EflitdHa!, Page' f.lTa Jooraal PORTLAND, OREGON . WEDNESDAY. MARCH 2, 1904 THE OREGON DAILY AN C . JACKSON Published every evening (except OFFICIAL, IN ITS TRUE ASPECT. ; TTHK Morning Oregonlan announce with (ear and " I trembling for the future of America that too many Kvi.. Americans are expressing sympathy for Japan end detestation of Russia. It recites the ominous fact that a Russian woman in St. Petersburg refused to shake .hands with' an American woman and fears that a loss . of the Russian trade to the United States" which will be "greater than we can bear must inevitably follow this show of American Sympathy for the weaker party. Io another editorial explaining some of its frequent changes of opin- " Jon in matters Russian and Japanese it further Bays that It Is to our interest td continue friendly with both natione but intimates that our greatest interest, financially, lies hf keeping friendly with Russia. "If we do not have re gurd for our self Interest we shall speedily suffer In the 'l :.' alienation, of this great people's esteem and in the cessa tion of Russian purchases of our wares.'" "friendship for revenue only" is the motto for the Ore- gonlan, and it would have the whole United States adopt the same. Does it pay cash or will it pay cash is the only question asked. Right or wrong, good or evil, justice or injustice We all weighed by the pound or measured by - the yard at so much per, regardless of the, final reckoning when commercial value will count for next to nothing. It U a soulless friendship which is a matter for barterand exchange, and it is a short sighted policy to seek such a friendship, as all selfish policies are. shortsighted. It 'your friend can no longer serve your interests, he is no longer friend but bitter enemy, to be treated as aucK re gardless of former services. If your enemy can and Will serve your ends, presto, change, he is no longer your enemy but your bosomest friend. The Oregonian .and Russia are at one upon this point and the friendship of the one in time of stress, when. If ever, friendship is needed,. Is worth as much as the friendship of the other. Neither the curbstone orator, the worthless, useless member of society, billing to sell his soul and change his opinions for a dollar, or the unprincipled newspaper will ing to sell Its columns to, the highest bidder ever has or ever can mold public opinion or lead public movements of any great moment. V The majority of Intelligent people of the United States have not yet had their ; souls obliterated by the dollar mark and In them still survives the spirit of, the fore fathers of some of us who gave up all life's comforts, all hope of financial profit and faced the chance of giving up life itself in a new and to them terrible and "unknown -country rather than give up the right to have convictions of their own and to give, free expression to them. It is sadly true and a "pity 'tis 'tis true" that there are men and newspapers in America who give an altogether false idea of American people and American ideals. The men .sha-iobUn--pubMe- and -wittingly -aett hemiwlvesHtop ay price to be obtained and the newspapers who uphold them make a great deal of noise and considerable odor, and the casual eye sometimes cannot discern that through it all the majority of the people work along , hands and clean ideals,' untouched by the corruption about them, finding It hard to credit it when, It is brought to their notice; perhaps a bit slow to be aroused to the need of putting a stop to it, ; but capable of doing great and good work when thoroughly awakened to the situation. For the credit of humanity we are grad to see that the 'tommercJal aspect has not counted with the better class of Americans. There Is a strong sentiment of sympathy for the Japanese In their struggle for existence and a strong feeling of detestation of, Russia in her unreasoning greed for. more , and yet more terrltcyy it is agreed that her gluttonous maw is already overfull and that she should attend to her digestion before slttfng down to another meal. A glutton Is ever a disagreeable and unwholesome creature to contemplate. Few of us have taken into account the fact that Russia LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE .Tie Gambling JTuisajioe. Portland. March 2,To the Editor of The Journal -Your editorial of yester day's date on "Moral Responsibility In Uambllng." Is a timely note of warning and deserves the serious consider ation of all who have the city's welfare at heart. The seeming Indifference of ; business men td the harvest which must surely be reaped, if the present state of affairs in this city is allowed to con tinue much longer, is sadly Significant , of lack of foresight, as well as moral sense. :: It is not long since the leading pro prietor of one of the principal gambling houses in town told the writer that if a certain matter under discussion were brought Into court he would see to It that no Jury would give a verdict against the defendants In the case. This Is only one Instance of the assurance and unmitigated effrontery which the frater- , nity has a a to the strongly entrenched position which they believe they otfeupy. : II is very doubtful if another town of any importance In the United States oc cupies the unenviable position of Port land today In this respect, and yet we alt Coolly by and allow these parasite,s