TIIJJOKEGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVEN13TG, FEBRUARY . 25, 1904. SHERIFF'S FORCES DEFY THE JUDGE Jailer Jackson Holds' Young Norrlin for More Than an Hour After Receiving Orders for His " Release Wanted Authorities to Act In direct defiance of an order of the tate circuit court, young C. H. Norrlin was held for an hour and a half tn eon- fnemnt at the county jail yesterday. The order of release, signed by Presiding Judge Cleland was placed In the han:ls of Jailer Damon; D. Jackson at 4:30 , o'clock yesterday afternoon by Marion K. Johnson, clerk of the court. The ho van not given his freedom until 6:B3 o'clock, and no move toward his - telease-was-inado- uutll his benefactor. Hert C.BbII of the Willamette Iron and Steel .work was apprised of the facts, and going to the prison, demanded that . the order of the court bo honored. A The -object In view in defying; ihe or der of Judge Cleland was to hold Norr- v Un until a' warrant could reacn hero from Seattle for his arrest on some h other charge, ' '. . The prosecution of Norrlin on a for gery charge was dropped, because Mr. . XSnll Interceded for him and offered him i employment. The court believed he t fhould be given a chance to redeem 1 Wmself. as he is only 22 years old. and so far as known here, this is his first , offense. " " " When Clerk Johnson delivered lo .4 Jailer Jackson the order of Judge Clc . Unfl that the prisoner be released the ' latter was surprised. He had evidently rot been informed of what had taken place In court In the morning. He hur ried to the telephone and told the So. ;t little authorities that if they wished Norrlin arrested they had better "gel : a move on," as an order for his release if had been received. That Jackson acted under orders ffom Sheriff Storey is commonly believed, as he would not caro to take such chances of being declared LITTLE KNOWLEDGE PROVES DANGEROUS While engaged in pounding each other, B. M- Hooper and Carl Axen were ar rested on the corner of First and Colum ; liia streets by Patrolman Shane late yes , lerday afternoon. Axen.A who is a young German, did not understand American swear, words and Is said to have used strange words In a reckless manner, while Hooper, who did understand, proceeded : to fight. Hooper paid to the clerk of the ; municipal court 110; Axen went his way ' lejoicing. ' "I been a German man and can no RUSSIANS REPORT VICTORY TOO SOON (Jcmrnal Special Service.) Toklo. Feb. 25. The Japanese foreign office says that the last attack on Port Arthur was not a failure and that the Russians were premature In reporting a victory, The Japanese claim that they succeeded In blocking the entrance' to -Ihe harbor and suffered no loss to their torpedo fleet. The Russian reports are declared to be colored --for the purpose of keeping up the courage of the people and for securing sympathy. London, Feb. 25.--While the report of the victory of. the Russians at Port Arthur comes from official Russian sources, it is not thought that Japan Buffered injury. She may have failed to All the channel with cruisers and torpedo boats, but her fleet was not -damages. It Is believed that Admiral Togo is again attacking Port Arthur today, both land batteries and the ships receiving fire. Another large force of Japanese is said to have been landed on Korean soil. v ' . JAP AW APTEB AXB8XXP8. May Use Then la the Con&lot With ' the Bnsslans. .... San Franrlaco Bureau of Tb Journal.) San Francisco, Feb. 25. The Ameri can Aerial Navigation company of this city claims they will be given a contract to build four airships for the Japanese government. The company , owns the Oreth airship, that recently astonished the people here by raising over the city. J. O. Brubakec, fiscal agent of the Qreth airships, said today: "While matters have not reached a point where I can say that we will build four of these vessels for the Japanese government, from negotiations that are , now taking place and the satisfaction of 1 the Japanese at the terms we have sub mitted to them, I think that I can safely say that we wilt shortly be in re- , ceipt of an order from the Japanese government to put out four ships. "We can construct four ships, or even f more than that, In as short a time as we rould one. At a rough estimate, I would say that in 46 days the vessels would be Teady for shipment. What takes the time in constructing vessels is the dry- ' trig out of the silk. Aside from that, the work can be rushed through. "As on engine of defense in time of ' war, airships are destined to wield such a tremendous power that the mere con templation of its destructive force will make wars between nations impossible. "Two great powers equipped with 109 airships each would not dare en gage in mortal combat; It would mean nothing less than complete annihilation AN OFFER. "Say! Mr. Elephant, what will you ttk to let our theatrical company vat you for a bill boardf ft guilty of contempt of court otherwise,;. This occurred at 4:30 o'clock in the afternoon. A half hour later, orrlln not having been freed. District Attorney Manning was notified. He said that. If the iailer had the temerity to disregard an order of Judge Cleland, one from himself would be inoperative, and ad vised that Mr. Ball be notified. When the facts were communicated to the lat- ter he hunied to the county Jail. "Has Norrlin been -released?"