The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 29, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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Published every ruins (except Sunday) at Th Journal Building, fifth and Yamhill streets," Portland, Oregon.
.T TT THEN' it is understood that not a line can be
printed In any Russian paper which has not
' V been approved by the official censor, the ar-1
tides appearing with such frequency in the Novoe Vremya
are calculated to attract a good deal more attention than
otherwise they might deserve. They do not under the clrcum-
stances mean an expression of t.he individual opinion of
. the editor but the attitude of the Russian government to
'vard the particular question under discussion. . j
- 'The Irritation which -they display seems altogether out
of proportion to the significance of the facts which they
criticise. There is a purpose to fault find, to go out of the
way to discover something upon which to hang a crjtl
clsm and to even use Unsubstantiated, If not actually dls
proven statements of fact, to bolster up their case, and
to give It a-color of Justice which otherwise it would Jack.
While there is every evidence that the preponderance of
American sentiment Is with, the Japanese, precisely aa it
was with the Boers and for much the same reason, that
they are fighting for self preservation, yet there is no dtf
ference of opinion that this government's part in the con
test Is one of strict neutrality.. The fortunes of war, must
decide the outcome whether for or against Russia.. That
is not our funeral, It Is theirs. Our duty in the premises
Is perfectly clear and We should lean neither to one side
nor the other In the controversy. Above : all. thing w
must not permit ourselves to be used to pull the chest
nuts out of the fire, for some other nation, whethelTthai
nation be England or any other. , " .' . i .
' At the same time when It is all over the American peo
ple will not be slow to forget the feeling. of .irritation
which the Russian government has gone so far out of its
way to express against the American government and peo
ple in this,' controversy. . !'
A NEW NOTE is being struck
A tlonal politics. - Essentially it
"" . ' amenta! difference between the
party the wing supporting Cleveland
tained Us record 'of party fealty by
both his campaign's. ' The actuating motive in the case of
(he latter Is that It there i to be any
tlonal platform the work must be done
not by the enemies of the platform. , r
r Mr. Cleveland In his recent letter
stamp of man who, in his Judgment should lead the Demo
cratic forces in , the next campaign, Anybody who was
capable of putting two and two together would have no
difficulty in reaching the conclusion1
land's Judgment the man needed was the man "'who had
had Mr." Cleveland's record and experience In. national
affairs. Nobody could exactly tally with the description
but Mr. Cleveland himself. It Is a noticeable fact that
. every, criticism which has been passed upon Roosevelt's
lack of conservatism has been construed
Democratic ex-presldent rather than any
lint. Since the death of Senator Hanna
Roosevelt by the Republicans has become a foregone con
elusion. If those forces in the Republican party which op
pose the president intend to make
sitlon, the only course left them is to
crat who most nearly squares with
Whether or not Cleveland Is this man.
sources friendly to these interests the
Peopls of Crook County Said to Bsjole
: at Its xtiaottoa.vvT-'-;.::--..,
" Ths Deschutes Keho evidently is not
animated with a friendly feeling for the
late Pilot Butte Development company,
'and Its language indicates a spirit of
hostility such as often arises from
' prejudice and psrtlsllty. Rival town-
""Vlte Interests may bars something to do
with this, but ths Echo's Style of. stat
ing its position, while not Indorsed by
;The Journal. Is Interesting. It ssys:
f ' "The Pilot Butte Development com
pany his given up Its ambition to make
the Crook county disert blossom as the
rose. The company has long had that
tired feeling, and its retirement from
Its task Is not a great shock to snyone.
The Deschutes Irrigation & Power com
pany, a new corporation, has bought
the irrigation grant of the Pilot Butte
'.Development company, - consisting of
some 84,000 acres, ths water rights
owned by the Oregon Irrigation com
pany, of which C. C Hutchinson wss the
leading spirit, and has selected suf
ficient other dfcsert land to make a land
tract of 210.000 acres. The company
is capitalised at $2,600,000, and they
made a showing to the state land board
that their financial condition was above
quostioa Backers of the company say
that they will Irrigate one-tenth of the
whole tract within four months. This
is the best news that has been an
nounced to our people for some time.
The Pilot Butte Development company
rrrelved $70,000 for Its Interest in Its
Onrey at grant. The company probably
old out because it needed the money.
It has never been in shape to comply
with Us contrsct and ever since the con
tract has been signed the grant hss
l-en for sile. The people of this county
regarded the venture as a scheme to
work the government and everything
that could be done here to prevent
speculation in these lands was dons,
and there is little doubt that the activi
ties ot the company's enemies have done
much to keep the company from making
h profitable deal at public expense.
Counting in expenses of the company,
there Is very little velvet In the $70,000
re'-eived. The tract was also 'taken to
help the company sell its townslte and did not do. It mill owns the
towns it n and will be ready one la to
' let that also go to the hlgheat blarfer.
