The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 03, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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city notices.
Notlc Is hereby given that kt th mm tine
of th epandl of the dty of Portland, Ore
gon, held on th 17th lar of Ftbruiri, 1904.
the following resolution was adopted: ,
Reeolred. That the council of th elty at
; Portland, Oregon, deem It expedient and pro
""I" Prova Darla trt. from 12 feet
aat of tba west Una of Twenty-first strest to
1J feet west of tba caat Una of Twenty-eeeend
street, ln ths following manner, to-wlt:
' . t7TJ.ntluf tba atraat full Width With
full Intersections to proper arsd. -
1B"radr:Br-Pnt tba Tight of way full
- ?iJh 7115 Ju Intersections 38 fat la width
with vitrified brick with aand cushion a fon
""J, foundation aU lncbaa In thick owe.
Third By co aa true tint artificial atona side
walks and urb In . accordance with tba city
nrlpjar a plana, speelnestlons and estimatra.
a'fl Improvement to ba made In accordance
with the charter and ordinance of tba city of
Fortlamrand tba plane, speclflcatlona and eatl
mates of the city engineer died In the offlc
of the auditor of the city of Portland on tbo
j d' Pbrury,. 1004, indorsed: "City
.engineer a rlaoa-apd apeclflcatlone for tba im
iicveinnt of DavV afreet from 12 feet eaat
of the weat line of Twenty-ftrat atreet to 13
feet weat of - th eaat Una of Twenty-aecond
atreet and the eatlmatea of the work to be doit
and the probable total coat thereof."
The coat of aald ImproTement to be aaaeaaed
aa prorlded by tba city charter upon the prop
erty epeclally benefited thereby and which la
hereby declared to be all the lota, parte of
tai parcels of land lying between Una
100 feet north. of and parallel with the north
Una of Dsrls atreet and line -100 feet south
of and parallel with the eouth Una of Parte
atreet and between tbe weat line of Twenty
first atreet and tba eaat line of Twenty-aecond
. atreet.
The englneer'a estimate of the probable total
coat of Improving aald Dsvls street la 13,.
B83.00. :
The above Improvement abalt ba classed aa a
ItHflPd brick pavement on a concrete founda
tion and aha 11 be maintained by tba elty for
.period of eight yeara; prorlded, that tbe ownera
' majority of the property benefited br
aald lmprorement or any portion thereof thill
not petition for a new or- different lmprorement
befnrt the expiration of aucb period.
The plana, specifications and eatlmatea of the
dty engineer for the Improvement of aald
Derla atreet are hereby adopted.
Reaolred. That tbe auditor nf the city - of
Portland be and ba la hereby directed ro giro
notice of tbe proposed Imnrorement of aald
atreet aa prorlded by tbe city charter. ,
Remonstrance ngalnet the abore lmprorement
may ba filed in writing with tbe underalgned
within 20 dare from tba data of tba flrat publi
cation of thia notice.
By order of the council.
Auditor of tbe CUy of Portland.
February 23, 1904. .
Notice la hereby glren that at the meeting
of the council of the city of Portland, Ore-
5 on, held on the 17th day of February, 1804,
je following reeolutioa Waa adopted: '
Reaolred, That tbe council of the City of
Portland, Oregon, deema it expedient and pro
rows to Improro Pine atreet from tbe weat Una
of Front atreet to the eaat line of Sixth atreet
in the following manner, to-wlt:
Flrat By gtadlng tbe atreet to the proper
grade full width with full Interaectloni. ex
cept the lnteraectlona of Flrat atreet. Second
atreet, Third atreet. Fourth atreet, and that
' portion of Pine atreet between the weat Una
of Second atreet and the eaat Una of Third
Second By paring the roadway full width
with full lnteraectlona wltb vitrified brick with
aand cuahloa on a concrete foundation all ln
cbaa Id .tbleknes In accordance wltb tbe city
englneer'a plana, apeclRcatlona and eatlmatea.
Third By removing tba aephalt on Pine atreet
between tbe weat line of Second atreet and
tbe eaat line of Third atreet and by repairing
the concrete foundation, and conatructlng arti
ficial atone curba In accordance with tbe City
erglneer'a plana, specifications and eatlmatea.
Fourth By paring tbe anace occupied by
the Portland Railway company aa a right of
way at Fifth atreet between tba ralla and be
tween tbe trarke wltb ritrlBed brick on
concrete Inundation and by replacing tbe ralla
now in uae with a-roored ralla not leaa than
aeren Incbea la depth In accordant with tbe
city engineer a plana, speclflcatlona ana esti
Sxld imnrorement to ba made in accordance
with the charter and ordinances of the city of
Portland and the plana, apeclflcattona and eatl
mi tea of the city engineer filed In tbe office
oi' the auditor of the city of Portland on the
th day of February. 1!K)4, Indorsed: "City
englneer'a plana and specifications for the lm
prorement nf Pine atreet from the weat Una
of Front atreet to the eaat Una of Sixth atreet
and the estlhiatee of the work to bo done and
the probable total coat thereof."
The coat of aald lmprorement to be aaaeaaed
a prorlded by the city charter upon the prop
erty specially benefited thereby and which ia
hereby dec Is red to be lota, parte of lota
and parcels of land lying between a Hue 100
f'-rt north of and parallel wltb the north line
of Pine atreet and a line 100 feet sooth of and
parallel with tbe south line of Pine atreet and
between 'he weat line of Front street and the
eaat Una or Fifth atreet. and lota 1. 2. T. 8.
In block M: lota X. 4. 5 in block T. and all
that part of 6. block 67, lying sooth of a Una
equtdfetant between tbe north line of Pine
a reet ana the south- line of Ankeay atreet,
all In tba city of Portland.
The englneer'a eatlmate of tbe probable total
rear ot in.proring aald fine atreet la lis,
The abnre lmprorement aball be claaaed aa
k rltrlfled brick lmprorement on a concrete
foundation and aball be maintained by tbe city
for a period of rtgbt yeara: prorlded. that the
rwnera of a majority of tbe property bene
fited by said lmprorement or any portion
thereof, ahall not petition for a new or dif
ferent lmprorement before the expiration of
kuch period.
The plana, apeclflcatlone and eatlmatea of tka
pity engineer for, the lmprorement of aald
Fine atreet are hereby adopted.
rieeolred. That the auditor of tba city of
r or nana pe ana ne is nereny airecrea ro giro
hot Ice of the proposed lmprorement of aald
Itreet aa prorlded by the city charter.
Remonstrance agalnat tbe abore lmprorement
fnaf be Died to writing wltb the underalgned
rvithla 20 dara from tbe date of the Brat publt-
niinn m mis none.
By order ot tbe council.
Auditor cf tba City of Portland.
February 23. 1004. ;
Notice la hereby glren that at the msetlse
of the -council of the elty of Portland, Ore-
rtiu, unu vu iw nil amj at reoruary, IwM.
he following resolution waa adont.d-
Reaolred That the council of the city of
w ikuu, v, t-hm urorij 1 1 paieni ana pro-hott-a
to Imiirore Northruo atreet from h ...
line of Twelfth atreet to the east line of
i enrj-arsi sireex, in mo roirowing maaaer
Flrat All that portion of aald atreet lying
between the eaat line of Twelfth atreet and
the weat line nf Serenteant!) atreet to be
linprored aa folio we:
(a) By remorlng all looaa 'earth, mad and
dehrls of erery kind frj.n tie surface of tat
b) Br redreealng tbe roadwar full v
wltb full lnteraectlona and bringing It to tba
(roper arade with macadam:
r By conatructlng artificial atone aide,
walka In accordance with . the city englneer'a
plana, apeclflcattona and eatlmatea;
(d) Br conatrnctlng artificial - atone curba
in areeruance wiin ne city engineer a plana,
aneelflcatlone and eetlmatea:
(e) By constructing stone ernaawalke In ao-
r.i, who ne -ny engineer a plana, apecl
cations and eatlmatea. -
Second On all portlona of aald itreet Irlng
between tbe weat line of HiTinluntii
and the rest line of Twenty-first atreet aball be
imjiruTrq in isi xouowing manner:
J.. ,Br rdlBa: the atreet fnll width with
-full lnteraectlona ia the nronor ,rmA.-
. nh) .Si '''ilf. b "urface of the atreet
full width with ftill lnteraectlona to the proper
grade with macadam;
lev By conatructlng artificial atone aide
walka In acrdance with the city, englneer'a
plana, epeclflcatlona and eatlmatea;
d By eonetructlng artificial atene ccrba In
.n-.,r.,.,m-. ' " me ciiy eugiBeer'a plana.
