The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 24, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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, Special BuMrig Committee's Report Recommends
: Action for Public Safety-New Building Or
dinance Comes Up at City Hall Tomorrow
I. ronnrt 'nf the special building
Inspection committee of the city council,
aa it stand? at present. Is a recommen
dation that the Park theatre, at Sixth
and Washington streets, be closed. This
committee has been inspecting theatres
and public buildings with a view to
protecting the public against danger in
case of panic tor fire. A member of the
committee said today that Its work was
practically completed except for a fe
minor changes that will be made to tlii
report already formulated. It covers In
general detail a tour or me ineaire.
dance, halls and variety shows, the Hill
Military Academy, a number of publi
schools, all the local hotels, several
churches and such other edifices or pub
lic gathering places that were included
In the general roujid of buildings. .
It Is thought' that a permanent build
ing inspection committee will be recom
mended, to consist of those public offi
cials who can give some of their time
to the work, and who are already more
or less Interested in the protection of
(public property. , X, t -
During the inspection It is known that
' frequent violations of the fir and build
ing ordinances were discovered,- and
these will be reported in detail. Quite
frequently the violations are. thought-
less, but under certain contingencies
might bring about the horror that
sometimes follow a neglect to comply
' oorarsBVXJirch-rmxvozFAXs or
juost, vox. or LAW, rOLLOWSS)
' Despite the order of the 'Iowa courts
granting Claude Warren the custody of
his 8-year-old son; the little fellow will
remain-In the tare of his grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Armstrong. This
was the decision of Judge George in
the state circuit court this morning.
It was held that the case properly comes
under the Jurisdiction of the Oregon
' courts. On the broad principle' or right
the court asserted tne Denei xaax. me
boy will be better off with hla grand
parents than with his father. '
About . two years ago Mrs. Warren
died in Iowa and the father of the boy
consented to the grandparents' being
given His custody. Later on trouble
arose over "his trying to govern the lt-
' tie fellow, and the courts were appeaieq
to. ' They awarded the grandparent th
custody of the child. . ;
Some : time ago Mr. and Mrs. Armt
strong am to-' Oregon with young
Cyrus. It has not been shown whether
1 they intend to reside here temporarily
or to take up a permanent residence
here. Warren Immediately appealed to
the courts, declaring that by taking the
boy out of the state they had vllr-
. garded its order. Nothing In the order
prevented the boy being, taken out of
the state, but the courts' held that the
'act violated its spirit Accordingly the
.former order was annulled and the
father given the custody of his son.
When he reached here he waa refused
the boy .on .the ground that the Iowa
courts had no Jurisdiction In this state.
Suit was brought to have (he order of
the Iowa courts enforced. ;
'The facts known her are not con
clusive-enough for me to pass on the
; Jurisdiction (of the Iowa courts." said
Judge George. "It may be that they had
, Jurisdiction, but; I question It., It may
be claimed that under the clause of the
federal constitution requiring full credit
to be given the proceedings of a court
In a sister state I am bound to enforce
this order, but I doubt if under the cir
cumstances this court could be required
to enforce such an order any more than
that of another court In this state. From
the view I take It Is hardly necessary
to consider these questions at alt. Six
months has passed since the order and
there is no doubt that this court lias
the custody of the Child now.
"I was favorably Impressed with the
- grandaprents of - the child during the
. trial. They were spoken of highly .by
. people who have known them for years.
' They appear attached to the child and
he to them. On the other hand, the
father Is hardly in a position to take
good care of the little fellow. On the
broad principle of faking the action I
deem dcsi ror tne weirare or me cnua l
will order that he remain permanently
t in the custody of Mr. and Mrs. Arm
, (Bpeelal Dispatc-h to The Journal.)
