THE OREGON DAILY JOUBNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. EEBRUATtY 25. 1904. ALLESINA GETS . !$So.WiFmai Mm THE DIFFERENT STORE Largest "Daylight Store" in the Northwest ' TOWN TOPICS $13,000 JUDGMENT - A letter has been prepared which n sent out yesterday br the Lewis and Clark exposition a commission to the newspapers of the state, In which atten tion Is called to the St. Louis fair, and the opportunity afforded for advertising the state there. The press is requested to call on the county authorities and . commercial organizations of each county In the state,-with view of securing concerted aptlon 01J their part, for the preparation of literature consisting of not less than 60,000 to 100,000 pamphlets descriptive of eack section of the state preparing them, which should be sent to W. H. Wehrung, general superintend ent of the Oregon exhibit at the fct Louis exposition. ' Mis addreBS is the Stearns building, Portland. This, adver. tislng matter should be in the nanus f the superintendent not later than May 16th, and earlier if possible, ' . . ' The chamber of commerce received yes terday a letter from Robert J. Whltson ot - Chicago, offering to make a picture eight feet wide and 150 feet-long to be exnio ited at the St Louis exposition as a part of the Oregon exhibit, to cost iz.ooq and transportation. He says it will be on one sheet of paper and made from one -- negative, and suggests that It be a. pho tograph- taken from the top t -one-ef Portland's bridges of the city" and -vl einlty. The circle of view would in clude S60 degrees', and the picture would be taken by a camera of his own inven tion and enlarged by, a process that he has Just invented. He also ' suggests . that it could be shown to- good effect as a panoramic view covering the inside of a. circular building. ! . draft for $614.14 has been sent to Aalesund, Norway, for the benefit of the sufferers from the recent disastrous Are at that point - The fund was raised by subscription and an entertainment held Sunday evening in A Hon hall. The voo V pie from Norway, In Portland, deeply sympathise with the people in the old country, who have been left homeless and will make further effort to raise more money. v : ' , v A housewife's care Is given every garment laundered by us. With our steam-heated polisher that does not burn the linen, or weaken, its liber, comes our great care for every piece of laun dry that passes through our hands. This has given our laundry a name that new concerns can not acquire for years and years. Union Laundry, Second and Co lumbia. Another case of smallpox, has devel oped at the home of John Alband at Laurelwood. A nine-year-old boy now has the disease. The mother, who was a believer in faith healing, died two weeks ago of smallpox. Dr. EJvans, the health officer, received a report . on the latest rase yesterday and Immediately went to Laurelwood. v .... Remember, the Portland Custom Shoe & Repair Co. guarantee their aole sewing not to rip, as we have the only perfected shoe machine on the coast Surpasses hand work. Ladies' sewed soles, SO cents; gent's, 75 cents and up. Work railed for -an dell veredV "Phone Red 2955, or call 29 Yamhill street Turn Halle building. Robert Livingstone will deliver a tereoptlcon, lecture tomorrow at West minster church. East Tenth and Weedier .streets, at 8 p. m. The subject will be, "Sir Walter- Scott and Scotland.'.' The proceeds rlll be given to Westminster churcn. . . nrsvxairos compart oxxkcxxs to VAT nCB 'rUXA SVM SEMAJTDED VOX TOW LOSS DXSPT7TS OTZB APPRAISER'S CTOTJTHJES BBOTTCrXT By the decision of Judge Fraser, de livered In the state circuit court this morning, live Insurance companies will be oblige- to pay John Allesina. the umbrella merchant amounts aggregat ing 113,562, and settle the costs of suit . Judgment was entered only In the, suit of .Allesina, against the Liver pool, London & .Globe ; Insurance- com pany, but it was agreed before the hear ing .that the decision should also bind the Westchester Fire Insurance com pany of New Yorkr the Atlas Insurance company of London, the