The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 02, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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ran hotices'
i-roposed owiovimanr or '.. datib
, STREET. - - - ,
aKo?c u -r-y iven that at tte meeting
of the council of the city of Portland, Oro-
60a. held on the 17th day of February 1904,
, o fo) lowing resolution was adopted; .,
Resolved. That tha council of th city of
PortUnd, Oregon, deems it expedient and pro
pose to improve. Da vis street from 12 feet
east of tbe west lino of Twenty-first atreet to
. west of tneaot line of Twenty-oeeoudr
tr'. In the following manner, to-wlt:
' irot By rradln the streev fnii wMtw-Hni
.full Intersection to proper grade.
- ,lZ'ai7-Js PT,n '"" right of way" Tun
...width with fall Intersections 88 feet in width
rwlth vitrified brick with sand cushion on con
Jonndatlon six lncbea In thlckneaa.
Ihlrd Bx, constructing ortlfldaV atone aide;
i wolko and enrbo in accordance with tha city
n5 .1.'" ')1"M Perifleat1ona and eetimatoe.
,7J Pnint 10 made in occordance
with tha charter and ordlnancea of tha city of
Portland and the plana, apeclflcatlona and earl-
, Biatea of. tha city engineer filed in tha of flea
of the auditor nf the city of Portland on tha
to das of Febrnary, 1904, Indoraed: f "City
- engineer's rlana and apeclflcatlona for tha lm
ptcvement of Davia atreet from 12 feat eaat
Jf tbe weat line of Twenty-first atreet to 13
feet weat of tha eaat Una of Twenty-aecond
atreet and tha estimate of tha work to be dona
nrt tb probable total coat thereof."
,The coat f aald improvement to be aaaeased
as provided by tbe city charter upon the prop
erty apeclally benefited thereby and which la
hereby declared to be all the lota, parta of
, lota and parcels of -land lying between a Una
1 no feet north of and parallel with tha north
', Una of Davis atreet and a. Una 100 feet south
of and parallel with the aouth Una of Davia
atreet and between tha weat line of 'twenty-
, first- atreet mod tha- eaat Una of Twenty-aecond
Tha engineer's estimate of tha probable total
jest oi . improving said povu straet la $5,-
583.00. '
The abore lmnroviemant' shall tie class
vitrified brick oavement on a eoncreta fonndo
tlon and shall be maintained by tha. city for
period of eight years; provided, that the-owners
. of a majority of tha property benefited by
aald Improvement or any portion thereof shall
not petition for a new or different improvement
befort the expiration of auch period.
The plana, speciflcationa and estimate of the
city engineer for the improvement of aald
Davis street ere. hereby ednntad
Resolved, That the auditor of the city of
Portland be and be la hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed Improvement of aald
atreet aa provided by tbe city charter.
r Remonstrance against the above Improvement
may be filed in writing with the undersigned
wnain aays irora ine aat 01 we Orst Publl
. estlon of this notice? .
By order of tha council.
Auditor of tha City of Portland.
February 23, 1004. T
Notlc Is hereby given that at the meeting
oi tau council tit me city oi roriiana, ure
gop. held on the 17th day of February, 1904,
tbe following resolution waa adonted:
Resolved. That tha council of tha city of
Portland, Oregon, deems it expedient ana pro
rose to improve Pin atreet from tbe west Una
t Front atreet to tbe east line ot Sixth street
In tha following msnner. to-wlt:
First By gliding to street to th proper
griao run width with roll intersection, ex
cept the Intersections of Jrlrst street. Second
street. Third street, Fonrth street, and that
portion -of Pine atreet between tbe weat lias
of Second street and tbe eaat Un of Third
Second By paving th roadway full width
with full Intersection! with, vltrltled brick with
aand cushion on a concrete foundation alx lit
eLes In thlekaess In accordance with the city
engineer a plana, aneclficatlona end estimates.
Third By removing the aapbalt on Pine atreet
between tha west Una of itecond atreet and
th eaat Hue of Third street and by repairing
tbe concrete foundation, and constructing rti-
nctal atone curbs in accordance with tb elty
engineer a Diana, aueclflcationa and eat I mates
Fourth By pavin the apace occupied by
the Portland Railway company aa a right of
way at una street between tbe rills and ne
tween the tracks with vitrified brick on I
concrete foundation and by replacing the ralla
now in use with grooved ralla not leas than
aeven Inches in depth In accordance with tha
city euylneer a plana, apeclfii-aUou and
i- Slid improvement to be made In accordance
with the charter and ordlnancea of th city of
Portland and the Dlans. soeclllcatlona and est!
mates of the city enslneer filed in tbe offlco
ot tb auditor of the city of Portland on th
ntn osy ot February, iimh, indorsed: "tjuy
snxlneer's Diana and s Declarations for th Im
provement of Pin street from th weat Una
ot Front street to the esst line of Sixth street
and tbe eetlmatea of tbe work to bo don and
the probable total cost thereftf."
Tb cost of aald Improvement to be aaaeased
as provided hy tbe city charter upon the prop
erty specially benefited thereby and which la
hereby declared to be lot, part of lota
and parceia of land lying between Un 100
feet north ot and parallel with tb north Un
or nn street and a line iuu reet aoutn or ana
pars Mel with the aouth line of Pin street and
between be west linn, of Front street and tha
east line of Fifth atreet, and lot 1. 1 T, 8.
in block A6: lots 8. 4. 5 In block T, and alt
that part of 6. block AT, lyihg south f a Una
equidistant between tbe north line of P)o
sirvci ana ine soatn line ok Anseny street,
. all la th city of Portland. .
Th engineer's estimate of th probable total
erat ot improving aald Pin street U 116,-
Tb above Improvement shall b elaaaed aa
vitrified brick Improvement on a concrete
,-fonndatlon and ahall be maintained by the city
for a period ot eight year; provided, that the
ownera ot a majority of the property bene
fited by said Improvement or any portion
thereof, aball not petition for a new r dif
ferent Improvement before th expiration of
auen penoa.
The plana, specification and estimate of tb
" $Jtr engineer for th Improvement ' f Bald
Pine atreet ar hereby adopted.
Resolved. That the anditor of tbe city of
roriiana oe and n la hereby directed t give
notice nf the proposed Improvement sf said
' atreet aa provided by the cltv charter.
Remonstrance agalnat tbe above improvement
may be filed in writing with the undersigned
wiuiin ziruavs rrora tu aat or tn nrat pnnlt.
canon or Tnis notice.
By order of th coanell.
Aadltnr of tb City of PortlsaA
February 23. 1004.
Notlc la hereby given that at th meeting
ron, held on. th 17th dsy of February,. 1B04
:. PortlanJ, Oregon dee'ns It expedient and pro.
i" w iimiT'TP wwiurup an rsL irom to ea
In of Twelfth' street to thi
' Twenty-first atreet. In th following manner
First All thst portion of ssld atreet lying
between tbe eaat Un of Twelfth street and
- , in . i nu (TUTunteeni:) sxrrci to
L tiAneovert fnllnsrs-
(a) By removing all loos earth, mnd and
debris of every kind from tl surfsc of th
I HI St MMHlnV tK Amm JL-ff . .
" .v...v....p .mv wu w j mil avIOtB
with full Intersections and bringing It to th
t roper evade with macadam:
(c- By conatrnrttng artificial stone side-
wans in aceornunc witn the city engineer
plana, apeclflcatlona and estimates:
(d By constructing srtlfldal atone curbs
in arcoroanc wtn tn city engineer' plana.
' (" llHRiKina II T TFllDlliraj
fel B conatructlnar Itnai erAflawlba I-
jordance with th city engineer' plana, apeci
v . Bu-iifl n .ii -i - , . . . .