8alt Lake City, Feb. 24. A quantity
of dynamite, sufficient to demolish the
building, was found in the basement of
the Dewey theatre, at Park City, yes
terday afternnnn Atianheri In th
plosive was a"TTnie arrangement for
setting it off. It Is firmly believed by
the police and managers of the theatre
that those responsible for the presence
' of the dynamite had planned to destroy
the place of amusement while the per
formance was being given. The discov
ery was made accidentally. The Janitor,
1 who seldom goea . Into the basement.
went there, and in the semi-darkness
he (tumbled over a large box. ' As he
. arose he found that the box had been
placed over a bundle. The Janitor car
ried the package upstairs, where It was
found to contain 10 sticks of dynamite
and th clockwork referred to. .
The explosive had been carefully
thawed out and otherwise prepared for
it deadly mission. The police were at
onca notified and began work on the
cas. , Th matter was kept qufet until
today. The officer now say that they
hsv discovered evldenc of a plot to
blow up the thealr while the perfor
mance wss being given. They say that
.arrests may be expected at any lima..
with stated rules for the protection of
life and property.
The committee has finished Its work
of inspection and ' the full particulars
will be reported complete. 'It is said
that the committee will be asked to be
discharged 'from further work - in that
direction, expressing the opinion that in
the future. Us, duties should devolve
upon the permanent committee sug
gested. i
Repeating more than -CO bid ordinances
and in effect providing one general or
dinance covering the -problem of build
ing construction In Portland, the pro
posed new building law will be consid
ered by the members of the committee,
city officials and all Interested archi
tects and builders tomorrow morning at
10 o'clock. City Auditor Devlin today
made announcement of the open meet
ing, which will, be held at the city hall,
and expressed the desire that as many
Interested people as possible be in, at
tendance. The new ordinance Is at present vol
uminous, embodying more than 70 type
written pages, but It is thought that it
can be greatly abbreviated. - The com
mittee has only Intended to draft Its
general outlines and a closer Inspection
and criticism from all aide will. In the
opinion of the committee members, re
sult In eliminating much unnecessary
(Continued from Page One.)
for nearly 10 year the case has bean
fought In all the courts and carried up
to the supreme court front th circuit
court of appeal..
F. P. Maya of the law firm of Carey
& May, v who represent the Northern
PaclQo at this point. In speaking of th
case said:
"The decision Is sweeping, and will
work a hardship on th settler who
have spent years in th building Up of
their homes. A th matter now stands
they hav no title whatever, and must
depend on the government to give them
assistance in th trouble.. The govern
,ment Is at fault, for the reason that
they should not hav permitted the set
tiers to file on the, lands, or Issued pat
ents, when they were aware that there
was a cloud on the title. In this way
the settler waa encouraged and led to
believe that he would aecur hla title.
The railroad company should hav,
without delay, brought action to secure
a decision when they learned, that the
government did , not recognize their
right to the land. The settler, of course,
Is not. wholly blameless for his part In
the transaction, and for hta, present se
rious plight. They .were all aware that
the title of the land was in question, and
took, the -chance of everything being all
right- The problem ivnen considered
rrm every standpoint is a difficult one
to cdpe with. The settlers may '" be
given land In lieu, of that which they
now hold, but that would not be satis
factory, a it is impossible to at this
time get land of value. This same
proposition might b made to the com
pany, but the same condition would op
ply to them. An effort might be madu
to buy out the settlers and give the
land to the railroad company, or to buy
the land from the railroad company and
give It to the settlers. Either on of
these moves would not b satisfactory.
A bill may be passed In congress to give
some kind of relief, but it will be a dif
ficult matter to settle, th problem so
that It wju b satisfactory all around
Georgo W. Stapleton, an attorney who
has handled a number of the case for
settlers, on the "overlap" land, before
th Vancouver land office stated: ,'
"Th decision of the supreme court
will cause no end of litigation and trou
ble for th farmer who have been un
fortunate. In ! locating on the land In
question. I. know about 100 of them.
and they hav good farms, which have
cost them year of hardship and toil
to build up to condition of produc
tiveness." The government Is responsl
ble In on sense, a they should never
hav allowed settlers on th land until
they wer In a position to give them
title, after the law of th land hav
been complied with. Som action wilt
hav to be taken, to undo the evil. It
will probably be In th way of remedial
legislation by congress. A board of ap
praisers may be appointed to fix the
value of th land and pay th settlers.
