V" THE OB EG ON DAILY JOURNAL rOKTLANP. MOK PAY EYENIKG. FEBRUARY 20, 1904. 10 FORD'S Auction Sale " Tuesday, March i, on Premises, 168 E. Thirteenth V" at io A. M. Attractive Auction Sale of Fine . Furniture and Fittings We are Instructed by Mrs. A. M. Sfoiklen to ' sell at public auction tbe contents of her neat 6-rooni cottage., in this wile you will find ma " hog-any chairs andN-K-kers. fine polished rock ers in oak, Angora gnstektn rugs, walnut center table with marble slab, nice Brussels carpets, steel engravings mill other pictures, iwrlor lamp. hU tree, oak sideboard, dlnlnar ruorn table, chairs. B, B. heater, bedroom Bet. springs, Oovaj mattress, toilet set, Jewel oouk Move, kitchen treasure, linoleum, dishes, utou . nits. ; garden tools, teller; wringer, etc. The equipments of this home are first -class and food .as new. which warrants buyers' time wjll spout attending this sale. . ' H. FORD, Auclkmeer. Ford's INext Auction Sale Will be held at Salesrooms 182 FIRST ST. Wednesday at io A. M. . Tills sale Will Include the usual line line of parlor, dining-room, bedroom and kitchen fur nishings; also 5-foot showci. restaurant eounter, coffee mill, scales and other natures. Two hours' speedy sale, commencing at 10 8. m. sharp. H, KOKO, Auctioneer. Ford's FRIDAY SALE AT 183 FIRST STREET, 10 A. M. ' On this date w will sacrifice the balance of consignment of fnrnltnre. stores, etc.- also the dry (fowls departmaji? will receive our spo- " clsl" attention.' for Our instructionB are- t--ell regardless of price; there (a a fine line ,of hoys' aiilts. overcoats, pants, etc. ladles' shirt - 'waist, dress itonds. corsets, shoes and other tine roods too numerous to mention. H. FORD. Auctioneer, jt,- B. We bny yonr goods and pay caah for them. Phone. Main 1626. . HENRY WEINHARD Proprietor of tha ', , ; City Brewer f Ltrftit and Moct ContplaU Brwry la th Bortbwast. Bottled Beer a Specialty TZLEFKOHS Ho. 78. Offlc 13tl ud Burnald S treats. PORTLAND, OREGON. PROCLAMATION. Whereas, the secretary of state of the (late of Oregon has notified me In writing thst pur- " snaor to' the prOTlstomi tit an-art entitle -'K act 'making etfectirethe initiative and refer- ndum provisions of section 1 of article 4 of the constitution of the state of Oregon, and legnlating elections thereuuder, and tprortdlng penalties for vlolationa of proTUlona of this , act." approved Kebnmry 24, the Direct 1'rlmary Nomlnatlous league of Oregon duly ' filed In his office oh February S. 1U04, an In itiative -petition, containing 8.T46 algnatarea properly attached thereto, and eertlUed In accordance with lsw. demanding that a pro- - I weed law. the. tenor and effect of which la liereiuarter particularly .set : rortn, lor au rect prhoarv nominations, shall he submitted . to the legal electors of the atate of Oregon for their approval or rejection at the. gen- ' eral election to be held ou, the 6th day of unn being the first Monday of June. Now. therefore, I, tieorge K. Chamberlain, governor of the stste of Oregon. Id obedience In the provisions of- said act hereinbefore first mentioned, do hereby make and lssne this proc lamation to the people of the' atate of On- ' con. announcing that the aald Direct Primary Nominations lesgue of Oregon has filed said lu lriative petition, with the requisite number of signatures thereto attached demanding that there be anbmltted to the legal electors of the state -of Oregon for their approval or re jection at the regular election to be held on inn 0tb day of June, being the first Moti- ' dsr In Juue, JW4. a propnaed law for di rect .primary iHimlnations, having for Its pur hjs and being, briefly, of the tenor and ef - feot following; tint H to say: . 1 A bill Id propose by lultiative petition a law dea lsrlng certain rights of political parties and voluntary political organisations and of the mrmbera and candidates thereof: declaring the purpose of tbla law and prescribing rules for the construction of Its previsions; defining a IvoMilcsl psrty subject to the irovlslous of this lsw: providing for holding primary nomi nating . elctloua preceding any election In tbla state (except aiieclal elections to fill vacsu ' riee. nreeldeutlal elections. niunlrlDsl elections ' In towns or cities bsvlug a population of less " than Z.000 tnhsbltsnts. and achoot elections), for the purpose of nomlnsltng sll the candl- v dates by all political parties subject to this 'lsw for all public offices to be filled at the ensuing election, and for a senator In eon- frees; fixing the times for holding and regel ating the niauniT of conducting such pri mary nominating eltntlnnn: prescrllilng the manner of cbouslt.g candidates for nomination ' by the seversl political parties subject to the , provisions of this lsw, and for making nomi nations at said prlmarsy nominating elections of the cendidstes of ssld political parties for election to public office at the ensuing elec tw.n. and-forbidding the , nomination - of can didates for public office by such political par ties la any other manner; providing for print ing and dlsrrlbutliur ballots at auch Drtiaarv ' iwmlnating election by public officers at public expense; prescribing the qnsiinrstlons or eu tl ners. electors slid of csndldstes for noulns tlon at each primary nominating elections: pre sTliilng forms snd procedure st such primary nominating elections snd In proceedings relst Ing thereto snd ststementa to be made by raudidates for nomination thereat: prescrib ing the duties of public officers In relation to and at such primary Dominating elet-tlnna; pro viding for the nomination br political parties enhjret to this law of their candidates for elec- ttnn as ieugstea to any constitntional conven i tk that may be called m this state; providing for the election hy the several political parties anhjeet to this law, of their centrsl commlttee- en. end defining their duties and powers as wa committeemen; providing for the preven tion and correction, nnder certain conditions, t errors, wrongs and violations of the pro visiosie of this lsw and remedies therefor: pro-vMlrte- fr -the prevention itt frauds and the svlli-aeait of crimes and misdemeanors com mit4 st sbc primary nominating elections ta the proceedings relating thereto; provtd tea; , peawltiee sad punishment for the violation ( any it 'he provisions of this lsw; provld trM Vat rweitMitlttg Botninatlona made at such prtanry ansaiaoUBg elections; applying to said pviKary aossiaatlng elect Urns, so far aa the sts rs an la conflict with the provisions of sti'.o lsw. aa4 as the same may be modified ST ta avwetsMsas of this law, the following erinssi H geswrsl lsws of Oregon aa the SNSse at aaaxbered la Helllnger k CottoD's Mttx.tA i.a eu4 Ittatutes of Oregon, to wer:. arrkssM Wt. ltsut. 