""mm nn jiui I,, ni nra srrvei lying
between th west line of Seventeenth street
. e ""--- "' i-eniy-nrsi atreet Man
l fmneaven In the fnllnwlna.
evil . .BT rrd,I, ,D full Width With
iuu inii-r-iiiu o me proper grade
ILitt, a ',lrTmrv t tu proper
(c) By conatructing artlflclal stops ald
wslka In ac-ordsnc with the elty engineer
plana. reelAcatlone and estimate:
(fl) By constructing artlflclal stene curbs
accordance wiin the city engtoeera plana,
' arMN-IAnetlnria and ealtmaM
(e) By constructing artlflclal tton sidewalks
f HV Wnart'Ilfltltta nvi it a
. "H ""asvy I'mPRIWRlKBl lis (
' eordance with thelty engtneer a plana, speclfl
- cations ana eeiinMiea.
Said improvement to be 'mid In accordant-
. wnn im cuiri-r inn oruinancea or the cltv
matea ot th city engineer filed In th offlc
ine aeurior ni tne city or rortlnnd on
lh riav nf r.h-nan IUU ..." "".
i erglneer'a plana and apeclflcatlona for th
nrorement f Northrop street from the
line or Twemn street to the eaat Jin
-iwenty-nrex inwi idh lbs estlmata
avhrV to tie dimm mnA M,, -..i . . T
Z.L Tt F-vu-Mie toiai
fr tun -v a, . .
The coat of aald Imrrovement t ra ..a
-tv anau-lallv ht,lt,i trii.hw - a , i
. u,'i"i w w pit buTi ii.ia, pert ot
. and parcel of land lying between Una
, . ii " . h nq )uv nortn un
. vr, ,m..,k . . " " " IBVl SOUtn
. ; f snd parallel with tha aoutn line H Northroo
street and between line 100 feet east of
Hand parallel with , the- east line of Twelfth
street sun iuw ei nne iweniy-nrst atret.
11 1 antfltiAae'e ltlmill nf Ins M.l..f.t. a. -
- '- -- - - - ' - ' " 1 1 1 b total
i rest of th Improvement of laid Nurthrnn
tm ma Rurui '
The abovi Improvemeat ell thst nortl
ef ssld street lyln between the eaat li
- Twelfth street snd th west Un of Sewn
, teenm street is to, d cissso aa a macadam
, .-1 - ItninYLti-ninl inrl shall h n.-l,a(. A
v the city for a period of tw year, and
f:f-TIwna 'L imimi "in-ri i,tib r- f-'n tn"
Ine of Seventeenth- atreet 'and tji eaat
, f Twentv-rlrst treet hall be clsssed a
. mr.rrdntg -Improvement and shall he ma Intel
by U city for a period ot fiv .years) pre-
vlded. however, that In both caaea tha ownera of
a majority of the property benefited by aald
improvement or any portion, thereof lb ill not
petition tor a new or aurerent improvement ne
xt it the expiration of each periods.
Tha plana, specifications and estimate at the
city engineer tor tha Improvement of aald
jvortnnip atreet are hereby adopted.
Resolved, That tbe auditor of the city of
Portland be and he is hereby directed to give
notice of- the nroDoeed improvement of aald
street a provided by tbe city charter. ""
Remonstrant- I galnat the above improvement
gray - filed tn-wrtttng'-with -tbTindersigned
wunin zu oar rrora tu aat or ut nr. puou
catlon of this notlc. "
By order of to council.
', t . TH08. C. DEVLIN. .
Auditor of tbe City of Portland..
Febrnary 23,. 180.
Scaled nroDosals will he received hv tha
water board of the Vcltr of Portland. ' Oregon,
until 8 p. ui. Wednesday, Murch 0, 1004, for
launug l,:i tons or cast iron water pipe ana
Dedal caatlngg from railroad deoot or track
to polnta within the city limit to bo dealg
nated by tbe water board. ?
Tbe ttlue and specials ar contracted to ar
rive on or before August 1, In ' installment
niiproximatlng 300 tons per month, and delivery
must be lusdo M soon n possible after arrivHl.
Hpeclflcatlons and form of proposal can - be
obtained at tbe office of 0. 1. t'lurke, engi
neer or the water board, city ,nu, ,1'ortianu,
With each bid must be deposited a certified
check for 1100. payabbs to the order of the
auditor uf the city of Portland, and bond ac
ceptable to tha water board will be required
r uie iiniwMsrui Didder. ,
The right la reserved by tha water board
to reject any or all bids.
1 Proposal must be enclosed in an envelope
Indorsed on the outside "Proposals for Hauling
water ripe and upcclal castings, ana au
dressed to the undersigned. ' .
tty oraer or in water onara.
Portland, Oregon, February 27, 1804. ' '
Notlc hereby aire that at tbe meetlna
of tha council of tbe city of Portland. Ore
gon, neia on tn 17th day of February, 1904,
the follnwln re-solution was adonted:.
nesoivea. .oat tn jxiuncn or tne city or
Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro
poses to Improve Qulmby street from the weat
line- ot Sixteenth street to th east line of
Seventeenth itreet by bringing the street to
the proper grade and by conatructing plank
roadway full Width of th atreet. and eon.
stroctlng sldewalka 12 feet wide with 12-foot
revering pianka, in accordance with the city
engineer'a Diana. aneclnVatione and .atlmatea
-Bald Improvement to be made in aocord
oc with the charter and ordinances of tha
elty of Portland and the nlana anecltV-Hnni
and estlmatea of tb city engineer filed In tbe
oi nee or me suaitor ot tn city or l-ortisna
On tb 10th day of February. 1004. Indorsed:
"City engineer s plana and apeclflcatlona for
th Improvement of Qulmby atreet from the
west line- or Bixteeiilh street to th east
Un ef Seventeenth street and th estimate of
the work to be done snd th nrobabls total
coat thereof."
The cost of Mid lmDrovrment to he sssassed
aa provided by tb city charter upon the prop
arty apeclally benefited thereby and which Is
hereby declared to be all tba lots, parts of
lots and parcels of land lying between a line
100 feet north of and parallel with the north
line ot Qulmby atreet and a line loo feet enuUi
of and parallel wth -the couth Un of Qulmby
uT-et ana ocrweeu tne west line or Klxteenth
street and tb weat line of Seventeenth street.
Tb engineer's estimate of the probs-Me lots!
cost for the Improvement of aald Qutn-aby atreet
la iUI AA
Tho above Improvement ahsll be cl.itssed aa a
plank roadway Improvement and aball be main
tained by the city for a period of Ave yeare;
provided, that the ownera of a majority of tbe
property benefited by ssld Improvement or any
portion thereof sbsll not netltlnn for a new
or different Improvement' before the expiration
vi alien pvrioa.
The plans, specifications and estlmatea of
tbe city engineer for tha Improvement of ssld
Qulmby street ar hereby adopted.
Bssolved. That tbe auditor of the cltv nf
Portlaud be and ha la hereby directed tn elve
Hv.i,,-v oi me prnjinBea imorovement ot aaia
atreet as nrnvlded hr the eitv Khipta.
ttemonstrsnc agalnat tba above Improvement
may be filed in writing with the underslrned
wiinm mi hifi from ma aaia or tne nrat nunii
cation of this notlc.
By order of the council.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
February. 23. 1904.
Notlc la hereby alven that at the meeHn
oi iue council ot tne city ot t'ortland, tire-
sou, new on tne inn aay or renruary, 1904,
th following reaolutlon was adonted'
BeaolTed, That tba council of the city of
runinnu, vnrnin, aeems it exoenicnt snd
proposal to lmmwy Esst Dsvis street fram
the center Un of Beat Second atreet to the
weat line of Union avenne by eradlna- the
atreet full width with full lateracctlona to
tn proper sungrad aa shewn by tb stake
set by th city engineer, the ssld street to
be brought' to a uniform and finished anrfaoe.
