..v:;.;::,:.v-:;vX..,.,.......:...A.,. ' - " ' : THE OREGON DAILY .TOTJIEN'AL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. FEBRTTAItY 20. ' 1904. 0 TRANSACTIONS IN THE FINANCIAL WORLD FRESH MEATS A!" HIGHER PRICED roax, Bssr 'aits mxtttok am ad- YAZTCED ACCOVsTT BVAUZB BJB0EXFT8 AWD UIOIB MMAJTD TO AHOa boos coirronna BOWVWABB. Front Street, Feb. JpA-Tha principal vents in the Portland -wholesale . mar kets today were: ! Hogs are higher. ,.,", ' j Veal, not oo firm. Egrgs are tumbling-. r Beef Is. advanced. . Onions are higher. , No movement in wheat. ;.;--" - ' Poultry sells at top. , , " Mutton la higher. ' Speculators, buy potatoes. ' 7 ?-2?;. V-k ,'xors Art- HI. V - ";' r- The staallness . of receipts o block hogs has caused an advance, of aBout -cent Jn fluoUtlons.1 Thera Is about enough of tha heavier grades coming to supply the demand, and prices In that , line are not showing any changes. . Teal Hot so Tina. The heavier' receipts of veal during the past few days has- had a bad effect on the market; and although there wera no changes in prices today the market is weaker and has a downward tendency. f'T't '? Kattom Xs Xifker. ; There is an cellent' -demand now 0 ruling for mutton, and prices today show -'an advance of about -cent a pound. For some time there waa no demand for mutton at all. and the arrivals could barely be sold at any figure. : , i , ... Beef la Also -Up. .'..1 V Along with the other grades of fresh : meats the prices on beef are showing , a slight advance on account of the Jarger demand and the smaller receipts. The price of beef has been so low that , stockmen did not make their usual stalp , merits Into this market ' - r :- onions Are Higher. ' The onion market is.full of excite,- ment -and rumors of very high prices ? are frequently heard along Front street. As hia-h ah t2.20 and 18.25 have been paid out In the country, and ltnow looks as if the prices will not stop their up- ward movement until they reach the 8-cen mark. "Talk of the high prices on wheat in Chicago," says an onion man. "I would rather have 10,000 Sacks of onions on speculation at this time than that many bushels or wneat. Speculating In Potatoes. " Fancy prices are being paid for po. tatoes by some of the local speculators, but as far as the market is concerned it is no higher The quotations in San Francisco will nrobably do a little bet ter than they have on account of the failure of the usual steamer to leave ...here during the past wee. Poultry Strong at Top. The ouatalions on poultry are- strong at the top, -and even better than these re obtained . for some goods. 1 n ar -Vlvals of dressed poultry late, yester day afternoon and this morning Vera quite good, but a very strong demand !cleand them up as soon as they reached he street. ' Prices are ranging - higher, f Very -Uw -sales of eggs were made long Front street today, the extra heavy receipts causing the retailers to with ' hold their offers In the expectation of '; lower figurea.v Some sales were made, however, as low as 25 cents early in ; the day, and later on most of the trans actions were at that figure. . Ho Movement la Wheat. Thr 1 ahahlutelv nothina doing In the Portland wheat market the millers being anxious to buy at present prices 'but. farmers are now determined to get thn hnnpfit of soma of the advances In the eastern markets and . are holding until something is done in this market. Portland wheat quotations have shown no change since tne recent npwara mov nn in .tha ar hut a chance, ia ex pected Monday. The flour market re- tha utrnni (one of the wheat mar ket and, like that commodity, show no change Jn quotations. Opinions on Today's Market. , W.' B. Olafke & Co. Tne butter "mar ket is unchanged. ' Smith Bros. The large shipments and the good quality of hogs, veal and chick ens that arrived this week show that the Willamette valley shippers are wide. awake to the fact that It pays to have their stocks well finished .before send ing them in. . Bell & Co. Today is steamer day.. W. IT.