-THE OREGON" DAILY JOURNAL1 PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 20 1904. E &-S I' & ' US Y B 0 D Y MM t-A EES -A, M O UN TAIN CL-IM S 1 : . -J J-i-'j- V- .Pit-;'-? ;-j.:t;5 ' f N " " ' " " 1 ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' V Lt i t wmmmmm . JSllStilif Ilk. . I - f. ' '. i;;-::.;:,;:.:..:.'... -sr.-- yfiiiSiiiiiiii L E l ' iiiii iiiii: !!: mmm lift Hi' lijjilSfi 'si TTfELKSlR'.DO YOU KNOhVJve tried fve times to rff thi Big ; . Ttiimiferhdid mountain, yoir can tee 'it row our Aow, liof uwr 01 ywheres near the top until ' this lime. It took me mor half t day, xj I tell yon t vm$ plum tuckered out. When I 'reached the Very highest peak I taw away of in the dim distance beautiful while ijiiiiij Wii- VI" -.I I -V f 1 I UAV7r 1 - V 1 itaai v - y t a - 1 I TW MlSUTETSET eyero fiTfetrdraw tovarh h mi )e touldn't keep my feet on the rock. first th'mi I knew tome strangt force slid me from the peak where I was Handing, right through the air m the direction of the Shining Mountain. didn't fall and I didn't rise, but saw the earth slipping under me, as I sailed ttraight ahead, 4SIC0T HEARER the mountain rot shinier ami ihiuur mmJ t-lt. I shot right down toward a mysterious cattle. And out in front stood funny looking man who held a horseshoe magnet .out toward me. I fell right into his arms:'" Ahaf' said he. ."you're just the girl I wanr to scrab up my foots. Come with f " ".., ' THEN'HE'TOOICME'IVTO whate': tailed it'Qtorttory-ani made me scrub and scrub and Krub. tiitnl my poor baek mat ready ro bust . As I worked away he told m, thai he wat the great Electrical Magician of the Lcdestone Isle and explained how he had, drawn me to his island with the Magicl Magnet. It would draw " toward it or repel from if any. thing the professor -wished.; i" - . ' ''' ' ' ' ' ji ! Si WLI ' y ! "! !.:' a r"i,il A . ., . ii;;i;:j;;i;iHiipiirCTii. t 'V? IP I WANT TO'mevt mystff from nnt pan of the world to amotlirr all I do it hold it in the direction I want to go, and it will keep drmmng mc toward it until I have done my journey." Then when he went cut I got hold of the Magit Magnet to see what it looked like. Just as J : picked.it up I heard thai terrible Electric Magician coming back, and J was awfully scared. "I whh I wat cut of here) ' I said, as I thought e what a terrible prison I was In.' ill-1' "l 't 1 - I ilitliillSii; Sitiiiiiiiiiiiilkii -Jf ' V'..SA A ' I...'....". J 1 ' 111 .tt, j. i i ' i s. i i u . t t f5 SAID IT Ihe Magic Magnet drew me toward It.' Then I remem bered the Wi had said he held it toward the place he wanted to go, to I pointed it at a high open window. The Ifit was wild and shouted for me to tome back, but the Magnet just drew me up and out of ihe windovi slick as you please. , ;isi:ii!':iii!iiii:ii8?& , I ilPiliiii: :iiS;ii mi "' " 1 ,! i'v!" " 1 V ' ,", , i ' Ii- 'I i , ' 1 ' iiii ii iiiiii ii;: iiiiiiiiiiiiifeiiii i ii' 1 1 i i 1 1 n , , 'i i!'iiit!::;!li.!:i:lll!;;:!lr:!l,:w::::!i1i,i:i!! ;i;::!:.!!i;i!:;::i;l:;;i!;ii:ii:;!;.;:i':;i.iii!:::i:.:i..:;:: : !;l I!: i i t ' I H ;;::;i::::::;:i:I::;::; i'iI'i , tf?"