Said Improvement to be made In accordance
with the charter and ordlnancea of tbe city
of Portland and the plana, apeclflcatlona, and
estlmatea of tbe city engineer filed inv the
office of the auditor of the city ef Portland
on tha 1Mb day of February i 1S04 InnWaed-
iiiy engineer s plana and apeclflcatlona for
the Improvement of Eaat Davis street from
the center Un of Esst Second atreet tn tha
est Una of Union avenue and the- estimates
or tne work to be done and the probable total
Va.t tknMal '
Tb coat of aald Imorovement to he assaeaMWt
aa provided by the city charter upon the prop
erty apeclally benefited thereby and whlcB Is
hereby declsred to be sll the lots, psrts of
lots snd parcels of land lying between a Una
100 feet nortn of and parallel with the north
Una of East Davis street and a line 100
reet Booth or and parallel with the south line
of Esst Dsvts street, snd between the eaat line
of East Second atreet and tba weat line of
inion avenne.
. Th engineer' estimate of tha probable
total coat of tbe Improvement of aald Eaat
Dsvis street la $010.00.
The plana, apeclflcatlona and estlmatea nf the
city engineer ror the improvement of aald cast
vsvis street are hereby adonted.
Resolved. That tbe anditor nf the city of
Pcrtland be nd he Is hereby directed tn give
notice ot toe proposed improvement ot ssld
street sa provided by th cltv charter.
Remonatranc ngalnet tbe above improvement oe nira in writing witn tne undersigned
witmn zii asvs rrnm th ante of th first publl
canon ot ibis notice.
By order ot th council.
Auditor of th City of Portland.
Febrnary 23, 1904.
Nnrle la hereby given that at tbe meeting
oi ium rouueu ot tne city ot r'orttand, Ore
gon, held on tb 17th day of February, 1904,
tbe following resolution wss adnnt.H
Resolved. Thst the' conncll of the city of
i urimiiM, ri'sua, urems it sxpotllent and pro
Doses to Improve Esst Third street rrnm thi
north Un of Esst Davis atrset to -a Hue 100
feet north of tb north Un of East Dsvis
street, by grading the atreet to the proper
subgrade In accordance, with the stskes aa
aet by tha city engineer, aald atreet to be
ornngnt to a nnirorm ana nnished surfsc.
Ssld improvement to be msde In accordance
with th charter and ordinances of tb city of
Pcrtland nd tbe plan, speciflcstlons and estl
mstes of tha city engineer filed In the of
fice of tbe auditor of the city of Portland oo
the ISth day of 1'ebroery. 1904. indorsed: "City
engineer' plan and speciflcstlons for the
improvement of East Third atreet from the
north line of East Pa vis street to llmf 100
feet north of the north line 6f Fait Pi via street
and the eatlmatea ot the work to be don
and tba probable total cost thereof."
The cost of aald Improvement to be e seemed
s, provided by tb city rhsrter upon tbe prop
erty epeclelly benefited thereby and which la
hereby declared to be all the lots, parta of
lcta and parcel of Is ad lying between a line
100 feet west of and parallel with th west
line of East Third street and a line 100
feet eaat of and parallel with th east Una
of Esst Third street and between th north line
of East Davla atreet snd a Un 100 feet north
of snd parallel therewith.
The engineer' estimate of the probable total
cost of - Improving said Eaat Third atreet la
12119.00. - v
The plana, apeclflcatlona and eatlmatea nf
the city engineer for the Improvement ef aald
East Third reet are hereby adopted.
Reanlved. That tbe auditor of the city ef
Portland be and he 1 hereby directed to give
notlc of th proposed Improvement of aald
atreet aa provided by the eitv charter.
Remonatranc against the above Improvement
may be filed In writing with tbe undersigned
within 20 dan from tb dsts of the first publl
estlon of this notice. ,
By order ef th council. ,
Auditor of tb City f Portland.
Febrnary 23. 1904.
Notice Is hereby given that at th meeting
of the council of tbe city. of Portland. Ore
gon, held on th 17th day of February, 1904,
the following reaolutlon waa adopted:
. Resolved. That the council of th dty of
Port land, Oregon, deema .lt expedtent and pro
pose to Improve Curry street from the west
lin of Oorbett treet to the aat line ef
First street In tbe following manner, to wit:
First -By grading th atreet full wldlb with
rt.11 Illl-MllAa. V. n.aa.aa
J , Second By constructing artificial atone aid-
walk In accerdane with tb City nglnr't
plana,' specifications and esUmstes:' ' v
2' xnira By conetrncung (tans crosswaut in
accordance with - the- city euglneer'a plana. !
afecldcatlona and estimates.
rourtn oy eonstracting ssone gaiters in
accordance with th city engineers plana.
ipeclflcations , and estlmatea. . j
nun ey nnnging in siraei iuu wraia
with full Intersection , to proper grad with
macadam."'""' :;....,.
bum ' tmorovemept " to 6 mad tn accord
ance with the charter and ordinances ot th
city-of -Portland anlth plana, specification
ana estimate ot tn city engineer mea in
the office of tbe auditor of th city of Port
land on tbe 15th day of February, 104. In
dorsed: "City engineer's plens and apecld
catlona for the . Improvement of Curry street
from the west line or DorDett street to tn
cast line of First street end the estimate of
tb work to be don and th probable total
cost thereof." ' ,
Tb cost of ssld Improvement to be aaaeased
sa provided by tbe city charter upon the pron
etty apeclally benefited thereby and which la
hereby declared to be all the lot, part ot
lot ami parcels at land lying between a una
100 feet north f and parallel with the north
Un of Curry atreet ana Un 100 feet south
of and parallel with th south Un ot Curry
atreet, and between . tn west un oi uoroett
atreet snd the eaat Un of First street.
The enslneer'a estimate ot the probable total
coat of Improving aaid Curry atreet la $.1!)8.00
in aoov improvement snau ne ciasaea aa a
macada-n tmtvuvemanr. and ahall be maintained
by tbo city for a period ef fiv year; provided,
toat toe ownera or majority ot to property
benefited by .said improvement or any portion
thereof ahall not petition for a new or dif
ferent Improvemeat before f th expiration t
auch period. . '
Th plana, speciflcationa and estlmatea of tb
city engineer for the Improvement of aald
Curry atreet ar hereby adopted.
xtesowea, mst the suu-Kor ot the city ot
t'ortlsnd be and he, la hereby directed to give
notlc of th proposed Improvement of ssld
street as provided by th city charter. i
Hemonsiranre atilrnt th abore improvement
may be filed in writing with the undersigned
within 20 dsy from thu date of tb first publi
cation of thla notlc.
By order of th conncll,
aadltnr ot th City, of Portland.
February 23, 1904. ,
Notlc is hereby given that at the meetlnc
of tb council of the elty of Portland, Ore
gon, neid on tn 17th day or February, 1V04.
the following resolution waa adopted:
nesoivea. mat tna council t tb city or
Portland. Orecon. deema It expedient and nro-
poses to Improve Mlsslsalupl svnue from the
nortneriy line oi uoiaamitn atreet to tne aouth
line of Rumell atreet. In the following man
ner, to-wlt:
FirstBy grading th atreet to tha roner
necona By paving th roadway with vltrl
tled brick with saud cushion on a concrete
foundation alx lncbea In thickness.
'iblrd By conatructing artificial atone curb.
Fourth By replacing the rails now in uae
with grooved rails not lees then seven Inches
In depth.
Fifth By Diving the soice ooenuled bv the
City A Suburbsn RsUwsy compiny's right ot
way - between aald ralla and tracks with vltrl-
neu nrirc on a enncrot rounds tlon.
