14 TI7E OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 25. .1904. A man with a misfit jpb is as much at a dis advantage as the man with a misfit suit . A JOURNAL want ad. can find a job that will fit you. You would be fresher, It's hard to be happy stronger and brighter if you with a bad landlord. If lightened your load of work 7 you would have a bet- by securing a Kttle more ter one sar' so throuSh . , . . f The JOURNAL want help. Qet it by. using The t v . J , Tmt . TL columns. You'll get JOURNAL want columns. H .. - --- nim. . "tt-- FOU Classified Ads . SITUATIONS WANTED (MaI or Female); To the extent of 23 words TWO TIMES FREE; over. 2$ words, I cent a word. FCR RENT, BOARD, ROOMS and all other classifications 5 cents per line, of 7 words, each insertion. : meeting notice. MINNEHAHA TRIBE. No. 2. Improved Order Red Men. The regular meetings will b held In the new wigwam, Willamette hell, No. ITOt, Second treet, at S o'clock p. m. etch Thursday evening. .. PAGE CARTER, Bachim. I..' CARSTENSEN. Chief of Record. NOTICE. Th nniforalriuxl will recelv seeled bids for 'stock of droits snd fancy (roods situated st lir.nts Pus. Or., of the InTotce price of about S9.400.00, up to IS o'clock Boon, Tuesday, the 1st day of March. 190. ... . , The stock consist principally of drugs, is situated In Grants 5?s, one of the most thriv ing tonus la the state of Oregon, snd the Iocs, tlon of the store Is the best In the city. A certified check of 10 per cent of the amount Md must accompany each offer, and lh right la reserved to reject any and all bids. " The Inventory may be seen at the office of R. L. Ssbln - In Portland. Oregon, and at The orfice of the undersigned at Grants Pass, Oregon, daring boslneta bours. sad an Inspec tion of the stock may be had at Grants Pass a application. J. O. BOOTH, Assign. Grants Ps. Oregon. February 15. 1904. ''""Nolle t hereby given that I, Alfred H. F. Straub, .wlU -not-be-Jespnnslhle for, any debt a -contracted by my wife or my children., i - haix help -waited. GENTLEMEN of executive ability to represent a financial proposition that will bear the closest Investigation ! Insurance. B. A L. or Tontine men- preferred; no mining or oil scheme; no capital required. Address Dot li. 15, care Journal. . WEN and women to learn the barber trade; new class for ladies jot starting. Call or write for particular and If In doubt make a personal lnveatlgatlon. American Barber College. 253 Everett St., Portland. MEN, to learn . barber trade: only S weeks re quired; S yeara saved: positions scoured when competent; catalogue mailed free. , liolcr nystem college, can rranciseo t'ni. 130 TO 40 per week Is made by writing ec. dent and sick benefits In the Cnlon Mutual Aid association. Call or ddrM 401 Mar ooam building. Portland. Or. !TNEK1I EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor e . tractors; help free to employers. SIS Mor rison. ' TRY employment sod real est.t efflce 176 ' Madison st. Phono Black 1712. WANTED Good scent.- C.ll tomorrow st 431 Mohawk bldg., 184 Third St. frit WHITE'S Specific No. 1 guaranteed to cur gonorrhea In 10 day: No. 116 snd 88 cur gleet snd stricture In 20 days: No. 2. srpblll snd blond poison In 90 days; No. 10. tb. iily specific for weak men, old or young, this specific; make yon man. Can or write. Dr. - Wb'.t Medicine company, SCS St.rk t SITUATION WANTED MALE. TOtTNG msn wants work of any kind:, handy with carpenters' tools and experienced In grocery and factory work : not afraid of work. A id re.. Fred Brendel. 6.12 First St. f OL'.NU man IB years of age desire position ..- collector: references and experience. C. 25. care Journal. SITUATION WANTtD FEMALE. ' WANTED Girl for general housework in small fsmlly. Apply 802 Morrison. WANTED Girl to slst In housework i no wsshlng. 153 North Twentieth t. KXI'ERIEN'CKD dressmaker would like work hy tb day, prices reasonable. Phone, West 3106. FOE KENT. FOR KENT 8 room house, targe yard and fruit trees. $16: 1 large room In the rear, $5. 186 Curry st. ISA TENTH St., well furnished room for men only: modern conveniences. FOR RENT Elegantly furnished suite snd 2 .ingle room; privilege of bath and phone Phone. Main 2111. MODERN 9-rootn house. 680 Ksst Ankeny st. Inquire 404, the Dekum. Phone, Main 1871. FOR BALE. FINE Chli'kerlng nlsno. tvorr kera. for sale. 204 Broadway, near Wllllame are. Upper annua car. FOR BALK $15.00, first-class Wa.bliurn gill far. caae and Instruction book. 255 Fourth St. FOR BALE I uteres t In established mannfactur Ing business la city; about $4,500; will tak . good re) estate In psrt payment. Addresa . H. 80, csre Journal. FOR SALE Fine French rsnge. with galvanised Iron bond: new boiler and tnd; inn ahalves. Adrdess Bog R, 9. csre Journal. H0U8EK.EEPIN0 ROOMS. CLIFTON. 293 First st.( northwest cor. First and Columbia its.; housekeeping and single rooms. WANTED. HIGHEST price paid fir men' eit-off cloth Ing and shoes. 784 N, 8d St. Green 428. BUSINESS CHANCES. ARK yon looking for a bualnee location? In. veatlgate the exceptional advantagea offered , at Etacarta, the coming town of Clarkama county. O. W. P. Townalte com pa nr. 1324 ' Flrrt st.. cor, Alder, room 5. Phone. Main 216. FOR RALE General merchandise store la rouiitrv, monthly sale. $.1,000; here Is an op portunity ttr a man with money. Address ' 4J5 Knott St.. or call bet. 7 snd 9. evenings. 'Ft'Il HALE Ferry on Willamette river making $ per year: 8 acre, of flue land and 2 horses and bern. Address 425 Knott, or call 1 net. T Slid 9, evenings. 'JAVKi WANTED. WB WANT 10,000 agent for grestest household seiier ever invemea; nest money-maker -on record; actually sell to every hon.es send 15c for complete sample and our two mam moth catalogue of agents' aupplle. .., South ern Mercantile Co.. Dept. 98. Houston. Tel. ASPHALT PAYING, THE Trinidad Asphslt Paving Co. of Portland. urnce oo Worcester oik. EMMONS A EMMONS, ttorney-t-law. 144 Worcester mat. , . B. R1QCRN, attorney und counsellor-at-law; notary. SOS-SOS Ablng ton bldg. " BAR0IN) AND LIGHTERING. OREGON ROUND LUMBER CO.. 181 Bnrnald st. i Done. uranx nil. CAFE. THB OFFICE, 285 Washington St., 1'bon. S. siain in. ricaetx st vigneanx HORSES AND CARRIAGES FOR SALE. $90.00 BUYS team mare 8 snd A years old. weigni j,ow id; also enesp rsrm norse'weign Ing 1,700, and on bay 5-year-old horse. Call 26 North Fifteenth t. JUST arrived, carload of draft, driving and de livery Dorses; also few genersl-purposo horses. Derby Btnbles, Fifteenth and Burn side st. KOOMS. THE LINCOLN, lust opened, 409 Morrison St., cor. urn, nas the pest rurnlsbed rooms in tne city: hot and ecld running water; stcum ht. electric light, baths, and all 'nodern ap pointment.; new building; every facility for caring for the traveling public: moderate rate; 0. H. Ball. prop. Phone, Main 251. THK PALMER HOUSE, S. E. cor. Alder snd lrk at., formerly the Spalding, tb most complete apartment bouse In the city; entirely renovated; stesm heat, gaa, electric light por celain hatha; every modern convenience; toor 1st and transient trade solicited. THE OXFORD 06 14 Slitb St.. cor. Osk; newly opened ana nsnasomeiy turntenea tnrougnout; most lnxurlnu apartments In th city; hot and cold water In every room; aingle and en suite, with private bath; free phone. Main 88. $1.75 PER WEEK, large, furnished housekeep ing rooms with use of lsnndry snd bath; also cheap furnl.hed cottages. Mrs, Brown, 184 Sherman. Phone. Clay 208. SINGLE rooma, day. week 'or ' month; bouse keeplng rooms with pantry and running water: thoroughly renovated and newly funUbed. 