The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 29, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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m Entered at th fotofn of Portland. Or.
for trsnsmlsslon through the Bill aa seeoad
claaa matter. . ,
Postage for single eopl at For aa S, 10 er 1J-
paper. 1 cent; 1 to 38 pacta, S cents! ever
S pagV tests. , . . ,. ,.,' V.
T ". TEUFB0. ,. . :
?2?n.',,. Ofnea-s-llala 800.
. Editorial Booma Msln 800. Wi;;.'U':
"''"'-"nganiln Hpwlal Advertising AgenrTi
ISO Naaaau Street, Nw Sort. Trlbuna Boll
v . Chicago.
VO nnraogmiov junok ' ; v
, j. ( Tanna ay Oarrtar. "
Ti! WBi. 5-22
if; ?" Jonrnal, fix month,.... AW
IP; R"!!' Journal, three montha..
ue Dailr Journal, py tha Kk JO
'" Tarmi by Kafl.
IP Journal, by mall, ona year. . i . . .
TP. .r Journal, by mall, aix montha.... f
Jn J)nily Journal, by mall, tbrae months.i 1.S5
Tne Dally Jonrnal, by mall, ona month J
Tba Semi Weakly Journal.
Tba Beml-Wrekir Journal. to 13 pge caeb
Isaoe. all tba new and full market reports, ona
rear, (1.90. - .- . ,-
. Tha Weakly Journal- '
Tba Weeklr Jonrnal, 100 columns of reading
each Issue. Ulnatrated, tea market raporta, ona
-ar. Ii.oo.
Kemlttancea ahonld be made by draft, poatal
Itotea. express eder. and small amounts are
acpt.tbla la 1 and 2-cent postage stamp.
V . 0. Box 121. Portland. Or.
The Journal can. ba found on aale at tba fol
lowing places:
BPOKANK. WASH John W. Graham A Co.!
Lee Marx. Victoria hotel nejr stand.
TACOMA, WASH. Central Newa company, lttl
1'bcIHc avenue.
BOI8B, IDAHO Pioneer book atore.
8AN FHANCI8CO W. K. Ardlng, Palaea hotel
newa atand; Goldsmith Broa.. 236 Sutter
treat: Fred W. Pitta, 1008 Market atreet.
LOS ANGELKS It. F. Gardner, 2S South
Spring, street Outer . A Balnea,- 205 South
Spring atreet
SALT LAKE CITY Kenyon hotel newa atandi
Barrow Broa.. 43 Weat Second atreet. South.
C;lKN-Ogden Newa cwmpanr.
HEWER, COM). Kendrtrk Book A Stationery
company. 012 Seventeenth atreet.
KANSAS flTY Vsn Kn Km comoanr.
OMAHA Millard hotel newa atand; Mexeath
stationery company, 1308 Farnem atreet.
ST. LOUIS Philip Boeder. B18 Locnst atreet.
CHICAGO Poatofflce Newa company, 178 Dear
born atreet.
NEW YORK CITY Brentano'. Union aquare.
Weather condition! and general foraeaat for
Urftim. Wnablngton and Idaho:
YteMay v,aa a atormy day In the North
Pacific tata. lUIn occurred generally In all
eertion and the wlnda were high, tha follow
ing minimum velocltle being reported: North
lean. 04 mil aontb: Seattle, ;i anutneaai;
Kimkanc. 34 .auuth; Walla Walla. 28 aouth
eHt: Iwlatnn. 2ft weat: Portland. 28 aouth
went; Baker fitv. 2fl aouthweat. The barometer
In' now riding rapidly and the indication, are
for more nettled weather during the next 24
houra: but ahower will probably continue In
wratern Oregon and weatern Waablngton.
The river this morning reached a atage of
12.5 feet, which la a rise of 0.9 of a foot
r-lne.r yesterday morning. At Albany the river
fell feet alnce reeterday morning, the
tage now being 1B.2 feet. Although the
Willamette river- la everywhere bank full, there
la nu flood rreat at un atream point, to awell
the lower river. and the weather la too
cold for the anow In the foothill, to melt.
therefore at Portland It will not go more than
a root higher dining the next two or three aaya.
Maximum temperatures in the laat 24 hour,
i: minimum temperature, an; precipitation .w.
Aatorta. Feb. 20. Outalde at 8 a. m., a foor-
roaxted achotmer, 10 ml lea to the weat.
Aatorla. Fob. 28. Arrived down at 1 a. I
ateamer Prentlaa.
Arrived at 6 p. m.. ateamer draco Dollar,
from praya Harbor, for San Pedro; loot pro-
San Franrtaeo. Feb. 28 Arrived at 5 m.,
ateamera Alliance and Anrella. from Portland.
Sailed at 1 p. m., ateamer Oregon, for Port
land. - ,
Point . Beyea, Feb. 28.-Paaed at 5 p. m..
ateamer lharle Aelaon. rrom rortiano.
Aatorln. Feb. 27. Arrived at 5:15 p. n.
Brltiah bark Thlatle. from San Franclaco.
Astoria, Feb. 2u. Condition of the bar at
8 a. m . moderately rough; wind aouth weat;
weather cloudy and equally.
Byron Pmtxman. Clarke county, Waah., 82,
and Viola Krana, S3.
KriHMit I,flrre. 4rt and Loulm Sinonet. 32.
Walter Cehutte. 2:i. and Millie Butcbeck, 19.
February to Mr. and Mr. Frank M. Orr,
4.1ft Eaxt Thirtieth atreet, a aon.
Felruary 20, to Mr. and Mr. Joeeph Pevena,
'i4S Fourth atreet, a daughter.
February ":, to Mr. and Mr. Nela Andcraon,
81 1 Commercial atreet. a aon.
Hel.n Thnburn. aged 4 year, at 568 Pin
atceet. meaalea.
child of E. II. Moorehouaa, at 484 Eaat Aah
treet, meaale.
Infant of Henry Weygant, aged 1 year, at
H. Fremont atreet, mcaaiea, mua.
Fehraiury 25. Charlea E. Wlnchell. aged 20
years. 122 Tarlor atreet, aathma. Inter.
nx'nt.Lone Ur cemetery.
Febnury 20. Allca Kclley. aged 88 yeara.
Portland aanltaiium, Mt. Tabor. Interment
OliO rir ccuaciery.
Crematorium., on Oregon City car Una. near
Sail wood; modern, aclentlfte. complete. Charge
Adult. 135; children, '. viaitora 9 a. m.
' tn S p. m. Portland Cremation aaaoclattoa,
Portland, Or.
The Edward Holman Undertaking company
funeral director and embalmera, 220 Third
trwt. Phon 507.