Bi-eclneitlona and eatlmatea: v '
(e) Br eobatrnctlng arttfletal atone aldewalka
wiin euro iu rer a Boca wifn tne city engt
kerr'a plana, anedflcatlona and uiin....
(f) By conatructlng atone cnwawalka' In ae
rortlance with the city englneer'a plan!, eperffl
rations and eatlmatea. K
Said lmprorement to be made la accordance
with the charter and ordinance 7 Zr -.71"!!
rertland and the plana, epeelflcarlon and estl.
-V,.i " "jeo in im office of
.oe, enunw n in- rilT OI 1'OTtIand 00 the
Sth day jof February. 1904. Indorsed. "Cltr
erglneer'a plana and apedficatlona for the Im.
Prnrement of Noatbrnn atreet from . .
Jtne ofTwelftb atre-f to the east line of
Twentr-flret atret and the eatlmatea of the
Mt theWf: " PD'D tot1
Tbe coat of aald Imjrorenient to re assessed
aa prorlded by the city charter upon the prop
erty epeclally be merited thereby and which la
hereby declared to be all tba tot, prrta of Iota
and parcel of land lying between a Una 100
feet north of and parallel wlfa the north Una
tif Northrup atreet and a Una 100 feet sooth
rf and asrsllel with tbe south line f Northruo
atreet and between a line 100 , feet eaat nf
a .-11-1 l .t. .k.. . . i . . "
eiiu persiiri wivu mi nra. line or Twelfth
, atreet and the eaat Una of Twenty-first atreet
Tba englneer'a est! mate of the probable h.i
coat ef i the Imnrorement ef aald Northrna
atreet la W.Mfi.OO.
Tbe abore lmprorement a all that portion
ef aald atreet lying between the eaat line of
Twelfth atreet, and tha west Una of Keren
teenth atreet la to be claasd aa a macadam re.
ralr lmprorement and ahall bo maintained by
he city for a period of two yeara, and aft
fortiona of aald atreet lying between the weat
Ine of Serenteenth atreet "aud the eaat Una
of Twentr-first atreet ahall bo classed aa a
tnacrdnm lmprorement and ahall be main tailed
by lb city- tor a periou or are yeara: pao
elded, bowerer. that In both cases the ownera ot
a majority of tba property beueflted by said
impreremeat or any portion thereof aball not
petition for a new or different lmprorement be
fore the expiration of aucb periods. '
Tbe plana, apeclflcattona and eatlmatea f tba
city engineer for tbe lmprorement .' of . aald
norinrup eireei are nerenr aooptea.
Reaolred, That the auditor of the city of
rertland be and ha la hereby directed to glre
notice of the propoaed Imnrorement of aald
atreet aa prorlded by the cltr charter.
Keaaoastrant-e galuet tne abore lmprorement
tray be filed In writing with the underalgned
within 20 dara from tha data of the flrat oubll-
eauon or una notice
By order ot tbe council.1 '".'".'." f
Auditor of the Oty ef Port!". .
Febraary .23, . 1804.' ,' ,,-. r.. J
Seated prouosala will be rocelred br tba
water board of the city of Portland. Oregon,
Until 3 p. ui. Wcdneedayr March 0, 1904, for
hauling 1,027 tone of cast Iron water pipe and
peclai caatlnga from railroad depot or, track
to points within the city limits to be desig
nated by tbe water tnuftl. , . S. '
Tne pipe and apociixvi are contracted to ar
rlre on or before August 1, In Inxtnllmenta
npproxlmattiig WX) tuns per month, and dellrery
niuat be mado aa aoon aa poaxlble after arrlraL
Kneclflcatlona 'and form of nroDosal can be
obtained at tho "ofB'ce of D. b. Clarke, engi
neer ot tne water poaja,, city nan, fouinnd,
Oregon. . .' . - . J
- Wltb each bid rnuat be deposited a certified
check for 11 00. payable' to the order ot the
auditor of the city of Portland, and bonds ac
ceptable to the' water board will be reaulred
of the eucceseful bidder.
, The right Is reetrred by the water board
to reject any or all bid. '
t'rouoeale must be enclosed in an envelope
Indorsed on tbe nutaldo "E'roposAla fot Hauling
Watei- Pipe and Siteclal tastings," and .ad-
A ,n.,. a the. Unn-.l m.J
r oraer o( tire wator boaro.
" v rliiperuitendent.
Portland, Oregon, February 27, 1904; , t
Notice la herehr rlren ' thst si tha raHMnt
of tbe council of the city,, of Portland, Ore-
aim, ueiu on ins urn aay ot reDruary, JWM,
the following resolution waa adopted:
Reaolred. That the council of the city of
Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro
poaea to Iniprore Qulmby atreet from th weat
Una of Sixteenth atreet ' to the eaat llae ot
Serenteenth itreet by bringing . tha atreet to
tbe proper grade and by constructing plank
roadway full width of the atreet. and con
atructlng aldewalka 12 feet wide with 12 foot
eorerlng planka, In accordance with the city
englneer'a plana, apeclflcattona and eatlmatea.
Bsia lmprorement to be made In accord
ance with tbe charter and ordinances of tha
city ef Portland and tbe plans, specifications
and eatlmatea ef the elty engineer filed In the
offlc of tha auditor of the city of Portland
on tha 10th day of February, 1904. lndoraed:
- uuy engineer a plana and apedficatlona for
tbe lmprorement of Qalmby atreet from tbe
weat Una of Sixteenth atreet to the eaat
Una of Seventeenth atreet and the eatlmatea of
tbe work to be dea and the probable total
coat thereof."
The 'cost of aald Imororement to heaaaMsert
aa provided by tba dty charter upon the prop
erty epeclally ' benefited thereby and which la
hereby declared to be- all the lota, parte of
lota and parcela of land lying between a line
100 feet north of and parallel with tbe north
Hoe of Qulmby atreet and a line 100 feet south
of and parallel with tbe south Una of Qulmby
atreet and between the west line of Sixteenth
atreet and the weat line of Serenteenth street
The englneer'a eatlmate of the probable total
eoat tor tne lmprorement of aald Qulmby atreet
I 3.480.00. ,
The abore lmprorement aball be claaaed aa a
plank roadwar Imnrorement nil shall he main
tained by the city for a period of Are yeara;
prorlded, that the ownera of a majority of tha
property benefited by aald lmprorement or any
portion thereof ahall not netltinn for new
or different lmprorement before the expiration
of such period.
roi mans. sDecineaiiona ana sanmstee or
the -Hty engineer for tbe Improvement of eald
Qulmby atreet are hereby adopted.
Reaolred, That the auditor of tbe city of
Portlaud be and ba la hereby directed to give
notice of the propoaed Imnrorement of aald
atreet aa prorlded by the city charter.
Remonstrance agalnat the abore lmprorement
may he Bled In writing with the underalgned
within 20 dara from the date of tha first nnhll.
vniioi. ui mis notice.
By order of the council.
Auditor of tbe City ef Portland.
February 23, 1904. s
Noftca la hereby glren that at tba meeting
of the council of tbe city of Portland, Ore
gon, neio on in litn day or February, 1904,
tbe following resolution waa
.ResolTed, That tbe council of the city of
Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and
proposea to Improre Eaat Darla street from
the center line bf Eaat Second atreet to the
weat line ef I'nlon arenue br grading tba
atreet full width with full lnteraectlona to
the proper aubgrade a abown br tbe -staks
aet by tbe city engineer, the asld atreef to
be brought to a uniform and finished aurface.