London & Lan cashire Insurance company of London and the Worwlck Union Fice Insurance company. A separate suit a gainst ..the Fire Association of Philadelphia is yet to be heard. The facts show that the companies agreed -tohe. appointment of appraisers and . the selection of an umpire," said Judge Fraaer. ."It told them to gft to work and conferred with ,: its own ap pointee while Allesina . was conferring with his during the progress-f the examination. They let the matter run along for a month or two, and more than that, after the' value of the prop erty destroyed was appraised the attor neys of the company, writing from San Francisco, informed Allesina that while they deemed the award too high they would make no further request for a reduction, but ' would be pleased if he voluntarily consented to a reduction. The deficiencies alleged were mere irregular! ties and might have been corrected. The court la of the opinion that by the ac tion of the defendant company any irregularity was waived. The findings will be in favor of Allesina for the full amount asked.". ,.. Alleslna's place of business, at ' SO) Morrison street was destroyed by. fire last April. The companies could not agree on the damage and appraisers were appointed. The companies refused to abide by the decision of one appraiser and the umpire, auit following as a re sult. Their cross complaints were set aside. The Fire Association of Phlla delphla appealed from the order set ting the cross bill aside to the supreme court ;r5:5r"",Va'aVa Chiefly Personal The Jury yesterday afternoon ' In the east side Justice's court brought In a verdict in favor of W. S. Davis In the suit which Mrs. Carrie B. Coffey brought against hira for 1150 damages on ac count of injury to household goods which she had stored with him. Charles E. Shaw, after being at the flood Samaritan hospital for the past 10 days. Is out again. He is the cashier at the Oregon Railroad Navigation company's local freight in this city. . D. C Freeman, who has been con fined to his residence for the past week by an attack of measles. Is at his desk in the office of Director-General H. W. Goode of the Lewis and Clark exposi tion. .;; . A course of physical culture will do you more good than all the medicine in the world. Prof. Rlngler'a Physical Culture school, 309 Alder street New term begins March 1. "Regular Fifth Ward Republican Club" will hold a meeting tomorrow (Friday) evening at S o'clock. Italian hall. Fourth and Mill streets. Fine day! Bu ' Meredith's umbreliaa Repairing and recovering. Two stores Washington and th. Morrison and 6th. Steamers - for The Dalles will leave Alder-street wharf 7 a. m. dally (except Sunday). Phone Main 14. Wahoo Tonic, assisted with Wahoo Oil, will cure the worst case of rheumatism. L. Shamaker, furrier, J0 Burnslde st . No appetite, bilious? Use Wahoo. WTJUb AXD PAT. . The Laramie, Wyo mining exchange writes the Lewis and Clark exposition cordpratlon: "We will be there with a splendid exhibit of every mineral found in Wyoming and will do all we can to make the Lewis and Clark exposition a success.", ' MANN &. BEACH PFJNTEJCS 92 Second Street Cround Floor BEST WORK Low Prices Telephone 444 WHO DOES YOUR LAUNDRY? If we are not already doing It we feel that we should at least have a trial order. - Washing done here that' is not satisfactory we refund the money. -Be sides doing first-class work we guar antee not to shrink your underwear and will mend your clothes and darn your socks. What more could you askT OREGON LAUNDRY and TOILET SUPPLY CO. Phone East 13. O. T. XYAX8, Mgr. Mayor W. F. Matlock and Mrs. Mat lock of Pendleton, who have been visit Ing in- Portland for the past week, re turned borne yeaterday. Supreme President P. A. McPh BFserrJ of the Order of Lions has gone to Call' fornla on a business trip. Ha will be absent several weeks. C. W. Thompson, a lumberman from Cascade Looks, is In the city. Mrs. Baker, widow of the late Dorsey 8. '-Baker, prominent capitalist and banker of . Walla Walla, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Louis F. Ander son. is