- - --f-r Tg,, iiiiiiiiliSiiSls mmmmmmmmmh llllllllilliliiiPpv-' ' 1 111 lis iiiiSiiliii -1 , 1 y"'.f.''l ll' IB J- r 'yyAV V:-.- !Vl:i::i:::;i;!ii'"' ' ' UC'AS SKEERED something awful when I found myselfl'high ut in ihe ar, but I hung tight to the wonderful magnet and, pointed it toward tome distant land that just showed aboxe the horizon Mebbe I hasn't gl,id to get safe o earth againl I just skipped along the jroad in that itrawg country toward a dandy big castle. First thing Jknewt funny looking feller with a big spear pops out and grabs me , . ifiiiiifli rn , rrn 'f 1 J i,;. :-ii :ni ! :;';.:': i -:i j i a..:,. .').. mm. . ..;i,',i;i......;i.' Hav- :ltlliteiiii 'THIMlrmtTjyMHt'D'mtsi dnugesrtktf,g-rnikwtti told that I would hln 10 naj ihni until tin Reuoui Rtnkjdinkiri ft , hungry again H explained Jhal 'every tirangtr found nil Aim tilt bounds of the kingdom , wat fed Jo ihu ttniblt morning lean dtyill was A long time before I ma daylight again f wr. : U was only to take me to a place a million times more terrible. It was a big arena juit like Ntro, the ild Roman Fiddler, used to have where he made bonfires of the Chrn. Iians, r There were ihouiandi of people yelling and waxing jlagi.-0, say! A football game was nothing to this. A whole bunch of us poor prisoners Miere lined up, and'then in thundered jhe .monster Ravenous Rinkydinkitt d VCTlti to iWiMoV me nholt mmmmmm iliiiifetiiiliiililli'fi iliiiiliiiiii !!;:! ' I SHOOK LIKE "A dice-bo. I jet' knew ' I'd be ell cheu'ei ut In a ; minute; and I wished that'Havenotis Rinkydinlms was a mile in the air, " V H'tll. tirllJiadn't am more than wished it, and pointed that Mazic Magnet at him. when he shot ttraight into the sky. Mtbby that arena djdn't jump , tip and holler 'Then I saw I was lafe, so I jes' wiiheJ him back again, and ' there he wat. I played with him and Otasta ail arotini the place, until poor jRinkj'leouldjcarcfhi wobble. , y ; v , v " ' ' s " : 1 :li:i:!ii5;l.::!i'S':i:' : !'ife:i ; I'll:?!!1 " i 1 1 I ' ! I i " A ,i,' i,i''H,ii!i, ifM, i ""iMiic' .i'i Ii,",, ."j'll!,,' ,,1'." !'' ',,'! tiwiiw !: ."! iWi&ld--' 1 ;:ii?s : iiSiaiS i - . X "V , t V. A.. . ;BY THIS TIME THE MOB nas scared , and thought I was tome '6tnd of t witch, I tupposti "Burn hert Bum her?' thty (creamed franti cally, to I thought I'd gel even. First I wuhed all the prisoners home it their own lands, and they all vanished when I turned on the Magic. Then 1 wished the king 4own In fprnt of me and the Rinkydtnitut, the Ravenous. Thit frightened everjbodj tomethin au.ttl ) ;':'ii3R.:iS;;!!-;s:fc.;fe X:;;-. ; : imi " . m mS j . . sr -i . .... THEN t WlSHfO THtKlSrC on'tht Rtndrnkus' bartend ,nl ' iht two of 'em prancing 'around the arena The people, when ihtyaw their , khig (n inth a plight, wert lerror-ftrickeii,uiid the services btokfjup tn t UllA eyed panic- So, I let the kiui go- home in peace, sent the R'tirkydinkut to" the bnlinm nl lUt sea' alii then I wnhed murll knmt asntu TIim I Li - - f 1 ..... - I - v :v wwj Vp into tht air and of avtt tht tea was o caution I " $JUi&4f $ ilnU T i 4