J. P. Flnley it Son. funeral director and
embalmera, have removed to their new etb-
llshme:,t. corner Third and Madtaon atreet.
Both phone No. t.
Single travea, $10. Family lot from $75 to
Sl.uuo. . Tha only cemetery In Portland which
rtrpetinlly maintain, and caraa for lota. For
full information aoDlv to W. R. Mackenxta,
Worceater block, city. W. M. Laid, prealdent.
Samuel Holm to E. J. Graha, lot 15,
block 84, Central Alblna $
Point View Real Eatate company to Pat
rick McCarren, aundry lot block 0,
Point View
A. Dora Baker and husband to Peter
Knox, lota 13 and 14, block 4, Gay'a
addition t Alblna
Henry V. Englehart to Sophy R. Wlaer,
eaat 100 feet north v lot 2. block
48. Caruthera' addition to Cam there.. 1,000
John 4., joanaaon ana wire to otto Hoak
lot 8. block 3, Byrne a addition 2,750
j. aiciTacxen company to Michael Mor
gan, lota 8 knd 7. Bernhart Park 300
A. mailer rt aL to Nora A. Lane, weat
83 1-8 feet lot S and 6. block 2.18.
F.aat Portland 3,500
rveruing at rarren to eaoie E. Col Una,
lot 8, block 8. Center addition annex..
J. K Armstrong to Robert A. fliartle,
lot T and 8, block 14, North Alblna..
Joban Poulaen and wife to R. D. Inman,
undivided H Interest In lots 1, 2, 6,
8. 7 and 8, block IH, Beat Portland..
IViilnaiilar Heal Katat company to Pa
clflo Btatea Trust company, lota 38 to
41. 44 to 4ft, block 42, Peninsular ad
dition No. 4..
Alfred Parle to m. lot 20 to 23. block
1. .Frniit-U addition; also part lot IV,
block 1, same
Columbia Heal Eatate company to earn,
lota 1.1 to 15, block 24, Peuinaular au
dition No. 2
Tiler Inveatineut company to aama, kit
20. 21. 27 to 31, 41, 42, 43, Penluaular
addition Nu. 4.....
II. Prcttyman to J. Frank Watson,
trustee, perpetual right, etc., to take
water on property, beginning southeast
corner Fred C. Ullbum'a donation land
. claim aectlon SI, township 1 north,
range 2 east
Peninsular Heal Estate company to Al
fred Davie, lota 25. 28, 27 and 2H,
block lOv. ft rat Electric addition to Al-
Andrea Schmidt and wife to J. Philip,
Mchmldt. i acrea section 11, township
l north, rang 1 east...
H. r Kahlatrom and wife to Bert ra ad
v, Wlllsry.' lota 23 and ST. block 1, Rom.
tnwn annex addltlna
1 Carrtt) W BUkeilla ltd hatband, to
Front Street. Feb. 2..Tha nrlnrlftil Item
of lntereat In tha Portland . wholesale market
today are: . -v" , -
Egg atlll on lower level.
Poultry scsreer and higher.
Flour continue! to advance. , (. ' v -" r
Mill feed 1 quoted higher. '
Graham flour la advanced.
Whole wheat flour la higher.
Farina goea up today.
Cracked wheat advanced. v -
Yellovi and white corn meal np.
Oata ara higher again.
Price of barley abowa advance.
Blldea hold fraah vegetable,.
Pork and veal In excellent demand.
Good apple moving ft.
Lota of hope are offering.'
Potatoea and ' onlona flrnu
Smelt in larger receipt.
MiU Td uotd Higher.
Despite tha fact that tba weatber condition,
during the paat winter have not been very
baa the quotation on mill reed are enowm
unusual strength and today, there wa an ad
vance In valoee. Middlings are quoted at
$28.00927.00, an advance of about 50c per
ton and abort are. llated at, an
advance of about the aama amount.
Barley Still Mora Upward. ,
The great demand for barley of late ha
caused many advance in thle market and all
price, are ehowtng added atrength. 'Today
local feed men quoted an advance of about 60c
per ton In the former quotations. -
Graham Flour Is Advanced.
A baa been' predicted In Tha Jonrnal there
were many change In tbe flour market today.
Local manufacturer of graham flour have
made an advance. It Is now quoted at 84.00
In barrel, an advance of 25c, and $2.25 In bale,
an advance of 16c.
Whole Wheat la Higher,
The quotation on whole wheat flour are
also showing a rising tendency and today Alber
Bros., the Portland City mills, and tbe Acma
mills report an advance. Whole wheat flour
in barrels la now quoted at $4.25, an advance
of 25c per barrel, and $2.40 In case, an ad
vance of lbc.
Farina la Also Higher.
Aa In other flour product. Farina ,1a ln
quoted higher today, tbe change taking effect
t once. Farina la quoted" now at In. 00 in 60,
an advance of 50c per barrel, and $3.00 In balea,
an advance of 26c.
Cracked Wheat ta Higher.
Cracked wheat Joined the list of advaneea to
day on account af rising value In all wheat
product. The present value are very firm
with an upward tendency. Tbe prlcee quoted
today are $5.00 In barrel, an advance of 26c,
and $2.75 In balea, an advance of 20c.
Corn MeaJ Jump Upward.
Yellow and white corn meal also took an up
ward flight today on account of the hlgber
ruling price on corn throughout the country.
White corn meal la today quoted at $4.00 for
50a, an advance of 40c per barrel. Yellow corn
meal la quoted at $2.10 In balea. while whit
la quoted at $2.15, an advance of 20c.
Oat Ar Showing
The oat market la In better condition today
along with other feed price and former lists
ar showing an advance. The following are
the new quotations: No. 1 wblte, $26.0027.00;
gray, $25.00(28.00: buying prices from farm
er. No. 1 whit, $23.00124.00; gray. $22.50
, Land Slid Hold YegetaMaa.
Another land allde along tb Una of the
Southern Pacific railway between thla city and
California baa remitted In tbe holding up of
severs 1 care of mixed vegetable and freah
frulta. Tbe delayed ablpmenta will very likely
arrive In thia city tomorrow morning. Tbe
California ateamer waa one day late in leav
ing San Franclaco and will not arrive In thla
city until late tomorrow night. Tbe oaual
cargo of fresh greens will be brought. At
Srent tbe market along Front atreet are very
are of freah greens, the only thing to be
seen being celery. Even rhta ta not in tbe
boat of condition. ,
Pork and Ywl la Demand.
The cooler weatber baa been a wonderful help
to the freah meat market. The receibt of
veal, although conatdered 'quite liberal for ordi
nary occaalona, la now enough for tbe preaent
demand and quotatlona ara again ruling quite
Arm, Hoga do not aeem to be coming at all
only one or two hoga being seen on Front
atreet today. ' They were promptly snapped
up at quotatlona better than tboae printed. Tho
receipt of mutton dnrlng tha paat half week
have been slightly more iinerai man me ae
mand and It now takea tbe. beat atocka to
bring top flgurea.
