The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 29, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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VOL." II. NO. 305.
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11 UUU11 II 1 lUllIlL fll 1
Japan Is Reported to Have Sustained
Injury to Three Vessels in Satur
day Night's Attack;
The Czar Receives Information That Japanese
Will Attempt-to Take Port Arthur by March
I Details Are Very Sadly Lacking x .
St Petersburg. Feb. 29. -It Is reported that Saturday, night the
Japanese made another spirited attack on Port Arthur and succeeded In
sinking; two Rusalan war vessels and a torpedo boat. The report Js un
confirmed but- color la given' to It by a later dispatch from Port Arthur
which states, on authority that General
Issued orders this morning directing the attention of the troops and '
'the inhabitants to the fact that the Japanese intended to land at Fort
Arthur within 48 hours and ateae the fortress. , '.""-
He called further attention to the recent successful onslaughts
mad by the mikado's fighters and Intimated that the Russian fleet now
lntheJljajbor. jwaa not able to fuUy.
ana that everybody must ngnt 10 me ueatn as none couia d savea witn- e
out doing bo, , "-',-,'
General Stoessel saya he gave no orders for surrender, and that re-
4 ports are loud in the opinion that China is now a. secret ally of Japan
and will soon become an open one. '
(Journal Special ferric.)
London, Feb. 29. The Japanese ad
vance in Korea is slow, and the troops
are encountering many difficulties. . On
the other hand, much activity is shown
by the Japanese fleet at Port Arthur,
and It is believed a final attack la im
minent. The Russian commander , has
warned all men capable of bearing arms
to be on hand for the defense ef the
city, and addressed a proclamation to
his troops never to surrender.
The Russians have much faith In the
army, and declare it Is ready to repulse
any effort on the -part of the Japanese
to advance further. '
Outpost fighting on the Talu continues
with loeses on each aide. The Russian
army is confronting the Japanese ad
vance and forces are about equal. There
seems no doubt now that the war will
la" soma years, as RusmIs's plana are
undoubtedly based on a watting game.
An additional corps of (000 of the en
gineers' division has been sent to the
front to strengthen the Siberian rail
road. Russia claims to have mined the
entrance to Port Arthur and its ap
proaches to such an extent that nothing
but torpedo boats can enter. These can
be easily destroyed, aa the Russiana
have guna so placed and sh,lps so lined
that they can bring powerful batteries
and rapid Are guns to bear to sink any
fleet of torpedo craft.
Irish People of Baa Traaclsco Oppose
. the Japanese. .
8an Franclnca Btireaa of The Journal.)
San Francisco, Feb. 29. Warm friend
ship for Russia and bitter opposition M
eupporttng Japan in the present struggle
was expressed by many speakers In the
convention of delegates from all Irish
societies of the city, assembled this
morning at 1133 Mission street. Ve
hement applause greeted each orator. All
Trusts and Corporations of England and United
States May Act in China as Great Britain
Has in India
xcirairva casjviai cwrvicfj.
(By BUchaal Savitt.)
New York. Feb. 29. Captain R. P,
Ilobson's optimistic forecast , of the
China market- for American products
gives one side of a vast economic prob
lem, but leaves the reverse side- un
touched. It is a tempting view of a
prodigious question which ignores all
dangers and pitfalls involved in pro
posed commercial ' exploitation , of the
moat populous empire of the world.
China, with "its huge aggregate of
400,000,000, human beings, may become
an enormous market for American manu
facturers. How. It could be made more
so under Japanese domination than wilder
Russia's superior Influence is not stated.
Hut thls'Js not the point. The truest ion
Is; Suppose capitalist, trusts and cor
porations of England and the )Lnite'd
Stoessel, commanding the forts,,
protect them against Ahe.danger,,
Inveighed against sharing of hostility
against Russia and called to mind Rua
ala'a continued friendship for the United
States. - . .
