: large white. $3.603.80; pink. $4.00; bayou. 34e; Limaa, $4 25. NUTS Peanuta, Te; Jumbos. 8t4c per Ih raw; BWlOe per lb for roaated; cocoa nuts. 8500e per dos; walnuts, 144erl5c per lb; plno nut, 10iJM2Hc per lb," hickory nut. 10c per lb; chestnuts, eastern. 15(ftl6c per lb; Bra ail nuts, 15c per Ih: Alberts, lfiQlSc per lb; fancy pecans, 14(5 15c per lb; almonda, 13 a 16c per lb. WIRB NAILS Present hast at $2.86. ROPR Pare Manila, -134c; atandard. 12c; aUal. lOHc. Paints, Coal Oil, Etc. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Case, 23o per gal; water white. Iron bbla. IS Vic per gal; wooden. ; headlight, eases, 25c per gsl; head hunt. Iron bbla. 18Hc ner sal. LINSEED OIL Pure raw, In bbla. 47c per gai; caaes, rac per am; genuine settle nntled. cnaea 64c per gal; bbla. 49c per gal; ground cake, car lots, $25.00 per ton; less than ears, $28.00 per ton. OASOLINE 86-deg, rises, 82c per gsl. Iron bbls 28o per gal; stove, cases 24 Ho per gal. Iron bbla lSe per gaL BENZINE 63 -deg., cases 22c, - Iron bbl. 1514c PAINT OIL Raw. bbla 83c per gal, caae 88c per gal; boiled, case 40c per gal. TL'RPENTIJiE In caaea. 88c per gal; wooden bbla, 84He per gal; Iron bbls. 82c per gal; 10-lb caae lots, 87n tier gsl. WHITE LEAD 600-ib lots Vc per lb; les lota 7c pe- lb. Meat and Proviilona. FRESH MEATS Inapected Beef, prime, H74e per lb; cow. 8Hi7Kc per lb; mut ton, dressed, 8Vi87He per lb; lambs, dressed. 8c per lb. FRESH MEATS Front street Beef, steers, 8(&7V4c per lb: pork, block. 7c per lb; peckers, 01e per lb; hulls. 4U,44Xc per lb; mutton, dressed, 6H7c per lb; veal, email, 8t8Hc per lb; large, 8Ufi7c- per Ih. HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland pack (local) ha ma. 10 to 14 lba, 13VC per lb; 14 to 18 lbs, 13c per lb; 10 to 20 lb, 13c per lb; cottage. "Vic per lb: picnic, 8Vc per lb; breakfaat ba con. 1415il8,17c per lb; regular abort clear, unamoked, 10c per lb; smoked, 11c per b; clear backa, unemoked. 10c per lb; anioked, 11c per lb; Union butt. 10 IS lba, unamoksd, 8c per lb; smoki-d. 9e per fh. EASTlf "-PACKED HAMS Under 14 lbs. ''.r mt lb; over 18 lba, lSttc per lb: fancy. 18Hl3c per lb; picnics, 9t per lb; ahoulders. Ho per lb; dry -salted doe, un smoked, lOVio 'per lb; smoked, HUc per lb; breakfaat bacon, 14Vt16H Pr lb; fancy, 18Mc per lb. LOCAL I.ABD Kettle leaf. 10a. 1114c per lb; 6a. llc per lb: 60-lb tiiia. 10Tc per lb; teim-rendered, 10s, 10M. per lb; 6a. 10e per lb; 60s. 8'Ac per lb; compound tierces. 7c per lb; tubs. 7e per lb; 60s. 7c per lb. EASTERN LARD Kettle leaf. 10-lb tins. 12c per lb; 5a, 12c per lb; 50-lb tins. 11 He ?er lb; ateam-rendered 10a, 1114c per lb; 5a, 114c per lb; 60s. lOVic per lb. (Above packing-house price srt net cssb, 15 flays. CANNED SALMON Columbia river 1-lb tails. $1.75; 2-lb tails, 12.40; fancy 1-lb data, $1.00; U-Ib fancy flats. $1.15; fsney, 1-lb oval. $2.80: Alaska tails, pink, 80c; red. $1.50; 1-lb tails 82.00. FISH Rock cod. Te per lb; flounder. 5c per Hi; naltiut, w per lo; craoa. fi.23 per do; rsaor clams, SftHOe per dos; little-neck clams. 3c. atrlied baaa, 12He per lb; Puget sound melt. 6c per Ih; eatflsb. 7e per lb; black cod, per lb; Salmon trout, 12'415c per lb; Inhetora. 15c per lb: perch. 5c ier lb; aalmon, sllversides. per lbi- steelhesds, 10c per lb; Chinook. . 