171 Wet Park. THB COSMns-Fonrth and Morrison, furnished housekeeping anltes.-sult SBd single rooma; I a per werg snd up. . DESI RABLE rooms with board, newly furnished. monern; private home; reference. IM north F.lghtecnth st. HOTEL Vendothe, cor. 13th and Aider; for fished room with board: nssonable rates. hOOM8"2 ueally-furnlsfaeiHKmsekeepln g room; tn. gaa and phone. 814 sixth, corner Clay. fllK CASTLE 872 Waahlngton st room for gentlemen; tran.lent. Te? South TSL FOR RENT Fine, comfortable room for 8; $18. ,201 Tenth t... cor. Taylor, ROOMS AND BOARS. ROOMS WITH BOARD, well furnl.hed; mod era conveniences: table board. 421 18th at. CEMENT CONTRACTORS. PIONKER cement eontreetor, J. F. Obroeki all woik guaranteed. AdJres 148 Fifth at. P. O. address 809 Shaver. Phone. Union 5082 CASTER A ELI, 'cement contractor. 271 Porter i, in., rmni TV or. aniranieea. CIF.EAL MILLS. ACME MILLS CO., manufacturer Ralston Acme Cere is. 20 and 22 North Front t. CHIMNEY" SWEEP. LOOK OUT FOR FIRE D. D. Wood. chimney weep; orepisoe, brick and terra -cot ta flnra cleaned. Orders at Avery A Co., 82 Third st. Phone. Main 1S72. Res. phone. Scott flOM CROCKERY AND GLAS8WAU. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND OLAR8WARR. Prsel Hegele Co.. 100 to 108 Btn. car Stsrk. - - - CLAIRVOTAirT AMD PALMIST. FROF 8EYAH KINO, clairvoyant, teacher palmistry and card reading: develop weak medium. Parlor. 215 Morrison st. Read ings, hand. Including cards, 50c. MADAME JOHNSTON. Clnlrvnyent and Palm. 1st; readings dally; card reading 25c, 289 Tnira street. MRS. R. B. SKIP, clairvoyant and life reader. 81 Ttn. Bnndsy. 7:46 p. m.. Willamette ball. MRS. STEVENS. Portland' leading palmist and elslcvovsnt. - Yamhill. Reading, noe. C0AL WESTERN FEED FUEL CO. Deslcrs la ill kind of coal, coke and char coal. Phone. 1018. VULCAN Coal Co., wholesale dealers best coals; foundry and s.melter coke. 829 Burnatde. OREGON FUEL CO.: all kind, coal and WMd. 344 Morrison. Phone. Msln 65. KING COAL CO., Importers of high-grade bouse co.ls. Phone. Main 1425. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVRRDING A FARRELL. produce and commis sion me-cbanta. 140 Front t.. Portland, Or. Phone. Main 179. i CHATTERTON ft CO.. commission merchant.. 125 Front at.. Portland. Or. Phone. Main 1275. MARK LEVY A CO., commission merchants, wholesale fruits, Portland. Or. Phone, Main 891. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. A. J. AUTHORS A WOOD, carpenter and build ers; repairing and Jobbing; store and offlc fixture, duiii. tsnop guv columDl. -fDons, Clsy 1861. H. F. CLARK, carpenter snd builder; repairing " jonning; oiDce nxiurea. Keaiience pnoae, West 7H2; shop. Main 1941. 458U Wssh. st 3TW. GORDON, counters, abehtng, honsei built a no reo.irea. zow Fourth. Clay 174. - CIGARS AMD TOBACCO. E6RERG.GUNST CIGAR CO. Dlatrlbutors of FINE CIGARS. Portland. Oregon. CHIROPODY AND MANICURING. EXCHANGE. 'FOR EXCHANGE Acreage near Beaverton. free from all lneumlirance. for house snd lot in Portland, 294 WlUUms ave., uear Broadway. Tttke Upper Alblna car. , COMFORTABLE home and good stock ranch In westrrn Oregon, bandy to school and P. 0 . : to trad for a mall and well-Improved placo In the Willamette vnlley. What have you gotT. J. A. Upton. Llnvllln, Or , FARMS HOMESTEADS. FREE homestead lands; first-clas grain and bar SUBURBAN FARMS FOR kALE. t.Wi fM)WN buy 10 acre In cultivation near Woodstock car; fine for berries and poultry rsiw for cows: $2,00. Columbia Real Rstate A Trust company, 234 Morrison st. ARCHITECT. W. O. UtFTlSS. No. 850 E. 17th St.. srrblteet cestrset, and btiildev; plan and specitkatlou : furalajied t low cost. : fi ' THB OEVF.NVR. th. orlr .y.l.n,l .hlll.,. In the city: parlon SOI -2 All.ky bldg.; this re we King-naireu geiiiicmea yon want to e. Grant 18. CIVIL ENGINEERS. THEODORE ROWLAND. 605 McKar hldr.. ren, eral draughting, map compiling, blue printing. CORNICE-SKYLIGHTS. METAL SKYLIGHTS, galvanized Iron cornice. J. c. Bayer, mo second at. DYEING AND CLEANING. CI-CTHES CLEANED AND. PRESSED $1 per montn. unique isnormg uo., i wasning ton st. CITY STEAM DYEING A CLLANINO WORKS Herman Knse. proprietor. I'none, Msln 1718. No. 65 6th t- nesr Pine. Portland. Or. PARISIAN Cleaning Work. 411ft Morrison st rnon, Juain xon. J POO AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR. S J. CARNEY Veterinary surgeon, log Norn nixtn si. rnon. saain is; re, pnons, Front to. - DRESSMAKING. MRS. McKIBBEN. artlatle drt nd cloak making. - oM Morrison it. FRATERNAL INSURANCE. ORDER OF WASHINGTON Foremost frater- nal socletv of Northwest: orotecta the liv ing. J. L. Mitchell, supremv secretary, 61S ana nio siaronsm o:og.. reruaoo, w. -xsmv pnon Altia oi DECORATORS, HENRY BFRGER ISO First it; wallpaper, Ingratns. tapestries, applique fries. Inter lor decorating. t ELECTRICAL WORKS. NORTHWEST ELECTRIC ENGINEERING company, 309 Stark St., Portland; 0. K for . eitrything in the cltctrlcal line; Phone, Main 1888. . ; PORTLAND KLECTR1CAL WORKS Offie 351 .Stark at Phone. Main 2212. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. BELL A CO.. fruits and produce. 109 Front it FURNITURE FACTORIES. FURNITURE manufacturing and special order. l,. Knven.sy rnrnimre rsciory. 3JU rTont, St. ruRifrruRs. OREGON Fnrnlturo Manufacturing company V.nuracturers or turnlturs for th trad. SOS First at. GASLIGHT REPAIRING. ACME GAS LIGHT SUPPLY CO. W deliver. put up mantles, chimneys, shades and com plete lights. 208 H Fourth. Mali) 2179. GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO., wholesale grocers, msnn facfurera and commlaslon merchants. Fourth nil Oatr mtm MASON. EHRMAN A CO., wholesale grocr; V W i. D .nil an.t Pin. ... ALLEN A LBWIS. wholesale grocer. Port land Oe I.ANO ft CO.. First and Ankeny st. