SUNDAY MORNING.'MARCH 20. IS THEDATE. iSE,T FOR A SUNDAY LSiSUE OF THE tOURNAL, .1 . 00D EVENING. . - - .-: .. The Weathert Tonight.- and Friday, occasional 'rain; brisk southerly winds. The Circulation of The : Journal Yesterday VVa 14,170 r- VOL. II. NO. 308. PORTLAND, OBEGON, THURSDAY EVENING, 3fARCII 3, 1904. PRICE FIVE CENTS. DESPOTIC RUSSIAN MONARCHY MAY SOON END ITS G So Persistent Are he Czart that It Resources to France the Menacing Power, and With Her Wealth and Credit No Slur Is- Passed ; Upon Her CapabilitiesEngland Aroused and ; Dispatches Give Reason for National Excitement seems no doubt that the Japanese are in control of the situation at the former port and In all probability are bo in touch with the conditions I at Vladivostok that the Ice-bound, place , Is In, easy taking by the mikado's forces. " ' ,i 4, A dispatch received this afternoon from Peking which was directed to the foreign office jhere states that the Japanese landed 200 sailors and marines from the battleship Ahlsa and at this time" t.hey prac- tlcally occupy the city. - - .This means the abandonment of the town by the Russians, who seek to protect their line of communl- cation 'rather than suffer defeat In an ill protected fortress. . It Is known that seven war vessels not? connected with the Japanese fleet now storming Port Arthur, are on the other side of the Korean peninsula and are ready to wipe the remaining vessels of the Russian navy now at Vladivostok, from active service , 1 As received here, the news means much as it Is Intimated In the dispatch that France is insistent that . every detail ,of Japanese progression shall be reported to the foreign office at Paris. V .It Is also reported here that the French government is in hourly, communication with the csar and that the former promises that should a continuance ot reverses obtain she will be ready -to enter the field of war. .7' ' . All this means bitter strife for England, and what else? 1 XVSSXA'g XAXX.KOAD. Osar Gives All Attentloa to Xls Oreat . glberta BoaA. (Jmraal Spsclal Servtca.') , ; St. Petersburg, March 8. Most unus ual energy on the part of the authori ties are now directed for the prevention of the Siberian railway blockade. Twenty new sidings have been built, and the hope Is to clear the line and keep 11 trains In each direction dally. Reserves from the . Siberian rural, districts are reported to be more anxious to go to the front than the townsmen. DETECTIVES XV ASSAULT. HUrtllng Keyort Bays That America Xs Being Watohed. ((Journal Special Berrlee.) . wasmngion, .. ia...v"m inarcn . - ine state department received a' dispatch late this afternoon which, speaks of more than ordinary Interest. In the contest there Is understood that nine secret A SLAUGHTER PEN y -AMONG CHINESE (By Edwin K. Ckragfe.), Peking, March S.The city, of Tien Tsln is again a slaughter pen. Head less bodies are everywhere and decapi tation continues, with sickening fre quency. Thls Wnnton killing is the re-" suit of the .effort of the viceroy of Peehlll to prevent an outbreak of the Chinese srmy. An outbreak directed at the Russians is set on foot by agitators, which, if not put down, would be disas trous to all 'foreigners. . Troops and people have been incited by placards exaggerating Jnpancse , successes and calling on the Chinese to rise and wipe out the Russians. Tho Russians fear an sdvanceof the Chinese army and are cutting the trans Siberian line fit communication. Fif teen thousand Chinese soldiers are at Shan Hal Kwan on its northern frontier. They are 'being reinforced dally. The men are well drilled and are armed with FRANCE MUST NOT MIX IN DIFFICULTY ' (Hearit special 8rle.). New York, March 8. Baron- Suey matsu, the brpther-lri-law of Marquis Ito snd at one time Japanese minister of tho interior, talked at the Waldorf Astoria today on the situation in the far east and sounded a stern warning to France to keep out of the struggle. Ho went. further and said In so many words that Japan could take care of herself even if France should mix in. "We have no desire to drag other na tions into, this war," he said-, "and we don't wish other lands to bo troubled because of it , Good feelings and' moral support. Is what we entreat Americans as well aa of other nations to lend, but .