THE OKEGOy P A1XY - JOTJRN AL. POTlTLAyP, TIIUP8DAY EVIiyG, TEBRUABY 25, 1904. 12 i . j. in MULTNOMAH CLUB TO PRESENT "AMEER" Si -' 1 ' '" ' f ' ; if 190 FIRST STREET i THE RELIABLE STORE FURNITURE COMPANY WHY BUY UNKNOWNS ? JEWELS COST NO MORE R A P POWE R S W. IL BOTER, Musical Director of the Opera to Be Produced by the Multnomah Athletic Club : "The Ameer," a eomle opera, will be presented by the Multnomah club mem bers at the Marquam Grand theatre three nights during- the laat week In April or the first week lb May. The martfiger of the opera 1 Robert O. Mo Crnken, and his assistant la Irving Rohr. Professor Krone will hava charge of the dancing'. ' The music for the opera arrived 10 days ago and the committee will arrange at once for a meeting of all those who will take part In the production; w. H. Boyer' has been selected as musical, di rector, and William Bernard will have chnrge of the principals. It Is the intention of the managers to present "The Ameer" In as strong a manner as possible and nothing will be spared towsrds putting on a first-class cast. Those who have heard "The Ameer- will recall "Cupid Will Guide." "The Poster Maid." and "In Old Ben Franklin Days." with pleasure. The music Is catchy and the Incidents of the plot are Interesting and funny. About 125 per sons will participate In the presentation of the play. The other officers are: H. H. Herdman. advertising manager, Louis Bruce, musical manager; and Joseph Muhe, secretary and treasurer. . A FUMING DEVIL AT THE COURT HOUSE ' There are fully a dosen persons whose affairs necessitate frequent 'visits to the county courthouse that fully appre ciate the germicidal powers of formal dehyde. Two or three of them express the opinion that It is condensed light ning, while Al Salmon deals in hyper hole and affirms' by all the warrants he has ever cashed that it will grow hair on bald heads. Dr. Evans, 'the health officer, fumi gated his apartments at the courthouse yestedayY "He did It to test a new in strument. 'On' this particular occasion on his departure he forgot to lock the Six Free TYips TO THE World's Fair OPEN TO THE JOURNAL BOYS AND GI2LS UNDER 20 YEARS OF AGE ,, The Journal will send three boys and three girls, furnishing transportation, including Pullman accommodations, and expenses for a, 14 -days' trip to the world's fair at St. Louis, on the follow ing conditions: . ' Vint Condition. : The boy and girl in Portland secur ing the greatest number of cash sub scriptions to The Journal, esch 10 cents i of subscription counting a point in their favor, will be entitled to the first two of the free trips. Second Condition. ' The boy and girl In any part of Ore gon, outside of Portland, securing the greatest number of cash subscriptions to The Journal, each 10 cents of sub- scrlption counting a point In their favor, will be entitled to the next two of the free trips. Third Condition. The boy and flrrin sny psrt of the northwest or the Pacific coast, outside of Oregon, securing the greateat num ber of cash subscriptions to The Jour nal, each 10 cents of subscription count ing a point ' in their favor, will be en titled to the last two of the freo trips. , fourth Condition. To all those boys and girls pertlcl patlng in the contest, and not success ful in securing one of the free trips to the 'St. Louis world's fair., 10 per cent of the remittances of each con testant for subscriptions to Ths Jour nal will be returned to the respective contestant, as a reward for his or her efforts in The Journal's behalf. Those wishing to share. In the benefit! of the offer must send in their names and addresses, or call at the office of The Journal, for such advertising mat . ter' as msy be issued. Subscriptions to the Dslly, Weekly or Semi-Weekly Journal will be accepted and credited under this offer.. This contest will close at I o'clock p. m.. on Tuesday. May II, 1I04, and 'the names of the successful eontestants will be announced in The Journal as soon s tha vote is canvassed, enabling the successful boys and girls to reoelve the benefits hereunder between June I and the closs of the world's fair,: Enter tb Contest