-lie-que- ried. "No; h is here yet," replied Jailer Jackson, "I understand an order from Judge Cle land was sent down some time gor in structing you to free him." "That is true, but we have been" very busy. You may take him now." No other answer could be delivered. By refusing a request to release the prisoner after the order' waa received it was patent that complaint would be made to the court and the facts come out. Norrlin had no property at the Jail and the time required to release him would have been only long enough to walk to the door of his cell and turn the key In the lock. ! "If the Jailer held Norrlin an hour and 25 mtnutes after; the order of the court was delivered he did something net knew he had no right to do." said Judge Cl land this morning. "If complaint were, made to me and an Investigation showed that to be the fact he should be adjudged guilty, of contempt. This is not the first. time the sheriff's omee has exceeded its authority. They once tried to hold a man accused of train robbery in every way conceivable after 'he' had been or dered released." - fight." saM. Axen when Judge Hogue asked for his story regarding the en counter. Hooper's face did not tell the same .tale for one eye was somewhat larger than when in a normal condi tion. "He said something in German," said Hooper, "and I thought he was calling me a name, I 'asked him if lie had called me that name. Axen thought I had called him the name that I had thought he had called me." Axen was discharged and Hooper paid his 110 fine. The advent of airships means peace. But fortunately Jn , this case neither country is as yet in possession of air ships, and from the standpoint - of an expert, I would say that Japan will be able to do great destruction to her op ponents should she decide to adopt this modern instrument of war." FIELD. DAY AT VANCOUVER POST Vancouver, Wash., Feb. ,25. The monthly military field day was held at the garrison today and a keen compe tition was , aroused : in many of the events. , The lOOfjjard dash was won by Private Campbell, Twenty-sixth battery, In 11 seconds; Laughlln of company K. Nineteenth Infantry, crossed the wire second and Private Thompson of com pany A third. The 200-yard hurdle waa won by Sergeant Sawyer, company H, tn 2V and 2-5 seconds; Private Jefferies of the Twenty-sixth battery came in sec ond and Private Trolley of 'company A thlrd. The half mile heel and toe walk was won by First Sergeant Turflt of company B in 3 minutes, 25 seconds, Sergeant' Summers of the Twenty-Sixth battery taking second place. The litter race was won by the first team of the Twenty-sixth battery composed of First Sergeant Hieda and Private Christian, time S minutes, 27 seconds; the second team of the battery took second place and the B company team third. Sergeant Parfit and Private Berthhoud composing this team. In the boxing contest be tween Private Bersel of company B and Private Jefferies of the Twenty-sixth battery the latter waa given the de cision in the third round on points. MANY MORE WILL VOTE THIS YEAR The number of registrations for the coming election up to last night was 11,620. For the same relative period last year it was 9,128. The number reg istering yesterday was only 288, though two clerks accommodated those who could not come during the day at night. County Clerk Fields will advertise for bids for election supplies next week. He has not yet. set the date for the pri maries. WXBSEBEB POB HOBBY. (Journal Special Service.) Los Angeles, Feb. 25. George Boss ier was found dead this morning under a wagon In a corral with his throat cut. It looks like a case of murder for rob bery. NOT GUILTY. MOTHER Why, Willie, I believe you've been fighting with ttt awful Flnnegan boyl : WIIXIE No, mam. When I fights I oee after. a kid with a reppertatlon. ' v 4 6 LOVE ESTATE IS VALUABLE ONE ACCOBSXiTO TO PAPERS PIXED XV cotrarTT coubt, lewis lovb LETT PBOFEBTY WOBTK $334,000 OTHEB SUITS OP XNTEBEST IW VOLVXD IN SETTLEMENT. The executors of the estate of Lewis Love, deceased, have applied to the county cout (to have the amount of tne Inheritance tax on the estate determined. Their desire Is to have the tax fixed in order that It may be paid before March 8, the expiration of the period during which payment will save a discount of Q per cent. More than ordinary interest attaches to the Love affairs at this time on account Of a petition filed a few days ago by Royal F. Love, a grandson of the deceased, to be appointed the guardian of his father, F. I. Love. Thtt petitioner stated that