-.,! , ;.; RUSSIANS SIEZE MANCHURIA OUTPOST (By Jock tondon, Special Correspondent of the Haass Newspapers.) - ' Ping Yang,,, March 8,--Three hundred Russlansi'' have seised Anju, 4G miles from Wlj", its port having been de clared Jpen by Korea. W)Ju is 25 miles from Ping Yang, where the nrst battle or the war between. Japan a'nd China, was fouKht. There has been no attempt DAYS IF THE SIGNS IN FAR the Japanese and So Seemingly Weak Is Believed Russia Is Without Naval Contend hi the Furious Situation 4 0 French government agents are detailed for duty In the United 8tates, and that 11 are shown for duty In England.. No expression will be given out by the state department 4n view of this, but it Is understood this evening that every man of the foreign service will be covered- so soon as he lands on the shores of America. , A cable from London this afternoon states that the government of Great Britain is harassed by Russian agents and others from France. surrxanro ron wateb. Port Arthur Residents Save Awful Hardships Trom Thirst. '(Journal Special Service.) St. Petersburg, March 8. A late Port Arthur dispatch states the inhabitants are suffering from a serious shortness of water supplies. Owing to the severe cold weather, the pipes freeze and burst. The condenser In the; town Is Insuffi cient io supply the needs of even the garrison Inhabitants. modern weapons and represent the flower of the Chinese army. In this formidable army are many leaders who urgf a speedy advance on the Russian line of communication, despite all efforts 6f their government to the contrary. The neutrality of China cannot be long maintained. Foreigners at Tien Tsln and Peking are warned that there will be no dis tinction as to the nationality of those massacred if the war agitators get the upper hand, ' Consequently all nations are preparing for emergencies. There are 2,000 American and European troops at Tien Tsln. and 1.500 more guarding the legations at Peking, but on a gent-rat uprising .these would be but a handful. Minister Conger says. China f is trying to preserve neutrality but Is having great difficulty "to control her troops and populace. He thinks trouble Is possible with the slightest provoca tion. ' - . ; ' we ask no more. We dont wish them to become entangled. It seems France Is speaking rather badly about us, and I consider It ill-advised If she continues in any such mood as that, and especially If she goes still further and makes us her enemy. We have not forgotten what part France took along with Russia at the close of the war with China. "We mean to keep on friendly rela tions wltlv France, but if she should go on and consider us her enemy on ac count of RuHsla. we cannot help it Our army and navy can com but with any nation In the east' Now that we have virtually no enemy on sea, we . don't mind fighting France on the sea." as yet by' the: Japanese' to dislodge the Russian advance. : -. Fleeing Koreans de clare the Russians are m great force and the Koreans are seeking shelter In Japanese lines, fearing the forces of the Mar n account of the stories told "of Russian cruelties. (Telegraph communi cation to northern: Korea , has been .cut oft : '..'. .... ;-..'. , ' ': : :.' TAX OH IAX1T AYS SILK. JapmeseeSlet "Wrill Convene 'en VUreh 18 to Hake Wax tevy. ,, t (Journal Special Serrlce.) London, March S.The Central News of Tokio sayss . An extraordinary ses sion of the Japanese diet is summoned for March 18. It is not expected the session will last more than 10 days. Thr customs will not be touched, but new taxes on salt and silk are likely to be levied. TORTURING MINERS TO BREAK STRIKE ivii-ecial PUpatcb to The Journal.) Denver, Colo., March 8, According to a telegram received here , from Tellu ride, by Secretary W. D. Haywood of the Western Federation of Miners, the striking miners In the San Juan country are being subjected to the most har rowing abuses bv the civil authorities aided by the militia. The telegram of today follows: "Bee Governor Peabody. One of our men Is shackled to a telephone pole. All the arrests" are by civil authorities." Communication with Tellurlde con firmed the statement, but the military censor, who stood besldo the corres pondent as he talked through the tele phone, would not permit him to divulge any details of the incident nor allow the name of the . persecuted , miner to be given out It is. believed by the officials of the Western Federation that the act is pact of the mine owners' program to break the strike, 'and that It Is but the fore runner of tortures mapped out by them and the sheriff to be perpetrated on the strikers. . TBXRTEEW BEAD XX riBB. (Journal Special Service.) New York, March 8. Three hundred men worked all night at the Hotel Dar lington. At 10 o'clock this morning five bodies had been recovered. The res cuers' reported eight more In-flight One Is cut entirely In two. The list of dead will not exceed 13. Sixteen inlared are In the hospitals. PBEPAJtnro rox cabas vatxbvt. (Journal Special Serrlce.) Washington, D. C, March 3. The treasury Is preparing a call ordering the national banks throughout the country to pay In 20 per cent by March 25. The