to fasten upon the business and political Ufa of the community as if It were In evitable. While all the blame for this condition of affairs is not to be laid at any single door where so many are involved, yet Mayor Williams has for reasons best known to himself shouldered the chief part of the blame and on his shoul ders It must rest, His position is all the more culpable Inasmuch as in the recent suit at the instigation of the Portland - Municipal association .the pray? of their complaint was granted and he and. his colleagues were ordered to enforce the law. Under cover of ap pealing to the supreme -ourt they hawo so far done apparently nothing but kill time, and an explanation is about due from Mayor Williams, not of his policy as to gambling. Imt as to his Intentions lit not perfecting that appeal. The pub lic Is generally long-suffering, but there I is a limit even to such, a virtue. Until he does choose to explain we shall have to take eur choice of three reasons for " his ' action they sre those commonly spoken of on the street: Either he is titling fooled as to the real situation qt affairs, which is an insult to his Intel ligence; or he allows things as they ex lt for the purpose of paying up political debts, which does not fill the bill inas much as several suppressive movements have been begun by- him and suddenly have ceased; thirdly, a reason so appall ing when applied to a man in his posi tion that I must let it be inferred. As to Jhe fiscal side of the question, It di norve some notice.; Notwithstand ing the unprecedented revenue from gamblers' fines and a system of licensing which Us practically every occupa tion in the city, we have on an .assessed valuation higher than we have had for yoars city lax greater than ever. Vet this la the work of the regime which hH been recently so much lauded for its iM'tmomy Itt certain quarters Surely it J. time for the Taxpayers' league to INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED BY JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. Sunday) at Tlie Journal Building. Fifth PAP13K OF TH6 CITY OP la a standing menace to the rest of the world; that her friendship may be bought far too dearly nnd that it would be more to our interest ".to curb her mad ambition before it is too' late.. We sympathise with Japan because we think she is in the right and has been and is being Imposed upon. We are able to view with composure the possibility of Russia's cutting off her nose to spite her face by .refusing to buy merchandise of us and we even bear upwith commendable courage under the dread prospect of American women id Russia being socially ostracized, The sympathy for Japan has stronger root and grows in better soil than the hope of gain for ourselves. It Is rooted In the best and strdngest feelings of which the human soul is capable, and It is a triumph of the real spirit of humanity over the soul destroying commercialism of the age. , ' steadily with clean make an investigation. It is true that the city is growing, and of course ex penses must consequently ineresse, but' they . seem to be increasing out of all propertlon-te-the- grewtb-efMh popula tion. It is high time for the community to do some serious thinking. If the peo ple won't do it now, It will soon be forced home upon their attention in a manner that will compel their attention, for the "open town" will assuredly yield its harvest, and it will be a bitter one for the reapers. J.' B. A Ward of Sympathy for rate Grant, Portland, March 3. To the Editor of The Journal How rude and unfeeling of that Seattle woman to attempt to for cibly enter Pete Grant's establishment on Fifth and Alder streets the other evening and maul him over the head with her umbrella! Really it was a shocking affair, and shows to what ex tremes a. foolish ("hysterical" Captain Moore called her) woman will go. It was certainly very embarrassing for Mr. Grant, and i waa very fortunate that the police were promptly on hand when telephoned for. Some action, ought to be taken by the authorities to prevent the recurrence of such an undignified scene In the same quarters or any similar place of busi ness. The least the mayor should do In the circumstances is to appoint a special officer for such houses as Mr. Grant's so that the proprietors may not be mo lested .in the conduct of their duly au thorized business. If Jhey are to be subject to such erratic visitors it wH seriously damage the reputation of the gentlemen In charge, I trust this matter wilt receive due attention in the proper quarter. P. M. A. Cleaning the City. Portland. March 1. -To the Editor of The Journal It is surprising to ,me that the Woman's club , should advo eats the municipal control of the col lection of garbage. During a recent visit to Los Angeles, Cal., I saw the sys tem under such management in all ltf flllhtnesi. and heard many protests against it. ' Like our city, Los Angeles has no al ley ways and one can see the curb along the walks fringed, witli all kinds of receptables to- hold accumulated .gar bage from adjijeent residences. Often an late as 11 a. m. thesenasty tin oil cans, old iron pots, boilers, baskets, gunny sacks and barrels, in fact any old think .with a bottom, are still awaiting the arrival of the gurbage collector. in instances hungry dogs capsize the whole business; the result rn be im agined, When It rained, the liquids exuding from the mass, was sent run ning over -the walks. When the days were hot the grease ooued out instead, leaving a trail behind. 