A. M.. Drake, lhe president of the Pilgt
Butte Develovmunt company, has won
lhe .enmity of every permn wortrt con
sidering in the D 'Hchiites country. He
Ion 11 mi.' snd time again raixed the pas
sions of his neighbors to a pitch that
threatened personal violence. To say
that he is the -eat hated man In Crook
county Is' putting the matter In Its
mildest form. The people of Prlnevllla
uiso were greatly rejoiced that Drake's
i-onnection with the county is drawing
fo a defeated close. Conversions all
-about town were roasts on the Pilot
Htitte Development company's president.
The plat of the Bend townslte is not on
record. As we have said before, the
Htle to the most important part of it is
i-ubject to the claims of several Infant
heirs and is. to that extent, undesirable.
That the townslte will prove any more
.iirontshle then lhe Carey grant seems
exceedingly doubtful. since the sale of
t lie grant will deprive the company of
all power In the vicinity and Jt will be
st the merey of other.UVger interests.
The few friends which Drake has will
be frrred to take cover or go out of
kuln.s and -th big sham irrigation
celves flattering if
elusion can, therefore,
be perfectly satisfactory not only to t"fieDemocratic forcSf
which opposed Bryan, but to the Republican, forces which
oppose Roosevelt. It is also certain that any unbalanced
act at the hands of the president, any step which is cal
culated to draw the country Into the war controversy,
Undoubtedly helps Cleveland and measurably amalgamates,
the Interests back of him.
But the new Democratic movement which has just de
veloped In Ohio and of which Mr. Hearst is. the beneficiary
lifts the fight on to new and better grounds. While It Is
calculated to hold all the Bryan strength It eliminates
some of the Bryan weakness by putting forward the propo
sition that whatever platform tinkering there Is to do
must be done by the friends and not enemies of the na
tional Democratic party. In this way the party is once
again beginning to reach safe grounds and the outlook
for It is better than it has been for four years or-more. So
far, of course, the beneficiary of the movement Iff W, R.
Hearst whose presidential boom has been the most ' sur
prising political development for many years. It has in
deed now reached a, development aW dignity that It can
no longer be Ignored by friend or foe and It Is developing
evidences of strength In so many sections of the country
that those who sneered at it a few months slnne are
now becoming genuinely alarmed over Its growth and are
experiencing some fears that the fight against the pluto
cratic elements of the Republican party, which is not with
out, many sympathizers In-the party Itself, may suddenly
crystallize Into an overwhelming force and, sweep that
party out of power
THE WAY in which Baltimore has taken hold has ex
cited the surprise and admiration of the American
people. The first great example of courage and
determination in the face of seemingly irreparable calam
ity was that displayed by Chicago in 1871 which fought its
way back to the front with the most marvelous exhibition
of recuperative powers that he country had. ever seen.
in Democratic na-
embraces the fund
two wings of the
Chicago's push and
of the west were
and that which main
supporting Bryan in
the country rather than to individual Americans from all
sections. Such, things they could do In the west, but in
doctoring of the na
the effete east It took them so long to get In motion that
really spectacular rejuvenation, such as that displayed In
by the friends and
Chicago, was utterly
But Baltimore is a
made very 'plain the
and quite the last
for an object lesson
And yet that Is precisely what Baltimore has done. No
that In Mr. Cleve"
cltyTh the country,
showins. Confronted, with enormous fire losses and with
Its business section wiped out, it relied entirely upon its
own resources 'to pull Itself together. Already they are
beginning to get order out of chaos and the people are at
work night and day
into helping the
place of those which
Republican asplr
The newspapers, we
the nomination of
of such work and.
as to print their
effective their oppo
support some Demo
ton, where they wer
the requirements.
It is certain that In
Cleveland boom re
company- will entail considerable hard
ship on the people who foolishly shouted
for it."
Secret financial Keport Exhibits Bar
rsnness of Ber Treasury.'
The New York American correspond
ent has secured a copy of. the "Secret
Financial Report" lately addressed to
the cxar. It fully explains why Rus
sia, or, more correctly, the cxar, was op
posed to war.
A notion of the emptiness of the pub
lic treasury may be gathered from the
following facts snd figures:
- The various Russian provinces owe
ths state for taxes at the following pro
portions: T.axes remaining unpaid, 94
per cent, 104 per cent. 11( per cent, lit
per cent, 120 per cent, 121 per cent
Such are the reports from the districts
where Industry Is established.
But the real' poverty-stricken condi
tion of the people Is shown in the re
ports .from the' agricultural provinces.
In Samara the peasants owe 403 per
cent of all taxes due the state, In Kasan
they owe E62 per cent. In Orenburg 538
per cent, and In Usa (13 per cent.
The Imperial bank must be in a bsd
way, for ths report to the cxar says
that lc has been sdvancing money on
Industrial securities for a number of
years without sufficient collateral. The
bank exceeded its authority, but Its dan
gerous practices were condoned and en
couraged, by the government, which was
eager to make some kind of showing of
Industrial progress.