- Dryer Both potatoes and on . Ions 1 are in fine condition the fatten. market being very Arm; prices are look ing up. ' Mark Levy & Co. Steamer came 1n today, but stuff was rather late in com ina- on the street. . - v. . v Chatterton & Co. Markets are . In About the -same shape as yesterday. Levy & Splegl Waiting for steamer stocks this morning; car of celery cam In today. " ' ' ."" Malarkey & Co. A few gill net smelt came In today; same old story of Bhprt suoDlies in all kinds or fish. W. 8. Swank Potato market about the same; higher " prices being offered for onions. . - t Jaggar Onion market In better shape and higher. Davenport-Thompson company The steamer brought In fair supply of Call- 'fornla. cabbage, cauliflower and Arti chokes! cauliflower is higher. Everdlng & Farrell Market short on poultry; veal weaker, but no changes in quotations; hogs are scarcer, with prices looking better; eggs and buttet are in very large receipt. , Page & Son Eggs are going to slump lots of stock in, but no- one seems to want ' to buy; ehlcken market good and higher; butter not moving at all; pork has advanced, about. H to -cent; Veal about the same; steamer stuff came in today. ' : '- Mckinley Mitchell Same old story, in the potato and onion markets; both of these are as high In Portland as they are in the San Francisco market Toft, Hlne & Co. Receipts continue to be liberal In our lines, but still every thing Is cleaned up at top prices, with th exception of eggs, which are weaker. Today's quotations, as revised, are as follows: i-t- ' ; : ; FOBTXiAHS WHOLXSAXiB ' pmiCXS ; " Q rain, Tlont and ra. WHEAT WaUa Walls, . 75470c: bluestaa. SCtttSlc; valley, 80c. . BAKI.EY KeH. $20.00; tailed. 921.00O2l.0ftl l.rfwln. $22.01)1323.00. una rn. i woiia. tz.ww..uu; wrtf. (.nia uu ner no: nriea ia imrnien. wbita Ti.m UXBO: rV. $22.50 Dee tou. rroCk-Knetern Oroni PtenU. $4.101 4 40; trnfghtu, $3.60; valley, $3.7533.6; gr, hum. Uu. $140: HI. $3.T0. . MlLtfiTi rKS Bran. $1 ft. Oft par too: M. 'dllnim. $29.00;, ihortl. $20.00: ehop. $1H50. MAT Ttmothr, $15.00; Kwfern ' Ormrna. tlA.(HiMie.fti): mixed, $l.n.0nr,tl3.iv: cIxtct. 11.oniQl2 00: wbeiit. $12.0O(912.80J 1 cbeal. aiz.uiaauu; ot, i2.uuwui.w. ' " Hops, Wool and Hides. rime; poor jntUt. 18UQ20Hc; contrict, l0t. H8 IOC. 1 WOOL-Vllr. eoaree to median). 161$lSWe: fine, l16Hc; Eaatern Orco, luajloc; Bvir, uuniinai, vognnc. SHEEt'BKlNH tifcearlnr. lorazuc; (Bort wool. 20uaoc; medium wool, $0(j$&ue; long wool, uuiMti.oO mcta. r - TA.IAOW frlBM, per lb, oc;' no. s ana gtee, 2ZVift .- - iiiuiu) urj Biaea, . mo. J, jo km mm p, 14e per lb; dry kip. No. 1, 5 to 15 lba, lae; tey-alf,7 Nor 1, vnnoer lbs, 13c; drr aalted, bulla and tttgt, 1-8 leaa tbaa dry Slittj aalted bldea, ateer, Bound, 60 pounds or ever, augiTe: 60 to vu lba, eci under ou ma Bnd Cow, 6ttc; aUca and bulli, auuniL 4t kip, aound. 16 to 80 lba, 6c; aouoii, 10 to 14 lba, 6c; calf, aoand, under 10 lba, ttc; graeB unaalted), . lo . per . lb leaa; eulla, le per lb ka; borae bldea, aalted, each, 1.2fi8.B; dry, cacti, $1.00ttl.6O; . polta' bldea. eacn. Xbtfboe; (oat sklna, common, each. lOQlic; Aogutt, vim. worn on. aacn, zacii.uu. Butter, Eggs and Poultry. BUTTKR FAT Sweet, 28c; aour, 26e. ' BUTTtH Creamerr, extra fancy, 28980c; ordinary, 22(nzic; cold atorage, 24v; east ern, 2be; renovated; 18(tfiOc; dairy, 161017 bc; store, lOJHc. t .. v " ' KU08 'reh Orefon, '25c; cold storage, 22c; baker', 112c. UHttaiv ruij cream, twin, I2iavtc; xoung amerlea, 14e. k kHJULTRY Thlekena. 1 mixed. 13c ' wt lb: hena, oaiBlrfc per--lb; rooaters, lite per lb; broilers, 14c per lb; fryera, H'no, per lb ducka, old, JM per lb youiiy. lite pr lb; geese, c per lb; turkeys, lo(itlUc per lb; dressed, )To per lb. J Traits ana YsgtablsB.- POTATOE 1.0Oul.20: burers' oricea for ahlpplag, w&cQ$l.lo cwt; ordinary, TOiqiMC sack; buyinc, iuc; awe is, ao per u; auttt, e pat lb. ' '.- ... 's ONIONS Oresoa. 12.50: bUTltif Drlcea. beaL f2.10V2.lS; , f.o.b. Portland,, $2.0ji:l.23. KMnaH s'KUl'i'S Apples, Oregon, 70eQ$l.TS Cer box; orancea. naveia. $i.bua'i.36 Per box: MidUnga, 80cull-26 box; Japanese, 46t50c ba nanas, ogtte per lb; lemons, choice, Xoue(2.7 per box; laucy, $a.OO(ft.64 per box; limes, alexl- caa, see per iw pmeappica. aa.ov; craBoernaa, vol. BROKERS' OPINIONS " " ON NEW YORK STOCKS (Furnished bv Overbeek, Starr A Cooke Co.) Ivoaao dt Bryan. New York: Tha markot Is aa It baa been the past two days fractionally lower. It la still surprising market In that the conditions dislodged so few long stock. j ue poiiiicai r.ewa or, more accurately, the po litical rumors, from Eurooe are sentatiolta and other European exchanges are reported In a conoiiron oi semi-panic. roreignera are also aelllng our, stocks. The bank etatement waa favorable. Tier la enough abort aelllng to make a better market in caae the news from abroad Improves, but without that we do not see how it caa keep going lower. Dick Bros.. New -York: The market has shown Increased activity today and has been peesntentiy sold. B&ort covering afforded the market some support, but the general tone waa tieavy and practically everything lost ground. The situation abroad waa xery unfavorable. The bank statement-was In every way better than expected, showing a reduction in loana and In creased reserves, but It did uot help atocks ar.y. Short covering gave the close an ap pearance of Armnesa. local. 