The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 03, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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Chief Hunt Says He
Prisoners Without Trial-Law Miows lhat
No Such Power Resides in the Police
; George Wilson and C. Kenney, sus-
' peeted highwaymen who were released
from the city jail last Saturday by
answering to the names of two drunken
men who had been ordered let loose by
Chief Hunt before any trie; of the last
two men had occurred, are still free.
The police have been searching for
i them and -Chief Hunt says he is anxious
i to rearrest them.
Many people are wondering where
Chief Hunt derives the power to allow
; prisoners ,to go before they have had a
trial. Chief Hunt says h.e has an ar
rangement With the mayor regarding
the matter, and that he will continue to
hold his kangaroo court every morning.
In speaking of the chiefs allowing men
. to go free before they have been
brought before a magistrate. Attorney
3. M. Long said:
"If person Is arrested for breaking a
law; be that law a state offense or sim
ply the disobeying of city ordinance,
'" tio police officer has the power to re
tease the arrested man. That power
belongs to "the magistrate. When s
nan is arrested for being drunk and
disorderly, that person has violated a
city law, and Chief Hunt has no legal
- "-
v Repairs to the extent of several thou
sand dollars will be made to the various
asphalt paved streets by the Trinidad
Asphalt Paving company as soon as the
weather settles so as to pormit of tho
work being dons.
"Wherever the work we have dona
shows poor material, we will repair It at
our own expense," said Douglas Taylor,
president of the company, today. "-We
ascertained that some poor material had
been shipped to us without our knowl
edge, and some of this was used before
we found out the facts. Most of the
trouble is in the Sixth street pavement,
Judge C.-B. -Bellinger made an order
this morning calling a grand jury for
the United States district court to meet
in Portland, March 17, 1904. The panel
follows: Joel Koont. farmer, . The
Dalles', Luke Smith, farmer, Gerval;
Albert Feldenheimer, Jeweler, Portland;
Henry Krause, farmer, Aurora; Thomas
Ryrte. clerk, Astoria; George W. Lan
don, canneryman. Astoria; Alfred Sut
ton, stockman, Portland; J. K, Fisher,
farmer, Haines; C. W. "Allen, farmer,
Beaverton; W. W. Spauldlng, meat
dealer, Portland; James Steel, capital
ist, Portlandt C O. T. Williams, broker,
Oregon City; T. H. Eisbee, merchant.
bxooxxtx scxool is dxclaxed
E. W. Hood, charged with trespassing
on the property of the Brooklyn school,
has found a champion in Dr. J. Allen
Gilbert, who declares' this man with
the three personalities, while suffering
with strange hallucinations, is harmless.
Municipal Judge Hogue continued the
case Indefinitely.
As the result of a. blow on the head
when he was IS year of -age, accord
ing 'to the physician, 'Hood's personal
ity changed. Some time later an ill
ness developed yet another personality.
Since then, at irregular intervals these
uikus changes take place in Hood.
The physician stated that lie secured the
feels from Hood by hypnotic sugges
tion, While his rational self Hood is
In deadly fear of being adjudged in
sane. In one mood lie is abnormally
thirsty and drinks quarts of water. In
another lie has a desire to gain knowl
edge and spend much time in study.
In another he thinks himself a tramp.
It takes hut little to cause one of the
changes a streetcar ride, or a sugges
Dr. Gilbert stated that Hood has twice
e.nllsted In the United States army while
in a patriotic mood, but as soon as his
personality shifted he has deserted. He
declared that he had made a close study
of Hood and believed that there was no
other such case on record in the world
In which a man had three personalities.
; Tf T.llthr WaaU-v in!ttAfl In IVirnat
both legs into one trouser leg he remains
quiet and gives no trouble to D. D. Jack
son, the county Jailer. Take the trousers
out of his cell and he protests wildly and
Incoherently. His form of lunacy Is one
of the most peculiar known to the medi
cs! profession.
L. R. Webster, county ludse. and Dr.
Geary, the county physician, examined
Wesley this morning and pronounced him
hopelessly insane. He will be sent to the
asylum at Salem. He Is aged 52 years
and was sent to the county Jail Mondav
on request of Superintendent E. Klledner
of the Odd Fellows' home.