Said Improvement to be made in accordance'
with the charter and ordinances of the city
ef Portland nd tha plana, apeclfieatloo and
estlmatea ot the city englueer filed In tbe office
of the auditor of tbe city of Portland on the
6th day of February, 1804, Indoraed: "City
engineer' plena snd specifications for th Im
provement of Mississippi svenu from tb
northerly line of Ooldsmllki street to the south
line of Russell street and the estlmstes of
tbe work to be done and tba probable total coat
The cost of said Improvement to be ssaeaaed
aa provided by tbe city charter upon the prop
erly . apeclally bewflted -thereby- and-whtelr 1
hereby declared to be all the kits, parta of lot
and parceia of land lying between a line 100
feet weat of and pataltet with the weat Un
of Mississippi avsnue and a Hoe 100 feet eaat
of and parallel with tb eaat tine of Ulsataslppl
avenue ana oetween tne aoutn line or Kuaeell
street and th northeaaterly line of Goldsmith
Tb engineer'a estimate of the nrohabl total
cost of the Improvement of said Mtaaisslpul ve
nue Is fS.301.00.
The above Improvement sball be classed as
a vltrlfiel brick Improvement on a concret
foundation and ahall be maintained br th city
for tbe period of eight years; provided, tht
th ownera of a majority of the property
benefited by ssid Improvement or any portion
thereof aball not petition for a new or dif
ferent Improvement before tb expiration of
such period.
The plsns, speciflcstlons and estimate of tb
city engineer for tbe Imorovement of ssld sJls-slt-elnpl
a venae are hereby adonted. .
Resolved. That the auditor ot th city of
i-nrriana oe ana ne is nereny directed to give
notice of tbe proposed .Imorovement of ssld
svenue aa prarlded by th city charter.
Rcmonstranc agnlnat the above Improvement
nay be died In writing with tbe undersigned
within 20 days from tbe date of tbe first publi
cs! ion ef this notice..
By order of the council.
Aadltor ot tha City of Portland.
February 23. 1904.
Notice la hereby given that at tba meeting
of the council ot the city of Portland, Ore
gon, held nn tbe 17th day of February, 1004,
th following resolution wss sdopted:
Resolved. That tbe council of the city f
Portland, Oregon, deem It expedient and pro
posea to Improve Irving atreet from the weat
line of Fifth street to tbe esst line of Seventh
street tn the following manner, to-wlt:
First By grading th atreet full width with
full interaertlona to the proper grade.
Second By paving the atreet full width with
full Intersection!, with atone blocka on a con
crete foundation In accordance with th dty
enrlneer'a Dlkhs. sneclAratlone snd estlmatea.
Third Br conatructing artificial stone curb
In accordance with the city engineer a plana,
speiViflcetlons and eatlmatea.
Fonrth By replacing the rails now In nss
on th Portland Railway company'! right ot
way with grooved ralla not less than aeven
lnchea in thlckneaa and aet on concrete.
Raid Improvement to be made In accordance
with the charter and ordinance ef the city
of Portland and the plana, apeclfleations and
eatlmat of tbe city engineer filed tn tbe
office of the auditor of tbe city of Portland
on tb 9th day of February, 1904, Indorsed.
"City engineer'a plans and specification for
the Improvement of Irving street from tbe weat
Un ot Fifth atreet to tha eaat Una of Seventh
atreet and tbe estlmatea of th work to be
done and the probable total coat thereof."
The coat of ssid Improvement to be asserted
aa provided by tbe city charter upon tha prop
erty apeclally benefited thereby and which la
hereby declared to be all tb lots, parta of lota
and parceia nf land lying between a Un 100
feet north ot and parallel with tbe north line
of Irving atreet and a Un 100 feet sooth
of and parallel with tb south line of Irving
street nd between the west line of . Fifth
atreet and the esst line of Seventh street.
Tb engineer' estimate of the probable total
cost nf Improving Hid Irving street Is I4.SA1.00.
The above Improvement ahall be elaaaed aa a
atnne block pavement on concrete foundation
and ah ill be maintained by tbe city for a period
ot 20 years; provided, thst the ownera of a
majority of the property benefited by aald Im
provement or any portion thereof, aball net
petition for a new or different Improvement be
fore the expiration thereof.
Th plana, apeclflcatlona and t1mat of th
dty engineer for the Improvement of aald
Irving street sre hereby sdopted.
Resolved. Tbst the anditor of the dtv nf
Pcrtland be and he ta hereby directed to give
notice of tbe proposed Improvement of ssld
street aa provided by tbe city charter.
Remonatranc against tb above Improvement
nu-y be nied In writing with th undersigned
vrlthla 20 days from th dst of th first publi
cation of thla notlc.
By order ot the conncll.
Auditor of tb City of Portland.
rbrnry St. 1904.
Notice la hereby given that at tbe meeting
of the council of the city of Portland, Ore
gon, held on the 17th day of February,' 1904,
tbe following resolution waa adopted: ''
Resolved, That the council of the city of
Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro
poses to Improve Twenty-swrond street from
the north line of Washington atreet to tb
south line of Thurmsn atreet In tbe following
manner, to-wlt:.
Fleet By grading the street full width with
full Intersocilona to the proper snbgrade.
Second By conatructing artlflclal atone slde
walka in accordance with the city engineer'
Lplnns, speciflcationa and eatlmatea.
J bird By . conatructing artinciai atone curb
In accordance with the city engineer' plan,
specifications aud eatlmatea.
Fourth By pivlng the spscs occupied by
tbe City A Suburban Railway company rlgbt
of way at (illsun atreet and at Harler atreet
and by replacing the rail now in uae by aeven-
lneh grooved rails set on concrete snd hy pav
ing the space between the mils and between
the track and for one foot outside of tb
rails with ton blocka set on concret.
'lfth By bringing tho eurfac of th street
full width with full Intersections to proper
grade with either bltumlnooa macadam or
eapBait witn vitrinea one gutters two reet
In width on a concrete foundation five Inches In
depth or wooden blevk treated with car-
bollneum avenarlua on a concrete foundation
five lncbe In depth, or vitrified brick with
mnd cushion" on a concrete foundation fly
Incites In depth, as may be determined by the
executive board, subject to adoption by tbe
council, decision to be based upon the "cost,
durability, suitability and desirability of th
material used. -' k
Said Improvement to he made In accordance
with tho charter and nrdlnani-es of the city t
rm'tiniHi ana ine pisus. spccincauoiie ana eeri
uiatve of tbe clly uflner Al4 lu th offlc
of tha auditor. of the city of Portland on tb
ITth day-of February, "1904, Indoraed: "No, 1,
city engineer' plana and apccinoarlon for
tUe Improvement" of Twenty- cowl atreet from
tbe : north line of Washington street to the
nth line of Tnurmin street with bituminous
macadam, and I ho estlmatea of the work tn be
done aud tbe probable total cost thereof ;" "No,
i. cuy engineer limns ana apeciocauous x"r
be Improvement of Twenty-second street from
N north Mm f-- WaebliiKtoh treet to the
south Hue of Tburmen street with asphalt.
ani (be i Htlmntfrs -of the work to bo done snd 1
the probable total coat thereof;" "No. S, city
engineer's- plan and specifications for Iba lui
provelncnt of Twenty-aecond atreet from th
nurth line of Washington street to tha south
lino of Thlirmaii street with wood blocks, and
the estimate ot tbe work to be done aud tb
probable total cost thereof;''' "No. 4, elty en
gineer'a plan and ipeelticatlons for tb im
provement of Twenty-second street from th
nortu line- or Washington street to ine souin
lint cf Thnrruau street with vitrified brick, and
tho estimate of the work to be done and the
trobahltt totslrCost thereof." '
" The cost of mid improvement to be assessed
aa provided br th city charter upon the prop
erty specially benefited thereby and which is
ntreuy occlurca to n:au tna iota, parts oi
lots snd (larcol of Isnd lying between the
south llw! of Ttilrnisn street and the north line
of Wnsblnsftnu street and between a line 2S0
fact west of ntul parallel with th west Hue
of Twenty -third street aud a Una 230 feet east
of and parallel with the eaat Un ot Twenty
flmt alrevt.