1P02. iwij. IIXM. rr. rk . it, iio. mil, 1912, pT,. -f-M, Tm. 77T. .'Zlm. itTtW, 27T1, S77'A I .St, ,-tr Zi. . XIII, zus, zno, 37a Zi.e, Zixa, zikh, z7t. zthh, r-m nm. awi. J)ll. 212, 2B13, lv7 2T. 222, jH "St. '&-MI. 2W. 3fi1 2S3, 'MH 2N04. 2H0B. 2, 2M14, 2X18, 216, 2X23, 2824, 225, 2131, 2837, 241.. 2H08. 2X67. 2WI8.. ; xtiii. 2874, 2X75. 2x711 .27?.- "JMt-e ana z.: amending sections axt t m 3iTJ e av.ssrgf ft Cotton's Annotated; nt rrtsi ml Oregon: repealing the sViliitsvlavsr seeriMn law general laws of Ore-fAft- aw r mm r anmbered In Bellinger ft .,.:tto' ajuieff4 V and Ktatutes of Ore ,bji s.tt: t-rlitm 2Xs. 2XKI, 2X82. 28X3. gsMaV VXMk VI. 2XXK, 2wi, 2X02, seit: i-e, SHrt. VW. 2XM!t, 21100, .t 3nXs 21. 2"4. 2WS, as7, 2118, Sirt li . S. l. 217. 2918, jiff jcfiiv seef.is 2x of ssld llelllnger jr jHurjrtri f ae . nd Htstntes. as wrfww. rtv ew ss ffle4 "A act to amend pr- rwm XXtlll irhapter X. of Bel l ).,. ft ttrv nMmar4 lodes and Ktat - ne sww 4 relating to hours 4-'So"" feaewy 24. 19(i3. and ,w.(!m. out 4 vsl lsws of i fo watommm asavabtoir of lie; re snTif il' AHe -r M ports of acts In tv-ilik fn hes., esr T pert I hereof, so fw -Me. smw -:V- sa airrf elections, i-irec tiinvisT efvljs st b procedure f... .f tC PCV,ni SMeV FUJSJ Hi ST. v rr Httt ej(w. tta 101b da) . f.mH,,, ft' , jrMaft. s; ;';'' ... rrj?"" "TrVr?r, AMSKI.AIN. ' " - Vrverawr, ? (t l'"Cear ..-fMie &t rfV..; , .;- ,;; I y . IF YOU HAVE NOT UsfeD THE JOUR NAL WANT COL UMNS RECENTLY YOU MUST BE LEADING A DULL SORT OF LIFE. . USB FOR Classified Ads SITUATIONS WANTED (Mai or Female): To th extent of 25 words TWO TIMES FREE; over 25 words 1 cent a word. : FOR RENT, BOARD, ROOMS and all other classifications 5 cents per line, of 7 .words, each insertion. NOTICE. , TOe undersigned wttt receive sealed bids for a stock or oru-anu nnrr ... Orants Pass. Or., of ho Invoice price of sboiit 19,400.00. up to 12 o'clock noon. Tuesdsy, the 1st asy or usrrn. uw - . . , i ..- . . ih. mnmt thriv- lng towns In the state of Oregon, nnd the loca tion or idp stare is me ur. m .m A eertiuea cners ot w prr mn ... - li j - nB mn4 thm riant U reserved -to reject any and all bids. ins in Ten tot 7 mmj im mi of 11. L. Babln In Portland. Oreron. and at the office of the undersigned t flrsnts Psss. y, J . . I kn..M mnA an .InSfliW. urearoii. ouriiis; iwui., tlon of the atock may be had at Grants Pas on appiirnnon. . , Grants Pass, Oregon. JrgIT!.I,-ir'z J ' 1 1 1. .iMH thm .Via nnilerslffned CIOIICC IS urrwojr t,m iu.i ."w - m - Will present a petition for the vacation of ftlnff street in the city of Pnrtlsnd from Its . 1....- -. . Mint 1IO feet eaaterlr from and arallel with the eaaterly line of What waa lormeriy van iioiiuii ...v weaterlv line o' Portsmouth avenue In aald cltv, and also for the vacation of Portsmouth - - 1 im .Ah,, sniitheelv line of ."unr itiurrm.v . - - Bluff atreet. If extended easterly, to the Wil lamette river, to tne councu m i 1, 1 . 1 . MaAl.i nf the eonnell v 1 , J i .i k.ll In H.llt CltV A, wednesnay, tne join oay ui i.u, j., 2 o'clock p. lu. oaten r'ewnary in. isa. . I'NlOX ' OIL COMPANY OF CAUFORS1A. ATTENTION ! Stockholders Blsck Rock Cosl alining company: nig rau.r ac runcj and Madison, March 7. 8 p. m. Election. All come. HAXX JlZLF "yAJfTSJ. WANTED FOR TJ. B. ARMY Able Jodted on married men. between ages of Jl and SO, dtlxena of United Statea. of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information, apply to Recruiting Officer, Th,ird and Oak eta.. rorciana. t'r GENTLEMEN of eaecntlve ability t represent a financial proposition that will bear the closest Investigation: Insurance. B. ft L. or Tontine men preferred; no mining .or oil scheme; no espltal required. Address box tfa ip. care jpiu-nsi MEN and women to lean the barber trade; . new clsss for ladles lust starting. Call or ' write for partlcnlsrs and If in doubt make a personal investigation. American College. 25S Bverett st.. Portland. MEN to learn barber trade: only 8 weeks re quired: 2 years saved: positions seenrea wnen competent; catalogue mailed free. Moler System collere. Bsn rrsncisoa vai. 130. TO W re week Is made hy writing acci dent and sick benefits In the t'nlon Mntnal v"Atd association. Call or address 401 Msr- nusra rmlliUng. Pnrtlsnr'. f)r. WANTED Wa want you to rememlier Portland Custom Shoe ft Repair Co.. 29 Yamhill at., - sew soles that will not Tip: 5Qc and upward. PIONF.FR - KMPl.OYMEKT CO Lahoe eoa tractors bslp free to employera. 215 Mor- TRY emplovment iM real estate office 17 Madison at. Phone, Blsck 1712 WANTED Oood ae-nt. Call tomorrow at 431 Mohawk bldg.. 164 Third at. DR WHrTZ'S Soeclfic No. 1 guaranteed to core gonorrhea In 10 davs: No. IV. and M cere gleet and stricture in 30 dues: No. 3. syphilis snd blood poison In 00 days: No. 10. the only eDeclfle for weak men. old or young. thla specific "lakes von a man. Call or write. Dr. White Medicine company. ,808 tsrk st SITUATION WANTED MALE. WANTED Young man, fnlr education, must have work of some kind. Address X. 29, rsre Journal. WANTED Bv young man 18 years of ape, nosl . tlon as cashier; can give references. Cashier, care Journal. YOUNG man, ae -21. B yeara" experience In th east as asleamsn. living at home: bright , and can sell anything. R. 1. care Journal. COMPETENT bookkeeper la open for permanent position in or out or city; reierences nir niahed. E. 2T. care Journal. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. MIDDLE-ACEI) widow desires position as rsbler or similar employment, it. p, care journal. - YOUNG la (It desires position ss etenogrsnher or telephone exchange; experienced. Address C, 27. csre Journal. LKKSKM.VKIN'(l-337 Rhrrman at.; reaaonable prices. W. 27. care Journal. YOUNG lsdy would like position Id office; stenography or bookkeeping. M. 27. Journal. WANTED Girl for genersl housework In small fsmllv. Apply 3B2 Morrison. EXPERIENCED dressmsker would like work hr the day: prices reasonable. Phone, West 8196. FOB SALE. FOR SALE 84.000. 