17.00 per" bbl; Jersey, $10.00; parslav bucbs, fl.bo. , VfcUB.XABur.s inrnips, one per sara; ear rota. 11.00 oer sack: beeta. $1.00 oer ssca: radlahee, 12MQ1&0 dos; cabbage, Oregon, 2c; California, 2o per lb; lettuce, bead, 15c doa; hot Bouse icitnce, ai.uuiaii-su per poi; grwen pap. B; nursvraai ptra, fte per horseradish. IGJec ; per lb; per box; parsnips, f l.ao; cucumpars, 4Z.UO Let- dos; butter besBa, luc per lb; Lima beau. be; sprouts, ttc; cauliflower, $1.76; artichokes, 78Q0OC per dos; green peaa, 7a8c per lb. - UHIHD f'BUl'l'S Apples, evaporated, 07e per lb; apricots, 1Kb use per lb; sacks, He lr ID was; peacuea, oiuvv yrx iu, pear. mv0 per lb; prUDea, Italian, 44e per lb; Creach, 8HU4e per lb: ia, California blacks, 6Vc per lb; do whites. HD7o Der lb: siuau. pitted, mnte par lb; dates. gilden, per .u; tarda, 1.60 per lft-lb box. HA1S1N! ileeded. fancy, 1-lb cartons, 60 packages to caae, 9i pkg; aeeded,. i3-oi cartons, T4e; louse Muxcstels, 60-lb boxes, 74$ tt4e per lb; LondM layers, $1.852.00; clusters, $iAOttS-74; a, 20c; fcs, 60e advance over pound cartons. ritJS Tea 1-Ib cartons, choice brand, $1.00; 10 1-lb cartons, fancy rand, $1.10; 10 1-lb bricks, 2-crown, Ooc; 10 1-lb brlcka. S-crown, Wc; 60 H-'b bricks, per box, $2.26; 4-row lay ers, rer 10-lb box, 8oc; loose, 60-lb boxea, per lb, CifleVjc. - (Jallmyrans Six-crown, 10-lb car tons, ivr aox, f4.uu, o -crown, ju-iu carwn, per box, $1.75; 4-crown, Xu -lt cartons, per box, 1-70. . ajrxowaew, sanaa, am, . SUGAR "Sack basis" Cube. 13.60. sow- urrr, sv.uv, w i v- , um;v akH"v- UUd, i.2b; extra V, 64 06; uoldeu C, S4.B&S aUa.. lur. . 14 bbl. 26c; .boxes, 6ue advance ua sack tails, teas 25c cwt for cash, 16 dJiJ DM pie, lllffio .' per iu, 'tih'a"EB Oreeu Mocha. 21 G 23c: Java, fanrr. 2f.i32c; Java, good, )8'&c; Java, ordinary. lbU,Oc; Ltiaia mca, isucy, jwuc, woaia nica. cod, lttlSc; Costa Hies, ordinary, 11 U 13c per ; package cotiee, fioiu. TEAM uoloug, different grsdea, 2966c; lota Vie per lb, Uai K1 1 uiiauwder. toti32fira6c: UngUan breakfast, dlf Cirwnt graues, unuow, apiucnes, uuH-uiorea Japan, aououc, greeit eapaa ivrry scarce.aucj bOC. . , QAL1 ILD B. M", vm, AW, ,..VU . tine table, dairy, 60s, 85c; looa,66c; imported Liverpool, 60s, 50c; 100a, Stic; 224a, $l.tKI. Worcester Bbls 2s, 8s, $8.60; 6s, $5.26; 10s, $6.00: bulk. 80 lbs, $5.00; sacks, 60s, hoc. AALT Qaarae. bait ground. lOUa. nor ton. $t).6o; 60s, per ton, $7.00; Liverpool lump rork, $22.60 per ton; 60-lb rock, M.bo; loos. $8.00. I, HA I A BAUff-WKUlU, fU.IUHB.W WV IW, uiiiM ImDarlal JaDan No. 1. 6 We:. Na. 1L a-. vuW n,IMn, Ud. TiATUe. . BEANB-r-iimau wnite, ac urge waite. aa-ao a.o; plus, lii.auiova.DU, oayou, se; uasaa, a ia. N t'TS Peanuts 7c, Jumbos $Hc lb raw, StllOe m iK rn rnaata: coeoannu. aosEWM oer no a: walnuts, 14il&fce per lb; pine nuts, lutjlJtVke per lb; nicsory- uuia, awe prr iu; cafiuiaia, Kastern, 15ffllc per lb; Braall nuts, 16c per lb: alberta. I5tflttc per lb; fancy paeans, 14 (J 16c per lb; aimonaa. isexioe per id. wirB NAILS Present base at $2.66. MOPK Pure Manila, I8M10; standard, U; aiaaL 10c. i ... ralnts, Coal Oils, Bto. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Cases, 23e pet gal; water white. Iron bttla, lHc per gal; wooden, ; neaaugnt, esses, q per cat; oeao L1N8EBD OIL Pure raw, In bbls, 4Te pet gal: cases, 62c per gal; genuine kettle bo I tad, cases 64c per gal, bbls 49c per gal; grvuaj cake, car lots, tza.uu per ten; was uu cars, Xva.liO twr ton. UASOLlNkV -dfg., caaer 82e per gal. Ires tbls 20c per gal; stove, caaea X4e per gal, Iron tibia ISC Der cat. BENZ1NK U-deg., cases, 22c; Iron bbls, KLL... PAINT OIL Haw. bbla 33c per gal, cases 38e per gal; boiled, caaea euc. TUKPENT1NE IB cases. 