sum required, 820,000,000, together with $20,000,000 from the treasury itself, will be devoted to the payment for the Panama canal property concessions. A TATAX WXZCnC (Journal Special Serrlce.) - Chamberland, Me., March The Bal timore A Ohio express was brecked at Rowlesburg this morning. Fireman Mo Kensle was killed and the engineer, probably fatally hurt No passengers were Injured. The engine of No. 2 ex press, mail and the baggage cars were derailed. ' EIGHT MEK PEBXSKED. . - . ' 1 111 ' 4. , (Journal Special Service.) Breslau, March 8. Eight men per ished In the coal pit owned by PtJnce Donnermarck at fJlelwlta, Silesia, today by the ignition or coal dust . XA OBABDB 7AXX.VBB. It. J. and M. ' E. Mulllns, who have been carrying on a grocery business at I Grande under the style of Ormand Co., today filed a voluntary 'petition In the United States district court asking that they be adjudged bankrupts., Their liabilities are placed at 3,35.16, . JAPANESE BRIDE TRUE TO HER FATHERLAND ) -X, '; -y v n v ' 1 t i i I UW" ' s , w , , I ?A v -' t "i ' -" - 3 . ; A- M s 'II 4 A 7 - ' " 1 rv " 1 Mi Hit I V .- ' '-r .. , I .-J'.,- r .'1 A .re-' A . ,'f, - : CI : - ,.f- 1 1 M ".-,- -;.,,v,-.',lf!:,,C.'.hc.:;'. :v. ;.m (f-,-: fj '", ,A i.'Vm. 4 - vsj-V ' 4 jv"-a -j' s ,. 1 , pi zjr '' sWyl From a photograph of George Dalton Morgan, nephew of J.; Pierpont Morgan,. with hit Japanese bride, enter ing the fashionable , St. Bartholomew' church on Madison avenue. , Tfie. little bride hns now begun soliciting among the exclusive set for moral support of the Japanese in their, fight with the sbaelute monarch, Czar Nicholas.' (Copyright, 1904, by W. R. Hearst.) . . . - , ; v , . s .;: .. SKELETON OF POLYGAMY A Smoot of Utah .of the United in (Wa.hlngtou Bureau of The Journal.) Washington. March 8. The august senate committee met again this morn ing-and listened to the details iff the investigation of the Smoot case. Senator Chauncey M. Depew of New York pity, not content with his posi tion as exponent of Christian social laws, took occasion to interpose many remarks during the taking of testimony and in 'one Instance, probably forgetting himself, said: "This democratic form of government has been too liberal un der past administrations In questions of our social laws. Politics as a busi ness ruins communities, republics and empires." The taking of testimony began with the examination of President Smith who touched upon"' his personal h flairs, ; his polygamous marriages te Ave wives and his family of 42 children. Tho, inter est In the investigation Into the Smoot POEM PRIZE WINNER . WELL KNOWN HERE (Kprelal llpatin to tb lonrnal.) Princeton, N... J.i,. March S.The an-. nouncement has . been - made -thut Jlie Balrd prise .of. $50, offered annually to the 'members of ' the senior " class . In Princeton 'college" for the best poem, has EAST TELL THE GHOST IN to : Retain His Seat States; and Others Arraign Him No Unmeaning Terms , , case Increased : this morning snd tho senate committee room was filled with witnesses' counsel, newspaper men and spectators' and Chairman Burrows an nounced that. In - view of the charge that the 12 apostles, of whom Smoot was one, connived at and taught polygamy, the committee decided "It would inquire into the teachings and practices of the apostles 'since September 1. 1890, the date of the Woodruff. manifesto. , When' Smith took the stand Attorney Taylor asked whether to take a plural wife would be a violation of the rules of the church. --'He replied that It would. That cohabitation with a plural wife is contrary to the rules of the church as well as the .'law--of 'the land. ; The witness then asked permission of the, senate committee to make a statement,- and Smith said: "In regard to the etatus of polygamlsts at the time of the, manifesto It was understood tiiey been awarded to Kdward IL; Butler of Taooma. Wash, v, - ; , Edward ' H. Butler , la "well -. known In Portland, having - - attended ' . Portland academy for several years, where he was graduated with the class of 1900. -.. At the academy ,he showed marked literary ability, and during the four -years that he liux been at Princeton h has been awarded a. number" of honors, both by the college, authorities and by the stu dents' literary publications. , 't. , HAS XXL&XD TWO PIiAYUATES. ' . Bldomfleld, Mo., March - J. Willi -' : "t ' " THE HOUSE ' in the Noble Senate would abstain from association with their families. , "I think the rule is ob served, but at the time of the passage of the enabling act for the admission of Ctah as a state the only provision made was that plural marriages should cease as there was no prohibition against cohabitation with plural wives who had been married before then." -' 1 he following are the ' senators In session: Vf . .. , v.." s'ti.v Julius C. Burrows.' Michigan. George F. Hoar. Massachusetts. Louts E-fMcComas,. Maryland. Joseph B. Foraker, Ohio. Chauncey M. Depew, New York. ' Albert J. Beveridge, Indiana. . William P. Dillingham, Vermont Albert J. Hopkins, Illinois. Edmund1 W. Pettus, Alabama. Fred J. . Dubois. Idaho. - Joseph ;W. Bailey, Texas! Iee S. Overman, North Carolina. Jannfc tp.f Clarke: Arkansas ' playing .with a shotgun." Johnnie Tynne accidentally, killed his cousin, Mabel Miller, aged 10.