Good Applea Moving Fait.
What few good applea remain In the mar
ket are now moving very fast and price ara
considered very good. There are still a plenti
ful supply of "culls," which ara selilug at
varloua figure.
Lota ef Hops Offering.
Holder of lst year'a crop of hope ara not
so sure of prices going beyond their present
rsnge aa they were a short time ago and the
offerlnga of atock during the paat few daya
have been targe with no response from the
dealers, aa. they aay they have no orders on hand
and do not feel like speculating witn price
at their present stsndlng.
. Potato and Onion Xp Firm.
Peanlte the fsct tbst 11 the wsrehouse along
both the Columbia and Willamette rlvere are
rilled to overflowing with potatoes on account of
the Inability of the transportation companlea to
take them to San Franclaco. the local market
keep up lta firm tone. Ontona are Hill selling
quite readily with $2.25 being freely paid.
Smlt ta Lower.
A larger run of (melt baa caused a large de
cline in former quotatlona. Today the flab
la quoted at 4c per pound. Salmon I now In
moderate supply, but halibut la very firm at
quotation. Generally, amall fish la scarce.
Egg Ar Lawar Again,
Although In a few exceptional caaea agg
were cold today aa high aa 21a. the general
quotation along the atreet In Ave-cesa lot wa
20c and the market waa very week at that
Poultry Soaro and Higher.
The acarctty In tha poultry market continues
and all grade of atock, with the exception
of geeae, are bringing slightly higher figures.
Monday la naually a bad day for poultry, but
the Inquiries today were quite large.
Merchants' Opinion en Today' Market.
W. B. Glafke company Car bananaa la due
thla morning.
W. T. Turner C- Egga are weaker and
generally lower.
Bell V Co. Three car of banana re held
r-harlea F. Adama. lot- 12. eat H lot
13. block 23, King' second addition.. 5,250
Water Front Land company to M. L.
Holbrook, 4-10 acrea J a me John' dona
tion land claim
Edward Hevauey to Mary Daveny. weat
i, block 43. Coutb addition; also lot
1 to 7. block 120. kit 11 and 12. block
Writ Irvlngton
J H Mid'lleton and wife to Lillle E.
Hohklrk. 200x50 feet lot 1. block 257.
I touch addition 200
Joaepb Ductile 1 and wife to Martin Tr.y
kM', parcel land sections 6 and 8, town
ship 1 north, rauge 2 eaat
I-nnle W. NUlcT and husband to Olio
C. Vinton, lot 1, block A, Cberrydalo. 1,750
Get your Insurance and abatracta to real
estate from the Title Guarantee Trust com.
puny, Chamber of Commerce building.
W, Wynn Johnson, to erect one-tory cottage
at 1804 lvejoy eireei, l,ww.
Robert Blis-kwowL to erect two-atury dwell
ing on Tillamook, between Fourteenth and Fit
t...nth streets. S2.&O0.
H. Miller, t-i erect two-story dwelling on
Flftb. between Harrison and Hall st.eeta.
Lewis estste, repair bouse at northeast cor
aer of Fifth and Davl streets. $i,ooo.
J. Cords no, tn erect one-story store boas
on Market, between Second and Third1 atrreta,
B. A. Kllpnel, to erect twtvatory dwelling ra
Grand avenue, between EasvGllaaa and East
Hoyt atreeta, 81.i.
O'ghea Broa . to erect three-story brick
southwest corner Sixth and naihloftoa stmts,
up In the landslide; ateamer U due from Frisco
tomorrow': ...
Mark Levy k Co Vegetable wer acrc
long Front. treet today; ateamer day late;
car bananaa due today. . - -
Chattcrton Co. Hog and veal are more
plentiful but are not up to tbe demand; chicken
market very firm; egga are mora plentiful and
Levy ' A Splegl Landslide" Held' Hp severil
cars; ateamer la due tomorrow. -Malarkey
A Co, -Smelt more plentiful and
lower; salmon In moderate aupply; halibut Arm.
G. S, Smith company Egga continue weaker;
chicken not coming at all.
0. M. Melkle No change In either potato
or onion situation. -
L. Jaggar Potatoea ara steady while onions
are Arm. '
Smith Broa. Weather 1 favorable for good
business In all freah meat and poultry.
Everdlng As Frrell Egg are weaker and
lower;' poultry veryNacarce hardly any coming
at all: hoga and veal in good demand; butter
Situation contlnuea la Sam weak atraln.
Davenport-Thompson company thickens ana
butter market tbe tame,
W. H. Dryer Potato market In good hape
and will etay so If w do not ahlp too heavy
cargoes to San Franclaco; onlona very ateady.
Page A Son Egg lower with large receipts;
poultry acarca with prices bout the same; de
mand is very strong; car bananaa due today;
ateamer due tomorrow from Frisco; fancy applea
are selling fast.
Mckinley Mitchell Lack of ordera for both
potatoes and' onlona from the outside; more
hops are offering.
Toft. Hlne A Co. Shippers are certainly re
ceiving rich returne for everything In the poul
try line; In fact, fresh meata ara also up to
the top notch; egga tumbling.
Today's wholeaale quotatlona, a ' revised, ar
aa follows: .!
. Grain, Flour and Feed.
WHEAT Walla Walla, 77c; bluestem,, 810
82c; valley. 81c.
BARLEY Feed. $21.00; rolled, $22.50323.50;
brewing, $23.50(g24.00.
OATS No. 1 white, $28.000 27.00; gry,
$25.00f26.OO per ton: price to farmers, white,
$23. OOfa 24.00; gray, $ 22.60 23.60.
FLOUR Eastern Oregon: Patents, $4.10(3
4.40; straights. $3.80; valley. $3.803.0; gra
ham. Via. $3.85; 10a, $3.95.
MILLS TUFFS Bran, $19.00 per ton; mld
dllngs, $20,27; short, $20.00 20.60; chop,
HAY Timothy, $15.00; eastern Oregon $18.00
WIBOU; mixed, i.(; clover, fll.WSf
12.00; wheat, $12.0o 12.50; cheat, $12.00&
13.00; oat, $12.00(gl2.50.
Hop, Wool and Hidea.
HOPS 28(8 27c for choice; 24c for prime;
poor quality, 1820c; contract, 1004, 174
WOOL Valley, coarae to medium. lAiQ18Ue:
flee, 16316ie; eastern Oregon, IOQIBc; mo-
oair, nominal, za(roc.
