Mifcorial Page ' of vfc : Jograall PORTLAND, OREGON THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 25, 1904 THE OREGON DAI UY JOURNAL. J ' ' AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER ..' C ! JACKSON Pebllshed sverr svesdng (except ssdag) at The Iwwil Balldmg. i Fifth and OFFICIAL. PAPER OP THEJ CITY OP " A POWERFUL CORPORATION. v.. . , jj ; - REGISTER BOpTH and Receiver Bridges of the Roseburg land office, it is announced? will be re appointed, notwithstanding the president's and PecrMary , Hitchcock's previous and well-grounded deter mination -not to appoint them, particularly Booth. The president has thus overruled his secretary, and yielded to whom? On the surface, to the importunities of Senators Mitchell and Fulton, but really, to the Booth-Kelly Lumber company. . , ' ! Why? . ;" The reasons cannot be doubted by observing Oregon ' people. The Booth-Kelly company is the greatest power , lri the llepubllcanpwtySThe state of Oregon, forwhoUyl "business puposea.,, It owns and controls vast tracts of ; timber and other lands. It his been in the land absorbing business for years; this is perhaps the more Important part of Its vast business, rather than the manufacture of lumber; but they go together. Politics is the third chief lactor in its business., ..... . - j This great ' land-grabbing corporation controls . and "handles" Republican party politics. In . a great degree, in lane, Douglas, . Coos, and other counties, where its vast areas of land, much of it acquired for cheap "songs," lie. Its Influence Is potential throughout the state, and, it seems, not only 1ft Washington, D. C but in the very White House itself. , '.-. Consider; Mr. . Booth, who la to be retained In the Roseburg land office, is a brother of the Booth who is the head of the Booth-Kelly company, and is secretary of that company." He- is ona of the company, or Its trusted fend Confidential employe. Can he, will he, aerva two masters, iln case of a conflict, of Interests between Lumber company and the people, , the home:seekers of ' Oregon? Could any one ever serve more than one master? , Serving one master which VlU it be, the government or the corporation? The Question answered itself to the conscientiously approved his honest secretary's refusal to appoint Booth. What has changed the president's mind? - What pressure has been brought to bear t Is the voice f thl great timber land corporation that of the people of Oregon? Well-informed men from Lane, Douglas ern Oregon counties do not doubt that ' were placed In the land office originally fluence, chiefly, of this company, and will be retained there through the same Influence, brought into renewed and strenuous activity by the prospect of their dismissal; and these citizens do not hesitate to declare that the change of front lh 'this matter, and the reappointment of what they do not hesitate to. call the tools of this corporation, would be an outrageous scandal which nothing could Jus tify. ' -;- .; ARE THE DEMOCRATS EQUAL TO IT? A POLITICAL PARTY' which is not on its own feet, to openly fight ciples to the last ditch, is not It can never hope to build Itself up and it can never hope j to attract to itself the Veil respecting people' who profess (the principles for which It should bo expected to stand. It cannot hops to attract to Itself any "but those who are making a business of politics and all Its tendencies will be toward degeneration. 1 ' There are conditions In Oregon that Would warrant the hope of a compact and well organised Democratic party. But the Very foundation stone of the organisation must be Its independence of all entangling alliances with other parties. If it Is to be a Democratic party It must be that and nothing else.: It must stand foe certain principles . which the party has always stood for' and It must fear de feat , very much , less' than 'disgraceful alliances. If It stands squarely on Its own foundation, if it puts forward men for office who are not political hucksters, a defeat will do It no harm. Every campaign that goes to prove the good faith of the organisation will aid powerfully to its upbuilding. When men see that it stands for what It ; professes, that It Is no longer a tall to anybody's kite, that it Is no longer something to be traded and trafficked in for i the sake of a few paltry offices, the general tendency will ibe in Its direction. There are in this state many good Democrats who are not openly allied with the party. They are simply waiting for the moment when the party comes ; out into the open and stands for what It professes. The : moment that time arrives their ballots and Influence will !be cast with the party. There" Is, too, a larger body of Independent voters here - than; seems to be suspected. ; These voters care little for party names, but they care a igreat. deal for everything that tends toward good govern- ment. Any vehicle that promises that result, once they ' are assured of its sincerity, can count upon their sup- port. All of this cannot be doner in a day or a week. The character of the party must be established before it can ; expect to get their unqualified allegiance. But once It is j demonstrated that the party Is In earnest, that it is de termined, when given the opportunity, to carry out