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITE, fire Insurance 800 Deknm W.Ui JA8. Mcl. WOOD, employers' liability snd In- uitiuu.i acciaeni; .ureiy oonaa ol all Klnda. rnoje si. tjoncorc Diog, H. F. B ARTELS COMPANY, fir lnauranc. 448 Sherlock bllg. Oregon nbon. Clev 628. FIRE INSURANCE J. P. Kennedy A Co.. 44 naminon ping. iTone, Main 1806. ARTHUR WILSON. (Ire insurance. Sherlock Mdg. Phone, Main 1008. IRON WORKS. PHOENIX IRON WORKS Engineer, mann- ... Mi.iiuw, ujiuiua. loKRing ssu saw mill machtnerv; prompt attention to repair work. Phone. East 29. Hawthorne ave ft K. .Hd jewelers: THB 0. HEITXEMPER CO., manufutnrlng jBWBipt.. jyyrj morrivon st, MUSIC DEALERS. FISHER MUSIC CO.. 100 Third St. Victor ts mtn.g.ns, en i nea ; m pairing. Red- MEDICAL SPECIALISTS. THB SPRINGSTEEN MEDICINE CO.. 611 D- Kiim. cures women's complaints quickly. Phones; Home. Scott 4182: office, msln 8088 MACHINERY. THB H. C. AI.BEB CO.. second-hand ma. chlnery. sawmill, etc. 248 Grand ave. MUSICAL. MR. AND MRS. H. A. WEBBER. Instructor of banio. mandolin vtift.. irs yc i--v VIOLIN STUDIO Mr. El mor Rice, 207. All.ky hM Ok.. nstoa MONEY TO LOAN. UNCLE MYEH8. UNCLE MYERS. UMCT.T. Mvirva CNOLE MYERS! UKCLE MYER8. UNCLE MYERS. UMCT.E wrva UNCLE MYERS. UNCLE MYERS. UNCLE MYERS. (Established 1839.) 143 Third Street Near Alder. Loans on Collaterals. Low Rate. Unredeemed Pledge for Sal. rnone Mam ei. HEW YORK LOAN OFFICE, 7 North Third Street M. Miller. Prop. v.... n.n..t. t. b.... TTnrednefneil .il.rl wm fa. ..1. mttA Jewelry repairing. Phone, Clay 897. LOANS ON TTTB EASY-PAYMENT PLAN na" (1111 Ulllin rrn sT m j vy nnuAliiCfU rr lr. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Phone 224. Room 71(1. The Dekum bldg. 8. W. cor. Third and Washington sts. MONEY TO LOAN on real, personal and col lateral security; special attention to chattel mortgages; notes bought, ft W. Pallet, 213 Commercial blk. Phone, Grant 850. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved city and farm Iiroperty at lowest current rates; building nan. Installment loana. Wm. MacUaaUr, 811 Worcester bldg. MONEY ADVANCED aalarled people, teamsters. eic, wirnoai security; esty psrments; larg est business In 40 principal cities. Tolmao. 223 Ablngton bldg. CPATTET, lojna In emonnta ranging from $25 . to $5,000; rooming-houses specialty. New Era Loan A Trust Co.. 206 Arlington bldg. $10.000 8. T. 8 PER CENT: HUMS TO SUIT: BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. W. H. NUNN. 652 SHERLOCK BLDG. SHORT LOANS on chattel, or other satlsfao tory ecnrlty. Room 619 tb Marqnam. Phone, Oregon Red 2858. LOANS In enms of $5 nd np on all kind of . security. W. A. Hsthaway. room 10, Waah lngton bldg I'bon. Hood 418. MONEY TO LOAN on arge or small amount on good security: lowest rate. William O. , Beck. 807 Falling bldg. - SALARY LOANS; no delay; bualnes eonflden tlal; easy terms. Northwest Loan Co.. 821 Ablngton bldg. $000 TO LOAN on flr.t mortgage real estate security. Clayton. King ft Co.. 226 Stark st. MONEY TO LOAN on city tots snmproved" farms. W. A. Shaw ft C. 243 Stark St. SHORT LOANS on all klnda of cbattle eeeurlty. Northwest Loan Co.. 121 Ablngton hldg. NORTHWEST HOTELS. Hotel Portland. American pis n: $3. $5 per dsy Belvedere: European plan; 4th and Alder st. OVERALLS. BOSS OF TIIES ROAD OVERALLS and median, lea' clothing; union made; Neuatadtrr Bros., Mfgs.. Portland. Or. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. OSTEOPATHY. DR8. ANNA M. AND FRANK J. BARR. gradu ate. American ocdooi or vareopauiv ana A. T. Still Infirmary of Klrkaville. Mo, Phone. Main 2229. Room 800 Dekum bldg. A78-85 PLUMBERS. FOX A CO., sanitary plumbers, 231 Second, bet Msln snd Salmon. Oregon phone, Main 2001. DONNERBERG A RADEMACHER. plumbers, removed to 84 Fourth at. Both phonea. PHRENOLOGY. KIND reader, see Prof. Griffith, opp. P. O., for sckinUAc delineation; consultation free to all. PRUmNO. ANDERSON A DUNIWAY COMPANY. DrtnUng. lithographing, blank book. Phone, Mala 17, ' 208 Alder. . i ' REMOVAL.' FRANK HACHENEY, Ko. 838 Sherlock bldg.. No, 83V Third st, agent for New EeaUod nd Traders' Fire Insurance companies. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS, 249 Alder It. phone, . Mala 710; rubber (tamp, seals, stencils, bag gage and trade check. ' v )' EOPX. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO., coc. Fourteenth and Northrup at.. Portland Or. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE. FOR 8 Air FARMS' Improved farms for le in all part of Ore gon and Wahtngtonriynient made to utt ' purchaser. For fall particular to varl ou properties spply to . Wm. MacMaetsr. 811 Worcester bldg. tHOWCASES AND FXXTURES. SHOWCASES t every description; bank, bar and (tore fixture made to order. R. Lutk A Co.. Portland and Seattle. SPECIAL DELIVERY. P08T SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. 200 Waaa Ington st. Phone. Or.. Main 982. STORAGE ANP TRANSFER. C. O. PICK, office 88 First st, between Stark and Oak at..: phone 696; planoa and furni ture moved and packed for .hipping; com modlou fireproof brick warehouse. Front and Clsy sts. SLOT MACHINES. TUB LATEST KIND of slot machine of every description for sale or percentage; also 100 different kinds of novelties. A. J. Cranwell A Co.. 218 to 224 Ablngton bldg. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE CO. Blot machines. 8. ' H. Park and Oak. Phona, Main 138. MACHINES of every description tor sale or per centage. Frank Grlftlth. 4th and Salmon. SAFES. BUY YOUR SAFES of J. B. Dvti; your r palr and lockouts safely done. 86 Third St. SIGNS, WATRIN A PAINE SIGN CO., 110 Pin t Phone, Main 725. TYPEWRITERS. YOST TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS 230 Stsrk Street We rnt. repslr. se't. exchsnge typewrit. ' All (upplie 'or all machine. Standard machine $10, $15, $25 and ap to $100. Do you want a ateuographer or typist 1 W have list of good applicants. Phone. BUsk 2371. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brash, soap, $1 per month. Lawrence Bros.' Towel Supply company. 4th and Couch. Phone 429. WALLPAPER. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO., 184-186 Second t., bet. Y.mhlll and Taylor. Portland. WHERE TO DINE. STROUSB'S RESTAURANT, trat-claaa meals, best service. 229 WssblngtC'i st CAFH KRATZ. 