This, however, would not be Justice, as
It la a difficult matter to fix th cash
value of a homestead, and to Justly es
timate the compensation for th work,
hardship and losa of opportunity, which
would hv to be taken Into considera
tion If settlers were ejected. The rail
road company is under no obligation to
sell, and as the property I Increasing In
value, would probably ask a price out of
all reason If the government mad them
a proposition This would probably be
th attitude of th settler also.
"Some of th property in controversy
has changed hands a doxen or more
times, which will bring to the fore the
vexatious point of vested right. It
will be interesting to watch the contest
and see how the government will pro
ceed in giving to the settler th pro
tection they are entitled fo under the
circumstances.. The railroad company
Is out of the fight, which is between the
government and the settlers. Of course
the railroad will probably be drawn In
on ttje matter of the adjustment of va'
ues, or on some point where they will
be given an opportunity to either buy or
sell the land."
Because he did not want his 9-year-old
daughter to know 'of her mother' dis
grace, T. B. Wlnslow, who resides at
Woodlawn, requested Deputy District
Attorney Adams to dismiss the stat
utory charge against his former wlf.
Minnie C. Winslow, and J. D. Stanley.
xn complaint wa igned by Wlnslow,
February 10, 1904. Winslow, who Is (S
years old, also stated that he feared
that he would be unable, to stand th
ordeal of a trial, as he has been suf
fering of late with heart failure. Sine
th charge wa brought Wlnslow has
secured a divorce from his former wife
and ws warded the custory of their
llttl daughter.
Itching plls produc taoistur and
cause itchng. this form, as well
Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Pile are
cured by Dr; Bo-ssn-ko s Pile Remedy.
Stop Itching and bleeding. Absorb tu
mors. 0c a Jar, at druggists, or sent
by mall. Treatise free. Write me about
four . lit Boaaalco,' Pha'a, pa, -
anrsss or the bbedob cotjub
THE jktEir. .... ... .'""::
Engineer Llnvllle has resigned his po
sition on the big government dredge
Chinook. Major W. C. Langfltt has re
turned from a trip to Astoria, wher
he Investigated the cause of . a larg
number of the men quitting work on
the Chinook last week. The men said
they were dissatisfied with the ration
given them, and ihat they were not
always tempting.
After making a thorough Inquiry into
th subject Major Langftti says h sat
isfied himself that the "grub" question
had nothing to do with the difficulty.
There has been, certain amount of
friction, he says, between the captain
and the engineer, aod their respective
deaprtments, and to this he attributes
the trouble. Nearly all the men. who
quit' work-were employed In theengl
neer's department, and the constant
wrangling is believed to have been th
cause. .
. "Did you request the. engineer to re
sign?" the major was asked.
"No," was the reply. "He quit of
hi own accord."
"Has anyone been appointed to suc
ceed him?" '. .
''No, but an appointment will likely be
made very soon."
'Some of the employes who walked
off the dredge." .concluded the major,
"were young chaps, , and did not ear
much, whethef they worked or not. We
will not reinstate the strikers as a body,
but will take them back a individuals.
If they are needed, and we are satis
fled that they, want work.. '
"I do not think there will be any
further trouble on the Chinook. Every
thing Is going along satisfactorily now.
and I think will continue that way."
(Continued from Page One.)
tiii allow ho roouvo.
(Washington Riirwto t The-' Journal.)
Washington, Feb, 34. The reply of
the United State to Russia's .protest
against Japan is expected to be nothing
more than an acknowledgment or it re
cetpt. State official still announce that
the United States will keep out of th
Imbroglio in the far eastern situation
as much as possible, but will allow no
fooling. .
