THE OREGON DAILY JOUItKAI - FOttTLAN D. THUK8DAY EVENING. M AHCII- 3 1 904; s yVTTTTTTTTTTTTf f BITS of MINING NEWS 3 I '':'.? FIRE HOUSE FOR THINKS FULTON 3 SOUTH PORTLAND CAN BE SAVED COTSCIX. APFBOTES A XESOXiUTXOV TOB HOUSE JXHAM JOJTES' XTXL 11,000. OrTZB TO OLUX tTP OUT JAIL THB PIPTH BTBSET FATE 1CZBT. Councilman Rumelin introduced a resolution at the council meetlna- yes terday, afternoon providing that theelty accept a site donated for a nre engine house neat Jones' mill in-South Port land. He explained that" firms there bad given lumber, windows, sashes, doors ana other bunding material for, the "Won't aome of the farmers out there donate a couple of horsest" asked Coun- .... cllmah. Sharkey;, yj-t i-.iin S '"They might if you labored with them us hard as I have," rejoined Rumelin me resolution ' was adopted and est! mates ordered made , by the 'city, engi neer. :,:- - , The council declined, to approve the March estimate of the city engineer un til J125, the. salary jof w. T. Andrews, as superintendent of street repairs, was clipped oft. Andrews, was. placed In the position by Rodney Lv Gltsan and Whit ney L. Boise, the street committee of the' executive board, but his official head was severed by the refusal of the coun cil to grant , his salary. The position was really created by the civil service commission and applicants were to have taken an examination Saturday, but none applied. Andrews never took an exam ination. " A petition from numerous prominent people of Hlllsboro, praying the coun ' ell to extend tha franchise of the West Side & Suburban railway 60 days,' was granted. . , , Before passing over the matter Coun cilman Rumelin expressed the belief that . If the company was really going to build a line It should -be encouraged,- but if it was not "It ought to be en. couraged by having its franchise re voked." Mr. Rumelin said he had brought the matter up at this time for the benefit of -the property owners on Northrup street who desired to make im provements. ' but wanted first to know if what was done' would have to be torn up soon that a railway might be laid. .The city engineer was instructed to prepare estimates for the paving of Fifth street' from Irving to Jefferson with blthoUthlc. Before the ordinance was passed it was decided to notify all owners of property along the street to make sewer, water and, gas connections before the pavement Is put down. .This is a new departure designed to keep the Improvement in good order. The Port land Railway company will lay stone on a concrete foundation between Its tracks. The ways and means committee rec ommended that the petition of City Phy stclan Zan for an increase in salary be placed on file, and this was done. The same committee recommended that $260 be appropriated to the Oregon Miners' association for the benefit of the American mining congress to be held in August ' This also was passed. 'The council passed the $1,000 appro prlation for the renovation of the city Jail. '"When the matter came up Coun cilman Zimmerman spoke, saying when the executive board recently recom mended' $10,000 for the repairing of the Jail he opposed it on the grounds that It was extravagant to devote that sum to such a property. But now. he said. he was willing that $1,000 be given to make it temporarily fit for habitation as the city was aoon to sell It and build a new one. D. C. O'Reilly, for the Ontgon Round dumber company, was given permit kIoji to erect a wharf at the foot of Bast Madison street. The city engineer was instructed to prepare estimates for the construction of the necessary buildings on the flre boat site at the foot of East Washing ton street The old Columbia telephone franchise was canceled, merely to clear up the books. , The , Pacific Construction company, building the new Morrison street bridge, was granted permission to build a tram way on East Water street from' their leased dock at the foot of Oak street to the bridge, for the purpose of con veying the material from the cars. Upon (he recommendation of Councilman Bharkey $1,000 bonds were required and P. M. Butjer. local manager of the com pany, furnished the sum. KABTJTB BOTES. The gasoline launch Iota, owned by Capt. J. Randall, was officially measured yesterday by Deputy Collector Barnes of the custom-house. Her dimensions are; Length, 60.S feet; breadth, 11 feet; depth of hold, 3.5 feet; 9 tone gross and 7 net. The vessel will en gage In the local trading business. -Captain Sutherland of the British ship Senator died suddenly Monday after noon at Belltngham, Wash. The Intel- letter received by Captain Crowe. The atter was requested to send a skipper north at once