Th engineer' MttinsU ot th nrohabl total
coat for the lirnrovcnient of said Twenty-second
street la f4A,374.00 for bituminous macadam,
5,0fl0.00 for aspbsit, $59,060.00 for wood
blocks, and S39.0o0.u0 for vitrified brick.
The above Improvement shall be classed
'either sa a bituminous macadam, asobalt. wood
block or vitrified brick pavement, aa may be
determined by tha executive board and aball
be maintained by th city tor period of
eight year for bltumlnou macadam, five
yeara for asobalt. elalit year for wood blocks.
treated' with carlwllneum avenarlun, and eight
years for vitrified brick: provided, that the
owners of a maturity of tb Dronerty bene
fited by aaid Improvement or any portion thereof
sball not petition for a new or different Im
provement before the expiration of auch period.
The plan, peclflcatlon.. and estlmatea of
tbe work to be dona and th probable total coat
thereof for tho improvement or saia iwenty
second street ' are hereby sdonted.
Resolved. That the auditor of the city of
I'ortlsnd be and he is hereby directed to glvo
notice ot th proposed Improvement of aald
atreet aa provided by tbe city charter.
Remonstrance against the above improvement
may be filed In writing with the undersigned
within 20 day from th aat ot tn nrat puo
Ilea tlon ot thla notice.
By order of th council.
Anditor of tb City of PortUnd.
February 24, 1904.
Sealed proiwaal will bo received ot tbe offlc
or th auditor of the city of Portland until
Friday, March 4, 1904. at 8 o'clock p. m. for
the imnrjvement of East Thirtieth treet. from
the south line of Hawtborne'a first addition to
the north line of Hawthorne a nrat addition, m
tho manner provided by ordinance No. 13,809.
anhlect tn tha nrovlslona of tbe charter and
ordlnancea of the city of Portland, and the
estimate of tbe city enslneer. on Die.
Illila must be strictly In accordance witn
printed blauk. which will be furnlabed on
application at ine otoc ot in auditor ot tne
city of PortUnd.
Ssid imorovement must be completed on or
before 90 day from the flat ot tbe signing
of the contract by the parties thereto.
No propose! or bids will be considered un
less accompanied by a certified check payable
to the order of the mayor of tba city of Port
land, certified hy a responsible bank for an
amount equal tu 10 per cent of tbo aggregate
The right to reject any and all blda la hereby
By order ot tbe executive board.
Auditor of the. City of Portland.
February 27. 1904.
Scaled protioegle will be received at tb office
nf tho uudltor of the city of Portland until
Friday. March 4. 1004. at S o'clock D. m. for
lue Improvement of Fourteenth street, from the
aouth line of Front atreet to tbe north Una of
Sevier street. In the manner provided by
ordinance No. 13.S10, subject to the provision
nf the charter aud ordinances or tne city oi
Portland, and .he estimate of the city engineer,
on file.
niris must be strictly In accordance with
printed blank, which will be fitrtilabed on
application nt the office of tbe auditor vf the
eitv of Portland.
Said Improvement mutt be completed on or
before Ail day from the date of the signing
of tbe contract by the parties thereto.
No proposals or blda will be considered un
less accompanied by a certified check payable
to the order of the mayor of the city of Port
Und. certified by a responsible bank for an
amount equal to 10 per cent ef th aggregate
The right to reject any and all blda is hereby
By order of the executive board.
Anditor of the City of Portland.
February 27, 19"4.
Sealed proposals will b received at tbe office
of the auditor of the city of Portland until
Friday, March 4, 1904, at 8 o'clock p. m. for
the Improvement of Alnsworth avenue, from
the east line of Union avenue tn tbe west line
of Ksat Nineteenth street, In tbe msnner pro
tided hy ordlnsuce No. 13,811, subject to the
provisions nf tbe charter and ordlnancea ot the
city of Portland, and tbe estimate ot the city
engineer, on file.
Bids must U strictly In accordance with
printed Plunks, which will be furnished on
application at the office ot tbe anditor of tha
city of Portland.
Held Improvement muat tie completed on or
before 00 daya from the date of the signing
of the contract by the parties thereto.
No proposals or bids will be considered no
tes accompanied, .by eg certified check payable
to the order of the mayor of the city of Port
land, certified by a responsible bsnk for an
amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate
The rlgbt to reject any and ail blda la hereby
By order of the executive board.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Febrnary 27. 1004.
Sealed proposals will be received at the office
nf the auditor of the city of I'ortland until
Friday. March 4, 1904, at 8 o'clock p. m. for
the Improvement of the eaat H of East Six
teenth street, from the north line of Clinton
street to the south line of Division street, in
tbe manner provided by ordinance No. 13,812.
anbject to the provisions of the charter and
otdluancta of the city of Portland, and the
estimate nf tbe city engineer, oo file.
Bids must be strictly la accordance with
printed blanks, which will be furnlabed on
application at tho ofUc of tbe auditor of the
city of PortUnd. ,
Hold Improvement mast be completed on or
before 40 day from th date of the signing
of the contract by the psrtles thereto.
Nn propoanla or bids will be considered rra
less accompanied by a certified check payable
to the order of the mayor of the city of Port
land, certified by a responsible bsnk for' an
amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate
The rlvrht to reject any and all blda la hereby
By order of the executive board.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Zlbni3rLJ?L J'-
Sealed proposal will be received by the
Water Board of the City of Portland. Oregon,
until 8 p. ni. Wednesday, March 9. 1904, for
furnishing and delivering adjacent to the f'lty
Park reservoirs the following approximate
quantities- of broken atone, gravel and aand,
At reservoir No. 4 70O cubic yarda broken
atone; 700 cubic yarda Willamette river gravel;
700 cubic yard Oolumbla-rlver concrete sand.
At reservoir No. 8 2140 cubic yards broken
atone; 250 cubic yards Wlllsniette-rlver grsvtl;
200 cubic yard Columbia-river concrete saad.
At Kingston avenue and along tunnel con
duit 400 cubic yarda Wlllaniette-rlver gravel;
200 cubic yards t'olumhla-rlrer concrete sand.
The rlgbt I reserved to Incresae or diminish
the amount of each class of materiel apeclfled
above. If the Water Board so elect, st any
time during the progress of the work; providing,
that the total quantities delivered aball not
be Increased or diminished by more .than SO
per cent.
Delivery of abnv materials to be made upon
requisition between April 1 and September 1.
1904, In lota to ault the requirement of the
work In hand, not exceeding 100 cubic yard
per day.
Bidder muat state the location of the quarry
from which they propose to furnish the broken
atone and must also submit sample boxes con
taining Vi cubic foot In volume nf each clas
of material they propose to deliver. These
samplea to be kept as s stsndard with which
to compare materiel delivered nnder contract.
Speciflcationa and form of proposal ran he
obtained at tbe office of D. D. Clarke. Engineer
ofNb Water Board, City Hall, Portland. Ore
gon. , .
With each bid must be deposited a certified
chock for $200, payable to tbe order of tbe
Auditor of the City nf Portland. Oregon, and
honda acceptable to tbe Water Board will be
required of tbe aucceaaful bidder.
The rlgbt 1 reserved by th Water Board
to reject ny r all bid. V .
Prounsala muat be enclosed In an envelop
Indorsed on tbe outside " Propose U for Broken
Stone. Gravel and Sand,' and addressed to th
undersigned. I
By order nf tbe Water Board.'
FRANK T, D01MIK, KupednteTidcnt.
rurtland, Oregon, Fvbruary SO, 1904.
