The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 29, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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First Congressional Convention Held in the United States Instructs Dele
gates tot Support Newspaper Man at St Lbuis---Expressions Show
-That. Initiative Will Be Followed, by. Other Similar Moves, '
' . s a rl
flW (ID KMUlfa
Ife Al?
, (Journal Special Sertlce.1
-., Warren, O., Feb. 29.-r-Tho first contest
i between1 ; the regular and th "reorganfa
; ing forces", within the Democratic party
of the nation has resulted la a signal
victory for th "regular" forces. More
than that, It has resulted In the regulars
... in the contest lining solidly beneath the
banner of William Randolph Hearst for
- the presidency, " -:. . ...i '
The first congressional ' cortventlon
held in the United States, at which dele
gates to the national Democratic con'
ventlon were '. selected, , was held in thisK
' city Saturday, and two delegates in
structed to vote for "Mr. i Hearst were
rhosen. The convention was that of the
Nineteenth congressHonal district of
. ., Ohio, the constituency of which is of the
most conservative kind. But in this dts
trlc(, as in nearly all others In the Buck
.. ey state, .the Democrats who were loyal
in the campaigns of, 1896 and in 1900
." are in an overwhelming majority, and
, they InsisWf the platform of these two
i memorable Campaigns are now to. be
1 modified or changed .it must be done by
. the friends of. i those declarations, and
- not by the enemies of them. .In opposl
, tlon to the regular forces was a smaller
' number of those who believe .that if
' the Democrats are to win In the next
national campaign they must get their
inspiration from Wall street and the
predatory trusts.
A Brief Clash.
When those two forces met In the
congressional convention there was a
brief clash. When the atmosphere
- cleared the regular forces . were found
to be In absolute control of the sttu
' atlon. The only contest which arose in
the convention was over the seating of
contesting delegations - from Summltt
. county. Charles Isbell was at the head
of the delegation from that county,
.which favored thcr reorganize, while
Samuel Q. Rogers, ex-prosecuting at
torney of Summltt county, was at the
head of the delegation favoring the reg
ulars. The contest was decided by the
other counties in the district seating the
Rogers delegation, after Mr. Isbell had
tried to manufacture a contest in Trum
bull county, which would have put the
majority of the delegates to the con
vention In contest. But his effort was
. such a lamentable failure that It only
created merriment In his endeavor to
keep the convention from declaring for
Mr. Hearst, Mr. Isbell and his agents
were profuse in their promises, financial
and otherwise, to the delegates. After
the Rogers delegation had been seated
the following resolutlons were .intro
duced by F. D. Templeton of Trumbull
county and - were unanimously adopted
by the convention amidst the greatest
enthusiasm: ;
"The democracy of the Nineteenth dls
, trlct of Ohio in congressional convention
assembled, renews with earnestness Us
faith In the principles and policies of the
party founded' by Thomas Jefferson, the
i.- chlefest of which he proclaimed to be
- absolute acuescenc In thejwlH of the
majority. ' "
;"W1H Support t loml, ' t
v . 'Itv-woMld be inprudent, Impolitic, ln
- . "'opportune for us now to make tugges-'
'. tlons to the national democracy. Suffice
.." it to say that we shall cheerfully acqul
.' esce in and Indorse any platform writ-
ten and proclaimed at the St. Louis con
vention, providing, always, that It be
written by those who have successfully
: met Jefferson's primary test Men who
have faltered or failed in the crisis that
Democratio duty has presented have no
Acting Detective A. Q. Vaughn has
long been of the opinion that If one
dog refuses to live another should be
raised. During the past three years
.the detective has been going through
. the trouble of raising blooded bird dogs,
1 and none of the canines have liked to
" reach the ripe old age of eight months.
. Mr. Vaughn Is now seriously thinking
of writing a book entitled "Pointers I
Have Met"
Mr. Vaughn's hobby' Is fine dogs and
finer guns. His home reminds many of
. his friends of a young arsenal; shot
guns of various brands and rifles of a
dosen different vintages are hung about
the walls, to sayNiothlng of revolvers
."' and bowie knives. The detective has
long wanted a good bird dog to accom
pany his collection of firearms on hunt
ing trips, but so far has . had the 111
luck to lose every dog that he had
trained Just about the time the canine
' was far enough advanced in Its tduca-
tlon to be taken put on a hunting expe
dition. The first pointer raised by Mr. Vaughn
was killed by a wagon running over It
' while It was watching the movements
of a strange black cat. The dog had
' just been taught to point and seemingly
did not distinguish between a bird and
a kitten. Dog No. 1 was only six months
old when the wagon came. That was
three years ago.