'Tin a lovely scheme I tell you. Then those horrid men are no care less, too. la emptying a can what alls to go Into his cart is left upon the walk of hanging from the wheel, perhaps, to be dropped upon the street as It travels on. ."'.. Think of .' our roie-piatiYed curbs strewn with droppings from the gar bage' barrels. But you say we must see JOURNAL, JNO, P. CARROLL and Yamhill streets, Portland, Oregon. PORTLAND THE TWO FACTIONS AND THE DEMOCRATS I 0 THE,, CITIZEN who is not personally concerned in 1 the scramble for political office, and who is inter : ested only in securing an honest administration of public affairs, the struggle, that is now; being wjaged be tween the two local factions of. the Republican party can not be a matter of very grave moment. There is little difference between the platforms or the records of these two factions. Both have shown a frenzied ardor in their declarations of fealty to. President Roosevelt, and both profess to have a monopoly of civic virtue in the admin istration of public office. Only the latter contention Is of immediate Importance, to (he taxpayers of this county, for only. county officers are to be filled at the June elec tion. It is safe to assume that Oregon's delegation to the national Republican convention will be in line for Roose velt, since it appears that he Is assured of the presidential nomination, so that his name might well be eliminated from the controversy. It is true that one faction is an, avowed, advocate of the reelection of Senator Mitchell In 1607, but that will not be determined by the oiitcome of the Multnomah county primaries this spring.Only five of the legislators to be elected from this county In June will hold over to the session of 1907, and they will consti tute but one eighteenth of the whole legislature. It will be time enough to decide whether Senator Mitchell is to have another -term at Washington, when the voters elect their state legislators in 1906. ' . " In the history of this county there are many blots upon the records plJboih th andthe Mitchell Republicans. Each faction Is responsible for the nomination and election to local offices of men who have proved utterly unworthy of public confidence. Kach fac tion has given to the clt,y and the county some competent and -honest-fficlaU, Wh ichever -faction t rturnpha at the primaries, there is no guaranty that its nominees will be any better- than they have bean in the past. Even the recognized fact that some of the men now holding city and county offices have proved themselves men of ability and conscientious Integrity does not afford such a guar anty, for there are other incumbents who have proved mere spoils grabbers, utterly indifferent to the Interests of the public. It any trustworthy! pledge could be ob tained from either faction that it would nominate hone but men of proved honesty and capacity, and that it would in stitute needed reforms In the city and county government1 then the outcome of the primaries might be a matter of importance to the taxpayer who Is not "in politics." The Democratic voter who has the interests of his party at heart should hold himself absolutely aloof from the Re publican factional fight. The Democrat who votes at the Republican primaries should be, drummed wit of the party. The only road to Democratic success lies in absolute Inde pendence of the Republicans and in unswerving allegiance to the cause of honest government. that care is taken to avoid this. Yes. but you cannot protest, so I was in formed, because these men are under civil service and would -like as not leave yourcannintouehr iiir ihe"hext trip er leave part of it for you to clean- up. One case of that kind I knew of and suspect there were others. .Do we want anvthlnr like thin In our rltut To such, affairs contemplated, there are of Course manv "lf " Ma if h colleoter would permit ua to have re eeptacles for garbage, that suitable for sale to ' farmers, all segregated from what waa not, and would take time to carry the same from convenient places at the rear, It might be quite a feasible scheme to Introduce municipal control, but as it exists In Los Angeles, may we be delivered. Even now many of our residents, fall to keep their premises clean; not evert burning or picking up after wood has been carried In, and do you Imagine these people will pick up cabbage leaves, orange peel, papers, rags, etc., dropped by scavengers? Will you? Upon car tain nights there comes the Inquiry: "Willie, are the cans put out?" If Wil lie has forgotten to put the cans, bags, barrel or what not upon the front walk, you have that much more decaying, mat ter left till the next call of the slop wagon. Beyond doubt the majority of people here burn all such refuse, especially those having furnaces, leaving little aside from cans, broken china, etc., to be otherwise disposed of. Our present system of collecting garbage Is practicable if the ordinance for having covered or closed wagons was observed. And why is it not? Look at many of our gutters now. If I was one in authority, upon every house where such conditions of nastlness ex isted I d tack a notice to "clean up your premises." ' If people had one spark of pride there need not be so much as a chip