Sealed proposal wilt h we-1' ? ofnf
the aiidflor of, tli city ot PortUBd , until
Friday. March 4. llHfci. at 3 o eiocx p. . iot
tho construction of wc in Front nw
from th south Un of Abernethy atreet to the
Thorns week sewer. 1 the msnner Provided
by ordlnsm No. 18.816, ubject to the pro
..i.... ik. charter and ordinance or tbe
city of Portland. 4 th Mtlmat of tbe city mnstJ trlctlTln - ;a"??w'n
printed blank, which will D furnlabed ion ap
plication at tbe ofncf tb udltor ot tt jcity
. i i i.i aal ..ine must b cnin-
Ul I "I I m 1IU, - , ,
Dieted on or before SO aay xrom --".,";
the signing, ot th contract oy ' v"
No prooossla r bid will b .considered tm
i ... ;u.uj h. a .ArtlAed check payable
to tb order of tn major ui
Portland, certified by respomlbls bank and
for an amount uaual to 10 per cent ot tb f-
gregat proposal. ' -' ' . ......
, Tho right to ruject ny and all bide U btby
reserved. .(.....,. n '..;.
By order ot th xnitlv boiro. r -,
" Auditor ot tb City .ot Porttand.
Februtry 27, 1904. -' - - .
v...i. i. a...t. .l..n that William 0.
fin..,, an. ...n,a, has a ed in tne oioce
l-OHVB in 1IT-A.TW.? - - .. aa-
nt ,k- ...,.iV,.i!!ert nntlce that BecbUl Bros.,
oontractora for th . Improvement of Ruasett
street, under th provlalona. oi oTainjnc i-.
13.C2.1. have com pie tea aaia atreri, i""
weat line ot Peninsular aveou to th et line
of Emerald atreet, " ,t ' .
Said acceptance will b conaldered by th
executive board at 4 o'clock, on tbe 4th day
any oi .narcn, iwt, bhu. uvjctiwu" -
...,..... . .ai.i .t, i ne any nart thereof.
may be filed in tbe oroce ot tne unirowjuc
at any time pr,or thereto. :
THIS ivsi
Aiidltor of tn City of Portland,
February 27, J904. . ;
Vrlle 1. a-tven that William 0.
Elliott, cltv enalnecr. has filed In the ornce
of tbo undersigned, notk-e that T. W. Sweeney,
contractor for the Improvement of Sherman
street, nnder tbe provlalona ot ordfnanc' No.
13.5A4, has completed said street, from tbe
center line of tutu street to tne center un w
Sixth street.
Said acceptance will be considered By tne
executive hoard at 4 o'clock, on th 4tn day
day of March, 1904, and obJdlon to the ac
ceptance of said street, or any part thereof.
may lie filed In the ortlce.or toe unaeraignea
at any time prior thereto.
Auditor of tbe City ot Portland.
February 27, 1904.
Notice la hereby riven that William' C
Elliott, dtv engineer, has filed In the offlc
nf the under-lulled, notlco that Becblll Bros.,
contractors for the improvement of Hkldmor
atreet, nnder tbe provisions of ordinance No,
13.026, have completed said atreet, from th
center llni of East Seventh atreet to th center
line or Kist Nintn atreet.
Said acceptance will be conaldered by the
rxecntive board at 4 o'clock, on the 4th day
day of March, 11)04 and object tons to tbe ac
cotnoce nf said street, or ear nart thereof,
nay be mea in tne ornce ot vn unaersignou
at any time prior tnereto.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
February 27, 1904.
Notice Is 'hereby given that William C.
Elliott, dty engineer, baa filed In the office
of tbe undersigned, notice that Becblll Bros.,
contractor for th Improvement of Pippin
street, under the provlalona of ordinance No.
13.016. have complitHil aald atreet, from the
cei.ter l'ne of Peninsular avenue to the west
line nf Wabash avenne.
Hnld aeeeptane will be considered by tbe
executive board at 4 o'clock, on tb 4th day
du.v of March. ItXH, and objections to tbe ac
ceptance of said- street, or any part thereof,
n-ay he filed In tbe office ot the undersigned
at any time prior tnereto.
Auditor ot tha City of Portland
February 27, 1904.
Notice Is hereby given that William C.
Elliott, city engineer, baa filed In tbe offlc
of tbe undersigned, notice that J. B. Slem
niona. contractor for the construction of a
sewer In Esst Hoyt street, from the west line
of Hast Twenty-ninth street to th sewer ta
East Twenty eighth street, under the provis
ions of ordinance No. 13,723, has completed aald
Bald acceptance will be considered by the
executive board at 4 o'clock, on tho 4tfr day
day of March, 1904, and objections to the ac
ceptance thereof may be filed in the office of
tbe undersigned at any time prior thereto.
Auditor ot th at; of Portland.
Febrnary 37, 1904.
Sealed propoaala will be received at th offlc
nf th auditor of th city of Portland no til
Friday, Man n 4, 104. at 3 o clock p. m. for
the Improvement of Larrabee atreet from the
north line of Holladay avenue to tbe southeaat
erly line of McMlllen'a addition In tbe manner
provided by ordinance No. 13,807, subject . to
tho provisions ot tb cbsrter aud ordlnancea
of the city of Portland, and tb eatlmat of
tbe city engineer, on tile.
Bids must be strictly in accordance with
printed blank, which will be furnished on
application at th of flea ot th auditor of th
city of Portland.
Said Improvement muat be completed on or
before 9o daya front the date of tha algulng
of the conlrant by tb parties thereto.
No proposals or bids will be conaldered un
less accompanied by a certified check payable
tu the order nt the mayor of th ctty of Port
land, certified by a reaponalble bank for an
amount equal to 10 per cent ot tb aggregate
The right to reject any and all bids U hereby
By order of tb executive board. '
Auditor ot tb Clly of PortUnd.
February 27. 1804.
Sealed propoaala will be received at tb offlc
nf the auditor uf th city of Portland until
Friday, March 4 1904. at S o'clock p. m. for
the improvement of the . north ifc of l llnton
atreet, from the west lln ot Eaat Seventeenth
atreet to tho eat Hue nf Mat Sixteenth atreet.
In the manner provided by ordinance No.
13.803, aubject to the prnvlslon of tbe charter
and ordlnancea of the city of PortUnd. and
the eatlmste of tb dty engineer, nn flle.
Hide Diust be strictly In accordance with
printed blaaka, wblcb will be fiirulshed on
application nt the ofuc of tbe aadltor of the
city of I'ortland.
Hnld linprorement must be completed on or
before 40 daya from the date of the algulng
of the omtract by tbo parties thereto.
No propoaala or bids will be considered un
less accompanied by a certified check parable
to the order of the mayor of the cltv of Port
land, certified by a reaponalble bsnk for an
amount equal to 10 per cent of tho aggregate
The right to reject any and all bids Is hereby
By order of tb executive board.
Auditor ot th City of Portland.
February 27, 1904.
Notlc Is hereby given thot the Council of
the City of Portland proposes to aseess the
following described property aud owner or
owner a being epecUUy and peculiarly bene
fited In the amount set opposite the nsmos
and descriptions thereof for tbe Improvement
of Northrup street, and from tbe west line
of Twenty-second street to the east line of
Twenty-third street, a provided by ordinance
No. 18,853.
Any objections to tbe apportionment of cost
for said Improvemant muat be made lu writ
ing to the Council and Sled with the Auditor
within 15 daya from the data of th first pub
lication of thla notice, and aald objection
wlil be -eard" and determined by the Council
before the passage of the ordinance assessing
tbe coat of ssid .Improvement.
Couch Addition to th City ef Port
Und Blk 308, lot 4, J. W. Drlocoll......
Blk 308, lot 5. Robert Bruce Wilson,
$ 0.1.45
... i-",, ,i o, xiriogec iyona
lllk 306, lot , Clementine F. Lewis....
Blk 80, lot 12, Clementine F. Lewis...
Blk 30fl, lot 13, Clementine F. Lewis...
Blk 306, lot 18. Samnel Wagner
Blk 3ll5. lot 1. Oood Hinurilm hnanlt.l
Ulk Q.mI 1 ... a . . , . .