SHEEPSKIN'S Shearing 10ig20c; short wool,
20fl8c; medium wool. 30iU50c; long wool,
5Oe(a$l.O0 each.
TALLOW Prime, per lb, 45c; No. 2 and
grease, 2(02V,c.
HIDES Dry hides. No. 1, 18 Iba and hp.
!4Hc per lb; dry kip, No. 1, 5 to 15 iba,
12Hc; dry calf, No. 1, under 5 Iba. 15V:;
dry aalted, bulla and ataga, 1-3 less thsn dry
flint; salted hides, steer, sound. 80 pounds or
over, 8V,u;7Vsc: fiO to 80 lbs, 84c; under 50 Iba
anu cows, o waa Vie; stags and bulls, sound,
4Vic: kip. 15 to 30 Iba, 6M,c; sound, 10 to
14 Iba, 6V,c; calf, sound, under 10 lbs, Vic;
green (unsalted), le per lb leas; culls, lc per
i! less;, horse bides, aalted. each, $1.2661.75;
orr. eacn, l.uutji.oo; colta' hides, each, Zogg
ouc; goat axins. common, each. 1 org 15c; An
gora, with wool-on. each, 25cg$1.00.
Butter, Egga and Poultry.
BCTTER FAT SWeet, 2Si331c; aour. 2828c.
BCTTEB Creamery, extra fancy. 27V430c.
California. 256?274e; ordinary, 22Vtft2fc; cold
storage, 23&24c; eastern. 24c; renovated. 199
tur, uairy, joigiic; aiore. lutgizftc.
EGGS Fresh Oregon. 20&2K-; cold tor
ge. 20r: baker'. lOtfaOc.
CHEESE Full cream, twin, 12613 Vc; Young
America. 144c.
POL LTTt Y Chickens, mixed. 13813V,e per
lb; hens, 13Vic per lb; roosters. ll12Vc per
lb; broilers, 1414V)C per lb; fryers, 15c per
lb; ducka, old, 12c per lit ; young. 1.1c per lb;
geese, 8(8 Stye per lb; turkeys, 103 16c per lb;
uresseu, lie per id.
Fruits and Yegetablea.
FOTATOF.8 $1.00(5:1.20; buyers'
prices for
hipping, 95c$1.15 cwt; ordinary, 76ffl&5e
ci, Buying, laigaic; sweets, zm per lb;
w, 4c per lb.
ONIONS Oregon, $2.50: buying m-tce. best
f.o.b. Portland, $2.2582.30,
FRUITS ADDle. Oreeon TOcatlTH
per box; oranges, naveia. $1.602.2S per box;
wrmiiias, nociui.a per oox; Japanese, onoc;
bananas. 6c ner lb: lemons choice I2iui
2.75 per box; fancy, $3.0033.50 per box; lltrea.
airmail, O.K.- per i'pu; pineapple, fa.ou; crn
berries, locl. $7.00 per bbl; Jersey, $10.00;
persimmon. $1.50.
VEUKTABLKS TurnlD. 85c ner sack- esr.
rots. $1.00 per aack; beets, $1.00 per sack;
radishes. 12V,fl5c per doa: cabbare. Or.,m
$2.00; California, $1.85 per cwt.; hot-
house lettuce. 50c per do; green peppers,
5c per lb; horseradish. 7SJ8 per lb; celery.
50jue per do: tomatoes, $1.2501.50 per
box; paranlna. 81.25: cucumbers. 82.25 nee
do; butter besns. 10c per lb; sprouts. 8c;
cauliflower, $1.7&rq2.00; artichokes, 75QS0e per
do: green peas. 7fll8c per lb.
DRIED FRl ITS Applea. vamrated. 8ffl7e
per lb; apricots. ll13c per lb; sacks, Uc
per lb leas; peaches. 8a9c per lb; pears, 8Ho
per lb; prunes, Italian, 8(34tc per lb;
French. 8V,Q4VjC per lb; figs. California
blacks. ecaaVsC per lb: do whites, 8Viaj7c
per lb; plums, pitted, 5rft6c per lb: date,
golden. BUc per lb; farda. $1.50 per 15-lb box.
RAISINS Seeded, fancy, l ib cartons. 50
packagea to rase, 9,c pkg; seeded 12-oa
cartons, 74c; loose Muscatels, 60-lh boxes, 74(
8He per lb; London layers. $1.86(32.00; clusters,
$2 60(43.75; ,s, 25c; a. 50c advance over
pound cartona.
rius Ten l-lb cartons, choice brand, $1.00;
10 1-lb cartons, fsncy brand, $1.10; 10 1-lb
bricks. 2-cr.iwn, 90c; 10 1-lb bricks. 3-crows
95ci 50 x-Ih bricks, per box, $2.Z"l; 4-rosV lay
ers, per 10-lb box. 90c; loos, 60-lb boxes, per
lb, B'4c t'sllsmyrnaa Six-crown, 10-lb csr
tons, per box, $2.(X); 6-cmwn, 10-lb carton, per
box. $1.75; 4-crown, 20 ,-lb cartona, per box.
Groceries, Vuts, Etc
SUGAR "Sack bal" Cube, $5.80; pow
dered, $5.68; dry granulsted. $5.45; beet grsnu
Isted, $5.26; extra C. $4 95; golden C. $4.85;
hbla. ioc. H bhls. 25c: boxes, 60c advance m
aack baals. less 26c cwt for cssh, 15 daya:
tanl. 1418c per lb.
HONEY 14 Vi 1818c.
COFFEE Green Mocha. 21 23c; Java, fancy,
2P.fi32c; Java, good, 20(82fte; Java, ordinary,
lH(&20c: Casta Rica, fancy, 19iq"20c; Coata Rica,
good, 18(gl8e; tVsit Rlc. ordinary, 114M3c per
lb: pckage coffee, $13.25(213.75.
TEAR Oolong, different grade. 25(fl;e.V;
gunpowder. 28$32t35c: English breakfaat, dif
ferent gride.l214l5c: splderleg, uncolored
Japan, 30fl6c; green Japan (very scarce). 30
SALT Fine Balea, 2. 3s. 4a, 6s. 10a $2.00:
line table, dairy, 50a, .15: lOOa. 85c: Importetl
Liverpool. 60s. &Oc; lOtst. P8c; 224a. $1.90.
Worcester Bhl2, 3a. $5.50: 5s. $5.25; 10.
$5.00; bulk 320 lbs. $5.00; sack. 60a, 88c.
SALT Coarse, half ground, loos, per ton,
$15.60; 60s, per ton, $7.00; Liverpool lump rock,
$2250 per ton: 50-lb rock, $.50: IflOs, $8.00.
GRAIN BAGS tslcutts. $5.7508.00 per 100.