pre- LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE friend -of the Japs. , , Portland,, Feb. 21. To the Editor of The Journal In the Oregonlan recently appeared a letter signed "O. M. W.," ad vocating American sympathy with Rus sia, on two grounds; first, because Rus sia is a Christian nation and second be cause of future trade possibilities from Siberia; and incidentally he does not for get to brand Japan as a heathen nation, and his disapproval of everything that is English, which shows the partiality and prejudiced, feelings of the writer. As for the other two reasons; Admit ting that Russia Is a "Christian nation," should we favor her on that account? Have we not passed that stage In this world where one nation shall stand by another, be she right or wrong, because her people happen to have the same re ligion? Mors, could the United Stales assume such a position as she Is neither a heathen nor a Christian nation? But admitting the United 8tates to be a Christian nation, and that her sympathy should be given to another Christian na tlon then Japan would be entitled to the same, for she practices today more of the genuine Christian spirit than Russia ever will. ' Japan, little "heathen" as she is al leged to be, has done more for genuine civilisation In the last 60 years than the big Christian nation, Russia would do In 800 years. With hypocrisy in her face she holds the cross aa a cloak un- der which, despotism ana barbarism reigns supreme. To Jspan we cannot rrwltt a perpetual Siberia, nor a Klsh eneff massacre. As to future trade pos sibilities.' does Mr. O. M. W, want the felted states to sell her sympathy for a. few paltry dollars? Did America in terfere in Cuba to reiairt her trade, .or for principle's sake We don't have any sympathy te hell, nor do. we ask for PUBLISHED BY JOURNAL PU&LISHINQ CO. dsely what Jt promises," its growth will be surprising and the day will be at hand when it will become a forte to be reckoned with in the field of politics. The opportunity comes from the fact that there are many people In this city and state who are not hidebound to any party; btit who have come to the conclusion that the highest and best public Interests would be subserved were there two, strong political parties in the state;' That condition once brought about they know they would be as sured a better class of public' service. Each party might be expected tq keep its eye on the other. No unwarranted act committed by the "ins" could escape the jealous at tention and comment ,of the "outs." Each party would strive to put Its best foot forward, to make the cleanest possible official record torJitself, not -necessarily because the moral standards were raised, but from a lively sense of the. retribution which, wold follow in the event the pub Hcr service was permitted to-fait to a low level. Grafting Is an element that Is this moment. It Is a in every section where the officeholders are so secure through the preponderating vote back of them that they become Indifferent if not actually callous to public criti cism. There Is no need to seek far afield to find cases in illustration. Neither Is It difficult to find many people here who in matters of local and state concern care little about party name, while they care everything about? the record which that With ail these, Democratic party portunity. The time should be shaken mtUating alliances the Booth-Kelly able to muster no more than a thousand members It would be a good start In the right direction, which would even tually lead to a Buccess that would be well deserved. THE LOCAL prestdent when be I T IS ALREADY mora powerful thaa entanglements with . question. It therefore and other south ciples, that of majority rule and the right to local self- Booth and Bridges government. It will be well for those who advocate the measure to keep this distinction clearly In mind and to maintain the contest on grounds so eminently safe and appealing. They should not permit the discussion to stray through the In Into strange fields or to be merged Into or confused with the question of prohibition itself, for t many who are In hearty accord with the principle of local option are not inclined to go to the hlbltlon. ; The average cltlsen Is this class whose probably take up Its standpoint. He has willing to stand section of the city tor its own prln- savings. That property represents to him something more worthy the name, than the mere money investment. It is a home for. him self and his family. But he finds the moment he is set tled that while his chief happiness lies In his home, that happiness is to a degree affected by his surroundings. If he has a family of growing children, no matter how much opposed either in principle or, in practice to outright pro hibition, he is not likely to want a saloon in his immed iate neighborhood. The chances are that he has no ob jections whatever to a saloon down town and on proper occasion is not averse to visiting it. But this he regards as quite a different matter from having a saloon In the Immediate neighborhood of his own home and under the very eyes of his own family. Coming from the Individual to the general proposition, he Is likely to say that this being a government of the people, ruled by the will of a majority of the