122 Sixth st served at all hours. A flu loach DAVID M. DUNNE A CO. Phoenix Paint and 011 Wvk; manufacturer and Importer paints, oils and aprsys, etc.; phone 137. Office ana nciory. nnerioca ave and lth st. . tt. Bsa.n st iu, i-ioneer ramt Co.. selling the best things made In pslnts and general building catertal: window-glass snd glsslng a pecia;iT. ih r irsi pnone. Main l."l.H. V. P. FULLER A CO., manufacturers Pioneer Lead. Phoenix Paint. Kopallne; a ajnaracte given whh every gallon of paint manufactured oy RASMUfc.HRN A CO.. johbers. paints, oils, glass, sash and .hwirs. 180 First st. PERSONAL. V1AVI IS KING! Doe life seem burdensome! uo you nave nacaacne, neauncne and nerv ousness t Are you wesry of drugs? Are you disappointed thst your operation did not bring . relief snd yon are steadily growing worse? Investigate Vlavl, Nature' food, which build, and atrejigthon hot only, the diseased part . but the Vutlr body. Consultation free. VI avl company, room 23 Lewis bldg., Portland, Or. lecture Thursday 3.30 p. m. Phone YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS are more accurately nd reasonably filled at Eysell' Pharmacy. "inwriwn sc., wi. rirsc ana necona sts, ''ON a Slow Train Through Arkansaw," by season: iuh tir run and Joke; 20 cent, Jones' Bookstore. 291 Alder st.J - - FRED G. WONDER Chicago Costnm hon.. 888 Morrison; established 1800: trend for prlc ii. i, , - . . MME. H. E. Elr. derma tokxlst, acslp treatment hgippoo, electric mawagc, 211 Goudouugh. FINANCIAL. ADD ft TTXTOW, BABTXEKS, (EstabUsbed in 1859.1 Transacts a General Banking Baalnes. Interest Allowed on Tim Deposit. Collection mad at all nolnt on favovaM term. Letter of credit Issued svallabls in Eu rope and all point in the United Bute. Sight Exchang and Telearanhle Transfers old on New York. Wniblngton. Chicago, St Louis, Denver. Omsha, San Francisco and Mon ti, n-. ani British Colombia. M OBallS BBOS. fi CSBXSTZBTBSN, Successor to MORRJS A WHITEHEAD, BANKERS, ' ' FIRST AND ALDER STREETS. -PORTLAND OR. Dowirara, hopkins ft co., ESTABLISHED 1S93,) "WHBAI AMD BTOCX BXOZBB8,, Booxn' Ctroaud Floor. . ;' ' ' CXAKBBR OV COKMXmCB. CITY NOTICES, . PROPOSALS FOB. HORSES FOR THX CITT OP ;I '-'PORTLAND. ;. ' ; ? C :- Proposals will be received by th purchasing committee of tbe. eveentlvA hoard at enstne- houiio No. 1. :i70 Fourth street, at S o'clock P- im-irToesdajT March: 1. 1004, for r fnrniantng to the fire department of the city of Portland five horse weighing not lea than 1,500 pound each and between 8 and 8 years of age. Horaes must- also be shown at same time. . Tbe purchasing committee reserves the- right to try all bones selected for ou week be for purchasing. ... .The right to reject any and all proposal 1 hereby reserved. . 5 H. W. GODDARD, .... . , H. C. WORTMAN. : Purchasing Commute. Portland, Oregon, February 25, 1904. , PROPOSALS FOR STEAK FIRE ENGINE. , m Sealed proposal Will be received tt the of fice of the auditor of the city of Portland until Tuesday, March 1, 1904, at 4 o'clock p. m. for furnishing to the fir department of the city of Portland one extra flrt-sln steam fira engine to be eaulmied with new. Amerlcuu pumps, Fox patent, boiler, Grant roller bearing uu (uree-norse nltcn. . 1 . . No propose la will be considered : unles ac companied bv a certified clieck navalila to George H. William, mayor, for au amount equal wie per cenr or tne aggregate propofat. Th right to reject any and all bid la hereby reaerved. - ". . , : "N- H. W. OODDARD, II. C. WORTMAN, . Committee on Purcbaaing. Portland, -Oregon. February 25, 1904. " ' PROPOSALS FOR FIRE HOSE. - maim prvpovai .win ue receivea u tne oi- --1 " v tun muuur Ul 1 1IB CIIJ VI I U I 1 1. UU U II- til- Tuedy, March 1, 1904, at 4 o'clock p. m. for furbishing to the ; tire department, of th mij vi t-uriiana toe louowing nose: 2,000 feet cotton rubber-lined Die bo, 2 inches Internal diameter. U kA e.. .t . ...v.1 it . d . v-.. . I i. Internal diameter; each coupled lu sections 60 reet Inn. mnA .a. v.t.V. .... . n...A. of 500ponnda per (quare inch. No. proposal will be considered unless ac companied by 8 . certified check payable to ljrM. u Tl'llll - . . , . . v . . u . , iiuauin, fuajrur, iur au auiuuut equal Th rlarht to reWt an .nrf .11 hMi I. h.rah. reserved, H. W. GODDARD, , H. C. WOKTMAN, Committee on Purcbaaing, Portland, Oregon, February 25. 1904. Exchange sold on London. Paris. Rerun. Frankfort, Hong Kong, Yokohama, Manila and Mnnninin. u BJZTBD BTATT" WATT, BAVK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. NORTHWEST COR. THIRD AXD OAS ITS. Transact a Oaaeral Banking Bualnes. DRAFTS IS8UED Available In ill cities of th United State aad Enron, Hong Kong and Manila. COLLECTIONS MADE OH FAVORABLE TERMS President. . Ylce-Preildeht Cashier Assistant Cashier. ...J. C. AIN8W0RTH ........W. B. AVER ...R. W. SCHMEER A. M. WRIGHT L OXDOBT ft SABT TatATT CISCO BAJTK. IOsOTSD. Chamber of Commerce Building, Thirl and Stark Streets. Read Offlc. 86 Old Broad street London. Thl .bank tranascta a areneral banklna bnal e. makes loans, discount bill snd Issues let ters of credit available for travelers and for th purchase of merchandise In ny city of th world. - Deal In foreign and domestic exchsoge. Interest Paid on Tim Deposits. ' W. A. MACRAIC. Manager. SBomurr BAvrsras ft tktjst 00. S66 Morrison St.. Portland. Or. Transact, a Gec.ral Banking Bstln. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest Allowed on Tim and Saving Deporits. Acts as Trustee for Estates. Draft ti3 letters of credit available in ill part of th world. C. F. ADAMS President L. A. LEWIS .....First Vlc-Prestdent A. L. MILLS.'..,-. Second Vic-President It. Q. JUBITZ f Secretary M nmcxAirrs' xatzovazi babx. J. FRANK WATSON xTTrrWi-.i-rrr.FVesldent R. 1 DURHAM.... Vio-Preatdent R. W. HOYT ..Caebter GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier Transacts a General Bankln Su.ln.ss. Draft nj letter of credit Issued available to all parte of the world. Collection. Specialty. Gold Dnat Bonght FIB8T HATTOWAT. BABTK of Portland, Or. Designated Depository and Financial Agent of tb United State. President A. L. MILLS Cashier. ... ... w ...J. W. NEWKIRK Assistant Cashier 7......W. C. At.VORD Second Assistant Csshter.....n. F. STEVENS, litters of credit issued available In Europe and the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers eld on New York. 'Boston, cnicago. nt Lout, at. pain. Oman a, par: Francisco snd tb prlucl' Dal points In th Northwest. Sight and time bill drawn In sums to snlt on London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-on-th Msln, Hong Kong. Yokohama. Copenhagen, Chrlstl.nl., Stockholm. St Petersburg, M us ee e . znricn. nnnoiura. - Collection mad on favorable term. QTEBBBCX, BTAJtB ft COOKS CO., Member Chicago Board of Trad. Grain, Provision, Stock, Bonds ana 108 Third StrMt. BToar Btark. Phona, Main, 313. 