RICE Imperial Japan No. 1, 61ic; No. 2.
5c: New Orleana head. 77Hc.
BEANS Small white. 3T4c; large white,
$3.50i3.A0: pink, $3.40(33.50; bayou. 314c;
Limas. $4.00.
NI TS Peanuts. 7c; jumbo. 8'4,e per lb rsw;
BtltOc per lb for roasted: coeoanuts, 86Q90c
per do; walnut. HllSc per B: pine
nut, 10(812Vic per lb; hickory nuta. I tie per
lb; chestnuts, eaatern. 15(S18r per lb; Brasll
nut. 16c per lb: filbert, 13 3 18c per lb;
fancy pecan, HQ 15c per lb; almonds, 13Q
15c per lb. '
WIRR NA.1L8 Present base at $2.88.
ROPE Pure Manila, 13Vc; tndrd, 12c;
sisal, 10 '.c. .
Paints, Coal Oils, Eta.
COAL OIL Perl or Astral Caaea, 23e per
gal: water white. Iron bbla. 18 He per gal;
wooden, ; headlight, caaes, 25c per gal; head
light. Iron bbl. 1V)C per gal.
LIN8EED OH-Pure raw. In bbla. 47e per
gsl; esses, 62c per gsl: genu In kettle boiled,
case 64c per gsl; bbl. 49c per gal; ground
cake, car lota. $25.00 per ton; leaa than cara,
$28.00 per on,
OASOLIXE 88-deg cae. 32c per gsl. Iron
bhls 2Hc per gal; .store, caaea 24c per gal.
iron onis ine per gai.
63-deg., casea 22c, Iron bhls.
PAINT OIT Raw. bbls 33c per gal. caaea S8c
per gsl: Imtted. cases 40c per gal.
Tl RPKN'TIN'E In eases, a- per gal; wooden
bbl. 844C per gal; Iron bbls, 82c per gal; 10 lb
esse. lots, kjc per gal.
WHITB LEAD .VsJ lb lota fl',c
per lb; leas
lota 7c pa 10.
Maata and Provision.
FRESH MEATS Inspected Beef, prime,
8Hvt7aC per lb; cow,-tttHe per lb; mut
ton, dressed. flx67ic per lb; lambs, dresaed,
Sc pe' lb.
FKESII MEATS Front atreet Beef, ateera,
8ij;7!4C per lb: iirk, bloik. 7c per lb; packer,
owe per lb; bulls. 4HV4e per lb; mutton.
dressed, 8'4iQ7c per lb; Teal, amall,, 8ti8!
per id; large, osjir per 10.
HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland park (local)
hams. 10 to 14 lbs. 13V,e per lb; 14 to 18 lh.
lie per lb: 10 to 20 lb, 1S per lb; cottage,
it per in: picnic. e-c per id; nreaataat ba
con. .140 154i 18S17c per lb: regular abort
clears, nnsmoked. 10c per lb: smoked, lie per
: Clear oacxs, nnamoseu. iuc per in; amoaed,
lie per lb; Union bntta. 10 a? 13 Iba, aaamoked,
8c per lb: smoked. 9c per fb.
RA8Tv-PACKED HAMS Under 14 lb.
i !ila n; aver U, Bg, 13 pr. ft; fiscy,
ahoulderi. lb Dn lh: rirv-saltei
smoked, 10H per lb; smoked, HUe per lb;
Dreaarssi paeon, 14ttOloa per to; xancy,
Aoac per id.
LOCAL LARnKettle leaf!' 10. HUe Bar
lb; 5, llc per lb; 60-lb tins. 10c per lb;
team-rendered, 10a, 1014c per lb; 6a, 10c per
id; pus. per lb; compound tlereeSjf T 54 per
id; tuns, t per lb; 60s. Tc per id.
EASTERN LARD Kettle lesf, 10-lb tin.
12c tier Ih: 6. 12U.C ner lb! AO-lh tins. 1114c
per lb; steam-rendered 10s. 11 4c per lb; 5s,
llHc per lb; 60, lOViC per lb.
(A dot pacxing-nouaa price ar net eaan, 10
"CANNED SALMON Columbia river l-1b tall.
tl.75; 2-lb tall. (2.40; fancy l ib data, 81.00;
,-lb fancy data. $1.15; fancy, Mb oval. $2.60;
Alaaka talis, pink, 80c; red, $1.60; 1-iD talis,
FISH Rock cod. 7c ner lb: flounder. 6c per
lb; halibut, 9c per lb crabs. $1.25 per doa;
raaor clama, 9(3 10c per doa; lltue-oecg ciams,
Sc, striped basa, 12Vc per lb; Puget Bound
amelt, 5c per lb; catfish. 7c per lb; black cod.
per lb; aalmon trout, 12Vjffll6e per lb;
lonaiera. ioc per ID: percn, c per in; saimuu,
silversldea, per lb; steelhesds. 10c per lb;
Chinook, 12Hc per lb; herring, 4c per lb;
olea, 8c per lb: torn cod, 8c per lb; Columbia
river amelt, 4C per lb; aturgeon, 7e per lb;
Bbrimps. ioc per lb.
uxBTEKH nnoaiwater nay, per gai.
per sack, $3.75 net; Olympls, per aack. $6.25.
(Furnished by , Overbeck, Starr ft . Cooke Co.)
TiiMn A- 'Hi-van v.v Vnrk The stock mar
ket la atlll duh and uninteresting. Ther is a
fractional flrmneas but nothing important, ine
handing down of tbe decision In tbe Northern
Securities case la atlll in doubt:' London was
depressed but continental selling waa absent.
wa aee nothing very attractive in xne maraei
ou either aide at tbe moment. '
Walker Bros.. New York The market today
waa of smsll dimensions and without feature.
The ton waa better all around. Ther waa
absolutely no selling 'pressure and In conse
quence the trader bought a tew atocaa. una
market cloaed dull and atrong.
Anaconda Mining Co....
Amal. Copper Co.......
Atchison, com
do preferred
Am. Car ft Found., com.
do preferred
Am. Sugar, com.......
Am. Smelt., com
do preferred
Baltimore ft Ohio, com.
do preferred...
Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt.
Cauadlan Pacific, com..
Chi. ft Alton, com.
do preferred
Chi. ft Gt. West., com..
Chi., Mil. ft St. Paulfl.
Chi. ft North., com
Chi. Terminal Ry
Chesapeake ft Ohio.....
138 M,
22 U,
22 V,
87 4
81 Vk
foio. ruel iron, com..
Colo. South., com
do 2d preferred
do st preferred ......
P, ft B, (J,, coin........
do preferred
Erie, com
do 2d preferred
do 1st preferred
Illinois Central
Louisville ft Nashville.