London, Feb. 14. -A dispatch to Reu-
ter from Wei Hal Wei states that four
Japanese battleships and nine cruisers
passed there today, bound east. . The
vessels are evidently part or tne fleet
which, haa beoiuconcentrated. aboutPof t
Arthur. r
Vienna, Fob. 21. -A Neue Frete Presse
dispatch from Warsaw say dysentery
I raging among the Russian troop In
Nice" Feb. 14,--Grand Duke Cyril, the
cxar cousin, left for the far east today
via St. Petersburg. He will take up an
Important naval command. v
zmroxES rrrara'AiD.'
Cm Addresses XI Peopl and Thank
. Them for toyalty. -
' ' (Journal Special Service.-)
St. Petersburg. Feb. 24. The cxar to
day, replying to an address from his
subjects expressing loyalty, said such
expression as these, coming from all
(arts of Russia, are a great consola
tion In times of trouble. He concluded
with an expression of optimism and by
invoking" Divine aid.
. London, Feb, 24. The severe depres
sion In Russian government securities is
again reflected by the number of failures
today. There were three In Parts this
afternoon, due to a decline In Russian
Busslaa Cruiser Maadjur Must Leav
Shanghai, El Strife.
1 , (Hearst Rpeelal BerTlce.)
Tien Tsln, Feb. 24. China Is moving
troops to the front and is preparing to
attack th Russian cruiser Mandjur,
now at Shanghai. There are renewed
reports of an attack on Port Arthur,
and the story is that Russia Is strongly
entrenched and will make a stand In
Manchuria If not a general attack. The
advance of Chinese troops complicate
matters and endangers the general peac
of Europe.
Talnabl Opinions Bndrd After Study
ing Taatar So Far Developed.
(By Crnral Joseph Whlr.)
(Hearst Special BerWre.)
New York, Feb. 24. The report
that the csar of Russia will take per
sonal command of Ills imperial forces
In the east 1 another proof that the re
sources of that great nation will be ex
ercised to the utmost to maintain It
dignity, honor, prestige and defend It
stronghold and other post on th
Pacific) coast.
Dispatches from Russia declare that
th czar' soldier have, already crossed
the Talu river and are preparing to bat
tie with th Japanese with the river at
their backs. Seoul is. from north to
south, about the center of the Korean
peninsula, and, is more than 300 miles
from the Talu river. The taking of the
capital would be an almost impossible
undertaking for the force which the
czar, ha available for such a purpose.
Th statement is utterly inconsistent
with repeated dispatches which assert
that Viceroy Alexieff ha established
hi headquarter In Harbin, and that
the plan of campaign Involve the con
oentration of an army at that point
400,000 strong, This would put the vice
roy' headquarters at least 700 mile
from Seoul, which Is certainly a very
extraordinary plan of campaign.
I think that the public Is very apt
to exaggerate what Is called "disaffec
tion," or lack of loyalty, of the ciar's
subject. The history of all countries
show that llttl matter of disaffection
and sometimes matters of oppression and
injustice re lose sight of when th
hqnorNnd prestige of a nation are as
sailed. In auch times the spirit of chiv
alry and devotion to governing power
rise to great heights, and we may ex
pect uch will be the case regard
Russia. ,
Nihilists are few In number to the
great mass of what were one serf, a
people who feel that they owe their re
leas from serfdom, to the father end
grandfather of th preent ruler. We
may. accordingly, feel assured that
there 'will be little difficulty In filling
the army with willing and loyal sol
dier. .
It I therefore probable that good sol
dler can be found even among deported
sufferers who hav bten sentenced for
The Remarkable Experience of
: Prominent Statesman Congress
. man Meekison Gives Pe-ru-na
a Hiflh Endorsements
Congressman Meeiison of Ohio.
Hon. Dtid Meekison la 'well known
not only la his, own State, but through
out America. He mi elected to the
Fifty-fifth Conjrresa by ft very Urge
majority, and 1 tne acknowledged leader
of hi party in hla section of, the State.