1e r . connected fcv nrlvat wire with Meant, IOgan A Bryan. Chicago and New York; Walker Bro., J. 8. Bach A Co., New York Stock Exchange; Hubbard Bro. A Co., New York Cotton Exchange; FntrcblldA Hob eon; New Orlear Cotton Exrhangs; Henry Herth A Co.. New York Coffee Exchange; Paine, Webber ft Co.: Boston Copper and Stock Ex change; Dick Bro. A Co.; N.w York and Phil dclphl Stock Exchanges.' . MORTGAGE LOANS.w ; On Portland Real Estate at Lowest Rate. Title Intnred. Abstract Furnished. TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO 1 Chambtf of Com mere, . v PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OP TWENTY SECOND STREET. Notice is hereby given that at the meeting of th council of the city of Portland, Ore gon, held on tb 17th day of February, 1904, th following .resolution was adopted: Resolved, That th council of the city of Portland, Oregon, deem It expedient and pro poses to Improve Twenty-second street from the north line of Washington atreet to the eoath Una of - Thurman street In th following manner, to-wlt: First By grading the treet full width with full Intersection to the proper aubgrada.' Second By constructing artificial stone side walk in accordance with the city engineer' plan, specification and estimate. Third By conatructlng artificial atone curb In accordance with the city engineer plans, apeclflcatlona and estimate. Fourth By paving tbe pce occupied by th City A Suburban Railway company' right of way at ttllsan street and at Ha tier street nd by replacing th rail now In use by seven. Inch grooved rail set en concrete and by pav ing th space between the rail anil between the track and, for one foot outside of th rail with (tone block set on concrete. Fifth By bringing the urfaceof the atreet full width with full Intersection to proper grade with either bltumlnou macadam or pblt . with Jltrlfled brick guttertwo foet, In width on a concrete foundation five lnchea la depth er wooden block treated with car bollneum avemrtu on a concrete foundation tivv inche In depth, or vitrified brick with and cushion on a concrete foundation five Inches in depth, as may be determined by the executive board, subject to adoption by th council, decision to be baaed upon the cost, durability, suitability and desirability of tb material used. Said Improvement to be made in accordance wtth tbe charter and ordinance of the city of Portland and tbe plana, peclflcatlona and esti mate of the city engineer filed lu the office of the auditor of tbe city of Portland on tb 17th day of February, 1904, Indorsed: "No. 1, city engineer' plan and peclnctlon for th Improvement of Twenty-eecond street from the novth line of Waahlnaton street to the uth line of Thurmm street with bituminous mncadaui, and. th estimate of the work tJ be don and tbe probable total coat thereof;" "No. 2. city engineer' plans and epei-inoatione for the Improvement of Twenty-second atreet from th north Hue of Washington atreet to tbe outh line of Thurman atreet with asphalt, aim tne estimate or tne worg to ne don and the 'probable total coat thereof;" "'No. 3, elty engineer' pl.n. and ipedncatlone for tb im provement of Twenty-second street from the north line of Washington street to the south lino of Thurman atreet with wood block, and the estimates of the work to be don and the probable total coat thereof;" "No. 4, city en gineer' plan and specifications for the im provement .of Twenty-second atreet from the north Hue of "Washington street to tbe south lint cf Thurman street wtth vitrified brick, and th esttmste of tbe work to be don and the rohable total cost thereof." The .cost of aald Improvement to be sssesaed a provided by tbe city charter upon tbe prop erty specially benefited thereby and which Is hereby declared to he an the lots, parts - of lot and pan-el 1f lsnd Ijing between tb outh Hue of Thurman street slid the north line of Washington stnet and between n line 2.10 feet west of unit uursllel with the west line of Tweuty-thlrd street and a line 230 feet east of and parallel with the at line of Twenty first street The engineer' tstliccU of tb probable total cost for the Improvement of aald Twenty-eeond srreet is 4a,74.w for bituminous macadam, $59,000.00 for ' asphslt. I51UKI0.0O for wood ilocks, and $59,060.00 for vitrified brick. - Tb above improvement enall be classed either aa a bituminous macadam, aapbalt, wood block or vitrified brick pavement, a may be determined by the executive board and aba II be maintained by the city for a period of eight yeara for bituminous macadam, five year for asphalt, eight year for. wood block, ti rated wltb carbollneum avenarrhs, and eight year for .vitrified brick ; provided, that the owner of a majority of the property bene fited by aaid Improvement or any portion thereof ahall not petition for new or dlffereut Im provement before tbe expiration of ucb period. The plan, peclficattona and estimates . of th work to be don and tb probable tetal coat thereof for the improvement of aald Twenty second atreet sre hereby adopted. Resolved. Thst tbe auditor of th city of Portland be and he 1 hrreby directed te give notice of tb4 proposed improvement of said treet provided ny tbe city charter. Remonstrsnc against the above Improvement may be filed in writing with the undersigned within 20 day from th date of th Drat pub lication of thl notice. - By order of th council. -THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of th City of Portland. February 24, J9Q,. CITY 0TI0E8. Blk 288. "lot 2, v Abbott L. and Evelyn , 8. ' Mills Blk 2N8. lot 8,-Laura Hcxter.. ,'..,';., Blk 2X3, lot 4. I aura Hotter. ..... .... Blk 2M2, lot 1,. K. A. J, .Mackenste... . Blk 282, lot 2. K. A. J. Mackenzie... lllk 2S2. lot Ji, K. A. J. Mackensle... . Blk 282,, lot 4, K. A. J. Mackecate. . . Blk 281, undivided 1-3 lot, 1, Isaac L Whit , Blk 28t; undivided 1 lot 2, Isaac L- Wblt- Blk 281. undivided I S lot 3. Isaac L. White Blk 281. undivided 1-8 lot. 4, Isaac L. . Whit , .......;....,........-. .-i Blk 281, undivided 1-8 lot 1. Gertrud . - Wbit--.,....T.i...u..,..-r Blk 2K1, undivided Ui lot 2, Gertrud White ... ..... .... ... . .V.V77. V Blk 281, undivided 1-8 lot 8. Gertrud White ...................... i.