in front of their home. There has alwaya been complaint about the gardeners leaving the refuse around the plaia blocks, when selling their vegetables, and Imagine such con ditions all over the city. Our laws are very lax and every class of men will take advantage of that fact, fearing no arrest for not abiding by them, It is the duty of our health officer to see that all places of abode are health ful so there Is no necessity for permlt lng fflth to accumulate. Let U beautify, not disgrace our, city. " X K. A. V. on view or it. From the Seaside Sentinel. One jf the questions to be submitted to the voters In .Tun a i h.h., ih. saloons' shall distribute liquid refresh ments to oie thirsty or whether the druggists shall have the exclusive privi lege. A drug store Is the offspring of local option, Prohibition la. the dump ing spot of cranks and imbeciles. Moat of the .proprietors of drug stores in small towns are prohibitionists. Borne Republican' leaders, real or would-be, in Douglss county, are scrap ping, tootty and nail. Oregbn Sidelights . . . ., ( Tin March lion roared all right; we shall see later if the old adage holds good, " The ciar is formally very pious; but the eye of divine Justice looks below all superficialities. The inheritance tax law works well, within narrow lines, but it needs amend- ing so that' more revenue will result. Several Important enterprises are soon to spring Into existence ,tn Coos Bay towns, which should Interest Portland merchants, . . Six fires at Arago, Coos county, Ave of them incendiary, show that there is urgent need of another inmate of tho Oregon penitentiary. The chief of police of Ashland having been severely chewed in the face by a dog, is naturally In favor of dog deci mat Ion in that town. , Five men in Jackson county, accord ing to the Med ford Mall, "are having the best time of their- lives." They are In Jail, where they are fed and don't have to "rustle."-' A new member, of the Baptist church was baptised In Willow Creek, Morrow cunty, Sunday., Ughf but it must have made the flesh shiver, however warm the spirit. . Irwin Pike of Moro, . having 2.808 acres of land to plow this spring, is breaking 30 eolts to help do" the work. Mr. Pike can scarcely be classed as a small farmer. . Mrs. Wagntts, a ,hara-worklng and hitherto rather poor woman of Trout Lake, has been left $58,000 by relatives in 'Germany, but whether she will be any happier in consequence no one can. tell. "Doggon the dogs," exclaims the Stayton Mall, and asks why. they are not taxed there as elsewhere, adding that "a dog in town is of no earthly use unless It is a hunter, and if one Is worth anything at all it is worth paying a tax on." Nearly all the local newspapers of Oregon artf urging good exhibits by their several counties at the Lewis and Clark Fair, as requested by the manage ment. The country press is doing its part toward making the exposition a success. Cove. Union county, after a spirited contest, has decided by popular vote to be a city, and has at the same time elected a full set of city officers. Such a change brings with it burdens as well as benefits; but it is right for the ma jority to rule. Most property owners in Oregon are pa y 1 n g ta xes . pro m p Uy, J ndlca t In ggen erai prosperity, due. some people cap able of acquiring property actually be lieve, to the ascendents of the Repub lican party though a few credit It to the election of , Chamberlain for gover nor. . New telephone lines, in some cases via wire fences, are being established in various parts of Oregon. The days of the farmers', isolation are passing. Many a farmer's daughter can talk with her best fellow every day,, the same as the city girl can, and often over a longer distance, The Glendale, Douglas county, News says that It "knew of several first-class timber claims near Glendale, containing 6.000,000 or 8.000,000 feet in each claim, which for some unknown reason, have been overlooked in the wild scramble for timber land." .And the editor hasn't applied for a partnership in the Booth Kelly company, or a position as a land office official! Sheriff Bhutt of Morrow county has sold only four small tracts of land to satisfy a balance of 120.82 which re mained on the 1901 roll uncollected. Out of $93,000 charged against the sheriff on the 1902 tax roll he has now col lected every- cent, and an but the tri fling sum of 120.82 was collected without the sale of property, Only one other county m the state, Lake, can beat this record. It Is the best showing Morrow County has ever made. BOMB TXTTK XH XW3M. Slgb Time That rerUaae Capitalists So Somethlag Beside Talk. A prominent local railroad man talks ,thus to the Baker CJty Democrat; 'Portland has been too slow In the matter of the development of eastern Oregon and when a short time ago she saw the trade of that territory Eegin. nlng to slip away from her, she set up a big roar and blamed the railroad com panies for not protecting her interests. Regardless of any of the facts, it is un doubtedly true that It is JtiBt as short or shorter distance from San Francisco to this territory in question as from Portland via any of the established routes. It is apparent that capital, at least, has approved of the lines build ing northward from Nevada and Cali fornia and somebody has pushed- those Interests successfully. " "What has Portland done any way to curry any