registered at the Portland. Mrs. Anderson is the wife of Vice-President Anderson of Whitman college. Supreme President P. A. MacPherson of the Independent Order of Lipna left today for San Francisco, on a business trip, ... v .,' .' , - HOMELESS BOAT STILL AN ORPHAN The location of the flreboat station is still a matter that is perplexing the mayor and the executive board. Some spot on the east side of the river will be selected, and possibly at the foot of East Washington street. The mayor and members of the board visited this place yesterday afternoon. "Tha foot of East Washington street," said William Fliedner, member of the executive board, "is the best place we have in mind. It commands the docks along the river to a good advantage. However, we have not yet taken official action regarding the site." The new .flreboat Is to be launched next Saturday morning. Kngineer Fred A. Ballln, who has charge of the con struction, will confer with Mayor Wil liams this afternoon to decide upon a sponsor and arrange details' of the cere mony. The flreboat is In the yards of the Portland Shipbuilding company, in South Portland. The yards are near the foot of Glbbs street. A large crowd la expected to be in attendance, Including a number of the city officials. WORLD CANTATA BY MONTAVILLA PUPILS . The DUDila of the Montavllla school will tv an untartllnmml tnmnrMj evening in Woodman halt Montavllla, for the purpose of raising money to pur chase a piano for the school. The "Can tata of, tha Nations'' wt;i ;e presented by 40 of the pupils. It consists of representatives 'from the different- na tions visiting the United States. There are two representatives, a hpy and a girl, from each nation. They appear In tha costume of the countries which they represent and will sing a song characteristic of the country.- There are also a number of pretty choruses in the core. Besides the cantata? there will be music by the boys' quartet the girls' sextet and a mandolin club made up of boys and girls. Over 200 tickets have already been sold. S. E. Hunter of Mount Tabor has the affair in charge. EXHIBIT RULES FOR LEWIS AND CLARK FAIR The classification of and rules govern ing exhibits at the Lewis and Clark exposition have been completed by Di rector of Exhibits H. E. Dosch, and were today submitted to Director-General It W. Goode. As soon as they can be paased on these rules will be sent to the printer and will be ready for distribution In a few days. There Is great demand for information on the subject covered by this publication. The rules will be in surd in pamphlet form and will taks probably SO pages. ' SALTER WZW AOAXW. " Frank Salter, the young man who at tempted to commit suicide last Monday by taking laudanum, left Good Samari tan hospital last night THE HOME OF QUALITY AND WORTH FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS The GoodOld Sign bargainI; I ... I LX W : I ; ,--ei-r---... We'd Like to See You Here Tomorrow . OUR Ego I . r I I at L The Olds, Wortman $i King RELIABLE STORE WILL BE ON ! BORNE ON THE WAVES OF POPULARITY, Our Great Friday Economy Sales Have Topped the Crest of Success! We always offer you bargains on Friday, you expect it. This time.we are offering you more bargains, and better, . than you did expect. Buying poor quality goods is wasting money no matter how little you pay for them. Our great triumphant, Colossal, February "Colonial Sale V9 Is a triumph of quality over cheapness. It affords an opportunity for the most critical and careful buyer TO SAVE wjnu on me uesx eooas. iou can duv wunoui icar 01 aisapuuuumtiu m mainiou, nuimnaiwuy, vuumuiuj ,s . . . .. . . .... J . . xi ... n... il. 11 V-..MI C... tm 1U. tr.l.... H style, fullness of size or satisfactory wear, and the More You Buy the More You'll Save, for the Values Have Never Been Equaledl Hundreds of unprinted bargains are here, designated by "Colonial Sale" cards scattered broadcast thro' the store. Try a jaunt thro', don't miss a floor or aisle or you'll miss a score or more of rare bargains. Read on 43d FRIDAY "ECONOMY SALE" 1st floor Specials Men's Underwear Under priced $2.25 Linen Mesh Garments $1.25 We offer as a genuine bargain for our mala contingent a value in Underwear on Friday seldom equaled by any store. It's a qual ity item that particular wearers will appreciate. ' The famous "Spartan" linen mesh undergar ments, made by Dr. Delmel, a aub . atltute of the original made by tha maker of the best; sold regularly the country over at $2.25 the gar ment, some sues missing, st $1.89 each. We advise early buying, as quantity is limited and may not last the day through. 