-.... Blk 281. undivided 1-8 lot 4, Gertrude WhitO ' yrti. Blk 281, undivided 1-8 lot 1, Moses and Henrietta M. TIchner Blk 281, undivided 1-3 lot 2, Moses and Henrietta M. Tlchner . . . . . . Blk 2S1, undivided 1 8 lot 8. Moses and Henrietta ii. Tlcbner-..., . , Blk 281, undivided 1-3 lot 4, Mosea and Henrietta M. Tlcbner Blk 280, lot 1, Edward J. Da Hart... Hlk 280, lot 2, Edward J. Da Hart.., Blk 21). lot German Saving A Loan , ; Society . ... . . .,....,... . - Blk 280, lot 4, German Saving A Loan Society .,;.,........ v. ........ A tract of land lying between the we.t line of 'Twentieth street and a line .. 100 feet west theieot and parallel -therewith and between the. south line- of Flanders street and a line 100 feet . .south thereof aud parallel therewith, - 1'annla McKee . - - A tract of land lylug between the went 4 ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVEMENT OFT WEN TLETH STREET. . ' Notice 1 hereby given that th council of the city of Portland, Oregon,' at a meeting held on tbe 17th day of February, 100 rie clsred tbe assessment by ordinance No. 13.8IK1, for th improvement of Twentieth atreet, from th south line .if Savler street to tha north Una of Waahlngton atreet In the manner pro vided by ordinance No. . 13,278, upon each lot. part of lot and parcel of land, which are epeclally and pacillaily leucflred, to b a ioiiow, viz: . Couch Addition to the City of Port Blk 291 lot 1,' Clementina F. .Lewis. . $ 19.57 Hlk 202. lot 2. Clemontlna F. Iwls.. 23 66 Blk 21)2, lot O, Clementina F, Lewis.. 24.48 Blk 202, lot 4, Clementina F. Lewis.. ' 26.98 Blk, 291, lot 1,; George II. J landers estate, heirs' of '. 79.1T Blk 201. lot 2.. city of Pctland. . .. .. 82.19 P.Ik 21, north lot 3 W. J. Crane.. 45.13 Blk 291. south U lot 8. Henry Wt-ln- bard 18.88 Blk 291, lot 4. Henry Welnhard o3.82 Blk 2U0. lot 1. Marjr It. Couch........ 10K.81 Blk 21X1. lot 2, Mary H. Couch........ 108.67 Blk 20, lot 8, Mary H. Couch........ 95.73 blk 290, lot 4. .Timothy Dlnneen and wife 04.57 Blk 289, lot 1, Clementine F. Lewis.. 20.66 Blk 211, lot X Clementina F. Lewis.. 8I.IV Hlk 2-49..' lot 8. Clementina t lwt.. . Ho. si Blk 289. loft,' Clementina F. Lewi., 87.22 Big 288, lot 1. Mrs. Annie Conway.'..- (11.12 Blk 2H8. kit 2. Fllzabeth R. Olisan... 41.01 Blk 2M, lot 8 Kllzabeth K. OlUan... 73.17 Blk 28, lot 4, ' WlUlatu Dlnneen..,;.. 137.7!) Blk 287, lot 1, Mary H, Couch..,.,... , 113.72 Blk 217, lot 2, Msry H. C01.ch.,.,,'... ' 74.43 Blk 287, lot 3, Mary H.' (touch. ,.".,,. ' 40.38 Blk 287, lot 4, Mary H.Oouch. ....... . 88.15 Big and, lot i, Mary h. ixniou. ...... , si.m Blk 286. lot 2. Mary II. Conch.,';.,... 66.11 Blk 286. lot 8, Mary 11. Couch.. C2.88 Blk 2M6, lot 4, Mary II. Couch. ', 60.89 Blk 28fl lot. 1, John. Barrett... ' 84.08 Blk 286V wt 2. John Barrett. .... .f.. . 86.37 Blk T- lot 8, Hugh W. Wsllsc...,. ,84.60 Blk 2h.1, kit i". Hugh Wv Wallace..... . 84.27 Blk 284. lot l.'Hugh W. Wallac..... 20.17 Blk 884. lot 2.. Hugh, W. Wallace..... 42.W Blk 284. lot 8,. John Carson. .- 43.89 nil -v. jo.v, -imu 1.1UBVH.,,..,,,,, f im.m nik 2V1 kit 1 Abbott L. snd Evalvn ' k M, M1IU .x. .ii line of Twentieth atreet and a Una ; 100 feet west thereof and parallel therewith and between the north line 'of Everett atreet and a line 100 feet outh of and parallel with .be sonth line of Flanders street. Rose White. A tract of land lying between th south, line of Everett street and a . line 60. feet south thereof and paral lel therewith and between th west line of Twentieth street and a lino H2.5 feet west thereof and parallel therewith.' Sarah J. Henderson .w A trsct of lsnd lying between - th ; south line of Everett street and a Una 60 feet south thereof and paral lel therewith and between two line respectively 62.5 feet aud 100 feet west of "and parallel - therewith, , tt. W. Allen '. A tract of land lying between th west line f Twentieth street and a line 100 feet west thereof and parallel there, with and between two line respec tively 60 feet and 110 feet south of and parallel with tbe south' Una. of Everett treet, Kttie P. Young..... A tract of land tying between tb west line of Twentieth atreet and a line 100 feet west thereof nd parallel therewith aud between two line re spectively 110 feet and 160 feet south of and parallel with the south line of Everett (treet, WllUam Gard ner A tract of lnd lying between th west line of Twentieth street and a line 100 feet west thereof and prl lcl therewith and between two- lines - respectively 1 feet and 210 feet ' south of and parallel wtth tbe south . line of Everett street, Jessie M. ltoncyman A tract of land lying between the went lino of -Twentieth atreet and a line 100 feet west thereof and parallel therewith and between two line re spectively 210 feet end 200 feet outh of aud parallel with the south line of Everett street, Helen Bote- ' fuhr A tract of laud lying between the west . line of Twentieth street and a line 100 feef wet thereof nd parallel therewith and between- two line re spectively 2tX feet and 877.71 feet south of and parallel with th south line of Everett street, Harriet Opita. A tract of land lying between the weat ' .line of Twentieth street and a line 100 feet west thereof and parallel therewith and between two lines re.' pectlvelv 877.71 feet nd 427.71 feet south of and parallel with the south line of Everett street, H. K. Humaaon A tract of land lying between the weat line of Twentieth atreeet and a line 100 feet west of and parallel there, with and between the northerly lln of Washington treet nd lln 427.71 feet south of and parallel with the- south lino of Everett treet. Mantilla Jeffery (Yuen's Addition to th City of Portland Blk 262. lot 15. Elisabeth R. Olisan.'. Blk 2H2. lot 16, Elizabeth R. Glisan.. Blk 2tl2, lot 17. Elisabeth R. Glisan.. Blk 262. lot 18, Elizabeth R. Glisan.. Blk 2118, lot 15. Mary II. Conch Hlk 263, lot 16, Mary H. Couch Blk ?R3, lot 17, Mary H. Couch...... Blk 203, lot 18, Mary H. Couch...... Blk 2A4, lot 15, Fred J. Vermebr Blk 2A4. lot 16. D. ki'. Mackar Blk 264. lot 17. Frank Planeich . . . . . . Blk 264. lot 18, Elizabeth Mclntyr.,.. Blk 265, lot 15, Jel R. Hortoa Blk 21. lot 16, Jessie It. Horton.. Blk 2'V., lot 17. Joseph snd Jan Ewlng . Blk 265, lot 18, John Bingham Blk 206, lot 16. Clementln F. Lewi.. Blk 266. lot 16, Clementina Ffclwl.. ' Blk 266. lot 17. Clementina F. Lewie.. Blk 206. lot 18, Clementina F. Lewi.. Blk 267, east Vi lot 15, Josephine Boon Blk 267, west H lot 15, G. F. and Llllle M. Moffett Blk 267. lot 10, Msy Perkins Blk 267, lot 17. Laura M. Dodd...... Blk 267, lot 18. Laura M. Dodd....'. . Blk 268, rnt 15. Bavlnge A Loan So ciety of San Franeleeo Blk 268, lot 16. Raving A Loan So cletv of San Franclaeo Blk 208. lot 17. Savlnga A Loan So ciety of S.in Francisco Blk 268, hit 18. Saving A Loan So cletv of Snrl Francisco Blk 260,, lot 18. George P. Weldler... Blk 260. lot 16. George P. Weidler. . . Blk 260, lot 17. Charle P.