his father is fast squandering hi patrimony and is under the Influence of one Sally Maguire, to whom he has deeded valuable property. The deed may be set aside by order of court. . ' Lewis Love died on July 3, 1903. leav ing an. estate which has since been ap praised at $334,006.19. By will it was provided that an undivided sixth life interest In the property should go to each of six children. There are 19 grandchildren, making 25 legatees. In the petition filed this morning, it Is men tioned that as the sixth Interest exceeds tn value $5,000. according to law. the 25 legatees hold property to the value of 1125.000, exempt from taxation. Added to this will be the cost of administra tion, 18,768.72; estimated executors' fees of $6,800, and an attorney's fee. RAIN MAY COME BEFORE SUMMER The weather man says it will also rain tomorrow and very likely the fol lowing day and even the next. A heavy rain was falling this morning at the mouth of the river, and the barometer was dropping, indicating that another big storm Is brewing oft the coast. In the language of the weather man the situation is as follows: - 4 "The signs point to the approach of another disturbance; locally there will be rain." ' The Willamette has risen slightly during the past 24 hours, now standing at 11.1 feet at Portland. At all points up the river it Is' falling, and no flood is imminent. The Snake river is rag ing, but that will not affect the Willam ette, The Snake is 11.5 feet above the low water mark at Weiser, Ida. FRANK ATTORNEY PROTECTS CLIENT "Tour honor, I have investigated the case of the prisoner and am convinced he will -be freed if given a proper trial. I am entirely too busy to defend him now, and feel that If I take his case he will be convicted. I ask that I be ex cused from serving' as his counsel." This was the frank statement 'of At torney Jerry Bronaugh in the state clr cult court this morning when the case of George Morency, charged with lar ceny from the person, was called. He was appointed to defend the boy yes terday by Presiding Judge Cleland. In view of Bronaugh's statement, the. court appointed Attorney Bert Haney o de fend him and continued the case until tomorrow. ' , ; YOUNG MURDERERS SENTENCED TO HANG . . (Journal Special Service.) V . Chicago, Feb, 25. James Sammons, 18 years of age, and John Lynch, 19 years old, were today sentenced to be hanged for the murder of Patrick Bar rett, a saloon-keeper, in an attempted holdup. An accomplice, Hugh Rellley, 18 years of age, was sentenced for life. The boys were all unperturbed, but the two sisters of Rellley created a scene. THB OOI.DEH PLEDGE. Once again the big broad gold wedding ring has rolled back Into fashion. The big new rings, are made of what la called barbaric gold. They are en tirely hand-wrought of metal so nearly pure that they will bend easily. Broad as these rings are, not one of them is thick , or clumsy or finished with burnished surface. The dull, rich and slightly alloyed precious metal la hand some and highly decorative -for any feminine hand. Sometimes the rough tracery of a vine runs about the outer surface of ' the ring and inside, within an oval, are rudely marked the initials of the con tracting parties. Not Infrequently the lettering la done In Greek or Hebrew characters with some short and appro priate motto from Plato or the Bible following. The newest of wedding rings can be had In the red gold of India, the. green gold of Australia or the peculiarly pallid gold of Alaska. At this moment all those brides who like to cherish and encourage the newest sentiments pre sent their husbands with a ring. A plain, circlet, richly carved, and en graved with . motto and initials, is the best choice, and this ring Is slipped on the benedict's finger by the lady Just before or after the ceremony, as she finds the time and opportunity pro pitious. UNCLE HIRAM Mandy'll adon be a rcg'lar young woman. ' AUNT HETTY Yes, Indeed. , 8he'a Just, beglnnln' to worry about her freckles. , GROWING. JUDGE PETITIONS A X B. WSX8TEB Or . TXX COTHfTT coubt oovrrerczo op xkjto- CEJTCB OP WIX.Z.ZAKT BOYD PBB P ABES A BEQUEST TO THE OOV EBHOB TO BET TOUWO KAZT PRES. For : several - reasons County Judge Webster haa become so firmly convinced that young William Boyd, serving a sentence of six months at the county jail, is Innocent of the charge of lar ceny from the person, that he has drawn up a .petition to Governor Chamberlain to set him free. The petition will also be. signed by Police Judge Hogue, the committing magistrate. Boyd is accused of stealing $6 from a sailor in a north end saloon. He was tried before Judge Hogue and found guilty, being Sentenced to serve six months in the county jail on last Novem ber 21. The only witness against him was Sam Herman, who has' since pleaded guilty to the charge of forgery and is now held at the county jail pending sentence. - - "Several persons have' spoken to me about Boyd," said Judge Webster yes