88c per gal. wooden btla. 84 Vac per gal, Iroa bbU 82c per gal, 10-lb case lots, 7e per gai. WHlTal 1.KA1J OW-IO kits ?c per lb. , . If eats and rrovlslons. y EE8H MKA'IS Inspected Beef, prima. drrsaed, OViW'Vic per lb; iambi, dressed, 8c per l-REsV MBATS Front street Beef stecre, 6Wie per lb; ; pork, block, 7c per lb: Duekera.' OVkC per lb; bulls, 4Vie4c 'per Ibk mutton, dressed. 6B6Vte per lb: lamb dressed, 6tt&7o per lb; veal, small, bVitj Ue per lb; large, H7 per id. HAMS, BACOii: K'lv Portland Pack (local) hams. 10 to 14 lbs. lih. per lb: 14 te IS lba. 13e per , lb; 10 to 1W lbs, 12ie - par - lbt cottage, 4 per lb;- picnic, . Ba per lb; breoktaat bacon, 14 17c per lb; - regu lar short clear, ansmoked, lo per to; suioked, -Is per lb: clear backs, ansmoked, - ,l . . , , , 1. . r- 1 v.. . 1 vrw per iu; suiuawu A ,c pvr to, vuiuu 10 to 18 lbs. una stoked. 8c per lb; smoked. Be HCASTERW PACKED HAM3 tJnder 14 lbs. 13,c oer lbt over 16 lbs. I8U0 fer lb: fancy. 13yfcia4c per lb; picnics, 6c per lb; shoulders. lie lb: dry-salted sides, ansmoked. lQtie per lb; smoked, HVie per lb; breakfast cacon, J4Ml0c per id; rancy, utttc per 10. LOCAL LARU Kettle leaf. 10a. 10c per lb; 6a. 11c per lb; 60-lb tina, 0Hc per lb; ateam -rendered, 10a, 9'Ac per lb; 6s, 10c per lb; 60a. 8e per ib; compound tierces, 7V4c per id: ruoe, tc per id: dos, 7e per id. EASTERN LARD Kettle leaf. 10-lb tina. HHc per lb: 6a. HSo per lb; 60-lb Una. lie per lb; atesm-renderpd los, lOlic per lb; 6s, lOSAe ner Ib: AOs. 10c Dor lh. ( A beva packing-house prices are net cash, IS CANNED 8ALMON Columbia river 1-lb tails. I1.T6: 2-lb talla, $3.40; fancy 1-lb flats, Sl.oo U-lb fancv flats. $1.15: fancy 1-lb eval, 2.00; Alaska tails, pink, 80c; red. $1.60; l-ie tails, 82 00. FISH Rock cod, Tc per Hi; flonnd-rs. 6c per id; naiiDut, ivie per id; craoa, si.zo per aos; rasor clama. BlitlOo iw doa: llttla-nack clama. 8e; striped bans,; 12V40 per lb; Puget Sound amelt, 6e per lb: catflah, 7 per lb) black cod. per id: salmon trout. lXMWme per id; t4eten, 15c ) or lb; perch, tc per lb; saloon, aiiveraiaea, per ib; steeineaaa, e per. id chlnnik. 12tae ner lb! harrlna. 4c Der lb cer lb: so lea. 6c Der lb! torn cod. 60 Der lb: Columbia river amelt, 8c per lb; sturgeon, Tc per in; anrimpa, roc per 10. OYSTERS Shoalwater bay. oer aL 82.28 per aack. $3.75 net; Olympla. per sack, 85.25. Vtvr TORK BANX STATEMENT. New York, Feb. 20. The bank statement to day waa: - . Increase, Reserve ........ ........ ...,,.i.....$T,127,875 Reserve, less U. 8 T.8:w,050 Loans .'S,!.! ,100 JHpecle T,Uf9.200 tircuiation - iho.oiiu Isala ......I 414.800 Depoalta 1,668.100 Anaconda Mining Co.... Amal. Copper -Co Atchison, com...... do Dreferred. ......... Am. Car A Found., com. - do preferred,... Am. Sugar, com....9.,.. Am. Smelt., com.;......! do preferred Baltimore A Ohio, com. do nreferred Brooklyn Rapid 'Transit. Canadian Pacific, com., Chi. A Alton, com...... do Dreferred..;-. Chi. A.Gt. Weat.i com. CM., Mil. A St Pant... Chi. A North., com.... ChL Terminal Hy..,. .. cnesapeaka Ohio...... Colo. Fuel A Iroa. com. Colo.. South., com do 2d preferred. ...... do let Dreferred ...... Delaware A Hudson.... . R. O., com do preferrad.......... Erie, com do 2d prererred.......! do 1st preferred Illinois Central........! Louisville A Nashville.. Metro. Traction Co Manhattan Elevated.... Minn., St, P. A 8te. M.. do preferred.......... Missouri Pacific U., h.. A T., com do preferred New York Central...i.. Norfolk A Westers, com. do preferred North A merles b N. X., Ont. A West.... Pennsylvania Ry r. (., Lt. v. co Pressed Steel Car, com. do preferred Reading, com.......... do 2d preferred do 1st Dreferred Rep. Iron A Steel, com.. do preferred Rock Island, com do preferred.......... Southern Ry.. com do preferred Southern Pacific... 8t- L. AS. P., 2d pfd.. do 1st 'preferred St. L. A 8. W., com. . . . do Dreferred Texas A Pacific........ Tenn. Coal A. Iron T.: St. L. A W., com.. do preferred Union Pacific, com do preferred , U. 8. Leather, com.... do preferrad D, B. Rubber, com dc preferred.......... V. 8. Steel Co., com... Wheel. A L. B., com., Wisconsin Central, com, do preferred , rveatern union leie..,. Wahaan, com.... do prefeired. . . Decrease. CHICAGO BRAIN XAR LOTS, : -J Chicago. Feb. 20, The grain car lots for today anow:.- . ... Cars. Grade. Wheat 1 V S Corn 2 Data ...ltW. Eat. 20 8 160 Mlnneapo Tha wheat cara a year ago were! lis, ITT) Duluth. 