; The trial of Henry Hagan on a bur
glary charge will take place in the state
circuit court March la. Through A't-
torn R. Slnnott he entered a plea of
not guilty when arraigned before jolni
tt. Clelanil. the presiding Judge, this,
momlug. fiinnott appeared a a friend
but .was unable to represent the oris
unrr at the trial en account of a press
ure of business,. an4 the court will ap
point counsel to defejpd the man. 1 lagan
I accused of breaking into a store at
ill Sixth street. n February 23, v
Will Continue to Release
right to release him if he was arrested
while In the act of breaking the or
dinance." I
The American and English Encyclo
naedia. of I-aw says:
"A person arrested without a warrant
should be brought Immediately and
without delay before the nearest magis
trate. .
"It is a well established principle that
it is the duty or an officer after mak
ing an arrest, to take the prisoner be
fore a proper magistrate within a rea
sonable time."
Bouvlr's Law Dictionary says:
"Negligent escape takes place when
the prisoner goes- at large, unlawfully,
either because the building or prison It
which he is confined-Is too weak to hold
him or because tho keeper by careless
ness lets him go out tf prison,"
Twice last month men were released
from the city Jail who were confined
there , on . charges other than that of
drunkenness. The escape of Wilson
and Kenney '.occurred because the men
whom the chief .ordered released hap
pened to be unable to answer when their
names were called. Wilson and Ken
ney answered in their stead.
and this street work lias never yet been
paid for by the city. We will repair all
of it at our own expense as soon as the
weather is so we can do so,"
For many months several members of
the city council have been endeavoring
to bring about n expert investigation
of the material used in the asphalt pav
ing of Portland, and the result has been
that the paving company brought a
man from the east, who analysed the
materia, finding some of it very poor
No more of this will be used, according
to Mr. Taylor, except for temporary re
pairs to keep the street In repair until
the new material. arrives.
Heppner;.W. LBIngleton, farmer, Oak
Creek; R. L. Durham, banker, Portland;
L. L, Hawkins, banker, Portland; Howell
Lewis, farmer, Astoria; D. M. Rlsden,
capitalist, Eugene; A. H. Devers, manu
facturer, Portland; 8. L. Parrott, mer
chant, Dundee; D. B.- Thomas, ware
houseman, Arlington; R. W. Porter,
blacksmith, Oregon City; F. C. Barnes,
merchant, Portland; J. W. Hoekersmlth,
farmer, Medford; J. W. Lady, farmer,
Sheridan; Marcus Freeman, clerk, Port
land;, W. C, tweedale, capitalist, Al
bany; H. E. Edwards, furniture dealer,
Portland; John McGee, Sr., farmer,
Wrenn; R. Doty, farmer, Lorane.
The third sortie in the legal battle
on between Attorneys John Ditchburn
and Lewis Nixon occurred this after
noonoon when Ditchburn filed a motion
in the state circuit court to have Nixon
separate his grounds of defense.
Nixon sets up both justification and
mitigation in his defense to Ditchburn'g
suit for damages in the amount of 150,-
000 for charges preferred before the
grievance committee of the Oregon Bar
aasoctatlon and also states that his ac
tion was privileged. Ditchburn con
tends that his action was not privileged
for the reason that the association Is
not a legal body.
This motion of Ditchburn for a sep
aration of the grounds of defense is pre
liminary to a motion that the question
of privilege be stricken from Nixon's
Recently J. A. Krebs sued the Oregon
Railroad & Navigation company for
damages in the amount of $700. He al
leged that at 7:30 p. m. on last June 7
he shipped a number of horses to this
city to be transferred to the Southern
Pacific and sent to Brooks, and that
they were so badly handled two of them
died and others were injured sufficiently
to lower their market value by the time
they reached here at 2 a. m. on June .
A motion was filed in the state circuit
court by the company this morning that
the allegations be made mUe specific.
The company desires to know how the
animals were Injured, how many were
hurt and what employes refused permis
sion to take them off the cars for water.
Three sailors from the schooner Gem,
which went sshore on Nphalem beach
February 16, arrived In the city this
morning and have taken up temporary
headquarters at the sailors' union hall,
The men are Louie Christiansen. W. M.
Barrett and Henrlck Abfent. They re
port that tho vessel will be a total
wreck, After the schooner went ashore
they state, that the captain left them
without a cent, anil they have been
roughing it ever since.