Said lmprorement to be made In accordance
with the charter and ordlnaneea of the -city
of Portland and the plane, specifications and
estimate of the city engineer filed In tbe
office of the auditor of the cltr of Portland
on tha loth 'day of February. 1004. Inrlnrmt-
"Clty englneer'a plana and epeclflcatlon for
tne lmprorement or Eaat Parta street from
the center line of Eaat Second street to tbe
nest line of i'nlon "arenue and the eetlmatea
of the -work to be don and th probable total
eoat thereof." t -
The coat of aald lmprorement to be bus eased
aa prorlded by the city charter upon the prop
erty epeclally benefited thereby and which ia
hereby declared to be all the lota, parte of
mm mna p rccis or iana tying oerweea a Hue
100 feet north of and parallel with the north
line of Eaat Paris atreet and a Una 100
feet south of and parallel -with th aouth II n
of Eaat Darla atreet. and between tha eaat line
or fcasi second atreet and the weat Una of
Union arenue.
Tbe englneer'a eetlmat of the probable
total eoat of the Imnrorement ot aald Eaat
Darla atreet la $110.00.
Tbe plana, specification and estimate of th
cltr engineer for the lmprorement of said Eaat
Darla atreet are hereby adooted.
Reaolred. That the auditor, of the city of oe ana ne aereoy uirected .to glre
notice of the propoaed Imnrorement ot aald
atreet aa prorlded by the cltr cbarter.
Remonstrance agslnat the abore lmprorement
Bay be filed In writing with tbe underalgned
wnnin au oara rrnra ttre date of tha flrat pubu
catloa ef tble notice.
By order of the council.'
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Febraary 23. 1904.
Notice la hereby rlren that at tha iHm
of tbe council of tbe city of Portland, Ore
gon, neid on tne lTtb day of February. 1904,
tbe following resolution waa adooted:
Keaolred. That the council of the city of
rorllaud, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro
poaea to Improre East Third street from the
north Une of East Darla, atreet to a Hue 100
feet north of the north line of Eaat Darla
itreet. by grading the atreet to the, proper
anl.grade in accordance with tbe atakea aa
aet by the dty engineer, aald atreet to be
brought to a uniform .and finished aurface.
Bald lmprorement to be made In
wltb the charter and ordinances ef ths city of
r-Tuna mua in? pieaer epecinea none and eetl
matea of tha city engineer filed in the f.
flee of the auditor of the city of Portland on
the 15th day of I'ebrnnry, 1904. lndoraed: "City
englneer'a plana and epeolflcationa for the
lmprorement of Eaat Tnird atreet frem th
north line of Eaat Darla atreet to a line 100
reel norm oi ine norm line or Kelt Darla street
and tbe eatlmatea of tbe work to be done
and the probable total coat thereof "
The cost of aald lmprorement to be aaaeaaed
a prorlded by the city charter upon the prop
erty epeclally benefited thereby and which la
hereby declared all the lota, parts of
lcta and parcela of 'land lying between a Una
100 feet weat of and parallel with the west
Une of Eaat Third atreet and a line 100
feet eaat of and parallel wltb the east line
of Eaat Third atreet and between the north line
of Eaat Darla atreet and a Une 100 feet north
of and parallel therewith. .
. The englneer'a eatlmate ef the nrnhshi .t
cost of lmprorlng aald East Third street la
Tbe plana, specifications and eatlmatea of
the ciry engineer ror roe lmprorement of aald
Eaat Third atreet are hereby adopted.'
Keeolrrd. That th auditor of the dty of
Portland be and be la hereby directed to glre
notice of the propoaed Improremeirt of aald
sireei aa pronacu o.r me cut rnarter.
Remonstrance agalmt the abore lmprorement
may be Died In writing with tbe underalgned
wnnin vi u.t .twit iu Hit o me nrat nubll.
fjaiiun v, lun ,.,, i-w.
By order of the ceuncdl.
Auditor of tha City of Portland.
February 23. 1904. ,
Notice la hereby glren that at th meeting
t tbe council of the elty of Portland. Ore
gon, held oa the 17ta day of February, 1904
the following resolution est adontede " '
Reaolred, That tbe council of tbe dty ef
Portland, Oregon, deema it expedient and pro
poses to impror Curry street from the weat
line of Corbett atreet to the eaat line of
Flrat atreet in the following manner, to wit:
Flrt By grading th etreet full width with
fall lnteraectlona to the proper aubgrade.
Second By eoaitructlng artificial stone aide-
walk In accordaaoa with the elty eaglaeer'g
plena, apeclflcatlone and eatlmate. "
-Third By conatructlng atone croaawalk la
accordance with the city, englneer'a plana,
sreclflcatlona end estimate. -
. f urtu jy - conacrucung - eveaw gunero is
accordance with tka elty englneer'a , Diana.
apeclflcatlone and - eatlmate.'
rirtn By twinging ine , etreei tail wiata
with full lnteraectlona as proper grade with
Said. lmDroramaat- to be made la accord
ance Wltb the charter and ordinance at tha
city of . Portland and tbe plana, apeclflcatloni
and eatlmate of the elty engineer filed la
the eftlce of the auditor et the elty of Port-
una on toe iota aay et reoruary, iwh. in
darsedu "City englseer'a plana and apeetfl
crtlona tot tbe lmptorement of Curry street
from tbe weat -line of Oorbett atreet to the
eaat line of Flrat atreet and the' estimate ot
the work to be done aad the probable total
cost thereof." .
.The coat of .aald Imnrorement to be aaaeaaed
aa prorlded by the city cbarter upon the prop
erty specially benefited thereby and which la
hereby declared to ba all the lota, parts of
wi, ui. iMBrrcia o iseo iina uciittoi a una
100 feet north of and parallel with the north
line ot Curry atreet ana a llae loo feet south
of aud parallel with the couth line of Curry
street, and between the weat Una of Corbett
atreet and : the eaat Una'' of Flrat atreet.
The englneer'a estimate of the Drobable total
eoat of lmprorlng aald Curry atreet Is $3,158.00
ine bdoto lmprorement anaii o classed aa a
macadam lmprorement aad aball be maintained
by the elty for a period et fire yeara; prorlded,
that the ownera of a majority of tha nroncrtr
benefited by aald lmprorement or any portion
toereoi anau not petition ror a new or dif
ferent lrnDroremeat - before the exnlratloa of
aucb period, j ' J
To plana, specifications ana eatlmatea of toe
city engineer for the lmprorement of aald
Curry atreet are hereby adopted.
neaoirea, xnat tne auditor or. the city ef
Portland be and be la hereby directed to aire
notice of the propoaed lmprorement of said
street aa prorlded by the city cbarter.
, Remonau-ance agalnat tbe aiwre lmprorement
may be-tiled ia writing with the undersigned
within 20 dare from the date of the flrat publi
cation of thia notice.
By order a of the council.
Auditor of the City of Portlaad.
February 28. 1904.
' ' . '. , Avenue.
Nstlce 1 hereby siren that at the meeHne-
of the council of the city of Portland, Ore
gon, held on the 17th day bf February, 1904,
tka following resolution waa adopted:
wwiiwi. im ins council or Toe city ax
Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro
posal to Improre Mississippi arenue from tbe
northerly line of .Ooldamlth atreet to the aouth
line ot Ruaaell atreet. In the following man
ner, to-wlt:
First By grading tha atreet to the eremr
second ay paring the roadway with rltrl
fled brick with aand cushion on a ceacrete
foundation alz inches In thick ae.
Third Br conatructlng artificial atone carba.
Fourth By renlaclna- the ralla now In use
with grooved rails not leaa thaa aeren iaeaea
in depth.