84; Chicago, 22. : CLOBE OF UTEWOOL OIAIM. riTerpeol. Feb. 80. Close: Wheat March -. U higher: May, -84. higher. forn--March. 4-84. h higher May, DSSCRIPTIOX . at D 102VI102 14114 204 1134 141 604 4141 41)4 l 21 60 ii 80 45 123 47 oott 75k 46" 11441 88i4 14C 23 i4 62 16H m 23 89H 62M 127 I 102 11414 00 88 ISVi 35 113 55 20ii "3 a 79 21 61 19 23 22 22 85 85K 85 18 34 7 89 8 T8 u Total sales for day, '177,000. BOSTON OOrrZB CX08X WILD EXCITEMENT IN WHEAT MARKET AJfOTHEB AOTTTB ICABXET TODAt OAVSEfl 7BI0BI TO OO BBOX S TO 3 CBBTS B30XEB roBBzax BUSTS AOAZB 8XABJPLT vf COXV XZaXBX. - open ditch a dangerous IOTTI.B j BO 0 X BL WAXBBB BE ABIT sjTjrTOCATES WHTXiB BTXTjaOIJBCr XX A UTTDDT BOLE nr wBaoB: bob bad slipped tjx- XBOWB XX80UEB BATES BOM. (Furnished bv Overbeek, Btsrr A Cooke Co.) umcago, en. uogmu ex jaryaut nu- vise; -. In wheat It was another active mar ket, with prices at th close from 2 to cents higher. The foreign markets were again sharply up. There was dur ing the first- hour or so enough scat tered .profit-taking to hold the market about steady, hut-later, on the sensa tlohaLcharacter of the 'political news, it advanced sharply. It did not hold all the advance. . The market has had big advance and there is a large scat tered long Interest who will make lt vulnerable to. anything In the way of news that la unfavorable to prices. At the same time the awakening of inter est in the European markets on account of tha war and the curtailment of Rus sian shipments has tended to place the market In an artificial position hereto fore, although prices hers ate still, in the main, out of line for business to the Other side. , V Cora Closed t vent up. The corn market closed 4 cent higher. Its action was the same as in wheat and from about the same causes. It was steady early, advanced sharply on the war news, but did not hold all the advance. The Influences at work are purely speculative and there Is the same large outside Interest on the long side of corn that there Ts In wheat 80 far as the cash situation Is concerned lt Is largely disregarded. The market la sub ject to sharp reactions In case the po litical news favors it Oats Sentiment Bullish. Oats sentiment Is bullish for the time being on the war 'news. We are in clined to think the Fatten interest is well out.; There Is, we think, a good deal of bear sentiment among local traders and more or less short Belling of oats on the theory that the new 'crop and prices will make a large acreage under normal conditions. War news, however, dominates the market for the present. Snorts Are Covering. The covering of local shorts and buy ing general outside trade were again the features of the provision market. In act there is little els? to be said about lt. j There , is, of course, some scattered short interest, but we are Inclined to think it is moderate. Packers are very bearish, selling against their products and the general long interest Is very large throughout the country through commission houses. The force of this latter buying may carry prices hlghe: and we are Inclined to think lt is a good ining to take profits. AbTZ&ICA BAXX CXEAAIV08. Hew Tork. Feb. .20. SB for fh rnk .ndln February 18 abow. aa compared with the same pcrioa a yeara ago; The rannrt a Batav 01 ina Dana cjearings ror tne week Little Emerson .walker fell into a sewer ditch at East Thirty-sixth and East Alder streets at J:80 o'clock yes terday afternoon : and was nearly drowned. I. M. Walker of .the Bahnke Walker business college, father of the child, said todav: - ' ' "Emerson Is about years 01a. ue was on his way from our home, 1086 East . Morrison street, to visit a little playmate When he slipped and fell Into this ditch. His nose., eyes, mouth and ears were completely filled with- the soft -yellow mud and ha was nearly suf focated when rescued. The ditch for the sewer pipe .was only partiany nuea and there Is now about four feet or water standing In it. A stranger was passing on a bicycle and noticed Emer son's struggle In the water. , He pulled the boy out. Neighbors found lt was our child and took him to our homa. He waa a very sick boy the rest of the" afternoon and all night, but this morn ing he is better. Ws hava not been able to learn who rescued our noy; when ha took nlm to our borne Mrs, Walker was so wrought up over , the occurrence that she . did not ask