people, that majority should have the right to decide a question such as this. He would resent a theory which would force a saloon Into any neighborhood against the wishes of a ma jority of the people living there. If local option meant this to him, and It probably would, then he would favor local option, although clinging to what he considered his individual right to patronize a saloon himself in the busi ness sections of the city where he considered It properly belonged. , If the local option question Is thus nakedly presented, without any frills or complications, in our Judgment It Is very likely to carry. Many people even now are dis posed to resent the Imputation that it has in It anything revolutionary or that those -who favor it are foes to the public welfare. The liquor men who are raising a great campaign fund to fight the local option amendment would do well to bear this in mind and not arouse the Implacable resentment of men who, while they openly favor and work for local option, are In many other respects what Is called "liberal." This Is the element In every community which constitutes the majority and though it does not always move Id the same going much, farther first Intended. any favor In the way of trade, because we can give value received for what we get. and if the sympathy of the Ameri cans were for sale we will rather prefer to sell to a nation who comes near to our ideals and principles of government than to one which is 1,000 years behind the times. O. M. W. goes to the extreme of questioning the Integrity and sincer ity of our secretary of state, John Hay, In his policy in the present . conflict Russia's methods are always barbaric. Her action in sinking a surrendered non combatant merchantman la an example, and she deserves no sympathy from liberty-loving Americans, Yours for vic torious Japan and a free Ruwiia. ' PHIL 8TEIN, . Honor to Mr. Mnrphy. Dallas, Or., Feb. 24. To the Editor of The Journal I note In this evening's edition of your paper an account of the defeat of senate bill No. 1,261, which measure proposed placing fraternal bene ficiary orders with lotteries. While the article doea not say so yet the promi nence given myself therein would indi cate that considerable credit was due ma for the defeat of the measure. This is an error and I would thank you very much If you will kindly publish this correction. This measure was beaten by the prompt action of the national fraternal congress supplemented by the state fraternal congn-asee. T. J. Mur phy of Fortland'ls secretary of the Ore gon fraternal congress. It was he who brought this measure to the attention of myself and other representatives of ben eficiary order In Oregon and I feel that to the aetlve and aggressive manner in which he has pressed this matter Is due In large measure credit for this fraternst ' victory. Mr. Murphy repre sented all Oregon orders in this matter. I merely assisted him as far as the out of Portland camps of the Woodmen of the World were concerned. .' Yours truly, GEORGE K, ROGERS. J NO. P. CARROU. TmhUl streets.' Porting Oregon. PORTLAND attracting great public attention at species of industry which flourishes party makes. loose - jointed factors In Its favor, the finds itself face to face with Its op to begin the building is now. It loose from all its entangling and nu and if In this whole city It should be OPTION AMENDMENT. evident that this question of local option is to be fought with much spirit. It Is now before the public as a naked proposition without the much more radical prohibition gets down to fundamental prln radical extreme of oftt and out pro who is not a prohibitionist, and it votes will decide, the question, will consideration from his individual a piece of property in some residence which he has built from his hard earned direction It might easily be Irritated into and much more vehemently than It mUBglAH DXPX.OatA.CT. From the Philadelphia North American. : Of Russian diplomacy, the last few years have witnessed such exposition that It stands forth as a monumental system of falsehood and hypocrisy. It Is the apotheosis of craft, the elevation of lying to the level of a fine art Over and over again this has been demonstrated. The formation of The Hague arbitration tribunal, hailed as Russia's service to ward bringing about universal peace, was simply a cloak for further aggres sion, for while the eyes of the world centered upon that glittering promise in the west, Russia was strengthening her grip in tne east and challenging war. The nations joined In remonstrance were soothed by polite assurance and the sapping of Manchuria's independence went on. For every protest there was a renewed pledge, and for every pledge -a repudiation. For years Russia has stood before the nations with lies upon her lips, hiding unceasing encroachment un der fair promises, and fairly stifling pro test by the daring of hr false dealing. That is that Russian "diplomacy" which waa once the admiration of the world. but which is known now. under the in exorable light of events, ror what it is a studied system of deliberate -deceit By exposing It and defending herself against 'the further encroachments which it involves, Japan has earned the sympathy which she is receiving. Is Applicable Here. Alluding to the protected Impudence of a gambling "king," the Chicago Rec ord-Herald concludes an editorial in Inn guage , that might be locally applied, namely: "It Is anything but amusing to see the officials to whom authority In such matters has beep committed either timidly closing their eyes to their duty Or brasenly ignoring it A day of reck oning for such officials will certainly come, and it also- will be anything but amusing." - . . Oregon Sidelights Eastern Oregon has been blessed both by a deep snew and a heavy Chinook both good for farmers, stock raisers and miners. 