Fifth Br paring tbe space occupied by th
City 4V Suburban Railway company s right of
war between said ralla and tracks with rltrl
fled brick 00 a Co a; rets foundation.
Said lmprorement to be made In accordance
wltb the charter and ordlnaneea nf tha cltr
of Portlaad and the plana, epectfleatiop and
eaiimatea or tne city engineer filed In the offloe
of tha auditor of the cltr of Portland oe the
6th day of February, 1904, lndoraed: "City
engineer a plana and specifications for the lm
prorement or Miaslaalppl arenue from tbe
(northerly line of Ooldamlth atreet to tha aouth
una or misseii atreet and the eatlraatee of
th work to h don and th probable total coat
The coat of satd Imnrorement to be ased
aa prorlded by tbe elty cbarter aeon the nron-
erty epeclally benefited thereby and which I
nereoy aeciarea to Be all the lota, part of lot
and parcela of land lying between a Una 100
feet weat of and parallel with the weat line
of Mississippi arenue and a line 100 feet aaet
ot ana parallel wltb the eaat line of Mississippi
arenue and between the aouth llae of Ruseell
atreet and the northeasterly line of Ooldamlth
The englneer'a eatlmate ef the nrohehle total
coat of tbe Improeeine-Bt ef aald Mississippi are-
lina IS eo.dut.uu.
The abore lmprorement ahall be elaaaed aa
a rltrlflel brick lmprorement on a concrete
roonastlon and ahall be maintained br tbe dty
for the period of eight Tsars; prorlded, that
the owner of a majority of the property
benefited by aald Imnrorement or any portion
uiereui noi oeiirion ror new or nir.
ferent lmprorement before the expiration of
such period.
Tbe plana, anedflcatlona and eatimstse of the
city engineer for tbe lmprorement ef aald Mla
elMlpnl arenue are hereby adooted.
neeoirea. inai tne auditor or the dty or
Portland be and he la hereby directed to glre
notice of tbe propoaed lmprorement of aald
arenue aa provided by the dty cbarter.
Remonstrance agslnat Use abore lmprorement be filed In writing with tbe underalgned
within 20 da.ra from tbe date ef the flrat publi
cation or mis nonce.
By order of th council.
Auditor of the City ef Portlaad.
February 23, 1904.
Notice la hereby glren that at the meeting
of tbe council of the city of Portland, Ore
gon, held on the 17th day of February, 1904.
the following reeolutioa waa adopted:
Reaolred. That the council of tbe elty at
Portlaad, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro
poses to tmpruee Irring atreet from the west
line nf- Fifth atreet to tbe eaat line of Seventh
atreet In the following manner, to-wlt:
First By grading the atreet full width with
full lnteraectlona to tha proper grade. '
Second By paring th street full width with
full lnteraectlona, with atone blocka on a con
crete foundation In accordance wltb tbe city
englneer'a plana, apedfleatlona and estimates.
Third B? conatructlng artificial atene curbs
la accordance with the dty engineer's plans,
speelficattone and eatlmatea.
Fourth By replacing th ralla now la
a the Portland Railway compaoy'a right ef
war with grooved ralla not less thaa serea
Inches in thickness snd set oa concrete.
Said lmprorement to be made In accord
with the charter and ordinances of the city
of Portland and the plana, apedfleatlona and
eatlmatea of the city engineer Iliad la tbe
offlc of the auditor of the city f Portland
on th 9th .day of February. 1904. lndoraed.
"City engineer' plsna and apedficatlona for
the lmprorement of Irring atreet from the weet
line of Fifth etreet to the eaat llae ot Sereath
atreet and the eatlmatea of the work to be
doc aud tbe probable total coat thereof."
The coat of aald lmprorement to be assessed
a prorlded by the city charter upon the prop
erty specially benefited thereby and which 1
hereby declared to be all the lota, parts of lota
and parcels ef land lying between a llae 100
feet north ef and parallel with the north line
of Irring atreet and a Une 100 feet aouth
of and parallel with tha aoufh Une ef Irring
atreet nd between the weat line of Fifth
atreet .and the eaat line of Seventh atreet.
The englneer'a eatlmate of tbe probable total
eoat of Improving aald Irring atreet la $ 861.00.
Th abore lmprorement ahall be claaaed aa a
atone block parement en a concrete foundation
and ahall be maintained by the Hty for a period
of 20 years; provided, thst the owners of a
majority of the property benefited by aald Im
provement or any portion thereof, aball not
petition for a new or different Improvement be
fore tbe expiration thereof.
Tbe plana, apedficatlona and eatlmatea of the
dty engineer for the lmprorement of aald
Irring atreet are hereby adopted.
Resolved, That tbe auditor of tba dty of
Portland be and b I hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed Improvement of satd
atreet aa provided by the citv . charter.
Remonstrance agalnat the above Improvement
irr be fllod In writing with, the sndersigned
within 20 day from the date of the first pnbU
eatlon of thia notice.
By order, of the council.
Auditor of ths City of portlaad.
February 23. 1904.
Notice la' hereby glren that at tha meetlna
of tbe council of the city of Portlaud. Ore
gon, held n the. 17th day of February, J904,
tbe following resolution waa adopted:
Resolved. That the council of tbe dty of
Portland. Oregon, deema It expedient and pro
posea to Improve Twenty-aecond atreet from
the north line of Washington atreet to the
south line of Tburmau atreet In tbe following
manner, to-wlt:
Flrat By grsding the atreet fall width with
full Intersections to th proper aubgrade.
Second By conatructlng artificial atone alde
walka in nrcordance wltb the city engineer's
plana, sped Ilea tlona atuj eatlmatea.
Third By constructing artlttclal atone curb
In scconlance with tbe city engineer's plsus,
specitlcntlona aud estimate. '
Fourth Uy paving the apace occupied by
the City ft Railway company a right
of way at Ollean atreet sua St Barter atreet
and by replacing th ralla now In uae by eeven
tneh grooved rail aet on concrete and br oar.
lug tho apace between tbe ralla and between
tne true and for one root ontaldft of the
ralla with atone blocks sot on concrete.
Fifth By bringing the aurface of th itreet
full wldtl with full Intersection to proper
grade with either bituminous macadam or
Tsphalt wltb rltrlfled brick gutter two feet
n width on a concrete foundation lira Inches In
depth or wooden blocks treated wltb car
holliwnro arenarlua on a concrete foundation
Are Inches la depth, or rltrlfled bdrk with
aand cushion oa a eoucret foundation Bra
Inches In depth, aa may be determined by tba
exncutlr board, subject to adoption by the
council, derision to be baaed upon the eoat,
durability, suitability and desirability ef tbs
material nsed.
Said Improvement to be mad in sceordgac
)lth the charter and ordinance ot the city of
Portlsnd sml the plana, apedficatlona aad eetl
matea ef lb city engineer flled la the office
of the auditor of the city of Portland on tbe
17tb day of February, loot, lndoraed: "No. 1, 1
city englneer'a plans and apeclflcatldDS for
the lmprorement of Twenty-econd atreet from
the north - line of Washington-etreet to the1
si nth line of Tburmtn street with bituminous
macadam, aud the estimate of tbe work to be
doue and the probable total coat thereof;" "No, i
2. dty engineer's plana and apeelnVatlone for
me lmprorement 01 'twenty -cona atreet irom
tho north lluu of Wnshlnitton atreet to the
aouth line' of Tburman street with asphalt,
and the eatlmate of the work to bo done and
the probable total cost thereof;" "No. 3, dty
engineer's plana and specifications for the lm
prorement of Twenty-eecowl street from the
north line of Washington street to the south'
lino or inurniaii street witu wood diockb, and
tho eatlmatea of the work to be done and the
probable total eoat thereof;" "Kch 4, city en
glneer'a plans and speclftcatlona for the im
provement ef Twenty-aecond atreet from the
north line 01 Washington atreet to the sontn
lint cf Thurmaji street with rltrlfled brick, and
tbe eatlmatea of the work to be done and the
probable total cost-thereof."