Metro. Traction Co
Manhattan Elevated,...
Meilcan Central Ry...
Minn., St. P. ft Ste. M.
do preferred
Mlsanurl Pacific
M., K. ft T., com
do pref ered , .
New York Central
1128 12
128 I
10H 9V4
87 V
Norfolk ft Weatern, com
do preferred
North American...
N. Y., Ont. ft Weat
Pennsylvania Ry
P. O., L, ft C Co
Pressed Steel Car, com.
do preferred
Pacific Mail Steam. Co..
Beading, com
do 2d preferred
do lat Drefered
97 V
Rep, Iron ft Steel, com..
lo preferred
Rock Island, com
78 H
do preferred
Southern Ry.. com
do preferred
78'il 78
Southern Pacific
St. L. ft 8. F . 2d pfd..
do preferred
8t. L. ft 8. W., com...
14 14
do preferred
. 80 130
Texaa ft Pacific
Tenn. Coal ft Iron
T.. St. L. ft W., com...
do preferred
Union Pacific, com.,..,,
do preferred..........
U. 8. Leather, com
do preferred..
U. S. Rubbera. com
do preferred
V. S. Steel Co., com....
do preferred
Wheel, ft L. K., com...
do 1st preferred
Wisconsin Central, com..
do preferred
Western Union Tele...
Wabash, com ..........
do preferred I 83fr 831 83
Total sales for day. 172,200.
Money, l4a per cent.
tandon. Feb., 2-. 2 p. m. Atchison pre
ferred advanced 14; Canadian Pacific declined
1, ; Chesapeake ft Ohio unchanged; -Chicago.
Milwaukee ft St. Paul unchanged: Penever ft
Kio Grande preferred unchanged ; Erie ead
vaoeed . firsts advanced : Illinois Centrsel
unchanged; I-oulavllle ft Naahville unchanged;
Mexican Central gm hanged; Missouri. Ksnaaa
ft Texas unchanged; New York Cenetral un
changed; Ontario ft Western unchanged; Nor
folk ft Weatern advanced ; Pennaylvanla de
clined ; heading declined . first un
changed; V"'"" Pact Ac declined . preferred
unchanged; United States Steel advanced ;
Wabash declined . preferred declined ;
Consols 85, declined .
Chicago, Feb. 29. Local stock close:
National Biscuit . . .-.
National Biscuit, pfd
American Box
American Box. pfd
American Tin Can
American Tin Can, pfd ....
National Carbon
National Carbon, pfd
Diamond Match
Swift Parking
Chicago City Railway ......
North Side Railway
Weat Side Railway
. . lol
.. 2
.. 18
.. 4
.. 35
.. 82
.. 40
San Franclaco, Feb. 29.-10:30 a.
R. F. Gaa ft Electric
Firemen's Fund
Bank of Callfirnla
Hawaiian Sugar
Hutchinson Sngar
Makawall Sugar
Onomea Sugar
Pauhau Sugar
Alaska Packers .,
810 .
. 8
. 20
' "
Maw York Summary.
New York. Feb. 29. Dow, Jooea ft Co. aay
In spite of the Panama canal payments tha
aupply of cash la in excess of tb demand.
Twelves Industrial declined .03 per cent; 20
active rallse derllued .or, per cent.
The I'.rllaml clearing house reports today.
Clearings $751.941. 8
Bala 11.C 62,434.04
Portland Union Stockyard. Feb, 29. The- re
relpt of livestock In tbe locsl yards during
-lbs nast 4M hour consisted of 247 hoga. 249
cattle. 283 sbsap and 12 horse. Tbe cattle
market contlnuea easier, while ether livestock
la unchanged. Ruling prlcea are aa follows:
Cattle Beat eaatern Oregon atreer. $4 7t);
best valley ateer. $4.0Oi4.6O; medium ateera,
$3.7664.00; cows. $3.754.00; bails, ' $2.50
8 ti stsas. 83.0003.60.
Hog Bet hesty. $5.78; block, $5.60; Oils
fata, $5.0o2.; stocxer aa leeaer. ss.nutj
4.76. -i ' '" '
sh,.s lust aesla.fed 1 wether aad Ismba.
J 4.60: 1 mixed sheep,; gtockera D
lSWl3e per lb;' picnic, S per
mwiii i.v)ses i' :
'bbxs BTBXziro vw or txasb
(Furnished by Overbeck, Starr ft Cooko Co.)
Chlcngo. Feb. 29. Logan ft Bryan advise:
The whest market la 2 to 2,k cents lower.
It waa ease of llouldatloli and the cashing
of atopa and evening up of the scattered trado
throughout the commission houses. It waa due
after tbe advance of laat week. The foreign
markets show healtancv. and lesa activity.. Tba
world's shipments were again very large. The
amount on passage Increased 8,300,000 bushels,
Primary receipt are largely in execs of last
year. Tbe visible supply decreased l,250,ooo
I'UStiela ara Inst i.isi.ouo Misneis isat year.
St. Loul reDorta aulto a large sale, of cash
wneai. mainiv 10 go easu 'ine emmnw
countrr Is atlll without rain. Broomhall cable
4nat the Liverpool market waa steadied soma'
wnst by the strike m Argentine, 'mere is, wa
think, still an unusual abort Interest In the
market and there may be aoine further liquida
tion. We look for a scalping market.
Corn About Unchanged.
Corn prlcea closed about unchanged. Ther
was some weakneea-early on 'the break In wheat
hut the market showa aupport by further good
buying. The trading Indicates, aa heretofore,
that prominent local lntereat ara aratping the
market on the long side by buying on tbe soft
a pots. There Is no Improvement in the casn
situation. Itecelpts are fair but the demand
la very moderate, with the off gradea still Bell
ing at large- discount.
Oats Ware Rather Steady,
It a rather steady market In osts on
tbe liberal commisaloii house business. There
wsa nothing In the way of large trade notice
able. Stock of coi,trct oata aeem to bs In
creasing quite rilildlT
Pork closed about 75 cents per barrcL lower
and tbe lard and ribs lo to 15 cents lower.
There was a much better break during tbe day
but tbe market reacted sharply. It was a case
of liquidation by an overbought market. We
atlll think that tha acattered outalde Interest la
Heavily long and that further pressure from
this source is quite likely.
The various msrkets today ranged as follow
Open. High. Low. Close.
May $ 1.03 $ 1.03V. $ .99 1.01 A
NewJiily ,9AMj .0H ..'!(, .94
Old July. .97 .97 .94 -05
May 58 .68 .6.1 .68HA
July 65 .55' .63 .55
May 45 .45 .44 .44
July 42 .42 .41 .41 Va
May 15.80 18.00 1495 15.87
July 15.80 18.00 15.00 15.42 V?