5 , . Salem, is not so very, young; the first white child born there, R, T. Judaon. Is dead, aged II years. 1 - Preferring light to darkness, because their-deeds are not evflrthe- peoplcot Dufur will soon have an electric light plant in operation. Marshfleld Is becoming quite metro politan. . It is to have, a brass band and City park, which will go well together also a board of trade.' "Butterfly" parties are In vogue in some Oregon towns, possibly so-called because real1 butterflies are now' non existent In this latitude. ' Tfta population, products and business of the Coos Bay country are growing rapidly; a fact which it would be well for Portland business men to Bote. . A North Bend, - Coos 'county, man's store was blown down, and his neighbors at once raised 1500 and made him a pres ent of It, an incident that speaks well for the people of that young town. The Dufur; Wasco county. Dispatch claims, and presents facts .to prove that Dufur Is as picturesquely and well sit uated' for the comfort and' well being of its inhabitants as any town in Oregon. The salary of the recorder of. Long Creek has been raised to $11.60 per month, but this generosity was partly balanced by reducing the treasurer's salary to $24 a year. The marshal will still draw 116 a month. Mr. O. M. McDowell, manager of the Ladd Metals company, tells the Baker City Democrat that they expect to have their new smelter-, at Homestead, near the Iron Dyke mine, in operation by next June. The smelter will have a capacity of 300 tons per day and they will get the ore from that mine. Litigation in progress is of a friendly character. Some people of Grant county want a new county formed; others desire rather a change In the location of the county seat; and yet others think things are about right as they are; all of which will cause local candidates to lead a strenuous if not a more or less strad dling existence durlnf-the next few weeks. Often is the fact Illustrated that while some people meet with accidents In which escape - from sudden death Is "miraculous," to quote a common but incorrect term others die from the ef fects of what seems at first but some trifling Injury, scarcely worth notice. Fred Walling, of Marion county, 18 years old, received in play a blow on one hand that bruised and skinned one knucklt iut he made no complaint of Jt, yet in a few days it caused his death, in spite, of the science and skill of physicians. Commenting on Mr, H, E. Ankeny's alleged declaration that Speaker Harris deserved to be and would be nominated for and elected representative in con gress, the Ashland Tribune remarks: Mr. Harris appears to be a bright young fellow and hie pictures look well in print, but when the claim is advanced that he has earned the congressional nomination, it is in order for its sponsor, Mr. Ankeny, to supply us with some specification. We know of several gen tlemen in the district whose friends can claim sacrifices for them on the altar of the party's machine. They ought to be rewarded, but unfortunately they are confronted with Jhs condition, once so vexatious to the late Llshe Applegate and Jim Nesbltt, that there are not enough offices to go round." Portland Chronicle: That members of the Matthews-Cary faction are re sorting to the desperate efforts that even a forlorn hope cannot excuse is evidenced by many of their recent acts. The street cleaning department crowded to Its utmost limit, is organized under the leadership of Alex Donalson, and the hardest work performed by its members is to attend the political meetings-held night after night in the various wards under the dictation of Jack Matthews. Federal officials, supposed to be under a certain restraint as regards political work sre not only contributing to the campaign fund, but are devoting time that properly belongs to their employer, the national government toward manip ulations. The most ha re faced, however, of all the schemes worked by these self styled regular Republicans is that per petrated through the agency of the city engineers' office where nearly a hundred "inspectors" (?) are hired to work politics and are paid by the city for work which they scarcely make a pre' tense of doing. The Salem Journal thus throws out a cold sprsy in Mr. Harris' direction, and essays to cheer up Mr. Hermann a lit tle: "It will be recalled that the Lane county politicians Insisted last spring on nominating Hermann. They could have nominated Harris then, but all the leaders said It must be Hermann. The district has no sooner got Itself ad justed to their way of thinking than the managers turn around and say Mr. Her mann must go away back and sit down. Well, it Is a good thing that Lane county is not the whole