- Bacon estate, heir of , Blk 269, lot 18. Charle P. Bacon. rat,' belr of Blk 270. lot 16, Elizabeth R. Glisan... Blk 270, lot 16. Elisabeth R. Glisan... Blk 270, lot IT B. W. Snovf Blk 270, lot 18, E. W. Snow.......... Blk 271, lot 16, Elizabeth R. Olisan.... Blk 271. lot 16, Fllzabeth R. Glisan:.. Blk 271. kit 17. Elizabeth R. Glisan... Blk 271. rot 18. Elizabeth R. Glisan... Blk 2T2. lot 15, Caroline E. Wilson.. Blk 272, kit 16, Carolln E. Wllaon.. Blk 272, lot 17. Carolln R. Wilson.. Blk 272," lot 18.' Carolln E. Wilson . Blk 273, lot 16. Clementln F. Lewi.. Blk 273, lot 16, Clementln F. Lewi Blk 273, lot 17. Clementina F. lwt.. Blk 273, lot 18, Clementina F. Lewts.. Blk 274, lot 15. George H. Flander estate, heir of Blk 274, lot 16, George ' H. Flander estnte, belr of Blk 274, lot 17, George H. Flander estate, heir of Blk 274, lot 18. George H. Flander estate, heir of Blk 275. lot 15, B. Wtstar and Hannah , R. Morrla Blk S75, north 84 feet lot 16, B. Wis tar and n.innah R. Morrla Blk 275. south 16 feet of lot 16, Eplsco- , nal fund Blk 275, lot 17, Episcopal Funu Blk 275j lot 18, F.plaeopsl Fund.- i tract of land lying between tbs eaat line of Twentieth street and a line 100 feet eaat thereof and parallel ; therewith and between the south lln of Everett atreet and a line 60 feet ' south thereof and parallel therewith, Joseph Goodman ................... A tract of land bounded and described as follows: 1 Commencing st a point In the east line of Twentieth street . 60 net south of th south lln of Everett atreet In rectangular meas urement, thence south along th east line of Twentieth street to its Inter section with line 271 feet northerly ' from and parallel with th northerly . line of Washington atreet; thence ' easterly along a lln 71 . feet north erly -from and parallel . with lb northerly line of Washington street to Its intersection with a line 100 feet 'eaat of and parallel wltb the cast . Hoe of Twentieth street ; thence north along a line 100 feet east of ' and parallel . with the east lln of Twentieth street to it Intersection . with a line 60 feet south of and . parallel with the south line of Ever ett street;1 thence westerly along a line 50 feet south of snd parallel . with tbe i outh line of Everett street to the place of beginning, B. Wlstar . ' Morris, trmtoo i .... . ............ . A tract of lsnd lying between tbe east line of Twentieth street and a, line , 100 feet east thereof and parallel ; therewith and between two line, re spectively 271 feet and 221 feet northerly from and parallel with th northerly line of Washington .treet.. Trustee of the -Eplseopil Dioce of Oregon . .. . ... ... ,t.-. . 4. ..... ' A tract of land lying between the ee.t line of Twentieth street and w line ion feet eaat- thereof and rrnllr therewith sK'I betuo.a two Ittie re-, . . spectlvely 221 feet ' nd : 176 feet northerly from and parallel .with til' northecly line of Waahlngton .tract. Walter B, Strnble A tract of land lying between tbe en.t line of Twentieth atreet and a linn. .100 feet ast thereof and parallel ' therewith and between two line re- t spectlvelr 176' feet end- 135.6 feet-. northerly from a nil parallel wltb th northerly line of Washington, street, ... , Patrick DougU ud Nor Doug la. 6J.24 44.21 89.18 83.30 88.69 41.77 40.59 18.08 18.65 13.10 11.94 18.08 18.66 18.11 11.04 18.09 18.65 18.00 11.94 18.64 34.62 67.47 60.88 213.88 69,26 101.67 18.97 S4.B7 1T.17 1T.1T JT.lt 40.55 JT.lt 58.29 1T.0T 21.96 26.06 26.98 4.1.44 46.97 65.15 64.06 28.81 89.64 41.64 90.78 93.87 96.13 29.17 27.53 80.98 27.08 101.12 105.64 86.17 133.08 J 13.98 20.74 21.35 17.16 18.65 25.85 27.01 23.90 26.39 - 26.22 25.40 88.78 94.46 88.71 29.92 82.82 87.87 85.78 80.70 26.11 8263 87.62 ' 87.98 S7.6T 29.46 20.96 J4.26 18.63 28.02 88.93 : 84 .16 62.10 48.81 14.81 83.90 9.60 48.54 206.64. 85.15 14.90 i3.es CITY NOTICES. A trsct r.f l ind lying between th t Ito f -Twentieth street - and alln, - 100 feet eaat thereof and parallel therewith and between' two lines re- apectlvely 135.5 feet and 100 feet .northerly from1 and parallel wtth th ' northerly lln of -Washington street, Jack -Belgbeder A tract of land lying between th eaat ; line of Twentieth street and-a. line 100 feet east thereof and parallel therewith-and between the northerly line of Washington street and a lln 100 feet northerly therefrom, and . parallel, therewith,- Saving A Loan ' Society1 of Baa Francisco . 11.1T 83.TB Total A statement - of aforesaid ' assessment $8,044.67 ha bean entered in the' Docket of City Lien, and s now aue ana payable at tne oinc oi tn city treaeurea. In lawful money of the United State and' if not paid within 80 day from the date of this notice. meh nroceedlnca will ' be taken for th collection of the sara . ss sre provided - by . th charter of th city of Portland. - .--...' Th abov assessment will heir Interest s 10 day after tb first publication of this nouc. . THOS. C. DEVttlt. : ' Auditor of Ihe City Of Portland. Portland, Oregon,. February 28, 1904. - ' ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVEMENT 07 BAST .. TWENTY-NIMTH STREET. 'k'Hu NorJc is hereby given -that th council th City oi Portlsnd. Oregon, at a meeting held on the 17th day of February, 1904. declared tn assessment by ordinance no. in. tor the improtement of East Twenty -atnth tret. -from th north lln of Bast Dsvl atreet to tha north line of Eaat Gllean street In the msa- ner provided by ordinance No. 13,61. upon eacn lot. ' part-of lot and parcel of land. Which ara i., specially and peculiarly benefited, to be fol- . low. via: Hawthorne' First addition to East Portland , Blk 16. lot 7, J. M. Hodson..: $ 46.16 , Blk 16, lot 8, Grace H. Hlnes..... 1.84 Blk 18, lot 6. Grace H. Bine. 3.09 Blk 16. lot 6. John 8. Jaavell. .......... 07. e Blk 9. lot T, John Rabyor. ' TS.81 Blk 9. lots. 8. Rahyor. ................. 6.711 Blk 0, lot 6, The Hawthorn estat..... - 4.71 Blk 9, lot 6, J. R. Mattle Seaver. ...... 68.77 Blk 8, lot 6, The Hawthorn estate.,...,. 2,46 Blk 8. lot 6, The Hawthorne estate 64.06 Blk 15. lot 12, Mr. G. A. Taylor....... 46.53 Blk . 16, lot 11. Henry Swlnt... 1.89 Blk 15, lot 2, G. A. Taylor....... ' 8 64 Blk 15. lot 1. G. A. Taylor............. 62.24 Blk 10. lot 12. Guitar W. Buckholi...... 87.06 Blk 10, lot 11. Michael D. Mclntyr.... 7.83 Blk 10, lot 2, Th Hawthorn estate ," 0.64 Blk 10, lot 1. Th Hawthorne estat. i.. 75.25 Blk 7, lot 12, Nor Hamilton... 46.87 Blk 7, lot 11, Grant ('. Bnahnell. ....... 