special favor with eastern Oregon or southeastern Oregon?" She has always looked upon this territory as belonging to ber by the grace of God and has done little if anything to assist in Its development. When It came to questions of irrigation, exploiting of mines, the establishment -of United States assay office, the building of smelters or any of these things Portland was conspicuous by Its absence from the eeat of action except In the case of a few long-headed patriotic business men. All matters of legislation for the inter ests of this section of Oregon have been opposed by western Oregon, Now that outsiders fhave discovered- the wealth that can be acquired by the development of this section of the state Portland if making a roar" over what she has lost by her own negligence. "I am authentically advised that what ever may be the schemes 'now being car ried on for railroad building in this ter ritory the Sumpter valley 'road will push Its extension on southward from Whit ney through Prairla City and Canyon City to Burns and thence on to a connec tion with the Nevada road, giving Baker CJty a direct line to Sacramento and San Francisco in connection with the new Gould road being built Westward from Utah. This tine will no doubt be tapped by the extension of the Columbia Southern road from Shantko which will be made this season." Crowing la Xne Conatyv From the Roaeburg . Platndealer (Rep.) CrOW! -.-''v.:, v., : More crow! .'-Better crow! 'Lane county crow! -Is Roosevelt crow better than Hitch cock turkey? The .Roseburg land office has been turned over to the Booth-Kelley Lumber company, but Joe Brlggs is left on guard. .:;;V:'.v't - CHINA'S EXHIBIT ARRIVING China will -have at the St. Louis ex position the largest,, finest, rarest and most comprehensive exhibit that ever left th4 empire, tihe appropriated JOS:,-500- to collect and install it, and, in ad dition, the high officials of the country, for the first time in Chinese history, have taken an enthusiastic interest and have loaned generously from their rare private collections. And this exhibit, perhaps with additions, . will, no doubt come to Portland next year," and will attract many visitors, particularly thote from. ., eastern states, No reasonable pains or expanse should be spired la have this exhibit brought to Portland, and the fact that' it is to be brought here, "made knoton - In eastern states where the Chinese and their wonderful work are more of a mystery than they are here. The steamer Doric- arrived at San Francisco last Thursday with 00 tons of the Chinese exhibit, and 400 tons are yet to come. Accompanying the exhibit were two commissioners -R. A. Cart,, an American,; who for many years has been a customs inspector in China; :and l Percebois, a Frenchman, long an at tache in China. Commissioner- Carl said: "I. speak from a conservative per sonal knowledge when I say, plainly, that visitors to the Chinese sections in the St. Louis exposition will see more of the , nre and wonderful and artlatio things -of China than they couid If they spent - SO years' in. traveling through China! The customs depart ment, which took, charge of the collec tion of material, made a sweeping can vass of the eighteen provinces of the empire, and chose the best it could get as representative fea'ch and Its" varied Industries and people. Then, independ ently of this government collection, the Chinese officials Jn the seven most Im portant' provinces, loaned lavishly from thejr rare private hordes of puriosities and family treasures. Among these offi cial curios will be many beautiful things that no foreigner has ever seen. ' I re-, call one vase alone that was sold In Pe king recently for 110,000. There ) much ariclent carved ivory, Jade and sliver and other ornaments. These things have been personally contributed by the. viceroys of the provinces. In China such an interest by these high officials Is plainly attributed to but one thing China's growing friendship for the United States. "The head of the commission is his highness Prince Pu L.un. grandson of Emperor Tao Kuang, who reigned about 60 years ago. The prince, ts 29 years of age and is Very popular with thei for eigners at Peking, To have a princa of the royal' blood go forth as a commis sioner la an honor China has never be fore shown any country, and it is looked upon aa a very great mark of regard for the United States. The other native STYLE IN SPRING HATS Ellen Osborn's New York Lette' to the Chicago Record-Herald. It is 90'"yeaWalhcV""Berangerahg' "Though their hats are very ugly, I love the English," and the British hat is still" hideous. This is a pity, because Invariably it is shown ,in New York earlier than French or American models, and. In i;hl bitter weather one needs pleasant prophecies of spuing. London turbans now fill the shop windows, stiff and orderly to graceiessness. Some of these are round box shapes, with square tops, fastened down with . velvet but tons; some are trimmed , around the brims with formal-quillings of ribbon and others are decked with frumpy, hard-wdrked wlng- Fortunately there ie prettier head gear. French toques are already ap pearing, small, chic, usually pointed in front, varied by trtcorne and continental shapes and long "torpedo"-models. The sailor hat has come back, low of erown, with a rolling brim wider in front than at the back or sides. The picture