terday. "The guards . who look after him when he Is at work on the. roek pile are satisfied of his Innocence; He Is a model prisoner and firmly protests his innocence. The fact that the only witness against him has since pleaded guilty to forgery is a strong point in his favor." The petition was drawn up last even ing and signed by Judge Webster today. As soon as Judge Hogue. the city at torney and a number, of others have appended their signatures It will be sent to the governor. RIVERS RISE FROM CALIFORNIA STORMS " (Journal Special Service.) Sacramento, 'Feb. 25. The storm has apparently broken. The river is slowly rising, but no danger to the city is an ticipated. There were heavy rains In the foothills the last 24 hours. The American river Is very high and com ing down. The Feather and Yuba are also high, but most of the water Is run ning out into the Yolo basin. Three miles below Marysville the track was washed away for 600 feet, and the Ore gon train turned back. There Is anxiety for the levees below Colusa, rx.ooos xar ttjbxestaw. ( Journal Special Service. ) St.- Petersburg, Feb. 25. During the extensive floods along the Amudure river in Turkestan, the city of Petroalex has suffered the worst. A great num ber of buildings were washed away and many lives lost. STAES -WITE A1TX H2MSELT. (Journal Special Service.) Los Angeles, Feb. 25. Louts Antlv eros this morning-stabbed Refugio Ra mirez, a common-law ' wife, to death, then fatally stabbed himself. Anttveros was drunk and quarreled over a trivial matter. . OZBZ.I ABB HOUSBWOBK. Statement of the "Problem" and Its Katural Solution. From the New York American. The ever-pressing problem of how to get good domestics seems to be pressing with unusual weight upon . the house wives of New York Just now. At bottom the problem Is a social one. Most girls who have to be self-supporting prefer the store and the (factory to housework, not because the money Re wards and material comforts offered by the latter are less, but for the reason that domestic service entails a surren der of personal liberty and a social de scent. It is absurd, of course,' that in a re public all honest work should -not be deemed equally honorable, but the spirit of caste has been brought over from the old world, and American girls have an Invincible repugnance against confess ing themselves inferior to anybody, So they avoid occupations which would cause them to be "looked down on," how ever unjustly and foolishly. The girl who works in a store or shop has fixed hours. Her day's toll done, she is her own mistress, precisely as a workman is his own master. It is not so with the domestic. In the great ma jority of cases the employer insists on regarding her relation to her servant as feudal. She feels, somehow, that she is the girl's guardian and has the right to supervise her incomings and .outgo ings, to question her about what she does in her leisure, and to be her "mis tress" as well as employer. All this meddling is usually kindly meant, but none the less it reduces the girl from the status of a free employe to that of a vassal. The time will corns when housework will be done on the same terms as other work. That is, the employer will pay so much for so many hours' service in the household, just as the employer now pays for the services of the carpenter or plumber, and will no more think of having anything to say about the pri vate concerns of the houseworker than she now does of inquiring into the per sonal affairs of the carpenter or plum ber. And when that time comes when the houseworker ceases to be the protege of the mistress, subject to patronage, cross-questioning and reproof as to mat ters beyond the work paid for, the "serv ant girl problem" will solve itself. Then caste prejudice will no longer have food to feed on, for the houseworker will be as Independent as any other worker., The custom of girls living at home and going to the employers' house to do their tasks, as girls gb to the store and factory, Js a growing one, and should be encouraged. It has its inconveniences, but it makes for personal freedom, for emancipation from the condition of the "servant," liable to call at all hours, and to a superintendence of action which, while in many Instances doubtless salu tary, neverthless causes that dislike for housework which is felt so deeply among girls, who have a natural American de sire to belong to themselves., A Comfort to Know. Every girl who Is dissatisfied with her self should remember that she is better looking than the kindest of looking glasses bids her believe: A mirror cannot flatter a face that Is In Its natural state that is, not "made up." Even the very best plateglass has a pale green tinge, which reflects a color a trifle less clear than the original, says an ex change. v , Hair also has always a. more glossy sheen than the glass shows. If jt Is wavy the glass never shows the best of the waves, and if it Is straight the glass increases the straight appearance, ' Remember "rto one ever looks at the face so closely or so critically as the owner of It looks at the reflection In the glass. Blemishes that are a grief to a girl may pass quite unnoticed by "her meoas. , . - FOR PARDON & ETERNAL YOUTH . ;: ; VV H SARAH BERNHARDT, WHO iJl St ST -i r 1 1 IK m m r ,.A v,. m .i. .t .. .