"Progress, says the report, "cannot
be had ss long as the peasants are too
poor to buy Industrial products. When
whole provinces are starving, the inhab
itants cannot be expected to buy
clothes,' agricultural implements or
articles of luxury. The Imperial bank has
loaned out nearly 10,00d, 000, 000 rubles on
doubtful industrial' securities, the loans
being made in part without authority,
save the advice and condonation of the
government It was done to help Rus
sian industry, particularly mining."
The csar is further advised "that the
Russian mineral Industry, iron, steel,
etc., is largely the unsound product of
promoters." These are the exact words
of the secret report. Your correspond
ent copied them verbatim, and had a
transcript made by thrtse different Rus
sians, fesrlng that he might be mis
taken. The report continues:
"The majority of the Russian metal
industries are badly organized and
badly administered."'
The following Is also an exact irun
scrlpt from the secret report:
"More than 200,000.000 rubles have
been loaned to metal industries in viola
tion of the statutes of the Imperial
bunk and, worse .still, some of the bank
directors have Identified themselves with
these Industries by acquiring or accept
ing stock and taking part in the man
agement. . These faithless officials should
be at once removed from the positions
they hold in the government, for they
are placing not' only the prestige but the
very existence of the Imperial bank In
Jeopardy by unlswful practice."
Bis Team.
' v From . Life.
Poor ' Feeble about to be operated
on for appendicitis) Doctor, before you
begin I wish you would send snd have
our pastor, the Rev. Mr. Hsrps, come
over.. . ! ' ' -
Dr. gutter Certainly, if you wish-Jt,
but ! i
"I'd- like to be oponed with priyer," r
hot always direct attention. The con
scarcely be eecaped that he would
in next summer's campaign.
hustle became proverbial terms and we
Inclined to ascribe It to the section of
southern city, staid and conservative,
place to which the hustling west looked
In marvelous enterprise and daring.
"east or west, could Tiave made sTbettef
rearing new structures to take the
were swallowed in the conflagration,
are glad to perceive, are In the van
have overcome,,Almost Insurmountable
difficulties in securing new quarters and equipments so
issues In Baltimore instead of Washing
forced to go when the calamity first
struck them.
So. long as such spirit is extant in this country, not In
one section but in all parts of It, no one needs to fear for
its future or be surprised at its material progress.
Amerleaa Statesmanship SuoosssfuUy
Xsets a Orsat Hmsrgtnoy.
P. M. Thorn in Buffalo Times.
Another tally must be scored for the
sacred palladium of bur prosperity, pro
tection. Once more it has met the enemy
and they are .It's. Not long ago an In
voice of dressed frogs' legs attempted
to smuggle Itself into our domain from
Canada. Fortunately the legs were In
tercepted by our sleepless sleuths of the
castoms service, Just as they were about
to Jump across the boundary. For a time
It seemed as If their interception was
futile, for frogs' legs were not to be
found on the list of dutiable commodities.
The assembled statesmen of the nation,
which had spread the aegis of protection
over everything, visible or Invisible, from
teasles to tonka beans snd from horn
tips to hen-fruit, had apparently over
looked that terrible menac to American
industries. Incarnate In frogs' legs. To
be sure we hsve no frog farms. The
humble bstrachfan has not yet Sttalned
to the ranks of the amphibian "400," so as
to be herded and bred for the epicure,
like the srlstocratlc terrapin. He belongs,
with college boys, to the clsss of ferae
naturae wild animals and like his con
gener of the college, he la chiefly remark
able for his addiction to noise and
aquatics.. His voice is ths raw material
for church-choir bass singing, but it has
not yet occurred to American statesman
ship to Impose a tariff-duty on voices.
Nevertheless, there is a potential of mis
chief in frogs, and our jealous officials
knew It. In the deep end mysterious
watches of the night, the sepulchral
resonance of a pondful of Connecticut
frogs once put to flight a panic-stricken
squadron of invaders; and everybody
knows that an invading army of frogs
did for free-trade Egypt. Bo, notwith
standing the inadvertent neglect of Mr.
Dlngley to specifically catalogue frogs, as
tributary to our revenues, Uncle Sam's
appraisers determined to take no chances.
They felt that' there was a principle at
stake. Although no frog Industry yst ex
ists in our midst, a tariff duty might call
such an industry Into existence, and,
under Its fostering care, our worthless
swamps be converted Into bonansas and
the wayside ditches become the abodes
of booming melodies. Bo they decided
that frogs' legs are ""dressed poultry,"
and, therefore, dutiable at S cents a
pound. The process of ratiocination by
which that conclusion was reached has
not yet been revealed, but It was prob
ubly reached by main strength, It cer
tainly was an able-bodied decision. When
It comes to classification, Old Linnaeus
wasn't In It with our astute customs of
ficials. The decision that frogs' legs are
dreaaed poultry carries with It the logi
cal analogy that frogs are poultry. Live
frogs are, therefore, dutiable at S cents a
pound an allowance of 2 cents a pound
being made, doubtless, on account of the
frogs' feathers. Henceforth there Is to
be no reciprocity In frogs. Thus even
in the traffic in this humble and harm
less amphibian, this administration
"stands pat." and snubs the late Presi
dent McKlnley and his penultimate fad.