to fill the vacancy. , The steamer Grace Dollar will be n lA Ohm .Y. - - L 111 be repaired. Captain Crowe went to Astoria and made a survey of the ves sel. "In the big storm off the coast tho greatest damage she sustained was a broken tail shaft TALCOTT TALK TO DISEASED MEN The dignity of our prorcssion does DR. TALCOTT " sermit vm t0 ca i ii t. "Peak too freely , aiutr u of our accompllsh- 1 ments, yet It Is the duty of a recognised and legiti mate physician to say sufficient that the public may distinguish him from the Impostor. This we are entitled to state: Our practice Is the largest on ' the Coast, built up by the personal recommenda tion of one patient to another. It can1 be stated, too, without fear of contradiction, that previous to our announcement of the Importance of urethral and prostatic inflamma tion as factors in the disorders of . men, that treatment was conducted In an unsuccessfuL manner. Our brilliant cures and the copy ing of our methods by others is evidence of our superiority. Special attention gives to Yarl eooele, Stricture, Piles, Hydrocele, Contagions Blood Diseases and Acate and Chronlo Urethral u( Prostatio Inflammation. STEAKEB THAT WEBT A8B0BS AT POBT OBPOBD XS THOUGHT BT TBB COMPACT TO BB STILL IB TAQT ABB EASILY BEACHED IT TBB SEAS BSHAXB SMOOTH. V, F, P.Baumgartner,: local agent. of the California . & Oregon Coast Steamship company, f Is ' of tha opinion that ' the steamer Pulton, which went on the beach last week at Port Orford. can be saved. If the weather remains fair he says an other attempt will be made to float her. A steamer equipped with : a ' complete wrecking . outfit will be sent from San Francisco for this Burooi: " ' Captain' Lee and the first ? officer are still aboard the Fulton. By "coonlng" a, two-Inch cable line which connects the steamer with the . shore Is , their only means of going back and forth. If Har bormaster, Ben Bieglln was down there It Is said, that he would compel .them to stretch a net under the line. The fol lowing account of the wreck Is given in the Port Orford Tribune: . "'! . ; Then occurred' one of the wild est scenes ever witnessed at Port Or- ford. ,i Regardless of the raging storm about all the men, women and children of the town lined the shore, and the men were all ready and anxious to render all assistance possible. The mountains of seas ' were breaking entirely over the vessel, and soon the intervening water was a floating mass of lumber. One boat was broken: another boat was launched. with five men on board, and was cap- slsed. . The. boat was righted but soon capsized again. - The secorid mate was killed by drifting lumber,, and disap peared from view. Three of the men reached shore on the lumber. The other man hung to the side of the ship for a time but was struck, with lumber and badly hurt, but succeeded In drifting ashore on the timber, The cook made a brave effort to reach shore 'with 'a line, but failed, and was hauled back on board completely exhausted. A . line was at last made to drift ashore by means of a lifepreserver and then the shore people were able to send a double line on board. A small life raft was then launched and the men were hauled ashore through the raging sea, two and three at a time." TIME FOR CASCARA HAS NOW ARRIVED SAP IS BOW BTWHTKa ABB BABK MAT BB -SEALED OPP KOBE EASILY BEHABB XS TEBY LABOB ABB P BICES ABB BOB PLEHTT ZB OBEOOB. Now is the time for farmers to get busy gathering car car a bark. The sap is now running and this makes the bark easier to peal off. Just now there is a large scarcity of cascara bark in the markets of the world and it la now worth about 12 cents a pound. In former years the price was so low about 1 cent a pound that very few people engaged in the business of gathering It, and the result was a shortage In the market Then some one . entirely cornered the supply and the prices last year went entirely out of sight. One large exporting firm of this city shipped a number of tons of it to the London and Liverpool markets last sea. son and this caused a further shortage in the market. Cascara bark Is used. In large quantl ties in the manufacture of medicine. As blood purifier it Is said Its qualities cannot be aurpaaaed. It Is found only on tha Pacific coast and. la very plenti ful in the state of Oregon. At the present prices show no evi dence of weaker tone and of late there has been several advances in the mar ket Great care should be taken In drying tha bark, so that it should not be al lowed too much sunlight. The best way to dry it is in a hop dryer or in some dry place where it will not be reached by the rays of the sun. If the sun should perchance strike