Speaker after speaker addressed the
convention and the motion to appoint.
committee on resolutions waa enthusias
tically carried. ; This committee will
draw up a statement of the attitude of
Irish realdents of Sua Francisco In re
gard to the present conflict and then
publish it. After the motion waa car
ried many others rose and aaserted that
the cause of Russia was identical with
that of America, and Ireland as against
England, which power is scheming to
gain control of the world.
Xuaalans Take a British Colli ar la the
Bad 8a. i
Liverpool, Feb. 29.-A private tele
gram this afternoon reports that Rus
sians captured the British collier Oriel
in the Red Sea this a. m.
Tien Tsln, Feb. 29. The Newspaper
Courier learns that the Japaneae cruisers
Aimoto and Token and the battleship
Tasnima. damaged in the last engage
ment at Port ArtHtir. are being towed
tg Nagasaki for repairs.
.... -v
Chancellor Bnalow Vara Hia Influence
With Berlin Bankers.
London, Feb. 39. The Oasette'a St
Petersburg correspondent atatea trwfov
that an important conference occurred
last week between the csar's confiden
tial; banker, Rothsteltv and Count Buft
low, the German chancellor. The latter
Is urged to keep up the value of Rus
sian securities With German financier
Buelow acted promptly and personally
(Contlued on Page Four.)
8tates should think of developing the
labor, skill, energise and poverty of
theaa 400.000.000, industrious. Intelligent
ana aocue peopie oy erection of mills.
lactones,- lounartes, workshops, etc.. in
their mt4ft. as English capitalists are
doing today in India and in Japan, what
men 7 ... ,
Capital haa neither patriottsm nor eon
science. By the direction .of the eco
nomic law of profits it goes where It can
obtain the greatest rewards for Ita in.
vestments, where efficient work can be
had for , the lowest wages.- and where
conditions, taxes and competition are
most favorable to a rapid acquisition
of wealth. .Thla is the governing creed
and . practice of capital ; everywhere.
China offeta to English and American
(Continued on Page Ta). '
' " puzzlb-who is rr?
J (ig, irrban,,
Rev L H. Downs Believes His Eloping Wife,
Who Red with Blacksmith Alvord From
t Wmlo iiis Under a Spell
Shunned by society and fugitives from
justice, Carl 8. Alvord and Mrs. Addle
Downs, who, fled from their homes in
Winlock, Wash., a week ago, remain in
hiding. The husband of the erring wo
man. Rev. T. H. Downs, of the Methodist
Episcopal church, has offered a reward
of ISO for the arrest of the elopers, and,
accompanied by Constable W. II Kelley,
is personally conducting the search. Rev.
Downs and Mr. Kelley are in Portland
today and are having descriptions of
.-. . ,.V . : j .
. .7 i . ;..
Alvord and Mrs. Downs struck off for
use by the police and secret service
agent on the coaat.
Believing that his wife is,the Victim
of the wiles of an unscrupulous man, Mr.
Downs desires to find her before she
awakens from her mad folly. "Will you
take her back to your hpme?" waa asked
of the husband, and he replied:
"It all depends upon the spirit she
manifests., I feel confident that she has
not been acting" rationally and when
she 'does throw off the spell that has
been. cast about her by Alvord life to
her will be worse than hell.
"I know this, for I am in a position
to almost know that until she met toe
man with whom she eloped she waa
aa pnre a woman aa ever walked the
earth. She is the youngest daughter of
two of the best old people I ever knew,
and when I took her to be my-wife,
12 years ago, I did so knowing perfectly
well that-1 had secured a good wo
man. Am AffectionaU Mother."
"Our married life was most congen
ial, and to her five children Mrs. Downs
was an affectionate mother. Her hur
ried flight on the evening of February
20 and the way in which she gathered
together some of her clothing leads me
to believe that what - arte did was un
premeditated and dime on the spur of
the moment. Because of thla I ara will
ing to devote, the rest of my life if
needs be to finding her and in punish
ing her betrayer. For the sake of what
the was aid may be .again and for the.
welfare of our children I am willing to
forgive her awful folly."