If the Canadian frog would hereafter
nvold the risk of arrest as a smuggler,
for Jumping scross our frontier, let Jilm
try a diet of shot, like the fsmous Jump
ing Frog of Calaveras. Tarifflcally
speaking, the Canadian frog Is a bird;
but the American bull-frog is a Repub
lican nightingale, and we are bound to
pro.tect him sgalnst the poultry product
of foreign pauper Isbor.
.Most people who hsve a fad oa
Drain nave nothing in lt,ip
Oregon Sidelights
Sheridan is to hav waterworks the
water to be brought'from a spring. 470
feet above the town.
Springfield, Lane county. Is "feeling
quite proud: Its first brick building, cost-
ing about 18,000, is soon to appear.
G. K. Wentworth of Chicago has been
visiting his timber lands, amounting to
It is supposed he obtained them legally.
Sherar Bridge correspondence of the
McMlnnvIlle Telephone-Register: Raj
Taylor seems to have some attraction
about Mr. Johnson's. Nothing like it,
Ray. - , . . ' -
With 14 women and children In it,
besides man, not worth mentioning, the
Sprlngfleld-Eugene stage tipped . over
the other day, but nobody was seriously
A Umatilla sauaw purchased a box in
which coffins had been shipped, big
enough for three men, ln'whlch to bury
her deceased husband. She wanted much
box for little money; besides, the' dead
man had many blankets that must be
buried "with him to keep him comfort
able on the long trip 10 the happy hunt
ing grounds.
Charles Cunningham, the "sheep king"
of Umatilla county, finished shearing
over 3,000 bucks several, days ago, and
will soon shear other thousands o.f
sheep. It is said that such early shear
ing Is agreeable to the sheep, and that
after a few days they don't mind tho
cold weather. Perhaps they like six
months fleeces on In the dog days, too.
They can'talk English nor vote. ,
O. E. Branson; county surveyor of
Yamhill county, being savagely attacked
by a cow, seised her by the horns and
threw her broadside, proving that pres
ence of mind and plenty of muscle are
valuable assets In such an emergency,
and also that even that ordinarily do
cile animal, the cow, may have her mo
ments of revengeful wrath, especially
when being driven to a butcher shop.
The Chewaucsn Post, published st
Paisley, Lake county, humbly remarks:
"If you see anything In this week's
papa? you don't like bring it back and
we'll cut the item out. We have cold
feet on editorial duty, made so by' long
absence from the quill. If you will be
patient, however, you will reap a suit
able reward. It is not Mr. Holden's in
tention to Impose upon the readers of
the Post for any great length of time.
There are fslr cost prospects along
Dry Hollow and Rowe creek. In Gilliam
county, and efforts are being made to se
cure options on farms and claims sup
posed tot overlie coal beds, but human
nature displays Itself In the exaction
by owners of i.igh prices for such op
tions, concerning which the Fossil Jour
nal remarks; "There- Is such a thing as
a man overreaching himself by being
too greedy. It rests almost entirely
with the settlers now, whether or not
the coal mines south of Fossil shall be
A former Mlssourlan named John Van
Horn, now a resident of Gilliam sounty,
has been on a visit to his, old home,
where, according to a story In the Fos?
all Journal,'' ha was ;not properly
hown." He brought home with him a
pair of 'possums, with the intention of
raising a sufficient number of 'possums
to supply all the Missourians in this
part of the country, from whom he
booked some 17 or 1$ advance orders,
but, alss! Last week, to his intense
chagrin, he made the accidental dis
covery thst both of his 'possums are fe
males, with no present hope of posterity,
A good msny Pendleton people have
been much bothered lately about their
time pieces, which, when compared with
the town clock, as was their custom for
many years, seemed to be running awsy,
or unaccountably increasing their gait,
In consequence of which trains have
been missed, meals have been late, do
mestic rows have occurred, and pro
fanity has been Indulged In to an un
usual extent. But on investigation It
was discovered that the town clock was
st fault, by running slow, decreasing
Its speed slightly day by day, and
thereby notifying the authorities thst
it wss tired for lack of a cleaning up.
It was put up over the courthouse in
1888, and has kept time faithfully ever
since, and a cleaning was all it needed.