thing. There are 17 counties In the district that will all have a little something to say, and at least, it can be insisted upon that fair treatment be accorded to all sections. It looks ss if Marion county would not have a candidate this time, unless' Walter Toose of Woodburn enters tho race. Lane county would be just as quick to tell him to. go away back and sit down. Binger Hermann has about as many friends in Marlon county as any of the aspirants, and this county owes It to the Republican party in a presi dential year to treat all fairly." TAitTB OP A UTE. A petition having been filed. In the Massachusetts state House asking that the limit of damages that can be re covered for the loss of life In a railway accident he increased from 85,000- to 826,000. the Boston Herald advocates the policy prevailing In New 'York, which is to plsce no limit on the value of a life lost under such circumstances, but to leave its value entirely to a Jury, re marking that, many thousands may be recovered for any injury that is not fatal; but for a life, however valuable, for the kitting of a man whose abilities bring to his family tens of .thousands a year, only 16,000 Is recoverable. , There are lives that are worse than worthless, lives whose ending Is a relief to family and community. It should be left to a Jury to decide upon the value of each life as to which an action is brought. POLITICAL POINTERS 1 1 1 ! ... WHEN HANNA FIRST BUTTED IN Holland's New York Special In Chicago '"' :v; 77 : Record-Herald, v : Senator Henna's advent into a field of politics wh-tcrj Republicans of New York believed tu.y had a right to pre-empt was looked upon as an intrusion. To use the colloquialism of the day, the senator, then . plain Mark Hanna, . was spoken of as having "butted in." To day there ara some who permit a lurk ing sense of injury, ' a ' feeling ot in tolerance to abide wttnrthenrwneirthey recall the Mark Hanna of 1895 and 19. And yet no ' greater service in recent years was done to the Republican party and the Republican organisation 'ot New York, and especially to the Republicans of New York, than that which waa per formed by Mark Hanna in those years. The organisation in this state was cor rupted by dry rot Jt had not real vi tality. Such higher politics as the lead- era thought they played was nevertheless petty politics. The campaign of 1893 might have been In any event ..an impossible one for' the Republicans so far as success was concerned,, but it could have been brought closer to 'a matched battle, or, at least, to a defeat in which there was no humiliation, had it not been for the complacent laziness, the self-conscious leadership and the dry ,' rotting which had pervaded, the organisation. - - Politics such as Mr. Hanna brought to New York and ; exemplified throughout . the country in 1895 and In 1896 would have made impracticable the attempt to neu tralise the Democracy of the far west so that the Republican electoral ticket in several - states was sure of defeat through fusion ' of Democracy and the Populists. , Mr. Hanna was not well, known per sonally, not greatly by reputation in this city, prior to 1895. Now and then he came to New York arith McKlnley, mak ing one or two especially interesting visits when McKlnley was governor ot Ohio. The business friends Of Mf. Hanna received him aa a successful, aggressive business man of the west, always re ceived with courtesy, often with kind ness and much hospitality and yet with something of reserve, as though to say: "We- respect and admire you, although you are not of us." In the early part of 1898 it was ap parent to the Republican leader of this state that some secretive, undlscernible currents, were swaying aconsiderable element of the Republican party. Not among the leaders, not even among the captains and lieutenants of . the Re publican organisation was there any In dication that these currents were. bear ing them along, but It was evident that a considerable part of the masses, and especially the plain people, that great middle body of New York City, were not tolerant of the politics the Republican leaders here had in view, and were turning their eyes toward Ohio. It soon showed how skillfully Mr. Hanna and those who were withr him that time utilised the undercurrent thai was setting strongly toward McKlnley, because the governor of Ohio, through his career in congress, was believed fully to represent the inspirations to prosperity,- to - industrial -actlvltyvto-plenr tiful wage earnings, which had been so sadly demoralised during the second ad ministration of Cleveland. It was one of the weaknesses of the Republican leadership of New York at that 'time that It kept but slightly in touch with the masses. A sort of au tocratic spirit prevailed, and among these leaders there was the determina tion that the cross currents that were being guided so skillfully by some one should be dammed up so that there could be no obstacle to the predominance of New York in the national convention, and the naming by New York of a gold man, a Sound money- man, an eastern man, a csarllke man, in the sense that he had courage and executive force, namely. Speaker Thomas B. Reed, for the presidency. Little by little it began to be perceived at first, not by the political leaders, but