hat also has returned to us, still with the downward sweep of the 1830 line. Big hats and little compete for favor. scarcely two resembling each other among these untried models. At the beginning f Lent every designer aims to have a bend, a dip, a twist, a lift, a depression In hat construction that has occurred to no other milliner, in r the hope of finding some happy touch that may prove a winning card at Faster. The fancy braids and straws this sea son are wonderful -and at times fear ful. They range from the finest and most delicate to the heaviest and most bunglesome of weaves and combina tions. There are hats composed en tirely of straw buttons or cart-wheel rosettes strung along narrow threads of braid; other straws are braided in points and scallops, and yet others in Imitation of crocheted Jace in white and colors. ' ' ' w "' ' Perhaps the young season's likeliest experiment Is the tailor hat of shaded straw, likeliest not so much on account of its beauty as because sombre shaded la In fashion's workshop the most re cent password to triumphant ' achieve ment. Through ten shades pink runs to rose crimson. Through six shades blue runs from the pastel tint of the pale forget-me-not to the royal shade of a vigorous blue. To Pa from a fresh apple green to a dark evergreen note requirep eight color tones. Be tween golden and chocolate brown, and between purple clematis and the light mauve of millinery lilacs there are again ten tones. Each braid is plaited in a single color, and to .combine 10 braids in a 10-toned bat. trimming it perhaps with 10-toned ribbons, Is a feat needing courage and the certainty of re ward. For severe street hats favorite trim mings - promise to be cockades In all materials, peacock aigrettes, quills, loop bunchlngs of ribbon, the tiny sharp wings called Cupid s quills and pom pons of uncurled, ostrich feathers. Art nouveau ornaments also are called into service. For millinery of a more elaborate type there will be little abatement of the favor shown to plumes. Lustrous taffeta and loulslne ribbons In change able and 'shaded colorings will enjoy a prosperous spring-time. But picture hats and lingerie hats of lace and flow ers are to be queens of the May dance, and for their adornment there is great output of .drooping, sentimental blos soms and of small flowers that quiver on flexible stems.' Reviving an 1880 fashion are snug little bunches of flow ers hung with dangling bud fringes. Some millinery workman has migrated here from Lillput, for roses,, geraniums, pansles, daisies and all the flowers of springtime are offered in miniature sizes, neat, bright little dwarfs to be bunched into "posies." , i '"'v::yi The uee of veil draperies bids fair to be carried to extremes. 4 Scarcely a hat hat been trimmed thia s week for the Palm Beach season Without some large, lightly thrown square of lace or tulle, whose charm lies In the misty effect with which' It envelops the head in the prevailing shade, of the costume. Long scarfs of fine lace form the only trim ming of many hatSvJald ever In easy folds from right to left and fastened with ornamental - pins, These vfolds hang full, -leaving the rest of the veil to fall straight and scant to the should members of the commission there are three members... counting myself Is Wang Kai'Kah. who came on to St, Louis several months ago. He Is now back in China and will cross the Pacific with the prince. . - The prince will leave Yokohama on the 30th of March and will arrive in San Franolsco about the luth or the 18th of April, on fiis way to St. Louis.. . ! , !. . "One of the most ' Interested ' of the high officials9 to lend his rare private collection is his excellency Tuan Fang, viceroy of HupeJi and Hunan provinces. He has shown a special interest in the St. Louis exposition, , '' . "The 1 exhibit will have a very rich collection of silks and satins and 'vel vets from the wonderful imperial looms.' There, will be 110 varieties of .Chinese native boats, shown in' exact miniature' models. There will also be models of famous temples, dbwn te the. minutest details, of. types Of bridges, of build ings, of monumental arches, of examina tion hallft. of public buildings and of famous idols. Thing characteristic of each, treaty port are to , be represented, along with llfe-sise figures attlreds in richest embroidered silks and satins, to, show the dress of the palace, besides showing the, costumes of the plain peo ple .of each section.- , . . "There will be many large and beau tiful photographs of cltlea and of not able places and of types of people. Americans and other foreigners hardly conceive the .immensity , of China and the diversity of her. peoples. Up, ir.J Yunnan, for instance, in tne soutnwest ern part of China,, bordering on Bur mah, in a very mountainous and littlei known country; there are 300 different aboriginal tribes. AH of these' tribes have different costumes and different customs, and none, of them look like Chinese. They resemble Europeans, Things like that will surprise and amazu visitors to the St. Louis fair. They will see the best specimens Of Chinese work and Chinese art , "Mr. Fong of Shanghai, though he speaks English and dresses like aEu ropean and was Invited to exhibit at the St. Louis exposition, was not permitted to land from the Dorle, Telegrams had to be sent on to Washington to decide his case and distinguish