12V4c per lb; herring, 4c per lb; aoles, Ac per lb; ton) rod, 8c per lb: Columbia river amelt, 4c per lb; sturgeon, 70 per lb; blimps, 10c per lb. OYSTERS Shoalwater bay, per gal. $2.25; per sack, $3.75 net; Olympla. per aack, $5.26. BOSTOV COFFEE CLOSE. CHICAGO AND ALTON WAS STRONG TODAY (Furnished by Orerbeck. Starr A Cooke Co.) Logan A Bryan, New York: There la but little change In prices. There Was something doing In Alton and Mexican Central and both atocka are strong. The rest of the Hat is generally neglected. It wsa a waiting market with no disposition to operate from any quarter. Dealer in bonds report an improving tendency In the demand for the tuveatment market. The coal strike and Northern Securities decision are keeping everybody waiting. DESCRIPTION. Boston, March 8. Copper close was: Bid. Old Dominion ... 10 I nlted Ststes , 20 Arosdlan ' 40 Atlantle -. 7 Blngbam 1 Calumet 44 Copper Mountain 48 laiy wear. Atk. 11 204 40 H 104 445 47 2 Paine. Webber A 'o. say: This has nroh ably been the dullest day In years in both R'trkets. ftippera were aa dull aa other stocks. There waa little new buying. The metal market Is unchanged except that there are ruiuora of aalci o( las at l.fiv, Michigan 4V Osceola 6814. Santa F l'i Anaconda Mining Co.... -Aiual. t'uin'r Cu Atchison, com do preferred.....'. Am. Car A Found., com. do pref erred.......'... Am. Hugnr, com ....... Am,' Buielt.t com...'.,.. do preferred .......... Baltimore A Ohio, com. Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Canadian Pacific,, com.. Chi. A Alton, com...... do preferred ., Chi. A tit. West., com. Chi., Mil. A St. Paul... Chi. A North., com...- Chi. Terminal Ry. Chesapeake A Ohio Colo. Fuel A Iron, com. Colo. South., com do 2d preferred do 1st nref erred Delaware A Hudson...'. . D. A R. com do preferred Erie, com ao 20 preferred do 1st nreferred Illinois Central Louisville A Nashville.. Metro. Traction Co Manhattan Elevated.... Mexican Central Co Minn., St. Y. A Ste. M.. do nrofcrred Missouri pacific M.. K. A T., com do preferred New York Central Norfolk A Weatern, com. do preferred North A merican , . N. Y., Out. A West.... Pennsylvania Ry ... P. .. L. A C Co Pressed Steel Car, com. do preferred Pacific Mall Steam. Co.. Reading, enra do 2d preferred do 1st preferred Rep. Iron A Steel, com.. do preferred Rock Island, com do preferred Southern Ry., com do preferred Southern Pacific St. L. A S. P.. 2d pfd.. do 1st preferred St. L. A 8. W., com... do nreferred Texaa A Pacific , Tenn. Coal A Iron T.. St. L. A W., com... do preferred Union Pacific, com do preferred V. S. Leather, com do preferred U. 8. Rubber, com do preferred V. S. Steel Co., com... do nreferred Wheel. A I,. E.. com. .. , do 2d preferred do let preferred Wiaconsin Central, com, do preferred Weatern I'nion Tele Wabaah, t com do preferred HITS' 65 Hi) 20 6H ' 125H 4f 00 75 4114 110 iff 8 14U 1.10 183 10 30 , 84 15',-i 38 114 204 113V4 8 27 M, 4014 201 81 H 19 7V4 44 23H 74 Tli 78 12 48 111 58 15 24 45 18 41 88 174 881,1 84 85 89 I14 70 126 48 . won, 7514 4iaJ 111 83 14 1!1 184 10 30 23 54 155 10 88 2314 88 824 128 103 V, 115? 143 12 KN4 15 38 114 65 20 113 081, 27" .4 40 H 20 6H If) 78 H 4414, 2314 T41i 7 78 13 48 1114 -681, 10 24 46 18 41 88 18 33 64 .rTt. 8814. 1014 88 12514 4T!4 no 74 41 Vf 110 37 8 130 183 20 Ml f 2H14 54 15414 18 85 'I 3814 82 14 128 114 14.1 88 14 15 30 1I4'4 00 V4 2014 ii; 08 20 4014 2014 61 14 18 43 22 7314 74 77 Vi 48 11 68 4 1ft 24 45 17 4t4 87 17 33 '4 : 84 48 66 88 20 70 128. 00 ' 75 , 41 110 82 14 130 183 0 2814 30 14 23 U 54 154 1 8614 23 8814 82'A 128 103 ! 