7.32 seres. In cultlvstlon: 8-room house, hard finish brick basemect: ' liarn. cistern, good fences; improvement', worth 82.A00: good orchard: 10-tiilnute walk from "itv limit, south of Ssndy road. Inquire 847 Brodway. WE Bt'Y AND SELL . New and second-hsnd Furniture snd stoves For cssh and credit. Alder ft Block. 60 North Third st. Phone. Clay 6X6. FOR SALE 7-ronin bouse and' 1 2-3 acres of lsnd. In Hlllsboro. Address W. A. Rubl, Hlllshoro. Or. . A corner lot on Ksst Eighteenth street, near Main, price ft .000; a snap. 104 Grand ave. Phone, i nion FOR SALE Interest In estshllshed manufactur ing business In city; about $4,500; will tske good real estate In part payment. Address B. 20. csre Journal. FOR SALE A modern T-room house, cor. lot MOO feet square., alley-In rear, at L'nl ' versHv Psrk. 2 blocka from new city park. :. 1 block from new atreet cat line. Call on .owner. 318 Chamber of Commerce, for ternia and aee photo of premises. HOPS! t HOI'S! Hop roots for ssle. $4 per l.WR). Apply L. Kingsbury, 971 Hawthorne ave.. Portland. Or. HOP ranch for aale. 30 acres: urlce f4.000; fl. Oi p0 down, balance on Interest 4 per cent. L. Kingsbury, 971 Hawthorne ave. . IF YOU want to sell your bonse. lot, fsrm or , bosnes)s, list It with Lsnraater Realty Com pany, cor. Sixth aud Morrison ats., (round floor Marquam bldg. HORSES FOR SALE. FINE HORSES AT AUCTION! We will aell at auction 180 head of fine horses, including about 20 head of light and heavy draft horses, single and In pairs. Every horse for absolute asle. Rale takes place at Irvlngton Psrk. March 1. 2, 8. com mencing at 10 a.' ni. Draft horses will, be sold Thursday . afternoon, March 3. i J, L. McCarthy a son. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Nicely and completely furnished housekeeping rooms. 1 block from 8 street- car line; references. Inquire 60S Water at. F0R RENT. sun n&n I -u O itn. clsss; do trash; price reasonable; death, in rsmuy csuae lor xcuiiik VOn KENT Elegantly furnished suite and 3 single rooms; privilege of bath snd phone. Phone. Main 2111. . WANTED. WANTED We want vnu to remember Portland Custom Shoe A Repair Co.. 2tW Yamhill, sew soles thatwUt not Hpj Jln.dnPwl!r,5 HIOfiEST prices paid for men's caat-off cloth ing and shoes. 78 N. 3d st. Qreen 428. BUSINESS CHANCES. ARE vou loeklng for a business location? In vestlgste the exceptional advantagea offered at ' Kstacada, the coming town of Clackamsa . county. O. W. P. Townalte compsn.v,' 132 First st.. cor. Alder, room B. Phone. Msln 216. EXCHANGE. COMFORTAMr.E home and good stock ranch In i western Orcein, handy to school snd P. O.. to trade for a small and well-Improved place Id the Willamette valley. What have you got?. J. A. Vptnn. Llnvllle. Or. FARMS HOMESTEADS. FREE homestead lands; flrat-class grain and hay lands. 2O04 Btark St. ROOMS. THE NEW "I10TEI, SCOTT" This elegant, new, clean hotel Is now open to the public, located In Poatofflce block. Revenlb and Ankeny ats.; yon can rent rooms here at same price as yon pay In the com mon rooming-houses; hot water, lavatories and baths on every floor; annunciator service: hll llsrds; bar and fine dining -room; commercial men will find it to their advantage to see us. THE LINCOLN, just opened. 400 Morrison St.. cor. 11th, has the best furnished rooms In the city: hot and cold running water; sttam best, electric lights, bsths. and all 'Dodern ap pointments; new building; every facility for curing for the traveling public: moderate rates. C. H. Ball, propj Phone. Main 2M. THE PALMER HOl'SE. 8. E. cor. Alder and Park eta., formerly the Spalding, the most complete apartment bonae In the city; entirely renovated: steam heat. gas. electric light, por celain ba'fhn: every modern convenience; tour. 1st and transient trsde solicited. THE OXFORD flH Blxth at., cor. Oak; newly opened and handsomely furnished throughout: most luxurious apartments in the city; hot and cold water In every room; single and en aulte, with private baths; free phone. Main 88. tl.7S PER WEEK, large, furnished housekeep ing rooms with use of Isnndry snd bath; also cheap furnished cottages. Mrs. Brown. .184 Sherman. Phone, Clay 208. FOR RBNT JSice -iurnlahed front room. In prl. 1 vate ramlly. In per month: gas, hath and Phone East 12&S. 290 Benton St., 8 blocks from steel bridge. BINOLln rooms, day. week or month;, house keeping rooms with pantry and running water: thoroughly renovated and newly funlsbcd. 171 West Psrk. PARKH1LL house, oor. . Park aud . lanihlll; rs furnlsbed throughout; nnder new management; rooms by day. week or mouth. 172H WEST PARK at., near Yamhill, well fur nished rooms, single or en suite; also fur nished housekeeping rooms. THE COSMOS Fonrth and Morrison, furnished housekeeping suites, aulte and single rooms; $3 per week and up. LARftR front room with alcove, nlcelv furnished. ror one or more gentlemen, aai rourtecntn st. HOTEL Vendome. cor. 13th and Alder: far- rlahed rooms with board: rresonsble rates. ROOMS 2 neatly-furnlahed bouaekeenln rooms path, gaa and phone. 314 BlxtB, corner flay. THE CAfifLE 372 Waahlngtoc f- rooms for gentlemen: transient. Te" onth 761. FOR RENT Pleasant well-fnrnlshed frout room. all conveniences. 4"a Jefferson St. ROOMS AND BOARD. BOARD and room In nicely furnished home for 2 or 3 gentlemen; select neighborhood. . K., csre Journal. ROOMS WITFi BOARD, well furnished; moder conveniences: tsble board. 221 18th st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. FOR RENT Suite rooms for light housekeenlng and 2 front rooms, iwo neventh,. J block from Portland hotel. : , ... . CLIFTON. 29SH First St.. northwest cor. First and Columbia ata.; bouaekeeplng and single rooms. ARCHITECT. W. O. LOFTISS. No. 650 E. ITrh St., srehttect contractor and builder; plana and specifications furnished at a low cost. AGENTS WANTED. WIT WANT 10,000 sgonts for greatest household seller ever Invented: beat money -maker on record; actually sells to every house; send J lie for complete ssmple and our two mam moth catalogues of agents' supplies. Sonth ern Meresntlle Co.. Dept. 98, Houston. Teg, ASPHALT PAYING. THE Trinidad Asphalt Paving Co. ot Portland. Office 6M Worcester blk. ATTORNEYS. EMMONS ft EMMONS, attorneys-at-law. 44 S. B. RI00EN. attorney and eoansellor-at-law; notary. 