1.48 Blk T, lot 2, Ja. B. Blackburn.., 1.06 Blk 7, lot 1, Mary J. Bcec. 44.82 TotI .$703.08 A atitement of , aforesaid assesament hss been entered in the Docket of ty Lien, and I now due sad oar. his st. tha offlc of tb city treasurer. In lawful money of the United ' Htate ana lr not paid "Witnin so aaya irom th date of thla notice, imch proceeding, will be taken for tb collection-of the sam as sre provided by the charter of the city of Portland. Tb above assesament will hear interest 10 day after th first publication of thl notice. . THOS.' 0. DEVLIN, - Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, February 23, 1904. ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVEMENT OP HAN COCK STREET. Notice I hereby given that th council ot the city of Portland, Oregon, at a meeting held on tbe 17th day of February, 1904, de clared the assessment hy ordinance No. 13.84U. for the Improvement of Hncock atreet, from the east' line of Eaat Twenty-fourth atreet to a point 200 feet eaat of tha .t line of th county road. In the manner provided by ordi nance No. 18.498, upon each lot. part of lot and parrel of land, which are specially and peculiarly benefited, to be a follow, vizi Wild Rose Addition Blk 1, lot 6. Lydis A. Carter... $ 64.71 Blk 1, lot 4. Thorns Buckman 3.53 Blk 1. lot 7, Harsh J. Buckman. 12 63 Blk 1. lot 8, Theodore Buckman 63.1)5 Blk 2. lot 6. Thorn.. Buckman 68.20 Hit. . - scl ..-i r.. . 1 1 A'l titw aft KIT nTOflorB JaUrmnilin. '. f ) s i - Blk 2. lot 7. Theodore Buckmsn 0.01 Blk 2, lot 6, Theodore Buckman 65.62 Blk 3, lot 5, Angellne B. Richardson..,. 76.41 Blk 8. lot 4, Thnmai Buckman..... 18.56 Blk 3, lot 7. Angelina B. Richardson. . . . 16.06 Blk 8, lot 6. Lydia A. Carter.... 81.06 1.1k 4. lot 6, Knr.il J. Buckmsn. 01.10 Blk 4. lot 4. Harsh J. Buekman 18.43 East Irvlngton Annex Blk 4, lot 6. Richard Martin, Jr 50.68 Blk 4, lot 6. Richard Martin, Jr... O.TO Blk 8, lot 5, Richard Martin, Jr........ 21.00 Blk 8, kit 6. Richard Mart lu. Jr........ 6.01 Mendon Par. Boat portiana. Oregon Blk 2. lot 10, George H. Nlcolal. ...... . Blk 2. lot 11. Oeorg II. Mcolal. W. "w. 'w. Blk 2. lot 12. George H. Nlcolat........ Blk 2J lot 13. George H. Ntcolal. Blk 2, lot 14, Ida Schorkley Blk 2. lot 15, Edward W. Wittenberg... Blk 2, lot 16,- Mr. Rom W. Saunderi... Blk 2, lot 17, Frederick B. Cooper. Blk 2. lot 18. Frederick E. Cooper...... Femwood ' Undivided 2-8 lot 10, Cichard M. Dooley, trustee Undivided 1-3 lot 10, Frank Woolsey..,. Be nth 100 feet of east 208.75. feet of lot 0, School District No. 1 South 100 feet of west 411.25 feet of lot 0. Robert Lntke A tract of lsnd lying between th north line or Hancocg atreet extenaeo ea.i erly in Its present course and a line 100 feet north thereof and parallel there with and between th east line of county road and line 200 feet east thereof and parallel therewith, Broad way Land company Wild Rose Addition Blk 8, lot 1, Lydla, A. Carter...,, Blk 8, lot 2. Lydla A. Carter Blk 8, lot 7, Isulah Buckman Blk 8, lot 8, Angelina B. Richardson.... Blk 7, lot 1, Lydla A. Carter........... Blk 7, lot 2. Thomas Buckman -.. Blk 7, lot 7. Theodore Buckman Blk 7, loft 8, Theodore Bock man. ....... Blk . lot 1, Lydla A. Carter. Blk 6, lot 2, Theodore Bnckmaa, Blk 6, lot 7, Thomas Buckman.......... Blk 6, lot 8, Thomas Buckman.......... Blk 6, lot 1. Wild Bnckman., Blk 5, lot 2, Isaiah Buckman A tract of land lying between the eaat line of block 5, Wild Boae addition, and' tbe West line of East Twenty eighth street and between th south ' line of Hancock street and line 100 . feet south thereof and parallel there with. Melissa A. Shlvely Mendon Park, East Portland. Oregon Blk 8, lot 9, James, " Robert and W. Mason estate, heir of Blk 8. lot 8. James, Robert end Mason estate, belr of Blk 3, lot 7, Jame. Robert and Mason estate, heir of ........... Blk 8.. lot 6, James, Robert and Mason date, heir of Blk - 8. lot 6, James, Robert and W. Mason estate, heir of Blk S. lot 4. Jame, Robert and W. Mason tt. heir of .............. Blk 8, lot 8. James, Robert and W. Mason estate, heir of Blk 8, lot 2. Jame, Robert and W. Mason etat, heir of . . . ...... ...... Blk 8, lot 1. Jame, Robert and ,W. Mason estate, belr of Femwood - ' Undivided 2-$ Jot 11. Richard Dooley, trustee Undivided 1-8 lot 11, Frank Woolaey.... Broadway Addition . Blk 7,- lot 1, B. M. Lombard... Blk T.-tet-a.-Bi-Mi-Lombard ..m n rrrrr- Blk T. lot 8, B, M. Lombard.. Blk T, lot 4, B. M. Lombard..,., ., Blk 7, lot 5, B. M. Lombard.. Blk 7, lot 6, B. M. Lombard..... Blk 7, lot 7, B. M. Lombard. Blk 7, kt8, B. M. Lombard. ........... Blk 7. lot 9. B. M. Lombard. Blk 7, lot 10, B. M. Lombard Blk 7, lot 11, B. M. Lombard..... Flk 7. lot 12, B. M. Lombard..... Blk 7. north 10 feet lot 13, B. M, Lom bard Blk 7. north 10 feet lot 14. B. M. Lom bard Blk 7. north 10 feet lot 15. B. M, Lorn. bard Blk 7. north 10 feet lot 16, B. M. Loin. lard Plk 7. north 10 feet lot 17, B. M, Lom bard Blk 7. north 10 feet lot IS, B. M. Lorn bar ............... Elk 7. north 10 feet lot .19, B. M. Lorn hard',,. .. " Blk 7.. north 10 feet lot 20, B. M. Lom bard ........v.. Blk 7. north 10 feet lot 21, B. M. Lom bard ; ...... . Blk 7. north 10 feet lot 22, B. M. Lorn bard Blk 7. north 10 feet tot 23,- B. M. Lorn, bird Blk 7. north. 10 feet lot 24, B. M.. Lom bard ..... r, ... i A tract of land lying between th smith "line of Hancock atreet and a lln 100 feet south thereof and parallel there ' with and between tbe east line of th county rmd and a linn 200 feet eaat thereof md parallel therewith. Broad way Land company 64 68 Tl. ,6.:ki W.K8 69.88 66.36 63.06 60.41 73.40 B12.7T 256.25 196.25 $14.81 229.83 84.92 S 42 21.70 101.01 85.27 1S.1T 14.10 78.10 60.20 10.36 10.83 60.35 77.86 12.21 177.1 69.40 62.8T 63 29 S1.0S 67.8$ 66.65 87.01 62.83 66.4$ B1T.1t 268.81 88.90 --.-41.20 85.70 24.69 21.7S 21.96 22.62 23.28 20.48 87.82 61.04 .74 .4$' .S7' .10 .09 .08 .OT ' 'u ".48 .66 ' .75 .0 206.06 Total ..J.'... .i.... i, $5,716.24 A statement of aforesaid assessment, hi been entered In th Docket of City Lien, and n now. du and payable at th office of tbe rlty treasurer, in lawful money of the United ' State and if not paid within 80 daya from ' the date, of thl. notice. uch. proceedings will be taken for the collection of the some a are provided by .the charter of. th city of Portland. ' : ' - The. above ' assessment will - hear Interest ' 10 rlaya after the first ' publication of thl notice. ; " " ..... s. . : : THOS.' C' DEVLIN, -I'----. ; Auditor of th City of Portland. - Portland, Orrion, February 23, 1904, ' lit"-- r