73c All Silk Ribbons . 42c yd. One of the best Ribbon values ever offered by this peerless "Ribbon Store." Pure silk, fancy satin .Ribbons, in and 6-lnoh widths, valuea included In the lot up to - 7tc yard- Friday only, for ... ,490 Umbrellas for Men in the Sale -We have selected a lot of our famous "Colonial" Umbreliaa, In men's sizes, Gloria covers, Para gon framea, steel rods and attrac tive, mannish style handles, in popular natural wood, strong, dur able and dressy In appearance, with covers and tassels; 11.50 and 11.75 grades Friday only, choice for So THE UNEXPECTED HAS HAPPENED BOOKS and Spring Millinery have had a Battle Royal! nionittA1 I'aMMSHHa Territory g Was the Cause FALLING IN WITH FORTUNE . J Neither side would listen to arbitration, so they fought Spring Millinery was triumphant and won back her territory which has been usurped since Chrlstmae by books. Saturday night, by terms of the treaty, the books evacuate for 9 months go "back to the tall tlmber"and this store will have no more book shop until the new ones arrive next December. SO YXXmSf KO TIME TO I.OSB. The Millinery is pouring In a perfect in undation of gorgeous and dainty beauty. Til LAST TWO BATS 01 THE OBEAT BOOK SA&E will be niSAT AITS BATTTBSAY. No more book newa after that for nine months to come. The last news is the best. We Inaugurate, JTrtday, at 8 a. m., THE MOST MXBCXUBSS SXtAVQKTXB SAU of Booka ever conducted by any house on the Pacific Coast! Brery Book in the Store Included Every Book Bednced to or Below Actual Cost I No time or space to enumerate here. KATOBXESS BOOK BABCtAIHS TOB UB BABIES I MAT0BI.B8S BOOK BABOAIBS OB KOMESt MATCHLESS BOOK BABOATMB TOB STHTDAT SOBOOX.SI MATCHLESS BOOK BABOAIHS TOB TOUBXSTS! BLa.TOHI.ESS BOOK B ABO a IBS TOB BOOK LOTEBS OT ETSBT SOBTI TWO BATS BATCD-rXBB BELLIHS OT OOOD BOOKS and all is over. Just to show the trend of Bargains we append mention of sample Bargains: S1.BO Copyright Books teaptrod) - . rrm 42- aoo Books for Women Beaders, popular novels, ato 23$ Webster's 13.50 Blctlonarles . 91.05 Famous Wo Kaoty Books, for boys 39 Tha Tearl Library, selected writings of famous authors; 38o Books for ..'. Oambrldge 35o Olasslos , 13 Tamous out Top Books, writings of America's most famous au thors) aoo Booka for 17 20c Foulards for 1 lc yd. (In Domestic Aisle Tlday Only.) "Iplendld choosing from our regu lar well-known values, selling ev- ery day at 20c a yard, aatln-flnish cotton Foulards, all the latest, newest arrivals in 1904 spring se lections, choice of all the color ings from light to medium and . dark shades and handsome, attrac tive combinations of patterns. In cluding floral designs, nest checks, dots and scroll figures on Friday .at, the yard .Xlo Worn n't Undergarments N t Forgott n Dr. Delmel's famous linen mesh gar ments, too well known to need eu logy or description here, is in cluded in the great Friday Sale, underprlced and brought to the "Bpecial" bargain counter marked like this: Each. Women's $2.50 Vesta or Pants. . 1.78 Women's 55.00 Union Suits ....$3.75 49c Bo ties Smelling Salts. 