by the men of finance of Wall street, that the powerful .undercurrents were setting toward Mckinley, not in any haphasard or undirected way, but skill fully controlled by a hand that was not seen. There can be.no forgetfulnesa of the cynicism with which the Republican leaders referred to this attempt to lead New York Republicans away from the candidacy of Reed to that of McKlnley. Moreover, there was a disposition on the part of those who were not cynical to be humorous when referring at last to the Identification of Mr. Hanna with the new politics that had McKinley's noml nation in view. - ,- That, of course, is the way always with the Republicans when the new comer appears until he is Judged by the criterion of success. After Mr. Hanna had demonstrated his ability in marshal Ing great bodies of men Into common political action, into mobilising, so to sneak, widespread, although not contm uous, opposition for the McKlnley sen timent was broken into here and there- then there was a desire to investigate the methods by which Mr, Hanna had triumphed. There were in New Tork at that time men of prominence In railway affairs and in finance who knew from personal experience the peculiar intellectual' and personal qualities of Mr. Hanna, which. when concentrated upon a single pur' pose, made him a master among men, either in finance. Industry or politics. These men told of the triumphs of Sen ator Hanna of 16 years earlier, saying that It was under his inspiration that action was taken which swiftly brought reaction into the Republican party. which had despaired of victory after the September defeat in 1880 In the state of Maine. Mr. Hanna at that time was active as a politician, in Ohio,, and especially in the western reserve. It seemed to him then that it was vital if General Oar field was to be successful in the cam paign of that year that General Grant and Senator Conkllng should In some public, some: inferential! y sympathetio manner, Indicate that whatever grievous disappointment may have followed the .action of the convention of 1880, never theless the Republican party could not afford to be defeated in the campaign of that year, nor .could men who had re- A TXTJST TXAT TAXES XVOVUSSQI From the New York World. The International Paper , company, which, with its allies, controls the pro duction and sale of paper in this coun try, is a typical tariff made trust, and more. , ' . . It has the familiar trust features ot "undigested securities" and lack of cash capital. .It. exhibits -the' usual indiffer ence to Improved machinery and cheaper processes, while actually restricting' pro duction. Heavily protected by the tariff, it charges in America, like other trusts, "what the traffic . will bear." and It "dumps" its surplus stock m England at prices far cheaper than those charged to home consumers. In these respects It Is true to its type, a corporation, formed "In restraint of trade" to kill competition and to "cap italise" its corpse. But it Is more than a money making trust. It Is a tax on knowledge, a barrier to projrress, a wall against that general diffusion-of Infor mation which is .necessary to "the very existence of a republic, , Hence it is matter of public and gen ceived distinguished honors from the party sully their political and personal reputations by sulking. Mr. Hanna therefore arranged for a Republican mass-meeting at : Warren, O., the largest town in General Garfield's congressional' district and in great measure . because of the solicitation of Mr. Hanna, Senator Conkllng Was per suaded to accept the invitation sent to him to speak at this meeting, probably at last persuaded because it was known that General Grant had agreed to speak if only Senator Conkllng would go with him. , The Warren meeting has become a tradition of the Republican party, partly because it marked the date and the place where the ebb tide ceased and the flood began for the Republicans; partly because ot the power, simplicity, persuasiveness and purity of the English of the speeoh which General Grant there delivered, probably the first ever made by him in a political .campaign. . ' General Grant and Senator Conkllng arrived at Warren on the evening before the day of the meeting. It was arranged that they ahouia potfl go to Cleveland, from . Warren, , after - the meeting was over. Mr. Hanna had it in mind that these two distinguished Republicans, at one time chief among the leaders of the party, should stop at Mentor, Garfield's home, on their way back to Cleveland, Mr. Hanna knew that if there' waa any more than a formal call ot courtesy that fact would persuade hesitating and. dis appointing Republicans of the return of Cordial party Sentiment, so that there would no longer be any danger ot the defeat of General. Garfield, through Re publican default. ' Mr. Hanna at that time rurmsnea evidences of some of the more striking characteristics which afterward, when better disciplined and seasoned by ex perience,' made him the master poli tician of his generation. No detail was too small for his care. He arranged with the railway Officers to run the train as a special after the close og the Warren meeting. The general manag er's private car and engine were sent to Warren on the morning of the day of the meeting, ready