May 792 7.92 7 85 7.7B
Julv 8.05 8.10 7.80 8.06
H lbs
May 7.90 7.92 7.47 782
July.,,, J.85 8.02 7.57 7J0B
Feb. 29. The
primary receipt
Today Year Ago
Hush. Husti.
The shipment were:
The clearancea were:
Wheat and flour, 181.
000 bushels; corn, 88,000 bushels; oata, 2,000
Chicago, Feb. 9. Noon Cash wheat
lower today. No. 2 red la off 7c, while No,
la unchanged. Tbe various grades show
No. 3 red
No. 8 red
No. 2 bard winter, river.
No. 3 bard winter, river..
No. 1 northern spring...
No. 2 northern spring...
No. 3 aprlng
.. 1.00
.. .95
.. .85
.. .98
,. .93
,. .90
Feb. 20. The total visible aupply
Today Tear Ago, Decrees
Rush. Buah. Bueb.
....85.590,000 47.807,000 12.208.000
.... .O93,0l 10,219.000 1.428.01K)
....10,213,000 0,798,000 3. 4 16.000
Corn .,
Oat .,
Chicago. Feb. 29. Tba grain car lot for to
day abow:
Cara. Grade. F-st
Wheat 48 2 36
Corn 284 4 323
Oat 1 298 2 240
Th cara a year ago were: Minneapolis, 394;
Imluth. 43: Chicago. 28. Chicago's eatlmatet
cara for tomorrow are: Wheat, 60; corn, 506,
oata, 305.
Cloaa af Liverpool Oraia.
Liverpool, Feb. 29. Wheat March. 8-11.
unchanged; May, 8-9, unchanged; July, 6-9,
Corn March, 4-8H, unchanged; May, 4 5',
1 higher.
Baa Trsaeisoe Oraia Clos.
Sn Franclaco, Feb. 29. ll:3o a. m. Wheat
May. $1.46; recember, $1.42S
Barley May, $1.07. f
Nsw Tork Oraia Cloaa.
New Tork. Feb. 20 Wheat May, $1.034,
asked; Jnly. ooaie asked; September, 81 14 bid.
Corn May, flle.
Xlnaaapolia Wheat Clos.
Minneapolis Feb. 29. Wheat May, $1.0014;
July. $1.OO01.UOK.
Buluth Wheat Cos,
nulnth. Feb. 20. Wheat May, 99V bid;
July, 99C bid.
St. Louis Wheat Clos.
St Louis, Feb. 29. Wheat May, 98'C
Kansas City Wheat Clos.
Ksnu City, Feb. 29. Wheat, May, 88c.
(Fnrnlahe-1 by Overbeck. Starr A fonke Co )
New York. Feb. 20. Henta says: Although
fb coffee cables from Havre and Hamburg to
day went better than expected, they only
caused tbla market to open about 15 poloia
higher. The outside buying power was limited
aud thia encouraged the beers to depress the
market. Tbe present Braail crop promises to
be under ll.00O.0ial bags and the neit all) Im
supposed to be still larger, conseipientlr. If
12.000,000 bag should be considered probable
next season, do Important advance In price
ahonld be expected.
me conee market toils y was
Bid. Ask.
Mreh , $5.Jf, $5. .91
April ,.6.10 650
My 6.50 5 66
Jnne 5 no 5 75
July 5 75 6 8i
August 5tt 6,9,'i
Mepteniber H ." K.on
th-Jober 8.i 8.10
November 8.15 8 2
liet-emlier t.n .13
January , 8.35 .4t
Sak-e today were 50.6l bag.
(Inrnlahed by Overbeck. Starr A Conk Co.)
New York, Feb., 29 Spot cottoa Is strong
fa Liverpool at 8d and tba option mad an' ad
vance today of about 76 American point. Our
market abowed corresponding strength during
the early tradlag. aided by the covering of heavy
line of short rot ton. Fluctuation In th fu
tures both abroad and at home are quite apt
,to eontlnne nervous and wild In range aa a
ressnsi of trsdlng eondltloe. which r not In
ny sens of th best. Th present status ef th
market la.ttucA that tha trading Is gults likely
to carry future somewhat under 15c nntll the
rssusl operation have 'liquidated their holding
sou me market again Deconiea less proreaaionai.
The weather map la again unfavorable aad
with tbe beginning of tha planting aeason
the condition must be regarded ss prevailing
over larger part of the belt. With the open
ing or next few weeks this market, will take
a a nape, ... . Not- much- can be done to- attat a In
value. Experience has shown that it has no
limitations in commodities like these when 'the
pressure tn sell the .actual stuff Is brought, ta
"r sgsinst the advancing outside operation.
j ue tunon mantel today was:
"pen. High. Iw.
14.70 J5.08 14.70
15.28 a 37
15.15 14.IW
15.48 15.04
15.42 15.22
16.45 15.04
14.90 14.65
13.35 13.15
12.28 3 2.0
12.01 11.95
11.98 11.72
June,, ... ,
X 0."1
12.27(0 28
August. . ..
October 12.00
November.. 12.00
December.. 11.72
Boston. Feb. 29.
1. Copper close was:
Bid. Ask.
2 2
40 45
7 8
19 20
44o 450
18 17 'i
: ram
53 65
2 2
80 83
5 5
71 72
Copper Hange . .
Chlcago. Feb. 29. Reeelnts of livestock In
tbe principal packing centers of tbo country
Kiua' were.
HoffS. Pattk. RhMA
Cblcsgo 2.011O 26.000 40,000
Kansas City 8.0011 5.000 6.000
Omaha 6. Son 2.5I0 17.000
Hoga opened 10c lower. Receiota a vear aa:n
Were 7.0W. RiJing hr, nrlces show! Mlied
ana. mucners. . ,ii,,.7(i; g(xi. g5.0j!5.70;
rougn, o. ,(.. Jigui, 1 .wu(fto.4o.
tattle ntraay.
Bbeep Steady.
(Journal Special Service.)
Stockton. Cal., Feb. 29 The east bank
of the Sacramento river broke 18 miles
north of new Hope at a o'clock thla
morning and 60,000 acres of rich lands
north of the Mokelumne river were In
undated. The flood waters carried every
levee before them. They pourned Into
tne Mokelumne river, raising thai
stream until it burst Us banks on the
aouth aide, flooding 7,000 acrea in the
New. Hope district. It Is the mos
disastrous flood to the northwestern part
Uif this county alnce 1881. Stockton Is
absolutely safe.
The town of Adln, Morion county, is
under water. The Pit river broke over
Its banks and over a foot of water is in
the leading store of the town. When the
news reached Redding the water wag
still rising. It is the highest water
ever known there.