his name, and before she thought to do U he had gone." V . MIKE DOOLEY SAYS HE IS A "ROOShW "Me name's Mike Dooley and I'm a Rooshian." declares the prisoner brought to Portland this morning from Moro by Deputy Marshal James Wilson- The man Is accused of robbing the postofflce snd store at Blalocks and stealing clothing. He is under bonds of $1,000 to appear before the federal grand Jury. Three other prisoners accuse or rob bing the Blalocks postofflce Were brought to the Multnomah Jail. They are said to have entered the place a week before Dooley made his appear ance. They are Frank Wilson, John Bell and George Booth and before a United States commissioner at Moro yesterday were held to the federal grand Jury. All are in Jail in default of bonds of f 1,000 each. IAt.WmiVI Milt" '"W I 1,,, jji....V.V,Si, .v.',vHa ..Ci. .. n OUTLOOK FAVORABLE FOR HIGHER PRICES Boston, Feb. 20. Copper class: Adventure Atlantic Calumet Osceola I'arrot Copper Mountain Shannon vHnona Wyandot united states Bid. :: J ..440 .. 55 ::S :: j . . 85 .. 20 jtiw tobk corns, closx. New Tork, Fab. 20. Coffee close: Bid February March April , May June July. AUgflST September October November December January ..85.80 ., ft.M .. 8.75 .. 8.85 ., 8 00 .. 8 15 .. 8.25 .. 6.85 .. S.45 .. 6.50 .. 6 80 .. 6.65 Aak. 447 58 ' 2.14 60 H 201I Aak. 85.T0 6.70 8.80 B.BO 6.05 6.90 8.80 . 6.40 8.50 6.55 8.65 6.70 FKIMAKY recupts abd shipments. Chicago, Feb. SO, The primary recetpte abow Today. Xear ago. Wheat Corn The abloments were: Wheat Corn Buehela. . 478,000 .. 53,000 , 85(1,000 ..845,000 Bushels. 877,000 571,000 110.000 245,000 , AMKBIOAX STOCKS IV LONDON. London. Feb. 20. t p. tn. Atchison pre ferred declined Hi Baltimore A Ob In declined Vai Canadian Pacific declined H; Chesapeake it Ohio declined 14 ; Chicago. Milwaukee A Ht. Paul declined H; Erie declined hi; Illlnola Central unchanged; Louisville A Nashville de clined New York Central declined 4i On tario A Weatern nnchanged; Pennsylvania de clined : Beading declined tt; Southern Pa cific declined H ; Southern Hallway declined : I'nlon Pacific declined . preferred declined Vil I'nlted States Steel preferred declined ; Wabaah nnchanged, preferred declined ft. Con sola declined M, BAN TBAMCI8C0 LOCAL STOCK. . ' San Francisco, Ob. 20.-10:80 a. ra. Local stocks: - Bid. Spring Valley water. 2s 80)4 San Francisco GaaA Electric 100 Contra Costa Water Spring Valley Water 88 Central Light 36ft Rank of California Giant Powder 61 Hawaiian Commercial , 44 Hutchinson Sugar ............... 8 Paanhau Sugar 11 Alaaka Packers ,..,.188 Aak. 10014 4i 40 ' 440 62 1881, T. LOUIS. CLOEK. Bt. LobIs, Feb. 20, Close: Wheat May, ft, MINNEAPOLIS WEZAT CLOBE. MlnneapollB, Feb. 20, Close; Wheat May, Mlnneapolla, Feb. . 11.02; July, $1.0214 New Tork I Chicago ,.,......,.4 Boaton Philadelphia St. Louis .......... Pittsburg Ran Fraudsco Baltimore Cincinnati Kanaaa City New Orleans Cleveland Minneapolis Detroit Louisville Omaha Milwaukee ......... Providence Buffalo Indianapolis St. faal ........... , Los Angeles ....... . St. Joseph ......... Denver Columbus .......... Memphis ' Seattle Richmond Waahlngtoa Savannah Albany Portland. Or ....... Fort Worth Toledo, O Salt Lake City Peoria Atlanta Bocheater .......... ' Hartford Naehvllls Ilea Moines , Spokane, Waah Taeoma Grand Rhplda ...... New Haven ........ Reran ton ........... ' Dayton t Norfolk Springfield. .Mass ... Worcester Portland, M.. Augnatl, Ga Tepeka -. . iioua- city Syracuse ........... Kvanavllle Birmingham ..:... WIlmlnvtoB, Del.... Knoivtlle ......... Davenport ...a..,,. Little Rock Wllkesbarre Fall River Macon Wheeling, W. Vs.. Wichita Akron Chattanooga Springfield, IU Kalamaaoo, Mich ... ' Teungatowa ........ Helena . ..,.1...... Lexington ......... Fargo, N. t) ....... New Bedford ...... Canton. O Jacksonville, Fla.... Lioweu Chester, Pa Oreensbnrg. P .... , Bnckford. Ill ...... Blnghatnton Siirlngfield, O Bloomlngtob, IU . .. Qulncy, III Sioux rails. S. D... Mansfield. O Decatur, III ........ Jacksonville, 111 ... Fremont, Neb ..... Souatoa ........... , alveaton Charleston, S. C... Cedsr Baptda MILWAUKEE GBAIK CLOU. Milwaukee. Feb, 20. Close: Wheat May, si.nnaa; Juiy, wc niu. v Corn May, 66Mci July. 45 c. ., BAX FkAN CISCO OLOSX. San Francisco. Feb. 20. Close:' Wheat May, I1.4BT4; uecemner, ei.ao'v. Barley May, 81.11; December, 1.0$. iSuluth, 11.0114. BTrtUTH WHEAT CLOSE. Fb. 20. Close: Wheat May, CHICAGO WILL CLOSE. ''Chicago. Feb. 20. "fipe Chicago board of trade will He cloaca . aionaay on account or ueorgt Waablngtnn a pinnoay. . , . ' PORTLAND CLEABINO-HOUSE ilEFOlT. The report of the Portland clearing-house for yesterday waa: Clearings ,,.