115 143 80 118 88 15 35 ; 114'4 33'4 85 81 20 113 m 28 00 27 40 58 75 7 41 2014 8114 18' 70 43 42 61 13 81 22 35 23 83 73 86 T 77 12 48 11 -00 15 24 45 17 40 5 831. A LARGE SLUMP CHICAGO WHEAT mat bnvn AT $1.00 to H.00U AWO CXOSXIS AT 97 CEJTTS, A BECUHS Or 814 CEBTTS OLD JXTDT XS B CEVT8 lOWXa, ABD JTBW J7JI.T zs sowar 1 cxht cobw ts orr. (Furnished by Ovorbeck. Starr A Cooke Co.) Chicago, March 3. Logan A Bryan advise? Wheat price are 1 to 2'centa lower. The rabies did not respond to yesterday's strength sna Price Current was mmiiy ouiiiani ne market showed some furTBer strength today after the opening but Inter It turned weak and old oft sharply, rallying, a little at the close. It waa simply a caae of liquidation by disap pointed scattered holdere. Liverpool is still watching the Argentine atrlke. but their prices are atlll away below Us. There la a broad, active general interest In the market aud a good scalping market la still likely. - It msy undoiihtedlv react from the sharp breaks, but we think it may be safely sold on the aharp lollies. Big Break in Corn. In corn aomebody'a foot flipped today and caused a 3-eent break in wheat. It was liqui dation by acattered holders. Tbla waa the solo feature of the msrkot from the opening to ...e close. As In wheat also the war aa a specu lative induence haa served its usee and some thing new is needed. This Is no Improvement In the cssh . situation, however, and without support the tendency should be lower. No Buying in Oat. In oata there are no Indications 10 far aa we can aee of any Important buying yet, although the break bus been severe. The cash situation 1 an unfavorable one. Not Relieved by Beeline. In provlslona outlde epeculatlve holding are etill I urge and tbe market haa not been ma terially relieved In this respect by the decline that has taken place. There la every Indica tion that the atocka of provlslona will continue to accumulate and we think they ahould be sold ou tbe rallies. Tbe various markets today ranged aa follows: Open, . High. - Low. Close. Wheat May f 1.00 f 1.00 I .08 $ .07 NewJuly .0414 .04 .01 .92 Old July. .85 .95 .92v .93 Corn Msy 55 .56 .62 .62 July 64 .64 .51 .51 Oats Msy 42 .42 .401,4 .4014 Julv 30 .80 .38 .38 Pork May 14.82 14.82 14.0714 14.17 July 14.02 14.02 14.17 14.30 Lard May..... 7.50 7.55 7.20 7.25 July 7.87 7.70 7.87 7.37 Rlba May 7.62 7.65 7.20 7.2.1 July 7.62 7.62 7.27 7.85 PRIMARY SHIPMENTS AND CLEARANCES, Chicago, March 8. The primary receipt show: Today Year Ago Buah. Buab. Wheat 5.10,000 3,onO Corn 428,000 628,000 The ahlpmrnts were: Wheat 377.000 1 58. (Mai Corn 384.000 445.000 The clearancea were: Wheat and flour, 206, 000 buahela; corn, 513,000 buahcla, oats, 44,000 busbels. HIGH CORN PRICES BAD FOR CATTLE FEESXXS STOOP THZZB SUPPLIES OBT TXB KAB3T AKS "WUCES TAH AMOTKZB DOPTB 1BTDI CATXOBTS AB THAT THIS WILL 1CAXB PRICES STOCK BSTTSB. Sheep and Xmbi Sows About 10 Cents And th XUlan Af Kafuaiatf AU -osojt Tho of Oood a?l4il--Th Half Ted and; Poor . Xinftgv Sews- SO to 79 Cental Prom Their . Value of v A , Pew Says Arc. '. ' '' - " ARGENTINE ORAIN 8HIPKEBTS. Total aalea for day. 131,200. Money, 1 per cent. SAM FRANCISCO STOCKS. San Francisco, March S.- stocka were: Sprlnif Valley Water Central Light Mut11.1l Klectrlc Pacirtc Light S. F. as A Klectrlc , (Jlant Powder Hawaiian Kiigar llonokea Silver Hutchinson Hugar Makawrlt K'igar Panhau Nugar California Wine Aaaoclatlon. . -10:30 a. m. Local Bid. . 30 ! '. 55 . 58 . 61 . 44 -11 ' . 20 . 13 - 2 CHICAGO LOCAL STOCKS. Chicago, March 3. Local atocka close: Bid. National Biscuit National Biscuit, pfd American Box , American Box, pfd American Can American Can. pfd North Hide Railway Weat Side Hallway 41 .102 III"4 J . . AA . 42 Aak. 40 12 67 62 45 21 14 84 Aak. 41 102 A IS .4IS AS 45 TODAY'S CLEABINOB. The Portland clearing houae reports today: Clearing S342.848.74 Balances 78,123.01 ALL STILL WEAK IN THE CATTLE MARKET Pnrtlsnd I'nion Rlnckysrds, March .1. Re relpta of livestock In tbo local ysrds during the paat 24 hours conalated of 67 hoga, 12 cattle iihI 158 sbevp. Cattle continue dull with sheep snd hogs strong, at the following quotations: Cattle Best eastern Oregon steers, $4.75; best vslley steers, 84.00(84.50; medium steers. 