During the storm which was raging
rlday the United States engineers be
gan the work of moving their rlver-lm
proving plant to the new government
moorings opposite St. Johns. They ex
pect to have the entire outfit In the new
headquarters by this afternoon.
. Among the vessels moved ' yesterday-
were the Methloma, the quarter boat No.
1 and a dump scow. They went steam
Ing down In a' bunch and at a 'distance
the engineers say they looked not unlike
Russia's Port Arthur squadron.
strong wind was blowing up stream. And
tney made progress with difficulty.
Work on the building at the new moor
lngs is to be started at once. The en
glneers are pleased with the change of
location. The plant will be free from
the dust of the city, but at the samu
time in proximity to a sawmill which
is essential.
Matthias F, Cowley of the Mormon
chujrch will be in the city tomorrow
and will deliver an address to his fol
lowers at 7:30 p. m.fin Burkhard hall,
East Burnslde street, between Union
and Grand avenues. Mr. Cowley Is ac
companied by Nephl W. Pratt, president
of the Northwestern States Mission,
which Includes Washington, Montana,
British Columbia and northern Idaho,
The Misses Orgm and Benson accom
pany him 88 pianist and singer, respect
ively. Mr. Cowley Is one of the 12 apostles
of the Church of Jesus Christ. Latter
Day Saints, or the Mormon ehurcji. It
Is his duty to cover the territory as
signed to him, looking after the various
missions it, contains. There are about
100 Mormons In Portland.
roiTorrxoB bobbed.
. (Special IMspsteb to The Journsl.)
Athena, Or.. Feb. 29. The safe of the
poatofflce here was blown open early
this morning, the crackers getting away
with $50. When the explosion occurred
people who heard It thought it was a
bank robbery and rushed over to that
Institution. Seeing the robbery waa not
committed there they Immediately went
to the poatofflce. but the burglars had
gone. Sheriff Taylor is on the scene
thin morning but no clue waa left. The
front portion of the safe was com
pletely demolished. The burglars did
not stop to loot the malls. '
The Baptist Ministers' association
held Its regular weekly meeting this
morning. There was ho speaker ap
pointed for the meeting, but there was
a general disCussalon about city mis
sion work. The Interest waa auch that
It was decided to make thla the topic
for dlRcuasison again two weeks from
today. The association Is talking of
organizing some sort of a mission union
In this city.
Coffee Firm Aids Social Functions.
What Is undoubtedly one of the best
coffees on the market today Is the Coun
try Club Mocha and Java made by the
Electric Coffee company. 32 North Firnt
street. This coffee is a Portland produci.
delightfully blended and possessing a
delicious aroma. Aside from Journal pub
hlclty the coffee is extensively advertised
by tne servings at many social functions.
Miss Spauldlng, demonstrator. 1ms served
Country Club coffee to many rtui'dr-rf
of people at a great many receptuns uml
social . occasion. The com puny I et
great expense to maintain theae Jem-mat
rations, but cheerfully spend hundreds
of dollars believing the merits of their
coffee will soon speak for itself. The pro
duct has seemingly already sprung Into
popularity, the fact that nearly all Port
land grocers handle It. being the best
For Sale Cheap
' .ry ' ' BT owvxs ..
LOT 6O1IOO, with Sroom fottag. doss
tn. on car tine. Call, Boom 809 Cnattu
t of Commerca, - . . :
Speak forThemselvts
We never ferow About th tiunlltr r
our goods, but let, th good speaK for
themselves. W could never sell A sec
ond order to any on It the. goods wer
not of the right quality. : But ther la
one thing: we can't tslkenough about, and
that th Low Price, we sell everytnm
U If the goods we U ara tipt Jght,:
you know .where to find us, and we re-.;
turn your money without a murmur.
Gallon Qan I.og Cabin Maple fyrup.
Back Falcon Pancake Flour. 1, -5.
Two-pound PackBge 11. O. Injun Bread
Two Packages Gold Dust. '
pound Package Pyramid ' Washing
Powder.. - - .
One pound Can Pork and Beans, with
Tomato -bauca :
Box No. 1 White or Yellow MaccaronL
3 Cans Condensed-Cream. .
' . IB'.
Can Eagle Condensed Milk.
100-pound Sack Best Dry Granulated
Iet us have your telephone numbet
and we will call you up every day for
your order and deliver the same
promptly. Our delivery wagons are ta
all parts of the city every day.
Telephone Mala 8694.
Are partly removed when you buy your
Groceries from here. You get the beat
at the J,OWE8T PRICK, always fresh.
pure and wholesome. We sell the kind
of food that aids digestion. Instead of
that kind that retards it. Your husband
will be pleased with meals served him
with Groceries bought f rom here. Give
us a trial order. . '
'I -V'v-
Fancy Packed Apples ........... 75
Long's Preserves 35
Jelly, 3 for ..........2,5?
Holland Herring 91.00
Mackerel. 2 for 25
Fancy Creamery Butter, 2 lbs,...60
Oranges, per dog .....104
Maccaronl, per box ......... ....SS
Energy ..10
Gloss Starch, per lb t.QS
Get your Platte River Valley Butter "
of us, 2 lbs .. ...35)
We pride ourselves on our prompt
deliveries, to any part of the city. Then
we never misrepresent ur goods; we
tell you no fairy tales: you get Just
what you pay for, and full weight every
time. Full weight m a hobby of ours.
Phone Main 10.
Godfrey Bros.
Tb Fur rood 0 roc erg.
Opposite the P. O., 314 Burnslde Street
Caaea of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, 'Cm
tarrh of Head and Stomach, Gout. Rheu
matism and ALL blood diseases takea
under a guarantee to ba eurd In a pj
cifled time or all expenses. Including
railway fare- both ways, refunded
These waters renovate the entire- eya
tern and remove almost every disease.
Bend lOe for a bottle of rVomaca anal
catarrh salt
Round-trip tickets at reV aeed rates,
tnquira of any Southern Paclflo. railroad
agent - :- . - 1 ,
'naeaa Bprlaga, Cal
Sells, manager.
mak J.
329 BURNSIDE 51,' :
But Goal at
Benton, lamp at.
Australian at. . .
Book gprlngs at.
a.... $8.00
.............. ..9W
Established 188S. Oregon XMioaa, Bed T7
Marble Works
Manufacturers of and
dealers In all kinds of
Marble Granite and
Stone Work
Estimates Olven on
' Bet, Madison and
Jefferson Streets, '
Beat Work, Seasonable rrlc.e
847V Stark Mtxt. Fnou Kala 171
Why Pay Ki!i Price for Watch rc;;!rl.-.t
Whr you can got tha best wotk t. l
little money at
Coals JlA