Only one flaw marred the otherwise
oomplete success' of thia rising tate
man. Catarrh with lta lnsidlou ap
proach and tenaclona grasp, 'Waa his
inly nnconqtiered foe. Tor thirty year
he waged Ttnsnocessfnl warfare against
this personal enemy. At last Peruna
eame to the rescue. He writes ;
. " bav0 used tevtnl bottles of Pe
runa and foel gntfy benefited there
by from my catarrh of the bead, i
feel encouraged to believe that If I one
it a short time longer! will be fully able
to eradicate the disease of thirty years'
standing." David Meekison, Membet
mf Congress.
It you do not derlre prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna,
write at once to Dr.Hartman, giving a
full statement of your case and he. will
be pleased to giro you hla valuable ad
rioe gratis,:
Address Dr. Hartman,' President of
The Bartmaa Saaitarium, Columbus,
Ohio. . .
llf to the hardships of , a Siberian ex
istence. ' .
When all these resources are hurled
upon Japan it will require the exercise
upon the part of that nation of all Its
xesouroe awl its trtmoet-determlnatkm,
endurance, and sacrifice o meet them. .
Japaa Say Hanging Soldier By Enemy
Was Hot Justified.
(Journal- Special rVrrlce.)
"London, Feb. S?4. Japan threatens ti
hang a number of Russian prisoner be
cause of the hanging of th Japanese
who attempted to blow up a bridge--on
the Siberian 'railroad, i They claim the
attempt purely an act allowable in war,
and not the work of spies. That it was
reconnoiterlng and acting under the
rules of warfare, and should have been
treated as prisoners of war, and not as
spies. '
(Journal Special Her rice.)
London, Feb. 24. Consul Hayashl
said this evening he believed the re
port of the sinking of six Japanese war
ships is the outcome of an assertion re
cently made by Pavloff, a Russian agent
at Seoul, 'that three : Japanese .vessel
were sunk at the battle of Chemulpo.
Neither Baron Hayashi nor the Russian
minister here ha any official confirma
tion of th report
(Journal RpeHal Serrlce.)
Chicago, Feb. 24. For the first time
Ince the Haymarket riot a mayor i
today on the witness stand In a murder
case. Mayor Harrison gav testimony
In the carbamer' trial, showing th
confessions made by Vsndine and Nlede-
meler when arrested. They wer volun;
tarily given. ,
Take Itat!T Brome Quinine Tablets. All
drure!ti reruns the money If It falls to cure,
R. w. drove's alsnatnr to on each box. 2n. '
Tf that family kaaw
tnta minute that th.y
led th. coateat thus fat
oh, what excltemeot!"
To Piano
Yon MTJ8T eomply with the rales ef
tbla co u tut or your numbers will not be
registered. Some send la tbelr num
ber! without stating whether It Is a
plans or organ, or firing the Dame of
the instrument. Boms don't glre their
addreia. It would break the heart of
anyone to forfeit to Talnabl a prise
through carelessness.
W want everybody In the city or
eonntry to And the number on the old
piano or organ and send It to ns with
your nam aod address. On April 10 we
will uncover th number on the new
KIV08BUEY Piano, and the person hold
ing the old Instrument wboae number
comes th nearest to tbs number on the
new piano takes the new KIN08BUHY,
we taking th old one In exchange, win
or loss, not a cent to pay out. Number
are coming In thick and fast. Every
body try. Somebody Is going to win. It
. mar be you.
NOTICE. Always give asm of to
atrument and your addresa; also state
wher you ssw th advertisement.
This contest is open to every ewnev
ef aa old plane or organ la Ores-on or
Washington, and costs absolutely aotolng
but postal card.
Snd Ton Vtuubr, Everybody,
This contest Is In th handa ef the
oldest and moat reliable muale hens la
the PsdAc Northwest and will be con
ducted with the" same fairness character
title of. thia boos.