him from a competing coolie laborer. He represents a tea, porcelain and slk syndicate that was formed to collect iexhlbita through out China for this fair. The collection of ancient bronzes and porcelains and cloisonne will be of great Interest to persons who like such things. "A reform movement is growing over China, and has been since the Boxer war. Leaders are pointing out to 'The government the effectiveness of , little Japan in, not fearing big Russia, and are mentioning that China Is twenty times as big as Japan, and ought - to control her Independence." .. v- ers. Dotted veils half a yard wide are finished with elaborate borders, and are str draped as-ta give full "effect to the lace corners. There are veils large enough for table clothes, which are meant to be worn like a widow's veil, caught by the middle to the back of the hat with a Jeweled buckle, the whole veil hanging. The hooped automobile veil of winter Is repeated for the com ing season in tulle ruffled with Valen ciennes and run with baby ribbons. Among the earliest millinery displays there Is a great store of white hats, but it must-not be inferred that white Is the leading color of the opening season. Champagne tones, etherial blues and water greens have the look of favorites. White toques will be relieved by touches of color in the trimmings. , - , ; A survival of last year is the grace still shown to fruit. Grapes, -cherries, green apples and nuts in variety to fill a fruiterer's show window , are ripening untimely for the parade of Easter. ' Including in this week's display of, a Fifth avenue importing house was a tan-colored 1 turban" typical of many to be shown. Its brim waa not less than four inches in depth and was woven of a coarse, pretty wood-colored straw. Banding this brim at mtdhelght ran a box-plaited ruche of brow a velvet, under which-jirere-XhrUst- at one aide -two brown and white quills whose silver holders stuck pertly up above the crown. ' .. . . Equally In line with the season's fan cies was a light mode-colored straw tur ban, 'large and framed to come well over the face. Its rolling brim was wider in the back than in front, and was flattened against the crown behind, A facing of shirred brown' tulle covered the outside of the brim. , Creeping vines of moneywort, with tiny round leaves and yellow flowers, filled the space be tween brim and erown, dangling ends falling at one aide. Yet a third style ef turban was ex emplified in a water-green creaivlon pointed in front and composed entirely of folds of ttille shading, through a multitude of bues nd greens. Its only trimming- consisted of a couple of blue pond lilies dropped between brim and crown and held in place by loops made of .their .long, flexible stems. One of the many new trlcornes was in white. Just tinged with the warmth of cream color. Its shape was more Irreg ular, more prpnounoedly In three' divis ions than are most of this season's host of continentals, but kept the piquant ef fect so well suited, to frame young faces, A rucbo of white taffeta was Inset near the edge of the brim and In closed within the grasp of the three horns was a mass of white, cream-tinted roses. A Watteau hat was particularly dainty. Pointed In front and reaching forward over the head, it was com posed of ruches pf black tulle edged with lace, and was trimmed with chains of little button roses that hung over loose ends, yet cunningly arranged, BEBOUECEPUI. JOSEPHIWE COHTY From the Grants Pass Courier. Josephine county can boast of three great industries: Mining, lumbering and fruit raising. The failure for a season of any one -of which would not BCrlously Interfere with the business of the other. Mining, while ' it hae been car rled on- here for many years, is yet in Its Infancy, at least in the quarts fields, and la a steadily growing industry. Within the next few years the, orchard area will be greatly increased and the opening 'of the irrigating system now unaer construction will bring under cul tivation thousands of acres of valuable fruit lends now unproductive. Jose phine county for years past has been furnishing the best grade of sugar and yellow pine for interior finishing work and -the owners of splendid , homes throughout the continent view with pride the handsome sugar pine doors and cas ings from the Southern Oregon forests. There-are yet -hundreds f acres of splendid timber in the hands of ? the millmen and , many sawmills , are scat tered throughout the county.; Hundreds of acres are in the hands of private in dividuals and there are yet vacant gov ernment lands heavily timbered. It is supposed. by mnny, that - all the good timber has been , taken, but' there are hundreds of valuable claims yet open for entry. , , Small Change The political Toms end Harrys of Ohio will have to stand back and wait; Dick is the lucky man. No amount or character of Oriental war newa can dull the appetite for news of American prise fights. NO, there will be no "universal war" -If we have real statesmen at the head of the United States government.. Many more or less distinguished cltU sens, are not well pleaaed with the per sonnel of the canal commission. Many would-be candidates could make an honest living, and a better one, easier, than by going lnta politics. Words don't weigh according to their number, nor even always in proportion to. the force with which they are ut