An unusual though a very "quiet'
wedding wss that which occurred the
other day in Baker City, when a young
man. In his "everyday" clothes, asked
an acquaintance to step into a music
store . with him, where, on being per
ceived by a young woman salesman, who
was waiting en a customershe excused
herself for a minute, and stepped over
to the young man's side. A Justice of
tha peace "happened" to be in the store,
and In a few seconds a marriage cer
emony hsd been performed, and the
bridegroom went out to his work, and
ths bride returned to her customer, ss if
"nothing In particular" had happened.
From the . New York American.
It is -developed that the frsuds which
gsve Representative Shafroth of Colo
rado the sest he has so honorably re
signed, were largely perpetrated by wo
men, who have the suffrage in that state.
This revelation will be discouraging to
those who contend thst the enfranchise
ment of women throughout the union
would necessarily purify our politics.
The contention rests on the assumption
that women ars in all ways tha moral
superior of man, .
It is a fact, deplorable but undeniable,
that there are bad women as well as
good women, and that the bad ones,
when they are admitted to political ac
tivity, carry their badness with them.
They have shown what they are capa
ble of In the way of crookedness in
Colorado, and it is not to be forgotten
that the female vote of Utah was over
whelmingly Mormon, though polygamy
is tha last thing one would expect wo
men to support at the polls.
Should woman suffrage become gen
eral peculiar effects might at first bo
looked for. A disposition to morally up
lift society by interfering with mascu
line freedom through legislation against
men's social amusements and convivial
habits would be manifested, but political
division on sex lines would be short
llyed. Intelligent and good women would
soon come to act with intelligent and
good men In public affairs, and the other
kind of women would as naturally come
to act with the other kind of men.
Female suffrage would multiply the
electorate by two, but It is doubtful if
in the long run it would profoundly In-!
fluence legislation in Its larger aspects,
however great Its surface effect upon our
political manners might b.
There Is, of course, unholy Joy among
ths cynical over the Colorado frauds;
But it needs to be kept In mind by the
exultant males who point their finger, of
scorn at the tlcket-tlnkerlng, repestlng
and ballot-box stuffing females of Den
ver thst the latter Invented none of thesti
tricks. TheyJearnoi them, from th.
men. . . .
From the New York American.
" . Men of experience at . the' gaming
table say such a sum could not be lost
In the rglven time If the play was honest.
Ther are scores of men wha could
lose, such, a sum and stand the loss
without whimpering; snd there were up
to a short time ago one or two places
in Nejv York where no limit was placed
on the game.
But the name of the luckless player
Is locked tip In the breasts of a'few men.
The loser knows, so does the winner
and likewise District Attorney Jerome,
who vouches for the statement that
$405,000 were lost in five night's play
at faro, in a gambling house In New
York not very long ago. and In the sam
breath refuses to- disclose the name of
the player. ' . ' :
"It was a drunken kid," says Mr:
Jerome.;: -
And he adds., confirming the opinion
of those . who are experienced in the
game, that the play wss dishonest. '
It was at a hearing on this bill to
force witnesses to testify against
gambling houses before a legislative
committee at Albany that the district
attorney made these revelations. He
dropped them casually during the course
of his argument, and evinced surprise at
tne sensation which ms remarks cre
ated.' r :.
w'l don't think I had better say any
thing more about the affair at . this
time," lis added, when pressed for de
tails. "The young man was a victim of
a 'brace game; ne lost the money in
Ave sittings, or at the rate of $81,000.
per night; and he never had a chance to
win. He paid the losses like a man, and
his friends cams and took him away."
When asked if the loser was able to
stand his losses without embarrassment,
Mr. Jerome said, "Oh, yes." And pressed
for the location of the house where the
plsy occurred, be replied: "It wss one
of the famous gambling hells of New
York. Everybody knows its location, or
almost everybody."
There are few such losses recorded in
the history of the gambling table.; There
are tales . of ancient knights who
haxarded a principality on the cast of a
die, and the fables of the table tell of
vast sums won and lost on ths turn of
a card. ,
But theynrs mostly fables. The
young Prince de Bragance Is said to
have lost $800,000 In a single night's
play at the Vienna Jockey club. But
nobody ever saw the money. There are
no such high plays at Monte Carlo.
John W. Gates was reported once to
have been fleeced out of $110,000 in a
Saratoga gambling place, but whether
the boisterous laughter that followed an
Inquiry as to the facts reflected the
millionaire' derlslon-at-the - idea of
any one fleecing him, or merriment over
the loss of so trifling a sum, has never
been learned.
Still, though general losses may ba
Infrequent, there is no city In the world
where so many men of millions wel
come a chance to tempt fate with" th
cards as in New York. And It is readily
conceded that the. gams told of by Mr.
Jerome may havs taken place that in
all probability It did take place, and in
Canneld's at No. i East Forty-fourth
street. Just beyond Delmonlco's.
Before ths pursuit of ths gambler
became so hot in New ,York' that ths
business became unprofitable Canneld's
was ths only gambling place in New
York that was frequented by ths class
of men from among whom the victim
of Mr. Jerome's story must have been
Canfleld boasted of his select friends.