at -diet the Tim U Limited, and Opsor t unity Knock! at Yoqr Doer. . YouMay Win. . door leading into the room. A middle aged couple went to the office to see him. the woman entering first. In a moment she ran out, the teara stream ing from her eyes and . gasping for breath. "What's that Jim -devil working In the corner of the room?" she managed to articulate. , Her husband, filled with curiosity and desirous of demonstrating his courage In the presence of - his better half, dashed into ihe room to investigate, and went up against the formaldehyde fumes. The subtle fumes entered his nostrils at a Lou Dillon gait, permeated the cavitiea of bis cranium and started a small Niagara from his eyes. He fell back upon the skirmish line in the hall and went through a series of motions with his hands as if slgssgglng with a heliograph for reenforcements on the enemy's flank. , Frederick Lightning Prasp, the duly accredited agent of Cupid at the court house, witnessed the performance and rushed into the room to see who had hit the man and bis wife. He came out quickly and his hazel, orbs Irrigated' th4 hallway for about SO minutes. It Is said that he learned who hit Billy Pat terson and was overcome with Joy at accomplishing . what the Sherloc Holmeses of decades had striven in vain to discover. Prasp got very busy after ward and aent everybody he could to the health officer's room on some pretext or other. Al Salmon, Bob Galloway, Deputy Sheriff Johnson, Mose Block, W. N. Rob' Inson, Arthur Bancroft and several oth ers can all descant on the merits of for maldehyde.- Robinson was sent after a letter and hunted for it until he couldn't see and had to feel his wsy out of the room. Attorney J. II. Hltchtngs came In at the back door of the building and waa told a lady was in the room waiting to see him. He entered with alacrity. When he emerged he was so rattled that he kept right on through the hall and left the courthouse by the front en trance without transacting any business whatever. . .. Dr. Evans returned at this Juncture and, learning what had happened, locked the door of his room. He said he was testing a new fumlgator. "It's all right." 1 came a mighty chorus from the hallway. ONE IS SI A' -WEEK' jURSEST STOVE PUNT IN THE WORLD, i, THE OTHER YOUR OLD STOVE OR RANGE IN EXCHANGE BEST POSSIBLE VALUE ALLOWED AN EMBLEM OF HOW EASY IT IS TO POSSkSS A SECURITY iLiRGEST BTQYE PLAWT W THE VORLPj DENOTING QUALITY AND ECONOMY I OR. RANGE INVESTIGATE OUR LrlTTUE-BY-UITTJUE PAYMENT SYSTEM IT WILL MAKE MATTERS EASY tOK YOU. YOU WILL APPRECIATE IT. ThrJourndo? SPECULATION AS BAD AS THE DICE "Attorney Halley of Pendleton, cas top gambling all right," remarked John U, Sharpstetn. a prominent Walla Walla lawyer, who is In Portland today, "but what is he going to gain? Men will gamble and if they cannot do it in one way they will In Jhother. I cannot see where it is any worse for them to stake their money on the turn of a card, tns speea or a norse or a shales of a dice, than It is to speculate In stocks or real estate. One is as much a gamble as the other." Mr. Sharpateln is an enbtuslastlo base ball fan and was manager of the Walla Walla team in 101 and lo:. Last year the team under another management failed. Mr. Sharpstetn is of the opin ion that a team 'of semi-professional nsture, and not too high class, would prove a sucoess this season. "Both Boise and Spokane want to train in Walla Walla this spring." he added, "and this would give the local nine plenty of opportunity to get into practice. My business will not permit me to take an active part in baseball this year." , f BOmil CUBZ TOM FXX.K8. Itching plies produce moisture and cause itching, this form, as well ss Blind, Bleeding or Protruding piles are cured by Dr. Bo-sen-ko s pile Remedy. Stops itching and bleeding. Absorbs tu mors. 60c a Jar. at druggists, or sent by mail. Treatise free. Write me about i tour east vr, uomuxna. Phli'a Pa. EPILEPTIC MAKES DEPERATE FIGHT T. T. White, a painter, caused consid erable excitement yesterday on Grand avenue near East Morrison street when he was seized with an eplleptlo fit and tried to whip every