$142.748 81 Balance! ,...... 81Bi.8i Totals. IT. S... Outside N. T 12,281,000 151.834.000 115.948,000 86,534.000 . 53.412.000 80, 468.000 29,038.000 17.258.000 22.026.000 22,619,000 24,880,000 12.174.000 12.745.000 8.8B8.OO0 12,123.000 6,978,000 8.7H5.000 6.475,000 e.ooi.ooo 6,480,000 5.220,000 6,175,000 . 4.887,000 - 8.927,000 - 4.240,000 1 6,861. 00 8,136,000 4.564,000 . 8.671,000 8,008,000 ' 2. 87t,0O0 8,182.000 4.745,000 2,66,000 2.778.000 t.846.000 8.175.000 2.852.000 1. 180,000 ' 2.8) 19,000 2.109,000 2.850.000 1.83J.OO0 1.627.000 1.785.000 1,781,000 1,585.000 1,4112,000 -1.224;O0O 1.127,000 1.840,000 1,232.000 734.01 N1 1.144.000 1.163,000 1.045.000 l,256,O0) ' 1,061,000 PW.OOO 761,000 1.065.000 728.000 1,806.000 798,000 . 618,000 1,019,000 617,000 718.000 612,000 "v 623.000 441.000 628,000 . 621.000 871,000 674.000 4ft 3, oral 806,000 481,000 8K3.00O 839,000 808,000 ' 866.000 415 000 . 844,000 420.000 202.000 181,000 246.000 J66.000 183.000 14,0.18,0110 8.261,000 1,231,000 322,000 Ine. 17.6 .8 24.8 68.2 8.8 4.6 11. S 29.1 t!6 1 1.2 11.2 4.3 89.8 it.i 6.9 t . 8.6 12.0 2 5 (Furnished by Overbeek. Starr. 4V Cooks Co.l New York, Feb. 20. Mclntyre A Marshall aay: The resumption of the 14c level for fa turca should not be seriously inrsded, though the market may continue flexible and leac- ttona from time to time eommenaurate with the wide range of values during tne recent past, There Is ro reason, however, to expect the aituatlon to again become dangerous and trad era are In a better poaltlon to form Judgment based upon the lawa of aupply and demand. Preparations for the development of the crop are now well under way. Very cold weather and want of rain over moat of the belt have up to tli la time retarded land preparations. There Is every evidence, however, that termers are pre- I paring for a full arresge snd under the ln 1 rentlva of htsh urlces this seems likely to he Dec.-i attained. The amount brought into sight to The Kind Ton Hare Always Bought, and Trhlch bas been in use for oyer 30 years, has borne the slffnatnre of. ""-I'mi" ' '" j and Has been made under bis per ; sfl2T. sonal supervision since its infancj -i K ''CWfAttSi Allow no one to deceive you In this All Counterfeits. Imitations and Just-as-good' are butl Experiments that trifle with and endanger the besJth of . Infants and ChUtoen Experience against ExperLruent What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It v contains neither Opium, Morphine inor , other Narcotlo substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind , Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures. Constipation . , and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR I A ALVAYO Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always BougKt In Use For Over 30 Years. ' tut easrrawB ooaieaaa, w tauaaav bibhi. new voaa em vo hroui 2.J 18.4 4.1 11. T 62.8 i.i ID. 3.1 'i'.i 11.0 88. T 3.4 23! i 7.1 7.1 B.3 4.1 .1.734. 205,(100 751.074.000 Caaadiaa Banka. ........ lft.4H4.O0O 12.442.000. 22 9 Montreal Toronto ........ Winnipeg Ottawa ....... Halifax ., Quebee Van"onver, B. C flamllton ndon. Ont . . St. John, N. B. . Victoria, B. C Total. Canada... 0.005.000 .., uvurooL coTTOit rrr. Mverpeot. Feb. 20. ('ottuft rloaed points hlfhrr than yesterday's close. fl.75.0l0 i.eis.ooo 1.445.rIO 014.000 ,l.W.0OO l.Oftl.000 .72fl.O(. 750.000 i .... 6t,000 20.1 1.8 J2"4 8.6 83.7 14.2 18.1 28.0 22!6 2.2 18.8 IS. 8 7.8 8.8 18.8 17.0 10.8 28.8 "tie 32.6 28.8 2.1 80.3 12.8 'i.i 'i.i 27.0 18. ft 17.7 ii'.i 2.8 .8 8.8 20 0 40.1 8.6 48.1 44.3 18. 25.2 18.8 21.2 io!s 23.6 1.9 'i.i .9 26.9 4.1 1.5 1.8 6.4 15. 8 17.0 8.0 7.0 6.3 24.0 8.4 15.8 24.0 ii'.i ii'.i 4.3 8.7 14. H 1 to 3 VEW TOBK CtOBZ. New Tork, 1.04. Feb. 20. CIom: Wheat liar, D0LTJTH lUX C10IX. Duluth, Feb. bid. - 20. Close: f Ux-Uar,' !.! - - L - dsts la 8,409,000 bsles, against 8.588,000 balea laat rear. It will be seen that the atatlatical prsltion la very strong and with receipts run. Dins much lighter than last rear tbls Influence Is apt to continue In favor of the market. In the main we consider prices relatively cheap and we sbsll advise buying on all declines In the option list toward, the 18ttc level. tbs marxet toaav waa. Open. High. I.OW. 13.73 18.68 18.06 18.00 14.30 14.10 14.29 13.97 18.70 , 18.60 I 14.10 13.98 February.. March.... April May June July Auguat. . . , Meutember October..... 