75t4.0; rows. $.l.754j4.00; bulls, $2.50(jt 3.00; stags, t3.O0Q3.50. Hogs Best heavy. 5.75; block. $5.50: China fata, 85.005.26; atorkers and fecdera, $4.50(3 4.75. Sheep Beat grain-fed wethers and lamb. 84.50; mixed sheep, 13.50Q4.75; atockera and feedera, $2.50(33.26. HAOS ABE HIOHEB. Chicago, March 8. Receipts of livestock In the principal packing ccntera of the country to day were: Hoga. Chicago 21.O0O Kanaaa City 6.500 Omaha 6.500 Hogs closed 5 to 10 cents higher, with 13.000 left oer lnce yesterday. Receipts a year ago were 24.0OO. Ruling hog prices ahow: Mixed and butchers. 5.0t(6.60; good. 15.45SI5.55, rough. t6.10(n5.25; light, S4.7535.30. Cattle Steady. Sheep Steadv. Csttle. 8.000 10.000 8.600 Sheen. 18,000 2.0t 8.000 1 ' MEW YOKK COTTON MABKET. New York. Msrch '3. Mclntyre A Marahall say: Take It all In all. there ia nothing astonishing In tbe atrength of foreign cables and the growing ecarctty of the staple. Present prices sppear to us for the time being to have discounted conditions Tbe weather conditions promise somewhat better. -The nesr future seems to promise more flexibility snd wider fluctuations In both directions snd while there aeeuia no cessstion of bullish sentiment In tb south the range of values today la beginning to remind tradera of experiences during the flrst week In Kebrusry and may work for cau tleM and sanity In trading. The various options today ahow: Open. High. l,ow. Close. March 15.66 16.78 15.66 16.6)1162 April.. 15.80 16.88 15.85 15.76($78 May 15.01 , 16.08 16.74 16.0oru2 June 15.04 15 4 16.03 15.80(384 July....... 15.02 10,011 13.70 15 806 82 Avgnat.:.. 15-40 15.44 16.15 15.22(824 September. 14.72 18 74 13.50 13:6066 October... 12 68 12 85, 12.48 12.40n61 November.. 12.41 12.45 12 33 12.30(fi35 December.. 12.35 12.38 12.15 12. 18 20 NEW YOBK COEIEE CLOSE. New Turk, March 8. Coffee cloae waa: Bid. Aak. January 16.25 $8.80 February t. 6.80 8.35 March 0 20 5 25 April 6.30 6.35 Hay 5.40 6.46 Iiiiin 560 6.80 July 6.85 7(1 Aiignat 6.80 6.85 .September 6.80 6.05 October , 6.00 - 8.06 November 410 4.16 December 6.20 4.26 Sale today were 67,000 bag. Liverpool. March 8. Brootnhall aaya: The wheat shipments in Argentine but week were 3.0(10.000 buahels, or about the ssme a the previous wees. The shipments of corn were about 800,000 busbels, The corn crop Is maturing well. CHICAGO ORAIN CAR LOTS. Chicago. Msrch 3. day show: -Th grain car lot for to- Car. Gride. Wheat 82 Corn 177 2 Oata 260 11 The wheat rare a year ago were: spoils, 231; Dulutb, 60; Chicago, 18. Est. 80 63 239 Mlnne- Close of Liverpool Orsin. Liverpool. March 8. Wheat March, 4-10, lower: May, 8-0, unchanged. Corn March. 4-1, 1 lower; May, 4-4, lower. ' St. Leuia WTaeat Clss. St. Louis, March 8. Wheat May, S4c aaked; July, 87c asked. Kansas City Wheat Close. Kanaaa city, March 8. Wheat May, 84c; July, 81 e. Minaeapoli Wheat Close. Minneapolis. March S. Wheat May, 7e aaked; July. 97c. . Duluth Whsat Close. nuluth. March 3. Wheat May, 84c; July, W7c bid. Kaw York Wheat Cleae. New York. March 8. Whest May, 11.00; lulv. 07 asked. Corn May, 66e aaked. Ban Tranicaoa Grain Close. Msy. 11.43 i'DecemberV $1.38 bid.' Bsnry lwcemoer, ai.ux1,,. Milwaukee Oral Clou. Milwaukee, March 8. Wheat May. 97c Md: old. July, 0!03c: new, 02c. Corn May, 52c; July, 61 c. EIGHT HOPCONTRACTS ARE FILED AT SALEM (Journal Special Service.) Salem. March 8. In the county reeorder'a office yoaterday afternoon eight hop contracts .were 61ed for record, the first that have been ft ted for some time. Some of these contracts were