tered..,,. ' It seems difficult for even great gov ernments to learn that the plain truth is never so. harmful as retorts that next day have td be admitted false, jot the suspicion aroused by secrecy. The question whether a bank clerk or other urhain employe can safely marry on $1,000 a year Is being much dis cussed. With many, it depends on how much money the girl has, or Is to have. He is' an unahifty political orator or partisan- writer, on either sde, who cannot -point to ' Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, and even McKlnley,, at great exponents of the principles and policies he advocates. Where was the editor of the Manila News, that Sunday? He auks; "What did the furious' blue streak vertlcalMn the broad patch of golden glory as the sun was sinking on Sunday night mean? Waa it a sign of tho times?' Mr, President; The Republican clubs will Indorse whatever' you do, even if you should steal the treasury, set up sn empire, and murder everybody' who hadn't declared for you. Yes they're built that way. Offices. Isn't it foolish of Japan and Russia to be fighting over Korea and Man churia, when after the. war is '"over Rockefeller can take them any day from the victor, if he takes a notion that he desires them to expand the United! States V . When nine grown children f a Loulsv vllle couple had assembled to celebrate the golden wedding of their parents the father announced that he had selected the occasion as a fitting time to enter suit for divorce. S'brtunately the law of nature is such that this old man cannot live to make, a fool of hjmself very long. l- The. ..Seattle Presa, -exclaims; "A great victory for municipal reform was won in tho Republican city convention yes terday when, In accordance with the will of the people, expressed at the recent primary elections, Councilman James of the Fourth ward and Klstler of the Second were defeated for renomlnation." Proclaim it in the ends of Dan and Beershebs that now Seattle is to be ''reformed" sure. . ' After all, when it .comes to a ques tion of absolute right, and Portland's Interests, too, it seema that all the help Senators Mitchell and Fulton could get was from the Democrats. The Republi can senators were tied, tightly to the shipping trust, Well, let us not blame them too severely) no doubt there is a great "graft" in it somewhere; and this la what most political party "principles" have resolved themselves into. What else does a man want to get into that mob called congress for? ' POLITICAL POINTERS Baker City Democrat: The1 political friends of Hon. Malcolm Moody are. clearing tho way for his nomination t congress in the Second district in ppo HltloAjto' Congressman Williamson. Mr. Moody's friends are legion and they are not of the quitting kind. ' La Grande Observer; District Attor ney Samuel White, who has been in the city a day or two,' stated that while he thinks he has" no reason to feel dis couraged, the Republicans will make It quite Interesting for him in the race for the district attorneyship. Sherman County Observer: Politi cally speaking, there are no bubbles in the Sherman county pot at present, The day fpr" election is afar off. The sowers of dragons' teeth Jn Multnomah and Wasco counties are working hard, how-, ever, to split the grand old party, while the opposition, condor like, sit perched upon, surrounding peak awaiting re sults. If stalwart Republicans do the reasoning there will beno dethronement in. June to Jeopardise the presidential election In November, but to be lad by any faction socking revenge it Is possi ble that all- may be lost. , Roseburg Plalndealer (Rep.): ' Is It not about time for the Republican voters of Douglas county to remember the two graft' bills fathered in the sen ate by Senator Booth? We refer to ,the attempted virtual confiscation of all the available timber In Oregon under the logging stream graft and the fire ranger bjlL A scheme is up and a trade made to deliver the ; Republican voters of Douglas county like a lot of sheep Into the Booth camp. St. Helens Mist: t Is time, for the good of the party, that the people, In stead of the bosses, both nominate and elect the ticket. Columbia County has good officials. We believe they , are all honest and painstaking, and no attack will be made upon their records by this paper. But this is, a Republican county, and there is no" good reason why com petent Republicans should not be nominated and elected. B. L. Eddy In the Thlamook Headlight announoes that he will not be a candi- date tar ih p.nnM(i,. i,,i..ii.. ... ' - - - . V .(wyMwiivwil. HUHIMWIIVII 1U1 representative in congress, and adds: auinuu me nepuDjican State convention see fit to nominate me for one of the circuit judgeships, I would be grateful, If the convention should do otherwise, it will be all the same. I trust I can llyevln future aa in the past without the Income of a public position, even though it may require the ,same hard work that I have always found neces sary in order to succeed. f. "A final word about congressional matters. Those whe are genuine friends of Mr. Hermann, and who are not mere ly using his nama as a shield from whloh - to strike at those the."'-dislike, will be very cautious about aiding and abetting Demo-Popultstle abuse of loyal Republicans; who afe not laying any straws in Mr, Hermann's way," , All of which is Interesting, if hot lm portent T , 4