35c Crown lavender, large alee bottles. Toilet sundries counter. Socks for the Tots Bargains Infanta' alses in silk-finished lisle Hosiery, seamless, plain or lace styles, good variety of colors in the lines, among which are pinks, blues, cardinals, . blacks and - whites; the regular selling price is 25o pair Friday only. Instead, 1TO Women May Buy Shoes Cheaper Like this: Splendid )S.OO values In Women's Street Shoes, all the popular wanted leathers, very dressy, new 1904 spring lasts and very latest styles, made with aoft.' flexible, eaay walking soles, but solid and durable Friday only the pair . . .S1.T8" Good Shoe Buying for Men Best $3.50 Shoes Friday for $2.98 Pretty good advertising this for our Men's Bhoe Store. All new 1904 spring styles, -newest lasts and all wanted leathers Including box and velour calf and vlcl kid. Six styles from which to select and all slses. Very fashionable lasts and solid, splendid wearing foot wear. Every pair sold will make a permanent shoe patron for us. If style and wear counts. A free choice of the lots on Friday for, pa(r )2.98 WE'BB BOWB OB WOKE IT'S TTJT BEBWEAB TRICES Another Quality Bargain. $1.25 Merode Under wear 69c The Underwear chief has prepared for a busy day Friday. He'a opened a case of the famous Merode garments and placed them on the counters for Friday "Econ omy Sale" patrons at the price ot makers of leaner and worth. Silk and Cotton Vests and Tights, vests are hand finished and silk' trimmed. Choice of high neck and long 'sleeves or low necked and sleeveless. Tights are in both ankle and knee lengtha. Such, value is sure to bring a crowd of buyers; be In It and get what you're likely to need at Frtday'e special price of, a garment ... 69o j BIG FRIDAY SILK SALE Aasex Tlrst Tloor. VSTUBtt B ABO AXES $1 Foulards for 69c yd. New 1904 Spring arrivals in Satin Foulards of best known makes. Color assortment Is - grand. A silk opportunity not to be missed, you'll need .'em for making up the new spring Shirt Waists, Suits or fancy Silk Skirts. Most stores call them a $1.25 value, but they're our' splendid dollar qual ity. We'll be buay Friday cut ting off the yards for eager buyers at, yard 69c 50c Jap Wash Silks 37c yd. Here's the Silks that some of our good neighboring Portland stores tell you are going to be higher and we'll agree with 'em there. How ever we supplied ourselves with enough to last out the Jap-Russo controversy and there'll be no shortage here at the did prices. . Friday they're less. 25 pieces of Japanese corded Colored Wssh Silks, all new 1904 spring designs and attractive colorings, mostly neat stripes and checks In light blues, greys, greens, pinks, lav enders, mala, black and white. Great value at 60c, but Friday only, the yard ............... S7o 25c Bottles German Cologne 15c I-oi. slxe bottles, all odors. Small else of same, 10c bottles for 5o Friday only Toilet sundries counter. Children's 75c Dresses 47c (Annex Second Tloor.) .Children's fine Cambric Dresses, have deep hem at bottom, some with hemstitching and yoke of embroidery Insertion between clus ters of tucks, lace and embroidery edging at neck and sleeves, agea I and S years. Regular 75c values on Friday for. ............ .470 1 7c Centre Pieces 9c (Thoroughfare Aisle Art Shop Second Tloor.) Mouslln-de-lalne Centerpieces, with fancy finished borders end Stamp- . ed in attractive floral designs; 17c values on Friday for.',.. to 43d FRIDAY "ECONOMY SALE" Special on 3d Floor Kitchen and Dining Room Furnishings Ladies $1.60 Pocket Books 95c Combination Pocket Books and Card Cases In real seal, alligator and hand-carved leathers, in all pop ular colorings. Friday only, the $1.60 values bear a ticket at..5e Ink Stands Half Price Glass Ink Stands with black or cherry wood base, for home or of fice, 60o values on Friday for..s5o 14c Stamp Albums 9c With handsome, novel burnt leather covers; stationery counter. 19c Cakes Tar Soap 12c Binder's Antiseptio Tar Soap for bath or shampoo. Toilet sundries - counter. $18.30 Dinner Sets for $12.50 Handsome Decorated Dinner Sets, containing 101 pieces each, clear china, borders decorated In beau tiful floral designs. The beet value in Portland at 118.50 on Friday only you may select for. -the set....: .