The coat of aald Imnrorement to be aaaeaaed
aa prorlded by the city charter upon the prop
erty specially benefited thereby and which la
nercuy iKviareo io,i an me iota, parte 01
lota and parcels nf l:nd lying between the
aouth lino of Tfcurnum street and tbe north line
of Wanjiliurtoii street and between line 230
foet weKt of and parallel with tbe weat Hue
of Twenty -third street aud a line 10 feet eaat
of and parallel wltb the eaat line of Twenty-
nrt street.
- The enirlneer'a estimate of the probable total
coat for the improvement nf aald twenty-second
atreet ia 4K,374.00 for bituminous macadam,
S59.080.00 for asphalt, S59.090.00 for wood
tloeka, and foo.oeo.oo tor ntnnea nricg.
Tbe abore Imnrorement shall be claaaed
either sa a bltumlnona macadam, asphalt, wood
block or rltrlfled brick parement, as may be
determined by the executlre hoard and ahall
be maintained by the city for period of
eight years, for bituminous macadam. Are
yeara for asphalt, eight yeara for wood blocks,
tieated with earbollneum arenarlua, and eight
"years for Tltrlfled brick; prorlded. that the
ownera of a majority or tne property oene
flted by aald lmprorement or any portion thereof
aball not petition for a new or different lm
prorement before th expiration ot auch period.
Tbe plana, specifications ana eanmaice 01
the work to be done and the Drobable total coat
thereof for the Imnrorement ot aald Twenty-
aecond atreet are hereby adopted.
Resolved, That the auditor ot tne city or
Portland be and" he la hereby directed to glre
notice of the propoaed Improvement of aald
street aa prorlded by the city charter.
Remonstrance agalnat the abore lmprorement
cay be filed In writing with tbe undernlgned
within 20 dare from tbe date of the flrat pub
lication of this notice.
By order of tha council.
. Auditor ot tho City of Portlsnd.
February 24, 1004.
Reeled nronnaala will he received at the office
of tbe auditor of tbe city of Portland until
Friday, March 4, 1904, at 8 o'clock p. m. ror
the Imororement of Kaat Thirtieth atreet, from
the south line of Hawthorne's first addition to
tho north Una of Hawthorne a flrat addition, in
tbo manner prorlded by ordinance No. 13,809,
snhlect to the nrorlalona of the charter and
ordinance of the City ot Portland, and tbe
estimate of the elty engineer, on me.
Bid muet be atrlctly In accordance with
ttrlnted blanks, which will be furnished on
application at the office of tbe auditor of the
city of Portland.
Said Improvement must be completed on or
before 90 daya from the date of th signing
of the contract by tbe parties thereto.
No Dronosala or bids will be considered un
less accompanied by a certified check payable
to the order of the mayor of tbe dty of Port
land, certified by a responsible bank for an
amount equal to 10 per ceut of tbe aggregate
Tbe right to reject any and all blda la hereby
By order of the executlre board.
Auditor of th City of Portland.
February 27. 1904.
' Sealed propoaala will be received at tbe office
of the auditor of tho city ot Portland until
Friday. March 4. 1904. at 8 o'clock p. in. for
tho improvement of Fourteenth atreet, from tbe
south line of Front street to- th north lino of
Savier street. In the manner provided by
ordinance No. 13,810, anbject to the provisions
nf the cbarter and ordlnaneea of tba city of
Portland, and vbe eatlmate of the dty engineer,
on file.
Bids must be atrictly In accordance with
nrlnted blanks. ' which will be furnished on
application t the offlc of tbe auditor of the
city of Portland.
Held Improvement must be completed on or
before 60 daya from the date ot the elgulng
of the contract by the parties thereto.
No proposals or bids will be considered nn
lass accompanied by a certified cbeck payable
to the order of the mayor of the city of Port
land, certified by a responsible bank for an
amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate
nronoani. .
The right to reject any and all blda is hereby
By order of th executive board.
Auditor ot the City of Portland.
February 27. 1904.
Sealed propoaala will be received at the office
nf tbe auditor of the dty of Portland until
Friday, March 4, 1WW4, at 8 o'clock p. m. for
the Improvement of Ainu worth arenue, from
the caat line of i'nlon arenue to the weat Una
of Eaat Nineteenth street, In tbe manner pro.
tided by ordinance No.' 13,811, aubject to the
prorialona of the charter and ordinances ot tbe
city of Portland, and the estimate of th city
engineer, on flle.
Hid must be strictly In accordance with
printed blanks, which will be furnished on
application at th office of th auditor ot th
city ot Portland.
.Said Improvement must be completed on or
before 90 daya from the date of the signing
of the contract by the parties thereto.
No propoaala or bids will be considered un
less accompanied by a certified cbeck payable
to the order of the mayor of tbe city of Port
land, certified by a responsible bank for aa
amount equal to 10 per cent of tha aggregate
Tbe right to reject any and all bids is hereby
- By order of the eiecntlve bosrd.
Auditor ot ths City of Portlsnd.
February 27, 1904.
Sealed propoaala will be received at the offlc
of the auditor of th city ot Portland until
Friday. March 4, 1904, at S o'clock p. m. for
the Improvement ot th eaat H of East Six
teenth atreet, from the north line of Clinton
etreet to the south line ot Division atreet. In
tbe manner provided by ordinance No. 13,812.
aubject to the provisions of the charter and
ciulnanccs of the dty of Portland, and the
estlmsls of ths city engineer, on flle.
Bid must be strictly In accordance with
printed blanks, which will be furnished oa
application at the office of the auditor of th
city of Portland.
Said Improvement must be completed on or
before 40 daya from the date of the signing
of tue contract by the parties thereto.
No propoanla of bids will be considered un
less accompanied by a certified check payable
to the order of the mayor of the city of Port
land, certified by a responsible bank for aa
amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate
The right to reject any and all blda Is hereby
By order of tb executive board.
Auditor of .the City of Portland.
Kehruary27, 1904
Sealed1 propoaala will be received br th
Water Board of the City of Portland. Oregon,
until 8 p. m. Wednesday, March 9, 10O4, for
furnishing and delivering adjacent tn the City
Park reservoirs the following approximate
quantltlea of broken stone, grsvel snd sand,
At reservoir No. 4 700 cubic yard broken
atone; TOO cubic yarda Willamette-river gravel;
700 cubic yards Oolutnbla-rlver concrete aand.
At reseryolr No. 3 2f0 cubic yards broken
stone; 2A0 cubic yards Willamette-river grarrl;
250 cubic yarda Columbia -rlrer concrete aand.
At Kingston arenue and along tunnel con
duit 4""1 cubic yarda Wills metre-river gravel;
2o cubic yards Columbia river concrete aand.
Th right la reserved to increase or diminish
the amount of each clitea ot material specified
above, If the Water Uoard so elect,, at auy
time during the progress of the work; providing,
that the total quantities delivered aball not
be Increased or diminished by more than 00
per rent.
Delivery of above materials tn he made upon
requisition between April 1 and September 1,
lOikt. n lots to suit the requirements of th
work In hand, not exceeding 100 cubic yards
per day.
Bidders must state tbe location of the quarry
from wblch they propose to furnleb tbe broken
atone snd must also submit sample boxes con
taining 4 cubic foot tn volume of escb clsss
of materials they propose to deliver. These
eamplos to be kept ss s standard with which
to compare material delivered under contract.
Specifications and form of proposal can be
obtained at the offlc of D. D. Clarke. Engineer
of the Water Board, City Hall, Portland. Ore
gon. With each bid rnuat be deposited a certified
check for 200, payable to the order of th
Auditor of the City of Portland. Oregon, and
bond acceptable to the Water Board will be
required of the successful bidder.
The rtgbt I reserved by th Water Board
to reject any or all blda.
Propoaala muet be enclosed In an envelop
Indorsed on tbe outside "Proposals for Broken
Btnue. Gravel and Sand," and addressed to tn
underalgned. 1
By order of th Water Bosrd. .
rRANK T. iWW)B, Superintendent.