The Gem belonged to O. J. Olsen of
San Francisco, and at the time of the
accident was en route to Tillamook. No
Uvea wera lost in the wreck. The
sailors will remain here a few days and
wilt probably make an attempt to collect
their wages.
(Journal Special Service.)
Helena, Mont., March 3.---A" special
from Billings. Mont., says that George
Gottschalk or Portland was removed
from the east-bound Burlington train
this morning on complaint of the train
crew. The conductor of the train tele
graphed ahead and upon the arrival of
the train Gottschalk was turned over to
the sheriff. The conductor complained
that all day yesterday Gottschalk had
stood lit front of the mirror in the
sleeper and lookln'g at his Image1 had
cursed it vigorously and made .violent
demonstrations against his profile.. The
conductor feared that the man was In
sane, but local physicians think he has
been drinking too much and that a few
days' rest will straighten him out
Gottschalk had a ticket from Portland
to St. Louis. '.
"A woman Is at the bottom of It,"
said H. H. Tannensee today, referring to
George Gottschalk, who was taken off
a Burlington train at Billings, Mont.,
thought to be Insane. He has been on
a spree for the past six weeks. Rela
tives living at Belleville, Mo., 14 miles
from St Louis, learned of his condi
tion and sent him a ticket and money
to come home. He talked with me about
It Sunday and agreed to watt until
Tuesday to leave, bo that I could fix
up some things for him to take with
him, but Monday morning he left with
out saying anything to me. I did not
know of it until after he was gone.
"He haa worked for me for the past
four years, and is a thoroughly honest
and reliable man, except when he is
drinking, which is only occasionally". He
haa said that some woman Jilted him
long ago; that it was all his own fault,
and he keeps brooding over it, but never
says anything more about his affairs,
and it la this despondency that causen
him to drink. Before he came here he
was bookkeeper for a San Jose, Cal.,
brewery for 11 years."
At a meeting of five members of the
Traveling .Theatrical Managers' asso
ciation Tuesday evening at Cordray's
theatre resolutions' were adopted de
manding that lithograph posters adver
tising coming performances be placed.
The resolutions are signed by John J.
Holland, manager Richards & Prlngle
Minstrels; Harry Ward, manager. Ward
& Wade Minstrels; R. L. Grayson, busi
ness manager Olympla Opera Co.; C. L.
Callahan, manager Slaves of the Mines
Co,, and R, Wr Priest,- agent Olympla
Opera Co.
Harry Ward and John J. Holland, man
agers of two traveling minstrel com
panies scheduled to appear in Portland
within the next two weeks, showed con
tracts which call for the distribution of
lithographs. Mr. Ward said: "We have
gone to the expense of having printing
done to go with these lithographs and
all that expense will be thrown away
unless the posters are distributed. If
the theatres refuse to do the work f
Shall do it myself. The refusal to put
lithographs is part of an agreement of
the local theatre managers' combina
tion, but Jt Is In violation of contract.
Tha local theatre managers object to
giving out the free tickets which pay
for the posting of the lithographs."
Manager Russell of Cordray's theatre
ald'today: "The contracts require trav
eling companies to conform to the rules
of the theatres they visit and we can
refuse to distribute lithographs on the
ground that we have notified them that
Cordray's theatre refuses such advertis
ing matter."
The filing of a stipulation between
counsel representing the National bank
of Dayton, Wash., and the attorneys
of William 8. Sibson, Peter Kerr and
others, is the last atep but one neces
sary before a famous suit is brought to
an end. It Is stipulated In the docu
ment filed this morning in the state
ctrcult court that the court may dismiss
the case d"n motion of the attorney!
representing Sibson and the others.
About $12,000 was at issue in the
case. Suit was filed by the bank on
April 25, 1901, and the legal documents
now on file make a bundle weighing
three or four pounds. In settling the
case out of court It is specified that each
side shall pay its own share of the
The suit was over a wheat deal. The
bank alleged that the money was due it
In connection with the sale of a large
amount of wheat. The Hamllton
Rourke warehouse system also figured
In the case as a defendant.
For talking back in court Joseph
Clark, a north end negro saloon keeper,
was taken out of the municipal court
room this morning in a manner that
suggested a foot race. Clark persisted In
standing up before the Judge's bench,
and was asked by aPtrolman Hammers
ley to be seated.