for a term of three yeara. tha price for the term being 16 centa a pound, and the one year contracta providing for 17 cent per pound. The contracta wade are: J. A. Pooler and C. II. I-anxe to A. Magnus Rons' company of New York, 22.0U0 pounds for three yeara, at 16 centa per pound. H. L. Pooler to tbe same buyera, 8,000 pound for three year, at 16 rente. II. II. Spanldlng to tbe ssme buyers, 10,000 pounds for three jeers, at 1A cents. J. B. Coleman et al., to Uagnue Sons' com pany, 20,000 pounda at 18 centa for three years. Theodoro Rubens to T. Koaenwald A Co., New York. 6.000 pounds, at 17 centa. Joseph Rubens to T. Koaenwald A Co., 10,000 pounds, at 17 cents. J. K. Vanderbeck to T. Rosenwald A Co., 8.000 pounda, at 17 centa. I. . A. B.vrd. Jr., to T. A. Dltmars, 8,000 pounda, at 17 cents. SB. GTJTB"B BLOOD ABB BBBTB TO MIC. There is not a woman In this land but at same time In her life would have been the better for the ue of this Tonic. For disease peculiar to women abetter medicine was never made. It la com posed of the Ingredient from which the system ha been deprived by disease, overwork or dissipation. It enters at once Into the circulation, building up the tissues that have wasted, and making; pure, rloh blood in the most direct way. For wenk nervous and unsteady people), pimply, pale or-fleshless people, it will make strong, steady nerves end five the complexion that wholesome look that Indicates health. We have hun dreds of letters that people have writ ten us, saying they had gained In gooi, solid fierih. at the rate of 1 to 8 lbs. per week while using Dr. Ounn's Blood and Nerve Tonlo. It should be taken after meals, one or two tablets each time. Druggists sell it for 76 cents per box, or 1 boxes for $2, or sent postpaid on re ceipt of price. We are glad to make re ply to letters of Inquiry. The advice we give you Is plain and easily understood. Address Dr. Jiosaiiko Co., Philadelphia, Pa. , - A Porgottea Xnoldent, In denouncing the reorganlxers Mr. Bryan apparently forgets that he waa something of a reorganlzer himself In 189$. Kansas City. Mo., March a., The month Just- passed has -brought, big runs of live fctock. to all the markets of the central west, but the Indications are that in the next ;two months thero will be a big decrease Im receipts at all points. This would bring better prices forj the next few 1 weeks, ' to gether with the expected demand for meat from the Orient, where Japan and Russia are fighting.- Tha principal cause .of the heavy shipments whiclii reached the biggest figures In ' many months last week, was the big Influx of half-fat beef,, because corn had' reached such a high figure. .'" The supply of cattle at. the five mar kets of the central west combined ag gregated in the last week of last montU 182,000, an increase of 25,000 over the week before and an increase of 10.000 over the receipts of-the same week a yer.r ago. Chicago had a gain of 10,- 000 over last week. Tbe Kansas City market stood about the same. Omaha and St. Louis gained enough to make up the 25,000. Forced the Market Sown. Few shippers bringing short fed and half-fat steers will admit not anything but losses in handling their cattle. With corn soaring, however, the feeders could not afford to keep them any longer, As every day was Just that much greater loss. The heavy receipts In conse quence forced the market down early in the week, although the buyers were forced to put back 20 cents the last three days. The stockers snd feeder market has been almost featureless for the last three weeks-. The demand is moderate, due doubtless to the high price of corn. The supply is small an usual at this season of