Portland Oregon, February IS, 1904. .
abii nrnnnaaia win be received at the office
of th auditor of tho elty of Portland until
Friday, March 4. 1904, at 8 o'clock p. m. for
th mourrni'tlnn of a sewer In. Front street.
from tba south line of Abernethy street to the
Tbomss creek sewer, in in manner pro, men
by ordinance No. 13,818, aifbject to the pro
iiinni e the charter and ordinances ot the
dty of Portlsnd, and tha estimate of th city
engineer, on Die. -
. Hid raat be strictly -In accordance wltb
printed blanks, which will be furnished on sp
plication a tht afflce of tho auditor of the dty
of Portland. And aald sower muet be com
pleted 011 or before 30 flays rrom in u. 01
the signing, of ths contract by ths parties
Hnimi. - . .... .
Kn nmra.te iw Mda win b considered un
less, accompanied by alcerttfled check Prable
to thr order of tb myor of the city of
Portland, certified by roapoiuioi Dana ana
for an amount eaual to 10 per cent of tha ag-
The right to reject any and all bide Is hereby
reaorred. .'..
By order of the executlre board.
Auditor ot the City ot Portland.
Fer.rut.ra 2T. 1904. '
v.l- ' 1. fc... atven that William 0,
mint eir" .ni'nwr " ha filed In tn ornce
of in nixie-slimed, notice that Bechlll Bros.,
contracture for th Improvement of Russet t
atreet, under the prorlaions or ordinance .
19 r'.'jrn h.M Man tared ant it street, from ' the
west line of Peninsular avenue to th eaat lino
of F.merald tret.
said acceptance win d eonsiuereu uj m.
executive bosrd at 4 o'clock, on the 4th day
day of March, 1904, and objections to the ac
..irf iin.i n, anv nart thereof,
may be flled In the. offlc of the anderalgnad
at any time prior thereto,
Itlai r-ABi n 1 1 v is euAnu.
Auditor of th City ot Portland,
February 27, 1004.
Notice' la herehr riven that William 0.
Elliott, cltv enslneer. has flled th the office
of the underslgued, notice that J. W. Sweeney,
contractor for ths Improvement of Bbermsa
atreet. tinder the provisions of ordinance no.
l.'t.AR4 has enmnletail Sfllil atreet. "from the
center line of Fifth atreet to tba center Una of
Sixth atreet.
Said acceptance will be considered by the
executive board at 4 o'clock, on the 4th day
day of March, 1004, and objections to tns ac
ceptance of said atreet. or any part thereof,
may ba flled In th offlc of th underalgned
at any time prior thereto.
Auditor ot th City ot Portland.
February 27, 1904,
Notlc I hereby given that William 0.
Elliott, city engineer, haa flled in the offlc
of the undersigned, notlc that Bechlll Broa.,
contracture for the Improvement of Hkldmore
atreet, under the provisions of ordinance No.
13.026, have completed aald atreet, from tha
center line of East Seventh atreet to tbe center
line of Eaat Ninth etreet.
Slid acceptance will be conaldered by tha
executive board at 4 o'clock, on the 4tb day
day of March, 1904 and objections to the ac
ceptance of aald atreet, or any part thereof,
nay be flled In the office of the underalgned
at any time prior thereto.
Auditor ot the City of Portland.
February 27. 1904. 1
PROVEMENT or pippin street.
Notice Is hereby given tbst William C.
Elliott, dty engineer, has filed tn the office
of the nnderalgued, notice that Bechlll Broa.,
contractor for the lmprorement of Pippin
street, under the provisions of ordinance No.
1.1,618. bare completed aald atreet, from th
center Une of Peninsular arenue to th wet
llne-of Wabash avenn.- '- -
Said acceptance will be considered by tha
executive board at 4 o'clock, oa th 4th day
day of March. 1904, and objection to th ac
ceptance of aald atreet or any part thereof,
n ay be flled In the offlc of tha undersigned
at any time prior thereto.
Auditor ot the City ot Portland.
February 27, 11104.
. Notice la hereby given that William C
Elliott, dty engineer, haa filed In the offlc
of tb tinderslgned, notice that J. B. Slem
mona, contractor for, tb construction of a
sewer In Ksst Hoyt atreet. from the weat Un
of Eaat Trrnty-nlntb atreet to the aewer la
Eaat Twenty eighth atreet, under the prorla
ions of ordinance No. 13,728, has completed Said
Said acceptance will be considered by tha
executlre board at 4 o'clock, on the 4th day
day nf March, 1904. and objection to th ac
ceptance thereof may be flled tn the offlc of
th undersigned st any time prior thereto.
Auditor of tbe City ot Portland.
February 27, 1904.
Sealed propoaala will be received at th office
of th auditor of th dty of Portlaad until
Friday, March 4, 1904, at 8 o'clock p. m. for
th Improvement of 'Larrabea atreet from tho
north Una of Holladay avenue to tbe aoutheaat
erly line of McMlllen' addition tn th manner
ptovlded by ordinanc No, 13,807, aubject to
th provisions of tb charter and ordinance
of th dty of Portland, and th ettmate 6f
ibe dty engiueer, oh file.
Blil must b atrictly In accordance with
printed blanks, which will bo furnished oo
applies tlon st th offlc ot tb auditor ot the
city ot Portland.
Said Improvement must be completed oa or
be for 90 days from the data of th signing
of tb contract by the partiea thereto.
No propoaala or bids will be considered un
less accompanied by a certified check payable
to the order of tb mayor of tbe dty of Port
land, certified by a responsible bsnk for sn
amount equal to 10 per cent ot tbe aggregate
1'be right to reject any and all blda Is hereby
By order ot th execottv board.
Auditor ot tb City of Portland.
February 27. 1904,
Sealed proposals will be received' st tbe offlc
of th sndltor of ths dty of Portlsnd until
Friday, March 4. 1904, at f o'clock p. m. for
the lmprorement f tb north H of Clinton
street, from tbe weat Un of Eaat Serenteenth
atreet to the eaat line of Eaat Sixteenth atreet.
In tbe manner provided by ordinance No.
13. SOS. aubject to tbe provlalona of the charter
and ordinance of th city of Portland, and
tb eatlmate of the city engineer, on flle.
Blda Piuat be atrictly In accordance - with
printed blanks, which will be furnished on
application at th offlc of tb auditor of the
city of Portland.
Said Improvement must be completed on or
before 40 day from tbe date of the signing
of the contract by the parties thereto.
No propoaala or blda wW be conaldered sa
les accompanied by a certified cheek payable
to tbe order of the mayor of th city of Port
land, certified by a responsible hank for an
amount equal to 10 per Cent of the aggregate
The right to reject any and all blda Is hereby
By order of th executive board.
Auditor of tha City of Portland.
February 27. 1904.
Nollee la hereby given that the Council of
the tlty of Portland propose to assess the
following described orooertr and owner or
owners ss being specially and peculiarly bene
fited In the amounts set opposite the names
Jd description thereof for the improvemrut
of Northrup etreet, and from the west line
of Twenty-second street to the esst line of
iw.t.'lt-l,l provided by ordinance
No. ia,6r3.
Any objections to th pportlonment of cost
for ssld Improvement moat be nis.le In wrlt
J .'J Council and Died with the Auditor
within 18 day from th date of the first pub
lication of this notice, aud aald objections
will be beard and determined by the Council
before the passage of the ordinance assessing
the cost of ssld Improvement.
Coucb'a Addition to th City of Port
land Blk 308, lot 4. J. W. Drtsroll
?.!. 1: U R"bT Bruce Wlhsnn..
I 93.45
56 07
40 7 2
dis mm, sn a, Bridget Lyon
E! 2'"!"!,,t BiClcmntlo F. Lewi
Illk 800, kit 12, t'lementln F. Lewis
2 S S' 1?t18ctB",,ln . Lewi"
Blk W, lot 18, Samuel Wagner
SIS SS1 1- Gou1 Samaritan hospital..