The second of Mr. Vaughn's dogs met
a most tragic end. - When the dog was
7 months old, Its master began to teach
it the gentle act of pointing at game.
Mother and
6oth helped ' by r the use of
It will enrich the mother's milk
and make the baby thrive. If
it is a bottle baby, put a part of
a teaspoonful in the bottle when
it is fed. For poorly nourished
babies and children, we believe
it has no equal in the world,
right to write Democratic platfofrms or
name Democratic candidates. The Ohio
delegation Is Indicative of Hearst sent!
ment." v. '
(By Herman Bidder, Editor Staats Bel-
New , York, Feb. JO.Whll I have
wanted Grover Cleveland for the Demo
cratic candidate,' I should most cer
tainly support W. R. Hearst in the
event of his nomination. A silver plank
is, the only thing, tfhat would keep me
from declaring for Mr. Hearst if he
should come out victorious. ' There are
many arguments in favor of Mr. Hearst
as - well as In favor of Air. Cleveland.
The third term argument against Mr.
Cleveland I feel is weakened because
he -has been out of politics so long. I
intend to take a most active' part In
the coming campaign, as I always have
except .when Mr. Bryan was the nom
inee. I do not "feel that I could con
sistently support Mr. Bryan. Mr. Hearst,
if he defeats Mr. Cleveland in conven
tion, will not lack support' As to an
instructed delegation, I think the cam
paign is not far enough advanced to
discuss that yet Before sentiment is
.more settled that Is too broad a ques
tion. The Instruction of "We favor the
nomination of William R. Hearst as the
Democratio candidate for the presidency.
He has always been true. He meets the
full measure of the first' and last test
of Democracy. We instruct the delegates
to the national democratic convention to
always fearlessly, meet Jefferson's su
preme test;,, and, second, to voice the
sentiment of this district by voting for
the nomination of Hearst for president;
and finally, we admonish the delegates
to -remember that they derive all their
power and Influence from this consti
tuency and regardless of any possible
contingency, we . expect them to re
flect our sentiments, forgetful of all else
and others."
The two delegates selected to go to
the national convention who were In
structed to support Mr. Hearst are M.
M. Paget of Warren, Trumbull county,
and C. A. Corbin of Ashtabula, Ashta
bula county. Their alternates are Rich
ard 'Armstrong and Briton Johnson of
Kent, Portage county. The convention
selected as its candidate for congress
C. K. McCormickof Akron, Summltt
county, and for presidential elector pr.
W. Mllllkln of the same city and county.
The convention indorsed Judge David
I Rockwell of Ravenna, Portage county,
for delegate at. large. M. M. Padgett,
one of the delegates to the national con
vention. Is the editor and owner of the
Western Reserve Democrat of this city,
end Mr. Corbin is the editor of the
Democratio Standard of Ashtabula.
After the Isbell delegation had been
ousted from the convention It retired to
the Park - hotel, -Where It held -a-rump
convention and selected Charles Isbell
of Akron and 8. B. Palm of this city as
delegates to the .national convention:
These two gentlemen are said to favor
the nomination of Grover Cleveland or
some person acceptable to the ex-pres
ldent Mr. Palm was postmaster of
this city when Mr. Cleveland was chief
executive of the nation.
The canine was a smart animal in many
ways, and one Saturday afternoon
Vaughn was offered $60 in cash for It
The offer was refused. The next day.
while running around the neighborhood
of . its kennel the dog- saw a streetcar
coming from afar off. Quick as a flash
the dog settled itself in the middle of the
track and began to point. On came the
car, and stlffer pointed the dog. Several
minutes afterward Vaughn picked up the
few stray pieces of scattered pointer.
"The third time's a charm," thought
the detective, as he purchased another
pointer, some eight months ago. This
dog was' just as smart as any sports
man could wish for, and lived to be
7 months old. Then it died. Vaughn
was pussled to' know the cause of its
death,, thinking perhaps that someone
might have poisoned the pup. He took
the remains of No. I to a well-known
local veterinary to have an autopsy per
formed To the surprise of Vaughn the
doctor stated that the death of the dog
was caused by appendicitis.
"Never saw so much rain during the
month of February," remarked Captain
of Police Qrltsmacher this morning, "and
I have lived in Portland for 35 years.
Every day during the present month It
has either rained or stormed in a man
ner that has caused old settlers to won
der what had happened.