303-806 Ablngton bldg. BARGING AND LIGHTERING. OREGON ROUND LI MBER CO.. 181 Bornaide St. Phone. Orsnt 1171. CEMENT CONTRACTORS. PIONEER cement contrector. J. F. Ohrock; all wmk guaranteed. Address 148 Fifth st. P. O. address 309 Shiver. Phone. Union 5082 CARTER ft ELI. cement contrsctors. 271 Porter at. Tel.. Front 2R64. Work guaranteed! CAFE. THE OFFICE. 288 Washington St., Phone, S. Main 771. Pickett ft Vlgneam. CEREAL MILLS. ACME MILLS CO., manufacturers Ralston Acme Ceresls. 20 snd 22 North Front st. CHIMNEY SWEEP. LOOK OUT FOR FIRE D. D. Wood, chimnev aweep; flreplsee, brick and terra-eotta fluca cleaned, orders st Avery ft Co., 82 Third st. Phone. Msln 1372. Res, phone. Scott 6694 CROCKERY AND OLAB8WARE. WHOLESALE CROCKERY ANP GLASSWARE. Prsel Hegele ft Co.. loo to 106 Bth. cor Btsrk. CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST. PROF. HEYAH. scientific palmist, gifted clalr. voyant. expert card reader, teaches nslmlstrr. csrd reading, develops wesk mediums. Prices: liana, zac; earns, zoc; clairvoyant, 60c. Par- lor entrance 211 Morrison st, MADAME JOHNSTON. Clairvoyant ani l-.lm. 1st; readings dally; card reading 23c. 289 'inira street. SlRS. S. B. 8 KIP, clairvoyant and life reader. ?! Tth. Sunday. 7:4B p. m.. Willamette hall. MRS. 8TEVEN8. Portlnnd'a leading palmist and clairvoyant, -iirt1 ismniii. Kesnincs one 00 AX. WESTERN FEED ft FI7F.I, CO Phone mm Castle (iste eosl' will pleaae you. Phone- us your oraer. VULCAN Coal Co., eholesale dealers best coals; rounory ana vmeiier coae. sturnsiae, OREGON FUEL CXT,; all kinds coal and wood 844 Morrison. Phone. Msln 63. RING COAL CO.. Importers of btgh-grsde bouss eoa la. Phone. Main 142(1. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDING ft FARRELL, produce and eommls , ston m'chsnts, 140 Front St.. Portland. Or. Phone. Main 179. ' CHATTE'kTON ft CO.. commission merchsnts, T28 Front St.. PortlendcjOn PhoneMsIn 1275. MARKl.EVfi CO., otimmTsalon merchants" wholesale trulti,s Portland, Or.. Phone, Main 891. . ' - JOURNAL TO EX CHANGE AND FOR SALE ADS. CAN HELP YOU HAVE A QUIET LITTLE RUMMAGE SALE OFOURiOWN; TRY 'EM. -1 CAXPNtEHS AND BUIXDERS. A. J. AUTHORS A WOOD, carpenters and bulld ets; repairing, and Jobbing; store and office fixtures built. Shop 209 Columbia. Phone, 'Clay ISSl.-.v ' . ''.;. , -; ' H. F. CLARK, carpenter and builder; repairing ' and Jobbing; office fixtures. Residence phone, ' Weat 782; shop. Main 1941. 453j Wash, at. ST W.' CORDON, counters, shelving, houses' bulll nd repulred. 208 Fourth. Clay 1T4. , CIOARS AND TOBACCO. ESBEHO-GUNST CI0AR CO. DUtrlbutor of f riNBCIQARB. . t -. Portland. Oregon. CHIROPODY AND MANICURING. THE DEVENYS. th? only scientific chiropodists In (he city; parlors S01 -2 Allsky bldg.; this " Is the long-balred gentlemon you- want to see. : Orsnt IS. JCIYIL ENOINEEKS. THEODORE ROWLAND. 609 McKay bldg.. ren- erai nrangnting. map compiling, bluenntlcg. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR. B. J. CARNEY Veterinary surgeoa. I0S North Sixth at. I'hons, Main 1484; res. phone. Front 104. CORNICE-SKYLIGHTS. METAL SKYXIGHT8. galvanized Iron cornlcee. J. v. Bayer, zea secoud at. DYEING AND CLEANING. CICTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED ft per monin.' unique tailoring uo B4( Washing ton at. CITY STEAM DYEING ft CLkANTNO WORKS Herman Eoke, proprietor. Phone, Mala 1718. No, 6S 6th St., near Pine. Portland. Or. PARISIAN Cleaning Worka, 411H Morrison at. roone. siain zht. DRESSMAKING. MRS. McKIRBEN. artlstle drvss and eloak- roakliur. 5ft 1 Morrison st. DECORATORS, HENRY BERGER 180 First St.; wallpaper. uaroiu. xapestries, applique ineaes, inter ior decorating. ELECTRICAL WORKS. NORTHWEST ELECTRIC ENGINEERING company, 309 Stark St., Portland; 0. K. for j.irythlng in the electrical line. Phone. PORTLAND ELECTRICAL WORKS Office 891 pir pi. roone. main zziz. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. BFLL ft CO.. fruits snd produce. 109 Front at. FURNITURE FACTORIES. tTRNITCRE manufacturing and special orders. L. Ruvensky'a furniture factory, 370 Front at. OREGoTi Furniture Manufacturing company a- Kiiusurvr vi xnrnjiure xor xne iraae. zub First st. FRATERNAL INSURANCE. ORDER OF WASHINGTON Foremost frater nal society of Northwest: protects the II v lng. J. L. Mitchell, supreme secretary, 613 and 615 'sairquam bldg., Portland. Or. Tele nhone Main 642. GASLIGHT REPAIRING, ACME OAS LIGHT SUPPLY CO. We deliver, put up mantles, chimneys, ahadea and com- picie iisnis. jgw ronrtn. Main ai7. GROCERS. WADHAMS ft CO.. wholesale grocers, mano- iavium- ana commission mercnaota. troorui and Oak ata. MASON. eUrMAN ft CO.. wholeaal grocers; n. w. cor. necona ana Pine ats. ALLEN ft LEWIS, sbolessle grocers. Port :anq. .rr. . LANG ft CO., First snd Ankeny sts. INSURANCE. ISAAC l VuiTE, firs Insurance. 800 Dekum D. Og. JAS. Mcl. WOOD, employers' liability and ln- uiviuusi mqviuem, urery nonna oe ail Kind. k ii.fuv i , uncurl, oiag, H. F. BARTELS COMPANY, fire Insnrane. 443 Sherlock bljg. Oreaon Dhone. Cl.v H26 FIRE INSURANCE J. P. Kennedy ft Co., 44 naiuuiuu oiug, rnone, sisin lnoo. - AKTHUR WILSON, fire Insnrancs. 8herlock nog. t-none. Mam loos. IRON WORKS. PnOENIX IRON .WORKS Engineers, msno fsctnrers of msrlne, mining, logging and saw mill machinery; prompt attention to repair work. Phone. East 29. Hawthorne sve ft B. 8d JEWELERS. THE O. HEITKEMPER CO.. msnuficturlng nsaasl,Bas IMlft "Wt - A - A jr-w c-iv-rtv. dturriaon wx. MUSIC DEALERS. FISHER MUSIC CO., 100 Third at. Victor talking machines; rspslring. Red 962. e MEDICAL SPECIALISTS. THE SPRINGSTEEN MEDICINE CO.. 611 D. knm. Cures women's eomplainta quickly. Phones; Home. Scott 4182: office, main 3WM MUSICAL. MR. AND MRS. H. A. WEBBER. Inatructors . J mauuuuD, snusr. i la west rare VIOLIN STUDIO Mr. Klmor Rice, 207. Allsky bldg. Phone. Red 3083. MONEY TO L0AX. UNCLE MYERS. UNCLE MYERS. UNCLE MYERS, UNCLE MYERS. UNCLE MYER8. UNCLE MYERS. UNCLE MYERS, trirnr it wwoai (Established 1859.) 143 Third Street, Near Alder. Loans on Collaterals. Low Rate. UNCLE MYERs! Unredeemed Pledges for Sale. UNCLE MYERS. Phone Msln 910. 