at any moment to take Grant and Conkllng and their party to Cleveland by way of Mentor after the meeting was , ended. Then began Mr. Henna's power as a persuader, a tactician with abundant tact. He found that Senator Conkllng at first peremp torily refused to stop at Mentor, offer ing as an excuse that It waa neoessary that he should be In Cleveland at o'clock that evening, so he might take the train east. Thereupon Mr. Hanna telegraphed to the general manager at Pittsburg, who was his Intimate friend. asking if it would be poslble to reach Cleveland by 6 o'clock and stop an hour at Mentor. The general manager Intu itively perceived the strategy of Mr. Hanna and at once sent him a message stating that arrangements had been made to give quick dispatch to the spe cial, allowing time enough 'to Visit Gen eral Garfield at Mentor. Mr. Hanna received this telegram while on the platform at the meeting, and. having read it, showed it to Gen eral Grant. Thereupon General Grant said -t Senator-Cookllngi- -Well,- eena tor, I guess perhaps we would better stop at Mentor." And Senator Conkllng, perceiving that his only excuse . no longer was valid, agreed grudgingly to stop briefly at Mentor, provided he could get to Cleveland at t o'clock. The train made a special run, to Ashtabula, and then, transferring to the Lake Shore, to Mentor, where the memorable visit to General Garfield was made, and the party reached Cleveland at S:4I o'clock. The politics that was In this achieve ment of Mr. Henna's Illustrates his per sistency, his fidelity o detail, his tact fulness snd the broad, far-sweeping vision which enabled him accurately te master the relation of men to .one an other and the events, one of the greater qualifications of a shrewd politician. It was by reason of qualities of this kind and the fine use of them that Mr, Hanna, not then, senator, taught the politicians of New York the finest les sons they had had since the days of the young Republican party and of Thur low Weed. He brought the breath of energy, activity, tlreleasness, and espe cially the sense of power which comes from that contact with the masses which Is not perfunctory. Among the men of real Intellectual power in New York who are politicians it is probable that Mr. Hanna's greatest achievement Is regarded as that which followed the nomination of McKlnley, and was proved by McKinley's election. For when McKlnley was nominated it was the presumption that the political campaign would be upon the old Issues modified as they had been by the sad experiences of President Cleveland's second administration. Mr. Hanna had seen at the St. Louis convention, at the reporters table, a long, black-haired brilliant-eyed young man taking notes. A month later Hanna- perceived that under the hypnotism and charm of that reporter the Democratic party had com pletely changed front and was approach ing the Rtupbilcans In the campaign upon the flank, so to speak. It was th first time In our political history that the mansger of a campaign for one party had round hlmseu confronted bi hie opponents, not in front or upon tke old Issues, but upon the flank, advanc ing obliquely, so to speak, through the unrest or the ranks In the far west. It was In recognition of 'the extraor dinary skillful manner in which Mr. Hanna met this . flank movement, the extreme delicacy and at the ssme time the great courage with which he nursed hesitating Republicans back to loyal support of their party that at last gave Mr. wanna tne supreme confidence of that great financial district in New York which barely had tolerated him. Often looked upon him with distrust, and who thought McKlnley beneath the Intellec tual stature of men fitted to be presl dent From that opinion there has never been any change in New York with re spect to Mr. Hanna, nor ' did vulgar abuse and mendacious and indecent at tack ever weaken the confidence which he at last obtained among the repre sentative men or this city. eral Importance that 28ft newspapers, published in all parts of the country, represented st the meeting in this city yesterday of the American Newspaper Publishers' association, arranged to sub scribe the sum of 8100.000 to further such action against the trust as the pub lic interests demand. The association asks President Roose velt and the attorney-general to "in stitute a suit against any of the three paper combination to test the legality of their existence and whether, they do not stifle competition." It asks ot the president and the congress a reduction of the duties upon paper and the wood pulp from which it is made. Public opinion should recognize pub lie Interest In Imperatively backing both requests. - jtdob ironrars -poutioi. ' . From tho Portland New Age. It Is only a rumor 'that ex-Circuit Judge Henry E. McGinn has rejoined his forces with those of the Simon people; but it msy.be true for in reality Judge McGinn Is too busy professionally to. care much about politics. , ' Smai Change Baker City ana Roseburg appear to be favorite resorts holdup men.', Musio-lovlng ' Russians are getting more of the "Mlkdo" than they Ilka New York Republicans appear to. be just about as haraoaious as those of Portland. I - . "God Is with us." writes the kaiser to . the csar. With a dub of Divine jus tice, perhaps, During- the war stme Russian com manders may make mei that oannot iske fkan toly. ; ' d is" unfortunately. It is said that "everything goes by eontrariea in China." Vhlch makes Tsi An'a reian all riant V Members ot eongress think biennially that the term is too short requires them to work hard too ofttn. It la better to have loved and lost than never to have felt tht Joy of the successful plaintiff Is a dlvoree suit The Albany Democrat ssys Ws need more men wno never na.