S fS' ?' 0004 8mrltsn hospital..
Blk 808. lot T. Good ft. .,.,11.. k.-i,.i
S!J JS' fcj ? SS ""'Un htspltai: M 07
Blk BOO. lot 11. Good Samaritan Hnnttal AA 7
Blk 808, lot 14. Good SamarUaa hospital. 48 7a
A tract of land lying between tboTNwtb
lln of Northrup street and a lto 1
'T.i ou'h brof and parallel there
with and between the east Un of
Twenty-third atreet aad Un 100 feet
aat thereof and parallel therewith.
Good Samaritan hospital ............. 83.48
. ToUl ....... ..... ,.-,. ii....8N5.T9
. - THOS. c, DEVLIN.
Auditor of th city Portias.
February- t. loot, , . ,
Sealed nronoaala will be received at the office
of the auditor of the city ot Portland until
rriaay, March , 1SK4, at o ctock p. m. for
the improvement of Arthur itreet, from. -tb
weat line of Hood atreet to the eaat line ot
First atreet. In tbe manner provided by ordin
ance No. 13,813, aubject to the provisions ot
the charter and ordinances of the city ot Port
land, aad the estimate of the dty: engineer.
on file. ,
Bids must be atrictly tn accordance with
printed blanks, which will be . furnished 08
application at the office of the auditor t ths
city oi Portland.
fold linnrovenient miiat ha eortinleted on or
before 120 days from the data of tho signing
of the contract by the parties thereto.''
No prouosala or Mda will be considered un
ices accompanied by a certified check payable
to the order of the mayor of the city of Port
lurid, certified by a responsible bank to an
amount equal to 10 per cent of tho aggregate
The right to reject any and all bids 1 hereby
By order of the executive board.
Auditor ot the City of Portlaad.
1 February 27, 1004.
Sealed pn.iioaals will be received by the
water board of th city of Portland. Oregon.
until 3 p. m. March 0. 1904. for furnishing
l.Boo barrels of Portland cement, with the
privilege of Increasing the amount to 3,000
parrel, or less; if the water board, ahall so
elect before the time aet for tbe completion
of the contract.
The cement must be nf some well known and
reliable" brand and will be tested In accord-
Slice with the practice, recommended by the
American Society of t.ivll Rtiglneere.
. Blddera tnnsr state the brand and the name
if the manufacturera of the cement they pro
pose to furnish, the net weight and price per
barrel, and must also state the location of the
warehouse from which delivery will be made.
Delivery of cement to be made between April
1 and September 1. 10O4, In lota to ault the
rcqutremeuta of the work In hand.
I Specification and form of proposal can be
obtained at the ofilce of P. D. Clarke, engi
neer of. the water tioanl, city hall. Portland,
. With each bid must be deposited a certified
Check for 8,'tOO.UOi payable. to tbe order of tb
auditor of the cltv of Portland. Oregon, and
tsonda acceptable to tbe water board will b
required of the successful bidder.
1 The right la reserved by the water board
to relect any or all bids.
Propoaala must be enclosed In an envelope
lndoraed on Ibe .' outside, "Propoaala fot
Cement," and addressed to tbe underalgned.
By order of tbe water hoard.
, Superintendent.
Portland, Oregon, February 27, 1904.
Cltv of Portlnnd. Oregon. Sealed nronoaals
will be received by the underslgued nnttl 2
o'clock p. m. on Thursday, March 3, 1904, for
the whole or any part of Fifty Tbouaand Dol
lars (o,oiu.uo or tne Bonds or tne city ot
Portland; Oregon, In denominations of Fire
Hundred Dollar (foOO.GO) each, dated Janu
ary 1, 1904, parable thirty year from flat,
and tearing lntoreet at the rate of four per
cent per annum, payable on the first days of
January ard July of each yea?, principal and
Interest paysbls in United States gold coin at
the office of th treasurer ot the city ot Port
land. Oregon.
The abore described bonds sre tsened for th
purposa of providing sn additional ferry to
operate across th Willamette river In said
city of Portland. The authority tor the lasne
of aald bonda is granted by an act of . th
legislature of the state of Oregon, filed In tha
office of th secretary ot state reoruary 114,
Bidders will ba reonlred to submit oncondl-
tlrnal bids, except ss to the legality of tbe
bonds, and each Ml must be acctrpsn!rd by s
certified chcqn nu some responsible bank In
tho city of Portland. Oregon, for an amount
equal to five per cent of the face valna of th
anount of bonds bid for, payable to the order
rr th mayor or id city 01 roriiana as uqui
dstsd damage in case the bidder ahall with
draw hla bid or ahall fall or neglect, to take
and pay for tbe aald bonds should tb sam
be awarded to him.
Th tight la reserved t reject any or si!
Alt propossla should be marked "Proposals fot
Bcuos, and addressed to 'raomaa u. uerun.
auditor, "Portland, Oregon.
By order of tba executive bosrd.
Auditor of ths City of Portlsnd.
Portland, Oregon. January 27. li04-
. Cltv of Portland. Oreeon. Sealed Dronoaale
will b received by the cnderelgntd until 2
o'clock p. m. on Thursday, March 8, 1004, for
the whole or any Dart of Four Hundred Thou
sand Dollar ($400,000.00) of th. bonda of
tbe city nf Portland. Oregon, la denomina
tions of One Thousand Dollars each, dated
January 1. 1004, payable thirty year from
date, and bearing Interest at the rate of 4 per
eer-t per annum, payable on tb flrat days of
January and July of each year, principal and
Interest payable In United State gold coin st
the office ot th treasurer of tho city of
Portland, Oregon.
The above described bonds are issued for th
purpo of building s orldg across tbe Will
amette rlrer In aald dty of Bortland. con
necting Morrison street on the west sld of
ssld rlrer with East Morrison street on the
eaat sld of ssld river. The suthorlty 'for tha
Issue of said bonds Is grsnied by an act of th
legislature of- ths stste of Oregon, filed la
tbe offlc ot tb secretary of stst February
24, 1903.
Bidders will be required to submit unrundt
ttonal blda, except to th legality ot th
bonds, and each bid most be accompanied by a
certlfl-d check on some responsible bsnk in
the dty of Portland, Oregon, for an amount
equal to 8 per cent ot the face value of tha
amount of bonda bid for, payable to the order
ot tbe mayor of tbe dty of Portland as liqui
dated dsmsgea tn case ths bidder shall With
draw bis hid or sbsll fall or neglect to take
and pay for the said bond should tb sam
be awarded to him.
Tb right la reserved to reject any or all
All proposals should be marked "Propotala for
Bonda," and addressed to Thomas C. DevUn,
auditor, Portland. Oregon.
By ardor f th executive board.
Auditor ot th City of Portland.
January 27. 1904.
' Scaled propossla will be received at the office
of tbe auditor of tne city of Portland until
Friday, March 4, 19i4, at 8 o'clock p. m. for
tbe lmprorement of Teuth atreet. from the
north line of Waahtngton atreet to tbe south
line of Front street, tn tbe manner provided
by ordinance No. 13,815, subject to the provis
ions of the charter snd ordinances ot this dty
of Portland, aud tb eatlmate of tb city
engineer, on flle.
Hid must b atrictly In accordance with
printed blanks, wblch will be furnished on
application at tb offlc of ths auditor of th
cltv of Portland.
Said Improvement rnuat be completed oa or
before ISO daya from the data of th signing
of the contract by the partiea thereto
No proposals or blda will be considered un
less sccompsnled by a certified check payable
to tbe order of the mayor ot th dty of Port
lsnd. certified by a responsible bank for an
amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate
Tbe right 'to reject any and all blda Is hereby
liy order of th executlre board.
Auditor of th City of Portland.
February 27, 10O4.