"I have business here." answered the
saloon man. He was Informed that it
wa one of the rules of the court that
men be seated when waiting to have
their wants attended to. The negro an
nounced fhat he did not have to sit
down and that he could not make him
do so. The patrolman led the negro out
of the court room so fast that he almost
lost his breath.
By promptly answering the calls of a
police whistle this morning, Patrolman
Myers saved the life of a burglar.
About 7 o'clock, this morning an un
known manT said to have been dressed
in a long overcoat, went to the Chinese
"ohow" house, tied the front door with
some small rope, and then went to the
back door, where he expected to enter.
The Chinese was awakened by the
strange noises about his place and, seis
ing a loaded revolver, stood in front of
the door through which the robber would
enter. The son of China also found a
whistle, which he began to blow loudly.
Patrolman Myers heard the call, and,
rushing to the scene, Saw the stranger
running away.
t ..t.t t ,T
mi (. ... r .V!" "V.., "out ln i" postoffice at Fifth and Ysm-
. . '.Jf i l th brluiat "Kht and because of any especial bright
ly!. V I dow,ntown district by night, do not call in the police or
Ii. ala,rm' 1 he nw elctric sign of The Journal has -been
placed on The Journal building at Fifth and Yamhill streets, and in
l!J:!r "eeral ' ln tn word "Journal" is flashed out into the
misty darkness.
. v?h6 5,Srrt' three 8torles n1"h' Parted on - its - beaming.- career -last
night, and caused the majority pf people downtown to pause. Passengers
craned their necks, out of car windows to see what the new lllumi
nat on was, theatre-goers picked their way for blocks by the sigit'g
radiance and crowds gathered to examine the new wonder. -
: The good old Oregon journalistic rule of letting your light' shine
under a bushel and carefully disguising" the fact that you are on earth
Is not being observed by The" Journal, and hereafter all desiring to lo
cate a newspaper office will not have to make a, microscopic examina
tion of a directory before knowing where to turn. Just start towards
the city from any direction, follow the crowd and look for the big
gest streak ot light in the stater when you find it you will be at The
Journal office.
Members of the Master Builders' as
sociation are not favorably impressed
with the requirements of the state com
mission of the Lewis and Clark fair
relative to the letting of contracts for
the erection of buildings for the ex
position, They have appointed a com
mittee of which G. W. Gordon is chair
matt to take the matter up with the
commission and endeavor to have the re
quirements modified.
The contractors state that the com
mission insists that those submitting bids
for the erection of the buildings must
accompany them with certified checks
representing 10 per cent of the construc
tion cost of the structures. They also
state that they are required, to bid upon
the entire six buildings in a lot. It is
estimated that the six structures will
cost in the neighborhood of $70,000,
and in order to bid upon the work they
must deposit a check with the commis
sion to the amount Of $7,000.
Wind off the coast is blowing at the
rate of 30 miles an hour. The bar Is
obscured, and it is likely that no ves
sels will pass in and out today. No
storm warnings have yet been dis
played. Some uneasiness about the Willamette
river Is again being felt. The weather
bureau reports it is possible that a flood
may occur. The rain today is general
and at all points above excepting Sa
Tt must have been a veritable hell
for the engineers and coal heavers
working down below the fire which
nearly destroyed the steamship Queen
on her last trip up the coast," said
George W. Blackburn today. "They are
deserving of great credit for staying
with their work as they did. and but for
them the vessel would never have
reached port. All the woodwork on the
CEirs xECoaxrriox rxox steak
Ths Oregon Water Power St Railway
company bears the distinction of being
the first electric road in the unitea
States to receive recognition from the
steam lines and to carry on a regular
exchange of traffic and equipment with
them. A telegraphio dispatch to The
Journal yesterday from Cleveland, O.,
th&l tha Watra Kaw York iv.
cursion committee at its meeting Just
eoneiuaea at amonage npnngs, ru
admitted to membership the Chautauqua
Trorllnn enmnanv. For a Ion time the
Oregon Water Power & Railway com
pany has Deen exenanging iramo w;m
the steam jines.