Mr. Downs exptalneu why Alvord and
Mrs. Downs 'were1 not held by the Tort
land police. "I knew that ror wife
and Alvord had left Winlock. on the lama
. -A. '"
"4 '
0- :
traln.half an hour after their flight."
said he, "and after consulting with Mar
shal J. I Myers , and telegraphing to
the conductor ; of the train, who In
formed us that' the couple were on his
train, we wired Chief of Police Hunt
to arrest them. , Then I went to the
prosecuting attorney ; and he Informed
me that , as w had n positive proof
that the two were traveling together
we couldd nothing. We discovered the
Incriminating facta only after the Port
land police had released them,
'--r "WO TTsa Irery BTaaoaav"'
"Jnst where they are I do not know,
but I feel that when every peace officer
on the coast 1 provided with their
photographs and descriptions and . is
urge wtth th offer of reward that they
cannot long escape arrest. I, Intend to
work throjlgh th church, too. In hun.t
.(Continued on Page Two.)
oy TK
At a Christening Party
a Killing Occurs for
No Reason.
Pursued by Police and Crowd Several
Shots Are Fired by Those As
sisting In Escape-Officers -
Are Successful.
(Rpeclal Dlipatch to The Joarnal.)
Freano, Cal.. Feb. 29. With ah- in
furiated mob after him," Pedro Pasqual,
after murdering Jose Molaras In a dance
at a Christening party here at A. Pinos
house last night, ran , wildly, up . the
street. With him were . Jose Feretta,
Pletro Feretta and Jose Renno. As he
ran a man named- McSherry tried to stop
PasQual and one of the other shot at
McSherry twice. The four 'men sep
arated, and were pursued by .a ; crowd.
The police were called and 'Officer Far-
num hurried ; after , Jose Renno and
reached his aouaa, Just as it door was
slammed. . ; ; ,
.A man from next door called t Re,nno
that it waa an officer, who was after
him and Renno immediately fired twice
at the officer but missed.
Chief of Police Morgan, with Police
men Perry, Simpson and Drenth soon
reached the house. Finally Officer
Simpson, with Farnum back of him, ad
vanced in the darkness and forced the
door open and Renno dropped hia gun
and surrendered.
The trouble arose over the noise
Pasqual, Renno and the- Ferreta's made
at the christening. After the day had
been spent In feasting and dringlng.
Pino gave a dance. Everything went
along merrily until Pino. asked Pasqual
and his companions to moderate their
enthusiasm. Morale called out to
them also and they invited Morales out
side. As he turned Pasqual fired. In
stantly a woman shrieked and the men
Jumped for the door. The" four ran with
the women and men after them, and the
crowd of pursuers waa constantly aug
mented aa they ran through the Mex
ican quarter. After Renno was arrested
there were threats of lynching, but the
police formed a strong guard and got
him to Jail In safety.
(Journal Special Service.)
Washington. Feb. 29.- The supreme
court haa granted the motion to advance
the case of Turner, the alleged, Brit
ish anarchist, whose deportation waa
ordered by the aecretary of commerce.
The case Is eet for April. The prisoner
was admitted to bail In the sum of
(Jonriul Kpvrlil flrrvlre.)
Chcago. Feb. 29. Epileptic experts
gave evidence today in the carbarn mur
derers' trial, in an attempt to show that
Vandine Is afflicted, with the disease.
(Journal Sperlal Service.)
Chicago. Feb. 29. It was Madded at
the Presbyterian hospital today to oper
ate upon Dr. Harper, presldent-of the
University of Chicago, for- appendicitis
Steamship Grace Dollar Becomes Disabled off
the Columbia River Bar and Is Rescued
After the Greatest. Difficulty
Imperial Dinpateh to The Journal.)
Astoria, Feb. 29. After a terrible ex
perience of four days the steamship
Grace Dollar, which sailed from Grays
Harbor last Wednesday with a cargo of
lumber for San Pedro, Cal., was towed
Into port here by th bar tug Wallula
yesterday and now lies at anchor off
the d. R. A K. wharf here.