Ths ability to sign a check in seven
figures became almost a pre-requlslte to
Sow Aa Bombl Boy Kay Begin a
uoosssfnl Oars.
From th St. Paul News.
An inspiring lesson is to be drawn
from the life of the late Htppolyte
Marlnonl, one of the best known men ot
France and who was regarded as one of
th founders of the modern French
press. He has died leaving a fortune
estimated at $20,000,000. But he has
also left an examyle that Is of mors
worth to the world than . esti
mated In money. His accumulation of
wealth was only an Incident to his real
He tvigan Ufa with barely $15, his
share In the lean inheritance of his
father, a poor gendarme. Before enter
ing a printing office to work bard at an
old-fashioned press the boy had been
minding cattle in the fields around his
father's house. In memory of these
far-off days he had a splendid picture
In on of his salons pf a pastursgs with
cattle grastng, by Tryon. Of this 'pic
ture h wss extremely proud. He used
to show It to his friends, remarking:
"Tryon has painted those -cows with
rare genius, but not mors faithfully
than I used to look after them."
With all his mighty achievements,
with all his money, with all the satis
faction that comes with consciousness
that honor and reward have been well
earned, th old man still found his great
est pride In th fact that when It had
been his humble lot to mind cows he
had done it well.
. Looking sfter-cows is a small thing In
th common eyes of the world ss com
pared with his later work, but he was
wis enough alwsys to know that it wss
the most important thing he ever did.
For as he minded the cows he molded
his character and mads himself master
of fate. It wss a little thing, but he
did It the . beat he could, and in doing
his best be brought forces into play that
gav his mind the upward turn which
brings It Into touch with the divinity
and makes It an element of resistless
The boy who has learned to do his
best Is more than half way along the
road to success. It is in ' doing his
best that ha feels the mental, th moral
and ths physical forces unfolding within
him and sees opportunity beckoning' with
smiling promise. Doing one's best gives
a sens of completeness, of - efficiency,
of being master of one's .work, not slave
to It, and of being equal to any emer
gency. Before such ' a spirit obstacles
turn Into stepping stones to higher
things; .or. become mere shadows that
flee away before resolute epproach.
Consciousness of,. possessing ability to
do with superiority whatever one under
takes glyes sou) satisfaction, inspiration
and power which no half-hearted, slip
shod worker ever knows. . .
We are apt loosely to. think that M.
Marlnonl became a successful and a
great man only aa hs achieved worldly
great things. But not so. H became
successful snd great when he did his
best in minding the cows. He there and
then caught the consciousness that la
the key to the rlddls of life, '
From the St.. Paul Pioneer Press.
' The Cossacks . have been under Rus
sian tutelSge for over ISO years. They
have, In fact, been tha petted children
of tha empire; receiving. In return for
the military services in which ; they
naturally delight,-a great many privi
leges,: including exemption from all
taxes., One might . ressonably look
among 'them, then, for Illustrations' C
the highest snd best character to ' be
developed under Russian auspices' But',
admittance. within the handsome bronze
portals. ' ( '
It was at Canneld's that a certain
well known young millionaire was said
to: have dropped $90,000 one night after
dining agreeably at Sherry's. There
was a group of about 20young million
aires who frequented the place. All of
them were-well known in business and
sooial circles. ( Almost all of them could
stand a heavy loss, A because each had
the backing of ' lnterestsjrepresentlng
many times 1405,000.
They used Canfield's as a club, It wss
a charming resort. The rooms abounded
in works of art. they were sumptuously
furnished, a high, priced chef was con
stantly In attendance and the Wines
were the best obtainable.
Anyone of this group of young men
might have wandered in; as described
by Mr. Jerome, eager for a wrestle with
fate, and it is entirely probable that, as
Mr. Jerome ssserts, the young man. sat
in the common room until he began to
win heavily, when the polite manager
suggested that if he wanted to have a
real good time and play with the limit
thrown out of the window, there was a
email private room at his disposal and,
In order to show that there was no de
ception, the house would be delighted
to. send out and get a dealer who was
not interested in the house.: ' . :
.'Mr. .Jerome says this is what hap
pened. It usually does. And it is the
outside dealer who - is ', called n for
absolutely fair play who perpetrates
the robbery for the institution. . .
How? In what manner can a profes:
slonal gambler deliberately rob- a man
of $81,000 a night for Ave nights with
out the victim discovering that he is
being duped?
. One of these same professional
gamblers has described for the Ameri
can Just how the thing is worked, and
the explanation is hqije given in his own
words. Said he:
"The theory of faro is this: A full
deck Is shuffled. There are 62 cards in
the deck and .they are placed In a little
German silver box. - They are face up
in the box, and, of course, the top card
is exposed. One side of the box is open.