4i NEW YORK LOAN OFFICE, 7 North Third Street. M. Miller, Prop. tMU iM ftatlataMla T.m. B.I.. Unredeemed pledges for ssle. Watch and Jewelry repairing. Phone. Clay 897. LOANS ON THE .EASY-PAYMENT PLAN ii pALanir,u rr.wi'l.r,. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Office houra, 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Phone 224. Room 716. Th Dekum bldg. 8. W. cor. Third and Washington sts. MONEY TO LOAN on resl. personal and col lateral security; special attention to chattel mortgagee; note bought a W. Pallet 313 Commercial blk. Phone, Grant 830. M0RT0AGB L0AN8 on Improved city and farm property at lowest current ratea; building ' loan. Installment loans. Wm. MacMaater, 811 Worcester bldg. MONEY ADVANCED sslarled people, tesmsters, etc., without security; easy payments; Urg ent busluess In 49 principal cities. Tolman, 228 Ablngton bldg. CPAfTEfriotie In amounta ranging from $25 to fftOOO; rooming-houses specialty. New Era Loan ft Trust Co.. 206 Ablngton bldg. 10.60041. T. 8 PER CENT: SUMS TO SUIT; BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. W. H. Nt'NN, 352 SHERLOCK BLDG. SHORT LOANS on chatteat or other sstlsfse tnry security. Room 019 th llarq.iem. Phone. Oregon Red 2838. ECANS In sums of fS snd op on all kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10, Wash ington nidg . Phone, Hood 41S. elONEV fd" LOAN on' large or email amounta on good security; lowest rates. William 0, Heck, 8' it Falling bldg BAt.ARY-LOANS; no delay; business confiden tial; essy terms. Northwest Loan Co., 821 Ablngton bldg. , fiUKi To LOAN on first mortgage real estate security. CIsytonKng ft Co.. 226 Btsrk at. MONEY T0 LOAN on city lots and Improved famis.W. A. Shaw ft Co.. 248 Btsrk st 6F10RT LOANS "on sll kinds' of ch'sttle security" Northwest Loan Co., 821 Ablnjtun bldg. - MACHINERY. THR H. C. ALBEB CO.. second-bsod ma- chinery. sawmill, etc. 248 Grand ave. - NORTHWEST HOTELS. Hotel Portland. American plan; 83. f3 per dsy Belveilera: European ptenh-4thHindA14ee-eta, OVERALLS. BOSS OF Tnu nn tn ovs-RAI.t.S and meehan. ice clothing; union made; Neuatadter Bros., ' Mfga,. Portland. Or. "- ' OSTEOPATHY. DRS.ANNA M. AND FRANK J. BARB, gradil s area American School of Osteopathy and A. T. Still Infirmary of Klrksvllle. Mo. Phone. Main 2223. Room 800 Dekum bldg. A76-85 J ' g"T8. OH AND GLASS. 'r DAVID M. DUNNE VcO.lioenlx Paint ad - OH Worka; manufacturers and importers pslnts. oils and spraya, etc.; phone 137. Office eg iscwry. isneriock ave ana itn r. F. E. BEACH ft CO. Pioneer Paint Co.. selling . the best things made In pslnts and general building tMterlal; window-glass and glaslng JLspeclalty. 135 First St.; phone. Main 1834. 7. P. FULLER ft CO., manufacturera Pioneer Lead. Phoenix Paint. Kopallne; a guarantee f;lven with every gallon of paint manufactured y us. - - - i . ". - - RASMUKSSN ft CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils, glaaa, rash snd doors. 180 First st. , ":;V PERSONAL, "VI AVI'" ts Instrumental in bringing about a general upbuilding process. It gives nourish ment to th blood and the blood in turn btil Ida tip the entire body. Pure blood, freely circulating, meat ib a sound nervous system . and tissues sound and firmly built. ' These conditions are the haala of phyalcal .perfection. The work accomplished by Vlari Is permanent . and sure. Let It. reader, do something for you. Oregon Viavi company, 23 Lewis bldg.. Port- YOUR PRRSCRIPTIONFTre more accurately ' and reasonably filled at Eysell's Pharmacy, S27 Morrison St., pet. First and Second ata. ''ON . a Slow train Through Arkanaaw," by Jackson: full of' fun and jokes; 25 cents. miw . pwiiBiBT. ti i Aiuer l FRED O. .WONDER Chlcsgo Costume house, 3.88 Morrison; established 1890: send for price list MMB. H. B. Ely. dermatologist, scslp treatment, shampoo. Mectrlc niasanga, 211 Ooodnough. PLUMBERS. t'OX ft COt sanitary plumbers, 231 Second, bet Main aud Salmon. Oregon phone. Main 2001. DONNF.RBERG ft RADEMACHER, plumbers, removed to 84 Fourth st. Both phones. PHRENOLOGY. KIND reader, see Prof. Griffith, opp. P. O., for a scientific delineation; consultation frse to all. PRINTING. ANDERSON ft DUNIWAY COMPANY, printing, lithographing, blsuk books. Phone. Main 17. 208 Alder. REMOVAL. FRANK HACHRNEY, No. 833 Sherlock bldg.. No. 834 Third at, agent for New Zealand and Traders' Fire Inaurance companies. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 249 Alder at. phone. Main 710; rubber stamps, seals, stencils, bag gage and trade checks. BOPB PORTLAND CORDAGE CO.. cor. Fourteenth and Northrop sts,, Portland Or. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. FOR SALE FARMS Improved farms for aale In all parts ot Ore gon and Washlngtonvpsyments made to ault purchasers. For full particulars as to varl- ona properties -apply - to -Wnv- MacMaster, 811 Worcester bldg. BHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar and store fixture made to erder. R. Lutks ft Co., Portland and Seattle. STEAM CARPET 0LEANIN8. J. HUNTER. 650 Jefferson St.. steam carpet cleaning and feather renovating; all work - guaranteed. Phone, Main 214. SPECIAL DELIVERY. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY, No. 200 H Waah Ington st. Phone. Or.. Main S62. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. g. O. PICK, office 88 First st.., between Stark nd Osk sts,; phone 596; plsnos and furni ture moved and packed for shipping; com modious fireproof brick warehouse. Front and Clay ats. BLOT MACHINES. THE LATEST KIND of slot machines of aver description for sale or percentage; also 100 different klnda of novelties. A. i. Cranwall ft Co., 218 to 224 Ablngton bldg. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE CO. Slot machine. 8. B. Park and Oak. Phone, Main 138. MACHINES ot every description tor sale or per centage. Frank Griffith, 4th and Salmon. SAFES. BUT YOUR SAFES of J. B. Davis; your re pairs snd lockouts safely don. 66 Third st. SIGNS. WATRIN ft PAINS SIGN CO., 810 Pin st Phone. Main 725. TYPEWRITERS. Y08T TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS 230 Stark Street W rent repair, se'i. exchsnge typewriters. All Snnnlies for all machlnea. Standard machines flO, IS, 125 and op Do you want a ateuographer or typlatl Wa bav list ot good applicant. Phone, Black 2871. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY-l47omh. timh an. 1 per month. Lawrence Broa.