"I can remember when I first came
to Oregon, I used to write back to
friends in the east and brag about the
February weather. Many times have a
party of my friends gone out into the
timber on Washington's birthday and
returned home with arms full of wild
flowers that were in full bloom.
"But we always expected that March
would be a stormy month, and no one
was ever surprised t at whatever sort
of weather was dished out during that
windy , month. Several times. I remem
ber, there had been heavy falls of snow
during March, but that came as a sort
of novelty' .
"Can you give any reason for the
wetness of the present month T' was
asked the captain.
"None, excepting It be that alt this
year's rainfall is to come in a heap,"
was the reply. ,
"Wettest February during my Oregon
days." said Jailer Ben Banch, who first
saw Portland one bright summer away
back in 1869. "Ouess me Lord is trying
to send enough water in order that the
city jail may be thoroughly cleaned."
. Bo Oheerf uL
From the St Paul Dispatch.
O my disappointed feller, sort o' kick-
; In all the day,- ;
Quit your, grumblln" and be keerful
what you Ao;
Fer all you know, the feller livin' jest
. around tne way I
y Is a-gvttln'. all.hls. sunshine out of I
you I , . . , '
; (Wiablngtoa Bureau of, The Journal.)
Washington, Feb. 29. -The news of the
action of the 29th Ohio congressional
district In Instructing its delegates to
St Louis to cast their votes for W. R.
Hearst for president excited unusual
interest here today. The action of the
convention was discussed by members
of both houses 'and leading Democrats
generally. This In Ohio is the first con
gressional convention held this year,
Hearst received ' the indorsement and
without an apparent struggle. There are
strong democrats in Ohio and It Is felt
that this' action will be far-reaching.
The democrats of northeaster Ohio, are
conservative and fair. They realize
keenly that Mr, Hearst stands for these
things which they feel should be brought
into being for the better government
of the people, They are affected by the
oppression of the trusts that Mr. Hearst
has fought hardest "It Is the first gun
for Hearst," said a veteran politician
tonight "and- you may depend, upon it
It will not be the last It is well for
Hearst that Ohio Democrats, have ' de
clared for binii- They are good fighters
and good campaigners."
In the hotels the matter was the sub
ject of much talk. - Politicians say that
those who have controlled party poli
tics In the past see there Is material
substance, to the Hearst boom. The ex
ample of the Democrats of Ohio will be
followed rapidly and in a few weeks
Hearst sentiment will be crystallized.
This is the opinion of Mr. Hearst's
friends. "They took the convention from
Chicago," said one man, "to get away
from Hearst sentiment." It now looks
as if the delegates will take the Hearst
sentiment to St Louis when the go.
Had the instructions been given from
a district in the far west, that was the
home of Mr. Hearst, they would not
have been surprising. It was conceded
that Mr. Hearst is strong there, but
that the first Instructions should come
from Ohio, those who have not been in
touch with the Hearst movement do
not understand. It means, said one gen
tleman, that conservative Democrats also
are for Hearst He demands .that all
laws forbidding from taking away from
another class that to which it has no
right and that is just what old line dem
ocrats demand- In all this Hearst stands
for the highest form of conservatism am)
no one knows this better than solid.
thoughtful men of northeast Ohio.
The lumber shipping trade during
February has held its own, and is far
in excess of the month's business a year
ago. Four lumber carriers cleared for
eign, their' combined cargoes amounting
to 4,509,809 feet and valued at S52,32.
Coastwise there was shipped 7,005,750
feet, worth about 186,000, making the
total value of the lumber sent from
Portland by the water route during the
month approximate $140,000. ,
xne tumoer going coastwise was
handled by 18 vessels, and San Francisco
provided the entire market Usually
several cargoes go to San Pedro and
other points on the coast
Lumber Coastwise.
February 1, steamer Fulton cleared
for San Francisco with 400,000 feet of
February 4, steamer Aurella cleared
for San Francisco with 660,000 feet of
February 4. steamer Prentiss cleared
for San Francisco with 400 cords of
cord wood.
February I, - steamer C Llndqulst
cleared for San Francisco with 475,000
feet of lumber.
February 6,- schooner E. R Jackson
cleared for San Francisco with 725,000
feet of lumber.
February 9, steamer Despatch cleared
for San Ftanclsco with 300,000 feet of
February 10. schooner Mabel Gale
cleared for San Francisco with 860,000
feet of lumber.
February 11, steamer Aberdeen cleared
for San Francisco with 260,000 feet of
February 18, steamer O. C Lindauer
cleared for San Francisco with 600,000
feet or lumber.