In the top of ths other side is a silt
Just wide enough to permit one card to
be slipped through. In playing, the top
card Is slipped off and laid-about 10
inches from the box. This shows, say,
a king, and that is taken off and laid
upon the top card. This leaves, we will
say, a seven exposed, and the 'seven
wins. The king, the first card to show,
"By coppering the king that Is, plac
ing a small black checker on your bet
on the king you wln, as you then bet
that ths card will lose. If you copper
the seven you lose. Two cards of the
same denomination showing together is
a -spilt,-and the house takes half of all
the bets . ..'.'.,
' 'That 'is the game. Now for the
crooked methods of playing it. In the
first place, strippers are used cards cut
so thst they are of uneven widths, top
and bottom. After shuffling such a deck
and stripping them," a" dealer knows
pretty well how they will run. Besides
this, they are marked upon the edges
by a slight groove, so that he can al
ways tell by running his finger over the
card as it lies in the box Just whst 1t is.
"This can be done only by th highest
grade of experts in 'brace box work,
and those folks get good money. That,
however. Is only the preliminary step.
The dealer must make the cards come
out of tho box the way he wants, or th
house loses. The 'brace' boxes are so
arranged that by pressing a spring in
the sids of the box the silt widens Just
the width of ons card and two cards are
slipped out together. They are laid down
os one card."
in fact Russia hss cared to develop and
strengthen only those traits which pre
serve and Increase their efficiency as
killers of men and not merely of men,
but of women and children as well
Aside from the management of their
horses and weapons, which is. so su
perb as to have won for them the name
of "the best cavalry ltrth world," they
ar densely ignorant', as well as super
stltlous and brutal. They will press
pike or sword to the bosom of woman
or child with no more compunctions
than to that of an armed opponent.
Russia takes care never to Interfere with
their brutal proclivities. Their employ
ment by her. even today. Is open to th
same objections which have been raised
In times past to ths employment of In
dians sgalnst whites in America, and
of savage blacks against whites In
Africa They ar tha most dsngerous
foes th Japanese have to fsce. - The
latter cut a poor figure in ths matter
of cavalry; the horse having been little
known in Japan until -very recently, and
the people being unacquainted either
with his breeding or management Eyl
dently the Jspanese generals must de
pend on their Infantry and artillery in
fighting th Cossacks, and, more, on
such destruction of Russia's railway
communications ss shall make it im
possible, In winter, to feed th Cos
sacks' horses.
two szantcEBS.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox in New York Amer
ican. '
There was a msn, it wss ssid ons time.
Who went astray in his youthful
Csn ths brain keep cool and th heart
keep quiet
When the blood Is a river that's run
ning riot?
And the boys will be boys the old folks
- say, '
And the man is the better who's had hla
day. " , ,
The sinner reformed;-and thepreachef
told I
Of th prodigal son who cam back to
the fold.
And the Christian people threw open the
door, - . , , . :
With a warmer welcome than ever be
Jtore, Wealth and honor were his to com
mand, , -
And a spotless woman gav hire her
hand. ,
The world strewed their pathway with
blossoms abloom, ' -
Crying, "God bless lad ye, and God bless
groom!" . . v
II. " '
There was a maiden who went astray
In th golden dawn of her life's young
, .day. 1
She had more passion and heart than
.head, ., .-: -And
she followed blindly where fond
Love led.
And Love unchecked Is a dsngerous
guide r
To wander at wIU by a fair girl's side.
The woman repented and turned from
sin, .
But no dodr opened to let her in. : '
The preacher prayed that, she might be
forgiven, -v- -But
told her to . look for mercy in
Heaven. " '
For this is the law of th earth, we
That the woman Is stoned while the man
msy goi ,r; , ,
A brsvS man wedded her after alt,
But the world said, frowning, "W shall
sot call." ,
Small Change
March may come In like a lion, but not
a lion to be mucti afraid of. ' -v. :
Nightcaps ar coming "into fashion
again among London women.- Also ey-
openers. .
A ' combine to doubl the pries of
qutnine is, nearly as mean as one to
double . tha price of coal In large east
em cities.
Spokane preachers .who united - in a
reform crusade are fiercely', wrangling
among themselves. What a shrewd old
fellow the devil is. . . , .
A news item-reports that Colombia Is
ready to fight.! But she won't b ready
very long after beginning to fight Uncle
Sam, if that is what she means. -
Oregon wants no land-grabbers, or
their agents, attorneys or - tools, on .
guard in official places, particularly in
congress ' and In ' local land offices. . y
After all, Mr. President and Mr. Sec
retary, the consensus of opinion among
the people is thst Uncle Sam should t
tend strictly to his own big ranch. :
"Our politics Is more important than
Our religion," declared Mr. C. E. . S. '
Wood the other evening. .Mr. Wood is
never afraid to say. what he thinks. ,
Isn't the phrase, "some time." as des
ignator of a period the limits of which
ar somewhat essential to th under
standing of a. "story." being '''over
worked? ," '" .., .' ' .'.;'
It can't b that the house exposition
cpmmittee incline to treat the Lewis
and Clark fair shabbily in consequence
rather than In spit of our special rep
resentatives' efforts.