- Towel Supply toimih,t. ia sna ioncn., fnone WALLPAPER. morgan Wallpaper co 184-iss second m pet, lamniu ana Taylor. Portland. WHERE TO SINE. RESTAURANT Everything flrst-claaa; noodle sou rice; prices rcaaonaote: new, manage- ment NoS North Fourth St., cor. Ankeny. STROUSE'S RESTAURANT, trst-claa meals, best service. 229 Washingtc'l at CAFE KRATZ. 122 Sixth st aerved aj all houra. A fin lunch FINANCIAL. t ADD ft TTLTOW. BAVTEKB, (KstaDiisnea in Trsnsacfli a General Banking Buslneasb Interest Allowed on Tim Deposit. Collections made at alt points on favorsMs terms, letters or credit issued svallanie in Ku rcpe and all poliita In the United SUtes. Sight Exchsnge and Telegrsphie Transfera old on New York. Washington. Chicago, St Loula, Denver. Omaha. San FranclKo and Moa itDi am British- Columbia. Rxchanaa sold on London. Psrls. Tteetln Frsnkfort. Hong Kong, Yokohama. Manila and nonoiuin. u sTXTSD STATES WATT. BAITS OF PORTLAND. OREGON. NORTHWEST COR. THIRD AND OAK STS. Transaota a General Banking Businsss. DRAFTS ISSUED Available In all cltle of the United State and Europe, Hong Kong and Manila, COLLECTIONS MADE ON FAVORABLE TERMS Prraldent ..J. 0. AINSWORTH ,. W. B. AVER Vice-President..... Cs abler Assistant Cashier., ....R. W. SCHMEkR A. M. WRIGHT I ONDOW ft BAH MA1TCIB0O BANK, L. LIMITED. Cbamssr of Commerce Building, Third and stars a creels. Head Office. B0 Old Broad street London. This bsnk transacts general banking bnsi nta, makes loans, discounts bills and Issue let toes of credit available for traveler and for the purchase of merchandise In any city of the world. Deals in foreign and domestic exchange. Interest Paid aa Time Deposits. W. A. MAORAal. Msnsger. M0BBZS BBOS. ft CHBISTEWBEBT, Successors te - M0R1IS ft WHITEHEAD, BANKERS. FIRST AND ALDER STREETS. ' PORTLAND OR. i FINANCIAL. S BOTBUT f 8AVTNGB ft TRUST CO. . 8 Morrison St.. Portland. Or. Transacts a Gecarsl BsnWmg Bsslnssa. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest Allowed on Time and Saving Deposits. Act as TriuttM for Estates. Draft su3 letters of credit avallubie in all part of th world, .a C. F. A D AMS i-. :. . . ; .President L. A. LEWIS. i.i.,,.. First Vice-President A. L. MILLS. ............Second Vice-President K. G. JUBITZ. , . ............ . ,. .... .. Secretary MEK0HAKTB' JTATZOWAX, BANK, . PORTLAND, OREGON. : J. FRANK WATSON ....President K, 1 DURHAM.....;. ,,Vlc-Presldeut R. W. HOYT ...' ...Csshier GEORGE W. HOYT.:. .... ... . Assistant Csshier Transaota a Gensral Bsnkinr Business. Dratta and letters of credit issued available to an .parts of the world. Collections Bpeclslty. Gold Dnet Bought FUST JfATIONAI. BANK of Portland, Or. -Designated Depository and Financial Agent ot the United State. President.;....;......... ...A. L. MILLS Cashier....... J. W. NEWKIRK Assistsnt Cashier......... ..,W.- C. ALVORD Second Asalstant Cashier... . .C F. STEVENS. Ltttera of credit issued available In Europe and me Eastern bibtm. Sight Exchsnge and TeletrraDblc Trsnsfers scia on New York. Boston, Chlcsgo, St. Louis, St Psul. Omaha, Sim Francisco and tb princi pal nnlnta In the Nwthwost. . sjiKuc sna lime nuts nrawa in sums to suit on London. Parts, Benin. r rankrort-on th Mnin. Hons Kong; Yokohama, Copenhagen, Chrlstlanla, Stockholm St. Petersburg, 11 us ee i'. Zurich. Honolulu. Collections de on Ts vers me term. - QTEBBECX, STABB ft OOOKE C0n . Members Chicago Board of Trade. :. drain, Frovlaion, Stocks, Bonds and , -. U0UO&. : , : 103 Third Street. Wr Stnrk. Phon, Main, 313, Wm sre connected bv nrlvote wires with Messi. Logan ft 'Bryan. Chicago and, New lork; walker Bros.. J. H. uacne et.co.. new York Stock Exchange; Hubbard Broa. ft Co., New York Cotton Exchange: Fatrculld ftHon- son; New Orlear Cotton . Exchange; Henry Hf.rth ft Co., New York Coffee Exchange; Paine, Webber ft Co.: Boston Copper and Stock Ex change; Dick Bros, ft Co.; New York and Phila delphia Stock Exchange. DOWSING, HOPKINS ft CO., ' (ESTABLISHED 1193.) WBTS AT ABS STOCX BBOXXBS, Boom 4, Oronnd rioor. ' CKAMBSB OP COBTACEBCB. MORTGAGE LOANS On Portland Real Estate at Lowest Rate. Tltlea Intured. Abstract Furnished. TITLE GUARANTEE & TRAJST CO 1 Chamber of Commerce. LEWIS AND CLARK CENTENNIAL EIP08I- ' TI0N. Prnnosala will be received at the office ot the Lewie and Clark Centennial Exposition commla- alon, room fl. Steam bldg., Portland, Oregon, until 12 o'clock noon. March 19. 1904. for the construction apd the construction and demolition, or: , 1. States building. 2. Liberal arte building. ' ' 8. Festival hall. 4. Forestry building. 6. Administration building, fire station, pub lic comfort, colonnade and shelter. 6. Bridge superstructure. Plans csn be. seen and sDeclflcatlona obtained at the ofttce nf the director of architecture. room B, Steams building, snd at the office of the above-named commission. sulds must be submitted on forms lurnlsbed by the commission snd addressed to KUHUnu Ij. tilui.Mill, Bccreiery, NOTICE. -Notlco la hereby given that the undersigned have file! In the office of the' auditor of the city of Portland a petition praying for the vacation or tnat portion oi nearney atreet in the city of Portland, Oregon, lying between the wetft ilne of Ninth street and the east line of Tenth atreet In said city, and that aald petition praying for the vacation -of said portion ot said atreet will be presented to tb council of aald city at a regular meeting of ssld council to Tie held on Wednesday, the 18lb day ot March. 1904, at the hour of 1 o'clock P' COLUMBIA ENGINEERING WORKS. ' Bv S. M. Mears, President COLUMBIA ENGINEERING WORKS. By Fred Hesse, Secretary. WAKEMAN ft MORSE TRANSFER CO., By A. P. Morse. President WAKEMAN ft M0R8E TRANSFER CO.. By M. B. Wakemaa, Secretary. Dated Febrnary 9, 1904. NOTICE. Specifications for ballots and printed sup plies ror primary election,, aiuiinomaa county, Oregon : Scaled blds.fr the official and sample bal lota and printed supplies required for th primary election to he nirntsneav- tne- onniy 1-lerk a per specifications on file at his office r.t the court house, Portland, Oregon, will e received until i p. ui. Wednesday, uarcn i, 1904. p . The successful bidder will bw required to eycut contract to be approved by the district attorney and also to execute and deliver to the county, clerk a good and sufficient bond In double the amount ot the contract price for the faithful Derformanee of bis contract. All blda muat be accompanied by a certified check lu tit amount of 10 per cent of the amount bid. Price, fitnes and quality being equal, home products preferred. County conrt reserves the right to reject any or sll Plus. By order of the county court. F. S. FIELDS. County Clerk, Dated February 26, 1904. CITT NOTtCES. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOB SEWER IN ZAST HOYT STREET. v Notice is hereby given that the Council of the city of Portland propose to .assess the following described property and owner or owners ss being specially .and peculiarly bene fited In the amounta aet opposite the nainea and descriptions thereof by the construction of a sewer In East Hoyt atreet, from the weat line or East Twenty-nintn street to a connection with the sewer In East Twenty eighth street provided by ordinance No. ri 72U. : . . . .. . Any objections to the apportionment of cost for aald sewer innst be made in writing to the council and filed with the Auditor within 15 dava from the date of the firat publication of this notice, and ssld objections will be hesrd and determined hy the Council before the passage of the ordinance assesslug tho cost for ssld sewer. York " Blk 0. east 26.9 feet of lot 9. John Ellis. f 14.13 Blk 9. lot 10, O. Hnllowell ,. 20.50 Blk 9. lot 11, Sarah C. Ursttnn... 20.50 Hik o. lot 12. Bovs' snd Girls' Aid so ciety 26.30 A tract of land between the north line of East Hoyt street snd a lino 100 feet ' north thereof and parallel therewith 1 snd between the east Una of East Twenty -ninth street and the west Ilne of T. Quln donation lsnd claim. Boys' and Girls' Aid society 39.00 York Blk 11. eaat 30.0 feet of lot 4, Ellen C. Howltt 8.65 Blk 11, lot 8, The Hawthorne estste ; 16.00 Blk 11, lot 2, The Hawthorne estate...!. 16.60 Blk 11, lot 1. The Hawthorne estate...., 16.00 Blk 10, lot 2, The Hawthorne estate...., 4.00 Blk 10, lot 1, The Hawthorne estate 1.00 Hawthorne' First Addition to Eaat Portland Blk 1, north 14.5 fect of eaat 26.0 feet of lot 10. Ellen E. Howitt 1.00 Blk 1, north 14.fi feet of lot 0, The Haw. thorne estate 1.50 Blk 1, north 14.8 feet of lot 8, Tb Haw thorne estate 1.50 Blk 1, north 14.6 feet of lot T. Tb Haw thorne estate 1.50 Blk 2. north 14.6 feet of lot 12, The Haw thorne estate i 1.00 Blk 2, north 14.6 feet of lot 11, Tb Haw-, thorne estate -. . . .30 Total , 1203.10 I TH08. C. DEVLIN, Auditor ot the City of Portland. February 29, 1904. PROPOSALS P0R STEAK FIRE EN0INE. Sealed propossls will be received at the of fice of the auditor of the city of Portland nntil Tuesday, March 1, 1004, at 4 o'clock p. m. for furnishing to the fire department of tb city of Portland ope extra flrst-slse steam fire engine, to be equipped , with new American pumps, Fox patent boiler, Urant roller bearings and three-horse bitch. No nronosals will be considered unless ac companied by a certified check psysbl to J ueorge n. wiiiisms, msyur, ior an imuuin s4uti to 10 per cent of the segregate proposal. . ' The right to reject any and all bids 1 hereby reserved. , . - -v - H. W. GODDARD, , ' II. V. WORTMAN, ' ' '..'. Committee on Purchaalng. Portland,. Oregon, February 26. 1904, PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOB IMPROVEMENT OP NORTHRUP STREET. Notice is hereby given thst the Council of the City of Portland propose to asses the folios, lug ' described property and owner or CITT NOTICES. owner as telng epeelally and peculiarly bene fited In the amounts set opposite the names, aud descriptions thereof for the improvement of Northrup street, and from the west line or. Twenty-second street to the east ilne ot Twenty-tblrd atreeUa .. providetLby ordinance-. SO, 13.0.VI , . I r ... .V. - Anr obleetiona to the annnrtlAninenfc of cost for aald imnrovemnnt niiiat lie marie in writ. ,' lng to the Council and Sled with the -Auditor within 15 days from the date of- the first pub- Ucstlon Of . this notice. , and aalit - nhlnctlons will be heard and determined by the Council ueioro me passage oi tne ordinance assessing the cost of SHld Improvement. ... CoucbjaAuUunta;-Uia City at. Port. land , ' . . ' , , Blk 306. lot 4. "J. W. Drlacoll . ..:. 03 43 Blk 306, lot 5. Robert Bruce Wilson.. i. .; 46.72 nut s"w, lot , Bridget Lyons'... i. " 40. 72 Blk 306, lot 9. Clementine F. Lewis....... 66.07 : Blk 300, lot 12, Clementine F. Lewi.,....' 40.72 Blk . tot 13. Clementine F. -Lewis. .', . '. 46.72 Blk .306. lot 18. Samuel Wagner. ...... i H3.45 Blk 305, lot 1, Good Samaritan hospital.. Jt.'l 4.'. Blk 3tl3c lot 0, Good hauiarltan hospital.. . 46:72 Itlk 305. lot T. Good Samaritan hospital. . . 46.72 ' Blk 305, lot 10, Good Hamarltan hlspital.., 5.o7 Rlk 8ti3. lot 11. Oood Hamarltan hosiiital. -4H V1 Blk 305, lot 14. Uood Samaritan hospital. 48 73 A tract of land lying m'tween. the sunth line ot nortnrnp street and a line lot) , r, feet south thereof and pajallcl there- ( with and between tho east line of Twenty-third street aud a Hue loo feet . eest therf and parallel therewith, . Good Samaritan hospital 03.45 Total ... . ....... . ; . .bc;iii. hi i utir..- . jr.v i.i.n, . Auditor of the City of Portland, " February 2i; HKi4. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR CONSTRUCT ING. RECONSTRUCTING AND REPAIRING ' 8IDEWALK8, Notice ? la hereby - given that - the Council of the city of Portland pnipose tu tsseas the following described proiicrty and owner or owner as being specially 'and peculiarly bene- flted In, the ainounta set opposite the name and description thereof .for. the constructing, ' reconstructing : and repairing the sidewalk in iront oi eacn lot or part tnereot or parcel of . land fronting thereon, and also for that Dart of' said aldewalk known as a part Ajf the lutereec tlon aud bounded by the curb lines and the property linos extended to their Intersection with said curb lines, ss provided by the Charter Of the City of Portland. Any objections to the apportionment of coat for said constructing, reconstructing and repair., lng of sidewalk must be made in writing to the ' Council and filed with the Auditor within 18 days .from the date of the first implication of this ' notice, and aald objections will .be nearu ami ueterminen o.v tne tonncil QCTore tno passago of the ordinance assessing the coat of said constructing, reconstructing and repair ing oi sinewaiKs. Holladay' Addition to -Eaat Port- bind Blk 100. lot 2, Tb Oregon Real Estate company $ 11.73 Blk 100. lot 1, The Oregon Real Estate company .