TVia rtreBron Water Power Railway
company at the present time has 7
miles oi iracKs, an sianaara gauge, a
little more than two years, ago, when
tt.. n,Mnt ttnmminv nasnmed charge Of
the line the road was 22 miles in length,
and the principal iramc was Deiween
Portland and Oregon City. The comple-
Clackamas country has opened up a
new xarmmg ana iumura iwwn vi
the state, and already the traffic along
this branch is heavy
The rapid growth of electric railway
construction In the United States, es
pecially interurban lines, has not been
lnMrari nfMtti with favor by the steam
lines, but the necessity and natural de
mand for rapid transit nas caused tne
electric companies to prosper in spite
of opposition from their stronger com
petitors. ,
Cars of through freight destined to
points on the road are turned over to
the electrio line and are moved to their
destination the same as the regular
trailer cars of the company. President
William H. Hurlburt, of the Oregon
Water Power & Railway company stated
this morning that an electric road op
ersting in a section not reached by a
large steam line, could prove Just as
valuable a feeder as any other standard
gauge line. "
Julge M. I Pipes will deliver an ad
dress before the City Press club Saturday
evening. March 12, upon the law of libel.
A general invitation to be. present has
been extended to all newspaper men of
the city, whether members of the club or
not, and a large attendance is expected,
as the toplo of the address is of much
practical interest to everyone engaged in
newspaper work. Judge Pipes is thor
oughly versed in his subject, , and will
discuss those feature of the libel laws
which are of especial Importance to men
engaged in the gathering and publication
of 'news. . .
This ruling, so the contractors say,
will, make It almost impossible for lo
cal flrmg to bid upojj the work.: They
state that few, if any, of them are so
fortunately situated that they can de
posit such a large sum lit advance,
They are desirous of having the build
ings let by separate contract.
The contractors are also piqued be
cause St Louis firms have been invited
to bid for the work. They state that
Pacific coast firms snould be given the
contracts in order to keep the money
resulting therefrom at home as much
as possible, Every one of the local con
tractors, they declare, have contributed
toward the enterprise, and this Is an
other reason cited why they ahould be
given the preference.
If the master builders do not succeed
In inducing the commission to modify
the plans as outlined the bids will be
opened on March 19.
lem the river is rising. At the latter
place it has fallen .2 of an Inch during
the past 24 hours. There was a rainfall
of 1.2 of an inch at Eugene last night,
which was the heaviest reported. It was
sufficient to raise the river at that
point .6 of an inch.
The stage at Portland is 11.5 feet, a
fall of half a foot since yesterday; at
Salem, 14 feet) Albany, If feet, a rise
of ..
after end ia burned down to her steel
hull. I went to Seattle Just to see her.
I intended going to San Francisco on
her on the trip she is now due to make.
Three times she has sunk, but each tint
it was in shallow water and she was
raised. She surely is hoodooed. Her
name was the Queen of the Pacific andt
that was changed after she sunk the last
time, which was at Honolulu, thinking
it would break the spell."
Evangelist George W. Wilson arrived
this morning to conduct a series of
revival services under the auspices of
the Volunteers of America, Mr. Wil
son is a member of the Illinois confer
ence Ofhe Methodist Episcopal church,
Mr. Wilson was born in Ireland. He
began preaching at the ate of 19. He
was 12 yeare in the regular ministry
and then turned his attention to evan
gelistic work, "During my life I have
seen 80,000 souls at the altar," said
Mr. Wilson today. "Seventeen thousand
of these were in the Methodist church
alone. I conducted services in Decatur,
111., for 1$ consecutive weeks. These
meetings were beld twice every day ex
cept Saturday. During this time-1,300
people were converted, I spent .seven
weeks in Witchita, Kan., converting coo
people. I do not know what I shall talk
on this evening. I never do until I .see
my audience. I read, people in much the
same way that you read books. My
home is in Urbana, 111, I came here
from Junction, Colo., where I was for
two weeks. I intend to spend about four
months on the Pacific coast. From here
I go to Seattle. I have visited nearly
every state in the unlen."
Th meetings will begin with a serv
ice tonight at 7:$0. There will be a
song service followed by Mr. Wilson's
address. After this week there will be
two meetings a day, one in the after
noon at 2:30 and another in the even
ing at 7:30. These will be held in the
Volunteers of America hall at Second
and Everett streets.
Mr. Wilson has written several suc
cessful books: "The Sign of the Com
ing," "Get Rich with God" and another
is now ready for the press.