February 20, steamer Aurella cleared
for San Francisco with 200.000 feet of
February 20, barkenttne Katie Flick
inger cleared for San Francisco with
660.000 feet of lumber. -
February 24, schooner Repeat cleared
for San Francisco with 480.760 feet of
February 24, steamer Charles Nelson
cleared for San Francisco with 700,000
feet of lumber.
February 26, steamer Aberdeen eleared
for San Francisco with 250.000 feet of
February 27, steamer Prentiss cleared
for San Francisco with 276,000 feet of
February !7. schooner Andy Mahonev
cleared for San Francisco with 760,000
feet of lumber.
Shipments In Detail.
February 3, steamship Indrasamh.
cleared with 61.(29 barrels of flour
valued at 1214.664; 201,613 feet of lum
ber worth $3,025, and general freight,
making total value of Cargo $245,212.
X, amber Foreign.
February 13, British shin Olenesslin
cleared for Port Natal. South Africa,
with 1,472,800 feet of lumber valued at
February 4. barkentine ' Georgian
To spread the good news
Schilling's Best is to
spread prosperity.
Moneyback; atyourgrocer's.
Are in
If all the people in the United States, Canada and Great
Britain who make dally use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
could he assembled together it woojd make an army that
would outnumber our army of one hundred thousand by at
least five to one.
Men'and women, who are broken down in health, are
only part of the thousands who use this popular preparation,
the greater number are people who are in fair health but who
know that the way to keep well is to keep the digestion per
fect and use Stuart's Tablets as regularly as meal time comes
to insure good digestion and proper assimilation of food.
Prevention is always better than cure and disease can find
no foothold if the digestion is kept in good working order by
the daily use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
Mr. Thomas Scale, Mayfield, Cala says t Have used
and recommend Stuart's Tablets because there is nothing like
them to keep the stomach right."
The army of people who take Stuart's Tablets are mostly people in fairly good health, and who keep
well by taking them regularly ' after meals. They contain no opiates, cocaine or any cathartic or injurious
drugs, simply the natural peptones and digestives which every weak stomach lacks. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
lets are sold by druggists everywhere in the United States, Canada and Great Britain.
cleared for Taku, China, with 1,106,984
feet of lumber valued at $11,070.
February 9, schooner Annie El. Smale.
Orala Trada.
Excepting the German bark Magda
lene, which will probably clear today,
no grata vessel cleared for a foreign
port this month. Usually during the
month of February there have been
from eight to 16 wheat cargoes dis
patched from the Columbia river to for
eign ports. The steamship Indravelli
sailed for the Orient on February 3, but
her cargo was mostly of flour. She had
on board 69,629 barrels of flour, the
largest quantity of that commodity the
vessel over carried. It Is the third larg
est flour cargo that ever left the Colum
bia river, only being exceeded by those
taken out on the Algoa and the Indra-
pura during the present season. The
flour was valued at $214,664, and went
to Yokohama, Kobe, Mojt, Hong Kong
and Shanghai.
In February, 1901, seven grain ships
cleared at Portland for foreign marts
whose aggregated cargoes were valued
at $438,416. During the same period in
1902 there were 15 vessels cleared, the
total value of their cargoes amounting
to $1,057,959. Last year for the corre
sponding period eight ships cleared.
carrying grain valued at $752,246. Local
exporters attribute the present dull
period to the fact that the price of
wheat on the Pacific coast is higher
than the Liverpool quotations.
Neither are there so many orders from
the Orient coming In for flour as thfcre
was previous to the declaration of war.
But it is believed by the exporters that
this will only prove of temporary dura
tion. They state that the Japs pur
chased freely, believing that hostilities
would soon begin, and for that reason
they are now well supplied. But If the
war should continue for any length of
time It Is believed that the trade will
assume Its former large proportion
Two Oriental vessels are now about due.
and will take out on the return trip
rainy large cargoes.
Today th British ship Red Rock will
complete loading her flour cargo, which
comprises in the neighborhood of 82,-
500 barrels. But it Is hardly likely that
she will be ready to clear In time to be
addetl to. this month's business.
The wheat shipments to points down
the coast have also diminished. But
they are larger than the foreign ship
ments. In round numbers they amount
to 38.000 bushels. Of this amount the
Despatch sailed on February 9 with 600
tons, the Aberdeen two days later with
160 tons and the Aurella on February 20
With 490 tons.