the bark It will change its color to one of dark brown, and dealers prefer not to buy this class of bark. Cascara bark Is a staple article and a market can always be found for It It should bo properly dryed and sacked In order to obtain the best figures. BETS THE 10RD A FIVE DOLLAR PIECE (Special Dlipttrh to The Journal.) Helena, Mont, March S. A special from Dlilon, Mont., says: A spectacular termination of the case against six young men accused of being members of the moo that tarred and feathered C. W. Bridewell, late leader of the "Holy Rollers" took place in Judge Rich's court When the Jury, after consider able difficulty, was about filled,' Mrs. Von sieiuen. a weaitny woman and a near relative of Bridewell, tho complaining witness, and who had announced her Intention of spending $10,000 to secure conviction, directed lue county attorney to dismiss tne case, as she Had lust re ceived a revelation from the Lord dl rectlng her not to prosecute the case. s ne une lxira) was goinar to convict tne wnoie mob in a higher court. It is thought, however, that the reve Jation was to the effect that the Jury would turn the young men loose, The Judge Immediately dismissed the case and adjourned court This opportunity was seised by the band of "Holy Rollers" to give vent to their religious ardor in hallelujahs, high jumping and anthems. The only member of the "Holy Band" who seemed to be worried was a new Swede convert, who dropped on his knees and said: "Oh. Lord, I-bet you $5 that the trouble isn't over yet!' Bridewell has left for Denver, OREGON LOG FOR EASTERN EXPOSITION The big log sent to the St. Louis fair as part of Oregon's exhibit weighs 47, 250 pounds and the freight bill, including placing It In the forestry exhibit coat $318. This log Is SO feet long and i feet In diameter and Is a part of Oregon's forestry exhibit. SUBB COTftl fOB PXX.ZS. Itching plies produce moisture and cause itching, this form, aa well as Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Plies are cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Pile Remedy. Stops Itching snd bleeding. Absorbs tu mors.. 60o a, Jar,' at druirglsts, or sent by mall. free. Write me about your case." Dr. ttosanko, PUil'a, Pa. Owners of the Imperial mine in the Sumpter district contemplate putting iu a reduction plant : .. . Oold Hill News.- The big dredge Wi'l soon be finished as the mammoth ma chlnery is now about alt-fn-place and machinery house completed...! Soon the monster wheels will turn. The Chloride Mining company's prop erty in Grant county has been swept by an avalanche of snow into the canyon below, a distance of 200, feet, and will not be in sight again before next July. The Geiser-Hendryx mine has alao been Dunea unaer so leei or snow. The new machinery for 'the Lucky Boy mine is all ready to operate. The electric power plant on the McKensie river is .almost finished and a transmis sion line isready for the current to be turned On.' All there is to do Is the installing of the. transformer at the mill. A hotel and store are to be built soon, ; -' .'.-" : Recent rains have supplied plenty of water1 for placer ; miners In southern Oregon, arfd more men are now at work than fqr many seasons' past It haa been one continuous aownpour ror tne rort night and all atreams are filled to over flowing. The sandbars are being worked by. the giants which have been .installed in the past two seasons. Almost every day this winter eastern capitalists have arrived in Baker City and spent more or less time even in the dead of winter examining properties with - a view to making Investments. They report that there is plenty of money in the east to Invest in Oregon mines-this year, and that large money will come here. Every Indication points to tha most successful season now open' lng in the history of mining In eastern Oregon. The Oro Grande Mining company. operating in Steve's Fork district, Jack son county, will son work on a much bigger scale. They are using one giant at present, but will put three more which are already near the base of oper ations Into commission soon. It prom ises to be the most important mining enterprises in southern Oregon. The company has Imported a dosen Chinamen from California, as not enough white miners could be obtained. In the Malheur camp, the Red, White and Blue and the War Eagle have been pushing development work and taking out some ore of good quality. E. F. Zlnna of Michigan has Just installed three carloads of magnificent modern machinery on the Pine Creek placers In this camp and will be ready for opera' tlons as soon as the weather opens. His new pump will throw 1,200 gallons of water per minute. Water