Old, argt, StroagMt.
Opposite BestoSo. :
to vobt ro xoao or ootbxh-
Taylor, Young ft Co. of Portland hav
been awarded th contract for . trans
porting 1,100,000 feet of government
lumber and S.600 tons of oats to Manila,
for which It will recelv 134,800, The
lumber will be furnished by the East
ern & Wetern mill and tenders will be
asked for. supplying the oats. ; Taylor,
xoung & Co. has chartered tne tsruisn
steamship Inverness .to transport the
shipment. She Is now en route from
Murroran, Japan, toy Vancouver, B. C,
with, a cargo of sugar, and is due' to ar
rive at the Canadian port about March
By. the middle of th mouth ah is
expected to reach Portland,' and , will
begin loading at once. V
Proposals for furnishing the oata will
be opened on March 6. Puget sound
firm are also Invited to bldrlf they
should be successful th steamer will
proceed to Seattle or Tacoma to com
plete her cargo after taking on th,
lumber hlpmnt .her. .
The Inverness is a turret decx
steamer, having a dead weight carrying;
capacity of 6,(00 tons, and 1 particu
larly suitable for large cargoes, , Sh
only draws about 22 feet of water when
fully loaded. .
The steamer 1 in command of Capt.
I. J. Proud, and la only two years old.
She waa built at Sunderland, England, In
1802. Sh 1 of 2,401 net registered
ton and 1,734 gross. Her dimensions
are' 242.8 feet long, 4C.T feet across th
beam and 24.8 feet depth of hold.
During th past few year th old
steamships Inverness and the Caithness,
sister steamers of the one now .under
charter, hav been at Portland, but this
will be the first visit to these water of
the new Inverness.
Daniel J. Moore arrived from San
Francisco thl morning with the body of
William Miller, a well-known boating
man of this city. Mr. Miller wa con
nected for many years with the late
Aiken - Copeland, and they wer- - fast
friends. When Mr. Copeland died, about
a year ago, he remembered his. pld chuin
and bequeathed him a substantial sum.
A short time ago Mr. Miller, not feeling
well, left for California to recuperate.
but his health failed rapidly and he died
in San Francisco. Major Moore, being
the administrator of the. Copeland es
tate, waa also appointed to act in
similar capacity for MlUer, and accord
ingly went south to claim the body and
bring It to this city for burial. For a
number of , years Miller was employed
by Major Moore. The funeral will be
held probably on Sunday, although the
exact date has not been fixed. The body
of the deceased will be burled beside
that of , Copeland Jn Rlvervlew ceme-
(Continued from Page One.)
when loaded will draw 24 feet or in
that neighborhood. Sh haa never been
used before aa a freight carrier, but al
together aa a troop ship carrying sol
diers between San Francisco and Ma
nila. During the past year and a half
sh ha been lying Idle at the Bay City,
Capt. A. P. Berry, transport quarter
master, la authority for th statement
that 600 marine are shipped from
San Francisco nd that no soldiers will
be taken from Vancouver barracks. As
the Buford is taking on ao larg a
shipment of .lumber from thl port It
wa thought best not to load her so
heavily aa would be necessary if the ma
rines were taken here, said Captain
Berry. The marines to be shipped from
San Frapclscor will be brought from varl
ous recruiting stations In th east.
The trip up the coast from San Fran
Cisco waa a rough one, but without in
The officer of th Buford are: Capt
A. P. Berry, transport quartermaster
Frank Hall, captain; Charles Baker, first
Officer; J. M. Taylor, second officer; O,
Everson, third officer; J. H. T. Sonne,
fourth officer; F. A. Putzar, chief en
glneer; M. Foley, first assistant engi
neer; M. H. Todman, second assistant
engineer: J. Kerr, third assistant engl
neer; A. L. Goodrich, fourth . assistant
engineer; M. A. uannlgtm, chief tew
ard; A. Miller, second steward: J. Cad
gar, third steward;. Stephen Wyth,
surgeon; J. M. Holmes, quartermaster
(Journal Special Service.)