-'v.v. v.' ft ' ' v". .'.,',' .t mz&sij 4i ' v.- These, pictures show Mme. Sarah Bernhardt, the preat French' actress, at her home In Brittany. It Is often said that the "divine Sarah" seems to have discovered the secret of eternal youth. The secret simply consists in taking plenty of healthy exercise, sleeping nine hours a day, and eating sensible food. In that way she preserves her physical youth. Her mental youth Is the, result of the absorbing Interest that her art has been to her. , Her life has been so filled With this great Interest that she has , had no time to fret and fume and develop lines of discontent and ennui. It would be well for every woman could she become interested in some one pursuit. Stagna tion Is killing. The woman who succumbs to It will soon find herself far in the rear, faded, forgotten and soured. Get some interest, no matter how small it LAND SWINDLERS WORKED BOLDLY (Journal Special Service.) New" York, Feb. 25. In the trial of JT. A. Benson, Woodford K. Harlan, a clerk in the land division of the Interior department, swore that In a decoy let ter to Bensgn, written December 9, un der the direction of Agent . Burns, by authority of the secretary of the inter ior, he (Harlan) offered to furnish Ben son a' stenographer's notes of special agents' reports for . a consideration of $1,000 or, if Burns would come to Wash ington he would for $600 have the sten ographer's notes read to him. . The let ter from Harlan to Benson crossed while Benson was en route east. When he finally received it It was carefully preserved and as produced in court to day was written In pencil without date Uncertain. rJm THE DOCTOR "Well, what teems to be the trouble? THE PATIENT I ain't sure wed- dee It's unrequited love or too much tllekarlah-' drop. ..m-.- . V if c i . - - ' Mi VVT 1 IS 55 YEARS OLD AND DOES NOT LOOK MORE THAN 30. or signature. It was posted December 9. The production of the letter created great surprise, and. confounded Harlan. Asked by J. M. Campbell why he falsely swore that the letter offered certain Stenographic notes.' Harlan was-apparently greatly confused and admitted that he had sworn falsely In order to make out a case for the government.' Harlan also admitted he lied when he swore he had given the letter to Barnes to mall. ; ' ' ' " ' ' PORT TOWNSEND RAILROAD URGED The ' completion of a railroad from Port Townsend, ' Wash,,- to Portland Is the subject , of a letter received" today by the chamber of commerce from A. Brotherton, 'in which he 1 says - that in conversation with a prominent 'business AN - EASY ONE. "Why, pal I thought you was go ' Ing to ahow. mo. some new tricks. I caido that one myseiT. '.. 'i- "I 'if. ..... ' - -' ' ' A . 'IWiV.-'1'- -.-f?. ' - - r ; ' Mi. :i a 11! I CM mi ,,. m ' v v.'- ' may be; make up your mind that you will not be left behind. If you are married and have children, your first duty (s to them; but try and find time to do a little good reading read - the papers, keep up with the march of current events don't let your children get ahead . of you. If you are not married, search until you find the pursuit for "which you ' are best fitted, make a hobby of it, and ride it for all it is worth. An aimless woman is a very forlorn spec tacle. It Is the aimless woman who Is subjected to that objectionable term, "old mnld." But, matron or maid, every woman likes to look as young as pos sible. In 'order to -accomplish this, she must never look bored, and in order to avoid being bored she must And some' great, absorbing Interest. . BEATRICE FAIRFAX. man who was en route to Seattle to purchase goods, the latter expressed his preference.- for Portland and said he would -, be glad to buy his stock from Portland merchants and manufacturers If ' there was direct -communication be tween the two places. .. Port Townsend business men feel the same way about Portland. ' The Port Townsend South ern railroad is partially constructed. It is owned .by the Northern Pacific com pany and Mr. - Brotherton urges the chamber JO us its 'influence v to have the road completed . to- Portland He says It will open a great territory ex tending all the way into Alaska and will be mutually beneficial to Portland and the districts which will be, brought In touch with It. TEALS BIO SWM Or MO WIST. Boston, Feb. 25. Wallace Ham. man ager of the American Security Buret company, was arrested . this sfterno-'' charged with the larceny of $104.00f RETORT SUDDEN, UNCLE 8 O A K L Y Of course, Bobby, a flower Is perennial when It laats a long time. - , BOBBY Is your rum blossom perennial?- Pop says vou'vo had it fo yearil" - , , . 'I. 1