the year. Prices have been influenced More or less by the fluctua tions of the dressed beef grades. Early1 in the week trade was slow and prices were low, in many instances the price dropping 26 to 40 cents. Stock calves held up well and were practically steady for the week. The next few months will see few cat tle, and with light receipts from the feeders who got such big bunches in February, prices for all kinds should bo better. Here are the receipts of 'cat tle and ahecp -at the western markets with comparisons for last week, the last week In February: Cattle. Sheep. Kanaaa City ;t4.B78 27,rfo Chicago 70.800 100,000 Omaha 23,700 33.000 Kt.,.Jula 21. .150 0.0(H) St. Joseph 10,650 18,800 Total tills week '..181.875 186.160 Total last week 1117. 050 171,076 Raroe week a year ago 147,250 137,800 Becelpts of Sheep. This I the time of year when flesh Is considered In sheep the prime factor by dressed meat men. Half-fed grades are now of little value and prices range 50 to 75 cents below tbe price for fin ished offerings. However, heavy re ceipts In the sheep pens have brought the market down 10 cents over a week ago, and prices generally In the sheep division are unsatisfactory. Receipts of sheep for the last week on the local market aggregate 27,500. against 19,200 the week before and 18,450 a year ago. Chicago had 100,000, against 93,000 the week before and 71,000 a year ago. The five markets had 186,150 last week, against 171, $75 the week before and 137.100 the same week a year ago. The bulk of offerings of late have been lambs, and best grades were off last week about 10 cents. Medium to common grades were 26 to 80 cents lower. Oood lambs bring from $5.25 to $5.75, against $5.90 to $6.35 a year ago. Common tomato-grade .bring $4 to $S. Oood to choice wethers bring $4,35 to $4.80, against $4.80 to 6.25 a year ago. Ewes bring $3.66 to $4, against $4.25 to $4.50 a year ago. Ewes and wethers are now In the greatest demand and prices last week were not changed from the week before. There are few choice of ferings Included In receipts and half finished grades are plentiful. THE PORTLAND BOBTXJUrS, OBJHKK AMERICAN PLAN $3 Per Day and Upward HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS.- Special rates mads to famUlM aad stagls gentlsmem. Thm managemeat will h pleased at all times to show rooms And giro pries. A saoderm Turklaa bsta. MtahUghiaeat la the hotel. - : BC C. BOWBBS, BUmatt - CAN'T IDENTIFY SUPPOSED FIREBUG F. F. Krye, arrested in Seattle charged with attempting to burn the Portland flouring mills on the night of February 14, and with attempting to kill Nlghtwatchman Charles Berbetkea, was discharged from custody this morn ing by order of Municipal Judge Hogue. The principal witness for the state was the nlghtwatchman. but further than expressing his opinion that Frye was the man he detected in the act of at tempting to burn the mill, he could not positively Identify the prisoner. Deputy District Attorney Adams represented the prosecution and Attorney W. T. Hume the defense. Frye, who is about 22 yesrs of age, was in the employ of the mill at one time and quit because of a disagreement over wages. Timekeeper Charles Church of the milling company testified that Frye declared he would do the mill people some damage. Berbetkea, the watchman, said the man who attempted to set fire to the mill was masked and fired at him when he ordered him under arrest. A bullet from the Incendiary's pistol struck a clock carried by the officer and knocked the watchman down. NEW SEVENTH WARD REPUBLICAN CLUB The Simon Republicans of the Seventh ward organised a ward club last Tuesday evening, and the new organization