- A 'year ago, while play ing, sheriff, Johnnie shot and killed a playmate. ' . ' KB. KEYXK STILI, XX CITY., (Journal yKi-ll Borvte.) , Oregon City. Miirch,'3, The article In reference to llonry Meyer, formerly of thf Koyal restaurant ' of this city, was found to b titc ct.i ret t, "as . Mr. Meyer, Is I r TRUTH poles Second District RepublP cansbeiect tonvention Place Per Program. APRIL 13 THE DATE1 Socialist-State and District Conven tions in Session With 70 Delegates Present . Adopt Reports. The proceedings of the Republican j congressional committee of the Second dlstriotr which met thir morning at the' office of the secretary P. L. Willis, for the purpose of fixing the time and place of the congressional convention and the apportionment of delegates, were" as calm and unruffled as a summer sea, and gave no suggestion of the storm which Is expected to break forth when, the time arrives for nominating- tbe district's) representative in congress. , .. i It was understood before the commit tee met that It would accept the ap portionment "fixed by the state central committee for the state convention, and that the call for the congressional con vention would name Portland as thai place of meeting, and April 13 as thai date. " All this was done, and the 10 members present voted as a unit Upon' every matter that came before them. In the absence of the chairman, H. 8, Wilson, the meeting was called to or-v der by Secretary Willis and J, H. WoraV ley of The Dalles was installed as chair man. The roll call showed that the It counties of the district were repre-., sented as follows: Baker county Davis Wilcox, by C. H, Carey, proxy. i Clatsop county John C. McCue, preaJ ent. . . - ', i Columbia county J. B. Godfrey, presv ent. .. s .' , ' " i Crook county John Combs.' bv J. Tm jonnson. proxy. . . Gilliam county George B. Dukak, ab sent. ..;'. Grant county D. C. Belknap, absent. 'Harney county. H. 8. Bower, absent. Malheur county A. A. Brownr absent Morrow county R. ' F: Hynd, absent. Multnomah county, P. L. Willis, pres- ent .-' , - . . j ; Sherman county J. B. Hosford, pres-. ent . I Umatilla county Thomas Thompson, present'.. : 1 -. . Union county D. B. Ilendrix. absent,' Wallowa county C. B. Jennings,- b, F. I. McKenna. proxy. i , Wasco county J. H. Worsley, . pres- Wheeler-county Al fc. Looney, by F.I P. Mays, proxy. . t On motion of John C'McCue of Clat sop county, the committee. unanimously agree that the apportionment of dele agreed that the apportionment of dele convention. This will give the follow Ing representation to the several coun ties: ,..',' Baker ..,'.,,..,..,......,......... H Clatsop . . . Columbia . Crook . . . . ; Gilliam ... Grant ..... Harney . . . Malheur . . Morrow . . . Multnomah Sherman . . Umatilla' Union . , . . . Wallowa . . Wasco Wheeler... 19 7 S 4 7 4 If S t 4 .......14 19 ...,..ia 4 Total 184 Frank P. Mays moved that according to the usual custom of holding the con gressional convention one day prev!ou to the date of the state convention, th former be called fov -tl o'clock a. m. of April 13, Portland being named a-th place of meeting. The motion' prevailed without a dissenting vote. There beinc no further business, the committee ad- ' Journed. ' The proceedings ; of ' the commltte. were almost of necessity purely formal, and the out-of-town delegates wr much more Interested in gathering in- ' formation as to the probable outcom of the Republican factional fight In thl; county. It will have a controlling In! fluence upon" the choice of the congres sional nominee. It la the generally ac cepted belief that If the Mitchell forces, ar victorious at the primaries, Con- j gressman Williamson will be renoml-j nated. It Is admitted that bis record in congress has not thus for been a , brilliant one, but his friends say that it is unfair to Judge Mm by lit firnt term, and that h 1h ontitier) to aroil-r , chance. : Ills reuomlmitiun would imt- !. fpartloularly pleasing to -.lh in-vuwUm. but Harvey Si'oct's refnxut to it id ciu . o the Republican fact ions l.-r-.r. i , . prinmrles will' leave hi in witlni! n. , k voice in the t'omriitionN. .Malfiiliri A. .Vlooiiv I i -I'M ,