11.888 November.. 11.11 liecember., 11.11 13.98 1S.67A .12.14 14 30 13.84 18.80 11.50 11.80 11.28 18.95 13.51 12.10 11.88 11.10 11.11 Close. 1S.7879 13.95 iHU8 14.12dlt 14.2tW29 14.20 fi 28 14. 2ft (a 30 13.8liN2 412.80ia.t2 - 11.50(262 11.21)1 30 11.2S&0 ALL LIVESTOCK IS RULING VERY STRONG Portland Union Stockyards. Feb. 20. Recelpta of livestock In the local yards during the paat 24 boura constated of 136 bogs. 353 cattle and 270 abeep. All the markets continue strong with the following prices ruling: Cattle Best eastern Oregon ateera, 84. AO; beat valley steers, 84 00; medium steers, 35.50(33.78; cows, 83.0033.60. . Hogs Best heavy, 85 50; light. 35.00. Sheep Best grsln-fed wethers and lambs. 84.00; mixed sheep, 83.0043.5; atockers and feeders, 12.000 4.00. XJLSTCXaT BOOS BTOUZX. Chicago, Feb. JO. Recelpta of liveatock ' In tbs principal packing center! show: Hogs. tattle. Sheep, Chicago .14.0HO 4iio 1,200 Kanaaa City 2.700 1X0 Omaha 4.000 1 2.5K Hon Onened 10c higher, with 9.000 leftover receipts a year sgo were 10,000. Ruling, hog prices abow: Mixed ana sutcnere. gs.iU'tB.no; 5 nod heavy, S5.46iftS.65; rough heavy, 5.10ia .46; light. 84.70&3.28. Cattle Rteadv. Bheep Steady. EXCHANGE TO CX08I. New Tork, Feb. 20 The New York stock exchange will be cloaed Monday, George Waah lugton'a birthday. . ceicaoo cash Busnrxts. Chicago. Feb. 20. The esah boalnesa yester day waa 109.000 bnahela of No. 1 Northern, ftu9. OUO buahela of corn snd 00,000 bnahela of oats. 7 AXIS WHEAT ASS FLOUR. Parte. Feb. 20. Wheat and Bonr closed atrong with spot wheat i centime higher. Futurea were higher. Spot, 16 centimes higher flour. And Than Saw Mors. Radium, you may have observed, is now guaranteed to do all thosV things that llduid air was coins to do a few years .ago. Tobacco Heart May be cured. Pont neglect your symptoms. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure ts a great heart and blood tonic about wblcb yon will leara a great deal and alae about heart ttnuble by aendlng poatal for free book on dlseaaes of tbo heart and nerves. DR. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart. Ind. COMMISSION CO. (iBOorvorataef) Capital n4 Burplus 1600,000.00. " , Brokers in Grain.Provisions, Stocks and Bonds Largest Prlrsta Wire System ts America. Beepenelbl sad Conservative. Wt Charge No. Interest' (or Carrying ' Leaf erocxa.- . W. A. RYER 9t CO., Correspondents ' ! v 241 11111 ,treet, . . . ign u rains to Chicago daily from Portland and points in Oregon and Eastern Washington via the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, Oregon Short Line, Union Pacific Railroad and Chicago u. iwiiu- caiciu ivaiiway, over THE ONLY DOUBLE-TRACK RAILWAY BETWtEtl THE MISSOURI RIVER AND CHICAGO. The Chicago-Portland Special, the most luxurious train In tha At fnumaa 'eeping; cars, aminr ear, bnHet amok in g RU.11UIR1; iuwwi auu uuu jvaa inaa inree aayt . j-oruana ro v.nicago. uauy excumont In Pullman ft tourist sleeping cars irom rortiana lorougo to vuicsgo wjidoui cnange. R. K. SlTCH IS, Caere! Ageal rele Coatt. . Sr SCa.k St.. Ku F.a.elacA. r.l . A. 0. BSKT, CnralAgcat, IJJ Third St, St fortlaad. Or.. . C. N. W. RY. THE PORTLAND AMERICAN PLAN $3 Per Day and Upward HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS 1 AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS- Rpsotal ravtss snads to families and slnrl faaitlsnisa. .Tbs maaacasaagBt - ytOX b plaassst at all times to saow rooms and gif prloos. a smo4ra Turklsa katb sstabUsamaat U tks hotsl. - M. a lOwni, !CAaa4Ta ...BUY YOUR. BAR FIXTURES am. BILLIARD TABLES From Us, and YOUR LIQUORS WHERE YOU PLEASE, if you want to save money and stay in business; The Brunswick-Balke Collender Co. DRINK THE OLD AND RENOWNED GAMBRINUS LAGER BEER SEND ORDERS FOR BOTTLED BEER TO OFFICE, 793 WASHINGTON ST. TELEPHONE No. NlAIN 49. BOTH PHONES. Do you blame people; because they don't want to move into a House that hasn't a furnace? We are here to supply yoti! and we will. w.g. Mcpherson eo. ricatloj and Ventilating Engineer di f InA Lit-: t ' BOFS 270 for ctwlcsi , 24S tot higher. . . ,.. ', ... ' ..