-',.. 124.71 Blk 119, lot 3, The Oregon Real Estate' company ". 11.73 Blk 119. lot 4, The Oregon Real Estate company - 124.70 Blk 119. lot 6. The Oregon Real Estate company 11.73 Blk 110, lot 6. The Oregon Real Estate1 company 124.80 Blk KM, lot 3, The Oregon Real Estate company 11.73 Blk 134, lot 4, The Oregon Real Estate company 127.41 Blk 1U4, lot 6. The Oregon Real Estate company , 11.73 Blk 1.14. lot 5, The Oregon Real Estate company 127.41 Blk i:i9. lot a. The Oregon Real Estate , company 11.73 Blk 130. lot 4, The Oregon Real Estato company 124.14 Blk 130. lot 6, The Oregon Real Estate company. 11.73 Blk 139. lot 6. The Oregon Real Estate company 124.44 Blk 154. lot H. The Oregon Real Estate, company , 11.73 Blk 154. lot 4. The Oregon Real Estate company 124.44 Blk 154, lot 6, The Oregon Real Estate company 11.78 Blk 154, lot 6, The Oregou Real Estate - company . . ;r . ;'. . . . : . : . . . . . . . v 121. U " Blk 109, lot 8, The Oregon Real Estate company 11.73 Blk 159, lot 4. The Oregon Real Estate company 124.44 Blk 159, lot 6, The Oregon Real Estate company 11.73 Blk 159, lot 5, The Oregon Real Estate company 124.41 Blk 235, lot 3. K. H. Robblua.... 11.7.1 Blk 235, lot 4. E. H. Bobbin 184.06 Eaat Portland- Blk 78, lot 3, K. C. Neufelder 12.48 Blk 78. lot 4, B. C. Noufclder , 124.80 rrusn a cquare Aauiciou to r.sat rort- : lsnd Blk 4, lot 6, Julius Loans estate, beir of .r. 67.39 Blk 4, lot 8i Jullu Logua estate, hclra of 181.40 Kern' Addition to East Portland Blk E. lot 1, Victor Land company...... 19.70 Blk H, lot 2, Victor Land company J8.04 Blk K, lot 3, KtrhycA. Knott 18.64 Blk E. lot 4. Ruby A. Knott 19.71 Central Alblna Blk 20, lot 15. J. E. Scott 4.3() Blk 20, lot 16, J. E. Scott 39.64 Total .I2.2ii7.2T THOH. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of th City ot Portland. February 29. 1904. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF UNION AVE NUB. Notice 1 hereby glvea that at tb meeting ef the council of the city of Portland, Ore. on, held on the 17th dsy of February, 1904. the following resolution waa adopted: Resolved. That the council of the city ot Portland. Oregon, deema It expedient and pro poses to Improve Union avenue from the center Ilne of Division atreet te the south line of Ivoii street by grading the atreet full width with fall Intersections to the proper grade a shown by th stskes aa aet by the city engineer. Said Improvement to be made In accordance with the charter and ordinances ef th city of Fortlaad and the plana, a pacification and eatl mates of the city engineer filed In the office ot tb auditor of th city ot Portland on th 6th dav of February, 1904, Indorsed: "City engineer's plana and specifications for th Im. Kovement of Union s venue from th center e of Division street to the south line cfi Ivoa street and the fstlmates ef the work to be done and the probable -total cast thereof?! The cost of aald improvement to Tie aaseadj provided by the city charter upoa the rropertly epeelally benefited thereby and wbk-hj la hereby declared to be all the Iota, part ofj lota and parcel f land lying between a Una 100 feet west of and parallel with the Weai line of Union avenue and a Una 100 feet ease of and parallel with the eaat line of Union? avrnue and tetween tb aenth Hue of Division atreet and a line 100 feet south of and parallel with th south line of tvoa street. The engineer's as tl mate of the probsbl total cost of th improvement of ssld Union avsoBsl -1 $487.00. r The plan, speetnoationa and ssti mates n the city engineer for the improvement of said Union avenue are hereby adopted. Resolved, That the auditor of the Hty ofj Portland be and he la hereby directed to give notice of tb proposed Improvement of said! avenua ss provided by the city charter. Remonstrance agalnat the above Improvement! dtst be filed In writing with the underalgned within 10 dava from tb dat of th firat publl-l nation of this notlc. By order of the council, - TH0S. C. DBVLIN, ' '.Auditor of th City of Portland. February 23, 1904. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT i OF OBBOON! ' - STREET. '.,-'.. . .; " Notlc ia hereby given that at th meeting) of the council of the city of Portland, OrsJ gon, hsld en the 17th dsy ef February, 1904, the following-resolution wss adopted: ! I n .. . WUBCU tI IDS City VT KPortlanl, Oregon, deems It expedient snd pro-i I OOSSa to Imrrn.a iirmmnm ...u, ... . fine of Esst Twenty-eighth street to the westj Jin of Eaat Twenty-ninth atreet in the fol lowing manner, to-wlt: . fy'r87 r",r1'nf e street full width jvith full Intersections to the proper grade. Second By conatrvctlng wooden sidewalk n accordance with the city engineer' plana,, apeelflcath.na and eatlmate. Said improvement to be made in accordance with the charter and ordinances of tbe olty of Portland and the plana, specifications and st1 ".l 01 ft c,tJ jntlnwr fled In th otflc ?.wni od'toL f ,B, Portlsnd on th. 121h day of February, 1904, Indorsed: "City engineer's plans and sped Ilea Hons for tb Im-,'r0l,mll-Lo, r,n "troet from tbe east tin of East Twsnty-elghth street to the west line i 5,,t Tw'n'r-nlnth street, snd the estimate ot lth!mo"i.i Am ,B probable total cost thereof, ' ' T B l' Improvemeat to b acsessedl aa provided by th city chart.tr apon the propV rty specially benefited theieby and which la hereby declared to be tbe following: Lot 5. 1,J?t -.4' ,n blr S, all In York. The engineer' eatlmate of the probable total ff' ' h improvement of slid Oregon street 4'bS. "'"l P,Jr'M and estimates ef the city engineer for the improvement ef said Oregon atreet are hereby adopted . . . 8 Reaolved, That the auditor of th city ef S,ti!Bib.u'1"1 h "y directed to glvi notice df tha propoaed Improvement of aald atreet as provided by the dty chsrter RemoMtrne agalnat the above improvement S,.lli'nB,, l". tb undersigned cation" of Sff rsX.h, d,t tot B7 rdr of tbe eounHl.' 1 ' - TttlM A P a as . j-. Jitrzjs. ioi i , . ' i '.:V: 'r- ' 'V:-. 1 V 11