COST $50,000, WRECK
The schooner Frank W. . Howe was
sold at auction in , Astoria yesterday
afternoon. The Simpson Lumber com
pany of San Francisco, bought the lum
ber cargo for $700. Captain Keegan
bought the' hull and rigging for $30.
The vessel originally cost about $60,000.
She went ashore f North Head last
week and two men were drowned in the
wreck. n '.
(Journal ftpacltl Burrlce.) :
Chicago, March J. The Western
Union will seek the enforcement of a
federal Injunction against the striking
messengers on account of assaults by
the boys on the men non-union messen
gers. ' One of the latter was slashed
across the face this morning and kicked
andifceetea bjr a crowd of messengers.
Duffy's Pure
At.?1LduA,f!''t' ,r Kr"cers or d'r,ecti tl.OO a bottle. Medical booklet free.
Duffy Malt Whiskey Co,, Rochester, N. Y.
Capt. H. J. Porter, formerly master
of the British ship Indravellt, who was
taken from the Hesperian lodging house
to the Good Samaritan hospital last
evening In a seemingly deranged condi
tion, has completely recovered his facul
ties. His wife, who is well known in
this city, arrived on the Indravelll with
their two children this morning and the
family reunion was most affecting. The
husband and wife had not .seen each
other for nine months.
"My being Insane was all a mistake."
said Captain Torter."! bad been greatly
worried and as a consequence was
troubled with insomnia. My condition
being complicated with illness rendered
me delirious. I am feeling all right now,
and with my wife here will soon be as
well as ever." .
For some time Mrs. Porter lived in
this city at the home ot Mr. and Mrs.
Q. W. Roberts. Her husband mysteri
ously disappeared from New, York Citjr
in last December. He is supposed to
have been drugged and robbed. When
he got over the effects of the drug he
found himself in Boston.. '
Mrs. Porter was then In Yokohama
When Captain Porter returned to New
York from Boston and found bis ship
had sailed without him he traveled
across the continent to Portland. Learn
ing her husband had been found, Mra
Porter set sail for America,
(Special DIspateh te Tbe Jooroal.)
Monterey. March 8. -The National
Oil & Transportation company, which is
preparing to build an oil pipe line from
Coalings to the tidewater asked the
Monterey city council last night for
permission to lay its lines through the
city streets and to operate them there
for the next B0 years. This means an
opposition to the Standard Oil com
pany's lines to Point Richmond.
The new pipe line will enter the
county by way of Priest valley and run
past the sugar factory at Spreckels. It
was to have terminated at Moss Land
ing, 16 miles from here, on the opposite
side of .the bay. All arrangements had
been made for locating the ter
Later it was decided to make the ter
minus line at Monterey. The company
several weeks ago obtained from the
county supervisors the right of way for
its line along the county roads.
(Journal Special KerTice.)
Washington, March $. Representative
Webb, Democrat of North Carolina, in
terrupted the reading of the District of
Columbia appropriation bill in the house
today to present to the house a denial
from Grover Cleveland that he had while
president entertained a negro at lunch
eon. The letter eays the charge is fab
rication out of whole cloth. The charge
was made on the floor by Scott, Repub
lican,' frftm Kansas, several days ago In
defending Roosevelt for his action in
entertaining Booker Washington.
It is reported 'at the police station
today that the condition of Patrolman
Hlrsch, who bid his son goodbye Tues
day and said that he was going to die,
is very much improved, fie has been
at home in bed much, of the time since
his strange actions and it is thought
will soon be well again.
An examination for teachers in the
Philippines will be held March 29 and
80 by the United States, civil service
commission, at Portland and other cities
throughout the country. Information
has been received that 150 additional
teachers wilt be required by June, and
this examination is to take the place of
the one scheduled for April 19, with a
view of supplying the June demand,
The salary of the position varies from
$900 to $1,200 a year. Those appointed
will be eligible to promotion in the
rvlna WntriKn. other than Wives of
male applicants, will not be admitted
to take the examination, but if they
pass they will be given the preference in
appointments', provided their husbands
also receive an appointment,
Malt Whiskey
HIBITS. After an uneventful voyage of 18 days
4wm vviioiim vu tuv, ui viitj V'f
lumbia river the- steamship Indravelll
reached the harbor at 9:30 this morn
ing. The steamer brings no late war
new from the Orient. In fact, Captain
Craven saya that in the part of Japan
which the Indravelll frequents no one
would know a war Is in progress were
he not informed through the press.