starts out with a. membership of about 60., AH legal voters of the Seventh ward who be lieve In the principles of the Republican party are eligible for membership, tli objects of tho club being "to promote the Interests of the Republican party in the Seventh ward and particularly to secure economical and efficient service In . the administration of the city and county .government." . There will be no . dues and the ex penses of tbe club' will be paid by volun tary contributions. Weekly meetings will be held, and next Tuesday evening at Blanck s hall, Powell street. Col. S. C. Spencer and -Wallace McCamant will ad dress tha club.- The officers of the club re: President. H. O. Right: secretary and treasurer, Sylvester K, White; I vice t . DRINK THE OLD AND RENOWNED GAMBRINUS LAGER BEER :',".. : '''.' : . '' SEND ORD ERS. FOR BOTTLED BEER TO OFFICE, 793 WASHINGTON ST. . TELEPHONE No. WJAIN 49. BOTH PHONES. O SPICES, o COFFEE,TEA, DAIflNG POWDER, FuvoninoExmAas too uh Purify, Finest flavor. CrtaUSfirnh.OcwoncieffTiccs. CL0SSET&DEYER5 Portland, oregon: "A Fight for Life." 1 STOPPED PRCC Ptrmansntly Cured b OR. KLINE'S GREAT NERVE RESTORED iRSCLTann, Mail kT aUL tratlM ssl t TRIAL BOTTLE FREE rsnunsnt Ours, sm ij mct ", si snTmlMMnma.Bpllspay.Spaaaa, St Vitas' DsDos.Dsbtllty. Exhaustion. U41IU. DB H H II IHf 11931 ftrchSt., Philadelphia, CIVIL SERVICE EXAMISATIOM. Offlre of Civil Scrvlr Commission. Exsmlna tions of applicants for position, aa patrolmsa and aa aprsaiita in me ponoe service (division A. classes 3 and 4), will be held at tbe rooms of tbla eommlHainn, city ban, on triuav, atarcD 18, 1004. bea-liinlna; at 8 a. m. The -nTal scope of esrh examination will be: Orneral knowledge of flnties. Dated, Portland. Oregon. March S. 1904. CIVIL 8EllVIt'K COMMISSION. By B. 1.. Btowell, Secretary. LEWIS AND CLARK OENTEITKIAL EXPOSI TION. Froposals will be received at tbe efflee of the Lewie and Clark Centennial Exposition commis sion, room 6. Stearns bids., Portland, Oregon, until 12 o'clock noon. March 19, 104. for th construction and tb construction aad demolition, of: 1. Rtatsa building. S. Liberal arte building. . S.Kestlval hall. 4. Forestry building. B. Administration .building, fir (tition, pnh He comfort, colonnade and (belter. S Bridge auperstmclur. rians csn be seen and aperlflcatinns obtained at the office of the director of architecture, room 5, Htearna building, and at the office of the above-named comnilsaton. Blda muat be aubmltted on forma furnished by th commission and addressed to EDMUND C. GILTNER. Becretery. KOTICE. Notice 1 hereby given that tbe nnderslfned have fllel in the office nt the auditor of th city of Portland a petition praying for the vacation of that portion of Kearney etreet In the city of Portland, Oregon, lying between the west ilne of Ninth treet and th east line of Tentb etreet In (aid city, and that aid petition praying for the vacation of said portion of ssld street will be presented to th council of said city at a regular meeting of aald council to be held Wedneaday, tbe ldtb day of March, 1904, at th hour of 2 o'clock P' COLUMBIA engineering; WORKS. By 8. M. Mear. President COLUMBIA KNtilNEEHINO WORKS, By Fred Hesse. Secret sry. WAKEMAN A MORSE TRANSFER CO.. Bv A. P. Mors. President. WAKEMAN A MORSE TRANSFER CO.. By M. B .Wikeman, Secratary. Dated February 9. 