one within reach. Witnesses of the occurrence say tnat White, when be felt the attack coming on, aat down on a bench in front of R. A. Wilson's drug store at II Grand ave nue, and he was seen to fall over. By standers rushed to his aid ana he was carried into the drug store and laid on the floor awaiting the application of re storatives. Before these could be ad ministered he began to revive, and im mediately made an attack on his rescu ers with a heavy stool, which caused them to scatter rapidly. Constable A. D. Keenan had In the meantime arrived. and. notwithstanding White's formidable weapon, the officer endeavored to take It away from him, but received a blow on tne arm ana one over me neaa. smashing his hat but doing him no seri ous injury. Though White fought for a time wltb the strength of a maniac, he was fin ally overpowered, and a police officer arriving, he was taken to the police sta tion. No ons appearing to make any charge against him he was soon re leased, as he Is known to be harmless when not in one of these fits. When in bis right mind White hss stated that some years ago he was robbed of a valuable gold watch and some money while in a fit, and aver since then the robbery the tbought uppermost in his mind when he is at tacked by a fit, and he believes every one who approaches Is bent on robbing him. His violence la caused by his ef fort to prevent a repetition of the rob bery, of which he is in great rear. BTOATXOir 07 HTTI.ES XV 3KMK. From- the Pall Mall Gasette. - A member of the craft, who, occupy ing an official atatus, haa the present po sltion of the silk-hat trade sc his finger ends, says that in London there are 654 members of the hat trade on the books of the society. Roughly speaking, 'a fashion in shspe endures four or five years without modification of Its .curve. Today It is only perceptibly bell-shaped, lust a tiny shade greater in circumfer nee at tne crown man in tne miaaie of tha body; the curl of the brim is be tween the "roll" and the "fiat" some prefer the former and some the latter. Four years ago the "bell" waa more pronounced, and five years before that the body was straight up and down. "It goes from straight to bell and back again from bell to straight," explained our obliging informant, who could recall a cycle of changes In silk-hat fashions, going bade to tne -vnampagne Charlie" Shape, as it was called, with a prodi gious "bW and a low body, and its suo sessor with the other extremes, a body actually barrel-shaped and high in the crown. oats Blind Kan. From the Kansas City Times. Thomas a. Smith, who was known as "Blind Tom." died at the city hospi tal recently from the effects of mor phine poisoning. Smith, or "Blind Tom," as he was called, had worked for J. J. Maloney at Nineteenth and Vine streets for .the last six or seven years. "Smith was a remarkable man," said Mr. Maloney. "Although totally; blled. be was a mighty useful man around the office. Hla series of touch was wonder ful.. He could make change ln both pa per and silver money by the sense of touch. It wss impossible to fool him. AU of his senses were acute and his memory was remarkable. He knew every bad roadway in town; he vcould tell all of the Vina street cars by ths sound of their wheels. . He walked all over town with nothing but a cane to guide him. He could find his way anywhere." FAzm or nm A qia!nt story is told of a Melbourne bachelor parson of Welsh parentage and sympathies. He takes off hla clerical hat when the band plays "Men of Har lech," and bids for the vote and Interest of every Taffy In his district. Also, ho is a warm denouncer of the "gambling evil.". Parents whs want baby named after a racehorse cannot persuade- him to per form the ceremony, not if they offer him a double fee. He is always on the alert to detect a turfy name. The other day hla suspicions were aroused by a father who came along to book his services for ths christening of a male Infant. A weird, peculiar Christian . name, full of consonants and splutters, was submit ted to the parson for approval, and he did not approve, although the applicant was a Welshman,, after his own