The Portland Street Railway company
has completed placing its double track
out Union avenue to Woodlawn, with
the exception or a short piece between
Piedmont and Woodlawn, which It will
not be necessary to double track, as in
that distance It will not be required to
switch and watt for cars to pass. The
city has been at work for the past eight
months Improving the avenue and the
street railway company took advantage
of the conditions and placid a double
track. This betters the service In so
far aa It prevents the delays that could
not be avoided under the- one-track system-
... i .
Daily Uoc by more than 500,000 People.
who casta BsroKz iss xa az
uvxs or xxstobioax sa am
Oeorge H. Hlmes, secretary of the
Oregon Historical society will soon have
the great register of the Oregon pioneers
ready to send to the St. Louis exposl
tlon, where it will be on exhibition in
the Oregon building. These records
will also be on exhibition at the Lewis
and Clark exposition after which they
will have a permanent home in the
rooms of the society.
Mr. Hlmes has been collecting data In
connection with this work, for over 20
years. He has memorandum books full
of Information, besides newspaper clip
pings 60 years old and scraps of various
The records are to be In the shape of
card catalogues. Blank slips have been
sent out to the pioneers with spaces for
filling out the dates of prominent events
In their lives. The Index wtll cover
about 15 points In each person's career,
If he has been prominent in public
affairs, if he has been Instrumental in
establishing an Industry or if he has
m any way distinguished himself, these
facts will be especially noted. A record
of the life of the first white child born
In Oregon Is in the hands of Mr. Himes
and also records of the lives of the
first couple married In the state and the
first schopl teacher. The term pioneer
refers to any one alive or dead whoever
came to Oregon previous to the year
1859. .
"Wo have the life records of the 62
who voted for civil government in 1843,"
says Mr. Hlmes. "We In this day can
not fully appreciate what this meant to
us. but In the years to come this action
on the part df the Oregon pioneers will,
no doubt, be to Oregon what the Dec
laration of Independence is to the
United States.
This Index will for many reasons
be a work -of prominence years from
now. It will be th foundation of fu
ture pioneer history. Many people are
very, careless about keeping an account
of their family history and so their
records are lose If In future years any
of their relatives should come here and
enquire for. any certain person, the rec
ords will be so easy of access that there
will be no trouble In finding the heeded
Information, About 6,000 pioneers have
already filled out these slips and we
look for still more before the register Is
sent to tne exposition.
: Tor Infants and Children.,
rtia KMYcu HaY3 Always Ecjght
Miss Lelia Dhrely, 4627 Rummer St, Pittsburg, Pa
writes $ l wish everyone to know how grateful I am for '
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. I suffered for a long time and did
not know what ailed me. I lost flesh right along until one
day I noticed an advertisement of these tablets and immediately
bought a 50 cent box at the drug store I am only on the
second box and am gaining in flesh and color. I have at last
found something that has reached my ailment."
From Mrs. Del. Eldred, Sun Prairie, 7is4 1 was taken
dizzy very', suddenly during the hot weather of the past
summer. After ten days of constant dizziness I went to our
local physician, who said' my liver was torpid and I had over
heated my blood; he doctored me for two weeks without much
improvement; I finally thought of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
(which I had used long before for various bad feelings)
and the first three tablets helped me They are easily the best
all-around family medicine I ever used."
Oliver M. Stewart, chairman of the
national committee of the Prohibition
0 fill
Every Horse for Absolute Sale
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' ; ,'"'', , ' i ' ' ' ' ' ' t'
" ' v - i - ' ' , " " .w" '
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is- A r x
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Trotters and Pacers, for track or speedway. Stylish Single Drivers and
Matched Pairs. Saddlers, Hunters and Thoroughbreds. Family and Business
Horses. Light and Heavy Draft Horses for all purposes. Breeding stock and
young prospects. :
Reserved Seats for Ladles. J. J- McOASTXT Js SOSf, Boom KanUltoa Sldf.
On account of our present leas expiring soon and trnvtn vry
large stoek on hand, comprising fine PORCELAIN, C.ijmWSV,
SCREENS, MATTINGS, RUGS, TOYS, ETC., must doe out at auo
'tlon.' .'. v : . ..
AT fl:30 AKD 7(30 J. SC. DAXX.Y.
party,, delivered an address at the T,
M. C. A., on "True Citizenship." Mr.
Stewart left this morning on a tour of
the towns of th Willamette and Co
lumbia River valleys. - He will return
Sunday to address the Prohibition league
leaders at the T. M. C A.
Preferred Stock Canned OoodS.
Allen & Lewis' Best Brand.
Ci CO.
Corr r f