From now on, however, he says that
all vessels upon the return trip to Japan
will have to take a pilot aboard 13
nines on ims sioe or xoaonama. wr
ders have, already been issued to this
effect, and It is believed that such a
ruling was promulgated for the pur
pose of guarding aganst surprises In
the harbor. . . ,
The officers state that they passed sev
eral warships and torpedo boats' In
TKiisrurt'. atrlta an A whn ftilrftft if thv
saw any Russian gunboats, replied:
"No; they will steer clear of those
waters. . The straits have been heavily
mined. Anyhow, Russia , has her hands
full in other localities. It is not, prob
able that she will harass the Japanese
coast to any great extent -at least not
at the present." ,
Although the officers did not say so,
It is believed to be very likely.. that the
harbor at Yokohama has been mined,
and for this reason a pilot will have to
go out to meet a merchantman before
she will be permitted to venture too
near. 'Those oft" board did not care to
commit themselves, but it was plain to
see that their sympathies lay with
The steamer brought a full cargo of
merchandise, the most valuable of which
perhaps is a consignment ot silk. It
consists of 84 bales of the raw product,
and 71 cases of silk goods, and is val
ued at more than $60,000. The shipment
goes to New York and other eastern
cities and will be given quick transit.
There is also a big assortment of
goods sent by the Japanese government
for exhibition at the Sc. Louis fair. Com
prised in the shipment are all kinds of
Japanese art work, thread embroidery,
silver engraving and many other pro
ductions erablematlo of Oriental. handi
craft. The exhibit ia in . charge of. T.
Ouchi, whose card reads as fpllows:
"T. Ouchl. Chairman of the Committee
of Exhibitors In Ibarakl Prefecture,
Japan. World's Fair, St. Louis,' U. S.
jv. mr, uucm is BccumyjriiBU uy iitu
private secretaries, Messrs. Z. N. Zama
nata and M. Sawada. There are 18 Jap
anese steerage, passengers, the most of
whom are going to St. Louie to erect
the government building which will con
tain the eahlbit There were no Chi
nese passengers. - '
Mrs. Porter, wife of Captain H. J.
Porter, former commander of the Indra
wadl, was a cabin passenger from Yoko
hama. She was accompanied " by her
two small children, a girl about 7 and
a little boy who is not more than 5.
Aside from the usual gales very good
weather was experienced on the voyage.
A week ago today, the captain says,
was one of the most perfect days he haa
seen this winter. The sun was shin
ing brightly, and the weather was as
warm as summer time. Captain R. P.
Craven is still In command. His wife
recently arrived from England to 'meet
him.. . - - ''-
The steamer's cargo is as follows:
8,371 bags of rice, 19,491 rolls of mat
ting, 500 bags of' sugar, 9,865 papkages
of tea. 47 boxes of oil. 3.630 nackaces
of merchandise, 381 mats, of rice, 45
cases of wine, 250 bales of. curios, 920
bales of copo'c, 200 bags of beans, BOO
casks of soy, 100 casks of "miso, 218
cases of braid, 71 cases of straw braid,
738 tubs of camphor, 84 bales of raw
silk, 71 cases of silk goods; 807 pack
ages of Japanese exhibit, 451 packages
of . curios for the exhibit. Joss sticks,
wooden ware, medicine, salt fish, illy
bulbs, gunnies, sulphur, plants, 'iris
roots, seeds, etc, ,;' ,
(Journal Special Service.)
Washington, March 8. William
O'Brien, a discharged soldier from ths
St. Elisabeth Insane asylum, this morn
ing shot Robert Manning and , Arthur
Wicker,;, two -.; war . department clerks.
The latter . was seriously wounded.
The ntan i came 1 into the adjutant
general's office and asked for papers. He
office, but cut loose with a pistol. Man
ning's wound ' penetrated the stomach
and Wicker was shot in the left arm.
uwrien was.uisarmeu Dy omer clerks
and then arrested,
W. JC. Stows, president and general
manager of a lumber company, was
admitted to practice law before ' the
state supreme court.