93. 45
U ? S1?' !! 2' 0ooa Samaritan hospital.. 46.72
Blk 305, lot 7.' Oood Samaritan hospital.. 46.72
K! )ot .10' B1 8"-rltan hl.pltal. 56.07
S 5 J01 M' Oooa Itamarltan hospital. 40.72
Blk 305, kit 14, Good Samaritan hospital. 40.72
A tract of land lying between "tbe feouth
. line of Norlhrup atreet and a line loo
feet south thereof and parallel there
with aud between the eaat line of
Twentv.thlrd atreet and a line loo feet , f
east tuereoi aaa parallel tnerswlth,
Hood Samaritan hospital
- - . '1I111M. r I1RVI.IN ,
Sealed Drnnoaal will be received -at the office
of the auditor of the dty of Portland until
Friday, Idarch 4. 1904. at .8 o'clock p. m. ror
tba Improvement of Arthur street, from the
west line of Hood street to tbo eaat lln t
First street. In tbe msnner provided by ordin
ance Nu. 13.813, subject to the provisions ot
the charter and ordinances of the city of Portland.-
and the estimate -of-the city engineer,
on file. 1
Bids must be strictly hr- accordance wrth
printed blanks, which will be furnished on
appllcath.n at the office of th auditor of the
city of Portland,
Kald imorovement must be completed -on or
Iwfore 120 days from the date ot th signing
of the contract by the parties thereto.
No pruDosals or blda will be considered un
ices accompanied hy a certified check payable
to tne order ot the mayor of tbe city or rort
lnnd, certified by a responsible bank for an
amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate
Tho right to rcleet any and all bid Is hereby
By order of the executive board.
, Auditor of the City of Portland.
February 27. 1904.
Sealed proposals will be received by the
water board of theclly of Portland. Oregon,
until .1 p. m. March 8. 1904. for furnishing
1.500 barrels nf Portland cement, with the
urlvlrexe ot Increaslne the amount to 3,000
barrels, or leas, it tho water board ahall ao
elect before the tittle set fo? tbe completion
of the contract.
. The cement uiut be ot some wen known ana
reliable brand and will be tested In accord
mice with the practice ' recommended by tbo
American Hoeit-ty or civil engineers.
Bidders must state the brand snd the name
of tbe manufactureri of the cement they pro
pose to furnish, the net weight snd price per
barrel, and must alio ttat the location of tbe
warehouse from which delivery will l made,
Delivery of cement to be made between April
1 and September 1. lHfl-i. In lota to ault tb
rootilremonts of the work in hand.
Speclllcationa and form of proposal can be
obtained at the office of V. D. Clarke, engi
neer of the . water board, city hall, Portland,
Oregon. "
With each bid muat be deposited. a certified
check for $.100.00, payable to the order of the
auditor of the city of I'ortland. Oregon, and
bonds acceptable to the water board will be
required of the succesnful bidder.
Tb rignt is reserved oy tne wster oosru
to reject any or all bids.
Proposal muat be enclosed in sn envelope
Indorsed on the outside, "Proposals for
Cement," and addressed to tbe undersigned.
By order of tb water board.
Portland. Oregon. February 27. 1904.
Cltv ef Portland. Oregon. Sealed proposal
will be received by the undersigned until 2
o'clock p. ml on Thursday, March 3, 1904, for
the wnoie or any part ot ritty inoussna uoi
lsrs.HSO.000.CO of tbe bonds of the city of
Portland, Oregon, in denominations ot rive
Hundred Dollar a ($500,001 each, dated Janu
ary 1, 1904, payable thirty year from date,
and tearing Interest at tbe rate of four per
rent per annum, payable on the first days of
January ard July of each year, principal and
Interest psyaDia in unitea mates goiu coin ut
the office of tha treasurer of th dty of Port
land. Oregon,
The shove described . bond ar Issued for tba
puriws of providing an additional ferry to
operat across the Willamette river In said
city of PortUnd. The authority for th issne
of aald bonds ta granted by an act of ths
it-giaiatnre ot tne riaie ot vregoo, nica in ma
fflc of tb eecretary ot atat renruary a.
Hlddera will he rennlred to submit uncondi
tional hide, excent ee ta tha legality -of th
lionds. and each bid must be accompanied by a
certified cheque on some reaponalble bsnk In
the city of Portland. Oregon, for an amount
equal to five per cent of tbe face value of the
snonnt or Donas ma tor. payaoie to me oraer
ff the mayor of the city Of fewHana aa noiii-
ftated flamaee tn case the Bianer snail nun-
draw lila bid nr aball fall or neglect to tuk
and pay for the said honda should th asm
ha awarded tn blm.
The right i. reserved to reject any" r all
All proposals should be marked proposals for
Bend," and addressed to 1 nomas u. invito.
auditor, Portland, Oregon.
By order ot tb executive board.
Auditor of the City of PortUnd.
Portland. Oregon. January . 27. liW4-
ntv at Portlaad. Oreson. Sealed DroDCSals
will be received by the enderelgntd until 2
o'clock p. ni. on Tbursdsy. March 3. 1004, for
tbe whole or any part nf Four Hundred Thou
sand Dollars (100, 000. (Mi) of the bonds of
the city or PortUnd. Oregon, lu aouonnns
tlons of One Thousand Dollars each, dated
January 1. 1804, paysble thirty years from
date, and bearing Interest at the rate ot 4 per
cert per antrum, payable on the fint daya of
January and July of each year, principal and
Interest payable In United State gold coin at
the office of tbe treasurer of tbe city o(
Portland. Oregon.
The above described bonds are Issued for the
purpose of building a orldge across the Will
amette river la laid city of Portland, con
necting Morrison street on tb west aid of
aid river wttb East Morrison atreet on the
east aide of aald river. The authority for th
lami ot said ben da la granted by an act of tbe
legislature of the atat of Oregon, filed In
the offlc ot th crtry ef atat February
24. 1003,
Bidders will be required to submit uncondi
tional blda, except aa to th legality of th
bonds, and each bid muat be accompanied by a
d-rtlfl-d check on some reaponalble bsnk in
the dty of Portland, Oregon, tor art amount
qua! to 8 per cent of tb face vain of th
amount of bond bid for, payable to tbe order
of the mayor of the city of Portland aa liqui
dated damage In case the bidder shall with
draw his bid or shall fall or neglect to tike
and pay for the aald bond abould th same
be awarded to blm.
Tb rlgbt U reserved to reject any or all
All propoaala should be marked "Proporsli for
Bonds," and addressed to Tbomaa 0. Devlin,
auditor, Portland, Oregon.
By order of tbe executive board.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
January ST. 1804.
Sealed proposal will bo received at th offlc
of tb auditor of the city of PortUnd until
Friday, March 4, 19o4, at 3 o'clock p. m. for
the improvement of Tenth atreet. from the
north line of Waahlngtoo atreet to tbe sooth
line of Front street. In the manner provided
by ordinance No. 1.1,815, aubject to tbe provla
lona of th charter snd ordlnancea of the city
of Portland, and th estimate of the dty
engineer, on flic.
Bids must be strictly In accordance with
printed blanks, which will be furnished on
application at the office of tbe auditor of the
cltv nt Portlkfid.
Hold Improvement must be completed on or
lie fore ISO days from the dste of the signing
of the contract by tbe parties thereto.
No pneinls nr bids Bill bo considered un
less accompanied by a certified , check pay a hie
to the order of the mayor nf the city of Port
land, certified by a reaponslblo bank for an
amount equal to 10 per cent of tbe aggregate
The right to reject any and all blda U hereby
By order of the executive board.
Auditor of tbe City of Portland.
February 27, 1004.