1804; ' MORTGAGE LOANS On Portland Real Eatat at Lowtat Rate. -Tltlea Inrored. Abstract FurniehedV TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO 1 Chamber of Commerce. nresldents: Precinct 38. Edward Gun dernon; Precinct 40, Fred Brlthbart; Pre cinct il. T. M. Edmunds; Precinct 39, W. W. Terry; Precinct 37, Edward Aus tin - (Bellwood). MANY NEW JOBS FOR THE FIREMEN At least 13 new positions In the fire department will be created by the com missioning of the new fireboat George II. Williams. Ths most lucrative ami most sought after will, of course, be tho position of captain, and the next in line will be that or lieutenant, or roreman, Then will follow the positions of en-a-lneers. hosemen and stokers. It la expected that a large number of appli cations will be made lor all or the posi tions named. All desiring to enter the examination should apply to the secre tary of tho civil service commission. . At the meeting- of the commission, held yesterday afternoon in the city hall, it was decided to hold esamlna tions for the positions of captain, stok ers, engineers) and hoaemen about Mafci 20. A lieutenant, or foreman, will also have to be selected, whose duty it will be to command the apparatus on land, but his examination has, not yet been determined upon. There will be. presumably, five stok ers, three engineers and three hosemen attached to the fireboat, and applica tions for examination for those . posi tions, as well as captain and lieutenant, may be mada immediately. , . . anperfiaous. . An entorprlBlng dealer hs put on the market pi... i iilk- with pockets, Wby, etftcKine M I'in-Uet. 'fighting Disease" 1VI Tho Dr. Lieblg E Staff Anlw Cnc!alffe tm Mam Katibllabed on Pacific Coast 2t vsra sn. Still mntlaua to enr Nmost obstinate, chronic private and acrvoua disease of ansa, when all otbrra fall. Latest remedies, magnetic energy, light. ' beat and galvanlam cure the worst cases In bait th time and half tbe pries. Remarkably successful cure al hnm. h WWfMIWinflBM. ATBA OM WOIIirM te men Lieblg hall every night. T4 Sixth at., cor Osk, nesr P. 0. Call or writ. Seattle, Portland and San Francisco. C. GEE WO Tbe Qreat Chinese Doctor Is called great be cause bis wonderful cures are so well known throughout the United B tat en, and because so many ?eople are thankful ry him for saving their lives from OPERATIONS , He treats any and all diseases with powerful Chines herbs, roots, buds, barks and vegetables that alls entirely un known to medical science in this coun try, and through the use of these harm less remedies. This f amons doctor knows the action of over 60e different remedies) that he has successfully used In different diseases. He guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung troubles, rheumstlsm, ner. vousness, stomacn, liver, sianeyss i male trouble and all private diseases. Hundreds of testimonials. Charges moderate, can ann see mm. COHSTrLTATIOW -Patlanta Ant of the city writ for blank and circular. Inclose stamp. Address THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. Itl Alder street, Portland. Or. tlon this paper. Uen- COMMISSION CO. (incorporated) Capital and atnrplns f 800,000.00. Brokers ta Crain.ProvisIons, Stocks and Bonds Largest Private Wire Syta Is America. Responsible and Conasrvetlve. . W Charg Me Interest for Carrying Leag Stock. W. A. RYER & CO., Correspondeatfl 343 fUrk Street '.- - R. Lutke & Co. Successors , .,- DIXON. BORQESON & CO. Manufacturers of Kvery Cescrlptloa of Show Gases JEWELERS' AND DRUGGISTS WaIX CASKH AND RINK FIXTIIRKS. X 40-148 M. MXXm. IT, gOBTXAlta. OB. aoa-908 rirst Ave.. Smth. Seattle, Waste. V. y Every Vcmsn ilintlfiiiii mna tnmiiq innw ft boil l (iw wunttfrrfut MaXYEL Whirlinfl iprsy M VaavSnu.wteirN. If he cmnnotfiinply 111 saR act-nitt uii oihi-r, tiu(-nit Msi for llliiMraied ti I1 r'vs full iini.-.nr and i Viui,l lo i..lir. kK tisses litu.. ) h ui ... V r ! ' ' "Tf C" - .. t v ItOWTS It i.l 'r. i She sew v4mI Jm'f- lon and ytf'i n. iiMR km. 1 I