will be had from Burnt river and will be car ried In a nine-mile ditch to storage res ervoirs. Mael . Bros, and A- JC. Jackson, says the Prairie City Miner, have located the Dixie King group, consisting of three mining claims, about two and a half miles from the Dixie Meadows mine, and is on the same lead, as it is cropping up in several places between the prop erties. The Dixie King group assays 110.08 on the surface of a nine-foot vein and is a true fissure vein between porphyry and slate, and pans free gold clear across the vein. The owners will run a tunnel and develop the property as soon as the snow is oft. The Bone of Contention mine, In Jack son county, which has been closed down for a short time, resumed work last Monday with a force of 1$ men, and work Is being pushed very rapidly. This property was sold a few days ago to Johnson, Catterllna & Co. of Portland, The mine is opened through four levels and all show a good vein of ore about three feet wide on an average; the long. est tunnel in the mine at present is only in about 600 feet and shows a vein of ore about four feet wide the entire length and assays $12 per ton of free milling gold. The mine Is well equipped with an eight-stamp nlll and all nec essary machinery for development and operation. The new management has in view the completion of a crosscut tunnel to tap the main ore body at a depth of $60 feet lower than at present and the prospect for a good camp Is flattering. The past winter has been one of the most active in all the camps around Baker City, says the Democrat. With the exception of three large mines closed down on account of legal complications the others have worked larger forces of men than during any previous winter in the history of the camp. New mines were added to the list last fall which were never before producers and did not work but few men during the winter aeason. The Emma mine ' has been worked all winter. On Snake river heavy work has been done in the copper dis trict, which will be resumed as quick as the weather opens again In the spring. The heavy mining being done at the Iron Dyke and in the Eagle valley camps Is largely in contemplation of tho build lng a railroad from Baker City to Bal lard's Landing. An immense amount of work has been done on the United Elk- horn mines. Albert Gelser tells the Baker City Democrat: "The outlook for mining In eastern Oregon I have never seen brighter than it is today. A new class of mining men ts coming in hero and they are not only bringing money, but brains. Our mines have now an es tabllshed record and value with east ern men who have become convinced that our ore veins have depth as well aa surface, values. We are working In the Midway three shifts of men and. have attained a depth of 200 'feet On the lower level we struck a fine body of muling ore and our eastern stockholders have Instructed us to go down 200 feet further without stopping to make drifts. On the Victor we are putting in an air compressor plant and will push devel? opment work as rapidly as men and money can do it The Tabor Fraction Thit coffee it told in 1 and 2 lb. tint. Grind fresh each dy not too tone. J. A. I-OLGKR OCX CO. v . San Francisco . Isnportctw f fine) Coffe) 190 First Street Portland &3 never looked better than it does today. We are taking out a large quantity of high-grade shipping ore. Development Is being pushed as fast as possible, and It has the appearance of the making of a great mine. All the other properties and operating mines are making splen did showings and there seems to be no limit to the possibilities of that camp. I expect to see eastern Oregon the great est mining camp In the northwest." - The development done on the Dixie Meadows and Immediately adjoining properties is proving a superb lode, which informed mining men already compare with the great Cracker Creek lode, owing to. the strength and quite similar occurrence. The Dixie Meadows property as a whole presents one of tho most interesting developments of the district With less than 2,000 feet of work, at least three years' ore supply for a 100-ton mill has been developed in a single shoot a record seldom equaled la any mining section. In the Cracker Creek camp the E. & E., recently rehabilitated, the Columbia, North Pole, Oolconda and Tabor frac tion have worked 80 to 60 men all winter and have kept their large mills busy day and night grinding on rich ore. Heavy shipments of concentrates have been made and bullion from the free ore turned into the banks. The Tabor Frac tion shipped most of Its ore direct to Tacoma. In the Cabfe Cove district the Val ley Queen has made astonishing prog ress during