Sealed propusaU will be received at tbe office
of the auditor of ths city of Portland until
Friday. Murch 4, 1904, at 8 o'clock p. m. for
the Improvement of Flrat atreet. from the
north line of Madison atreet to the south line
of Columbia street, la the manner provided by
ordinance No. 13.M14. aubject tu the provlalona
nf tbe cbsrter and ordlnancea of the city of
Portland, and tbe estimate of the city engineer,
on file.
Bids must lie strictly tn accordance with
printed blanka. which will be furnished nn
application at the office of tbe auditor of tbe
city of Portland.
Said Improvement must be completed on or
before 90 daya from tba dte of the eiguiag
of the contract by the parties thereto.
No propossU or bids will be considered un
less accompanied by a certified check payable
tu tbe order of the mayor of tha city of Port
Innd, certified by a responsible bank for an
amount equal to 10 per cent ot the aggregate
Tbe right to reject any and all blda U hereby
By order ot the executive board.
Aadltor of the Ctty of Portland.
February 27, 1904,
Sealed propoU will be received at the office
of the auditor nt tbe city of PortUnd until
Friday. March 4, 1U04. at 10 o'clock a. m.
for constructing artificial stone sidewalks on
Psrk block 11. 13, IS, 14, 15, 10, 17. It). 10
snd 20, Portland, subject to the estimate of
we city engineer, on nie.
Blda muat be trletlv In accordance with
printed blank, which will be furnished on ap
plication at the of fie of th auditor of the
city ef PortUnJ. .
No proposals will be conaldered nubia ac
companied by a certified check payable te tbe
order ot the mayor of the dty lot Portlaud,
certified by a responsible bank for an amount
equal to 10 per cent of tb ggregst pro
POSSl, ' - v ,
Tha rlgbt to reject any and 111 bid I hereby
, By order of ,the "barVIWuird. ' " '
. , - THOS. ft DEVLIN,
: " Auditor nf fhe t'liy of I'ortland,
fortland, Oregon, February 27, 1004.
trains, for Salem. Rose
burg, Ashland. Sacra
mento, Ogden, San Fran
cisco, Mojevs, I -os An-
Sales, El Paso. New Or
ana and th Eaat. ,
8:30 p. m.
7:45 h B,-
At Wondbm-u dally
(except Sunday), morn
ing train for. Jit. An
8:80 0- ML
p. SB.
gel. Sllvrton. Brown-
vili. npringneia. w too
ling and Natrua.
Albany passenger, con
nects at Wocdhorn with
Mt Angel and Sliver
ten local. ' -
4:00 P. a.
10:10. .
s .
118:39 0. at, --Mp.m
7:S0 a- m.
1 140 p. m.
CorvaUl passenger .,,
Sheridani paeeengev. .. , ,
Dally. t Dally, except 8ondsy. . ,'.
Fortlaad-Oswego Suburban Barrio and Yamhill
- DiTdaioa.
Depot root of Jefferson Street.
' Leave Portland dally for Oswego 1:110 a. M.(
12 :(M). 2:08, 8:25; 8:30, 8:28, 8:80, 10:10 P-
Daily (except Sunday) 6:80, 8.80; 8:88. 10 W
a. m. ; 4:00. 11:30 p. as. Sunday enly, S:04 ,
a. an. -,
Returning from Oswego, arrive Portland dill,
8 80 a. ., 1:58. 8:05. 4:85 8:15. T:M. 9:58,
11:10 p. m. Dally (except Sunday) 8:98, T:28,
0:80. 10:20. 11:46 a. M. Except Monday, 12:2
p. bi. Sunday only. 10:00 a. p.
Lesves.rTnm same depot xur lianas im ibu-c
n ertlate points daily (except Sunday) 4:00 p. a .
Arrive Portland 10:WI p. m.
The Independence-Monmotitli Motor nne)
operate" dally to Monmouth aad Alrlto, con
nect In with Southern Pad tie company' track
st Dallas and Independence. '
First-class fare from Portland to Sacvament
and San Francisco $20. berth $5; aecoad-claaS
fare $15. second-class berth $2.50.
Tickets to Eastern point and Europe, also)
Japan. China, Honolulu snd Austrslla.
City Ticket Office corner Tnira aaa wbbbu-
tcn trete. Phone. Mala 712.
City Ticket Agent. lie, ra. '
AND Union Pacific
Through Pnllmna standard and Toqrist ateea-
i. -. sails to Omaha. Chicago, Knokanet
TourUt eleeplng-caro dally to Kaasaa City I '
through Pollman Toartst sleeping-car (per sob-
ly eondueieai ""' - -..... -City;
Reclining ehsirvsrs (seat tr t taw
East dally.
- Leave. -
Art I tee, .--
For tba East via Hunt
ington. 9:15 a. I
8:25 a. at.
For Kast-rn Washing
ton, Walla Walla. Low
iston, Coeur d' Alone
and . Great Norther
7:43 p. m.
8:00 .
Far tb Eaat vU Bunt
Ingtna. 8:18 p. m.
0:00 a. so.
3:00 p. ta.
S. 8. Ceo. W. Elder--
Feb. O. 10, 20 :
S. ' 8. Columbia, Fab.
1. 11, 21.
8:00 p. nv
"Columbia Elver Division.
von p. to.
ex. Sunday,
Saturday, s
10:00 p. ta.
About -5:00
P- as,
ex. Sunday
point, connecting- witn
atmr. for Hwaeo and
North beach, st?. Bas
calo. Aab-at, dock.
T sixth 111 Elver Roots.
Cltv and Yamhin River
7:00 a. I
5:80 p. a.
polnta, atrs, Elmore and
unooei asn-st; oe.
(Water permitting. I
1 "ii
Snake River Route.
:0S a. av
58 p.
ex- Friday
and way polnta from
Rlparla, Wash., steam
era Spokane aad Lew-'
ex. tat,
leton. i
TICKET OFFICE. Third and Washington. TsU
pbon. Mala 712.
For Toknbama and Hong Kong, celling at ,
Robe. Nsgssakl and Shanghai, taking freight
via connecting steamers lor Manila. .Port Arthog .
aad Vladlroctok.
For rates and tall Information csTl on e ae
drea oftlciaU at agent f th 0. H. A M. C
Pnget. Sound Limited,
for Tacoma, Seattle,
ni.nni, aouth Bend
8:30 t-av
8 :80 p. aw
and dray' Harbor
North Coaet Limited,
for Tacoma. Seattle.
Bntte. St. Paul, Min
neapolis. Chicago, Nw
Vork. Boston and points
Eaat and Southeast.
Twin-City Expreaa, tor
Tacoma. Seattle, Spo
kane. Helena, St. Paul
Minneapolis, Chicago.
New Vork, Boston and
sll points Eaat and
Puget Souud Kansas
CIty-8t. LouU Special,
for Tacoma, Seattle,
Spokane, Butte, Billing.
Denver. Omaha, Kanaa
City. St. Loula and all
point Eaat aad Sooth-
8:00 p.
7:00 a. B
11:48 p.
T:00 p.
$.80 a. a.
T-.0S a. av
All trains - dolly except . Booth
bronco. A. D. CHARLTON.
Assistant General Psssengsr Agest,
225 Morrison St.. eor. Third. PortUnd. Or
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
For Maygeta. Rainier,
11:10 . at,
(Clatsksnlo. Weetpori
Cllftoa, A "tort a. War-
rruton. 1 isvel, Hani,
mond. Fort Stevens,
U.t-an art I ark, ties-lde.
Astoria Hid Meuu
l-jxprefu., Daily,
Astoria Epns.
19 p. m.
'- J. C. VT'l,
ft. t. snd f. A . A t- . ,, f ..
0. A. iTEtf ART. feiorvlal A-, .4 A. '
115? uwtr. lM
( O lOGblN. SHAStA I
yA bout lOl
Iatavs. K CNIOJ DEPOT. J Awlvea,
1 1. ,,! i i ii ., i i
Dally. I
7:00 p. tn.