heart. "It's the name of a racehorse, I'm sura," said ths parson, "and I'll not degrade the child by giving It to him." In a tons of sorrowful astonishment the man re plied: "Why, sir, that name is Welsh for AJod be with you I thought you knew the language. Alexander Dumas Sis wss once dining at Marseilles with a Dr. Gtstal, a man who was eminent in his profession. "My dear friend," said ths host, i they passed from the dining room Into the drawing room for the coffee, "I know that you improvise most beautl ruuy. could you not write me a verse in my album?" "With pleasure." replied the author; and, taking the album offered him. ha wrote: Sinee Dr. distal of renown Practices, all pain has ceased; The hospitals hava been torn down Ths doctor, who was looking over tha shoulder of ths writer, exclaimed, with Joyous effusion: "Oh, but you (latter me; you flatter met I do not merit it!" "But wait a moment," remarked Dumas, and he finished with ths line: But cemeteries have increased. Vnoonflnaed Burner, From 'the Chicago Record-Herald. Bulletin The rumor that the Japs have taken St Petersburg is not yet confirmed. Your Nerves Are the life, the vitality, the energy of vour body. It Is the nerves that cause the heart to nulsate. the lunsrs to Inhale the oxy gen, the brsln to direct the motion of every organ of ths body, the stomach to digest food, the liver to secrete the bile, the kidneys to filter the blood and the bowels to carry off ths waste. When the nerves of the stomach be coma weakened or exhausted. Indices. tlon. Constipation and Inflammation re sult, because the stomach ia inactive. This is true of all the organs of ths body, and proves that to curs disease you must strengthen the. nerves. Dr. Miles' Nervine Is ths great speciflo for the nerves, and In bringing them back to health never falls to cure all cases of Nervousness, Bleeplessnees, Neuralgia, Headache, Spasms, Backache, Muscular Twitch in as, St Vitus' Danes, Epilepsy, 8 torn - acn, Silver sna Kidney troubles. "For t years physicians and health re. sorts felled to relieve me of a comnlica- tlon of stomach, liver, kidney and heart an en ions, en ootues oi vr. Junes Nervine cured me." O. W. ARCHBOLD, OrMf. Decatur. Tnil. . t If first bottlt falls to benefit, monex 1 f i it ;i it it it ft $ OUR 1904 LINE OF it i i it it '! I r I it it it It it It it It it it t O II i t 1 1 i t t it It it It it It i t It it M it WALL PAPERS IS NOW READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION We are Agents for the following high-class factories: ART WALL PAPER MILLS. F. R. BECK C& CO. ITHACA WALL PAPER CO. ROBERT GRAVES CS, CO. K it it it i t STROWBRIDGE pho,.Et4ao PAINT AND OIL COMPANY TiiaiAve: it it tt it rlHHltt Teeth AT CUT RATES UNTIL MARCH 1. The Boston Painless Dentists Are doing all dental work for cost of material , to Introduce our late discov eries and painless TBACTINO FREE. INOS, 16c; GOLD GOLD CROWN8, WORK. 11.08. methods. EX' SILVER FILL FILLINGS, 75c; l.0; BRIDGJs Tall Bet, Tit Onaraa teed .......... IsO NO STUDENTS EMPLOYED. Come in st once and taka advantage of low ratee. All work done by Specialists WITHOUT PAIN and GUARANTEED for TEN TEARS, Our late botanical discovery to apply to the gums for ex tracting, filling and crowning teeth with out pain is known and used only by BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS Corner Fifth and Morrison streets. En trance 2I1H Morrison, opposite . Meier ft Frank's. Hours S:0 a. m. to I. p. as.; Sundays till 1. Ths Point of YJew, From ths Nsw York Worlds Admiral A lex left In his proclamation to his army and naval forces telle them; "Our God, who has always upheld . the cause thst is Just, Is doing so now." TJ&H Is just what the Japs thjnlt. - I BICYCLES Fishing Tackle I Orients, Nationals V Hooks, Lines, Reels, and Clevelands RK,S Baskets, Etc. $30, $40, $50, $60 : - v v - -r-.-. X- -"'- Guns and n t ii j Ammunition Base Ball and Sporting Goods R,f,cs' Shotguns' Rr . volvers, and a full Reach and D.&M. Lines Uneof Ammuni Balls, Bats, Mitts, tlon always Qloves, etc; on Hand RBPAIRINO A SPECIALsTY JL ' - " -sKassiaewsww S, H. BRAirtfARD 1 1 0 UNION AVENUE v