the winter and the rich strike made there a few days age by Manager Tom C. Gray has given the company great encouragement and they expect in the spring to largely Increase their plant and double the output. Prob ably this season they will erect a mill on the property. Work Is progressing steadily on the Blue Mountain group, recently ac quired by the New York-Oregon com pany, and being operated conjointly with the Buck Horn. Manager Wright state that the crew was on full duty, and making excellent progress, while devel opments were very satisfactory. JAIL INSTEAD OF EUROPE. Strauss Oats a Ten-Bay Sentenoe for Counterfeiting Whiskey Labels. Man, ViMr Mali 9 U'llILm T i . . T AVI . ...... V 44 H. 1 1 1 III .1 1 A . Strauss and William L. Haas, members of the firm of William L. Strausa & Co- Importers, of 23 Murray street, were each fined $500 and sentenced to ten days' imprisonment In the Court of Special Sessions yesterday for counter feiting tne laDei or a orana or wniRKey, Straims lives at 155 Went 123d street and Haas at 252 West 12Sth street The evidence against them was ob tained by William Mtrauas, or JS& Bed ford avenue, Brooklyn, an agent of the Wine and Spirit Trade Sorlety. Strauss and Haas created a scene when they were found guilty. "I am a business man. said Stra uss. It would be a terrible thing to send me to jail." "You should have thought of that be fore," remarked Presiding Justice Olm sted. ... But I have arranged to start on a trlD to KuroDe on Thuradav." nut In Strauss. "I have already bought the ticket, mis jail sentence win prevent my going." we cannot take your convenience Into consideration," said Justice Olm sted. Strauss and Haas were then led to the Tombs to begin their sentence. We offer $1,000 reward for the detec tion and conviction of any -one caucht printing, lithographing or offering for sale bogus Duffy Malt Whiskey labels or. for the detection and conviction of nv dealer Who offers this bonis whis key put up In the Duffy Malt Whiskey bottles with the bogus labels on same, representing, it to be iMiffv'a Pure Malt Whiakey,' Duffy Malt Whis key Co., Rochester, ' N. X. t' Week AU That's STOVES AND RANGES WOULD BMC BIG ORDERS TO CITY Z.OOAX. BVSXBESB'XBB ABB XBTBS TXOATXBCr OPPXB OP CAPT. B3A tT TO OBOABISB AXJLSXA TBAB XBO OO. XKMXBSB QVABTXTIZS OP SUPPLIES ABB BOTJOXT. "The business men of the city are be ing given the opportunity to decide whether they want to join with Captain Healy in his proposed merchandise ven ture In Alaska," said Henry Hahn of Wadharas CO. "A committee of us met with Captain Healy at the office of the chamber of commerce, and while we did not go Into the details of the mat ter we covered the ground sufficiently so that we can go to the other business houses and determine whether they want to take stock In such an enterprise. If Interest is shown and enough of them show a disposition to Investigate further another meeting will be held which will include a better representation of Port land business men. Until we have made the canvas I cannot say whether any thing will be done with the plan. It would be a good thing for Portland if she could get a foothold In Alaska. That trade would add Immensely to the volume and value of our business. While others are well established In tha field, yet there ts an opportunity for Portland to get its share of the business if we wlli go after It. The proposition does not Include any transportation features that I am aware of. If that is to be undertaken much more capital will be required than we have spoken of, though as yet no specific sum has been set as necessary for the enterprise. It is purely a merchandising proposition." "I submitted the plans for my proposed Alaska enterprise to a committee of business men at a' meeting we had," said Capt. John J. Healy, "and they have taken time to consider them. I am not at liberty to disclose the nature of them at this time.. After we have had a further conrerenee I may be able to give the de tails to the public. I will not go to San Francisco tomorrow, as I Intended do ing, but will stay over to give the men of Portland time to determine what they may care to do about It. I Intended ao ing direct to San Francisco, but a letter trom your chamber of commerce In duced me to stop here and give Portland tne nrst opportunity of Joining me. 1 have an offer of $50,000 from a gentleman In Seattle with a. promise that he will raise $50,000 more at once, and while I have not determined the offer' I am hold ing It in abeyance until I have given others an opportunity. "One hundred thousand dollars la as small a sum as I would care to under take the proposition with. I am not broke. I will contribute a fair share of the capital myself, I will put In at least $25,000 of It "While I was manager, of the North American Trading company I paid $T4.