$13.50 43d FRIDAY "ECONOMY SALT Specials on 4th Floor 8-4 Tapestry Table Covers $3 values for $1.85 Reversible, splendid choosing, grand values. .. Boys' $1.75 Steel Gear Wagons $1.05 All steel gear and Iron box, size 12x21 Inches. Fine for the boys to get out Of doors. They'll want a wagon buy one under price on Friday. JAPAN STUDIES 1905 FAIR PLANS BEPBESEBTATXTB OT THE COMMXS-SIOHER-OElfEBAL STUDIES THE SOOTS OT THE TAXB ABB IS PLEASED WILL AID TBABS BE- ' TWZEB THE TWO BATIOHS. Karl Kawakaml of Seattle was here yesterday as the personal representative of Commissioner-General Teglma of Japan to the St, Louis exposition, to look over the general acope of the Lewis and Clark fair, and to make a prelimi nary report to his superior. Mr. Teglma Intended making, the trip here for this purpose, but his engage ments at St. Louis would not admit of his leaving at this time, and in order that there might be. no delay he sent Mr. Kawakaml in his place. lie will not make his report until after h'e returns to Seattle, but he expressed himself as much pleased with the broad character of the exposition, and he will lay particular stress upon the commerce between Portland and his country, snd the benefits that It will receive from the fair. , ' i Us said that the vice-president ef the Japanese commission, Baron Matsudalra, will be here In the early part of March to look .over the ground to make a fur ther report on the progress and scope of the fair. Mr. Kawakaml la the editor-in-chief of the "8eattle New Japan." and corre apondent of several Japanese newspa pers, and Is the author of a work en titled "Political Ideas of Modem Japan," which waa issued by the University of Iowa press. TAOES TWO CBAEOES. Mrs. Mabel Walker, who waa arrested last Sunday by Sergeant Slover on the charge of vagrancy, pleaded guilty this morning. Hardly had she uttered the word until she was rearralgned before Municipal Judge Hogue on the charge of larceny. John Wheeler atated that he had met the woman In the Plaaa saloon and that after leaving her discov ered that one flO gold p.ece was also gone. Sentence wss suspended during good behavior and the woman, who Is but 20 years old, allowed to go home. preferred Stock Canned tfoods. Allen It Lewis' Best Brand. AMTSEME BTS. cokcibt hall blazibrTbsos. conctbt etcrt kight V toltt iuBNSlDl. ' AMTTSBMBBTS. CORDRAY'S 1 HEATRE M CORDBAT A BrsSELL. M.n.gen. Portland's popular family theatre. Krtnlng priwa, 13c, 25c.- Sfic, and 60c. Matlnae Erk-M, adults, 26c. children 10c. Telephone, lain 982. TONIGHT Easily the Beat In Town This Week, MR. PHIL HINT PrcMnta Laat tteaaon'a Bis Hucmi, the Ro mantic Comedy-Drama, Down by the Sea" Interpreted br a Splendid Coian.r, Including , MI 98 PANMK CI RT1S. Matinee Batnrdaj. Four Msbta Next Week, starting- (under Matinee. Tb . Brilliant New Comedj-Drama. "Slaves of the Mines" laborate and Complete Special Scenerjr 8el-t Company. COMING OLVMI'IA Ol'BK COMPANY. THE BAKER THEATRE PbooIioIM4,B George L. Baker, Sola Leasee and Manager. Tonight. All Week, Matinee Saturday. TBB BAKES THEATRIC COMPANY IX "THE CASE OF REBELLIOUS SUSAN" A bright, Merer comedy la tkree actt br HENRY ARTTU'R JONf Prliw Eoln. boe, SSe. 3Se, lie. , Mat I nee, 2fre, lfte, .lye.- . Next week, berlnnlng Rnnriay matinee, feh rnarr ja, a special production ef the beaaWful drama, d . . THE TWO ORPHANS" AMTSSEMEBTS. Marquam Grand Theatre ?;JZ2S Tonight, at 8:15 o'clock, last Performance ot THE BOSTON I ANS IN THEIR NW OPERA, "The Queen of Laughter" Prices 1X00, $1.80, 11.00, 75c and 60c. Marquam Grand Theatre yf rt- Friday and Saturday Mghti, February 20 27. Popular-l'rice Matluee Saturday. MURRAY AND MACK In the Musical Ecstasy -"A. MIGHT OB BROADWAY." Rrenlng Prlcee Lower floor, fl.00 and 78e. Balcony. 76c and 60c. Gallery, 26c and 36c. Popular Matinee Prices Aduiu. 0Oc; chil dren 2S to any part ot tba tlietie. ARCADE THEATRE ' SEVENTH AND WASHINGTON. REFINED VAUDEVILLE l:M te :80. 7:30 ta 10:80. SUNDAY CONTINlOrS FROM TO 10:9. FOB LADIES. GENTLEMEN AND CHILDREN. ADMISSION TEN CENTS TO ANY SCAT. FRITZ THEATRE 80 S4 BVBN8IDE. FRED FRITZ, Prop. W. 11. BROWN, Mgr. TUB HOMB OF VAUDEVILLE ' - Two shows dslly at 1 en S. . - OPER.A GLASSES WILt, DELIGHT ANT GIRL OR WOMAN that has eyes and a chanca to attend tha theatre. OX HER BIRTHDAY . Is the tuna to glva them to W. Does yogr sweetheart have a bfrt'hday soon? OUR PRICES ON THESE OOODS ARB TUB KIND YOU'RE LOOKING TOR.