Th Republican national convention
will be a tame affair unless a contest
over the nomination of vice-president.,
develops, "which Is unlikely. It is the
Democratic Convention that will furnish
the fun.
A great many people are being con
verted in Oregon this winter. But th
busy spring cometh,. and then the cal
orific summer, and then th fruitful au
tumn, before anothef winter.
There will be at least one interesting
phase of the campaign this spring, snd
that is the proposed local option law.
On one side there will be much orstory;
on the other much "dough"--perhaps.
The Missouri supreme court seems to
have desired to leave 'some ot the St.
Louis boodlsrs frea for exhibition at the
fair. The managers might also secure
Doc Ames, ex-Captsln Oberlin M. Car
ter, and others of Ilk ilk.' Plenty of
them sre "out" and presumably "out
for more stuff."
Representative .JSurton. chairman of
the committee on rivers and harbors,
not only opposed the proposed increase
in the navy, but he Is "bucking" sgalnst
Columbia river Improvements. He may
be ' disgruntled, and possessed of sn,
"an'tl" spirit, because the Republicans
of Ohio choss'foxy Dick instead of hint
for United States senator.
According 'to the Astortan, ' a promi
nent hold-over state senator Is strongly
opposed to ths operation of slot ma
chines, and next winter will Introduce
and urge th passage of a bill making
the slot-machine business " risky ' and
unprofitable, if not impossible, it will
be patterned after th Washington state
law, providing a sever penalty for those
who vlolat Its provisions. "This sena
tor thinks ths slot machines' havs be-'
com so numerous and varied In de
sign as to constitute a nuisance andean
evil, and he believes the people will sup
port a law putting them out of busi
ness. Perhaps, but the Proebstel lsw
appears to be practically a dead letter.
Albany Democrat:' Jefferson Meyer's of
Portland is being mentioned for congress
in this district on the Democratic ticket,
and for the purpose his residence Is given
at Salem. Jeff. Is all right, but that
doesn't go down. Portland Is his home.
Let the Democrats of the other district
run him.
Salem Statesman: Jeff. Myers, made
the race for congress in 18M, and if he
had withdrawn, as urged to do, the elec
tion would easily have gone to the Popu
list candidate, Vanderburg, and Tongue
would probably never have gone to con
gress. This would hav been an affliction
to the state but would no doubt hav pro
longed Mr. Tongue' Ufa by many years.
Oregon City Courier; , The Socialists
of Clackamas county are warming up to
their work. On Thursday evening one of
their big men, -Brown of Pennsylvania,
delivered a speech at the courthouse of
considerable ability, Quits a large crowd
of Socialists were out to' hear the dis
tinguished speaker. He handled his sub
ject with eonsldersbleabiyty and aroused
among his followers quits a little en
thusiasm. Th Socialists of Clackamas
county ar figuring on nominating a full
county ticket and they expect .to poll a
vot of from 600 to 800 in the county. .
The Dalles Times-Mountaineer: The
Chronicle, evidently realising ths in
ability of Oregon's' representative from
the second district, appsrently taking It
for' granted that Mr. Williamson would
fair in his efforts to keep the appropria
tion for the Lewis, and Clark Fair up to.
$1,750,000, begaq immediately making ex
cuses, and laid th blame upon the two
Oregon senators and the Oregon legisla
ture. We agree with the Chronicle that
Senators Mitchell and Fulton are some
what to blame In that they were instru
mental in forcing the present representa
tives in the lower house upon th state
or Oregon. Had It not been for their In
fluence Oregon would very likely today b
represented in the lower house by men
would could' pass' the bill through that
body in the same form as it come from
the senate. Possibly they may be able to
do so yet, so why begin making excuses
for Mr; Williamson's failure before he
has failed? Why groan before you are
hurt? Is Mr. Williamson so absolutely
Incompetent that excuses for. his failure
must be made before he has really failed?
Befleotlons of a Bsobslor,
. From th New York Press
It's a long leg that gets no pulling.
. A woman likes to be suspicious mo
she can feel so confident afterward, '
It's no fun for a woman to go slelgh
riding unless she meets her friends who
aren't. , ?:.' ;. ' - ;t '
The most fascinating things about a
woman's loglo are all tha little curley- .
ques in it. '.1 ' ,
Something a woman can never under
stand is bow a man can consider a cer
tified check as exciting as money:
A woman's Idea is that her husband
ought to pay ths debts she runs him Into
even if he has to borrow the money to v
do it. ,. -I-.:. . . ,.'.,,,- - -
Tslklng buck to your wife is Just ss
sensible ss to keep winding" tha alarm
clock .while it is going oft