- 000 for one bill of butter and 1 have paid $65,000 for a single bill of dry goods. 1 have paid $40,000 for one bill of meat and $11,009 for one bill of syrup, and I offered to buy $,500 barrels of flour in one order from Washburn, Crosby ft Co J of Minneapolis tr t could get proper trans portation rates. "I believe Portland' Is aa rnnA An nut. fitting point as exists, and if that is so and other merchants care to Join me all our supplies will be purchased 'here.". the committee is -comDoaed of . ifenrv Hahn, chairman; Ben Neustadtnr, T. D. Honeyman, , A. It, Devers ami Louis Kiaumauer. FURNITURE COMPANY Necessary You Old Stove or Range in Exchange BEST POSSIBLE VALUE ALLOWED i't rrf ri-fn-ff hum it' Dr. W. Norton Davis. IN A WEEK We treat successful! all prirate, nerrvui and chrenlc diseases, alio blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidaey and throat troubles. We cure Sythilis (without mercury) to stay cured forever, in thirty to sixty days. We remove St&ictuki, with out operation or pain, in fifteen days. We cure Gonorrhoea, in a Wbez. The doctors of this institute are all- regular graduates, have had many years' experience, have been known in Portland for 15 years, have a reputation to maintain, and will undertake no case unless cer tain a cure can be effected. We guarantee a cure in every eaae we nndertake or chart, no fee. onsulta- tlon free. Letters conflaentlal. BOOK rOK JaBiN mailed tree in plain wrapper. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS CO. 14SH Sixth Street, Portland. Oregoa, eomw Alder. Dr. W. Norton ' Davis A Co. will re- Biove March It to Van Nor bulldtnar. corns 9i i djto. ana rine streets, . SPENCER TO MEET ALL COMPETITION Captain Spencer says his namesake, the C. S. Spencer, will be ready to go back on The Dalies run by the last of this month. The new shaft has arrived from the east and tho carpenter work on the steamer' is about completed. The boat win oe operated from the foot of Wash ington street Instead of Oak-street dock. as was tne case last summer. "Unless forced to do So."' says the can tain, "I will not cut the rates. They are low enough aa they stand. But if the other side Introduces a slashing same 1 will meet them at every turn, even If I should hava to carry passengers at 10 cents a neaa. "Passenger fares en the Willamette and Columbia rivers are already too low. By water the distance between Portland and The Dalles is 119 ml)es and the fare Is only S1.50. Between Victoria and Vancouver, B. C. it Is only 80 miles, but the passenger rate on the steamboats Is VL'JS, - And, moreover, operating ex penses are not so high up there as here." Journal friends and , readers, when traveling; on trains tn and from Port land, nhould axk news Brunts for The Journal and insist upon being supplied With this tin DP r. rrnni'lin, nil fnllmon In obtaining it to the oftice .f publluatlou, addressing The Journal. Portland. Or. - T The Store That Saves You Money TUSCAN MINERAL SPRINGS OPEN THE TEAR ROUNDt Cases of Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Ca tarrh of Head and Stomach. Gout Bheu matlsm and ALL blood diseases taken tinder a guarantee to be cured in a spe cified time or all expenses, including! railway fare both ways, refunded. These waters renovate the entire sys tem snd remove almost every disease. Send SOc for a bottle of clomacn and catarrh salt Round-trio ttMrsta at 9mtrmtA Htaa Inquire ot any Southern Paelflo railroad agent " . TUSCAN MINERAL SPRINGS CORP VaaeM Springs, CaV Prank 7. Xellen, manager. y.y;H()i ' V" ' n',-r .'y iwhj 1 . 11 if--! Li i H The tarzest sod most comoleta un dertaking establishment on theCoast. F. 5. Dunning, Inc., 414 East; Alder, corner East Sixth. Both phones. ' Calls promptly answered to any part 01 tne city. HENRY VVEINIIARD Proprietor of the City Brewery Largest and Most Complete; ' Brewery la the : Xfortawest. Bottled Beer a Specialty TSLZPXOn o. 78. Offloe 13th and Baraslde Streets, PORTLAND. OREGON. ESTAGADA The new. comln iltv nt " ftafema countv. Offers e-reat Inducements tnr manufacturers of all kinds. ' It has the most powerful alectrio and water power in xam nonnwest - ; OREGON WATER POWER ; TOWN5ITE CO. Orsgoa Water Power BaUway Com pany Building, 13a M Plrst St, Cor, Alder, Boom 5. Phone Kala tie. A- Boynton Furnccc In your house aoon pays' fr lf!f t comfort ami aavtnir of rufl. I-'1! us f.g. ure with you on the cunt, of lutiumii one in your Imuna. J. C. Baytf Pnraaoe t'.i , 26$ Second tit. , ' "iel. Aula HU