Captain Olson, of the vessel, in sn in
terview today, said: "We left Grays
Harbor" Wednesday and all went wei'
until Thursday morning at II o'clock,
when the propellor failed to work. V I
mads sail, but the high wind then blow
ing turned Into a' fierce gals and the
vessel con 11 not be handled to any ad
vantage. We beat about until night
and then I realized tint unless assistance
same soon we ni.lelit be blown on North
beach. Finally, lumever, e gained a
In Dark Hours of Morn
Jng Steamship Queen Is
Dfscovered Ablaze.
Not Until 14 Lives Are Lost Is Danger
Over Gallant Fighting of Cap-
' tain, Crew and Passengers
Saves th Vesselr"7""
(8pecial IMnpttch to The Journal.) . ,
Seattle. Wash.. Feb. 29. In a tempesi
tuouB sea. Off a treacherous coast a hor
ror was barely averted Saturday morn
ing. .
The Pacific Coast Steamship com
pany's vessel Queen, Captain Cousins,
took fire in the social hall of the ship
at 4 :J0 o'clock la the morning, and but
for the three hours desperate fighting
of the officers, crew and passengers of
the boat more than 200 lives would un-douMetUy-'riave
-bernifwtr "The tragedy
would have been one of "a fir at sea.,
AS it is, four lives were lost by drown
ing and by fire and smoke. , ,
iWhen. the fire was discovered the mas
ter of the ' vessel assembled every soul
on deck. Order was maintained and as
the Are call bad been sounded before
this, ; the ' ship's crew was already at
work with streama directed on the flrece
flames raging in the saloon. .
Fearing a panic and believing that
lifeboats could live In the nasty, choppy,
seas running. Captain Cousins ordered
all boats launched. Three of these cap
slsed. The first boat road safely, th1
second capsised, but all occupants were
rescued exceptMiss Steiner t of t Cle
Eium, Wash. Another boat 'also cap
stsed after riding the sea for more than
10 minutes, and at the time -was half
a mile from the ship, , Other smalt
boats rescued all but five of the unfor
tunates. : ' -
The third boat to be lowered capsised
before it reached the water. A line
broke from the davit and spilled four
sailors, the only occupants. Into the
ocean. All were washed under the ship
and drowned.
Mrs. E. Adams, an aged woman of
Seattle, died of fright and exposure an
hour after the vessel was discovered;
ablase. !
The Captain's Story.
In reviewing the details of the terref
of the scene. Captain Cousins this mom
ing gave the following account:
"AtM:J0 o'clock Saturday mornlnr,
while the. Queen waa SO miles off shore
and westward of the Tillamook ' light.
I was aroused tn ray cabin by- Second
Officer Reese, who was on duty on the
hrldre. He called that the shin nil
afire. Not waiting to dress, I ran t
the deck barefooted and clad In pa
Jamas. The morning was very dark,'
with a wind of 15 knots. ; i '
"I saw smoke issuing from the main
cabin and ran in after ordering the Are
call to be sounded. Never did a crew re
spond more quickly. to that call that
means more than all others to the sailor
on the high seas.
"Wtthln five minutes one line of hose
Was ready and another in two minutes
afterward. I made my way to the social
hall, which is aft. and on opening th
door I saw that the Interior was a fur
nace of fire.' Everything was being con
sumed and I knew that unless the names
(Continued on Page Two.)
point five miles off the Columbia rivet,
bar, but to go inside would be tmpoe
slble. ,
"Disaster seemer sure and . certain
after standing out all night Friday and
Saturday, When: yesterday morning
broke I discerned a las' siesmlng fur
us. It proved to be the Wallula. Cap
tain Reed, and as she mad our direc
tion she was constantly overnwept bf
the high sea a, I did not know wliirii
veaael was in the wont fl.v. The i
successful! made our port i -I I
threw the steel pawner abemrd at") i
began a tow " that fn my .xjcrtf r. 1
have- never seen a more 1 i f?t . - j!t orm.
"We- wr st last -carried over r'-.-t
bar ami to the jmeMWi wl.-r t ',.,
now lies. Nothing li il-(ni'.i -i
th Crura 7;.Ur, I'V-pl t f
au.l the ruMi'i aa'. af-r i ;.