Sealed propoaala will be received at tbe office
of tbe nudltor of th city of Portland until
Friday, March 4. 194, at 9 o clock t. m. for
the lmprorement of Flrat atreet, from the
norm une ot aianiaon atreet to the aouth line
ot t'otuaiMa atreet. In the manner provided br
ordinance No. 13,814. subject to the provisions
or tne ensrter ana ordinances of the city of
Portland, ana toe estimate ot tb city engineer,
on flle.
Bid must be strictly In accordance with
printed blanks, which will be furnlabed on
application at the ofnc of th auditor of th
city ot Portland.
Kald lmprorement must be completed on or
neinre wu aaya rrom inn data or tbe algalng
of th contract by th partiea thereto.
No proposals or bids will be considered un
less accompanied by a certified chock payable
to the order of the mayor of tha city of Port
land, certified by a responsible hauk for an
amount equal to 10 per cent of tbe aggregate
Tbe right to rejegt any and all blda la hereby
reserved. '
By order of the executive board.
Auditor th City ot Portland.
February 2T, 1904.
Sealed proposal will b received t tb offlc
of th auditor ot, tb dty ot Portland until
Friday. March 4, 1904, at 10 o'clock a. m.
for conatrnctlng artificial stone sidewalks on
Park blocks 11. 12, IS, 14, 15. 16, 17. 16, 19
and 20. Portland, aubject to th Mtlmat ef
tbe dty engineer, on file.
Bid xauit b (trlctly in accordance with
printed blanks, which will be furnlabed on sp.
plication at tha offlc of the auditor of th
City of Portland.
No propossla will b ooilildered unless o
conipanlrd by a certified check payable to tbe
order of. tbe mayor of the elty f Portland,
certified by a responsible bank for an amount
quel to 10 per cnt pf th aggregat pro
posal, , ., -
Th right to reject any and all bid U hereby
reserved. -By
order of th park board.
Auditor nf the Cltr of Pnrllnud.
Portland, Oregon, February 27, l'4.
trains, for Salem, Roae
burg, Ashland. Sacra
8:30 p. a.
T .48 a. ss.
mento, ogdea, bub i rin
ds 00. Molave. Los Aa-
galea. El Pas. New Or-
At Woodbura ' flaily
except Sunday!, taera-
8:80 a. m.
Ing train for Mt , Aa-,
gel . SUvartOB. Browns.
7:00 p. SB.
10:18 a. s.
, .'1 "' V.'
118:28 a. m.
rule,. Bpringneia. w ana
ling and Natru. .
Albany paaaenget,' con
nects at Wecdburn with
lit. Angel and Silver
tea losaL ,
p. Bk
T JO a, m.
CorvaUl passenger...,.
114:80 p. m. (Sheridan passenger.,... 8:B0 p.
Dally. It Dally, except Sunday.
PortUad-Oswego Suburban Eerrio and Yamhill
Division. .
r,-. a.u T-ee ... . au-. ,a : i
wpvi w w ....... m o UMI, , '
Leave Portland dally for Oswer T:80 a. r. '
12:flO. 8:08. 8:28: 8:20. :2B. 8:30. 10)10 a. S.
Dally (except Sunday) 8:30, 8.80; 8:38. 10:28
a. m. 1 4:00, 11:80 p. aa. Sunday only, 9:08
a. m.
Returning from Oswego, arrive Portland; 8TI1
8:80 a. m.. 1:88. 8:05. 4:88. 8:18. 1:M. flS, .
11:10 p. nv Dally (except Snnday) 8:88, M
9:80. 10:20. 11:46 a., m. Except Monday, IIJI
ni. Hunday only, loioq a, ra.
f.esres from lama, denot f.-.r Dallas and lnt
mediate points datlr (except Sunday) 4:00 p. at
Arrive Portland 10:20 p. m.
The Independenffe-Monmonth Mote n)
operates, dally to Moo month snd Alrlle, cow
nectlng with Son them Pad fie company's track
st Dsllas- and Independence,
First -clasa fare from Portland to Sacramental
and San Frandaco 120. berth 8; aecond-laa
fare 815. second-daae berth 82-00.
Tick-eta tn r.ssteni mint 'and Enrarj. SUBS
Ispan. Chins. Honolulu and Australia. -
City Ticket Oftie corner xnira ana waniasx
tea -etraet. Phone, Main 712.
City Ticket Agent. era. fas, gaia .
&. . -a. n..iim. is atfiii.lBrti anii Tnnrftai a!ehataaa
a f rW1 f H a a n . asr -- " - ap -- s.
. 4.ll a Omaha. Chlcam. RimbimI
Tourist sleeping -care dally to ICanaaa City
tnrougn runman iih" cv,ms-x.w
ly conducted) weekly to Chicago, KomO
City; Reclining chalivara (seats treat to tho
luisi asuy. -
unvsrr depot:
TgTemrT" Arrives. '
For tbe East ria Hunt
ington. 9:18 a. mu
B:S a.
For Esst'irn Waahing
ton. Walla Walla. Lew
tston. Coeur d' A ten
and Great Norther
7:48 p. av
8:00 a. SB.
tally. ,
in i wtic v v n tj itq a 18:15 o. m. !o-no i
For tb Esst via Bant- Dally. Dally.
lngtoa. I I
S. S- Geo- W. Elder
Feb. 6. 18, 28;
8. S. Columbia, Feb.
i. 11. 81.
8:00 B BV
50 p.
Columbia Rlrer Dtrialoa.
8 00 p. m.
ex. Sunday.
10:00 p. as.
I boot
8:00 p. .
M Sunday,
oolnta. connecting with
etmr. for IJwsco and
North beach, atr. Baa
ralo. Aab-et. dock.
Yamhill Rlrer Rent.
T:00 a.
City aad Yamhill Rlrer
points, sirs. Elmors and
Modoc. Ash-at. dock.
(Wtr permitting.)
Snake Rlrer Route.
snd way points from
Rlpsda, Wash., stesnr
ers Spoksa and Lw-
1:06 a. m.
30 p.
ex. Sat,
a. Friday.
TICKET OFFICE. Third ead WaaMngtoav Tate
phone. Mala 712. ,
For Yokohama and Hong Kong. eatTlns at,
Kobe. Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight
via connecting a tea mere to Maalla, Port Artha
and Vladtvoetok.
For rates and full Informatlea call
dress officials t agsnta at tb O. B, 4b M. Oa,
Paget. Sound Limited,
for Tacoma. Seattle.
Olympla. South Bead
and Gray's Harbor
North Coast Limited,
for Tacoma, Seattle.
Butte. St. Paul, Mia
nea noils, Chicago, Naw
York. Boaton and point
East and Southeast
Twln-Clty Express, for
Tacoma. Seattle, Spo
kane. Helena. St. Paul,
Minneapolis, Chicago.
Nw York, Boaton and
all points East sod
Southeast. ;
Puget Sound - Kansas
Clty-St. Louis FpedsL
for Tscoma. Seattle.
Spokane. Butte. Billing.
Denrer, Omaha. Kansas
City. St. Louts and all
polnta Eaat and South
east. Departs.
8:80. av
1:00 p. m.
. ' l . '
8.30 V BV
a '. V V
I'M a.
T:00 Ps B.
T:00 a. t.
11:48 p. a.
8.80 a. nv
Atl train dally ex cent Boot
breach. . A. D. CHARLTON.
Assistant General Pange Agent, :
229 alurrlsoa St., cor. Third, Portlaad. Ore
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
yP UT',i Jl J
Leave. CNION DIPOX ; Arrive.
Fee May gu. Rainier. rail. v
..-'; OatskasU, West port.
.' ' Clifton. A start. War
I '00 a. as, ronton, riarav Mfo- 11:10. nv.
Dally. mood. Fort Stevena,
' " Cearhart Park, Seaside,
Astoria and 8-sebvv
' Express. Deity.
J''? " Aatorl hit.
Dally. i pnii. 40 p iw,
i. c. mv'i,
Q F. and P. A , ' - . fr
C A. ftTEWART. O." "-rUal Ag..t, .1 , :,,
(., ibjue. ai-l k.ti.