San Francisco, Feb, 24. The floods In
the northern and central portions of the
stat as a result of th present rain
storm are assuming larg proportion.
The first serious accident due to th
situation occurred last night near K-
wick. when the Portland express was
caught In a elide. A car In th middle
of th train wa partly burled and two
Japanese were Injured. Only th .mall
express and baggage car and one coach
came on. Th rest were dug out and
sent back to Keswick. . The heavy rains
are reported all along th mountains
from Dunsmulr to PlacerVUle. Th
Floriaton paper nvlll dam, on th
Central Pacific has gone out The
American river at Auburn I higher
than at any tltn sine 1862. Th track
from Marysville to Orovllle Is under
water and no. trains are running. .The
railroad emoanKment at many place
are dangerous. Th Sllverton ferry
broke loose last night and wa carried
down th river past Redding. Th storm
may strike southern California tomor?
row nignt.
(Journal Special Service.)
Washington, D. C, Feb. 2i. Alfred
Noble, chief engineer jpf the Pennsyl
vania railway, has declined a place on
the Panama canal - commission, - which
wa tendered htm by President Roose
velt .: , ,' V
. Preferred Stock Canned Qooda, .
Airen Lwi' Bet Brand.
Largest Wholesale and Retail Drug Store in America
of One
J :.:'r.
Often stands for life ' or
death in compounding a
prescription. We claim '
no infallibility, but we do
place EVERY SAFE- .
your prescription pure
fresh medicines from re
sponsible houses, skill,
care and fidelity, to the
physician's written com
mand. A
and we'll send one of our '
messenger boys for your
prescription, fill and re
turn' it promptly.
Free Delivery
for the con
venience of oar patrons
, ' . (. .-. . . - ... .. .
It Isn't a esse of profit, but of floor pace, Our' new good must hav
quarters, and to provide for them "w'r. continuing th two astounding .
offers mad last week. ...:.
2 'jLiisurpgji jft
fl?IO ATA u
jii nil m
3 k 4
VSTM ws m 1 i -
a M W - M WS A - A V
Round top, SH-lnch leg, 48-Inch top and Jtt-lnch rim to go at 111.19.
Thia offer only holds good th balance of - this week and all of next
Remember the price $12.50 for a -foot table, $U.E0 for an 8-foot table.
Other tables proportionately priced. . -
' -- l"lll"lB ' '
With warming closet and all th Improvements on any range made! We're
losing money on every on at.
Every Rang fully guarafitd. -
Henry Jenning & Sons
Furniture, Carpets. Stoves.
q VJraiiiiu w
" Amsrioa 1 Alarm,' eu most pop.
nl4f slock , , s
Special 73c
rarker1 Botary Hanunr Alarm,
.' bast finished and most accurate
alarm la th mark -
Special $1.23
American Watch, gnaraatoed fox
cm yr
Special 89c
Chest Protectors
rrevaot Oongh. Colds and all
Cheat and Lung Trouble.
. Woodlark Chest Protector
50c and 75c
-Hudson Chest Protector
.' ehamoia lbid
Special 79c
Trost Blue 'and Qnem Ohamola
Tssi - Bvry vest guarant e
, give aatUf action or money will
fee rfundd.
Special $2.50
, Oat Baao Blade are f org d ot
the high grade of double r
&ad English tL
arg aaortmnt of Antoln Brg,
BMrlMS, ' Bterlina; BAd Bo-By
- Xasors
Special 79c to $2.83
Xak shaving a lozory and horn ,
' ooufort " ' .
Special $1.69 to $18
Aeoording to ctyle of aet and anm
' bet of Wad.- -
Principal Substation
Post Office
Money Orders Issued.
Stamps, any quantity.
ar ' a . rx
Ys A
Sacrifice No. 2
is the
Othr ranging upward ' In price.
r. a irxya rx -v r