- aareT wno and where are the soma "alradty yet?". An advertisement In the morning paper requests replies from "gntlemen only In appearance," Many can fill the bill.. .- .,.-' , The man or woman who does some thing toward conquering consumption Is greater than he who subdues a foreign country. . : It Is reported that a mountain of soap has been discovered In California.. But this will not . Interest the "unwashed Democracy." The Sick Man of Europe is feeling quite frisky in consequence of contem plating the whacks being bestowed upon Adam-sad, ... According to soma reports, even the Chinese are whipping the Russians, per haps as a variety of their New Year celebration. Mayor McClellan ot New York pro hibits flirting by and with policemen. Perhapa this may be a valuable tip for our reform administration. Because the new Ohio . senator-prob ably-to-be la named Dick is no assurance that anybody can be so familiar with him as to say "Hello, Dick.". An Ashland man has a "dlvinlng-rod" that indicates concealed gold and silver. If he can make the right people believe this, he need net dig himself. J. Ham Lewis will be at the Demo cratic national convention. May that not Cast a lurid cloud over our gov ernor's vice-presidential prospects? The Iowa Republican politicians try tostand pat" on th high-tariff ques tion, but the Iowa voters keep making motions as if to discard the draw. Russia is one of the big bodies that must move slowly, at least at first; but if it does once get a successful "move on," the Japs will have to Jump lively. Several Portland lawyers are "rowing" among one another. Which does not cause Other people's grief thereat to add appreciably to the Willamette's waters. Whatever else we may lack, a suffi cient number of school buildings and rooms for the rapidly Increasing num ber of Portland school children must be provided. It need not be feared that the climatic dangers ot Panama will seriously affect the canal commissioners as It may the diggers. The jobs are different In sev eral respects. Register Bridges snd Receiver Booth of the Roseburg land office are happy. The president and Secretary Hitchcock finally concluded that they were all right, or nearly enough so, and they can stay four years more. The good people of Montavllla object to having insane people confined "In their midst"; but have they stopped to consider how many more or less craxy people and different sorts of damp or dry fools are loose and free? After all, most newspsper men, for the purpose of counting cash, don't care whether it is a thousand million or a million million that makes a billion:" But if anybody really cares about know ing, why doesn't he ask Rockefeller? A rich man has a perfect legal right, and perhaps a moral right, too this might be debated to leave his prop erty as he wills, but st least some friends of the late Sonator Hanna will regret that he left millions to relatives only, and not a cent to worthy charity. V No great loss without some small gain. Perhaps enough of the wreck of the Howe will be left on Long beach to serve as a slight attraction next sum mer and afford an object that will serve as an excuse for visits by moonlight of the summer girls snd their besmltten male danglers. The wonder Is not that the rule pro hibiting patrolmen from drinking In saloons while on duty should be estab lished, but that breaches of It should render a lecture on the subject by the chief necessary. In most well-regulated cities such an act Is positive and sure cause 'for absolute dismissal. But drinking in. saloons by policemen Is an old custom In Portland. CAMTAX, Airs yvsuo zvvtxbxt. From the Bend Bulletin. Of the greatest Importance to the Des chutes valley is the merger of conflict ing Irrigation interests that has practi cally been accomplished in the past week. With this consolidation of the flnanclsl Interests involved every cause of friction has been removed, and It Is noped the lnharmony that has done so much to retard progress here will whol ly disappear. Capital may go a certain way in the face of a hostile public sen timent, but it will not take unreasonable risks and it will not work freely where It Is not welcome, We should gather wisdom from the past and Join hands for the encouragement of the reorganized irrigation movement. ..- This region needs capital for its de velopment Capital will not come here to lose Its life; it eomes te make money. -It should be permitted to-make money. The circumstances of the case sre such that while capital is getting its profit the people Will also get theirs. This is what Is meant by development All will prosper or fall together. V,A Qnery. .'., '!..'-"'.-Frem tha'Atlanta Journal. Did Japan cut the Korean cable or did the Russian foreign minister try to seno a "Jierram and Sian his nam it? . T '1